Another Islamist attack in France and immediately you have the problem spelt out to you by those in charge….the problem is their own refusal to accept what the problem is…..
‘A tragic paradox’
European Council president Donald Tusk says it is a “tragic paradox” that the victims of the attack in Nice were celebrating “liberty, equality and fraternity” – France’s motto – on the country’s national day.
No, it’s not a ‘paradox’, tragic or otherwise. The fact the victims were in a crowd celebrating ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’ is exactly the point, the Islamists are violently opposed to those values and beliefs.
About time those in charge started to understand the problem and where it stems from.
The BBC peddles the terrorist narrative that the Iraq War has radicalised Muslims. OK, let’s go with that. So ‘young British Muslims’ have been radicalised by the British invasion of a Muslim country. They then attack British troops in Iraq and attack the UK itself. Why are they angry and radicalised?…because ‘Britain’ is not a Muslim country. If Britain had been they would not have been bothered about the invasion (Remember Bin Laden wanted to invade Iraq himself…the fact that Saudi Arabia wouldn’t let him is what set him off in his rage against America and the West). So what are they loyal too? Britain or Islam? The answer is clear…they are loyal first and foremost to Islam. An Islam that teaches intolerance and hatred towards non-Muslims and their beliefs, practises and life styles. As Mehdi Hasan preaches to his fellow Muslims…Islam will not bend its laws to suit the ignorant and immoral Kafur even in a majority non-Muslim country.
Why do they attack us?
It’s not just bombs and bullets they use to ramp up the pressure but cultural blackmail, lawfare and media propaganda…two recent examples that seem minor but say so much…Muslim boys who refused to shake hands with female teachers. Its a deliberately political act by those boys intended to stir up controversy and grab headlines, raising ‘issues’ and putting pressure on politicians whom they know will be reluctant to suppress a ‘religious’ duty…should they force the boys to shake hands it will lead to court action and the usual cries of Muslims being oppressed and marginalised…leading to, we are told by Muslim ‘community leaders’, anger, radicalisation and terror…therefore the answer, Muslim ‘community leaders’ tell us, is to allow Muslism to live their lives completely under Islamic rules….which is exactly the tactics the MCB in the UK uses to try and ‘blackmail’ government and other authorities into turning society ‘Islamic’.
Heard about attack on R4 5.30 news – didnt seem to mention nationality/background of driver yet other news organisations seem to know = funny I thought people might like to know that.
Aunty keeps us guessing again – Maybe this is it the long awaited the far right “backlash” We have already seen it in this country. Polish sheds going up in smoke, graffiti and someone shouting at an Eastern European in the street.
I am sure Tommy Robinson had something to do with it – or maybe even Nigel Farrage who very conveniently retired from the political scene – Yeah we all believe that one . He has probably been at the truck auctions disguised as a bloke called Mohammed!
What we need now are new “hate” crimes to prevent this happening here. Obviously if were nicer to all these engineers and doctors who we feed, clothe and educate some of them would not be forced to kill and sexually abuse people in their host countries -simples.
As Merkl said “We can do this” and doing it “we” certainly are….. Trouble is who is doing who?
I suppose Aunty is holding off on ethnic details until the last possible moment in the hopes that this crime has been committed by a bloke called Pete from Surrey. Might be a long wait……………
Watched last night as the tragedy unfolded. I flicked through all the News Channels and the banner displayed below the screen on all those channels was “Terror Attack” apart from the BBC whose headline was “Lorry in collision with pedestrians”.
Which tells you everything that you need to know about what the BBC have become in 2016.
Time for some Lorry Control, obviously.
That sounds like bullsh*t to me but if that was the case, which wasnt when I was watching, it was because events werent clear at first.
… yet if you flicked over to RT or Sky at the same time, you got the full picture. Strange, that.
I was watching all the free to air news channel, and that’s simply not true. If you have to lie to make your point, rather suggests you dont have one.
I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree, “Kikuchiyo”. You do sound a lot like Jarrod, you know – same insults and everything.
FWIW, I was watching as events unfolded live, then again at around 6am the following morning – it was a very similar pattern: only RT and Sky gave the full picture.
Yes, they’re very quite about it aren’t they?………oh wait……seems youre full of sh*t:
A Frenchman of Tunisian descent, according to Nice Matin.
Which means that as an EU citizen he could have done the same thing here on Trafalgar Day or St George’s Day…if we were allowed to celebrate them.
Muslim nutter dedicating his carnage to IS…posthumously with a mouth full of Muhammads plums as he phones it down from hell…Arabic for paradise, so he`ll find out later today?
OR… a cri de coeur from a committed young and vulnerable trainee astronaut..Tim Al Pique..beyond despair at the result of the British Referendum last month..who did his regrettably/admittedly “HGV concern trial run” somewhat early?
Basically merely Harry Clarke with garlic on his butties.
Let the BBC decide for you-once they`ve managed to fiddle the facts. select their mobile footage and post-written the outcomes for the archives.
History written backwards.
Sturgeon will doubtless clarify later from Downing St…and , to be fair, May ought to pop her up on her mantlepiece and spit her out…which is more than any other candidate for the Tories could do.
I find this #Je suis Nice stuff, too trite for words. In Europe we have forgotten the roots of our civilisation, and thus have no way to defend ourselves against a militant and aggresive religion such as Islam.
What is true is the lack of #Jesus in Europe/West.
Paul Weston, starting facts with no garnishment.
The Left, which includes the BBC, demonises anyone or any country that opposes the Islamic agenda. Look at the way the BBC demonised Serbia, then Hungary, because it opposes the Islamic takeover of their countries.
Mr Watson, excellent as usual (in spite of off-putting delivery), makes an excellent point here. He makes a comparison between the endless shots of the Syrian child allegedly washed up on a beach last year, and the reluctance to show images of children murdered by Muslims.
You could argue of course that the reluctance is out of consideration for the parents’ feelings, but I don’t believe for one minute that that is the true reason.
Latest from al-Beeb – the truck was white, all things white are evil, whiteness must be eradicated worldwide.
Newt Gingrich is along the right road. However, as I’ve pointed out for years, such testing leads us down the same road as the Spanish found themselves, around 1492. The Spanisgh state soon found, that unlike Christians, Muslims were doctrinally allowed to lie to protect Islam, so Islam could continue to propagate in Spain. Hence the state set up the Spanish Inquisition.
