The BBC likes to use a Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times’, to describe the effects of the allegedly lamentable Brexit vote…personally I’d prefer another Chinese proverb….‘Out of chaos comes opportunity’.
So far not much chaos other than in the Labour Party (if it still exists)…looks like the Brexiteers are getting some prime, influential, jobs….and what to make of May and Hammond? Both sceptics who, reluctantly?, plumped for Remain….are they now going to be more ‘onside’ with the Brexit camp? Fallon is very pro-Europe but sidelined a bit out of the mainstream politics going to Defence whilst David Davis is the Brexit champion and Liam Fox international trade minister, Boris Foreign Minister….all three jobs closely tied to Brexit negotiations. There is of course pro-Remain Amber Rudd as Home Secretary…so involved in police, security and immigration. All in all seems fairly balanced so far.
The BBC’s main concern for Cameron is his ‘legacy’, how he will be remembered?…naturally he will be remembered for his ‘disastrous’ decision to grant the plebs a vote on the EU. [The wrong decision taken for the wrong reasons, a colossal misjudgement, the BBC told us yesterday, comparing Brexit to the disasters of Iraq and Suez] Peter Allen told us all his good work [LOL…can’t remember the BBC reporting much of that] has been ‘washed away’ by the vote which has destroyed his reputation as those ignorant plebs have wasted the opportunity…as Peter Allen said…‘and look what they did with that chance’…..laughing and sneering.
He also told us that the Leave voters didn’t vote for something only against…but that’s Allen’s, and the BBC’s, own negative narrative that wants to say there is no plan and Leave voters have no idea of what they want…what does Brexit mean? the BBC keeps asking, aiming to create confusion and chaos and ‘lose’ Brexit in a dizzying whirl of ifs and buts and whatabouterys….hoping to re-invent the meaning of ‘Brexit’ along the lines Remain wants.
Trouble is the vote was for something…controlling immigration and exiting the political, social, economic and judicial dominance of the EU, just as Norway has kept out of so much of that [ plus no free movement of course]….they want a free market with friendly relations and cooperation on things of mutual interest…such as travel, health and security.
Does there need to be a plan? Not a detailed plan as the BBC and Remain insist… can there be a plan when it is so dependent on negotiations with the EU? Any plan is just so much fodder for the media to generate as much news headlines about ‘crisis’ and failure as possible. Any plan would be forensically gone over by the BBC and presented as a hopeless failure with endless problems and would be an utter waste of time as no ‘plan’ survives contact with the enemy…or reality. The only plan needed is a general idea of what you want, such as trade deals and controlling immigration…it is only when the negotiations begin that any details can begin to crystallize along the lines of the possible when you hear what the other side really thinks and wants itself, and is prepared to give way on when not posturing, trash-talking, in the run-up to the ‘fight’ over negotiations.
The BBC has taken the Remain narrative all the way here, the Brexit vote was an unnecessary disaster that nobody really wanted, that there needs to be a detailed plan [that they can trash] and the SNP is justified in claiming it has the democratic mandate to stay in the EU when the reality is this was not a national or party political vote but a vote across Britain and it is irrelevant how any single part of Britain voted.
The BBC tells us that Britain is divided as never before….so in a general election when millions voted for several different parties Britain was somehow more united than in a vote in which 75% of the electorate voted and was split just two ways? How is that ‘more divided’ than ever? Brexit didn’t give us Devolution…that was IRA terrorism, Scottish National Socialist anti-English bigotry and the Labour party. Yet again, a very selective narrative, of a divided Britain is one used to attack Brexit.
We were also told that the Tories were in turmoil….and yet this was just the usual leadership election…one carried out within three weeks at a time of intense pressure and political disruption. May is in office and is setting about creating a new government at warp speed…hardly the mark of a Party in turmoil. Again just a BBC narrative that suits its own agenda.
With that brief introduction to the midweek open thread I give ground…the floor’s all yours…….
