Operation ‘Get Boris’, a long term BBC mission, moved into top gear yesterday as the state broadcaster did its level best to undermine and vilify our new Foreign Secretary around the world at a time when it should be fairly apparent that such toxic rhetoric is the last thing this country needs as it tries to break away from the EU straitjacket and heads out to do business with the whole world. It seems the BBC, our national broadcaster, the ‘gold standard’ for others to follow, puts its own politics first rather than the interests of the country.
The BBC is still trying to label Boris as a racist for his Sun column in which he mentioned Obama. We’ve already looked at that in depth but it does no harm to keep countering the BBC’s continuous lies about this subject. Boris was merely listing the reasons put forward by others for Obama possibly not wanting a ‘special relationship’ with Britain…and the comment about his Kenyan roots came from the Guardian….Could Obama’s dual colonial heritage spell the end of the special relationship?…...and indeed the BBC itself…..’His meteoric rise to political fame has propelled the name Barack Obama onto the lips of millions of Kenyans. He has Kenyan blood coursing through his veins.’
I guess if you’re a Lefty mentioning Obama’s race is ‘celebrating diversity’ whereas if you’re a Righty it’s because you’re a fascist xenophobe.
And as the BBC lists all of Boris’ supposed faux pas they don’t mention one that I’m pretty certain they absolutely hate as he lays into Islam…the BBC can’t have you knowing that not everyone panders to the Islamist terrorists as does the BBC…..
To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.
The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?
Is it not ironic that the Turkish army, in a Muslim country, knows better how to deal with Islamists who seek to destroy their own country than do Western politicians and BBC media types who supposedly are defenders of the liberal faith?
Endless BBC bias on display these days….fish in a barrrel or a turkey shoot? The floor’s yours……..
What’s happened to the promise from Turkey to take back economic migrants? They have been promised 3bn Euros annually from the EU to do this?
Sources say that Turkey has accepted almost 17 economic refugees so far. This is creditworthy and fair. Or maybe not.
There are those who say that the BBC is diligently investigating this issue. Or maybe not.
Sir Nigel Farage of Kent makes the following observation:
Have Kent police finished their GE investigation into alleged Conservative Party fraud at Thanet where Farage stood for election? There could be a re-run of the election process which could leave Farage as an MP.
Not on the BBC: Exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen accused Recep Erdogan of staging the coup
Speaking from his home, Gulen claimed democracy in Turkey could not be achieved through military action.
He condemned the plot, although authorities in Ankara are not convinced.
He said: ‘There is a slight chance, there is a possibility that it could be a staged coup. It could be meant for court accusations and associations.’
He added: ‘It appears that they have no tolerance for any movement, any group, any organisation that is not under their total control.’
Why do we have to go to the Mail to get informed, I thought that was the BBC’s job?
“Islamic State propaganda video urged followers to ‘fill your cars with gas’ and for attacks in European cities and Australia just weeks before the Nice terror attack”
Good thing it was nothing to do with Islam, then.
Notice the dearth of trolls posting ?
The must have realised that their work posting here was counter-productive to Al Beeb?
It’s possible that they have realised the sheer absurdity of attempting to defend BBC bias.
Only joking!
They are not that bright 😉
They’re all on Holiday. Gone to a Black Lives Matter rally
They’re having an all-night vigil for disaffected gay black french Tunisians at Clapham public conveniences. In honour of Brexit you pay for entry and must negotiate withdrawal.
Sounds like a “bum deal” to me Abbo!
Just like the EU they will find out too late they’ve been shafted.
bBBC Magazine has an article from an “Expert” who has drawn a pretty graph to prove Brexiters want Criminals Hung and Children who steal a sweet to be Flogged in Public.
What about a graph to show who would like to see the same based on religious persuasion?
Or one which would like to see bBBc Journalists dressed like a Molly and chased across a Field with Dogs based on the I.Q. of the Respondent
Wow. The BBC are in full pro-President Recep Erdogan mode, even though we see that he is a megalomaniacal , authoritarian Islamic conservative (to put it mildly). The BBC seem to be turning a blind eye to the extreme violence being meted out to those responsible for instigating the coup.
Saw a mention in the Mail about the Culture Secretary in 2012 getting overruled when he tried to include mention of WW2 in the Olympic Ceremony.
Cameron backed Danny Boyle( who wanted no mention, let if offend the Germans on grounds of taste) over Jeremy Hunt.
The headline is ambiguous, in that you wouldn`t know who`d want the War mentioned…and who wouldn`t .
You have to read it to find that it was the Lefty luvvie who banned its mention, the schmoozing chinless Tory who wanted it included..could so easily have gone the other way if Boyle had been working class, as opposed to media-savvy and needing to face the Euro Arts Lobby afterwards.
SO-in effect-Cameron prefers to luv the luvvies that use our money, as opposed to spending it in a way that might reflect the values of an(admittedly crap) fellow Minister.
Typical…no wonder the BBC dare to shout out at Ministers as Chris Mason and Norman Smith do.
Basically they`re just Class Action with sparklers….
This week on the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Only 300 TV Licensing Visiting Officers Cover Whole UK
– Worcester Man Has TV Licence Conviction Quashed
– BBC Releases TV Licensing Detection Statistics
Apparently it’s not just the UK which is affected by the disease… Whitewashing Mohamed Media Covers For Islam Once Again
From Charlie Hebdo through to Nice…there is an EUBBC common way now of reporting these atrocities.
Got to be a graph of it how it goes from first report to settled narrative four of five days later.
Reminds me of some parody of the five stages of grief, twelve steps of AA…there is clearly a settled media portrayal nowadays as shown by the State-BBC , ITV and Sky too.
Wouldn`t take much work to set it out for us all-when term ends, may go back to it…putting my Craig Byers hat on.
Pre-empt them with mockery…others have done it, but I`ll look at timelines.
As yet no real names of the Nice 84…as opposed to the Hillsborough 96.
Why so BBC?…suppose they`re already putting the Muslim victims at the top of their prayer trees at the minute
Another new Asian News Reader on the 0900 BBC news this morning (just prior to Marr). I don’t know why the BBC News Team don’t move from the UK and set up shop somewhere in Pakistan or Bangladesh.