The way forward is to recognise that Islam is unable to live in a pluralist society, and have separation from Islam, as Laurence Auster has advocated. Exchange persecuted Christians in Islamic ountries for Muslims in the West. Thus we stop this low level civil from igniting to a general war, that will affect humanity for generations. For humanity’s sake we should stop trying to mix oil and water. It will lead to massive suffering on all sides, if this situation gets out of control.
Another Islamic act carried out in all its brutality on innocent non believers. Another example of how endless and relentless Islams war on the infidels will be. Another example how death, butchery, carnage, destruction and violence are not only acceptable in Islamic instructions but mandatory to ensure the ‘protection’ of Islam and more importantly to carry out a fundamental pillar of Islam which is submit the whole world to him.
What are those who are tasked to protect us do? What are those who’s job it is to protect those innocent children massacred in Nice doing to prevent these darkest of atrocities from happening daily in every country all over the world?….. Absolutely nothing!!
More denial. More misrepresenting facts, withholding information and misreporting events. More ridiculous hashtags proclaiming solidarity with the victims……
The choices are simple. They have been their for 1400 years since the creation of this warped death cult. Submit to Islam or be destroyed. We are ignoring the reality and paying with our lives
Current reporting is that he was ‘weird’ and had been affected by splitting from his wife, as well as being French-Tunisian and a criminal.
The apparent nutter who allegedly killed JC wasn’t given the benefit of doubt regarding the reasons for his actions. Will Al Beeb be as quick to condemn here?
Bracing now for the ‘it could happen here’ brigade to be interviewed for their wisdom, despite the will being already demonstrated, along with the means (if separately).
Not quite sure what the perpetrators or their handlers (few come up with such notions on a lone wolf basis whilst catching up on Strictly on iPlayer with the wife and kids at home) are thinking of beyond nihilism. It will certainly create unfortunate community consequences well beyond living in fear eventually, but once the dust settles they will have kicked off a bit too early to achieve much more than creating ghettoes that currently exist only in Sci-Fi novels.
Just hope Obama’s plane doesn’t drop into one by accident. Snake may not want to get him back.
Justin Webbs understanding of the situation on Today was that the “fear of attacks” might be “exploited by the far right in France”
Way to go Justin, never mind the actual terrorists, worry about the defenders of European people.
those burning sheds and unpleasant remarks
Oh the humanity
Insensitively deployed charcuterie is also a real concern.
The French arm of Tell Maman and BBC World News would go ballistic.
The BBC on Facebook is currently an education. I do not mean that in the way the BBC claims.
You can just imagine Mishal smiling across at him.
Well said. My daughter who is on holiday in Nice witnessed this wickedness from the beach – she was not on the promenade, thank God. It’s so bloody typical and predictable what that idiot said re the far right isn’t it? Hey Webb, the French far right haven’t come within fifty yards of slaughtering my kin have they, you arse? They haven’t kept me and Mrs. M up half the night worried sick and putting my daughter into shock, have they? HAVE THEY?
Exactly – well said Jack M. What an awful experience for you and your family 🙁
Jack M,
Don’t expect morons like Webb to have any notion of common humanity. Human beings are simply objects to be used for a political agenda and are expendable.
And the Beeb headline at 08.38 French time still reads “At least 84 dead in lorry attack” so we’ll ban all lorrys then shall we? Nasty lorrys you never know what they’ll do.
French reports say the driver French / Tunisian born in Tunisia 31 zig zagged along the pavement into hundreds of people, then got out and exchanged gunfire with the police. Also reported that he had guns and grenades in the cab with him.
I wonder if the BBC have considered that this poor poor man was just being worked too hard by his capitalist, slave-driving boss and he just fell asleep at the wheel?
The shooting at the end was him having a bit of a sleepwalk/shoot…..
On a genuinely serious note I am of the view that these people are, ultimately, going to overplay their bloodthirsty, imperialistic hand and take out a few schools in the most brutal manner (it will take a few because our traitors will not act with just one I am so sorry to say). They will then discover that they have been poking at an apocalyptically armed enemy. It’s only the will that is currently lacking. It will emerge in time.
Almost there.
The region of the world that this evil originates from in the centuries to come will only whisper about the cull lest they provoke us again.
The enemy within (the true enemy note, not the Islamic killers, they are simply doing what’s written on the tin) will have to be dealt with concurrently.
We can do it….
“Was killer depressed about the break-up of his marriage?”
As I said above, the poor poor chap. All alone in his mental despair………YES!, THAT’S IT!!!, a mentally ill, lone wolf….
By this time following the murder of Jo Cox Al Beeb were reporting the dubious claims of even more dubious ‘witnesses’ that far-right slogans had been shouted out. Any reports of Allahu Akhbar from them yet?
Well said, Peter. And they were quickly trotting out the “far-right-white-supremacist” narrative, with the gunman’s name being published almost immediately, followed by invoices for far-right publications he’d ordered decades previously which magically turned up within 6 hours of the killing. Then they steered the conversation towards the “racist” Leave campaign, blaming it for having created “the atmosphere which allowed it to happen”.
Where is the conversation about Islamic supremacism? Where is the outrage at whatever is causing the atmosphere which allows it to happen?
Funny how none of the Tommy Mair doctrine is followed in any Muslim terrorist attack.
BBC – Islam’s worst apologist
The BBC TV subtitle headline last night for a long time was ‘Truck collision in Nice’. After a couple of hours it was changed to ‘Truck attack in Nice’.
Are trucks the same as men?
I was up late, having just got in, and watched the story unfolding on BBC News. It took them several hours before they even admitted this was anything other than a traffic accident. Every other major news outlet had long since worked out that it was a terrorist attack before the BBC finally admitted the truth.
That isn’t proper editorial caution – it’s bias.
If they’d taken the same approach as they do when reporting on similar terrorist attacks in Israel, the headline would be “French police shoot Arab truck driver — UN calls for restraint”
Only in the very last paragraph of the report would they mention that any innocent civilians had been targetted and killed by said victim of racist police brutality.
If at all.
That’s complete fiction.
Truck off BBC, you trucking lying cowardly appeasing traitor truckers!
Nothing dubious about them. Understandably uncomfortable fact for some though.
The BBC reports that one man has caused the deaths of dozens of innocent people.
Yes, his name was Mohammed and he has been dead for 1400 years. Unfortunately he started a cult that effects the minds of the cult followers, convincing them that followers of the cult are superior to anyone who does not belong to the cult, and requires and exhalts them to forcibly dominate or kill non-followers. While this infection can be relatively benign and not present great problems to the larger population, in large numbers of people it instead presents as a mental illness – where they follow the actual words and act-out the example behaviour of their so-called ‘prophet’.
