A couple of days ago ….Mickey Clark on Wake up to Money…‘We should remember how quick we were to forget just how big our economy is and that other countries will always want to trade with us.’
Yeah…funny how quick the BBC was to forget that….seems they’ve forgotten it all over again….
Another week and more doom and gloom from the BBC as it continues to gleefully report Brexit disaster just around the corner…
Let’s hear the bias……
What no Trolls ? 😉
Trolls are a little in short supply at the mo. After their vicious, childish, petulant outbursts after being beaten by democracy and the disarray of their favourite party. Now they are frightened that they will be asked to justify why the people they support unconditionally have committed a series of mass murders around the globe. Not a good time to be a Beboid, especially as they can’t yet be certain whether witless Whittingdale’s successor will be just as much a walkover as him.
I would suspect that they have been told to ‘wind their necks in’ . There posts are having a negative effect on Al Beeb’s aims . As they did in the last General Election, and indeed the EU referendum.
I wouldn’t actually mind if they came and argued their points. What they do is pick on little details that have very little effect on the validity of the original comment. For instance, they will say BBC person X did not make that comment so you are a big, bad liar. Although BBC person Y said it and the original commenter mistook the actual Beboid but not the bias.
Also they start by being totally agressive, in typical lefty fashion, and make perjorative comments and hurl insults like it’s their only weapon (which it normally is), and then get very huffy when people respond in the same way. They lie continually and ignore the most blatant bits of BBC bias completely as they have nothing to justify it. They then pretend that we have no evidence of BBC bias although it’s there in full technicolor. Thay try to derail threads that are not to their liking.
If only they had the intelligence to have a coherent debate they would be interesting and welcome.
How refreshing to discover that Biased BBCers are such paragons of virtue that anybody who challenges them is treated as an aberration.
In the real world, the site is populated with rude, aggressive commenters who lie and dissemble as a matter of course, but choose to pretend that they do not. And when challenged, they go on the offensive and head straight for the personal attack – and then clutch their pearls should anyone respond in kind.
if you’re really as against the sort of behaviour you claim to be here, you’d be holding some of your aggressive, lying buddies to account. That you don’t suggests that you’re not really concerned with decorum, just with demonizing others so that you can pretend to be better than them. You’d do better to lead by actual example, rather than fictionalising.
The Sun Baby has arisen!
All is well in Jerrods multyculty tellytubbyland
the sun is shining, the fluffy rabbits are hopping,
Pity all you sad Biased BBC posters are spoiling Tinky winkies fun.
Go on Jerrod say it – you know you want to !
“Eh – Oh” !
Careful. Demon doesn’t like pejorative comments. Expect him to call you out.
Unless, of course, he’s a massive hypocrite who doesn’t really care how people behave if they agree with his skewed worldview.
Demon wrote:
‘Also they start by being totally agressive, in typical lefty fashion, and make perjorative comments and hurl insults like it’s their only weapon (which it normally is), and then get very huffy when people respond in the same way. They lie continually and ignore the most blatant bits of BBC bias completely as they have nothing to justify it. They then pretend that we have no evidence of BBC bias although it’s there in full technicolor. Thay try to derail threads that are not to their liking.’
Bang on the nail.
Oh its Scott , ( or his boy friend )as if we didn`t know.
That’s a slanderous generalisation you have used against the people who post on this website!! And here’s me sticking up for you too!! That will teach me!! I mean someone said that you wasn’t fit to live with pigs… and I said you were!!
That’s the last time I stick up for a backstabbing, Jihadi loving deviant! 🙂
Silly me. Of course, generalisation is fine when it’s about the Left, LGBT people, campaigners against police violence, muslims, etc etc…
biased BBC is riven with liars, racists and hypocrites. The inability of those who don’t consider themselves to fit into any of those categories to drive out hose who are is what has allowed the site to become a haven for infantilised bigots who are so desperate to appear important that they concoct fictions in which they’re paragons.
And you say that we never give credit where credit’s due…. well…you are a PERSISTENT, self-righteous, self loathing, shit stain on the underpants of Great Britain, who’s delusional self importance and self hatred have turned you into an anti-citizen of this great country and put simply… A complete and utter tosser!!
It feels wonderful being nice! Allahu Akbar!!
Thank you for proving my point about Biased BBC commenters’ behaviour.
Hello Jerrod, unlike some other posters on here, I value the presence of contrary opinions and counter arguments and do not consider them (you) to be ‘trolling’ in the pure sense of the word. In addition, I will do my best to avoid the “Yah, boo” name-calling and disparaging personal comments because that tends to indicate a return to Primary school debate levels. Most of us left that behind a long time ago.
I want to be kept sharp by you. Even better than merely kept ‘sharp’ is honed to scalpel-like diamond sharpness to cut through arguments advanced by you or Manon or Kikuchiyo or Edward or anyone else on here for that matter.
Debate in the world around the BBC and Parliament and in the world outside is going to multiply and increase over the coming weeks. Being able to discuss like adults without coming to blows in textual form is what will really count. To reach conclusions or establish polar opposites should be the goal.
You could help by avoiding some of this sort of language “you’d be holding some of your aggressive, lying buddies to account.”. If there are lies, highlight them. State what they are. Give your evidence in support.
Don’t let taffman put you off. But at the same time come & debate properly. I concede that the site set-up doesn’t make a back & forth contention easy but with some effort, debate & democracy may be, probably can be, enhanced!
In the words of the immortal Sgt Phil:
“Hey! Let’s be ……. careful .. out there, today.”
> If there are lies, highlight them. State what they are. Give your evidence in support.
You mean as I did when Alan lied about Obama’s supposed response to the Dallas shootings, and got attacked by the usual Biased BBC attack dogs as a result?
Biased BBC’s problem is with its regulars. Trying to classify those with different opinions as “trolls” is a way for the worst culprits to pretend that they’re behaving well, when the opposite is true.
Jerrod, to be fair I do not recall you clearly setting out a time-line of Obama’s responses (note the plural) to the recent Dallas shootings. I seem to recall that you merely said Alan was lying. Obama, IIRC from BBC news that has whizzed past me in the last few days, made several statements about Dallas at different times.
To be additionally fair, I do find it incredibly frustrating when someone disagrees with with another and merely says “You are lying, lying. You tell lies. Nah na na nah naah!”.
It is currently a Far Left, Hard Left, SWP claim made against Brexiteers, despite the fact that many on the extreme Left are Brexiteers themselves or would have been had David Cameron George Osborne not been firm Remainers. It also seems to be the response of the hissy-fit style of debate that many are taking up today rather than seek out facts and establish truths and debate responses to them.
Whatever you have been taught, please be clear: it is not an advance. It is retrograde.
“Don’t let taffman put you off ”
I fail to see how I do ? I am always courteous to them even if they use offensive language when they reply . I visit this site because I am disillusioned by Al Beeb and its bias having believed for many, many years that they stood for truth, freedom and this – Great Britain . I feel betrayed by them .
I welcome Trolls but they will rarely tell you the real and truthful reason why they post here .
I think with the Trolls here, it is a sexual aberration. It turns them on !
I am inclined to agree with you – they do tend to resort to that type of language whenever they are at a loss to answer criticism. , especially when it is aimed at Al Beeb.
Very much like adolescent children.
As the Psychiatrist said about Basil Fawlty, ” enough material for a conference “. !
Have to confess I quite like the occasional wind-up or little pointed point made in debate. You are by no means the worst but this –
July 18, 2016 at 12:29 am
What no Trolls ?”
immediately hangs out a confrontation, does it not?
Some of the language used by others to, and the snide remarks made to other posters about, these supposed trolls is far worse. It has nearly driven me permanently away from B-BBC on three previous occasions to the much more polite ITBBCB. We have some great writing & writers on this site. It is – in many ways – what the BBC web-site SHOULD BE but is not. There is more political research and journalism being done for free, here, than over at the £4bn+ funded, thousands of employees, BBC!
To what effect? A return to Primary School playground levels. There’s enough of that out there in the adult(!) world of politics, without us adding to it.
Why call Jerrod et al ‘trolls’ unless we know for sure they are undeclared employees of the BBC or have a specific link to a political Party? If someone at B-BBC does know, then at least we (ie. the rest of the registered membership) ought to be informed of the fact. Then, at least, the rest of us are not operating in the dark.
I would hope that Beeboids do come on here; not just to read but argue, debate, put counter arguments or even explain how & why certain things are done in a certain way at the BBC. Our goal is the improvement, the reform of the BBC, is it not?
Indeed, it strikes me that some of ‘them’ only contribute when they disagree with a post, when they have something to say. Fair enough. Very welcome as far as I am concerned.
There is a major political Party in the UK that – right now – has a significant number of members trying to drive out a segment of their Party that they disagree with.
Be a shame, in my view, if B-BBC went the same way.
Some of the regulars here are no better than the BBC they love to pick apart. I had an interesting experience with some members recently regarding global warming. Putting aside whether or not the earth is actually warming enough to cause catastrophe, one particularly enlightened individual was arguing that global warming is a lie because his garden thermometer said it was cold. He was seriously arguing the point. He’d completely shut down any type of response that called him out on his nonsense, such as only having one (!!) sample point in one area, but he stuck to his guns. I was brainwashed and deluded, he was a master scientist.
The regulars here can call anyone names, but woe betide you if you call them names. They love being in their safe space, shouting at anyone who doesn’t agree with them, but if you shout back you’ll get endless grief.
PS if you really want to rile them, tell them they have dementia and they reek of piss. They’ll surely bite.
Two important points Xavier:
Nobody is forced to come here.
Nobody is forced to pay for this website under threat of legal action.
If “one individual” is a big problem for you, then you really do have a problem which needs attending to. In the meantime, it might be wise to help yourself by going elsewhere.
Xavier does have a point especially about the global warming. Its called ‘confirmation bias’ where an individual has made their mind up first and then only look for evidence to support their belief. The person he is referring to did post something recently like “I’m researching and looking for evidence that the ozone hole being made by volcanoes and not manmade”.
We can all be accused of confirmation bias here too. We all look for examples of the BBC being biased but rarely post examples of the BBC being impartial (probably because they never are!).
The BBC themselves are the perfect example of confirmation bias as can be seen in the Nice attacks. We all knew it was going to be a Muslim but the BBC ignore every bit of new evidence to present the terrorist as a “angry lorry driver”.
Yes, when was the last time a terrorist attack in Europe was carried out by a non-muslim ?
And just like that, the goal posts magically shifted 5 miles up field.
Tabs writes;
“We can all be accused of confirmation bias here too. We all look for examples of the BBC being biased but rarely post examples of the BBC being impartial (probably because they never are!).”
Yes it is hard to find BBC non-bias, though I was surprised last night on Radio 4 that the Westminster Hour had two conservatives & only one labour commentator. What is happening? I wondered.
Errm… so? Just because no one is “forced” to come here that gives people the right to talk utter crap morning, noon and night?
Did I say “one individual is a big problem?” No. One individual, in particular though, was a grade a moron.
Feeble response from typical Biased BBC brigade. Don’t even attempt to argue, just try to slander.
Are there sub grades in Beebworld? The extent likely needs them. Maybe Mishal Husain oversees the tally.
As to responses to argument, the BBC does tend to favour blocking or expediting.
Have a word. The non feeble response eagerly anticipated.
No, Xavier, the moron is you. You were unable to understand then, as you clearly are now, that anomalous facts cannot be dismissed simply because they disagree with a pet theory. That failure is precisely what drives the ‘Global Warming’ myth, as has been repeatedly demonstrated since the fable began to be exposed.
