The BBC likes to use a Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times’, to describe the effects of the allegedly lamentable Brexit vote…personally I’d prefer another Chinese proverb….‘Out of chaos comes opportunity’.
So far not much chaos other than in the Labour Party (if it still exists)…looks like the Brexiteers are getting some prime, influential, jobs….and what to make of May and Hammond? Both sceptics who, reluctantly?, plumped for Remain….are they now going to be more ‘onside’ with the Brexit camp? Fallon is very pro-Europe but sidelined a bit out of the mainstream politics going to Defence whilst David Davis is the Brexit champion and Liam Fox international trade minister, Boris Foreign Minister….all three jobs closely tied to Brexit negotiations. There is of course pro-Remain Amber Rudd as Home Secretary…so involved in police, security and immigration. All in all seems fairly balanced so far.
The BBC’s main concern for Cameron is his ‘legacy’, how he will be remembered?…naturally he will be remembered for his ‘disastrous’ decision to grant the plebs a vote on the EU. [The wrong decision taken for the wrong reasons, a colossal misjudgement, the BBC told us yesterday, comparing Brexit to the disasters of Iraq and Suez] Peter Allen told us all his good work [LOL…can’t remember the BBC reporting much of that] has been ‘washed away’ by the vote which has destroyed his reputation as those ignorant plebs have wasted the opportunity…as Peter Allen said…‘and look what they did with that chance’…..laughing and sneering.
He also told us that the Leave voters didn’t vote for something only against…but that’s Allen’s, and the BBC’s, own negative narrative that wants to say there is no plan and Leave voters have no idea of what they want…what does Brexit mean? the BBC keeps asking, aiming to create confusion and chaos and ‘lose’ Brexit in a dizzying whirl of ifs and buts and whatabouterys….hoping to re-invent the meaning of ‘Brexit’ along the lines Remain wants.
Trouble is the vote was for something…controlling immigration and exiting the political, social, economic and judicial dominance of the EU, just as Norway has kept out of so much of that [ plus no free movement of course]….they want a free market with friendly relations and cooperation on things of mutual interest…such as travel, health and security.
Does there need to be a plan? Not a detailed plan as the BBC and Remain insist… can there be a plan when it is so dependent on negotiations with the EU? Any plan is just so much fodder for the media to generate as much news headlines about ‘crisis’ and failure as possible. Any plan would be forensically gone over by the BBC and presented as a hopeless failure with endless problems and would be an utter waste of time as no ‘plan’ survives contact with the enemy…or reality. The only plan needed is a general idea of what you want, such as trade deals and controlling immigration…it is only when the negotiations begin that any details can begin to crystallize along the lines of the possible when you hear what the other side really thinks and wants itself, and is prepared to give way on when not posturing, trash-talking, in the run-up to the ‘fight’ over negotiations.
The BBC has taken the Remain narrative all the way here, the Brexit vote was an unnecessary disaster that nobody really wanted, that there needs to be a detailed plan [that they can trash] and the SNP is justified in claiming it has the democratic mandate to stay in the EU when the reality is this was not a national or party political vote but a vote across Britain and it is irrelevant how any single part of Britain voted.
The BBC tells us that Britain is divided as never before….so in a general election when millions voted for several different parties Britain was somehow more united than in a vote in which 75% of the electorate voted and was split just two ways? How is that ‘more divided’ than ever? Brexit didn’t give us Devolution…that was IRA terrorism, Scottish National Socialist anti-English bigotry and the Labour party. Yet again, a very selective narrative, of a divided Britain is one used to attack Brexit.
We were also told that the Tories were in turmoil….and yet this was just the usual leadership election…one carried out within three weeks at a time of intense pressure and political disruption. May is in office and is setting about creating a new government at warp speed…hardly the mark of a Party in turmoil. Again just a BBC narrative that suits its own agenda.
With that brief introduction to the midweek open thread I give ground…the floor’s all yours…….
Front page of BBC website right now:
Boris Johnson is a liar – French FM
Normally they put quote marks around this sort of thing, just to cover themselves. Not today though. I really think that they believe the whole country agrees with them.
And there has been no balance of view in terms of his overall successful Mayoral track record. They seem to only report negative things about him, not positive, why is that I wonder…………
Very interesting, as you say, that the BBC doesn’t even have the decency to put “liar” in quotes:
Boris Johnson is a liar with his back to the wall, says French FM
And the BBC feels free to quote the crap spouted by the Frenchman for fully half the article before condescending to give Johnson’s response.
It must be against the guidelines of the foul, subversive BBC for anyone to show any pride in the representatives of their own country – if they are English, that is.
Who would pay for the steaming pile of crap they pump out on a daily basis if they weren’t forced to on pain of imprisonment?
I’m impressed by Johnson’s mild response to the vile slur. It is said that a soft answer turneth away wrath but in this case it must surely get the BBC, the EU dictators and their lackeys grinding their teeth in impotent fury at Johnson in particular and Brexiters in general.
And what a glorious image that is.
Loved his shuffling quote about the plaster coming off the ceilings at the German Chancellery.
AND-his telling the ITV bitchslapper that-although it may be true that our French chum called him a lair…he`s actually just received a lovely letter from the same bloke.
That`s diplomacy-and one very crestfallen ITV turd stuffed into his own doggie bag…then binned.
Which is why we love Boris…shameless and star factor…a petunia in the onion patch of liberal dungdom.
…..a petunia in the onion patch of liberal dungdom.
chrisH: Loved his shuffling quote about the plaster coming off the ceilings at the German Chancellery.
I thought it was such a superb understatement in response to the vicious slur of being called a liar.
Johnson had similar modus operandi during that Wembley debate two days before Brexit against Kahn, Davidson and that trade union woman who sounded hysterical until I realised that was the way she habitually spoke. He fielded really vicious slurs there, including “lie” – though I don’t think they stooped so low as to actually call him a liar – but he remained composed and way above their level.
Yep. Once again the BBC are participating rather than observing / reporting.
Oh hang on I just remembered something. They can say what they like actually. Because we won!!! ha ha ha.
New BBC Editorial Guidelines of integrity and classic SOP.
One degree of separation ‘reporting’ at its finest.
Not sure the gain with the cheap seats will offset the logging of the attempt.
How long before the BBC blame Brexit supporters of Bojo?
Didn`t he get a booing at the French Embassy last night, as he gave his time to celebrate Bastille day with them?
Maybe the BBC might learn to keep an “Open Mind” in regard of Boris from now on…loose lips cost ships eh BBC?
