A couple of days ago ….Mickey Clark on Wake up to Money…‘We should remember how quick we were to forget just how big our economy is and that other countries will always want to trade with us.’
Yeah…funny how quick the BBC was to forget that….seems they’ve forgotten it all over again….
Another week and more doom and gloom from the BBC as it continues to gleefully report Brexit disaster just around the corner…
Let’s hear the bias……
Watched BBC propaganda docu Exodus tonight.
Given that the purpose was undoubtedly to whip up sympathy for refugees, apart from a telegenic exuberant (but borderline over confident) eleven year old, none of the interviewees, appeared very likable. They were smug openly claiming not to be poor, self entitled, confident of success, and buoyed up by the prospect of adventure and ‘building a new life’. They stated they did not want to leave their country (as instructed by the BBC Ive no doubt) but their cheerful excitement belied their words.
While I am sure there is sadness about what has happened to Syria, and some will have lost loved ones, at the same time its given them a window of opportunity they wouldnt otherwsie have had to emigrate to Europe. NO wonder they were dancing and smiling, celebratory not grieving.
If those were the ones the BBC chose to broadcast, what must the others have been like?
Rob in Cheshire
“If those were the ones the BBC chose to broadcast, what must the others have been like?”
Well exactly! At least they were Syrians, they even admitted that on the boat crossing were Afghans, Pakistanis and many different nationalities!
They also clearly wanted English speakers and perhaps most critically they had to find people willing to take part, and given that most are not ‘forced’ to flee but are simply grasping an opportunity to emigrate I suspect the vast majority preferred to keep a low profile. The young girl didnt speak English but she was chosen for the obvious heart string pulling, and the fact that she was bright and articulate (in Arabic) extrovert and fairly pretty.
Incidentally none were especially fearful of the crossing, all taking the view that the odds were in their favour, until one of the boats began taking on water and they all started praying, eventually being forced to ring the Turkish coastgaurd before they got to Greek waters, released again though and allowed to try another day.
Faux Turkey Coup = German Reichstag?
And I claim today’s “first Godwin of the day” award 😉
PS. And this https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2016/07/16/turkey-coup-detat-does-not-add-up-did-erdogan-stage-a-hoax/
I am inclined to believe this. The Turkish Army used to be good at staging coups, but Erdogan has hollowed out the officer corps.
Many of the soldiers captured seem to have been conscripts who did not know what was going on. Some said they had been told it was an exercise. A crowd of civilians does not beat back tanks, and drag the crews out.
The fact that Erdogan just happened to have lists of thousands of people he wanted arrested is too convenient. Were they all in on the coup? No, this so-called coup was manipulated by Erdogan for his own purposes. Some of the plotters may have believed there was a coup in progress, but on balance I think it was a piece of black propaganda by our favourite goat botherer.
No certainly being ex armoured corps myself as you say civilians do not drag crews out of tanks. If they had been used aggressively it would take some heavy duty anti tank weaponry to stop them. There seemed to be a fair number of Leopard 2s motoring around.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_2#Operators which are relatively new pieces of kit. I wonder if they were even carrying ammunition?
Youtube is covering for Baton Rouge cop-killer, and the Nation of Islam. They’ve taken down the video in which Gavin Long says: “Yeah, I also was a Nation of Islam member. Don’t affiliate me with it. Don’t affiliate me with anything.” Supposedly for “multiple copyright violations”. What, of him filming himself and posting it on his youtube account? Yeah right.
They’re too late it’s already out there, other people have uploaded various videos of his 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Careful with that axe, Achmed.
Bavarian interior minister says a ‘hand-drawn ‘ IS flag has been found in the subjects room.
Am I detecting a familiar theme here?
The BBC report that the motives are ‘unclear’ as to the axe-wielding maniac’s attack on a German train. However, every other news outlet apart from Skynews, of course, reports that the lunatic shouted ‘allu akbar’ before the police wasted him. Unbelievable.
Breakfast 08:13, Now referring to the “17 year old” Afghan as “a man” It’s that man again. A homemade daish flag has been found in his belongings which may be possible “indication” of his motives. Again no mention of Alan’s snackbar.
RT not quite so reticent though
Full details provided
Which is why I watch RT more than BBc news these days.
So-callled bbc 😉
BBC have re-linked an article from May…
Migrant crisis: Afghan teens build new lives in Germany
They make it sound so pleasant with the Afghan boys learning to row in Germany. Quote from one of the boys, “This is the first time I feel safe”. A bit ironic considering the people not feeling safe on the train during the attack yesterday.
Well that’s all right then; he and his gimmegrant mates feel safe in Germany, it’s just all the indigenous Germans, as a result of Ma Merkel’s imports, who no longer do in their own f*****g country!
So called News.
BBC news on Today at 0800…..”17 year old unaccompanied Afghan asylum seeker attacked train passengers with an axe and a knife”…”living with a foster family”…”hand drawn IS flag in his bedroom”…”He may have shouted “allah huakbar, or God is great” but, this is still under investigation according to German authorities”
The “so called” BBC….gradually getting there….better late than never.
The discrepancy between R4 news and morning TV (referred to above by Dave) is interesting though…different news for different segments of the audience…..what`s the rationale for that?
Embolden, the only place to go for frequent news of the crime wave sweeping Europe as a direct result of the invasion is: http://www.newobserveronline.com
If the suspect is only 17, then why isn’t the BBC calling him an ‘unaccompanied child’?
No lorry found yet Dave?
Now would be a good time to reflect on the wisdom of the late St Jo Cox. She said “We have far more in common than that which divides us”. I am male, I also have an axe for chopping wood, I was also 17 years old once but I haven’t done a train attack yet.
She is right…. we do have more in common than that which divides us.
‘The Enquiry’ BBC World Service 0300 today. Half-an-hour of pure bliss backed by haunting music with nonentities pontificating on the object of the programme: to convince their party members (sorry, listeners) that all is not lost with Brexit and it is highly likely there may well be another Referendum to approve the Governments plan for negotiation with the EU. We hear a Cambridge academic idiot whose specialism is EU law passing judgement on the validity of the UK Referendum 23.06.16. For objectivity, the BBC did not find a specialist in British Constitutional Law and obtain their opinion. That objective absence no doubt means that they could not find one of the latter to agree with the BBC’s position.
Only one voice stating that the result of the Referendum is valid.
The fact that this non-objective twaddle is peddled around the World and the overseas listener is fed the BBC’s diet is of concern.
I wonder whether that academic would have formed the same opinion of the legal validity of the referendum result, if it been the same percentages but for Remain?
I don’t know where this idea took root that EU law “cannot” be overridden by laws passed by the British parliament? But it needs to be challenged at every turn.
The Queen in Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is supreme here, not the EU creations in Brussels or Strasbourg: that’s all there is to it.
