From the Spectator…
That Brexit apocalypse? It just isn’t happening
Mickey Clark on Wake up to Money this morning said that ‘People must be very confused.’
No, not the usual BBC snide dismissal of ‘The people’, the rather uneducated and stupid people who don’t do as they are told, but a comment on the fact that so far Brexit has not produced the much trumpeted meltdown…having said that the BBC are busy touring the country seeking out anyone who has the slightest whinge about Brexit a mere four weeks in. The BBC’s coverage is almost entirely negative in tone and based solely on the economics when the reasons for voting for Brexit had little direct connection to the economics….and yet we don’t hear about those reasons from the BBC and how they will benefit the country…naturally such benefits are long term rather than the immediate impact of exchange rates (which you may be surprised to hear can go up as well as down…wouldn’t know that from the BBC’s reports) that the BBC likes to highlight. The BBC is on a mission to find Remainers who have the world’s biggest chip on their shoulder, Leaver’s who now regret voting leave and migrants who are not only now terrified of being deported but also suffer abuse ‘because of Brexit’.
But why might ‘The People’ be confused? Perhaps it’s because the Remainer’s alarmist, doom-laden biblical prophecies of a forthcoming apocalypse seem to be somewhat so much hot air.
Refugee camps in Dover? Not so much…the Telegraph headlines the news….
Theresa May and Francois Hollande agree that border controls in Calais will stay despite Brexit
For all the fuss the BBC made about the Calais border controls potentially disappearing they seem remarkably reluctant to tell us they are not now going to be dismantled….the BBC’s preferred headline…
Hollande urges UK to start Brexit talks as soon as possible
Why do they think that is the main story here when this is the reality…the headline is completely negated later in the report…
The prime minister seems to have won her way over the timing of article 50 – the French are not going to make a problem if it’s put off until early next year.
This is the real news relative to the Brexit narrative of the BBC…but it’s buried half way down the page and dismissed in a casual way as if it’s not at all important… times change…
But Mr Hollande reaffirmed his support for France’s Le Touquet border agreement with Britain, under which the UK operates immigration checkpoints in Calais and Dunkirk, while France has a checkpoint at Dover.
What of the economy crashing around our ears? Not so much….and note that pre-Brexit the BBC always used the FTSE 100 as the yardstick to measure the economy, since Brexit it refused to do that (as the FTSE 100 stubbornly remained buoyant), instead they chose the FTSE 250 as more representative of Britain’s economy….seems even that domino hasn’t played ball…
BREXIT BOOST: Now FTSE 250 soars to post Referendum high despite Remain doom-mongering
The FTSE took a dive immediately post referendum but has bounced back since then….but you wouldn’t have known that listening to the BBC which has been consistently telling us that the FTSE 250 is showing signs of post-Brexit collapse…’s the reality (ironically a BBC chart…... the 5 year chart and note that the FTSE 250 has been falling gently since the general election in 2015)
The FTSE 100 is similarly up…and the Bank of England cannot divine any post-Brexit disasters yet….(they should ask the BBC who always manage to find something to whinge about)
FTSE 100 smashes 6,700 and pound breaks $1.31 as Bank of England survey shows ‘no clear evidence’ of sharp Brexit slowdown
And of course unemployment is at a record high…
UK employment hits record high: fundamentals of the British economy are strong says Chancellor Philip Hammond
So yes, people must be very confused and with good reason. After the predicted economic implosion hasn’t materialised post referendum, and despite all those Remain politicians barking madly about Leave having destroyed Britain, it seems business as normal at least for now. Good things take time and out of any possible ‘chaos’ will come order and a refreshed and reinvigorated Britain….no longer tied to the EU corpse. It’s just unfortunate that the BBC seems intent on painting the direst picture of events and of a future beleagured, talking Britain down and talking their way to recession…how many times have I heard the BBC claim that Britain is on the brink in the last couple of days? Many times, too many times.
Undoubtedly there will be ups and downs, winners and losers but just which of those can be attributed to Brexit must be very hard to ascertain….and over-all, long term, Britain will be a better place.