I thought they had ! A few years ago when I noticed this phenomena was creeping into our news channels, I kept a record of the unpronounceable names that appeared on our screens. During a 6 week period I had reached 28, which included sports/arts/finance/entertainment reporters in the field as well as newsreaders. I’ve given up counting now because the employment ratio was clearly greater on our screens than the demographic in general. Its a form of subliminal brainwashing for the indigenous population in accepting multiculturalism.
Brisseles, they would probably claim they were following the demographic proportions locally (in Londonistan). It is probably the only way they can refute any allegation of positive racial discrimination in employment.
I’m not a avid watcher of BBC but they do seem to have dropped their efforts to discriminate between the older voter for Brexit and the mobile phone brigade. Maybe they recognised that the only logical next step to advance their agenda would be to offer free machetes to the under 40’s from their Londonistan studios thus following the same pattern as the Rwandan Broadcasting Company did in 1994?
According to Breitbart, the Italian town of Como, near the famous lake, is being inundated by migrants seeking to get through to Switzerland and Germany. The town, which is near the Swiss canton of Ticino, has been left stuck with hundreds of migrants from Africa and elsewhere.
That must be going down REALLY well with the locals.
Virtually no mention of these tensions on the MSM. Something is going to snap, and relatively soon I think.
Reactionary Brexiteers want the reuturn of the death penalty says academics eager to prostitute themselves for the BBC
Stian Westlake, Head of Research at the think tank Nesta, sees a link beteen Brexit and support for the death penalty.
“If you look at attitudes to questions such as, ‘Do you think criminals should be publicly whipped?’ or ‘Are you in favour of the death penalty?’ – those things are much better predictors, and you get over 70% accuracy,” he says.
Prof Eric Kaufman of Birkbeck College says,
‘the probability of voting Brexit rises from around 20% for those most opposed to the death penalty to 70% for those most in favour. Wealthy people who back capital punishment back Brexit. Poor folk who oppose the death penalty support Remain’.
Ben Shimshon of Britain Thinks, a company which advises businesses and political parties on how to communicate with the public, broadly agrees with Westlake. What united Leave voters in focus groups in the run-up to the referendum, he says, was support for a whole set of “traditional” values.
“They tended to value things like order, stability and safety against things like openness, modernity and other social-liberal values that were more popular among Remain voters. Often it’s about harking back to the past – sometimes a feeling that they don’t belong to the present.”
No prizes for guessing which section of our multiculture support the death penalty, whipping, stoning, beheading and raping but whether they support Brexit or not would be out of bounds for these academic whores
The -ologists will have a word for this line of “questioning” and “academic validation” for their own weird bias and their priorities.
Charles Moore makes it simpler to me-all you need do is say “Who is in the dock here”?
And this packet of three prophylastix speak out of one EU funded pottymouth.
And-the howling feedback ends up on our BBC outsources as “research””independent studies suggest” type of mealy mouthed inversions and perversion of any pretence of enquiry.
We`ll see how good Greening is when she garrottes these types…if she does not, we know she`s another lesbian pussywillow..I fear the latter myself.
Now then-if we framed it as “80% of Remainiax want free safaris, weatherman jobs at the BBB and more families coming over” for our criminals…would the BBC be so pleased as to tell the license fee payer?
Course not-but these people desire their crims to scare the rest of us down here…we`ve got their number though, and the BBC will fall like Ceausescus at the wall on Christmas Day 89.
“Academics”…Hackadhimmiks…same thing…cut their funding before they have our kids throats cut.
Those Gliewitz towers of theirs are not ivory but papier mache…when will we bring them down and waste them?
Logically, anyone who supported the death penalty would have to back Brexit, as the death penalty is forbidden as a condition of EU membership. It follows that supporters of capital punishment must be politically aware enough to realise that Bexit is an essential first condition for the restoration of capital punishment.
Or then again they might all be Alf Garnett types hankering after the 1950s. Yes, that must be it.
Can I have my research grant now please?
OMG, a positive Brexit story on the BBC, and linked from the front page too. Nearly fell off me perch.
UK offered Brexit free trade deal with Australia
Mind you – minor whinge time – they did make the front page headline less attractive: “Australia calls for Brexit trade deal”, leaving out the word “free”…
ITV Central News has a new black weather presenter, his name is Des Coleman. Des used to work for BBC East Midlands Today but things didn’t work out. Here is the funky smiling weatherman in full flow in happier days when he worked for the BBC…
Delving into his page on Wikipeadia you will discover some entertaining facts about this chap. Coleman spent time in prison in his twenties for motoring offences. Coleman has worked for BBC Radio Derby, where he was asked to do the weather report at the Broadcast Centre in Nottingham. This led to a career change. He trained as a weather presenter and in 2007 he began presenting for BBC’s East Midlands Today television. The BBC terminated his contract in 2011 after Coleman used a live weather report to protest his innocence over firearm charges; he deliberately put the wrong temperature on the weather map and told viewers they should not believe everything said by the media.
Lenny Henry must be overjoyed to know that more blacks and members of the ethnic community are appearing on our screens despite their lack of experience or knowledge; even having a criminal record will not hamper their careers.
Cassandra, what’s missing is the ‘rapping music’ in the background.
Thinking of Lenny Henry, you will recall he was one of the ‘Guest Editors’ of the BBC Today programme back in January. He apparently required all articles and interviews to be conducted by non-white personnel. Good to know that at least ‘Racism’ is alive and kicking eh?
Rather than analyse the widespread emergence of ideologies of extremist Islam across Europe and how they are fermenting terrorist sympathies among young Muslims the BBC, in their craven damage limitation efforts, instead choose to engender sympathy for Muslims living in Nice through reports like the one below. Now I am not suggesting that all Muslims fall foul of extremist Islamic tenets but is it really appropriate for a publicly funded broadcaster to shy away from addressing the real issues which are to do with alarming rise of Islamic extremism throughout the world? We now have a situation where the left make out that those on the (non-existent) far-Right are more dangerous and worthy of scorn than Islamist terrorists. Terrible brainwashing.
