I suppose this item on the BBC was inevitable. From the TODAY schedule earlier..
“The right wing German party Alternatif fur Deutschland says the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is responsible for bringing terror to Germany through her open door refugee policy. But most other German politicians have stopped short of linking the recent attacks to the Middle East. Dr Peter Ammon is the German Ambassador to the UK.”
It’s really amazing to watch the European political establishment and the media, including the BBC of course, deny reality. We see the German Police twist in the wind as they think up all kinds of ludicrous excuses to cover the simple fact that Merkel’s Open Borders policy has been a catastrophic disaster that may engulf Germany into Germanistan.
Latest news from France is that two terrorists have been shot dead, after taking a priest and a couple nuns hostages in a church. The priest has been killed.
RT though is reporting that the priest has had his throat slit.
That makes it a genuine Koranically sanctioned attack. The BBC knows, but has yet to figure out how to spin this piece of information. Will “Nothing to do with Islam” suffice?
BBC News “Typically for a modern secular Europe there were only a few people in the church” Does it matter how many people were in the church does it matter that we live in a secular modern society? for those who propagate Mohammed and the religion of peace it clearly does!
Foxcote, my guess is that is BBC code for ‘Look, Muslims, very few of us are Christians, look at our churches, nobody goes to them, we’re secular, why are you attacking us?!’ What they don’t realise is that secularism is seen as just as bad if not worse than Christianity in the eyes of ISIS fanatics.
I`d just like to make clear to the BBC that if any Jihadists turn up at our Church there will be more than one person prepared and able to defend ourselves and our wives and kids and, yes, our Priests against the murderers.
Personally I take the view that the Community Safety Trust is the template that Christians need swiftly to adopt.
Faith of our fathers, we will be true to thee `til death.
Watching RT. They had an “export” on Middle Eastern culture or something. After a lot of beating about the bush, he admitted that this attack on a church, and the probable beheading of the priest, was a religious attack. His solution was to separate Muslims from Christians, as they do in Islamic countries. His words
You quote RT – you have no credibility.
RT has become far more credible than Al Beeb.
Who do you, and/or the BBC quote… for ‘credibility’?
In situations like this the BBC usually bring on Moazzem Begg or Salami Chukabutty or anyone else who will tell us it’s all our fault because we’ve been victimising Muslims since The Crusades.
If you wish to read the ultimate white wash by the bBC have a butchers at this Frank’Don’t shoot’ Gardiner article:
What drives individuals to commit mass killings?
With four attacks in southern Germany coming shortly after the mass murder of 84 people in Nice, counter-terrorism officials are struggling to detect a common thread. Is there a single, defining feature to these attacks that could offer clues on how to prevent more of them from happening?
Gee, is there anybody out there who could offer the bBC’s security correspondent a few clues on identifying that missing single defining feature?
Its Climate Change and AGW.
I’m astonished that the BBC havn’t figured it out.
I blame Brexit.
Exactly Pounce-they are running around with eyes wide shut- as one regular BBC Bias respondent said, ‘The very beliefs of the European internationlists blinds them to the dangers that Islam poses to them and to their beliefs and therefore they foolishly welcome millions of Muslims into their continent. Before they wake up and realise the danger, it will be too late. Dealing with Islam is far, far more important than leaving the EU ever was but we are very unlikely to ever address this existentialist threat.’ Deliberately the Elitists are drawing our eyes away from the real problem-their evil machine keeps driving forward with its eventual aim of a one world order. Brexit slightly derailed their endeavours, but as we are seeing, not for long. Somehow we have to fight against this tyranny.
Tarien. Read this…. and weep: http://www.newenglishreview.org/John_M._Joyce/The_Lancaster_Plan/
Which report hides the truth ?
France church attack: Priest killed in hostage-taking near Rouen
‘Islamic State’ Chanting Attackers ‘Behead’ Priest During Morning Mass In France
Over to Kikuchiyo our “Duty Troll ” to answer that one .
…with credibility.
The BBC are always slow to report any news compared with other outlets. Even then it is censored to support their own agenda and often very error prone. It is partly deliberate but party lack of professionalism. Either way , the BBC is utterly third rate and people should not have to pay for it if they do not want to.
I think you are right. Looking at the people on BBC breakfast TV, they are borderline stupid. Most of them have probably been employed to fill a Diversity quota.
But what do you do but to employ these E.Lit or Media Study graduates, when the government allowed these non-subjects to be setup in the first place.