What you never hear the BBC ask is what the future would have been if we stayed in the EU as it morphed into a super-state and dragged us in as well. Kind of important to hear that dark future as well as the doom-laden Brexit one from the BBC.
I’m not confused, we’re still paying our subs to the Empire, hence nothing has changed.
I’m looking forward to when we do stop being a net contributor….is that before or after invoking article 50?
I’ll take a swift guess that we don’t stop contributing until the two year exit period is over.
Snubbing British politicians and sweeping market statements are all fine right now, but stopping paying in to the little EU piggy bank will take the maximum amount of time allowable, unless the new PM has a strong spine.
What grinds me the most about this libtard invincibility is the obvious prospect that when it all hits the fan in a couple of years, they will blame it all on me.
The leave voting, racist, fascist warlord that I have suddenly become in the last 6 months or so.
I really can’t put a finger on when it happened? Between my average grade schooling? My Aeronautical apprenticeship? My redundancy and subsequent efforts to retrain as a technician of some kind? Perhaps it was when I married but couldn’t risk childbirth because of my wife’s MS which now takes up nearly all of my time ( and very little of the shoulder shrugging NHS’s ) ?
When was it that I became such a hateful, horrible b*stard bbc?
I’m sure that when we’re established post-exit and everything is bon, you’ll be handing out apology biscuits to all involved.
… Or perhaps not.
I can put my finger on when I became an enlightened Brexiteer. It was when Kenneth Clark, who when challenged on some detail of the Maastricht treaty I heard tell a BBC journalist that of course he hadn’t read the whole document and doubted if anybody else had.
There was something about the way they, sort of, laughed…………
As the man said “they’re not laughing now”.
They can blame me all they like……they know that we know that they’ve F**ked up, and it is they who will be remembered down the years with all the affection reserved for the pre-war appeasers, and the Soviet fellow travellers, names that will gradually slip into notoriety…..quislings.
Whereas we, we will be heroes, who stood up for what is right. A free people in a free nation.
Inside Science, on R4 earlier, gave a platform to scientists to whinge about the possibility of losing their ‘EU funding’, as if it was coming from a magic money tree, and not British taxpayers, via the EU.
No dissenting voices, and no mention of the fact that in 2015 the UK government paid £13 billion to the EU budget, and EU spending on the UK was £4.5 billion.
There is a very nice, and well informed, article about this in the Daily Telegraph today. I don’t suppose anybody at the BBC will have read it.
This morning the BBC news website is joyfully announcing that (on the basis of some survey or other) economic activity has come to a standstill or something. Are they just short of headlines, or is this part of a pattern…? My son says his shop is actually doing better this last couple of weeks.
Stephen L. The report in question is the July report from “Markit’s Purchasing Manager’s Index,”. But wait, I hear you say, isn’t this still only the 22nd of July ? Quite so, which means that these data must have been collected sometime earlier this month, or even at the end of June. It is quite conceivable that the purchasing managers who were sampled for their views gave these during the period of maximum political assassination and before our new PM was unveiled. If this is correct, then the actual circumstances at the time coupled with the forecasts of armageddon flowing from our media gurus might have “curbed their enthusiasm” somewhat.
As a short term indicator over a very brief and disruptive period it may have little or no validity with regard to any longer term trend, but growth will slow a bit as companies wait for greater Brexit clarity (but no recession ,say the IMF). Of course Brussels Broadcasting Inc are expert at grasping one dismal data point and extrapolating that into the future- they did that from the advent of the coalition government, with both their double dip, and treble dip forecasts, and on employment and debt. Indeed perhaps the greatest threat to business confidence currently is the way in which some parts of our media are talking down our prospects.
I think you’ll find that investment decisions do have long term implications. Asking around as I have done the financial world is dead with many seeing work going to Frankfurt. Housing has collapsed with people now moving on a needs must basis. Conveyancers are really in the mire from what I can gather . Clearly Commercial property has taken a huge downturn. The only plus is that some exporters are seeing orders from overseas. But there are caveats , firstly there is a global downturn with investment increasingly moving to government paper ,sometimes at negative interest rates. Secondly, petrol and food and anything from abroad is going to creat inflationary pressures which government will have to control through fiscal and monetary measures. The ‘punishment budget’ is soon to arrive. Anyone trying to kid themselves that Brexit was a good idea will have a hard time ignoring the force of economic gravity in the next few months.
