The BBC graciously admits there might be an Islamic angle to the murder of a priest in France today…
President Francois Hollande said the men claimed to be from so-called Islamic State (IS).
Speaking in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, he said the attackers had committed a “cowardly assassination” and France would fight IS “by all means”.
Fraank Gardner isn’t 100% convinced…
The selection of a church by the attackers, whatever their motives turn out to be, crosses a new red line in the grim history of recent attacks on continental Europe.
I’m sure he has a psychiatrist on standby to talk us through the issues…on hold just now because ‘There was no immediate word on the identity of the hostage-takers.’
Certain to find they are poor lads from a Muslim ghetto abandoned by the French state, alienated and angry at the way Muslims are treated….I could get a job as a BBC
However it can’t be long before the equivocations start….the BBC [Frankie boy] are already looking to point the finger of blame…
News that one of the attackers was on the French government’s terror watch-list, known as the S list, will prompt many to question its purpose if he can remain at large to carry a knife into a church.
Always looking for a new angle on a story…except the obvious one.
Bloody hell… And the British media are cranking up their propaganda over “hate crime” GMAFB.
Brexit has a lot to answer for.
As for old people…don’t get me started….They have no stake in the future….
Neither do terminally ill young people now I think about it.
They should all be denied the vote if they won’t use it wisely.
Surely BMB, you cannot compare the seriousness of lobbing a bacon sandwich at the door of a Mosque with butchering an 84 year old priest in France can you? Come now, can’t you appreciate the absolute and total horror of opening the Mosque door to find a bacon sandwich lying there? We know what the BBC finds serious of the two!
Not only that, the Pope clearly is comfortable with Muslims (“my brothers and sisters”) and will no doubt endorse the butchering of a priest.
Cant wait for the BBC to wheel out the photo embedded in this article, its really quite, forgive me, ‘Hippie’:
Perhaps the Vatican need introducing to Employment Rights: if you need to get rid of a priest that simply will not leave, there are less messy ways of doing it!
Indeed the British public have been manipulated for years to tunr the other cheek-this little article from a chap called Davod Abbott sums up the situ we now follow pretty well. ‘Our land is close to becoming the first country in world history to be destroyed by politeness to its foes. Its indigenous folk are famous for apologising for everything. Bumped into, they are the ones to say sorry. This endearing custom has been taken further, with tacit apologies to Muslims for Muslims’ hostility and aggression. The wish to be seen as a polite person has mutated into a need to be seen as doing and thinking the correct thing, an endearing custom of excessive good manners escalated into a vast political cringe. Indigenous folk have been on the defensive, scared to offend. It is time to go on the offensive. These diatribes of mine are a start.”
Time for France to hit the terrorist paradise-seekers with what some may regard as an appropriate punishment post facto.
No return of miscreant bodies to ‘bewildered’ relatives. Just a quiet private funeral (no flowers or cameras please) followed by a cremation.
As a bonus this may act ‘pour encourager les autres’ to reduce future casualties.
The trouble is that The Muslim population is already quite large in France, and is getting bigger. Soon, Muslims will be a majority, and France will become a Sharia country.
What we are doing right now is correct. Attack ISIS everywhere, and then react appropriately with the reactions.
NCBBC, sadly I think what we are seeing now may be the start of Europe becoming like Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 80s. Years of ‘troubles’ followed eventually by some sort of ‘peace process’ in which Muslims, rather than Irish nationalists, are given concessions and political power/sharia law in return for keeping that peace.
The only concessions will be those made by the indigenous Europeans.
They might let us stay to do the dirty jobs and run the child brothels for them.
Quite. There is no compromise that Islam will accept, except you becoming a Dhimmi, and pay the Jizya with dutiful obedience and subservience.
You will also have to provide your daughters to the Caliph, and the smart and fit boys to be Janissaries.
Thank you for your response. Should I say “Your Grace”?
I believe you wrote something similar in your blog, a few weeks back.
I’m not thinking of a division or partition of Europe. In Ireland, both protagonists were European.
The Irish, both sides, were Christian, and had cultural similarity. Both accepted that a modus vivendi and compromise was not just achievable, but could accept it, and honour it.
The Islamic presence in Europe is foreign in every way, racial, cultural and religious, and needs be turned back. It has come about due to a serious lack of education, and ignorance of Islam and history, of the political elite.
Lets look at what we are up against. With Islam there will be no compromise. Not because of us, but Islam will not accept a compromise, unless they are losing. Every canonical text of Islam forbids an abiding peace with the Infidel. A compromise treaty (Hudna), can hold for a maximum ten years with the specific purpose for Muslims to reorganise and re-arm, and start the war again.
This will not end until Islam is victorious, and Sharia is established throughout Christendom, the long term goal of Islam, or it is pushed back out of Europe, as it was at the Gates of Vienna in 1684.
From the behaviour of our political elite at present, Muslims must feel elated that they have us on the run psychologically. But I believe there are hidden forces at play here.
If you run the Archbishop Cranmer blog, let me say what a pleasure it is to read it. I have done so for a very long time – since its inception I think. I miss some of the old commentators.
NCBBC, alas I am not the same Cranmer that publishes a blog – I only learnt of its existence once I had started using the same name here and people asked me if I was he!
Thanks for the reply.
You can’t bargain with Islam, read the Koran. The only situation acceptable is total victory over the Dar-al Harb (that’s us, the infidel). They will kill us all before they make a single concession on their way to Dar-al=Islam. The only solution is to end ALL Muslim immigration into Europe now and deport those found preaching jihad from the mosques and their entire families. I would like to know exactly how many of our culture enriching Muslim friends have ever worked PAYE rather than claim benefits , work on the taxis, or run businesses that pay no tax. Less than 10%?
Parasites, liars and plotters, and that’s not the minority.
Taxis are a great way to meet young girls too, Riding along in my automobile…
Muslim owned taxis also allow Muslims to rapidly insert hundreds if not thousands of young men into any conflict zone in the country.
Muslim taxi drivers are also the eyes and ears of the Muslim community. This enables them to monitor any wayward Muslim girls running away from FGM or forced marriage.
Frankly, I don’t see any hope for Europe, bar a civil war and the total banishment of all Muslims from Europe. That is what was done in Europe in times past.
The idea that one can separate the “moderate” from the “radical” Muslim is unworkable because of Taqiyya. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella tried it, but it didn’t work because of Taqiyya. So a more rigorous interrogation was necessary – the Spanish Inquisition.
Agree NCBBC-we have only one avenue to go down & very unpalatable it is. Most people under 70 yrs would have no experience of WW2 and its result on Society-there have been other Wars but none that actually affected Britain directly, ref possible invasion, BUT Britain is once again facing such a terrible enemy as we did in 1939 but one that will be veven more devastating to us all than before. Britain & its duplicitous politicians are wide awake with eyes shut. Terrible recent events they may be but they are just a forerunner to far wider and of greater danger than anyhting so far. Europe is likely to fall as other nations institute referendums, as they vote will so far be for out-but with 53 million Muslims living in Europe currently it will a close run thing.
