Maybe their focus should more be on those trying to provoke a reaction from that direction?
It seems the EU politico media estate is mainly frustrated the hoped for blow back has yet to move beyond nasty tweets and draping of meat products on door furniture.
As a strategic ploy, if part of the Caliphate plan they may have peaked early, like all the Nazis dressed as GIs at the start of the Battle of the Bulge suddenly leaping off their Jeeps and doing ‘Springtime for Hitler’.
On a historical note, in those days, such combat plus were frowned upon.
Luckily BBC PR, whilst clearly frustrated with the timing and manner of their client base efforts thus far, are funded to the tune of £4Bpa to divert attention elsewhere.
BBC Job spotters!… This thanks to the TPA for this quote (and the SUN). The BBC is well known for being a bureaucratic beast and further evidence of this emerged in a report revealing how corporation staff revel in 5,000 different job titles between them, including a “Solution Architect” and a “Programmatic Solutions Executive”. The Sun has more… like this (a few thousand in fact)…
The Sun: ‘Five years ago it was revealed that the BBC had 4,500 job titles and almost 2,000 of them included the word manager in them.
Barmy jobs recently advertised by the corporation include Programmatic Solutions Executive, a Thematic Research Manager, a Lead Platform Architect and a Talent, Learning and Organisation Development Manager. Everybody WINS a prize (at the BBC), yes are you feeling sexually odd, speak broken English well? feeling the white heat of climate change? less than some (or all) of your parts? Get a job at the BBC and get yourself a ‘managermanship qualifikation’ (as would be advertised in ‘The Grauniad’ on a rotation basis). Guarantee to never ever be employed anywhere else!
I saw that article, but it was in the Express. I’m starting to believe that there are only a handful of newspaper journos operating in this country, who syndicate their stories to all the tabloids and broadsheets. At times I’ve bought both the Mail and Express, and word for word the same story appears in both; I stopped buying the Sun in 1977, but it seems that rag too has jumped on the carbon copy story.
I’m watching the 10 pm news. There was a piece about people in Libya wanting to get to Europe, which was intended to wring our withers. What else does Orla Guerin do? But it was clear that all the ‘refugees’ were there voluntarily. Is there a war in Gambia? This did not stop Huw Edwards referring to their ‘plight’. Tough! They gambled, and they lost.
Surprisingly there is a simple answer to this, and perhaps even more surprisingly the BBC has actually touched on it already.
The problem which the whole world faces is caused by the export of the Saudi based Wahabist interpretation of Islam. Sure there has been Islamic violence in the past, but it’s only recently that there has been such a massive upsurge in violence.
Money flowing from Saudi and other Sunni oil rich countries such as Qatar, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi has been responsible for the Deobandi movement being able to build so many Mosques, all of which as a condition of acceptance of funds, must teach Wahabist principles, which are backwards violent & intolerant.
Then there’s the corruption of Western politicians such as Tony BLiar, & Hilary Clinton whom Saudi paid $100 million into the Clinton foundation. If you can’t accept the Saudis are doing this then you equally cannot accept the Clintons are corrupt.
“In reality, the basis of democracy has been turned on its head. It is said: ‘Democracy is a certain way of thinking, a specific set of opinions, and if you do not share them, then you aren’t democratic and then we condemn you and you ought to be eliminated.’
The People? That is not democratic. We the Elite , we are democracy. It is grotesque and it certainly has nothing to do with democracy, more like a moral dictatorship.”
To change the subject . What do readers make of the news story ( early morning Radio 4 Wednesday ) that a Fireman Sam episode was taken off because he tripped over a piece from the Koran ???? Apparently the episode was made in 2014 but it was only noticed now.
I’m sure there is a good cartoon to be made out of this story!
‘Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, tweeted: “I have no idea what went through the producers’s minds when they thought this was a good idea #baffled”.’
