After the BBC’s faux outrage at the killing of Jo Cox and its attempts to exploit her death by linking her murder to the Brexit campaign telling us that Leave’s rhetoric had whipped up a storm of hatred it seems odd that the BBC is now so silent about this…from the Telegraph…
Half of the female shadow cabinet ministers who resigned over Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership have faced death threats or warnings of violent attack, The Telegraph has learned.
Six of the dozen senior women who stepped down in the last month have faced threats of physical attack or violence, while many of the others have received intimidating messages online.
The danger from some threats has been deemed so realistic that police have been called in, while others have installed extra security measures amid growing concerns about their safety from relatives.
One former front-bencher was told she would “get it like Jo Cox did”, another was told to kill herself and a third was warned a queue of people would be outside her home “waiting to rape” her.
The threats have been so concerning that Rosie Winterton, Labour’s Chief Whip, has raised it at a shadow cabinet meeting.
The party’s ruling body has also suspended all normal constituency party meetings until September amid fears of hostility growing during the leadership contest this summer.
There are now calls from moderates for supporters of Mr Corbyn – who has also had death threats – to lower the tone of their rhetoric.
A muslim is looked at in the street and the BBC sends round a film crew to report on the hate crime…death and rape threats to women MPs who oppose Corbyn and the BBC isn’t interested. I think the BBC is taking Nick Robinson’s warning not to say inconveniently bad things about Corbyn a bit too far…these are his supporters making these threats, just as it was one of his supporters that abused a Jewish MP at a meeting about anti-Semitism…a supporter whom Corbyn then went up to to apologise to rather than remonstrate with.
As I mentioned before Peter Allen told us on Thrusday that a brick lobbed through Angela Eagle’s window was nothing to be concerned about…it’s only one brick, it means nothing he told us…and of course we don’t know why it was thrown or who did it…guarantee that if it had been a mosque window the why and who would have had instant answers from the BBC…and it would have immediately announced a rise in hate crime.
The Labour party is in a parlous state, not because one person lobbed one brick through a parliamentary office window, but because too much power has been given to its membership, without a reciprocal increase in control as to who is allowed to become a part of that membership.
The uncomfortable truth is that none of these MPs (male or female) is safe, either physically or indeed from being deselected if they do not accede to the demands of this membership.
It doesn’t really matter who leads the Labour party, whether it’s Corbyn Angela Eagle or anyone else, the fact is that control of the Labour party has been lost to the membership and it will now take a monumental effort and many years to win it back. The responsibility for this state of affairs must lie with Ed Miliband who changed the membership and election rules, and Jeremy Corbyn and his acolytes who are trying to take control of the party.
The reality is that no party leader (of any party) can lead effectively if they don’t have a stable and supportive base in their constituency- this is clearly not the case, especially with Angela Eagle who only two days ago was the subject of a no confidence vote in her constituency. Many of the MPs who voted no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn will be the subject deselection attempts in the run up to the next election.
The whole situation is a mess, it is noticeable that none of the big beasts have entered this election as yet and one can only imagine that they have realised the risks of doing so. The situation is only being reported upon by the MSM in the context of isolated events. It doesn’t really matter who the leader is in 6 months time, the membership are in control and the whole party is at risk. The BBC would rather not report any of it at all, and invariably report comment in watered down terms.
Thugs are much the same regardless of their affiliations. The Labour ship is wholly at their mercy and no matter how much it’s bailed out it still looks like she’s going down.
When we in England eventually end up as a one party state will the agitators actually be happy?
I think not.
After the Alan’s faux outrage at the killing of Jo Cox and his attempts to exploit her death……..we have yet another post.
Kiki boy, I have a question for you and Jerrod and all your boys. Why are you all so obsessed with Alan ? Is it a perversion ?
Grant my good man!
Our white man hating, Islamic massacre loving, traitor friends, are carrying out jihad on Alan right now! I have no doubt that a Imam in cult Leftlam has issued a fatwa on him and these willing jihadis are fanatically carrying out their duties!
Like Islam instructs its followers to butcher and destroy all infidels, the far more devious, underhanded, lying, traitorous bastards that are following cult Leftlam are trying to destroy their enemies too….us…their own people……can there be any more vile, sick, disgusting human beings than those that abandon their own people?…
Thank you. I am just so happy now about the Turkish military action. I cannot put it in words. The Kiki’s and Jerrods and all that scum have lost !!! LOL !
Let us not forget how Bojo won the prize for the most offensive Erdogen poem
the I’m pleased to announce that we have a winner of The Spectator’s President Erdogan Offensive Poetry competition, and here it is:
There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
The author of this winning entry is former Mayor of London and chief Brexiteer, Boris Johnson MP.
Yes . And Bojos Grandad was Turkish. I guess there are not many Turks on this website. May I just say ” Sahol ” and ” Affyet Olsun and “Shere vinise ” . Lutfen !!! En buyuk !!!!
