The BBC likes to use a Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times’, to describe the effects of the allegedly lamentable Brexit vote…personally I’d prefer another Chinese proverb….‘Out of chaos comes opportunity’.
So far not much chaos other than in the Labour Party (if it still exists)…looks like the Brexiteers are getting some prime, influential, jobs….and what to make of May and Hammond? Both sceptics who, reluctantly?, plumped for Remain….are they now going to be more ‘onside’ with the Brexit camp? Fallon is very pro-Europe but sidelined a bit out of the mainstream politics going to Defence whilst David Davis is the Brexit champion and Liam Fox international trade minister, Boris Foreign Minister….all three jobs closely tied to Brexit negotiations. There is of course pro-Remain Amber Rudd as Home Secretary…so involved in police, security and immigration. All in all seems fairly balanced so far.
The BBC’s main concern for Cameron is his ‘legacy’, how he will be remembered?…naturally he will be remembered for his ‘disastrous’ decision to grant the plebs a vote on the EU. [The wrong decision taken for the wrong reasons, a colossal misjudgement, the BBC told us yesterday, comparing Brexit to the disasters of Iraq and Suez] Peter Allen told us all his good work [LOL…can’t remember the BBC reporting much of that] has been ‘washed away’ by the vote which has destroyed his reputation as those ignorant plebs have wasted the opportunity…as Peter Allen said…‘and look what they did with that chance’…..laughing and sneering.
He also told us that the Leave voters didn’t vote for something only against…but that’s Allen’s, and the BBC’s, own negative narrative that wants to say there is no plan and Leave voters have no idea of what they want…what does Brexit mean? the BBC keeps asking, aiming to create confusion and chaos and ‘lose’ Brexit in a dizzying whirl of ifs and buts and whatabouterys….hoping to re-invent the meaning of ‘Brexit’ along the lines Remain wants.
Trouble is the vote was for something…controlling immigration and exiting the political, social, economic and judicial dominance of the EU, just as Norway has kept out of so much of that [ plus no free movement of course]….they want a free market with friendly relations and cooperation on things of mutual interest…such as travel, health and security.
Does there need to be a plan? Not a detailed plan as the BBC and Remain insist… can there be a plan when it is so dependent on negotiations with the EU? Any plan is just so much fodder for the media to generate as much news headlines about ‘crisis’ and failure as possible. Any plan would be forensically gone over by the BBC and presented as a hopeless failure with endless problems and would be an utter waste of time as no ‘plan’ survives contact with the enemy…or reality. The only plan needed is a general idea of what you want, such as trade deals and controlling immigration…it is only when the negotiations begin that any details can begin to crystallize along the lines of the possible when you hear what the other side really thinks and wants itself, and is prepared to give way on when not posturing, trash-talking, in the run-up to the ‘fight’ over negotiations.
The BBC has taken the Remain narrative all the way here, the Brexit vote was an unnecessary disaster that nobody really wanted, that there needs to be a detailed plan [that they can trash] and the SNP is justified in claiming it has the democratic mandate to stay in the EU when the reality is this was not a national or party political vote but a vote across Britain and it is irrelevant how any single part of Britain voted.
The BBC tells us that Britain is divided as never before….so in a general election when millions voted for several different parties Britain was somehow more united than in a vote in which 75% of the electorate voted and was split just two ways? How is that ‘more divided’ than ever? Brexit didn’t give us Devolution…that was IRA terrorism, Scottish National Socialist anti-English bigotry and the Labour party. Yet again, a very selective narrative, of a divided Britain is one used to attack Brexit.
We were also told that the Tories were in turmoil….and yet this was just the usual leadership election…one carried out within three weeks at a time of intense pressure and political disruption. May is in office and is setting about creating a new government at warp speed…hardly the mark of a Party in turmoil. Again just a BBC narrative that suits its own agenda.
With that brief introduction to the midweek open thread I give ground…the floor’s all yours…….
“Uninvited sexual advances and unwanted verbal contact with a woman, including catcalling or wolf-whistling in the street, are to be recorded as a hate crime in a new effort to tackle sexist abuse.”
Pleased to see our trusty PC Plod getting their priorities right – ignore all those rapes and sexual assaults by immigrants and men of Pakistani origin and go for the real criminals, the sinister bloke who dares to whistle or pay a compliment.
Indeed and as for any display of a “brickies-cleavage” then it’s throw away the key.
To the professionally offended anyway.
Mind you, to quote from “The Dangerously Truthful Diary of a Sicilian Housewife” (trigger warning for sensitive Latino types out there) ,
“I have a mild dispute going on with my husband. He wants to get a sun-roof constructed over the open-air roof terrace, so we can have barbecues up there without getting slow-roasted in the sun before our food does, and developing skin cancer before lunch is over.
I don’t.
My reason is simple: it would mean letting Sicilian builders into the house, which would simply be too traumatic. And life threatening”
A worthy legal endeavour then after all, surely?
Apologies for the “off-topic” contribution….It seemed apposite at the time.
Dispatches Channel 4 just did a whole programme on hate crime against foriegners (really about Muslims being called names). I wonder how long the programme will be on Muslim hate crimes where they mow down 100’s with atruck or gang raper schoolchildren etc?
A little namecalling and they go into full victim mode as if it’s the worst thing ever
“May is in office and is setting about creating a new government at warp speed”.
I know I have said this before and apologies.
In my humble and ill-informed view……..
Those running the show will have access to highly confidential and even more sensitive social information, “polls” if you will, that will be telling them very alarming things indeed as to direction that societal pressures are taking the nation (very different from any polls being pushed by Ashton’s hub note).
The EU, far from being a moderator of such stresses will be an exacerbating force. The new prime minister will not have been party to this data until recent days and regardless of her private views the pragmatist in her will demand she acts to at least give a damned good show of the UK leaving the EU. Caution will be required however that she doesn’t renege on the implied promise in the referendum.
That will be all
The political metropolitan elites, to which May undoubtedly belongs couldn’t give a tinkers cuss over what the great unwashed think.
The solution remains as it always has since Blair – more oppressive laws to keep dissent in check. It works, for a while anyway. I do not expect May to relax any of the oppression, and yet again she’s another politico who when dangling upside down from a lamp post would be incapable of understanding what went wrong.
Dave S Apologies here but you have it wrong! It is not the EU visiting hardship on the ‘PIGS’ but Germany and Angela Merkel.
The history of the Euro is a short but extremely unhappy one. Helmut Kohl was so determined for his unworkable dream of monetary union to encompass as many as possible that he relaxed the terms of joining for the PIGS and from then on the end result was inevitable.
The people of this country did not vote for a Cameron government, they voted against the awful prospect of a Milliband lead Labour one – the metropolitans don’t seem to understand that.
Corbyn is unlikely to be removed as he commands so much support from the hard left. More likely, and only yesterday senior Labour grandees were expressing the view that Labour is finished and needs to split. How can a party have two other parties (Momentum & Progress) diametrically opposed on most issues, and keep unity?
As for the imposition of Ms May, you need to look at a couple of foreigners for that that. Murdoch, and the Barclay Brothers who lowered the campaign to the level of the gutter.
boohanna: “Those running the show will have access to highly confidential and even more sensitive social information, “polls” if you will, that will be telling them very alarming things indeed as to direction that societal pressures are taking the nation”
thoughtful: “The political metropolitan elites, to which May undoubtedly belongs couldn’t give a tinkers cuss over what the great unwashed think”
I would suggest that they do ‘give a tinkers cuss over what the great unwashed’ DO. We have 1.65 million unemployed in the UK and while hundreds more workers continue to walk through the door every day into the UK, the only pressure on that unemployment figure is upward.
There is an old saying: “The Devil finds work for idle hands to do.”
The Labour Party have completely forgotten about the unemployed since 1997. Prior to that, they talked about them a lot but then robbed them blind while pretending to help. Oh, and talking about them a lot and accusing Conservatives in and outside Parliament of being mean and grasping and doing the poor as well as the unemployed down at every turn.
Remember the Oldham Riots in 2001? During a period of sustained economic growth and prosperity? Some, no doubt especially in the Labour Party, would have you believe they were about race. I think, based on the radio testimony of locals, that they were really about work and jobs and prosperity.
I would have thought that most of us assume that the EU is Germany and vice versa. That it is simply German hegemony by other means.
Mrs May was imposed as I believe because it is an imperative of Germany and it’s satellites that we remain in the Eu and docile.
You could well be right. The situation in Europe is deteriorating fast and particularly so in Greece,Italy and Spain/Portugal.
The hardship visited upon the peoples of those lands is a direct result of the EU preferring to bow to the banksters/hedgefunds etc in rescuing those institutions from ruin by creating free money for them.
In doing so this same cabal of Eu and our own politicians have started to impoversh the middle class as well as the working class in order to allow the 1% to amass more wealth without risk. This 1% contains the overpaid executives/civil servants etc running the ponzi scheme. That it also contains the top BBC people goes without saying.
France and Germany face serious civil unrest as we are all well aware and the old east is not prepared to see their societies ruined by Merkel madness.
All in all the EU is on the verge of chaos
I have no doubt May is plan B for the neo liberal feudalists. But care is needed so we are going to be lulled in to thinking that we will get to leave the EU. This is unlikely if not impossible. If we go the collapse is accelerated.
Corbyn is to be removed as he is not reliable in the event of this imposition of a social system that is reminscent of feudalism without the need for keeping the serfs in decent heath and conditions.
As is usual in these situations I expect our leaders to create an external threat – Russia looks to be prime target – to justify the measures that May and her like minded EU leaders will wish or need to take. There is a very recent speech by Putin (sorry no link go and find it ) on this subject.
The behaviour of our elite since we had the temerity to vote to leave the EU has been characterised by first panic and then the imposition of Mrs May in order to ensure a compliant government. How and when we are going to be betrayed is still not clear but betrayed we will be and there will be nothing we can do about it except to learn that our ruling class is as vicious and unprincipled as it always has been. In that learning I hope will be the seeds of real change that will have to wait for another day and different men and women.
Thank you Dave S,
With respect to your final paragraph, although I largely agree with the thrust of your tone particularly with respect to betrayal there is, I feel, a deeper “nuance” to affairs..
We should hardly be surprised at any back-stabbing, this is what such creatures do and we should always factor this eventuality into our cogitations.
My personal view is at least we are able, in theory, able to vote them out.
Such was impossible with drinky-Juncker.
I hope you can see the important difference anyhow.
Sorry for the second able in that comment…..
The proof-reader has been summarily fired.
Without severance lunch, such is my wrath.
I’m as suspicious as you, but a bit more optimistic about getting out of the EU.
We haven’t had a violent revolution here since the 17th Century because the ruling class have always given way at the last moment. They have to be convinved that it is the last moment and they surrender as little as possible, but they do give enough to pacify the protestors while maintaining enough of their own power to reinvent themselves in the new structure. The classic example is the widening of the franchise in small steps through the 19th Century.
In the situation we are in now there are enormous social pressures caused by British immigration policy since 1997. That is both immigration from outside Europe and that facilitated by the EU’s freedom of movement rules. The critical problem is how to integrate millions of muslim immigrants, many of whom don’t want to become part of British society, but no one has worked out the answer to that. The ruling class can buy time by switching the attention to European immigration even though that is the lesser problem. However, to make the switch work they will have to keep us focused on the problem of EU membership and the exit negotiations. They will give us what we want in restoring national sovereignty by getting us out of the EU – provided we don’t go back to sleep after winning the referendum.
If we can keep up the pressure they will get us out of the EU, but it will probably take how ever many years they need to reinvent the domestic structures they need to retain real power. Their calculation is that if they can focus popular anger against the EU we will relax once Britain is out and they’ve declared victory. That will probably work, if in the meantime they’ve worked out how to integrate the muslim population.
On the other hand, if they can’t work out how to integrate the millions of immigrants who have rejected our culture we will be in a completely new situation and all historical parallels fall away. Society wll be fractured and some cities will be facing a dystopian future. But that is some years away, and by then we’ll be out of the EU.
