Pegida Puppetmasters


Good old Hugh Sykes…retweeting Muslim Brotherhood Islamic propaganda.

Anyway back to the real world…or rather planet Sykes…….what of that ‘peaceful coexistence? LOLLOLLOLLOL!!!

Germany train axe attack: Live updates as 18 injured after teenage refugee shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ and hacked passengers


An axe attack on passengers on a train in Germany….at least 18 injured, some very seriously….the BBC reports that the attacker was ‘German’, coz he lived in Germany right? and the BBC’s Hugh Sykes considers that this might well be a plot by the Far Right in Germany to get ‘New Germans’ to attack indigenous Germans in order to stir up hatred…apparently the attacker was told that it is the custom in Germany to wallop someone around the head with an axe just as it is to rape and molest girls on New Year…he was just trying to integrate.  Sweet.

Actually, funnily enough, that isn’t what the BBC said, nor Hugh Sykes, though past performances might indicate that such utterances would be perfectly within the realm of possibility for them.

The BBC is, as ever, reluctant to speculate...’The motive for the attack is not yet clear’…..unless of course it is the motivations of white police officers when they shoot a black person, then it’s definitely ‘racism’, or when a Muslim school suffers an arson attack say…then it’s definitely the EDL, despite a distinct lack of evidence….and you’ve just got to love this…

Although the motive has not been established, the BBC’s Damien McGuinness in Berlin says there is nervousness in Germany about attacks by Islamist extremists following the attacks across the border in France.

The BBC clearly doesn’t know that the attacker shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’ as he struck, they’d report it right?….might be a clue as to motive…or maybe not as the BBC tells us of a earlier attack..

In May, a man reportedly shouting “Allahu akbar” (“God is great” in Arabic), killed one person and wounded three others in a knife attack at a railway station near the German city of Munich.

He was later sent to a psychiatric hospital and authorities said they found no links to Islamic extremism.

Ah yes, the favourite get out clause…mental illness…unless it is a white right-winger with well documented mental illness who kills a Labour MP….then it’s definitely political.

Sykes is in fact off on his own little tour of the planetary system as he pumps out what can only be described as the very life-blood of this site….we could have a separate little site just for him.  Twitter is such a rich hunting ground for anyone looking for low flying twits…..




Spent last few days visiting in MRI hospital. Half the staff are & non EU migrants. And without whom would collapse.

Enough, enough, I can’t take anymore…and there is so much more….let’s just finish on this…Sykes couldn’t help but retweet this bit of puffery for himself…

I always relish ‘ insightful, interesting, considerate reports. A man at the top of his profession.

I don’t know who Andrew Booton is but I’m assuming he is closely related to the first caller to Nicky Campbell this morning who told us that Aliens were keeping us safe and wouldn’t allow harm to come to the planet whichever way we voted on Trident.

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26 Responses to Pegida Puppetmasters

  1. Framer says:

    “According to one passenger on the train the attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) before launching into attacks, and police say they cannot rule out an Islamist background.”
    Could you make it up?
    Actually not the BBC this time but they don’t even tell us what the attacker said.


  2. Mice Height says:

    2,000 men assaulted 1,200 women across Germany in New Year attacks, linked to mass migration –


  3. Grant says:

    Hugh Sykes has always been a total wanker.


  4. Kikuchiyo says:

    German train attack: Afghan refugee ‘had IS flag in room’

    Ooops Al, looking silly again!


    • Tothepoint says:

      Oh look!! Alan’s sexual deviant stalker is breaking his parole conditions to message him!…It’s kind of touching in a ‘lefty, everyone is equal..even stalkers and Islamic killers’ kind of way!

      The Al Beeb are ‘supposed’ to be the world leading news organisation…. It’s so convenient that they are always last to report the true identify and purpose of these Islamic acts… Even though you can bet your restraining order (so you can talk freely to Alan again) that the scumbags at Al Beebistan knew straight away what had happened and by whom!!

      The protection of team death cult (Islam) and project shoehorn (multiculturalism) is all that matters and you, Jihadi Jerrod, Xavier the dementor, and the rest of the spineless, sh*t stains that infest Al Beebistan, are willing to sacrifice an infinite amount of innocent people (your own people!!) to continue getting your own way!


  5. Kikuchiyo says:

    A hand-painted flag of so-called Islamic State has been found in the room of an Afghan asylum seeker accused of carrying out an axe and knife attack on a south German train, officials say.

    The 17-year-old injured four people from Hong Kong, one critically, in the attack in Wuerzburg on Monday evening. He was shot dead by police as he fled.

    He had shouted Allahu akbar” (“God is great”), a witness said.

    The IS-linked Amaq news agency said the teenager was an IS “fighter”.

    It said he had “carried out the operation in answer to the calls to target the countries of the coalition fighting the Islamic State”.


  6. Peter Grimes says:

    It’s a bit late for you to try to overturn your established credentials as an Islamicist apologist given your performance after the Nice Islamicist massacre, isn’t it?