Not always, Grant. For instance, if someone had claimed the attackers said “Britain First” I think the BBC might have been very quick.
LOL ! True.
Because they have to have a senior editors meeting to decide the “exact wording” of each and every report so as not to offend or define anyone.
This is how propaganda works. Wording is everything in a socialist state. The sheeple must be informed so that no offence is caused, children are not frightened and the peace of society is carefully maintained. If that doesn’t work they will make laws to show the sheeple that they will comply or be detained. Rudd’s current task allocated by our new PM
Islam has nothing to do with Islam
It’s Brexit.
All of it.
I heard that ‘interview’ with the German Ambassador this morning. I have rarely heard anything as slovenly, complacent, dismissive, so devoid of concern of the threat that his country and the rest of Europe faces.
Had the BBC interviewer been doing his job properly, he might have challenged Herr Ammon to explain how the investigation of the Cologne sexual assaults is progressing? And why the police have identified dozens of asylum seekers, ‘in the country for less than one year’ as responsible?; or why states and cities across federal Germany have been forced to provide classes for asylum seekers – telling them to keep their hands of women?; or why one of the Paris attackers, ‘Ahmad Al Mohammad’, found his way into Europe as a ‘refugee’?; Or why ISIL is happy to tell the world that their jehadists are taking the fight to the infidel posing as refugees?; Or why Germany is the staging post for these people?
If the German establishment put as much effort into protecting Europe as they are in trying to protecting Frau Merkel’s reputation, Europe would be a far safer place.
No 88
Yes, exactly. And why are the BBC not asking these questions ? The BBC is not fit for purpose and the TV tax should be scrapped.
Initial reports from RT said that the priest had his throat slashed.
Bild now reports that he was beheaded.
Pray for the church and its congregants.
70 years ago a lot of people died in Normandy trying to rid Europe of an obnoxious ideology. It worked, but people on all sides paid a heavy price.
Now imbeciles in European governments, aided and abetted by the MSM and others, have imported an alien ideology which could very well turn out to be far worse.
Europe is in many respects far better than it used to be, EU notwithstanding. Now we’re in the middle of an evil transformation that nobody asked for.
We seemed to have come so far, now I fear it’s being thrown away. For what? Decapitations.
I agree but unfortunately the European solution will most likely be to vote for a similar ideology we had during 1939-1945.
The far left has pushed their agenda on all of us for too long and any politician offering a right wing solution will be elected into power with ease…..then Europe will learn this repeated mistake and in 70 years time we will be back to our current liberal situation – and repeat forever.
Yes. IMO the choice is, do something bold now or someone will do it for you.
The Muslim community needs to be told by people at Merkel’s level to reform, and quickly. No arguments, just make yourselves fit in, or leave.
To hell with what the MSM think. I agree though. Won’t happen.
Tabs – Europe is in many respects far better than it used to be, EU notwithstanding. Now we’re in the middle of an evil transformation that nobody asked for.
The EU bureaucrats are Internationalists and the transformation is their doing. They started their open borders policy within the union but it’s been pretty clear for some years now they have been more than keen to encourage mass immigration from elsewhere, especially the Middle East and Africa.
Then remember the EU is seen as the ‘blueprint for a future world government’ (M Barroso) which brings in the UN world view which is framed neatly within their Agenda 21 – and that’s all about ‘social justice’ aka re-distribution of wealth, driven by the need to combat the inequities of Western-caused ‘climate change’. It’s the nightmare of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ made real.
Indeed we are Maria-as one book I recently read said, ‘Be afraid, be very afraid.’ But not only of the despotic ideology of Islam but of the evil Elitist’s moving their goal of many hundreds of years to a finality of a One World Order-there will be no hiding place. We who want Freedom for all the reasons of being a human, will have to fight on many fronts and as you indicate a fight that will pay a very heavy price, win or lose. I was born begining of WW2 but not too old not to care or carry arms if there is no other way to resist the dangers now facing us all.
Let’s not rush to conclusions; they might have been extremist Anglicans, who’ve never forgiven the Catholics.
Or a simple domestic tiff like in German attack on, tragically, a pregnant Polish woman.
(The Poles have no post-colonial guilt or imbecilic PC/liberal/lefty sensitivities (or BBC). She probably fought back when he molested her and, tragically, paid the price. A good Deutsche Frau would of course have rolled over not to cause offence to the religion of peace.)
ps. machete attack on Polish woman in Grmany completely ignored by BBC. Try finding it on their website!
