393 Responses to START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD…..

  1. Flexdream says:

    What possible link can there be between the attacks in Germany? The BBC and others are baffled.

    Criticism of Israel’s security barrier seems awfully quiet these days.


    • chrisH says:

      Germany-and four atrocities within a week.
      All committed by Muslims…it`s not as if they could be anything other, given what apostasy results in.
      All senseless, psychiatric cases-as all murders are like these.
      So should “being born a Muslim, and not renouncing it-or at least satisfying a Mental Health Trust that you`re not LITERAL in your reading of the Koran, and Muhammads role in all of it” now be a diagnostic indicator of propensity to murder in public?…a DSM category to ask the USA about?
      Germany doesn`t deserve this-but Merkel and her state-media and liberal press certainly DO deserve it.
      Time to walk some planks for these toffs at the top…and maybe we could add another mental illness category.
      “Public official using other peoples money and the media to put the appearance of being good , ahead of the welfare of the citizens who get made to pay for the display-sometimes in blood”-Narcissistic Mirrorballing Exhibitionism”(NME).
      And-until the day when they fit some twerp up “from the right” yo commit these kinds of murders and assaults-as ever, it`s always safe and easy to assume “it`ll be Islam again”…Always Islam (AI).


    • TrueToo says:

      Criticism of Israel’s security barrier seems awfully quiet these days.

      True. Even the most committed anti-Israel propagandists must know that now is not the best time to insist that the country lower its guard and warmly embrace Palestinian terrorists in the interests of ‘peace.’


    • peterthegreat says:

      Priest murdered in France. “Motives unclear” according to Beeb.
      Clear to me: it’s those extremist Anglicans who’ve never forgiven the Catholics.
      Or tourists?
      Domestic dispute?
      I blame Farage for his inflammatory language.
      And Thatcher.


      • Mike Hunt says:

        LOL Peter, excellent post.

        … and don’t forget Brexit!!


      • Mike Hunt says:

        “Motives unclear” according to Beeb.

        Le Point also reports that the attackers shouted “Daesh” (the Arabic acronym for the terrorist group Islamic State) as they broke into the church.

        I feel sorry for the BBC and the difficult job they do. I mean, imagine how difficult it must be to work out what the motives were for this attack? They must be intellectually challenged – or dishonest.


    • peterthegreat says:

      Priest murder in France. I wonder if Pope will still ask Poles to let in more ‘migrants’ and what they’ll tell him?
      (They don’t suffer from post-colonial guilt and ghastly PC/Liberal-fascism like we do.)


      • Cranmer says:

        Just read the story in The Independent. Interesting comments – mostly anti EU, anti mass immigration – not what I’d expect in a lefty rag at all. I’ve noticed elsewhere that the leftist apologists in comments usually either write ‘It’s caused by western intervention in the middle east, reap what you sow’ or somesuch, but now seem to be leaning more towards ‘provoking conflict is exactly what ISIS wants, don’t let them.’ etc. A subtle change but it would seem to indicate they are finding it harder to hold with the ‘west’s fault’ argument.


  2. Tothepoint says:

    Another, purest of Islamic actions carried out by a Muslim, this time at a music festival in Germistan.

    If I wasn’t witnessing the death of western civilisation brought about by the continuing actions of the vile, traitorous bastards that infest the European establishment and MSM, it would be hilarious watching these same traitors tying themselves in knots whilst trying to ‘own the debate and narrative’ of Islam’s war against the infidels. I have to say I am weirdly impressed with the levels of dedication shown to such a failing cause which is trying to protect a kill crazy, blood thirsty, death cult which instructs it’s followers “to butcher the infidels and spend eternity in paradise”….but yet the German elite and of course Al Mujahideen Beeb are desperately trying to do everything in their power to keep control of the narrative…. when at the same time their own people are dying in daily acts of Islamic violence and bloodshed…

    “Breaking news – schools are mandated to learn the Koran…” – only a matter of time folks

    Allahu Akbar


    • Tabs says:

      BBC news website reports him as a “failed asylum seeker” ie a victim and also that he “was refused entry to a music festival” ie a victim.

      We can’t blame the poor bloke for blowing himself up after 2 rejections can we?


      • Flexdream says:

        He’d also had psychiatric treatment. So it must be a mental health issue I guess.
        Wonder if his asylum application rejection last year means he wasn’t Christian or Yazidi?


        • Number 6 says:

          Did he shout ‘Syria first’ by any chance?


          • Xavier says:

            Something about Alan’s snack bar, seems really popular amongst the Muslim invaders.


            • G says:

              Xavier, I imagine Alan’s snack bar is well renowned throughout the area for its bacon butties.


              • Peter Grimes says:

                Has Xavier really changed allegiances or is he trying to lull other posters into a false sense of amity?

                I would love to read his views on, eg, Al Beeb’s treatment of UKIP, the party he claims to support. His previous posts on Islamicist murders have been strictly PC.


                • Xavier says:

                  Oh yawn. “Changing allegiance?” This isn’t a schoolyard argument.

                  BBC’s treatment of UKIP? Abhorrent. The BBC are blatantly anti-UKIP. I’d expect even a fan of the BBC to tell you that. The BBC are also, for some bizarre reason, pro-Islamic. I’m very interested which posts of mine you think are “strictly PC” relating to Islamists.

                  “Claims to support…?” Just because I like to call out bullshit doesn’t mean I’d fraudulently claim to support a political party just to rile people up here. Like I said, this isn’t a schoolyard argument.


        • G says:

          Do all Muslims require mental health treatment? I guess they do purely on the basis that that’s top of the broadcasters checklist in relation to the perpetrator(s) of yet another slaughter.


          • GRIM REAPER says:

            Of course, these muslim scum are , in the main, products of in-breeding…hence the mental issues, added to this, their wretched book, produces such misfits.


      • Kikuchiyo says:

        Correct – reporting facts is the same as justifying it.

        Biggest problem with our species seems to be stupidity.


      • TrueToo says:

        We can’t blame the poor bloke for blowing himself up after 2 rejections can we?

        True, but we can and should blame security at the entrance. After all, if they’d had the compassion to let him in he would have just enjoyed himself and boogied along with everyone else and nobody would have been hurt. His backpack might have been a bit heavy, though, what with those metal bits he’d put in the bomb – but a concert-goer can’t think of everything.