No doubt the BBC placed ‘booing’ spotters in the crowd to facilitate audience recruitment for future editions of ‘Any Questions’ and ‘Question Time’.
Probably on here already.
I saw this and thought of this:
Guessing, like now promoted Jasmine, he didn’t get the memo, or figured it was a crafty career move?
Probably on here already.
What a load of pretentious waffle. And what a silly title. They must be bored to write this guff; it wouldn’t look out of place in the Guardian.
Just watched a 15-minute demolition of the character of Boris Johnson on the BBC 24 news.
This is a man who was twice elected mayor of London, won the vote for Brexit, become Foreign Secretary, has along the way, edited a major Political magazine, written a string of novels, essays and history books and … well, you get my drift. Somewhat more in his life than the sneering BBC journos.
Not one, miserly, little, single, good thing to say at all. C’me on BBC, some people might be thinking you have a vendetta against him for some reason. Though can’t think what.
Scribblingscribe, to add to that: King’s scholar at Eton, scholar at Oxford, President of the Oxford union, played rugby for Balliol, journalist on the Times, asst editor of the Telegraph, editor of the Spectator, taught English and latin at an Australian boarding school, MP, Mayor of London, has written about 15 books… That’s more than most of the shadow cabinet have achieved put together!
This evening the towering political intellect that is enshrined in Andrew Marr told us that the appointment of Boris is simply a sinecure. In fact the significance of the post has reduced over the past few years anyway and is now merely a useful means of keeping him in the background, occasionally abroad, while Liam Fox and David Davis get on with the real work.
So, by implication, this embittered stick insect informs us that one of the great offices of state, part of the panoply that is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been given by our Prime Minister, with a fine sense of irony and a wicked sense of humour, to a talentless buffoon – and the studio production staff evidently agreed with him.
Dear God, how have we so descended to a level where such conceit and arrogance is not only given credence but aired on prime time national television?
“This evening the towering political intellect that is enshrined in Andrew Marr told us that the appointment of Boris is simply a sinecure.”
Our membership of the EU made the post of Foreign Secretary a sinecure. Our vote on 23rd restored it one of the three major offices of state.
As a member of the EU we weren’t allowed to have our own foreign policy. As an independent country, significant enough to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council, our foreign policy is important to us and to the rest of the world.
The BBC still hasn’t caught up – or they’re still in denial.
I was nearly sick when I read this article. Read it and weep.
Let us get one thing straight here. There has been no Global Warming for 19 years. The U.K. Met Office has agreed that there has been no U.K. “Global Warming” for 23 years and my empirical evidence for my part of the South West is that there has been no “Global Warming” for nearly 34 years.
I really am going to write letters to the M.P’s in their new posts. This madness must stop and Mr Harrabin needs to be expunged from the BBC. He is not well.
He is not well.
And Harrabin must be getting sicker as his struggle to pretend to be telling the truth about ‘global warming’ becomes more difficult by the day.
And my Fu*king heating just came on!!!!!
Anyone any idea of what recent BBC viewing and listening figures are?
I can’t believe those for BBC1 and Radio 4 have not seriously declined due to woeful and increasing ‘minority’ programming respectively.
BBC TV is more and more cooking programmes repeats with cut and paste Top of the Pops filling every space on BBC 4.
Radio 4 is more and more like the World Service beaming into Britain.
Radio 4 is becoming more like Radio Pyongyang these days.
Had to keep channel hopping in the van today as its “unbiased ” reporting was definitely starting to get to me. Bowis waycist, unbalanced, unpredictable blah blah – SHUT THE F##K UP!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway instead of turing the radio off I got Radio Cornwall – What could possibly be wrong with that. One of the “top” news items was that People in Cornwall are becoming concerned that the plight of Asylum seekers are being ignored, because of UK domestic political news. Cue two very dull people one a “housewife ” sort and swiftly followed by a Islington type both expressing “concern” for all these poor people.
When I am out and about I often come across farmers (who have just lost half their cows to TB) expressing their concern that we should let more of these mainly male engineers into our country so they can enrich our female children. I suppose Radio Cornwall must have some up and coming news editor who wants to get transferred to the national network – hence he/she/it – Is currently earning their diversity spurs.
I think I am starting to get RSI in my arm as I keep having to hit the off button. However I am now starting to truly appreciate how much Radio 4 broadcasters also suffer in pursuit of giving us all this “impartial ” coverage. I understand that most of their top” talent” such as Eddie Mair etc are also getting bad RSI attacks. I understand that this is mainly centered on the right wrist. – Funny that.
Could be worthwhile tagging the mass switch off moments between us…when they go from their usual warm waste into hyperdrivel and Diarrhoea Diarama modes.
Mine last night was Ritalah Shah on the World Tonight shafting UKIP in the North East.
Political Prof from NewkyUni?…check?
Donkeys with rosettes who warmed David Milibands slippers before he joined International Rescue ?..check
Any residual embittered old UKIPpers around?…well we`ll try again next time.
UKIP splitter in the dock?..check, cheque.
And here we go-fifteen minutes of lazy trashing of UKIP in the north, north east…for ever wha`evaz!
Utter crap-
MY Switch off moment?
When Hartlepool was described as “Labours Heartland”-for “was it not the very PLACE which returned Pater Mandelson as its MP”, when Lab woz fab?
Ye Godz…and they wonder now why UKIP will sweep them all out of that fetid Labour swamp very soon?
Don`t tell Ritalin though…let it come as a “populist upset and revolt” eh?
Ye gods Chris my finger is hurting even more today.
I think I must be turning into some sort of masochist by turning on to R4 mid morning. I was “rewarded ” with having to suffer with Mary – I want a beard – going on about why all of us small minded villagers voted the wrong way in the referendum.
Termination moment came when she said it ” beggars belief ” that schools are still teaching about Colditz and fighting Germans in the war. Funny – I thought that as a historian she would have some interest in the past -silly me.
But I forgot Germans are our friends now “Dont mention the war” What we need is more Euro “love” – Is that what happened at Cologne Mary!
Unfortunately only the radio got the finger because I would really like to give it to the bearded one personally !
This doesnt sound right but you know what I mean!
And let us spare a thought today for sad Owen J and his self-styled “polemic” in today’s Grauniad concerning the evil doers of Liebour’s “hard right” entitled “Labour’s Right is a shambles-but Jeremy Corbyn has questions to answer too.”