A reading is a fact. If it doesn’t agree with the theory one or the other is wrong and that needs to be investigated. If it happens repeatedly, then there is a very serious problem that calls for a very serious investigation. Failure to do that leads to the intellectually bankrupt stupidity that denies the satellite evidence from UAH, in favour of a politically driven dogma that denies evidence it cannot accommodate.
I’m glad this obsesses you because it might eventually stimulate some desire to investigate rather than to simply believe because it confirms your beliefs.
Though, I must say, it does seem rather unlikely.
You’re an imbecile. You’re an actual, unhinged imbecile.
I’ll give you one last chance to prove you aren’t mentally ill by allowing you to explain, in your own words, how ONE READING FROM YOUR BACK GARDEN disproves the global warming theory. I honestly can’t believe I’m having this conversation with you. You call anyone who disagrees with you a troll, but I’ve only encountered such wilful ignorance and stupidity in those such trolls before. Do you seriously, honestly think that because it’s cold in your garden, it’s definite, conclusive proof that the world isn’t heating up? You’re using words like “anomalous facts” as if you know what they mean. If nothing else, you’ve good entertainment value.
Hint: A cold temperature doesn’t disprove the global warming theory.
Hint: A cold temperature doesn’t disprove the global warming theory.
I think you mean the man-mde global warming theory.
And it’s not even a theory, it’s a hypothesis (and a failed one at that).
Tell us again, how many failed climate models does it take before the eco-‘scientists’ go back to the drawing board?
And can you give us an example of a ‘settled’ science that isn’t really settled at all?
‘cretinous’ ‘functioning brain cell’ ‘imbecile’ – the language of truly deranged Leftoids.
“Here’s why. The extreme left are among the most self deluded and patronizing people you can meet. They really believe that the ‘masses’ suffer from ‘false consciousness’ and only they can see the real world.
As they are holders of the truth, it is their life’s work to explain this to the masses, who, when the scales fall from their eyes, will vote the holders of truth into power.
Alas, because the system is so against them, they must lead their lives in dismal back room pubs, and being ignored whilst trying to sell ‘Prole Solidarity’ magazines outside university gates. In private many scorn ‘democratic socialism’ and in public are happy to keep company with apologists for terrorism and support anti democratic regimes around the world.”
Oh look, even MORE strawman nonsense.
I’m not a “leftoid.” I voted for Brexit. I vote for UKIP every election. I despise socialist theory in every way, shape and form, which is much more than can be said for many members of this site who were once Labour voters upon a time.
So take that stick out your arse and talk sense or not at all. I’m not a leftist, so, by your own admission, I don’t suffer from false consciousness. Hence why I’m calling you out on your own bullshit.
I’m not a “leftoid.” I voted for Brexit. I vote for UKIP every election.
….whilst the band played ‘Believe Me If You Like’.
“that gives people the right to talk utter crap morning, noon and night?”
Well yes, in actual fact they do if they wish. You have no editorial control whatsoever, thank God.
As I said, you don’t have to come here.
The BBC exercises that right on a daily basis. The essential difference is that we all have to pay for it.
So you’re complicit in the idiocy and falsehoods that gets peddled on this site?
And you’re still trying to take the moral high ground?
Good God.
Talk about “Good God”….Xavier, don’t you go on and on!! Our beautiful website of hope and optimism is under attack by a dementor!!
With being so far up your own arse, you obviously find it impossible to self reflect… A chance for you to learn something about yourself Xavier;
“A Dementor is a non-being and Dark creature, considered one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed upon human happiness, and thus cause depression and despair to anyone near them”
Completely describes you in every way that…
Quite right. Beeboids and Leftists hate freedom of speech. That is why they hate this website. They are Fascists !
Xavier, does this:
“Errm… so? Just because no one is “forced” to come here that gives people the right to TALK UTTER CRAP morning, noon and night?
Did I say “one individual is a big problem?” No. One individual, in particular though, was a grade a MORON.”
Or make things worse?
Hi Xavier,
“one particularly enlightened individual was arguing that global warming is a lie because his garden thermometer said it was cold. He was seriously arguing the point.”
I would agree that that is clearly an absurd basis on which to form a view on the global scale. I think that person was either trying to wind you up or completely misunderstands the nature of things.
Don’t know of whom you speak of course but are you sure he was being serious?!
See above. Xavier does not appear to understand the concept of evidence or of facts. Presented with intriguing anomaly, he dismisses it in favour of dogma.
It’s how people become socialists and religious nut cases as well, as believers in other counter-factual mythologies.
Says the man who considers the thermometer in his back garden “fact” but the legions of trained professionals around the world as “dogma.”
No one with a functioning brain cell takes you seriously. Just stop it.
I can’t see a reply button to your post claiming not to be a Leftoid loon but rather a UKIP Brexiteer, dear Xavier, but I tend not to believe anything at all that you post.
Just saying, mind.
You are just wading further into the cesspit of your own ignorance, Xavier. It was not my ‘back garden’. It was another poster’s observation. I was simply trying to teach you a lesson in elementary science which you should have learned at school.
You did go to school, didn’t you?
Peter Grimes,
ah, the usual “he proved me wrong so I’ll just call him a liar” tactic. Very common in leftist circles.
nice attempt at moving the goalposts. I went to school, I very much doubt you did. The “lesson” you tried to teach me in elementary science was deeply flawed. I suggest you read over your science books again.
Xavier………. “PS if you really want to rile them, tell them they have dementia and they reek of piss. They’ll surely bite. ”
Absolutely right ! Personally I couldn’t give a monkeys on your views one way or another, but when your comments are highly insulting to those poor souls that suffer with that condition, then yes I’ll fight their corner ! God forbid you have to experience this with a member of your own family, or you yourself in later years when you revert to wearing a nappy. If you had then you wouldn’t wish this on your worst enemy. Shame on you. Would you make a similar comment ie ” tell them they have cancer and are being fed by stomach tube” ?? In making these remarks I do not imagine someone of maturity, but one who wears a baseball cap backwards with the mental age of a 14 year old.
I won’t be commenting further on this.
Put your nappy back on and your dummy back in. I have dealt with dementia in the family, so your pseudo-emotional pleas have little effect.
I’ve seen members of this site say much worse things about Muslims, gays, the left, the “yoof” but you all cackle and chuckle and like each other’s posts ad nauseum.
Some shit gets flung right back in your face and you produce bile-inducingly bad posts such as this.
I don’t believe your BS about having dealt with dementia in your own family either. It is just the sort of device Leftoid keyboard warriors use to attempt to occupy the high ground. Your use of the problems of dementia sufferers in a pejorative sense undermines that completely.
Please slither back into your gutter.
You have not proved anything wrong in my post, dear Xavier, you have made statements which, absent the ‘proof’ you and your slimy sidekicks invariably demand, I consider to be untruths.
Some of the regulars here are no better than the BBC they love to pick apart. I had an interesting experience with some members recently regarding global warming. Putting aside whether or not the earth is actually warming enough to cause catastrophe, one particularly enlightened individual was arguing that global warming is a lie because his garden thermometer said it was cold. He was seriously arguing the point. He’d completely shut down any type of response that called him out on his nonsense, such as only having one (!!) sample point in one area, but he stuck to his guns. I was brainwashed and deluded, he was a master scientist.
Name, specific quote and context, please – alternatively a link to the relevant thread.
BBC bias on global warming has been endlessly exposed on here yet I don’t notice you around whenever (for example) 28gate is being discussed, or any of Harrabin’s Hysterical Howlers, so trying to dismiss all of it with one unsubstantiated example is, well, a bit of a poor effort to say the very least.
Here you go again, desperately trying to strawman your way out of a situation you don’t like.
I wasn’t arguing whether the earth was warming or not. I never mentioned “28gate” or Harrabin’s Howlers. I was talking about the rampant idiocy of one particular poster here, who has already revealed himself in this thread, in regards to his understanding of the scientific method.
You can try and act scientific and claim you know more than me. I can see through your bullshit though. You’re desperately changing the goalposts. The text you quoted clearly shows me talking about the user’s lack of scientific understanding by thinking one sample point is an adequate example to disprove global warming. Yet you want to talk about the BBC’s biased reporting.
It’s like talking to an infant.
Xavier, You at “July 18, 2016 at 6:51 pm: Here you go again, desperately trying to strawman your way out of a situation you don’t like.
I wasn’t arguing whether the earth was warming or not. I never mentioned “28gate” or Harrabin’s Howlers. I was talking about the rampant idiocy of one particular poster here, who has already revealed himself in this thread, in regards to his understanding of the scientific method. ”
I don’t know whether you are scientifically educated.
My secondary education was science based. I paid enough attention to learn that the history of science is littered with this type of – “one particularly enlightened individual was arguing that global warming is a lie because his garden thermometer said it was cold.” – scientist who, standing out against the conventions of the day and experimenting (ie. doing tests & observations) was among the ones who made the world-changing discoveries and advanced scientific knowledge.
The BBC have made some excellent programmes about science for broadcast on Radio 4. Often it was the little man or woman undergrad who made the big discovery looking at their equivalent of a ‘thermometer in the back garden’. Perhaps you should seek them out on iPlayer.
Says the man who considers the thermometer in his back garden “fact” but the legions of trained professionals around the world as “dogma.”
Sounds suspiciously like the appeal to authority tediously trotted out by global warming alarmists. But hey, you just managed to stop yourself from typing the comical ‘97% of the world’s climate scientists….’
You can try and act scientific and claim you know more than me. I can see through your bullshit though. You’re desperately changing the goalposts.
And my dad’s bigger than your dad! What a copout from a very straighforward argument.
And I’m still waiting for Name, specific quote and context, please – alternatively a link to the relevant thread.
So unless you can do that, your point is really – crap.
P.S Do you think the BBC is biased on ‘climate change’? (this is a site about BBC bias, you know – the clue is in the title!)
“PS if you really want to rile them, tell them they have dementia and they reek of piss. They’ll surely bite.”
Well Xavier you and all your Troll mates ‘took the bait’ with my first cast out at the very to top ^.
The lot of you fell for it ‘hook line and sinker’.
Notice that I did not use any offensive language – I very rarely do .
I am just back from an appointment with a consultant and my elderly mother has just been diagnosed with Alzheimers. And it is not funny. Some perverted people may think so, but I don’t.
Grant I’m very sorry to hear this. I first had to deal with this in my family nearly 30 years ago and back then there was very little understanding of or support for people with the condition – it’s much better now with online forums etc and there are drugs like Aricept which can slow down the progression of the illness. I wish you and your mother the best of luck in coping.
I wholeheartedly agree, Cranmer. Alzheimer’s is a terrible disease and I, too, wish Grant and his mother the very best.
Cranmer and GC,
Many thanks. Yes, medical advances can ameliorate the progression and the medical understanding of the illness is so much better now . And there are the funny sides too. Many years ago mum lived in Hong Kong and today she said to me ” This is strange weather for Hong Kong ” !
> Notice that I did not use any offensive language – I very rarely do
No, you just butt in constantly with endless tedious links to petitions that have nothing to do with the matter under discussion. Then, when that doesn’t work, you still refuse to engage with the matter at hand, asking questions like “why are you here?” as if contribution to this site is contingent upon agreeing with you.
And then, when nobody who’s been the target of your childish behaviour posts for a while, you stamp your foot demanding to know where we’ve all gone. Attention-seeking and hogging of the limelight: are you an adult, or a spoilt toddler? It’s so hard to tell from your behaviour.
“No, you just butt in constantly with endless tedious links to petitions that have nothing to do with the matter under discussion.”
