What an utter insensitive b*****d that Andy Murray is….cold, heartless and calculating, doesn’t he have any feelings for those tennis players who don’t have kids…do they not also have a stake in succeeding in the tennis world as well?
“The last thing I looked at before I went on court today was a picture of my daughter,” Murray said.
“I feel like that’s what I’m playing for now, so that in a few years hopefully she can be proud of what I have achieved.”
Murray was reticent about whether he thinks his daughter, who was born on 7 February, will change his game.
He said: “I think obviously priorities change significantly.”
Anyway, another week and lots of bias, bad journalism or just plain stupidity…you judge….the floor’s yours once again.
Everyone on this forum should read this report because it concerns them directly.
The sad thing is that it is never been acted upon because it contains a truth no politician wants to confront’ and in failing to do so, puts every one of us at risk for the sake of Community Cohesion & anti Racism.
Thoughtful, you could follow it up with this: http://www.newenglishreview.org/John_M._Joyce/The_Lancaster_Plan/
I had a read, but I’m unconvinced.
There’s only one report of this, and if it was genuine I’d have expected more. Tories have access to Labour past implemented policy, and although I wouldn’t put anything past Lazy Davey I’d expect concerns to be raised over something like this.
Then there appears to be no motive other than a peaceful life. If there were concerns about potential Islamic violence then I would have expected immigration to have been limited, and Muslim extremist preachers vetted, lest the inspired the violence the plan claims to have wanted to prevent.
If there was a plan solely discussed within the Blair government, then it’s very dead now!
Everyone on this forum should read this report because it concerns them directly.
The sad thing is that it is never been acted upon because it contains a truth no politician wants to confront’ and in failing to do so, puts every one of us at risk for the sake of Community Cohesion & anti Racism.
As Leader of the Corbynsakeeper.com movement to be launched at Tolpuddle at the weekend-once Tom Robinson had decided whether he`s a Wolverhampton navvy with four kids in an end terraced…or a Radio 6 metrosexual recovering gay-I will put my self forward for the leadership of the Nasty Party.
Should any of you want shadow ministries to hound the likes of Duncan and Soubry, Harman and Farron out of public life…with the exciting prospect of a trip to Nuremburg to see justice done once more before we leave the EU-feel free to apply.
If you can read and want out of the EU now…that`ll be all you need.
“You know what some people call us?…they call us the Nasty Party”
Theresa May 2002.
Well the BBC certainly helped her to run the Nasty Leadership Campaign. Now they’ll be safe until the next Charter Review.
Quote from Dover sentry at 4.11 on the “old” thread, but important…
“Today from Berlin, Angela Merkel has made it clear that to gain access to the ‘Single Market’, we’ll have to allow free movement of people.
This is how Traitor May will fudge Brexit. We don’t actually need the Single Market, but May will insist we do. Hence free movement of people.”
We must insist that all references to “free movement of people” are challenged…what is actually meant is “open door immigration, regardless of skills, ability to find work or even basic English language ability”.
Challenge your MPs, candidates, internet sparring partners…whoever….fight against newspeak.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she sets up an ISIS trade agreement or a Sharia trade association.
I can’t understand why more is not made of the density of the population here in the UYK, a small country, compared with the huge size of France, Germany etc. I am sure I saw somewhere weeks or months ago a chart someone did (might have been Guido?) which made alarming and revealing reading. Basically the other countries of Europe were going to have to take millions more migrants to be even close to the level we have. Why don’t politicians make more of this density situation?
True, France could double its population before it had the same density as ours. They can take the next 50 million migrants, we are full.
Soapbox, its something that even a 3 year old could work out, but the multiculturalites just want to keep on ‘filling’ us up ! We have 6 million alone in London, which is the same population as Switzerland, and a lot more than other small principalities. Whereas the UK have large towns almost bumping into one another with small hamlets and villages interspersed between; the great swathes of Germany, France and Spain have many driving miles between their largest towns with only the smallest of hamlets (4 houses and a church) separating them.
I live in a ‘large’ village about 40 miles north of London, but like most parts of Britain we are not a migrant free zone. I do wonder exactly how many migrants permanently settle in the similar outback villages of the large European countries, – I would hazard a guess as none.
Yes, we ARE a soft touch and its easier to get benefits (the chunnel pedestrian is now on £700 a month without any hint of being deported) but in the main its our language that’s ‘done for us’ ! English is a world language so the hordes are going to head for here. How many of the population here or worldwide speak Hungarian or Flemish ? exactly, so a Somalian with broken English ain’t gonna put down roots in Amsterdam or Budapest.
Well-there we are £2.00 and 1`ve registered myself the domain owner of the Nasty Party brand.
1. Out of the EU
2. Axe the BBC.
Corbyn must stay as an interim.
That`s all-off now to prepare for Government!
“For a nicer future vote Nasty”!
Can I leaflet drop for you ?
With any luck and a run on Italian banks imminent they will have more to worry about than free movement.Europe is collapsing and the single market will not exist,hopefully before any negotiations are concluded.Chaos in Europe is round the corner.
Angela Eagle: “Now I’m going to take a few questions from our friends in the media… is there anyone from the BBC? ”
From 12.40 here:
The sad thing is that I don’t think she kidding.
Quote :
“”I woudn’t do this unless I didn’t think I’d be a good Prime Minister for Britain””
Byeeee Labour. Nice knowing you….
As Oscar Wilde once said, “It would take a heart of stone not to laugh”.
Who will ever forget her shouting at Boris
” Don`t underestimate the blonde bombshell”.
And here she is…not to be confused with Marilyn or Jean Harlot.
Not really sure who she reminds me of…Kirk Brandon, Perry Groves …and, of course…Rob Beckett.
Radio 4 One o’clock news today. According to Laura Kuensberg, we had a Referendum because ‘a minority in the Conservative party wanted it.’ No dear. We had it because a lot of ordinary people wanted it, and were supporting UKIP in order to get it.
This will be the third time, to my knowledge that Kuenssberg has spun that Labour line.
Cameron has been promising a referendum since 2007 when Gordon Brown and Labour reneged on the promise that they made to hold one.
Kuenssberg’s father is / was a Labour donor so I would expexpect little else.
A bit off message here but has anyone watched a sky offering called the pledge?
It follows the bbc QT format, 1 leaver and 4 remainers.
The intellectual level is somewhere between blue peter and the woodentops.
Somebody called Michelle mone was asking where is the £350 million promised for the NHS. Someone should tell her we are still in the eu for at least another 2 years and that everyone said that some part of this sum could be given to the NHS.
Somebody else called June sarpong wanting another referendum because of the lies told by the leave side. The only ‘lie’ I could think of was her not being able to understand the above sum was mentioned as possibly going to the NHS. I can think of plenty of lies by the remainers of course, ww3, £4,200, £32,000 and all the end of days doom mongering for examples.
Nick Ferrari, the only (leaver) sensible panellist, had his head in his hands most of the time. He must be wondering what he was doing with these airheads on a prime time flagship show.
It was truly pathetic.
Sad about the Leadsom Kop out. Something stinks about this and I feel betrayed.
I saw it last Saturday.