Well spotted Alex. Funny how they didn’t do a sympathy piece on old white men after the referendum, isn’t it?
Too right, Mike – no sympathy for old white men or old white women, nor any for those who are white and of working age who have no work. (Mark Mardell continued that theme on World this Weekend at 1pm on R4.) I have sympathy for the Muslims so affected.
Obviously the Nice attack creates problems for Muslims in France. I echo what manchesterlad posts here and have pointed this out before.
A reaction to other Muslims following a terror attack by ONE of their number is the consequence of politicians and the media incorrectly labelling Islam as a Religion of Peace. It is sad but understandable.
It is almost as though those dimwitted or religiously ignorant politicians and journalists deliberately want a backlash against one segment of the immigrant community. It makes one wonder whether that is a deliberate goal rather than an unintended consequence of their persistance with a clumsy and inaccurate description.
‘Pure’ may be better but may also be misleading in my view, as would ‘fundamentalist’, for a description of terrorists’ and fighters’ understanding of Islam and what it beholds them to do. ‘Original’ would be my alternative suggestion right now. Mike’s suggestion, posted at 12.48pm, is also a good one.
Incidentally, I think we should get away from words like ‘extreme’ and ‘radicalised’ when describing Islamic terrorists and their attacks. There is nothing extreme or radical about them, they are following Islam as it was described and enacted by its inventor, Mohammed.
I think much better – and more accurate terms – would be ‘pure’ Islam and to say terrorists are following a ‘purifed’ version of Islam.
Perhaps I will suggest this to the BBC?
You are right on the money manchesterlad – although it won’t fit the BBC’s apologist narrative.
I think “Salfi” would fit your description perfectly:
Salafi jihadism or Jihadist-Salafism is a transnational religious-political ideology based on a belief in “physical” jihadism and the Salafi movement of returning to (what adherents believe to be) “true” Sunni Islam.
The presumptions on which the questions the BBC always ask on their chat shows after a Muslim atrocity – for example “Will the Nice attack divide us?” – clearly show their mindset and the twisted logic of their response to Muslim atrocities.
Who is the “us” and why do the BBC presume it is in anyway “united”. Of course, “unity” is always “good” and “division” is always “bad,” so the unreflective, emotional reply to the question, whatever it may mean, is “No let us maintain our unity!”. Classic 1984. The truth is there is no cosy, multicultural consensus between Muslims and Non-Muslims in Britain. Muslims have an agenda and this agenda is fatal for the indigenous population.
No one should accept the spurious Muslim/Islamist distinction. If English football fans cause trouble, it is always suggested that there is something inherently violent and primitive about the English and their culture, or at least that this is an English problem that should be solved by the English. Of course, we now have the “Muslim defence”. It has nothing to do with Englishness. These hooligans are “Englishists” merely acting out a perverted form of Englishness. Not in my name ….blah, blah
The BBC seem to think that if someone is a French national or what have you…this negates the Muslim bit of the “problem”.
Sorry libtards…being Muslim abrogates all other national or identifiers…like gay or French etc.
They are MUSLIM first foremost and in toto…and being Muslim means that you do things like behead, beat, lie and terrorise in the godless lands of warfare in the flaccid Occident.
Those Muslims who do NOT do this had better fund and support it..or they are apostates in a state of ignorance(jahiliyya)-and will go to the cross, the mosques square, the torture table or football stadium ahead of the rest of us.
The BBC and the lying west will say otherwise…but Tommy Robinson knows more about all this than the rest of the liberal wankerati put together on a spit roasting skewer.
So trust HIM, not them.
There’s been a lot of BBC misinformation or disinformation about Mohammed Lahouaiej Boulel.
First he wasn’t named….he was a “man”, or a “Lorry driver” to obscure the truth.
Next came the manipulation….he was a “French Tunisian” or a “Tunisian French” allowing the “home grown” or the “poor oppressed victim” of the French banlieu story to be run…..with its counter narrative….Nothing to do with immigration.
Then the mental illness, lonely misfit, who drank alcohol and ate pork line was pushed.
……so nothing to do with Islam either?
Gradually the truth emerges….a violent petty criminal, a Tunisian on a work permit, a man who recently started attending the mosque and grew a beard…..or did he? Pork and alcohol still being mentioned.
Then “so called” IS call him a “so called” “soldier of Islam”. Could it be that the drinking and pork munching were….a disguise, a ruse, to trick any observer?
And where did the 82 grand that this guy reportedly sent to his family back in Tunisia come from?
Truth? It was everything to do with liberal immigration policy, failure to deport an aggressive, violent foreigner and Islam.
Top post, ID!
Top post by embolden, too.
The BBC disease has spread far and wide. Take this for instance:
France’s terror threat comes not from Isil, but its own criminal underclass
Nabila Ramdani (Wiki: “a French freelance journalist of Algerian descent who specialises in Anglo-French issues, Islamic affairs, and the Arab World”) says:
“…….ethnic minority communities complain that the full power of an increasingly militarised, reactionary state is being used to destroy their basic freedoms, and to stigmatise them……….Unless France starts treating these self-destructing maniacs for what they are, which is to say low-rent thugs rather than a sophisticated enemy force, then they will continue to carry out their vile deeds…..”.
You think? No explanation then, for the other pathologies on display throughout Muslim occupied areas from Bradford to S Thailand.
Give me strength.
Good job the Telegraph went all 19th Century and disabled comments, or this moron would have been torn to pieces in the comment section. Far safer just to be on permanent “send” and expect the peons to be grateful for the words of wisdom from their betters.
Note to the weirdo Barclay twins: sell the Telegraph to someone who cares about good conservative journalism before you kill the paper, you pair of identical buffoons.
Maria, I think we are reading all too much into this.
In the first part of Ramdani’s quote, I am sure he is simply referring to the street cleaning service offered by whatever local authority exists in a Muslim locale. This sort of thing:
I say this because in my experience of living in the Middle East confirms that they mainly live in filth. If it is not filthy to start with, they will make it that way as a preference. Perhaps re-read the quote in that context? Makes more sense.
Good spot, Maria. The criminal underclass – like the poor – you have with you always, in every age. The two, by the way, are very definitely not one and the same.