Owen tells us “There is little point pretending that I have not frequently been in utter despair, because I believe socialism, on the one hand, and competence and effective communication to the majority of people, on the other, are not mutually exclusive.” It would be difficult to think of too many historical examples where the word “competence” and Owen’s vision of “socialism” have been proven to be mutually inclusive. Pinning his hopes on Uncle Jeremy: “How can you rebuild support from people who so far have made up their mind, and not in a good way?”. Looks like a job for the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation.
Boy-if he was in despair yesterday…just look at his crumpled meltdown on hearing of the news from Nice?
A&E must be full of Labour pinkies having breakdowns, meltdowns and in very fear of walking along to get their Lottery roll ups …hoping the nail bars will give free counselling as they walk from bar to bar.
Anybody told them yet that election might involve meeting a Putin or even a Dalai Lama!
Best that they stick to Dog Stool Studies…and don`t stray too far from Shirley Williams shroud suppliers eh?
Everytime I turn around as Channel 4 News is on-mute of course-I see wheelchairs, sport, Labour grumps talking to Crick somewhere nice and one hack(Newman) talking to another-lots of gloomy downward graphs in case I miss the point.
How do they get way with it…and where are the Tories or people who DON`T subscribe to Jon Snows Tampons for Labour tribe.
Channel 4 must go the way of the BBC.
He also told us that the Leave voters didn’t vote for something only against…but that’s Allen’s, and the BBC’s, own negative narrative that wants to say there is no plan and Leave voters have no idea of what they want…
And what exactly were the Remainers voting for? What was their ‘plan’? Britain in a ‘reformed’ EU perhaps? (HOW?) Go the whole hog and join the Euro maybe? How’s about full political union (and explaining to the electorate their vote would then become worthless)? Join up for the second non-Euro tier when that split is formalised? Borrow tens of billions to help bail out Italy, Spain etc. when the Euro collapses? Accept immigration – sorry, ‘refugee’ – quotas dictated to us by Merkel? What about a plan for limitless expansion of our infrastructure, services and housing to meet the demand of a theoretically limitless number of immigrants?
And I wonder why the BBC has never asked a single one of these questions.
“The Briefing Room” (Radio 4 Thursday 20:00-20:30) was not too bad, as it looked at why people voted for Brexit.
However, it did get off to a poor – and familiar – start. They managed to pick a lady called Jenny, from Wakefield I think, and asked her why she voted to leave. She said that others told her that ‘Europe’ (i.e. the EU) was telling us to do this and that all the time, and she wanted to ‘make Britain great again’. She didn’t give examples when asked. The vagueness of this interviewee is probably not accidental and the BBC could certainly have found a more articulate speaker for the Brexit case. Jenny’s heart was in the right place but she didn’t have the words, to my way of thinking. This deliberate misrepresentation of the case for leaving the EU, equating it with ignorance, has been part of the BBC’s modus operandi, as well as pictures of the grey-haired, mobility scooters and the hated Union flag.
Of your charity, spare a thought and prayer for the family of Jo Cox MP, whose funeral is today. Let us never become complacent about the gunning down of an MP in the line of duty, nor of the way some sought to make political capital from her death.
Damm inconsiderate that Tunisian bloke – Jo s funeral was a major heart on sleeve, right bashing opportunity missed for the BEEB.
However I am sure Aunty will have another bite at the cherry – whats the betting we will get a documentary on Jo Cox – entitled something like ” Joe – The Peoples Martyr” or maybe “Jo – A life of Hope”
Dont get me wrong I am sure she thought she was doing the right thing (but misguided) And I feel truly sorry for her kids – But I was honestly sickened by the way the media and Aunty in particular treated her whole death as some sort of maudlin , socialist , death fest.
Top of the BBC’s current list of priorities:
A general election
A second EU referendum
Character assassination of any new cabinet member they see as a Brexiteer/threat
In support of the above: relentlessly report examples of a UK economy in meltdown
Plus anything to denigrate Trump.
Plus anything to promote Clinton.
Here, courtesy of the BBC, is another good reason to get out of the EU as it stands in the way of British scientific advancement:
This is the interesting bit:
‘Part of the reason for the delay was the need to win a state aid, fair competition ruling from the European Commission. Another reason lay in agreeing the complex terms of what will be a “grant”, not a “loan”.’
After Brexit, this will be none of their f*cking business. Hopefully, after a number of false starts in the effort to develop an air breathing rocket engine, this one will succeed and we can leave Arianne looking like a damp Brocks going ‘phut’.
And guess what the BBCs “Newsround” asked Tim Peake-and this is trailed on the news prior to some “Urban Spaceman puffpiece for Tim?
Yes folks-Brexit and its chilling effect on Ariane Space Rockets and the like.
Tim-whose postal vote still is floating in a tin can above the world, so we`re told-says that, NO Brexit is bad…really bad.
Hmm…there was me thinking that the Russians, Americans, Chinese, Indians and-FFS-North Korea-may be better able to send Tim into space that Messers Schmidt and Junker..
But there you go-what do the Yanks and Russkies know of such things?
Utter , utter inverted pile of piffle…typical BBC “Science”…but “we `re doing it for the kids”…as did Savile.
As do the BBC to US as well.
‘Messers Schmidt’…I think you have surpassed yourself there chrisH.
First job for Karen Bradley tomorrow morning.
Tell the BBC to stop promoting a second referendum.
It can only cause unrest for the country. But there again isn’t that what the BBC tries to do all the time.
BBC should provide information only not left wing political agendas
Radical change in the BBC is required from Mrs Bradley. Get to work with your index finger. Pointing at BBC top brass saying ‘You’re fired, You’re fired. You’re fired……’.
This looks a bit ominous ?
It is being described as a terrorist attack in Nice
Of course the BBC are playing it down. Lorry hits crowd. Oh dear, if it is RoPers expect the BBC to lead with lone wolf attack followed by fears of anti Moslem backlash.
Obviously ‘men’ involved
Nice. How is it that the media throughout the world are better informed on events like Nice than the BBC? Do we need more evidence of BBC cover up for their religion of peace?
Just flicking between Sky News and BBC News – Sky reporting it as terror attack with numbers of dead and injured and lots of video phone footage. BBC NEws is just a London studio newsreader, some twitter screeshots and some people interviewed over the phone.
How much does the BBC get paid again?!?
The BBC’s problem is that it cannot report the news as it happens. It has to go before the political committee for them to decide what kind of political angle to spin. This is why BBC news follows the rest of the world.
For goodness sake, if this new cabinet cannot sack a few of these BBC shits we are really done.
