Listening to much of the BBC’s reporting on the attack in Nice you may have noticed a peculiar omission as they seek to investigate the attack, the methods used and the motivation…..
Before Nice, Palestinian terrorists used cars as lethal weapon
The BBC for some reason fails to mention that vehicles being used to attack pedestrians, Jews, is a favoured method used by Palestinians. Does the BBC not want to have comparisons made between their ‘heroic’ Islamist friends in Hamas and the ‘nasty’ Islamists of ISIS?
The BBC is otherwise pretty quick to ‘analyse’ the situation bringing us conclusive facts about the reasons for the terrorist’s radicalisation, his motivation and who to blame for it all. The BBC’s very slick and practised emergency operation moved into gear as they sought to rapidly control the narrative and downplay the role Islam plays in this attack.
Straight-off the BBC thought that the mental health of the attacker may have played its part, an excuse the BBC always deploys when Islamists attack….this is the BBC that absolutely refused to mention that the killer of Jo Cox had well documented mental health issues and had sought help the night before he attacked Jo Cox. The BBC wanted to use Jo Cox’s death to attack the Leave campaign by blaming their policies on immigration for generating hate, hence it dosn’t want to muddy the waters and provide an ‘excuse’ for the killer of Jo Cox and a get-out for Leave. Clearly the BBC uses mental health as a weapon in its arsenal but one only used in the defence of their favoured terrorists.
Next up we had the standard BBC rhetoric….Nicky Campbell (who knows so much about Islam thanks to his guide and mentor the comical Mo Ansar) told us that this was all about alienation not religion and that was essentially the narrative throughout the day as Paul Rogers, a professor of peace studies no less (…from Bradford), told us this had definitely nothing to do with Islam and that we must surrender to the Islamists if we want to live in peace….and naturally we must fight anti-Muslim bigotry which can only lead to more Muslim alienation and disaffection.
Islam is absolutely not a threat to the West. No, really.
Here’s a couple of questions someone might raise in the good professor’s tutorials….
Why is it that only Muslims get radicalised?
Why is France so much under attack when it didn’t invade Iraq and in fact voted against the invasion? Isn’t Iraq the cause of all this radicalisation?
The one question the BBC does have an answer for is is ‘who is to blame?‘ Naturally the killer is the victim here….the French government has failed to make him feel loved and at home in France…never mind he had a job, a wife (ex) and three kids…and he’d been allowed to come to France from Tunisia. Might then seem a tad ungrateful to respond to that by going out and murdering so many French citizens on Bastille Day.
Terrorism is the French government’s fault. The answer? More Islam. Muslims must be allowed to practise their religion freely and to its full extent in order to help them integrate. Integrate by being totally separate and ghettoised. Yes I see how that could work.
Perhaps the real problem is the fact that France allowed in so many immigants from North Africa without the jobs or social structure that could accomodate them…..just how do you accomodate people who have an entirely different culture, faith and political and social outlook on life?
That’s a question the BBC dodges and absolutely refuses to deal with seriously…a question that should be on everyone’s lips as millions of Muslims flood into Europe, thanks in large part due to the unilateral actions of Merkel…and with Turkey on the brink how many more will head this way?
Ironically it was on the World at One with the über wet, pro-Islam liberal Mark Mardell that we got a glimpse of what we should really be talking about as a French Republican was allowed to speak truth to power (26 mins 30 secs)..but is anyone listening? This is a real war…we must understand who is the enemy and how to fight it…and immigration is the problem which produced millions of people who feel ‘not properly treated and want revenge’. [But are they justified in feeling that way?] He says we must control the borders. [Racist]. The horrors we see in the Middle East will come here due to immigration of people who bring their problems with them.
Note also that he says intelligence cooperation is a joke in the EU [which we already knew….so much for Remain’s argument]. There is a huge problem with coordination of information.
Schengen doesn’t work…we have a free circulation of terrorists due to EU immigration policies.
Bet Mardell was kicking himself for not having the chance to edit that one down to some anodyne soundbites about a ‘senseless tragedy’.
The BBC is part of the problem.
Great post Alan.
Unfortunately this is becoming a sick version of groundhog day with the same horrors, the same suffering, the same reasons, the same denial, the same cowardice, the same guff about solidarity, the same expendable people, the same stupid f…ing questions asked, the same unrelenting and utterly failing message pumped out by the traitors among our political elite, the same propaganda pumped out by Islamic Al Beeb Corporation and finally the same relentless mistakes….