Fraid’ Cramer that even then, Islam would not accept ‘keeping the peace’. It only seeks World domination and will accept no less.
There’s only one answer, and its strangely a BBC answer – As the Daleks glide around uttering: ‘Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate’……………………….
Same here in Britain-New Prime Minister will do very little to combat this situation-too freightened to upset the Islamic community now well established and ready to destroy our Christian Society. Words are cheap, action depends on the Non Muslim publics attitude-little chance of action there.
No Live tv
I believe that the Islamic murderers that took and killed hostages some years ago in Russia were wrapped and buried in pigs skin. Personally I love pork crackling but I would be happy to forgo the odd bag or two if it could be put to better use.
Quiet funeral….feed them to the pigs.
Will Amber Rudd’s offer of cash to protect places of worship from thought crime also serve to prevent crazed jihadis beheading parish priests?
BBC News Channel has just informed me that a priest has “died” in Northern France. A surprisingly minor event to lead the news, surely?
“… a priest has “died” in Northern France…”
A new low, even by the low standards previously set by the BBC.
As it’s coming up to Olympics time, how about we award them the gold medal in the 100m freestyle dissimulation.
Well, he was in his eighties – so it must have been old age then ……….
To say the BBC are beneath contempt doesn’t even begin to describe them.
Is the main BBC headline ” a priest has died” and then when they tell you the details is more like “a knife has killed a priest”?
On a serious note…. can anyone see a pattern in these French and German attacks which are now daily? Anything at all? I’m worried my elderly English neighbours might do a terror attack next.
Shaving accident.
Rather interesting that question time hasn’t been on for a few weeks now…. I wonder why? Is it because despite the marvellous work of your sound engineers al Beeb the voices of the angry little people are some what larger than they used to be… Yeh f it let’s just scrap it all together once the audience starts asking the wrong questions… Oh well I did rather like that show
My mistake – looks like they always have a little break around now – – lucky beeb on this one
Wouldn’t make any difference if it was on TV these last few weeks. The entire audience is vetted and carefully selected and come the day when they cannot fill the seat with members of the public they will stick BBC staff in the seats instead.
What is the point of Question Time? It is, literally, claptrap, in the original sense of the word meaning bombastic speeches designed to garner applause. Awful old tosh.
Nice long break, rather. Next episode mid-September. I imagine the staff need a lot of time to spend all that cash they are wallowing in from the long-suffering British public.
Any word from the Pope yet, or are they stumbling over a carefully worded statement. He might be on holiday, or washing feet.
Crikey, they’ve been working overtime at the Vatican!:
Pope’s representative says –
‘He participates, obviously, in the suffering of those (people),” he said.
Obviously but not overtly.
But does he condemn the murder as a muslim terrorist act ?
According to that statement? he hasn’t condemned anything. No surprise there.
Not true. He has condemned “all forms of hatred “. So there !
Any word from the Pope yet, or are they stumbling over a carefully worded statement.
Interesting guy, this Pope. A true man of the people, spurning privilege and mingling ecstatically with the crowds.
Unfortunately he believes that everyone else should also mingle ecstatically. And he is so firm in this belief that he even delved into politics to chastise Donald Trump and cast doubt on the latter’s faith because he has the temerity to insist on a wall between the US and Mexico so as not to mingle ecstatically with Mexican drug dealers, other assorted criminals and illegal scroungers from over the border.
But far worse than his insistence on forced mingling of everyone everywhere is his utter failure to support Christians under barbaric attack from devotees of the Religion of Peace worldwide. That makes him, above all else, a coward and a traitor to his own flock.
How the BBC must adore him.
Well said. The Pope is a disgrace. And yes, a Beeboid through and through. A disgusting creature.
Funny you should ask Looby. The Pope – I kid you not – is on his way to Poland to ask them to take in more terrorists – I mean asylum seekers. Not great timing Papa! Specially just days after a pregnant Polish woman was brutally hacked to death by one in Germany. (Just a domestic tiff according to Beeb, nothing to do with bla bla. Phew, that’s alright then.)
Fortunately the wonderful Polish people are unencumbered with colonial guilt / political correctness / the BBC and will probably tell him where he can stuff his terrorists – sorry asylum seekers: in the Vatican, Papa.
Proves my point. The Pope is an idiot.
It seems that when an Argentine lefty is elected Pope, you get a Pope who is an Argentine lefty. Amazing! Who saw that one coming?
It is difficult to know which of his stupidities is the worst, but washing muslims feet has to take the ticket. Does he not know that is an insult in Islam ? Guess there are not many muslims in Argieland and he doesn’t read many books.
Kissing feet more like! After all, ‘Brothers and sisters’ and all that.
LOL ! Yes, just made him look weak and stupid.
‘This was an attack on all faiths,’ says Muslim foundation, “The attack on a Church is Normandy and brutal murder of a Priest is condemned in the strongest terms and we stand with our Christian brothers and sisters,” Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, says.
BS meter is overloaded with Taqqiya. If he was sincere , he would have mentioned the continuous killing of Christians in Muslim countries. including priests, and the burning of churches.
Well it’s refreshing to see any statement from such organisations. But why is it an attack on all faiths? Maybe they know something we don’t.
But why is it an attack on all faiths?
It’s a devious propaganda tool, diverting attention from the fact that it was anything but an attack on all faiths.
Effective and cunning.
Very clever these Moslems.
After each atrocity, a couple come and say conciliatory things and the bbc are only too happy to praise their favourite faith.
The Beeb proudly showed a photo of a mass demo of Muslims in Munich proclaiming ‘Not in my name’ . It was skilfully taken from a low angle to make it seem bigger but there was no hiding the numbers: 6.
Mohammad Shafiq is a Grade A bullshit merchant. I wouldn’t believe a word he said.
“The attack on a Church is Normandy and brutal murder of a Priest is condemned…”
Cleverly phrased, don’t you think?
Is condemned… but by whom?
C’mon,you have to admire the brass neck of it all:
News that one of the attackers was on the French government’s terror watch-list, known as the S list, will prompt many to question its purpose if he can remain at large to carry a knife into a church
As opposed to what exactly?
Frankie and his pals won’t let us do that even to actual convicted terrorists from Jordan and the like. As for Club Gitmo…
The BBC has spent years telling us that pyromaniacs have the right to own matches and cans of petrol, now they’re saying that a sudden spate of arson deaths raises questions about the Fire Brigade.
“The BBC has spent years telling us that pyromaniacs have the right to own matches and cans of petrol, now they’re saying that a sudden spate of arson deaths raises questions about the Fire Brigade.”
LOL – very well put.
I suppose the standard response will be that HM Government will order every single photocopier it owns to work full out printing off page after page of hash tags whereby we can fill in our message of tolerance and nothing to do with Islam messages. That’ll beat ’em
I should imagine that Argos have sold out of Teddy Bears by now.
