Operation ‘Get Boris’, a long term BBC mission, moved into top gear yesterday as the state broadcaster did its level best to undermine and vilify our new Foreign Secretary around the world at a time when it should be fairly apparent that such toxic rhetoric is the last thing this country needs as it tries to break away from the EU straitjacket and heads out to do business with the whole world. It seems the BBC, our national broadcaster, the ‘gold standard’ for others to follow, puts its own politics first rather than the interests of the country.
The BBC is still trying to label Boris as a racist for his Sun column in which he mentioned Obama. We’ve already looked at that in depth but it does no harm to keep countering the BBC’s continuous lies about this subject. Boris was merely listing the reasons put forward by others for Obama possibly not wanting a ‘special relationship’ with Britain…and the comment about his Kenyan roots came from the Guardian….Could Obama’s dual colonial heritage spell the end of the special relationship?…...and indeed the BBC itself…..’His meteoric rise to political fame has propelled the name Barack Obama onto the lips of millions of Kenyans. He has Kenyan blood coursing through his veins.’
I guess if you’re a Lefty mentioning Obama’s race is ‘celebrating diversity’ whereas if you’re a Righty it’s because you’re a fascist xenophobe.
And as the BBC lists all of Boris’ supposed faux pas they don’t mention one that I’m pretty certain they absolutely hate as he lays into Islam…the BBC can’t have you knowing that not everyone panders to the Islamist terrorists as does the BBC…..
To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.
The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?
Is it not ironic that the Turkish army, in a Muslim country, knows better how to deal with Islamists who seek to destroy their own country than do Western politicians and BBC media types who supposedly are defenders of the liberal faith?
Endless BBC bias on display these days….fish in a barrrel or a turkey shoot? The floor’s yours……..
Boris is entertaining and famous for his ‘gaffes’, particularly about foreigners. Completely understandable and predictable the media would highlight some of these given his new role at the FO. That’s all. The rest Alan, is *yawn*.
Kiki, boy. What is your definition of ” foreigners ” ? Sounds a bit racist to me !!!!
I wonder where the non racists live? Is it (a) Scotland (b) Wales (c) China (d) Africa (e) England (f) Borneo (g) Manchester (h) London (i) Jupiter (j) Soviet Union (k) Botswana (l) Australia (m) China (n) BBC neverland?
Of course the answer is Borneo. It is a land of equality where everybody has equal opportunity to die in poverty and neglect, If only they had a digital radio for the BBC World-Service! Oh what a joy to hear the BBC voice of a nation that has no identity, gender-less and hopeless equality for misery and dementia. Hail Marx, hail Islam as they are not ever racists at all. Marx was such a nice man on Twitter. He hated the English of fair play and manners. Much better to call everyone a French racist (if they’re from Belgium), English racist (if your from Wales) and Isle-of-Sheppey (for simply being there). Yes racism is rife in Yorkshire (they hate the English). Hitler never invaded England because the BBC would have told him off for being a racist, so he settled on the Channel Islands instead. That is a fact according to the BBC history unit. It is also a fact that he lost the war due to Global warming because he did not consult the Met office and reduce his CO2 levels. CO2 levels are linked to the BBC racist remark unit that monitors world health. And that is why Borneo is where non-racists live. To correct this oversight, millions will be spent on UK foreign aid to prevent racism and global warming in Borneo. This is the BBC World Service. If you move to England you will have to pay £150 service charge for this message. Only the English pay, that’s why they are racists, all of them, bloody patriots. Lord Hall signing off. BBC World Service.
Its time for a full judicial inquiry into the bloated quangos conduct .
Fully agree taffman – I say hive of the news department of the BBC from much of the rest of its surprisingly devoid of bias documentaries and output and close that part of it altogether.
At least the World, through these enlightening contributions, cannot fail to question the BBC’s sincerity when reporting ‘News’. The BBC have increasingly overstepped the mark with their overt bias on many issues and, no more can they be even remotely described as, “The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”. Long live the Internet.
More and more people are turning to social media to get their news these days – Al Beeb is ‘so dated’.
Dare I say it, I now watch RT for my news as its faster with breaking news and not as biased .
Surely the present government Members of Parliament can see this ?
Regret to say it taffman but the ‘Good O’l’ Licence fee still keeps rolling in……………..
I think this quote from Douglas Murray is a suitable response to someone so bored with having to deal with Islamic issues………no doubt those in Nice wish they didn’t have to deal with them…..how soon some forget….
‘While the chatterati play these games, publics around the world and especially in France are on a steep and unpleasant learning-curve. Although politicians and pundits of left and right don’t like mentioning the salient facts – let alone draw any policy conclusions from them – the public are coming to their own conclusions about the problem. In a poll carried out two years before the Charlie Hebdo attacks, 74% of French people said they had come to the conclusion that Islam is an intolerant religion which is incompatible with the French state. I wonder what that figure will be now?’
Obviously it seems not all are on that steep and unpleasant learning curve…others prefer to just look away and pretend it’s not happening…and will not happen to them.
Alan, the European Governments wedded to the Islamification of their individual countries (including the UK) cannot and will not deviate from the Grand Plan.
74% of French people said they had come to the conclusion that Islam is an intolerant religion which is incompatible with the French state.
… bearing in mind that nearly 10% of the French population are Muslim, presumably none of whom responded “yes” to that question, that comes to 82%…
French People said that so agree but “Non French” would add another 10%
The BBC have been doing a character assassination job on Boris from the moment he joined the Brexit campaign.
If you haven’t picked that up by now you’ve either got selective hearing or are as lefty as the BBC, or both.
And instead of yawning, try explaining.
Prince Philip’s been in his ‘new role’ since 1952 but that hasn’t stopped the leftist media going on and on and on and on about his ‘gaffes’…
R5L: 11:30pm Steven Nolan, “I am reporting from Nice”. Typical bBC, any excuse for a taxpayer funded Jolly. Let me see, mid July, South of France, just in time for the weekend. If the story was Vladivostok mid winter, then would there be the same rush!
I hope the fat f suddenly gets sent to report from Ankara.
Sorry, mis-‘reported’.
For no reason discernible, Jon Donnison has reappeared. Why? Just happened to be in the area?
Poor old Boris ! 2 days into the job and I bet he thought “f..k me , you couldn’t make it up, now what do I do first ,will it be France or Turkey?”
LOL ! I am almost liking Teresa. She has dropped Boris right in it !!!!
France or Turkey eh? He will need to pack a bullet proof jacket for either.
Boris’s remarks about Obama were entirely fair and appropriate. His book makes it plain that he believes his Kenyan family suffered under British rule as did his Indonesian step-father under the Dutch.
That both stories were family fables are neither here nor there in that the President believes them.
22:00 news and in 20 odd minutes no mention of the word muslim or islam. The perpetrator of the latest atrocity is a local although apparently born in Tunisia. How did the lorry get so far asks one reporter who passes over to another reporter who repeats what the first reporter has told us. At the end there is an interesting interview with a British couple where the gentleman tells us he wanted to tell his story to show the “wickedness” of the incident. As his comments appear to be starting to vear off the reporter cuts the interview.
Meanwhile over in Turkey……
Something else the BBc didn’t bother to mention “The driver, now known to be drug-fuelled jihadist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’
Listening to the news now Nice seems to be yesterday’s news as the BBc concentrate on Turkey . I haven’t seen any comments on the latest revelation that some victims at the Bataclan were tortured http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3692359/French-government-suppressed-gruesome-torture-Bataclan-victims-official-inquiry-told-castrated-eyes-gouged-ISIS-killers.html
The 6pm BBC 1 news yesterday didn’t do quite as well. It only took 15 minutes before they mentioned the drivers name was Mohammed and only two minutes later before the mentioned so called Islamic State. I’m afraid it’s a game I play when watching Islamic related stories on the BBC, timing how long before they mention it. But the efforts they went to yesterday on the 6pm news as Dave said happened on the 10pm; constantly says ‘the lorry did this’ or ‘the driver did that’. It was so obvious, it was not by chance Mr D and I too noticed how quickly Clive Myries shut up the couple when he thought the ROP was going to be mentioned at ten.