Again agree totally.
We ourselves are going around in circles too. But what else can we do? The fascist left have even made discussing the problem (Islam – in case anyone hasn’t clocked it) a criminal offence. Something Appeaser May did nothing about, I might add.
We need a first amendment!
And a second amendment too.
It’s a joke, an ambiguous sentence based on the fact that ‘je suis’ can mean both ‘I am’ and ‘I follow’ (from ‘suivre’ to follow).
But there is a serious point here: if what they follow is the Qur’an, can anyone be surprised at regular acts of violence?
And for the love of God, can someone please tell me how the f can these attacks have nothing to do with lslam when….
1: Each and every atrocity is carried out in the name of Islam, by a Muslim, who states that the ONLY reason they are doing so is because of Islam?????????
2: Not one person, anywhere on the face of this earth, no matter how poor or alienated, have ever carried out attacks on innocent people in another country or their own, in the name of their religion, other than ISLAM????
3: The ‘phenomenon’ that is ‘Islamic terrorism’ or as Muslims like to call it ‘being a perfect Muslim undertaking Jihad’ is taken from the very instructions written in the Qu’ran. Whether it’s a harsh or misinterpreted version of what others believe the Qu’ran actually says it utterly and completely irrelevant! It’s written in the book of Islam. The very life instruction all Muslims must follow……so with that in mind Nicky Campbell, HOW CAN IT BE NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM!!!!!
He did not go to the mosque, he did not pray, he did not observe
Ramadan. He drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs. This is all
forbidden under Islam. He was not a Muslim, he was a s***. He beat his
wife, my cousin, he was a nasty piece of work.”
Then Bouhlel realised that he was not going the way of allah. But it was not too,late. The best way to get back on the true path, was to do Jihad, and kill as many Infidels he could.
Now Bouhlel is in paradise, getting all the rewards that can come only to the Jihadi who has done his duty – 72 virgins and all.
His relatives, 72 in all, too will be granted admission to the Islamic paradise. That is why the relatives of Jihadis celebrate with sweets. Its free admission to paradise.
RT has a segment where Newt Gigrich advocates expelling those Muslims who support Sharia. In response a British Muslim leader said that such acts, as well as profiling Muslims, causes great anger among Muslims, and will lead to more acts of terrorism
So here we are. If we do anything to prevent acts of Jihad, it will anger Muslims, and provoke them to more Jihad.
Appeasement rides again!
The maxim that Great Britain should now adopt is ‘know your enemy’.
And I am sick of the BBC gleefully repeating the comment from the child of a Muslim mother killed in Nice, that “She [meaning their mother] was a real Muslim, not like that killer who wasn’t a proper Muslim at all” (I paraphrase).
Well that may be the opinion of this person, but no, the killer was a real Muslim in that he was following the commands of Mohammed and now presumably has his 72 virgins (who – with typical Islamic patheticness – are not strictly virgins but Hueris, woman that stay permanently as virgins through some demonic conversion after sex. This is typical of the way Islam infantilises it’s victims: Who – but a pathetic inadequate – would desire sex with nobody but virgins for the rest of eternity?).
I appreciate the distress of the person concerned, but my problem is with the BBC for constantly repeating this nonsense simply because it fits with their child-like vision of Islam.
And I am waiting to hear Al Beeb report ‘hundreds of thousands of Muslims marching down the streets of Paris shouting – not in our name, not in our name’
The only true Muslim is the Jihadi who kills nfidels. This is the highest state a Muslim can achieve – to kill and be killed for allah.
Quran (4:74) – “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.”
Quran (9:111) – “Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Quran: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.”
Fantastic post again NCBBC
This has absolutely everything to do with Islam and the facts to back that statement up have been around and unchanged for hundreds of years!!…. Yet our world leading propaganda Corporation can’t seem to find the very text you have stated there, even though it has always been there and will never change for as as long as Islam exists…. Very convenient that
Yes, and isn’t it ironic how in Germany right now anyone posting “offensive” things about migrants eg that they are “scum” – is being arrested, while at the same time the vast majority of migrants bring a book which call non-muslims scum (“kaffirs”) who deserve to be slaughtered, yet that’s somehow OK.