Where the BBC will choose to sit in all this is anyone’s guess. The government will want to retain the BBC’s expertise in propaganda and the BBC will want to retain the licence fee, but whether their mutual interests will guarantee co-operation is doubtful given the BBC’s inbuilt bias against the Conservatives.
“On the other hand, if they can’t work out how to integrate the millions of immigrants who have rejected our culture”
We could always let loose the dogs of war.
There is, I am afraid, no answer to this problem. islam does not integrate, if it did, it would not be islam. It will bide its time in its hate filled ghettoes until muslims are 20-30% of the population, and then they will move to take control. At that point, if the dhimmis are sufficiently demoralized and subservient after decades of PC indoctrination, we will become an islamic state. If not, well, you have seen what happened in Iraq and Syria.
One day the words “Blair” and “Cameron” will be the worst terms of abuse in the English language, if such a thing still exists.
I would unequivocally agree with respect to Blair. However, despite granting the referendum for the wrong reasons I still have my jury out on that verdict with Cameron.
He might end up being something of the “accidental hero” to future historians, “pulled the nation back from the brink” and some such similar.
Time will tell of course.
You are too kind to Cameron. Don’t give him the benefit of the doubt. He talked tough about immigration, knowing it to be an absolute lie. He offered a referendum to take votes from Ukip, fully expecting to be in another coalition with the LibDems, and thus not have to deliver on it. He was a chancer from the start, a well connected PR man who got a job with the Conservatives after a mysterious phone call from Buckingham Palace. He never had a serious political thought in his life, and we are well rid of him.
Disclaimer: None of the above should be read as any sort of endorsement for Theresa the Appeaser. If she really believes any of the lukewarm quasi-Milibandian rubbish she came out with yesterday, she will be an absolute nightmare.
When I first saw the title “For public purity”, it sounded a little too “National Socialist’ for me..So I flicked around the Internet a bit, and found these thick Nazis in the link below crowing about their “ban dogs for Islam” set up….All they do is give leftist outlets easy ammunition to take the moral high ground….Idiots!!!!
I have phoned the MEN because there is no sign on it on their webshite. The paper once a decent source of regional news has become nothing more than a Fascist Leftist lie sheet since it was bought out BY MGN (Mirror Group).
Journalistic standards are non existent, as is their grasp of Grammar and English. Most stories appear to be gathered by trawling social media rather than the more traditional methods.
Even the MEN staff were unable to find the story which ran on Saturday, at the same time as a story about a man who said Boo to a Muslim !
The latter one was given huge prominence as a headline, the former has disappeared and could be only found via a Google search. The MEN are unable to explain why this is the case, especially when the other story is easily accessible.
But perhaps of the greatest interests is the number of Fascists claiming that the “Public Purity” is a scam, and name calling anyone who dares disagree with them, while swallowing whole heartedly the story of the insulted Muslim, and again name calling anyone who dared to question it.
That is until a Muslim came on the forum and suggested that it was indeed false as she lived nearby and had never heard anything even close to an insult – nor her friends either.
The diametrically opposed views Illustrate that the Fascist left are indeed the ‘racists’ as be its very definition treatment of a party in a different manner is discrimination. The fact that this concept which was created by the Fascists in the first place & that now they cannot even see, shows just how far they have gone along the path of Fascism.
I think that your analysis is incorrect and dare I say it optimistic . Over the past 40 years or so the UK has undergone a profound change in outlook. In response to Lady Thatcher’s push back against the ratchet of socialism that had been consuming the UK since 1945, the left regrouped, accelerated and widened the scope of the long march through the institutions. This has resulted in the formation of a new liberal elite who are internationalist in outlook , and who control the media ,education , local government, police, health, civil service etc etc and which has forced the centre of gravity of British politics well to the left. Now we have a generation of people under 40/50 who have been brainwashed into thinking that defending our country’s history , values and culture is racist and who believe in in moral equivalence etc. This view is widely held across Europe where the nation state is seen as the cause of problems rather than the stable building block of society. The very young end of this group may have been too lazy to vote in the referendum but they will be eventually stirred into action by social media peer group pressure and the relentless propagandising of the likes of the BBC. Had they voted we would have Remained and they will vote in the future.
The referendum outcome was largely the result of the older generation protesting and fighting for their country, or what is left of it. The passage of time will rid the liberal elite of the obstacle of us older folks and leave the field open for the utopian vision of an internationalist world. Most young Tories , let alone Labour , Lib Dems and ironically the SNP ( how can a nationalist party be internationalist?) , are internationalist in outlook and forsee the end of the nation state over the course of this century.
Unfortunately this internationalist outlook is not shared by followers of Islam who stick rigidly to their medieval ideology and seek to impose it everywhere they go. The very beliefs of the European internationalists blinds them to the dangers that Islam poses to them and to their beliefs and therefore they foolishly welcome millions of Muslims into their continent. Before they wake up and realise the danger it will be far too late. Dealing with Islam is far, far more important than leaving the EU ever was but we are very unlikely to ever address this existentialist threat.
Dave, I agree: Islam cannot and will not accept a western way of life. It works for them only if all the rest of us work around the Muslim or we acquiesce entirely to their way of life, Sharia, war, death and terror and all. There is a worthy study which suggests that with the uncontrolled breeding of Muslims in the UK, the UK will be predominantly Islamic by 2060. The Islamic ‘Terra-forming’ of Europe is well underway.
Back to the BBC. Did anyone watch the series of three programmes on BBC2 which concerned unlawful immigration from the Middle East to Europe and the UK? I watched intermittently but at the end (yesterday evening) I concluded that the BBC had indeed, strayed over the line into the Criminal Participatory offences area. We Plebs know these as, ‘aiding and abetting’. The BBC followed one individual who obtained a false passport and all that followed from that, including the passport being rejected in Paris. The CPS tell me that S.45 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 is likely to cover the BBC’s inaction to report a known crime and that would apply to other elements of the programme. Just thought I’d mention this.
Yes I watched all three in the Exodus series. The Syrian Ahmed finally got to the UK and was asylum registered in Wakefield. Later we see him in Epsom, Surrey living with a seemingly well-off family who had taken him in. The next time we see him is greeting his wife and child at Gatwick Airport. So, in less than a year he has freewheeled it through several European countries where he could have been equally safe, including Germany and Denmark, but NO it had to be England. How come then, that his wife and child arrive by plane ? and only a few months later – (I thought it would take years of legal work and documentation for family to be granted a visa to get here) . Times this by God knows how many that have smuggled themselves here and who claim asylum, followed by their families, and we’ll be overflowing on these numbers alone !
Sorry, granted that fleeing war and pestilence is unimaginable while we sit in the comfort of our homes, BUT no I was fresh out of sympathy because of their insistence on reaching this country. They may be desperate, but not desperate enough to stay and make a life in mainland Europe or Saudi Arabia. Give it another generation, and the children of this lot arriving here will be standing for Parliament – that’s when we’re truly finished as a country, when we’re governed by alien peoples who have no history here.
The BBC are the problem not the solution. And will always be so until firmly tied up. I am glad the original “Secretary for Culture” got the sack, he was weak and useless. We can only hope the new one will be better.
Dave S,
I’m not convinced that May is set on betrayal. Why would she appoint a leading Brexiter, Boris Johnson, as Foreign Secretary and create a new cabinet position for Brexiter David Davis as Brexit Minister, and both at a speed that makes greased lightning look slow?
Seems to me these are decisive moves to inspire confidence in her intention to expedite the freeing of Britain from the tentacles of the monstrous EU, even though she is a Remainian.
I agree. May almost certainly aligned with remain for political expediency. The noises she has made in the past always chimed with leave ideology and this is almost certainly where her heart is. The appointments she has made and the swiftness of those appointments support this. So much so that the appointment of Boris as Foreign Secretary has sent the Beeb into meltdown with the words ‘clown’ and ‘buffoon’ being included with many comments.
The negativity of the Blob seems to be infectious and the passionate and valid posters on this site who are clearly committed to Nationhood were wavering prior to the referendum vote.
Well, we bloody well won!
Let’s take credit that our arguments were proven to be sound and many of our fellow citizens agreed and took themselves to the polling stations and made their mark where it counted.
You can analyse the shit out of the whole shebang but we have taken the first big step toward a free and democratic society. There is still much to do in reversing the blob liberalistic ideology which so distorts our values and which the Beeb are the high priest exponents of. But….. at long last, we have started to move in the right direction.
But there is a problem, it would seem that Davis is a loser when it comes to the EU. Apparently he was at one time involved and should therefore know precisely how it works and yet it appears from his recent comments that he has not got a clue. Unfortunately, neither has big bad Boris. Have they been put in as scapegoats to foul up the exit negotiations? Still, it is good to see the demise of the DECC, just several years too late.
Why am I hearing BBC prannies on the 10 o’clock news repeatedly referring to Camerons decision to hold the EU referendum as “a decision that went wrong”…..even “terribly wrong”.
No you clowns… went right…..the majority, in a democracy makes the right decision.
Bias, bias, bias, bias.
Oh and while we’re at it… was a UK vote…..secessionists attempting to wreck the UK need to wobble their heads.
Embolden, I would be willing to accept that Koonsberg meant it in the sense that it went terribly wrong for Cameron’s career – if it wasn’t for the general tone of the report which suggested otherwise. The Beeboid in Brussels was also supine, making out that Britain ought to be grovelling to the EU for scraps from the table instead of just telling them what we want and when we want it.
I see it as part of the relentless negativity being generated by the BBC against Brexit.
It has not stopped since the referendum result and I expect to see it intensify.
Camerons career ending decision was to so clearly stake his job on the remain side of the argument.
Mark Easton had a piece on last nights news that appeared to set out the biased BBCs position….
The “trade off between access to the single market and free movement” i.e. open door immigration for citizens of EU member states, and fudge around “what Brexit actually means” the line is that no one really knows……here’s a clue folks…the opposite of remain a member of the EU is not be a member of the EU.
Supported by a “BBC poll” that set pessimistic parameters around “the expectations of the public”.
A master class in biased reporting that supports as little change in “our relationship” with the EU as possible. Pro EU propaganda is what it was.
Yes it went right for us , but very wrong for him and the BBC.
Should the Eastern Europeans have strived for freedom and left the Warsaw Pact ?
After all they had stability for forty years and a pretty certain future . They lived in harmony with their neighbours and were a force to be reckoned with both military and diplomatically around the globe .
Now BBC , replace Eastern Europeans with The British and Warsaw Pact with the EU .
Will other EU nationals leave Britain when we exit the EU ?
Well BBC and liberal/left ask what they are here for ; the money . Keep paying them and they’ll stay , stop paying them and they’ll go .
As simple as that .
Nibor, any shedding of jobs as threatened must surely result in EU migrants hi-tailing it home if unemployed, Right?
Not four weeks ago Home Secretary Rudd was screeching at Foreign Secretary Johnson while Prime Minister May was keeping her head down. As they say, a week’s a long time in politics.
And a week is a long time in BBC world. Yes, they are pushing the “Britain divided” spiel, yet I sense the pace of events is overwhelming them, forcing a realignment of thinking. As has recently been said on this blog, the BBC are realising that Labour are a busted flush. Theresa May’s New Compassionate Conservatives (NCC) allows the BBC to slide towards a Conservative PM who can be portrayed as a social justice warrior whose priorities are synchronous with their own.
Jane Hill on BBC News today was visibly excited after May’s speech outside Number 10 and said it could have been made by the PM of another party. You wish Jane. Labour is finished and the NCC have occupied their territory.
The appointment of Boris as Foreign Sec went down like a brick with the BBC, and was repeatedly described in negative terms. I think it’s a brilliant move by May. Throw in former Europe Minister Davis and Liam Fox and we’ve probably got a good start in negotiating Brexit. I still don’t entirely trust Boris, though I have more belief in David Davis. And thank God that Osborne has gone.
Watch for an attempted synchronicity between the BBC and Theresa May’s New Compassionate Conservative Social Justice Warriors. These days anything is possible.