A brave lady from Hull called Michelle Dewberry faced Lord Greg Dyke, Baroness Michelle Mone and was pretty much howled down by them all(Nick Ferrari excepted-but hardly Dan Hannen is he?)
And the thick ,nasty race hustling nomark Sarkypong blathering on, as Dewberry tried to speak.
As Nigel said..whereas these types used to be the rebels taking on The Man..the likes of Dyke, Mone and Geldof ARE the Establishment giving the lower orders a good kicking, administering the chloroform.
Vote Nasty!
I made exactly the same comments on the earlier Weekend thread. I had to Google June Sarpong, who is only fit to host CBBC, but apparently she is an MBE !!! Those with high blood pressure shouldn’t watch it.
(In similar vein I read that Cameron is preparing his ‘leaving office’ honours list, – I pray to God that Beckham isn’t on it)
Does the MBE stand for Moronic Bloody Ethnic?
Excellent Lobster – top description !
The best answer to the BBC line on the £350 million was on the Today programme on 22nd June. There was the usual BBC question containing the statement that the figure was a lie because some/much of the money comes back to the UK for EU approved projects. Instead of answering the question the interviewee turned it round and asked what the basic rate of income tax was? They agreed that it was 20%, whereupon the interviewee pointed out that by the BBC’s logic it was zero, because the money that the government raised from the people was then spent on the people: so if it came back in approved projects it was never taken away in the first place. There was an instant change in the line of questioning.
Gosh, that’s a good reply, isn’t it? Congratulations to him/her.
There is an easy question that I challenged all Remainers with when I discussed it with them during the referendum (and since). If we don’t ever have to pay the rebate figure …. why does it exist … answer was there none.
BBC news is really trying for a General Election now there’s a new PM. They keep casting a doubt about whether there is illegality in an uncontested election – and answering the question no there is no illegality. Then they ask whether there is legitimacy in an unelected PM forming a new government without a democratic mandate.
They are reminded that Gordon Brown didn’t have a democratic mandate – and reply with the fact that Theresa May criticised Brown for failing to obtain one.
I contrast the situation when Blair resigned and passed the reins in an uncontested election to Brown, and the way I remember the BBC reported that, as a coronation without question of democratic legitimacy.
More pro Labour bias.
Callaghan took from Wilson without an election. Major took over from Thatcher without an election. Brown took over from Blair etc. And now we have the fixed term Parliament Act.
A thousand pro-EU lawyers have said that the referendum result for Brexit was illegal because people where mislead into believing that they could vote for independence from the EU in a referendum. But they claim the law says that this is illegal because Members of Parliament not the People have the supreme authority to decide on what to vote for, so there naa-naa, but then if the Members of Parliament do vote for Brexit, the lawyers say that this is also illegal because the European Union has supreme sovereignty over all Peoples and Nations of the EU.
Is the PPI work drying up?
‘Have you suffered an injury or emotional trauma because of Brexit? If so call Cherie or Tony at Ambulance Chasers Direct today – you may be entitled to compensation!
“But don’t apply by letter, because what you think is a letterbox may really be Cherie’s gob.”
The traitor Heath acted illegally when he took Britain into the Common Market in the first place: his actions were unconstitutional in that he did not have the legal authority to surrender parliamentary sovereignty to a foreign power; he also broke the oath he had forsworn to the Crown as an MP and the PM by undertaking the actions he did.
I believe that the best course of action for the Remainiacs who are still either fighting the referendum campaign or attempting to seek out ways of subverting the result of it; is for them to move to a country within the EU in which they can live out their days.
They will be much happier there I think and would surely feel much safer; as the financial and societal collapse of the U.K. is imminent, of which we were all forewarned by the Remainiacs prior to the vote, so the sooner they go the more secure I’m certain they’ll be. It will also allow the task of Brexit to be undertaken far more decisively and efficiently than it otherwise will.
Somebody needs to start a petition calling for a re run of the 1975 referendum.
Once we get to 100,000 signatures, that should trigger it.
I’m sure there’s a reason we can find to be a little unhappy with the result. Somebody, somewhere lied or maybe some voted one way but they didn’t really mean to.
The sooner article 50 is in the better.
More miserable groups of remainers are putting obstacles in the way of the democratically voted for Brexit, like these 1,000 lawyers, most politicians, the bbc and much of the media plus all the virtue signallers (we love Europe) and the luvvies, comedians (?), the bankers, the rich, the land owners collecting money given (back) from the eu.
They are all getting organised and delaying our exit, helped by a willing PM no doubt.
I have no faith in our government. A pox on the lot of them.
Typical lawyer rubbish. Our unwritten constitution rest upon the -to them quaint I suppose- notion that all sovereignity is vested in the electorate and that it cannot be ceded or otherwise compromised. We established this after much struggle and blood in the 17th century and sbsequently by various acts of Parliament. Really very easy to grasp for most of us. Rather it is the first vote to join the Common Market that was unconstitional .All subsequent treaties only compound the crime.
The position of the EU in all this is irrelevant. It has no authority over any of us at all that can be considered legal.
Precisely DS.
No UK parliament can bind its successor: ANY Act of Parliament can be repealed by a subsequent parliament; there is no parliament, executive or judicial body which exercises a higher degree of sovereignty here in the UK than the Crown in Parliament.
If there are lawyers in Great Britain who believe otherwise: they are not fit to practise law here and, as I said in my post above, will be more comfortable relocating (along with the rest of the Remainiscum) to within the EU; and good riddance to the lot of ’em.
Yep- off we go to Gosport (a heavy Brexit vote town) to visit the locals who were too thick to vote for the economic paradise which is the EU. The mission: to hear just how unhappy they are about Majorette as PM (thanks for that Chris H). We dropped into the “local reptile shop”- oh the irony, and finished with a lovely parting shot of decrepit oldies riding away into the sunset on their electric chariots- classic Brussels Broadcasting. Just another light dusting of Agent Orange over Leadsom’s pyre.
Anyone offering odds on Majorette calling a snap election once the Corbyn Tendency sees off the Eagle (obviously with a manifesto including some half-baked Norway style Brexit proposal which “we need to put to the country” ?
I hope Theresa May will end Mark Carney’s contract by the end of the week, even though this will mean substantial severance pay. Putting in Mervyn King as a stop-gap would have much to commend it.
What and upset Goldman Sachs?
She should also bring to a speedy end; Osborne’s tenancy of No 11 too.
They say, “Cometh the moment, cometh the man.”
Well, the moment cometh but the man cometh not. I think Boris Johnson would have made a good PM.
Now the woman cometh and it’s very bad news that Leadsom dropped out. Theresa May is so pickled in PeeCee that she will be putty in the hands of those who know how to use PeeCee for their own ends.
The moment has passed and no man or woman has risen to the occasion. Well, at least nobody who would make a good PM.
Well that was good wasnt it.
Theresa the safe pair of hands with very little effort on her part but with a lot of help from her friends has managed to get her grasping, soiled fingers around the brexit organ and will now be doing her best to stifle said member back to its flacid obedient state.
