Listening to Nicky Campbell’s ‘Your Call’ today….about Corbyn’s ‘leadership’.
Amazed to hear that Corbyn is the ‘new politics’…..isn’t he kind of old hat, a disinterred commie who hasn’t realised his form of state sponsored bullying, intimidation and corruption doesn’t work…not even at the point of a gun (or bricks through windows)? Strange that not one mention was made by Campbell of UKIP in response…the party that took 4 million votes, so many of them from Labour, at the General Election and took votes from Corbyn at the EU Referendum. UKIP look to be the real ‘new politics’….and the joy is they have only one MP…so he won’t cause much trouble to the leadership unlike Corbyn’s unruly mob…oh hang on.
Amused to hear Campbell getting on famously with one caller who had a short poem to read out about Labour….the friendly atmosphere suddenly vanished, as did the caller as Campbell cut him off, when he said he thought Corbyn was sinister…I laughed…I am of the same opinion…others might think he’s lovely and friendly…He’s not, he is definitely sinister…Nick Cohen seems to agree….
I can make a fair case for saying that Jeremy Corbyn is the most hypocritical and unscrupulous leader in Labour’s history. His paid employment while he was an MP was nothing so elevated as corporate lobbying. It consisted of working for the propaganda stations of Russia and Iran. If you watch the YouTube videos of Corbyn in action, you cannot pretend that he is challenging his paymasters or even politely expressing an alternative point of view. He is a mouthpiece for his ugly employers. A willing rather than a merely mercenary mouthpiece, I grant you. Hatred of the West and the willingness to excuse any state as long as it is anti-Western animated him. He is a propagandist for the love not the money.
‘Jeremy is a decent man’. Really? No decent person is the flunkey of fantastically corrupt states. ‘Jeremy is left-wing.’ Is he? He has a funny way of showing it. Iran and Russia are self-proclaimed conservative states. Iran is the bastion of theocratic Shia conservatism. It persecutes ethnic and religious minorities – until Assad began his mass murders, Iran was the worst place in the world to be a Sunni Muslim – and jails trade unionists. Putin, meanwhile, tells the European far right to reject liberalism, and embrace his reactionary nationalism. From a Russian point of view, Corbyn and Seumas Milne’s most prominent comrade is Marine le Pen.
Owen Smith may hope that an honest critique of Corbyn will shift more away from him. Most Corbyn supporters do not, he may calculate, believe in excusing and indulging Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas. They are decent people at heart motivated by justifiable fury at the rotten state of England.
Whether Smith goes with hope or fear will tell us much about him – but much more about the modern Labour Party.
How the BBC treats Corbyn and his sinister activities and ideologies will tell us so much about the BBC….so far it has seemed incredibly reluctant to do little more than scratch the surface of Corbyn’s pact with the Devil.
A caller, a hardcore Corbynista, to Campbell’s show claimed that the BBC was biased against Corbyn….Campbell let her rant on uninterrupted and engaged in debate with her about the BBC’s ‘bias’. How unlike the treatment any other caller from the ‘right’ who mentions BBC bias gets…they are instantly derided and shouted down and then cut off.
Campbell boasted that his new found tolerance for those who criticise the BBC shows ‘how we’re listening…that’s what ‘Your Call’ is all about’. Didn’t last long this new found tolerance. Campbell actually asked for more ‘BBC bashing’…and when we had a couple of callers come on to say their piece he shut them down…one who criticised Pienaar and Kuenssberg, was rapidly told to go away…apparently the golden ones are untouchable and not to be criticised….even if you are an old lefty.
The ‘new politics’ of Corbyn just like the new tolerance of Campbell…illusory.
Well as long as Wurzel Corbyn stays as leader,Liebour will NEVER get back into power,what will Cambell do then.
Yes, if you have a vote in the Labour leadership election then vote Corbyn. The last thing we need is a Labour government.
I too listened to this radio ‘show’. slightly OT but the news slots on this ‘show’ first reported at around 9am of the trouble in London where a policeman was stabbed and another attacked with a bottle by mostly lack youths having a water fight and then setting up a music venue, the police apparently we are led to believe didn’t like the ‘rap type’ music so closed it down.
Later that morning the report became ‘a group of youths’ having a waterfight and setting up a music venue which the police closed down because the music venue needed a license.
The reality which footage shows is that the crowd was virtually all black they had ‘black lives matter’ (yaaaawn) placards and upon being told there music venue was illegal proceeded to attack the police.
Of course the BBC bears no responsibility for any of this!
When you hear of a “water fight” you think of something innocent children get up to. This looked more like a scene from Rorke’s Drift.
Pravda had nothing to teach the BBC.