You mean like this ……………………
Have you signed it yet ? I am pretty sure that your chum Xavier has?
Trolls don’t “take the bait.” That’s not how “trolling” works.
Nice attempt at saving face, but it’s pretty weak. I suppose we could add “trolling” to the list of things Biased BBCers think they understand but actually don’t.
You and your ‘chums’ took the bait, I repeat ‘hook line and sinker’ . See my post at the very top with its ’emoji’ .
I.E. ‘What no Trolls ? ?’
What did you think it was for ? Ha!
No abuse from me . I don’t need to use it.
“That’s not how “trolling” works. ”
Pray tell us more about Trolling and how it works . For you must be an expert .
Thank you Jerrod for proving me completely right. You didn’t have to make it so obvious but it does show the level of hate and lies left-wingers harbour in themselves. Even more worrying is that you can’t see what you are saying yourself, no self-awareness.
Do you even read what you type? You’re talking nonsense. Nothing of what Jerrod posted shows hate and lies.
What do you call this then – friendly banter?
…doesn’t matter that you’re a prejudiced little worm who can’t treat people with fairness and equality, because MUSLIMS….We all know from all your previous rantings that you’re an obsessed little bigot who is clearly so insecure about his own place in the world that he has to obsess about anyone and everyone who is different from you. Don’t go changing, johnnythefish……If you started behaving like an adult instead of a moron, the Biased BBC Club for Bigots in Self-Denial would have to rescind your membership cardRather a narcissistic, if not downright sociopathic, approach to life…
I’m not interested, taffman. Go find a blow-up plastic figurine to bother – it’ll be a true meeting of minds…. How does it feel, Geoffrey, that other people use your stupidity to hide their bigotry?…..how sad it must be to have to resort to fiction in order to pretend you’re not a pathetic little individual who’s not adult enough to admit that he knows Dover Sentry lied. What a snivelling coward GWF must be….
Must do better, Xavier.
Attacking me, while ignoring Tothepoint – thus proving my point totally.
And yet I’m apparently the one with “no self-awareness”. Have you ever tried looking yourself in the face?
Everything I have said about you is true. You are worse than scum for the shameless and traitorous way you are selling out your own people and this magnificent country to satisfy a mental illness that has given you a delusional superiority complex and utter hatred towards people who think differently than you.
I love calling you out for what you are.. A traitor, a coward and a hate filled bigot, whos only reason for being on this website is to champion a system that is killing and raping innocent people… your own people, as this system selfishly keeps yourself in your detached reality where YOU feel superior than everyone else!
You have never once agreed with anything, anyone has ever written on here! Not once! Even when people try to be friendly you aggressively dismiss their points. This is all about you and your weird and utterly wrong belief that you know better than everyone else.
You and your kind are responsible for what happened in Nice. You and your kind are responsible for what happened in Paris. You and your kind are responsible for the destabilising of the middle east, because you once again believed you knew how best for them to live their lives. You are desperate for the complete erosion of our history and culture. You beat the shit out the hornet’s nest and then blame us for Islam going into attack mode.
Islam is and always will be a utterly deadly and incompatible cult that destroys everything it comes into contact with… You are willing to let that happen to stay in your superiority bubble. You are willing to sacrifice endless amount of bodies rather than admit you and your traitorous friends have been wrong all along!
And an encore performance from someone who illustrates just how badly behaved Biased BBC commenters are, and how they are not prepared to even consider holding themselves and each other to the standards they demand in those they don’t like.
Biased BBC: you don’t have to be a hypocrite to post here, but if you are, make sure you froth at the mouth while doing it. That way, the other hypocritical regulars will turn a blind eye…
Hello Jerrod,
As you know from a prior conversation we have had on this site I will only, myself, ever treat you with respect and consideration even in the face of ad-hominem. I accept that it might be inordinately difficult for you to engage on such terms (seemingly only) but would you consider ignoring all of those who vex you so and simply iterate to me what particular (or general) issues you have? If I can I will respond. If I just don’t know the answer I will admit my ignorance. If you are factually correct I will say so even to the detriment of my own position. Surely to any of our audience that would seem at least fair?
I ask this because your comment above has little of substance or form and I would truly like to opportunity to engage with your concerns (there is nothing of the pejorative in that remark by the way).
Remember, usually the point of any debate is to convince others listening rather than each other. If what you tell me makes more sense (to me) I will rapidly discard my former view. Some might consider that weakness. I would differ.
I hope you can see your way to a measured reply.
Cheers Jerrod.
6.59 am? Looks like the early shift is on.
7:00am is sluicing time in Clapham Public Conveniences
And your examples to justify your statement of lies by members are ?
In the real world, the site is populated with rude, aggressive commenters who lie and dissemble as a matter of course, but choose to pretend that they do not. And when challenged, they go on the offensive and head straight for the personal attack – and then clutch their pearls should anyone respond in kind.
Jerrod, you are such a card.
But a little lacking on specifics, as usual. And totally lacking in argument, as per form. Just thcweaming and foot-thtamping.
Last time out you called me ‘cunt’ I seem to remember. Then there was this:
…doesn’t matter that you’re a prejudiced little worm who can’t treat people with fairness and equality, because MUSLIMS….We all know from all your previous rantings that you’re an obsessed little bigot who is clearly so insecure about his own place in the world that he has to obsess about anyone and everyone who is different from you. Don’t go changing, johnnythefish……If you started behaving like an adult instead of a moron, the Biased BBC Club for Bigots in Self-Denial would have to rescind your membership cardRather a narcissistic, if not downright sociopathic, approach to life…
….all because I had the temerity to point out how Islamic practices in this country are undermining our hard-won freedoms – you know, like Sir Trevor Phillips did, but whom you’ve refused to condemn in the same way.
Perhaps you’d like to quote me on insults you think I for one have thrown your way in response?
Your tactic on here is to hurl insults around until some snap and retaliate, then go all hissy fit and foot-stamping about how everyone is being positively beastly towards you.
Go on, bin your copy of ‘The Lefty’s Big Book of Insults to Use When You Can’t Think of an Argument’ and stop auditioning for the role of Violet Elizabeth – you know the un-PC ‘Just William’ will never see the light of day now on your beloved BBC.
Well said Johnny. Spot on.
So you’re not an ‘aggressive commenter who lies and dissembles ‘ Jerrod? What a joke this guy is!
If you want the major multiple Troll…Go mock him on Twitter…
One of ours ? Scott ?
“I don’t believe it !”, “I don’t believe it !” 🙂
I get the impression that the BBC Special Operations (Trolling) Squad is so overwhelmed with work following the Brexit vote, that they’ve had to call up elderly befuddled reservists and borderline mental defectives (like the Pioneer Corps in WW2) to carry out the trolling duties.
I don’t ‘tweet’ but after looking at the above link, I’m glad I don’t ! can’t believe that people waste their time informing others of…… ‘ nonsensical stuff’ !! I just skimmed through because it was all so boring. And if that IS ‘Scott’ that reports on here, then hmmmmmmm, he looks like his comments – pretty unspectacular.
Lest we ever forget that Scott – AKA Jerrod – Thought the Times square Jihadi bomber was “hot”…
I have said it a few times here, but , for the Trolls, Scott etc. , it is a sexual matter and that takes priority for them . Their onanism is linked to violence and surrogate risk. They need medical help but they jerk off on this website and feel happy !
> I have said it a few times here
And that makes it true, does it? Such self-confidence in the face of zero evidence.
Poor Grant. Reduced to accusing others of his own symptoms, just so he can get the tiniest crumb of attention. Must be why he’s so keen to make up stories about people he doesn’t know, instead of caring for the mother he claims has only just received a serious medical diagnosis.
Unless, of course, that’s something else he made up so that he can pretend to be superior to everyone else. I hope I’m wrong – no sane person would be so crazy as to fabricate such a story, after all – but it would certainly be in character…
To repeat my previous post……………
“He told the Guardian he feared the move could lead to a recession.”
Why are they so obsessed with the Guardian ?
Richard Buxton , who he ?
He is a fund manager, but does not have a good track record. Very average . But schoozes the media
Schmoozes !
Thanks .
Welcome. Other people may have another opinion, of course
I posted this at the very end of the weekend thread…..sorry for reposting but there isn’t enough karma taking place in the world:)……..so it is again folks for you who missed this
Its such a tough old and thankless slug picking through and trying to present the endless amount of propaganda, lies, and dangerous bias pumped out from Al Beebistan, so I am adding some well deserved
The video linked is a full feature length, but please trust me it’s well worth your time my friends. It’s a compilation of the groups of people we destroy on here, destroying themselves on camera. Although American made I have to say it’s hilarious and our deluded, psychopathic friends and shown up for what they truly are….epic failures
Enjoy…..(wait until you watch the feminist choir given a ROPer make over on newsnight @ 6mins in… I had tears running down my face!!!)
There’s swearing in this….make sure you ask your parents permission:)
I’ve only watched the first 10 minutes or so of this and very entertaining it is too watching the screaming leftists spew their bile without a single cogent argument in sight. I liked the young lady (not the screaming variety, I hasten to add) who when asked for evidence of a ‘rape culture’ and ‘derisory sentences’ couldn’t come up with anything at all to back her argument.
But one comment on the still above – why are none of the titless wonders wearing a niqab? Where is the inclusivity they keep lecturing the rest of us about?
This is a perfect illustration of how the BBC fabricates ‘news’.
Nothing has actually happened, there is no news. Instead the BBC’s favourite newspaper is carrying an anti-Brexit piece citing the opinion of Richard Buxton, a fund manager. The Guardian piece states “Buxton has worked in investments for 31 years and is regarded as the City’s leading stock picker, alongside his rival Neil Woodford.”
The Guardian in February carried a contrasting piece on Neil Woodford headlined “Brexit could benefit UK economy, says £8bn fund manager”. I’m sure the BBC gave that piece equal prominence as the leading business story on its news website. In case you wonder if Woodford has changed his views post-Brexit, he hasn’t, One of Britain’s most famous fund managers is bullish on Brexit.
So two fund managers have contrasting views, but according to the BBC one is news.
And, in my opinion, both these Fund Managers are overrated but know how to handle the media !
Note to the BBCs “science people”.
NEVER mix Sarah Montague with science reports…even at 6.50 in the morning like just now.
Poor old trout was spun a crock by Denzil Dexters hippie sister in the US.
DNA profiling technology using a Mars Bar-sized nanotechnimetre now an option.
So we can all be traced back to a mushroom in the Basque region.
Poor Sarah believed all this and souped it up with a floppy ladle.
Oh the humility.
“Was this a good thing or a bad thing?”…asks Sarah.
Authoratitive bloke says-“neither , it`s a very IMPORTANT thing”
And we`re paying for this?
Cecil Youghal… ladyboy on a comedown from Studio 54 last night-it is NOT funny to trash the Peake Freams of the BBCs flagship News programme…Prof Godfrey Elfwick will be in touch with you.
Cranmer asked in the last thread whether BBC comedies had ever mocked leftist philosophy. Yes, they occasionally did – but you have to go back through the mists of time.
Python took the mickey out of just about everything. I’ve just re-watched a favourite sketch in which German philosophers play soccer against ancient Greek ones (with Confucius as the umpire). It features a hilarious tubby little Karl Marx in a track suit, warming up before going on as a substitute. (You can see it on You tube as ‘Monty Python football match’.)
There was a seventies sitcom called Citizen Smith, about a young Marxist urban guerilla living in Tooting. I never watched it myself, but since my lefty brother enjoyed it I suppose it can’t have been all that hard-hitting.