The BBC is going quite large on peddling twaddle worldwide at the moment, especially on social media.
Hardly a country not inflicted with a perky if earnest munchkin in a red dress from the cubicle gardens, ‘reporting’ live (as opposed to? Nice), microphone in hand, asking ‘your’ questions (carefully filtered) of specially selected ambiient folk who have just happened by to share in the day’s Ahmedggedon.
At least it makes it easier for BBC HR. Or does it?
The BBC Breakfast crew are throwing caution to the wind and getting inordinately excited about the warm weather today – someone please tell them this could be just a ‘lone wolf week’ probably caused by a little local weather derangement and not part of a huge global trend.
Good comment AISI: lone wolf weather.
Lone wolf weather with mental issues?
Asian weather?
Nah, south-Asian weather.
Remember it is cold & wet on the north-west frontier.
with a lorry no doubt.
So it is: Self radicalised south-Asian weather with a lorry!
Islamic weather: one minute it’s Sunni the next it’s Shi ite.
According to the Express, whose weather obsessions are on par with the BBC, rail tracks are melting.
Good job they never had railroads in Arizona.
Or India.
Hang on, we built … Oh never mind!
Railway tracks buckling in the heat is a UK only problem.
It’s to do with the way we lay our tracks. The old system used sections of tracks bolted together which had expansion gaps of about 1-2cm but that caused the classic sound of “clickety-click” as the wheel bump over the gap. As the track heated the expansion gaps would close but the track didn’t buckle but it gives the passengers a bumpy ride.
Nowadays the UK lay their track as one never ending piece with all the sections welded together. This gives a very smooth ride but is useless in hot temperatures – hence the UK suffers from buckling tracks in hot weather when other countries do not.
That’s another reason for coming on the B-BBC w/s and ignoring the ‘real’ thing. You get great comedy on here.
Cheers, everyone, and thanks for cheering me up. I must go!
‘Melting is the new buckling’. Got it.
But no one from the pro-Climate Change outfit worked that one out Tabs?
Tomorrow’s BBC headlines today
Wait for the “roads are melting” panic.
Followed by “Everyone is going to have to use camels”.
That should please the “enrichers” and warmists (and give the BBC management a happy moment).
But “expansion” is a long word and a difficult scientific concept.
It might have supported Brexit but parts of it get more like the National Enquirer every day. It seems to be obsessed with alien abductions. And I don’t mean ISIS.
Maria, being expansionist is a bit too … ummhhh …. nationalistic and success seeking for the BBC who wish to hide us all in the EU huddle muddle.
Mmmmm, individualistic. Mmmm – nice! (thanks, Whispering Bob.)
Very Generation Snowflake.
Editor or Producer: “OK, Control. Thank you studio, we’ll run with melting from now on. Ready to go live in forty seconds.”
No leaves on the line?
I agree with almost every comment on this website and I have only just recently found it! I complained to the BBC about their biased comments post-referendum especially. This one today left me reeling as I am certainly not better off! I am worse off by far.
I know the young blame the old for taking them out of the EU and this type of article adds fuel to the fire. I am 61 and voted Leave in 1975 (at 20 yrs old) and have stood by my beliefs for 41 years and I have been waiting for this day. I have seen the Common Market/EU grow and slowly takeover ours and other countries democracies. The BBC have got a lot to answer for and they are certainly very biased – this country can now be great again without any interference from EU bureaucrats.
Welcome !
And its a big ‘Croeso’ from the West.
Did they by chance approach Mark Byford for comment? Or Botney?
Gillian – I recommend never ever read the BBC on “business”, they really have little clue. Also the IFS is a known trumpeter for Remain and was throughout the Referendum campaign. Although it bemoans a fall in median income for the younger age group, it doesn’t mention mass immigration depressing wages as a cause!
The so-called BBC also appears to be in full-on “age war” mode, trying always to turn the young against the old. Yes, those old revolutionary Marxist tricks still being turned out.
Actually I wouldn’t bother with the BBC Internet News at all. Plenty of other better choices.
I have started to avoid reading the BBC news as it is so very annoying. Unfortunately people are brainwashed by it. I work in an FE College and supposedly intelligent people are completely taken in by it. So much so that they then pass on their ‘unintelligence’ to the young. One young lady was in tears when the results on the 24th were announced. It took me a while to placate her and reassure her that we weren’t all doomed. There should be compulsory classes in ‘learning to think for yourself’ and ‘outside the box’ (literally).
I rather like your line “to think outside the box (literally)”.
Gillian – or the Hive.
They’l be handing out machetes to the youngsters next week I understand. They’ve learnt a lot from the very advanced Rwandan BC.
Gillian, welcome to our ‘happy band. ‘ A word of warning though, once you notice BBC Bias, there’s no going back. You’ll start seeing it more and more and you’ll need this website to help you keep sane!
Cramer, I note, “……there’s no going back.”. I found a Helpline and Clinic if anybody needs the contact details…..
Gillian – well said!
Radio 4 this morning was up to its usual left wing insanity.
A piece on the takeover of ‘Arm’ semiconductors in Cambridge was hijacked into a piece on mass immigration as the interviewer only wanted to talk about how difficult it would be for the Japanese to recruit skilled workers – no mention was made that Britain doesn’t need to import trained people, and it only needs to do so because greed ridden company bosses will not pay to train homegrown talent.
Then it’s on to the speech by Trump’s wife and I just thought the campaign people probably nicked Michelle Obamas speech so they could fire it back at their critics when they tried to tear it to pieces !
Just typical left wing liberal nonsense.
Be funny if it was top Trump trolling, so they could point out it is the only way to ensure wall to wall coverage on the BBC, who have duly obliged.
BBC Online News:
“”Fracking linked to asthma flare-ups””
“”The controversial method for mining natural gas known as fracking might trigger asthma flare-ups, according to a US study””‘
“” The findings, in more than 25,000 patients, are not proof of a causal effect””
There you have it. BBC/Left following the far left mantra on fracking. Note the doomy photo? Black skies similar to oil-well disasters. Carefully selected photo by the news editors to drive home their left-narrative.
BBC. Reliably biased to the left.
And the BBC, as usual, totally ignorant of science !
At least as good as ITV editors are of economics, though.
Or BBC ones, for that matter.
I know that Jerrod & co are keen on numbers and evidence, and so:
1. Median net household income in the UK grew strongly in 2014–15, increasing by 3.4% after adjusting for inflation.
2.According to the Labour Force Survey, the rate of employment growth [in 2014-15] was faster than in any year since 1988–89: the proportion of (working-age) people in work rose by more than 1 percentage point (ppt), driven in particular by the private sector. The earnings of those in work also grew in real terms as inflation was very low.