Journalists who are pretending to be journalists but are rather more ‘marketers of a message’ will never be able to come to terms with simple facts of life like that.
Twitter comment from a BBC “comedian”
Think Andrew is one of those rare creatures who is not a Lefty clone, who gets on the BBC once in a while.
So i`m inclined to back him come what may.
Frank Turner is another of those non-Labour lefty tards in the world of folk music.
So maybe Andrew and Frank have minds of their own-which usually enrages the lefties.
If the Lefties hate you-you`re OK with me.
Especially when you`re young and starting out
Just seen Gavin Esler on BBC news24 interviewing the deputy mayor of Nice who made the astonishing statement that we have to learn from this event as such an attack has never happened before in the world.
Lies I’m afraid….of course Palestinian terrorists have used trucks and diggers to attack civilians in Israel.
The Telegraph reports on its front page that a 4 vehicle road block was removed from the Nice seafront at the end of a military parade on July 14.
A few questions that the mayor of Nice might ponder….and Gavin Esler too…..
Is it true that the vehicle road block was removed?
Is it true, that in best liberal policing style, the police waved the truck driver through because he stated he had an ice cream delivery on board?
What stopped the Frence authorities from deporting a foreign worker, Mohammed Boulel, who was employed as a driver, who had been jailed for a road rage incident in which Mohammed used a baseball bat to assault another driver?
(I guess the answer to this would be Human Rights laws and fear of “racism”.)
“There’s no such thing as 100% security”…..”How can we learn from this?”, said the deputy mayor……..
Stop hand wringing. Learn from the Israelis.
Profile the security and intelligence effort onto the “community” presenting the risk.
Ensure that road block means road block…..non negotiable, no hard luck stories from Arab drivers about fictitious ice cream deliveries…..unless the vehicle is fully stopped and subject to search by armed Police/Genadarmes/Army.
Deport foreign criminals on conviction with revocation of all work and residence permits.
Stop appeasing “communities” that adhere to the promotion of sharia law in western societies.
(The interview was followed by a feature…..Muslims in Nice….what has changed?…..in which various Muslims were invited to explain how this attack was nowt to do with Islam)
various Muslims were invited to explain how this attack was nowt to do with Islam
How strange. I thought, according to the BBC, that this attack was carried out by a lorry driver.
Shouldn’t they be interviewing lorry drivers so they could explain how this attack had nothing to do with lorry drivers? And running articles on what it’s like to be a lorry driver in Nice?
Spot on Mike.
Je suis Lorry Driver!
Imagine the BBC reporting if a white UK lorry driver ran down loads on Muslim migrants at the Calais jungle
They should have interviewed the head of the Road Transport Association then against the backdrop of a Transport Greasy Spoon on the A36.
They should also be saying it is only lorry driver extremism and not moderate lorry drivers that are the problem.We need to educate lorry drivers to prevent them becoming radicalised lorry drivers.
While we are at it isn’t racists to call van drivers white van men?
It’s too late us truckers are radicalised . Nearly all of us voted Brexit .
I blame this:
Hmmmmmm….. I’m now worried about the very swarthy looking ice-cream seller who patrols our streets in his mobile van !
re embolden’s 1.50pm post:
Yes, Esler said that on radio, too. Obviously forgotten the Glasgow airport attack.
The BBC. Memories wiped at regular intervals.
I see the bBC continues to paint the the picture that the UK is a racist country.
Spanish Civil War: The child refugees Britain didn’t want
When the Spanish Civil War broke out 80 years ago, many people fled their homes for safety, including nearly 4,000 children evacuated to England. Parallels have been drawn with the plight of unaccompanied young Syrian refugees – but how did the Spaniards cope with having to leave their war-torn homeland? The children docked in Southampton in May 1937 – less than a year after fighting erupted between right-wing Nationalists and left-wing Republicans. But their arrival followed much debate in the UK over whether to accept them.
The bBC then adds this:
Amid fractious relations across the continent, British prime minister Stanley Baldwin was keen to avoid involvement in the conflict and, along with his French counterpart Leon Blum, called for European powers to agree to a non-intervention policy, which was signed in September 1936.
The bBC then goes well out of its way in which not to discuss the xenophobic headline, but rather wax lyrical about the Spanish civil war. Now the reason I highlight the last is because it is most salient and something the bBC does not mention: But rather than do it myself, I am simply going to copy and paste what these child refugees have written about what happened to them over 75 years ago on their own website:
The Spanish Civil War was a bitter conflict, which divided the nation. Even now, the Spanish people are still learning to come to terms with their past which saw tens of thousands of deaths and millions uprooted and destitute. The plight of the Basque people was particularly tragic following the bombing of the town of Guernica in April 1937 by the planes of the Nazi Condor Legion.
The destruction of Guernica, which inspired Pablo Picasso to paint his masterpiece of the same name, also brought nearly 4.000 children to Britain as refugees from the Spanish Civil War. Public opinion was outraged by the bombing of Guernica, the first ever saturation bombing of a civilian population. The Basque government appealed to foreign nations to give temporary asylum to the children, but the British government adhered to its policy of non-intervention. The Duchess of Atholl, President of the National Joint Committee for Spanish Relief, took up the campaign to urge the government to accept the Basque children and finally, permission was reluctantly granted. However, the government refused to be responsible financially for the children, saying that this would violate the non-intervention pact. It demanded that the newly formed Basque Children’s Committee guarantee 10/- per week for the care and education of each child.
And there is this:
Overview of the Colonies
The colonies were set up all over the UK, mainly in England and Wales. Generally there was tremendous goodwill towards the young refugees and many local people gave their time and money to help ensure the success of the colonies, many taking the young niños into their homes. Not all colonies, though, were successfully run, not all the children were made welcome, nor did all the niños behave like angels. But overall the colonies were a success and a testament to the generosity and humanity of the British nation. Many of you visiting this website will be related to niños who were placed in the various colonies around the UK. Some of you may have even been at these colonies. Worthing Plaque Others of you may have been involved with the niños in some of the ways mentioned, still others may just be interested in these places and the people who stayed there.
The bBC, lying about the past in which to guilt trip the plebs into subscribing to their political mindset.