Have they started selling stab vests yet?
Maria, when are your cards and Teddies coming out. Have you found a Chinese manufacturer to take the contract.
Can’t decide whether to stick to my original idea, or go directly into the self defence business. There might be a growing demand for Kevlar dog collars – the clerical type.
The way things are developing, I can’t help feeling that the time for attacking the virtue signallers and other assorted hypocrites has passed.
Maria, yes – somebody pointed out on another forum that much of the ‘we stand with…’ stuff has gone quiet since Nice. It has a decidedly hollow ring to it now.
Just think about the uproar if it had been a muslim preacher who was killed,the outcry and wailing would be 24/7. The BBC would be dressed in black etc..
An excellent point. True even if the preacher in question had been a well-known rabble-rouser.
Just think about the uproar if it had been a muslim preacher who was killed….
So true. However, if he had been killed by another Muslim the silence would have been deafening.
Sunni and Shia can slaughter each other right inside their mosques in Iraq without even a murmur of disapproval from the PeeCee brigade, led by BBC ‘reporters.’ The latter mention the slaughter, since they can hardly ignore it, but then quickly brush it under the carpet lest people question why we keep on hearing that Islam is a Religion of Peace.
11:59 Former French government minister Nadine Morano, now a member of Nicolas Sarkozy’s Republicans party, is uncompromising in her response: “A priest’s throat cut, France’s Christian roots attacked, again! Stop the naivety, they want to destroy our civilisation”.
Ooo hello, France is beginning to wake up.
Stop the naivety, they want to destroy our civilisation”.
And who are they?
The mentally ill of course!
Yes, the past weeks “tragedies” are a damning indictment on the state of mental health care in Europe.
The BBC would immediately proclaim itself in favour of bringing back the death penalty.
“Frank Gardner isn’t 100% convinced…
The selection of a church by the attackers, whatever their motives turn out to be, crosses a new red line in the grim history of recent attacks on continental Europe.”
Now then Frank, have a look at what is happening to Christians across the Arab world and certain African countries then tell us what you think is behind it. And if you are still unsure of the ‘motive(s)’ then please, please hand in your resignation asap and bring a stop to the mental torture of us all on this side of the TV screen.
If Gardner and his fellow Beeboids really don’t know the motive then he and they are stupid. If they do , then they are liars and stupid.
What Al Beeb’s Gardener knows about ‘security’, is about as much as I know about gardening .
Taffman, despite you’re real name being Percy ‘Taffman’ Thrower!
Congratulations ! You may claim your £5 prize 😉
Grant – as usual your intervention is spot on.
Cheers, Stephen !
BBC FaceBook:
The killing of a priest by two armed men in a suburb of Rouen is the latest in a series of deadly attacks in France.
We examine the timeline of deadly incidents in the country since 2012.
Timeline: France’s four years of attacks
The top rated comment (by a fair margin) suggests the BBC has a way to go on the propaganda front to fool most of those they claim to speak at…
Jesper KristensenThe beheading of a priest by two muslim jihadis in a suburb of Rouen is the latest in a never ending series of deadly islamic terror attacks in France.*
There. I fixed it for you, BBC News.
It is way beyond time for the French government to use the Action Service, as it did in the 1960’s onwards, to destroy enemies of the state; they need to start blowing this scum away before they have the chance to do any harm.
Before they do any harm? Maybe you aren’t aware but in the last year there have been well over 100 enriched individuals in France alone.
I don’t 100% know what you mean by “100 enriched individuals”, though I presume you imply those murdered by Jihadists?
If that doesn’t motivate the French state to destroy those who are attacking it: nothing will.
If not, then hopefully it motivates enough of the citizens of that state to elect Madam Le Pen president next year.
Clive Myrie just now ludicrously called the Islamist terror attacks across Europe ‘lone wolf’. I give up.
I think we should be told who told him to say it.
Alex, was that just before or after he popped into the BBC’s Mosque (they call it a, ‘Quiet Room’ it accommodates about 42) for a quick pray? Ever wondered why the News Readers change every hour or so? Now you have the answer.
“Whatever their motives turn out to be”
But enough of the biased BBC, let’s talk about the threat from all those lone wolfs and those with mental health issues who randomly murder people, yet mysteriously the Far Left marxist ‘journalists’ in the Al Beeb newsroom just cannot spot any connections.
Not forgetting Lorry Drivers of course! FTA members would be upset at not getting a mention.
As it is rather clear that the political and media establishment are either thick, deranged, venal, in denial or all of the above, I have moved on from paying much more than passing heed to what ‘leaders’, ‘editors’ and ‘experts’ think or say about anything these days.
There are those who rightly counter that it is easy to complain without coming up with solutions, but like anything the dead hand of such as the BBC gets its sticky paws on this highlights key problems, namely kneeling at the altar of 24/7 live news, pigeonholing and refusing to countenance any shades of grey in demanding back and white… immediately… and then slamming either as delivered and taking refuge in idealism that is only safe inside a space shared with fellow Eloi.
The whole game (though little in human history really deserves that description) has now changed.
Most has been down to simple Darwinism. Humans are competitive; we are made that way, and have been honed to be so over millennia.
However as time has evolved, so have we, and improved the ‘rules’ of the game slightly as we stumble along seeking to claw to the top of a more civilised pile. Laws, treaties, conventions, etc.
This has all sort of worked so long as the root basis of Darwinian evolution has been recognised, namely survival enough to dominate and prevail and persist.
Hence the success of MAD during the Cold War. Those seeking to wield power and enjoy passing it on to the next generation recognised that they needed to be alive and the kids needed more than scorched earth after them.
So there were always people to negotiate with. Some utter loons or psychos, but usually with enough around them in places that could be located to see a measure of check and balance. And whilst often repellent, the negotiations could operate around parameters that were recognisable… Lebensraum, oil, trade routes and, to an extent, ideology. And usually lines in the sand, red or otherwise, were just that, not a fluffy Barry version (not Manilow) that moves inland with a creeping tide.
From a squaddie in Helmand to a PM or POTUS, those being ‘dealt with’ are not operating on any sensible, comprehensible basis other than one of total subjugation of anyone not them, and flout just about any means to conduct conflicts in ways honed over centuries. No uniforms, no mercy, no surrender. And if all else fails, suicidal nihilism.
Yet still the war on terror is being attempted to be fought like Bastogne.
And that one saw coined the word ‘Nuts’ when required to concede. However, this time, Brigadier General McAuliffe would find his superiors, from Obama to Hollande, requiring him to allow in a few devisions of the Waffen SS daily to satisfy the BBC and others. Whilst his men would live in fear of a stab in the back whilst being required to not even cast a wary glance at those in their midst lest Phil Shiner be on hand with a team from Panorama.
And that is, truly, nuts.
Solid post GW.
What exactly is “the war on terror”? It’s like saying “the war on Blitzkrieg” or “the war on carpet bombing” it makes no sense; it doesn’t identify who the enemy is: just what methods they use.