3.it seems likely that the 2015–16 HBAI data will show a fall in absolute poverty. Absolute poverty is lower than 2007-08.Inequality between the middle and the bottom of the distribution is significantly lower than it was 20 years ago.
4.The proportion of children living in a workless household fell from 23% in 1993–94 to 13% in 2014–15.
5.An important reason for falling child inequality has been a remarkable fall in the share of children living in a workless household.
6.Income inequality in 2014–15 remained significantly lower than in 2007–08, as a result of the large fall in inequality that took place between 2007–08 and 2011–12. Source: IFS report :Living Standards, Poverty and Inequality in the UK: 2016
Sensibly, the IFS refuses to make any forecasts regarding the impact of Brexit , although they assume there will be some reduction in UK economic growth in the short term.
German media rarely tell you anything and go for cover-ups by not allowing the name of the offender to be published (BBC complies) or offering mental illness as the cause.
Now move along.
I recall an attack in a German cinema a few weeks and never heard a scrap further about the incident or the assailant.
What on Earth are the BBC up to? With every new Islamist terror attack they have immediately under the main stories (which never seem to cite or relate fundamentalist Islam as the underlying motive) sob stories aimed at engendering sympathy for so-called ‘refugees’.
Whose bloody side are the BBC on? Their focus as a publicly funded broadcaster should be to report FACTS, FACTS and more FACTS with a grown analysis of the underlying causes. All we get, however, is censorship, ideologically charged and politically correct crap and lies. I’m sick of the BBC and Sky News lying to our nation and brainwashing our youth.
It’s all about immediately providing a counter-narrative.
BBC still whining and moping about Brexit on behalf of their climate change friends in universities and what they still quaintly call ‘science’:
“Academies warn Brexit ‘damaging science’
The UK’s national academies representing science, medicine and engineering have told the government that Brexit is already harming science. A joint letter from seven academies says that the UK’s world-leading position in these areas is in jeopardy.
The national academies represent the best researchers in their fields. They call for the government to make a “bold public commitment” to prioritize research in Brexit negotiations.
The joint letter has been written by the presidents of the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the British Academy, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Royal Irish Academy and the Learned Society of Wales.”
All the usual offenders there – particularly the greediest climate-change-funding-guzzling-snout of all – The Royal Society. And here’s the kicker:
“…UK universities receive £850 million a year from European Union funds.”
Oh, I see. I get it now. All that free money for the research into the science of faeries and unicorns suddenly taken away. Boo-hoo. Ain’t Brexit grand? I’m loving this!
Exactly! The BBC/Leave/Left ran this fairy story a couple of weeks ago and have now rehashed it.
All that will happen is that Education will get the same money but not via Brussels.
The one I went to, Cranfield, got a significant proportion of its funding from Industry and projects. Funding came from all over the world including the US and Japan and a technology park on site. There are many higher education establishment that do similar things. Maybe some of the “Yunees” offering Phds in navel gazing may have to make some changes to provide what the country actually needs .
Also from that article “the uncertainty [following brexit] has already resulted in some UK research groups and small businesses losing funding”: no examples/no evidence – of course although, if funding has been lost at some no-mark oufit run by a eurofanatic big-wig’s brother-in-law, you can bet that the post hoc ergo propter hoc argument will be deployed. It’s the usual poor quality BBC “journalism” relaying unfounded panic-inducing crapola uncritically on behalf of its friends in our corrupted institutions of professional excellence. This letter – written in the best EU-type bureaucratese – is merely an announcement by the lefty one-world entryists running hitherto respectable organisations. If you’re interested, you can see similar SJW entryism operating at the National Trust and in inducing panic (ie funding) at the NSPCC.
The real reason for the BBC bias is that it reduces the EU influence in higher education. It seems UK Unis can only claim EU funds IF they specifically follow EU explicit policies such as creating alarm for CO2 emissions and creating urgent Climate change and social policies for EU ministers etc. etc.
(From EUROPA Uni-funding web page) this is revealing:-
‘Most EU funding finances programmes that further EU policies. … EU funding for your project? The EU is famous for all the financial aid it gives’
Meanwhile in the REAL world the best UK Universities (and we still have six of the best international Universities in the World whilst the rest of the EU has NONE at all (odd that!). We have a far higher academic study in the future sciences such as i.e. Space vehicles, mapping rogue satellites, removing space debris etc. (All in the news recently). And they will all get the UK funding they need…. So the BBC is totally wrong. But not all UK universities will benefit from the change.
That is the heart of the matter. No change for the things that matter. (Stuff EU policy studies!)
Note: “The flow of development funding will only change once the UK formally exits the EU, which will take nearly two years”….”When that point is reached, the UK will be able to use the money we currently send to the EU each year to cover any funding withdrawn by the EU.”
Islamic State Group Claims First Germany Attack With Train Axe Assault
Is this on the BBC yet? (Not holding my breath…)
Spalding shooting: Three shot dead near swimming pool
Isn’t Spalding one of those places highly enriched by immigration?
Tabs, rural shootings seem quite often to involve…erm…’caravan-based’ persons…
Quite correct Cranmer, caravanners or Eastern Europeans.
As the BBC reported Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: “Shocking events in Spalding, Lincolnshire. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.” . Jeremy’s offering was the only response by a political leader reported so far (12:25). Jeremy is not the MP for Spalding. AFAIAA the MP is John Hayes – a Conservative. So this BBC name-check in Jeremy’s interest was totally gratuitous. I suspect it brings very little comfort to the surviving victims of this shooting or their relatives BUT it does bring a spurious “sensitive man of the people” glow to Corbyn’s “reputation”: so just another small offering at the altar of lefty crapola by the BBC.
Sadly, like too much else, the demands of 24/7 media mean these expressions of sincere concern are now issued by bots to avoid being called out for being tardy. Like the Flockers here if not expressing suitable homage/sympathy/empathy first is daring to comment on a tragedy.
Same software the BBC uses for the first tranche of CECUTT responses.
It’s a bit like “bullshit bingo”. You pick a few words randomly, put them together and you have a soundbite for the media. Perhaps we can create a new one for MPs to use…
Instructions: Pick a word/phrase from each section and join them together and say it with your head slightly bowed towards the camera.
Section 1:
“I offer my…”
Section 2:
Section 3:
“thoughts and prayers”
Section 4:
Section 5:
“the victims”
“the families”
“the wider community”
“Jo Cox’s husband”
Section 6 (optional):
“and we stand united”
“and we stand shoulder to shoulder”
“we must not let hate win”
“Safer fairer Britain”
“Safer, stronger and better off inside the EU”(depreciated)
Has one of the dead been named as, ‘Mohamed’ yet? [I suppose the impact of the name is lost really in view of the fact that Mohamed is the most popular name given to a male baby in the UK]. I suppose the name would lend itself to slight alteration if the baby grew up to be ‘transgender’ – ‘Mohamedically re-aligned’. Just a thought.