Whilst pissed off and depressed with the ease that Leadsome and the brexit supporters have been shafted by a “magic circle” consisting of the Tory old guard and of course the MSM. – I cant help thinking that maybe, just maybe the old rules have changed and the scales finally seem to have fallen from the eyes of many people who before took very little interest in politics in the past.
Whether this will be enough to thwart Mays “Operation Backslide” and her loyalty to European “free movement” I dont know. However what I do feel is that the old days where people just ignored media manipulation by the BBC and MSM and saw it as relatively harmless obsession have long gone.
Many people have become more aware of what the EU stands for and where it is going. It is worrying that practically all our media jumped on the shaft Leadsome bandwagon. However I wonder if they may have overplayed their hand a little. I think these tossers will have to very careful from now on how they play the “game” and the one thing we do know is that because they are arrogant and full of self entitlement they will not be very careful.
May said brexit is brexit in effect she said nothing. Liars are also liars. And corrupt state broadcasters are corrupt state broadcasters. All she said was a statement of fact without any intention. In real life actions speak louder than words. And certainly waiting until January before triggering article 50 to me is a very strong intention that this whole charade will be drawn out and still born.
I am sure we can all predict much BBC hand wringing and Theresa theatrically rolling up her sleeves and doing battle with EU for the best deal for Britain. Course we may have to accept a few technicalities such as free movement but as we all know it is essential to stay in the single market – Why – Cos the BBC keep,on telling us it is so.
Maybe we can help Theresa with her negotiations. It needs a title to show those Eurotwats that we mean business and wont take no for an answer! What can she call it I wonder??? mmmmmmm – I gottit we can call it THE BIG DEAL!
Solid post Oaknash – regarding May being touted as the Great White Hope of the Conservative party; in light of her dire performance as Home Secretary, I make this prediction: you can’t make butter out of sh*t.
Al – They also say stupid is as stupid does – She appears to have learnt nothing from all her experience in office apart from if in doubt keep your head down and lie! .
I am afraid that all she is Dave in a frock.
Or is Dave Theresa in trousers?
I find things very confusing in these non binary gender fluid times. !
Why did Leadsom stand if she couldnt stand the heat, she should have given this perhaps a moment of thought. Gove maybe a nasty back stabber, but he clearly is able to handle the heat. UKIP no doubt will be getting alot of new members. The “safe pair of hand” theory usually turns out to be anything but.
I attended Wimbledon tennis twice over the fortnight, once on Court One and the next day (middle Saturday) on Centre. I had a great time and I have to say it’s an example of multi-culturalism that just works with no agenda. Although the attendees were predominantly (but not hideously) ‘white’ (of all nations, it seemed to me – German, Italian, American, Scandanivian, who knows…) many nations and faiths were represented. I watched (on BBC TV) the Williams’ ladies doubles final. Really enjoyed the match and decided to watch it again the next day on iPlayer. When watching it the first time round I noticed something but thought I’d wait again until I watched it for the second time. On second viewing I did screengrabs of the crowd reaction shots and/or shots of the crowd in between points. I ignored wide shots, court shots or shots of a player with the crowd in the background. Of the below pics, four are of celebrities (there may be more but I’m not aware): Bob Willis, Peter Kay, the Duke of Kent and a lady (I think – never seen it) from ‘Game of Thrones’. I assume the producer is deciding on which images to use. At this point I could do with some advice on how to post an image from my PC. ‘Add images’ wants a URL. Anyone able to help?
Did you see Nicola Sturgeon in the royal box Lurkio?
She was there gorging on strawberries and cream in between howling and bleating about ‘austerity’
Amused that Murray mentioned Cameron and not Sturgeon 🙂
Upload your pictures there. You’ll get a URL you can use.
It might be a little roundabout but this is what I suggest.
1) Acquire a domain name. This can be free (often means the host name is part of the URL or you must accept advertising) or something quite cheap. I use GoDaddy but there are plenty of other hosts. Build Your Ideal Website. It’s Free. would be a good place to start.
2) Start a simple website. (Mine is Five Minutes for Israel thank you very much.) Most sites provide simple tools. If you don’t intend to go public it can simply be a message that the site is in construction.
3) Upload the image to your host.
4) Use the URL the site provides. You should be able to take it from wherever the images are stored but if the host doesn’t provide that facility place it on the page and copy from the code.
Good luck.
It could only be the BBC. Tonight at 9 on BBC2 “Exodus – Our Journey to Europe”. “1/3 The stories of people seeking a home in Europe, from families forced to flee war and persecution to economic migrants searching for a more prosperous life ”
Cant wait to hear the pious reporting.
Let’s be honest; the Labour Party are such an appalling rabble that the Tories could put up Kermit the Frog to be Prime Minister and still win with a landslide. If it’s a toss up between Corbyn and that ghastly shrieking Eagle woman, then God help ’em.
However, I do feel sorry for Andrea Leadsom. I like her. She appears to be a decent, honorable woman, who was slaughtered by a poisonous press in cahoots with numerous contemptible Conservatives. House of Cards has got nothing on this lot. Shame on all of them!
Talking of contemptible Conservatives and Kermit the Frog…
Has anyone seen Anna Soubrey lately…?
Don’t forget that link I posted earlier, Eagle was not legally elected and if challenged could prove to be a liability.
There’s also the issue of her fragility under pressure. Apparently whereas Corbyn was always able to keep his cool Eagle has proved incapable of holding hers under even the mildest criticism. I doubt the BBC will ever press those buttons deliberately especially once they know, but before they do it could get very interesting !
Looks to me from Theresa May’s first outing that she’s even further to the Left than Cameron was and that’s saying something!
Even the BBC sounded surprised and commented that many of her statements about bosses pay, workers on boards, and equality have been taken straight out of the Labour party manifesto!
No wonder the Labour Party (or what’s left of them) are in crisis, The Conservatives are the new Labour party, leaving their old position vacant for someone else to take it
I don’t have too much of a quarrel with her concerns about bosses bonuses and workers on boards. What does concern me (greatly) is if she decides to soft pedal on immigration. She’s been the Home Secretary that has presided over 1 million extra people coming to live here every three years. The way we’re headed there will be standing room only in the south east before long.
How anyone can consider her “a safe pair of hands,” astonishes me.
She needs to be watched.
I love a mystery. Here is one. Left wing hero cop killer Micah Johnson wrote a final dying message in blood on the wall.
The BBC hve not reported on it as they are too busy finding justifications for his misdeeds – alienated blacks, mum says he did not like the army.
But most of the media have reported that he wrote RB on the wall.
Here is the Mail’s story. read it, then I will reveal the meaning of the letters RB.
He wrote RB which stands for Rose Bud.
I have not been on this site over the last week, so have not had the opportunity to comment on the white hating racism epidemic blighting the African American communities in the USA…..giddily lapped up of course and relentlessly race baited by our very own self hating traitors that infest Al Beeb HQ
I don’t need to add anything more than what this true American hero has to add on the link below. It makes me sick that the lying,hate filled Al Beeb give platforms to the anti white race deviants and not great people like this
Years ago I did occasional business with some characters who just could not resist putting one over on me. It was a game. Sometimes I worked it out before time other times they had me.