Good try though!
“Asking around as I have done the financial world is dead” – I think you lost all credibility of knowing much about anything to say such a thing.
‘…that report was by Clapham Omnibus, BBC Brexit correspondent. Now it’s back to the studio…’
Manon, asking around, like what I have done, everybody thinks you’re a dick. I don’t care if Brexit costs me another tenner a week, it would have been worth it for Dimblebys face as the Sunderland result came in, and to wind up cheese eating surrender monkeys like your good self.
And I think you will find much more “normal” figures next month in terns of confidence . If so, I can predict that these figures will not headline the BBC website, nor will they headline the BBC business page, and indeed they may not even figure at all.
Manon, they key thing is when. What date.
You posted: “Asking around as I have done the financial world is dead with many seeing work going to Frankfurt. Housing has collapsed with people now moving on a needs must basis. Conveyancers are really in the mire from what I can gather . Clearly Commercial property has taken a huge downturn.”
The LSE/DB ‘merger’ talks & vote were pre-23rd June. Highly likely that firms with an interest were already looking at switching people Frankfurt>London and London>Frankfurt. Housing starts? BBC have been reporting those as being dire for about nine months or more. House transactions: BBC are saying it’s booming with the south-east of England especially crazy. True, things are static elsewhere in the UK. Commercial property: the recent fund freezes were due to withdrawals starting as far back as December last and increasing. Where were the investors? China, elsewhere in Asia mostly.
Yes, the oil price has doubled. Due to Brexit vote? No, before. Food, if you have been paying attention to the BBC reporting of the monthly ONS report has been going down until last month.
Could Brexit affect the next few months? Yes. Favourably just as much as unfavourably. Could a Bremain vote have made everything rosy? No. A small problem with Greece still and possible argy-bargy over Italian debt & its domestic treatment are most likely to shake the Eurozone this summer and autumn.
When the manufacturing/export data for July is released in December, I’m expecting the devaluation of the pound to show a massive increase in exports. I expect the BBC will ignore that one and concentrate on the rumours that Santa can no longer get a visa due to Brexit.
There is an Apocalypse coming, and the BBC should be very afraid of it. At least 1 eagle has landed
I became a Brexiteer – although it wasn’t called that then and it was never anticipated that we would ever leave – when Britain was forced to quit the ERM. Suddenly everything I had assumed was shown to be false: the experts did not know what they were talking about, our allies in Europe couldn’t give a stuff, and the ground seemed to shift under my feet. It was a long time coming but June 24th when I awoke to find we had voted to leave was one of the most exhilarating mornings of my life. What a pity that so many don’t realise just how marvellous this is.
With you there Mike!
Best weekend of the 21st century…and all those florid fat liberal faces are STILL smarting at the nerve of us.
Just enjoy it-and keep a black book for the traitors and the lefty bullies handy.
Islam is coming…we`ll need to slit the sandbags of the left and the privileged scum who never knew us.
Then Islam will learn that the BBC/Channel 4 spout only for Juncker, Merkel and Anjem.
They do NOT-and never HAVE spoken for us…and life`s too short to learn Arabic.
Now Hebrew?…well, let`s study…I kings 19.18
Dont worry there are plenty of idiots around. You are not alone.
MOTCOmnibus….as you are so negative, and a sore loser, i suggest you ship out…..leave the country and set up home in Europe somewhere….we need positive, industrious people to pull us through to a solid, steady country…you are a whingeing, negative loser….i’d take 10 keen, industrious Poles to you…so..shape up or
ship out you waster.
A word to our new readers and a reminder to the rest , when asked over a year ago why he contributed to this site, ‘Man with the clap on the bus’ informed us – “I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news”.
Well I may have missed something but so far, I aint seen zilch from him along that line ?