Then there is this:
Although officially impartial, the Conservative-led government – fearing the spread of Communism – has been criticised for being “more neutral to the Nationalists than it was to the Republicans”.
Really bBC, here is a little something about the Government in power from June 1935 to May 1937:
Stanley Baldwin formed the Third National Ministryin the United Kingdom on 7 June 1935. He was head of the ministry as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom until 1937, when the Fourth National Ministry was formed by Neville Chamberlain. This ministry was a “national government” coalition of the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Liberal Nationals.
The bBC, lying is what we do, in which to further our own political agenda.
Thanks for the research Pounce. So essentially the BBC has flipped the headline to show not how things were, but how they wanted them to be i.e. a Trotskyist revision of history to be the exact opposite of what it really was. Gobsmacked.
Ah bless, that didn’t take long did it:
What it’s like being Muslim in Nice
Link seems down.
Maybe they are changing it to ‘What is like to be a Nice Muslim’?
The bbc and the leftie media (is there any other kind?) will stop at nothing and I mean nothing to push their political agenda by abusing and manipulating their positions.
The quite embarrassing coverage of the Nice atrocity is a prime example of the lily-livered liberal apologist scum that mascarade as reporters.
Truck attack? Did the truck not have a driver? If so then it was not a truck attack it was a terrorist attack. Why is everyone walking on eggshells when it comes to terrorism? Why can’t we just get the truth anymore?
The media have gone right out of their way to avoid the muslim terrorist angle on this one. Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhle is not radicalised we are told but simply mad or angry or anything but a jihadi. It reminds me of Monty Python with Doug and Dinsdale Piranha who took their mum flowers but did nail a few people’s heads to tables. If the French police were not immediately comparable to Inspector Clouseau then Harold ‘snappeur-organs’ of the Surete is not far behind.
The BBC has evidence that the driver was one Nigel Al Faragi.
Confused about driving on the right over in Franceland apparently.
Just need to get that put on the Snowflake website tomorrow, and I hope to see it on the 6pm news.
Not on the BBC: 11:53am Killer may not have been acting alone
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel sent a text message minutes before the attack asking for more weapons, it has emerged.
The message, which read ‘Bring more weapons, bring five of them to C’, was sent to an unidentified figure at 10.27pm on Thursday, just minutes before he began his murderous ramage, according to the French television station BFM.
It suggests he may have had accomplices in the terrorist outrage.
I suppose the BBC is too busy virtue signalling with one hand, to do anything useful with the other.
Not BBc but I watched ITV news which doesn’t happen very much at all which was promoting the did he do it because he had had a bad day line.
Granada follow the Mzee mohammed story (I haven’t seen BBc news today) The family of an 18 year old who died after being taken into police custody in Liverpool One are holding a vigil and march in his memory. Mzee mohammed died after an incident at the shopping centre on Wednesday. In a statement his family have said that they are devastated by his death and that they want to know what happened.
No one still seems to be mentioning this “Two dads told how their daughters were threatened at knifepoint in Liverpool ONE by a teenager who later died.
The dads, both of 13-year-old girls, said their daughters had been with two other friends when Mr Mohammed approached them with a knife.
One dad said: “He came running up to them and had a 12-inch blade which he was waving in their faces and he was telling them to give him their phones.”
Well, I returned to the UK from working in the Arab Middle East 18 years ago.
Little did I think then that I would spend Sunday afternoons in England reading up about Salafi-Takfiris and considering their influence and actions in Europe, to fill in the gaps in the BBCs “coverage” of the predominant news story of our times.
There appears to be news coming in about more police officer shootings in the US ?
Anything on Al Beeb yet ?
Just coming on now – in the “breaking” popup.
Only 3 minutes after Sky.
Are they reading our criticisms here and taking note?
Shurely not…
This should surely drive more white folk to vote for Trump.
Against my better judgement i decided to watch Sunday Morning Live this morning, in the hope that some truth or plain talking may emerge from the experts that were bound to be invited following Nice.
Under the topic “Do events like Nice unite or devide us” the BBC host of the programme Naga Munchetty introduced Avrelien Mendon (Lecturer, French politics) Julie Siddiqi (Campaign organiser, HOPE not hate) Peter Taylor (Journalist) and Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin (Chaplai to Speaker of the House of Commons). What followed was 21 minutes of mealy mouthed “we’ve heard it all before” type mantra, which managed to avoid mentioning the Quran and/or its message(s).
Strangely the one French guest Avrelien, who addressed the question first, should have stayed in his hotel and watched it from the comfort of his bed as his main contribution was “discourse, more hatred to fight hatred from French Politicians”.
Next up was Peter Taylor, who i couldn’t ever remember seeing before and after jotting down most of his words of wisdom, i now know why. Anyway Peter hit us with various soundbites following Naga’s question, “Why France”? Digging into his depth of journalistic experience, that started in 1967, his replies included: “France is in the forefront of the coalition” plus “also France being a secular state society does not permit the wearing of the hijab” therefore “ISIS sees France as a legitimate target for attack”.
Julie was next to express her feelings. Unlike Peter i recognised her as she seems to have a season ticket as a guest on Dame Nicky Campbell’s show. It was at this point that i wish i had learnt short hand, though i will type her initial reply in full.
“Yeah, i mean, i think, as we’ve already heard hmm y’know we’re all in this together but we can’t be complacent either and y’know we see division and hatred in our own streets as has been mentioned.
“Y’know four weeks ago Jo Cox the MP was murdered through y’know somebody who also took extreme views and we can’t be complacent about any of this. She spoke very nobly before she was killed about how y’know we all have more in common and how we need to fight against these things because y’know if we allow hatred to divide us then that’s exactly what extremists from anywhere want to happen. So we can’t allow them to feel that they are winning in that sense”.
At this point i was beginning to catch writers cramp. Nontheless, i decided to keep with it. Fourth in line and up next was the Rev. Rose. She managed to maintain a stiff upper lip approach by warning of “Human reaction” and far better to “Step back, to pause, to reflect before hitting out”.
Naga inadvertently i guess, strayed out of the BBC comfort zone by then asking Peter: “Peter, can we afford not to retaliate”?
