What an utter insensitive b*****d that Andy Murray is….cold, heartless and calculating, doesn’t he have any feelings for those tennis players who don’t have kids…do they not also have a stake in succeeding in the tennis world as well?
“The last thing I looked at before I went on court today was a picture of my daughter,” Murray said.
“I feel like that’s what I’m playing for now, so that in a few years hopefully she can be proud of what I have achieved.”
Murray was reticent about whether he thinks his daughter, who was born on 7 February, will change his game.
He said: “I think obviously priorities change significantly.”
Anyway, another week and lots of bias, bad journalism or just plain stupidity…you judge….the floor’s yours once again.
Berlin over the week-end….. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/civil-unrest-explodes-in-berlin-over-3500-people-riot-against-police/
Scheiße, sie schrieb
Pound rallies further on May victory
Surely the BBC missed a trick here with that bullcrap biased headline.
They could have gone with:
“Gay marriage supporter saves UK economy”
“St Teresa performs miracle”
“The love of Jo Cox has spread to the FTSE”
They have now spun it as “pound rally runs out of steam” and “FTSE flat” even though the FTSE is at levels not seen this year.
How long before the BBC and Sky News start reporting normally and covering what’s going on in the EU again.?
More refugees this year ,riots in Paris ,Italian banks collapsing and people starting to withdraw cash.Not to mention Deutsche Bank going bankrupt. I don’t watch much at all nowadays but I don’t get the feeling they are the top of their news agenda and its not as we have left the EU yet .
They can’t ignore it all forever can they.
Good point. Whilst refugees and riots can just be given the same treatment by the BBC, Italy in particular is going to be a tough one for the BBC to handle as it looks like a serious unprecedented crisis is coming. Polly Toynbee has a villa there and will not want anybody talking the house prices down!
C, Polly Toynbee has to be the most obnoxious, stubborn and argumentative of the intransigent left of left wingers who is so far gone she is nigh on horizontal. Don’t mind. Strong views strong passions – eh! Very strong supporter of State education – still she sent 2 of her children to private school which whiffs a bit of hypocrisy. Now I find she owns a property in Italy – presumably not her principle residence!
Jeez surely the world has turned on it’s head!
I am genuinely surprised that anyone is unaware nowadays of the stinking hypocrisy of Pollytwaddle Tuscanybee. Genuinely!
Honestus, if you look on Youtube you may find an amusing clip of Richard Littlejohn calling out Polly Toynbee on her Tuscan villa. I don’t normally like Littlejohn but he was spot on in this case.
I think that clip triggered her ditching said spread. What happened to the money and where, who knows?
More German banks than Deutsche are in the doo-dah.
Just catching up with DP, hosted today by the skanky Jo Coburn (well she couldn’t be a Soho hostess, could she?).
Her initial guest is the rabid Leftoid vicar, Giles Fraser, one of Al Beeb’s favourite f…wits.
Having watched it all now, F…kwit Fraser is a perfect double for Shrek, no make-up or artifice.
He actually suggested that if the NEC were to refuse to accept that the Corbynutta should be on the candidate list, it would be a ‘stitch-up’!
Wtf does he think the packing of membership lists with rabid Far Left nutters to get Jezza elected was?
Isn’t it strange that religious people are asked on to political programmes and they pontificate and criticise politicians for all their worth but I never seem to see political people on religious slots giving sermons and pontificating and criticising the clergy – and there’s several of them that would do well to stick to what they do and stop interfering in politics, that’s for sure!
The only thing in Giles’ favour is he voted |Leave!
Not BBC bias but, sort of, related. I was on the phone last night to a French family friend. In 2012 he had been in our house watching the Olympics opening ceremony and the attendant (largely anti-white) set-pieces condemning the history of Britain (excepting the secular HNS religion) and commented then to the effect that it was all very impressive but “Where were the English?”
Anyway, last night he said that he had been amazed that the UK electorate voted for Brexit. However, he remarked, apropos of the May ascendancy, that the UK was more like France than he’d suspected since, as in France, it is now obvious to the British public that everything is mediated through the perceptions and wishes of the political class. It doesn’t matter what the “outsiders” want or vote for, they get what the political class decides. For instance, apparently last year’s atrocities in Paris have been largely turned by the French establishment into a “it’s nothing to do with Islam” fest and, anyway, they were largely the explicable and understandable reaction to French racism. He said, and who could disagree, that the May coronation was manifestly a political swindle (“escroquerie”) but, as far as he could perceive it was good for France. Why? Because he said that although the British were perceived as “awkward” members of the EU, in the end they always paid up and shut up.
He explained that the British civil servants – both those who work for the EU and those who “represent” the UK – are far more “communitaire” than their French equivalents. The modus operandi of France is to stitch up everything beforehand in the interests (or not against the interests) of France. By the time anything came to a public discussion the policy had been decided on, the wording of the appropriate directive or regulation was (more or less) fixed in stone and there was only room for a bit of embroidery round the edges. If push came to shove the Brits could always be relied on to take something for the team and – Bob’s your uncle – another shovel-load of shit wends its way to Westminster for gold-plating. Hence the EU and British civil servants’ fear and loathing of Mrs T. How much nicer it’s going to be dealing with Mrs M or Wetwin: they won’t rock the boat too much and can be relied on to buckle at the last (or first) moment. His last word on the subject was an expression of sympathy for UK Brexiters: “so naive” he thought!
We might be naive, but your French friend should look to ‘cultiver son propre jardin’, because the shit is likely to hit the fan sooner there.
Merde, she wrote.
Peter Grimes,
Concerning the piece in the Mail. There is another way to interpret the French Intelligence Chief’s warning. The threat of a backlash is exaggerated, but it will spark off a government and police clamp down of nationalist and so called far right groups. Expect something similar here. BBC runs a continuous campaign about far right threats, sausages thrown at mosques, demonstrations against Rotherham rapes, more about the shed with anti Polish graffiti, post Brexit hate crime, and Commander in Chief May reveals her determination to fight extremism and unite us all, so she slaps down on Islamophobics, backed by the BBC and Labour togther with the Tory Westminster collaborators.
GWF, I thought the same. That’s why branding everyone not in love with the EU as a vile, racist, nazi bigot is deliberate. It’s “We’ve had information from out intelligence service that the right-wing are about to kick-off.” Followed by arrests, both high profile like Marine Le Pen and a large chunk of her supporters – enough to deter others from saying or doing anything. Then her party will be banned as will any other anti-EU party starting up in the wake of the previous one’s demise. The end of European democracy is nigh, Article 50 must be triggered before it’s too late.
A good thing about France is that it has a far higher percentage of armed citizens than Britain, and a tradition of violent revolution. I would back the French people to assert their sovereignty over their foetid political class, much more than the British, sad to say.
I think it is a very good thing for the life of a nation if its politicians have in the back of their mind the nagging feeling that, if they go too far, one day the people might just give them the full Mussolini treatment. Here, they are just looking forward to their next non-exective directorship.
RE my Nasty Party email to the BBC.
Got a reply within 2 hours…and it was “escalated” to a David Larner.
Tried to include his reply…supercilious wanker…and replied to it…but funnily enough, it can`t be sent…
But I`ll get round it and keep you posted as soon as one of the kids or the wife gets home.
These people dance on the edges of volcanoes don`t they?…anyway the Empire will be Frapping Back soon-and if it gives the twat an embolism sometime hence, it will all have been worthwhile.
Fun to follow-could be a Henry Root series here….
Guido 1 BBC 0
Laura dished by Guido. Ha ha ha .
Like it matters.
Unlike, say, when rushing to save the 10p checking to drop political foes in the kiddy fiddler spotlight, eh, BBC? Or running the footage past Google Rubble to make sure the right City or Country is being cited for a funeral cortege.
Photos Courtesy of Guido – they taking Cameron away from No 10.
Um, can I have the name of the furniture removal firm please ? they appear to be available on 24 hour notice, which is rather different to the 10 weeks I’ve been quoted for locally. Although the blue and yellow T shirts rather look like IKEA.