    • chrisH says:

      THe BBC News at 7.30 clearly gave the impression that it was the REFUSAL to let this nutter into the venue that triggered his response, namely to detonate his bomb.
      Guessing that this would be racist, especially if it was a Proms/Glyndebourne type of event-unless Jim Naughtie is there with the crew.
      Oh if only shops would remove all those loose flyaway wires that tend nowadays to come with overcoats…is there a Muslim chain of manufacturers/wholesalers to gently ask questions of?
      Which the BBC won`t presume to ask…
      Only the Beeb would assume that our Muslim was “provoked” into detonating his vest because he`d not been allowed into the concert…as if the Paris football incident last November continues to show that we`re rather too quick to ban Muslims with long coats and waddling wires from entering stadia where thousands of people might be watching football, listening to music.
      Oh—-F*** the F*****` Hell off BBC!”


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        If the reason they gave for him detonating his bomb was his refused entry to the pop concert is true (which it isn’t), does that mean he would still be walking about with a bomb in his rucksack.
        Obviously he wanted to take as many with him on his way to his 72 raisins.


        • Maria Brewin says:

          Some reports are saying it was also a nail bomb, which rules out a purely suicide motive.

          But then who doesn’t get kitted out with a suicide vest as a hedge against a disappointing night out? I know I do. I have some very fetching ones in my wardrobe. A bit hot in this weather though.


    • peterthegreat says:

      Love your comment Tothepoint but please spell it’s properly (its) – our enemies at the Beeb would love to portray us as illiterate rednecks, let’s not give them that satisfaction.


  3. Number 6 says:

    Bbc2 at 8.00……the muslim pound….cant help but think theyve got this the wrong way round….

    ”British muslim and journalist Myriam Francois discovers why the high street is increasingly targetting muslim shoppers and examines whether this trend is here to stay’

    Could al beeb maybe do one on why muslims are targetting high street shoppers?

    I wont hold my breath


  4. thirdoption says:

    After the latest Islamic terrorist attack, the Bavarian Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, said “We don’t know if this man planned on suicide or if he had the intention of killing others.”


    Yeah, that’s right Joachim, anyone who intends to commit suicide without harming anyone else fills a haversack with explosives and then detonates it in a busy place.


    • Number 6 says:

      And also full of nails and assorted pieces of metal…….a likely yarn


      • Scronker says:

        It could have been a severe case of flatulence – its these spicy dishes you know.


    • Guest Who says:

      The BBC’s latest faltering attempts at ‘reporting’ are not faring well on social media, which must cause unease in the W1A canteen.


      Still, ‘envy of the world’ and all that. The next German elections will be interesting. Especially as covered by the world’s most trusted broadcaster.


      • Anat T. says:

        I saw it this morning!
        Came back fifteen minutes later, and the title changed.
        I am so glad somebody captured the screen. This is so bad that I was beginning to doubt my memory.


        • Guest Who says:

          I rather suspect that screen capture and a few others are nicely preserved in many a hard drive and cloud account.

          Be interesting if the BBC has to field a spokesweasel eventually to say they got it about right, but evolved the headline as the attempt at twisting the facts to such a a degree was making things worse for their narrative.


  5. Sluff says:

    Clearly Germany taxpayers need to shell out for improved youth and mental health services. I mean, you can’t blame people for getting so cross they wield axes on trains, shoot at shoppers, and carry explosives in their back packs.
    Completely randomly, of course.


    • LynetteO says:

      The BBC World Service did actually criticise the mostly Muslim men in a village in Ghana although naturally didn’t say they were Muslim . It was in a programme where the women were saying they had to keep their medicines for AIDS a secret from their husbands. It was reported that 95% of the men in this part of Ghana carried the AIDS virus and then the reporter said a strange thing ” their behaviour leaves a lot to be desired ” Wow – coming from the BBC that was quite something !!!


  6. Deborah says:

    Throughout the referendum and the following Conservative leadership campaign every news bulletin seemed to include the words ‘the Tories are tearing themselves apart’. But we know all is not well within the Labour Party, and yet it is never described in those words. Are the newsreaders and reporters only able to speak in cliches or do those who decide the line to take also define the words used to describe a situation too?


  7. Kennedy says:

    Much as I don’t want to get the week off to a bad start, which, given the recent events is pretty bad anyway, I thought I should point out that the bBBC favourite Diane Abbot is pontificating on HuffPo about the dangers of childhood obesity. I’d be interested in hearing her opinions on adult obesity. Well I wouldn’t be in the slightest bit interested to be honest.



  8. GCooper says:

    As I’d only just posted this I will repeat it.

    The BBC’s website is still saying “Syrian blows himself up in Germany”. Leaving aside that fact that a sub-editor who wrote a headline that poor on the East Snodlington Gazette would be sacked outright, it is yet more evidence of the moral decay at the Corporation.

    It is a deliberate attempt to minimise the impact of yet another attempted murder by a Muslin nutcase and as such isn’t a news headline at all – it’s propaganda, designed not to reveal a story but to twist and conceal the truth.

    I wonder where the BBC apologist trolls are this morning?


    • Guest Who says:

      Rummaging through the affront archives for their next detailed expose of ‘nothing to do with the BBC’?


    • Mike Hunt says:

      “Syrian blows himself up in Germany”

      Wow, like, he traveled all that way just to blow himself up?!? What is this, a new kind of tourism?

      Seriously, it sounds like the festival security saved loads of lives. Perhaps if they’d been less PC and not so afraid of being labelled racist for suspecting someone “of middle eastern appearance” they might have saved 11 people being injured, too.

      Come to think of it, why do the BBC care more about the terrorist than his victims? Surely “Syrian wounds 11 in Germany” (rather than “Syrian blows himself up in Germany”) would be more compassionate to those poor diners.

      But no. Of course the BBC must appease the Religion of Peace, lest it become suddenly un-peaceful 🙄


      • GCooper says:

        Someone among our politicians needs to grasp that this sort of nonsense is now seen through by the majority of people and that the reaction, when it comes, will be proportionately more extreme because people are sick of being lied to.


        • boohanna says:

          Absolutely correct.

          They will be responding out of some institutional “reflex” essentially.

          They will shift though. The former behaviours will not be forgotten however.


        • TigerOC says:

          Rudd has already been delegated to come up with more “hate speech laws” to shut us up.
          Suggest they get to grips with this because the result could become a little nastier than people having verbals. More like pitch forks and ropes.


          • DWBuxton says:

            Ah, she is into self protection. Sounds just like Bliar when he scrapped the treachery act, self, self self, all these politicians think of.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        The only decent headline would be something like “Eleven Germans injured by Syrian suicide bomber”. The important people are the innocent victims, not the “terrorist”, which is a word the BBC can never bring itself to use these days.

        The BBC is utter leftist scum.


      • peterthegreat says:

        if it’s the religion of peace, i’d hate to see the religion of war, violence, hate, rape, paedophilia, grooming for prostitution, stoning, beheading, fgm, misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism etc. Thank Allah there’s nothing like that around.