But Manon doesn’t appear to listen to BBC news, taffman. He is ignorant of the actual economic news but seems to have been brainwashed over the EU & Brexit.
Who are you referring to as “idiots”?
Be careful pal….
For me, it was the endless human rights rulings that prevented us deporting nutjobs. What sane person would wish to be dictated to by these lunatics?
Is it any wonder that we, the proles, are confused? Our political leaders threatened us with economic Armageddon, a tsunami of illegal migrants camping in Folkstone and a humiliating shunning from our European neighbours.
America were going to put us at “the back of the queue.” It was the end of the so called special relationship.
Our Commonwealth colleagues would want nothing more to do with us. Mark Carney told us the economy would be severely threatened. Our former chancellor, George Osborne, said there would have to be an emergency budget. And even further up the greasy political pole, our pm, the man who should have been steadying the ship, David Cameron, told us that three million jobs were at risk. Dreadful!
As expected the BBC did their level best to create a feeling of hysteria, giving an inordinate amount of air to those horrified at the prospect of Brexit.
Channel 4, with that aged leftwing reptile, Jon Snow were probably worse than the Beeb. He seems to have perfected the nasty sneer whenever “interviewing” Nigel Farage. You would think from his countenance that he was speaking to Ian Brady.
When the public have been warned, time and again, by so very many influential people, that we are about to be hit by an economic nuclear missile and it turns out to be a rather pleasant firework display, then is it any wonder we’re just a tad, confused?
And the Toady show today feigned disinterest and no responsibility at the consequences of THEIR part in giving the likes of the CBI, Russell Groups, Carney, Osborne, Lagarde and Obama full rein to lie and cavil.
AS Patrick Minford tried to tell them so before the 9am news…he was peppered with non-sequiteurs and given less time that some Oxbridge poppet who had some title with Global Governance in it-she rather poo-pooed Osbornes hysterics…but funnily enough neither she nor the BBC were so nuanced at the time he said it all.
Typical BBC backsliders…light a brush fire then claim it was a josstick from the Dalai Lama.
So-yes, Brexit hasn`t caused the collapse of the economy-but if the BBC and Oxbridge Poppet Rentals are not already trying to persuade Nissan not to come…I`llbe very surprised.
Their traitorous and treacherous role in all this will go on until we cauterise them, cap the geyser, plug the volcano.
Minford was right all along-but look, here`s a tweet from Monster Markets Inc( est 2016) telling us that they`re projecting a fall in fondue sales, a lack of petit poids sometime in 2024…
The horror!
Time to lop the BBC off its f***in perch…start local though, the big squid aren`t listening yet!
PS-Jon Snow needs to go with his blowjob blog-saw his lower teeth yesterday, must have been putting his gumshield in upside down all these years.
Like an advert for bad British teeth-is THAT the image we want President Trump to get of our NHS provision…bet BUPA will be calling him in.
That`s what you get if you chew used tampax I suppose….Channel 4 menses has been sloughing off down Aunties mottled fat legs for too long…
Dont be confused. There is an economic shitstorm on the way. The emergency budget is certainly on its way and pretty much what the remainers told is unfolding. AND we havent even left yet! If you think Im making this up feel free to ask any questions .
Any tips on the winner in tomorrow’s 3.15 at Aintree?
Don’t be silly Cranmer, he needs to know your astrological sign before he can do that.
That economic catastrophe, the ultimate crisis of capitalism. I recall in the early sixties the Socialist Labour League and Worker’s Rev Party, led by Gerry Healy, when he wasn’t being protected by Vanessa Redgrave for shagging young women members, railing on about the inevitable crisis, reading the stock market reports to student socialists and ending with the cry ‘Take the power comrades’. Oh dear Manon. You are a throwback to those days.
I love the way she’s holding a collecting tin – as if they needed any money in addition to what Moscow was giving them!
Yes, but if they didn’t have the tin, people might start to question where the money came from.
Manon, I seem to recall Osborne issuing warnings to that effect eighteen (18) months ago as well as more recently.