There was ‘Til death us do part’, in which Alf Garnett mocks his son-in-law’s enthusiasm for ‘Your darling Harold’ Wilson. But I don’t think we were supposed to actually like the old right-winger as much as we did.
Looking back, there was always a tendency to make conservatives figures of fun. Think of the mockery of socially aspiring, middle class, moral types like Basil Fawlty, Margot in The Good Life, Hyacinth Bucket. Rigsby in Rising Damp was a conservative too, I think. But perhaps I’ve become over-analytical. At least those were (arguably) funny, which is more than you can say for anything new the BBC have produced in about the last twenty years.
Thanks Helena. I dimly remember ‘Citizen Smith’ but haven’t seen it for years. I do remember Alf Garnett but recall that the ‘long haired scouse git’ played by Cherie Blair’s father was only very occasionally mocked. Most of the time he was a sort of voice-of-reason foil to Garnett. I can’t recall anything that really took the mickey out of socialism itself. The nearest was the excellent series ‘The History Man’ based on the novel by Malcolm Bradbury – which should be required reading for all on this website! But as you say, all this is 30-40 years ago. I can’t recall anything recently that seriously questioned the tenets of left-liberalism, either in a humorous way, or any other way.
Interesting posts HHB and Cranmer. You’re both right, but when I think back to those times, the comedy in mocking the Tories was largely right ! Hyacinth was the personification of the blue rinsed Tory lady in floral frocks and big hats, as was Margot, who was spot on for many conservative types in the 70’s and 80’s. Its testament to the excellent script writers of that era (the like of which we shall never see again) who created gentle laughs in a much gentler time.
I’m off down memory lane now. I am an avid radio buff (before the BBC downgraded it to ‘other’ (comedy, that is not a patch on its famous archives). BBC TV did have ‘hope and laughter among the gloom (Tomorrows World was one of my favourites and I am ashamed to say ‘It a Knockout’, but then the BBC was thought ‘trustworthy’). I grew up with the Clitheroe Kid (Sunday lunchtimes), and Around-The-Horne’ (Kenneth Horne) in the afternoon (hilarious). There was always a dig at establishment figures (Comedy was light and funny) and news was ‘reverential’ to whatever government policies (political debate was occasionally good with the likes of Malcom Muggerridge were understood) to just plain malicious (early BBC Panorama exposes were always a bit flimsy), you knew where the ‘left’ arguments were and you knew which side the BBC was (usually) on. Even during Month Python days, you just knew they Erid Idle and John Cleese) were taking a heck of a risk by offending EVERYONE! (Left and right and it was funny) and the BBC did not approve of it at all. But thanks to John Birt’s overwhelming influence the entire BBC is now ‘as one’ (BBC DG 1987 and onwards to today’s (Lord) Tony Hall, Labour progressives every one. The BBC was (by Birt) directed into comfortable Guardian ‘set pieces’ and slowly tried (still trying) to remake the BBC TV and Radio audience into ‘confused-and-compliant’ ‘Guardian readers’ reflecting it’s own interests. The BBC gave the New Labour everything that we see today now collapsing into old Labour. And the Guardian newspaper is not ‘in-best-of-financial-health’ thanks largely to the BBC dollops of ‘free’ Guardian news items and news give-aways). But what is rather ‘funny’ is the BBC feeding of a doomed corpse (Lefty newspapers) it relishes above all else and quotes from daily. It cannot be saved purely by BBC job adverts (hundreds though there are looking for comedy, fame and fortune). Where would the BBC recruit apprentices without ‘The GRUANIAD’ to find a job!, The joke was the Guardian really DID spell their rag that way and nobody noticed, except Private Eye! Heh heh!
Philip, one thing I do like about the BBC is Radio Four Extra. The old comedies and serials on there are quite interesting to listen to especially on a long car journey. Yesterday I listened to ‘Meet the Huggetts’ with Jack Warner. It was slightly cheesy, amusing but not uproariously funny, but with an undercurrent of common decency and humanity. It even got in a serious ‘issue’ – a man who had what we would now call PTSD but was back then known as shell shock – but it was done in a non-preachy way. I wish similar comedies could be made today.
To add my three penn’th………………………….I was allowed to listen to ‘Journey Into Space’ with Jet Morgan, before I went to bed, then there was Take it From Here, and Workers Playtime; and on Saturday teatimes tv it was Whirligig with Humphrey Lestoq, Café Continental with Yana and Sabrina, Michael Bentine and the Bumblies who lived on the ceiling (yes really), oh and Mr Pastry who was as mad as a box of frogs !
A British representative should say something like this to the EUro parliament ;
Nice to have worked with you even if we disagree etc.
Now there is some talk about “punishing ” Britain or making an example of , to discourage other electorates . Let us make it clear that any hostile action will be met with hostile action , and we will up the ante . The continent of Europe will suffer because of your pique .
You will not sell to us , we will send your nationals back to increase your unemployment figures , we will not defend you against Putin or anyone else .
And when the ordinary people hear what you have petulantly done , it won’t be referendums you fear , but your lives . Even when you have to leave your sinecures here , you will have to change your limousines for armour plated all terrain vehicles to protect you from the wrath of those that you have dispossessed .
For we will have a new weapon ; a reformed BBC . This organisation has been in your pocket but we will clean it out of the Gramscians that favour you and return it to the organisation it once was . It will tell the truth and it will tell it to all the ordinary people of Europe .
The problem is that I don’t think May and the Government have the guts to do it , but will just cave in. I already suspect that they are planning to delay Brexit for as long as possible. Be prepared for lots of wriggling !
Strikes me, Nibor, that type of EU negotiating stance is something of a Kevin Pietersen style of opening for England.
Aggressive swish (and miss) at a short, rising away-swinger well outside off-stump followed by the attempted hooking of a bouncer into Mound Stand for six which results in a dodgy four just past the outstretched hand of deep square leg hurtling round the boundary.
The next delivery sees Pietersen’s wicket is all of a mess from a perfect yorker and England are 4 for 1, halfway through the first over.
A strange comparison given that Kevin Pietersen wasn’t an opener but was one of the most successful middle order batsmen England have ever had.
Thought he mostly batted at 4?
Except he did open, IIRC on at least one occasion for England at Test level, with disastrous results.
Can’t remember which Test where and when but it is implanted, defectively or otherwise in the Snuffy memory.
Mind you, scratching around for a good defence here (bit like Pietersen – ha ha!) I would advance the argument that at No.3, Pietersen was occasionally (more times than I would have liked) put in the position of opener by No.1 or No.2 getting out for very little in an early over of a test.
As a good BBC TMS listener over decades 😉 , I recall that it is the duty of the opening batsmen to ‘get a start’ and make at least 25-30 runs so that No.3 comes in to a ball that has lost some of its shine and a bowling attack that is no longer fresh.
Up2Snuff, I looked it up – turns out you have a very good memory.
KP did indeed open for England – and just the once!
And, he didn’t do very well, scoring just 14 off 8 balls.
It was in the 2nd innings of the 2nd Test: England v South Africa at Leeds, Aug 2-6, 2012
(Credit to cricinfo for their searchable database.)
Ta, Mike. Am amazed at what sticks in the fluff around and between my few brain cells at times. I had FORGOTTEN about cricinfo and must toddle off there sometime to see how many times Pietersen was left going in to bat after one of two or both openers had scored ducks, ie. effectively then opening the innings. Not a happy period for English cricket, as I recall.
Pietersen, IIRC, like most new England batsmen started at – I think – No.6 but quickly made his way up the order to No.4 and then – I think – No.3. But his time at No.4 and No.3 saw his real decline & fall.
You’re welcome, Up2! My hazy memory agrees with yours – he was a great middle-order batsman and like you say I think he got promoted higher than he was comfortable with (lots of innings at 3 & 4), a bit like Joe Root in the most recent test. Will be interesting to hear the results of your researches.
When is a murdering cop-killer just ‘railing against injustice’..?
“…The man identified as the killer of three US police officers in Baton Rouge had posted videos complaining at police treatment of African Americans and urging them to “fight back”. One of Gavin Long’s videos stresses he is not linked to any group but is “affiliated with justice”.
More details have emerged about Gavin Long, who was from Kansas City, Missouri, including his service history. A Marine from August 2005 until August 2010, he rose to the rank of sergeant and served in Iraq from June 2008 until January 2009, earning a number of medals and commendations. He received an honourable discharge.
His video and online postings used the pseudonym Cosmo Setepenra. He rails against what he sees as injustices against black people, at one point saying “you gotta fight back”. In one video, posted on YouTube, Long says that should “anything happen” to him, he was “not affiliated” with any group. “I’m affiliated with the spirit of justice, nothing more nothing less. I thought my own thoughts, I made my own decisions,” he said.
One website called “convoswithcosmo” says he has travelled to Dallas in the wake of the killing of the police officers there. In a 10 July video apparently posted from Dallas, he says only violence and financial pressure will bring about change. “We know what it’s going to take. It’s only fighting back or money. That’s all they care about. Revenue and blood, revenue and blood, revenue and blood. Nothing else.” Other postings rail against white and Asian people, and “Arabs and Indians”. One tweet last week says: ‘Violence is not THE answer (its a answer), but at what point do you stand up so that your people don’t become the Native Americans…EXTINCT?”
So the BBC would like us all to know that here is yet another cruelly misunderstood young black American male who was somehow forced – out of a sense of ‘justice’ – to gun down three cops. Progressives will be eagerly lining up to promote this narrative, but readers here might like to direct their attention to this page if they want some actual facts about the sainted hero who has the blood of three policemen on his hands:
Needless to say, it tells a rather different story. The BBC are VERY keen to keep reinforcing the point that Gavin Eugene Long was ‘not affiliated to any group’ – clearly making strenuous efforts to disassociate the murderer from any possible links with the hateful BLM organisation. I think we know how this works now. In fact, the video on the link above shows him merely disassociating himself from any black business concerns. According to some reports, Long was a member of a black nationalist group, known as the Washitaw Nation – but don’t expect the BBC to follow that particular line of enquiry.
The BBC: Some of the news, some of the time.
Here’s something the BBC hasn’t reported. and it seems the mainstream media is also avoiding it, yet as a story it has massive importance:
France Just Raided 200 Mosques they’ve arrested more than 230 Muslims and collected more than 324 weapons. And many French leaders have joined those voices in the EU calling for an end to importing Syrian Islamic refugees, as a proper screening process is impossible.
Or this:
“In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year.”
France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the number of weapons apprehended so far is staggering.
Meanwhile the BBC keeps its mouth shut and Theresa the appeaser carries on business as usual, turning a blind eye in case the delicate brown eyed boys get upset !
Thoughtful, the speisa link carries no date and the Cazenauve quote goes back to three weeks post-Bataclan. That could be why the BBC are not reporting it now.
Better point would be that they will not be capable of remembering it when next reporting from Nice.
Well said, Up2
The raids took place in November 2015 and were reported by the Independent, the Telegraph and the BBC amongst others.
As were raids in Belgium at the time.
Thoughtful’s point was that the BBC made no reference to it now. The BBC, on Radio 4 News & Current Affairs, do have a track record of being unable to remember one days news to the next. Or one report that they have done that is informed or countered by another one a few days later. Even, on occasion on the same TODAY programme!
They were strangely Bataclan (and Charlie Hebdo) omitting at one point in the aftermath of the Nice attack, on Radio 4.
It strikes me that they (the BBC) are now, as commentators and providers of ‘a message’, hog-tied when anything like Nice happens. Instead of merely gathering information and reporting factually, they must be scrambling around to find out if their proposed output fits with agendas of the recent past and does not send any message that could be conceived as being ‘wrong’.