  9. nofanofpoliticians says:

    I wait with baited breath! I don’t like Jiulian Assange much, but I dislike Hillary Clinton even more, Already, in his latest set of leaks Assange has brought about the resignation of the Democratic Party Chairman ahead of their convention this week. Now he says this:


    Sky did a piece on Hillary Clinton- the Problem with Hillary (I think it was called) last night but avoided any mention of deaths of those who work closest to her (47 at the last count)


    … and they also avoided any reference to the funding issues around Bill’s’s foundation


    They did however tiptoe around the email issue, without going into too much detail saying that “it was complex”.


    No mention of this though


    Anyone holding out for anything meaningful from the BBC? No, me neither!


  10. Guest Who says:

    Meanwhile, the Graun, which is haemorrhaging money because no one wants to pay for their unique insights either, has this…


    Which is nice.

    Maybe he could start with BBC Editorial? And integrity?


  11. Roland Deschain says:

    Another immigrant from the Middle East attempts to kill random members of the public but, according to the BBC there’s no connection…. Oooh, look over there everyone, Philip Green.


    • Mike Hunt says:

      Yes, according to the BBC the only link is “violence”. Wonder how long they can keep this charade up?


    • chrisH says:

      Noted this too.
      The BBC seem happy to obsess on the likes of Mike Ashley and Philip Green.
      Who-to be fair-do NOT have blood on their hands.
      Unlike-say-Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton.
      Maybe if our lads became Michelle and Philippa for a few days, they`d be OK .
      BBC-as ever the wrong targets….


  12. chrisH says:

    Flicked in and out of the Toady Show, can`t bear it for more than a couple of minutes.
    1. 7.15-tone of the interview with the Germans clearly keen to play down the “buyers remorse” of letting in Muttis Muttleys last year.
    “Did you Germans not CHECK the documents?”-squeaked Justin Webb or such….
    No…absolutely no need to remind him of the BBCs approach to those few who suggested this last year.
    We are where we are-that ship has sailed.
    Justin therefore sits like Judge Nutmeg on his rubber ring, I mean he`d rather assumed that the Germans HAD checked everything last year-the BBC certainly would have done and indeed urged this.
    Like Nigel Farage in fact.

    2. “Are you saying little French provincial maire that Brexit was a factor in your lot not letting the English through these last few days”?
    No Sarah-we all KNOW he`d not said that…but imagine the special almond croissant that might have been yours at the post-Today rubdown HAD you tricked him and his broken English into agreeing with you-Brexit causes chaos at Calais(and a good thing too!)

    3. “Are you saying Frank that we should all boycott Top Shop”?
    Frank had said nothing of the kind-but we can see Sarahs efforts to do an Occupy, as the lazy BBC scum who`d NEVER go on a ferry, NEVER shop at Top Shop try to create their revolution.

    Sad thing is it`s so predictable…and I`ll be complaining to Mike again later on.
    This is not news-this is agitprop and endless Brexit-scratchings by bluestocking Oxbridge ninnies like Monty and Woods Jnr.
    Let`s go for them-seems a bit antsy this ” Peoples Bureau of Complaints”(PCB…disslexic me!)…so hope to rub a bit of tabasco somewhere sensitive.
    Will give it a couple of days, then bring in my MP…best done coldly when they think it`s all been forgotten.
    Just sick of the Bias.


    • Mike Hunt says:

      Given that the UK had the most Jihadi attacks in Europe last year, and given all the recent Jihadi attacks in France, you’d think the French MIGHT JUST HAVE A REASON FOR WANTING TO CHECK UK RESIDENTS PAPERS THOROUGHLY, before letting them in. I mean, like, HELLO? Is it really so hard to fathom? Only for the BBC, apparently 🙄


    • thirdoption says:

      Great post chrisH


  13. Kennedy says:

    When Papa Wemba died, several posters here commented that the story was getting quite a bit of coverage on the bBBC. Most people commenting had never heard of the famous Congolese musician who is still very popular in Africa, except Grant and a couple of others, if my memory serves me well. This morning it dawned on me that I had heard nothing on the bBBC about another popular Congolese musician being filmed kicking one of his dancers at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, his subsequent arrest and deportation and his being booed on his arrival back in Kinshasa. I searched the bBBC website in case it had been reported and I had missed it but I found nothing about this story even using their search engine. In the interest of reporting all the news, all the time, I thought I would make up for the bBBC’s oversight, I’m pasting a few links so that the licence fee payers get full value for their money. I have to point out that I am biased on the subject as I really like his music.


    • Kennedy says:

      Credit where credit is due. It was given a brief mention on the 12:00 GMT news programme on the World Service. Perhaps one of the trolls reading this blog enlightened them? Still, they can’t claim that they are first with the news.


    • Grant says:


      Well remembered ! Imagine if it had been whitey who did the kicking . It would be headline news on the BBC for weeks. What idiots like Koffi, and most African men are like him in my experience, do not realise is that womens’ rights are gaining ground in Africa.

      In Gambia, many young ladies are not only refusing arranged marriages but are preferring to remain single and childless unless they can marry a white man. No doubt the morons at the BBC would call them racist !


    • StewGreen says:

      I see it was mentioned on the Africa Live page on Friday 22nd They posted his excuse that he had no kicked the dancer..but as time progressed they seemed less on his side “Singer Koffi Olomide denies kicking woman”

      Then mentioned 22nd
      found by searching : site.bbc.co.uk “Koffi Olomide”
      and setting results on past week


      • Kennedy says:


        I’m grateful for your clarification. I didn’t set the result to “past week”. Thanks for your polite correction. I was wrong, you are right.


        • Grant says:

          Scumbag Koffi says he ” regrets it and it was a moment of madness”.. Yeah, right. I always kick women in a moment of madness. It would be nice to see if he is prosecuted in Congo. In Gambia, where most black men live in a culture of beating women , there are increased prosecutions against them.

          Must be a classic subject for an in depth, fearless BBC documentary. LOL !!!


        • Kennedy says:

          On second thoughts, it wasn’t on Radio 4 the way the death of Papa Wemba was highlighted.


  14. Number 6 says:

    Apparently Damian McGuiness on VD show in Berlin reckons the debate in Germany in the coming weeks will be how to integrate these immigrants who have been refused asylum into society

    I suspect in many places it will be the polar opposite……how do we get rid of these cavemen?


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      If the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome, then anyone who expects muslims will ever integrate must be mad, truly mad.

      Islam is not a religion: it is a programme for gaining control of any host society stupid enough to allow it entry. Anyone who integrates into a kaffir society and lives peacefully by their haram laws is not a muslim, and will die with the rest of us in due course.

      Allah be praised.