It must be clear by now that following this cult is not compatible with living in a civilised western society.
The question is, can the symptoms of this mental illness be treated? Is it possible to take a large number of people who have been brainwashed into this cult and make them behave in a way that is compatible with the west?
It seems to me the only way this problem can be overcome in the west is for an acceptance of the problem and a plan for its correction put in place. While we keep denying the nature of the problem, it will not go away.
The BBC reports that one man has caused the deaths of dozens of innocent people.
If it is the same Mohammed of 1400 years ago, then he has caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocents, and the extinction of complete civilisations.
Superd post Manchesterlad
Of course the death and destruction that runs through the very veins of Islam will never stop. It cannot. The purpose and creation of Islam was because a pure and never changing instruction was required to ensure the children of Allah make it to paradise.
In the eyes of Islam the only law, the only instruction, the only authority is that given to Muhammad by Allah and laid out in the Koran and haddiths. Islam is in perpetual war with everything that is not Islamic and therefore we are all expendable in winning this war.
There can never be anyone that ever lives that can amend or change the words of Muhammad. Muslims are mandated to follow every single instruction to the letter… Those who are killing in the name of Islam are doing so because they are following Muhammads instruction to the absolute letter. The great Jihadi warriors guaranteed a place in paradise. There is absolutely nothing anyone of this world can say to change the power of that gift of paradise.
I don’t know which is more delusional…believing a psychotic, blood crazed, pedophilic, warlord who heard voices in his head or those who believe vigils and fucking hashtags are going to have any affect against this evil and barbaric death cult!
This is never going to stop for as long as Islam exists. Instead of containing and neutralising the eternal threat of Islam the sheltered, privileged, self-righteous, traitorous, spineless bastards that are tasked with protecting us have willingly opened up our doors and handing over the keys.
France has the West’s largest Muslim population, so it can expect more and more of this. Germany will catch up soon, due to Merkel’s insanity.
There is no realistic option but to separate from Muslims. The Muslim population is growing rapidly even withouit the actions of Merkel.
The late Laurence Auster advocated this
· Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
· · But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves from Islam.
Exchange Christians in Islamic countries, before they are all killed, for Muslims over here, and stop this nonsense belief that all cultures are the same. Else we are looking forward to a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. And in the end, as in every civil war, winner will take all. It will not be pretty.
Manchesterlad Of course, too many muslims inter-breed, and that contributes to their mental state.
I look forward to hearing the Muslim world unite in its condemnation of this latest attack carried out in the name of their religion. They will do this as attacks like this are an affront to the religion of peace. There will be no louder voice than the MCB.
I expect they’re organising a candlelit vigil, with teddy bears and a chorus of Les Marseillais in Gaza after Friday prayers.
And a piano surely?
I left out reference to the piano as too far fetched!
Thanks for adding.
Welcome embolden.
Sheep to the fucking slaughter (halal). Nice touch with the CND logo too. If only we keep turning the other cheek they will be shamed into leaving us alone. Just look at how pure we are.
Forgive my French.
It’s only a matter of time before this ponce turns up in Nice.
As for Gaza…they will have to import 100’s of dentists to treat the mouths and teeth of the inhabitants with all these sweets they hand out after murderous attacks on the West…….
Caution: Don’t hold your breath.
Retired Lt. General Michael Flynn Discusses Nice France Terrorist Attack…
Because the french suffer from crap leadership. I just heard the Hollande statement in reply. Totally defensive meaningless claptrap! The state of emergency that has been in place almost 3 months didn’t stop this attack and the security services in France are terrible with seemingly no confidence in each other in need of complete overhaul but this is hard to do when in a status of high alert.
The whole Schengen Agreement/ freedom of movement needs to be addressed and borders closed. Individual states need to take control of borders and until they do these outrages will continue. Above all, someone needs to take some leadership.
Borders closed? Stable doors and horses.
I’m afraid it is too late for closing the Open doors policy of the EU. it is time to start someting else. Merkel “Can Do It”
If not already, the focus will doubtless shift to the real concern, namely the communities living in fear.
Should this turn out to be the case, is it too much to hope a sensitive BBC interviewing flower may ask of the spokesmen for this community what they are in fear of, and how this compares in relative terms to those concerns of other communities at this difficult time?
Further, maybe they could be pressed on suggestions on what needs to be done to see no community anywhere needing to live in anything but harmony.
Though doing so within insular ghettos created within host communities may present problems, as will getting sensible insights out of old geezers not too great on local dialogue other than down the first floor place of worship above the corner shop.
Had this this awful incident occurred in Britain. The policeman who shot the terrorist would be investigated for murder and there would be ethnic minorities rioting and protesting against the unlawful killing. The BBC would say that his human rights had been infringed!
There was once a day when if a French Foreign Minister called our newly appointed Foreign Secretary a liar the BBC would have supported our Foreign Secretary.
Anyone still think that the BBC has not been infiltrated by Islam and the anti British Left.
Seems an enterprising BBC hack has found an approved line to take (comments could be going better. Maybe he needs to call Tim Willcox for advice?):
Any excuse!!
Racist police presumably fired at him because he was driving a lorry!!!
Seems the JonDonn has been awakened to share his wisdom too:
Clearly a priority message of victimhood our Don John, sorry, our Jon Donn, is keen to get out there: for BBC tv news our nice man in Nice says “..a big international multicultural city, there will have been a lot of young muslims caught up in this attack” Really, who asked? And any Methodists or Buddhists, Jon? Mind you, when pressed by the BBC news anchor about the method of attack our lad had to concede “…Palestinians have attacked Israelis by driving cars onto pavements” But normal BBC service was resumed with our Jon concluding his report by putting blame on the authorities for not stopping these attacks before they happen. Hmmmm.
At least you have not been blocked by him yet. Few around here have not been put on the BBC ‘views my own’ naughty step.
Comes to something when the public pay for him to post stuff in the name of the BBC that needs challenge, yet the BBC allows its staff to prevent it being seen by any who may have a problem and highlight it.
If he is not hired to help Ms. White wash OFCOM’s BBC oversi… defence perimeter there is no justice.
Can the BBC also spin the fact the driver had weapons in the lorry cab. Perhaps he only got those weapons after the police shot at him
Ban assault trucks.
This fuckwit probably didn’t understand the French spoken to him. A video on the Daily Mail site suggests that the driver was only shot towards the end of his mad, murderous cavalcade.
