A plea to the Tory Party….Please, please, please don’t release news of a highly significant and important nature at a time when the BBC’s main anchor on the radio is Adrian Chiles. This is the podcast of his reaction and analysis on hearing Andrea Leadsom quit the leadership race……..
What’s that Adrian? It’s so, sooo unfair that we don’t have a say in who is going to be PM….it’s just plain wrong that there will be no general election….gosh, where did you hear that?
“It is crucial, given the instability caused by the Brexit vote, that the country has a democratically elected Prime Minister. I am now putting the whole of the party on a General Election footing. It is time for the Labour Party to unite and ensure the millions of people in the country left behind by the Tories’ failed economic policies, have the opportunity to elect a Labour government.”
Blimey mavis…have some more gripe water son.
Adrian’s teddy no doubt went in the corner as he was missing Sponge Bob Square pants coz old Leadsomwhatserface was interrupting his happy time….still we got plenty of gurgling analysis from him and a couple of baby sitters were allowed to give their two penneth worth…hardcore Remainer and Tory ‘Peter Mandelson’, Matthew Parris [Who Chiles thinks is a sound bloke…Really?], John Rentoul also told us we must have a general election and Rachel Sylvester (who did the hatchet job on Leadsom) gave Leadsom a bit more of a spanking as Chiles burbled along in agreement. Did seem like a bit of a BBC fanclub all saying very agreeable things.
What were the babyfaced Chiles’ thoughts? Leadsom went purely because of the ‘motherhood’ comments…never mind that she had little support amongst Tory Party MP’s…she may or may not have won the support of the ‘grassroots’ but she wouldn’t get the support of the MP’s. On a day when Labour’s Angela Eagle announced she was challenging Corbyn for leadership, who the ‘grassroots’ support whilst the MPs do not, you might have thought that that was a relevant comparison and a major reason why Leadsom ducked out of the race…..it would have been exactly the same situation for her, had she won, as Corbyn is in now. She said what we need now is a strong and well supported PM…which we wouldn’t have with her. No such link from Chiles.
When a caller suggested there wasn’t good, informative media reporting during the referendum Chiles made a strong statement about the press coverage…it was brilliant and informative….Really? Then all the chatter at the BBC about the evil right-wing press having fooled and beguiled the simple folk with their bigoted, racist lies is all wrong then? Or is that only when it suits?
And what of that general election? What about all that uncertainty? Wouldn’t business just go into a tail spin? What would happen? Would Corbyn, the marxist wrecker, get in and destroy the economy? Would there be another EU referendum, would the last one just be shelved? Blimey Adrian, that’s a tough one. Funny how the line ‘business hates uncertainty’ isn’t being wheeled out by those who want a general election.
So let’s be clear…the press were brilliant and informative, a general election would bring a positive creative chaos and it’s time for Adrian to have his nappy changed.
Night night all.
Rod Liddle’s piece was brilliant.
Funnier and more skillful than the satire from the BBC’s so-called professionals.
Nice video, Rob. The adaption of names from Round the Horne (Celia Molestrangler and Binky Huckerback) didn’t go unnoticed …..
Sorry, I’m lost. Where did Chiles say this? Where’s the podcast of his reaction? And what have Jon Trickett’s comments have to do with the price of butter? Dear, dear, dear.
Good news comrade, People’s Tractor Factory Number 7 reports record production last month.
Lost? Sorry? There is no downside. But so, so, so many questions?