The BBC absolutely tore into Andrea Leadsom for her comments about being a mother after a hatchet job by the Times on her.
The BBC seems remarkably less keen to look at the comments of one of its own former employees who wants to be Labour Leader and has made remarks in the same vein as Leadsom’s…he tells us he’s married, with three kids and is ‘normal’ whereas his rival for the leadership, Angela Eagle, is gay….so presumably not ‘normal’……
Guido, the Spectator, the Independent, Sky, The Standard and the New Statesman have picked up on the story….but not the BBC.
As he used to work on the Today programme I’m sure he knows his way to the studio should he be invited for a grilling ala Leadsom. How keen they were to underminie the Brexiteer Leadsom, how not so keen to ‘do’ one of their own.
So far the BBC is staunchly ignoring the story and instead brings us a united front…all smiles…
No, no the story isn’t out yet on the Beeb…despite being quite long in the tooth now. That fact checking must be pretty bloody thorough on this one.
Owen Smith is an English born middle-class hypocrite, son of Welsh Historian Professor Dai Smith. Professor Dai Smith was born into the working class as, David Smith, in the Rhondda and grew up in Barry, where he was converted into an ungrateful middle-class lefty by Barry Grammar School. Owen Smith’s great grandfather – originally from Blaenau Ffestiniog – appears in a famous photo of a crowd of miners around the time of the Tonypandy Riots in 1910. But the Smith family are all now just ungrateful middle-class freaks, on the back of the left-wing Leisure pursuit industry. Owen Smith is a daddies boy, following daddy into the Labour Party at the age of 16, following daddies interests into his university studies and following daddy into the BBC through the use of nepotism.
Owen Smith is just another useless unemployable middle-class left-wing freak, typical of BBC W1A employees.
As were the Milibands, the Benns, Prescotts, Straws and Kinnocks,
Not genuine bloke among them.
Sigmund Fraud needs to be used to take a look at these male misfits…can`t be right to see blokes reduced to these male nanny non-jobs, trousering wads of cash in place of a fecund member.Hard labour?…nah, s`all Viagra and pictures of Ed Balls in his lederhosen.
No wonder they`re so gay-compliant…real men don`t vote Labour, the never did either.
This is my theory…the Tolpuddle tulips will yet learn to value my contribution why they sown no seed, and reap no harvest….Tom Driberg did for them!
George Osbourne used the fact that he was a father as a reason to vote remain in the referendum .
No condemnation given at that time .
“A former Conservative peer has been acquitted of submitting false expenses claims” is the start of the BBC website article on Lord Hanningfield’s trial today.
Oddly yesterday the headline was ‘Ex-Tory Peer…’ but that was removed between times.
The Beeb’s website team never forgets unless…
The Morning Star crashed and burned in its campaign to get Leadsom sacked over remarks she made in the Times last weekend.
These were NOT the ones about Theresa May being a barren infertile witch (or was it her floppy hubby with the dopey sperm?) that Rachel Sylvester chose to put into her piece…but all in the best possible taste!
No-these were about male childminders being more prone to paedo tendencies, and there being something “a bit off” about being a gentleman ninny as a career option…especially if your own tackle stands up to scrutiny and you`re not only Shooting Blunks as it were.
The Morning Star tried to get a stink up…but flopped and shot its empty load into Angela Eagles toolbag.
But what else will you expect if Tim Farron is your party leader who calls for action?
Oh-and some Shadow heavyweight called Jon Ashworth(no, me neither)
He STILL in Corbyns Cabinet then?…probably just a knicker drawer by now.
And NO Owen Smith-if you“re a Labour`ll not be normal…you`ll be a weirdie beardie like Male Ninny#1 himself.
Still though-hope Labour are looking at Tim Farron as THEIR new career option.
His Party will overtake Labours at this rate
Maybe Corbyn should pay his £3 and join the SNP down here…and scuttle Labour as the worthless article it is.
Owen Smith said
” he wanted her to be his “right-hand woman” during the leadership campaign and afterwards.”
Oooer missus!
Bet he’s never done a real job.