To get Cameron out of Downing Street they’d turn up at 10 minutes notice and do the job for free.
This isn’t about the BBC, but the article at issue encapsulates all that is contemptible about the oligarchy and its mouthpiece, the BBC. It’s in the Business Section of today’s DT.
The article is written by Sir Andrew Large, a former deputy governor of the Bank of England, and if it’s a true reflection of his understanding of reality it’s a miracle that we even have a functioning economy. Needless to say it’s about Brexit. I’ll give you a few quotes before the hyperlink. To be fair it starts well, but then goes downhill fast.
“A democratic referendum was held and its result must be respected”
“friendships are broken between believers in collective endeavour and celebration of diversity as opposed to assertion of sovereignty and mistrust of foreigners.”
“The Remain camp lost to an informal national populist coalition, led by mainly English Right-wing nationalists ”
“They [the Leave camp] benefited, directly and indirectly, from a propaganda machine including half-truths or untruths, that achieved their ends. There was certainly hyperbole on the Remain side too.”
““Project Fear” is increasingly looking like “Project Reality”. ”
“Was the vote to leave unconditional? ……… So how could people realistically make an informed decision? ”
“Older voters voted Leave; the young voted Remain…….. It is hard for my generation not to feel a sense of shame at what we have done.”
“But the way the Right in France, the Netherlands and even Germany welcomed Brexit is ominous.”
“then Parliament must publicly consider the implications of questions such as these before invoking article 50 – the terminator clause.”
“The Brexit plan must be debated within the parliamentary process. Perhaps it should then be the subject of a general election. Perhaps – though two wrongs rarely make a right – it might demand another eventual referendum. ”
“The real issue the referendum has illustrated is surely the unfairness felt by the losers in society. ”
“Above all this debate is needed ahead of invoking article 50: ”
So, according to the former deputy governor of the Bank of England, we’re racist xenophobes, we lied in order to win, Project Fear was all true, we didn’t understand our decision, we’ve ruined the future for the yougsters, Fascists across Europe are our friends, we’re all losers, and above all invoking Article 50 must be delayed until Parliament can overturn the referendum result.
If I was trying to write a pastiche of all the stupid argument from the oligarchs I couldn’t have come close to this. Even ChrisH would struggle to better it (sorry Chris). They still don’t understand what happened on 23rd. And the clear message to me is that the sooner we invoke Article 50 the better.
Find enclosed a picture of Mrs Large…who only wanted 5 minutes peace.
Is he Eddie’s brother?
Sir Andrew appears to take rather longer to make the same point as Teresa May. When any politician, let alone an incumbent PM, takes a stand to forcefully state an apparent truth, in this case ‘Brexit means Brexit’, it might be wise to have some salt handy.
The pompous arguments of establishment scum like this man illustrate the point I made above: he does not fear the people, he despises them. It never crosses his mind that one day he might end up dancing the Spandau ballet, and until it does, he will continue to think he can shit all over the British people and get away with it.
Politics and Politicians in a nutshell.

Heath, Blair and Brown.
Monosyllabic surnames of recent PMs.
Doesn`t look at all good for May now does it?
S`pose if you pronounce Blairs name as the intended B-liar it looks marginally less bad.
Teresa May is a hard working glamour model who provides an honest product to her admiring customers. She has nothing in common with a politician who calls herself Theresa May, and I suggest an apology is in order for this grave libel.
Earlier today I questioned why the BBC had remained so quiet about death threats to Nigel Farage.
It looks even stranger when you see how quickly they report when it happens to Jeremy Corbyn.
The Corbynutta is doing everything he can to elicit the sympathy vote as well as that of his equally nutty disciples. He probably provided the anonymous, untraceable burner with which the call was made.
Really hope that the BBC will be careful re their continually seeking legal chimps to tell us that a Referendum need only be advisory.
Just heard Michael(Supersonic) Mansfield tell me so, tacked on to Corbyns legal status for his ballot bollox.
Don` t we thank The Lord that THEY didn`t get to kiddie fiddle our laws, seeing that they can`t even plan a bun run in their own offices?
But what Mansfield,Lammy and the like don`t quite understand is that for 43 years they`ve negated Royal prerogatives, scotched Parliamentary sovereignty and sneered at any national accountability, any appeals to national and natural justice.
Basically-Strasbourg and Brussels, Luxembourg were the only references cited for the ECHR etc.
So to find ponces like Mansfield suddenly discovering British case law and ancient prerogatives for the first time in 50 years is sickening, galling and the ultimate hypocrisy.
Shameless Hunts aren`t they?
But be careful ponces…fuck you nonces…because we voted NO.
One off, all done and dusted…and if you want a civil war, you`re going exactly the right way about it.
We`ve seen you poncing and flouncing your fashionably long hair Mansfield…and WE speak for Britain, not you.
Anyone who tries to fuel the fires for the BBCs ruminations will surely draw a whirlwind down on themselves-it makes my blood boil to hear this crap from the losing lying liberal left.
I think Mike Mansfield’s hair was fashionable in the 1970s. He’s never really grown up.
These leftist morons do not seem to realise that if they try to wriggle their way out of the result of the referendum, then the social contract is broken. We choose democracy because the alternative is violence. If they negate democracy, then they have chosen the inevitable outcome which must follow. They do not fear the British people, they look down their noses at us and think we are mindless scum. Far better men than Mike Mansfield have, in the course of history, discovered that they are very, very wrong in this view.
You’ll never guess what may happen…
…from the Remain PM installed by the BBC.
I am surprised that nobody has posted the critique of St Teresa in Harry Cole’s article in The Spectator yesterday. The comment that really made me laugh was ” ConservativeHome founder Tim Montgomerie writes: ‘It’s true that she doesn’t excite many people — either on TV or in personal dealings — but she’s the safest of safe pair of hands.’ Others are less kind: ‘She is boring. A technocrat. She is Philip Hammond with a fanny. ”
Tomorrow the Appeaser will make her official visit to the BBC to confirm her appointment as their Prime Minister and receive instructions on forming her Cabinet. Sometime later she might find time for short visit to HM Queen and maybe have tea with leaders of the Moslem Council for Britain. What a busy time.
That would be mint tea I guess rather than PG Tips
Rather suspect two birds with one stoning when it comes to the BBC & MCB.
How low the BBC can go in the name of journalism
Why should it be of any importance, what people put on twitter and facebook?
The BBC seem to want to know…wonder why?
Expect a new series of Top Of the Pops soon then?
Did somebody mention:
Top of the Pops?
Fay Fife
“I love my baby `cos she does good sculptures(yeah)..
The Skids, Edwyn Collins?
Scotland was grand-until bloody Deacon Blue came along.
My theory…
It seems that too many of our political elite have caught some Eurovirus whilst over there.
In Britain, we do democracy…one man one vote.
We voted by 17.4 million votes to to 16.1M to leave the EU…simple as
And when you factor in the bias shown, threats made, weirdness of London and the self-serving SNP up north-we won by FAR more than that,-and that excludes their 9 Billion pounds worth of lie sheets.
Unlike Ireland, Greece, France , Holland or Denmark-we do NOT rerun referenda until Juncker gets what he wants.
Unlike Spain, Italy, Portugal or Belgium-we don`t have out parties sifted for fitness to please the EU or otherwise…we vote for what we get…and no EU twat tells us other.
Yet with the coronation of May, the deceits over Corbyn and talking up possibilities of another Referendum to please a Lammy, Heseltine, Blair or Farron…the Eurohunts seem to think that what we decided on June 23rd is negotiable, not meant or maybe open to be overturned by their bent judges, their fairie queens in the Lords and their lobby fodder and pew stuffers in the Commons.
NO…Corbyn stays on the ballot, we get to leave the EU within three years and May will have a miserable time until she does what we Brexit types say-we didn`t vote for her or her f…in party…we shall decide on them again AFTER we`ve left. Until then-they`d better do as we say-that`s democracy-or else they`d better get ready for trouble.