I do, someone on the BBC, a rogue, is taking the michael out you and your twisted religion Miqdaad
Still reeling from 15 minutes of the Today programme that Remain “doom and gloom” was wrong. Pharmaceuticals now admitting it is not “a big mistake”. Property/housing market unaffected apart from the London premium market which has been declining since February due to tax changes. The commercial property sector that dipped 15% has completely recovered.
Was it Humphreys ? not sure but he just laughed it off, no need for an apology. I think we need a taxpayer funded inquiry.
Whooohoooooo! Feel the joy from Justin Webb on the TOADY programme: Hillary Clinton has been nominated as the Democrat candidate for the US Presidential Election.
Is that allowed Justin? Will impartiality go out of the window and will you ‘glow’ just as warmly over Teresa May, the second woman Prime Minister in the UK?
Clinton cuddle has spread to tickling the taxman and cosying-up to one of the TODAY programme’s occasional disasters to bash – HMRC – that nobody lurves. Even that evil, lying, Bill is dragged before a microphone to make everyone dewy eyed about the prospect of dating a Hillary. Obama’s Duracell batteries are running out and Obama’s bro is still going strong but that Duracell bunny is saying all the wrong things. What’s up, Doc, with that?
I almost hope that come November, Hillary is beyond her use-by-date and being recycled in the special container at the supermarket, although I relish not the thought of President Trump.
Yes, between the devil and the deep blue sea. If I had a vote, I would reluctantly go for Trump, even though he seems a bit of a loose cannon.
BBC Website ” Bill Clinton backs his “best friend” Hillary “. You couldn’t make it up. If that is the way he treats his best friend, how the hell does he treat his worst enemy ? Slimy scumbag.
Dermot Murnhaghan (what IS it about his face that is creepy?) was the same U2S, he was practically orgasmic with delight ! Whenever Trump’s name is mentioned he looks like he’s stepped in dogsh….
Maybe I am wrong, but my impression is that the Today programme is broadcasting a lot more from the Democratic Convention than it did from the Republican one. Perhaps, however, it is because I am more than irritated having listen to M. Obama and W. Clinton! Of course, the BBC’s coverage is sycophantic and uncritical, as one might expect, especially from Jon Sopel (ugh!).
Note to BBC Quality Control Department: Please take more care with captions. web-site Home Page:” ‘Priest killer’ was tagged and being monitored by police. ” underneath a picture of the priest murdered near Rouen yesterday.
The BBC are really hitting new lows on a regular basis. Every now and then I wonder how long Lord Hall can survive as DG.
My goodness: Paul Mason. Does anyone (besides the Guardian) actually listen to this irritating day dreamer and armchair, coffee house revolutionary? I thought we’d seen the last of this annoying prat when he left Channel Snore. I note that his ‘progressive’ politics include the SNP. Just shows his attitude towards UK voters and the English. These middle-class aspiring commie nincompoops have no interest in white working class English folk who bear genuine concerns over the effects of uncontrolled immigration. The man is a complete fantasist and deluded Walter Mitty; I’d enjoy seeing him in a real communist state – middle class wannabe fantasists like him would have a nervous breakdown and would run a mile at the first sight of a pitch fork, hammer and sickle. I wouldn’t be surprised if even leftie Channel 4 told him to bugger off because of his undergraduate communist mumbo jumbo and jive.
Fireman Sam episode pulled amid Koran row
Well I’ve seen fking everything now. We bend over backwards for these people and what do we get in return? Bombed, shot, beheaded and knifed.
Je ne suis pas pretre, je suis pi$$ed off.
What about this little beauty?
“Gang of Muslims storm nudist pool in Germany yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ and threatening to ‘exterminate’ women for being ‘sluts’ ”
And the kicker?
“Meanwhile the professional swimming association in Germany wants to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.
The Federal Association of German Swimming Professionals (BDS) says this would be ‘an inclusive measure that would benefit everyone.'”
Somehow I think only one group would ‘benefit’.