My first thoughts on hearing about what was happening in Turkey was “Good. Erdogan is an undemocratic islamist who wants to turn the one modern Muslim country backwards 1400 years so deserves to be kicked out.”
Thinking about it later, I suddenly wondered if this business is a ploy to make all Turks claim they are fleeing civil war which makes them “genuine” refugees. If this happens what we’ve seen so far with the so-called “refugee crisis” will look like a picnic compared to what is about to be unleashed.
Ataturk’s ” Askkeri” will sort this out. That great man is still alive ! Erdogan is nothing. Hostu, heydi !!!
Turkish ‘Asker’ = soldier.
It is similar to ” Ordu ” .
Different words and derivation.
But Askeri and Ordu have the same meaning
” Sahol ” !!!
I guess that you do not have much credit, but please try and stay on this site. Sahol.
I should have finished the ” Mehter ” saying with ” Yallah ” ! But, to quote Ataturk ” Peace at home and peace abroad”. That is what the Turkish Military are doing now .
Yes and before long the whole of Europe and Africa will be claiming asylum in the UK.
Shame on you Demon for ‘Demonising’ poor ol’ Erdogan. In fact, he is on record as having predicted in a speech that Europe will become Islamicised in due course whether Europe likes it or not so you maybe right – it may be a ploy to accelerate the Islamic terra-forming of Europe with another 80 million or so. And I ask, what’s wrong with the nostalgia of hearing again the expression used by bus conductors on pulling up at a stop in a past era of, “Standing Room Only”? Clearly when the hordes arrive from Turkey we will need a Erdogan type to arrange personal bookings for a space once a week to use the nearest river for washing clothes. And they there’s the cost of hiring rocks to clean the clothes……………….
BBC very slow to report on the Coup attempt. Maybe they didnt want to offend any one………If Erdogan wins this and becomes even more dictatorial will the Beeb start examining his Human Rights record.?They always give air time when the UN is criticising the UKs record which seems to be a regular occurance these days.
They already have.
According to the BBC Radio 4 News headlines this morning, 84 people were ‘killed’ in France by a ‘lorry driver’.
Damn those ‘lorry drivers’. Why are they so extreme? Have car drivers been provoking them? Perhaps it was it road rage? Or was he perhaps just a normal, everyday lorry driver, you know, minding his own business, driving slowly along a closed road having refused to stop at a police checkpoint, when suddenly the police shoot at him “for no reason”, so he speeds up and enters a section of road packed with festival-goers, swerves all over the place to hit people, ignores the shouts of an Egyptian passer-by in Arabic to stop because he’s running over people, later he stops and gets out (as you would) and starts shooting people randomly, shouting “Allahu Akhbar” until shot dead by police, after which they found an arms cache in his cab. Yet supposedly, if only those police hadn’t shot at him this never would have happened. This is the BBC’s Trotsky Twist. (For anyone who believes it, did you hear they’re taking the word “gullible” out of the English dictionary?) It would be sad if it wasn’t so tragic. A pathetic attempt to excuse Islam’s pinnacle of achievement: Jihad.
Do you always side with the BBC’s description of events Mike?
Hardly ever… I watched RT and Sky mostly at the time, as the beeb coverage was heavily censored. My tongue was firmly in my cheek for that post – and I was deliberately quoting their version of events in order to extract the Michael, sorry if that didn’t come across.
Oh dear, Soubry is out. Dreadful shame.
Ha Ha. BBC seems to think that a failed military coup in Turkey, which now gives Erdogan his best opportunity for a crackdown on all his political opponents is somehow a good thing. “Kemalism” and the survival of a modern, secular Turkey is under great external and internal threat. No democrat can condone a coup, but the notion that the political trajectory for Turkey is anything but dire is simply laughable.
“No democrat can condone a coup…”
Hang around here for a while.
“No democrat can condone a coup…”
Of course one baulks at condoning a coup, but in this case – as the original poster says, democracy itself is under threat.
If you went by the logic of “all coups are wrong, always”, they you’d have to condemn Operation Valkyrie.
If so you would have to argue that the attempt to shorten the war by a year, and in the process save the lives of countless soldiers and civilians, not to mention the remnant of Europe’s Jewry, was not a noble goal, but was instead a dastardly attack on democracy which should be condemned.
So which is it Piku: was Operation Valkyrie a dastardly deed – or a noble one?
The first Godwin of the day. Well done Mike Hunt.
Let me spell it out for you, as you are clearly hard of thinking.
(a) coups against democratically elected governments can never be condoned, in which case we cannot condone Operation Valkyrie, or
(b) coups against democratically elected governments can sometimes be condoned, in which case we may be able to condone Operation Valkyrie.
Your earlier post implied you believed (a), that coups against democratically elected governments can never be condoned.
Therefore in the absence of any evidence to the contrary we can assume that you do not condone Operation Valkyrie because it was a coup against a democratically elected government.
If this is correct then we know who your poster boy is.
If not then you owe us an apology.
The point of the original post was to say that in normal circumstances no democrat would support a coup. But if democracy itself is in danger then it is a different kettle of fish.
Do you disagree with that statement? Or do you believe that dictators should be allowed to take over democracies from the inside, and remove democracy altogether – and that anyone who takes them on is wrong?
You put it perfectly. As they would say in Turkish ” Serefe ” !! I hope the next coup will succeed. Thousands of good Turks are being tortured and killed by the bastard Erdogan. The BBC know this . But their love of Islam is so great that they will not report it. And , of course, turkish boys are cute !
As the writer Mark Steyn often puts it, “demography is destiny”.
Westernized Turks in Istanbul are no match in the breeding stakes for the devout muslims who live in the back of beyond in Anatolia. These are the people who vote for Erdogan, not despite his being an islamist, but because he is an islamist. There are more of them than there are of westernized Turks, and their numbers are growing.
Attaturk’s vision of a secular Turkey is dying fast, indeed it may have died last night. The army is a busted flush if it cannot even organise a coup, and demographically Turkey is only going one way. Thus, if Turkey remains a democracy, it will inevitably become an islamic state, and that will be the will of the people.
Turkey today, Britain in a hundred years? That’s what I am worried about.
Piku, trust you are keeping count of the numbers being swept up – into the thousands within hours.
This is something which should concern you.
The lynching and beheading seems an unwelcome new quirk.
It is very sad that this coup failed, but I hope the next one can succeed. Yes, Erdogan will continue murdering innocent people , but that bastard’s time will come. Never forget what happened to Menderes !
BBC has worked it out . It was a man.L et me give you a few tips John Kay and Nana Munchrugger. It was a muzzo shouting Allys’s Snackbar. It is always a muzzo shouting Ally’s snack bar ,your attempts to cover up these atrocities and the people who are carrying them out is an insult to us and the poor innocent people who are losing their lives . It is becoming a monthly occurrence. Show us all some more pictures of candles. I love Hollande, he is going to increase the military activity in Syria and Iraq. Good one Hollande your house is on fire so you are going to put water on the shed at the top of the garden
Lock 13. Exactly soon. Other arrests in Nice are now being made. It is a canard to deny the organised activities of Islamic terrorists. An alphabet soup of terrorist organisations have been penetrating states across the globe in some cases not for years, but rather decades.These include secular states like Turkey, and Indonesia. Others affected include the “Stans ” of Central Asia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. You could go on with a very long list of countries in Africa, South Asia , and of course the Middle East, Europe and North America.
The overwhelming majority of those who commit these outrages have been groomed and recruited, trained and fired as disposable weapons by others who command and coerce them. The finance comes from external sources and crime such as drug smuggling and kidnapping, and in the case of Isis, the sale of oil. While Al Beeb, Sky and others talk of “lone wolves” at every possible opportunity, we are indeed involved in a war with Islamic terrorism, and even Hilary Clinton, the current darling of the “liberal” media has admitted so in a recent interview with CNN in the US.