Those who pay attention to economic cycles, charting, etc., have already observed that we are seven years on from 2009, fifteen years on from 2001 and thirty years on from 1986. Do try to keep up!
Treason – The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.
Sound familiar bbc?
We are watching you.
Her Majesty the Queen is obviously a Brexiter. She rules over 100 territories with only five of her territories in the EU, but with all five much poorer than her hideously white territories not in the EU. England and Wales have voted to leave, leaving only Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar as the only three of her territories who wish to remain in poverty by being ruled by Brussels.
Also from experience, I think the facts are that only a minority of University educated people are better educated than Daily Mail readers. I would place University educated Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy people who read the Daily Mail on top of the “Well Educated” tree. Then people who did not go to university but read the Daily Mail every day in the middle. Then on the bottom of the tree are the unemployable University Arts & Drama, Humanities and Media studies moron types, who read, listen and watch the educationally censored Guardian and BBC. These people should and could be used to do the menial jobs of immigrants after the imposition of Brexit.
“leaving only Scotland, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar as the only three of her territories who wish to remain in poverty by being ruled by Brussels.”
Your comment has prompted a question. We know what the government put into Project Fear and Project Threat here in the UK, and we also heard the additional threats about the border in Northern Ireland, and about the SNP games in Scotland, but I can’t remember anything in the UK media about the campaign in Gibraltar. Does anyone know what extra threats were thrown at the people of Gibraltar?
Wasn’t the threat that hordes of Spanish Conquistadors would come rampaging over the runway which forms the border and force them to Convert – – to Spanish Nationality that is. Basically Gibraltar was subjected to Project Fear and Project Threat originating from Spain and about which our Government and Opposition politicians not only did absolutely nothing to counteract but actively encouraged the people of Gibraltar to believe was inevitable.
In effect they were given the impression that a Brexit vote would mean they would be totally abandoned by Britain for them to be subjugated to total Spanish domination. To put it bluntly the Remainers, which included most top Tories, virtually the whole of the Labour politicians and all the fanatically pro-EU LibDems screamed loudly and clearly to the Gibraltarians that should there be a Brexit decision they would be completely abandoned to their fate.
If that was not a perfect example of Project Fear and Project Threat I do not know what is, especially when the threats from Spain were made in front of out PM who cravenly stood silently and did said not a single word to refute Spain’s unfounded Scare tactics and Fearmongering.
Not only am I one of the few followers of this website who knows where Amounderness is (for the uninitiated, it is a hundred of Lancashire), I actually live in it as well. So I am very pleased to find a compatriot with whom I can agree!
Am I alone in thinking that the Appeaser is Remain Plan B? She is coming across as the BBC’s version of a perfect Prime Minister, not going to rush Brexit, not in a hurry to sign Article 50, which makes me think she will examine every legal objection endlessly as she did as Home Secretary when it came to deporting terrorists. But the BBC lover her. I listened to Radio 5 (live, live live) dribbling on about her – a woman – facing PM”s Questions, Ooooh wasn’t she wonderful. In a couple of years steady drip drip of Boris and Farrage the racists, taking the side of the yoof against the deranged grannies and grandads who cannot understand the benefits of an undemocratic super state, and the forward thinking Londoners and the Brexit vote will look like a mistake which our politicians can overcome.
Just one problem for them. Trump, over there, watching us over here.
Just one problem for the Tories, if we aren’t out of the EU well before the next general election they are fecked.
She is plan B. Always was . Just how she is going to shaft us is the question.
manon, blah blah
Asking around…where, street corners, down your chippie, in the gents?
Dont mock our own littlebus man and his BBC licking friends. They could well be concerned that if we are not in the free market the price of imported paddling pools and olive oil may well skyrocket due to tariff issues and the weak pound.
Shots fired at Munich shopping center
We’ve had the truck that drives itself. Here’s the sequel – the gun that fired itself.
FFS someone needs to grow a pair and start reporting the truth.
‘There is no information about a possible motive for the attack’. Says the BBC.
Gun men or lone wolf? Maybe he shouted Britain First.
Prepare for the backlash against Moslems if the shooter is one.
Spontaneous demonstration in favour of migrants to be organized by the German State.