Good post . Reminds me of an American commander in Korea I think who was completely surrounded and told his men that things were fine as they had the enemy exactly where they wanted them. They fought their way out
Today he would be relieved of his command if he survived that is.
Probably accused of failing to surrender quickly enough. We are going to need serious men and serious soldiers like these .
Latest hashtag is apparently ‘I am tired’
That’ll fix them
Lovely piece of BBC reporting at midday on radio 4 news when reporting on the French church murders by a couple of muslims armed with knives.
We were told that ” Governments are finding it increasingly difficult to combat these attacks where knives and trucks are used”
Well short of banning knives and trucks maybe we should
1. Stop allowing unfettered access to Europe by muslims
2. Stop funding “humanitarian” groups that help to oppose deportations
3. When you lose a deportation appeal you are detained and deported in 24 hours to the country you said you came from, not treated to an appeals merry go round payed for by us. (war or not)
4. If you enter Europe with no ID you are sent back to the country you purport to come from (war or not)
5. If you commit any sort of crime within ten years of entry you are sent back to the country you say you came from (war or not).
6. Refugee status only means 5 years residency then if all is well in your country back you go.
7. Give priority to Christian “refugees” and those who are more open to our culture.
8. Insist that all mosques have cctv monitoring accessable by the police.
9. Heres a good idea lets spend money on creating an efficient and effective border force.
10. What about having a serious debate as to whether Islam is actually compatable with Western values – and if not why are the MSM still plugging multiculturalism
11. And finally instead of wasting money on studies to check the welfare of Polish owned sheds and who has been shouted at in the street. Spend the money on an inquiry as to why the MSM is so enamored with Islam. Asking questions such as to why the plight of Christian and other non muslim religions and minorities in the Middle East have been totally ignored, Yet if you raise as much as a rasher of bacon in this country Aunty and her acolytes are screaming for retribution. (maybe even beheading – what do you think Aunty? – the MCB would be really happy)
None of these actions are difficult to undertake and you dont even have to have been to Oxford to have thought of them. I managed to do it and I dont even have a degree in David Beckham Studies.
We all know it is only a matter of time before similar incidents start happening here and yet our Goverment seem to possess a totally craven attitude towards the ” Religion of Peace”, and a willingness to ignore the bleedin obvious.
We were all explicitly warned by IS that they would be filling Europe with “Jihadis yet the Government and MSM still toady up to Islam.
I am surprised that the BBC have not already insisted that all their female presenters wear hijabs to show solidarity with the poor “extremist” who was forced to cut the Catholics priests throat and subsequently unfairly shot by police.
Hard questions about “The Religion of Peace” should now be asked by our leaders before it is too late for us too. But frankly I dont think it is gonna happen I wonder why?
Oaknash – anybody with an ounce of common sense can see your suggested actions need to be taken now.
In reality they will only be taken when it is too late i.e. when the country is in flames and on the verge of defeat.
We should also introduce limits to child benefit with immediate effect….max 2 kids will be paid for by state. At present we are paying for a breeding programme which will see Britons in a minority in our own country….
Yes Oaknash, 100% yes. All of the above. But in addition, and constitutionally I cannot see this ever happening, never mind the legal and cultural challenges from the left – a ban on Muslims holding public office. Without this western democracies are heading inexorably towards their own destruction via that very same democratic apparatus simply by virtue of the birth rate delta. In 30 to 50 years many western nations will become Muslim majority and Muslim controlled (= sharia) with zero hope to recover, ever.
The damage is already done, the relatively easy options have passed us by leaving only very difficult ones. But with every passing year the noose around western society’s secular prospects tightens further. This is a slow motion car crash of epic proportions that our children will witness in technicolor. Welcome to the Islamic State of Europe.
I have often thought the same soyel – I suppose being born and raised in a western democracy where culture and religion are separate from politics we all seem to think that everyone takes the same stance when voting.
While there is just a small minority of people who vote along religious/ethnic lines it does not really matter but as soon as politicians aided and abetted by an irresponsible and treacherous media, encourage the shoehorning of large numbers of people into our country who s culture and religion is innately hostile to ours and who will vote along religious lines, there will be only one resolution in the end – conflict and the subsequent surrender of one side.
As a nation we have become quite decadent and lazy. At the end of the day if our society is worth fighting for then people will finally get off their arses and fight for it. I think the the brexit vote was an awakening of a sort but the main battles are yet to come. With the likes of Theresa and the delightful Amber using every tactic known to kick brexit (and hence our ability to control our borders and immigration) into the long grass.
I do wonder about the future when many teenagers and young adults are more interested in catching Pokemons than looking at whats happening to the world around them. I guess the future will belong to whoever has the will to take it. And I am afraid it doesnt matter how many Pokemons you have trained they will not be much help in saving you!
If these are just random terrorist attacks nothing to do with Islam, my question is why are they happening all at once?
What are the chances of all these people being killed and maimed in the space of two weeks being ‘random’?
Clearly there is a link, but if you believe like the BBC the only common denominator is all the victims were ‘innocent’ then random in this case is an extreme form of ‘randomness’.
A further question I would have for the Gardner quisling at the BBC is, what defines an ‘innocent’ person? We are all and each innocent from something, yet guilty all and each of something, and I don’t talk about guilty within the law here, just morally.
To muslims the definition of innocent is someone who is a muslim. Everyone else is not innocent. The impediment we in the West have is to think that muslims use words in the same way that we do. But they don’t, so when they’re not just outright lying they are deceiving by employing terms which on the face of it we can relate to; like human rights; whereas in reality we are talking at cross purposes. They also say in English what they want us to believe but in Arabic they say something closer to the truth and usually it’s all about hatred directed at us non-muslims.
Its good to remind us all what we are up against.
We are dealing with an enemy whose religion requires him to kill, so he can go to heaven, and whose religion actually sanctions him to lie. So they lie with a clear conscience. And kill with a clear conscience.
Look on it as a front in a war declared upon us. Nothing random about it. A low cost in men and materials for Isis and very effective. These current attacks look like probing ones to assess our responses and how we react as a populace to them. The initiative lies with them.
Isis said this was what they were planning last year and seem to have been ignored. Unless our leaders understood this and the way they are acting is what they consider to be the best response.
Rule number 2. No war ever goes to plan This applies to both defenders and attackers.A ruling elite rarely if ever survives much past the initial stages of a war waged upon the people this elite is charged with defending. Just the way of it.
The new men and women arise and replace them out of dire necessity. I expect this to happen in Germany and France soon.
Those of us who warned repeatedly about following a course of action ( liberal interventions and what has looked like a collective refusal to defend and stand up for Western civilisation by adopting a relativist approach) that defied reality have been marginalised and demonised.
It has encouraged a determind enemy to make assumptions that may yet lead to our destruction or his complete defeat. It is early days.
Despite what appears to be fatal weakness of spirit and lack of resolution in our elites this does not apply to the ordinary citizens and it is from them that new leaders will come.