As the old saying goes ” Once a twat always a twat” describes Auntie,cambell and liebore leaders.
i noticed the beeb are providing two politicians and bbc person to debate issues directed by a deluded liberal beeb editor more often. when did unelected journalists opinion mean something. will the government do anything?
Anyone noticed that whenevr you switch on the BBC radio at a random moment, you have a V high chance of Corbyn being promoted within a few minutes.
10.45am Thismorning R5 had another item about the leadership debate
..and this is the same trick Labour used last year … cos the vote isn’t until mid-September
The NeverEnding Labour leader debate means the BBC has an excuse for airing labour advertising pieces day after day for months.
And 2am last night on R5 Up All Night I see has become “Sneer all All Night” live from the Republican Convention they play the speaker, then ignore all the great parts ..and sneer at the parts they think are weak.
The New politics?
Pogroms against Jewish members?…and hounding out of those who support Israels right to exist
Brownshirts out on the streets throwing flares at Boris Johnsons house?..threatening their own MPs with rape?
Goebbels and Riefenstahls methods to condone the EU and Islams methods and terror tactics?
Thought re-education and policing of language were confined to the National Socialists of Hitler, the International Socialists of Stalin and the Comintern?
New politics?
All been seen and we`ve studied it Nicky…that you haven`t won`t spare you.
The BBC-still the State within a State.
PM May has made a good start…but we`re watching her back, these are dangerous times.
When you meet the Left in their dens, and you know them from the past…you`re not scared, merely looking for the soft spots…where do you start?
The BBC, I`d say.
The BBC and it’s various radio stations are in fact a public forum for labour supporters to use as a vehicle for getting to a decision on how to put labour on track again. Most other political parties do it the usual age old way by having meetings and an internet blog which is not as convenient as having your own national broadcasting company at your disposal paid by the public.
Corbyn has been described as ‘breath of fresh air’ in politics and a ‘new direction’ in politics.
The reality is he is stuck in the sixties both politically and physically.
I had to laugh yesterday when we heard the news that unemployment is at its lowest for decades and the working classes are doing rather well as a whole, yet comrade Corbyn talks about the poor and dispossessed who have to rely on food banks to survive only yesterday at PMQ time.
If he really believes this he will never lead labour to No 10, as clearly the votes to be had out of food bank users is less now than in our entire history.
Worzel self-righteously asked how many Conservative MPs used food banks. I might ask how many Labour MPs do? Tom Watson was sitting next to him, and he doesn’t look in need of a food bank to me.
It was interesting that Corbyn raised foodbanks. Thinking Aloud ran a follow-up item later yesterday afternoon. I’m sure it was a coincidence.
A good spot!
Yes, the food banks that were more or less unheard of until Labour lost an election. Reminds me of the cardboard cities that sprang into life like so many mushrooms the last time the Tories were in power and which melted away during the Bliar reign of terror – without any assistance from Bliar, of course.
In my experience products and services offered free of charge and then given wide publicity to that effect usually show an increase in demand
Too true – a bit like the NHS when it comes to the gimmegrants….
As if the BBC or Comrade Corbyn know anyone that use food banks…..I don’t and I’m typical Joe public……..It’s scroungers looking for something for nothing so that they can spend their Dole on anything but basics.
Listening to this Campbell crap.
Noting that these lefty oafs can`t let each other talk without shouting over each other.
Years of being able to ramble uninterrupted-and now they`re competing for the louder voice, the nastier soundbite.
Make it a contact sport…and let them all fight in mud and gore for nothing much.
Popcorn …or small stones and gravel, deep fried locusts for sale at the entrance to the pleasuredomes, placed around our coastal towns for the summer.
Works for me.
So with all this Labour autopsy, free therapy for the smelly socks brigade…the Three Poundland Nazis…looks like we might as well enjoy the summer free from needing to know the news.
Cecil the Lion?…Corbyn slating the Jews and backing Hamas?…all the same as LAST summer!
Only hope with the Brexit vote that we`ll not get the chaos in Kent, Operation Stack destroying any hope of saving our country.
Now THAT ought to be a lot better…and hope Rudd and May are around to ensure we are seen to get our country back, not let them all terrify the pensioners of Deal, the holidaymakers and lorry drivers in Folkestone and the M25.
Jezza led Classic FM’s Global Tripe just now.
Seems he has an issue with ‘leaders without mandates’.
He was also banging on about all employers listing our all employee salaries, perks, etc.
Looking forward to BBC coverage of that one, maybe after HR can kick Editorial out of Frankie Howerd’s back entrance long enough for a tense meeting with the unions and market rate agents.
