The BBC really is wretched. In the past few days, Germany has been at the receiving end of two terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims. The BBC’s treatment of these attacks has appalled me.
The Munich shopping centre massacre posed a few problems so initially the BBC postulated that the attacks was most likely carried out by some “far right neo Nazi” type, enraged about the wonderful multiculturalism Merkel has visited upon the country. That balloon popped when it became apparent the killer was a Muslim, or a “German-Iranian” as the BBC prefers. His name was Ali Dawed Sombol or “David Somboly” as the dhimmfied BBC prefer to call him. Nine lives lost. BBC narrative morphed from him being initially a “far right neo Nazi” to instead being a sort of bizarre “Anders Breivik” tribute act. God forbid he is described as JUST another angry murderous Muslim. I spotted this earlier, NOT on the MSM.
“Investigators are now discounting previous statements the shooter had researched the massacre by A. Breivik”
Gosh, I never seen that coming. So, the new media narrative is the poor fellow was bullied and had a keen interest in massacres. I see. He was also a lone wolf. Until….
Munich police arrest 16-year-old friend of the attacker who killed nine people in the city on Friday
Two lone wolves?
Then came the news that a pregnant woman was hacked to death and two others injured in the German town of Reutlingen by a …Syrian “refugee”. The BBC chose NOT to cover this story in ANY way on its 6.30pam and 10.00pm TV News . This cartoon sums the whole damn thing up well.
The BBC does everything possible to sanitise Islamic Jihad across Europe. In that regard it IS part of the problem we face. Agree?
That renowned BBC editorial integrity at play.
To be fair I heard on the BBC News Channel Sunday night at 11 pm that there had been an explosion in a restaurant in Germany. At 11.30 pm I thought I would see if there was any more news about it. The BBC website, not a word; Sky’s on line admits to the explosion but suggests it might be a gas leak. Now maybe everyone is getting jittery and it is just an accident. But why does the news site of a £4 billion p.a. National broadcaster just ignore what it doesn’t want to hear?
I notice you are back David, hope you had a good trip. And thanks to Alan who held the fort wonderfully in David’s absence.
The Germans must be wondering what the hell they have let themselves in for, what Merkel has let them in for….now a 16 year old Afghan friend of the Munich killer has been arrested…he met Ali Sonboly whilst getting psychiatric treatment…and the Afghan who axed some unfortunates on the train? Deranged. What about the machete man? Not exactly the action of a balanced mind.
Somalis have a high proportion of people with mental problems…so says the BBC.
Somalia has one of the highest rates of mental illness in the world and with a healthcare system devastated by years of war, most sufferers receive no medical help.
The BBC likes to tell us all Jihadis are in fact bonkers. Wonder why so many Muslims are crazy.
Why allow crazed people in? The cost must be enormous…to the NHS and the German equivalent, to the police and justice system and in blood.
Not as if they pay their way….74% have no skills whatsoever.…they will be jobless or employed in low level jobs…leading to a future where they complain of discrimination, disenfranchisement and alienation…and join up with some Islamist group….just look at France or the ghettos of the UK. The future is grim.
The German Federal Employment Agency admits that 74 per cent of new migrants to Germany have no qualifications and will likely only be able to do menial labour jobs.
“The Germans must be wondering what the hell they have let themselves in for”
They could have asked Israel, as could the UK, France and Belgium. Spain might have had one or two words of guidance as well.
All of this was entirely predictable, and was in fact predicted – just not by the “right types”. The Koran is a manual for the takeover of other countries and people who say that Muslim terrorist attacks have nothing to do with religion are right. It’s not a religion.
Or Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland… the list is endless.
No doubt the car driver, who ran the terrorist over to prevent him from continuing his murder spree, will be arrested for a ‘hate crime’.
I had the same thought. Wouldn’t be surprised.
Crawl back into your hole.
Oh look!
“No evidence of extremism”…
Phew, was a little worried there for a second.
“No evidence of extremism”?
Maybe because that “extremism” blew itself to pieces?
It’s all a complete mystery.
Maybe he just didnt like Sundays.
Strangely enough, the also lyrics seem coincidentally….apposite….
“Maybe he just didnt like Sundays.”
This, from the moral giant of the age.
I’ll stop now, apologies.
Damn! I was looking forward to Ruby Tuesday.
Merkel is very good at using the ” Royal We”
I guess it must have been a real comfort to the pregnant woman being hacked to death yesterday by an “asylum seeker” to know that “We can do this”!