Unphased Peter replied: “But also there has to be the response on the ground that the Muslim community or communities have to be persuaded that they are not being targetted, because they are Muslims.
“That that that the concern of the security services is to look at those within the community and the reality is that the radicalised and those who have the potential to be radicalised come within that community and therefore the intelligent services and the police have to be extremly sensitive at the way in which they approach the gathering of intelligence which is neccessary.
So that the attack has to be on the military front both on Syria and and IS but also which is y’know even more important has to be focused on the Muslim communities which the extremists do come. There there i must stress they are a minority in that community , nevertheless they exist”
Good old Pete.
Between them it was Peter and Julie that had most of the limelight, with Julie once again taking up after Peter. She replied:
“Yeah, i mean, obviously, you are right this work is difficult and it hmm requires leadership but it also requires people to really have sensitivity and frankly some of the work that has been done over the years……..”
At this point cramp did set in. Despite that i managed to write down, with my other hand, some of her quotes:
“need right people around the table”
“pressure can’t be just put on the Muslim community this is a problem for all of us”
“not very religious at all” (the usual excuse when refering to any Islamic outrage)
“easy for people to point fingers”
“we all have to look at our language”
I was listening to ‘Dead Ringers’ yesterday and something occurred to me. Although politicians themselves of left and right are mocked equally on the show, I noticed that there were jokes about conservatism as a political concept itself, but not about socialism or social liberalism. It occurred to me, has the BBC ever mocked socialism itself as a political concept on its comedies? I’d be genuinely interested to know.
… Seven officers shot, two dead. I was watching live just now on the Washington Post website, I think it said that the area was where there was a big demonstration last week [ie in the BLM protests]. Be interesting to see how this plays out on the BBC…
I’ve been out most of the day (Mountain biking) Just back, showered, glass of cider in front of me and catching up on the news. Noticed Mikes post and so gravitated over to the bBC to see what all the fuss is about. Wow the bBC is on top form tonight:
The motive for the attack is unclear but some conservatives believe President Barack Obama, who is due to speak shortly, must do more to support the police.
So only conservatives support the Police. Yup bBC C S ethical latte drinkers mindset or what.
Wow who would have thought:
Just finished my look at BBC Sunday news programmes and everything in order. The police were at fault in Nice and the lorry driver did it because he was unstable , no medical records offered in evidence just speculation, and it has not been proven that he had any links to ISIS et al. How different to when Jo Cox was murdered. Then, within a few hours, it was a political assassination by a far right supporter. Little credence was given to the fact that he had proven mental health issues and huge significance placed on his lapsed subscription to far right magazines. Double standards par excellence.
Then we had Dominic Grieve MP , a Conservative of sorts who supported Remain, claiming that it would be necessary to have a vote in the H of C before article 50 could be triggered and that if the facts changed he felt another referendum would be necessary! No indication of what constituted a change of facts. These Remainers ain’t for giving up yet.
He is an upper class twit,I’ve always thought he talks as though he has a bad smell under his nose.I think article 50can be triggered without a vote by the PM .If they concoct a way round this the next election will be very interesting for the Tories.
Grieve is a merchant banker. Always has been , always will be
BBC ” Songs of Praise ” now shamelessly promoting the ” Brexit = Hate Crime ” line. No references to Islamic terrorism. I would have thought they would be praying for the Nice victims. BBC bastards !
Hope you’re all watching Songs of Praise. “How Christians are responding to the EU referendum result.” It’s like a Remainers memorial service. I’m half expecting a Jo Cox hologram to emerge during the closing credits.
All together now ….. ” make our broken people whole!”
It is a disgusting disgrace. They should have been having a special service for all the people murdered in Nice. Instead we get Pam Rhodes sucking the muslim appendage. Disgraceful.
At what point will a mainstream politician have the political courage to tackle this “balance” issue.
There are some very serious issues which are not being given the exposure they deserve.
Burning sheds can be very nasty and bacon placed on the door knocker of a mosque could certainly cause palpitations if pigs are not your “thing” and if a rasher falls off the door onto the steps it could well cause a very serious trip hazard. If your grandad trips on one of these said “rashers” – who can blame you if you are forced to run over seventy or eighty people in retaliation. We need to look at eachother and why we buy bacon. How is it used? Why is it not a controlled substance?
I am also concerned that many people have been severely upset by the “wrong” result in the referendum.
It would certainly take the edge off ones Latte and probably take the edge off your enjoyment of your veggie canapes. We need more positive TV programmes to bring the country “together” to heal communities after the “wrong” decision was made in the referendum
Why wasnt Welby taking songs of praise. He could have used the opportunity to wash the feet of the kids, Mary – I want a beard, efniks, clever people who voted Remain and assorted members of the MSM. Maybe even sacrificed a goat on the steps of St Pauls It could of bought us all together.
An opportunity missed thats what I call it.
These things matter and in the absence of a politician to push these points to the top of the schedule where they belong. What we need is a broadcaster and a mainstream MSM to push these things further up the agenda.
I dont want to hear about the carnage that the dual french nationality white van man perpetrated and why he really did it. I want to hear about why the left thought he did it. Because thats the view that counts. They read the Gaurdian -stupid!
Fortunately I do have some good news – Aunty has offered to take leadership on all of these issues. So tough luck Granny things are gonna change round here whether you like it or not. And it should start with Songs of Praise. You better get used to it – FASCISTS!!!!!!!!!!
There are more things that bring us together than that which seperate us – Just try telling that to someone in Nice who has just had a child smashed too pieces.
I think the British appeasing politicians , such as Cameron, May and the others, really think that, if they ignore the problem , it will go away. Of course, in their cushy personal lives, it is not affecting them directly…….. Yet ! I look forward to the day when they reap the whirlwind which they have sown.
Grant – I suppose it will be a grim sort of satisfaction – but the sort of satisfaction we dont want to have.
And theres the rub – to the left this is all some sort of clever, intellectual, nuance points scoring game – Yet in reality the stakes could not be higher for everyone.
Makes you despair of the stupidity of these w#####s!
Our synagogue a few years ago had bacon wrapped round the locked gates. Admittedly it was a bit pongy by time we found it, but otherwise we just laughed. Still I suppose we could be sure which adherents of another ME religion didn’t do it.
