Front page BBC news and headlining on the bulletins all day….Trump’s missus makes speech that has definite echoes of one made by Obama’s missus.
I’m sure it is earth shattering and indicative of something important…or not.ย Obama’s verdict on his own plagiarism? [See below]
I really don’t think this is too big of a deal.
The BBC is always keen to point out when certain people make slip ups, not so keen when it is one of their own, one of the Chosen Ones…like Obama who often ‘mispeaks’ but you rarely hear of it on the BBC.
What about plagiarism?
The BBC investigates…
Plagiarism quiz: Who were the caught-out copycats?
Not really investigates….they have a dig at Joe Biden but what about the Chosen One?
The Pres is right…no big deal….the BBC didn’t even notice.
Like you, who could ever forget Michelle Obamas speech-that must have won him the nomination?
Must have been great,and world-changing…because the BBC consider this as a news story.
Oh if only all world leader would quote Tammy Wynette, Catherine Cookson and some Virago Press blubber from the 70s re empowerment.
A complete non-story, but let the libbies think it matters.
Because, like Johnson getting nasty questions from the Huffy or the NYTimes…the rest of us don`t give a monkeys.
Trump for President, Clinton and Obama to be the next Blair and Brown…and the BBC to get its goolies pinked…once we find them.
Compare and contrast all the boos at Trumps convention-with the boos for Manuel Valls in Nice yesterday.
One a howl of pain over Lefty incompetence, neglect, gesture handstands on the dead bodies; and cynical emoting at the public expense.
The other a few bitter Republicans with no democratic mandate, but a lot of media microphones conveniently placed.
Guess which of the two boos suits the BBCs world view better?
So we get plenty repeats and follow ups on the (quelle horreur) boos for Trump…but rather less on Valls and his “public mortification and humiliations”.
Because-getting booed must rank as a public execution to the luvvie junkies who work for the ever-popular,always funky and edgy , ever-young and ever ready BBC and their flophouse fops of churnalizzm.
Ed Stourton would not even make a church lollipop holder, unless the BBC employed his effete gabble.
Released from Toady but still doing his bit for Leftoids, in this case American Leftoids, Numpty was interviewing a senior Republican (whose name I didn’t catch) on air this morning trying to suggest Trump would run a dirty campaign. Numpty seemed a bit taken aback when his interviewee said it went back as far as Lincoln’s time when he was accused of fathering a mulatto child. He also said that in CigarClinton’s time his and his wife’s misdeeds didn’t get much publicity because there were only 3 tv channels and they could be intimidated. He didn’t expect Trump to be so timid about denouncing them.
Theres one major difference between Mrs Trump and Obamas wife
Mrs Trump doesnt have a cock
Calling Michelle Obama a man – perfectly fine, absolutely hilarious, thumbs up the post and nothing to complain about
Calling Biased BBCers dementia riddled – utterly abhorrent, totally uncalled for, absolutely cannot continue to post things like that
You may not all have dementia, but you are all hateful, odious, hypocritical cretins. You’re so blinded by your own hypocrisy you can’t see it.
oooohh you bitch ๐
Seems others saw her for a tranny too
And of course we’ve all heard about bathouse barry
But them’s the types the so called bbc just love ๐
If that is your criteria, asshole, you have condemned yourself with the same description. Fwit!
Making fun of public figures has a long history in the free world (you know, those quaint countries that aren’t ruled by islamists or Communists). Yes it’s cruel and rather silly but it’s sort of expected. Making fun of an illness, particularly a debilitating one that can’t really be cured, like dementia, is a bit different, I would say.
But it’s alright for caring, compassionate Leftoids to mock the sick, surely.
Good point Cranmer.
Saying that Michelle Obama has a dick may be in poor taste, but at least it’s humorous.
Xavier’s comments, on the other hand, are simply obnoxious.
For those who don’t know the difference, obnoxious means “extremely unpleasant”, while humorous is the bone of the upper arm or forelimb, forming joints at the shoulder and the elbow.
“It’s ok for us to be bullies but not ok for people to bully us!”
You are deeply hypocritical and unpleasant people.
I’m sure there are many people who think calling Biased BBCers dementia riddled is humorous. In poor taste but still humorous.
I suppose that makes it ok, as per Mike Hunt’s exemplary standards.
Not only has a dick,but of course is also married to one ๐
Well you must be into masochism,or someone must be standing over you with a whip forcing you to log on just to be offended….
You have to come here for a sniffy dose of daily butt hurt
We dont really care if you’re butt hurt or not
Sit back and enjoy safe in the knowledge that what beeboids think doesnt register on the give-a-f-ometer
Well, I’m far from offended. More astounded actually, that such a den of ignorance and idiocy exists.
Funny the only way you troglodytes can put me down is to call me a beeboid, despite my telling you all time and again I am far from a BBC supporter or a leftist. That doesn’t fit your narrative though that the only people who could possibly disagree with you are those paid by the BBC. So just keep making up your own narrative and painting anyone who disagrees with you as a leftist beeboid. Biased BBC, making up narratives just like the BBC!