Cheers Gunner . Lone wolves who all belong to the same pack
The height of hypocrisy? – Leader’s denouncing the terror (“We will not be defeated”) yet (at the very moment of denouncement) knowing full well that their airports, bus and train stations are simultaneously receiving more Islamic devotees.
Here in Australia, the commercial Channel 9 seems to be trying to outdo the BBC in politically correct reporting of the atrocity in France. The Islamic community were described as ‘disenfranchised’. Then an American ‘expert’ was wheeled on to say that the whole tragedy might have been avoided if the thoughtless organisers of the Bastille Day celebration had placed bollards across the road to block homicidal lorry loonies. (How reassuring to know it was merely a traffic safety issue.) But just a minute, I thought. What if the Islamic loony had instead opted for arson or self-detonation? Wouldn’t a roadblock have impeded the fire brigade and ambulances coming to the rescue?
So my comment to Channel 9 is: ‘Bollards!’ (or something very like that).
Helena, maybe the Aussie reporters were trained by the BBC in some ‘Cultural Exchange’ scheme? After all, being the ‘World’s Most Trusted Broadcaster’.
Brussels Broadcasting Corporation and its copper nickers. While it was, sadly, a dead cert that Brussels Broadcasting and its satellites would traduce the reputation of Britain’s Foreign Secretary even before he had opened his first Red Box, this is just one example of the Counterreferendum which the zealots of W1A are now leading.
As Tim Peake, astronaut extraordiinaire, plunged back to earth with his two companions he may well have thought his work was done. But to quote Pravda ” It was inevitable that Tim Peake would be asked about Brexit at the Farnborough International Air Show.” What the Breakfast interviewer wanted of course was a Peake quote forecasting the utter destruction of British space science. But Tim, being a sensible bloke simply replied that the referendum had no bearing on the UK’s membership of the European Space Agency.
Every UK recipient of EU largesse (i.e. that part of the UK’s contribution to the budget which is not being spent on their splendid bureaucracy or distributed to other member states, represents a Brussels Broadcasting opportunity and a gift which will keep on giving, at least for a couple of years.
Top post, Gunner.
They are at it already. Today, Toady just before 8 you had some ‘academic’ (excuse my contempt for the people who have been brainwashing our youth for 60 years) insisting that we will not be invited to participate in research projects currently being staffed.
I thought we were still in the EU!
Frustrated by Peake’s non cooperation the BBC Space correspondent asserts that Brexit makes it ‘inevitable’ that the UK will lose the Galileo work it currently gets from ESA. Doesn’t seem inevitable to me. According to LinkedIn the BBC Space correspondent got his education at the Open University.
Envy of the world.
That pain in the arse, Paul Nurse, yet again on Today bellyaching yet again about the UK leaving the EU (he’s on speed-dial). He thinks being in the EU is a good thing because the science community gets a lot of EU money in grants, and that there is freedom of movement for scientists. Three points, Mr Nurse: 1) the EU doesn’t have any money – it’s our money, some of which comes back to us for science, 2) nobody has ever advocated a restriction of movement for scientists who are qualified and needed for research posts, 3) science will continue to be adequately funded, probably even more than previously, because it is the UK’s interest to do so.
It might be useful were the Brexit ministry to issue a policy statement quite soon to neutralise the issue, and likewise in respect of wildlife and conservation. There is a lot of scope for troublemaking in both those areas.
Good post Martin. May I add a fourth point, which came up in conversation yesterday? We have excellent scientific cooperation with non-EU countries such as the USA, and we are not in a customs union with them, and we don’t need a visa to visit for pleasure, business, or academic purposes. Funny that no one brings this up on the BBC, isn’t it?
And another occurs to me: Considering the present state of EU finance, particularly the huge debt and failing banks needing rescuing, and perhaps the soon demise of the euro, I doubt whether the EU will be in position to maintain its support (thanks to moneys from the few contributors to its budget) for much longer. I should think it likely that EU science budgets will be cut – and then what will the revolutionary socialist Paul Nurse say?
There is no EU research programme which is not also open to participation by non EU states. Nurse and the BBC will know that, it’s not a secret.
You can just imagine – head of bbc news issues a directive – we’ll take anything that is negative wrt brexit. So here we are with a rather slack report…………….
Lowcost Holidays demise blamed on Brexit vote
I must admit I’ve never heard of them. Could it be because they are “based in Mallorca” and “registered with the Balearic Islands authorities.”? Or could it be because “Most of the company’s 451 staff were based in Poland. ”
Scraping the barrel does not even come close.
Before the failed coup in Turkey began to dominate the headlines last night the BBC had a so called expert on pontificating as to why France suffered so many Islamic terror attacks. His view was that it was the fault on the French state which is too secular and intolerant of people who put their religion before their Frenchness. He went on that this was why in multicultural Britain and, amazgingly, the multicultural USA ( but what about the recent atrocities in the USA?) there were many fewer attacks. In these multicultural countries the Muslims felt that they could practise their religion and its associated way of life in greater freedom than they could in France. He cited Burkha bans etc as evidence of the French intolerance.Needless to say the BBC interviewer was in full agreement in this assessment that multiculturalism is a good thing.
I suppose that when the British state allows you to go round raping its citizens on an industrial scale you do feel more at home! Basically the BBC wants us to allow Muslims , and anyone else , to behave exactly as they like in our country and that we must change to accommodate their way of doing things no matter how much they go against our culture, traditions and values, which of course the BBC deem to be worthless. Of course the BBC will find another excuse for the Muslims when there is a mass killing in the multiculty UK.
why France? Because France has a large Muslim population mainly from North Africa whose younger people have been “educated” to believe that France, as a former colonial power is responsible for all their failures and unhappiness.
French multiculturalism has been co-opted into the false idea that any opposition to Islamic supremacism is “racist” and therefore, to be condemned.
And France like the rest of the west adheres to the soixante-huitards delusion that the personal is political, and responsibility is not personal.
A significant number of Muslims in France want revenge, and dominance and they want Islam.
These are the truths to be suppressed by #nothingtodowithislam
I’m waiting for the BBC to explain how poor migrants in western countries who aren’t Muslim, manage to get through the day without lugging grenades into auditoriums of youngsters or using a large truck to mow down families.
Now you are just being awkward, how on earth do you expect the average BBC brain to cope with a question like that? The BBC newsroom would be filled with the sound of tiny pops as frazzled ‘journalist’ brains overloaded when they became aware that reality is a totally different thing to what goes on in their heads. This could lead to further revelation and awareness that the rest of the population don’t give a shit about issues the BBC is obssessed with, and would just like to get on with their lives and watch a bit of TV that isn’t choc a bloc with trans this, gay that, migrant the other propaganda.
I watched the First Night of the Proms last night – BBC 2 & 4. Truly amazing – Sol Gabetta playing the Elgar Cello Concerto backed by the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Being an excuse for a budding cellist I can personally appreciate how much dedication is involved in months and years of practice to achieve mastery of any instrument. The BBC cameras swept across the Symphony Orchestra and its musicians and lingered often on the soloists – absolutely wonderful what a pleasure. But………………
What’s happened to the luvvies multi-culti policy of positive discrimination? Amongst all the musicians of the Orchestra was one black face and one Asian (Chinese). Not a Muslim is sight! Could the reason for this absence be due to the Islamic condemnation of music or the Islamic determination to stamp out music altogether? If so, well that’s alright then as long as the BBC is adhering to their policy of Political Correctness. Alternatively the truth of the matter might be that with any Muslim musicians they would fear the risk of a bomb arriving in a instrument case or it might be even simpler than that: the Muslim is incapable of long term dedication to anything apart from war, hatred and terrorism after all, they’ve been at it since the 7th Century.
I watched it too. Elgar is one of my heroes. The power and the passion in the Cello Concerto is stunning. OK, Sol is not Du Pre , but she was great last night. Tchaik, Elgar and Prokoviev. Good program.
Too quote the late and great Tommy Cooper ” My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen , from now on this speech goes downhill “. I suspect the same will happen with the Proms.
If Islam has anything to do with it, Grant.