The elites will resist this but lacking any conviction about anything will fail in the end. It is our task to give our help and support to those who raise the banner of our civilisation
We “ordinary citizens” are facing a war on two fronts. The so-called ‘War on Terror’ has become The War of Terror. The amorphous “so-called Islamic State” is conducting psychological warfare against the people of W.Europe. And it’s a war that they are winning. Simultaneous to this, the BBC and our MSM have opened up a second front, using misinformation, disinformation, obfuscation and downright propaganda.
We “ordinary citizens” understand this, whether at a visceral or cerebral level. That was what Brexit was about in no small measure. People just felt that our membership of the EU was not in their and our best interests and we voted to leave. And now the BBC and others try to develop a “narrative” that most people simply don’t buy. The disenfranchised, the mentally ill, the petty criminal, the sexually confused, the loner, the bullied, the discriminated upon.
BBC. We know you know that you are the orchestra going down with Titanic.
> “That was what Brexit was about in no small measure.”
Nah, surely not. Norman Smith helpfully explained what Brexit was about yesterday (I don’t have a specific reference, lunchtime BBC news I think). He was unequivocal when he said that Brexit was a vote for the end of austerity. WTF? Either Norman or I were in a different universe on June 23 because I’m pretty sure that the box I ticked didn’t reference “austerity” even obliquely. I ticked the one that referenced sovereignty, democracy, sanity, not giving all my money to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in another country to use on initiatives that disadvantage the UK, opening up the UK to a worldwide market that is large and growing, not small and shrinking, influence over our commercial destiny. Oh yes, and controlling our borders.
The Now Show (Tues): How Crystal the black graduate became a Muslim. You complete insensitive bastards for broadcasting this today when the French priest was beheaded and the recent atrocities committed in the name of Islam over the last few weeks.
The BBC’s obsession with Muslims is tedious in the extreme. Yes, Islam is the second biggest religion in the UK, but the coverage of it seems far in excess of its coverage of the largest religion, which is Christianity. Would the Now show broadcast a programme about how a Muslim became a Christian? I highly doubt it.
I have a suspicion that the BBC has been told, from very high authority, that they must do all they can to ‘integrate’ Muslims into mainstream British society. Hence the Muslim ‘cake woman’ etc.
Sorry but Channel 4 News again (well some of their funding comes from the tax payers); Jon Snow said that all they knew of the Rouen murderer was that he had tried to join ISIS, that he was Syrian and he was tagged. Well I can guess that he was probably a Muslim. One ‘justification ‘ for the slaughter given was that the immigrants are not allowed to work. Well my Dad came over to the UK in 1939, he was interned and then before he went into the British Army (in which he was proud to serve even if it was only the Pioneer Corps) he did voluntary work on a farm. Hard physical graft in those days. But as an immigrant he was forbidden to take paid work. The farmer offered to pay Dad’s bus fare. However my father was worried that bus fare might be interpreted as pay and he wanted to respect the laws of this country so he refused and cycled 10 miles there and back. What neither he, nor as far as I am aware other Jews did, was go round slitting Englishmen’s throats, nor blowing up crowds.
Trolls dont seem to have an opinion on the Rouen Islamic murders wonder why?
Deborah – “What neither he, nor as far as I am aware other Jews did, was go round slitting Englishmen’s throats, nor blowing up crowds”
There is only one demographic that seems to fit this ridiculous narrative – Muslims. No other community takes up arms against its host society in order to register its resistance to disenfranchisement. It’s a theme that is common to many a BBC analysis of a random, loan wolf, ‘incident’ committed by a person with unknown motives but mental issues. And it neatly tiptoes around the elephant. Enough with all that pseudo psychological horse shit – it is Islamic terrorism. Every reader on this site, and a high proportion of western society, will recognise that statement for what it is: obvious. Yet the MSM will continue to agonise over increasingly tortuous arguments about motives (all connected with a fault that belongs to us) that conspicuously fail to reference Islam.
I made a not to dissimilar post to Piers Morgan’s rank piece in the DM today. He uses the excuse of dispossession and not feeling they have a stake in society. If that is a reason then look at the unemployment in Boston where immigration is a huge problem for the English due to being priced out of a job.
Where are the murdering Paul’s, Peter’s, Roberts’ John’s, Tim’s etc who have exactly the same circumstances even less as positive discrimination works against them. Further Muslims have mosques as a place of comfort, our churches are closing at a rate of knots, but still we don’t go on killing sprees.
They can easily have a stake in our society if they join it and accept our values. It is non-muslims who are being dispossed by muslims.
Listen, and understand. Islam can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Where is Sarah Connor when we need her?
Don’t worry people, the BBC is on the case, the BBC news front page is giving you the most up to date information as normal…only a few hours behind. Honestly, laughable…
To make you feel better:
” I am a Priest” Solidarity after Church Attack
French ‘priest killer’ on probation
One of the attackers suspected of killing a priest at a church in north France was on probation and wearing a surveillance tag, officials say.
Prosecutor Francois Molins identified the suspect as Adel Kermiche, 19, who was twice arrested last year trying to reach Syria.
Kermiche and a fellow attacker stormed the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, a suburb of Rouen, during morning Mass.
They slit the throat of the elderly priest before being killed by police.
Ok I’ve been offline all day, but: a doctor in Berlin was shot by a gunman who then shot himself. Sound familiar? No name given. Perhaps I’m being paranoid but that immediately triggers ‘cover up’ alarm bells, bearing in mind the German government (Mutti), police and media are now all in overdrive to cover up religion of peace attacks. I smell a rat, or perhaps a pig.
But like I said I’ve been offline so maybe I missed something.
I would be interested to know how Frank Gardiner would report on air if IS ‘soldiers’ were to gate-crash the BBC building ? If there are security checks at the front door, there might not be the same at the back door – which is how the killers in France crept into the church, by the back door. Storming the BBC is a possibility, and to be honest it would serve those bastards who dictate the news, right.
Brissles, I fondly remember watching BBC news in the 1980s when some militant lesbian protestors stormed onto the set of the nine o’ clock news. Nowadays they are probably employed there in senior management!
Dom again asking all the right questions on who the real victims are…
I just had to turn Newsnight’s crap off. Simply unbelievable leftie bias. Pathetic left wing garbage with far-left mouthpiece Shami Chakribati and the useless old commie Kirsty Wark. Complete refusal to acknowledge fundamental Islam as the root cause of terrorism. They did mention right wing extremism though.
Just useless words from them now. Chakribati is out of her depth. She made no sense and has nothing to contribute any more.
“…no sense and nothing to contribute…”
Hence the move to joining Baroness Lawrence is paved in gold…
Absolutely. The reporter from ansbach still claiming that the Munich shooter may have had a far right motive, such atrocities referred to as ‘political violence’??!, and Secunder Kermani reporting from France – like sticking a finger up to all the wounded folk. I guess he’s an expert on something.
Newsshite just keeps sinking ever deeper into irrelevance.