Sometimes words fail me!
Merkel and those in the media and public life who support her are utterly beyond contempt.
I guess this is what happens when your loyalties lay with a population of people who hold your own culture in contempt. Sorry Angela it aint working – You evil, stupid cow!
Perhaps David Icke was right as Merkel and her acolytes seem to have more in common with the ” Lizard People” than normal sentient human beings!
Ah but he was a REJECTED asylum seeker. So it’s all our fault for being racists.
Can I have his flat as he won’t be needing it any more? My son’s paying £1700 a month for his.
Bbc2 at 8.00……the muslim pound….cant help but think theyve got this the wrong way round….
”British muslim and journalist Myriam Francois discovers why the high street is increasingly targetting muslim shoppers and examines whether this trend is here to stay’
Could al beeb maybe do one on why muslims are targetting high street shoppers?
I wont hold my breath
This programme was originally put out on July 3rd, but maybe the BBC feel we need to have more of the same sprinkled upon us. Myriam Francois, a British Roman Catholic convert to Islam, though she doesn’t like the phrase “convert”, presents how the high street is looking increasingly more to the Muslim market for more profit.
When i first viewed this show i thought Myriam was auditioning for the part of some up and coming drama from the BBC about the role of land girls during the last world war, such is her attire and head scarf. But no, she covered various ways in which high street retailers are targeting Muslims through fashion (Burkini and Hijab) and food (Halal meat).
Myriam aswell as another spokeswoman for Muslims-they both pop up fairly regularlarly on the Dame Campbell Sunday show-were rather enthusiastic over the high streets pandering to Muslim requirements. There was some light that shone in the shape of a female Muslim, who by choice doesn’t wear the Hijab. She went on to say: “I think it plays on Muslim identity politics which is a negative trend. Within the Muslim communities, Muslim lifestyle is someone who uses Halal beard oil, who paints their nails with Halal nail vanish, who wears a Burkini from M&S, who lives their life in a restrictive way, their religious identity sort of trumps all other identities.”
Myriam Francois closes the programme by stating: “It does seem like there is going to be more choice on the high street for they increasingly recognise the value of the Muslim pound and if that encourages us all to think a little harder about how or where we spend our cash, then surely that can really be a good thing.”
When you consider that the Muslim population of the UK is 3 million and unemployment for Muslim men languishes at 50% and for women 75%, i would have thought by those equations that the Muslim pound would be rather limited than abundant.
Perhaps the high street may see people other than Muslims think long and hard where they spend their cash, once more people realise where money for Halal meat goes and the companies that are selling Halal produce.
Just because they are on the dole doesn’t mean they aren’t earning good money on the side.
Rob, naivety made me forget the group of people i was aiming my point against and i should have known better!! Of course the main thing i’d forgotten about was Taqiyya, which helps account why 2012 figures showed that £13 billion a year from tax revenues went on unproductive Muslims, the majority of which live in accomodation rented from the council or housing association, a small percentage live rent-free and 50% (combined figure of male and females) claim disability.
1. Outrageous omission of huge news story about machete attack on Beeb tv news and Beeb online. Wonder why?
2. A ‘journalist’ on BBC News channel commenting on Munich attack live said ‘This has nothing to do with migrants’ a few minutes into the story, before ANY fact were known AT ALL, despite constant reminders that ‘we mustn’t jump to conclusions or make assumptions’. (Meaning of course we mustn’t assume it’s migrant or islamist related, but feel free to assume it’s ‘nothing to do with migrants’ or speculate about ‘Far Right links’.) Perhaps realising the emormity of what he’d just said he added: ‘Or shouldn’t be’, meaning we at the Beeb desperately don’t want it to me, thereby revealing his biased mindset.
3. For Goodness sake, they can’t even decide what Munich killer’s NAME is, preferring David to Ali. Wonder why?
4. Going back a bit, Beeb completely burried the huge news story of sentencing of Halifax sex / grooming / paedophile gang on 16/17 June. Wonder why?
Quite right. And yet when a Labour MP was murdered, the BBC was straining at the leash with its assumptions about the killer’s possible motive.
… and within 6 hours they had “evidence”…
Those assumptions were what? That eye witnesses stated that he shouted ‘Britian First’ or that the police leaked that connections with South African white supremacists were found in his how…or that the only words he spoke in his first and only appearance in court were ‘Death to traitors, freedom for Britain’?
#post truth politics.