I avoid ‘Songs of Praise’. Choral Evensong on BBC Radio 3 is infinitely better. It’s a joy to hear the words of the Prayer Book, dating to 1662 (1547 if you’re a purist) brought to life by skilled musicians and singers, with no opportunity to bugger things up by being ‘relevant’.
As a follower of the AntiChrist (I’m joking, or am I) I would normally avoid watching songs of praise like the plague, However as I wasn’t sure which box I was using I was watching forces TV I ended up on BBc. Normally I would just turn over but as it was from Boston and the presenter commented about the large get out of Europe vote I decided to leave it. What struck me was the layout of the attendance in the church it seems to very gender segregated, The only times I’ve been in a church in the last fifty odd tears is for funerals and I’ve always seen a mixed pattern of seating. Maybe it’s just me.
Then on to tales of increased tension between the Eastern European migrants since BREXIT Including tales of a car driving past (an individual? A group? who knows they didn’t say) and someone shouting “white power” Now I expect the overwhelming majority of Eastern Europeans are white. So why exactly would anyone shout “white power” at white people? That one lost me a bit. Then we are told there have been stories, on facebook, about people knocking on doors and asking migrants if they need a hand to pack their bags. Sorry but I really can not accept this as anything other than made up. Hate crime hasn’t increased here we are told, despite the incidents just noted. With that I’ve had enough.
My view exactly. At least the car didn’t kill any people. We all know which side the bastards at the BBC are on. In do not think I can excuse useful idiots like Pam Rhodes. The BBC view is clear. Terrorism by Islamists is acceptable. The mildest “hate crime ” by whitey is not. Beeboids are sick and evil.
Come on Grant get with the programme! – Its called “cultural relativism” -We set a shed on fire and shout at someone in the street and they fly an aeroplane into a Tower block killing a couple of thousand people – Same thing really.
This must be the first time in living memory that the BBC has recorded Songs of Praise in ‘real time’ !! which shows it has an agenda to broadcast. Normally the Christmas edition is recorded at the end of the summer holidays, and Easter is ‘done’ around the end of January. (Is that Muslim chap still in charge of religious affairs at the Beeb ?)
As far as I am aware he is but I only know that because this week I read about a petition handed in to the BBc to get rid of him.
Yes, the BBC agenda is getting more ruthless every day. They are getting desperate .
I have a few questions for the big shot PeeCee lefties at the BBC:
*How are you able to ensure that practically every political reporter you employ is a poorly-educated, dim-witted lefty ideologue unable or unwilling to deviate from your propagandist script?
*Do you not feel a twinge of guilt at the fact that the majority of people who fund your propaganda on pain of imprisonment do not share your ideology and therefore do not benefit in any way from your output?
*Do you not understand the damage you are doing by downplaying, obfuscating or ignoring the dangers posed by Islam to Western civilization?
*If your pro-Islam propaganda leads in time to Islam reigning supreme in the UK, do you not realise that your heads will be the first on the chopping-block, your useful idiocy outlived?
The BBC have doubled-down on their pro-migrant, pro-Islam, pro-climate change, pro-multikulti virtue signalling post-Brexit. They are feeling buoyed by the toothlessness of the latest Charter renewal (= they get their free cash, whatever they say or do), so feel able to go the Full Regressive, seeing wholly-imagined ‘far right fascists’ jumping out from behind every street corner beating up on poor misunderstood muslims.
Infact, the BBC (as always, tailgated furiously by the always on-message Channel 4 (I cannot print my thoughts on Jon Snow here for fear of causing serious offence)) are now in full race-baiting mode. The latest police shootings from the USA are a gift from Heaven for the regressive agenda-makers in Broadcasting House. Fighting Trump, for them, will come down to creating an illusion of a race war – both in America and here in the UK post-Brexit.
What they are doing is pernicious, evil and completely immoral. I don’t know why I ever expected anything else of these regressive thugs.
Is there a remote chance that Theresa may will do anything about the BBC?
You like tomayto –
“NYT: 28-page Report Highlights Saudi Arabia’s Effort to Assist Al-Qaeda”
And I like tomato –
“9/11 attacks: Newly released pages ‘show no top Saudi link’”
Let’s call the whole thing off…
Some of us weep, others laugh until their socks are blown clean across the room. The Labour party shows no signs of relinquishing its position as chief numbskull of the UK political scene – which, as you know, is a position keenly contested.
Try, as Angela Eagle and Jeremy Corbyn might, they cannot compete with that champion of 21st century political thought, Owen Smith. Owen wants to lead the labour Party out of the wilderness. His message: he will overturn the people’s will by reversing the Brexit referendum and put up taxes. I think I understand, he opposes democracy and wants to terrify those in work.
Are there any MPs in the Labour Party who get it?
Wow_Owen Smith Jones seems to be going for the full deck here!
Has he considered open borders and full free immigration from Turkey too?
Come on Owen-we want this, we really do.
Looks like Hollande doesn`t he?
And I though that Peter Glaze left us now seed for his comedy continuance…got that wrong did`t I , as I note the resemblances.
Corbyn came to Tolpuddle and one the assigned speakers-some Bristol cancer lady, Asian-trashed him on the telly afterwards for being a callous twat-her name?…Debonnaire!
Come ON Labour…this is surely an art installation in confrontation therapy for the ICA isn`t it?
As Nasty Party Chairgenderfluid person of many colours, it was of course part of my remit to seek out potential candidates to fight for Batley and Spen in the upcoming donkey derby , as and when the oilskins of Parliamentary Procedure decide that the election will be run.
Turns out that there is a splendid chap from those modest and intellectual powerhouses called “Class War”
Charming chaps and geezerbirds all…the B&B owners of Dorset spoke most highly of these high-spirited scamps this evening.
Turns out that one of their number is called-JOE WILCOX-which, I`m sure you agree will surely ensure that he gets onto the ballot and fights to save the Pasty he loves for the good folk of Batley and Spen.
Only one extra syllable and a chipolata separates him from St Jo King , lately rubbed from the parish records up there.