It will be the same with May. She and her backers -dare we mention the rotten banksters and the media hacks – are going to take us. How and when is up to us to work out. That is why she is there and we better get to understand this.
I really love the English ruling class. Their contempt for us is the one thing that could ruin them. So self assured and so confident that we will not work it out before it happens.
We are going to be taken for a ride. It is up to all of us to keep this in mind and to withhold any trust at all in the current elites.
They really do regard the EU vote as illegitimate. No question of that. So they will and can act in the usual vicious way of our elites.
This is a bad day for what remains of our democracy and freedom. For along with her obvious untrustworthiness May is an authoritarian in the making and lacks even Cameron’s scruples.
DS – “They” have to be very careful now as to how this is gone about.
If they seek to circumvent the will of the majority who voted to “Leave the European Union”, as was stated quite unambiguously on the ballot paper, then (IMHO) those Remainer c***s bleating about how divided our country is, as a consequence of the result of the referendum not going “their” way: haven’t seen f*****g anything yet.
They gleefully dredged up the ‘nasty party’ clip, now nearly 15 years old, and on the 6 pm news John Pienaar was looking for every problem he could think of. We don’t ask for content-free journalism, but a bit of balance wouldn’t come amiss, and the Labour Party is in a fearful mess.
Ta Stephen.
That`s now my copyrighted Party Name-and the BBC will be issued a cease and desist order very soon, once I`ve checked it.
It“ll be a phrase that only OUTERS will be able to use.
WE are the Nasty Party-and hope to put someone up against the coffin of Jo Cox in Batley and Spen if we can get the right man…Raheem, Tommy or Paul might do it if we ask nicely.
“Populist, tasteless and lowering tones”…highest praise from these Quislingtons!
1. Article 50 to be triggered when Nigel says so
2. Axe the BBC-subscription only
3. All kids get the day off school for their birthdays
3. Memorials to Thatch, Enoch and Nigel-Tony and Bob for balance.
WE are the Nasty Party…Mays moppets will soon be finding out how nasty we`re going to be after the way they treated Andrea…
Apart from sunspots and alignment of the stars being the cause of all the rife and turmoil currently happening around the world – allegedly, I’m beginning tothink we have a bigger problem than the Muslim issue in this country – our ‘enemy’ within is now the media. Its talking down our financial prospects, hounding politicians to resign or have nervous breakdowns, and they appear to be calling the shots in all aspects of our lives – its beyond a joke and extremely worrying.
Brissles you may have a point -The media seems to have morphed into an all pervading, self appointed, controlling, unwholsome, parasitic organism.
It seems to consider itself the moral and ethical compass of society, the law, the judiciary, the executioner, and the opposition all in one.
If someone declared to me they were all of these things I would consider them either to be unbalanced or Kim Jon Un.
I am now thinking it is turning into both simultaneously.
It could be the next James Bond diabolical plot Brissles.
Emmanuel – it’s already been a Bond plot. ‘Tomorrow Never Dies’. Media mogul causing terrorism to sell more papers.
If only Cameron implemented the Leveson Inquiry proposals – I wonder why he didn’t do it even though he promised he would.
I want to see the Leave-soon proposals implemented in respect of the EU.
Before long, we’ll be electing Media Parties rather than Political Parties.
Following the Pound Sterling price correction following BREXIT (a price reduction that now makes it affordable to investors) I happen to speak to our Italian distributor this afternoon concerning our updated price list of our products. Our distributor runs a very successful business, but is still very concerned of how things are starting to play out in Italy. We talked about forward purchasing of Pounds. He also informs me that there is now a growing and worrying run on the Italian banks and in certain areas of Italy, banks have simply run out of money. The German Banking situation is also looking worrying as the banking structure is calling in cash.
Italy is worth watching very closely as it’s banking structure looks like it is about to crash. The E.U. Ponzi scheme is coming to and end. BREXIT means BREXIT Mrs May?
Old Bloke, I was talking to an Italian friend yesterday who said much the same. She gave the impression that things were worse than were being made out in the media.
Hi Cranmer,
A lack of confidence in the people of their economy and of their politicians ability to handle the crisis is itself leading to the crisis. Our distributor can ride out the storm for a short term. but having had a chat yesterday, their long term future looks bleak. As I have said, they will shortly place an order but want a locked price to protect them against adverse currency swings, so we are looking at a forward purchase of currency. Not good, not good at all. But there is life outside of the E.U. and my time now will be spent on tracking down new customers bought about from the BREXIT vote.
On June 23rd, we voted out.
Do we really think that leeches and ticks on the body politic that wilfully pumped their poison into the system over 40 years?…do we really think that they`d just roll up their bagged carpets and ride off into the mausoleum of history?
This is a mutating virus…and those of us with our noses to the glass , who think that we might settle for the Referendum vote as a “bit of steam being blown off”…well it`s beyond that now.
I did not vote NO on the 23rd just so Cameron could pass his high chair onto an unelected, stagnant bed blocker -and we`d acquiesce that “this is how it`s done”?
No-Whether its Callaghan, Major of Brown…these are dead ducks, no authority to speak for us-didn`t vote for her.
UKIP need to get ramping up for the new reality to come…and stuff the Westminster games.
“Unelected, stagnant bed-blocker” chrisH, if you really dislike someone you needn’t pussyfoot around; just come out and say it!
Seriously though: a priceless description of the rancid, old cuttlefish that is our “new” PM.
Al Shubtil…Foreign Office?
Brissels…Defra or Article 50.
Am now about to hear the 6pm news from last night(Ta StephenL)and attempt an injunctive order on the BBC not to use the “Nasty Party” description of my “business”..”copyright and branding/imaging rights” may well be violated by Pienaar or Penis…and indeed all Remainiacs who dare to use it.
Wish me luck….
Farage stated after the Referendum victory, that a battle had been won but that there was a war ahead.
He was right.
Wasn`t he just?…give him a few weeks and he`ll have a place in my Cabinet
As long as he also wants the TV License consigned to the dog license doggy bin of history?
Now THAT is something to bring up at Tolpuddle-a lot of lefties agree…albeit from the wrong end of the telescope.
But The May Queens are now making former enemies into an Alliance.
Now that Theresa May is in charge don’t fall asleep at the watch. I’ve no doubt she’s a One-Continent tory, who will soon try and get things back on an even (ie slavishly ingratiating) keel with the various EU nabobs.
The Italian Banking crisis is now taking hold as banks ATM’s run out of money. The E.U. are refusing to help. The E.U. has no money as it is just a “talking Heads” debating shop running an electronic Ponzi scheme. Ponzi Schemes work really well at the start but runs out of steam when the money people didn’t have runs out. Think Pyramid selling. This is what has happened in Italy. Greece next and the German Banks are calling in cash to keep liquidity as they now refuse to contribute to the Ponzi Scheme. The U.K. despite being in the wonderful world of the E.U. is £1.7 Trillion in debt and a debt which is growing at £5,400 per second, every second. The powers that be will not let the U.K. give up there £10 Billion P.A. and so we see Mrs May shoehorned in as the next P.M., a remainer. Can’t have the money men losing their money now can we? Got to keep the Ponzi Scheme going long enough to pull their cash out of it….sorry, I meant our cash. And as George Osborne continues to print money (sell our assets to foreign “investors” through quanatitive easiing) there are still politicians and ordinary people who think the E.U. is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’m now in my advancing years, and I can honestly say, you really can’t help people who are stark raving bonkers.