Spalding shooting a family annihilation.
Husband kills family then shoots himself
Here’s the BBC take on things – obviously covering up the truth AGAIN!
Anyone called Hart is so obviously foreign. What sort of name is Hart??? It’s spelt wrong for a start!
New pc word alert from BBC/Sky News: ‘self-radicalised’. Basically it lays the blame with the individual rather than examining the extremist Islamic ideology that is driving men throughout the world to carry out violent attacks. Our controlled media really is pathetic.
Will they be using that in relation to the assassin of Jo Cox?
Good shout, Alex. It must be BBC/Sky code for having been radicalised by secret radical sermons in mosque backrooms, streamed live from Saudi Arabia.
Good call, Alex. The use of indoctrinaire language by the regressive media sinks to new lows.
This will never make it to the BBC…
Canada: Three Muslim stabbings of random people within 30-hours in Ottawa
Nothing to do with Brexit. Or lorries. Or trains. Time for knife control, obviously.
In every home in Canada there are knifes. People’s kitchens need to be raided and all their carving, steak and dinner knives will have to be confiscated. Canadians will have to go back to eating with their fingers, which is fair as their PM would be happy to go back 1400 years (although knives were well in use at that time).
Damn those lone knives.
Another story which will never make it to the BBC…
German anti-Islamic movement Pegida to start political party
Has the BBC released any news that is pro-Brexit? Any at all?
‘Thanks’ Merkel and pro-EU leaders…. for The New Europe you have imposed upon us. These vile and horrific attacks against western values will become an everyday occurrence because of the left’s treacherous ideological agenda. Just terrible. Poor family.
The man should be publicly birched and dragged for a while, then hanged from nearest lamppost.
More details from the DM….
A French woman and her three young daughters were wounded in a knife attack by a Moroccan man at a holiday resort in the Alps on Tuesday.
Local media reports claim that the attacker made references to the females being ‘”too lightly dressed”.
However French prosecutor Raphael Balland told AFP that “the motive of the attack is very blurred.”
Is this the new mantra – “the motive is unclear”?
Expect Moroccans to be trotted out on the BBC to show that it’s nothing to do with Morocco…
“French media reported that the attacker was a Muslim”
Well done DM – don’t expect similar on the BBC because, you guessed it, “it’s nothing to do with Islam”.
Bullshit before brains, BBC, fantasy before facts.
[Edit] Oh wait, it’s not even ON the BBC yet… 45 mins after it broke on the Telegraph… is this a record?
[Edit] Oh but they have got an article on the front page on “man ripped veil from muslim woman” – obviously “something to do with Islam” then. Apparently the charges are so serious he has to go to Crown Court. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-36832619
Islamophobia really is the thing we have to worry about, isn’t it 🙄
Follow-up: RT has the story too:
Guess the attacker’s name? Mohammed.
Happened at 10am (local time?) this morning, that would be 9am UK time.
So… looks like the BBC is giving Islam a pass on this one?!?
A 37-year-old man identified as ‘Mohamed B’ has stabbed a mother and her three daughters at a vacation center in southeast France. The man may have “found them too lightly dressed,” local media reported.
The life of one of the daughters, an eight-year-old girl, is in danger and she is receiving treatment at a hospital in the town of Gap. Her mother and sisters – aged between eight and 14 – have also been admitted to the same hospital.
The incident happened at about 10am on Tuesday morning…
Here’s the BBC version http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36837108
and here’s Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/07/19/muslim-stabbed-children-scantily-dressed/
It’s another man called Mohammed, previously known to the police.
Thanks Mr G, good spot, I’d missed it as it wasn’t linked from the home page. And it’s only 52 mins old on the BBC – what took them so long?!?
Perhaps they were deep in meetings working out how to spin it this one:
1. No mention of Islam
2. No mention of Mohammed B
3. No mention of Morocco
Excellent sanitation job BBC, well done. Clap. Clap. Clap.
On a day when ripping off a face veil gets front page news, this doesn’t even make it to the front page?!? Sense of proportion, BBC?
BBC. Islam’s worst apologist.
Yes Mike. And yet last night within one hour of an axe attack on a train, the morons at BBC 5Live were speculating that it was perpetrated by a known right-wing extremist. Where did that misinformation come from? German social media. World class journalism? Don’t make me laugh.
I urge everyone here to listen to this BBC misinformation as broadcast on 5Live last night. We hear BBC correspondent (Damian McGuiness) in Germany say (only 30 minutes after first reports) that there is no indication the attack has anything to do with Islamist terror, and that social media has identified the man as a known extremist. Unbelievable.
Please listen from 35:35 to 39:10, with the right-wing extremist line at 37:20 mins:
“There are some rumours that the man who carried out this attack was a right-wing extremist”.
Great fact-checking there then, BBC.
Apart from the grinding bias and juvenile attempt to deny an Islamist link to the axe attack from the beginning, this Damian ‘reporter’ couldn’t even get the number of injured right, talking of “dozens” and then agreeing with the guy back in the studio that it was eighteen.
The inmates are running the BBC asylum.
I makes you wonder what we are not being told ?
Every time there is an attack such as this al beebus cross their collective fingers that it’s an indigenous European whose done it rather than one of their pets; that’s why their default expectation is always that a “right wing” extremist may be responsible, rather than the sort of extremist responsible for 99.9% of similar previous attacks.
It will have been high fives all round when the killer of Saint Jo of Birstall was a Briton and not one of their pets.
Mr Golightly, I heard the report on the BBC lunchtime news and it was immediately obvious it was a Muslim from the ‘too lightly dressed’ comment. In fact I wonder why the BBC included that line at all; or perhaps they don’t realise some of us have sussed out their ‘code’?
Typical Al Beeb ostrich behaviour , ‘bury their heads in the sand’ and hope it will go away until some other news channel reports it .
BBC Website ” Brexit throws spanner in UK Growth “. Detail , the useless IMF have revised UK Growth forecast from 3.2 % to 3.1 %. As the late, great Tommy Cooper would have said ” You’ve got to laugh ! “. BBC and IMF always get everything wrong. Idiots .
Yeah, and like wow, that HUGE fall of a whole tenth of one percent 🙄
Any predictions how much our economy will grow with all the new trade deals we can do with the rest of the world, BBC? No? Thought not.
Spot as usual. Australia and India piling in now and other Commonwealth and other countries will follow. May I quote from one of the finest men I have ever known.
He is black African , Gambian , Abdou. He was the first Gambian to be accepted for US Navy officer training , but the money ran out. He went into the building trade in USA. Then went back to Gambia for personal, not money, reasons.
When he heard about the Referendum result, he texted me ” Thank God you British are out of that EU mess “.
What is he doing today ? My watchman in Gambia, Saikou, just sent me a photo. Abdou is on my land mixing concrete by hand to build a small house for Saikou and his future wife.