For those who like a musical interlude, if you consider electronic wiibbling noises music that is, this video is a pretty good analogy of enforced multicultarism.
In other news, it transpires that during the invasion of Okinawa, Admiral Nimitz suggested the best way to handle kamikaze attacks would be to hire Japanese combatants on air traffic control duty.
Gosh, isn’t it difficult to work out why no one bought the Independent Newspaper forcing it to disappear online?
Love the way it leads with ‘All three asylum seekers who carried out attacks this week had entered Germany long before the Chancellor announced her immigration policy last year,’ as if that makes it all right. Phew, glad innocent Germans weren’t massacred by the latest batch of Muslim migrants.
I expect its author, ROBERT VERKAIK, to be enlightening us with more nonsense on a BBC channel near you, very shortly.
Take an empty revolver and put a bullet in it and spin the chamber. Put the barrel to your head and pull the trigger. The bullet probably won’t kill you. You could call it a moderate bullet.
How many moderate bullets would you be prepared to put into the revolver?
BREXIT economy. OMG !! UK growth increased in the quarter April-June in spite of all that nasty BREXIT uncertainty.
Surely not another inconvenient economic fact ? The IMF had already changed their story before the release of this number today, to say that they were now not forecasting another UK recession after the vote although growth rates may decrease in the short term. Will our remainiac media stop talking down our economy ?- not likely-
As you might expect the Clinton press & PR team moved to scotch such a rumour which came from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Petra News Agency in an interview.
The news agency claimed its site had been hacked, but as the site says what are the chances of a hacker hacking a minor news site and changing just one single sentence in an article?
“the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs managed to capture the report and has re-published the original Arabic Petra report, which quoted Prince Mohammed as having said Saudi Arabia had provided with “full enthusiasm” an undisclosed amount of money to Clinton.”
This morning did not start well. I woke up with a headache – too much wine last night. “Someone” had forgotten to switch on the dishwasher last night. One of the cats had brought something in and left it on the carpet again. It is raining – a bit. TV reception seems to be poor again – OK, perhaps no great loss. Run out of my favourite breakfast cereal.
What to do about this? I could:
Have a cup of Bettys tea and read my book for a short while.
Do something useful around the house – no shortage of jobs.
Walk the dog.
Plan this evening’s meal, but no wine.
Go out and decapitate a priest.
Drive into Bradford and watch the local Muslim harmony parade.
Hmmm – difficult choice, but the sort of dilemma that faces hundreds of thousands of normal people every day.
(I lied about the Bradford bit, it will probably happen next week.)
There are many fascinating studies of Male and Female brains reflecting the differences we visibly see in the behaviour of the genders. Sadly, this doesn’t fit into the Guardian/BBC view that males and females are exactly the same and only evil, white, male led societies force girls to behave as they do. As you know, if you are frequent watcher of BBC programs, women just adore playing football, becoming engineers and would all be scientists if only horrible smelly men didn’t stop them. Women only frequent shoe shops, dress shops and hair stylists because society compels them to do so. Indeed, I have often forced a number of middle aged women into a hair dresser and used a gun to make them sit there for hour nattering about who said what to whom.
The above link has Professor Alice Roberts put us straight. Apparently experts in the field, who have devoted their lives to understanding the brain differences in genders, like Prof Simon Baron-Cohen, are wrong. Do you hear me? Wrong! No, no, they have nothing of value to say!
I could list the many other professors who specialise in this field who agree with Baron-Cohen, whose research backs up that of Cohen. I could point out his understanding of the male brain has helped us better understand autism, and improved the lives of thousands, but I will leave you with this …
Professor Alice Roberts is not a professor in neurology, she is a Professor of Public Engagement in Science. I should point out she has studied palaeontology and physical anthropology. It would be cruel of me to add that she has stated that she doesn’t understand why her daughter is so girly considering how she has been brought up.