The eyewitness is in this clip and it also shows the lorry speed up when shot at by police:
I presume you won’t be apologising? Of course not, you don’t have to because you don’t receive 3 Billion a year. That’s fine then. Keep fighting the good fight!
You suggesting I should apologise?
Islamicist nutter hires lorry and parks it hours earlier in the area to be cordoned.
He puts real and fake weapons in it.
At the appropriate, for his intended massacre, time, he cycles there and puts his bike in the back of the lorry.
When questioned by police he lies that he is delivering ice cream.
He sets off on his murderous cavalcade and has already mown down several people when the extremely brave scooter rider tries to stop him.
You Islamicist nutter apologists are as mad as they are.
Still no condemnation or statement against his mates Islamic actions in Nice and the slaughter of so many innocent lives yet Peter……. Sums up the vile human being more than words ever could…
cult Islam and cult Leftlam are working in unison here. Leftlam provide the bullets and bullshit to let them continually get away with killing their own people and the death cult giddily lap up the body count
Yes, you are so right. The BBC, Leftists and terrorists live in the same gutter. They are scum.
So, asshole, as the facts come out and your apologist posts are thrown into stark relief, not that there was ever a doubt about their stupidity, will you be apologising?
Don’t worry, because our police aren’t armed it could have taken ages for armed police to get in the right place to take him out in the UK. By the time the Muslim terrorist had run out of ammo he could have killed far more people.
(Thinking fondly back to the old days … old Cameron would be sitting in a COBRA meeting by now! Surely no one could accuse him of sitting on his hands while Nice burns?)
If this were to happen in Manchester, the first responding officers would be undoubtedly be massacred because it would take a minimum of twenty minutes for the first armed response vehicle to arrive, and the carnage would continue. There would be very many more public fatalities. At least the French officers, being armed, were in a position to do something positively and quickly.
And then: “The policeman who shot the terrorist would be investigated for murder and there would be ethnic minorities rioting and protesting against the unlawful killing. The BBC would say that his human rights had been infringed!”
That would be the price we would pay for successive governments reluctance to allow routine arming of officers in order to maintain the cute, cuddly, concept of the ‘British Bobby’.
Remember if Corbyn ever got in his policy was not to allow the police to shoot terrorists…
No, had this happened in Britain, the death toll would be enormous as the Police are un-armed, as we are….the truck could go on for over an hour before we act…pathetic….give us back our guns you bastards, the State cannot…will not ..protect us.
The BBC radio news reports that French police shot the crazed trucker without any attempt at negotiation. How unreasonable, perhaps he would have undertaken to give himself up after using the can of diesel he would have requested from the police
This is getting out of hand. What we need is a hash tag.
Until we get one, and hopefully a picture of a celebrity holding it up for the cameras, I won’t feel safe.
How about #thismustend
People are not safe from this insanity anywhere and the authorities merely pander to the whims of the enablers.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
how about #rinseandrepeat ?
I won’t feel safe until we have heard from Angelina Jolie on this.
How about
Or : #nothingtodowiththereligionofpeace
BBC interview on Radio 4 and radio 5 with an Egyptian tourist who saw the final stop of the truck murderer….”I was shouting at him that people were trapped under his truck”……Egyptian tourist, Nader El Shafei…good find, pats on the back all round.
And then on Radio 5 the MP for Barrow in Furness, who is, apparently a learned scholar of Islam…who was on the seafront “just before” the attack…
“Multi racial crowd”, “multi cultural city of Nice”…”we must stop suggesting these killings are somehow deserved”…. well he`s right there…..but then we get….. “100s of Shia killed last week in Iraq, did they deserve it, no of course not”, “a fascistic perversion of the true teaching of Islam”, “a false reading of the Koran”, “a very specific reading of the Koran…. not supported by any scholars”. reinforced by the Beeboid…”it`s as if we were made to live by the old testament”
Yes folks, it`s a repeat of the “nothing to do with Islam” road show………again.
These muslim terrorists must be the most stupid people on Earth. It seems that every single one of them has misread the koran and misunderstood the “true meaning of islam”.
It must surely be obvious that any religion founded by a rapist, paedophile murderer is bound to be a “religion of peace”. It’s a shame that God never spoke to Fred West, he could have founded a great religion if he had put his mind to it.
How about this for a BEEB headline. With better spin
Heroic Egyptian bystander heard to shout to Tunisian lorry driver “You aint a very good truck driver bruv!”
Panic over everyone – Most of them are on our side really. Move on now crisis dealt with.
Lets talk about Corbyn instead.
It must be prevent backlash time. Tell lies to Mama should be compiling reports of bacon thrown at mosques, of people allowing their dog to piss on burkas, and expect a re-arest of Tommy Robinson for mortgage offences.j
I don’t think the Luton filth actually need any offences to arrest Tommy Robinson any more, they just do it and see what happens next.
Raheem Kassam over at Breitbart has the answer to all of this, he speaks the unpalatable truth and reality we are facing.
This is war and the politicians refuse to protect us so we must protect ourselves in the only way possible now.
The right to bear arms is imperative.
C’mon everyone. Al Beeb is trying hard to be even handed. One of its lazier journalists has screen shot a supportive tweet from Lady Gaga.
So that’s alright then.
Any of those gayer turkeys what vote for christmas expressing soldarity with moozlims yet?
That makes me feel so much better. I am sure that the victims families will be eternally grateful.
Surprised they did not go full Rhianna, who is, thankfully, safe.
Newsbeaa may be en route to see her people about it all though.
Once again, I can imagine the reaction of Israelis to this.
“What did you bloody expect?”
Meanwhile, I’m going to buy shares in Hamleys because the demand for teddy bears will shoot up again. And maybe I’ll go into the candle making business.
Teddy bears and candles – that’ll show ’em.
Don’t forget the coloured lights. Like garlic to a vampire, you know. A few of those on public buildings frightens the terrorists away for a few months.
With each one of these new Islamic atrocities across the West, the election of President Trump becomes increasingly likely: cometh the hour, cometh the man (at last!).
And French presidential elections next year.
Sky are as bad as the beeb these days, this mornings anchor bimbo asked a French security expert, if the juxtaposition of the very poor of Nice with the very wealthy who holiday and live there might have been a factor.
He gave her short shrift I’m glad to say.
Rather unfortunate timing on fellow commercial channel Classic FM, with an EasyJet ad advising flights to ‘Southern Europe’ are now a real bargain.
When I heard of this on the bbc news this morning, I knew immediately that it was a Muslim attack because the bbc didn’t mention it.