Koonsberg tonight looked even more p*ssed off than usual, asking how could May claim to be representing everyone in the country with these right wingers allowed in the cabinet…but I agree, there’s been a tone change at the Beeb. Shock and disbelief seem to have changed to a distasteful acceptance that the mess will have to be cleared up somehow. May’s social-justice stuff was embarrassing and robotic, like a speech by Blair, but at least it might make the BBC like her.
Boris went down like a brick with someone else as well.
Comedy gold!
The Eagle shot down in flames.
In the first few minutes of Newsnight Evan Davis said ‘Boris Johnson’ and immediately chuckled (sneered). Biased, or what?
There’s a special tone I’ve noticed with Beebers when naming names. If it’s someone they don’t approve of – Trump, Farage, Johnson etc – there’s a slight smile/half chuckle and a knowing look to camera. If it’s someone they approve of – eg Obama, there’s a slight pause, intake of breath, glassy smile and then the name said in a very bright, firm way.
A geeky thing to do is to count the number of times the BBC interviewer uses christian names ( or whatever the non christians use as a first name) or surnames when interviewing or referring to politicians. My estimate is that Labour and Lib Dems get about 10 times as many use of christian names as do Tories.
I propose that he gets the boot. I am sick of his sneering, aggressive manner, talking over brexiteers whilst allowing gobby remainers to drone on. Meanwhile roving reporter in Birmingham starts the vicious anti-Tory campaign by allowing a good slagging off of May before she’s sat down on the no10 sofa (not democratically elected, doesn’t represent us, etc). Meanwhile bbc news at ten is writing government policy. I feel safe now.
I suspect that Evan Davis and the rest of ’em will only be happy when, as Yasmin Alibaba Brown said just recently, that she hopes to live long enough to see a non-white PM in Downing Street. Well, if that ever happens, then racial tension will be on a scale never before seen in this country.
How can you say that BRISSLES?
Oh say can you see the benefits to US race relations that have flowed from 8 years of the Obama presidency.
Brissles you may well be right but I think that within 20 years this will be very likely to happen. After all the number of non white folks in the UK is increasing very quickly , much more quickly than white folks, so the parties will be keen to have a coloured face representing them just for the votes. In fact I’m sure that the BBC will soon be campaigning for positive discrimination for MPs.
I’m not sure…we are a very tolerant and progressive society. I don’t care who the candidate is, as long as they get there on their own merit and truly have Britain’s best interests at heart ie not trying to get Sharia in by the back door (fibbing slightly there as I think I’d feel it was ridiculous if we had a cross-dressing PM). Reminds me of feeling very proud of Britain the other day – a gay married couple presenting a morning show on TV. Have to admit I feel slightly weird about it, but how many countries would allow that? US?
Yes the British are tolerant – far more so than many other countries. What we don’t like is being told that we must be tolerant, nor do we like it when people are promoted above their abilities simply by virtue of their sex, race or class. We also don’t like it when certain groups (we all know which one) are allowed a get-out clause from the tolerance the rest of us are supposed to practice. We particularly don’t like it when we see that those who refuse to conform to ‘tolerance’ are abused and given death threats.
Totally agree Cranmer. I would add though, who says we are tolerant ? who said we embrace multiculturalism ? As a country we have more ‘manners’ than more (or at least we used to – except when we are abroad), hence we queue in orderly fashion; also we are not naturally a ‘challenging’ nation so is this mistaken for ‘tolerance’ ? We are told what we are via the media, and we’ve been brainwashed into believing it, which suits those who want to change the landscape of our country by stealth. Of course on camera when interviewed ‘the man in the street’ wont say what they really feel, but get them in the privacy of their own home, and I bet there’s a different story to tell.
How many men in the street do you think they have to interview, before they get the response they’re after?
If wikipedia is correct there were 35 British car makers as of 2014. I believe there are several Asian cars produced in the UK. I think that before any negotiation starts with the EU the appropriate minister should open talks with these companies to solicit their plans to expand production to replace EU models, if needed.
I can’t help but believe this will help in establishing trade terms.
Then give the EU a choice. We’ll let you send the cars, but not the people.
Discussions with American and Australian wine makers would probably aid in the negotiations.
Just saying.
The Kiwis make some good wine as well.
Google Cloudy Bay.
We have a trade defecit of £60 billion with the rest of the EU. I assume they want the money, so they will have to talk terms. Our terms are pretty simple, free trade, not free movement. I would swallow that formula for £60 billion, would the EU really refuse to formulate a deal?
That’s what I believe Rob, and I’m sure most people on here do too. It seems as if May has picked some prominent brexiteers in the prominent brexit discussion roles. I hope they will remain as steadfast and determined as they will need to be to counter the best (ie worst) the EU can throw at them, aided and abetted by a BBC that will try to damage our cause as much as they can because they want to destroy this country.
You might think that, and in a rational world you’d be correct. But remember, this is the EU you’re talking about and they REALLY don’t want to give any other members the idea they can do the same. It’s quite possible they’d be prepared to cut off their nose to spite their face. You can guarantee they will certainly start off on that basis to see who blinks first.
From what I am reading, Italy is on the verge of a financial meltdown. The EU could crush Greece and Cyprus, Italy is too big. Concluding a trade deal with Britain will be a simple proposition in comparison with an Italian implosion, the EU would be wise to sort out its own problems, if it can. I think they are insoluble as long as the Euro stays in place, but what do I know?
Roland, the EU may be prepared to cut off Germany’s economic nose to spite us: but will the German government acquiesce in that? I’m not so sure they will.
I have just been listening to a bit of ‘The World Tonight’ on Radio 4. There was a discussion about George Osborne’s legacy as Chancellor. A certain Helen Goodman, giving a more negative assessment than the other interviewee, said that the Pound had fallen and that the FTSE was down since the Brexit vote. The BBC lady didn’t challenge this but she should have.
It’s true that the Pound is down, although it has come back somewhat of late: £ : EUR 52-week low 1.1605 now 1.1844; £ : USD 52-week low 1.2796 now 1.3146; watch this space now that we have a new PM and the Euro-zone is in trouble. I follow these currencies, partly because I receive some payments in them, and can tell you that they do swing up and down. As for the FTSE 100, it’s at 6,670 compared to a 52-week low of 5,499, and a 52-week high of 6,813. Judge this for yourself, as the BBC clearly can’t (or won’t).
Helen Goodman.
Labour nonentity
Bildenberg invite 2016.
Exactly the kind of Common Purpose/Agenda 38 tosser who the EU hoovers up like pink krill.
Does the BBC get paid by results if this shower or privileged forked tongue lefties get time on the airwaves?
Worth a check…some teenage EU drama queen was fussing over Brexit in a foreign accent after 8.30 on Today.
The BBC likes this kind of EU foreign slush pupp.
Hope somebodys counting this shower of Brussels sprouters.
we voted in the ratio of 13.12 to leafe.
So over HALF BBC Output on the EU must reflect that.
If it doesn`t it`s not the English, Welsh ot half of Ulster BBC then is it?
But a Scottish, London and IRA blathering post to mock, thwart and threaten us.
And we`ll take our revenge, cold as ice as we count and label the way this do this.
The “So Called” British Broadcasting Coup….we`ll make them say it by law, if they keep peddling their pro- EU shit.
We`re leaving Stigs Dump-so why the hell are the BBC now telling me of what`s occurring on the Hungarian/Slovenian border as they did this morning?
We`ve moved on BBC…why rake over the old cold ashes of last year eh?
They need a slap-Mike Larner will rue the day he told me of “brands” “so-called” and his implicit liberal prejudices as he did.
Time to step on their corns..borrow Eddie Izzards size eleven stilettoes if you must…but make `em dance.
The BBC is just the danceband on the Titanic..the chandaliers provide more insight and illumination than anything THEY`VE done since the 15 mins on groupthink on Monday, Radio4.
“Murder on the Dancefloor -“us or them?
Top Tips Top Tips Top Tips
Negotiating an EU exit strategy
There are officially 3 million EU nationals in the UK ( I reckon there are more than that ) .
Most are from Eastern Europe .
Point out to the EU side that if they impoverish Britain out of pique , those EU nationals won’t have jobs and will add to the unemployment figures in their own countries .
If we are made poorer we can’t afford their goods , so more unemployment . Plus we won’t be so attractive to immigrants from outside the EU , so they may well wish to go to other EU states .
We don’t need experienced trade negotiators or Foreign Office diplomats , we need patriotic negotiators outside of the venal civil service . A good poker player would be better than them .
Plus, if we are impoverished we won’t be able to afford to deploy troops to help defend their eastern borders.
I think the Eastern Europeans will be pushing for sensible negotiations and an amicable parting, but the power lies with Germany, and to a lesser extent France.
I have the feeling that rampant unemployment and general impoverishment is of little concern to Juncker/Merkel et al.
Good points made though.
Purely as an aside, the remain camp’s view that older people should be denied the vote (on all issues presumably?) on the grounds that they have little stake in the future (one can only assume they really mean only those who voted to leave) then would such a philosophy also apply to the childless?
Like Merkel, by way of example only.
If I heard correctly, the number of Brits living in the eu is only 1.2 million, much lower than the figures bandied about by the remainers.
Given that the vast majority are self sufficient such as retired folk and not just big issue sellers with large families, they are positive contributors to the place they settle and not a big drain on housing, schools and the like.
The £60 billion more that the eu gets from us in trade is also a huge bargaining point.
We hold ALL the cards and Brexit negotiations should be easily completed on favourable terms to us.
All we want is free trade without open immigration.
No need for world catastrophic predictions if we just carry on as before, trading but without mass immigration.
The eu need not fear other nations leaving on our terms because we pay so much in and provide so much with our trade surplus. Most places get money from the eu which means the eu has power over them. They don’t have power over us.
Why should we agree to their terms when they gain £60 billion a year. If anything, the EU should pay US to enjoy the huge trade benefits they get from us.
Emmanuel, I lived in an EU country for several years. I had to register my address with the local council who issued me with identity papers which I had to carry at all times. I also had to show evidence that I had a certain amount of money in my bank account. My tax and healthcare situation was never sorted out between that government and the UK government. I suspect the much vaunted ‘freedom of movement’ is another of those things the British think they get from the EU; in reality it’s not as free as they think.
That is quite correct, compared with the 4 million EU citizens who live here, many of whom work, apparently. We will hear the same trite arguments about their ‘contribution’ to our economy – in fact as the LFS and Migrationwatch point out 70% of EE immigrants earn only the minimum wage despite many having, supposedly, tertiary qualifications. The infamous UCL Dustmann & Frattini whitewash on immigrant contribution much quoted by politicos and since extended by Migrationwatch showed that post 2010 EE immigrants were a net cost to our exchequer, like most non-EU immigrants, and that the increasing numbers of both categories was costing us dear. French/American/Swiss bankers are the compensating contributors but more EE immigrants means more cost and pressure on services.
The other canard, lie in fact, is that our 1.2 million expatriates in the EU have their healthcare paid for by the host EU country. They bloody well don’t because if they are resident there they will have compulsory health insurance and the EHIC, costs of which are recharged to the UK which is why we paid £690 million last year to our EU ‘partners’ and they paid us on £69 million. Over here the obtention of a NINO gives open access to free services, including the NHS, and our doctors mostly don’t even ask if their patients are entitled to free treatment.
Peter, if this 70% were to leave then immigration WOULD be a benefit.
I don’t know how they have been getting away with saying that immigrants are a net contribution to the economy.
Slowly but surely, the truths are coming out.
Thanks to the net and sites like this one and Breitbart (London).
They have gotten away with it because it is never challenged, and it still may not be. Little Nicola Krankie-Sturgeon uttered the lie about our citizens getting free healthcare provided by their EU hosts in one of the referendum ‘debates’. The ‘contribution’ lie is always being spouted.