What’s that? You couldn’t make it up? No, but the BBC do.
Exactly Grant …
and why women recover speech after a stroke when males struggle (they use both sides of the brain to speak)
… why women suffer more from stress and anxiety … why more males suffer from autism … and so it goes on.
Hungary does not need a single migrant for the economy to work, or the population to sustain itself, or for the country to have a future, [on the contrary] every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.
This is why there is no need for a common European migration policy… whoever needs migrants can take them, but don’t force them on us, we don’t need them.
… migration is not a solution but a problem… not medicine but a poison, we don’t need it and won’t swallow it.”
If Viktor Orban ever needs a job, can we borrow him?
Over half of Europeans link terrorism to refugee influx – PEW survey
No no, I suppose it’s fair enough, they’ve got far too much to do what with having to point out a cartoon in which a single page of the Koran is shown on the floor, and pretending they never predicted an post-Brexit economocaust.
JohnCFeb 26, 01:01 Midweek 26th February 2025 BBC removed references to ‘Jews’ and ‘jihad’ in Gaza documentary Just look at this and the extent the BBC…
taffmanFeb 26, 00:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Flotsam The whole energy supply price is a con ! These islands of Great Britain are sitting on beds of…
Solomon GrundyFeb 26, 00:15 Midweek 26th February 2025 Sorry, not really BBC related but this tweet is well worth reading … I'm concerned that many people do not…
JonathanRFeb 25, 23:46 Midweek 26th February 2025 Politicians lie We know they do but is there a more blatant liar than this man?
atlas_shruggedFeb 25, 23:28 Midweek 26th February 2025 Time to start deporting judges: Albanian People Smuggler Deemed “Valuable Member of Society” Can Stay in UK
ZephirFeb 25, 22:40 Midweek 26th February 2025 Elsewhere on the web: “I live above one commercial high street building and also next to a pub. Both of…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:36 Midweek 26th February 2025 And yet, the starmer mob have overruled this: “England: Planning rules on air source heat pumps to be relaxed. Following…
ZephirFeb 25, 22:32 Midweek 26th February 2025 And the noise… The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland: “Heat pumps too loud for home, study says UK Ministers…
FlotsamFeb 25, 22:26 Midweek 26th February 2025 Let’s put things straights, Heat Pumps are a con, they do not save energy and reduce CO2, they cost a…
I wonder if Fireman Sam will fall foul of Amber Rudd’s new hate crime crackdown?
By Con Coughlin, graduate of the bleedin’ obvious:
Islamic terror could drive Europe into the arms of the far-Right
Well yes, stupid, you don’t need to be a genius to figure that out, even though the BBC thinks we’re already there.
And about f*****g time!
Those who sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Maybe their focus should more be on those trying to provoke a reaction from that direction?
It seems the EU politico media estate is mainly frustrated the hoped for blow back has yet to move beyond nasty tweets and draping of meat products on door furniture.
As a strategic ploy, if part of the Caliphate plan they may have peaked early, like all the Nazis dressed as GIs at the start of the Battle of the Bulge suddenly leaping off their Jeeps and doing ‘Springtime for Hitler’.
On a historical note, in those days, such combat plus were frowned upon.
Luckily BBC PR, whilst clearly frustrated with the timing and manner of their client base efforts thus far, are funded to the tune of £4Bpa to divert attention elsewhere.
BBC Job spotters!… This thanks to the TPA for this quote (and the SUN).
The BBC is well known for being a bureaucratic beast and further evidence of this emerged in a report revealing how corporation staff revel in 5,000 different job titles between them, including a “Solution Architect” and a “Programmatic Solutions Executive”. The Sun has more… like this (a few thousand in fact)…
The Sun: ‘Five years ago it was revealed that the BBC had 4,500 job titles and almost 2,000 of them included the word manager in them.