BBC have now upgraded their headline to…
84 dead after “despicable” lorry attack in Nice. Steady on.
Internment is around the corner.
We cannot protect thousands of potential targets.
We cannot deploy our small number of surveillance teams against thousands of known suspects.
And we cannot let this slaughter continue.
Before internment be introduced, before any fight back or defence, the BBC has to be curbed. Our politicians will not defy the BBC with its current political power.
We agree with you, but will THEY, the liberal left elite who run the UK and most of Europe? THEY have put us in the position where our culture and our lives are on the line because THEY have deliberately decided to import millions of Muslims. The decision THEY took always had a huge risk attached to it with virtually no upside benefit. So why did THEY take it ? God alone knows. It was always possible , we would have said likely, that Muslims would never integrate and never accept our values and would end up declaring war on us. That is looking more and more likely with each attack and what we are seeing now, awful as it is , are just the opening skirmishes .
Perhaps THEY really do believe it will end happily , perhaps THEY are just too afraid to admit their error, but THEY are still denying that we have an existentialist struggle on our hands. The BBC is still trying to convince us , or perhaps themselves, that this has nothing to do with ‘modern’ mainstream Islam but confined to a few fanatics, if in doubt about that listen to PM on the BBC tonight, and until THEY do admit that differences between Islam and the West are at the root of this, we will never be able to take steps to try and at least start a process of saving the West from Islam.
Doublethinker ………… “do admit that differences between Islam and the West are at the root of this ”
Agreed. This was brought home to me recently when attending a consultation for a replacement hip. Being rather ‘old fashioned’ (i.e. brought up with manners), I offered a handshake on meeting my Consultant. It was not taken up. Only later did I realise that Muslim men do not shake hands with women. This religion should make its bloody mind up, as he had no problem examining my naked hip and thigh !
I realise we take all our clinicians on trust with our health, whatever their race/religion; but in light of recent events, and the ease with which the atrocity was carried out, – what could be simpler than disposing of the white population via misdiagnosis, overdoses, general malpractice etc, over time while they reside in hospital ! Admittedly my imagination runs riot at times, but there have been cases where Asian doctors have been struck off, and in 2008 this was a case in point……….Muslim Doctor In UK Found Guilty of Glasgow Airport And Nightclub attacks.
Mark Mardell on Radio 4 on WATO ‘French politicians rushed to call this (ie the Nice attack) a terrorist attack’. What else might they have called it? Ah, like the BBC last night that a lorry had run out of control.
politicians rushed to call this (ie the Nice attack) a terrorist attack’.
Reminds me of the ‘Second Intifada’ during which Palestinian terrorists slaughtered over a thousand Israelis, 70% of them civilians, on buses, in clubs and drive-by shootings. I recall the aftermath of a bus bombing: the smoke had hardly cleared and the blood of the victims had hardly dried when the BBC ‘reporter’ – or it could have been CNN but it hardly matters since these subversives are all clones of one another – said, “Israeli officials were quick to point out the lack of a security wall in the area.”
As if the Israelis, while removing the dead, gauging the danger of another attack which would target those gathering at the scene, treating the injured and then rushing them to hospital, were really just using the atrocity as an opportunity to get international approval for building the anti-terror wall.
Left-wing ‘media’ organisations, of which the BBC is a prime example, are filled to the rafters with people whose main interest in the news is to use it as a vehicle to demean and discredit those who don’t bow to their lefty political agenda.
They are misguided fools without a moral compass between them but they are very dangerous and wield a great deal of influence and power.
It was such a treat to see that influence and power drastically curbed in the aftermath of the referendum. And of course it was not only curbed in the UK but beyond as people in other countries have seen from the UK example that it is possible for ordinary people to fight the lefty political and media establishment and win.