I wrote to my local MP several days ago and despite his busy media schedule strongly supporting our new PM (he has been on non-stop) he responded a day or so ago. I asked why we can’t have a new sequence of NINO’s from, say 1st August so that we can identify all of those who have come to the UK since we voted for Brexit. He responded that the Government wouldn’t get it through the Commons. We need to send out a message tat we won’t commit to accepting the hordes from EE who will try to get in before we can close the gates.
Good post, Nibor. Maybe that’s for after. [I’d like to put the after in italics but this site’s software always defeats me! 🙁 ]
All we need to state from the outset is that ‘We have decided to leave, sorry about that, ‘will of the people’, democracy and all that, no hard feelings. Thanks for everything. We wish you well. Happy to do business any time.’
Handshakes all round.
Head for the door.
BBc North West up to it’s usual. It’s damage limitation time on North West although this story has been circulating for a couple of days and I seem to recall similar incidents in the past. North West interview some random bloke who happens to have loads of muslim mates who are dog owners, So a bloke who knows loads of muslim dog owners who conveniently pops up for an interview. A couple more interviews and the inference is that it’s a “scam”.
The Muslims use the dogs for dog fighting . Muslims can’t have pets as we do.
They can have cats because The Prophet (pbuh) liked them. Dogs, on the other hand, are haram. As ever in islam, the views of a 7th Century paedophile must be paramount in all things. After all, God spoke to him in a cave you know, and its not as if anyone else ever since has ever heard voices in their head is it?
Dogs are not specificallyu haram, though many many Muslims think they are, so that’s why generally avoid keeping and are afraid of dogs.
The rule is that you should avoid getting the saliva of dogs on your hands or clothes.
#1 Hunting dogs are widely kept in the Middle East
#2 Muslim laws are somewhat flexible if they effect your job etc. eg a diver even female would be OK to remove clothes if she needed to
#3 You have a duty to be merciful to all animals, but this to me is contradicted by the universal practice of not neutering streets-cats with the result that the tomcats often kill other cats and cats suffer from being over numerous.
Apologies if the subject which I address has been mentioned before.
I am unable to read all the contributions.
The lying IslamicAlBeeb has frequently suggested than one of the consequences of Brexit will be Northern Ireland wishing to join a united Ireland.
This, naturally, is 100% bollox.
This, naturally, follows the IslamicAlBeeb agenda.
IslamicAlBeeb having supported the IRA.
IslamicAlBeeb having supported Noraid, which support killed about 3000 UK citizens.
IslamicAlBeeb, which has failed to mention the ethnic cleansing, and killing which accompanied the creation of the Irish Free State.
I here state my support of the Unionist, Protestant citizens of Northern Ireland in their wish to remain part of the UK. If any of the Catholic, Nationalists, do not like this tough. Move, South.
The Catholic, Nationalists, may wish to consider why the ROI Government, like the SNP, describes themselves as nationalists, whilst wishing to become regions of the loveable EU.
I think the bankrupt government of the Republic of Ireland would view with absolute horror the prospect of taking control of Northern Ireland. The province is only kept afloat by massive subsidies from the British government, which Dublin could never hope to afford, now that Euro membership has wrecked their economy for generations to come.
Truthseeker, “…..wishing to become regions …..”. More handouts eh?
That lying, thieving, pornography-watching, ugly and useless former Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith was reviewing the papers on Sky last night.
She said she was very impressed by Theresa May’s speech, that it was “the speech a Labour PM would make”
Says it all really.
Talking of Labour MP’s. Isn’t it good to see Anti Corbynites moaning about being called racists,red Tory Blairites. They are complaining about the language used on social media. I find this all a bit rich from the very people (Labour MP’s), who called people like me a racists and Little Englanders for wanting to come out of the EU.
Corbynites,keep calling them names, they deserve it. The Blairites are bullies who deserve every demeaning nomenclature you can think of.
Good time to be a glazier!
On the subject of anti Corbynistas, Mrs Balls (who together with Mr Balls raked in the working class joint sum of £350,000 pa in government – at the taxpayers expense of course, not to mention the benefits of their selection of their ‘main home’ for expenses purposes) was featured on biased BBC news talking about Cameron’s failure and the disastrous referendum.
It’s called Democracy, love. A concept also alien to the bBBC newsroom student marxists. Perhaps they were too busy engaging in democratically shouting down, hectoring, harassing and bullying Corbyn’s opponents.
I watched that, too – and also her quite foolish, intemperate opinion of Boris in the Foreign Office. She really is a most ignorant person. Some people tend to forget that during his tenure of the London Mayorality, he travelled all over the world drumming up trade and establishing relationships. And, by the way, his comment on Obama was spot-on: a part Kenyan habouring a legacy of colonial resentment against Britain (or words to that effect).
I think we all know we have not had a Conservative Prime Minister since 1990.
“Good time to be a glazier!”
Don’t ignore meat-hook and piano-wire futures either.
A change of subject. It has been reported that from certain weather reports were are going to have a sizzling end of July. Well, my seaweed tells me that for the rest of this month, north of Manchester it will be “freezing” and south of that “Pleasant”. I seem to remember being told by the BBC Climate “experts” that we were in for a record breaking “hot” summer. Looks like summer is going to be in India again.
Shivering in the South-East last night & unable to sleep. Had to add another layer. Will be back under the duvet if it stays this cold.
Where’s Edward when you need to ask him about the Global bit of Global Warming?
Did anyone see the biased BBC’s ‘specially commissioned’ polling results last night, as reported by Mark Easton.
Apparently even Brexiters just love open door immigration. Which seems to be the conclusioin from the fact that even Brexiteers feel (rightly in my view) a certain scepticism about the government bringing dowm immigration ‘a lot’.
As usual, it depends what questions are asked and the biased BBC are of course the masters at selecting the questions to get the answers that support the pre-determined narrative.
Yes!! Couldn’t believe it – do you think they have any references for those ‘polls’? That’s what I meant ‘writing government policy – in the mode of ‘here’s what the new govt should do…’. Unbelievable the shit that they come up with, in the name of brainwashing people. I’m sure the other day, I heard the BBC state that they reach 95% of people in the UK (maybe adults). Hmmm.
A BBC specially commissioned poll you say?
One that delivers a BBC specially adored result?
I’ll savour that one until luncheon.
There are lies, damn lies, statistics and al beebus statistics.
I’ve received an e-mail from my lefty brother in Manchester – who doesn’t know Mr H-B and I voted Brexit. He describes England’s Brexit decision as: ‘cutting its own throat and sinking giggling back into the 1950s on a tide of racism and Tory party infighting.’ He says Cameron has ‘probably initiated the breakup of the United Kingdom’ and adds: ‘Those Brexit idiots have lined up all their ducks, all those ludicrous promises about the heaven which awaits now we are free…’
I’ve composed the following reply, but I may not dare send it. (Well, he has a quick-tempered Polish wife who will take anti-EU sentiments personally.) So I thought I’d get if off my chest by posting it here. Does it go too far? Should I add or delete anything? Apologies for a long thread.
Dear (insert name of Lefty Brother),
So I’ll cancel the Ukip membership I was going to buy for your birthday?
But seriously, Ian and I did vote to exit the EU. I wouldn’t say we ‘giggled’. But there was amusement in seeing Britain’s Guardian-reading, out-of-touch globalist ruling class weeping into their organic muesli when the plebs said the EU had been a disaster for many poorer and less educated people.
Freedom of movement many be a good thing provided all member states are economically equal. But huge numbers from Europe’s poorer countries have arrived in Britain, lowering locals’ wages and competing for services and housing. A welfare state is not compatible with open borders. Large international companies may benefit from globalisation, but for ordinary people the end result is likely to be a return to serfdom.
Unfortunately, your ‘PC bingo card’ was too weak to win the star prize (the Low Carbon Footprint Vegan holiday for two in Phuket). The only clichés you managed were ‘racist’, ‘stupid’ and ‘turning us back to the fifties’. Those determined to fill the card go for: xenophobic; Little Englander; Islamophobic; fascist; bigot; Daily Mail reader: knuckle-dragger.
We view the EU as a corrupt, undemocratic, incompetent, arrogant, totalitarian, bureaucratic money-pit which is inflicting austerity on parts of Europe while officials receive ever-increasing funding for themselves. The possible formation of an EU army also has disturbing implications.
Worst of all is the role of the EU’s open borders in advancing Islam in Britain and Europe. Already, on present demographic trends, several countries are well on the road to Dhimmitude (look it up) and Sharia law – if appeasement of their bullying and victim-card-playing continues. Have you ever studied the history of the Ottoman Turks, Arabs etc.? Trust me, when it comes to slave-trading, colonialism and oppression, they make England’s past look like a Boy Scout jamboree.
I think many Brexiteers also saw an opportunity to raise two fingers to the multiculturalist intellectual snob metropolitan elite who despise England and her heritage. They want Europe to be a patchwork of ‘vibrant’ ethnic ghettoes and restaurants. But most tourists seek genuine diversity. They want to see the English being – well – English: quaint pubs; royalty and ceremony; steam fairs; church fetes; Elgar music played on a Victorian bandstand; cream scones in Tudor-beamed tea-rooms; fish and chips on a windswept pier; Punch and Judy; pantomime; Kings College choir singing carols; Guy Fawkes Night.
They’d also like to hear English spoken (which many in Londonistan don’t much any more).
Another attraction is the beautiful countryside – that is fast disappearing under concrete to house new arrivals.
David Cameron never wanted the EU referendum, which I think he was pressured into by Ukip and Euro-sceptic Tories. (And why not? It’s called democracy.) He campaigned to remain – and has paid the price of failing to tune into public feeling.
You think Brexit will cause the break-up of the UK. Come on! I mean, a substantial minority of the Scots hate the English, and would prefer to suck from the EU teat rather than the English one. Good luck to them if they can get this.
Biased British media outlets have deceitfully panicked people into believing Brexit would lead to Armageddon. They also did not mention how many pro-EU public figures and organisations benefit financially from the EU.
More balanced coverage would probably have led to an even bigger ‘out’ vote. A particular culprit is the unprofessional, propagandist, dumbed down BBC.
Why the hell should leaving the EU ‘send us back to the fifties’? The British started going to Europe in large numbers in the pre-EU sixties when package holidays and modern travel arrived. What’s Brexit going to do – un-invent high-speed trains and cut-price airlines, flood the channel tunnel? (Come to think of it, this last might be a good idea.)
Mind you, what was wrong with the fifties? We didn’t have: Jihadis; ‘hate crime’ laws; rap music; Twitter lynch-mobs; burkkas; grotesquely overpriced houses; crappy polytechnic ‘yoonis’; nose-rings; Halal slaughter; Big Brother; Russell Brand; reversed baseball caps…
Ian and I still get a UK vote, having been in Australia less than fifteen years. Therefore we got a Ukip representative in our former electorate to do a proxy vote for us. If the Tory government fails to act on the referendum, I will if possible vote Ukip in the next election.
By, the way, I understand many former Labour voters – especially in northern England – switched to Ukip because they realised Labour was far more interested in pandering to their pet minorities than in the welfare of the native working class they’d been elected to serve.
The Two Brexiteers
Helena, what a great letter. Please send it post haste.
It should be sent to every house in the country.
Could I copy for e-mail to some of my younger relatives please. They seem to hold views very like your brother’s but express themselves with rather more colourful language.
I don’t know what your relationship is like with your brother Helena but if he can take a joke that letter should be ok. I’ve written one or two emails recently to pro-Remainers and I’ve trod a bit more carefully, basically just putting it in terms that they can’t argue with – ie, the current relationship with the EU undermines parliamentary democracy and peoples’ rights of representation. One such remainer told me ‘Ah well you voted leave for good reasons, but I don’t think most people did…’ Haha!
Helena’s brother had his say and didn’t care who he upset with his childlish, meaningless rantings so there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be upset by return. It’s about time the silent majority spoke up to explain why they voted as they did or else others – especially Generation Snowflake who don’t have a clue how the EU works, let alone understand the economic and social impact of continuing mass immigration – will never learn.