Wot about the bacon butty I ask? Islamification will put an end to that. Its surely high on their, “To Do” list.
Prize prick George Galloway on RT shooting off his mouth about how a quote ‘terrorist murderer’ was allowed to kill so many people due to police incompetence
Had it happened in Israel,and the IDF had turned him into a collander before mass slaughter had been carried out,it would have been ‘brave and audacious freedom fighter murdered by Israeli oppressive occupiers’
The west better wake up
If you want a trendy hashtag,what about ‘jesuisIsrael’
Number 6: Had it happened in Israel,and the IDF had turned him into a collander before mass slaughter had been carried out,it would have been ‘brave and audacious freedom fighter murdered by Israeli oppressive occupiers’
So true. Europe may eventually learn from Israel how to deal with Islamic terrorism despite the best efforts of the BBC.
Not on the BBC: IS Urged Vehicle-Ramming Attacks In 2014
“If you are not able to find a bomb or a bullet, then smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or crush him with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him,”
Why do we have to go to Sky and RT to get informed?
the BBC s coverage of Turkish events appears to be underpinned by the position that secularism in the Turkish army is good except when in opposition to Islamism, when it becomes, as Jeremy Bowen has it “right wing”.
It’s not the prevailing view on tbe BBC but I would have liked the Turkish coup to succeed . You cannot rely on democratic means to get rid of a dictator in the making who is shoring up his power base by the day. The useful idiots condemning the coup may come to realise that.
I’m not surprised that the pro Islamic BBC has taken the Erdogan side in the events.
Erdogan has claimed that the coup was initiated in Pensylvania. USA
The next NATO meeting should prove to be interesting.
Sadly, I suspect Erdogan’s position may well be strengthened by this failed coup.
The BBC will side with Erdogan because he plays the Islam card and the BBC love Islam, dictators and terrorists. Wronged, not sure that Erdogan will be strenghtened by this. I suspect that this “coup” was to test the water. Time will tell !
BBC Online News:
“Nice attack: Why France is struggling to cope with the terror threat”
“”The forgotten suburbs that house large numbers of immigrants have erupted into protest and violence in previous years””
“”They are policed by tough units that fail to reflect the communities they control. It is an unhappy mix that can open the way for a minority to be radicalised and moved to violent action””
So there we have it. The police failed in their duty to protect the public.
And the police caused radicalisation by their policing.
It would all have been inevitable therefore even without the Koran?
BBC. Biased to the far Left as ever.
BBC journalist Chris Mason attends Boris outside the FO where the Foreign Secretary gave the British people a statement about the volatile situation in Turkey. The childish Mason closed his piece by emphasising to the audience that the F Sec had not addressed Mason’s question about Boris’s past comments about Erdogan.
When it suits, the BBC have less idea about “time & place” than the lowliest tabloid.
Didn`t Norman Smith do the same the other day as Theresa May walked into No 10?
“Isn`t this a brutal reshuffle?” type of crap…and sure enough Eddie Mair plays it at 5pm as if the BBC are sticking it to the Man.
THAT`S what the BBC regard as interviews these days…utter student wipes who big mouths and no brains.
Time to compile a B-BBC Phrasebook.
‘Student wipes’ is a good ‘un.
Are you sure you should be using words like BBC, Journalist, and Chris Mason in the same sentance?
An oxymoron if ever there was one.
Am I alone in suffering from ‘eye-witness ‘ overload ? Where are the journalists with their pads/tablets and Skype, who are resident in these places ? I’ve had enough of loop pictures in the dark, stories from those who are not exactly eloquent relating similar stories from the last ‘eye witness’, and stupid interviewers struggling to ask relevant questions. I’m off to walk the dog – in daylight !
I’m appalled the French police randomly shoot lorry drivers, especially non-white.
They should clfearly take lessons from us in the UK. There needs to be a full public enquiry, suspension of all the officers concerned, who are all probably racist, and no doubt substantial financial recompense for the family of the dead man, whose Yuman Rights were clearly infringed. Perhaps Chakibutty or whatever her name is could be called in as a consultant. The bBBC can cheerlead the whole thing, as is their norm.
But what about the victims, who were run over, I hear you ask?
Since when have the UK authorities ever worried about and prioritised their interests?
Meanwhile REAL f…wits like Chris Undiepants-Bryant spout utter bollox like this –
“Chris Bryant MP ✔ @RhonddaBryant
Turkey is now and has long been a lynch pin in European and wider security. Ludicrous Brexit lies undoubtedly contributed to destabilising
11:56 PM – 15 Jul 2016”
I’m totally surprised that he didn’t also blame UK ‘austerity’ or Maggie Fatcher.
What an astoundingly stupid comment from Bryant. I knew he was given to hyperbole but this is utterly ridiculous.
i know why he ponces about in underpants….free movement for when he talks out of his arse
which is most of the time
I reckon the fact that Delilah still gets sung in public is more of a factor that is our voting to leave the land of Captain Underpants to the likes of Bryant.
That the likes of Bryant are able to get voted in by Labour dolts only shows why we need Corbyn and his Gestapo to terrorise them out of Labours pigpen.Did this descent into the bowels of Beelzebub start with Tom Driberg or Roy Jenkins?
I believe it was John Smith, an otherwise fairly affable and inoffensive chap, as Labour leaders go, who signed up to the doctrine of multiculturalism back in the 70s and set the party on its downward spiral into oblivion before either Jenkins or Driberg came on the scene.
Fortunately, he had the good taste to drop dead with a heart attack before he did any more damage.
Pity Corbyn couldn’t be similarly accommodating and take his former paramour, Dianne Flabbott, with him.
Didn`t know that David A!
I associated John Smith with the late80s/early 90s…so his role in the 70s is of interest to me now.
Wouldn`t surprise me at all.
How does he compare them to Crosland and Crossman then?…
“Did this descent into the bowels of Beelzebub start with Tom Driberg or Roy Jenkins?”
Driberg swung both ways, and I was aware that WoyBoy was one as well. But as for the suggestion that Undiepants is a top and digs into Beelzebub’s bowels…nah, can’t believe that.
We knew Brexit was going to get the blame for everything. It’s just starting – someone on twitter should reply to him, with fake indignation, that the sinking of the Titanic was due to Brexit as well. Along with the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, Matt Monroe, President Monroe, Jean-Paul Belmondo (if he is dead), the man from Del Monte, The Count of Monte Cristo as well as the man who invented Y-fronts.
Lessons have been learned by our authorities over the Nice attack .
They won’t tolerate such criminality here , I know as a lorry driver .
If a trucker goes over his hours by as much as a minute and endangers people he will be shot .
Nibor grow a beard and get yourself a prayer mat they’ll let you do what you want in your lorry
The new motto might be “No truck with truckers!”
Still, a ban on Lauries might help, especially if it’s Laurie Taylor or Laurie Penny.
All those trucks at Calais, and the Jungle is still standing ???????
Classic, MSaB!
Double LOL.
No mention of the poor information flow between the various constabularies or the lack of Concrete Barriers on the Promenade des Anglais?
What of the request for greater assistance from Paris by Nice?
The media – particularly Beeb, is still sticking to the mandate that its a lone wolf, – maniac, – having a breakdown, anything as long as he isn’t a paid up member of ISIS ! come the 6 o’clock news he’ll be downgraded to a newspaper delivering Quaker that suffered a tyre blow-out. Islam is creeping across Europe faster then the plague, so does ISIS have to tank its way through the capitals before the media will accept this ??
To be fair though. the Lefty BBC sometimes DO mention the M word…the I word even.
Todays Morning Star?…well, an oblique reference to ISIS…but an acronym avoiding the “prejudical racist” and loaded pejorative will do for the cavilling chiselling Left.
I had never thought of the ” M ” word as ” Morning Star ” ! ” cavilling chiselling “. That is a classic . I really must buy you a glass of scrumpy one day !
Had great fun down there this morning.
Involved in friendly rows with most of the unions and hard left pussies…only the REAL zealots are there on Saturday mornings.
Basically it`s Butlins for lefties with no sunblock…rednecks indeed.
