An interview that could so easily be on the BBC with its smug, patronising presenters telling us that US cops are all racist…the interviewer showed no interest in the awkward truths that the police officer was stating…he even told him he could leave the studio if he didn’t let the presenter speak…thought it was the guest who was the one meant to speak and who we should be hearing…why else invite him in to talk?….and we are yet to find out the colour of Wayne Isaacs the cop who shot another driver in a road rage incident….from the video Isaacs looks black himself (though admittedly hard to really tell)….maybe that, and the fact that it was a Chinese-American who shot another black person, is why the BBC is now presenting this as a problem of ‘police’ shooting black people…not ‘white police’, just ‘police’….though they ignore the increasing evidence that it is whites who are more likely to be shot….and about time the BBC stopped presenting #Blacklivesmatter as a peaceful group….
Here’s a more balanced look at the issues than the BBC ever provides….and it doesn’t hold back on Obama’s responsibility for whipping up racial tensions…from the Spectator:
The perception that police have an animus against young black men is largely an illusion. It arises from the way a sociological fact has collided with a historical inheritance. Blacks, who make up 13 per cent of the US population, commit around a quarter of its violent crimes, including more than half its murders. They thus have more (and more dramatic) encounters with the police than citizens of other races.
Barack Obama and other politicians have lately encouraged blacks to blame their frequent encounters with police on white prejudice, not black criminality. In the almost cataleptically detached speeches he made on his recent visits to Warsaw and Madrid, the President appeared to recognise that attacking the police is more a political strategy than a description of reality.
The 2014 killing of Michael Brown, a 300lb teenager who attacked a patrolman named Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, after robbing a convenience store, led to protests nationwide. President Obama stoked them. He sent more senior administration officials to Michael Brown’s funeral than he did to Margaret Thatcher’s. He also sent dozens of civil rights officials to investigate. The red-hot attorney general Eric Holder arrived on the scene to scold local authorities and interfere with grand jury proceedings. Yet Wilson’s explanation — that he had shot Brown in self-defence — held up. The stories of Brown’s friends — who said he put his hands up and shouted ‘Don’t shoot!’ — were embellishments.
A week before the Republican convention in Cleveland, street politics is destabilising electoral politics. The events of early July have shifted the presidential campaign seismically. There may be a choice this November between public order and the agenda of Black Lives Matter.
Cleveland Police Association President Steve Loomis: Obama “Has Blood On His Hands”
The president has blood on his hands and it will not be able to come washed off…
How the hell did we ever become the bad guys in this country? I can not imagine how we got here. It is the irresponsible reporting of the media and irresponsible statements from people who are credible – like the president, like celebrities.
You could also make a case that Lord Hall Hall has blood on his hands as his journalists recklessly claim that US police are racists and kill blacks because of that…and they do it again and again and again in the face of the evidence and repeated court cases that pronounce police officers innocent…the BBC thinks differently as with Michael Brown in Ferguson which the BBC still states was a racist killing.
The BBC’s verdict on US police……
Well, slavery may have long gone, but apprehending someone because they could be up to no good, simply because they’re black is still police policy in much of the land.
A week before the Republican convention in Cleveland, street politics is destabilising electoral politics.
It’s called the British Disease.
CNN interviewer (ad nauseam when the sheriff is giving him some hard home truths about Black Lives Matter): ‘That is a different conversation’.
Translation: you’re not letting us peddle our left/liberal agenda here.
Good job Sheriff David Clarke is black or the black (sort of) interviewer would have quickly shuffled the race card to the top of the deck.
Obama’s whole “career” was made out of racist, race hustling and grievance -mongering. He doesn’t care how many black or white people die. He just gets off on it ! Another Jerk-off Leftist racist . Thank God he will be gone soon .
Dave Clarke is right. Blacks are more likely to be arrested (& or shot) for criminal offences for the simple reason that blacks are more likely than whites to commit criminal offences. this is a fact that every American police officer learns from experience & is a fact that the MSM try to hide, American Renaissance have many articles on this.
I have always found that Thomas Sowell provides very sober assessments.