Barmy jobs recently advertised by the corporation include Programmatic Solutions Executive, a Thematic Research Manager, a Lead Platform Architect and a Talent, Learning and Organisation Development Manager. Everybody WINS a prize (at the BBC), yes are you feeling sexually odd, speak broken English well? feeling the white heat of climate change? less than some (or all) of your parts? Get a job at the BBC and get yourself a ‘managermanship qualifikation’ (as would be advertised in ‘The Grauniad’ on a rotation basis). Guarantee to never ever be employed anywhere else!
I saw that article, but it was in the Express. I’m starting to believe that there are only a handful of newspaper journos operating in this country, who syndicate their stories to all the tabloids and broadsheets. At times I’ve bought both the Mail and Express, and word for word the same story appears in both; I stopped buying the Sun in 1977, but it seems that rag too has jumped on the carbon copy story.
If there is a Manager Title Creation Manager position, the irony will be total.
I’m watching the 10 pm news. There was a piece about people in Libya wanting to get to Europe, which was intended to wring our withers. What else does Orla Guerin do? But it was clear that all the ‘refugees’ were there voluntarily. Is there a war in Gambia? This did not stop Huw Edwards referring to their ‘plight’. Tough! They gambled, and they lost.
Investigative Questions You Are Unlikely To Hear From The BBC:
1. Why is Islam the most violent force globally?
2. Why have so many thousands of Christians been killed by Muslims in the past twenty years?
3. Why are other religions not in any way hostile to the rest of the world?
4. If Islam is the Religion of Peace, why are there no Islamic protests from anywhere in the world against the continual global atrocities?
5. Can gays survive in a Muslim world?
6. Can feminists and feminism survive in a Muslim world?
7. Can free speech survive in a Muslim world?
8. Can democracy survive in a Muslim world?
9. Why do Muslims and the Labour party hate Israel?
10. Why can’t Jews live in an Arab state? Thousands of Muslims live in Israel without prejudice or harm.
Surprisingly there is a simple answer to this, and perhaps even more surprisingly the BBC has actually touched on it already.
The problem which the whole world faces is caused by the export of the Saudi based Wahabist interpretation of Islam. Sure there has been Islamic violence in the past, but it’s only recently that there has been such a massive upsurge in violence.
Money flowing from Saudi and other Sunni oil rich countries such as Qatar, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi has been responsible for the Deobandi movement being able to build so many Mosques, all of which as a condition of acceptance of funds, must teach Wahabist principles, which are backwards violent & intolerant.
Then there’s the corruption of Western politicians such as Tony BLiar, & Hilary Clinton whom Saudi paid $100 million into the Clinton foundation. If you can’t accept the Saudis are doing this then you equally cannot accept the Clintons are corrupt.
“Saudis funding 20% of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign”
“Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” — Hillary Clinton
The answer to your question is yes they can, but not in a world where Western politicians are corrupt to a point of servitude.
“In reality, the basis of democracy has been turned on its head. It is said: ‘Democracy is a certain way of thinking, a specific set of opinions, and if you do not share them, then you aren’t democratic and then we condemn you and you ought to be eliminated.’
The People? That is not democratic. We the Elite , we are democracy. It is grotesque and it certainly has nothing to do with democracy, more like a moral dictatorship.”
Fjordman, ‘Defeating Eurabia’.
To change the subject . What do readers make of the news story ( early morning Radio 4 Wednesday ) that a Fireman Sam episode was taken off because he tripped over a piece from the Koran ???? Apparently the episode was made in 2014 but it was only noticed now.
Pretty hilarious. Shame he didn’t drop his fire retardant trousers and drop a steaming dump on the page.
This explains the Flokker scarcity, as they have been assigned archive duty elsewhere to find such things.
I’m sure there is a good cartoon to be made out of this story!
‘Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, tweeted: “I have no idea what went through the producers’s minds when they thought this was a good idea #baffled”.’