Got in free because I said I wanted to get a discount on my Corbyn vote-why pay £3 when Unite briefly were offering a vote for £2?
Bemused-I was let in. Of course I know it`s not allowed now-but news is slow to sink into Leftyluvz like them.
Next it was rowing with the pussy teaching unions that didn`t go on strike a few weeks ago…did the Burston Strike School martyrs beat kiddies bottoms in vain…or was that only Tom Driberg?
Then it was my principled refusal to stay because of their fawning suckups to Rosie and Jim when Rosie was killed a few weeks ago…patron saint of houseboat travelling community got recycled for compast corner yesterday-but hardly a Corbynista is she?
Deserves a minutes laughter-not an event dedicated to her worthless life( wdr to her kids…it`s the political crap that gets me)
So she sleeps with the fishes…so why do the Godless atheists there give a damn about her?
I was on a knife edge here so finished with Lexit being crap over the BBC…no friends of Jeremy are they?..,and if Corbyn had shown some balls in voting to leave-he`d be out next PM.
As opposed to the pink pansy of PLP Parlour Games that he now is.
Left then-but loads of fun…po-faced, no humour or knowledge…but decent beer and a moblie cinema showing 1900 on an endless loop…great value for money at 6hrs .
They did tell me though that Cameron gave big payoffs to his staff on Wednesday…so they ARE right to point out that the BBC said nothing.
Andthe Dorset local paper tells me that building “affordable housing” for the poor is “financially unsustainable” as they bulldoze an old prison and turn the site into housing.
A capitalist contradiction that only the Left can critique…paying your TV License is counter-revolutionary .
” Hard Left pussies “. Brilliant. 6 pints of Scrumpy for that one !!! Why the hell do you bother, Chris ?
I suppose to remind myself of what a Lefty prat i used to be.
And-to be fair-they are unelectable thick and miserable-but then so was I.
And their economic analyses re Cameron, the bankers and things like tuition fees , London housing prices ARE fertile ground for any Lefty analysis.
Trouble is-they`re so unused to thinking, so busy squauking on race, austerity and gesture politics, settling old scores with rival nonentities on the Left that they are completely useless.
They have bought into their own myths of “unity” and the “broad atheist church”-so don`t see themselves being taken for fools and fodder by the likes of Jo Cox, Frances O Grady.
They`d be sitting pretty now had Corbyn asked us to leave the EU…but he failed the test, due to trying toi keep the PLP with him…so he`s split his party for good.
No. He had a ‘history of mental illness’ according to the ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ BBC Sunday 17th.
They always do 🙄
The bBC have reported on the honour killing of a female Video Blogger in Pakistan. As this is the bBC, they can only defend her murder as justice:
Qandeel Baloch: Pakistan social media celebrity ‘killed by brother’
Pakistani social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch has been killed by her brother in an apparent ‘honour killing’ in the province of Punjab, police say. Ms Baloch, 26, recently caused controversy by posting controversial pictures of herself on social media, including one with her alongside a Muslim cleric.
Oh its now deemed a sin to have selfies is it bBC. Here is something I knocked out which after an hours research, paints the picture of a very brave young woman, something the bBC couldn’t do with the billions of pounds of tax payers money it has at its disposal:
Pakistan: Brother murders Sister for honour over her….Video Blogging
It appears that at the bBC, females rights take second place over bigoted religious ones.
Ta pounce.
Trust the BBC to refer to this as an “apparent” honour killing.
I`m guessing that they were afraid to be too controversial with their Muslim toyboys.
Otherwise they would surely have referred to ir as a “so-called” honour killing.
Mealy mouthed Colonic irrigationists for Mo.
Totally agree. I am outraged at the bBBCs apparent casual acceptance of such crimes. All the outrage about our apparent hate crimes here….but no apparent outrage against such a murder. In fact, it’s commonplace in Pakistan – it must be such a wonderful place! Let’s invite them all over here to share their wisdom and cultural practices!
Sorry, but I am disgusted.
BBC = Beebelzebub.
‘Caused controversy’.
Translated: ‘She liked to live a liberated, Westernised, feminist lifestyle’.
‘Qandeel Baloch became a household name for posting bold, sometimes raunchy, photographs, video and comments.’
Translated: ‘We would never use the word ‘raunchy’ in any context whatsoever as it is sexist, but as she was murdered for acting contrary to age-old customs of The Religion of Peace, we feel feminism had to take a back seat’.
Though not BBC, the BBC do seem to be in love with their lefty mates at the Consumer’s Association “Which?”.
I have just received an email from Which that reports the results of their survey on which are the best universities to go to. The results might have been interesting, except for the categories of questions they asked the students:
Don’t these simple categories portray the shallowness and pointlessness of the left and their self-absorbed mores? Why on earth did they not ask the students about the best study facilities, the best practical courses, the best accommodation? The things that prospective students interested in learning would want to know! I’m not denying that these topics will be of interest to many students, but surely they are the ‘also haves’!!
Sadly, to the left, “me, me, me” is the only outlook they can imagine, apart from “Look at me, Look at me, Look at me” as they virtue signal their way through the mutual masturbatory sessions they call life.
But those things are really important when you’re spending 3 years of slog on your BA in Kardashian Studies, manchesterlad.
Gangster Islam v Islamist Islam. From Gatestone Institute (Dutch context but applicable across W.Europe).
Five things they have in common:
1. Criminals and street youths from a muslim background primarily identify themselves as Muslims, not as Dutch citizens.
2. Both groups harbour subversive intentions towards their host societies.
3. Both groups glorify violence.
4. Both groups are vocal in their hatred for Jews.
5. Both groups reject Western secular authorities.
Mr.Golightly, why’s he using a mechanical pump with his left arm?
“Any Answers?” is on now on the dreadful Radio 4.
Bias coming thick and fast in the opening few minutes:
BBC woman sets up the discussion, leading with Theresa May’s words on social reform and a fair chance for everyone, then it’s Boris Johnson and whether his appointment is an insult. What about Nice and Islam? First caller Melanie goes off piste by saying violence is implicit in what Muslims believe but the Beebette has to interject that it’s only a tiny minority with a perverted view of Islam. Usual finessing of Islam, she’s just trotted out the argument that Christianity is as bad, what’s needed is ‘education’ (nice and vague, and pun not intended by me). Beebette struggling to keep callers from telling the truth.
I will keep you posted but it ain’t looking good … … …
Lightweight Beebette host attacks Boris Johnson for hair (though he’s now had it cut, she says, which “is a start”) and his being gaffe-prone and fooling around. What if a Tory phoned in and said scarecrow Corbyn should get a tie on and get a shave?! What if a male conservative writer commented on Angela Eagle’s appearance?
Thank God the relatively unbiased Julian Worricker is back next next: Sheila McLennan (spelling?) was bad, worse than Anita Anand.
Agree, esp. on that latter point, Mus.
Well, M, if Boris shaved it all off which Beebette would doubtless prefer, he would look more like a skinhead racist. That would clearly be the preferred appearance surely?
Very pleased to have got onto the Radio 4 any questions as the first caller, about the terror attacks in Nice, and for the second caller to agree with what I said !
Education is not the answer to Islamic terrorism, and the fact that our political representative do not understand what the objectives of the terrorist are is extremely worrying.
I got the impression I was ‘vetted’ prior to going on air to make sure I wasn’t going to say something which would frighten the horses, but to find that all the callers were in broad agreement leaves me with the impression that the BBC had a point it felt it wanted to make.
So it was you!
It was refreshing.
LOL thanks, but I have to say that I think to some extent I was selected because the BBC wanted my views on air and not that I ‘went off piste’.
I got a grilling before I made it I guess to make sure I wasn’t going to say anything the BBC could be accused of as ‘Islamophobic’ or ‘Racist’.
The fact that the guy on air at the same as me agreed so much confirmed that suspicion. I wonder if they had briefed the presented, because she seemed to me some what ‘ambushed’ by the two of us taking the same tack.