What’s the problem with Italian banks?
Answers on a postcard please.
Anybody got me any links to Beppe Grillo and his magnificent Five Star Party?
Flaws and all, I know…but Italy is going to blow in the next few years, so let`s get those International links shall we?
Pim Fortyn List members?
Come on everybody-let`s make Europe work for us shall we?
One piece about the EU economy, which I have just read, ends
“Just think of the EU as one giant ponzi scheme and that, for the first time, an investor has asked for his money back” The Investor being the UK.
Everything I read about the Italian Banking crisis makes me more hopeful that the Euro is about to collapse.
The Italians banks need 150,000,000 Euros. So desparately that The Italian Government (partially consisting of EU placements) are considering a bail in (= steal the money in the accounts), as was done in Cyprus.
This bail in is, I read, against EU rules, strange, they never bothered about us before.
If even a whiff of publicity suggesting that this would take place there would be a run on the Italian banks which would force them to close. The lack of confidence is very likely to spread to other Eurozone states.
Everything that I read suggests that the Italian banks are the visible tip of a large iceberg and that French, Spanish and German banks have much larger, and much more difficult to deal with, insolvency.
It seems to me that the Eurozone has two options :-
a) Let the banks collapse.
b) Create some trillions of invisible Euros and “lend” them to the bankss.
I am not an expert in international finance so I would like to know the likely effect of both options, what other options are there?
Links to answers to the questions would be most welcome.
Interesting. If history is about to repeat itself then what the UK is experiencing (and coping with) will be replayed across the EU zone starting with the weakest links, Namely wholesale devaluation of the Euro. Whilst the £ sterling may of devalued temporarily, the Euro would have to be devalued permanently. Greece, Spain and italy and France could force Germany to devalue the Euro which is kept artificially high to suit German exports. In reality it feeds off the poorer nations and its biggest exports are to the UK. We are in a far stronger position by being free of the Euro. Its a possibility that Italy, Spain and Greece may revert to a stand by currency, France less so as they are ‘protected’ in EU favors around CAP agriculture and import tariffs that nobody else gets to protect their own industries and exports.
Not sure if this answers the question but the devaluation of the former Zimbawian currency and what is happening in socialist strongholds (such as Venezuela), means that when the EU runs out of money, and it is already effectively a bankrupt state. Very much like a PONZI Pyramid scheme. There is nobody out there to help Italy, Greece or Spain. We in the UK can only break out of the decline as we have our own currency and a good trading record and a great deal of financial footy and international investments. We live entirely on international trade… not the EU.
It may surprise many on here to learn that there are very few Co2 measuring stations in the World but there are an increasing number as more accurate scientific instruments are manufactured. Historical reports are an interesting read and this one again raises questions about the validity of man made Co2 causing “Climate Change”
[On the basis of annual averages calculated from monthly averages, CO2 levels at Jubany have risen from 356.75 in 1994 to 384.74 in 2009. The reduced and poorly defined concentration peak of 1997-1998 was also observed at other Antarctic stations in the WMO Global Atmospheric Watch network, and may have been caused by any one or a combination of several things, including sea surface temperature anomalies, air temperature anomalies, and changes in general atmospheric circulation. Among all the factors affecting the atmospheric CO2 concentration the most convincing cause seems related to the 1997-1998 El Niño and subsequent La Niña episodes. That hypothesis is based on the behavior of SOI and CO2 concentrations at several Antarctic and non-Antarctic sites and from cross correlations between the two parameters.]
As you can see from the above, the BBC’s “The science is settled” is very questionable.
Another station at Mauna Loa (Hawaii) shows that there has been a continual increase in the Co2 per parts of the atmosphere. The only problem with this, is that this year, all the most accurate satellite data pertaining to “Global Temperatures” shows a cooling climate. Oops. What say you Mr Harrabin?
The Corbyn Story first of a 3 part radio special : was on Monday at 8pm I’m sure you listened attentively to the three part tribute show.
“In this series, Steve Richards examines the dramatic story of Jeremy Corbyn over the past year, and what it tells us about the bitter battle for the soul of the Labour party.”
: BBC Red- io4 ….All Labour All the time.
Was there a 3 part special honouring, Farage or Cameron ?
It’s always radio 4, it’s a disgraceful Beeboid output….The radio arm of the Guardian newspaper broadcasts live at the licence payers expense.
Q: Who is the patron saint of the BBC?
A: St Alin.
St James of Headingly.
A Savilising influence on all things Beeb.
It was meant to be “Corbyn-One Year On”.
Unfortunately, he may not make it through the year to September…hence the re-titling.
Typical BBC.
Watch out for us,hope to get a live feed from Tolpuddle.
If IDS thinks that what Soubry did was “Black Ops”…well, we`ll be teaching otherwise.
“Power In The Darkness” as the song goes….
Accidentally pressed the wrong buttons and ended up on “The Womans Football show” oh dear looks like they spent about £20.00 on it still who wants to watch F1 when you could have this. Looks like the matches are played at the local recreational fields with an audience of almost no-one. Still hey Robot wars is coming back so that will be …like the same thing every week. Wonder if Clarkson will be presenting it?
Well what a surprise Jim Al-Khalili didn’t manage squeeze in his GlobalWarmingReligion into his show
…No only joking, of course he will.
Tuesday 9am : The Red List of Threatened Species
” the rate at which species are going extinct is speeding up”
But what’s this ? “charismatic animals, like the panda and the polar bear, are not necessarily the most at risk.”
hmm how will Panda exploiters WWF and polar bear exploiters Greenpeace handle that ?
(If you don’t know : Polar bears are so plentiful, and increased over the decade, that the org that has taken millions for counting them over the last decade hasn’t even got around to counting in a couple of large regions where they know they live. They are not even close to extinction that is why ice tribes* including the Inuit are allowed to hunt them still)
*(Candian PC rules mean you are not allowed to say Eskimo anymore)
More at 4pm : “she talks to… soviet spy Sonya (of the family that stole the UK’s nuclear secrets), and why they never felt any need to excuse the work they did in allowing a Stalinist regime in Moscow to dramatically accelerate their development of Nuclear Weapons.”
Document 4pm
BBC Red- io4 ….All Labour All the time.
bbc news itv news sky news the times the telegraph the sun daily mail virgin all wetting themselves for their success in stitching all of us up. we must not forget rachel sylvester i.e. the woman who passed the hemlock to andrea leadsom as ordered by murdoch. clearly leadsom was going to win with the members and the tories thought that democracy is really not a good idea as the referendum showed. the most annoying thing is that anna soubry is not going to be in big brother or i’m a celebrity any time before 2020.
Some of the sexist hypocrisy from Anna Soubry has been very revealing.