BBC Radio 4 News, Nice atrocity carried out by, “Man with Lorry”. Not “Mohammed with Lorry”. Contrast and compare, with Louisiana murders, Laura Bicker tells us that the gunman’s name was Gavin Long who served with the US Marines for 5 years.
I’d say if was disrespectful not to name Mohammed as a Disciple of Islam.
The line taken by the Telegraph and I suspect soon to be picked up on by our friends at the BBC is that Muhammed the truck driver wasn`t a Muslim because he drank, he ate pork, he went on dating sites to pick up women…and men…… therefore…..nothing to with Islam.
(amusing to think of how the BBC editorial committee try to spin the apparent bisexuality of the terrorist)
Using this logic it suggests that abuse within Churches is “nothing to do with Churches”, Jimmy Savile was “nothing to do with the BBC”, rich socialists are “nothing to do with socialism”, hate filled SJWs are “nothing to do with hope not hate” …etc. etc.
It fails to take account of hypocrisy or the desire to mask true intentions by means of disguise.
Well, I know many muslims like that. In Gambia they call them “plastic muslims ” ! But they still think of themselves as muslims.
Seems to be on Facebook, well, Newsbait, in about as trite a piece of coverage as that BBC kindergarten creche can manage..
Newsbeat shared BBC News’s live video.
Yesterday at 12:19pm ·
Our reporter Chi Chi Izundu is live in Nice.
On Thursday night Mohammed Bouhlel deliberately drove into a crowd of people as they gathered to watch fireworks in the city.
Only a miracle they didn’t bill it ‘Nice and live’.
0740 bbcR4Today vile #bbcOperationStopTrump piece
Super heavy on rhetoric itself it said rust belt masses are naive so believe not arguments from Trump but RHETORIC and will sadly vote the WRONG way!
“Republicans are gathering in Cleveland, Ohio, to nominate Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. He is almost there – the7 man whom a year ago everyone was writing off as an overblown self-publicist. So where has he found his determination? James Naughtie, has been finding out, on the road to Cleveland.”
Contrast with very next item about Turkey’s dictator where they had balance by airing experts ffrom both sides.
Funny how Trump piece featured edit antiTrump authority voices then simple workers.
Yes , in the twisted minds of Beeboids, Trump is worse than Erdogan . Maybe the BBC would like to fearlessly investigate how many of the recently arrested in Turkey are being tortured now. Still, it couldn’t ba as bad as Guantanamo, could it ?
Maybe the BBC would like to fearlessly investigate how many of the recently arrested in Turkey are being tortured now.
What, like this?
This isn’t Turkey, it’s Jerrods basement.
Mike, I am getting messages from Turkish friends. It seems like Erdogan is not only torturing the arrested now. Erdogans thugs are going into the families houses and raping women and children. To be fair to Erdogan, he said he would do this . Will the BBC report it ?
When the BBC say “everyone” was writing off Trump they mean “everyone we know”. The BBC inhabits an echo chamber. Will they ever question Mrs Clinton’s deceit over Benghazi? Or how little it helps professional women in the US if the first female President was to owe much of her success to having previously been married to a man who was President, and who blames other women for her husband’s cheating? Sisters ain’t doing it for themselves.
Strangely, they never introduce Hillary Clinton as a proven liar who compromised national security and covered up her husband’s long list of sex crimes. I wonder why that can be?
Another jolly trip for Naughtie, then. I thought Beeb had permanent staff in the USA?
Would love to see the travel and expenses budget published.
I heard the BBC actually admit that they sent 17 different broadcasters to a recent event !
Of course, it was all couched in “oh woe is us, we have to save money because of the nasty people who won’t increase the license fee” language.
However this is the BBC’s Achilles Heel (IMO) – wasteful, uncontrolled spending. This can be highlighted and us license fee payers demand it be brought under normal financial control.
EU trade war against Britain…? Well, twice in the last century europeans acted against our trade and shipping and those efforts did – almost – bring us to our knees. Presumably the EU won’t resort to unrestricted submarine warfare this time, so any punitive actions from Brussels would look more like Napoleon’s Continental System. How did that work out for them?
The Continental System or Continental Blockade (known in French as Blocus continental) was the foreign policy of Napoleon I of France in his struggle against Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars. The Berlin Decree forbade the import of British goods into European countries allied with or dependent upon France, and installed the Continental System in Europe. All connections were to be cut, even the mail.
British merchants smuggled in many goods and the Continental System was not a powerful weapon of economic war. In terms of economic damage to Great Britain, the blockade was largely ineffective. There was some damage to British trade, especially in 1808 and 1811, but its control of the oceans led to replacement trade with North and South America, as well as large scale smuggling in Europe.
The loss of Britain as a trading partner also hit the economies of France and its allies. Angry governments gained an incentive to ignore the Continental System, which led to the weakening of Napoleon’s coalition. As Napoleon realized that extensive trade was going through Spain and Russia, he invaded those two countries. His forces were tied down in Spain — and suffered severely in, and ultimately retreated from, Russia in 1812.
maybe they knew more than they were letting on….
David Keighley has the BBC bang to rights over on Conservative Woman this morning. Apparently, the Corporation ran a Fabian Society press release about some research into the beliefs of Brexit voters, complete with the usual far-Left nuttery – and did so despite the actual research suggesting some different conclusions.
What a shock.
Thanks for the link GC – excellent article.
Thanks, Mike. Yes, Mr Keighley is doing some excellent work in exposing the BBC’s lies and covert activities and it’s made all the more embarrassing for them because he has held senior posts within the organisation.
Strange how our trolls fall silent when confronted with examples like this, isn’t it?!
It’s easier to say that you’ve got dementia and smell of piss.
…….instead of being a butt-hurt millenial talking shit
It’s not just the BBC. Over the weekend this junk was retailed uncritically in both the Times and Telegraph. Now, as far as the Telegraph is concerned, I could (just) believe it’s sheer lazy journalism and a desire to fill up space. In respect of the Times, however, I suspect it’s part of Project Fear and Loathing re Brexit which the political class continues to wage.
A good spot which demonstrates how dangerous the BBC is to the well being of democracy in our country. We , on this site , have long been aware that the BBC will suppress, distort and lie in support of their leftist world view and that they seem to have lost all inhibitions in recent months. The conwomen article gives a forensic dissection of one single issue and shows the depths to which the BBC will sink , but the scary thing is that this use of lies and distortions is routine at the BBC across a gamut of liberal left causes, Islam , multiculturalism, immigration, Brexit , British politics in general, US and European politics, fixation with ‘oppressed minorites’, hatred for Western culture and so on. I would think that 90% of the British population aren’t really aware of the extent to which they are manipulated by the BBC. If they were then surely they would do something about it. But the Tory party cannot be unaware of how for at least the past 40 years the BBC has been blatantly leftist in outlook. So why have they not done anything to curb the over mighty corporation? Unless the party leaders are happy with leftist bias , and maybe Cameron was, it must be that they are too frightened of the power of the BBC to dare to tackle it . But if they don’t the centre ground of British politics will continue to be dragged leftwards by the BBC brainwashing the people.
I feel sure that there are ways to deal with the BBC and guide it to becoming a subscription channel without massive confrontation which may well do a lot of damage to the Tories. The universal LF is indefensible and there must surely be opportunites to replace it with a subscription system. For instance couldn’t the I Player tax gradually replace the LF . The Tories need to recognise that if they care about democracy in this country the BBC is the biggest single threat.
Agreed. The Beeb is even less democratically accountable than the EU!
Listening to various News and Opinion items on BBC Radio over the weekend, it was clear that the Beeb is engaged in a full-on “reverse the Brexit vote” operation. It will continue to pour scorn on Brexit voters and blame every cloud on the horizon (imagined or real) on Brexit. This could go for years with the aim of wearing down and brainwashing voters in time for a second referendum or GE. We need to exercise Article 50 and get on with it asap.
Harrabin of the BBC takes a good kicking. And rightly so:
Until Harrabin gets – and continues to get – a kicking in the paper press and the broadcasting media this is just water (very acidic water BTW if you believe Roger) off a duck’s back.
Not on the BBC: 4 people shot dead when alleged religious radical attacks police station in Almaty
I’m guessing the religion involved was Christianity. No wait Judasim. Or Buddhism. Or Hinduism. Or Sikhism. Or Jainism. Or Zoroastrianism. Or… um… no, surely not, it couldn’t be Islam, could it? I mean, that’s The Religion of Peace, a with capital T, isn’t it?
Could anyone imagine a British police officer giving interviews like this on Islam.?….I mean, first up the BBC wouldn’t broadcast it….He would be sacked within a second by our treacherous government, and the BBC would still be moaning about him this time next year..
Not on the BBC: Videos suggest Baton Rouge shooter Nation of Islam member
When St Jo was assassinated Tommy Mair’s lapsed subscriptions were all over the media within hours. But the BBC seems uninterested in associations of Gavin Eugene Long (aka Cosmo Setepenra).
Funny that.
Incidentally, strange choice of pseudonymn, isn’t it?
Setepenra (Setepenre) was an ancient Egyptian princess of the 18th dynasty; sixth and last daughter of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his chief queen Nefertiti. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setepenre_(princess)
Possibly a figure of black power. But female?
And presumably a different Cosmo Setepenra is an author of new-age spirituality books http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cosmo-Setepenra/e/B016QV5AQK.
A German’s View on Islam. This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanay, a well known and well respected psychiatrist.
A German’s View on Islam
On 21 February 2006, Canadian Paul Marek published on his blog Celestial Junk an article titled “Why the Peaceful Majority is Irrelevant.” In passages such as the following, Marek’s essay warned about the dangers of Islamic fanaticism and dismissed as irrelevant the notion that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful:
We are told again and again by “experts” and “talking heads” that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unquantified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam. The fact is, that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars world wide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is, that the “peaceful majority” is the “silent majority” and it is cowed and extraneous.
History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by the fanatics. Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awake one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun. Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Bosnians, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others, have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late. As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.
OT, other than the fact she is Mrs. Danny, and has an interesting CV to make sense of economics. No wonder it was ‘sponsored’.
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Noreena Hertz
Noreena Hertz, Economics Editor, ITV News. Making sense of the UK and Global Economy.
Trolling bbc employees are best ignored.
More Brexit barrel scraping capers from the BBC.
“The link between Brexit and the death penalty”
Yeah, isn’t it 🙄
There’s a good analysis of that one here:
David Keighley: Project Smear – BBC insists Brexit was won by the hang ‘em and flog ‘em brigade
(Courtesy GCooper)
Gobsmacking. The article is not about any kind of link at all.
Just the BBC twisting an anti-Brexit headline out of some research into how social background might be a predictor of an individual’s views on topics such as Brexit and the death penalty. Thus those casually browsing their website will always see the headline even if they don’t bother to read the article.
Anyone following the take-over of ARM by Japanese company SoftBank for £24bn (yes, billion)?
Well, it’s all quite anodyne if you read it on the BBC. But if you read what the CEO of SoftBank actually said…
SoftBank CEO: Brexit Doesn’t Concern Me, I’m Investing £24bn In the UK
The man behind a £24billion deal to buy a Cambridge-based technology company has said Brexit didn’t put him off investing in the UK at all.
Masayoshi Son, the CEO of SoftBank, dismissed the pre-referendum Project Fear narrative which claimed the investors would run a mile should Britain decide to leave the European Union.
Son told a waiting crowd: “Brexit did not affect my decision”.
He acknowledged that some businessmen think the exit will be bad for business, but he takes “the opposite” view, and says “now is the time to invest”.