The comment the Politico made about education is asinine! when I put the point that many deceased Jihadis were in fact highly educated, she replied that they should be ‘educated’ not to undertake Jihad, or in other words brainwashed that their religion is wrong. I was going to say that between the other guy and an Imam which are they going to believe?
On top of that any teaching which contradicts the Koran would invite accusations of Islamophobia & racism from Muslims, and people in the public sector would immediately fold. It’s a lost cause before it even begins.
The fact politicians can’t see this is extremely worrying !
What you don’t get to hear is the conversation with the producer once the air time is ended with the producer, which is like a short debrief. I was thanked for getting the point across clearly.
I still end up feeling I was saying something the producer wanted to be heard by the audience and which couldn’t easily be said by BBC staff. It’s an odd feeling I have to say.
This is a most interesting insight – I have often wondered what it’s like to phone in and be on air for “Any Answers?” though I have never tried myself.
Maybe I was being unfair to the BBC (though God knows, they deserve it). Perhaps some of them are tired of the false narrative and want to get the truth out; but it has to be done in an acceptable way. So, in this scenario, Sheila can hold the ‘safe’ standard BBC PC line about Muslim atrocities being the actions of a tiny minority of unrepresentative misunderstanders of Islam, while ‘rogue’ callers such as your good self are left to take any internal BBC flack for saying Islamofauxbic things, which do need saying.
As often on this show, the callers were better than the presenter, even the pro-Corbyn far Left ones. The bias comes from the way the host leads the discussion, e.g. J Dimbleby on Friday night and Sheila M here, even if the selection of callers is balanced, which it certainly is sometimes. One imagines conflicts within the BBC, as indicated by your impression of the host’s surprise at being ambushed. This was what led to my off ‘piste remark’.
Seconding Mustaphas vote of thanks.
You did a great job thoughtful…ten minutes followed, and Anita was pretty quick to try and leave the room wasn`t she?
Not more education?…educated terrorists?…le horreur!
The BBC at its heart is a sponge, unthinking reflex cliches about more education, resources and progressive voices…it`s all it`s got to offer when Islam comes calling.
Well done on the Koranic quotes and the fundamental divvying up of the world as far as Islam sees it…she did NOT like that-imagine her earpiece was humming with 99 words for “abort”.
You`re upgraded to Sapper for Operation River Kwai here Ms P… I earned my spurs last September in an Any Questions audience as Corbyns pussycats doughnutted the Tory ladies near me!
I`m from Manchester!..good to hear our voices eh?
PS-your last point that maybe you were saying what BBC drones and clones could not?..that gives me great hope.
One other thing about the issue of education.
What age does this education apply to? If they do introduce it and it works (remote possibility) it’s only the kids which will ‘benefit’ from it. Any adult visitor or immigrant will not ‘benefit’ and you’re left with only two options. Let them in & suffer the consequences, or do as Donald Trump suggests and ban Muslims from entry into the country. I think we know which our craven politicians will choose.
The Nice terrorist was born in Tunisia so any ‘education’ would not have been inflicted on him, and would therefore not have prevented the attack.
Nor would it have prevented 9/11 Glasgow airport, and several other Islamic terror attacks.
It is very difficult for any interviewer to say that they prefer terror attacks to entry restrictions, it is an argument which is quite useful for us.
That would only apply to kids in state-authorised schools though; I read a report not long ago about the thousands of kids who are missing from the state school system. The reason for that was stated as many were in illegal faith schools. Even the Beeb reported a few months ago about a Leicester faith school (guess the faith) that had its licence revoked as the girls who attended it were taught nothing other than knitting and sewing.
Not to mention the thousands of young people in LEGAL Muslim faith schools who are taught to hate Jews and other Kaffirs. All funded by the UK tax payer.
Mustapha – interesting you should say that about ‘tired of the false narrative’ I am quick to jump all over Naga Munchetty but I got the distinct impression watching this morning that she had also had enough of all this bollox . After all it is very draining to have to get up and lie all day. Our resident trolls know this too, it is just getting tiring. Everybody knows the EU and Immigration is total turd. We all want to live nice peaceful lives in our beloved United Kingdom. Liberals ‘bite the bullet’ we have all had enough
Thoughtful, ‘callers vetted’ – yes, they are. Checked out on what they are going to say and after you opened the batting I thought the next caller was to be in opposition. So did Sheila McLennan. And the surprise from her was obvious when there was agreement.
Three strikes and she was obviously rather keen to move on and from that point on it was not Any Answers but Any Two in Opposition, just like contributors to a normal TODAY programme.
Well done for standing up to be counted.
Yes, well done Thoughtful!
Odd that the BBC wanted this point put across – from what you are saying about how it felt to you, could it be a kind of revolt against a policy being imposed from higher up?
Two weeks ago it was wall-to-wall support for Corbyn apart from a few emails the presenter read out quickly for “balance”.
I wrote in to complain but got the standard response as to what I could do with it.
Slip one or two in from time to time just to appear ‘balanced’.
Why do the BBC keep referring to ISIS as ‘So-called Islamic State’?
It might not be a state, or officially recognised as such, but Islamic it most definitely is.
jtf. The BBC are now refering to IS as “the group calling itself Islamic State”. The wonders of BBC Newspeak. And while I’m at it. The BBC have given us a nice little timeline of recent criminal acts in France without context or casualties. The BBC is a propaganda machine. One that more and more people are seeing through.
That is very strange. If a man says he’s a women even though he has not changed genes or undergone surgery on his nasty bits, they would think it was a hate crime to say so called woman.
johnnythefish – I suppose we could always refer to the BBC as a “So-called Broadcaster”.
Definitely so called British.
they should be referring to themselves as so called b-bc
With the loss of small-screen regulars, perma-tanned Ros Altmann and perma-frothed Anna Soubry, is there just the beginning of a hint of a hope that Teresa is prepared to take over from failed Whittingdale and make a proper job of reorganising the BBC?
After all, unlike her predecessors, she does seem to be genuinely aware of public opinion – as clearly evidenced by Brexit, which was far more than simply a reflection of dissatisfaction with the EU, though few in the media seem to have realized this. She does seem to have the courage of her own convictions, as shown by the appointment of Boris which clearly demonstrates a disdain for media-inspired assassination. And that she and her current supporters and advisors are also aware of the actual circulation of the Guardian, and how its influence over our national broadcaster is both dangerously insidious and severely unbalanced. Could we be at the threshold of the demise of what is currently a vastly over-politicized organization, one that is currently involved in patently subversive activity? Could Marr and Toynbee, Jones and Mandelson, Campbell, the Dimblebys and an unwelcome host of others foisted on us for the past two decades and more, be about to join cricket and golf, confined to other channels? And will Heseltine and Ashdown be forced to air their grievances to thin air in future? What a bright future might await…..
“Perma-frothed Anna Soubry”
Quite a good Soubryquet for her, n’est-ce pas?
Slightly off subject but has that tosser with the piano turned up to play Imagne at Nice?
He’s been provisionally pre-booked for the Clinton inauguration and the Labour Party conference, but he may be found at alternative venues, depending on circumstances.
Surely the EU have already come up with their “Never Ending-Rolling Revue Tour” for grief screengrabs already.
Whether its Bataclan on a cold November evening or Nice on a baking summers afternoon…Brussels among the shards of glass , Charlie Hebdo in the slight snow?…got to be
a) candles
b) lights and projectors of lights in flag array…red white and blue, then yellow filter-orange, yellow green…etc.
c) Lennon, Marley, Doors,
d) posters of Hendrix and Marley, Morrison and Che
e) flowers-all plastic-borrowed from Jo Cox a month ago, happily with new clingfilm and then sent to Nice
f) Why placards?…Pourquoi,oh, pourquoi, eau, pourquoi in biodegradable card…Warum even for when the Germans get the same.
g) soft toys
h) Imagine guy on his stylophone, kazoo and
i) A Cyril Smith barrage balloon available for hugs…or Batmanghedghli in person if we can clear the weight restrictions at the weighbridges.