Very good! 🙂
“We come in Peace” or is it “Submit”?
Why can’t we all just get along?
Nice clips guys 🙂
Funny – but also accurate, and scary. And odd (or perhaps just human) that people can’t or don’t want to see the obvious threat, isn’t it?
Mind you, some years back I used to think my mum was a raving racist when she said that she hated Islam… but I was just ignorant and had believed all the crap I’d been fed about all the “Abrahamic Religions” and couldn’t imagine one which more similar to the Martians in Mars Attacks than anything we know as “religion”.
But then I read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s first book, Infidel, which opened my eyes, and – memory’s a bit fuzzy – I think I started researching the Koran/Hadith/Sira in its more readable format eg the Two Hour Koran to try and prove my mum wrong, but found out she was right.
Sad but true. What to do? Is Marine le Pen opening a branch office in the UK?
Have others had similar experiences and if so which books/programmes/films have been the most influential?
Great film clip, so apt: the peaceniks wanting so to believe The Lie.
François Hollande has just spoken,apparently “Their intention is to divide us” Phew!! I’d been starting to worry they were trying to destroy us!
I think he is right to do so. But follow it up, as before, with an announcement that the French Air force will be conducting more strikes on ISIS. This will ensure more attacks by Muslims in France.
Yes, just been watching both Sky and BBC and the presenters are twisting themselves up into linguistic and conceptual knots in order to distance Islam from Islamic attacks; because, of course, Islam has nothing to do with Islam! This buffoonery isn’t just utterly pathetic, offensive and highly puerile; such obfuscation, censorship and deception is dangerous to our population and also, ironically, will create more of the anger our politicians are trying to stem. The time for flowers, incense, singing and the holding of hands is over; Europe is under Islamist attack. And I really fear there is little we can proactively and preventatively do as we are surrounded by those who wish to do us harm yet we have no way to identify who is who. Merkel has blood on her hands and is guilty of treason along with all those who idiotically allowed in the millions of ‘refugees’.
One smug, middle class Sky ‘News’ presenter infuriated me this morning when he stated something along the lines of ‘Well, I suppose we just have to get on with it and accept it as everyday life…’ What a disgrace but how emblematic of the smug, middle class complicity in this whole sorry mess. It is the middle and political classes that have forced this unwanted immigration on us through their arrogant but utterly imbecilic ideological agendas, self-satisfying and self-indulgent moral superiority and political cant. And what of the working classes when they voice concern? They are derided as xenophobes, racists, bigots and far-Right little Englanders. This has been a contrived scheme by the New Left of the fifties and sixties, hatched in the coffee houses and student unions of Oxford and Cambridge etc. I despair. But most of all I am angry! As I speak now on Sky ‘News’ the imbecile of a presenter is saying that these Islamic terrorists are in fact just marginalised … I despair.
BBC 1 o clock news, and Frank Gardner tells us that the only thing the 6 terrorist incidents on the continent in the past fortnight have in common is the death of innocent people. Not much of a Security Correspondent, is he?
Alex, I sense opinion may be changing in France. There was a French politician interviewed on R4 lunchtime news today (not sure of her name) who I at first assumed must be from the Front National due to the way she was talking about a clampdown and mass arrest of militant Muslims. However, she said ‘if things go on as they are we will go straight into the hands of the National Front’ so she can’t have been. The presenter was doing her usual soft-soap handwringing of ‘but what can be done??’ which seemed to make this French lady very angry and re-iterate her calls for imprisonment.
The other day we were told that these people who committed these acts were ‘not connected’. Another attempt by the our rulers and the complicit media to divert our attention. I dare say that the barbarian murderers did not know each other, but they are connected by their religion, they are connected by their hatred of all the West stands for, for their hatred of Christians, and their wish and intent to bring our civilisation to an end.
We also are told by the media weasels that there are moderate muslims, that there are those who protest they are French and thus how could they be in favour of what is happening. But they do not support the France that the true French support and have allegiance to, they support a future France, a future France which is Islamist.
This religion has declared war on all of Western Europe, they hope to bring down France first, they will then move on.