Wonder if Class War will run him as a candidate-the monoglot cider swiller in the motorbike helmet seemed to think( loose term here) that this would be a wizard wheeze, and would get a few votes-seeing as anyone who votes for Labour need only remember one extra syllabus.
And vote for Joe Wilcox…his candidature was discussed over the needless minutes silences at Tolpuddle for the worthless lefty…defined as a travellers rights champion because she sailed her houseboat down the Thames!
Seriously-so guessing that Derepaska, Abramovich, Branson and Le Bon are similar champions of the travelling community(aquatic division).
In truth, can see why the Left are so fond of their endless minutes silences-beats having to talk about a policy, of create an idea…
Class War-Batley and Spen..as I said it`s easy to hound Boris with the police protecting you…bit harder to go to Birstall High St and give out leaflets saying that Jo Cox was a lefty waster like the rest of the PLP.
Will they bite?…like to think that I raised some issues, consciousness awareness in my small way.
Class War-assuming their finishing schools got bombed would explain a lot about their intellex.
Sorry-got to put these up-one from a few weeks ago, one from a few hours ago.
If this isn`t Labour today-then what is?
And both were scheduled to appear atTolpuddle-saw Jez, didn`t see Thangam…who maybe sleeps with the silage tonight!
My fellow Al Believers!
Its such a tough old and thankless slug picking through and trying to present the endless amount of propaganda, lies, and dangerous bias pumped out from Al Beebistan, so I am adding some well deserved humour
The video linked is a full feature length, but please trust me it’s well worth your time my friends. It’s a compilation of the groups of people we destroy on here, destroying themselves on camera. Although American made I have to say it’s hilarious and our deluded, psychopathic friends and shown up for what they truly are….epic failures
Enjoy…..(wait until you watch the feminist choir given a ROPer make over on newsnight @ 6mins in… I had tears running down my face!!!)
There’s swearing in this….make sure you ask your parents permission:)
I’m only 7 minutes into this and I had to stop for a break already. Because my face hurts. Magnificent.
But no warning about the possibility of “flasher photography” I note TTP!
You`ve set me off and am now having a petit four on my shagpile.
You`ll be hearing from my wife…our hi-viz jackets were not complementary, and the hard hat we share is lost in the melee.
Oh the humility.
Note above that wee Scott has “camp” in his Twat address…and describes himself as a “theatre critic”
Why am I not surprised?
Watching a prog about the London 2012 opening ceremony.
Instant typical BBC bias.
Within 5 minutes of the start the narrative is 2005 Labour wins Olympics – optimism.
2012 Conservative Democrat coalition ( their words ). Crisis, austerity, riots in London the year before.
You just want to vomit at the biased bastards, don’t you?
The MSM and the political class are drifting into irrelevance all over the West . Maybe they all realise this maybe not but it really does not matter now.
In France the government can no longer protect the people. This is the moment which inevitably and in history presages dramatic change
In Germany an absurd attempt to defy reality is leading to the imposition of a state sponsored suppression of any criticism of that absurdity.
Here the obvious attempts to negate the referendum vote is already leading to a stupid and ultimately dangerous campaign by the liberal elite. May looks to be doing what many of us feared but she seems to lack not only humour but self awareness.
I could go on country by country but at last the liberal attempt to reorder reality to fit the fantasy is ending.
What is unforgiveable is that the ordinary people are going to have to put thing right and those responsible with their banker paramours will get away with it.
The BBC reporters and commentators really do look like children way out of their depth.
Excellent post. You cut through the endless squabbling and point to the real and pressing problem – people are in danger and they are not protected.
“He told the Guardian he feared the move could lead to a recession.”
Why are they so obsessed with the Guardian ? Richard Buxton , who he ?
Why do they continue their one sided propaganda and why have they not given a balanced view by offering some positive aspects of Brexit ? ………………
In a smaller article ……..
Compare and contrast:
BATON ROUGE, La. (TheBlaze/AP) — The man suspected of fatally shooting three Baton Rouge police officers and wounding three others has been identified as a black male named Gavin Eugene Long, according to multiple news reports. He was reportedly killed at the scene.
US media outlets are naming the gunman as Gavin Long, 29, of Kansas City, Missouri.
Because it’s always fun to catch the BBC lying by omission.
Oooo this is good – posting in its entirety as there wasn’t any part I felt I could leave out!
Speaking in an interview with the Sunday Times, Senator Cotton said: “Great Britain is going to be just fine charting its own path in the world, and it may well work out in the British people’s long-term benefit to be of Europe but not in the EU.”
“History is made by men and women who reclaim their national sovereignty over some of the most fundamental questions of economic self-governance,” he added, claiming that Britain and America have more in common with each other than the EU.
“It might in the end result in a closer US-UK trading relationship without the super-regulatory state that the EU and Brussels have become.
“The US and the UK typically have more of a market-based approach, and we might be able to eliminate the few remaining trade barriers that we have.”
Sen. Cotton also said that he would welcome any attempt by the new Prime Minister Theresa May to forge closer ties with the U.S., adding that EU bureaucracy would never be tolerated in America.
“I have been sympathetic for a long, long time to complaints from not just the UK but other European nations about the sometimes high-handed and overbearing attitude in Brussels,” he said.
“It’s hard to imagine many Americans would submit the decisions of our Supreme Court for instance to a court in Canada or Brazil, that would submit our decisions in Congress to the legislature of Guatemala or Argentina.”
He went on the criticise the EU as undemocratic, and said that what remains of the bloc urgently needs to tighten its borders.
“The EU really needs to focus on securing its borders [and] giving its citizens basic security, whether it’s from increased crime by the migrants who have arrived over the past year, from the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels.”
He also called on it to “fix national economies, which have such high unemployment and low growth — as opposed to concerns about what containers olive oil are served in or the way cabbage should be shredded.”
Way to go, Senator Cotton!
and Australia wants a free trade deal with the UK asap
so much for wanting us to tie ourselves to the titanic
No 6,
Many countries will want a free trade deal with UK now we are free of the EU. They will be pushing hard. The UK should sign up to them and ignore the EU. I bet the USA tries to queue jump. Trade will drive this as the EU politicians lag behind, living in the past.