And the Police Federation won`t lift a dildo or tazer to help her if we play it right.
I expect a PLP v Peoples Labour Party split-and Corbyns Peoples LP will trounce the pew fillers like Harman-Hunt, Cooper Balls and the Eagle buggers. The issue of Iraq will hang them much as they did Saddam.
Tolpuddle ought to launch it-and hope they`ll run someone against Jo Cox shroud on a stick in Batley.
Let`s get nasty with them-they`re taking the piss.
I`m sure that the PLP are pleased with that er…”clarification” re Corbyn going on the ballot.
No efforts from the worthless left to keep him off it…no sirree.
Looking forward to Eagles campaign, hope Harriet still has that bus of hers.
Maybe armour plating will be found in a fetching fuchsia for THAT bus…as opposed to the ones which got our soldiers killed in Iraq then.
They`ll need it-and it`s plain to see why the NEC let Corbyn go through.
Lots of windows in that Westminster tower they were meeting in…and i`m sure a Momentum poppet could lob a fire extinguisher up and into the eighth floor with no problems.
The defenestration of Labour and all things left continue..say no to the hated window tax will ya?
Yes, Eagles campaign should be fun…your friendly, kindly gentler co-operative Labour team will surely be a calling.
Can Eagle fly?…may need to be able to.
And wonder if that Ed Stone has a clear bit on the other side, to chisel her epitaph onto as she nears Bleanau Gwent or Sunderland?
Just asking.
Indeed. The Labour Party is a gift that keeps on giving. Will the hilarity ever end? They try to deselect Corbyn in absentia, but he reappears to be elected again! And again, and again…
Tune in next week! Same Channel, same Party!
The rotten SOBs on the NEC have changed the rules – £25.00 , you’re having a laugh.
£3.00 to destroy the Liebore party was money well spent!
25 quid is still money well spent to watch labour crash and burn
£3.00 was good for a laugh. £25.00 is a night down the pub – I’d rather send it to St Nigel and his “bunch of lunatics and fruitcakes”. (c. The Moron.)
Quite right, there are more than enough certifiable leftist fanatics to save Jez, let’s send any spare cash to the good guys.
If, by some strange mischance and/or counting fiddle, Angela Eagle wins, then Labour will be led by the most boring lesbian in history, who will be literally hated by a huge percentage of her party. Whatever happens, the fun won’t stop!
Angela will get the trans lobby though-as well as all the choirboys.
Lots of gender confusion these days…and Angela is placed to coin in on that.
She`s got one kid anyway.
They want Corbyn gone By they I mean the same bunch who have put May in power. Corbyn is an old fashioned Trot but wary of the EU and that will never do. Especially as the Euro is in deep trouble and the banks are needing more of the printed stuff again just to stay in existence.
Corbyn should stay on the ballot . It is absurd to remove him and counterproductive.
We are moving into a situation where the old left and some of us on the right have many things in common. A common enemy for one that is looting the working and middle classes via globalisation and threatening the peace of the world. Just the thing to give the neo liberals and neocons nightmares long overdue after the horrors they have bought into the world.
Maybe our vote was that spark that was really needed and what we are seeing now is the counter attack of the elites. Could get very nasty and very dangerous.
Things will become clearer if May delays the activation clause past September for then we will know that she is there to keep us in at all costs.
Remember the governing class of this country hates losing and has a track record of viciousness and deception that should make us all wary.
I was coming to a similar conclusion Dave regarding the similarities of the old left and the right.
Both extremes would never countenance membership of any organisation which restricts democracy such as the EU. I have always had a sneaking regard for Corbyn (despite what I consider his naivety on many social and so called humanitarian issues)
However he is certainly better at seeing the big picture than many of his members with regards to democracy.
Whilst I believe we need a strong opposition. If the Labour party makes itself ineluctable due to extreme policies then so be it. UKIP providing it ditches chancers like Carswell could well take up the slack. And certainly make itself more relevant to the worries of many working class people.
If a political party is not the sum of its members I dont know what it is.
These are not institutions to be preserved at all costs they are parties. Parties come and go.
The same could be said with the Tories. Those supporting Remain have “smoked themselves out” as individuals more concerned with their immediate jobs and encouraging globalisation and unfettered population movements, despite the loss of any national sovereignty and culture.
To them “England” is an abstract concept more like an EU franchise rather than a country with its own values, culture and traditions. Thats why Remain never “got it”
I suspect this is why the BBC has been allowed to chip away at our nation for so long. Loyalty to a country is just so “old fashioned” . If you create chaos you then have an excuse to “sort it out”. But I suspect any remedy to political upheaval may not be very favourable to democracy. Theresa has already presided over new “hate” laws. Yet we all know where the main “hate” originates from.
So you are right Dave. After the EU referendum and the Tory ditching of major brexit supporters the cat is now out the bag with regards to the media manipulation and duplicitous politicians but as they say cornered animals fight hardest.
Maybe we should follow Chukka Ummna s example and set up a “Theresa Watch ” organisation. Could be time well spent.
The bBC is currently on full Anti-Israel mode regaling us all to how Israel lost a war against tiny Hezb-allah 10 years ago, and how Israel is evil for demanding that NGOs list where they get their funding from :
Hezbollah: Five ways group has changed since 2006 Israel war
Wow what a white-wash of an article which fails to mention how Hezb-allah held Lebanon to ransom (By the threat of force) in which to gain a seat in Parliament. How it assassinated a former prime minster, how after Syria was kicked out of the country in 2005 (cedar revolution) the people demanded Hezb-allah disband which is why they started a war with Israel a few months later. How Iran used Hezb-allah to quell the peaceful Arab spring protests in 2011-12. Why the bBC goes well out of tis way in which to portray Hezb-allah as a victim;
“In 2016, Lebanese banks began to comply with a US law targeting Hezbollah’s finances, closing down hundreds of Hezbollah-linked accounts. Reports suggest it has struggled to pay compensation to families of fighters killed or injured in Syria.”
Ah bless. Not only that but the bBC lies in which to express it love of swallowing Shia man-fat:
“Hezbollah maintained its use of media as a political tool. In July 2006, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah asked viewers of its TV channel Al-Manar to watch as a burning Israeli warship sunk off the shores of Beirut.”
Really bbC, want to name the ship you claim was…sunk?” Because of 5 minutes ago they haven’t sunk anything other than the old halal sausage up a bbC arsehole. Lying bbC twats
But hang on this is the bBC , they love everything about Islamic terrorists (A little like our 4 eyed detractor ) So they just had to knock out another Hezb-allah article:
Ten years on, is Hezb-allah prepared for another war with Israel?
Can they really inflict, for the first time in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, more harm on Israel than Israel can on them?
What is it with the anti-Semitic bBC and its hatred of Israel.?
Finally the bBC currently leads with this article:
EU criticises Israel law forcing NGOs to reveal foreign funding
The EU has criticised a controversial new Israeli law targeting non-governmental organisations that receive most of their funding from abroad. Such groups must now declare they rely on foreign money in communications with officials, in the media and online….They include B’Tselem, which monitors human rights violations in the Occupied Territories, and Zochrot, which advocates for the return of Palestinian refugees and their descendants.
B’Tselem bBC? This B’Tselem
Israeli TV broadcast extraordinary claims by a far-left Israeli activist: that he had delivered to the Palestinian Authority the names of Arabs who wished to sell land to Jews and that he anticipated they would be tortured and killed. What happened next poses profound questions for a much broader segment of the Left. On 7 January 2016, Israeli news show Uvda broadcast an exposé concerning an apparent conspiracy by representatives of B’Tselem, an Israeli human rights watchdog, and Ta’ayush, a far-left activist group, to report to the Palestinian Authority (PA) an Arab who planned to sell land in the West Bank to Jews – despite claiming, on hidden camera, that he would face torture and execution. The raw footage was supplied by Ad Kan (‘No More’), a shadowy new outfit which infiltrated left-wing NGOs to expose alleged wrongdoing. The exposé shows Ezra Nawi of Ta’ayush being contacted by ‘Musa’, a Palestinian who wishes to sell land to Israelis. Nawi and B’Tselem activist Nasser Nawaja conspire to lure ‘Musa’ into the custody of Palestinian forces. For his part, Nawaja later claimed that ‘Musa’ had been trying to fraudulently hawk land belonging to the Nawaja family. But Nawi appeared to boast, on hidden camera, that this was not his first rendition: ‘I hand over their photos and phone numbers to the Palestinian security forces … [The PA] catches and kills them,’ he says. ’Before it kills them, it beats them a lot, tortures them,’ he adds with a smile.
