The racist cop who shot Delrawn Small in a road rage incident? Apparently this is him…..
Any wonder the BBC has quietly changed the narrative from racist white cops to protraying the shooting of black men as a ‘police issue’ now….they knew that many of the cops were not white…and yet the BBC didn’t report that fact.
Why not?
Dangerous games the BBC plays as ever more cops get killed or wounded in attacks on them by people who are incited to do so by the media rhetoric and groups like #blacklivesmatter who blatantly call for police to be killed.
I have noticed how often the police chiefs doing press conferences are black. Whether it is due to affirmative action or not, it seems many US police officers are black. The BBC seems happier with a 1960s scenario of redneck cops beating up peaceful black protesters. The fact is that the cops know that young black males pose a danger to them, whether the cop is black or white, and they act with that in mind. It leads to deaths when there should not have been deaths, as well as justified deaths, but to characterise the police as mindless racist morons is clearly false.
Rob, I think you may be right. I’ve often found that so called ‘progressives’ actually are stuck in a 1960s mindset with regards to many issues, but they can’t see it.
“The fact is that the cops know that young black males pose a danger to them, whether the cop is black or white”
Exactly. Jesse Jackson’s (deliberately) forgotten comment explains the feeling of intimidation in certain circumstances when in the presence of young black males:
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
Lefties are simple-minded. White bad , black good. They do not understand that large numbers of people with black skin in Africa, West Indies and America are very conservative in matters of morality, religion, family, crime etc. Most Lefties have never lived in these places. But they are racist and traet black people like political tools.
I will bet you that none of the Trolls on this website have ever set foot in Africa !!
I mean black Africa, not Arab Africa !!!!!!
I certainly haven’t. Accordingly I try to confine my comments to what is happening here and in the US. However, even though I’ve visited the US many times I can’t honestly claim to be an expert, or even close.
(I say “try” – I can’t say for certain that the odd comment hasn’t got through!)
Race politics is about more than just skin colour to leftist and liberal useful idiots, especially the naive BBC drones who fly in and fly out of conflict zones…stay in five star hotels, socialise with other expats….and have not had to live long term with the effects of the passions raised by race politics.
The “racist” South African and Rhodesian armed forces had significant numbers of black soldiers.
The “racist” British Empire had whole regiments of Black, Hindu, Sikh and Muslim soldiers.
The shooter in Baton Rouge had served, as a black man in the “racist” US Marine Corps.
Black means “poor and oppressed” to the Marxist SJW, any black person who fails to accept and live by that label becomes an “uncle Tom” or has become victim of “false consciousness” and has sided with the privileged and by definition the “privileged whites”. Never mind the black persons individual merit…..they`ve stopped being “politically black”, and are prone to attempts to guilt trip them as a result.
Meanwhile, to the non Marxist liberal, the great game is “atomisation”, the denial of collective identity…. so black police officers can be used to show..they`re NOT all the blacks of racist nightmare….thats why Channel 4 news had a hijab wearing muslim reporting on the Nice massacre….see, they say…..they`re not all like the truck driver. But the game is biased…the white working class ARE all angry , bitter, left behind, drink sodden and tending to uneducated white supremacism.
That is how mad and contradictory the BBC line actually is.
Yes, I’ve noticed that the BBC only use the word ‘racist’ when a white man kills a black man. However, when a black man kills a white man, the word ‘racist’ is nowhere to be seen nor heard.
This morning the BBC website was running the following. It has now been moved to their USA & Canada page.
“Baton Rouge shootings: Gunman’s videos show anger at police”
In a highly euphemistic distortion the BBC focuses on the killer’s anger at the treatment of blacks and that he is “affiliated with justice”.
Unless you are an alien from Jupiter you really do know not to take at face value what the BBC is peddling on any subject. A simple glance elsewhere reveals the full extent of this unpleasant black man’s hatred of white people in particular and his loathing for just about any other race except blacks.
“Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel”
“In the video Long is heard lamented “working for the white people.” He encouraged one man riding in his vehicle as he filmed using a body camera to shop only at black-owned businesses. He brought up a hypothetical scenario in which a family member who wanted to buy carpet was forced to buy from non-black business owners.
“Who’s she going to fuck with? The cracker, the Arab, the Chinese,” Long says in the video.
“These Arabs, these Indians, they don’t give two fucks about us.”
Of course this has all been edited out of the BBC’s ‘whitewash’ or should I say ‘blackwash’ of this nasty black thug.
I’m not interested in the story after simply reading the sub-headline on the main page.
“How many US police die each year and how many do they kill?”.
That word “kill” as in, it was deliberate .
Yesterday evening, in the bBBC Radio 5 review of the week, they introduced a discussion about what they called “the otherwise peaceful march in Dallas”. Yes, otherwise than a racist murdering five white policemen, it was peaceful.
True, and President Kennedy had an almost entirely peaceful motorcade through Dallas too.
Sorry.. Misreported comment hitting reply.
I always felt the ‘Aside from that, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?’ summed it up well.
. How far will the BBC bend to support their own prejudices?
When the Dallas shootings happened, the police sought a (black) man seen carrying a gun. He was questioned, found to be uninvolved, and released within a half hour. Perfectly acceptable. The BBC posted a revolting article, suggesting he had only been sought because he was black (ignoring that he was carrying a gun and shootings had occurred). The man’s questioning had nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with weapons possession. Do they really think, when cops are actively being gunned down, that the Dallas police (whose chief is African American) would take time out to engage in racial profiling? There were thousands of black men at the March and the cops sought the one seen carrying a gun. The gun was the object of interest.