I just can’t believe that “we are all dead in the long run” Barret was the top man in MI6’s counterterrorism operation. He is always wheeled out to push the line that being beheaded and having your throat slit by Muslims is not that bad really. More people get killed in car accidents which can cause a bit of mutilation too.
What’s the fuss? All that patrician calm and sang froid. How reassuring!
I wonder if he will have the same opinion if the long awaited ( by the BBC ) rightwing ‘backlash’ happens and Muslims start getting slaughtered.. yes it’s rhetorical I know!!
Richard Martin Donne Barrett CMG OBE (born 14 June 1949) is a former British diplomat and intelligence officer now involved in countering violent extremism. Barrett is a recognized global expert on terrorism who frequently appears as a panelist in related conferences and whose commentary is regularly featured in the press.
Apparently he is a thinktanker highly involved in UN bodies like “Alliance of Civilizations”.
A 2008 Madrid conference of “Religions for Peaces” produced pages of platitudes like this:
“We recognize that there are urgent practical imperatives for cooperation for the common good. Today, no one can build walls high enough to insulate themselves from the insecurity of others. This practical imperative is matched by a moral one well known to all of our religions- the obligation to care for others”
I’m sure Richard would be in no danger whatsoever, even if he ventured into IS land.
The criticisms of the “misguided” Israeli wall building project seem to have died down. The folly of insulating yourself from the “insecurity” of others is plain to see. Progressive Germans were saying the same thing at the height of the “refugee crisis”. Walls are a thing of the past and won’t work in a globalized world. Although Macedonian fences seem to be strangely effective. Maybe it’s a EU thing?
It makes my blood boil when the BBC says IS interprets the Quran in a “twisted” way. Every 1 in 10 verses is an instruction to slaughter the infidel, so “obedient” is the only acceptable description. The problem – the wicked instruction manual by which millions of Muslim extremists and otherwise live – is staring us right in the face! When will this mass deception end?
You make the absolute key point. As Douglas Murray pointed out at a Budapest conference none of the Islamic “seats of learning” will denounce IS as heretical. If muslims are put on the spot they will make token criticisms and recantations in the Galilean sense, but in reality “eppure si muove”. A strict, literal interpretation of the holy words is still a bona fide interpretation. At least I have not recently heard any buffoons popping up on the media to say we need an islamic reformation. You could only guffaw with laughter.
You make the absolute key point. As Douglas Murray pointed out at a Budapest conference none of the Islamic “seats of learning” will denounce IS as heretical. If muslims are put on the spot they will make token criticisms and recantations in the Galilean sense, but in reality “eppure si muove”. A strict, literal interpretation of the holy words is still a bona fide interpretation. At least I have not recently heard any buffoons popping up on the media to say we need an islamic reformation. You could only guffaw with laughter.
Man shot in Malmo, ‘no militant link’ say police. No names given, but in a Muslim neighbourhood (poor old once civilised and peaceful Sweden). No mention on Beeb site.
Likewise doctor shot in Berlin, then killer kills himself, ‘no link to Terrorism’ but again no names given. No mention on Beeb site.
I get suspicious when they don’t give names.
(The Swedes are as desperate to hide Muslim crime as Germans are).
Following on from previous comment: “New Swedish Law Criminalizes Anti-immigration Internet Speech.
A new law will come into effect in Sweden that will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politicians’ unwillingness to tackle the issue.”
How long before Biased Beeb gets taken down, and we have our collars felt?
The elite will have to silence us all or go down. No doubt it is looking at the old seditious libel charge. William Cobbett was charged under it in the early 1800s
“New Swedish Law Criminalizes Anti-immigration Internet Speech.
A new law will come into effect in Sweden that will allow people to be prosecuted for criticizing immigration or politicians’ unwillingness to tackle the issue.”
Which is exactly what Hacked Off and their Common Purpose group of hard left cronies were looking for from Leveson.
Only a metter of time before it happens here.
Beeboids think they’re doing their Religion of Peace chums a favour by stating that this outrage or another has ‘no link to ISIS/ Terrorism’.
Actually they’re merely proving the point that you don’t have to be an IS Jihadist to commit these outrages: just a regular Mo adherent of that wonderful religion of peace is enough.
What we’ve been saying all along.
Pathetic absolutely pathetic ! Who gives a damn ?
Notice we don’t get a ‘HYS’ on this one .
Mystery solved Kids by Alan Kasuja on the World Service this morning as to why the murder was committed at Rouen
It was all the fault of the french security services for not monitoring one of the Rouen murderers closely enough.
Alan was in full “cross” mode when interviewing a french politician. Apparently the electronic tag fitted to the murderer was not monitored closely enough.
Maybe the tag made the man really angry at Christians and forced him to commit murder. Maybe he walked passed a supermarket which sold bacon. Maybe we are just not nice enough to muslims.
How about this Alan – Maybe he was just another muslim who hates us and should not be here!
Shant hold my breath on this one!
BBC are truly pathetic
Ah well, at least it distracts people from what the BBC is still (6:45am Wednesday) describing as an ‘alleged’ terrorist attack in a church in France. And it counts as another one of those post-Brexit ‘hate crimes’ no doubt. The BBC are quoting an iman who says the page depicts surah 67 – a very appropriate choice for Fireman Sam, as it talks about the fires of Hell.
Oh great. Can we now look forward to some ‘apparently motiveless’ attacks on fire stations and cartoon animation studios?
Postman Pat may need to ditch his black and White cat for a sniffer dog, and the lads from Trumpton Fire Department may need PTSD counselling soon.
Alleged journalist Frank Gardner working for the alleged BBC:
News that one of the attackers was on the French government’s terror watch-list, known as the S list, will prompt many to question its purpose if he can remain at large to carry a knife into a church.
So besides being a propagandist for the BBC, Gardner is also a prophet? How does he know that “many” will be prompted to question the watch list? It could well be “some” or “few.”
No doubt many will understand the difficulty in monitoring the savage murderers of the Religion of Peace 24/7 and, unlike the BBC, will fully support French security as they battle this evil.
And no doubt many also understand that far more Islamic terrorist atrocities have been prevented than have been committed due to the expertise and diligence of French security. Let’s see Gardner and his ilk concentrate occasionally on the accomplishments of the civilised in the struggle between civilisation and barbarism.
And let’s see them occasionally demonstrate that their sympathies lie with Christian victims of Islamic savagery rather than with Muslims who might attract a hostile glance or two in the street because of the vile actions of so many of their fellow Muslims.
Frank should have pointed out that many will be prompted to believe that human rights are given too much prominence in the West and there may be a case for internment instead of wasting time with “monitoring”. I would have thought that, as a “security expert “, Frank would have pointed this out.
True Too
And would liberal Gardner and his ilk prefer it if potential suspects were really monitored closely / placed under house arrest / locked up / kicked out? The odious Beeb would be the first to scream about their Yuman Rights.
Just seen Grant’s comment, beat me to it.