The bBC, how it lies in which to defend intolerance towards the Jew and the biggest factor in the Uk for the rise of Anti-Semitism amongst non-Muslims.
There are things I don’t like about Israel, but it is in the front line in the war between civilization and barbarism – and that trumps every other consideration. The BBC has chosen to support the barbarians and must take the consequences.
BBC Online News:
“”BBC will not close its TV News Channel””
and…. “”In 2015 the BBC paid £8.9m to a group of nine top earners. A year later, the number earning over £500,000 has dropped to seven unnamed employees, and their total pay is £2.3m lower at £6.6m”” (Why unnamed? I’m a stake holder, I want to know. It’s my contribution paid without choice. There would be more clarity with a Limited Company and required so by law).
“”The number of senior managers has also fallen by 45 to 361 and the total spent on senior managers’ pay is now £47m”” (The BBC has 361 managers who earn £47m. What do they do? No mention, of course).
“”The BBC said after Dame Janet’s review was published it had missed opportunities to stop “monstrous” abuse by DJ Jimmy Savile and broadcaster Stuart Hall because of a “culture of fear”” (Has the culture of fear changed? Appears not).
So, we have a financially bloated, politically biased empire stuffed with public money that still has a ‘culture of fear’.
Accountability, anyone?? State within a State??
Anyone watch “Trainspotting Live ” on BBC 4 , not bad as everyone was ” Hideously White” . Had been expecting , some Rapper to be “Shoehorned in” or Lenny Henry to be driving an Intercity 125. But unless Scott tips them off , we may of got away with that one , “Hideously White” programme ,this year.
Going by the ‘glottal-stop’ adverts I wouldn’t have been surprised if it had been presented by ‘New Zealanders’, (think sports)!
Did you enjoy it? I thought it was the biggest pile of puerile, pretentious and patronising crap I’ve had the misfortune to watch for a long time. I’ve always been interested in trains, but that load of rubbish has seriously undermined my interest. The presenters were naff (though Dick Strawbridge is, at best, tolerable), and the whole thing had an air of Spring/Autumn/Idiot Watch about it. Peter Snow, especially, came across as what he really is – a dithering, elderly old fool. The over-made up tart with the silly fingernails merely tried to do a Carol Vorderman impression, and clearly knew bugger all about railways, and the other, grinning hipster-bearded apparent Metrosexual was a turn off, too.
The Sun says it`s a load of old YouTube clips masquerading as live telly.
BBC has form on all this film fiddling…
A bit more on BBC accountability, and the disconnect between what is claimed and appears to actually happen:
One could of course complain, but that may follow a familiar path too…
I think its called off sheet Banking. Its when you want to show that you are reducing your overheads to show how well you are at ‘cutting costs’ only to find on another ledger to appease the cost concerned politicians. Meanwhile no cost cutting at ‘BBC enterprises Limited (generating a few million of profit from TV shows), many ex BBC and BBC managers can be moved onto (so called) BBC enterprise. All in all there is NO COST SAVING, as the entire BBC enterprise is entirely supported by the TV license fees anyway. It not free from direct BBC control; as its a ‘spin off’ of something the BBC effectively sponsors.
As an example of how the BBC uses our money to fund private projects you can look at the raft of BBC magazines (always in partnership with another company) which gets to split the profits, the main in charge is always a BBC executive (of course not on the ‘official BBC payroll’). And then the BBC has a sweet 50/50 deal with Freeview’s (UKTV) with another private (US) TV company to recycle old BBC shows and again the BBC benefits through off sheet banking, as they pay no royalties (they own the footage). One direct privilege is the ability to finance ‘home grown’ films such as ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ from the TV series. This is usually done via a ‘private’ shell company with the Director (who usually works for the BBC).
So in fairness, they have diversified into commercial TV by raking off Old shows, re-branding the BBC Shop as ‘BBC Store’ and considering adverts during BBC iPlayer and even BBC web news (display Ads) as well as UKTV (which is paid for solely by TV advertisin using a US TV company to get around the BBC Charter restrictions). But however clever they are with the accounts the bald fact is that all of this empire is paid for solely by the compulsory BBC TV license which rakes in more (public) money than any other broadcaster on the planet.
The BBC is ‘expanding’ and not contracting. That has always been the main plank of complaint from TV and Radio commerce, the The BBC does not play on a level playing field and often is caught ‘copying’ other broadcasters when it has run out of ideas.
Re Roland earlier today on this thread.
Don`t pretend to know too much aboutthis-just want out.
That said, I trust John Redwood-very underused for some reason.
Like Lawson, Lilley and Tebbit…I trust that class of the late 80s/early 90s.
Major seemed to kill his party.
For years now the bBC has remained somewhat reticent about Chinas plans to absorb the entire South China sea into the Imperial empire, today after the Haque give its findings about the very aggressive posturing in the region, the bBC continues to appease the Chinese dragon:
South China Sea: China defiant as tribunal backs Philippines
“On the one hand, the Chinese government has re-stated that it has territorial sovereignty and maritime rights in the area and that the activities of its people there date back to over 2,000 years ago. However, it then goes on to talk about “consultation with the states directly concerned” and proposes “joint development in relevant maritime areas”. Airlines and shipping companies will be pleased to hear that China has also restated that it respects “freedom of navigation and over flight enjoyed by all states under international law in the South China Sea” and that it stands ready to ensure “unimpeded access to international shipping lanes”. All this seems to point towards Beijing possibly seeking some sort of negotiated settlement rather than ramping up the pressure on the Philippines following Manila’s comprehensive victory in The Hague.”
What a load of gobbledygook and lets be honest here, how confusing is this bBC map:

When only yesterday it looked like this:
Can you imagine the bBC giving the US/Uk or even Israel such an easy time over a case of Empire expansion ,bollocks, the bbC still berates the Uk for its Empire. Yet when it comes to less savoury empires:
Well they can only be seen in a much better light.
In a Nutshell China can only claim out to 200 miles out to sea, unless it shares an area with another country. Funny how the CS at the bBC cann’t mention that simple fact. I mean is the sea off the coasts of Brunei,Malaysia or the Philippines 200 miles away from China.
The bBC, the defenders of the inexcusable.
Only the Buggering British Children could come out with this article:
How controversial is it to kiss your child on the lips?
Duplicate of a post 2 hours up this page : see Loobyloo at 7:40 pm How low the BBC can go i..
Oh God, the article kicks off with the bloody Beckhams AGAIN ! When are we going to get respite from that sodding family ? they Instagram their every move; and proclaiming their birthday wishes to a 4 year old who can barely read is taking exhibitionism to the nth degree. Buy the girl a card written in big handwriting and teach her to read you posing pair. Good article in the Mail about elder child Brooklyn (him with the shifty eyes), has his own agent and a top photographic job lined up, not bad for a 17 year old.
And let’s not forget the free plug for Victoria “Fashion Designer”.
:: The Sun today
The paper claims the BBC screened “live” train footage that was on YouTube five months ago.
Good old Steff on bbc breakfast this morning. She is a big girl and I mean big (no Benny Hill connotations intended, honest) However her piece on food importers planning to put up food prices by 20% was not very big of her at all. By my calculation the pound is currently down by 10% against the dollar comparing average pre-referendum levels and a similar amount against the Euro. So why would importers think that a 20% increase was appropriate?
Project fear is alive and kicking on the bbc.