If you spent a little less time going after Alan like a psychopathic ex girlfriend and posted just one condemnation against the death cult and it’s relentless pursuit in destroying everything and everyone you love and care about, we would take you more seriously.
You will be the first to go you fucking imbecile and you are so far up your own arse that you just don’t see it! You utterly despise Alan and like minded people on this website but without us you and your kind are fuck all. You are spineless cowards that are happy to give away everything to protect yourself and your warped leftist vanity.
Unlike you, we will never give up on our own people and way of life. This country and everything that makes it the greatest place on earth to live, is worth fighting for. Why don’t you please just fuck off to ‘The State that is not Islamic.. even though the Muslims that live there say it is’ and see how far your self-righteous, guilt crusading gets you. .
May i say that I think that you wasted too many words on that dick ?
You seem to think you know a lot about me and what I think based on my criticisms of the garbage Alan produces. You don’t. And much more often than not you are entirely wrong. But hey, you keep railing against those windmills.
And I certainly don’t need you or your like minded people, you are part of the problem.
Fantastic post.
Some of them seem to have an obsession about Alan. It is almost sexual !
What a great site this is – never met anyone or even know their names, but we have become good friends.
This is a wonderful site . Whenever I am on here I am not alone. And when the idiot Trolls pop in , Jerrod and all the other idiots, I get confirmation that I am right. Special mention to chrisH who is the star here. chris, if you are reading this, don’t give up the cider just yet !!! And keep on getting up Lefties’ noses !!
Most kind grant…I drivel on in the hope of that glass of scrumpy on the Tweed.
I remind myself of the fate of Harry Kane though.
As I taught, I noted him disappearing from all footy references by kids in the class as the miserable tournament ground into the dirt.
“Success has a thousand fathers, whereas failure is an orphan”…so said Napoleon!
“Remember you are mortal”…so said Julia Bradbury to me as she lightly waved a gay palm frond over my resplendent and garlanded bonce, as my wife looked on approvingly…she`s been saying it now for over 25 years, so was due a rest.
I like my head…as do a few psychiatric units so I understand!
It was of no surprise to learn that former BBC Radio 4 Today NUJ ‘journalist’ Owen Smith has set himself up as a ‘moderate’ challenging Corbyn for the leadership. There are few with any Labour ‘leadership potential’ and Corbyn is at least an honest failure of his own humble making (a poor copy of Michael foot), whilst many ‘have-a-go’ challengers such as Angela Eagle are just full of bitter hard Marxist resentment and as unelectable as Corbyn. I seem to remember huge cheers by the BBC militant staff on Cobyn’s election. We can see how balanced that BBC perspective was in creating that Labour leadership crisis, an elite squad within the BBC has no more ‘clout’ it once had on dictating ‘the message’ is also tarnished by its links with Labour. The two are in tandem as can be seen:
Consider previous ’high profile’ Labour members with links back to the BBC include: Peter Mendleson (Media guru for Tony Blair with closer links to Greg Dyke (from LWT TV). Greg Dyke later become Director General of the BBC), Will Hutton (Guardian journalist to BBC Journalist), Liz Fogan (BBC and Guardian Journalist), Andrew Rawnsley (BBC to New Labour activist), James McNaughtie (Guardian to BBC staff Radio 4), (1997) Lance Price (BBC to New Labour activist), Martin Sixsmith (BBC to New Labour activist), Tom Kelly (BBC to New Labour activist), Ed Richards (BBC to New Labour activist), Bill Bush (BBC to New Labour activist), Catherine Rimmer (BBC to New Labour activist), John Birt (BBC DG to New Labour activist), Don Briad (BBC to New Labour activist), Sarah Hunter (BBC to New Labour activist), Ben Bradshaw, (BBC to New Labour MP 1997), Chris Bryant (BBC to New Labour MP), Celia Barlow (BBC to New Labour MP), James Purnell (BBC to New Labour Gov. Minster), Ken Macintosh, (BBC to (Scotland) MSP). In 1990 BBC Joy Johnson became Labour campaigns Media director. And in 1997 BBC Joy Johnson was also rehired by the BBC after the election (no questions asked). There would be more I am sure readers can supply post 1997.
This brings me back to Owen Jones. Another BBC journalist bidding for leadership. At least Corbyn was voted for by Labour Momentum members for £3 each. Whilst Owen will have to rely on the BBC in-house elite fixers to swing that over the charmless Angela Eagle. We can expect the BBC to plug its own network of ‘moderate’ Marxists.
Owen Smith, when I saw him on Question Time I thought he was Francoise Hollande speaking perfect English, the Welsh lilt I took for his French roots.
But the theme of this thread does make me wonder why the Left is so full of hate & intolerance.
A lady on Any Answers today, a Labour supporter, was relating how she has been threatened by the far left in Momentum, it was scary what she said, the tactics of Fascism, i.e. the shutting down of dissent. I am glad I am a Tory where we grumble & moan about each other but more or less get along together without bitter & violent hatred.