It’s a bloody joke. Sky News are reporting the truck driver got out with a gun and started shooting. They also mention and show the truck windscreen was shot at. They also report the truck driver was killed (by Police most likely).
Meanwhile on BBC they are reporting the gunfire as “possibly fireworks”
That was a real Comical Ali moment – bullet ridden lorry cab and the BBC saying that the damage might have been caused by fireworks.
Al Beeb get their breaking news from here – simples
These damned lone wolf trucks.
Asian men?
Nothing to see here its just fireworks . Now move along now.
Les Feux d’artifice, as they say in France: the BBC would love the artifice bit.
I note the never-ceasing promotion by the BBC and its usual cohorts from the left-leaning press, of any insult, name-calling or parody by any politician from another country of any of our politicians (but only those towards the right of the political spectrum, of course). But the moment any spectre of a hint of even the mildest deprecation concerning politicians from other countries by any of our politicians is seen as a huge matter, requiring immediate and self-abasing apologies. Examples abound even over just the past few days – and are dredged up time and again by the lame-stream media as clearly indicating an absolute inability to hold any position of authority in our country.
Boris, my old son, your response to the demands of the Labour Party today for you to apologise to the likes of Barack Obama should have been – “OK, I’ll do that just the day after Mr Obama prostrates himself in the White House, on camera, and apologises to 17+ million people (if not the whole population) in the UK for daring to try to interfere in our domestic politics”. Problem solved.
BBC are creating an attack on Boris as a racist, such that Black Lives Matter are now supporting the crazy Class War (with LSE Lecturer, Dr Lisa MacKenzie) march on Boris’s home tomorrow.
From the BLM FB page
BLM against Boris
‘Boris Johnson is outwardly anti-black, he consistently makes racist comments such as black people having lower IQs. We will march from Angel Tube Station to his house to show him we do not believe he should be representing our country as our foreign secretary.’
These extremists need to be sorted soon
If these extremists do still march on Boris’s house, at this heartbreaking time in France, then it would prove to all that they have no compassion, no sense of decency and that their humanity has been completely bypassed. We know it already, but I’ll bet the BBC and Sky won’t mention it: I mean they won’t mention the character failings of this scum.
Apparently at a function in London last night at which the suspiciously raven-headed French ambassador was present, Boris was booed by some attendees, despite having sung La Marseillaise with them at the beginning.
I’ve lived, worked and owned property in France and have visited at least 3-4 times a year, with the kids when they were young and more lately to watch rugby with them. ENOUGH!
F(oxtrot) O(scar) France and take the rump EU with you!
Al-Beeb were babbling on about “men” so I flicked around for the truth….This is graphic..Whoops!…So graphic it’s gone..
And again…This is graphic…
That is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen
Time now to close the door and protect our borders. We were definitely right to Brexit.
The door needs to be bolted right now ! So easily could happen here – that should make the Remainers think, instead of sodding protesting on the streets.
Sky have some eye-witness called Lucy double barrelled on the phone, describing her visit to the restaurant toilet, how the event has ruined her shopping trip, and how she and her friend are trying to get back to St Tropez ! Us Brits abroad are priceless when it comes to tragedy and description.
Dazed and Confused – Why post links to disturbing images/video footage from Twitter when it is an absolute act of disrespect for the dead, and nothing more than sensationalism.
You are a cretin of the highest order!
As a matter of interest, are you as vocal and medically qualified when folk are lined up for the Jihadi throat slitting events, rooftop lobbings or cage immolations?
And by ‘folk’, that means the BBC amongst others.
Your moral relativism would make Mishal Husain blush.
The BBC would never dream of showing even a heavily censored and pixelated version of this. If it did, how savage does a piece of bacon on a mosque door or a snide remark made on a bus appear then? However, if you control the narrative and the imagery all crimes become equal. How Orwellian.
Edward, F off OK
LOL ! But I think you are being too subtle !
We must , at least, celebrate the death of the terrorist and hope that many more will die !!!
It’s a pity there isn’t footage of the body being fed to some pigs and then emerging as slurry a few hours later. That might make these ‘martyrs’ consider their ‘after life’.
Grant, sometimes that kind of false morality – disrespect for the dead indeed – together with direct insults to other posters here, deserves nothing less than an obscenity. I do hope many more of those admired by Edward are killed, preferably before they murder.
Edward, dead children on a beach are much more photogenic aren’t they?
I post them, because this is the Internet, and people need to see the true horror of what is truly happening in this world, because as we know, we can’t rely on the BBC to keep us genuinely informed….Obviously as a leftist, you’d be far more comfortable, in creating a whole Nation that think and act like the current “generation snowflake” era, where “safe spaces” are called for to keep the poor darlings away from the truth….These images are factual, and if you don’t like them being posted, then don’t come here.
Ta Mr D&C.
Didn`t want to look-but now feel that I had to…and won`t forget it.
As for YOU Edward…you`re wrong
A gulf exists between what you would like us to see, as opposed to what we sometimes might NEED to see.
Can see why the BBC would prefer to sanitise what happened…rules and all that.
But the grim reality is needed sometimes…whoever posted it up must have felt the same, and we have the right to know if we seek it out.
Disrespecting the dead?…that`s when you belittle what happens because you`d prefer to let islam get way with yet ANOTHER routine atrocity.
BBC web site headline: ‘Many dead’ as lorry hits crowd in Nice
SKY news: Attack In Nice: ’60 Dead’ As Truck Hits Crowd
BBC. Islam’s greatest apologist.
Seventy three now confirmed dead, witnesses tell of how the terrorist kept screaming “Allah Akbar”, and yet how does the BBCs very own favourite Muslim poster boy Asghar Bukhari react to this latest outrage?…..
Where did Asghar Bukhari get that photo? The hold-all being carried in the shot has Hebrew writing on it.
BBC totally useless. Not reporting shootings. Not reporting Allahu Akhbars. Not reporting weapons cache found by authorities. Why do we have to watch RT to find out the news? WTF do we pay our licence fee for, FFS?!?
So Guardianista leftists can have a televisual arm to dictate their views to us, silly..
Apparently so. God, so sickening.
I noticed on Sky that they asked some ‘academic’ who had a arabic type name for his opinion. It wasn’t long before he said people should not jump to conclusions about those responsible as there had been terrorist acts by the ‘Right Wing’. There is no way that any people like him can be trusted to be impartial and Sky are complicit in attempting to divert attention from the real perpetrators. By inviting these people Sky are attempting to appease a subversive group.