A little known detail of the attack, not yet picked up by on-the-scene BBC reporters, is that the truck’s tachograph indicated an over-run of several minutes past the driver’s allocated time schedule. The French equivalent of H&S have been informed and a probable prosecution is the likely outcome.
Many of you cannot share the enlightening joy that is BBC Wales Radio news.
A moment ago the interviewer was a little taken aback at an ‘expert’ who spoke about the reasons for the Nice attack, (France being secular for example). So the interviewer hurriedly interjected ‘but what about France’s historical colonial history?’ Ah yes. It is The fault of the French people after all.
The BBC interviewer cannot quite get his head around the fact that others from former colonies appear to come to work in the west without climbing in to a ten-ton truck and rampaging murderously down a crowded street full of families celebrating a special day. Nor does he quite clock that Muslims are blowing the limbs off human beings in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – again no doubt because of Western colonialism in the warped minds of BBC staff.
Reading the above I am lost for words. Living far overseas, I don’t have to pay the BBC tax. Can’t someone sue them for “obtaining money by false pretences” or whatever it is called? You pay the licences fee for a news provider, but they are giving you … (I honestly can’t think of a word)
The Alternative Reality of @bbcR4Feedback 3mins on saying “using Boris instead of Mr Johnson” is bias in favour Boris.
…emmm what lack of perspective !
#1 How many listeners actually complained ?
#2 In everyday conversion in is entirely normal to refer to people by whatever part of their name is MOST DISTINCTIVE !
Hence : Farage not Nigel, Lawson not Nigel, Cameron not David, but Boris not Johnson. Cos Johnson is a name shared by too many people.
.. Usually people’s surname is the distinctive part, but a small minority of celebrities are mostly referred to by their first name cos it is so distinctive eg Oprah, Kylie
Stelios, is another… and if there was a politician called Josh or Sol, they’d probably use that instead of a common surname
and Hillary
Unfortunately, the sobriquet “Wanker” could apply to any number of BBC people, couldn’t it?
and Baldric and Bob!
A message from the BBC:
BBC News
July 15
Hi, there has been comments on these videos about illegal activity. Please read our response here: This programme sought to document these journeys to reveal some of the reasons people migrate, exploring the methods used and the challenges. Because the migrations are illegal, much of the filming involved actions that are illegal. The BBC did not encourage or help the people filmed for Exodus break any laws or do anything they were not already planning to do. The filmmakers had a strict code of conduct relating to how such activity was documented. Some of the footage was filmed by the migrants themselves when BBC camera crews were not present. As one of the most important stories facing the world today, we felt it was in the public interest to show this material. Our emphasis as journalists was to tell the story of what is happening and report it accurately.
They even seem to actually believe most of it. I wonder if any choo-choos slipped into the final cut? Or paint-balling. Accurately, of course.
Our emphasis as journalists was to tell the story of what is happening and report it accurately.
Even though in many cases they didn’t know if it was accurate.
When considering the pisspoor coverage by Al Beeb of the Nice attack (‘lorry driver careers down road and causes some injuries but no-one knows anything about him ‘) one should remember that Al Beeb employs more so-called ‘Journalists’ than the whole of Fleet Street taken together.
Which does rather beg the question – what the hell do they actually do?
Our local paper has started posting the local court proceedings . I noticed last night there was at least 15 people fined for not having a TV licence. What the fk are we paying for so someone can write ‘a Lorry killed some people in Nice’. All the little ponces want to start doing some real journalism everyone is looking at their output in dismay these days. You would thing after a few months of being wrong about absolutely everything they might start to change. But on and on with the lefty crap.
Sluff: Which does rather beg the question – what the hell do they actually do?
It’s probably quite hard work – distorting and mangling the English language, choosing what news to minimise and what to shout from the rooftops, tiptoeing around the dreaded ‘terrorist’ word, even when it begs to be used for an atrocity such as that in Nice, looking for ways to sanitise the Religion of Peace and then there’s the difficulty of making the news appear to be original BBC output when so often it’s just been cribbed from news agencies.