      • thirdoption says:

        “Islam is not a religion: it is a programme for gaining control of any host society stupid enough to allow it entry”

        Uncannily like the definition for a deadly virus.

        They both also lead to ultimate death of the host.


    • FeelLikeWTF says:

      I am already shocked that the Guardian had an open comment thread on After these attacks can Germany keep calm and carry on? The love is real on one side, the openly far right has saved their accounts for this occasion to throw it away and get another lifetime ban, feminists outraged about the awful murder of the pregnant woman, Germans on both side arguing . The thread was closed but worth to read it imo, just to capture the mood of the readers and it is certainly changing…not the journalists though.


  15. Doublethinker says:

    Rod Liddle’s column in the Sunday Times brilliantly summed up the absurdity of the liberal left’s and MSM’s attempts to deflect blame for terrorism away from Islam. After two more attacks over night by Muslim’s we will no doubt be subject to the BBC et al spinning that neither was anything to do with Islam but just happened to be the work of adherents of the RoP. The public just ignore these ridiculous attempts at spin, after all if you have many tens of terrorist incidents across the continent in the past 10 years and over 95% were carried out by Muslims, then it is a proven fact that Islam is a common link one way or another and no amount of spinning can erase that from the mind of the public. Indeed attempts to do so are making the situation worse. Politicians and MSM are undermining their own credibility. The public no longer trusts a word that they say , particularly on this issue. Surely the BBC must realise that increasing numbers of the public simply don’t believe them and don’t trust them any longer. Once that trust has been lost it cannot be regained. So why will the public meekly go on paying for a service they don’t trust?
    The liberal left must accept that multiculturalism and mass immigration has failed. Why they ever thought it would succeed when history gave example after example of its bloody failure, is beyond me. They must further accept that Isalm is demonstrably incompatible with western values and put an end to Muslim immigration . After all when you are in a hole the best advice is to stop digging. After that the really tough work begins, how to address the situation that the liberal left have created over the past 30 or 40 years of having millions of Muslims in the west. However, I think there is little prospect of the liberal elite admitting their dreadful error, let alone taking steps to rectify it. So we must look for leaders who will address this existentialist issue with speed and rigour. I am sure that more and more Germans must realise what a catastrophic decision Merkel made in opening their borders and will show her the door at the earliest opportunity. If she had any decency she would resign immediately.


    • Peter Grimes says:

      I thought this worthy of comment too. My yesterday’s online Times didn’t have it in the expanded version, only the facsimile paper version. When I asked my wife to look at it she wasted 5 minutes trying to find it but then had to look at the facsimile version, which she hates.

      I forgave Liddle his Al Beeb Toady editorship years ago, but he is still daft enough to want to be a member of the Labour party!


      • scribblingscribe says:

        Ah, now then, he might be and he might not be a member of the labour party.

        Rod Liddle was actually suspended from the labour party pending ‘a fact finding inquiry’. Yes you get punished in Labour BEFORE any one has established the facts. He is accused of using unsuitable language in an article, though Labour doesnt seem to know what that language was. In the piece he mindlessly claimed that some Muslims don’t always get on with Jewish people. I hope Shami Chakrabarti investigates.

        Yes this is the party that thinks it can run a country.


        • GCooper says:

          Despite having proved, again and again, that it cannot.


        • Peter Grimes says:

          That is always the way of the hard Left – show trial or no trial, the accused are guilty either way if they do not believe sufficiently.


  16. Doublethinker says:

    On a lighter note than the Muslim violence, has anyone noticed the remarkable similarity between the BFG and Evan Davis on Newsnight!


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      You absolute bastard…how dare you be that unkind to the BFG…


      • Peter Grimes says:

        I find it difficult to assess which of the two is more sinister looking, but I guess it has to be Evan ‘Albert’ Davis for his crazy Leftoid creed. I’m not too fussed about his being gay and having a penile piercing, everyone to their own.


        • Loobyloo says:

          Thanks for that info….I’ll never be able to look him in the eye (oops) again…


    • Justin Casey says:

      Bullshitting Facile Gobshite


    • Cranmer says:

      He reminds me a bit of Smeagle/Gollum in ‘Lord of the Rings’.


  17. Cranmer says:

    Apologies if it’s already been posted – another nightclub shooting in Florida. Two dead and 15 injured in Fort Myers.


  18. embolden says:

    I heard a report on the BBC on saturday or sunday morning that “Dave” Sonboli had deliberately targeted other migrant kids including muslims because it was they who had been bullying him at school.

    I`d like to hear more about this line of inquiry which implied that intra-muslim sectarianism, and/or tensions between Middle Eastern and Balkan migrant “communities” fuelled “Daves” depression and anger and led to these killings. The “Breivik link” seems a shabby attempt at disinformation and distraction.

    Today I hear that his Afghan friend has now been arrested due to “inconsistencies” in information he gave in an interview to German police.

    Germany and Europe is becoming Lebanon before our very eyes….they have opened the gates of hell.


    • chrisH says:

      Definitely embolden.
      Although the BBC etc tried to portray this as a far right German patriot( I`m not a foreigner, i`m German type of fluff”)-and choose still to ignore the “Allah Akhbar” shouts…this will turn out to be a “who`s more German, more faithful to Islam” argument…and the BBC will try feverishly to ignore.
      As Walid Shoebat says…there is something we don`t know re the Turk-Syrian-Iranian…Sunni/Shia subdivisions that we`ll need Walid, JIhadwatch etc to tell us more about…Ed Stourton and the BBC Religious and Cultural Directorate certainly won`t anyway.
      WE never needed to know this crap before-somehow we do today. Well done Blair!
      If you have tow generations or more of Islamic immigration, based not on bloodline but on work status as of old…and you add a million more lucky dippers from Al Queda and the like…no surprise then that you`ll get this toxic brew of intra-Muslim slaughters…a little bit of Kabul comes to Munich in effect.
      Best we go and find out for ourselves anyway-£145,50 should be witheld and used to inform ourselves, as opposed to paying the BBC for not doing their jobs.
      The BBC and the political elite are now putting US at risk- are we going to let them?


    • G says:

      The reporting of Ali’s actions and the BBC’s continual ‘wringing of the information dishcloth’ helped the “Most Trusted….” to virtually conceal or at least downplay the other event in Germany: woman dead, two seriously injured by machete wielding Muslim.
      Perhaps the callousness of the BBC reporting is dependant on the numbers of casualties?


    • Dragunski says:

      I found it interesting that the BBC flipped his name around from “Ali David” to “David Ali” and then used “David” in the headline. This is intentional and extremely misleading. I keep thinking that there’s a staff somewhere in the BBC that sits in a committee room and decides these things. And they do it over and over like it’s a gospel.