Considering that the media is lying, even that “David” could be “Doaud”.
his real name is Ali Daud Sonboly/Sunbuli
The BBC’s ‘far right’ theories are absolute nonsense. If there was any kind of extremism of the type they imply, the streets of France and Germany would be bathed in blood by now in revenge for the recent outrages. It’s a disgusting distraction tactic.
Its probably only a matter of time before one of these attackers is found to have links to a racist, hate site…called BiasedBBC.
Nurse, he’s off his meds again.
Machete attack just a ‘domestic dispute’ therefore not worthy of coverage by Brainwashing Broadcast Corruption.
We’ve all been there, a little tiff about leaving the toilet seat up ends in beheading. Lucky our ‘nothing to do with Islam/religion of peace’ Syrian happened to have his handy machete on him. Remember guys, never go out without your machete in case you have a domestic tiff.
You got something against axes?
You prejudiced?
I have noted a lot of real sharp axes in B and Q. Something has to be done.
Indeed. Or your backpack stuffed with explosives, just in case you get refused entry to a concert.
According to, the 30 to 40 cm knife was at hand in the kebab shop, Mohammad Aleho, where both he and the pregnant Polish woman he murdered both worked. A quick-thinking driver drove into the attacker, injuring him, allowing the police to arrest the assaillant. Interesting use of an Muslim tactiic as a countermeasure. As usual, the reason for the heightened interpersonal altercation is unclear.
Don’t you mean “explosive backpack” was at hand?…..
Well DUH!….Sorry, you meant a different horror….
Got confused for a second there.
So, a pattern is emerging:
1. Ignore Islam / migrant related attacks if you possibly can, for as long as you possibly can.
2. When it’s all over the media and blogosphere and impossible for even biased Beeb to ignore, bury it in some obscure section of the website, e.g Halifax sex gangs were not on Home page, not on Regions page, not on Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, but on Leeds page, in other words 4 or 5 clicks away from anyone actually seeing it.
3. If you must mention it on the news, prevaricate, obfuscate, misinform, disinform, quote selectively (‘a boy with a gun, that’s the problem’), throw in red herrings, hints at excuses (Machete attacker a FAILED asylum seeker – see? it’s the German authorities’ fault). Sow doubt and confusion.
4. Hope the next breaking news story will dislodge it from the top. Oops, it’s another Islamic/Migrant terror attack.
5. Back to 1.
How true!
German TV seems unusually quiet about the Ansbach incident. They were quick to bring out “specials”
on Sunday to push the Breveik line. Obviously the Ansbach circle is slightly more difficult to square.
Some judicious fingerpointing at the AfD may be on the cards. Fires of hatred stoked, intolerable pressure on refugees, tensions raised, tragedy exploited for base political aims, etc., etc.
In an idle momemt I also found myself doodling a possible BBC “It’s nothing to do with Islam” mass carnage flow chart.
Brilliant Peter! Don’t forget to add “invert the headline” somewhere in section 3…
Enjoy a few fails on Alan’s Snack Bar to the 1812 Overture
Here’s a prediction, though I’m no Prophet (Peace be upon my name): sooner or later there really WILL be a Far – Right terror event in Germany (unlike the manufactured and bogus ‘David’ Sonboly, real name Ali, at 1 stage they even tried to make out he’d recently converted to Christianity based on nothing more than wishful thinking). Then watch how the Biased Broadcasting Corporation will go into overdrive to dig deep into the story. No more burying the story on thee back pages, no more vague ‘motives are not clear, nothing to see here, move along folks’: they will send their crack team of investigators over, endlessly rehash the story, leave no stone unturned until they can lay it at the feet of Trump / Farage / Thatcher. No excuses, no ‘lone wolf nutter’, part of the Nazi Far-Right movement etc.
It will be “St Jo” all over again…
1. what happened to reports that the Bataclan nothing-to-do-with-Islam-religion-of-peace killers tortured their victims gruesomely first? Nowhere on Beeb, though i’d have thought that was a big story, no? One man’s penis cut off and placed in his mouth. Probably just an accident.
2. What happened to reports that poor little ‘David’ (real name Ali, nothing-to-do-with-Islam-religion-of-peace) shouted Allahu Akbar before murdering children in Munich? As reported to CNN and others by a MUSLIM employee called Loretta, not by some right winger. Strangely the Biased Beeb didn’t try to contact her, no, let’s keep this a far-right nutjob story. Or if that doesn’t stick, a troubled youth / tighten the gun laws story. (Gun laws which lunatic US Right Wingers defend – See? Trump’s fault.)