There is only one solution, mass exclusions and deportations. It was ok according to Merkel to have a mass influx, it should therefore be perfectly legitimate to recognise this was a disastrous error and have a mass exodus. That is the only way Europe can be saved from a sworn enemy which has declared war and sent its fighters to carry it out. War by non-conventional means, but war nevertheless. All the conventions which have been honoured by us here in the past are no longer serving us. They are obsolete and must be abandoned during this dire emergency. It is unfortunate and regrettable but essential.
All politicians, all opinion formers, all officials, all media weasels who have made false reports and who have ‘welcomed refugees’ have blood on their hands. They are no longer fit to stay in post and must resign.
Bang on in every sentance Alex. The evil plans of the Elitists are controlling everything, their aim to have a One World Order is now well on the way-there is little of importance to our lives that they do not own or control & influence to subdue any counter reaction. Yes indeed I and many I speak to Dispair of what is happening to oue world. I can’t give in without a fight; old I may be but afraid I am not. Pity I surrendered my Enfield 303 ex WW2 rifle.
Meanwhile “Hate Crime” (whatever that is) is on the increase “apparently” because of the “xenophobes” that voted leave according to the luvvies on Today and on the Front Row Brexit Special this morning on R4. (Hilariously so far up themselves it truly beggars belief).
But don’t worry there’s a nice South Asian (probably Muslim?) Policeofficerwoman watching! See link http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36875533
I would be really interested to examine the ‘data’ behind this ‘spike’ in incidents of ‘hate crime’ (Left-wing code for people criticising Islam). What the reporters are not stating is how exactly this data has been broken down or validated in terms of weeding out all biases. For all we know, based on the information the BBC, Guardian and Sky have given, the ‘hate crimes’ could be against white English people, Christians or those of Jewish faith; we just don’t know what the raw data is saying if we cannot ‘eyeball’ the figures ourselves. In truth, I am always very circumspect of so called data from the BBC and Sky because as we know anyone can skew the numbers in order to present phenomena in a way that is supportive of a particular ontology, social reality or worldview. The Leftie sociologists are experts at it!
It’s all a ruse: there is no data, and there is no spike of hate crimes. There was a spike in “reported” crimes, which the police themselves said was normal around large national/international events and should not be interpreted as a spike in actual crimes. I thought it was only us Brexiteers who were supposed to ignore the “experts”?
Newsflash: gunman kills doctor and then himself in Berlin hospital. On most of the major newspaper sites but I can’t see anything on BBC.
Doctor killed in Berlin. All over the media except… you guessed it.
Probably too busy wondering how to spin French priest murder by Religion of Peace…
It was the stress of Brexit that did it….
In fairness to Al Beeb I watched their 12.00 coverage of the attack and there was surprisingly little spin, at least not that I noticed. Also, looking on their online report all the relevant facts are there. However, there’s then an “Analysis” (a somewhat “optimistic” word I would suggest) by Frank Gardner who in one paragraph states:
“The selection of a church by the attackers, whatever their motives turn out to be, crosses a new red line in the grim history of recent attacks on continental Europe. The murder of an 84-year-old priest in this attack will have further inflamed public opinion.”
Firstly, and most obviously,the motive is already known! Secondly the phrase “inflamed public opinion” leads me to suspect that the BBC may start to move away from “Nothing to do with Islam” and “Motive remains unclear” and start focusing on “Fears” of a Far Right backlash instead.
As for the rest of his “analysis”………….Yeah I can’t even be bothered to comment.
‘Inflamed’ – how very typical BBC, making the reaction to these Islamofascist slaughters sound so unreasonable.
How very dare they – first the Proles voted Brexit and now they’re ‘inflamed’ by a few murders which have no apparent connection!
What we need is a clampdown on hate crime. Yes, that should do it. Not ROP hate crime of course, like actually killing people.
Peter, today on Radio Four I noticed some themes developing:
1. Continuation of ‘Brexit causing hate crimes’ theme, despite the new laws relating to things like homophobia which has nothing to do with the EU.
2. Promotion of the ‘all criminals/terrorists are mentally ill and not to blame for their actions’ theme. The old marxist idea that crime is a concept created by capitalism.
3. The idea that ‘hate crimes’ are ONLY crimes by native white heterosexual able-bodied Britons against those not like them, ie, the old idea that ‘blacks can’t be racist’. Again, another well-worn marxist idea.
The BBC tolerates intolerance
The two men who tried to abduct an RAF serviceman at knife-point were widely reported as Asian in appearance, but not I hasten to add by the BBC.