Why aren’t the BBC prosecuted under that “Sales of Goods and Services Act”? If I sold a product that wasn’t what I had told the purchaser, I’d be in court pretty damned sharpish and fined. Maybe it is time to start doing this, making a claim, as it is a way of getting the BBC to trade correctly.
Unique exemptions apply. Apparently.
Jeremy Hunt said on Sky
‘we’ve got our Angela Merkel’
Oh ffs……what an admission
We are bolloxed
That does suggest a certain failure to grasp reality on any level.
All we need now is Hilary in the White House, and that’s the opening scene of ‘Macbeth’ fully cast.
Time for someone to write “Ye Nexte Blaste of ye Trumpette against ye Monstrous Regymente of Women” … or “Opportunity Knox” as it may come to be known.
the other interpretation of course is this….
Merkels action in inviting millions of “people in motion” to Germany last summer led to the re establishment of several European national borders, consternation and protest within Germany, and widespread realisation of the malignant nature of uncontrolled mass migration what with the events in Cologne and the exposure of the cover up of the mass sex offenders collective identity.
Merkel did more damage to the EU last year then anyone seems prepared to recognise. was she naive, or reverting to communist type?
“Brexit means Brexit”, as May will be reminded… day after day, week after week, month after month. until Brexit or her career ends in failure like all the others who have tried to sell the UK to the EU.
It IS Jeremy Hunt though.
Ah bless him.
Desperate stuff from the Labour Party this morning. As a female Blairite MP on College Green tells the BBC “We are in a leadership-type situation” whilst the Shadow Chancellor refuses to appear on camera with her – “….because, the Tories…”
Do you remember Father Ted’s advice to the drunken Father Jack prior to the Bishop’s visit? “Any question you are asked, just say ‘that would be an ecumenical matter'” That’ll be the unifying Labour mantra from both sides from now on – ‘because the Tories…’ Desperate stuff.
Just watch the BBC realign a little to the St Theresa camp. Labour has shot it’s bolt and even if the EU’s a write off there’s still TV Licences and management slaries to defend.
How about that Corbyn…? Don’t recall Tom Hanks in Forest Gump II but Corbyn ain’t for turning. The Lefty that broke the left liberal establishment – joint statue with Farage outside Partliament?
Worlds most boring voice?
Angela Eagle…or father Fitxgerald 1.49 into the clip
Note the guest appearance of Mark Mardell in fill am dram mode behind him.( 2 mins)
Not that you`d ever find Angela Eagleburger in a lingerie section mind…
I think one of the most depressing interviews I have heard in a long time was Sir John Armitt President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
He was bemoaning the fact that Brexit MIGHT have a negative effect on civil engineering projects in the UK. One of his gripes was the lack of certainty, but the other was on the free movement of people, and after all where are they going to find all the qualified civil engineers.
He was asked why they couldn’t train British people to do those jobs – Oh well he replied in a very matter of fact way, the industry hasn’t been training anyone for the past 20 years !
With an eye on maximising profits they have simply relied on other countries paying that training bill for them, sacrificing the future of young people on the altar of the bottom line.
How sad for the young of this country who have a possible future snatched from them.
Lazy Davey did the same – failed nay even reduced the number of training places for doctors & nurses because he could rely on importing trained staff from other countries.
It is high time that laws are enacted which force employers both public and private to train sufficient numbers for the future so they don’t have to import middle grade skilled people.
They don’t train our school leavers any more. They send them all to ‘Uni’ where they waste four years of their lives studying useless subjects which ‘awards’ them with mickey mouse degrees gaining them menial jobs which they could have got on leaving school in the first place.
Taffman, there’s some encouraging signs that the ‘uni’ bubble is popping. I know of one ‘uni’ for example that relies heavily on funding from Chinese undergraduates who do a year or two then go back to China. In order to get their English up to scratch, they have to take an English module – which is taught to them by eastern Europeans! Back in the real world, there are growing numbers of apprenticeship schemes which enable school leavers to learn a trade on the job instead of getting indebted for a mickey-mouse degree.
The Institution of Engineering Technology has similar concerns – Risks To Engineering.
They are also worried that all the academics on their boards won’t get paid UK money via the EU anymore.
My experience of engineering in the UK suggests that most employers haven’t got a clue what engineers do or are capable of and wouldn’t recognise them even if they all came with three-foot high ‘Brunel’ stove-pipe hats on!
The BBC has played no small part in the spread of this ignorance.
I think the education debate is a bit wider than engineering versus politics. In both cases the yoonies are providing crap courses. I wish people entering political studies could be given more of the classical stuff, of Plato and Aristotle which if taught correctly will force the little buggers to think. Instead they get crap about cultural relativism, slavery, wimmin;’s oppression, and the harm that was caused by the British Empire. So little knowledge of western culture is carried into yooni. I recall some final year undergraduates who could not tell me what an apostle was. In Europe for goodness sake.
I had an an insight into what is lacking in our science/technology degrees. I was at a graduate recruitment event and talked to an executive of a front line computer company. I offered to introduce him to some computer studies graduates. He said ‘No thanks. I prefer theology students’. ‘Why?’ I asked him, and he said that their three years in computer studies culminated in producing a piece of work which will be out dated within weeks and they have been taught to believe it is the final word on the subject, for that is how thy are taught. We can teach them the technology ourselves, he added, but I want people who can actually think.
And we should note that thinking is not about asking questions in a critical manner as once was thought; we need a generation who will take the trouble to listen to the answers, which runs the risk of hurting their feelings.
I remember meeting an accountant who gained his degree in Egyptology (!)
Some sets of accounts make hieroglyphics look simple.
That’s pretty good, I knew a green (rookie) English teacher graduate in English who have never even heard of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice !
I went to the South Hertfordshire Institute of Technology. Never wore the sweat shirt though …….
Now there`s aname of old
Was it Eurotunnel or Crosslink-anyway a byword for infrastructural uselessness, was old Sir John.
Think Sue Slipman was the first pointless grandee who got to ride all State run gravy boats and trains.
Since then we`ve has Suzi Leather, Shami of course, bloody Sir Howard Davis and similar quango queens.
If the countrys fucked-this shower of shite who nobody wants, but every State orifice appoints-would be largely to blame.
I mean…Baroness Warnock…FFS, what were we thinking…Charleys Aunt when John Prescott is unavailable for brains.
I think that this is disgraceful ……………………
Where has all our military family housing gone ?
Maybe swap with those moaning about nice red doors on their newly spruced up abodes?
The pressure cooker is ready to rupture, so PM Maybe needs to act quick.
Was at a town council meeting the other day, watching from the hall as it was rammed, when usually about two old biddies turn up.
First up there was much muttering and waffling about how they had been told to house the refugee families first, no arguments, or else.
Then it came on to the regular visits bestowed upon the area by the traveling community. More muttering and waffling, with the plod rep going full ‘nothing can be done’.
What happened next was a hoot. A local colourful gentleman, resident and business owner of this parish, decided to grab the public slot to speak. And it started as follows… ‘We are fed up with the gippos and pikeys…’
Uproar. Order called. Order lost. Motions tabled. Tables overturned as the entire Lib Dem end had a fit of the vapours.
The ancient crone wearing the chain of chair pulling, or chair of chain pulling attempted to say he could not say it and it be struck from the record… too late.
The people were there to speak, and speak they did.
Result… money earmarked for some noble endeavour is now prioritised to rendering all public parking areas barrier access.
The days of the process over result brigades are waning. Democracy, eh, what is it like?
I think that this nation is sleepwalking into a totalitarian state, we will have ‘thought crime’ next. Watching and listening to the ‘losers’ on our ‘independence day’ following the referendum, voting the wrong way will be considered a ‘hate crime’ in the future.
There will be a cultural defence for misogyny, including rape, available for the invaders. Hate crime will be applied to those who complain about invader rapes getting off scott free.