When Boris Johnson dropped out of the race, she said she was pleased that the Bullingdon boys and their silly games were out of power and looked forward to women coming in to sort out the mess. This didn’t just refer to St Theresa of May(be) as S-EU-bry also mentioned the appalling Hillary Clinton in the US Presidential Election and Angela Eagle for Labour leader in the UK. Presumably she also loves Nicola St Urgeon in Scotland, and Ruth Davidson, and Caroline Lucas, plus Leanne Wood, plus Kezia Dugdale … plus Tim Farron. Not a man among them!
How anyone could still be advocating Hillary Clinton with her record is simply staggering: is it simply because she is female? And what business has la Soubry got in interfering in Labour’s internal affairs? Well, I suppose the Eagle does tick two boxes: female and gay. And to top it all off, the viciousness of the attack on Andrea Leadsom shows that Soubry, if nothing else, is no better than men after all. She should have stuck to “Central Weekend”, where she used to be quite good as a host.
Just heard on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show that 52% of people polled believe Clinton should have faced charges for lying about the emails. Of that 52% HALF would still vote for her!
This is what we’re up against!
Accordibg to R4 “news” at 5.30 Phillip Hammond and that slimy little toff Osbourne are both tipped for top cabinet jobs. (possibly as Foreign sec and chancellor)
Theresa showing her good judgement by immediately in rewarding incompetence. So we have the man who is trying to wish away the Falklands and George “blakey” Osbourne shoved in our faces for a few more years.
I think Theresa is sending us a message – lets hope it does not blow up in her face.
If this is true. She is trying to demonstrate her strength a bit of ” ave some of that you shitty little people” – Pity she lacks any sort of vision apart from mutually soft greasing up her establishment and media friends. Thatcher she aint.
Looks like the war goes on!
Indeed the war goes on Oaknash.
Looking for Black Ops artists, heading rot Tolpuddle sometime soon.
Sappers, Loki, tricksters required…this lot are on the skids.
Into The Valley.
Half of a half (or that 52%) is just 26%. But then if the US has as bad a record in general elections as the UK (average was 40%) that average may not hold up as she is linked to Obhama and Bill Clinton, (both failures in their own way, but the Left do like their failures and it means they (lefty types) must-try-harder (as obviously we don’t understand the meaning of failure and dishonesty). I think US voters are wise to Clinton’s antics, they will vote against Clintons.
Anyone here living near
a) Soubry(A)
b) Rudd(A)
c) Miller(M)
d) Sandbach(A)
e) Duncan(A)
in regard of their constituencies.
My MP is a Remainiac..my neighbouring one is an Brexiteer.
I therefore have contacted him to offer myself as a postal vote for HIM…and f these “constituency boundaries” crapola they squeak on about.
I CHOOSE my MP…and these parish pump rules of theirs are now dead in the water.
Will propose this for Labour at the weekend…Class Action and the likes of the Wessex Indepndence Party might like these ideas…if not, we`ll learn.
Adopt a Brexiteer-f yourt Remainiacs, refuse to let them “represent you”…for, as we`ve seen they only represent their rancid class.
As Derek Batey said” Why can`t we all be Nasty to each other”
Think that was it…Stephen Gately rules anyhoo…
Of course Soubry is very popular with smokers and vapers /sarc
I wonder if alcohol/sugar/salt ‘guidelines’ and anti-smoking/vaping aided and abetted by bBC is awakening the average voter against the establishment. Climate change brainwashing is the cherry on top, although it will take years for people to realise that they have been had. Keep watch for the new kid on the block – sustainability.
They`ll get theirs matahari.
Soubry out…vote Nasty!
Will the offer of being interviewed by Rachel Sylvester now be considered the Kiss of Death for any female politician ?
Apologies if someone’e already posted about this. Rod Liddle has posted a comedy video on the Spectator, satirising the EU remainers who are agitating for a second referendum. Several pro-EU characters are represented, and Mr Liddle seems to have played all the roles himself. Look out for:
Annabelle Snowflake the Camden carer, who thinks ‘haters’ shouldn’t vote
Binky the scruffy old rock star (eat your heart out, Bob Geldof), with his latest release:
“You’re a racist, you’re racist, you’re old and insane,
You’re a racist, you’re a racist, I hope you die in pain”
Also the farmer who’d like to employ Britons to pick his crops, but chooses Poles instead because they’ll work for noting but an encouraging kick up the arse.
If you miss the un-PC sketch shows of old, this is for you. (it’s only about ten minutes long.) Mr Liddle (if it is him) is an excellent comedy actor. If only the BBC could still do this sort of thing. It did vaguely remind me of an old show. Possibly Not the nine O’Clock news?
no link ?
Doesn’t come up on a search of the site either – you must have dreamt it !
Thoughtful, no HHB did not dream it for I have seen Rod Liddle’s sketch/video too. It is funny and quite something for a self confirmed lefty to make fun of “lefty things”.
No link? Do your homework. 😎
Here is the link
“The Leavers need to be respected: respected and ignored.”
Absolutely brilliant stuff from Liddle! There is nothing on al beebus “comedy” which comes even close to being as funny as that – make sure you share it far and wide on the interweb.
The irony is that so many of the characters in that montage have appeared daily on the TV and radio since the referendum spouting virtually the same cr@p. I would have really liked for him to have done a caricature representing an Anna Soubry.
Thanks for linking it on here H H-B.
This video by comedian Tom Greeves is very good also. Stick with it to the end – it’s very funny.
Ta Helena…very funny.
Have posted it on my F/B etc
if THAT doesn`t lose the few Remainiax who tagalog with me…then what will?
Masochism strategies?…weird…but there again we get the likes of Jerrod I s`pose.
How about a second referendum where the question is:
“Now that the UK has voted to leave the EU the new government’s policy should be to invoke Atricle 50 and:
1) negotiate an exit agreement with the EU
2) tell the EU to f**k off and we use the WTO option?”
More bias on the Today program, not of a political nature. but bias non the less.
The ‘experts’ have decided that multi vitamins for pregnant women are a ‘waste of money’. The BBC says that buying them can cost up to £15 per month. It then goes on to talk about the single supplement which it says costs a few pence per day.
Seeing as it mention at least two supplements were beneficial this doesn’t actually make sense unless it is disguised by BBC bias speak.
“Can cost up to £15” – but will almost certainly cost far less at the economy end. Tesco’s own brand are £4 for 90 equalling a mere £1.33 per month ! Or just 4.3 pence.
The two supplement cost ‘pence per day’. Well even at the most far out expensive end that’s just 25p per day each, to match even the most ridiculous expensive option.
The Folic Acid is 70p for 90 at Tesco
The vitamin D is £2.75 for 90
In other words, although the multi Vits might not be as valuable as consumers think, they still won’t do anyone any harm, the cost difference per month is vanishingly small, so why did the BBC feel the need to spin it this way? Maybe they are so used to doing so they’ve lost that sense of proportion!
It’s only when there are stories like this when the hard facts are easily available, and it can be proved that the BBC are not reporting in a fair and impartial manner that suspicions can be highlighted as fact.