The European “Establishment Elite ” are writing the longest suicide note in history.
They are welcome to write one on their own behalf, but include me out.
Valls; “France will not be de-stabilised”…..
Do remember Ladies and Gentlemen, never believe anything until after it’s been officially denied.
It’s Saturday morning.
The bbc news has just been on and they are still calling this bloke ‘a French Tunisian man’
They don’t want to mention his name, I wonder why.
We need more teddy bears and balloons to put a stop to all this killing.
Failing that, post je suis …. whatever.
They don’t want to mention his name, I wonder why.
… yet when it was “Tommy Mair” it was all over the news.
It struck me,Emmanuel, whilst reading your post, that the ‘normal’ way of highlighting someone’s background is to provide the ‘country, or area, of origin’ first, then the ‘adopted country’ last. I can’t recall anyone ever having written or voiced the terms in any other order, for instance, when describing someone as ‘Italian-American’, ‘African-American’ or ‘Afro-Caribbean’. But for some reason, and it may be only in this particular instance, this guy has been labelled by the BBC (and I checked the source on the BBC Website) as ‘French-Tunisian’ – almost demanding the acceptance that he is French, initially, and therefore a ‘home-grown’ terrorist.
It just seemed a strange way round to describe the guy…. not done on purpose by the BBC, I am sure……..
… and in fact he was not French at all – he was Tunisian, only with a French residence permit.
Just as the BBC habitually denies the obvious link between terrorism and the Religion of Peace, so it denies the obvious link between Islamic terrorism committed against innocent civilians in Europe and Israel, even when precisely the same method of slaughter is used. BBC ‘reporters’ would rather walk barefoot over broken glass than draw comparisons between an Islamic terrorist ramming a truck into civilians enjoying an outdoor celebration in Nice and an Islamic terrorist ramming a car into civilians waiting at a bus stop in Israel.
For those who are familiar with the devious workings of the propagandist BBC, the reason is obvious: Palestinian terrorists must always be portrayed as either brave resistance fighters or victims of Israeli “aggression” in order to place them in an untouchable category and render them immune from criticism by people who would otherwise object to savages attacking men, women and children.
Can’t have sympathy for the victims in Europe extending to the Israeli victims and causing people to question the motivation of the Palestinians. That would be the BBC’s worst nightmare.
A reader’s comment on Simon Jenkins’ piece in the Guardian entitled “Sympathy should be our only response to the Nice terror attack”
“Marseilles 2016 soccer riots. Bodycount: 0. Guardian verdict: Moral outrage and disgust.
Nice 2016 Islamic massacre. Bodycount 84. Guardian verdict: Apologism and pleas for understanding.”
Two groups need to leave Europe, apologists and Muslims. Force will be required.
Whenever we in Israel suffer a terrorist outrage similar to the one in Nice, the ‘enlightened’ international community provides us with advice that, if applied to France, would read something like this:
1) Divide up Paris and allow the Muslim majority neighbourhoods autonomy under international auspices (although you would still need to provide municipal services).
2) Grant independence to Provence and facilitate the ethnic cleansing of all non-Muslims there. Be forbearing when rocket attacks on ‘France proper’ are launched from there and provide hundreds of tons of supplies daily, as well as free electricity, gas, fuel and water.
3) Permit any migrant living in ‘France proper’ to bring over all and any of their relatives without restrictions.
4) Permit the Da’esh flag to be flown atop the Eifel Tower.
Suggest this to the French givernment, as they are foremost is advocating this to Israel.
Makevet – excellent. Don’t forget to add to the list that they would also demand Paris as their capital city.
Mike Hunt: they would also demand Paris as their capital city.
Why not?
Muslims believe that Paris is the next holiest place of Islam, after Rome. It is where the great mosque of notre Mohamed is located.
It is where the great fires were lit by the true Believers, that destroyed the Infidel civilisation of the Franks.
LOL! You almost had me for a moment there 🙂
I decided to watch BBC news at six last night to analyze their coverage. Bear in mind the killers name, age and birthplace were known by this time.