What is the point of this rambling ? Brexit has given our British Commonwealth cousins more hope. There is a spring in their step now that we are getting rid of the dead hand and rotting corpse of the EU
Aargh Mike!
Have asked for the return of my Leave vote…and begged them to change it to Remain.
They DID warn me of this gloom-laden apocalpyse…and here it is.Lets` join the Euro whilst we still can.
Will quake beside a rusting ATM tomorrow,and tell the BBC I`m terrified now…their Business experts are proved correct, and I recant, I repent.
THEN will they STFU about everybody being dumbstruck and defeated by voting for less Juncker, less Farron Soubry and Lammy?…
Laughing out loud, Chris – excellent!! 😆
This story cross fertilised from or to the Guardian too! surprise, surprise.
Its not at all that bad (3.2 to 3.1% UK Growth) compared to the rest of Europe (which include Germany). The IMF has reported just last year that the Eurozone is stagnant with not very high expectation of an improvement in 2016 — 2017 (if ever)! Take Germany out of Europe (and now the UK) and that is going to change the IMF picture of the EU quite dramatically. German and French elections next year(?)
‘In its recent update, the IMF’s (International Monetary Fund) economic growth projections for the Eurozone, including Lithuania, are unchanged at 1.5% for 2015. ‘
Britain weakened by Brexit? It is actually the other way round:
“The prospect of Britain leaving has stoked fears the bloc could struggle for global heft since it will be losing a nuclear-armed power with a permanent, veto-wielding seat on the UN Security Council.”–AFP, 18 Jul 2016
And will lose the UK’s financial contribution. Death of French agriculture. The EU is deep in “Le Merde” and will never get out .
Precisely where the EU belongs, hopefully deep enough for it to drown in.
Remember Cameron’s pledge………………………..
It looks like the Tory’s are back tracking already ?
Our infrastructure cannot take any more.
Agreed. We’ll have to watch this lot closely.
Will Boris Johnson and John Kerry put Great Britain ‘first’ in the queue?
Not only did Kerry walk into a door but he came out with this, (from the article cited above)
“Mr Kerry insisted the EU was a force for good as he pointed out that America and Europe together had defeated fascism.”
Brilliant. Make that America and the British Empire defeated Fascism and Nazism….and America joined in only when attacked by Japan…2 years after the war began.
it would appear kerry has a tenuous grasp on history and doesnt even know the makeup of the axis powers
Kerry is such a politically-correct fool. There isn’t a PeeCee sound bite he hasn’t chomped on with relish.
He imagines any proposition that looks good on paper will work in the real world. And failure after failure will not change his mind.
How the BBC must love him. He’s a lefty fellow-traveller.
bbc.con rampant with anti-Trump stuff yet again.
US election: Melania Trump ‘plagiarised’ Michelle Obama
Well it clearly hasn’t done Michelle any good so why not recycle it. If it helps remove the squatters from the White House then why not? Chocolate teapots anyone?
Meanwhile Sky News have cut ex mayor Giuliani’s snippet from “I’m sick and tired of the defamation of Donald Trump by the media” to just “I’m sick and tired of the defamation of Donald Trump” I guess the penny finally dropped and they are guilty as charged.
Still the BBC have nothing of this foul attack on their web s(h)ite. Even PC Brigade Sky ‘News’ have mentioned it, although in a heavily censored manner as one would expect from a middle chattering class metro-trendy UK media outlet.
Breitbart have no such reluctance to report the story in full, however:
Maybe the Mayors of all major European capitals can issue a declaration that, during this warm snap, women and children need to be covered head to toe in black shawls… to avoid damaging community cohesion and risking some in certain communities living in further fear when their menfolk go on the daily slash and burn rampage they have introduced to public areas.
This is precisely how Islamisation works…intimidation and threat of violence…wherever you are…on the beach, in a holiday park, at a fireworks display, mixing with the opposite sex, doing anything disapproved of by Sharia.
Disapproved of by any self-appointed religious policeman who has the means and motive to act on his or her prejudices and has the opportunity to act under the protection of terrified appeasers who represent refusal to comply as “racism”.
Islamisation is divisive. multiculturalism cultivates the seeds of European cultural destruction.
This cannot stand.
You have summed it up perfectly. The dhimmis, Cameron, May, Hollande, Merkel, I can list these creeps endlessly , are destroying all that our ancestors fought for . And I do not know why ? It is suicide .
Well said embolden and Grant.
Mr G,
Thank you, sir
Thanks…also please note the references in the reports to “scantily clad children”.
This is the insidious nature of islamisation…kids, on holiday, described as “scantily clad”, apparently by non Muslims.
This language validates the islamisers outlook.
This is multiculturalism….while his action is wrong his view has value….to avoid hassle…better to adapt, to accommodate, to avoid causing offence, to another culture, a culture entitled to equal esteem in modern Europe.
That’s where we’re at.
Update on BBC version of events http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36837108
“According to authorities, the suspect in custody was of Moroccan origin and had been staying on the site with his own family next door to the victims.
Although he had been in trouble with police many years ago, reports said there was no indication of a religious link to the case.
Unconfirmed reports suggested he had objected to the light clothing worn by his victims but Mr Balland said “it’s all rumour, the man’s not said anything”.
Oh well, at least they are now saying the Man was Moroccan.
I suppose we should be thankful for small mercies.
Luckily I have archived a copy of their shameful first attempt, lest anytroll accuse me lying…
The story is on BBC website now, tucked away halfway down on the World News page under the headline:-
“Knife attack at French holiday park”
Apparently the motive is still “Very vague”………Really? Jesus Christ in a chicken basket, even an effing 5yr old could guess what the motive is by now!
Interestingly the report says……. “Although he had been in trouble with police many years ago, reports said there was no indication of a religious link to the case”………..Well dear BBC I don’t suppose you’re too interested in looking cos I’m guessing there’s a fairly obvious one staring you in the face.
And this is pure BBC….
“Unconfirmed reports suggested he had objected to the light clothing worn by his victims but Mr Balland said “it’s all rumour, the man’s not said anything”.”.
Strange the BBC weren’t so keen to report that Thomas Mair shouting “Britain First” was just a rumour, seem to remember that went round the world pretty quick.
Yet another inconvenient cabbage of a story for the BBC wikka basket.
And even when they downgrade these cabbages to mere sprouts…the overwhelming evidence and mass of proof of serial Islamic evils now being visited on the liberal west is swamping and swarming all over them.
The BBC needs to be removed in the cause of international harmony, community relations and social cohesive goals.
Anything less-then we DESERVE Islams opinion that we`re a bunch of pansy jizya pussywhipples.
Our choice-what chance against Islam if we cant slough off the petomanic paedos and peewees that masquerade as the British voice…after Brexit…they speak for nobody but their clueless caste.