Best to have one central co-ordinated Grief Directorate handling all this-with Feargal Keane or Orla Guerins happy tones and pre-recorded to express sympathy, solidarity and fraternal/sisternal greetings from the Brussels Bunker of Juncker.
Eurovision lunacy eh?…yet we quietly watch it every time and don`t laugh at the Cox Box of Grief Thievery…
j) If it is an attack by ISIS in Iraq killing hundreds at a time ignore a) – i)
k) If it is an attack on any African country killing hundreds at a time ignore a) – i) unless an Obama spouse or sibling sets up a hashtag.
l) If it is a massacre in any Latin American Country involving Cartels or insurgents, as above.
chrisH ,
Your post made me chuckle even though it is a deadly serious issue.
Despite this being the umpteenth Islamic atrocity in the West all we do is mess about exactly as you send up in your post. Our leaders simply can’t bring themselves to say what needs to be said, that Muslims have pushed the tolerance of sensible people in the West to breaking point by their inaction in helping stop these attacks , by not speaking out against these attacks,by not leading mass demonstrations against these attacks. After attacks have we seen millions of Muslims on the streets waving NOT IN MY NAME flags and placards? We are forced to conclude that these attacks and the views that lie behind them , are condoned by large sections of those Muslims who live in the West.
The time is running out . Political leaders are using up their credibility at a high rate. After each attack they trot out the same old platitudes,’ that this is nothing to do with Islam’ or, ‘that one way or another its the West’s fault’. People don’t believe it anymore. No matter how much the BBC et al try to urge no retaliation, soon people will begin to think ‘ Muslims ,either demonstrably stand with us or you become our enemy’.
Trump has said it.
Fraid’ they are the enemy whichever way you look at it.
I was rather surprised to hear on R4 today a gentleman (didn’t catch the name) giving a five minute or so monologue about France’s security forces and why they aren’t well organised enough to prevent attacks, compared with their British equivalents. He supported the current plans to set up a new coordinated anti-terror agency in France. He also put the blame squarely on Islamic extremism. It was a rather refreshing change from the ‘all you need is love’ nonsense spouted by most others every time these sickening attacks occur.
Dead Ringers – R4 16 July.
Some of the impersonations are good and amusing, but why do they have to be so nasty?
“..this tribute from Baroness Thatcher.
‘I think the greatest achievement of David Cameron was fooling the world I was dead; kidnapping Theresa May, strapping her to a pentangle under St Martin in the Fields, and allowing my black soul to pour into her brainless carcass’ ”
I suppose they’re just a load of mischievous scamps aren’t they?
BBC complaints.
After this country voted 13-12 in favour of getting out of the EU(and all that implies) why is nearly 100% of comedy and culture, 90% of news and analysis..STILL about trying to make me into a Remaining Turd as they like to be,
Are they still about “informing and speaking for the British nation that funds them?”
Or are they hellbent on staying as the progressive, liberal lying state within a state that only incurs terrorism and trashes those who pay for it ceaselessly as of old.
The 23rd June changed everything but the mindset and aims of the BBC.
Now which is it?…trying to lead us all by the nose to hell, or speaking as if we mattered to you?
WE will live with either eventuality-and are taking active steps to go to war and to win.
We fear Islam more than you-and Islam needs to see that we`ll cauterise and neutralise you as a first step to dealing with it.
Time to set the stopwatches and take them on…their maths is shite, ours is not.
The Turkish Military have to try again and kill Erdogan and his dirty thugs
Has the post-Brexit racism now disappeared? Heard nothing of late.
Teenage Beeboids move on to the next childish topic !
The Remaniacs realised that their false flag attacks weren’t fooling anyone except the BBC reporters. They’re working on what to try next.
Have to share this. Class War, with a sprinkling of Black lives Matter, fully tanked up on BBC hostility to Boris Johnson, march on his home. Obviously high on drugs, booze and obscenities. These ISIS supporters have spent the week rejoicing in the killing of the Dallas cops which they approved on their Class War FB page, and celebrated ISIS victory in France. Led by demented psycho, Ian Bone, who once edited a magazine called Hospitalized Copper, glorifying incidents involved murdered or injured police.
They failed to get hold of Boris, but attacked the only man around who was wearing a suit and called him a toff whom they clearly believed deserved a violent assault.
Each week these nutters make street trouble but are never arrested, as seen here. Maybe because they are mainly white supporter of Islamic Jihad and are tolerated by multiculty governments. Imagine if thy made speeches criticizing the rapes of working class children by Moslem gangs.
Funded? Probably Soros related but expect Palestinian sources as they engage in appropriate anti Israeli, anti Jew , protests.
Last night, no arrests, and they knew that would be the case.
Why cover your face unless you have something to hide? Can they not be open about their righteousness? I guess not.
So eloquent and skilled in the art of reasonable debate too, I couldn’t work out why they were camera shy either.
Probably disfigured
WTF do we fund a police force which can’t even control human garbage like this?
Dead eyes and dead brains. Never had an original or creative thought. Never made anything. Never contributed to anything. Never learned about history. Never asked questions. Never thought ‘perhaps I’m wrong’. Never paid tax. Never considered others. Never worked. Never mattered. Never Mind The Bolloxxx. Welcome to Class War.
Here is additional footage from the Class War march on Boris Johnson.
The reporter who filmed it was attacked and kicked by the protesters in front of the police. So what did the police do? They told the victim to leave because it was dangerous.
Why are our police so unwilling to implement the law?
This group have been smashing windows, lighting fires, attacking people, disrupting meetings, but never an arrest.
This is a full version video of the militant left just after Brexit, showing their peaceful “anti fascist” ways….Wonderful people…
She is a brave lady.
The left are utter scum and the police are deep into chocloate tea pot territory it would appear.
I imagine this shower are all keen Corbyinistas though. He might appear to be an inoffensive vegetarian pacifist, but this is the true face of the left, and they are his people.
PCs = ‘political correctors’ these sad days .
This nation need a ‘proper government’ not a government of full of appeasers.
That’s it then….the Police will not enforce the law….turn up to these left fests with shotguns, crossbows and bats…..take them out…..make them spill blood….bet the Police turn out then…..imbeciles.
That description Class War also applies to the majority of Muslims that we’re infested with here in the U.K. too.
This is so sick. Why the fuck aren’t the police arresting people for threatening behaviour, assault, behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace, etc etc? Someone on facebook gets arrested for calling migrants “scum”, yet some masked hooligan in the street can repeatedly call someone a “fucking cunt” in a highly aggressive manner and invite him to come and fight him – right in front of police – and nothing at all happens. Selective justice. And where is the sense of perspective?!?
Watching those CW c***s in that film and the total inaction by the police made me think of a Dudley Moor and Peter Cook sketch where Cook’s character is telling Moor’s why he was sent to prison.
P.C. “I was convicted on a technicality.”
D.M. “What was that then?”
P.C. “I did it.”
However, in this case these tw@ts do it, right in front of the police, and aren’t even arrested never mind convicted!
When enough people realize that the police can no longer be relied upon to uphold the rule of law in the kingdom: that is the time they start to look at other options for its enforcement.
I have to ask how many police officers were deployed? If there were only a handful then their instructions would have been to avoid confronting the criminals no matter what happened – otherwise they’d get beaten up before any support could arrive.
It’s easy to blame the junior officers on the ground for turning a blind eye to criminality but the real blame lies with the senior officer who chose not to deploy sufficient numbers to enforce the law. And, of course, if there had been any violence the officers on the street would have been abandoned by their superiors when it came to the Enquiry.
Well it was only a march by a violent leftist mob on the Foreign Secretary’s house, so obviously not a police priority. Now if any of them had wolf whistled a passing woman, that would have been a different matter, and would have warranted an armed response and the use of lethal force.
Or if it had been a similar sized EDL protest outside ANYONE’S house.
The British Police are vermin ! They are scum.
The real fascists showing themselves to be the offensive bullying scum they are. Wonder why the BBc isn’t showing this film? An represent no one insignificant minority.