I do, someone on the BBC, a rogue, is taking the michael out you and your twisted religion Miqdaad
‘GlaxoSmithKline is to invest £275m to expand its UK manufacturing sites, saying the country remains “an attractive location” despite Brexit.’
GSK never mentioned Brexit, only the BBC did.
Why ‘despite’ Brexit. Why not ‘because’ of Brexit
No bias there then!!
The article seems pretty clear on the link. Is there a way to compare reality with BBC editorial integrity at play?
Still reeling from 15 minutes of the Today programme that Remain “doom and gloom” was wrong. Pharmaceuticals now admitting it is not “a big mistake”. Property/housing market unaffected apart from the London premium market which has been declining since February due to tax changes. The commercial property sector that dipped 15% has completely recovered.
Was it Humphreys ? not sure but he just laughed it off, no need for an apology. I think we need a taxpayer funded inquiry.
Whooohoooooo! Feel the joy from Justin Webb on the TOADY programme: Hillary Clinton has been nominated as the Democrat candidate for the US Presidential Election.
Is that allowed Justin? Will impartiality go out of the window and will you ‘glow’ just as warmly over Teresa May, the second woman Prime Minister in the UK?
May be a long wait.
Did Justin mention that Obama’s half-brother is supporting Trump ?
Grant, yer gotta be kiddin!
Clinton cuddle has spread to tickling the taxman and cosying-up to one of the TODAY programme’s occasional disasters to bash – HMRC – that nobody lurves. Even that evil, lying, Bill is dragged before a microphone to make everyone dewy eyed about the prospect of dating a Hillary. Obama’s Duracell batteries are running out and Obama’s bro is still going strong but that Duracell bunny is saying all the wrong things. What’s up, Doc, with that?
I almost hope that come November, Hillary is beyond her use-by-date and being recycled in the special container at the supermarket, although I relish not the thought of President Trump.
Yes, between the devil and the deep blue sea. If I had a vote, I would reluctantly go for Trump, even though he seems a bit of a loose cannon.
BBC Website ” Bill Clinton backs his “best friend” Hillary “. You couldn’t make it up. If that is the way he treats his best friend, how the hell does he treat his worst enemy ? Slimy scumbag.
He is going to help her take Bernie to the cleaners.
Grant, all during doing his zip up I suppose?
But she’s a wimmin. Which is all that matters!
Meanwhile the BBC Labour Party coverage goes dark.
Dermot Murnhaghan (what IS it about his face that is creepy?) was the same U2S, he was practically orgasmic with delight ! Whenever Trump’s name is mentioned he looks like he’s stepped in dogsh….
Maybe I am wrong, but my impression is that the Today programme is broadcasting a lot more from the Democratic Convention than it did from the Republican one. Perhaps, however, it is because I am more than irritated having listen to M. Obama and W. Clinton! Of course, the BBC’s coverage is sycophantic and uncritical, as one might expect, especially from Jon Sopel (ugh!).
Note to BBC Quality Control Department: Please take more care with captions. web-site Home Page:” ‘Priest killer’ was tagged and being monitored by police. ” underneath a picture of the priest murdered near Rouen yesterday.
The BBC are really hitting new lows on a regular basis. Every now and then I wonder how long Lord Hall can survive as DG.
The BBC has a Quality Control Department ?
Yes, its mission is to keep quality down.
As Ian Hislop might say… apparently.
Apologies if anybody has already posted this:
My goodness: Paul Mason. Does anyone (besides the Guardian) actually listen to this irritating day dreamer and armchair, coffee house revolutionary? I thought we’d seen the last of this annoying prat when he left Channel Snore. I note that his ‘progressive’ politics include the SNP. Just shows his attitude towards UK voters and the English. These middle-class aspiring commie nincompoops have no interest in white working class English folk who bear genuine concerns over the effects of uncontrolled immigration. The man is a complete fantasist and deluded Walter Mitty; I’d enjoy seeing him in a real communist state – middle class wannabe fantasists like him would have a nervous breakdown and would run a mile at the first sight of a pitch fork, hammer and sickle. I wouldn’t be surprised if even leftie Channel 4 told him to bugger off because of his undergraduate communist mumbo jumbo and jive.