I watched BBC for sixteen minutes, in that time the killer was referred to as ‘the man driving the lorry’, throughout the sixteen minutes the following words were not mentioned.. Islam, Muslim, ISIS. We have all seen the images of the dead bodies in the road, the dead child with a doll by her side, isn’t it funny that the BBC didn’t show graphic footage, the very same BBC that saw fit to show images of the dead child ‘Alan’ washed upon a beach last year,
In the sixteen minutes I managed to stomach the BBC’s contortion, they managed a truly Houdiniesque moment, they found a British tourist to describe what he saw and went on to say that..’ people tar one religion with a brush, this is nothing to do with religion ( why mention it then ?) this is just evil and religion is being used as an excuse’.
So not only does the BBC not mention the obvious, it manages to excuse the obvious without even using the name of the religion that had nothing to do with the atrocity we saw.
The BBC hit a new depth of perverted sickness last night, and I can tell you my loathing of the BBC cannot ever be greater than it is now.
Jerry Owen: …I can tell you my loathing of the BBC cannot ever be greater than it is now.
Give them time, give them time. I thought the same after the horrific Mumbai attacks when Islamic terrorists from Pakistan slaughtered scores in Mumbai, singling out a rabbi and his wife at the Habad centre for torture before killing them. The ‘reporter’ on the World Service described these Islamic savages as, determined young men who carried out an audacious attack.
Well, they’ve come close to sinking lower than that several times since and I’ve no doubt they’ll get there at some stage.
Jerry and Truetoo,
I cannot understand why the vermin at the BBC love terrorism so much. I think it may be a sexual illness. They are sick people .
Grant, in my opinion, the devotees of the ‘liberal’ left these days are suffering from a psychological abnormality that may in time make it to the text books along with all the others.
Not sure what they’ll call it though.
To all – Jerry, TrueToo, Grant
I’m waiting and hoping, that Trump becomes President of the USA. When he bans Muslim immigration, and also follows Newt Gingrche’s suggestion of deporting all Sharia supporters, I think it will cause a major mental breakdown at the BBC.
Can America do it? Of course it can. America is not like the toothless EU. They can tell Muslim countries to accept their people, or it will be “Regime change” time. Most if not all will agree, as they dont know what Trump might end up doing.
It all depends what the goal of the West is when it started to destabilise Muslim countries, some ten years back, even when those countries were friends and allies. There is a long term goal, I’m sure. We are just not told what it is.
I spoke to my wife about it last night after work around 6.00 pm and she had already started believing the BBC bullshit.
It’s a problem. The BBC still has a great deal of credibility and people believe what they say to be the truth.
I am afraid too many people just don’t care. They are too busy doing Pokey-thingy. But they did act on 23 June – good for them.
The BBC’s prime purpose has always been to sanitize terrorist violence to avoid various “backlashes” by the real villains of the piece – the inherently racist and violent indigenous population. In the 70’s, the BBC would show damage to buildings and mention death tolls, but foreign media would show RUC officers using fireman’s shovels to scrape together human remains off the street and put them in plastic bags. Paddyphobia had to be avoided at any cost. The BBC had no compunction in actind as Gerry Adam’s mouthpiece, a man who did not comdemn the murder of innocent British citizens.
Then, the BBC wanted to ensure that the British public was “fully informed”, yet when cartoons of the Prophet were at the centre of a news story, they decided not to broadcast them. Muslim sensitivities have to protected no matter what, but an Irish apologist for mass murder spreading his views on the BBC supposedly offends no one.
A spokesperson for the Quilliam Foundation , [ who are world renowned experts in counter terrorism ] , said that anyone who doesn,t believe that the Nice attack was all about Muslim terrorism are only fooling themselves .
So I guess they will not be interviewed or mentioned on the BBC .
Your question…..”Why is it that only Muslims get radicalised?”.
In the eyes of the Left we that protest against Islam in Europe are radical, my wife works in a school and told me that the talks they have to give in school these days to try and stop kids being ‘radicalised’ means not just by radical Islam but by Right wing groups, and as we all know, our Left consider even UKIP as a far Right group, that is what we are up against.
Thank for you the post, Alan. It’s refreshing and drives straight into the heart of the root tumor that has caused these attacks. I wrote an essay for my blog the day after the attack. I hope some of you will take the time to read it; certain things need to be said right now that are simply being stamped out by mass media outlets and government bodies.