Johnnythfish, I agree – but it depends how the silent majority speak up. The problem with Generation Snowflake is they deal mainly in emotions. Deliberately upsetting them just confirms to them that they are right, because (to them) only a hateful person could upset another person, and if someone is hateful, then their arguments are invalid. I find it more effective to show that what they actually want (which boils down to something vague and fluffly like love and peace) is more likely to be achieved by Leaving than Remaining.
Agreed, Cranmer. I suppose ‘upset’ was the wrong word to use as an intention, I was thinking more that though those on the Left do seem to get very upset very quickly when their world view comes under challenge – especially when hard facts are trotted out which HH-B has done very eloquently and with some clever, gentle humour.
I can’t recommend whether you send this to your brother or not. I don’t know him or how he would react. But I would say it is very well written and covers most, if not all, of the major points with humour and facts – two things the lefty cannot cope with. I might be tempted, myself, to send it, but if you don’t want to fall out with your brother it might be better not sent.
A brilliant response, but as others have pointed out, Leftoids do not have a sense of humour unless humour involves childish denigration and abuse of those on the right.
If you do send it, might I respectfully suggest a slight amendment, as follows…
‘A welfare state where you do not have to contribute before receiving is not compatible with open borders.’ This, I feel is the essence of the working class mass vote against immigration which the referendum showed, and the objective which Boy Dave so singularly failed to achieve. (And just for your s-i-l, most EE immigrants do not earn enough to ‘contribute’ as our Leftoid politicos always lie.)
Go, Helena, Go!! Great stuff!
Have you told him you have deleted him from your Christmas card list yet?
H H-B,
one of the best posts I’ve seen and one which needs to be distributed far wider than the confines of this site.
It transcends the faux emotive driven fear mongering expounded by the Remainers and you cover so much you are going to need another bag of nails.
Please send to your brother, my brother, everyone’s brother sister et al.
Great letter Helena.
Find myself posting lots of stuff to pals similarly got at for voting to leave the Titanic.
Comedy and mockery work best for my lot-because I have a hard and nasty side that most Lefties don`t want to see.
Hide behind their Guardians, “challenge” bad behaviour-but never actually “confront” it.
And because I was once an arch-reading green Guardian lefty myself with the usual sympathies for the IRA and riots etc-it carries some force.
My brother-in-law sounds like your Mancywankies.
1. Does the State pay for his emotings-welfare queens, dependency junkies in Probation Service to name but two payroll voter pools for the Reamainiax?
2. When did he turn into the Man he now despises? The Lexit film is a good Lefty account on why the EU has to go.
3. Love conquers fear-much as I hate Lefty bullies and smugfux-they need Jesus, and his Jewish insights.
The religious give me a lot of room with this sector.
So Helena, stay friendly-but YOU`RE the Democrat who saw how Hitler gor democratically into power by salamis slicing and the use of his goons…and his academic public sector fascists in education, health, media controls and presentations, banks, universities, research and Big Cartels like VW, Siemens etc.
No wonder Boris bus and his warning of the Nazi superstate made them howl…he`s right.
PS-the film cites attacking the BBC for an example of a threat if we saty in the EU-wrong, but
“If you want to defeat your enemy, sing his song”…Persian saying c/o Bob Dylan
I’m taking great pleasure in needling some of my acquaintances (definitely not friends), too. Especially the Cambridge-educated, hard-Left headmaster recently transferred to Brighton who was distraught at the result. Was all up for The Corbynutta last year, now he wants him out. His wife is from EE. Said he was thinking of emigrating. I haven’t yet got round to asking him if he is sure that when he retires in EE is he sure we will still honour his over-inflated and little contributed-to pension.
Excellent Helena ! sums up everything why we wanted to Leave ! Loved the comment about ‘what was wrong with the 50’s ?” all true, AND we had cleaner hospitals back then, and funny how we didn’t need migrants to make the NHS work either.
I am thrilled and flattered at the reaction to my post. I would reply individually to you all, but it is bedtime here in Australia, and I’ve had a couple of glasses of Aussie Sauvignon Blanc, so maybe it’s not a good idea.
Yes, Doublethinker, you are welcome to e-mail it to your relatives.
My lefty brother and I were at university in the seventies. I was then very influenced by him, as he’s older than me and exceptionally bright and and amusing. He had a career in the ‘diversity’ industry, in local government. I ( went in for magazine journalism.)
The last time we met was on my last visit to Britain, in summer 2005, in a Cheshire pub. The pub’s TV Screen showed the horrors of of the London tube bombings. I was so shocked and upset that I turned conservative in the following year. So the ways have parted in a decade, both politically and geographically.
But I don’t despair of him. He does have a sense of humour. Maybe I’ll risk sending the e-mail!
But I may have to accept the fact there’ll be no more Christmas cards from Manchester!
Helena Hand-Basket, that’s a really good letter, packed with relevant info and humour. However, I think you should send it to anyone and everyone except for your brother.
Here’s why:
He sent you a short email insulting Brexiters without knowing you are one. You are going to reply at length both insulting and lecturing Remainians while knowing he is one.
Now of course it’s presumptuous of me to give advice without knowing anything about your relationship with him, but I’m going ahead because I didn’t get a sense of that relationship while reading the letter. Perhaps there is a way you can couch your Brexit philosophy in terms of your shared experiences as siblings and he might then do the same as a Remainian.
Meanwhile, in your position I would send him a three-word email:
We voted Brexit
– and include a sad smiley to take the sting out of it.
Phillip Davies to be Media, Culture secretary…….. I wish!
Excellent point wronged. Who is May going to pick to bring Al Beeb to heel? Or not.
Not really BBC bias, but something I think many here will find of interest. I’ve previously mentioned Dilbert creator Scott Adams’s blog on Donald Trump’s successful persuasion techniques.
Well, it seems those on the left don’t like that. With outcomes that will sound familiar to all here.
When Persuasion Turns Deadly
Mr Deschain – thank you for posting that. It’s rather sad that such a talented and good humoured man should receive death threats and a 40% drop in income simply because of his political views. Something a little similar happened to a friend of mine, who is quite well known as a conservative in an overwhelmingly left-wing profession. He published an article supporting Brexit, before the vote, which was largely ignored. After the vote, however, he received hate mail and also was formally barred from attending a conference at which he was due to speak. He pointed out it was rather ironic that an industry which constantly expresses its desire for ‘diversity’ doesn’t extend that to diversity of opinion.
Was it ‘his political views’, Cranmer or was it actually worse than that? Did Scott Adams merely present an impartial analysis of Trump which some Clinton & Sanders supporters and others did not like to the point of hostile retaliation?
When we get to the point where analysis and critical thinking provokes suppression then we are back firmly under the umbrella of totalitarianism as practised by the Catholic Church in Spain, Communists in Russia (subsequently in many countries) and Socialists in Germany.
You weren’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition, were you?
Scott Adams made it quite clear he was supporting neither candidate’s policies. He was, and is analysing persuasion techniques and it is on that basis that he has predicted a Trump landslide. That said, he comes across as not unsympathetic to much of what Trump says, which is enough these days, it seems. The level of vitriol he receives has forced him to close comments to his blog in the last few weeks.
So the answer to your question has to be nuanced. I’d say he’s attacked for his perceived political views by those too thick or narrow-minded to see the difference between views and analysis.
Thanks for clarifying. It is indeed worrying if somebody receives threats simply for giving an impartial analysis of a politician’s methods. It’s no longer acceptable either, it seems, to preface things with ‘I don’t support x but understand why some might’. Andrew Lawrence, the comedian, did that with UKIP, and it was enough to get him blacklisted from mainstream comedy.
Everyone knows that nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Cue lonesome wind and tumbleweed, I’ll just go now.
bbc breakfasteer Charlie right old Stayt interviews Idris Elba. Some how you just know that the scene is set for a leftie moment. And sure enough after all the formalities of discussing his new role in Star Trek etc. Charlie, like an alcoholic reaching for the bottle, can’t help himself and goes into black lives matter mode and the recent waycist shootings in the USA.
Idris obliges of course and celebrates the occasion by inventing a new word – prejudism?
It’s a word Jim but not as we know it.
How blatantly racist of the BBC. Just because he is black why does that qualify him to speak on US race relations issues?
Exactly. I am white, but I don’t know much about potato farming in Idaho.
Would they consider him an expert on cotton picking as well?
My apologies if I have missed something but why are the BBC ‘larging it’ (< ooh! ain't Up2snuff all trendy & with it!) on Daniel Defoe at the present time?
I have just checked his dates on Wiki and it doesn't appear to be 'un anniversaire important', so why all the coverage on BBC Radio 4?
Noted the PM programme last week telling me about Pokemon Go.
No-me neither-but lots of LA surfer dudes were telling our BBC gay windsurfing solidarity mouthoff about it as the coming wave.
In one ear , out the other…what the hell is Eddie Mair on about and why.
Blow me if Radio 2 s Paddy O Connell uses the Vine Shrine yesterday to promote the same crap…second half of the programme, rest of us baling out on this free plugging.
And now today on the Red Button-the BBC say Nintendo are doing well out of it with 50% increase in share value or such.
So-to answer re Defoe.
Is there a film, book, tie in that will benefit BBC Global Monsters Inc?
Like U2, North Face or the Tesla?
I`d look into this one-my pal at BBC bitchslaps…Mike Larner…was very exercised about my “Nasty Party ” BRAND getting tarnished-seems to think that as long as they say “so-called” in front of it, then his arse is covered.
I think not…Thompsons solicitors will be contacted over the weekend..the BBC HATE legally headed notepaper…and Mike needs a shafting “in a bad way”
I can allow myself a chuckle at the BBC bias today, as I’m feeling quite chipper. Johnson as home sec and Davis as minister for Brexit is a good result. The media spotlight will be on May, who can waffle on with strings of Guardian/BBC friendly platitudes about human rights, hard working families and lesbian weddings etc while Johnson and Davis do the tough negotiating behind the scenes, which generation Snowflake won’t understand or be interested in.
“I’m feeling quite chipper. Johnson as home sec and Davis as minister for Brexit is a good result.”
Yes. I didn’t want May at all but we’re stuck with her for the time being and appointments so far could be worse, far worse.
The thing we need to keep in mind is that people have voted for Brexit because they want things done differently, so leaving the EU per se will not be enough. If the government of an independent UK (or England, Wales and NI if Scotland leaves, which it won’t) carries on in the same way, we might as well not have bothered.
That is why we need the likes of Farage and UKIP to keep the pressure on. Things mustn’t be allowed to slide, and not just on Brexit. Non EU immigration is still too high and uncontrolled. The BBC needs to go. Bad teachers need to be sorted out. The organisation of our armed forces needs to be planned for our benefit, not the US or Europe. We need to revive our fishing industry and have the means to protect it, by force if necessary.
Brexit will not in itself solve all our problems, it just presents a better opportunity to do so.
Maria, I think this is partly why there have been such howls of outrage at Brexit. It’s 1979 all over again; the left can’t understand why the majority of the electorate has refused to do what it’s told was best for them. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Brexit will indeed not solve all our problems, but it should be our main focus for the next couple of years. One day at a time, sweet Jesus, as the song goes.
Yes. Fortunately I don’t think Farage is going to keep quiet; it’s not in his nature. And that’s not intended as a criticism.
Germany calls for more joint European military initiatives – Financial Times
Merkel to push ahead with EU army following Brexit vote, says German defence minister – Express
Sorry to shout but you don’t seem to listen to anybody who disagrees with your narrative.
Farage told you this would happen. Thank goodness for Brexit.
Just about the most stupid thing Merkel has done and that is something. Russia will inevitably see it as a hostlile act especially as Nato keeps on pushing it’s luck on Russia’s borders and that includes Ukraine and Bylorusse.
We need to leave the EU as soon as possible if not sooner. Not this five years nonsense. I wonder if Nato has outlived it’s usefulness. If it cannot restrain German ambitions then it has.
So ignorant of history are our opinion makers and leaders that they have forgotten the millions of Russians killed in WW2 and the consequent Russian obsession with security on their western border.
