The BBC is absolutely determined to blame all the ills of the world upon the Brexit vote.
Today it descends to the gutter with a highly misleading claim in this report in which even the heading is politicised linking all hate crime to Brexit….
Hate crime ‘still far too high’ post-Brexit – police
The opening paragraph is meant to deceive…
More than 6,000 hate crimes have been reported to police in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the wake of the EU referendum, figures show.
So there have been 6,000 hate crimes because of the Brexit referendum then? There’s no other way of reading that opening claim is there?
But it’s just not true…..6,000 is the total but hate crimes are only up 20% on last year…and one week’s worth of the figures was pre-Brexit…the BBC eventually goes on to reveal the truth after its dramatic opening…..
[The] overall level was up 20% on the same period in July 2015.
There were 3,192 alleged hate crimes reported between 16-30 June this year and a further 3,001 reports between 1 and 14 July – equivalent to more than 200 every day, updated figures show.
So 6,193 hate crimes in total, 20% of which is 1238, say 40 a day hate crimes more than in the previous year…and the numbers are now going down…and note that 1700 or so of the crimes were committed pre-Brexit…not ‘in the wake of the EU referendum’.
40 more a day…and of those how many are ‘looks’ in the street, Tweets, other minor abuses, how many are in fact false, made up ones…quite a few I imagine….Was that arson attack on a Halal butchers that the BBC highlights really an attack or an insurance scam? How many of those hate crimes were directed at ‘foreigners’? How may were directed at whites and Jews? Let’s have a breakdown of the figures BBC.
Essentially we have a few more hate crimes of varying levels of seriousness and an unknown number attributable to any post Brexit effect….and how many can be due to, as the police insisted on the Today programme a while back[and determinedly ignored by Mishal Husain], more awareness of the need to report and how to report? How much of the rise is due to Muslim ‘lawfare’ in which Islamist activists try to catch the headlines with tales of Muslims being abused?
The BBC is deliberately misleading us with its interpretation of the figures….of the 6,000 one week’s worth of that figure was from the pre-vote period and the remaining three week’s figures were not all ‘in the wake of’ Brexit…only a 20% rise in the figures might be attributable to a post-Brexit effect…and of that much could be down to a greater willingness to report and some politically motivated, malicious claims who opportunistically jump on the anti-Brexit bandwagon.
Some perspective that might suggest the BBC’s dramatisation of the recent figures is all about manufacturing an anti-Brexit atmosphere…so hate crimes went up 20% post-Brexit…what about this?….explain this away….
From October 2015…..
Hate crimes reported to police up 18% in England and Wales
And this…
Figures reveal a ‘shocking’ rise in homophobic hate crimes
Overall, there was a 15 per cent increase in reports of racially motivated crime, a 43 per cent rise in religious-motivated crime and a 25 per cent increase in hate crime targeting the disabled. Hate crimes involving those with transgender identity went up by 9 per cent.
And did you know that hate crime went up 700% in Cumbria? From 2 to 16 crimes. Statistics eh?
Oh yes…religious hate crime? A mere 6%…and a good part of that [around 1000, over 30%] will be against Jews. So why do we hear so much about Muslims? How many Jews in the UK? 300,000 odd. How many Muslims? Just under 3 million. Even if the remaining 2000 crimes were against Muslims that seems somewhat disproportionate. For every 300 Jews one crime, for every 1500 Muslims one crime. So who is under attack? And of course many ‘Muslim’ hate crimes are in fact intra-Muslim hate crimes….Sunnis, Shias and Ahmadis.
That thoroughly dishonest headline would suit a state propaganda outfit for a third-world dictatorship. But I have an idea that there are probably such outfits producing better-quality journalism that the BBC does these days.
Here’s Dimbleby ‘interviewing’ Arron Banks of Leave.EU
At 15:47 in he asks, “How much did you give to the campaign, yourself?”
Banks: “6 million pounds.”
Dimbleby, in a plaintive tone: “6 million pounds. Wh… why? Why?”
Those incredulous “whys” speak volumes about Dimbleby and the one-sided, agenda-driven organisation he works for.
Why would anyone want to free his country from the yoke of a remote, massive organisation run by unaccountable, corrupt, dictatorial bureaucrats forcing their idiotic idealism on a captive population while guzzling with limitless greed at the public trough?
After all, such an organisation is much like the BBC itself.
At least he donated his money voluntarily, unlike the £145.50 people are expected to pay the vile BBC under pain of prosecution.
Watched a bit of this – seems fair and informative to me. The repeated ‘why?’ was because of the poor sound in the link-up. The ‘why?’ did sound surprised….I would suggest the reasonable reading of that is that 6million is a hell of a lot of money to give to a political campaign.
To go from that to ‘one-sided, agenda-driven organisation’, is I would suggest, a tad extreme.
Speaking of money, can any knowledgeable poster on here, confirm the amount of bloodmoney Al beeb gets from Brussels? It would be of interest to provide a link.
I read/heard somewhere it was 15 million pounds pa. Google will surely have that info.
BBC Midlands seems determined to throw as much cold water over the triumphant Brexit majority…
Last nights Midlands Today carried an abject little item about the Sorge family, noble, well off, intellectual, upstanding Europeans living in the UK and how Brexit is affecting them. Heartbreaking interview with the young, piano playing daughter who wants to work in Holland when she grows up but is now uncertain whether she’ll be able to……awwwww!!!!!
Like Brian Potter said in Phoenix nights, “I’d like to moonwalk but life’s a s@@tter!”