Does this new deal with the US include Scottish beef, as it should?
If not, why not?
And what do the BBC and that fish woman have to say about it?
Britain’s first post Brexit trade deal with the US STRUCK as red meats back on menu
Fireman Sam episode pulled amid Koran row
Well I’ve seen fking everything now. We bend over backwards for these people and what do we get in return? Bombed, shot, beheaded and knifed.
Je ne suis pas pretre, je suis pi$$ed off.
What about this little beauty?
“Gang of Muslims storm nudist pool in Germany yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ and threatening to ‘exterminate’ women for being ‘sluts’ ”
And the kicker?
“Meanwhile the professional swimming association in Germany wants to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.
The Federal Association of German Swimming Professionals (BDS) says this would be ‘an inclusive measure that would benefit everyone.'”
Somehow I think only one group would ‘benefit’.
For those who like a musical interlude, if you consider electronic wiibbling noises music that is, this video is a pretty good analogy of enforced multicultarism.
In other news, it transpires that during the invasion of Okinawa, Admiral Nimitz suggested the best way to handle kamikaze attacks would be to hire Japanese combatants on air traffic control duty.
In other news, the head of German Alcoholics Anonymous has suggested putting recovering alcoholics in charge of pubs and breweries.
Paedophiles to be put in charge of childrens’ homes as part of their therapy.
STOP PRESS: Lefty naive globalist traitors to be given greater role in British Broadcasting Corporation.
STOP STOP PRESS: Queen Anne is dead.
Boards of Canada…. you’ve got a good taste in music. Future Sound of London, were the original outfit, though. 🙂
Now I know where the BBC get their inspiration from…. ludicrous journalism.
Gosh, isn’t it difficult to work out why no one bought the Independent Newspaper forcing it to disappear online?
Love the way it leads with ‘All three asylum seekers who carried out attacks this week had entered Germany long before the Chancellor announced her immigration policy last year,’ as if that makes it all right. Phew, glad innocent Germans weren’t massacred by the latest batch of Muslim migrants.
I expect its author, ROBERT VERKAIK, to be enlightening us with more nonsense on a BBC channel near you, very shortly.
Think for a second on how bad things are, yet we ‘only’ have a 5% muslim population.
May/Merkel/Hollande/Media/etc pressing hard to get more and more muslims into Britain.
Can you imagine your life, your children’s life, your career, your prospects, your safety ?
Imagine the degeneration we’ve seen in every walk of life in the last 20 years accelerated to the point where we are like Beirut/Tripoli/Baghdad.
If Trump loses, so does Western Civilisation.
Take an empty revolver and put a bullet in it and spin the chamber. Put the barrel to your head and pull the trigger. The bullet probably won’t kill you. You could call it a moderate bullet.
How many moderate bullets would you be prepared to put into the revolver?
Similarly, if one in every hundred thousand apples exploded when you bit into it, how many do you think we would import?
BREXIT economy. OMG !! UK growth increased in the quarter April-June in spite of all that nasty BREXIT uncertainty.
Surely not another inconvenient economic fact ? The IMF had already changed their story before the release of this number today, to say that they were now not forecasting another UK recession after the vote although growth rates may decrease in the short term. Will our remainiac media stop talking down our economy ?- not likely-
Just a little more information on the Saudi Clinton issue:
Are The Saudis Actually Funding 20% Of Hillary Clinton’s Campaign?
As you might expect the Clinton press & PR team moved to scotch such a rumour which came from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to Petra News Agency in an interview.
The news agency claimed its site had been hacked, but as the site says what are the chances of a hacker hacking a minor news site and changing just one single sentence in an article?