Yes a stupid move from Merkel, but probably a good bargaining chip for us in Brexit. We can offer some sort of involvement as one of our tempters to get a better deal. So long as it mostly a ‘paper involvement’ without any real commitment of forces, of course.
Useless though this would be, this is just the sort of things that appeal to large bureaucracies like the EU. We can afford to let Junkers ego swell a bit while it suits.
A euro army is basically a non-starter – talk about fiddling while Rome burns! What a thing for those out of touch morons to move ahead with, while the EU collapses around them.
I don’t think the Russians will see it as a hostile move – more of a stupid move. It will inevitably fragment NATO, thin out the efforts of NATO members, and cause the US to move further away in it’s commitment to the defence of Europe. Putin won’t be threatened at all by this little Euro-ego charade.
“A euro army is basically a non-starter – talk about fiddling while Rome burns! What a thing for those out of touch morons to move ahead with, while the EU collapses around them.”
A euro army will be useless at fighting wars, but it could prove to be very useful to Germany when Merkel needs to put down revolts in Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
If Trump is elected POTUS, there will be much less emphasis on overseas military ventures in Eastern Europe or anywhere else; the Donald wants to “Make America Great Again” and to do that he will start in America (IMHO).
The troops Trump would deploy as C-i-C are more likely to be along the southern border of the U.S. than the eastern border of Poland.
A EU Army? Needed shortly to restrain the masses in Europe when the civil wars commence.
Apparently there’s a theory that Boris has been brought in to ensure the failure of Brexit but I prefer to think that Mrs. May harbours a deep and perfectly understandable loathing of Heseltine. After the noble peer’s spate of absurd comments on Boris, is she hoping that the stresses imposed by his appointment will speed the wretched Lord’s demise? Any thoughts on how she might engineer the same for that other pseudo-patrician, Ashdown?
Theresa also hates Gove, I seem to remember she had to drop one her favourite advisors because of his machinations. May definitely harbours a grudge that never goes away.
Boris was down and out. Bit of a gamble but could be a good move. Boris has much to prove and needs to be successful. He also hates Gove. My enemies enemy is my friend.
No new budget ?
Surely this does not ring true with the doom and gloom predicted by the Government the ‘experts’ , Al Beeb and the rest of the media ‘remainers’
The nation was right to vote out before the EU collapses and drags us down with it .
taffman, you mean to tell me that that Thursday when Osborne announced that he would need to raise £30 billion if we voted ‘Leave’ that the BBC’s Kuennsberk reporting first up on the 6′ O’clock news was wrong when she opened by saying, “That’s £30 billion that we all will have to pay”? Shame, Laura’s got it wrong again! Bring back that other clown with the speech impediment from ITV I say!
Whenever Al Beeb try to bring a sense of credibility to terrorist attacks, they bring on a ‘Gardener’ to give his expertise on ‘security’. Who tends to state the bleeding obvious.
Given the current known make up of May’s cabinet the BBC appear to be slow out of the traps in labelling it ‘hideously white’. Poor old BBC, things just aren’t going its way. No emergency budget, large companies like Siemens starting to do about turns on pre-Brexit comments, Boris in the cabinet, the political wing in tatters, etc etc.
I wish we could have a referendum on the future funding of the BBC. The options put to the public should be:
Do you think the BBC should continue to be funded as it is at present through a licence fee?
Do you think the BBC should be funded solely by those who watch it via a subscription?
That would be an all night referendum coverage special I would love to watch as the results came in.
As I commented yesterday on another subject, we should introduce a North Korean style ballot system for questions such as these. Along the lines of the science is settled format the BBC so loves..
You think the BBC should be funded solely by those who watch it via a subscription? Option on ballot: Yes.
Seems to work for their presidential elections with 90% + majorities!
The beauty of the BBC is that it ploughs on to nil effect post Brexit.
Yes of COURSE, the likes of us will fume-the liberal scum who voted to stay on the Titanic will maybe reckon there`s the reassuring voice of Captain (Jacqui /Owen)Smith still on the tinny tannoy-and hope for Soros to pay their legal bills or for kidnappers for our kids etc…but they`re one big busted fat flush .
And they all know it.
We didn`t listen on the 23rd …we`re sure as hell not listening now.
But for 43 years now they`ve had an open vein to drain us of the lifeblood…whilst they`ve policed the open sewers of the EU and “toned, nuanced, reflective, tasteful, progressive discourse”.
In short, bare your neck and here`s Jihadi Jack or Jacqui-gender TBA.
Enjoy it-when a bore like Hammond is your 8.10 “peak interview”…you`ve got little in your locker.
And when Laura or Nick end up having to discuss both form and texture of Phillips pellets…in the hope we`ll stay in the car and not switch to Angel Radio,Gosport..then they are up the swannee.
Stop funding the fuckers-if I can get a few Labour belly crawlers to back me in Wessex then we can open up that second Lefty claw to finish the BBC.
Let`s see if any Lefty rebels refuse the Jo Cox tribute…THEY`LL be ours…Tolpuddle brings them out.
I Spy anybody?…Jezzas on at 3.45 Sunday…be worth a day return I`d say!
All true chrisH, but it doesn’t appear to have sunk in to dear Vickie D and her team this morning. An absolute torrent of snide and specious shrieking from Norman Smith, carping reminiscence from Norman Tebbit, negative projections from the Bank of England….. and so on and on.
VD: a pernicious and debilitating condition culminating if untreated in severe physical decay and mental paranoia – just what the BBC ordered.
But it`s OK Beltane.
Only hope that others are keeping score for the Realignment…the BBC will be held to account for their 43 years of bias…and since the 23rd especially I`m hoping.
Time to campaign to get 13-12 representation of the “Willens Dem Volk”
The Peoples Will was 13-12 in favour of anti EU broadcasts…so they can f off and get out their calculators and stop watches. Anything else is Goebbels and Riefenstahl…and we all know that Boris was right to point this out.
The BBC will have no national legitimacy if they push VD-types shite out-there is a NEW Reality and a New Order now you BBC twats!
Witness their olegeneous shit yesterday about Camerons last day and the Queen( for ten minutes we have no PM….cringing fawning suckups!) -we on the New Left can put the kazoos up their nighties at will now.
The new polarities
Not only is the post Brexit doom and gloom failing to materialise, the opposite seems to be happening on the continent – viz Italian economic troubles, the EU army plans, free movement clampdowns, the Hungarian referendum, the Austrian re-count, civil unrest in France, etc etc. It’s going to get more and more difficult for the BBC et al to pretend we’ve somehow harmed ourselves by leaving the EU.
Steve, I really could not live through another sad and puzzled david dimbleby again……………….
This chap is calling for a second referendum ?
Labour in Wales ‘just don’t get it’ do they ? Having being hammered in the last one, there were ‘lessons to be learned’. Comments from party leaders were that they were ‘not listening to their constituents’ – well they are still ‘not listening’ and if they carry on they will find that more and more labour voters in Wales will become ‘UKippers’ .
This includes the present government .
Good trial for the Lefts blowhards eh?
As Michael Foster tries to use the law to block Corbyn being on the ballot..the Left will need to decide to threaten Smith in their own sweet way.
Let`s see if he repeats this…Wales and Cardiff is one thing…England quite another on this one, if Smith “speaks for anybody” but the BBC and the liberal bedwetters who back his like until now.
The Left can be good on internal discipline…we need some of it ourselves sometimes…if Soubry gets a job, there`ll be trouble to come.
No bricklayers unions anymore…plenty of bricks and unemployed glaziers though.
Let`s see if the Left are democrats or Fascists…we will deal with either…but let`s put out a samovar first shall we and hope they`ll choose democracy over Lord Levys residue of a “Parliamentary Labour Party with some MEPs”.
Nah-didn`t Tom Robinson sing about “Whitehall up against the wall?”
Let`s see if ANY Lefties over the weekend will follow through or not…sense an English Socialist Party needs a presence once again…
Whippingdale gone. Good.
And Letwin, and Morgan?
Good times-might get a Tory Government yet.
Soubry for the BBC then?…and why not?…a Sybil Fawlty might be what we need.
A shameless thick drunken harpie…but with the “Sexist” get-out of jail card to play as she likes.
The Left will HATE that…a Nanny Stern to put the BBC to bed and snuff out the Guardian.
James Purnells appointment binned?…could be good!
“Maybe we should welcome the new Sole Vision”…and the BBC is NOT that, so tata…
The BBC is very similar to the EU in many ways.
The BBC cut off it’s nose to spite it’s face with the Top Gear fiasco. It was only the proles’ money lost in their view.
The EU could do something similar with blocking UK trade. It would cost the EU billions, but it’s only the proles’ money lost in their view.
The Brussels Beast when wounded will be dangerous.
Did the BBC’s Norman Smith mistake his job title? In theory he is the Corporation’s Assistant Political Editor or somesuch. But to listen to his commentary on Cabinet appointments one could easily mistake him for a script writer for Spitting Image. When it comes to Boris our man Smith has a field day – do you remember this gaffe? and, folks there was this one and how about this one? Come off it Norman, stop with the right-on open mike routine, we know you prefer to dress to the left but really you’re not actually Eric Idle or Rowan Atkison. Show a bit of decorum for a change.
I’ve been calling him ‘Angry Norman’ since June 24. He was so angry on Radio 4 that he could hardly speak. You could hear him shaking with rage. I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes the same way as Paul Mason.
AsISeeIt, jibes at Johnson are just pathetic. He was elected TWICE as mayor of London, despite that city being a hotbed of the left, because despite his buffoon persona, he was seen to be a competent representative. In addition he has the common touch – something that I’ve noticed the left LOATH in a right winger. I once saw Mr Johnson stopping his bicycle and having a chat with a member of the public who had called out to him in the street. Can you imagine many other politicians doing that? Corbyn, or Red Ken, for example?
Lord Nigel has that ‘ man o’ the people’ attitude too. I called out to him some years ago in front of the EU parliament and we had a fine discussion.
Mr Grimes – I agree. Mr Farage is the only politician I can think of who could go into a rough working class boozer or a Pall Mall gentlemens’ club, and get an equally friendly response. However…this kind of Georgian classlessness doesn’t appeal to the middle class left, who recoil from him as a racist, divisive etc. That’s an accusation that’s never been such a problem for Johnson, who seemed to appeal to most middle class people except the very doctrinaire left.
Good point.
People like them scare the Left to death because the Labour party has always had a problem finding such people, but now more than ever. They used to have a few with military backgrounds, which helped, but that is very rare now (Dan Jarvis being an exception).
I think the class divide became far worse with Blair. Even more so than Cameron. Just an impression.
Cranmer, are you suggesting that the current mayor should stop to discuss Islam with a member of the Islamic public? He’d be hard pushed to reach his office at all on that same basis.
Sadly I’ve had to refer to the Beeb for the news, as watching Adam Boulton on Sky is like having teeth pulled. His delivery is hesitant, slow and blundering. Time to go Adam.
My policy is to give credit where it’s due to the BBC. Last night there was a good documentary about the sterling work of the RNLI. Despite several scenes where they could have shoehorned in their opinions on various topics (global warming, mental health provision, sexism, austerity), the producers didn’t editorialise.
Good-only fair that we give the BBC credit as and when they actually DO stick to their remit.
Without the perpetual shows of virtue that we all rejected on June 23rd.
The country voted in a 13.12 ratio to leave the EU.
Why then do we get Hungarian/Slovenian border crap still-when the Zimbabwe/S.African border is now going to matter far more to us from now on?
If the BBC chooses NOT to ensure that it`s the British Broadcaster that we all pay £145.50 for…then it had better piss off and sniff round Junckers jackboots for its Eurovision franchise. Cos WE`RE not paying…nor are we playing any longer.
I expect EU stories to reflect 13-12 in favour of our leaving and our New World possibilities.
Anything other-then it`s the EUSSRs pointy Pravda…and we`ll kill it off.
Would like Owen Paterson to begin the defenestration of the BBC now, as a warning shot.