  19. Mackers says:

    A ljst of concerns.
    1. The situation in Turkey is going the way of 1979 Iran . Is it not time for secular moderates to either fight or flee. This is a catastrophe about to happen with many lives lost and what about the refugees we pay to keep safe.Turkey will then be kicked out of NATO.Time for political and media debate on this the MOST serious issue currently
    2.I wish we had a Donald Trump. A wonderful speech of HOPE to all Americans Conservative and socialist views similar to Brexit will unite and Trump will defeat the deluded criminal liberals.2/1 trump to win.
    3. The Media bias in the world has been neglected. It offends me on a daily basis,ENOUGH. On the plus side the Sunday Times newspaper is the least offensive so i am still able to be informed honestly. Does anyone no a daily paper i thought of the Times as an option but its media editor is great friends with lonesome George ( Osbourne ).
    4.Party politics in the UK has been hijacked by Liberalism but guess what these Liberals would rather join the conservatives or labour. As the lib dems have no chance. Backdoor politics. A message to the liberal abomination, when mr smith ( liberal) is defeated by mr corbyn ( socialist) form your own party and rename it the hug your enemy party. pathetic hippies.Your support from the lgbt community will be waining fast if you continue as you will to defend islamic barbarians who would wish to destroy them period. They have endured horrific persecution. Its taken forever for the lgbt to have hard fought rights you will not just give these rights to terrorists. NO, NEVER, SHAME ON YOU ,ARE YOU INSANE.
    5.Get our education system back on track for working people. The lack of Discipline hug a disruptive pupil syndrome ,forget the well behaved has to stop. the middle classes are getting their free schools.What about the majority. Conservative party please act now this NEGLECT is intolerable. Have you looked at the stats on child on child crime its outrageous time for action NOW.
    6.Drugs and prisons for another day.
    Many thanks to ALAN this website, LORD Nigel Farage and the sensible British people who have given me an overdue smile.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      “Does anyone no a daily paper i thought of the Times as an option but its media editor is great friends with ”
      Remind you of:
      If you dont read a daily paper you’ll be uninformed
      If you do, you’ll be misinformed.


  20. Maria Brewin says:

    This account of the alleged murder at a party in Headley, Surrey, includes a few details that SKY and the BBC appear to have missed (although I accept that it is still early days, and the report says “Hampshire”, which does not inspire confidence):

    Headley murder: Man killed and others seriously injured after ‘disturbance’ at party



    • G says:

      Maybe he just got it caught in his zip?


    • nofanofpoliticians says:

      Gosh, how times change! I married the vicar’s daughter in that church 20 odd years ago (there is only one in the village so there’s no scope for error). This kind of thing never happened back then, it was a sedate village, hideously white, boring even. Never a party in sight and definitely no “Revellers”.

      Back on topic…


    • Cranmer says:

      It also mentions ‘African-origin people.’


  21. Up2snuff says:

    Talk about shallow and sexist and with, perhaps, a hint of misogyny! Have a listen to the opening to BBC’s R4 ‘Woman’s Hour’ re our new PM

    ‘Spose they’ll claim they are being balanced …


    • FeelLikeWTF says:

      Up2snuff, a day later Woman’s Hour still as annoying as ever. This time the PM and Angela is used to demonstrate the lack of female politicians in this male oriented sexist environment. Having a go at the male dominated media reporting on their fluffy haircuts.
      If you really want to hear the best of BBC listen to Brief Lives Episode 3 on R4, it has it all. “Think of the children”, immigration, war, LGBT, sexism, racism …pinnacle of British 21st century playwriting is NOT….


  22. Joel says:

    “Round about the cauldron go;
    In the poison’d entrails throw…

    … Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”


  23. BRISSLES says:

    With incidents happening on a daily basis, the journos at the Beeb will be crushed in the rush to throw their passports into the ring for the next jolly abroad. Sorry, Huw you’re at the back of the queue AGAIN !


  24. BRISSLES says:

    Krankie is sounding off again in yet another lengthy speech. What IS the point of that woman ? she clearly likes the sound of her own voice and that’s about it !


    • Cranmer says:

      She puts me in mind of a head girl from a not very smart grammar school, who’s found herself in some sort of conference for head boys and girls from top public schools, who is determined to prove she’s their equal.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Nothing to do with the hateful BBC , but hold a bit. Think how well Ms Sturgeon has exploited the threat of Scotland leaving the union to get more and more concessions from Westminster. Remember that only a short while ago Scotland voted to stay in the union but she is still able to wring concessions out of Westminster. Now the UK has actually voted to Leave the EU so you would think that the PM et al can more than match Sturgeon and get a whole lot of worthwhile concessions from Brussels. Whether those concessions make it worth our while to stay in will remain to be seen. Also, whether Westminster is sensible in offering Scotland concessions is open to question. But we English can’t really expect the Scots not to exploit the situation that Blair’s ill thought out evolution settlement put them in. By the way in the heat and fury of the Referendum what has happened to EVIL or an English parliament?


      • johnnythefish says:

        A topic studiously avoided by the BBC: English votes for English laws.


  25. Mackers says:

    I was wondering about the successful illegal immigrants that have arrived by lorry ferry speedboat and any other ingenious way if they will be sent home when caught or is the policy to not bother looking for them maybe its reward an mbe knighthood.ANYONE NO. Went under the radar like the 2011 riots did. you cannot fool us stop sweeping information under the carpet it only creates more disunity.


    • Cranmer says:

      Mackers – that’s a good point about the 2011 riots. I recall after the Brixton and Toxteth riots in the early 80s, which compared to 2011 were very tame, the authorities were so shocked that there were all sorts of inquiries into the police, reports by committees of bishops etc. Yet the 2011 riots, in which mobs set houses on fire with people still in them, seem to have been forgotten as if it were just students on some sort of drunken lark.


      • Mackers says:

        Cranmer i was at a wedding at the weekend and i was talking to people who didnt even know about the axe and knife attack in germany.As for the 2011 riots that was my first indication of corruption and i still havent gotten over it . It was outrageous a complete disgrace i considered emmigrating.


  26. StephenL says:

    I believe the FTSE 100 is now significantly up compared with mid June (before disaster struck). I don’t seem to think the BBC has made much of this.


    • Grant says:


      It is almost at a 1-year high. The BBC will play that down but if it falls 1 % the headlines will be “slump, collapse” etc. They always play this trick. It is part of the bias. They have no shame. Vermin.


    • Mike Hunt says:

      Spot on Stephen – there’s no way they could they make that look bad for Brexit, so no chance of it ever making the headlines.