It is significant that the attack on Laura Southern and the Class War assaults were under the watch of the Emir of London who did promise a clamp down on extremism. And so did the current Prime Minister. These thugs, embryonic Nazis, flourished under Cameron probably because they claimed to be opposed to the far right. Both Class War and UAF fill their FB pages with BBC clips and Guardian articles, which filter down into their street activities. The day before the march on Boris Johnson’s home Class War were showing clips from Question Time where Boris was being accused of racism.
The police do not act against the Class War thugs. They have support from academics who quite frankly should not hold places in higher education.
Worth remembering that when Tommy Robinson was assaulted in London during a charity walk, it was him that was arrested, not the attacker.
Who is in charge of the police?
A question for the new Home Secretary to ignore.
One of the academic leaders of Class War, Dr Lisa Mackenzie from the LSE, at one of their attacks on property a cereal cafe in London. Their reason? A cereal cafe run by hipsters supports gentrification.
Supported by the Guardian
Re the Balen Report. As many of you know the BBC asked Malcom Balen to conduct a review of alleged anti-Semitism in the BBC. I made a note a few months back of a section from Wikipedia entry on it, which read:
‘ In 2006 Middle-East correspondent Orla Guerin claimed the Town of Bint Jbeil had been ‘wiped out’ by the Israelis and showed footage to support this. It had not in fact been wiped out and Channel 4’s Alex Thomson, the same day, reported (from the same street) that the town was “pretty much untouched by the Israeli attack”. In fact, when the two news reports were compared it became clear Guerin had completely misled the public’.
This was substantiated in other places on the web – though that doesn’t make it right of course.
However, as all references to it have been removed from the Internet, ie not just Wiki, it is difficult to find any authoritative account of what Orla Guerin did and didn’t do. In fact many of the Google searches throws up the ominous message ‘Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. Learn more’
Does anyone know where I can read about the Orla Geurin allegations without any fears that the report has been enhanced for political reasons?
Orla Guerin Busted
Brilliant! Appreciated teddy
You Welcome 🙂
With John Whittingdale gone, we may now be able to take the BBC to task over its censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, and why the BBC takes its advice for the existence of this censorship policy from Brian Hoskins and environmental activists. The people who talked to Whittingdale say he just walked away from confronting the BBC on this issue. Scientific evidence from Astronomy is accumulating as regards both a working formula that proves the formula used in computer models is false, and the solar magnetic influence on Global warming up to 1997, and the Global Cooling that is starting to happen. Brian Hoskins provides no evidence for the BBC to support the Global Warming fraud, while evidence from causational Climate scientists is censored by the BBC.
So German police are ” targeting people suspected of posting hate content on social media.” The crimes they are targeting are,
“glorification of Nazism [and] xenophobic, anti-Semitic and other right-wing extremism” Hold on a minute,
” anti-Semitic and other right-wing extremism”, so to be anti-semetic automatically qualifies as right wing then, the German police are not aware of any other groups of anti-semetic people? Nobody missing off the list then?
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” And boy, our liberal ‘progressive’ elite really don’t want to hear it. Tolerance and diversity for all, unless we don’t like what you
say that is, didn’t they have something like this in Germany once before?
Quote by Orwell, I’m guessing most on here would already know.
Yes Oldspeaker, it’s very concerning to say the least.
Apologies if you saw it earlier but I noted the irony that Germans are arrested for calling migrants “scum”, yet migrants who bring with them a book repeatedly calling Germans “scum” are welcomed with open arms.
The world has gone mad.
BBC Online News:
“”German police target hate crime in co-ordinated raids””
“”The co-ordinated raids on 60 addresses were the first time the authorities had acted on this issue in such a way.””
“”The aim is to tackle what police called “a substantial rise in verbal radicalism””.
“”Typical crimes included “glorification of Nazism [and] xenophobic, anti-Semitic and other right-wing extremism”, they said””.
No mention of Islam, the most peaceful religion in the world…..
The Germans have a track record in putting down dissenters:
Apologies if this has already been posted. Broadcast on the day of Theresa May’s coronation, this is Nigel Farage on Fox. I hadn’t seen much of Nigel since his victory in the referendum and the attempted ‘shaming’ by liberal opinion, so it is a pleasure to hear him talk with an interviewer who doesn’t interrupt and doesn’t try to smear, as the BBC and others love to do in the UK.
Mr G, thanks for posting. Lord Nigel of Farage is taking his case to the next level. Good to see. Strategic thinking, I believe they call it.
Thanks so much Mr G for posting this – how refreshing. Amazing to hear St Nigel being treated with some respect, for a change.
Angela Merkel – greatest policy mistake by any European leader since 1945 – LOL.
Dover – snap!
Agree. Why don’t we have a fox news UK station it help redress the balance a little.
Mr G, thank you so much for posting that on here; how refreshing (due its rarity) to watch an interview where Nigel Farage gets a fair shake. The only equivalent I have seen, ever, on al beebus was conducted by Andrew Neil during the referendum campaign.
If we lived in a rational and logical world this man would be our PM: unfortunately we don’t, so he isn’t.
I don’t know who the Black dude is who is interviewing St Nigel , but he’s great! Can we have him over here please?
No thanks Sluff, we’ve got more than enough already!
Thank you for the find Mr G – what a shame we haven’t got Fox UK.
Magic post.
Al beebus, The Grauniad and Ser Vince Cable helped to put the kibosh on that remember?
Not on the BBC: “Bastille Day terrorist was radicalised within months and sent £84,000 to his Tunisian family just days before the attack” – Telegraph.
The terrorist behind the Bastille Day atrocity was radicalised within months and sent his Tunisian family £84,000 just days before the massacre, it was claimed today.
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s brother in Tunisia described receiving the fortune in cash as police swooped to arrest five suspected associates across the city of Nice
The French interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, said the attacker “appears to have become radicalised very quickly” as one neighbour of his estranged wife added: “Mohamed only started visiting a mosque in April.”
So apparently he started visiting a mosque in April.
But don’t worry, it’s nothing to do with Islam.
Remind me again why is this not on the BBC, and once again we have to go elsewhere to get informed?
Naturally, his father claims he was mentally ill:
Bouhlel’s father insisted the killer had “nothing to do with religion” but had been plagued by mental health problems for more than a decade.
Mohamed Mondher Lahouaiej-Bouhlel told French media from his home in Tunisia: “He had some difficult periods. I had to take him psychiatrist who gave him medicine. He he had a very serious illness. ”
From 2002 to 2004 he had problems that caused a nervous breakdown. He became angry, he shouted, he broke anything had was in front of him.
“But after he went to France, nothing was done about it.”
So now it’s the fault of the French medical services FFS 🙄
As I am sure many here already know, phoney claims of mental illness go back at least to the 1997 Empire State Building shooting, immediately after which the terrorist’s family were told by the Palestinian Authority to lie and say he was suicidal after being swindled out of $300,000. Ten years later his daughter got tired of lying and came clean about his terrorist motives.
BBc Norh West hit day 3 of their Nuke the fridge coverage. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-36792592. The TV report today mentions a man behaved erratically with a knife in the area. Other reports state he allegedly tried to rob 13year old girls of their mobile phones with a 12″ bladed weapon. Seems to me the scum at North West re doing their best to cultivate a BLM issue.
The BBC is actively campaigning for the Few remaining Battle of Britain pilots left alive to be given Knighthoods.
Not really, but we can dream.
I expect the BBC believe the pilots should be regarded as war criminals for not establishing contact with the enemy pilots and attempting to talk them down in order to share a selfie, give them a hug and show them that a hash tag is a more powerful weapon than a belly full of cannon fire (the BBC crowd are not aware there were no iPhones in WW2).
[Overheard in BBC canteen: Why did we go to war against our EU chums? I bet it was those far right Brexit fascists that started it!]
I see Manuel Baroso has landed one of the top jobs at Goldman Sachs Europe HQ in London; to assist in issues arising from Brexit which may have an impact on that selfsame beacon of financial probity. Not seen any mention of it on al beebus though.
Why would a self proclaimed Maoist like Baroso want to join such a corrupt organisation?
On reflection, I see I have answered my own question.