BBC to run as its main story a piece about Boris Johnson calling people picanninnies.
Yes, its quite serious in Munich. More mass murder. 1800 News on BBC: 1st up – Fiona Bruce vying with Frank Gardiner (so called security expert) as to the most competent of the duo to avoid the bloody obvious: Duuuuuuh, Frank – Germany & Muslims & Interpol saying that Merkel allowing in hundreds of thousands of terrorists & German Government now agreeing & crime wave sweeping Europe caused by so-called, “Refugees” & all the other outrages in Europe. Maybe its time to show us the condemned Farage Poster again just to remind us what the multiculturalists let in? Give up and retire Frank!. Meanwhile at an airport, bus/train/dock point of entry near you, (mental flash back to that poster). They are still arriving by the hundreds of thousands……… Think about that when you see the hypocrisy of Merkels condemnation of the incident in due course.
Nigel Farage warned this would happen
Need only read this to see the mindset of the unelectable, trough surfing Mussolini afterbirth that hopes to cement us into the EU, just as his Mafia scrotes cemented HIM to place as an EU bigwang.
If we can freak out this poncing Ponzi-then let`s do more of it, shall we?
Oh goodie….another Remainer heading for the dock then?
Follows DSK into jug, that perp walk in France beginning to look like a conga line now.
If its not sex-its money.
Glad we`re leaving the EU now…
The local riverside pub was serving Snecklifter, so I have a dubious excuse, but I must own up to some confusion this evening.
As iPlayer still seems active, I decided to lighten the mood with MTW, billed as yesterday’s on the ‘most popular’ home page.
Thing is, they seemed to be making jokes about the forthcoming Brexit referendum as if it had not yet happened.
Given the actual result it made stuff funnier. But that may be the Snecklifter talking.
Channel 4 bias on the news tonight a sob story about a little lad with some illness who might not be treated as well by the NHS when we leave the EU, this kind of stuff boils my piss!
As if the NHS wasn’t amy good till it got EU funding, didn’t Britain invent the National Health Service and Social Security?
Yep Wild Bill…saw this one.
It featured one David Goldblatt from Great Ormond St( ah, bless won`t somebody ELSE think of the children as he does?).
Won`t take too much digging to see where HIS hospital funds-and his living-come from.
And Goldblatt featured pre-Referendum as a Remainer in fear of what leaving the EU would to do his empire.
Not the sort of name you forget-and it goes without saying that the BBC would have kept ALL their New Remainders in the locker and ready to pipe up for the EU as required.
Goldblatt only one of the NHS shills for Brussels who`ll say what it itakes.
In contrast I saw Angus Dalglish from St Georges-maybe not as Red Nose Friendly, old beige oncology for the wrinklies…but maybe worth a listen.
Angus says that the EU
1. Destroyed mass clinical trials over the EU on a whim, and we`re ten years behind the States after they turned turtle on mass trials.
2. Have probably killed patients by the thousands by forcing doctors to be restricted in hours of experience. due to their asinine Working Time Directive, as forced on teaching hospitals by the EU.
3. Have put patients at risk with their dreadful opt outs of language competences, skills when foreign EU docs work here-due to free movement trumping assessed ability in surgery or ability even to speak English.
4. Have fiddled university curricula so “solidarity” with the EU “ideal” is a fund driver for courses-instead of medical knowledge which was once paramount.
5. Have put Monnet Chairs in EU fawnery in all student training places-medical schools included-to continue to assess and advocate more European Union influence in return for favoured funding.
All the above will boil anybodys piss-but nobody in the EU will be able to help seeing as there`s no Esperanto label for this-and , like Islamic jihad-will be seen as a delusional Munchausens notion which will require you to be taken off the Internet for a while until you love Juncker once again.
Never hear from Dalglish on the telly or radio though do we?….wonder why that is?
So-next time the EU is seen in ANY way as having helped with health…think of the wasted lives drawn down early because the EU allowed for incompetent, PC, crap speakers of English to treat our kids and parents.
So shut up Goldblatt until we know who`s been funding your beanos eh?