So inconvenient that I get the impression they’d rather not report it at all, but even Al Beeb know they couldn’t get away with that so the façade has to be maintained………through gritted teeth of course.
I’m half expecting our beloved Fuehrer Merkel to attempt to impose a ban on the reporting of such events in the name of those very things, Harmony, Community and Cohesion.
Those “Peewees” are what worry me the most. Their appeasement WILL NOT WORK, I’m tired of being told to be tolerant towards intolerant fanatics who see themselves at war with the West, and until our leaders recognise and accept that as fact then these attacks will continue.
“Afghan doctor/engineer defends himself against racist, nazi Germans on train, who clearly must have looked at our peace loving friend funny to make this peaceful, tolerant man react this way…”
“witnesses heard him shouting ‘Ally’s Snackbar’ clearly confirming the fact that the racist white Germans on the train were eating at the time and our poor hero was hungry due to Germany being mean and racist”
Just Al Beebing the event to shoehorn it into fit the lie
The Defender of the Faith actually brandished his chopper at four Hong Kong Chinese, probably because he assumed they were using the proscribed dhimmi method of looking at him critically, with half-closed eyes in the decadent style known as ‘el sqint’.
Carole Walker on BBC24, outside the Foreign Office pre-press conference with Boris and Kerry indulged in a bit of light smearing. Among other dismissive remarks, she suggested that Boris is a lightweight nonentity and, by way of further sneering, alludes to his performance as London Mayor as being thought possibly “successful” but assessment of such success “depends on what side of the political divide” you stand; ie Carole thought he was crap. It bears repeating that in my personal experience of the BBC’s coverage of Boris’s political career from his election as Mayor of London onwards, I have never – literally never – seen, heard or read any positive BBC coverage of news/information concerning Boris.
Compare that coverage with the outbreak of Sadiq-love since the current incumbent’s selection as the Labour candidate for mayor. Again, I haven’t seen, heard, read one negative (let alone critical) report on the Mayor’s progress: not even his censorship of a harmless (well harmless to anyone not in thrall to the gods of Islam and feminism) poster.
The woman in the poster was “scantily clad” you see. They don’t like that, these “men”.
3000 judges suspended
1500 University deans ordered to resign
6000 military arrested
9000 police sacked.
15200 education people suspended.
I am beginning to wonder if there is anyone left in Turkey?
More to the point, how many prisons do they have and how big are they? Where are all these people now?
They are in detention and being tortured . And their women and kids are being raped by Erdogan’s animals. And Obama , May , and all the Western ” leaders ” will say nothing. But their intelligence services are telling them the truth. And they will ignore the truth .
Bloody education cuts then?
Expect the NUT, ATL and Unite to complain, maybe send a rep or two over to “show passionate solidarities”.
Wankers…got their summer holidays now, so they`ve no excuses.
BBC today stated that the social problems in Germany is to to partly with the influx of ‘1 million’ so-called, “Refugees” during 2015. It is now reported that the figure is 2.5 million. Why is it that the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster” fail so often to get the facts right? See: http://newobserveronline.com/germany-2-5-million-immigrants-2015/
News breaking on AL Beeb – Owen Smith (ex BBC) to go against Corbyn as Labour leader .
Hi , taffman , never heard of this Labourite until the other day . I guess you have been force fed on Wales today , HTV News etc about him over the years . I thought he was a good Mini Mee of Herr Hollande , but we all hope Jezza keeps the Crown . Can`t see his Masterplan of another referendum will ever happen. Too many “lF`s”for that little bit of rubbish .
Comment in my VERY Welsh local.
“We could have a Welsh PM – or maybe not.”
Followed by hoots of laughter.
Essexman & Rhif Saith
I must admit that I had never heard of him until this week ?
As I have posted here before, the political elite are still not listening to their constituents. We voted ‘out’ , especially in Wales.
And if the political elite are reading these posts , it was about brining back democracy, sovereignty and controlling immigration and trade with the rest of the world.
Something has occurred to me following the Nice attack about broadcasters of all shades failing to understand anything about Islam and actually broadcasting pro terror propaganda as a result, unknowing it to be so.
“There were so many Muslim people who were victims because I could see they had scarves over their head and some were speaking Arabic, one family lost a mother and in Arabic, they were saying she’s a martyr,”
Shahid and Shaheed originates from the Quranic Arabic word meaning “witness” and is also used to denote a “martyr”. It is used as a honorific for Muslims who have died fulfilling a religious commandment, especially those who die wielding jihad.
So in what way exactly was a religious commandment of attending the Bastille day celebrations mentioned in any of the Islamic texts? More over how does getting run over and killed by a Jihadi (i.e. getting in the way when a Khufar could be dead instead) qualify as dying wielding Jihad?
Unless this woman’s family approved of and supported the attack in Nice there is no way they could have regarded their mother as a martyr. By the use of this word they are signalling to the world their approval of the terrorist act, and their support for it, seeing their mother as a fellow Jihadi killed while fighting the cause of Allah.
Anybody think that the few Muslims killed in Nice-which have hogged all news coverage of victims as far as I can tell-would only be regretting that this atrocity happened in their own town…as opposed to Jerusalem or London?
Had it happened anywhere else…well those fireworks would have been theirs…and the gunfire in the air would have been masked for future events.
So no-give me the proportions of dead Muslims..then the % of media coverage devoted to THEIR suffering.
Standby for Today the ‘hottest day of the year’. Global warming ?
Note to Al Beeb, Every year gets a hottest day.
It has been the coolest summer I can remember, until the last week or so. Early July was nippy at times and I don’t feel the cold like some do. This warmer spell proves nothing. Look at the sun and ask why there are so few spots on it; that is likely to have more to do with temperatures than tiny amounts of CO2.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
I hope you don’t have a thermometer in your garden 😉
Can you point out where in the article it talks about global warming, since you seem so keen to give “notes” against such an interpretation?
Did you read it Jerrod? Just checking because from your earlier posts we know comprehension is not your strongest point.
Yes I did. As taffman seems unable to answer a basic question, do you want to do it for him, or would you prefer to spend your time continuing to come across as taffman’s smoke screen? Must be quite humiliating for someone as full of themselves as you, to be reduced to running interference for a not very bright man who can’t cope with engaging with people as an adult.
Oh dear, Jerrod, do keep up.
The BBC have declared man-made global warming a ‘settled’ science – they agreed to it way back in 2006 with their eco-socialist 28gate mates. (If you want more on that one, do let me know.)
Everything they have broadcast since then has been in support of their aforementioned eco-socialist 28gate mates’ agenda – ‘confirmation bias’, I think it’s called.