They should not promote the suggestion either that these are ‘lone individuals’. They refuse to express the truth and tell it that the problem lies in an alien infiltrating creed and culture which is waging a war on Western Christian society and all these acts are part of it, however loosely connected each may seem.
Not the BBC but have you not noticed that whenever there is some Islamic inspired outrage Sky immediately have a tame Muslim or pro-Islamic spokesperson on hand? The last outrage they had one on with the veil.
They’re as twisted as the rest of the MSM. Stopped watching Sky after that.
As the bBC can’t be asked to report the full facts on this ugly story, the blog I write on has knocked a much more detailed article:
France: Many killed after lorry driven into crowd during Bastille Day celebrations
I wonder if the CS at the bBC will bring out Asghar Bukhari like they did hours after Lee Rigby was murdered.
Sky already making excuses for the slaughter
Disenfranchised youths,heavy handed police,isolation from society. ….
You get the general picture……expect same crap on al beeb
BBC carried an interview on Today in which the line being promoted was that if IS were involved it is as if IS want France to be polarised, it’s as if they want the Front National to capitalise on attacks like this.
Also talk of “alienated French Muslims” becoming more alienated.
An obvious question not put by Justin Webb, but if a Tunisian passport holder feels “alienated” in France why didn’t he just get a boat back to Tunis rather than kill dozens of his fellow human beings?
And as a follow up….”wasn’t Tunisia one of the beneficiaries of the ‘Arab Spring'” that we used to hear so much about?
….and, of course, embolden, anyone even thinking of supporting Front National must therefore be a complete IS dupe, and cannot possibly be supporting FN for any other reason than racism – and, naturally, any support for the right is a far greater danger to the country than these ever-more-frequent mass killings – so therefore right-wing democratic political parties must be the biggest concern for European countries at the moment.
See – this way the liberals get two or three kicks in (ably aided and abetted by the likes of the BBC) at anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do…. and as for the dead and maimed victims and their kin……?.
And once again our media and politicians are dancing around the issue looking for explanation instead of recognising it for what it was, a savage act committed by a savage. No matter what the perpetrators background that is what they degenerated into, no excuses and no justification is ever possible.
Ta Dave 666.
Comedy gold-and a stick to beat the Complaints ponces with, when they deign to reply to my last one.
Bloody teachers-way too much time on their hands as the kids eat cake, pizzas and watch Adam Sandler.
The old devastating hashtag warriors are at it again
#jesuisnice….i bet they’re quaking in their boots
The only one needed is #wearetakingdirectaction
That twat with the piano and the penguin suit on his way to Nice stored aboard Hollandes glider then?
Next stop Nice…”Wouldn`t it be Nice”?
Might as well be…and hope he`ll play SOMETHING other than f…ing “Imagine”
Yoko still selling those blood-spattered specs on eBay then?
Instead of the recording studio…we all know where he SHOULD have gone don`t we?
On a CNN interview in the US Hilary Clinton has now agreed with Donald Trump that yes “we are at war with these terrorist groups and what they represent”. A statement of the effing obvious you might say, although of course she was careful not to use the word ‘Islamic”.
Meanwhile one beboid in London talking to another one in Nice says he thinks this use of a lorry to mow down pedestrians is a “novel” means of attacking innocent people. His colleague rather tactlessly then points out that this has been commonplace in the Middle East, especially in Israel. And now moving on ……..
CNN are by the way continuing to pour their invective on Bojo, the May Government, our economic prospects and the stupid Brexit Brits in general (ably assisted by their own UK-based scribblers and their “liberal left” colleagues from the usual UK suspects). It is indeed a “very special relationship” .
Gunner: Meanwhile one beboid in London talking to another one in Nice says he thinks this use of a lorry to mow down pedestrians is a “novel” means of attacking innocent people.
I’d be temptend to say he’s yet another BBC ignoramus. But of course it goes deeper than that: the BBC is not interested in the fact of Israeli and other civilians being mown down by Muslim terrorists in cars, trucks and bulldozers.
Naturally that plays havoc with the BBC image of these savages as bold freedom fighters and so the BBC lies by omission of these facts. That’s the BBC – never met an Islamic terrorist it didn’t love.
I am interested in the way BBC bias filters down to the far left and then become a catalyst for their action.
Here is Hon Professor Benjamin Zephaniah giving a well rehearsed account of why Boris Johnson is a racist. This clip now features on the joint Class War/Black Lives Matter FB page and both are calling for a march on Boris’s home this evening.
Justification for their actions provided by the BBC.
So will the new Cabinet stand up to these shits or are we ruled by social justice warriors?
And what of Prof Zephaniah? Is he the kind of person suitable for educating London students? Here is the poster he apparently supports.
Gunner, CNN have a lot in common with the bbc, not least of which is a scant respect for the truth. Here’s an attack on Boris.
Here’s how Boris Johnson insulted YOUR country
He said people in Papua New Guinea eat other people!
Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news for CNN and and Shanna Pavlak but a quick look at wikipedia says “Cannibalism has recently been both practiced and fiercely condemned in several wars, especially in Liberia and Congo. It is still practiced in Papua New Gunea as of 2012 for cultic reasons” – so biasedebbc reality check says – it’s true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I suggest the reporter needs to stop bashing Boris and get out more.
Jo Coxs funeral today, if there isnt massive coverage by the BBC I guess we can assume the turnout for the sainted MP is lower than hoped.
I was right – no chance of second referendum, Brexiteers in the Cabinet, might as well take her out of the freezer and do the right thing.
Can I have Jo Cox`s vote if I choose to give my £3 to Owen Smith-Jones ” Je Suis very Nice” charity?
I`ve channelled them all-and Tony, Barbara and our Mo, our Jo all want me to vote on their behalf…Jeremy it is!
Poor Owen Jones-Smithy.
Seems not to be campaigning today out of his natural devastation at what happened in Nice.
I myself have not recovered from the disappearance of Richie Edwards of the Stereophonies back in 1971…so continue to draw my disability benefit from this date.
I will therefore not be a candidate for the coming Labour Bouncy Castle capers…and if YOU have any respect for the memory of Ritchie Blackmore-Cunningham, whose car is STILL at Peter Gordenos Servicing area near Walesland…YOU won`t try to win either.
Labour-always for sore losers…like moi.
Meanwhile over on LBC the arrogant twonk James O’Brian claiming mind reading skills tells us that ‘what terrorists want’ is for us to ‘blame’ Muslims for the terror attack in France to ‘divide communities’. Presumably he want us all to ‘hugga muzza’?