  7. Mike Hunt says:

    Not so sure it’s wise to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts.

    And it would be useful if Alan would include a description of what media he was watching (TV, Radio, or online) – and at what time, as the coverage changes over time.

    It seems from what I’ve read on posts here that there is a disconnect between the Radio/TV coverage (which may not have included the Allahu Akhbar) and the online article which eventually caught up with the German press and included it – as you rightly point out.

    In the meantime, do you agree with the BBC that “the motive for the attack is not yet clear”?


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      ‘Not so sure it’s wise to jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts.’

      A la Jo Cox ?


      • Mike Hunt says:

        Exactly ThatcherRev, exactly: one rule for them, another rule for us.

        I can see now my earlier post may have been unclear – what I meant was that I felt Kikuchiyo was jumping to conclusions to state that Alan was “looking silly”, without knowing exactly what it was that Alan had been watching/listening to/reading, and at what time. Kikuchiyo posted a web page as “proof” but just because it appears on the website now doesn’t mean it was on the website earlier, or that it was on radio or TV.


  8. Mike Hunt says:

    PS. The earlier BBC headline from (3:25am) was completely nonsensical: “German police kill train axe attacker”. Mind you they did say he was Afghan, not German.



    • Mike Hunt says:

      PPS. My 12.37 post was in response to Kikuchiyo, not Peter G – we must have been typing our responses at the same time.


      • Peter Grimes says:

        And I thought that Kookoochoo had at last wanted to post something useful. He might call Alan out about sources but Alan generally uses proper quotes, unlike Asshole Kookoochoo, which certainly misled me.


  9. Mike Hunt says:

    The teenager had gone to the mosque “on special occasions”, he said

    Yeah, we can imagine what those were…


    • Grant says:

      It could have been to have sex with children . Some mosques are centres for that. To give a West African example. In Dakar, Senegal, many Imams used to pimp kids. I think that the current Senegal Government may have clamped down on that.


  10. manchesterlad says:

    … yes, but this is in the EU. Our authorities don’t clamp down on such things if they are anything to do with everyone’s favourite religion. Rather, anyone who reports the offence is liable to be arrested or vilified in the press for their horrible, horrible racism.


  11. chrisH says:

    Nick Robinson seemed rather bored with the story on Today this morning.
    Word to the effect that “you`ll know what we`re going to say now…and we probably would NOT be bothering with all this axe attack stuff, had the alleged attacker not been a adopted kiddie of maybe Muslim sympathies”.
    Poor Nick-yet AGAIN having to read out some old bit of fluff about an exuberant Muslim late to the Eid celebrations.
    But the BBC were only following the tabloids down market for the minute.
    Ennui…anomie…Nick will know these words as a half cock marxist…
    Wonder how many axe victims WOULD tickle Nicks nub of relevance…and had the attacker been a white piece of trash, would be be so sanguine?


  12. Peter Grimes says:

    Would you Adam and Eve it…

    From Douglas Murray in the Speccie…

    “Update: As it turns out, the French authorities have now confirmed that the man involved in the Montpelier attack was also called Mohamed.”


  13. johnnythefish says:

    ‘Peaceful co-existence’.

    They can’t even co-exist peacefully in their own countries, let alone in the West.

    Wonder where Sykes lives. Bet it’s not Mosul. Bet it’s not even Blackburn. Or Oldham. Or…..


  14. Dave S says:

    It is now pointless to even criticise the Sykes of this world. Ignore every word they tweet and say.


  15. The Duck says:

    This may be of more use

    Thousands of young girls up and down the country would agree


  16. Sluff says:

    All this talk of a fanatical Muslim train axe murderer.
    Surely he was ‘ a vulnerable young asylum seeker let down by Western governments kowtowing to racist right wing pressure groups’.

    Just doing the biased BBC’s newsroom work for them.


  17. AsISeeIt says:

    Damien McGuinness, BBC News, Berlin:

    ‘To get a feeling for the wider ramifications of this attack in Germany, you just need to take a quick look at Twitter in German. Racist and xenophobic comments against asylum seekers compete with equally impassioned arguments in support of refugees – including a tweet by Green MP Renate Kuenast asking why police had killed the attacker rather then injuring him’

    Oh, I see, so this an Orient Express sort of plot – where everyone is guilty of the murder on the train.


  18. Peter Grimes says:

    The Times reporting that a taxi driver known to the authorities was stopped in Paris yesterday and a subsequent search of his home discovered 4 sticks of dynamite. Did he have a part-time quarryman job or does the Isis flag on his phone give a clue?


  19. johnnythefish says:

    How’s about ‘Westernophobin’? Treats:

    Blind intolerance
    Religious bigotry
    Irrational fear of democracy and liberalism
    Scapegoating of the West
    Segregationist mindset
    Medieval barbarianism

    …..and many more irrational RoP mental conditions.