So, for example, their eco-socialist 28gate mates tell us man-made global warming will bring more ‘extreme weather events’ (having realised the Earth wasn’t warming as predicted, they desperatley sought another line of propaganda). And the BBC, especially in the form of the Mad Harrabin, repeatedly tell us it is so even though the evidence says otherwise.
This makes them desperate! So, in the usual subliminal way that the BBC pushes its left-liberal agenda, they frame unexceptional temperatures, rainfall – even snow!! – as examples of……have you got it yet? Yes! Well done! – Extreme weather events!!!!
Drip, drip, drip…..
Boy, this is really hard work.
So basically, Biased BBC commenters don’t care that the articles that they accuse of supporting positions they don’t like don’t actually make them. Got you.
Simple question, johnnythefish: where does that article mention anything about climate change at all? Even you ought to be able to answer that one. I suspect you won’t and will instead don your little tinfoil hat again – but do please prove me wrong…
Chill out.
You will see that the Global warming question was mine (outside the inverted commas ) to invite other posters to comment. We are constantly being bombarded by Al Beeb propaganda with claims about global warming or ‘climate change’ as clearly laid out to you by johnnythefish. I can’t spend all my time on my computer and hence not answer you immediately .
Your defence of Al Beeb appears to be a personal crusade .
I post here because I think that Al Beeb is biased, and you ?
@ taffman:
It’s a full moon tonight…And creatures like Scott…Sorry – Jerrod are expressing their pent up sexually deviant ways, not by fawning over murderous Jihadis tonight, but instead screeching and bawling over a website that they and their fellow BBC leftists are absolutely livid with..
Dazed and Confused
You are winding them up 😉
Do you guys get out much?
Top comment for 12.50 am. And so much support here at such an hour too.
Irony is not dead.
Is this the informed, intelligent, non-personalised style of debate that Biased BBCers claim to hold so dear? Or the deluded outporings of a teenage troll?
Simple question, johnnythefish: where does that article mention anything about climate change at all?
You have either failed a basic comprehension test or are being deliberately obtuse.
Just to put it even more simply: the BBC long ago established in conjuntion with eco-socialist activists that ‘climate change’ (i.e. man-made global warming) is ‘real’ and have pushed the point home ad nauseam, including the ‘extreme weather’ propaganada (‘Climate scientists tell us we should expect more rain/heatwaves/snow/storms etc etc’).
Having pushed the point home ad nauseam then, apart from a reminder every now and again (cue Hapless Harrabin and his climate fantasies most of which not even the IPCC supports), they can safely assume that its poll-taxed audience will associate anything resembling an ‘extreme weather event’ – with ‘climate change’.
Very simple, really.
Is that Cambridge BA (English) educated Harrabin?
So it doesn’t. But your tinfoil hat says it does. Got you.
tinfoil hat…
I thought I’d told you to bin that Big Lefty Handbook of Insults?
Like the BBC, you are now well beyond comical and into the depths of stultifying farce.
Suggest you don’t come back till you’ve got some cogent arguments to present.
Says the man relying on “because I said so” as an explanation for why an article which contains no reference to his pretty conspiracy theory is somehow period of that same theory.
I fear you can’t recognise cogent arguments yourself. Perhaps you ought to put a little more effort into trying to, rather than just losing your rag at someone who’s not falling for your BS.
Hottest day since this time last year!
Hit the panic button, close down all industry (Port Talbot?), go and live in a tepee.
Peace and love.
Number 7
You have a valued point in your jest . The effect that British industry has on ‘Climate Change’ is ‘zilch’ compared with other countries eg USA , China ,India, Russia etc etc .
The EU along with the green lobby are killing this nations manufacturing base and hence all the jobs connected with it.
Here is an interesting article for discussion from Australia in Al Beeb’s bible ……………………..
In case anyone is so anal they like to see where the thunder they heard came from and how far away it is. There’s a nice graphic with an expanding circle which approximates the speed of sound, and shows you when you will probably hear it.
Light travels faster than sound.
That’s why some people appear bright until they speak.
The expanding circle is far too fast to be the speed of sound on my PC. With the map scale set to 50km the expanding circle looks like it travels ~30km per second whereas the speed of sound is far slower at 0.343km per second.
Nothing to do with BBC, but as I live alone I just wanted to share this………………. I just love the Yes I Can trailer on Channel 4 for the Paralympic Games, its inspiring and fabulous to watch, the backing music is great with the Sinatra ‘alike’ singer in the wheelchair an absolute star !
North West still running their BLM reports on Mzee mohmed this time crowd funding to fly him carcass to Jamaica. Of course still no explanation as to why he was in custody
The Times today who’s World section states that – ‘Race killings cast shadow over Trump coronation’..
..without mentioning once that O’Blamas support for the ‘soldiers’ of black lives matter has, without doubt in any sane mind, helped create a murderous monster in modern society. Police brutality should be dealt with accordingly, but the ignorance of facts and use of social media to garner support is poisoning the water for all.
I’m sure the bBC will stick to their guns (oops) and avoid any uncomfortable facts that might diminish the brave and bold members of the liberal left.
If we all accept that the Times,Guardian and BBC are just the Upstairs ponce and nonce brigade who only joined up for the Boys on offer…and that they have no further use to the People,as organs of record in anything that matters to the 17.4 Million…then we can focus on the Mail, Express and Sun( and the Telegraph on a good day) so we can read about people and things that DO matter still to us.
Now a simple matter of applying the ethyl chloride…vapour spray or injection?
Being a BBC hack should be akin to being on the Sex Offenders Register…the correspondence is above average between the two “trades”, but we can`t afford for them to sacrifice any other kids to Islams coming pork swords as they`ve done already.
The only approved use for pork in Islam I`d suggest.
Not sure what Pallab Ghosh meant when he said, on the six o’clock news, that British science receives from the
EU “£850 million a year, far more than we put in” ?
“The UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) report an indicative figure for the UK’s contribution to EU research and development of €5.4 billion over the period 2007 – 2013. During this time, the UK received €8.8 billion in direct EU funding for research, development and innovation activities.”
… but our NET contribution to the EU is about £8.5bn every year.
According to your figures, Marvin, the net gain in R&D over the six year period quoted would be €8.8bn – €5.4bn which equals €3.4bn over six year.
Let’s call this approx £3bn in pounds sterling to keep things simple, so we gained £0.5bn per year in R&D, while we LOST £8.5bn per year in NET contributions.
Don’t you think we could more than make this up from what we save by NOT paying the EU cartel’s protection racket?
They aren’t my figures. The source is mentioned in my post.
Of course we could match that level of funding post-Brexit but I’m not aware of any commitment having been made. Have you seen it painted on the side of a bus somewhere?
OK then, “the figures in your post”, smart alec. Happy now?
And if you knew we could match this level of funding post-Brexit (and more, I might point out), WFT didn’t you mention that in your post? Bit odd to leave out something so overwhelmingly important, don’t you think?