Remarkable that James understands the mind of these terrorists! Perhaps there is an alternative career for him as an adviser to ‘Prevent’? Would certainly be better than having this half brained bigot on air!
This self appointed ‘expert’ has just said that its ‘thanks to multiculturalism’ that we dont have as the terrorism problem France has!!!
Nothing to do with our superior security services, or better border controls (for all their faults) assisted by our having a ‘moat’ -‘against infection and the hand of war’!
Amazing “insight”. He must be stupid if he doesn’t realise that France has this problem BECAUSE of multiculturalism.
I know this is a BBC site but Sky has the same disease. Sam Kylie who is meant to be sort of security hack was whining on about the poverty in some parts of the muslim areas in France and saying that they can’t get jobs, feel alienated etc.. and it doesn’t take much to get them ‘radicalised’ as a result.
It doesn’t take long for these subversive reporters to find excuses for mass murders by muslims on the innocent of the West they despise.
Sadly, Sky is every bit as bad as the BBC. That’s not such a surprise, of course, as the BBC is so dominant in broadcast news that it’s where almost everyone gets their training. Because it’s virtually a closed shop for socialists (absent a few token Tories) the result is inevitable.
Agree totally: just look at Robert Peston on ITV and the idiot Paul Mason (Ch4?)
Well as long as Marine Le Pen doesn`t exploit any of this to win elections and t`ing.
THIS was Radio 4s concern(pt 1,587) after the atrocity in Nice.
As ever- out with the hankie in the colours of the French flag, wipe a manly sweat droplet from the dyed balding pate of Pierre Le Glaze ( ex Jacques du Cra Coeur)-and trash Le Pan.
Oh dear-looks like Le Pen will go stratospheric as did Lord Nigel of the Weald.
Maybe the French will extend their permanent emergency to prevent Le Pen from “exploiting populist sentiment” by standing next year for the French Presidential elections.
The BBC would like that…so given their Izzard-like ability to back the loser-hope they continue to trash Marine…on a good day she looks like Amanda Holden, who my wife points out may yet be my kind…for when she dumps me for bloody Neil Oliver…pictish ponce!
Andrew Neil on Daily Politics reveals the same cluelessness as he muses on the Muslim terrorrist choosing Bastille Day for his atrocity. “Surely, there would have been high chance of killing fellow Muslims” he ponders If British national celebrations are anything to go by, the presnce of the ROP confines itself to gangs of poppy burners and those who wish to murder or denigrate members of the armed forces. The Muslim 5th columns in Britain and France do not turn out to joyously celebrate the godless states and national institutions of the kuffar. I was expecting the Caliph of London to pop up intoning the usual “they will not divide us” platitudes.
Another pointless blubathon from France will try my patience to breaking point.
I NEVER watch BbC Breakfast but switched on for the headlines this morning at 8.00am to hear about the Nice attack.
But it was the second brief headline which caused me to choke on my boiled egg.
The new Prime Minister is travelling to Scotland today to save the union!!!
She’s going to what?? Blimey…no one told me we were on our last legs! Have I missed something??
Bias by twisting – disgraceful, again!!
Hopefully the blessed Theresa will start the narrative that the SNP is built upon a hatred against the English. It is a racist organisation and should be condemned by all right thinking people.
She won’t because she’s a plodder. She achieved nothing in all her years as Home Secretary except not get the sack. She even reduced police numbers. Oh I forgot she managed to get Abu Quadar deported – after seven years. Poor Home Secretary.
A bit of brutal honesty about the SNP wouldn’t go amiss. Usually best to confront a problem rather than let it grow and fester.
Come on wronged…let`s give the lady some credit for….ta da…(drum roll)
Sending the Department For Energy and Climate Change to the guillotine!!!
Yes folks-as from yesterday Browns Stool of Green Nasties is no more…poor old Ed Miliband-who got his first perch there before he squashed the Labour Party into a sex dolls orifice-called it “Plain stupid”…but what else Ed?
David-his wheely bin food waste brother is speechless
Caroline Lucas…Greepeace, FoE…EU junket buckets…they`re BESIDE themselves this morning…and if they can`t cry again for Jo Cox, then at least there`s loads of old onion peelings to weep over.
A nations universities departments of weather watching and blue pool nancies cry big polar-bear sized tears.
Now even if Theresa does nothing else…to bin THAT lot of wankienancies is a GREAT thing.
Human Rights next Mrs May…and you`ll have a friend for 2020, come what may(arf arf!)
Best of all some patronising manure monkey refers to his old crosspatch as the “late Department for Energy and Climate Change”.
Theresas the geezer!…Tolpuddle T-shirt maybe?
Theresa the Appeaser more like ChrisH, if she carries out Brexit I’ll say she was a better Prime Minister than Home Secretary. Mind you I thought Margeret Thatcher was a better PM than Education Minister.
Well she now lives at Number 10 so I know where she lives, I can knock on her door and pass the time of day and give her an appraisal.
I was a bit concerned about her Milliband speech the other day.’Black people suffer at the hands of the criminal justice system’.- No they don’t. They benefit. My mate works as a policeman in the Met .They have a saying ‘ Guilty until proven Black.’
My key point though was to suggest that more people should name the SNP what they are,- Racists. Anti English.
I’d like to hear questions on Question Time to Sturgeon like, ‘When did you become a racists and when did you discover your hatred for English people’?
The lefty, politically correct, self righteous SNP need to be called what they are Racists. Not enough people do.
You could well be right.
But to hear all the Green Jeanies all snivelling shades of snot into borrowed hankies and climate change paper shredding organs has been a joy.
A Scientific Ceausescu moment for me in school!
If ONLY we could have had them all in a line getting filmed…from Jonathan Porritt via Attenborough to Harrabin, Lucas, Davey and Huhne…crying and stamping their tiny feet as all those spongy civil servants on the burning DECC get led out like a crocodile of hostages…and over to do some REAL work for a change as we relabel them as Brexit trade negotiators or Quango cracking co-ordinators.
Come on!…race to Brighton Town Hall in a rainbow gown…and bellowing out the end of Climate Change f…wittery getting funded on the rates?..Town Criers abound!
Have to have a heart of stone not to laugh…no longer “free” is it at all Mr Lucas ?
Wilberforce Claybourne Humpheys!…No we`ve not been served since 1971…but looks like Grace Brothers is open for business.