Grant and peterthegreat,
Gardner is a weird phenomenon. Even though he was brutally attacked and left paralysed by Islamic terrorists, he still cannot bring himself to remove the PeeCee BBC veil and report truthfully on Islamic terror. He is a testament to the extraordinary power of lefty PeeCee to numb and blind the intellect of otherwise intelligent people.
Yes, I think it is a variation of Stockholm Syndrome. He went through a horrific ordeal and none of us can say how we would react , so maybe shouldn’t be too harsh in our judgement. But many people have similar experiences and do not react the same way.
Stockholm syndrome maybe?
Or incurable Liberalitis?
Or just plain thick?
The BBC and most of the rest of the MSM and politicians warn us that a backlash against Muslims is exactly what ISIS are trying to provoke. I agree they are. I also know that it not good strategy to do what you enemies want you to do. But surely the times are such that something robust must be done. Passive measures such as increased security etc etc are of course necessary but in themselves they seem to me to be puny and supine response. If the politicians and the likes of the BBC wish to prevent a backlash then they need to offer some response that meets the current situation where Europe is being terrorised and Europeans, including Brits of course, justifiably feel frightened and angry.
We know that significant minorities of Muslims in Europe have at least sympathy with many/most of the aims of the attackers. This despite the fact that the Muslims communities the length and breadth of the continent have been given concessions after concession for decades. Clearly this policy of appeasement has not worked. All it has done is entrenched Islam further into our continent and aided the steady Islamification of Europe. To any but the most blind on the liberal left it is plain that Islam and the west are incompatible. Whatever the politicians do now they must not make further concessions to Islam, that would be to reward the terrorists and stoke the fury of the people. Mr Blair please take note re the IRA.
What the politicians must do is to stop further Islamification by making it abundantly clear by word and above all actions, that Muslims must accept western values if they wish to live alongside us in the west. For instance no more Sharia, no more no go areas, no more hate preaching in mosques, no more muslim immigration. If the current political elite don’t have the courage to defend their countries , their culture and their people, then we will have to find leaders who will do so.
I believe in the ballot box, however the term ‘backlash’ is becoming more acceptable to me the more these brutal attacks happen. Politicians have a duty to head off a backlash, however at present they are encouraging it… that puts a whole new spin on things, and is a topic in it’s own right.
If the interview on BBC Radio4’s Today programme with a “security expert” is anything to go by we are already at the “any measure against Muslim terrorism is counterproductive”, “they want to provoke an overreaction” and “we must keep to the moral high ground” stage. Either way, the supine incompetence of tagging “returnees” from Syria or (heaven forfend!) interment, Muslims win. The “deep state” seems to have made a long term calculation that Islam will win out anyway. To the top civil servant, there is no point in provoking extreme bloodletting and economic downturn, when the outcome is inevitable. There are always vacancies for good administrators be it in the British state or in the Caliphate. I can’t explain the reluctance to do anything effective in any other way.,
If you are right, and you may well be, why not just capitulate immediately ? Of course , it wouldn’t occur to the “deep state” that that may increase the bloodshed. These idiots learn nothing from history.
Interesting how the ‘security expert’ says they want to provoke an ‘overreaction’ ! I would have thought a reaction would have been the correct word to use here, but exaggeration is the watch word when it comes to any response to barbarity by Muslims.. Further we keep hearing about having the ‘moral high ground’ , very hard to do when you have had your body splattered on the road by a truck.
Any way it is so good to hear Theresa May over the last atrocity saying that we stand shoulder to shoulder with you… that will help a lot!
I’m no coward but standing shoulder to shoulder with people that are being blown up probably wouldn’t bode well for my physical well being!
The media and politicians make ‘Yes Minister’ seem straight by comparison.
Sorry, disagree. Look what happened when the Allies overreacted to Hitler. Er…… wait a minute. I think I have the wrong script.
Doublethinker, I agree that the only real change long term can happen when a different breed of politicians come to power. At present, Mr Orban in Hungary is one of the few European leaders who has had the courage to say that mass immigration is harmful. There are signs, for example in the Netherlands, France, Austria and the other Visegrad Treaty states, that similar politicians are waiting in the wings. Attempts to cheat them out of power, such as in Austria, have been exposed so I am fairly confident they will win out. In addition to minimalising immigration, there needs to be an extensive clampdown on terrorists. My suggestion would be to contract out imprisonment of them to developing nations across the globe, to keep them apart and prevent them mixing with each other.
There will come a time and we may not far off that now when all these people that the authorities have under surveillance will have to be permanently locked up or deported to wherever they or their parents or grandparents came from. This needs to be done to protect the rest of civilised western society. Together with this there needs to be the reinstatement of all borders and fingerprinted ID cards/passports for all.
Perhaps it would be prudent to divert all the resources monitoring TV Licence dodgers to monitoring terrorists?
Given their apparent ability to be uniquely exempted from laws, not a bad idea, though ‘Queen Emperor, Who, Me?’ Shami may have to take one for the team if gracing the green room or red sofa.
Speaking of whom, nothing like the sound of a bit on red on red mutual fragging in the Morning..
According to Channel4, Britain has undergone a tsunami of hate crime since Brexit. La Rudd was outraged and has ordered measures to be taken. Obviously, in a time of much beheading and throat slitting, police resources are best deployed investigating who wrote “Muslim filth” on a menu in a Newcastle restaurant. If the indigenous population has to get used to the idea that there is no such thing as “100% security” , why the emotional melt down about name calling?
Religious motivation? – Will they pin this on Brexit next ?
‘Air France also joined other European airlines in warning of the impact from the “high level” of geopolitical and economic uncertainties.’ …………………………………
I’m noticing a lot of activity in this thread. The BBC, as our most trusted news broadcaster, surely must be right. Islam simply cannot be blamed for all these attacks!
I’ll just leave this here for everyone’s perusal. You may read it at your leisure.
BBC confirms the religious motivation of the murder of Father Hamel yesterday.
John Humphreys asks Corinne Narassiguin (spokesperson for France’s governing Socialist Party) if the response to recent events, “might be to be more accomodating towards Islam?”.
What? more accomodating than letting a known Islamist out of house arrest and switching off his security/location tag
every morning?
These people are beyond stupid now, they are actively collaborating with a group the French government has declared itself “at war” with.
U N B E L I E V A B L E!
Oh, it’s John Humphreys and the beeb? I believe it.
Is treason still a crime and punishable by death?
If so could I add Karen Armstrong to the list, that great apologist for the religion of peace, while her fellow Catholics are being tortured and slaughtered all over the Muslim world (and France, soon to be Muslim) by nothing-to-do-with-islam-religion-of-peace.
Am I allowed another? Ben Affleck, look it up.
But of course the list is endless, and we’d be left with no lefty dhimmi (or just plain dim) journos and luvvies. And wouldn’t that be a shame?
On bbc website (lower case: I won’t dignify them with capitals anymore)
Merkel and the days of terror – Gavin Hewitt:
“Doubts about her policy surfaced earlier this year, particularly after young women in Cologne were ALLEGEDLY assaulted by groups of LARGELY FOREIGN MEN on New Year’s Eve.” (Capitals mine.)