Also pretty funny that you say it doesn’t register on the give-a-f-ometer. Other threads have shown that many people here foam at the mouth pretty quickly once confronted with actual logic. So some of you do care quite a lot it seems!
you use some big boy offendatron words for someone not offended
I’m offended that you’re not offended that I’m not offended ๐
or something
give-a-f-ometer still not showing signs of life LOL
you’re the arse who says he voted UKIP…….must have been at gunpoint ๐
have a wee look on ebay for a whip so you can flagellate yourself instead of coming here for self inflicted hurt
No 6
I am totally personally offended by your lack of offence. Also your discrimination against self-flagellists. Onanism takes many forms and you should learn to be tolerant.
In the meantime, I have reported you to the wonderful British Police , for hate crime. Be warned !
Grant I’m totally offended at your offence at my lack of offence
isnt your reporting me for hate crime,some kind of hate crime in itself?
I dunno about you,but I’m confuddled living in 1984 through the looking glass ๐
No 6,
I suspect the ” crime ” depends on who is hating whom .
“Confuddled” ? That is hate crime against the english language. George Orwell and Stanley Unwin would turn in their graves .
Thanks for the compliment ๐
I would like to add:
a) While you might try to pretend now that it’s funny, you didn’t call us “dementia-riddled” in a humorous way at the time: you did it in a nasty, spiteful way that was clearly intended to cause hurt.
b) No 6’s comment – to which you objected so violently – was a joke at a public person’s expense.
Can you really not see the difference between intentionally insulting private people in a nasty, spiteful way, and making a joke at a politician’s expense?
Radio 4 and other BBC comedies are full of barbs about politicians (think of all the snide Farage and Trump jokes on News Quiz, for example) – so it is clearly publicly acceptable.
Trying to equate that style of joke to your intentionally insulting behaviour is quite frankly preposterous.
If you carry your line of reasoning to its ultimate conclusion, you end up with things like the Charlie Hebdo massacre, where people who were so offended by jokes that they felt they had to kill the authors.
Is that the kind of intolerant society that you want, Xavier?
If not, you are going to have to learn to put up with the kinds of humour that you find distasteful, just as we all had to in the run up to the referendum – or go somewhere where you prefer the style of humour.
“I may not agree with your views, but I will defend your right to express them.”
Long live our free society!
Top post, spot on.
Meanwhile on the bBBC news at 6pm.
We have to wait until 6.20pm to hear almost in passing, thatbthree people hve died at Spalding swimming pool.
Always nice to see the digusting biased BBC’s priorities as to what constitutes news.
They have to scout it out first to see if the perpetrators are WCR before they can tell us it’s a hate crime, Islamophobic or racist.
WCR – White, Christian or right wing.
A presidential candidates wife uses a few words from another presidential candidates wife makes headlines.
A presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, has told numerous lies, but nothing is reported.
BBc Bias? It is corrupt
Yes. And don’t forget that these people never write their own speeches anyway. So your headline should be
“A presdiential candidate’s wife’s speechwriter uses a few words from another presidential candidate’s wife’s speechwriter.”
BBC editorial is trying hard not to go near helicopters for a while after that Cliff thing.
I hope Trump doesn’t say God Bless America because Obama has said that before.
No one in the future should ever be allowed to use these words in a speech other than Michelle ( I am sure no one ever said anything similar to these words prior to Michelle saying them). :
“that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your
bond and you do what you say youโre going to do; that you treat people
with dignity and respect,”
Who knew you could copyright such common thoughts?
If Melania Trump ‘Plagiarized’ Michelle Obama 2008 Speech, Then Michelle Obama Plagiarized Hers Too
“Work hard for what you want…” – Leah LaBelle
“Your word is your bond” – Melvyn Douglas
“Treat(ing) people with respect” – Stephen Covey
And for the last one…
“In performing a bit of research, I uncovered a quote from Will Steger’s 1989 book, Crossing Antarctica, which reads strikingly similar to Michelle Obama’s:
“As I learned anew in crossing Antarctica, the only limit to achievement is the limit you place on your own dreams.”
Let’s read that Steger quote again: “As I learned anew in crossing Antarctica, the only limit to achievement is the limit you place on your own dreams.”
Well BBC if Melania Trump is to be accused of plagiarism, then so, too, should Michelle Obama.
Honestly, outside the wonksphere who cares? What is it with the BBC’s obsession with US presidential politics?
The BBC’s obsession is all expenses paid trips in posh hotels in USA where they are reasonably safe. The Great Satan comes up Trumps for them, so to speak ! Siberia just doesn’t have the same cache or latte.
Michelle Obama Copied Alinsky in Speech Melania Trump Allegedly Plagiarized
Why would the media care one jot about whether one Presidents wife dials a cliche from another Presidents wife or not?
Maybe something got lost in the Slovenian…who cares?
But as for Qandeel Baloch and her murder by the brother in some form of Muslim “honour killing”?…well, that`s hardly feminism, hardly Womans Hour territory now is it?
So now back to harmless bitchslaps from Cleveland…but Pakistani women killed for going online seems not to bother the BBC wimmin and News crews…
Nothing to see here, move along now…Trump, Trump, Trump, USA, USA, USA, China, China, China….
Congratulations on being a moron.
Sorely missed.