It’s a good essay and your points are valid but you lost me when I came to this:
If we continue to exchange empty messages of ‘thoughts and prayers’ without trying to understand why these attacks happen, NOTHING will change. It will continue to happen until they are at our doorstep with a machete in one hand and a bible or Quran in the other. [My emphasis in bold]
To compare Christian to Islamic fundamentalism is like comparing an ant to an elephant and saying they are equally destructive and powerful because both are dark grey. Sorry, but it’s absurd.
Mentioning the bible doesn’t equate to comparing christian fundamentalism to the islamic counterpart. I was trying to emphasise the terrors of *religion* rather than a specific doctrine. It’s not as if Christianity has been completely flawless throughout history has it? I also think that in recent years, the christians have allowed and even encouraged the Islamic barbarians to pass the gates; watch the Hitchens video I hyperlinked. The Pope condemned the ‘blasphemy’ of the Muhammad cartoons, and sided with the violent thugs trying to intimidate and murder innocent Scandinavians. Islam is not the only criminal in this fight, but it is certainly the most dangerous. The Arch bishop of Canterbury also prefers to hark on about the ‘anti-muslim bigotry’ I specifically recall in the essay, and defending the honour of Islam. They are both working together to storm the gates and destroy us from within.
With that being said, I would never claim to think Islamic terror is as dangerous as Christian terror; you never see the latter as an example of any kind in the 21st Century, so I do think you distorted the point I was making, or perhaps I failed to make it clearly enough.
Sorry JJA, but I`m with TooTrue on this one.
Firstly though, let me say “well done” on a great piece of writing.
Your media portrayals and agenda setting observations are clear, unarguable-and, as you say-only create the further coming racheting up, so the atrocity exhibitions and displays of Paris, Brussels or Orlando become yet even MORE routine.
But the Bible is Jewish…the New Testament may be Christian(and yes “newer” than the older section)…but it only builds and draws sustenance from the Jewish does not replace them in any way, contrary to the anti-Semitic Christian tendency of the new dispensation, like-say Stephen Sizer.
This is a Semitic battle to the death, Islam pimped all its content pretty much from Jewish and Christian scripture as half understood by Muhammad on the camel trains and caravans by his dwellings or his business dealings.
We are of the Jewish root, and can easily identify with the Arabic one of Ishmael(Gen 16.15 passim)…but those of us who know our bits of the Qu`ran know it`s of a level of existential threat WAY bigger, way different from anything in the Bible.
To me , God is real-He improves and removes according to faith applied-so I`m sanguine about Islam, disgusted though by media complacency and lazy tolerance that is really indifference.
So-greater people then me like Robert Spencer(Jihadwatch) Bill Warner(Political Islam) and Michael Wood( Answering Muslims) can give you far more detail, much better maths and proofs that I can.
Religion is a human necessity-if not one that many personally claim for themselves.
But I do-the Good guys do win…and, Jesus being Jewish Himself-he played a blinder…not one hostage to fortune as far as I can see yet…and I continue to try and find the weaknesses-but there`s none with Him.
Jesus + me = majority…and had fun with them all today at Tolpuddle as they wanted JC to be Leader of Labour still.
So do I…so do I!
PS-you`re right about the Christians being pawned-lack of Bible teaching, courage as well as examples made of Michael Nazir Ali and Patrick Sookhdeo would be my answer to that.
They`d rather go on Thought For The day than think beyond their Guardian op-eds…God is not pleased.
Thanks for a thoughtfull essay. I was quire distressed at the way the CoE treated such truth sayers such as Michael Nazir Ali and Patrick Sookhdeo. The latter’s knowledge of Islam is even more profound then Robert Spencer’s, as he has walked the walk. Which made him a pariah in the CoE/government heirarchy. They made an example of him.
There must have been incidents of Christian barbarism, but most were done by the state, using Christianity as a pretext. The Christian texts, the teachings of Jesus and the disciples, are full of such love and compassion, that they have no equal.
The state got away with it, as most couldnt read or had access to the Bible. When the Crusades were dec lared by the pope, it was after 300 years of procastination, as Islam hacked its way through Chriistian necks, which they are doing even now. And even then, Christian soldiers were hesitant in taking life, as the Bible taught that killing was a sin, and if they killed, they wouldnt go to heaven. It took a special dispensation from the pope to convince the ordinary soldier to fight hard.