Now then-which WAS the most offensive Beeb comedy -and did most good for us until the Stasi banned them
a) Are You Being Served
b) Allo Allo
c) It Aint Half Hot mum
Got to be an Index of offence here…and we need to ram it up the BBCs hole until we kill it.
Gays or Race?…
One of the commentators on BBC TV this morning referred to “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” is a “slogan”.
Well perhaps it is, strictly speaking, but I also thought it was profoundly disrespectful under the circumstances.
Would he refer to the Koran as a “popular paperback”?
I would be willing to pay handsomely (upon a lottery win) if a tech wizard could invent a device that detects the facial presence of David Lammy or Diane Abbot on screen.
It would need to overlay a picture of Stimpy (or similar) to hide the face and replace the sound with something more palatable such as chalk on a blackboard.
I think FaceBook had/has something that intercepts images of naughty bits. Shouldn’t take much to adapt.
Slightly off topic but thought you might like to hear from a “real victim” of the Nice attacks on Sky News last night
Best bit is at 3m30s
And what about “The killer of those that died, is likely to have been Moslem”?, then, BBC?
Oh, of course, does not compute, does not fit in-house narrative…
Frank Gardiner preferred NOT to name the victim of white French police shoot to kill.
A local man…French as they come, I`m sure.
Mohammad something…but Frank would rather not read out that name for Andrew Neil a few minutes ago.
He`d prefer to look at security failings, fireworks as bringing on epilepsy and bloody Clouseau-type policings.
Good old Frank eh?…Ironside in a toucan…not even tin can…
Ta Tabs.
Bloody Muslims eh?
Poor Lucys shopping trip now ruined(3.50 etc)
Up til then it was a good fireworks display apparently so.
So a mixed picture then from Nice.
Still though-we know what to do with Plane Stupid protestors on the M4 next time.
Tunisian airline meal delivery drivers …NOW!
PS- people don`t make good speed bumps, so at least The University of Westminster can reduce THAT option as being viable traffic calming measures.
PS-heard Sam Kyle earlier talking to people who`d not been able to go back to their hotel, so had slept in the car.
But-do we blame French Intel or the gendarmerie?….whatever we do , we WON`T blame Islam.
“Life`s tough sometimes-without killing people as well”
Take THAT-Andres Brevik,Thomas Mair.
But not you Muhammad, Mohamet, Mohammad, Mo, Mozza etc…keep on killing huh?
The Sky woman on the clip above said, “The truck left a trail of carnage.” No, dear, trucks don’t usually start themselves up, choose a target and slaughter innocents. It’s terrorists who do that. Islamic terrorists in particular.
It’s unbelievable. The lefty, appeasing media seems intent on waving the white flag until the death cult of Islam reigns over the prosperous, democratic and free societies of the West.
Jo Cox funeral
“Hundreds”. Not so very many then for a murdered MP.
A private not public funeral. Maybe what her family wanted, or did they realize the turnout wouldnt be massive?
Maybe the most appropriate response to this wasting of The “Greatest Labour Leader That We Never Had” might be to retire her football shirt (Labour `til I die, F the Red Scum and Blue Tory bastardos etc).
Number 666 I believe.
And let`s have Angela Eagle and Own Smith-Jones settle it with a mudbath in Birstalls Doggie Exercise field.
Winner to meet Steve Woolfe in the final sudden death play off…can I use that phrase?
Sure can-f Labour and the BBC….we`re leaving!
Corbyns a Keeper-he MUST stay!…we love him!
BBC Website says that Mick Jagger is expecting his 8th child. Now that is what I call transgenderism !
Clever wife?!
It won’t make him a better person. He should apologise to all childless couples for rubbing their noses in it.
Only the BBC
Kashmir Valley is part of India but the Muslims living there want to join with Pakistan. So obviously the Muslims butcher people to show how unhappy they are.
Soutik Biswas explains in the above link how this is all to the fault of the Indian forces trying to maintain law and order there. I kid you not.
A google search of Mister Biswas brings up this page as the second hit:
Apparently people living in India regard him as a mindless, left wing stooge for the BBC. They feel he constantly attacks and undermines the democratic state of India. They believe the BBC is anti India and pro anti democratic forces.
So BBC Bias appears to be a worldwide problem.
I no longer own a TV in the UK and have informed TV licensing and cancelled my direct debit. I just got a letter from them acknowledging that my ” circumstances have changed “. They will be in touch “in about 2 years , or sooner ” to check if I “don’t still need a licence.”
They find that “almost 1 in 5 people ” need a licence.
The letter looks as if it has been written by an 8-year old. I would quote more but I am losing the will to live !
Pound steady as shares head down
“UK shares have dipped further” – further than what exactly? both the FTSE 100 & 250 have risen steadily this past week after traders shorted the bejaisus of them post brexit – something the A-level economics, school-leaver reporters they use never acknowledge let alone understand.
“By lunchtime on Friday, the FTSE 100 was down 19.66 points at 6,634.81”. Well, again, 19 points is nothing, you could get a bigger change if someone farted on the trading floor.
Not very impressive is it dear beeb? You must try harder.
Stock markets around the world are reacting to the latest atrocity. Only the warped minds at the BBC could try to put a Brexit spin on it.
“You could get a bigger change if someone farted on the trading floor.”
Wouldn’t that cause a rise in the shares of air-freshener manufacturers?
We can all relax now as the BBC has reported Rihanna and the 50 shades of grey film crew are all safe and accounted for.
Still feeling nervous?
What about some tweets from Boy George, Cyndi Lauper, Amy Schumer, Mia Farrow, Kim Kardashian West, US singer George Clinton and London-based rapper Tiggs Da Author.
“Due to the unique way the BBC is funded we can report like Heat magazine”
“Due to the unique way the BBC is funded we can report like Heat magazine”
Wait until Newsbeat and Trending and Pop Up work their magic.
I’ve got a theory that ISIS are carefully spacing out these attacks to cause the maximum damage with the minimum consequence. If they do too many Nice style attacks, FN will be swept to power in a popular uprising, and the banlieux will be turned out by troops, like the bazaars in the days of French Algeria. If they limit the attacks to one every few months, they know that people will be able to shrug and go back to their I-phones without getting too irate. Of course, it’s not a theory I expect to hear discussed on the BBC anytime soon.
The IRA had the same strategy and they won ! If the Europeans are not strong enough to deal with this , they deserve to lose.
BBC Questions You Are Unlikely To Hear:
“To Mr Sadiq Khan (London Mayor), do you unreservedly condemn the terrorist atrocity in Nice?”