We know he`s fearless re the BBC…as are Tommy Robinson, Ann Coulter and the mighty Eurfyl ap Gwylim.
All have earned their spurs re the BBC…and we`re looking for the next trache.
Ha ha this tweet was deleted but Guido saved it.
John Whittingdale has been sacked for being too soft over the TV tax, hasn’t he?
My guess is that Soubry to replace Whippingdale.
Good God, no!
I hope I’m wrong!Can’t stand the woman.
She has experience in the broadcasting world. She has also retained many contacts in this world. Bit of a longshot, probably wrong.
She is aggressive and might give the bbc the shake it needs.
No, she’d just be s**t; as she was at everything else.
A new broom at Number Ten but still the so called BBC are talking the country down at every chance. Trying to do another hatchet job on Boris today on their website. Painting him as a laughing stock around the world. The truth is the opposite. People adore him just where it matters – USA, China and India. And it looks like he’s been chosen to go out and sell UK like he did with London. Oh well at least they’ve gone quiet about their fantasies of post Brexit recession, tumbling ftse, value of the pound, and of course Nichola Sturgeon. Even left-wing friends of mine are agreeing that the BBC’s credibility is tumbling fast.
BBC bashing of Boris here
Boris Johnson: How Britain’s new foreign secretary has insulted the world
I guess we can look forward to a BBC article “How the BBC has insulted/bullied [insert name here]” very soon then?!?
Worth logging I suppose.
The BBC are jealous of Boris and his star appeal.
Which-funnily enough-was not conferred by THEM…so they`re spitting Len Goodmans feathers at him.
Hope Boris sails on like the stately galleon, while the BBC grey rats bite each other unto death on their rotting EU hulk..holed below the waterline on St Nigels Day 2016.
How about “How the BBC has insulted/bullied 17,410,742 people, and then sniffed out 4 or 5 of them who later changed their minds.”
BBC bashing of Boris has a role; it drips down to the sewers where the shit from the far left hang out, and they translate BBC bias into their political action. ‘Oooghh’, they say, ‘Bowis is a waaycist, says the BBC, let’s go and shout obscenities, real political action’.
Class War to march on Boris’s home Friday night. Usual approach, obscenities yelled outside of his door, as they did with Farage and others the BBC select as public enemies.
He`s not a racist toff Leftiskum!
He`s our New Foreign Secretary who has done nothing yet to protest about.
So go to Angel at your peril-national security and Special Branch might have something to say now about your threatening a State Minister in a loaded and charged area of policy.
Could turn nasty-I`d stay away and hound Angela Eagle instead.
Talking of racist toffs…Emily Thornberry, Hodge Podge and Whorman will live nearby…maybe a welcoming brick through the stained glass windows of N1 , NW3 or SW1 might get it out of your systems.
Hoping to see them all at Tolpuddle…REAL workers might wish to discuss the democratic deficit with `em…bruised heads an optional extra.
Reference to Boris poster
Whatever happened to ‘disturbing the peace.’
That, wronged, is a question I’ve asked myself for a number of years now about many things: Muslims burning poppies on Remembrance Sunday; gangs attempting to attack UKIP candidates out campaigning etc etc.
Oddly enough, Tabs, that article makes very little of Johnson’s ‘insults’ about Trump. If anybody else did that there would be cheers and applause from the Beeb. Could it be they don’t want to make too much of it lest it gives him a bit of credibility with the Snowflakes?
Aside from the bias, one of the more lamentable aspects of the BBC has been the general fall in standards with regard to things such as spelling, punctuation and grammar. Consider this article for instance: “The Women who ruin the world”. They have even managed to spell the word ‘ruin’ incorrectly. Disgraceful.
Please, don’t get me started.
Being a dismal spellerer myself I actually read the article before the penny dropped, how to lure a curious idiot eh Ian? But after being fooled into reading another penny dropped, there’s actually bugger all in that piece, take away the lazy student practice of padding with pictures and what is there?
” but women bring to the table certain qualities that men possess less often.” REally, I would have liked a little expansion on this coz according to the sisters we are all exactly the same, apart from women being a little better of course. Can’t wait for Mark Kermodes Ghostbusters review.
I’m waiting for the BBC to start campaigning for women to be allowed on to the England men’s football team. They should of course be allowed to take steroids so as to be able to compete on equal terms.
The Eagleburger lads remind me of Lee Dixon and Nigel Winterburn in their youth team days.
Certainly they`re more butch that Phil Neville, maybe even Gary these days!
Barbara Roche, Vera Baird the rangy red heaird centre forward…David Fairclough type to “stick in the box”. Jacqui Smiff to dominate the midfield…her porn stash suggests she`s been watching the DVDS on how best to sort her men from her boys.
This lefty Ladies X1 could hardly do any worse that Hodgsons Fops…and (it`s got yo be said) there are some tough old cocks and broilers here…
The BBC will be supporting an odd group at the Rio Olympics. You can guess which (or who), it will be the same group that ‘won it’ (?) at the Sochi (Russian) Winter Olympics and exactly the same group that all felt ‘threatened’ when out and about shopping in Dubai during the last FIFA Football World knockabout. You see these people – are all under represented. You can guess which group will get double billing at the Rio Olympics and I predict the BBC broadcast will go overboard when they find out two BRITS have had ‘treatment’ (so that makes it all right). One supposes they will pass the drugs test by then.
‘In August, two British athletes will likely be the first “transgender” men to compete against women at the Olympic Games. We need your help to ensure fairness for female athletes.
Earlier this year, the Olympic Committee reaffirmed and relaxed a rule that allows biological men to compete against biological women. Official Olympic guidelines were altered to allow “transgender” athletes to compete with the gender they identify as, even if they have not had gender reassignment surgery.
This means that – almost unreservedly – biological men are allowed to compete against biological women.’
It makes a mockery of the Olympics. But I guess the BBC are up for it.
Sign here:‘
And so the circle is complete.
Mark Commode or……… The s**t spattered bowl that won`t flush and doesn`t even have a lid whatevert you do don`t light a match… Some others might refer to his critique regarding mainstream cinema as Ameobic Disinterest …
I remember his review on a PIXAR/Disney film.. I coudn`t believe how f**ked off he was that a film aimed aimed at children offered no sub plots and that the characters in it had no real depth also the musical scores were distracting to him and he didn`t get the jokes…. He really is one of the biggest twats ever to appear on the BBC isn`t he… I can honestly say that any film which he likes is one which I will avoid… Let`s hope Easton has plenty of baby wipes handy for massive butthurt…..
Bring back Barry Norman I say. No-one can touch his sardonic humour.
Bricks of Project Climate Fear Narrative just now in this weeks R4 From Our own Correspondent (direct link to seg)
“Maldives slipping beneath the sea” was Heidi Fuller’s VERY EMOTIONAL dramatic end
Just like needling the BBC’s technique is to frequently stick in bricks to build a wall of NARRATIVE, whilst excluding counter narrative. After a while their chosen narrative becomes accepted fact within your brain.
Her story is about the dramatic weepy talk about sea level rise that Mohamed gives to her on the beach in the Maldives. She slips into talking about (I mean lionising) climate warrior ex-Mohamed Nasheed it is him she is talking to ..I checked the Mohamed she is talking to is her boat driver. She only mentions Mohamed Nasheed being jailed not his current ‘escape’, by getting sick and leaving jail for medical treatment here in the UK..and was given political asylum here on May 23rd.
She mentioned her week long stay in a luxury villa surely that’s not super ecological and planet saving ?
The counters sources I see say such island’s climate alarmism is about getting grants, rather than real danger. Since coral atoll islands are never much above sea level, cos coral only grows upto the high tide level. If the sea rises then the corals rise. That talk of dramatic sea level rise around coral islands is BS propaganda as it runs counter to hard evidence. That weather events like flooding do happen from time to time, but that’s no different from a 1,000 years ago. That real Ecologist would concentrate on more important factors like cutting over development/over crowding and cutting water overuse which can cause land sinkage aswell as ensuring there are enough hurricane shelters. That places like the Maldives are quick to build infrastructure like new airports at same land levels which their climate change propaganda depts claim will be submerged within a few years (showing they don’t believe it themselves).
A friend adds a comment “Actual land level RISE in the Maldives islands depends on new supply of sand. That itself dependent upon sealevel rise (giving growing room) and storms – both factors considered by Green enviroloons to be matters of grave concern.
The islands also move about slightly, eroding on one side, growing by sand deposition on the other. Envirotrolls only publish photographs of palm trees being undermined by erosion, wheras (surprisingly) the accreting sides of islands are used to promote tourism.
The Maldives ex-government’s activities over climate change are one huge scam.”
Ah, the Maldives. Always a good one to pull out of the bag concerning “Climate Change” and sea level rises. The thing is, there are THREE official tide height gauges in the Maldives. Over the long term, 2 are showing sea level falling with the other one showing a very slight increase. With the Maldives just having a built TWO new airports with both having a runway elevation of approx’ 6ft each, who are the BBC kidding that the Maldives are slipping beneath the sea? More bullshit agenda from the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation.
Bank of England holds main interest rate steady today, no panic budget, Sterling recovers 5 cents on the US dollar. FTSE 100 close to a 1-year high. Oh dear, looks like economic armageddon will be postponed for a few weeks. And meanwhile Deutsche Bank shares stand at 11.76 euros today, down from 37.15 euros five years ago. Of all the European big banks this one may be the most vulnerable.
As other comrades have noted, Italy is in the mire. Debt has increased from around 100% to 133% of GDP since Italy joined the euro, and the IMF say they may need two decades of austerity to return to a sustainable public debt path. Meanwhile, Italian banks are loaded with 385 billion euros of non-performing loans- junk that is rusting quickly. None of this has been caused by our Brexit decision, but no wonder they’re pissed with us for pinching the Titanic’s only lifeboat.
Post Brexit economic catastophe report.
Stock market at year high.
Pound up 2% today
Interest rates unchanged
House prices might go down for 3 months.
What happened to the apocalypse?
The biased BBC don’t want to ask.
Meanwhile, Hungary decides to properly police its borders and the biased BBC report it as a mini version of armageddon. Disgusting.
Sorry Gunner. Should have read you first and then ‘liked’
Random half hour with Radio 4 just now
1. Mary Beard promoting her spot tomorrow about how her class have betrayed the little people as they voted to leaver her EU academic berth in Trier or Marburg etc…
2, Ed Stourton asking his media chappie in Westminster about “Is May binning the Etonians”?
What school did posh Ed go to, remind me?…is hypocrite the word for this weaselly oilcloth Fenian Man?
3. What the EU thinks of Boris-and here`s some quotes from his articles in 2003 to “set the scene” for you out there?
Will be contacting the BBC Complaints forthwith-will they take more or less than an hour to reply this time?
I turned off at the start of number 3. How far did you get?
Found Roger Scruton on iPlayer…we need no more BBC today!
Link below Joel…rejoice at this good news!
I was listening to WATO when driving to an appointment, and I think it was Stourton who read out a long series of what he called ‘gaffes’ from Boris dating back 14 years. Yes, 14 years! Doubtless, we were all expected to gasp at the stupidity of Boris, but the BBC never reckons having normal, honest, straightforward, old-school listeners, most of whom would recognise truth in all those so-called gaffes – disguised in humour. I found little to criticise in any of them. However, in my opinion Boris went too far with his scurrilous poem about Erdogan, though It was particularly unhelpful of the BBC to repeat it at this time.
North West at lunchtime go into “nuke the fridge” mode a BLACK TEENAGER has dies in Police custody. They even get weather forecaster reader Eno to report on it.
Written to the BBC re “Nasty Party ” crap-as well as “What does the EU think about Boris being made Foreign Secretary/”…as just heard on TWATO with Posh Ed of Bedales.
Will keep you posted…
Hi Mike.
Ta for the rapid response.
Do feel however that there are issues unresolved.
Theresa May was the first to call her party the “nasty party”…that was back in 2002, so -although I can see her recent elevation being pertinent-it seems to be no longer applicable to her party.