Dalglish knows the real truth of the EU and its costs to our NHS.
One individual’s experience: Well one month in and my own financial experiences of the financial consequences of Brexit are – net positive. I’ve worked in international hi-tech all my adult life. I’ve always been a part of British industry in the private sector that contributes to the country’s international balance of payments and for that I genuinely feel good about the value that I add to UK plc.
At no time, not ever, has it been easier for me, whether in British or American companies, to transact business in Europe as opposed to non-EU countries – indeed, often far eastern business has in fact been easier. Nothing associated with Brexit will change this that we can foresee. But focusing on the practical here and now…
Since sterling’s temporary recalibration following the referendum the only practical change for our business has been a significantly greater competitive advantage as we have switched to billing a global customer base for a notionally British product (it’s a global product being sold by a company that happens to be registered in England where it pays tax) from GBP to USD. This has had a materially positive effect on our business.
We continue trading with partners both within and outside the EU as though nothing has happened, indeed, nothing has. On a day to day basis I am setting up deals large and small with companies (since June 24, in the UK, France, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, China and Taiwan), with precisely zero difference except a more competitive price point on our core product. Business is up, not down – you listening BBC, it’s all good.
Personally, señora Soyel and I will shortly set out on a 4 week continental road trip – about 5500 miles. My best calculation, based on fuel and accommodation costs, is that we will pay around GBP£250 – £350 more over the course of the month. That is more than offset by the increase in business brought about by the more competitive price point of the commercial product our company produces.
This is anecdotal but nevertheless representative of a lot of businesses in the immediate aftermath of the vote during which time precisely nothing has changed. If we believed the MSM we are, or will shortly, experience commercial Armageddon. And yet amazingly, out in the real world, it’s business as usual, nothing to see here. And there is precisely nothing in the foreseeable future that we can say will change this. The manufactured scare stories in project fear are, from our perspective, precisely that – manufactured. It really isn’t doom and gloom, it’s just the same as it ever was. So called journalists in the BBC with their media studies uni backgrounds are not qualified to tell us what is going on in the real world, unlike them, some people actually live in it.
Well said. The BBC’s inability to intelligently report business matters is almost beyond belief. Whether it’s the World Service’s ‘In Business’, which seems to exist to promote whichever single issue pressure group’s press release is doing the rounds that day, or the ridiculous Evan Davis, its coverage is worthless. Even Peter Day on R4 has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the snowflake tendency. He was once capable of a halfway decent interview.
It wasn’t always so. The BBC formerly employed the great Jeff Randall, but what he said about the BBC after he had escaped its clutches is equally hilarious and depressing.
The BBC’s coverage of business does what everything broadcast by BBC does – it exists to further a political narrative. Whether it’s drama, business, science, art, music, even sport – the ostensible subject is simply a vehicle for the the Corporation’s promotion of cultural Marxism.
I find it a little bit worrying that yesterday Breitbart reported that bookmakers were taking bets that Article 50 would not be invoked until at least 2020 & maybe not at all, with odds like 2 to 1. May is certainly dragging her feet over it with the intention of not invoking Article 50 until next year. Why not sooner?
Because the plan is emerging….
1. No invocation of Article 50 until at least 2017.
2. Protracted negotiations that take us beyond the two years
3. [optional] The emergence of a credible leader of the opposition who is a remain supporter.
4. A minimum of three years of BBC propaganda classifying all Brexit supporters as any one or more of old, senile, racist, ignorant, xenophobic, illiterate little Englanders who just aren’t thinking of the children
5. At least three Jo Cox anniversary programmes
6. Plenty of opportunities for the EU to pretend it’s going to reform
7. Three more years of uncontrolled immigration, all of whom will register to vote despite being illegal, because nobody ever checks
8,9,10 – 100: Plenty of other reasons (need to open some more claret…)
All of which will lead to a general election in 2020 without the exit process being completed.
There won’t be another referendum.
There will just be a general election with an incomplete and incoherent deal on the table which will be used to overturn the referendum result.
Sharpen your pikes, gentlemen, they will be needed.