Totally agree. There is no need for aggressors or terrorists to take action against the democratic and liberal West really – all they need to do is sit tight and wait for us to disappear up our own PC backsides. Generation Snowflake (whingers), anti-democracy movement, hate crime (thought police – soon it will be frowned upon to ‘criticise’ for fear of offence), petitions and abuse on social media, somebody’s life matters more than someone else’s, anti-police/law and order, minority rights, gender rights, blah blah blah.
Jeremy Vine show currently discussing the death of Mark Duggan, clearly to link in with the shocking events in the US, and perpetuate the whole theme. Had to switch it off.
Mid Staffs and the story of Julie Bailey would be one I`d prefer.
Or the ignoring of the death of Jay Zito whilst national ululations were expended on the useless Cox Pippin up in Birstall.
No chance of THOSE getting made into films, any more than a decent film on Savile…I mean Hugh Dennis does an excellent Jimmy impression…so it`s not as if they couldn`t find the lead…and all the support cast will doubtless all have personal knowledge of the BBC Champeen in his heyday.
Come on BBC-why so reticent?
Do you mean Mark Thuggan or Mark Duggangster?
This is not a joke. I have heard that a Hollyood film is going to be made over the Rotherham child rapes. The hero will be the Moslem Prosecutor and the real villains will be the EDL. Can’t say more at the moment . Watch this space
Soubrys disgraceful comments on Leadsom were a hate crime as far as I was concerned.
And if Boris goes to Nottinghamshire, he ought to record what Amber Rudd said about him in the EU debates.
Again-hate crime to screw them over.
What will happen if Eddie or Grayson don’t get a wolf whistle down the W1A corridors, lord alone knows.
Does this mean that BBC will be banned in Nottinghamshire for promoting hate, if it screens all the vitals, from Enders Lame to Sherlock Sociopath?
Does this mean if Nigel channels his inner Les Dawson out in the Forest, Tell Mama can regain their grant money in perpetuity as such offences exceed 100%?
The weak and controlled lamestream media, charities and sites like Hope And Hate/Tell Mama UK are only interested in finding one type of racism and ignore racist incidents carried out by ethnic minorities and Islamists. One can tune into Channel 4, BBC and read the Guardian (for a laugh) and be bombarded by incessant howls of the ‘racist bigot’ labelling of white British people. However, we never hear about racism by minorities; could this point to the fact that some of this is ideological? An attempt by the far-left to silence us?
Large swathes of the population have been brainwashed by cultural Marxists in the media and education systems into thinking that minorities cannot be racist, only the majority – e.g. the English; it’s classic, textbook Marxism. This dangerous type of ideological theory that undermines a country’s identity and traditional heritage is from the Frankfurt School of Marxism and pervades university campuses up and down the land; it is the driving force behind the mass-brainwashing of our youth, today, and is the foundation for all communist/socialist action.
However, one way to perhaps avoid left-wing cultural Marxist indoctrination which is at its most dangerous within universities, is to 1) Not study at university or 2) if you have to attend, choose a course that steers well away from useless soft subjects like sociology, which is a bastion for lefties who are infiltrating more and more subjects; they’re not good enough to make it into hard subjects like maths, physics and engineering so they cluster within soft subjects like pop music, history of art and contemporary drama. Choosing mathematics or hard subjects should ensure that lefties (who aren’t very bright in the traditional sense) are nowhere to be seen; although they have been trying to infiltrate more and more into medical and psychological studies with their sociological drivel 3) Avoid hanging out with anyone who is posh, loud, has messy hair, has a hipster beard, hob nail boots and wears a SWP badge on his jumper.
Finally, it seems the usually ardently anti-racism Tell Mama are unusually keen to give this MP a second chance:
I wonder if this were the other way round, i.e. a UKIP politician, would they be supporting a second chance?
Back in the mists of time, when I was a history teacher, I always found it difficult to explain why the French collapsed so quickly in 1940. Having seen how our society has been undermined over the past 19 years I can now make a comparison with France between 1920 and 1940, and their lack of spirit is perfectly comprehensible.
Defeat is evident when you have a generation of men in Germany who do nothing when their daughters are raped in Cologne; of a generation of men who accept the rapes of Swedish women, and a generation of Englishmen, proud northerners and midlanders , who are now signing petitions to stop people protesting about the rapes inflicted on their children.
No further comment GWF is needed from me-only following some bloke who was buggered for Islam in Germany a few months back.
My immediate reaction to the above article, is that she could not have been that traumatised by her experience if she was willing to lie about her attackers, for fear of them being victimised. It simply doesn’t make sense. She’s misguided in her protection because by getting away with it they will continue their savagery on other women. In all honesty I could slap her for being so stupid. How much damage did she need to have upon her person before she named her attackers.
The BBC have finally decided to abandon all the negativity and become more patriotic. In a bid to increase diversity and ratings they have hired this lady to read the news. Just substitute Koreans for “Brits” (more diversity).
At least the Koreans can step in time to the drum of their media, and the Dear Leader.
You seem the Bristol Socialist Workers or the Houslow RMT march?…Easington Brass Band at Durham last week?
Uncle Joe taught them nothing-apart from how to read the Morning Star whilst propped up an a pack of fish chips and extra ketchup as it festers in the basket of their disability scooters!
Half Southern rails sickness is disability scooters going off the tramrails we`re planning for them here!
Driving Tests, Insurance and running on chip oil only…NOW!
If it saves one ex Pit Yakka from getting bumped off the pavement in Consett High Street…that it will all have been worthwhile
Strickley Cum Dancing for this lot of lefty hobbledehoys…”shtep in time”(Van Dykes Dick)
Snowflakes , Luvvies, and the “elites” would be drooling over the electoral system in North Korea. The ballots have one candidate and, in case you spoil it by trying to vote the wrong way, they have some lovely retraining centres for all the family. Forever if they happen to be born in there.
Alan, a brilliant header to this ‘Start the Week’ Thread.
Well done!
Saw this elsewhete and its intended primarily at US readers but much of it applies here…….long post so apologies
The ten delusional demands of political correctness
Demand #1) It is demanded that you agree Caitlyn Jenner is a woman, even though Caitlyn (Bruce) was born a man, has the biology of a man and has the DNA of a man. The only way anyone can say Caitlyn Jenner is a woman is if they are pressured to abandon common sense and surrender to the mass delusions of a society gone mad. “Yes, that barn is BLUE, by golly!”
For the record, let me state this as clearly as possible: Caitlyn Jenner is not a woman. He’s a dude pretending to be a woman. The fact that Bruce Jenner won a “Woman of the Year” award is the height of stupidity and mass insanity in a culture gone off the deep end. (What, they couldn’t find an ACTUAL woman deserving of the award? Seriously? There are no women in America who are a better than Bruce Jenner impersonating a woman? Gimmie a break…)
Demand #2) It is demanded that you support the illusion that gun laws will halt criminals from using guns to commit violence. The entire delusion hinges on the obviously false idea that people who routinely break the law will somehow magically abide by the law when you want them to. The existence of “gun free zone” signs further demonstrates the delusional thinking of those who ridiculously convince themselves that laws somehow restrict the actions of people who do not follow the law. (Liberalism is the art of being able to hold two wholly contradictory ideas in your head at the same time and somehow believe them both to be true…)
Demand #3) It is demanded that you agree the economy is in fantastic shape and that unemployment is barely six percent, even though you and everyone you know has trouble finding a job or keeping a decent job these days. While your own standard of living keeps eroding year after year, you are told that “everything is awesome!” by a delusional regime of money masters who are systematically stealing your income and wealth by printing their own money by the trillions.
Part of the P.C. employment delusion also demands that you reject the obvious truth that Obamacare’s employer mandates have caused a wave of job destruction across America as employers shed full-time employees to avoid the crushing costs of a mandatory “sick care” system that’s broken and fraudulent (and therefore unaffordable). Flatly stated, to be 100% politically correct on the issues of money and finance, you must believe that money materializes out of a parallel dimension and that real wealth can be created from nothing. (This is a key economic principle of “progressive economics” which always leads to Venezuela-style economic collapse, FYI.)