Labour are a pathetic and irrelevant joke. I want that useless sandal-wearing prat to continue as leader as it will ensure the death of the disgusting Left-wing politics that have damaged England so much. We English, with the utmost respect to our Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish friends, are different to the rest of the UK…. we’re traditionally conservative and Right-wing. The chattering middle-classes, as they have done through our history, have treacherously tried to undermine the working-class English solidarity through political correctness and the contemptuous deployment of binary terminology – i.e. you’re either racist and against us or progressive and with us – but have experienced a major setback with the Brexit vote. We English now need a revolution and our own parliament, and I’m sorry if that is difficult to read for my Scottish friends but it simply has to happen because at present the English working classes do not have a voice in mainstream British political discourse.
Bravo, Alex.
Most rational folk agree that as long as Corbyn remains in charge of Labour the party will disintegrate. Great news for Conservatives like me.
However listening to the World at One, yet another pro Labour broadcast, I seriously worry that Labour is not going away & that the Left will rise & dominate in a decade or two. Reason being is that so many young people are smitten with the far-left Corbynism, these are young adults who never voted but now are re-invigorated by politics to want to vote in an extreme left administration. Reason for this is that these young people are naive, irrational, but far far worse totally indoctrinated by the NUT during their state school education. Question is, will they grow up once they pay tax or will they remain followers of neo-leninism. The outlook could be grim…..of course the only counter to them is when the Caliphate comes to power, liberal lefties will be beheaded or chucked off buildings throughout Europe. I’m glad I’m old!
I suppose unless you lived through the 1970s you don’t know the full horror of an old fashioned Labour government. It’s all very well reading about things in books, but it’s not the same as if you can remember power cuts, rubbish piling up in the street, and NUPE shop stewards deciding who can get into hospital.
In retrospect, Tony Blair did an amazing job in decontaminating the Labour brand with his “New Labour” nonsense, helped mightily by convicted rapist paedophile Max Clifford spreading smear stories about Conservative MPs having consensual sex with other adults. But it is clear that Old Labour and the madness of socialism never really went away. New Labour was a very thin veneer of respectability which has now been cast aside. Whatever the panicked PLP want, the membership of the Labour Party want socialism. It’s a terrifying prospect.
It’s the last roll of the dice for the left, their cultural Marxism is failing, 17.5 million brexiters and 4 million UKIP voters are testament to that. They have thrown their lot in with Islam, as it is the only ally left for them, the working classes never fell for extreme leftism, hence the importation of millions of western hating Muslims.
The bigger picture isn’t extreme left or right. It is totalitarianism from a one world government the EU being a major part of the coming NWO. The NWO has been in the plannimg for the best part of a century many American presidents have spoken openly about it G.Bush senior says what you need to know on YTube in a rather sinister way.
My hope is that Brexit could unravel decades of careful planning by the elites however article 50 needs to be invoked, we should be very concerned it isn’t yet, these people will not give up.
Our duty is to also never give up, we are many they are few ( never uttered that phrase since my lefty student days ).
In answer to your last point, money chnges everything, when you have to earn it you see where it goes, suddenly philanthropy goes out the window and the harsh reality of life sets in.
Left thinking = nurture and not nature.
Right thinking = nature and not nurture.
Only one of these is correct, hence most of us grow up.
BBBC contributors on fire today! The last four posts have perfectly encapsulated the current situation. I would particularly commend Rob in Cheshire’s comment about having lived through a Labour reign of terror and the memories it leaves. No one who didn’t suffer life pre-Margaret Thatcher will ever be able to grasp why she is a secular saint to so many, now why the hatred of socialism is so strong among that generation.
Of course, the BBC routinely dispenses with the services of people much over 40, unless they are guaranteed 100 per cent Red, which is one of the reasons why Labour gets such an easy ride. There is no one around to question the doctrinaire madness that runs rampant in BBC programming, no one who remembers where this idiocy leads.
Sad to say but there is little point in getting outraged about Campbell and his ilk on the BBC. They are all hard left and don’t even have a convincing veneer of impartiality. Another example is Comrade Paul Mason, former Economics Editor of Newsnight. This man has always been a Trotskyist agitator but toned it down a bit to get his jobs in the BBC and the even more biased C4 News in order to boost his profile and no doubt earn a few quid. However he’s now reverted to type. See his latest rant on Sky News in favour of Corbyn and against all Labour MPs with the temerity to oppose their Dear Leader. You have to ask, why can a man of these views in any way get a frontline job in our national broadcaster which is statutorily bound to be impartial?
Now whippingbum is no longer Culture Secretary we must have another go at the BBC Charter Renewal and seriously revise the White Paper. T May please note. It’s not too late!