This is what had become of the bbc.
We all know that if it had been anyone else they would have came out with the truth but because it was one of their own they try to hide it.
So predictable bbc. We know your tricks.
I read the news as this unfolded last night and it seemed fairly clear that what you say was, in reality, the case.
Thing is, can we be sure, oddly, I can’t find any MSM outlet confirming it…………
Was there not once a skill known as ‘Kremlin watching’ where what issued forth was chewed over to discern reality and fact from what they were spinning or lying about?
Yes. But there were so many sightings of Labour PM’s and union leaders in the early 1970’s that it was quietly kicked into the long grass.
One of the ways Muslim apologjsts and their LeftyLib ideologues Islamise Europe, is by telling us that Islamic Spain was a haven of learning, peace and tolerance, in a barbarian Europe.
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews Under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain, by Dario Fernandez-Morera (ISI Books, 336pp, $59.95 hardback)
The fact that “Islamic Spain” and its peace & tolerance, has never been replicated anywhere else, past or present, should tell us that it is a Big Lie.
Yes, a big lie indeed. Islamic Spain was in fact a huge slave state. Any warped death cult can be prosperous and have the appearance of a veneer of civilisation if it subjugates most of the indigenous population of the territories which it conquers and lives off their blood, toil and treasure.
Yugoslavia is being reinstated, but not in its original location.
That’s how it will end – very badly. Nobody is listening, nobody is saying what needs to be said.
Maria, I read on Breitbart that Le Pen made a series of recommendations about how to tackle the crisis but none of them have been implemented. I don’t particularly like the Front National – they’re a bit national-socialist for my liking, but to be honest I think they are the last hope for France now. So some people are listening and some people are saying the unsayable.
“I don’t particularly like the Front National – they’re a bit national-socialist for my liking”
That’s the problem. Unless the moderate politicians get a grip, more extreme parties will be only too happy to fill the gap.
People want to feel safe and protected, and they would also like their own countries to remain more or less recognisable as the ones they were born into. Not much to ask, is it? But anti-racism, and the right-on respectability of their politicians on the world stage appear to be more important.
It will end in tears, either for indigenous Europeans, immigrants, or both. The politicians who allowed it to develop will be nowhere to be seen.
The historical precedent is poor.
Frankly it seems astounding that reaction so far seems to involve the deli counter at Carrefour and a few nasty looks on the Metro, but screw the pressure cooker down long enough and the BBC and its fellow travellers will get all they are trying to provoke.
However getting the desired ‘right wing backlash’ to generate the requisite headlines seems a p*ss poor way to run a broadcaster, even one who makes no secret of its social engineering machinations.
Vacuous James No’Brain doing his usual LBC programme this morning … It’s awful … why is everyone blaming all the Muslims …. He used the examples …. if someone with a bald patch, or someone called Steve, came up to him and punched him in the face he wouldn’t blame all bald guys or Steves. I would venture to suggest that if a sizeable number of bald guys or Steve’s punched him in the face on a regular basis he’d be very wary of approaching them. How this idiot ex-gossip columnist ever got a radio show … ah might have answered my own question …..
If between the years 1939 and 1945, every German he met tried to kill him, even an empty headed bimbo like James O’Brien might finally have started to get the message. We are at war, you moron!
Mark Lardell on TWAT-O is reporting that “we still don’t know the details”. But three hours ago The Mirror reported Crazed Nice lorry terrorist ‘shouted Allahu Akbar’ as he mowed terrified people down ‘like skittles’
It is too late for hashtags and John Lennon’s Imagine.
This is possibly the greatest Twitter parody account, mocking the “progressive” viewpoint of the world on everything they do……The BBC loathe Godfrey Elfwick, because he has everyone in stitches mocking the lefts every move.
Typically British dark humour at work here to dull the pain. .
“Allahu Akbar” is actually Arabic for “watch out, my brakes aren’t working!”
(pssst…. don’t tell the BBC, they might use it)
Hilarious, Dazed! Thanks for a much needed bit of humour in these dark times.
Or this from the same source
I wonder why they allow fully automatic assault trucks with high capacity gearboxes to exist…SMH
I`m waiting for the BBC to report his motivation was due to somebody stealing his YORKIE bar off the `Diash-board`…
I`ve already watched this mornings in depth report where a twat in a wheelchair `wheeled out` the lone wolf bullsh*t…
If only Vichy France hadn`t handed over all thier Jews during the war… The BBC could have accused the Isrealis of being the cause eh??? I feel certain that given the choice, the driver would rather murder Jewish children than French ones.. Same as they do when they shoot RPGs at school buses in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on a daily basis…
I am surprised though that the truck was not filled with explosives and did not detonate… Maybe lugging all the explosives was too much work for one `lone wolf`……
I thought the lorry was filled with Yorkie bars, Mars bars, packets of crisps etc and the driver was delivering to Alan’s Snackbar. 😉
Don’t expect the BBC to confirm this.
From Louise Mensch
Thanks GWF – good spot. Sickening.
More blood for the blood God.
Radio 5 dead this afternoon… lets see what we know about this man. First you would think they would give his name which was known, but no. He was described as French Tunisian, his name was not mentioned at all.
We were told that he probably carried out this act because he was ‘disaffected’ What a bloody disgrace!
Has this been blamed on Brexit yet?
Why else was it carried out on the Promenade des Anglais?
I have been following the site with interest for a good few months now and thoroughly enjoy what i read. Prior to discovering the site it felt that I was the only one that had similar thoughts or views about the BBC and their impartiality. Anyhow with the kissing and hugging out of the way, i would like to add my tuppenceworth:
I work in an office mainly full of lady co-workers (age span 30-50+) who’s general topic of conversation usually consists of soaps, the Kardashian family, Beckham, boy bands blah blah. So it was with some interest that i decided to listen more intently to today’s news via these fonts of information.
In truth it was one in particular i was most wanting to hear pontificate. This stems from knowing her a good number of years, being called an Islamophobe by her and knowing she hasn’t ever had an original thought in her head. However, the time arrived and she was prompted by one of the other girls comments: “that was terrible in France”.
Like a Bull seeing a red flag she responded thus: “I can’t understand why it is always happening in France” then a classic “No doubt they’ll say it was a Muslim” (No shit Sherlock, yes she gets her views/news from the BBC) and finally “No one talks about the bomb in Baghdad the other week”. Of course, she was right with that last statement, she never did mention it, likewise the previous outrages in France or indeed, closer to home, the various Muslim grooming gang court cases.