There are two possible angles on this, from a BBC perspective. Firstly, the beloved EU has spent a lot of effort into regulating the supplements market, so the default position will be to ‘diss’ vitamins. Secondly, there is a long-standing campaign to add folic acid to all flour and bread on a mandatory basis – other than in expensive artisan loaves sold in Notting Hill and Islington, of course. It is a pillar of faith for socialists that the population be subject to compulsory mass medication e.g. campaign to add industrial waste from aluminium smelting into the water supply (commonly referred to as fluoridisation). What they really want, ideally, is an additive to stop all those horrible White people having waycist, homophobic, islamophobic and cop-killing-phobic thoughts.
Thoughtful – But they are probably much more expensive in Fortnum & Mason where they all do their shopping.
Goodbye Cameron the coward, and good riddance.
Hello Theresa, I hear you’re another John Major.
I hope you prove me wrong.
The Majorette-available to all my friends here…do tell me if a Remainiac ever says it though!
“Self-addressed registered envelope” I believe being all that`s needed…and it`s gone back to myself now!
Nice new language this “legalese” isn`t it?
Shit country to live though…but not for long.
Paul Greengrass the director of the Bourne series of films was interviewed on Radio 4 Today this morning, and proved to be the typical leftie loon who knew nothing but thought he knew everything.
When talking about the film he said that the old enemy of soviet Russia had gone, and people were now concerned by the Huuuggge corporation some of which had grown up in the past 10 years. Globalisation was a major concern for him, so he claimed, and then unbelievably went to tell everyone that he had voted remain ! Exactly the way those huge globalising corporation had wanted him to!
He was upset at the treatment of Tony Blair who he claimed was visibly distressed at his treatment ! Well that’s not the way I saw it Paul! To me Blair was upset because he’d been caught and was wriggling on the hook!
The whole interview was of one mans massively distorted view of the world which he has been able to afford with his enormous wealth.
In this article he talks about his friendship with ex Labour loser Ed Milliband, from his 5th floor suite at one of the most exclusive hotels in London – Claridges.
No wonder the BBC invite him on for an interview as he is every bit the same as they are. A clueless liberal leftie, insulated from reality by his fabulous wealth.
Thoughtful – I’m concerned about the power of huge corporations as well. Mainly the BBC!
I think Greengrass has a house in the not terribly diverse village of Walberswick, near the very upmarket seaside town of Southwold (popular with Gordon Brown I recall), in Suffolk; yet another typical Bollinger Bolshevik in which the UK does such a good line.
Ken Clark on the Today programme…..Humphreys nearly choked when Clark said of the new, May government words to the effect….they need to invoke article 50 in a few weeks so that the other Europeans know we`re not fiddling about and we can start negotiating with them.
When Ken Clark suggests Article 50 in a matter of a “few weeks”…I am suspicious as to his motive….anyone any thoughts on this? Is the timing of invoking article 50 a valuable card in the great game we are about to have played by our politicians?
Don`t care-press the f…in button!
WE want out-and we`ll mop the piss up after.
Better than sliding into the icebergs on the sweat of the Euromongs…who will have quietly left by balloon and Saigon helicopters.
Italy to blow-two years tops,
We`ll thank GOD we`ll be free of it all then…and hopefully Soubry, Heseltine and Williams, Campbell etc will be dead by then anyway.
See-if they think they terrorised Andrea…let`s see what they`ve got in their knicker drawers now shall we to scare the likes of us…
What’s the fat slob up to? Because of him being totally wrong on everything European, I don’t trust him on this. The true patriots need to be aware of this.
Once Article 50 is invoked, the two-year clock starts ticking and if we don’t agree to everything the EU wants, they just chuck us out. It doesn’t leave us in a good negotiating position. Whereas if we let them know we’re going to do it, it leaves them uncertain and gives us room to negotiate positions in advance. It’s no coincidence that the EU too is in a hurry for us to invoke. The one problem for us with this approach is the very real risk of backsliding, especially now that May (the Farce Be With You) is going to be in charge.
That`s right Roland.
You`ve said this before though, I fear the fudge and cringing before the whole rotten EU edifice comes crashing down around us anyway.
What then is to be done…can I trust a Davis or a Fox, let alone that creep Grayling to give us any kind of deal worth the name.
I myself would get Nigel, Tim, Sir James ,Digby and all those others who wanted out-and put Andrea in charge to ensure we get it..and then get Michael and Dan to ensure the Eu aren`t screwing us over.
Gisela to read the German lips as well, so we REALLY know what the EU are up to.
We have a £60 billion trade defecit with the rest of the EU. Any British negotiator going into talks effectively has £60 billion on the table. The position has to be: here is the money, this is what we want in return. Do you want the money or not?
Normally, the person who has £60 billion on offer is in a very strong bargaining position, but don’t be surprised if our Rolls-Royce minds at the Foreign Office manage to cock everything up.
RD ……… “Once Article 50 is invoked, the two-year clock starts ticking ”
Should that read ” the two year cock-up starts ticking” ??
Interestingly this is what Junker demanded so it does raise a question. However we all know we can trust old affable Ken, devout EU supporter and chairman of the Bilderberg steering commitee.
My default position would be if Clark and Junker are in favour it must be a bad idea. But in this instance the over-riding consideration is that our new PM wanted us to Remain. Given that vital fact we have to put the marker down now and start the process.
I’ve read all of Richard North’s posts on why we should wait. In economic terms he’s right – we should have our negotiating plan worked out in detail before we start. But we are still dealing with the politics, and after they destroyed Leadsom I don’t trust any politician.
We need to take an irrevocable step immediately.
If the EU is willing to negotiate we can start on access to the single market without the free movement of people. Are they willing to give us the same deal they gave Lichtenstein? On that one we’re asking the question so they’ll need the time to formulate an answer, and we already know that if their answer is a flat “NO” or reply is “WTO”, and the negotiating team can play noughts and crosses for the next 2 years – or we can spend 2 years negotiating an acceptable, slight variation on the Lichtenstein deal, while all the other details are sorted out.
My complaint-just logged.
Dear BBC
It was brought to my attention by a client that Fiona Bruce used the phrase “The Nasty Party” in her News At Six piece(11.07.16).
I checked and found that she had indeed said this at 7.50.
This brand is a registered domain of one of my parties, and you will understand that your use of the phrase can be seen as pejorative, if not prejudicial to imaging and digital recognition rights of the domain site leaseholder/owner.
On this occasion, it is no problem in that it had not occurred to anybody outside UK jurisdiction that a problem might arise, and accept that it was not said in malice in regard of my client.
But would imagine that the BBC does have guidelines in regard of promoting and advertising of products and licensed companies etc…so hope to hear from you, in order to clarify the position.
Hope now that the matter is closed, and that the phrase “The Nasty Party” is not used again, unless by authorised, accredited and licensed agencies…Fiona Bruce would appear to not be so entitled to impugn or belittle a hitherto-moderately successful small business that certainly does NOT need the “publicity” that Ms Bruce inadvertedly brought to unmerited attentions..both here and worldwide, given the global reach.
Do let us know how you are electing to respond to this issue, to ensure our mutual satisfaction.