Demand #4) It is demanded that you operate under the illusion that only “progressives” have compassion for women and children while, at the same time, supporting the partial birth abortion organ harvesting of living children at abortion centers across the country. This act of harvesting organs from babies, of course, requires killing the babies in the process. You are demanded to affirm that no such thing ever takes place and to believe that all babies are “dead” until the moment they are fully born at which point they are suddenly “alive.” Such a belief defies biological reality, logic and reason, yet it is a key platform of progressivism and P.C. delusion.
Seriously: Progressives believe that when just the head portion of a baby emerges from the birth canal, that baby isn’t yet “alive” and therefore the head can be “harvested” for “scientific research” without violating any ethics or morals whatsoever. It is notable that when ISIS terrorists cut off the heads of people, it’s called “terror.” When abortionists cut off the heads of living babies, it’s called “scientific research.” This practice is wholly supported, funded and even encouraged by progressives who somehow tell themselves that the murder of fully developed, living babies is a “women’s health” right. Huh?
Demand #5) It is demanded that you affirm Black Lives Matter is a “peaceful” movement even though a huge number of its activists routinely engage in mass violence, hate-filled rhetoric targeting whites and police officers, large-scale societal disruptions and now even give rise to murder against innocent people (such as Dallas police officers). If the exact same actions were being carried out by a group of white people, that group would have been labeled a “terrorist organization” or “hate group” by the entire media long ago.
Ridiculously, when the group is centered around black people, however, acts of arson, violence and mayhem are down-translated into “civil rights” or even “First Amendment rights.” Hmmm… doesn’t anybody recognize the bigotry that’s inherently rooted in a separatist “black” movement which espouses hate speech and violence against white people based solely on their skin color? BLM’s entire platform fits the classic definition of racism and bigotry. They are the KKK of modern, racist America that targets and vilifies whites as a deliberate strategy to assert power. BLM is, by its very definition, inherently racist and bigoted, focusing on separating the races instead of bringing people together under the umbrella of multicultural unity. (Proof of this is the fact that anyone who dares say “ALL lives matter” is immediately branded a racist bigot. Huh?)
Right now a WhiteHouse.gov petition is circulating to name BLM as a terrorist organization. The petition states:
Terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and intimidation in pursuit of political aims”. This definition is the same definition used to declare ISIS and other groups, as terrorist organizations. Black Lives Matter has earned this title due to its actions in Ferguson, Baltimore, and even at a Bernie Sanders rally, as well as all over the United States and Canada. It is time for the pentagon to be consistent in its actions – and just as they rightfully declared ISIS a terror group, they must declare Black Lives Matter a terror group – on the grounds of principle, integrity, morality, and safety.
Click here to sign the petition (which the White House will promptly ignore, of course, because Obama is the terrorist sympathizer-in-chief.
Demand #6) It is demanded that you agree police are never justified in shooting any black person at all, even if that black person was in the act of committing a violent crime or waving guns at police. Any time a police officer wins a fight with a black person, you must call it “police brutality.” The only non-racist police officers are those who allow themselves to be shot by black criminals, thereby proving there were never racist in the first place.
It’s kind of like the old witch hunt test, where you throw a suspected witch in the river and see if she floats. Since everybody believed that only witches could float, if the person floated, you burn them to death as a witch. If they sink to their death, then that proves they were innocent. Today, the war on police is nothing more than a racist witch hunt translated into the mentally ill language of “social justice.”
The politically incorrect truth that needs to be stated is that black people are arrested more often by cops for the simple reason that black people are committing more violent crimes, explain black police officers in their own words. Check out the Facebook post of African-American police officer Jay Stalien:
Black Lives do not matter to most black people. Only the lives that make the national news matter to them. Only the lives that are taken at the hands of cops or white people, matter. The other thousands of lives lost, the other black souls that I along with every cop, have seen taken at the hands of other blacks, do not matter. Their deaths are unnoticed, accepted as the “norm”, and swept underneath the rug by the very people who claim and post “black lives matter”.
Complaint: Police always targeting us, they always messing with the black man.
Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. It’s called Demographics.
Demand #7) It is demanded that you embrace all illegal immigration as “compassionate” while strongly opposing national border security. You must welcome all illegals and grant them legal immunity in your sanctuary cities, even as illegals commit mass murder, rapes, robberies and lootings. You must dismiss the truth that illegal, uninsured drivers cause hundreds of accidents every single day across California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, injuring honest citizens and destroying their vehicles in the process.
Demand #8) It is demanded that you reject all voter I.D. laws as “racist” on the absurd basis that making sure people can only vote once in each election is somehow inherently bigoted or unfair — even when it is technically a bedrock of democracy. While nearly every other country in the world requires voter identification at voting centers, you must agree with the P.C. puppet masters that such fundamental rules for democratic fairness are somehow “rooted in racism” and bigotry. (Let’s face it: Preventing voter I.D. laws is actually all about making sure as many illegal aliens can vote as possible…)
Demand #9) It is demanded that you disregard the fact that Islamic terrorists who carry out mass murder on U.S. soil deliberately praise Allah (while the White House tries to censor the 911 phone calls to make sure you never hear those words). You must consider such acts to be “domestic terrorism,” not acts of terror inspired by a radicalized religion that preaches hatred for gays and women.
Somehow, to fit into the P.C. culture in America today, you have to simultaneously worship gay people as well as the Islamic terrorists who murder gay people. How does that compute, exactly?
Demand #10) It is demanded that you believe all of society’s problems would be solved if only government were bigger and individual liberties were replaced with government mandates. The P.C. nanny state requires you to believe, for example, that parents should not have any real parental rights. All children are owned by the State, we’re told, and the State may decide to compel those children to be injected with mercury (flu shots) or killed with chemotherapy (cancer treatments) against the parents’ will.
If you listen to the P.C. progressives, all their “solutions” sooner or later rest on their belief that people have too much freedom in America, and that taking away those freedoms is the best way to make society better. Right now, government is about one-third of the U.S. economy. This is apparently too small for the P.C. progressives who ultimately want 100% of the economy to be run by a centralized, incompetent, corrupt government. (The name for that, by the way, is Communism.) Free markets are based. Individual liberty is bad. Self-defense is bad. And of supreme importance is the idea that anyone who opposes totalitarian control by the government is obviously an anti-government whacko who needs to be silenced or marginalized
That reads like the running order of the Today programme on a typical day.
Today running orders on Facebook are pretty hilarious already, especially as folk respond in the comments and they can’t do a thing about it.
Noted Mishal Husain ask Earl Grayling about Mays heap of driftwood( Cabinet my arse!) to come onshore later on the tide of irrelevance.
“Will it be a 50/50 split re gender” she says!
Hate Crime…bloody Muslims have NO sensitivities do they-even what they`ve been steeped in liberal shite at the BBC?
NO-Mishal Husain…it is NOT 50/50 men and wimmin, you transfobie!
Have you only been READING out your shit…or have you actually UNDERSTOOD what you urge of the rest of us?
No-unless its at least 33% trans*-this is NOT a balanced and inclusive cabinet.
(Angela Eagle, Yvette Cooper and Barbara Roache are not-self identifying as trans as yet…and are Red Tory Scum anyway!)
Husain is an transfoambie…transphoney, trans-parental furbie…oh, you know what `I`m sayin`…
Hate Crime!…Trigger alert, Safe Space violations, no pratform…etc, yada squared.
She`d better apologise tomorrow-guess who`ll be putting in a complaint to David Larner again later on!
He replied to me within an hour and is something big at the BBC Gripewater pond…seems to know his stuff eh?
(Difference between SHIT and SHITE seems to be deal breaker, so will throw him some diarrhoea later on)
Oh-maybe someone would care to tell Mishal that DISABLED people aren`t in Mays Cabinet either-Blunkett failing to get any transfer fee…did YOU see a disability ramp as the May Fly walked into the door yesterday?
ANOTHER grievance when I`ve no life, no purpose but recording my takings of offence…ideal for Tolpuddle!