Anyone would be exhausted after a day like that.
Goodness what a biased evening so far on Radio 4, & Any Questions hasn’t even started!
After switching from the cricket I was treated to a particularly biased Dead Ringers, some of it seemed almost slanderous to me coupled with the distaste of a dead Mrs Thatcher. Then Front Row was a disgrace, free propaganda for anti fracking followed by a moronic artist, Marcus Harvey talking about an artwork with Mrs Thatcher’s head & a dead pig. This is all far far over the top & distasteful. When will they ever give this nonsense up?
Phil just stop listening , I can’t even turn it on anymore. I used to turn it on every evening at bed time . I can’t bear to touch the on button anymore.I don’t think I am alone their listening figures must be going down the pan
Good advice Lock! I’m a glutton for punishment but at my age I must pay attention to my blood pressure.
One little gem from “Any Questions?” this evening (yes, yes, but “I died, that you may die no more”) was an early audience question in which it was stated (and, of course, not challenged by Lefty chairperson Dimbleby) that Mrs Thatcher had closed all the mines. This topic has been discussed at length here, so I won’t go over all the old ground; but suffice it to say that the most mines closed in the period 1950-75, before Mrs T was even Tory leader, and more closed in 1964-70 than in her eleven years up to 1990. Also, shouldn’t Mrs T be a hero for BBC folk like Harrabin? After all, any pit closures she may have presided over would have reduced our CO2 & SO2 emissions, thereby saving us from the wrath of Gaia!
Yep and I think we will be reopening a lot soon. It is getting cold in case anybody has not noticed ? Frack and get the coal mines going Theresa you know it makes sense
You forgot to add the little piece of information that based on your accurate data, the person who therefore closed more pits than Mrs T was that well known arch-capitalist…….errrrr…..Tony Benn !!!!!!
Something the marxist biased BBC and all their Socialist Worker chums somehow have repeatedly failed to mention down the years.
Great juxtaposition with the very first post on this thread.
We may have Terrorists in our midst and causing carnage in France but what really matters to the UK authorities is getting to grips with the dire threat of………errrrr……..wolf whistling!
We are the UK authority. How is Saddam Khan our new Mayor getting on with banning posters of women on the tube haven’t heard much from him lately ?
HE’s done one better than that! He’s banning traffic from Oxford Street! I wonder if that includes lorries driven by disaffected enrichers? #JeSuisBrexit
I’ll light a candle for you Mr.Aborigine
And the labour idiots in Camden are thinking of closing off Tottenham Court Road during the day. Along with khans dumbass idea with Oxford street which conveniently won’t happen until 2020 expect plenty of chaos if this ever goes ahead. No criticism from bbc London at all now if this was boriss idea then the critics would be lined up and shouting for the next 4 years.
Khan also wants to add ten pound to congestion charge for cars before 2005. Good luck with that but just carrying on red lens war on drivers I bet all the drivers that voted for him will not be too impressed. And they wonder why London has become so expensive. Don’t remember the greens winning the mayoral election.
Just waiting for the inside London special on khans failures and pigs will fly.
Don’t mention pigs 🙂
Military Coup in Turkey??
looking that way, and Merkel was mad enough to allow them free access to Europe !
Looks confused but expect no light from the BBC. Try Russian or Israeli agencies. World class our BBC is not. Not even third class.
It doesn’t look as though Boris will have to apologise to Erdogan after all! The BBC must be gutted.
Military coup in Turkey.
That gives 70 million Muslims a legally enforceable reason to escape persecution and fear by……….fleeing to Europe !!!
Who needs to wait for EU membership ???!!!!
I’m only surprised it has taken the Turkish military so long to try to unseat Erdogan and undo his attempt to turn their country back into an Islamic state.