Of course NONE of this is on the BBC website – utterly disgraceful.
And just to add one other point:
Fluctuations in the value of the pound against the Japanese yen have effectively given SoftBank a substantial discount on the company.
So… the fall in the pound is GOOD for investment in the UK.
If there was ever an example of selective reporting by the BBC to substantiate their own narrative, this is surely it.
Leftists and Beeboids just don’t understand business. They are still wondering why the Soviet Union collapsed !! LOL ! Idiots.
Sorry to harp on about the BBC referendum coverage but I felt I had to share a moment I only became aware of today while watching Dimbleby again. He’s complaining about Cameron’s failure:
…quite frankly a lot of people would think it was kind of um almost fraudulent for him to negotiate the departure when he’s fought, you know, he’s fought this bitter battle to stay in. Is he the man to take us out, is he the man to get the best deal taking us out when one of the reasons WE LOST was because people said the deal he got wasn’t good enough?
Now of course reading the text alone could give the impression that Dimbleby was just expressing the emotions of Remainians in general when he said, “We lost,” but watching the video reveals it to be his own emotion.
1hr 13 min in:
Dimblebore is a useless creature who only got his job because of his father. He sums up everything that is sick about the BBC and should be put out to grass.
“We” lost. Har har har, wot a giveaway.
Good spot TT.
Dimblebore is to dim to see the irony ! He never was the sharpest tool in the box and is not improving with age !
Damn. I thought I’d got over watching his public demonstration of grief, but now I’m sitting here with a huge grin (again).
LOL, thanks for those responses, guys. It was interesting that he felt the “we lost” bit so keenly that after Laura Kuenssberg began to say something he spoke over her to get that point across.
She had a wry grin on her face – as if she’d caught his meaning – as she continued to speak.
‘Video show Louisana Gunman’s anger’ pleads the BBC.
Oh, well, that’s OK, then. All is forgiven. Easily done when you’re upset.
From now on I’ll watch the BBC’s reports of every murder, expecting to see it being justified, or at least mitigated, by the BBC’s Department of Special Pleading.
It’s time this clown show was closed.
He reminds them of the ” angry lorry driver ” ! So that is ok , then ! Yes, Beeboids are clowns.
On the Daily Politics today Boris was attacked remorselessly . According to the BBC he is a liar and a buffoon totally unsuited to high office. Jo Coburn admitted to be furnished with a long list of his past gaffes, undiplomatic comments , some of which were claimed to be racist. Why is the BBC so keen to get Boris? Is it revenge for leading us out of the EU? Is it fear because, unknown to us, he has threatened to deal with the BBC? Is it just that the BBC fear him because he is the most popular politician in the UK and happens to be a Tory? This has been going on for a year or two .I remember an outrageous attack by Eddie Mair on PM. The BBC seem determined to get Boris but so far they have met with little success. I hope that if Boris ever gets into a position to demolish the BBC he remembers all these attacks.
Yes, I’ve also noticed a very concerted “get Boris” campaign across the BBC, also some newspapers and in comments sections. I think partly it’s because he represents the success of the Leave campaign so they direct anger and bile at him which they can’t do at ordinary voters (althrough they do a fair amount of that too!).
In particular they use the “Boris is liar” attack and never substantiate this claim. Charles Clarke (ex-Labour Home Secretary) was allowed to say this repeatedly on AQ without challenge from the Chair. Again I think it’s part of trying to smear Brexit as being based on lies. Implying he is racist is beyond the pale – they really have to show the evidence. And no, pointing out that Obama had Kenyan ancestry is not rascist!
Earlier today AsISeeit made some interesting observations on European trade, mostly around the time of the Napoleonic wars and the French attempts to blockade our trade off from Europe – scroll back to around 9am for details, well worth the trouble. What is also of interest were Hitler’s plans to use the barter system – a major National Socialist tenet, based on eliminating the power and effect of financial capitalism – to swap the 1939 and 1940 Polish grain harvests for German heavy machinery. What is not a widely known fact is that the City pre-empted the deal by buying up the Polish grain, thereby forcing Hitler’s hand which resulted in the invasion of Poland almost a year early, to grab the vital wheat stores. That the Wehrmacht were heavily dependent on horse-drawn transport illustrates their unreadiness, in fact it was only the collapse of France that helped to bring his initial ambitions close to realization.
When Boris made his widely vilified comparisons with Phillip II, Napoleon and Hitler, with respect to their various ambitions for a united Europe, he was using his deep historical knowledge to reinforce his point but attitudes to history by our media, and especially BBC – where Danny Boyle perfectly encapsulates the breadth of their vision – are as juvenile as they are ignorant.
Beltane, good analysis. Enoch Powell’s famous ‘rivers of blood’ speech was a classical allusion which of course was totally misunderstood by the media. Powell, as is sometimes the case with highly intelligent people, probably didn’t realise the depth of ignorance of many in this country. I just hope Johnson isn’t condemned for the same reasons.
Well they’ve lost Nigel, so someone has to be the whipping boy, and Boris nicely fill the vacancy.
(when Diana died it created a gap in the media’s column inches……. step up to the plate, one Victoria Beckham,,,,, suddenly she became the most photographed woman in the world and filled the void). The media are so bloody predictable.
Yes, that is exactly the way their tiny minds work ! Pathetic creatures !
Also, apart from the 3 guests, all remainers by the way, did you see that bloke who wants to ‘censor’ the Internet.
He actually said he didn’t want the net censored and then said the government should do something to control what appears on the net, Facebook and Twitter, in other words, censorship.
It’s because more and more of us are finding out inconvenient truths about the Westminster and bbc lot, about how they lie, mislead and hide the content they don’t want us to know about.
I think they know that the net is their enemy. The more truths we find out, the less they can get away with and they don’t like that. Expect more moves, bit by bit, to prepare for state control of social media (for our own good of course).
I hope it’s too late for them.
The BBC are Totally EVIL, Boris is far more Intelligent , than those Fwitts .
I have some reservations about Boris but, the more the BBC hate him , the more I like him. If the BBC attack him in their slimy, cowardly way, he can’t be all bad !
Grant. That’s exactly how I feel about him. As Taffman says below: the old saying that increased flak means you’re getting close to the target fits. The more they character-assassinate him, the better he probably is.
Before I return to my duties – a little reminder ………………
“The closer to the target – the more the flak”
And there is plenty of flak above .
Hollande booed down in the South Of France .Looking good for Sarko & Marine Le Penn, next year. Most of the Provence area ,is UMP or FN , the Socialists , only inhabit areas, where the usual non Hideously White voters live. Quelle Surprise !
Yes, socialists have to be kicked out all over Europe. Labour is finished in UK and let’s hope France is next.
Ooh – don’t want Sarko back, thank you very much…
Sarko will , win in the 2nd round because , Hollande would of been eliminated , the 2nd round will be between , Sarko & Marine Le Pen .Don`t think she will win the 2nd round , but who knows ?
As things stand I don’t think she’ll win, but there’s still plenty of time for more terrorist attacks. Another few hundred dead between now and the election and anything could happen.
I think that the French are going to have another Revolution? IE, Sarko & Marine Le Penn,
Lets hope that they don’t wheel out the guillotine, or the RoP ers will have a taste of their own medicine.
Heads will roll.
Big thumbs up for Sonia Kruger
BBC Newsbeat: “Are we becoming numb to terrorism from hearing about it too much?”
No mention of the “M” word and the BBC article is saying we are becoming numb to terrorism – of course we are, according to them Nice wasn’t terrorism but a simple case of 84 people not following the Green Cross Code.
Best bit near the end of the article:
What you can do to help
1. Support organisations helping on the ground. Google the French Red Cross or Secours Populaire
2. If you’re near to Nice, you can offer to give blood
3. Tell people about the emergency number – 00 33 4937 22 222
4. Be kind to strangers, even if it’s just on social media
Number 4?!?! WTF?
Tabs, I suspect number 4 is BBC code for ‘don’t write anything anti-Muslim on social media’.
I thought it might be more of a ‘don’t upset Muslims otherwise they might do it again’
I’m waiting for the BBC to tell me that M. Hollande was booed by the crowds in Nice because of his failure to sufficiently promote multiculturalism.
LOL !!!
This cartoon from a tweet response to the sheriff someone posted above, just about sums up the pathetic attitude of the dhimmi EU/left to Islam:
“How can we make you like us?”

The Eurozone economies are on a knife edge. Greece is a write-off. Spain , Portugal and Italy are waiting in the wings.
The EU is a failure.
Multiculturalism is a failure.
Liberalism is a failure.
Why does nobody discuss it?
The liberal press is a failure too, they have backed the wrong horse. They have their collective heads up their collective asses. The only other place they could put them is in the sand.
Don’t you know? The left are never wrong.
It’s easy, it’s always someone else’s fault, not their’s.
They are only too keen to brag about the supposed ‘successes’ of socialism like inVenezuela, but much less keen to talk about the same thing when it collapses in chaos a few years later. (I read yesterday that 35,000 Venezuelan citizens are massed on the border with Guyana to access smuggled basic foodstuffs and medicines – this is in the country with the largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world!).
Socialism – the gift that just goes on taking.
Ahh Venuzuela! BBC paradise sadly gone ‘pete tong’. Wrong mix of Socialism on the line…
And we Brits have been forced to consider the costs of EU Social(ism) integration for far too long.
1) On an Island surround by Fish, we cannot catch any Fish. (EU Quotas)
2) On an Island with centuries of high quality Coal, we cannot use any (We import coal, Gas and oil).
3) On an island that has the lowest wages in Europe (we have one of the highest minimum wage in Europe on a low wage economy plank)
4) On an island that invented National Broadcasting eqpt – the UK still has to pay for it. (TV License).
5) On an island that has its own currency and laws, the BBC suggest that we should have neither.
6) On an Island that invented the internet HTML code we all use ( we have the worlds slowest internet and the highest charges, thanks to BT) a former public company (as is BBC).
7. On an Island that invented the telephone, we have the worlds highest call charges Mobile and land-line costs). Mainly thanks to BT a former public company (as is BBC).
8. On an Island that voted to leave the EU, democracy has been demonstrated to help save Europe. The BBC just ignore it.
9. On an island that influences the World, we take orders from EU morons.
10. On an Island that is helped save Europe from destruction, we have our Army, Navy and Air Force only by our vote ‘leave the EU’. (and we would have to give all this up for the EU, along with our right to be free, and our trade with rest of world.
But the BBC can see no advantage (for them). They have (pubic) money, riches, lifestyles, private healthcare, and cheap nannies for private child care and private schools supplying this fringe elite of dullards for the next generation.
We will have to fight to get rid of these bloodsuckers to be truly free.
Meanwhile we still have the BBC. Telling us ironically that Venuzuela is on the brink of ‘disaster’ (without the irony of that declaration that the EU is hell bent on repeating the same mistakes). We indeed could be ‘Venuzuela’ under the failed socialist policies of Kinnock, Milliband or Brown or EU). Strewth the BBC are on crack to not see any comparison with what the EU proposes.
Interesting observations on BBC bias today from the long-suffering ‘Fatima’ (a.k.a. Mrs Mustapha).
Fatima has often been – how shall we put it delicately? – somewhat sceptical about Mustapha’s perceptions of BBC bias. Today, she actually offered some examples of her own … and seemed to be coming round to my way of thinking (PBUH!)