Footnote to the above
*(with trannies, pervs, cisco kids, devos, devo maxes, deviants etc included after negotiations with Laurie-Penney-Taylor, Paris Lees, Petre Burns, Eid Izzie and Rebecca Root-Beer to allocate grievance rights and Tramp Stamp Cards…Top Trump is unavailable nowadays)
Mishal ‘not enough dead wood’ Husain on splits the BBC likes?
Something occurred to me today. An entire generation of the left were able to say ‘It was because of Thatcher’ as an unquestionable reason for all that was wrong in their lives and in the country as a whole.
The memory of Thatcher, however, is passing away, and to Generation Snowflake her name probably means little more than that of the Kaiser or Bonaparte; a half-remembered folk villain.
I suspect that from now on, ‘It was because of Brexit’ will be used in its place.
Think you are right, Cranmer. Hopefully the ‘It was because of Brexit’ line will always be handcuffed to the ‘Generation Snowflake’ tag.
Who created that? They should have TM’d it; they could and would be making a fortune.
Agreed about the ‘Generation Snowflake’ tag, it’s a perfect fit for some of them. Lest we forget though there are still plenty of decent young people out there, they just don’t go shouting their mouth off and crying at every given opportunity so tend to go unnoticed. As for the graduate generation snowflake remainers they bring to mind the wonderful lines written by Sir Peter Medawar,
“Just as compulsory primary education created a market catered for by cheap dailies and weeklies, so the spread of secondary and latterly tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well-developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.”
Although taken out of context it fits what I see in the remain camp, and also in the workplace from time to time.
Oldspeaker, Up2Snuff,
Generation Snowflake, a term coined by Clare Fox
‘Claire Fox, head of a think tank called the Institute of Ideas, has penned a coruscating critique of “Generation Snowflake”, the name given to a growing group of youngsters who “believe it’s their right to be protected from anything they might find unpalatable”.’
One of my favourite examples is the claim that trees are racist and people of colour do not enjoy parks and nature reserves because black slaves were hung from them and the presence of trees triggers off Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome flashbacks. (I will not comment on jungles in Africa)
Link to this nonsense here.
But if we chop down all the racist trees what will the Greens say?
Good point. The ‘snowflakes’ are by no means representative. They’ve just taken over the means of communication, in the same way that their forebears, the flower power generation, did in the 1960s; or rather, the money men have chosen to promote them because they are the easiest group to manipulate and sell to.
I can see a whole new range of slogonised T shirts
How about Brexit! “Dont blame me – I could not be arsed to get out of bed !
Cranmer, you are so right. As predicted I caught a bit of an article on Sky (before I turned over in disgust) which mentioned several building works in London and elsewhere had already been shelved or put on hold because of Brexit. Unbelievably the first one had work stopped on it 10 years ago about the time of Brown’s financial crash. Now they stay it is still on hold because of Brexit. It was done with a straight face, believe me.
The BBC’s print arm has run a hilarious screed by Monbiot claiming that “billionaires bought Brexit”
He is getting absolutely flayed in the comments, with one calling the article “the definition of cognitive dissonance.”
Don’t knock it Rick! To which billionaire should I send my invoice for voting Brexit?
Branson, you b****** .
George certainly getting an education in democracy, and maths.
That picture of him… all I can see now is a version by Rod Liddle.
It used to be that it woz the Sun wot wun it, so the Dirty Digger was to blame, but that particular horse bolted long ago.
Ofcom report that Al Beeb furnished 4 out of the top 5 news providers in 2015, the other being ITV.
This Sunday’s Show may be interesting..
Yet wasn`t that the jug eared adulterer the other morning fussing over Chilcotts critique of the Blair Creatures doings?
And yet he is captured saying THIS?
Just words to camera eh Marr Baker?
Utterly shameless lefty BBC hack reader of all those convenient truths that his limp organ of an employer highlights for him to read.
“No hope of bribe could hope to twist
Thank God the British journalist
But when you see what he will do
Unbribed, you`ll have no reason to”….
Someone clever wrote something like this…very good.
OT, but raised a smile…
A frisson of a shudder in gated communities near BBC faves Chez Cooper, Geldof, etc?
Interesting article this one GW.
One refugee is told that England is best for refugees…but seeing we`re leaving the EU, I think he`ll mean Scotland…don`t you?
Another refugee says Germany is best for him…
They cant` BOTH be right can they?
We need a YouGove Pole to confirm that Germany will be best for them-long term freedom to wander around Europe as well as not needing to change their Euros in the process of getting here.
Scotland soon to join maybe too?
So-best to write in 25 languages for them…we`re LEAVING the EU…so they`d best stay where its civilised, tolerant, Sharia compliant and everybody loves you, maybe wants to know your names-all ten of them-The European Union.
We`ll choose our own from the New World and the Old Commonwealth if you don`t mind Abdul.
Still-we could always do them a “Sightseeing Guide” to celebrity houses owned by those who welcome refugees.
Bus timetables, number of guest rooms and gold records to melt for your fillings.
Geldof, Cooper Balls, Sturgeon, Davis and Toynbee …Stings house not too far from here, neither is Billy Bragg, so happy to help compile the Syrians Young Mens Guide to Boulevardier Culture.
Can’t recall if I saw it, shared it or both, but if the latter apols for any repeat…
Like so many public sector entities it is amazing what they have money for, but what gets cut.
And as always the lovely anonymous BBC spokesperson ready to invoke the cloak of vital uniqueness.
They just cannot get over losing. Brexit won despite the billionaires and millionaires and public money being overwhemingly for remain. Thats because the ordinary voters could not be bought .They just don’t get it.
So Corbyn won by only 18 to 14 in his NEC battle to cling to the ballot paper.
Bit close innit?
What about a second vote until we get him off again?
It`s what I want…so there.
More democratic than the Tory party leadership vote stitch up. Should not have Gove moved back onto the list after moving up to second place after Andrea Leadsom pulled out?
With Labour, the solution could be to introduce a women only shortlist for leadership elections, so as to “women only shortlistificate” Corbyn.
But the evidence is that the Pro-EU establishment in both parties do not like democracy because its populist. But want more referendums if they lose to the popular vote, more leadership elections if they lose to the popular vote, and more general elections if they lose to the popular vote.
Frenchwoman ‘faced job discrimination over headscarf’
In some ways I sympathise. Has the BBC ever mentioned that in some Muslim countries, Iran and Saudi Arabia come to mind, women who fail to be properly scarfed can be harassed, arrested and worse?
At least she`s still able to keep her head in France…and long enough to ensure that some Saudi or Iranian cleric doesn`t lop it off her fat neck after Friday prayers for “using the kuffar courts”
Wonder what the BBC and the ECJ think of Turkey and other Muslim states/countries that don`t allow for head coverings in certain posts..
How is it discrimination, she broke the law?
India and China now seek trade deals with UK.
Well, well… Maybe we can survive after all? No sign of this on BBC or Sky.
From the Daily Telegraph on-line news:
“The BBC is at the centre of a fresh row after five-month-old footage was accidentally claimed to be live.
The mistake happened in Monday’s edition of Trainspotting Live, a new BBC programme that hopes to shed light on the British pastime by broadcasting in real time the passing of trains.
“We’ve just seen one going past,” presenter Peter Snow said. “Now there we are, Class 66.”
But eagle-eyed viewers noticed the same footage had been posted on YouTube in February, The Sun reported.
A spokesman for the BBC admitted the show had made a mistake in the “excitement of a live broadcast”.”
The Sun headlined this “The Great Train Fibbery”.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it were only trainspotting footage that the BBC faked up.
Is the BBC going loco?
I’ll get me coat … …
Don’t forget your Socks.
I don’t think they are going loco, but you are on the right lines if you get my points…….. Perhaps they are getting ideas above their station.
Someone’s definitely going to get a rocket!
Dodgy former BBC ‘Station Master’ … … George Bentwhistle.
Which do you find the more utterly pathetic and odious, folks, the Guardian or Independent? I would say the Independent just about wins. They really are puerile and hopeless.