However, it appears to me that France is in far more need of a coup to sort out its numerous Muslim related problems than the Sublime Porte; the ever widening fissures in its national security cannot be solved via the mechanisms of a western democracy (IMHO), which were never created to deal with an ever-increasing, sizeable minority within it comprised of followers of a religion which, ultimately, seeks to destroy that self-same democracy.
My late father and I worked hand in glove with the Turkish military. This is a great day in Turkish history. Ataturk and his people have won . They need to kill Erdogan now .
‘Wear a headscarf or be raped’: Sick messages threatening sex attacks on women are posted in Swedish town with stickers demanding democracy is replaced with Islam
Wonder how long it will be before the leftie loons comply – but hang on a moment, that would mean the loons wouldn’t be in political power to oppress the people and bully them into submission ! Not a chance the Muzzies will have to be denied !
15 minutes later
Even the photograph used is the same one!
What is the point of the BBC when we can get the same news from the Guardian?
And the same left wing bollocks.
Speaking as a thick, undereducated Outer (c. BBC and the Moron).
They both have been spouting the same mantra since 2010.
That is interesting. The army have always been more keen on secularism than the government, perhaps they are hoping to roll back some of the increased Islamisation that has occurred in Turkey in the past years?
That would be good for Europe.
there are times you wish this was the BBC !
En Buyuk Turkiye !!! Death to Erdogan !!! Ataturk lives !!!
Avrupalılaştırılamıyanlardanmısınız ?
Does this translate to ‘HOW HAPPY IS THE ONE WHO SAYS I AM A TURK’
Not so good with the second bit. I need some help.
Ataturk abolished Sharia courts, the blessed Theresa considered them to be an acceptable part of our society.
Watching Newsnight tonight, I wonder more than ever how James OBrien comes to be employed by the BBC. He has the personality of a goldfish, and the intellectual grasp of a …. (suggestions welcome).
Mrs S has never had the pleasure of experiencing O’Brien’s presenting talents before tonight; she asked me who on earth it was and commented that it looked like they’d just asked someone in off the street to present the programme for them tonight.
This morning I tuned into LBC to listen to O’Brien whilst I did my ironing (I usually try to avoid him primarily because I can’t stand the sound of his voice). Before I did, I had an imaginary bet where I staked my house against a pinch of shit that he would dedicate the entire programme to worrying about a putative backlash against muslims. I won the bet. He is so predictable. LBC is no more than ‘click bait’ for crappy ads.
Just reached 100,000 signatures – the petition to invoke Article 50 immediately
A little more info on the situation inside Turkey than what the bBC is giving you:
Coup taking place in Turkey
I wonder how this will effect Turkey’s acceptance into the EU !!
Could be hastened if the more democratic Army gain control.
Conspiracy theory I know but forgive me, is it possible that given Russian support for Erdogan. Is it possible that the EU and USA influenced NATO are behind this coup.
wronged ,
LOL ! Turkey is still the country of Ataturk. And his children are in control of the Military. And they will never , never, join the EU.
Thanks Grant, your knowledge of the area is better than mine. Would I be right in thinking that the USA would be delighted by this news?
Is this the start of the anti Islam war?? Goodness I hope so.
Interesting that John Kerrey is presently in Moscow!
It’s all to play for at the moment as there seems to be conflicting reports from both sides.
The coup is being reported as a push for secularism. Now why would that be?
As an aside, Turkey is obviously the ideal candidate for immediate entry to the EU.
The people in the USA who really matter are delighted ! It is party time today ! And a great victory for freedom . I salute the Turkish officers. 500 of them are in prison as result of Erdogan.
But the ones who remained have done it. Serefe !!! En buyuk Turkiye !!!
Long live Turkey and Long Live Ataturk !!! Evet !!! Evet !!!! Evet !!!!!!
Shwmae taffman.
With Sharia May as PM – don’t hold your breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shwmae Rhif Saith
‘Theresa the appeaser’. Yes , it will be filibustered and put on the back boiler.