First there was Woman’s Hour, and the two Lefty feminist types assessing Theresa May shortly after 10 a.m. Fatima thought their conversation with Emma Barnett wasn’t balanced, too one-sided. Then it was on to the 40th anniversary of the coup in Argentina and the coming to power of the Junta; Fatima listened to all of that section (I must admit I didn’t) and was surprised that there was no mention of Britain’s (and Mrs T’s) role in bringing democracy to Argentina, albeit en passant, by winning the Falklands / Malvinas War. Next up was a 30-minute programme from 11:00 (‘Untold Stories’, I think) where a female head teacher was getting tearful about the stress of an OFSTED inspection and the prospect of losing her job. Fatima agreed it was far too emotional and partisan towards the head and the troubled primary school, with little attempt to see it from the inspectors’ point of view. She also said she disliked presenter Grace Dent, with whom she seemed very familiar from previous Radio 4 appearances, and whom she expected to be biased!
There is hope yet – the wool over people’s eyes is beginning to lift.
Does she listen to the radio a lot because she can’t see the TV through her burqua?
You missed something the trailer before told us
‘On the 80th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War we reflect on the British Political Left volunteers who went to help in the fight against the Spanish.’
.. and they had “and women cleaning up men’s mess”
tomorrow it’s “Rossalyn Warren (Senior News Reporter for Buzzfeed UK) to discuss live streaming, social media, and what it’s like to be a ~woman on the Internet~
“And, we discuss social media’s impact on social justice and politics. Patrisse Cullors is one the founders of the Black Lives Matter Movement, which started online and has resulted in an international outcry against police brutality and institutional racism. Emma Dabiri is a cultural commentator and teaching fellow in the Africa Department at the School of Oriental and African Studies.”
BBC TV News at 6 still pushing sympathy and understanding for the Baton Rouge terrorist. No mention of the “M” word !
At the same time playing down Erdogan’s terrorism in Turkey. It must be difficult to be a Beeboid. So many conflicting “ideas” in your tiny mind. Thank God I am not condemned to that ignorance.
This guy is brilliant:
Doubt if we will see him on the bBBC, even though he is speaking at the Republican convention.
Thanks for posting, Kennedy. A very powerful interview.
wot a dude
Sheriff Clarke, We need you in UK to kick some ass ! You have got balls !
The interviewer is a wanker
This interviewer should go home and spend more time with his penis. If he can find it .
The interviewer is awful – desperately trying to control the narrative instead of letting the sheriff have his say. I do think the sheriff needs to lay off the questions though, as that tends to send interviewers a bit haywire.
Cranmer, yes . Agree. And what is funny is that they are both ” black “. What would the idiot Trolls who post on here say about that ? Uncle Toms ? Or just suck their thumbs ?
Wow, more black on black crime – that coloured sheriff knocks seven shades of sh*t out of the interviewer ! Great clip, thanks for posting.
One of these men live in the real world, the other in liberal la-la land. See if you can guess which is which?
8.30pm #bbcOperationStopTrump Panorama special BBC1 *
[ ] illustrated with negative photo showing Trump grimacing
You can do that after listening to part 2 of the Corbyn story on bbcRED-io-4 8pm
…An Alternative is to watch
8.30pm Channel 5 : The Big Brexit Debate Politicians and experts discuss the Referendum result
That must be all that stuff the media wouldn’t let us discuss before the vote, in case we voted the wrong way.
* “With Donald Trump poised to become the official Republican candidate for America’s presidency, Panorama visits the racially divided town of Bakersfield in California. Reporter Hilary Andersson meets the Trump supporters who back his calls to oust 11 million illegal immigrants and ban Muslims from travelling to America. She talks to those who fear what a Trump White House would mean for them and asks why America is so angry.”
“.. and talks to those who fear what it could mean for them if the entrepreneur succeeded Barack Obama.”
The MSM and in particular the BBC/C4 have a real problem now and it is getting worse. How to reconcile fantasy with reality especially as the fantasy world you have been insisting is the real one is dissolving in front of you. Most of the problem is the the people involved. They have a hive mentality and mostly are young and have little experience of life outside of the hive. Disposable bees I suppose.
The older ones lack conviction and look tired.
By the same token our political leaders share these traits to our detriment.Nearly all of them fail to grasp that the vote to leave the EU was much more than a simple vote about that but a real expression of anger against those who have enriched themselves and put an ancient people in peril . An old old tale to be sure but always a valid one.
When you see Sturgeon and May apparently determind to use the excuse of expediency as some form of illusionary reason to delay Brexit you know they just do not understand.
When you see the French leaders barracked and treated with contempt you know that in France now anything is possible and that fear will dictate the future now not liberal sentiments.
For the same reason Trump knows his electorate will respond to his words.
All this was avoidable if the liberal ascendancy had not demonised and marginalised the old conservative right in the absurd belief that it could remake humanity .And still this same liberal elite twitters on and on.
It is over but they just do not get it.
the world is changing faster than they can invent new things to be offended about, witness the rise of AFD in germany despite merkel trying to kill off their funding.
The world is changing so fast now that stupid Leftiies and the BBC cannot keep up with it. They are just nodding dogs in the back of the car . Or something hanging from the front mirror. They exist and we can see them but they are no longer of any importance.
Grant, it IS interesting that things like the Corbyn election, EU Referendum, the migrant crisis and the publicised shootings in the US have brought the Extreme Left, Hard Left, Far Left back ‘out of the woodwork’ again.
After 1991/1992 or so, they faded away like a mist during a hot sunny dawn. I suspect that a large number took cover under ‘rainbow’ movements including the Green movement, the Developing World Anti-debt movement and various other worthy causes. There was good evidence for that in the Green movement because after a while an anti-oil, anti-car, anti-CO2 and, therefore, anti-USA collection of mantras emerged. Many – BBC included and perhaps especially so (?) – thought ‘the Left’ had gone away for good to be replaced with a sweeter, cosy neo-lib and neo-con McFuzzy but others were more careful. Now were are hearing the rhetoric (with subtle changes), witnessing the demos and seeing again scenes of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s.
We indeed live in interesting times.
I agree that the liberal left is wobbling but don’t underestimate the power of an elite to keep control of the levers of power. After all they pretty much have complete control of MSM and that is a mighty powerful weapon. I think that they will soon gain a measure of control over social media as well.( Even previously reasonable papers like the Telegraph are moving steadily to the left. I used to think that Mary Riddel , a former Telegraph columnist whose left wing diatribes reached levels of absurdity previously only found in the Guardian, had been deservedly sacked as I had not seen her ridiculous column for months. On Sunday I discovered to my consternation and horror that she was now assistant editor on the Telegraph!)
The liberal left have control of most institutions throughout the West.The people are showing every sign of rebelling against this liberal elite but we know that the elite will use all their power to suppress this putative revolt. Look at the lies and threats visited on the UK during the referendum, or at the way in which ordinary Germans are being intimidated by the state into acceptance of mass immigration. It will be a long struggle to break their hold.
What you say is true but this is always how an elite looks just at the moment when it is about to implode.
The liberal left will fail because you cannot defy reality for ever.
[ ] Immigrants are great : 6.50pm BBC2 : “This country was built on waves of migrants” then special feature about curry house in Bradford
[ ] Hype Global Warming : 8:07 pm BBC4 about River Taff : “Now with the threat of climate change”
[ ] Green Magic Solution : offered to above
[ ] Immigrants are great : 8:16pm BBC4 : Seg on Cardiff Somali sailors ..4 mins subtitled. I guess it’s OK for retired sailors not to be fluent in English, just surprising.
Was that a real show or have you made it up?
And on Only Connect this evening we have a question where the answer was ‘First Muslims’.
No narrative there, obviously.
Yes, when one of the names was Sadiq Khan, I thought the connection must be that they all had a dad who was a bus driver. Turns out I was wrong on that one.
[ ] Normal services resumes: 9:00pm Muslim Migrant tries to carry out Allahs instruction and butcher the infidels on German train
BBC getting more desperate every day. They cannot believe that they are losing it. All their toys out of the pram !!!
I’m watchiung Channel 5 #BrexitDebate
…looks like a plant in the audience : presenter Alastair Stewart suddenly pulls a 19yr old kid out of the audience who says from the day after the vote he regrets his decision cos the “£350m to NHS claim was immediately withdrawn”
…When Julia H Brewer said “no one ever made that claim” at least 50% of the audience started angrily screeched (They must be out of the same ‘rigged audience bus that Question Time uses)
must be scripted qt managed to get some moron nurse to make exactly the same statement.
If “we send £350m a week to the EU , lets fund the nhs instead” written on a bus appears to you to be a cast iron promise to spend £350m more a week on the NHS, then your to thick to be entrusted with the care of people
Kaiser, There are some interesting verbal advertisement campaigns running at present. One of them is – I think – a Socialist Workers Party ‘inspired’ one to get people to believe that the ‘£350m per week could be used for the NHS’ is actually a (Conservative) Government pledged ‘£350m per week WILL be used for the NHS’ if the people of the UK vote to leave the EU. Attached to that is a campaign to call everyone who led the Leave campaign at a public level and everyone who voted Leave liars.
I think printed posters may have appeared within hours of the EU Referendum result.
Exactly who is making all those on the Left who don’t like the EU and want to be out of it sit quietly by, would be interesting to know. They must be very conflicted over this. Any chance of a spare journalist, BBC, to go find out?
I tried to watch the Brexit Debate. It seemed scripted to talk about the Leave campaign where they could label everything as “lies”. I gave up when they started talking about how nothing had yet been done to cut EU immigration and I flicked over to watch the end of The Avengers on channel 61. When I came back they were talking to Boris’ dad – so here I am on the internet instead.
For supposedly intelligent people it’s taking them a long time to understand that THEY LOST.
I’m beginning to wonder what it is exactly that the Remainers want, and if any of ’em can give an articulate answer to staying in the EU. By all accounts the housing market hasn’t collapsed – quite the reverse in fact; the FTSE hasn’t crashed and is in better shape than before; the pound has dipped but its made trade cheaper for those wanting to buy; holidays might cost a few quid more in Europe but in light of recent events who the hell wants to go there anyway?; all major countries are falling over themselves to do trade deals with us, so where is the problem ?? If its just a matter of ‘kids’ wanting to go and work there, exactly how many do that now anyway ? its like wanting chocolate when you’re on a diet, all the more attractive when you cant have it; and as for security – are they kidding ? all those mini countries glued together and still cant prevent atrocities happening.
What puzzles me is the Remainiacs’ devotion to… they know not what, just as you say.
I encounter worrying number of them professionally and they seem completely nonplussed that anyone in their professional peer group holds a different view. Yet when you press them on the realities it’s like shadow boxing. They know they are unhappy about something but they seem unable to articulate it and even when the facts plainly prove they are wrong, they are still convinced some great wrong has been done.
It is, as you suggest, deeply childish.
watched it, it was a total set up . Just like QT on Al Beeb.
Now, I just wonder ?????……………
I realise that you watched it either out of a strong sense of duty or out of curiosity, but you didn’t expect it to be fair and balanced did you. As I said above the liberal elite control the MSM led of course by the BBC, and they will use it ruthlessly to suppress any signs that the people are rejecting their liberal world view. Overturning Brexit is a key target of the British elite and so the MSM is deployed to do just that. The outcome is still in the balance, if they push hard enough and long enough the MSM will change enough people’s view to be able reverse the referendum result. At least that is what the liberal elite think. Some key objectives they will have are:
1. Depose Corbyn so they can get Labour or a pro EU alliance back in power and control the H of C. Some Tories may join such an alliance.