And they did, and millions died. For if they hadn’t, Europe as we know it, wouldn’t exist. Neither would Beethoven, Mozart, the great achievments in science, engineering, medicine, literature and art – all that we call Western civilisation. Its not just due to the bravery of the few, but something else in Chrsitianity – the concept that God, is knowable trough his works. He is not capricious like allah or the pagan gods. This distinction in Christianity with all other faiths, is I believe the reason for Western civilisation as we know it now.
When some countries jettisoned Christianity and adopted Atheism as the religion of the country, all it did was to lead to the Gulag, and the greatest genocide in history, that surpassed even Hitler’s death camps.
More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.
Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.
The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, have been a determining factor in all the major crimes of this century. The first of these was World War I, and much of our present predicament can be traced back to it. It was a war (the memory of which seems to be fading) when Europe, bursting with health and abundance, fell into a rage of self-mutilation which could not but sap its strength for a century or more, and perhaps forever. The only possible explanation for this war is a mental eclipse among the leaders of Europe due to their lost awareness of a Supreme Power above them. Only a godless embitterment could have moved ostensibly Christian states to employ poison gas, a weapon so obviously beyond the limits of humanity.
It was worse in China.
The last paragraph could have been written for us.
I forgot to add that the link leads to an address by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Sorry JJA, but I`m with TooTrue on this one.
Well, you know what they say, chrisH: Great minds think alike and all that, ahem.
Thanks for clarifying your position. I was thrown by the “Koran or bible in one hand and a machete in the other,” because the bible was suddenly introduced with absolutely nothing to back its inclusion when considering all that you had presented up till then.
Yes, Christianity has inflicted a great deal of misery and brutality on the planet but that is mostly in the past. And the foolish Christian leaders who welcome and pander to Islam are dangerous indeed but only because of their ignorance of the true nature of Islam and their indoctrination of their congregations in the appeasement of the death cult. They are definitely not the ones who will be standing at anyone’s doorstep with a machete in one hand and a bible in the other.
I have just watched the lunch time BBC 2 news and despite ISIS claiming responsibility for the Nice atrocity, viewers were then told by BBC reporter, Christian Fraser, that we should “keep an open mind”.
You just have to shake your head with disbelief.
Their minds are so open their brains have fallen out
Mike ,
LOL !! That is classic. I wonder if, when the terrorists are killing Beeboids and Leftists, they will say ” Thank you for killing us “. They are wankers. Apologies to ” wronged ” !
Low grade journalism:
‘Some have likened the image to that of Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy who died on a Turkish beach, face down in the sand. It became a symbol of the refugee crisis, last year.’
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t this poor boy drown and get washed up onto the beach?
Yes, and then carefully posed so that propaganda photographs could be taken and cynically used to facilitate uncontrolled muslim immigration into Western Europe.
Lenin used to pose a question, “who, whom?”, short for “who benefits at the expense of whom?”. It was pretty obvious in the Aylan Kurdi case. The death of the child was used as a very effective piece of propaganda. Goebbels would have been impressed.
Can’t really add anything to Alan’s excellent piece or the great comments from above other than to say that I partly blame the soppy wet wimpish lefties and their pathetic infantile holding hands and singing Kumbaya approach to these radical terrorist butchers. And we can see from this mindset within pathetic articles such as the one below from (where else?) The Guardian; according to the Left (who, stubbornly, just will not bloody countenance that Islamist extremism is the root cause), it’s the West’s fault for not doing enough to make immigrants and ethnic minorities welcome. This is the only excuse Left-wing cowards can find in order to avoid the elephant in the room (which they are all too aware of): Islamist fundamentalism and supremacism.
BBC is concentrating its attention on the coup in Turkey. It couldnt have happened at a more convenient time.
The children squashed by a truck dont matter.
Boris is both a decent Francophile and has Turkish/Ottaman roots and extensive knowledge of both cultures.
So as the BBC and the liberal Chicken Lickers go into complicated overdrive over each event…relax.
We`re out of the EU-it need not concern us.
We will get our borders back and be friends to both in terms of trade.
The EUs craven response to Islam and it migrant machinations need detain us no longer.
They`ve caused this-and our walking away has made a real chunk in that wall of silence they`ve created…it`ll fall, but not yet.
AND-if you hear any prattling prelate offer prayers for either Nice or Turkey…join the nasty party and walk out.