  27. Mackers says:

    a question gets thrown at me quite often ,Now that you got brexit are you happy with theresa may cos she not really a remainer? Well the answer is no cos it was a no brainer and she chose no brain. To further HER political career at the expense of right and wrong for OUR country. Its a sad state of affairs when the politicians that see clearly are outnumbered by the weak.We need strong leadership to overcome this racist slur society.More farages.trumps.My mrs tells me to man up then shut up you cant win.


  28. Mr.Golightly says:

    “Gay, Conservative, and trying to be a good Catholic”. Milo Yiannopoulos speaks with Andrew Bolt on Sky Australia a couple of weeks ago (so apologies if you’ve already seen this). “Queers for Palestine” anyone? Excellent stuff from Milo.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Love his proposal to lead a Gay Pride March through the muslim section of Stockholm.
      Also note his support for Trump and mockery of gays and feminists who bow to Islam.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      The interviewer was obviously not trained by the BBC!


    • johnnythefish says:

      Great find, Mr G.

      How lovely it would be to see Milo on Question Time and watch the kanagaroo court of the Left disappear up its own hypocritical fundament.

      Waddya think, Jerrod?


      • johnnythefish says:

        Jerrod? Jerrod?? oh, JERRRRRRRROD…….???

        Damn, he’s off shopping again….


  29. AsISeeIt says:

    Taking a little inspiration from the BBC in-house magazine and from ancient British comic books…

    German Security Forces – overheard

    “Got im Himmel, Fritz, das ist zo quiet… almost 24 hours und vee hear nothing from zee lone volves!”
    “Ja, Hans, no stabbings or shootings, not even a kaboom! – I don’t like it, das ist TOO quiet!”
    “Aach! You’re right Fritz, here, have a cigarette… the worst of it is there’s too much time to think about these attacks”
    “Bah, don’t be a fool Hans, the news cycle moves on. How are Lottie und der Kinder?”


  30. GCooper says:

    Douglas Murray has some interesting things to say about the BBC is the Spectator:



    • Grant says:


      Excellent from Douglas Murray. Since he is gay it is surprising that we don’t see more of him on the BBC. Of course, Leftists and the BBC are in total denial about the root cause of terrorism in the world. It will be interesting to see how bad it has to get before they accept the reality. And it is going to get a lot worse. Congratulations to Mad Merkel for being the most stupid politician in Europe and, my God, that takes some doing.


  31. thirdoption says:

    Benedict Cumberbatch – speak up, I can’t hear you.


  32. KatieH says:

    Very apt for whats happening in our media. Will not see this kind of comedy on the beeb.


    • Mike Hunt says:

      Priceless Katie – thanks for posting 🙂


    • peterthegreat says:

      Fantastic Katie. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the BBC did something like this? Or those daring edgy stand-up ‘comics’, liberal/lefty to a man – and so cowardly. This is real comedy. When will we have a UK Fox News???

      Could you provide a link, this should be shared more.


      • Grant says:

        LOL !! Wonderful ! I love the line ” Did any of them have eating disorders ? “. Of course, you will never get cutting edge satire like this on the BBC.


      • KatieH says:


      • Mike Hunt says:

        I think Katie tried to post the link but it got converted into a video automatically.

        Trying it this way, let’s see if it works…

        What do they have in common?


        • Maria Brewin says:

          I THINK that it is converted into video automatically if the link is posted while the video is still running in another window or tab.

          Copy the URL for the video, close the window or tab running the video, then paste the link here.

          I think that works.


    • Maria Brewin says:


      And a reminder, as if one were necessary, of how craven the so-called satirists on our MSM have become.


  33. BRISSLES says:

    Leo McKinstry in the Express is worth a read. He comments on the ‘fashionable rush to blame mental illness on this spate of attacks”. He is the one columnist who tells it like it is.



    • ray_f says:

      The UK has somewhere around 600 murders per year. 50-70 of them are committed by people with a mental illness. So about 8-10% of murderers have a mental illness. So people with a mental illness are far less likely to murder, and are in fact more likely to be victims.

      Based on clear evidence, bang goes the mental illness explanation. You could argue that if they were mentally ill, there would be a far, far less probability of them committing these atrocities.

      The BBC, and all the rest of the media, will have to find another reason why these ‘men’ carry out these barbaric acts. It’s a tough one.



      • Grant says:


        You could argue that all muslims are mentally ill, so that excuses all the terrorism !


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          I would say that muslims are not mentally ill as such, but that having been indoctrinated since childhood in a cult of religious supremacy and hatred of the unbeliever, they end up similar to fanatical Nazis or Communists, devoid of humanity, empathy or the capacity for rational thought. Whether this counts as an actual mental illness I don’t know, but it seems to leave the more susceptible ones as complete psychopaths.


          • Grant says:


            I think that you sum it up well. Islam increases any tendency to mental illness. Islam suppresses any natural, decent human feelings . There is no brotherly or sisterly love among muslims, other than cheap talk.


        • ray_f says:

          I could imagine that if all muslim kids are brainwashed by their brainwashed parents, religious teachers, the koran, etc. they would appear mentally ill due to their irrational, visceral hatred of the infidel, and there overwhelming desire to kill them. But in reality they are brainwashed, not mentally ill. I.e. cult followers.

          Islam is no more than a cult, and should be banned from Europe. Surprising, the koran does not ban marriage between muzzies and christians/jews, although it wants them all dead. But it does ban marriage with communists. A cult pretending to be a religion.


          • Grant says:


            The irony is that Scientology is banned in Germany !!


          • Taffyboy says:

            I believe its is ok for muslim men to marry women of other religons, as the man is the boss and will make sure the children are brought up muslim.
            I dont think its liked if a muslim woman marries a non muslim man


    • Cranmer says:

      I believe the Soviets used ‘mental illness’ as a means of controlling dissidents, locking them away in asylums and keeping them doped. Nowadays however rather than being used as an excuse to lock up troublemakers, it is in danger of being used as a means of covering up and excusing policy failures while allowing the troublemakers free rein.


    • peterthegreat says:

      Re. Express comment. Yes, I’m switching to the Express for honest reporting. Was disappointed to see the Telegraph parrot the “Far-Right/ Breivik” line unexamined and unchallenged almost immediately. The rot goes deep. No doubt they too are terrified of appearing racist/islamophobic.


  34. StewGreen says:

    This week BBC pushes Hillary, that was after last weeks sneering at trump.
    R4 9 am in the long view they chose to comopare the modern case Lady Astor (first woman to sit in parliament) vs Hillary (not the first woman to be a Senator) .. I guess their obtuse link is ‘the first woman who COULD be president’
    #bbcPushesHillary, #bbcEverydayLeftism

    BTW on Friday R4 Feedback, the super biased presenter Roger talking about balance in Brexit reporting
    said ‘for random example why was 350 economists say balanced against ONE Brexit politician says”

    …Yeh that’s a RANDOM , non biased, non loaded, example Roger.