I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice how every time Corbyn appears on TV or does a press call the first thing we notice are all the pretty young, long-haired females (I call them “his groupies”) following him, giggling etc! Obviously they are there to catch the eye of the younger undecided male voters (teens to 25)! Much like the way that cult did some years ago who sent out their 16 to 25 yr old female lookers, into bars and clubs seeking to “fish” for new members! Boy, were they successful!
Most of his groupies are more likely to be a mixture of middle to upper class teenagers/young people who don’t need to work, or won’t work. Most are probably highly educated, greens, anarchists, squatters, pro-abortion, anti-sanity, gender benders, radical feminists, a politicaly protected species, pink tolerance brigade, anti-family sexperts etc etc.
The Commies had a proud tradition of this “Hookers for The Leader” idea.
Gerry Healey and the WRP were well-known for it-indeed the Redgraves were very happy at the success.
Add Labours penchant for the Paedo Info Exchange…PIE…with all Labours finest in defending O Carroll and the other pervs..Driberg…and it`s fair to say that Labour are the Child Molesters Party.
But more voyeurs and apologists than practicioners -The Liberals have that title of %perv/no of MPs being higher than all other parties.
These days, girls with stumps in wheelchairs and hijabs follow Corbyn.
And the payroll vote of East End Mosques then follows the girls with stumps, wheelchairs and access to the Mets police cars by way of free uber.
Paedo Info Sexchange Servicings the new name for their grouping I expect.
New Politics? That’s a laugh. Corbyn is still stuck in the retarded mentality of fifty years ago and the 1968 Student Revolutionary Movement which wanted to overthrow and destroy everything which had come before in order to reconstruct it in their head in the clouds belief that engaging in Marxist/Maoist Revolutionary Politics was the cure all for every problem in the world. Their inspiration was the use of the students based Red Guard by Mao Tse Tung as his revolutionary shock troops in his destructive Cultural Revolution. For those not old enough to remember that period a quick check of the web about the university student movement of that period in Britain, France and Germany will provide a background to what was going on.
The Far Left Revolutionaries of the late 1960s were eventually reinvented under the label of Militant Tendency who, having realised the British public were never going to swallow the nonsense of their fanatical Revolutionary Ideology, had decided that their only chance of succeeding was to infiltrate the Labour party and use that as a vehicle for their aims. Fortunately the Labour Party realised what the Revolutionary Far Left were up to and prevented the nonsense by excluding those infiltrators they could find. Some of them were missed because they managed to keep their heads down just enough to keep their true beliefs hidden.
The latest reincarnation of the Militant Far Left is now trying, and is so far succeeding, to use the same tactics by renaming themselves as Momentum. Don’t the Loony Left just love to hide themselves behind new labels in the hope people are so daft they will not notice. Oh, and doing that also allows the bBBC to pretend they are a completely new creation with no links to the failures of before. That is why the bBBC is so ready to claim Corbyn is the New Politics when the fact is that he is just the same rotten to the core ideology sloppily covered up with a very thin coating of new paint, as if we wouldn’t notice that. The bBBC really do think they can insult our intelligence and get away with treating us like morons.
Corbyn is described as being “permissive” and “tolerant”…even “licensing” in regard of setting his Goon Squad off and into threatening women in his party…as well as blokes who are MPs but spineless in his presence.
It`s as if all that spitting at “Tory Scum” in Manchester last October somehow was OK as long as the Red Tories got the phlegm and flares…when it comes to the comrades, this seems to bother them.
If they`re not Jewish-let Momentum do their worst to them. Spineless buggers were more than happy to let Corbyn onto the ballot, and indulge his exuberant followers LAST year-and surely now they`re paying for the trouser presses and gay trysts with the Co-Op likes of Paul Flowers.
Maybe they ought to have a read of Animal Farm….do hope that the likes of Jess Phillips are less nasty now to blokes, less willing to equate Cologne with Broad St…the REAL threat to her(and to us) is in her constituency party , and she thought we were joking….maybe less so now eh?
Listening now to Any Questions with Peter Hitchens etal.
If Labour comprises the likes of Richard Burgon, then we can see what the problems are.
What a thick toady.
Corbyn is NOT a harmless, principled or brave man.
He hangs Jews out to dry, he sets his goons and the Corbyn cultist onto his enemies…albeit quietly, and low level…and reminds me of a Beria or a Heydrich…affects indifference,but has years on the spiders web and knowing full well who his thugs are and what they do.
But pretends he`s aloof to it…but he`s fully aware of what Militant/Momentum/Class War and their fellow anti Jewish, misogynist nasties are doing on his behalf.
Corbyn is a taqiyya lefty…still pro-IRA, loathing Israel and the USA, sucking Hamas and Hezbo`llah wherever they wish.
That all said, I want him to stay…as a reproach to morons like Beckett and Robert Webb to name but two.