To me she reflects the mindset of far too many in our country who just seem oblivious to what is happening and have no concept of what Islam is all about and just believe what the media inform them that it’s a “religion of peace”.
Anyway, thanks for allowing me to get that off my chest.
Welcome W.H., oh it’s a religion of peace alright: peace after the absolute destruction of the kuffar.
… after which, they will start on each other.
Religion of peace? More like a religion of pieces.
A warm welcome from me too W.H
Just a couple of retorts to help your self-righteous, virtue signalling moron of a co-worker
“I can’t understand why it is always happening in France”…
…well I suppose if you completely ignore daily reports and several Islamic acts carried out in Belgium, hundreds of prevented Islamic acts by our security services here in the UK, The USA numerous times, Canada, Australia, Israel, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Mali, India, Pakistan, Somalia, Cameroon, Turkey and Kenya, then yes it only takes place in France!!!
“No doubt they’ll say it was a Muslim”…
…well not until the Al Beeb have mislead, deceived, and misreported every single report and article for as long as humanly possible to protect the evil death cult. It was always going to be a Muslim because to a Muslim it isn’t a terror attack it is a pure Islamic act you utter fuck wit!!
“No one talks about the bomb in Baghdad the other week”…..
….well I do and so do the other patriots that are not brainwashed by the white man hating fascists that infest the Al Beeb and spin bullshit stories to shoehorn the ‘message’. I talk about the fact that every Islamic act is but a dot in the night sky. I talk about how Islam mandates the believer’s to kill/enrich all those that are not true believer’s. Only delusional, egotistical, self important guilt warriors like yourself are hung up on race… It doesn’t matter what race you are or where you were born, if you are not living and practicing the instructions set out by Muhammad, then you had better pray for a merciful death!!
Hope that helps W.H
“No one talks about the bomb in Baghdad the other week”
Ask your co-worker who planted that bomb, and the one in Pakistan at the play park. Islam is so murderous that it even consumes its own.
Been watching Al Beeb coverage. At 1813 Al Beeb skillfully find and interview a chap on holiday who comes out with the NTDWI narrative. What are the chances of that?
Mind you, all I can get from Al Beeb is that some young petty criminal was responsible.
The fact that his culture and religion might just possibly have something to do with it seems totally lost on the Far Left marxist deniers in the biased Al Beeb newsroon.
I almost can’t believe that the French PM said that the French will just have to get used to living with terror. He should be made to resign with immediate effect. He might have thought it was hopeless but his people nneded to think that he was actually trying to do something about it. The word disgusting does not come close to describing him.
Absolutely nail on the head once again….,wonder what Pat Condell will have to say….
Internment of those who have returned from fighting jihad in Syria would be a good start and send out a clear message.
Throwing away the key would send out an even clearer one.
Unfortunately Johnny it’s too far past that stage.
Muslims only alligence is to Islam and fellow Muslims. It doesn’t matter if they travel to Syria or not. Muslims are duty bound to undertake Jihad to protect Islam and fellow Muslims….wherever that may be.
Islam doesnt teach tolerance to the infidels, it teachers Muslims to convert us to the true path or annihilate us! Syria, Yemen, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Somalia are just places to weaponise and focus the utter hatred the vast majority of Muslims feel against all kafir, all over the world….a utter hatred born out of the teachings and life instructions set out by the greatest human being that has ever lived in the eyes of ALL Muslims…Muhammad
Banning Islam and the practicing of Islam is the start (because it’s a choice to follow this peaceful religion right… Oh no sorry it’s death to apostates!!). Giving people the ultimatum of living here or continuing the life of the death cult is the start (imagine how peaceful the blood thirsty, rape happy, death junkies are then!)
While I agree with you TTP, we have to be realistic and accept this is not going to come about. At best, we have to find a plan to get there.
It is a serious problem all right. Even giving Muslims the option of ‘renouncing Islam’ would not really work. The whole concept of taqiya (where Muslims can lie to infidels if it furthers the spread of Islam) would allow them to say they had become atheists (for example) and thought Islam was disgusting, while still practicing Islam.
They could do this with a completely clear conscience as they are only lying to infidels. In fact, to do so would make them a better Muslim!
It will be a long slog, maybe a first step would be banning Madrassas (‘schools’ where children are taught about Islam – taught to hate infidels in other words). Perhaps this could be leveraged in on the back of some sort of child protection legislation.
Until we can even admit the problem first though, nothing is going to happen.
Manchesterlad, your being too nice. You’re position needs to be tougher. The softer you approach this cult religion of death the greater the struggle France will have.
If any politician was to ask the people in council estates if Islam is a problem. I can only imagine the look they will give you on the supposition that you have asked a stupid question stating in their minds the affirmative.
Like in the EU referendum, only London and the politicians are stupid enough to think otherwise. Did I mention Scotland. Ah yes, the country that had just 4,000 immigrants last year!!Well thhey would know about it wouldn’t they, not.
Scotland’s SNP is a party of racists.
Well I know what you mean, I don’t think I am trying to be ‘nice’ just trying to think of a phased approach which has a chance of being acceptable/introduced.
I am open to all ideas however.
I have just read a comment on another site where someone proposes that for each Islam terrorist attack a mosque should be demolished. The idea behind this is to make the ‘community’ resent the terrorists, rather than tacitly support them as they do now.
It might be more effective to go further; for each victim of a terrorist attack a mosque should be demolished. Either the mosque attended by the attacker/s, and/or mosques in the wider UK starting with the largest. The same sanction might well be effective against Muslim paedophile gangs, for each rape conviction a mosque would be bulldozed under the same terms.
This would hopefully reduce the support for Muslim paedophile rape gangs within their communities – it would have a downside rather than being a purely cultural triumph.
Of course, these proposed new laws would probably best be agreed in a referendum, with the leftists plus immigrants taking on the rest of the country – rather like Brexit.
Most importantly, we have to use try and use lateral thinking to try and find a way out of this mess.
Agreed, your comments are often interesting and worth reading. There would have to be restrictions on Saudi funded mosques being built. It is the religion itself that I have a problem with.
It’s beliefs are completely at odds with western civilisation and requires either to be modernised or banished completely. It is a religion based upon aggression and superiority.
As a non Muslim I am to be viewed as cattle. Utter nonsense.
The only way is separation from Islam, before Muslims become so numererous that they take over the West using the vote.