ALLEGEDLY??? It’s on film Gavin, tons of it. And despite the best efforts of Mutti/Police/Media, it’s been in the courts, and verdicts have been passed: Guilty, guilty, guilty. When does it stop being ‘alleged’ and become simple fact?
LARGELY FOREIGN MEN??? those damned Icelanders again. Fist they thrash us at football then they go marauding through Germany. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!
If the Pope won’t even stick up for his own murdered priest, then perhaps it’s inevitable that Roman Catholicism will be subjugated.
Secunder Kermani on Newsnight last night in Rouen . Well he wasn’t wearing a head scarf. And we had a
“usual suspect” in the studio Shami Chakrabarti. Whats the odds that Anjem Choudry turns up
on Newsnight or even in Rouen giving us reasons that the priest was a legitimate target.
Or as we were told on the lunchtime news in Rouen by a young lady reporter being ” Angry
and Marginalized” was one of the contributory reasons the priest had his throat cut.
Foscari, I wonder whether some of these people ever actually think about what they are saying. No matter how ‘angry’ or ‘marginalised’ one is, what possible justification can there be for the cold blooded killing of an elderly and defenceless man, indeed, one in the very act of celebrating the perpetual memorial of the ‘Prince of Peace’? These apologists are, in a way, like the most abject religious fanatics themselves, parroting their platitudes like magical incantations.
I am angry with the BBC and marginalised by them. What should I do ?
The BBC with it’s apologist stance is adding to Islamaphobia. There is a problem, a massive problem, that problem is based in the teaching of Islam. The latest attack is abhorrent to most Muslims and Christians. The denial of such a fact fuels the cause of IS.
Frank Gardiner who was reporting on yesterday’s attack was more like a spokesman for IS. Normal Muslims in Europe want to live in peace and lead normal lives, but as long as the BBC refuse to report the truth and attempt to justify the actions of terrorists, this attitude will lead to more radicalisation and hostility between Christians and Muslims
For months now the so-called BBC have never used the word Muslim when reporting about so-called Islamic State. Now it seems they have settled on using the word Islamist.
”I didn’t see the signs” … Yeah, whatever, dear. Of course you didn’t. The link below tries to garner sympathy for Jihadis recruits who go off to fight because they are ‘vulnerable.’ So, the BBC thinks they are the victims. Well, I know plenty of vulnerable people who don’t go off to fight for medieval butchers. The BBC is just to cowardly to accept the real causes behind this whole sorry mess. But, of course, it’s easier to find pathetic excuses and bury your head in the politically correct sand.
So, the BBC likes peddling the apologist and complete b*****ks line that Muslim terrorists become crazed mass murderers because they are marginalised and ‘racially’ abused by western society. Nothing to do with their fanatical and fundamentalist religious beliefs by any chance? So, by the same leftie logic, then, any criticisms of Christianity should also now be considered ‘racist’. Don’t hold your breath!
The Pipe (predictive text, I thought I’d leave it in) says we are “at war”. The eyebrow raising bit of the story is the following quote.
“In the apparently revised Vatican statement, Fr Rytel-Andrianik also blamed a lack of public debate or a system for teaching Polish people about diversity in a country where he said foreign-born people make up just 0.4% of the population.”
Just 0.4%.
When a football fan was convicted of racist abuse for singing “you’re just a town full of Pakis” to Bradford fans, the judge said that it was the word “just” that had made the chant racist – as it implied Bradford was worse for being .. er.. full of pakis.
So is Poland worse for having “just” 0.4% of immigrants in its population? Is a predominantly white population bad? Is The Pipe a racist? Is predictive text a barrier to free speech?
One of the BBC weasel reporters told us the other day that the barbarians’ attack on the Catholic church in Normandy and the murdering of the Priest was nothing to do with religion. The church and the priest apparently, according to this weasel, was just another random target, it was completely irrelevant that it was a place of Christian worship and that they chose to kill the Priest.
It has everything to do with religion. Killing a priest celebrating Mass effectively deconsecrates the church and claims it for Islam.
Expect proposals for a multi faith leisure centre to be built within the church grounds, one which will have a place for moslems to pray. Standard tactic to mark their victories
SKY news just showed phone footage from a bystander close to the Normandy church who said, presumably recorded at the same time as the video, that the Islamicist fanatics called ‘Allahu Akhbar’, as if we didn’t know they had. How are Al Beeb left
I think it`s about time that the French unleashed the Foriegn Legion to help out with security in and around the most troubled terrorist hotspots ….. Now those guys…. they know exactly how to deal with this kind of violence….
And we just cant understand whats causing all the problems…..
A Short Course on Understanding Muslims:
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim.
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims.
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim.
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim.
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims.
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims.
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims.
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims.
The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims.
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims.
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims.
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims.
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims.
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims.
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims.
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims.
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims.
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims.
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims.
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims.
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims.
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims.
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims.
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims.
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims.
The Russian airliner bombers were Muslims.
The Paris assassins were Muslims.
The Mali hotel attackers were Muslims.
The San Bernardino killers were Muslims, etc., etc., etc…
And the headliners are not even the half of it.
Lesson 2(a)
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem.
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem.
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem.
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem.
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem.
Confucians living with Bahai’s = No Problem.
Bahai’s living with Jews = No Problem.
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem.
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem.
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem.
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem.
Hindus living with Bahai’s = No Problem.
Bahai’s living with Christians = No Problem.
Christians living with Jews = No Problem.
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem.
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem.
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem.
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem.
Confucians living with Hindus = No Problem.
Lesson 2(b)
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem.
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem.
Muslims living with Christians = Problem.
Muslims living with Jews = Problem.
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem.
Muslims living with Bahai’s = Problem.
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem.
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem.
Lesson (3a)
**********SO THIS LEADS TO *****************
They’re not happy in Gaza.
They’re not happy in Egypt.
They’re not happy in Libya.
They’re not happy in Morocco.
They’re not happy in Iran.
They’re not happy in Iraq.
They’re not happy in Yemen.
They’re not happy in Afghanistan.
They’re not happy in Pakistan.
They’re not happy in Syria.
They’re not happy in Lebanon.
They’re not happy in Nigeria.
They’re not happy in Kenya.
They’re not happy in Sudan.
Lesson 3(b)
******** SO WHERE ARE THEY HAPPY? **********
They’re happy in Australia.
They’re happy in England.
They’re happy in Belgium.
They’re happy in France.
They’re happy in Italy.
They’re happy in Germany.
They’re happy in Sweden.
They’re happy in Norway.
They’re happy in India.
They’re happy in the Canada.
They’re happy in the United States.
They’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame?
Not Islam… Not their leadership… Not themselves, THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!!
And they want to change the countries they’re happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy!
Lesson 4
not my work….lifted from elsewhere