Do we all agree then?..that at 5pm yesterday-on this VERY SITE-I launched the Nasty Party
Yet only one hour later-6.07.50 on the Six O Clock News…Fiona Bruce used the phrase in a pejorative manner…or else promoted a political party (and/or Party Planning concern)in breach of guidelines re advertising and promoting of brands, imagings and other promulgations.
Off to get my legal and website pals now…
Do let me know if you hear this phrase again on the BBC by anybody other than the originator, or the Brexiteers.
Believe M`Learned Friends refer to the next stage as “cease and desist”-then its an injunctive order…
Vote Nasty…both Nick Cotton and that famour Remainian tennis satr of the early 70s do!
Now then-anybody seen Raheem…Paul or Tommy?..believe there`s a spare part time job going up in Batley and High Spens at the moment…
They`re going to regret this…would have been assuaged by Robert Robertson…but f…in` Roger Bolton and Jeremy Vine?
LOL ! The BBC are so stupid they will probably take it seriously !
Most kind grant.
Commonwealth or Scottish Office for you my friend?
Guessing that the fatty Soames oafs role that brought Ebagum to power in Zim isn`t quite right.
“Peace has come to Zimbabawe” as Stevie sang…and bloody Ed Sheeran sings the selfsame line in 2016.
It`s as if history has never happened isn`t it?
chrisH – that was simply wonderful!
Can I be in charge of Fisheries please, or am I being a bit shellfish? As long, of course, as it doesn’t conflict with Labour’s Claws 4.
Yuk yuk.
Indeed the waters will be yours for 200 miles out to sea…
Was going to offer you Soubry and Hesletine as bait…but it would be them that ended up circling the sharks, I fear.
But you could easily avoid being type cast with that name if you became Minister of the Revels…i.e DCMS…the C is to be “Comedy” very soon.
But your choice sir…it`s a long shadow cabinet table with just a few of us chickens.
“But we dare to dream eh?”
A Chicken Coup has started…
The Lobster Mash….Lobster Lobster…you`ve already got songs AND a great catchphrase from the Fast Show…reckon this is our logo…red claw, blue claw, livid purple body with a yellow UKIP little cross on it.
Scottish Office will do nicely. First job, to deport all SNPers, but where to ? Maybe Germany as they welcome allcomers. But better to be further away. North Korea is one option.
When the new Prime Minister has her negotiating team and cabinet around her, then there would be no reason not to invoke Article 50. This will take a few weeks, without doubt. First as she says, she has to unite the party. That might not be too easy at the moment as many knives have to be collected and put back in their drawers for safe keeping.
Old Bloke, I don’t trust Mrs May but one good thing is she has categorically stated that there will be no second referendum or attempts to re-enter the EU by the back door. This doesn’t mean she’s telling the truth or that she’ll do a good deal with the EU, but it does make it much harder for her to wriggle out of things later. Pro-Leave factions in the Tory party will therefore be able to hold her to account more easily.
Cranmer, its not the incoming PM I don’t trust, its the media. They now have a way of twisting and turning issues to satisfy their own agenda. How long will it be, a week, a month or the first 100 days, before the finger wagging political journo’s , Laura Kuenssberg, Evan Davies, Andrew Marr et al start their bullying tactics.
It has been a very long time since there has been so much energised debate over a political issue which has so many fundamental repercussions for our people and for the future of our nation. I voted for leave BUT would have accepted the result whatever – even if totally pissed off if we stayed in.
I felt it imperative that a leading light Brexiter should lead the country to the promised land. This has not happened, but I have to accept I don’t always get what I want. Not always having it your own way is the fundamental underpin of a fully democratic society – and this is what we voted for. It is a sobering and heartening revelation that there are significant numbers of people within this society who believe in the same ideals and who rejected the partisan left of centre minority who they knew lied, distorted and exaggerated and did not speak for them (yes Beeb, you among them).
May is to be our next prime Minister and she is a political maneuverer of the highest order. However, I believe that she knows that Leadsom would have commanded a significant vote among grassroots conservatives just as she is also aware of the mood of the country for change. I hope she rises to the challenge, brings in some of the big hitter Brexiteers and does right by us all. Its what the country voted for.
I hope so too but I’m not expecting it.Mrs May is an expert at saying much but achieving nothing .A master deflector when challenged.I don’t expect her as PM to be any different. Only thing is she will be more exposed because the buck really will stop with her.
The BBC has made much of the supposed rise in hate crime since the referendum.
Conversely, they appear strangely muted about this.
“Two Attempted Assassinations On Farage During Referendum Campaign“
At least two attempted knife-smuggling incidents, tampering with his car wheel – that makes at least three attempts. The suspicious plane crash of two General Elections ago was not even mentioned. When will the MSM (including BBC) warn of a violent left-wing backlash. We always keep being warned about a right-wing one, although it never materialises despite massive provocation. But they are keep completely shtum on the violent left-wing backlash which has been going for decades but is getting worse as the police don’t seem to bother much about it now.
I imagine that the BBC has a ‘bio-hazard’ unit, probably located offshore and staffed by old white people, that allows the rest to be a work in a ‘safe space’.
Here is one of their productions starring John Gray, telling us how much better life will be ‘post-BREXIT’.
I can’t wait for the BBC to cover the discovery of a new orchid. I can see the headline now:
“Since Brexit the Devil stalks the earth”.
The Archbishop of Canterbury was right – we should have voted Remain !!!!!!
23rd of June, Independence Day,
We told the EU we’re not going to stay
Thanks for the lesson; we’ve now left the room
We’ll no longer share in your misery and doom.
We don’t need to have you as our heartless masters
We don’t need to share your economic disasters.
The People have spoken the left’s gone to shit
Our would-be dictators are having a fit.
The Remainders and Innards were dodgy and shifty
Mrs May, NOW is the time for Article 50
Controlling our destiny, the future may be unsure
But to have stayed in the EU would have made us all poor
While the others smell roses kissing Frau Merkel’s bum,
Our future is hopeful, our best’s yet to come.
The British have spoken, our wishes are clear
We managed to beat Cameron’s pet Project Fear
23rd of June, Independence Day,
Brexit means brexit, dear Mrs May.
Black lives matter, white police offers don’t, well according to …
Factually, a total of 1,466 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past 10 years, an average of one death every 60 hours or 146 per year. This is roughly reflected in the graph used by the BBC.
Other facts are, that black people, though 12% of US population, will be responsible for between 50% and 60% of all serious crimes, including murder, shootings, violent robbery, etc. Thus you might expect that group to be more in line of police fire more than other groups.
Yet, also factually, more whites are killed by police than blacks.
OK? I mention these facts as they appear to have been mislaid by Courtney Subramanian, the writer of the BBC web piece.
She mentions the number of cops killed in line of duty but immediately halves the figure by including 2016. Courtney! We are only half way through 2016! She then throws in the line: ‘However, experts say annual totals can be misleading.’ Ah so facts can be misleading, and has found a convenient ‘expert’ to lead us away from the number killed.
Only the BBC! Well, also, The Guardian, oh, and The Independent, ah yes, not forgetting the soft left, and left wing agitators, and anti-west groups and ….