The question is how, without appearing bigots, or zealots. One way is to continue the way Blair and Bush began, with the inevitable terrorist reaction from Muslims living in the West. This will lead to a continuous ratchetting up of the war, till the opposing sides migrate to their own side.
I note that France has already stated that it will continue the war against ISIS.
Clearly this has been the policy since 9/11. It may well turn out, in this long and decetful war, that Bush and Blair turn out to be correct.
If you go war in another country you must have an exit plan. This is why Bush senior stopped at Kuwait. His son never listened to his dad!
A post WW2 German Marshall type plan is both expensive and necessary. Even more difficult to do in an uncivilised, volatile, fanatically religious Muslim country.
Especially when Phil Shiner and his gang of scum will use legal aid money to drag soldiers through the courts to get compensation for their angelic clients. Try fighting a war with that hanging over you.
The “exit” plan is that the West ends up in a state of total war with the Islamic world. That is, it is a plan to get into a total war, then militarily defeat the forming caliphate. I noted the reluctance of USA and NATO to snip the budding caliphate. They are still reluctant. The plan is that if we militarily defeat a full fledged caliphate, then Islam will be defeated politically and “spiritually”. This is true enough, as Islam is not a spiritual treligion, but a militaristic political ideology, reliant on continued expansion.
The problem for the USA and the West since 9/11, is that they couldnt pin the blame for 9/11 ( akin to the attack on Pearl Harbour), on any state actor. The attack was inspired by Islam true enough, but how to pin it on the whole political Islamic world, that was the question. So attempts to provoke all Islamic countrues by invasions of Iraq and Afganistan. Then de-stabilising Syria, Yemen and Pakistan, with the same objective. It has failed so far, but what has not failed, is that Muslims living in the West, have attacked the West from within. This too is jist to separating the Islamic world from the West. In that sense it is working.
We have a long way to go. Another 50 years or so.
50 years NCBBC, blimey I don’t expect to be alive in 10 years time!
Your suggested anaysis needs speeding up.
I want to witness the end of this cult religion of death.
Not my words, but words that slipped from Pres Bush, when he stated something like “that the new Crusades will take atleast 50 years”.
Note that America supported the Muslim Britherhood takeover of Egypt, while it ditched a long term ally – Mubarak. The West also brought down Gaddaffi, even though he was coperating with everything that America wanted,and then let ISIS lookalikes take over.
The US and Britain were/are keen to destablise Syria so that it too becomes part of ISIS caliphate, along with the Muslim Brotherhood Egypt. The coup in Egypt and Russia’s support of Assad was not in the game plan. That is why both were initially condemned by America and Britain.
The US is now reluctantly going along with Russia, but “Assad must go” is still a policy. They are now going along with Russia, hoping that Putin will join in the game plan.
The game plan of total war withg the Islamic world still remains. It is like the Cold war policy, that too lasted a long time, till the destruction of the Warsaw pact.
I believe this is what we are in for . A long Cold war with the Islamic world, with an attempt to encourage the formation of a “Warsaw” like pact in the Islamic world – the caliphate. Followed by embargo of all goods and people from the Islamic caliphate. No more immigration from the Islamic world, not even students. Just as we did to the Warsaw pact. To this end, add continuous military interdictions, and exploitation of fissures in the caliphate etc.. This will bring about severe economic difficulty in the Islamic world, even starvation, just as it did in Russia.
The Islamic world will collapse along with Islam, as Islam is a political ideology. Unlike Chrsitianity which is spiritual, it will be unable to withstand defeat after defeat and physical privation. bin Laden knew his people. They will always back the stronger horse.
.. and any Muslim in prison should be placed in solitary confinement for the entirety of their stay. This would prevent the ‘radicalisation’ and forced conversion to Islam of non-Muslims in prisons and also stem the progress of violent Muslim gangs in prisons.
Can’t do that, human rights…
Better still, we rendition these Muslims to Nauru. Hopefully, Australia wont mind. The people of Nauru will be well compensated.
Another thing. No conjugal visits. Strictly. We dont want another generation growing up in Nauru, and becoming a pestilence to the people.
Something bothers me about the lorry driver. When the news first broke I looked up Twitter and saw mention of gun men in the lorry shooting, Now we have one driver who was shot by the cops. But a message from a friend tells me that the cops dragged two bodies out of the lorry.
I cannot back this us, so it won’t satisfy the Jerrods here, but if it were proved that more than on was involved then bang goes the deranged lone wolf story.
Social media furious over PM’s ‘France will have to live with terrorism’ comment
Message to the French from me
You voted for a weak lefty government. What did you expect!!
I, like others on this site are sick of your pathetic candles, songs, teddy bears,etc. You are a weak, weak nation who have failed to understand that in order to achieve Fraternity, Liberty and an Egalitarian society you have to both fight for it and in your case defend it.
Your people are shamefully too liberal, too lacking in character, too idealistic,too scared to confront bullies, too left wing.
You need to learn to get a spine and fight for your freedom. It was hard won by your forefathers and you have let their memory down.
One word describes your country. Pathetic. A cult religion kills your children and you do nothing!!
Doh! Step one France. Ban the cult religion. Step two support a ‘grassing’ society whilst using a propaganda war against the very people who are going to try and kill you.
Step three, be ruthless aganst your enemies. Deport anyone of this religion who fails to comply.
Step four, close your borders.
Protect your people. The harder you push against your enemy the more they will understand not to mess with you. It’s human nature. You don’t survive if you show weakness and turn the other cheek, you just get beaten up!.
France. It is the way only forward. Let’s put it this way. It’s better than doing nothing which you currently are.
Sad to see the nation of Napoleon shrivel into such wimps. Shame on you France. Schengan my bottom!
I am so angry about this incident and how soft we all seem to be.
Radio 4 news at 7pm manages to report the entire atrocity without once mentioning Islam, Muslims, Islamists, Islamic State, nor even Tunisia! A perfect score for BBC-style reverse buzzword bingo. They win this weeks star prize of a biscuit. Oh wait no, someone’s taken it.
Yes Mike,
BBC news, no mention of the murderer being a Muzzie!!
What are our politicians doing about the pro Islamic anti British BBC. Nothing.Absolutely nothing.
They make me sick.Enough is enough
BBC news, no mention of the murderer being a Muzzie!!
Why should they, as they know “it has nothing to do with Islam”. It is a cardinal belief they hold to, like AGW and CC.
Thanks to the earlier welcome from a couple of contributors after i tiptoed onto the site. Needless to say Tothepoint, the coffee i was enjoying spluttered forth as you annihalated my very self-righteous co-worker.