Is it my imagination or do some of the Beeboid news announcers look close to breakdown? That look you get when it begins to dawn on you that everything you’ve ever believed in, everything you’ve been told (and told others), your whole Weltanschauung, just might be wrong.
(I was a stupid leftie once myself so I know the feeling.)
It’s tough guys but just swallow the red pill, escape the Matrix and join reality. We’ll help you through it.
Nah, must be my imagination.
Maybe when they bomb Broadcasting House.
I don`t doubt some of the younger beeboids discomfort may be due to the cognitive dissonance of saying things they know aren`t true.
But some of it is down to the hopeless, sappy, immaturity of so many of the uni educated children of the children of the 60s, their only life experience is of gap years, mixing mostly with foreigners who share their values, and peace…peace that they haven`t, by and large had to lift a finger to preserve.
I remember patiently trying to explain this to some young relatives who had met some loud and difficult Israeli kids on a gap year trip and were complaining about their “arrogance”…… “those kids have done or are about to do compulsory military service, something you don`t even have to think about”…..
They simply cannot conceive of a world where people mean them real harm just because of what they are…secular, easy going, tolerant, open to “the other”. They will soon, sadly, it seems, have to relearn the lessons their great- grandparents, their grandparents and those Israeli kids they met on their gap year had to learn….
That sometimes the world is a tough old place, that requires toughness to survive in.
Doctor killed in Berlin, ‘not terror related’ according to German police, who have been so transparent in reporting recent ‘non-terror’ attacks.
Remember, the WHOLE German establishment including and especially Merkel are DESPERATE to play down the terror / migrant angle.
Of course it might be true in this case, but they’ve lied so much we can’t believe them anymore.
German police stand by whilst ISIS supporters shout allah akibar at Munich shrine.
Why not arrest them?
It depends on whose side the cops are on.
Wouldn’t surprise me if most of the German police were just as disgusted as the rest of the crowd but were under strict orders not to interfere.
You are just missing Stacey Dooley and her explanation in great detail of the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and the Social and Economic reality within the EU. 🙂
C’mon you know you want to …..secretly ….
Never forger her wise words after Cologne:
” The suggestion that it is exclusively muslim men is just far too simplistic. The sad thing is over 100 women were sexually assaulted and whoever the perpetrators are need to be punished.”
aaaaaaahhhh lovely…..
Or during the Stacey investigates Luton – Muslim Extremists and EDL :
“We never going to achieve anyfing if we don’t talk to each avaaaar and ignorance is what causes extremism “
I agree with Stacey. It is the ignorance of people like her which causes extremism.
Sky: The assailants were “neutralised” by police as they came out of the church reportedly shouting “Allahu Akbar”. French media reported shots being fired.
BBC: [No mention of Allahu Akbar]
Sky: French President Francois Hollande, who is at the scene, said the attackers claimed to be members of the terror group and slammed what he described as a “vile terrorist attack”. He said IS has “declared war on us, we must fight this war by all means”.
BBC: President Francois Hollande said the men claimed to be from so-called Islamic State (IS). Speaking in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, he said the attackers had committed a “cowardly assassination” and France would fight IS “by all means”.
Need I say more?
At least someone is reporting it how it is…
This is the fifth attack to have rocked Germany since July 18. The four attacks, three of which were committed by migrants, left 10 people dead and injured 34.
Erm… no… no… I still can’t see any connection. Can you? 🙄
Ironic we have to go to mendacious propagandist RT for the truth sometimes.
(When it suits their own agenda of stirring up anti-Islamist sentiment of course.)
Yes, isn’t it. Is this really what we pay our licence fee for? I think we’ve been done.
Incidentally, I am gaining more and more respect for the Russians daily. They at least had the balls to ban the Koran and other Islamic hate literature.
Muslims and their apologists try and pretend that other major religions have similar problems in their literature but it’s just not so. Yes there are some abhorrent things in the OT but there’s nothing which says you must aggressively wage war on those of other faiths to convert them to the “true religion” NOW, in the 21st century – it’s all thankfully in the past, and can be regarded as history rather than current instructions. Not so with the Koran, Sirah and Hadiths, which are viewed as current divine instructions.
Even the last INTDWI straws the BBC are clutching at – “lone wolves” and “petty criminals” were being dismissed by a security expert on France 24. Apparently when “lone wolves” are investigated they always find those who have bought guns, provide safe houses etc. who have links with IS. Petty criminals are more likely to have had contact with Jihadists in prison than outside. Petty criminals have proved useful in the past in the French resistance and the CIA used its mafia coonections at home to organise operations in Italy.