And no, there’s no commitment to funding science or anything else post-Brexit (and there wasn’t on the side of the bus either, smart alec once again) – it will of course be up to the elected government of the day.
Right now it’s up to the unelected Commission which is one of the main reasons why I voted Leave.
In any case, how long do you think the EU can keep on funding its vanity projects, when they have a massive budget hole to fill to fund the
Muslim invasionmigration crisis, Italy’s banks are going bust, Greece is broke, Spain & Portugal are only just solvent, and we (well certainly at least England) are leaving.Face facts Marvin, being member of the EU is full of uncertainty – one thing the Remain campaign lied about non-stop through their back teeth, pretending it was “stability”.
Accuracy is important to me, obviously not to you.
But I was being accurate, while you on the other hand, were being a pedant.
For those who don’t know the difference, a pendant is a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning, while accurate is a member of the clergy engaged as assistant to a vicar, rector, or parish priest.
That is not accuracy, Marvin, it is presenting only a small part of the overall picture which, as any fule know (except the BBC and other Remainers who are in denial) shows the UK to be a net contributor to the tune of around £9 billion a year.
Individual entries in the ‘balance sheet’ – such as science funding – are immaterial.
And The Royal Society, or whoever is fronting this particular bit of propaganda, should be effing well ashamed of itself for blatant politicking (though admittedly it’s not a first – coming out in support of the ‘settled’ science directly in contravention of its own motto nullia in verba positioned it as a campaigning, not scientific, organisation).
I noted that as well and it made no sense to me The whole thing seemed to be a non story from start to finish
10pm BBC2 Brexageddon?!
[ ] sneering at Brexit and painting it negatively : tick
Well remember that series of comedy progs sniffing at Lefty ideas ?
– Playing up the negatives of Sadiq Khna’s victory in London Mayor election ?
– Playing up the negatives of Corbyn’s first labour leadership election ?
– Playing up the negatives of Scottish Independence victory ?
No ..strange that
The BBC has a new programme about how Brexit would benefit Britain!
Only joking! Never in a million years.
More BBC anti-Brexit features. And no opposing views.
“”Brexit throws ‘spanner in the works’ of global growth””
“”IMF says EU exit ‘largest near-term risk’ to British economy””
“”UK scientists speak about Brexit pain””
“”Countryside faces Brexit anxiety””
Why is the BBC allowed to only give their side of the debate? They have been obviously pro-Remain for months. And they still carry on the same. Are they biased??????
And why do Jerrod and his friends suddenly go shopping when the going – the reams of bias – gets tough?
Still, absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say.
It’s a very interesting question and the answer is ‘because they are intellectually dishonest’.
They are here to defend the usual Leftist Shibboleths, which they try to do by cherry picking minor errors and scaring up as many diversions as possible. But when confronted with irrefutable examples of bias, they melt away into the shadows like so many thieves.
It’s a guerrilla tactic beloved of trolls the ‘net over. Why David Vance doesn’t simply ban the obvious time wasters is a puzzle. They are the first to dish it out to when they get the chance.
Neatly summarised, GC.
It seems to me that the anti-brexit news/propaganda is based on fear, and this fear is making the ‘markets’ feel uncertainty…
…irrational fear of brexit?…. Brexitaphobia!!
German train attacker left ‘suicide note’, wanted revenge for killings in Muslim countries
Pages from a notebook found at the home of an Afghan teen who attacked passengers on a German train with an axe may be regarded as a suicide note, police and investigating officials said during a press-briefing on Tuesday.
Addressing his father, the young man asked him to pray that he could take revenge “on the infidels” and “get to Heaven,” officials said.
The train attacker was “a devout Sunni,” according to officials, who added that he didn’t visit a mosque regularly, but had probably prayed privately. Having studied the man’s presence on social networks, investigators said he had published a post against “enemies of Islam” some 24 hours before the attack.
Was this on the BBC?!?
German train attacker left ‘suicide note’, wanted revenge for killings in Muslim countries
Now there’s a question the BBC could ask: given that most Muslims in Muslim countries are killed by other Muslims, why isn’t he trying to take out his fellow Muslims?
Fair question for them to ask eh, Jerrod? Waddya think? Now don’t go all bashful on us….
Good to see the BBC reporting the big, finger-on-the-pulse stories:
Yeah, so much more of a priority than three people killed outside Spalding swimming pool.
‘The least diverse selfie ever’ “.. “most number of Capitol Hill interns in a single selfie.”
“But thousands have pointed out that the photo is dominated by white people.”
– Wow that is hot and fundamental NEWS, great value for money news operation.
** Em what if was “BlackLivesMatter demonstration night” so blacks had all gone to that ? **
I unlike the BBC don’t really look at peoples skin colour, but I would think in the USA that black skin is about 30% then add on other non like skin people like some Indians etc. still way less maybe 40%,and the rest would be made up of most of the world like : Caucasians, Chinese, Many Latinos, many Indians, Koreans Japanese etc. and a photo would seem to be dominated by lighter skin people people
At 1:12 of the BBC’s own video clip it gives the figures for general population of 62% white vs 36%..but says that whites make up 82% of interns.
interns are UNPAID so it is only a job available to privileged people, not like us normal B-BBC readers.
And our old friend the Conservative black professor Thomas Sowell, would point out that Black families are much more likely to be fatherless cos the father has run away or gone into prison. So the kids are less privileged so are less likely to make the grade score, and less likely to work for free.
Bottomline : Black people are less likely to work for FREE, so yes are less likely to be in the photo.
A counterpoint Race-baiting liberals try to shame Paul Ryan for intern picture
He points out that all the Liberal orgs pointing their finger s are also hideously white : like The Huffpo editorial board meeting photo which has 14 white girls, no males, no oldies
Same here with Green Party , Greenpeace ..also mostly white … for whatever reason black people often make different choices.
That said I can only spot one obvious black face in the Paul Ryan photo..so I hope someone starts to sponsor interns so more blacks participate .
.. Maybe all the black interns work for Trump or something .
But if many blacks are also racist maybe they choose to only work for Democrats.
Dunno….I’ve seen a Hope Not Hate meeting look eerily similar to the BBCs much frowned upon selfie….
IS Releases Video Of Teen Train Axe Attacker
Surely you mean ‘vulnerable young person who has been failed by the West’……in bBBC parlance.
Did he look 17 to you?
It’s here with English subs…..Obviously if the BBC had subtitled it, he would be an innocent lamb and a victim of German “waycism”..
With each new Jihadist attack in Western Europe, particularly when so many Americans are presently on holiday here, the Trump campaign and his (perfectly sensible) proposals for a cessation of Muslims entering the U.S. will both gain additional support.
When he’s elected president, we might some common sense policies here too in the post-Brexit future.