  35. ray_f says:

    “Germany attacks: What is going on?”

    Are you really asking our opinion, or are you telling us yours?
    Add comments, and we will let you know what is going on if you are struggling BBC.


    • Dave S says:

      An article of profound uselessness but this is the BBC we are talking about. One of the world’s most expensive but most uninformative news agencies.


  36. Gunner says:

    “FTSE 100 slides”. Another Beeb straw in the BREXIT economic wind ? Well not quite. In fact during today’s trading the FTSE 100 almost reached a 12 month high, and it only closed 0.3% down on profit-taking towards the end of the day. Not that this would have made much of a headline for our most trusted broadcaster.


    • Grant says:


      I posted similar today here. It is typical of the slimy, ignorant vermin at the BBC. They really are scum !


      • StephenL says:

        Grant and I both! Am I right that they are getting worse? And we have to pay for it.


        • Grant says:


          Apart from the BBC Trolls here, I think we all agree with you !


      • Grant says:


        The BBC do not understand

        1. Stock Markets

        2. Business

        3. Economics

        4 Taxation

        5 Finance

        6. Science

        7. History

        8. There is no number 8. Add anything you like !


        • Up2snuff says:

          For number 8, I nominate one of the previous week’s BBC News or Current Affairs items. In fact it doesn’t need to go back a whole week, they have been known to ‘not understand’ something in one of the hour segments of the weekday Today Programme and be unable to join it with another news item that they have ‘not understood’ in a different hour segment of the same day’s programme!

          So a title for No.8 will be ‘Their own journalism’.

          With a bit of effort & co-operation on here, we may be able to round it up to 10.


          • embolden says:

            Religious affairs…..no idea……about any of them.

            They think all religion is the same, and that it’s all, at root, a bit like the intersection on a Venn diagram between the most liberal Anglicanism and tree hugging.

            And sport, they don’t understand sport…or they wouldn’t keep trying to pass off 3 sets of ladies tennis as equal to 5 sets of men’s tennis…..and as for women’s football, rugby and cricket…..well yeah.


            • Grant says:


              I disagree. They think that Islam is wonderful and all the rest is rubbish !


              • embolden says:


                My argument still holds, they think that Islam is like liberal Anglicanism and tree hugging combined…..thus any manifestation of Islam red in tooth and claw can be dismissed as “so called”.

                But you’re right, they are biased towards their false reading of mohammedan musings.


          • Grant says:


            Yes, No 8 should be journalism. They can’t even do that properly.


            • Joel says:

              To add to your BBC bingo:

              9. Their own purpose.
              10. Democracy.

              Full House!


              • Grant says:


                Yes, the hatred of freedom and democracy is the the big one with Beeboids .


                • embolden says:

                  Grant, they love democracy, that’s why they want re-runs of the Scottish and Brexit referenda (or are they referendums?)

                  As often as it takes for the demos to vote correctly.


                  • Grant says:



                    I am going to extend it beyond 10.

                    11. comedy

                    12. Irony

                    Is there anything the BBC do understand , apart from bullshit ?


                    • embolden says:

                      Ha ha Grant, I doubt they even understand bullshit…..watch countryfile and you’ll see what I mean!


        • Maria Brewin says:

          8. What a proper civilised culture looks like.


        • peterthegreat says:

          8. Religion
          9. Islam
          10. Anything


    • Up2snuff says:

      Gunner, they HAD to report the FTSE100 because their current (BBC) favourite Brexit Index of Doom & Gloom & Collapse, the FTSE250 was up a very healthy 107 points. A few more days of that and it will be at a 12 month high which will not suit the BBC Brexit narrative one jot.

      It may not be long before they are resorting to playing footsie with the index of Failed Toenail Clipping Ejection which can be at an all time low if a large, sharp ended one gets left among the rumpled sheets and ruins a good nights sleep.


  37. StephenL says:

    Am I right that they have not yet made out that the chaos at Dover is due to Brexit? If so, no doubt they are working on it.


    • Grant says:


      It may be the start of the EU revenge. But the British can retaliate by not taking holidays in EU countries and not buying EU goods or services. They will soon get the message.


    • peterthegreat says:

      Stephen they have, they have!


  38. GCooper says:

    Amid this week’s doses of agitprop, which are what R4’s afternoon plays have become in recent years, lie the following two nuggets of what I’m sure will prove to be sheer dramatic genius:


    Black and Blue. Hands Up

    1/2 Six black male playwrights explore their feelings about race and police violence in the US”

    The usual patronising, race hustling colonialism from the BBC, no doubt.

    Strange how they never tackle the current crime situation in South Africa, isn’t it?


    • Grant says:


      The BBC are not aware of the reality of SA, let alone the rest of Africa. It ain’t Islington, that’s for sure !


    • TrueToo says:

      Crime in South Africa? The BBC did a documentary about it years ago. It was a most unusual effort – an honest look at the deterioration of black society, which, as we all know, is above criticism according to the unwritten rule book.

      Can’t recall the name of the guy who did it – a plump, blonde, elderly BBC veteran. He dwelt at length on such topics as crime in central Johannesburg with high rise buildings standing vacant in a city in decline.

      The ANC reacted with unrestrained fury, accusing the BBC of denigrating black people – which was most insulting and hurtful. After all, the BBC championed black South Africans right through The Struggle against Apartheid and was deeply and hopelessly in love with Nelson Mandela.

      Dunno if the BBC has produced anything comparable since that documentary, but I doubt it.


  39. Thoughtful says:

    Here’s an interesting story I was told of, although I am unable to provide a link to it.

    Here is an explanation of why every single Jihadi martyr in Germany has psychiatric issues.

    Apparently it is as simple as the fact that every single migrant which has entered Germany is given a psychiatric evaluation, and has therefore come into contact with mental health professionals.
    It really is as tenuous as that, but it enables the media to suggest there’s an issue of mental health when in reality there is none at all.


  40. G.W.F. says:

    BBC tries to discover what lies behind the mass killings.


    ‘With four attacks in southern Germany coming shortly after the mass murder of 84 people in Nice, counter-terrorism officials are struggling to detect a common thread. Is there a single, defining feature to these attacks that could offer clues on how to prevent more of them from happening?
    On the surface, the answer would appear to be no. The truck driver in Nice was known to have had psychiatric problems and violent outbursts, yet he had a clear enough head to keep his plans hidden for months.’

    So what makes lone individuals do this?
    It is anything to do with Mr Allah or Dirty Mo?