The Sorges were compared with a Brexiteer couple… a window cleaner…..who spoke happily about Britains bright future as a free country……get what they did there? Intellectuals vs window cleaners.
I checked out BBC Midlands today Facebook page. (Open to public view)…comments not as they’d like. Ha ha ha !
My favourite being along the lines………how’s August affecting you BBC, what do mean it isn’t August yet? we haven’t even invoked article 50 yet but that hasn’t stopped you running a feature as if we had.
Haven’t looked at the clip but my favourite comment there says that this fine, intellectual family were only looking to stay for another eight years until their youngest had finished her education. That would presumably include a loan-funded uni education, the loan for which would never be repaid.
Another aspect to this is the British sense of humour and Fear factor in the foreigners minds .
For example at a workplace the Brits will give a ribbing to the East Europeans , which they learn to take in good humour , then the Referendum happens ( Brexit hasn’t happened yet ) , and there’s a bit of jocularity about from the Brits , but the foreigners have been frightened and think the ribbing is now serious .
Another aspect is looking for something after a great event .
The BBC and the Guardian is just having a meltdown over the EU vote. I have never seen so much negativity and bias since I came to this country from Eastern Europe 23 years ago. Last time I saw such thing was during communism on telly talking about the 35th 5 year plan while the citizens were rolling of laughter and face palming. I still consider the British people one of the most liberal, and totolerant citizens in the world. I could note vote but if I did I would have voted out and my husband did so, a very well educated person working in Europe 30 weeks a year. I saw my own country selling its industry down the pan to be privatised by cooperation’s to feed big business with cheap labour in the name of progress till they moved on to another new EU member country to do the same, leaving unemployment and devastation behind. Trying to give them immigration quotas when Catholicism / democracy has only been allowed to flourish in the past 20 years and trying to enforce multiculturalism instead of thinking about history and working out that maybe it is not the time to threaten them with sanctions. Especially as they were under Turkish occupation for 150 years holding back the Ottomans to save the rest of Europe and losing their Kingdom during the process. While the Guardian readers having their skinny lattes and telling everyone that the people who voted out are wracking their shallow Facebook and Twitter lives and racist etc, I applaud the British voters for standing up for themselves. I have been proud to pay my taxes here for 23 years and will be happy to do so, I know a lot of us will be doing so in the future. Do not believe what you hear, the EU has failed long ago and to be accused of constant racism for voting out shows only how much the BBC is out of touch. One day everyone will know that the EU had already failed economically before the vote, glad to see u all putting the final nail in the coffin. And thanks again for giving me the opportunity to live here, work here and integrate as all should without asking, expecting or demanding.
Thank you FLWTF. Like petulant children the left just can’t understand other people disagreeing with them. Sadly, 99% of them when asked to name good things about the EU they manage little more than ‘feeling European’ or roaming charges (which were imposed on the EU by the Swiss based International Telecommunications Union).
Like most Brits, I welcome people from compatible cultures who come here and make their home. I hope I am tolerant of misunderstandings and difficulties immigrants may encounter – I try and think what I would be like in somebody else’s country.
However, I see no reason why I should be tolerant of people who want me to change to suit their (inferior) culture or who feel they are superior to me and people who are disproportionately criminal. Morons on the left will say I ‘discriminate’ against these people … well actually yes, I do. I make my decisions of who I welcome based upon my experience and the evidence I see before me.
Just like I give a set of door keys to one neighbour but not the other. I ‘discriminate’ against one set of neighbours because I have observed they cannot be trusted. Does this make me ‘neighbourist’? I use my judgement as best I can and choose who I welcome into my surroundings.
Not to do so is plain f****g stupid!
Excellent post FeelLIkeWTF. I lived in Hungary for several years and it was highly refreshing to realise that there were intelligent, cultured Christian Europeans who were able to see through the lies and nonsense of Communism and its watered-down western variants.
“Like petulant children the left just can’t understand other people disagreeing with them.”
…meanwhile, on BiasedBBC:
“Gosh Jerrod, its almost as if you work for them?”
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
“Jerrod is back on his medication”
“unless there’s two of them in the beeboid bunker?”
“for the Trolls it is a sexual kick here and they love being whipping boys”
“Where the hell are the dirty Trolls who shit on this website ?”
“Wank Marvin?”
Well whatever you think of the arguments that appear here, they are pretty inconsequential and between a smattering of individuals.
By ‘the left’ I am meaning the millions of leftist morons who think that voting against democracy, in favour of globalisation, and for the destruction of our western civilised culture makes them good people.
It is these people who are leading to the destruction of our way of life, and securing a future of violence and uncertainty for our children – but they are too f****g stupid to see it and too f****g arrogant to care.
It’s OK though, they’re too busy masturbating their own egos to even notice.
Ha and still they cannot accept the result:-
this was a disgraceful piece of EU propaganda that would have made Lord Haw Haw blush.
Monday morning, 10.55am and the BBC’s preferred index the FTSE 250 is up 0.92%. Don’t suppose we’ll be hearing about it though as they have now moved on to the PMI to fit their “narrative”. Can’t quite believe we have spent all the years monitoring the FTSE100 only to find that, when it surged forward after Brexit, it is not a true indicator of our economic situation.
Do you think we will be hearing about the PMI next month when it goes back up again ?
The BBC regularly promotes a narrative to fit it’s agenda. Then quietly drops it if it doesn’t gain traction, or credibility.
Remember the double dip recession , the zero hours contracts, the low wages, the cost of living crisis?