Petty criminality does not preclude belief in a cause and religious belief did not prevent Catholic priests colluding in murder with the IRA.
Glad you mention France 24. My French is not very good so I watch the english version. Their news coverage is far superior than the BBC’s pathetic efforts.
Fox News is okay, too; quite comical at times how truthful they are in terms of telling it how it is. One might call it the Blazing Saddles of news channels. No political correctness on there. Rabid Republican supporters and proud lol
I’ve watched France24 before and they have always been staunch anti-FN
Today, they were mentioning the Cologne-like cover up by Cazenouve revealed by local officials in Nice and Cazenouve’s threat to sue for defamation.
But the did not say Le Pen’s statement on the atrocity was “political opportunism” or “disrespectful to the dead”.
They also said that a ” centre right or right wing government are thought by the public to be stronger on law and order”. ???!!
Am I missing something or is this a call to get rid of Hollande? How things have changed.
I was mainly thinking of France 24’s breath and depth of news coverage rather than any political slant but what you say is indeed, interesting !
Where’s Kikuchiyo gone?
Where’s Jerrod when the going gets tough?
There’s never been more of a need for this wonderful website and its/our ability to makes others aware of the dangerous bias/propaganda pumped out by our national broadcaster and harness our own message to defeat this monster that is dragging us towards unimaginable bloodshed
Today at my work place, the discussion of the attacks came up, and the inability of my colleagues to comprehend the seriousness of what is happening and the pure and simple brutality was obvious from the start. It was clear that the sensorship and artificial narrative pumped out continually to the people of this country by Islamic Al Beeb is the basis for most peoples opinion on what is happening. I was able to open my colleagues minds to the reality of Islam, Islams purpose, Islams brutality by telling them the truth. Nothing more. It was clear the people I have known so long, had absolutely no idea about the things I was saying…. and this is because of the deceit, and lies told by European establishments and backstabbing MSM. I only spoke of facts. I only stated what Muhammad himself instructed. I only told them what Muslims themselves are saying. They were clearly shocked but at the same time they knew what I was saying was the truth…. It’s why Jihadi Jerrod and gangrene rotten ballsack Kiku are never able to challenge us to debate Islam on this website. The facts and truth that are everlasting about Islam have been there since the very beginning of this death cult.
Those who are against Islam, Islams brutality, and Islams purpose of subjecting every blade of grass on this planet to Allahs will, have the truth behind us. Its why our own traitors can never open up the debate as the truth will come out….the truth that each and every single one of these Islamic acts have everything to do with lslam.
Let’s own these traitorous bastards wherever they are. Study the facts. Learn about Islam and never let our way of life be taken away from us because we were too stupid and apathetic to realise that the truth about Islam will be all the ammunition we will need to defeat it
BBC TV News at 6 described the priest as being ” executed” as if it was the result of a judicial process.
The Today Programme
Germany is reeling from a series of four violent attacks in a week. Ten people have been killed and dozens more injured in separate gun, bomb, axe and machete attacks. So-called Islamic State have claimed responsibility for one, and there are videos of another attacker pledging allegiance to another.
But the German people are not rushing to judgement, says German Ambassador to the UK Dr Peter Ammon.
“Maybe it’s a German way to deal with things. We love to look into the background before we give a judgement,” he tells Justin Webb.
“The debate in Germany is not about the migrants or Islam, it is a debate about the growing incidents of mental illness among young people, for example, and not that people equate migration with terror.”
Bless. Just… bless.
Surely a Downfall is en route, perhaps using footage from a meeting in The Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda?
For all of us here, read this and pass it on. It’s the reason that Islam is not being blamed. Apparently the powers that be believe that islam WILL take over…. So we should accommodate them: http://www.newenglishreview.org/John_M._Joyce/The_Lancaster_Plan/
Sounds like an elaborate urban myth to me. Are successive governments really cunning enough to think out a long term plan like that? The current one didn’t have a plan for a Brexit vote. And really, they wouldn’t need a plan, this would have happened anyway. Why so determined to save the UK if it is not what it has been for hundreds of years? Just an Islamic state.
Sorry, don’t believe it.
Sounds to me like the writer’s been reading too many Dennis Wheatley novels, especially with all that guff about country house weekends and ’29 armagnacs.
Just a few of the news items being hidden by the BBC:-