Does anyone else have the feeling that in many of these stories coming from Germany no-one’s really digging deep to get at the truth? Too many inconsistencies, loose ends, false pistes, incongruities, never followed up just left hanging till the next breaking news.
I wonder, could it have anything to do with the fact that the entire German Establishment is terrified of the truth, namely that they’re sitting on a powder keg of Angela Merkel’s own doing? Is pressure being brought down from the very top to hide / spin /distort the news as much as possible, like the Cologne and other mass rapes; widespread swimming pool child abuse and rape; crime rate through the roof; crime, rape and murder in ‘refugee’ camps etc etc. So with the German authorities manipulating the news, Police reports doctored, German media censored and self-censoring out of terror of being accused of Racism / Islamophobia, it makes life easy for the Bloody Brainwashing Corp to collude with German officials / police/ press in misrepresenting the facts.
I’d say you have summed it up very well.
Radio 4 this afternoon had a documentary about Catholic assassination plots to kill Elizabeth the First. I wondered if I was being a bit paranoid as they seemed to be leading up to a certain comparison…no, I thought, I’ve been reading Biased BBC too much…but then they came out with it – fear of Catholic terror plots was the same as today’s ‘Islamophobia’! Obviously based on nothing at all…no Spanish armada…no Inquisition….no gunpowder plot…no assassination attempts…it was all just an irrational fear of people with a different religion!
Beeboids are so stupid , they probably really believe that !
Mind you, when you put it like that, in a way Islamonausea is a bit like fear of Catholic terror plots: both are based on real and present danger.
Talking of constant BBC propaganda dressed up as drama/documentary, did anyone see “Our World War” on iplayer? I settled down to watch episode one forgetting to insert my “BBC PC Filter” and almost spat out my false teeth when who should our intrepid batallion meet first in Belgium, but – you guessed it – some poor refugees.
It doesn’t stop, does it?
PS. Re the comparison of Catholic plots against Elizabeth I and Islamonausea, what are they saying – that Islam is 400 years behind the times?
Under the heading What is Going On? the BBC website is baffled by the ‘events’ in Germany. They wonder if there could possibly be a link between the 4 recent terror attacks? But fail to find one.
Mmm, let me see now: A Syrian, an Iranian, an Afghan and another Syrian, what could they possibly have in common?
… Nope, beats me, I give up.
It is simple, they are “tanned “.
Here is the article link
I think the common link is not the men themselves but Germany not changing quick enough to adapt to their needs i.e. the infidels are not dying fast enough.
All these young men are frustrated and angry. Clearly there aren’t enough goats in Germany.
Britain is ahead on this matter. Both Labour and Tory Governments have kept them happy by maintaining a supply of working class children to meet their physical needs, with compliant police and a range of supporting organizations from the radical left to the Church of England
Nope, beats me, I give up
I got it! What they have in common is that all their nationalities end in ‘an!’
BBC on terror attacks:
“The big influx of refugees to Germany was already controversial, so the fact that three of the attackers arrived as refugees is likely to sharpen criticism further.
The German government has already attempted to deflect this, saying the risk of someone being a perpetrator of terrorism is not greater among refugees than among the general population.”
You couldn’t make it up. But they did.
peterthegreat – Are you sure that came from the BBC? The BBC not only telling the truth about terrorism but the truth about the German government’s dhimmi attempt to minimise it is really bizarre.
When will we have a Fox News for UK?
With Theresa the Appeaser in charge, about half past never.
Don’t get your hopes up. Fox is owned by Murdoch, as is Sky, and Sky is as bad as the BBC. Clearly Rupert’s plans for the UK do not include any kind of antidote to the far Left BBC.
Last night around midnight the on Sky/RT the news of the suicide / or gas explosion broke not even a banner was put up on the BBC News website till an hour later. It could be that poor Kasia Madera decided to go on strike. Every time she is working a terrorism or refugee related event happens. She did not covered herself in glory with her “fish out of water” performance after the Nice attacks, so probably decided to try and disappear until the security found her and pushed her in front of the cameras again.
The list of events just never stopped coming, I was glad to spend my weekend away from the news however what surprised me is the number of them being reported even if with questionable reasoning. I wonder if we are seeing a switch from “denial tactics” to “overwhelm people till they get bored” ie “Fact me till I die” tactics so we take these attacks as norm. People’s attention span is nowadays is laughable, they can always add some Pokemon Live updates in between the reports or some kitten news….