My “brand” however IS a reality at present…and your ease of going into lazy drive by cliche to “hit the Tories” was brought to my attention…and I DO see it as prejudicial.
You may not-but the idea of “so-called” being a prefix to cover yourself in this regard ought to set alarm bells off with you re IS.
Etymology and semantics are one thing…but your residual bias in using archive stock to trash recent political events as unrequested by the BBC is dangerous territory. Only now Ed Stourton on TWATO does a piece on what Boris said back in articles from 2002/3 etc…before getting us to think on “what Europe thinks of Boris` appointment” to Foreign Secretary.
How is THAT news?…or are we back to drive by lazy cliches being lobbed at we who pay the license fee?
Yes, Mike-realise this in no longer telly-but radio…but didn`t John Birt say its “Our BBC,entire and seamless in the making?”
So your carapace of residual bias against Tories who you don`t approve of needs looking at…and an answer given to what rationale you`re choosing to create these “analyses and comments”…because News that ain`t!
Finally-need I tell you that we voted 13-12 in ratio to leave the EU…your news and analysis/stories continue to make it clear that our vote has not found weighting in your choice of news items…business as usual, second referenda stirrings and protests being your common modus operandi at present.
If your news is not reflecting 13-12 ratio that is the Willens den Volk…then I suggest that you`re more Eurovision hopeful hoofers than the British Broadcasting Corps.
Hope to get a speedy reply..and thanks for answering.
BBC Lefty starts to realise their own racism
Laurie Taylor pointing out yesterday on R4 that GuardiaReader types make statements that are racist without realising they are. Right at the start of the Yesterday’s prog on EDL and immigration etc
Seems like Brexit has forced a degree of introspection onto GuardianReader types.
(The sociologists have just done a new book about the EDL : its seems more sympathetic and nuanced than you’d expect from GuardiannReaders. They pointed out it’s not like the BNP, cannot be dismissed as racists, but nor is it the one general voice of the working class)
The BBC can now talk their crap for the rest of today…for here is Roger Scruton…best bloody thinker in this country-and a clinical measured destruction of all things Remainian.
Dum spiro spero….
Surely someone at the BBC must be held to account for allowing this man to air his views on national radio? Does DG Tony know to what extent BBC policy is being scrutonised?
Unless this sort of behavior is nipped in the bud, next thing you know Teresa will order Norman Smith back to his Southend sea-front bingo ring.
Beltane, I’ve noticed that the BBC does allow dissenting voices from time to time, but they don’t seem to appear with any regularity. James Delingpole is an example. Those that are ‘on message’, by contrast, get invited back again and again (Toynbee being a fine example). The only exception I can think of is Dr David Starkey, but that might be because he’s gay.
Never thought to see Toynbee and fine in the same sentence, Cranmer. Perhaps you might re-phrase to suit, or even put the writing hand in the fire? Just for conformity, you understand.
Listening to it now. Thanks. Lovely stuff. Beltane – perhaps a trigger warning on the iPlayer would have been an appropriate compromise?
I heard Roger Scruton yesterday on the radio – his essay was so thought provoking I have typed it out to be able to read it again and consider all he said.
The only thing that has confused me is how come Roger was allowed to say things like this on the BBC?
Deborah – I have a little bit of experience of media and PR and I suspect what happens is something like this. Scruton’s agent sends some info to the BBC. Fluffy PR girl is looking for someone to speak on a programme. Has never heard of Scruton, but his bona fides look good, so they get him on the programme. The duty editor, or whatever, hears the recording and frowns a bit, but since the fluffy PR girl booked him, and he doesn’t want to invoke the ire of his boss, he goes ahead and broadcasts.
After some weeks, a higher up editor sees that Scruton has been on, perhaps a couple of times, and frowns an awful lot. He perhaps even gets an email or hears from someone in the Groucho Club about ‘that awful Scruton on the radio.’ Gets on the phone and chews out everyone.
As a result, Scruton doesn’t get on the radio again for a couple of years, until the whole cycle begins again. I repeat, this is all my imagination, I have never worked for the BBC, but I have experienced this sort of thing in print journalism. The rank and file often don’t have doctrinaire opinions, or if they do, they don’t have the confidence to express them and will just do what they’re told because they don’t want to cause a fuss.
Thanks Cranmer. I also have to add that the Roger Scruton piece was so well crafted even if I hadn’t agreed with most if not all of it I would have appreciated it. I know this is very different from Radio 4 comedy but there is a really stupid quiz programme hosted by Sue Perkins. She asks the teams something really stupid such as whether a night on the booze is better or worse than a rice pudding or something equally as stupid. Sue Perkins is obviously a bright cookie as demonstrated on Just A Minute and yet this programme seems more suited to ten year olds trying and failing to invent their own programme and yet it has had several series. The Roger Scruton just screamed excellence and is what Radio 4 should be about.
Deborah, I think the reasons we don’t see the likes of Scruton so much on the BBC are manifold, viz:
1. He’s too ‘intellectual’ and thus doesn’t appeal to the dumbed-down, soundbite, Twitter mindset. 2. Anyone who’s delved a bit and read his stuff in the Salisbury Review etc knows he’s very anti-liberal left and therefore not likely to be a regular guest on the Beeb. He’s appeared on Question Time a couple of times but he’s definitely not a regular BBC talking head. That might, of course, be down to his own reticence rather than any kind of BBC blacklist.
Like Chris Booker, Scruton has long been a scourge of the Left.
Scruton gave Thatcher her intellectual heft in the early days, and was that a rare bird-an Oxbridge level of philosopher who actually not only backed Mrs T with his intellect when all the others were scorning her and refusing her degrees etc…but he also actually went behind the Iron Curtain to teach students who feared for their lives and careers by having any contact with him.
A brave man, who did endless good in Prague and Warsaw etc-while the sneering Lefties in universities here fell for CND and ensured he could hardly work for a good while after.
A great man, whose influence and quiet courage is a great reproach to the lazy lying liberal Left.
Hence their hatred for him.
Karen Bradley given Whippingdales post.
I think this might prove to be a good move. Apparently a very good and effective Assist Govt.Whip.
Thought she was MD at Birmingham City? Maybe sitting next to Sugar swung it for her?
I’m feeling much more confident after reading this article, which I doubt will feature on the BBC anytime soon. David Davis’ actual job title is ‘Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.’ You can’t get much more specific than that! He outlines the situation and the task ahead quite well:
Ta cranmer.
The only news I seem to get these days is thanks to posters like yourself.
Maybe we ought to divvy up the £145.50 into 29 sections and confer them on those here who give us “REAL ” News.
Like Davis` title-the BBC never told me this did they?
You’re welcome chrisH. It was just one of the many press releases I get in the course of my working day as a hack, but it caught my eye. There’s really no reason why the BBC couldn’t publish this. If I was going to use it (it’s off topic for my rag), I would phone up Mr Davis’ press office and ask a few questions for clarity and balance, then work it into an article which would be quite a nice semi-scoop. Half an hour’s work, maximum, and they must have armies of hacks working for them. Yet search ‘David Davis BBC’ and you get virtual tumbleweeds blowing across the screen.
But if we want to know about what Europe might think of things Boris wrote in 2003?…well the BBC will spout THAT and call it news analysis and comment.
Whereas the very direction that the return of Davis(who-like Boris-knows the EU very well) might take on this important independent forum?…well that`s of no interest.
And that he`s called the Minister for leaving Europe?…does that seem to scare the life out of Mishcon de Reya, Soros, Lammy and Farron then?
Might have a try at it myself Cranmer…DIY citizen journalism in the face of nothing like it being done by the BBC anymore.
Phone it in phonies….
BBC hoping to stir up discontent and race riots. He wasn’t detained at a police station but went to hospital:-
“”Man Dies After Police Detention””
“”Man dies in Liverpool One police detention ‘incident'””
“”An 18-year-old has died after being detained by police following an “incident” at a city shopping centre.””
“”The man, named as Mzee Mohammed by the Liverpool Echo, was seen with a knife “behaving erratically” at Liverpool One on Wednesday and was in the custody of police when he became unwell.””
“”He was taken to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, police said””.
Not mentioned by SKY. But SKY cover the attempted murder of London police officers by a black drug dealer armed with a gun. This of course does not support the pro-black and anti-police narrative
I see the bBC are surreptitiously trying to spread this story as belonging to the ‘Black lives matter’ agenda.
Man dies in Liverpool One police detention ‘incident’
An 18-year-old has died after being detained by police following an “incident” at a city shopping centre.
The man, named as Mzee Mohammed by the Liverpool Echo, was seen with a knife “behaving erratically” at Liverpool One on Wednesday and was in the custody of police when he became unwell. He was taken to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, police said. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is investigating.
So while the bBC is happy to tell you he died in Police detention and not custody . Here is what they don’t want you to know about Mzee Mohammed :
1) At 6pm last night Merseyside Police received a call about a man having run into a house in the Toxteth area in a distressed state. The man then left the address when seen by the occupier.
2)The force then received further calls from the public describing a man with a knife behaving erratically at a number of locations throughout the city centre, including Liverpool One.
3)“The man was eventually located near to Liverpool One by security and police where it was quickly established that he appeared to be suffering from a medical episode. An ambulance was requested and quickly arrived.”
4)Police said they could not confirm whether the man had a knife and Liverpool One security guards were already with him when their officers arrived.
Medical episode bBC? What could have caused that?
5)There were unconfirmed reports he was carrying a knife and had tried to dive through the window of a chip kiosk between John Lewis and the Hilton Hotel.
6) Mzee, who the Liverpool ECHO understands was not held at a police station at any stage last night, had died.
So lets get this right.
Man with knife, enters a house and then runs off when confronted by the Owner, he moves onto Liverpool one (Shopping centre) where he is seen with a knife. He is detained by the store security staff, after trying to jump through a window, he is sent to Hospital and he dies.
Not exactly how the bBC reports the story is it.
My info from the Liverpool Echo:
Teenager dies after being detained by police at Liverpool One
Mzee Mohammed seen ‘acting erratically with a knife’ before Liverpool One death
Heartbroken family of Mzee Mohammed demand answers over Liverpool ONE death
BBC bias at it’s worst:-
1) During the dark days of Tony Blair and a Labour government, every time there was a cabinet reshuffle the BBC would report it with comments such as “so-and-so has been replaced by….” or “so-and-so has stepped down to make way for….”
But today reporting on the Conservatives, it has been “so-and-so sacked” or “cabinet bloodbath” or “cull of the Notting Hill set” or “carnage for top Tories”.
2) BBC “political experts” such as Chris Mason reporting “big beasts Michael Gove, Nicky Morgan and John Whittingdale sacked and forced to return to the back benches, but Jeremy Hunt survives”……………………….you mean he’s received a vote of confidence and been asked to continue as Health Secretary don’t you Chris?
3) Smirks and sniggers from BBC reporters as they comment about George Osbourne and Michael Gove saying, “Forced to return to the back benches, what will they do to fill their time now?”………………………maybe they’ll do the job they were voted in for and represent their constituents eh?
Who the hell is overseeing this garbage?
To be as charitable as we can be-these BBC twerps have the attention span of goldfish.
All rushing along to a 24/7 cycle that the rest of us regard as gossip, back stairs Billy belches and bitches.
Only the media scum could possibly think a Gove, Johnson or Farage are finished-hence their fury when May turns their carts over and restores the “Dead men walking”.
Tittle tattle-we voted no…all those who were with us will NOT be finished, much as the BBC would wish it so.
Gove, Farage and all the outers-left and right are patriots and cross party,beyond the tribal.
So what if the likes of Mason and Kuennsberg say otherwise?
They`ll certainly survive the likes of Toynbee and Faisal…
I too noted the TWATO lot shouting out about “brutal reshuffles”…and putting it out as a soundbite.
But we`re immune…and we hate the BBC lazy nastiness.
As does Corbyn-so let`s form those alliances that the BBC, the Red Tories and Blue Labour types will loathe.