These people pray not to God but to the BBC and the Guardian-and want their fellow suckups to know they`re all on the same page.
JO Cox is square with the house..and the poor 84 of Nice will get private prayers, not liberal ululations and shroud shifting supperations from the liberal arseholes of the “church”.
So forget Nice and Turkey-we all know what the meida says and thinks…but Boris is there, we can relax.
First time in my lifetime that I can say we have some people in Cabinet who may yet stick to what we told them to.
And the media will do all they can to upend that…so back Boris, stuff the Beeb.
Somebody earlier mentioned Bidisha!
I`d forgotten this nonentity, this no show of art…but claims critics rights on terms of ethnicity or sex.
Got me thinking.
The BBCs nastiest, most worthless arts critics?
1. Tom Paulin
2. Bidisha
3. Bonnie Greer
4. Adam Mars Jones
5. Ekow Eshun
6. Hardeep Singh Kohli
7. Caryl Churchill
8. Kwami Kwei Armah
9. Paul Morley
10. Sarah Dunant
11. Tracey MacLeod
This would be my crap football team of blowhard aimless critics who achieved nothing-but as in all things Beeb ” some might say that they were cultural titans”
Not anybody WE`d know..but there again, what would WE know?
My captain would have to be Tom Paulin-evil, thick and a voice that deserves silencing.
Translated from the French, an editorial of Alexis Brézet, Editor of Le Figaro:
Merah, Charlie, Bataclan, Magnanville, and now Nice…How many more times until we recognize what is staring us in the face? How many more savage attacks, how many more maddened massacres, before our leaders become willing to admit that Islamic fanaticism is waging a war to the death against our country and our civilization? How many innocent victims – men, women, children – before our rulers finally decide to take the ruthless measures necessary that the barbarism of Allah’s madmen demands?
Merah, Charlie, Bataclan, Magnanville, and now Nice….More than two hundred names etched into the memory of our country, and still we have the same granitic chins, the same solemn declarations, the same tremolos in the voices. And then what? A few more soldiers in the streets, a few touch-ups to the laws, a few bombings in far-away lands, and then…nothing.
“We are at war.”
The Trump is right.
Newt Gingrich suggests we deport all sharia supporters from America.
The clock is ticking to midnight. I sincerely hope we can stop this Islamic war, without creating a rupture in the fabric of humanity. We ie America has the power if it wants to use it.
Hmmm..well yes.
Alexis Brezet may well have a point.
But think on this Alexis…your negativity may be the problem…just imagine how bad Nice would have been if France had NOT been on an enhanced State of Emergency.
And. maybe we could get somebody a little less scary to Islamic State that the frankly-terrifying Francois Hollande.
After yet another despicable, revolting, unspeakable horror inflicted on the innocent, it’s our politicians response that I find so utterly predictable and depressing. Theresa May’s, “We stand shoulder to shoulder …” for the love of God woman, say something with a little originality. And perhaps don’t wear a headscarf while you’re saying it…
It’s as if they’re reading a bleedin’ script. Our useless and spineless political elite have been lying about multiculturalism, and Islam in particular, for so long they’re panicking and making it up as they go along.
We’ve had fields of rotting flowers left at shrines, people daubing themselves in the tricolor, there have been marches through Paris, and I’ve seen unlikely alliances with odd politicians arm in arm.
Oh yeh, that did a lot of bloody good, didn’t it? None of this passive bollocks is working. If we really believe that our half arsed response and the feeble slogans like “Je suis Charlie” have any hope of defeating this vile, uncivilised monster in our midst, then I’ve just got this to say.
Je suis “we’re all f…ing Charlies”…
“7 Now Detained” – A pack of lone wolves anyone ?
There have been comments on FB about Saddiq Khan wanting an independent London! As I pointed out: Unfortunately he was elected and, he is, and his like are winning. They are already in the police force. They are in the armed forces, they are in Whitehall, they own five massive government buildings in Whitehall. We have a muslim mayor. There are about 16 muslim mayors in the country. There is an Islamic guy advising the government on Islamic affairs. They are in our local councils and in education. As a matter of fact, they are every where. Plus, their own propaganda machine in the BBC! And, read this:…/The_Lancaster_Plan/ The German comedian now in hiding due to death threats……