    The answer is supplied by a BBC expert
    ‘Peter Aylward, who spent much of his career as a detective in the Metropolitan Police, then later as a forensic psychoanalyst at Broadmoor Psychiatric Hospital, says it is possible to find a common thread in the past history of murderers. He believes the clues are all in their dysfunctional backgrounds’.

    Well done Peter. You qualify for the Teresa May award for avoiding the obvious.

    At least he did not blame Fatcher, Bush, Brexit or neo liberalism


    • embolden says:

      Has Mr Aylward also worked as an ostrich trainer at London zoo?


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      This BBC absurdity reminds me of an episode of “Dallas” back in the 1980s.

      JR Ewing had been shot, the big question was ‘who did it?’ and some junior cop who didn’t know him was dutifully asking questions of people:

      “Is there anyone who could have had a motive?”

      “Just about half of Dallas” came the reply.


    • Kikuchiyo says:

      Peter Aylward seems qualified to give an opinion…..you?

      If your answer is Koran/Islam…..how do you explain the millions not blowing themselves up/shooting ppl etc?


  41. embolden says:

    Remember the coincidence that hijab wearing Fatima Manji was rostered to present the news at 7pm on Channel 4 the night after the Nice massacre?

    Well it’s happened again!…this time she appeared this evening in Ansbach to report on the Syrian suicide bomber.

    Wow. Can C4 please publicise their rota, ‘cos I’m staying at home the night before her next appearance.

    Where C4 leads the BBC will follow…..women in the media in Muslim rig is a valuable manifestation of islamisation.


  42. G.W.F. says:

    When is it going to stop?
    Worth listening to the final angry remarks from Stefan Molyneux. So few voices speaking out.


    • Grant says:


      Thank you for that. A lot of more blood will have to flow before the European elite appeasers are defeated. Even then, I think it may be too late.


  43. Dave S says:

    What seems to be happening in the Western world is the escalating collapse of the liberal world view.. Hence the increasing hysteria by governments and the tame media. No wonder the BBc is in such a confused state.
    Nothing a government spokesman says can be relied upon particularly in Germany and France. Our May government is about to become as authoritarian as any since WW2.
    Trump is feared because he speaks directly and truthfully to his target voters who are I am certain the majority of Americans. It has dawned on the liberal ascendancy in Europe that if Trump is elected then their hold over us will be broken one way or another.
    It is pointless to argue that the last two generations of liberal elitists have bought much in the way of happiness or benefit to us in Europe. Quite the reverse . A few marginal improvements but on all major matters they have added pain, danger and increasing hardship to our lives whilst ensuring that they themselves are insulated by wealth from any dangers.
    Trump has understood this and I am certain he knows exactly what he is doing and just how powerful a momentum will build when the majority realise just how cheated they have been.
    Truly we are seeing an ancien regime on the verge of collapse.
    Rule number one. All change that really matters builds up barely noticed until everything changes with great speed.
    The increasing lies and hysteria evident in our liberal elite is a sure sign that unless this elite resorts to outright oppression -a real possibility – it cannot continue as it is.
    It has tried to either ignore the Brexit vote or pretend that it means something else. It is doing the same with the terrorist attacks in mainland Europe. It is behaving in the Middle East in an increasingly insane fashion and it’s policy towards Russia is beyond bizarre.
    if Trump is elected then the game is up for them. No wonder the liberal media is so full of hatred towards him.
    One final thought. i heard Trump single out Israel as a vital ally of the US. No other country was mentioned.


    • Mr.Golightly says:

      A superb analysis Dave S.

      “Rule number one. All change that really matters builds up barely noticed until everything changes with great speed.”

      Our grand-parents and great grand-parents would have had no inkling in the summer of 1913 that within the space of five years one million of their peers would have been slaughtered. Likewise, though the clouds of war were apparent in 1938, our parents and grand-parents would have had no anticipation of what was to follow.

      And here we are. Lessons from history show us that we too have no idea what is to come and how quickly.


      • Dave S says:

        Thanks for pointing this out with good examples. Not just modern times .It seems to hold true in any century. Think of the English Civil War and the 1789 French revolution .
        It seems as if it is one of the inescapable conditions we have always lived by and always will do so.


      • Cranmer says:

        Some good posts here. The breakdown of liberalism is quite similar to what happened in the 1930s. Liberal ‘dinosaurs’ like Baldwin and Chamberlain just couldn’t respond effectively to the rise of the Hitlers and Mussolinis. They were still living in an age of fair play and niceness. In our own age the equivalent is Islamo-fascism and the dinosaurs are people like Merkel and Hollande.


  44. Sluff says:

    Not going well for Al Beeb.
    The suicide bomber in Ansbach had lots of ISIS stuff on his phone or PC, even the German authorities have fessed up.
    Guilty as charged you may think.
    But on the bBBC1 news they are still trying to mention the bomber’s fragile state of mind.
    The biased BBC. In total denial mode as usual.


    • embolden says:

      The BBC think it was racist that when the Syrian death metal fan turned up everyone da’eshed for the exit.

      Boom boom.


  45. Sluff says:

    Thinking about how the biased Al Beebzeera handle atrocities conducted by supporters of the RoP, Iam reminded of an old joke.
    An insect is told to jump. It does so, and one of its legs is removed. It is told to jump again and does so but obviously with less success. Another of its legs is removed. The process is repeated over and over. Eventually its last leg is removed. On the command to jump, it remains motionless.
    The conclusion? Insects with no legs go deaf.

    Al Beeb, faced with the glaringly obvious, time and again try to avoid the obviously correct conclusion in favour of utterly bizarre alternatives.


  46. Aerfen says:


    LBCs ugliest shoutiest Globalist bigot presenter James O’Brian is doing Newsnight tonight.

    Is he really the best they can do for this prime TV program? I thought that Newsnight at last pretended to be balanced.


    • GCooper says:

      And to think there are some jokers out there who try to pretend the BBC’s isn’t biased.


    • embolden says:

      I think it oddly satisfying that O’Brien was the name Orwell gave the evil Ingsoc party loyalist and torturer of Winston in room 101 in 1984.

      The LBC goon on newsshite is a pound shop O’Brien.

      The off switch is a joy to use whenever I see his ugly, sneering mug.


      • Aerfen says:

        “The off switch is a joy to use whenever I see his ugly, sneering mug”.

        It’s often essential when he’s in full rant, shout down caller, cut ’em off kwik mode on LBC!
        Though at least we are spared seeing the mean litttl piggy eyes and self satisfied expression on radio.

        Radio is his element too, while I sense he’s a tad nervy on the screen.


  47. Mike Hunt says:

    RAF Marham Attacker Headbutted By Victim


  48. Mike Hunt says:

    Relatives Worry Amid Turkey Torture Claims