“the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs managed to capture the report and has re-published the original Arabic Petra report, which quoted Prince Mohammed as having said Saudi Arabia had provided with “full enthusiasm” an undisclosed amount of money to Clinton.”
This morning did not start well. I woke up with a headache – too much wine last night. “Someone” had forgotten to switch on the dishwasher last night. One of the cats had brought something in and left it on the carpet again. It is raining – a bit. TV reception seems to be poor again – OK, perhaps no great loss. Run out of my favourite breakfast cereal.
What to do about this? I could:
Have a cup of Bettys tea and read my book for a short while.
Do something useful around the house – no shortage of jobs.
Walk the dog.
Plan this evening’s meal, but no wine.
Go out and decapitate a priest.
Drive into Bradford and watch the local Muslim harmony parade.
Hmmm – difficult choice, but the sort of dilemma that faces hundreds of thousands of normal people every day.
(I lied about the Bradford bit, it will probably happen next week.)
The BBC are at it again.
There are many fascinating studies of Male and Female brains reflecting the differences we visibly see in the behaviour of the genders. Sadly, this doesn’t fit into the Guardian/BBC view that males and females are exactly the same and only evil, white, male led societies force girls to behave as they do. As you know, if you are frequent watcher of BBC programs, women just adore playing football, becoming engineers and would all be scientists if only horrible smelly men didn’t stop them. Women only frequent shoe shops, dress shops and hair stylists because society compels them to do so. Indeed, I have often forced a number of middle aged women into a hair dresser and used a gun to make them sit there for hour nattering about who said what to whom.
The above link has Professor Alice Roberts put us straight. Apparently experts in the field, who have devoted their lives to understanding the brain differences in genders, like Prof Simon Baron-Cohen, are wrong. Do you hear me? Wrong! No, no, they have nothing of value to say!
I could list the many other professors who specialise in this field who agree with Baron-Cohen, whose research backs up that of Cohen. I could point out his understanding of the male brain has helped us better understand autism, and improved the lives of thousands, but I will leave you with this …
Professor Alice Roberts is not a professor in neurology, she is a Professor of Public Engagement in Science. I should point out she has studied palaeontology and physical anthropology. It would be cruel of me to add that she has stated that she doesn’t understand why her daughter is so girly considering how she has been brought up.
What’s that? You couldn’t make it up? No, but the BBC do.
The most authoritative study on Men’s vs Wome’s brains, presented clearly and logically:
LOL Jonny, thanks for that 🙂
Scribbling, glad Prof Roberts isn’t letting a few facts get in the way of her prejudice…
So Alice is not the person to ask why Alzheimer’s is more difficult to diagnose in men than in women ? Maybe, it would be better to ask a neurologist.
A Clown Like Alice.
And for twenty-four years I’ve been living next door to Alice.
Who the…
Exactly Grant …
and why women recover speech after a stroke when males struggle (they use both sides of the brain to speak)
… why women suffer more from stress and anxiety … why more males suffer from autism … and so it goes on.
‘Not medicine, but poison’: Hungarian PM says his country does not need ‘a single migrant’
Hungary does not need a single migrant for the economy to work, or the population to sustain itself, or for the country to have a future, [on the contrary] every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.
This is why there is no need for a common European migration policy… whoever needs migrants can take them, but don’t force them on us, we don’t need them.
… migration is not a solution but a problem… not medicine but a poison, we don’t need it and won’t swallow it.”
If Viktor Orban ever needs a job, can we borrow him?
Not on the BBC:
Rapefugee rapes 79yo woman at German cemetery
Over half of Europeans link terrorism to refugee influx – PEW survey
No no, I suppose it’s fair enough, they’ve got far too much to do what with having to point out a cartoon in which a single page of the Koran is shown on the floor, and pretending they never predicted an post-Brexit economocaust.
Nearly 60 % ? What is wrong with the rest of them ? Are they nuts ?
Maybe we should have a referendum 😉