A couple of days ago ….Mickey Clark on Wake up to Money…‘We should remember how quick we were to forget just how big our economy is and that other countries will always want to trade with us.’
Yeah…funny how quick the BBC was to forget that….seems they’ve forgotten it all over again….
Another week and more doom and gloom from the BBC as it continues to gleefully report Brexit disaster just around the corner…
Let’s hear the bias……
News from Down Under, courtesy of the BBC –
“A TV presenter who called for a ban on Muslim migration to Australia has been widely mocked on social media.
Earlier this week, Sonia Kruger had told Today that after the Nice attack she would feel safer if the borders were closed to Muslims for a while.
She later said on Twitter she was concerned “as a mother” and that there should be open discussion of the issue.
The hashtag #asamother has since been trending in Australia, with many accusing her of racism.”
“The Nine Network, which employs Ms Kruger, resisted calls for her to apologise, saying: “Our view is that we believe in freedom of speech.”
Well done Nine Network for supporting your presenter. Poor old pissed off Twitter. Thanks BBC for ensuring that I went to youtube to hear the straight-talking Ms.Kruger. And look at her co-presenter. The ubiquitous emasculated media presenter male. I shall be watching out for Sonia though.
She is quite right to call for a halt to Muslims entering Australia, the Australians should also look to deport those Muslims in Australia whose presence in the country is detrimental; that should apply whether they were born there or imports, there are plenty of Muslim countries that I’m sure would be delighted to welcome some more of their brethren to live there.
“The Nine Network, which employs Ms Kruger, resisted calls for her to apologise, saying: “Our view is that we believe in freedom of speech.”
Makes a refreshing change I hope they stick to their guns, though the Twitter twats can be a persistent bunch when annoyed.
I love it when a Twitter ‘victim’ makes it known that they don’t have a Twitter account – which makes all the venom and bile a waste of time and a bit ridiculous by the trolls, as none of it is read by the one its aimed at. Wonderful !
I’ve just wasted 30 mins of my life watching ‘Brexageddon?!’ on BBC2.
I was even prepared to put up with a some typical BBC bias if it was amusing.
No such luck.
How much BBC poll tax was spent making this crap?
Ditto Mr Reith.
Had an idea that it might have a pop at the Eyeore Chicken Lickers who think that it`s the end of the world .
When it`s not.
But it was the typical lefty reg week crap.
No pops at the Remainaics at all-just student week slime aimed at those who left the EU.
Sheer crap-but why aren`t we surprised?
Just listening to Newshite, and the Labour Party meltdown.
Anybody care to count how many times in four minutes the need to joining Labour, to pay their £25 and the 5pm deadline tomorrow gets mentioned?
Angela eagles begging bowl rattled on the BBC over and over.
Evan Davis says the £25 quid might be pricey-but surely more valuable than voting for X Factor.
The BBC and Labour?-they deserve Corbyn and his poison dwarves to mercilessly taunt and threaten them.
Wonder if Thomas Mair was a Momentum stooge, self-radicalised by too much Kinnock on telly?
Jezz must stay-the country needs their selfless gaiety for a grateful nation.
Thanks, an endorsement from Mr H is prized above rubies.
Charles Clarke and Barbara Ntumy (me neither) did the same on the Jonathan Dingleberry Show on Friday/Saturday, plugging ‘SavingLabour.com’.
Incidentally, it’s only when you go to the programme web-page that you realise what a little munchkin JD actually is.
Bring back Freddie Grisewood I say.
Ah Jolyon Rubinstein another activist masquerading as a comedian
Watching Exodus again, fascinating insight into why Britain attracts them so much more than France and Germany. One Syrian invader says its because the system of family reunion is WAY quicker than France and Germany where it can take two to three years from the time theyre accepted as a refugee!
So this is what May needs to change, drag it out, make it more tedious for them!
I think Theresa May should promise to match the average number of refugees taken in by Muslim countries . This should keep the virtue signalling lefties happy … after all we would be equalling the religion of peace in compassion!
NB The only middle east Muslim country to take any refugees from Syria is Jordan. The fabulously wealthy Saudi Arabia, UAE etc have taken NONE.
I actually think we should take in genuine refugees, they should be made welcome and housed temporarily until they can go back home again. It should be made very clear they will be required to return home when it is safe. The refuge route should not be the same as immigrating into a country – refugee status is meant to save lives and not just let people move to somewhere they prefer to live.
I would quite like to live in quite a few countries in the world – but this doesn’t mean I expect to just go and live there.
Absolutely Aerfen, in the last of the series (don’t want to spoil it for you), but the family of Ahmed from Syria arrived on these shores BY PLANE within a matter of weeks after he was accepted for asylum. He appeared to be have been fast tracked if the time line on the programme is anything to go by – travelled last year and took a couple of months (?) to get here, then a few months for his asylum papers and then his family arrive, all within less than a 12 month period.
Amazing how these people can get the civil servants to whiz through the paperwork. It took my 80 year old parents years to get their pension credit and extra money they were entitled to sorted out.
M’lad………… I would quite like to live in quite a few countries in the world – but this doesn’t mean I expect to just go and live there.
I’ve always said this. Can you imagine pitching up the St Lawrence Seaway in a dinghy cos you fancied living in Canada to be with your relatives ?? We’d soon be frogmarched on a plane home. Why do I think that the Border Control Agencies in rest of the world have a lot more balls than our lily livered lot. Even the police when chasing migrants around a trailer park on the M1 just shrug their shoulders and let them go, telling them not to be naughty boys and report every week to another agency. They call the French police Clouseau’s, but ours are just as bad.
Sturm und Drang in South Germany and BBC newsrooms as the authorities in both hope to get through 24 hours without any further revelation of the motivations for this pack of lone wolves.
Meanwhile, Tell Mama about this one: ‘..the Mevlana Rumi mosque in Edmonton, north London said it was targeted. “Two people entered the mosque. They started shouting out, swearing, breaking the peace,” said Seval Gokce, the mosque’s executive director… Then an hour later, five or six more cars pulled up outside the mosque, shouting out abuse and amongst them, they were heard to say they were thinking of burning down the mosque.”
Oh dear, I watch a lot of BBC news, so I bet it was crazy Brexiteer Bonehead Jacko Rees-Mogg and his buddy Tommy ‘Bacon Rind’ Robinson…?
“A person standing outside opened up the Turkish flag” That can’t be right, surely you mean the Cross of St George?
The BBC’s website is still saying “Syrian blows himself up in Germany”. Leaving aside that fact that a sub-editor who wrote a headline that poor on the East Snodlington Gazette would be sacked outright, it is yet more evidence of the moral decay at the Corporation.
It is a deliberate attempt to minimise the impact of yet another attempted murder by a Muslin nutcase and as such isn’t a news headline at all – it’s propaganda, designed not to reveal a story but to twist and conceal the truth.
I wonder where the BBC apologist trolls are this morning?