2 Stir up as much trouble as possible over the Brexit negotiations and /or delay them indefinitely
3. Mobilise the young , who don’t know any better, to agitate for the EU
4.Try to show that our economy is really suffering due to the vote to leave the EU
5 Use the Scottish and NI Remain vote to stir trouble endlessly
6 Destroy the credibility of Leavers, eg Mrs Leadsom and Boris
This will go on and on until either they succeed or the UK is doing so well that it becomes impossible to reverse the decision. The struggle to escape from the EU will be long and hard and the only support that the Leavers have is the will of the people and that will be endlessly undermined by the media.
If you wnat to change the UK from its liberal left pathway you really need to deal with the BBC first.
Nothing on the BBC about the Machette attack on those praying for the dead in Nice.
No doubt the BBC are working out whether people will believe in a second mentally ill / lone wolf excuse for Islamic Jihad.
Thanks for the link, Thoughtful – that’s an excellent site.
I particularly liked this quote:
‘Many hurt by axeman’ on German train
Another buddhist ?
Disgruntled Asian lumberjack?
Whoever it is, one thing’s for certain – it will be nothing to do with Islam.
BBC leads calls for axe control measures.
BBC 5Live. Phil Williams says there’s “no indication that it is Islamist terrorism”. There’s no indication that it’s not either Phil. So report the news and don’t start propagandizing. Horror after horror.
This must be a record for al-BBC. Within an hour of initial reports, 5Live reporter saying that there is speculation of right-wing extremism on social media. So NTDWI, nothing to do with mental illness, and little to do with gun control. The axeman may well turn out to be a far-right lunatic, but the BBC are tripping over themselves to contain the narrative. And this is reporting of the highest order? I don’t think so.
Damn those lone wolf axes.
Have the BBC denied the possibility that he’s a lorry driver?
Mr G, if that’s true, of course right-wingers will be the real victims:
5Live now reporting from Germany, that attacker was “17 yr old Afghan” right wing extremist.
Mr Golightly, whenever I hear the BBC say there is ‘no indication that it is Islamist terrorism’ I just take that as BBC code for ‘It is 99% sure that it is but while we can still plausibly deny any connection we will.’
Cranmer, part of ‘an axes of evil’ perhaps?
This train attack near Wurzburg…. is that the same Wurzburg that had ungrateful migrants demanding their own houses on arrival?
If it turns out the axeman is a migrant then the BBC can spin this as a failure of native Germans to fully integrate with their guests.
Breitbart are calling it from Elmar Theveßen as a 17 year old Afghan…what?….not Syrian?….but…but…I thought ALL the refugees were fleeing Syria….etc….
The BBC are a bloody disgrace. Not 30 minutes ago on 5Live Phil Williams they were pushing a far-right extremist narrative. Tossers.
Maybe it was a far right axe?
Al Beeb in denial and damage limitation .
Simples .
BBC headline: “German police kill train axe attacker”
What a travesty. So… are we to think someone attacked a train with an axe?!?
Well I suppose we should be grateful for small mercies. At least they are now admitting (despite still claiming the motive is somehow unclear) that “some witnesses quoted by German media said they had heard him shout ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God Is Great’) during the attack.”
Never mind that they cannot translate Arabic accurately. And sadly even the envy of the world cannot work out from this what the motive might be from his declaration of faith. Gosh, what a difficult case it must be.
How long before the “long history of mental illness” is wheeled out? Oh wait, they already started hinting:
Although the motive has not been established, the BBC’s Damien McGuinness in Berlin says there is nervousness in Germany about attacks by Islamist extremists following the attacks across the border in France. [No kidding – how about “terrified”?]
In May, a man reportedly shouting “Allahu akbar” killed one person and wounded three others in a knife attack at a railway station near the German city of Munich.
He was later sent to a psychiatric hospital and authorities said they found no links to Islamic extremism.
Well, that’s alright then.
And what, still no news of the attempted machete attack on the Nice vigil?
Well, to give the BBC credit, they are probably too busy virtue-signalling as to how the Nice terrorist “ain’t no Muslim, bruv” in a short video entitled “you killed my sister, you aren’t a Muslim”. It’s the top story in their “watch/listen” bar at the right hand side of the home page, so in other words their top propaganda item. And no, I’m not going to click and increase their hit-count.
OK then, why are so many Muslims suffering from “mental illness” resulting in extreme violence?
Whichever way you look at it, it’s not a great recommendation for the Religion of Peace, is it?
I have doubts about the sanity of Jehovah’s Witnesses but the greatest danger they pose is boring people to death on their doorsteps.
Mostly, in my opinion, the “mentally ill” argument is just a convenient excuse to deflect blame from the true cause, as has been openly admitted about the Palestinian terrorist attack at the Empire State Building in 1997.
And if you think about it, Islam’s founder heard voices in his head, telling him and his followers to murder thousands of men, steal their goods, rape their women, and enslave their children. According to Sunni Islam, Mohammed’s life is the perfect example (“Sunna”) which must be followed now and forever more, Amen.
Of course, they are supposed to have “provoked” him first 🙄 This, despite the Jewish city of Yattrib (later Medina) having originally welcoming him as a migrant, until he abused their hospitality and converted them all at the point of the sword.
So it kind of makes sense to me that it’s something to do with Islam, and it kind of makes sense that it’s what we in the West would now call psychosis.
So perhaps it’s more of a case of both/and, rather than either/or?
What next?
RMT claims that “guards” on Southern Region are there to stop axe attacks.
BBC agrees. The reason it happened in Germany is down to the absence of guards, firemen, footplatemen and other assorted, out of date railway flunkies whose sole raison d’être is to keep the railway unions on life support.
Note to BBC and RMT – they don’t literally “guard” anything, except perhaps their own pension schemes.
Whilst western countries discuss the Turkish government’s worrying objective of extending strict and authoritarian Islamic rule in a largely secular society the BBC (surprise surprise) don’t mention the word Islam at all in their reports. I ‘wonder’ why?
Alex, Because Beeboids are so damn thick they do not understand anything outside their nappies, prams and playstations. How the hell could these morons understand the history of of Turkey and The Ottoman Empire ? They cannot even spell simple Turkish words correctly !!!!!
How many ‘lone wolves” make a pack ?
Gunner, Sahol !
Trident vote bias.
Huw useless on bBBC1 10pm news talks about this ‘divisive’ issue. Queue Scottish correspondent and the SNP CND approach.
And when the vote comes in?
In favour of Trident 472. Against 117. Majority 355.
Divisive? Only in the biased BBC Party, and even then the majority of the Labour MPs were in favour
Only the BBC could spin it that way. Even many Labour Trots must have voted for their survival. BBC Headline should have been ” Overwhelming support for Tridant “. BBC , wankers until the end !
I had to admire Mrs May’s reply to that backbencher who asked if she was prepared to kill thousands of innocent women and children. It was simply ‘yes.’ There was no way the BBC could spin that one!
Yes. I saw it live on BBC Parliament. So they could not censor it ! I am almost beginning to warm to May ! Almost.
Grant, yes – I was quite impressed by her answer. It shows she understands the terrible responsibility that she carries and that it is not possible to equivocate or use weasel words to describe it.
come on guys it was just a typo, he meant decisive.
Where have all the Trolls gone ? Nappie time ?
They’re allowed to go out and play in the paddling pool in hot weather.
Hours of simple pleasure.
With or without the olive oil?
Oh, Lord – can I expect an injunction now?
In grim times here’s a little light relief courtesy of the BBC and Ladies Football. The BBC loves to promote women’s football and here, as Arsenal Ladies play Chelsea Ladies, we can see why. File in Comedy section.
Sopel on 10 o’clock news about Trump and the GOP convention; John Derbyshire over at http://www.vdare.com has an alternative view to al beebus about the Donald’s proposed moratorium on Mudslimes entering America.
“And our leaders still offer the same fool nostrums. Most Muslims aren’t terrorists, they soothe, as if anyone ever thought they were. If I give you a big box full of M&Ms and tell you just one of the M&Ms is packed full of Strychnine, I venture to speculate that you will not open the box and start decorating ice-cream cones with the contents.”
German journalist reporting the “mad axman” was an unaccompanied ‘minor’ refugee from Afghanistan aged 17.
BBC Berlin bloke claims there is no evidence that this was an “Islamist ” attack. The 17 year is being described as a “young man”- hitherto a “child” of course.
I’m not sure any level of evidence would suffice for the biased Al Beebzeera to admit an attack DID have connections with the Religion of Peace.
It’s just not something the newsroom marxists can allow to be countenanced.
I mean, 9/11 was just an unfortunate co-incidence of a couple of planes going a bit offline.
Sky saying it’s being reported as “Islamist”.
I bet he was cuddling a teddy bear instead of an axe last week.
He might be really 17 y.o. but he might be 9one of those 26 year olds who know it’s easier to process your claim if you claim to be under 18 ..a mere child
Just think, were this the UK or more specifically Scotland, the SNP would be banging on to give a ‘ young man’ such as this the vote !!!
I love the song in the “Sound of Music “. ” I am 16 going on 17 “. I wonder if idiot Beeboids know what that film is about ? Do they even know that it was Jews who produced it and wrote the music ?
Grant – have you seen the Muslim version? It’s quite good, but difficult to tell the girls apart.
The lyrics have been changed:
“Terrified hostages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things.”
The Lonely Goatherd – heavily modified. The less said about the lyrics the better.
LOL ! The Israeli military had a drone cam of some Arabs enjoying close relations with a goat. I don’t know if it is genuine and doubt if it is on Youtube. Maybe Boris should ask Erdogan about it !
Here is it in all its glory…
That is the one ! Not clear whether it is a male or female goat though. Maybe some of the Trolls here can help us out with that !!
Maria can you post a link?
All I can find is this one, it’s pretty good but not the one you’re referring to 🙂
Just turned to BBc newsday running with “shock” at Republican conference, Axe and knife attack by a “young man” on a train. There words not mine. Oh no they let the rat out of the bag it’s a 17 year old Afghan who claimed asylum. “Why he did it is unclear”, it’s very dangerous to make assumptions.
Running full damage limitation again
Plenty of other news sites reporting that he shouted “Allahu Akbar” as he attacked, strangely the BBC missed that part, they’re still sticking with line “The motive for the attack is not yet clear”. Which roughly translated means “We’re still trying to figure out how to spin this one”.
I don’t remember them being quite so hesitant about motives after Jo Cox was murdered.
Al Beeb are now telling us that ‘he may have shouted God is great in Arabic’. Another ‘lone attacker who may have mental issues’ .
You just could not make it up, its so pathetic . Surely our present government can see this bias and will do something about it ?
And yet it’s sadly so predictable but, the impression I get at least, is that more and more people are starting to notice the bias.
I bet the Beeb thought it was Christmas when attempted coup in Turkey happened, the perfect excuse to quickly forget about the Nice attack (I noticed SKY did the same)………and now this. It’ll be interesting to see how quickly this disappears from their collective memory, It would be funny if wasn’t so tragic.
Perhaps “Allahu akbar” is Arabic for “Britain First”?
Not much reporting of the Jo Cox funeral was there.
Suspect she was rather less popular in Batley and Spen than the media would have had us believe. Her obsession with the needs of foreigners rather than the local electorate I imagine made her a less loved Labour MP. Without large cheering crowds this may have been all too apparent. Even the decison to havea private funeral was interesting given that her equally rabidly globalist husband had att first seemed quite willing to exploit her death to push their political message, probably ‘what Jo would have wanted’.
There was no referendum agenda to promote off the back of it anymore either.
“Anti-Trump delegates have failed in their final push to block Donald Trump’s nomination at the party’s convention in Cleveland.”
Al Beeb are not happy bunnies ……………….