She along with many are part of the populace that only know PC Britain, which slowly but surely bends further with its desperation to appease part of the community who get or feel offended by the slightest traditional thing, such as the Christmas holidays.
Added to this are people who seem to have their own individual agendas. One such person is Bidisha, who was on the C4 news on Wednesday evening. Whilst flicking channels (as you do) my flicking stopped as i had never seen her before. I joined just before the end of the programme and Boris Johnson’s name was mentioned as he’d been appointed Foreign Secretary, which caused Bidisha to shake her head and exclaim xenophobia!
Curiosity got the better of me and i did some research and found that she is: A british broadcaster and journalist specialising in international affairs, social justice issues, arts and culture and international human rights (wikipedia). Apparantly she is also a “feminist icon”.
Though she is big on multi-culturism, it would appear she’s not too enthusiastic if it’s British culture, as she would like, for example, to see the Cecil Rhodes statue (Oriel College, Oxford) removed and some paintings in the Tate Gallery renamed to deflect Britain’s imperial past. More and more of her ilk get time via mainstream media to air their views and to the gullible and at times misinformed are free to spread their particular brand of poison.
Like you, I’d never heard of her. Like you, I had to look her up. Like you, everything I found out about this snarky leftist “journalist” led me to believe our society is going down the toilet.
Bidisha has hosted ‘Woman’s Hour’, instead of regulars Dame Jenni Murray and Jane ‘champagne bottles’ Garvey, on the increasingly insane Radio 4.
I’ve been listening to Radio 4 every day for decades. But today I couldn’t switch it on. Not once.
On The Today Programme, I heard one of the BBC traitors (Justin Webb) asking if the French authorities had dropped their guard a little since the end of the Euro 2016 football tournament … in other words, when all else fails, BLAME THE AUTHORITIES!
DELENDA EST BBC – the BBC must be destroyed.
This Nice story must have been a big one as far as the BBC are concerned.
The World tonight on Radio 4 featured Tariq Ramadan after 10.30.
I always know when the BBC are worried, when the MCB are bothered when old Tariq is summonsed.
The very apex of taqqiyya-big words, Oxbridge, Sorbonne and Geneva.
But he ALWAYS says the same things…basically, French colonialism, racism in France, provocations like Charlie Hebdo, Muslims are equally targeted as victims…indeed (as he said)” “we`re all victims in this”.
And now is not the time to respond-it never is, never will be, never COULD be with Tariq.
His uncle founded the Muslim Brotherhood.
And-whatever you do-do NOT make the Muslims angry with your charges of Islam being an issue.
You would not like Islam if it ever DID get angry you see.
So, when you hear Tariq Ramadan..he`s taqqiyya Oxbridge quisling number 1…and he does NOT come out unless it`s serious, or triumphalist.
And if anyone ever asks how the hell the mighty French culture became a slime stain of Muslim wadding…remember that we let Tariq Ramadan wander all over our universities, government think tanks and media outlets like the BBC..and we let him talk, chisel and borrow like a tick deep into our body politic like bilharzia up the urethra.
Yeah Chris, funny how Auntie never “balance” the taqqiyyist Tariq Ramadan with someone with his head a bit more screwed on eg Maajid Nawaz, isn’t it?
Please stop saying the Nice attacks have nothing to do with Islam
Mind you, Nawaz’s attempts to equate the Crusades with Islamic terrorism, while failing to note that the Crusades were precisely a response to medieval Islamic terrorism, is highly misleading.
Maajid Nawaz is the founder of the Quilliam Foundation, a counter-extremism think tank, ie another Taqiyya spouting organisation intent on misdirecting any inquiry on Islam.
If he thinks that the Crusades were anything but a very belated and half-hearted response to invasion and destruction of Christian nations and people in the ME, then he is a far more dangerous Taqiiya exponent then Tariq Ramadan.
None of these people should be in the West. There is no way to save the West fron Islamising completely, except a separation from Islam, as Laurence Auster has advocated.
· Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.
· · But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves from Islam.
Exchange Christians in Islamic countries, before they are all killed, for Muslims over here, and stop this nonsense belief that all cultures are the same. Else we are looking forward to a civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. And in the end, as in every civil war, winner will take all. It will not be pretty.
I notice that DT has been cautious enough to disable comments. They seem to know that even Maajid Nawaz, and the Quilliam Foundation, have lost purchase with the people. Its so bad that even Guardianista commenatators have become “Islamophobic”.
Not on the BBC: 06:38 GMT
At least 1,563 military personnel across the country have been detained since the coup attempt was launched, an official told Reuters.
Just one example of a fact – not really very significant in itself – which the BBC could report, but doesn’t. (Or at least, not yet, at 6.49 GMT.) Why do we have to go to RT to get informed? It’s the BBC’s job to inform us, FFS.
Finally on the BBC: 07:57: ‘More than 1,500’ military personnel detained.
So it only them 20 minutes to get this on to their so-called “live” feed. 🙄
SKY reporting that ISIS have claimed the Nice atrocity. Presumably they waited for the very recent arrests to be made public before deciding that one of their French cells had been compromised so there was no longer a need to keep quiet about it and allow the Tunisian nutter to take the blame.
I always think that ISIS are glory hunters who claim ALL atrocities as theirs.
Even when the perps and pervs are posthumous gangsta Muzzies-as opposed to even having been real ones whilst alive.
All part of IS “bigging up themselves”-when they`re just a Satanic jizz necklace with a label gun for every body part-and let the BBC tell us that they`re a real threat.
Rather as if all hooligans in the 70s and 80s were allowed to say that they were all Millwall fans, so able to see Millwall FC as being a threat to Liverpool in European terms at that time.
These people stink of ham and bull…and any self-respecting society would blend them into greasy puddles…as opposed to letting them into the country as Merkel desires.
Gutless bent bullies…just remove the BBC and Channel 4s encouragement of them..and let the REAL people of England sort it.
But the BBC and the liberal media and their apologists need to be hanging from lamp-posts first, dare I say?
Lest they think that Tommy Robinson and Ed Davey are the same.
This lot stopped speaking for Britain in 1973…and 2016 brought the curtain down on them once and for all.
The fat lady has sung…time now to ensure that more Leavers are on the media that Remainiacs…if we can`t manage THAT little feat. then IS will speak for us ALL, and we`ll deserve that.
How difficult is it to deal with the BBC, Channel 4 and the likes of Chris Bryant/
The Left, Momentum etc has much to teach us at the mo…