BBC Question You Are Likely To Hear:
“To Mr Farage, when do you expect a far-right violent back lash from UKIP supprters?”
Masterclass from Oliver Leftwing this morning on Today.
Can see how he managed to hang on in there, doing Tory type things for so long.
Monty had her claws out-but well preened, oiled bird Olly was untroubled.
Poor Monty -shrieking to herself for her fellow Labour lotus eating loopies , as the wheels of power roll sweetly by her aimless kindergarten cop shop.
From Labour to BBC to TUC-one open Chicken Run isn`t it?
And not even a hens brain among them to start a coup…
From Monty at El Alamein…to Montys full Brexit Meltdown…in three generations too?
The Old Ma Beckett of Broadcasting…now that Brigit Kendall-now THAT`S the bird they ought to have given the gig to.
Speaks Russian you know…
Apologies if it’s already been mentioned, but did anyone else see the do-it-yourself guide to FGM on BBC1 news at 10 last night! Is that really necessary, in front of my teenage boys. And then, an elderly Kenyan? woman saying that her daughter must have it as otherwise girls will want sex too much. Now I understand! So, let’s try integrating these cultural differences…
Hitherto I never found this a problem, this FGM.
But today a Black African Voice from the UN has declared this practice-“a form of sexual abuse and exploitation”
Heard it on the endless baggage carousel of a news feed on one of their radio orifices on the hour-and every hour.
So I`m convinced-can`t be a good thing if the UN are against it now.
Being liberal BBC cretin DOES allow me to prioritise and park my emotions in a pretty pyramid.
Cameron-show trial “Calm Down Dear”-Angela Eagle.
UK Petition already started for the Hate Crime of the decade.
FGM…Francis Gerald Maude is it ?….
The Grauniad has just one topic open for comment. Or it had. It was closed after TEN comments – most saying we told you this would happen and asking if the paper was going to change it’s “wave ’em all in ” stance.
They don’t like it up ’em!
The Guardian is currently running this;
“Sympathy should be our only response to the Nice terror attack. We should not pretend that any state can stop one madman in a truck. Most official responses are likely only to make things worse”
The piece by Simon Jenkins says action would only, “raise public expectation that “something can be done”… What has happened in France is tragic and calls for human sympathy. Beyond that, there is nothing we can usefully do”.
Does this represent the view of the liberal left? That the slaughter of children and adults in Nice is just an unfortunate, natural event like a volcano or a tsunami and that we can do nothing apart from shrug?
I would call it undiluted cowardice, appeasement and cognitive dissonance. There’s a massive amount we could do, but we’re too frightened and trapped in a failed ideology. We’re too cowardly to even admit we’ve been conned by our politicians, educational system and media. We’re too cowardly to even admit that Islam is the problem.
Marine Le Pen says, “The war against the scourge of Islamist fundamentalism has not begun; it’s now urgent to declare it”. She’s calling for closure of salafist mosques and depriving people of nationality. No wonder she’s tipped to be the next French President.
The liberal left are rapidly becoming part of the problem. In the words of the French writer Albert Camus; “Those who lack courage will always find a philosophy to justify it.”
Good post. France is going to have to get tough. And I think they can do it.
100% exactly right.
Of course it is going to be hard to solve the problem of Islam in the west. Now the ignorant, virtue signalling left have hoovered up so many into our countries it is going to be ten times harder.
But, rather like voting for Brexit was for an investment in our children’s future – not necessarily for jam the day after tomorrow – the Islam problem is one we have to accept and find a way to solve. Ignoring it now will only make it a hundred times worse for future generations. They won’t look back and thank us for our inclusiveness, they will curse us for our stupidity.
A large part of the problem will be education – explaining to people what Islam is and the effect it has on its victims. This will be required in all schools. Even this task will be difficult, as the teaching profession are not going to be happy telling the truth about one of their favourite leftist victim classes.
It goes without saying, of course, I believe an immediate halt on all immigration from Islamic countries is called for. If Muslims want to exercise their ‘right’ to a family life they are welcome to go back and join them. Of course, this is a largely symbolic gesture, but I think it is easy to do and sends a clear signal that the tap is now closed, we will find a way to live with the ones who are already here.
I realise this will be declared ‘racist’ by the left. To tell the truth I don’t much care about their petty bullying and name calling any more. It is their stupid self-regard that has got us into this mess in the first place. They should shut their faces and let the normal people deal with the problem – whilst they masturbate into their Guardian colour supplements and contemplate how morally superior they are.
“….– whilst they masturbate into their Guardian colour supplements and contemplate how morally superior they are.”
Brings back memories of 6th form and our rest room. Every morning there was a copy of The Guardian placed there by the teachers for our re-programming. The sports pages were OK if we didn’t have a Beano to read.
On the BBC’s main news page right now:
“A lorry ploughs through packed crowds gathered for Bastille Day celebrations in Nice, southern France, killing at least 84 people, in what French President Francois Hollande calls a terrorist attack.”
Are they seriously suggesting that there might be some doubt? That M Hollande may be incorrect? Words fail.
Shortly to be run by the BBC: Brave Muslim lorry driver wrestles with out of control vehicle as it’s steering, brakes and accelerator fail simultaneously in horrific freak accident. After saving thousands of lives (including avoiding a group of meditating babies) he got out of his cab to attend the wounded only to be shot by the racist, white, French police.
ID above at 12.37 cites the cluelessness of Andrew Neil on this day of the Nice atrocity.
Quite right-but, to be fair, he DID pull Frank Garnish up for giving us all the impression that the French flics and their security grunts had “failed to protect the French people”
Let`s not forget that it was the Lorry driving bloke who`s REALLY to blame…Frank concurred.
But Neil DID say “but surely there`d have been Muslims in the crowd!”
And this only followed on from Todays take on the same story earlier.
The French Senator involved in security did moan that this wasn`t fair in effect, because Nice had good facial recognition technology-and how could they invokeTHAT if it`s 11pm?
Justin Webb demurred-for this wasn`t cricket was it now?
So now?
Well-no more fireworks displays?…an end to lorries?…pink vans only?
You watch-the lefty cretins aren`t far off this now…Anyway-here`s Neil when he had some Bols…night time safety catch off.
He-of course got panned by the left(Bea Campbell etal) for saying it though..for this is the Left.
Lambs to the slaughter…self identifying halal preferred.
Brilliant controlled anger there from Andrew Neil. Must have had BBC PeeCee management chewing their fingernails in anguish.