Middle of the week, radical Islam is merrily slaughtering its way across Europe, but the BBC aren’t really sure what makes them do this? Oh well, here’s an Open Thread to detail their weapons grade bias…
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Priest with his throat slit.
Lorry in Nice
Ansbach Germany
Nope. The biased BBC just cannot work out what possible link there might be.
I am depressed by the BBC. What should I do ?
Following the BBC’s line of thinking, you should already have been on a murderous rampage.
Well there are a few Beeboids……….. But, no . It is typical of Lefties to find an excuse for why someone commits a crime, but no explanation for why most people in similar situations do not. No logical thinking.
But there is no excuse for someone giving a Muslim a disapproving look.
Has anyone else noticed that all the last 3 “big” attacks, ie attacks with the greatest number of victims (Paris Nice and Munich), have all occurred on a Friday, Prayers day?
#Just saying.
Stop it already!
Jews are not supposed to do anything on Shabbat, Saturday, so that rules out any recreational decapitation or pottering about with ammonium nitrate. You could be implying that Jews are getting their essential jobs out of the way on Fridays while they can.
You’ll give the BBC ideas.
Doubt it. Crimes committed by muslims , including in muslim countries against other muslims increase during Ramadan , so it fits a pattern.
It really is no surprise that Ramadan is indeed a bombathon. All these people (I use that term lightly) are starving and dehydrating themselves for a month. There’s going to be a serious lack of nutrients getting to their brains, obviously leading to impaired decisions such as bombing the living crap out of anything that moves and increased devotion to Islam.
They only fast in daylight. The feasts which occur in the hours of darkness need to be seen to be believed
And on a related but serious and never mentioned issue.
How many Muslim surgeons are there in the NHS who observe Ramadan?
And would you like to be operated on by one at say 4pm during observance in June, by someone who has not eaten or drunk anything for 12 hours and has interrupted sleep in order to eat and drink when allowed?
Now THERE’s and issue that the biased BBC could investigate, but of course won’t and I bet neither will the government care to put some statistics on outcomes together.
Which is kind of an issue if you are the patient awaiting life threatening surgery. Remember patients? The poor sods the NHS is supposed to be for, and the people who the BMA use conveniently whenever necessary. But on this issue? Tumbleweed.
Government want to ban Hate Speech.
I agree, the Koran’s full of it.
I wonder if the BBC will be covering this story? These worthless scum should be deported. Funny how lefties like Corbyn and Shami Chakribati never discuss the terrible intolerance of many Muslims towards western ways of life. They turn a blind eye and instead blame the -far-Right’ for intolerance.
Oh, dear. This was all so predictable, but no-one was allowed to voice their concerns without being shouted down and labelled a bigot, racist etc. And where are those pushing for more ‘child’ migrants to be let in…very quiet at the moment. Cumberbatch, Cooper, Clooney etc. They should be invited to discuss these events and how it should be managed. And these are just the stories we hear about – I suspect it’s a minority of the reality. When are they going to wake up in Europe!!
It’s like watching water go down a plughole – they just can’t help themselves – to propose training these intolerant people as lifeguards????? Would you trust the safety of your children to them?? They cannot see that as Germans they have a wholly different mindset. Or they are just living in la la land. I despair. At least it’s too cold to swim in the knack here. Goodbye Germany (Europe).
That reminds me of 2 questions about Luvvies. How many
1. have housed immigrants in their own houses.
2. have emigrated since the Referendum
You would obtain the identical reopens to each: none.
Yes, I find that upper class, self-righteous prat Benedictine Cucumberpatch simply unbearable lol. I wonder how many ‘refugees’ he’s accommodated in his leafy suburban abode?
Yes, I keep wondering why these self-righteous losers seem to think that normal people think they’re interesting.
As ‘actors’, or the equivalent, they’re all pretty dire anyway, but to think that anyone with an ounce of knowledge of the real world will take any notice of their petulant squawking makes me wonder if perhaps a Twitter account is all they have. Maybe it’s all they’re worth anyway.
The Daily Mail Alex? They only print selected articles regarding the crime wave sweeping Europe as a result of, ‘Migration’. You need to visit this website for a full and importantly accurate report of what’s going on across the Channel – http://newobserveronline.com/
Thanks, will do. 🙂
well the BBC has avoided this one:-http://breaking911.com/breaking-armed-man-reported-at-cologne-labor-office-police-operation-underway/
Dave666 says only read official Dave666 comments not this cheap rip off.
C’est la guerre mais ce n’est pas magnifique.
It’s time to start calling Islam and its followers what they are – undesirables. Islam and its cultists simply provide zero benefit to western civilisation. The time for hand wringing and wondering why they are butchering us is over. We should meet force with force. Any Muslim found to be colluding with, sympathetic to or involved with any terror related activity should be deported along with their families.
“But lots of Muslims are British born!” the liberal left scream. Then we deport them to their ancestral homeland. Thankfully, the average person of British descent is far too intelligent to be a Muslim.
I feel there may be an angle to start an offshoot of bBBC – called bFB (referring to the bias Facebook has recently decided to adopt). If you look at their Trending Articles on the right hand side you’d think we lived in the peaceful west once more as it used to be as the only terror being spoken of is in Syria nonetheless. Cheers facebook for keeping me up to date but as a Londoner I’d feel a little bit safer if you mentioned that we are next as I feel thats a little bit more important to how I decide to use the cities transport system, call me old fashioned and you go get em with all those cute teddy bears and hashtags!! #CheersFB
Facebook, BBC, ITV, Guardian ,Independent, in fact almost all of the MSM and the rest of the liberal left elite will all attempt to continue their policy of deception on the issue of islamification and multiculturalism. This won’t need any central command, the elite just know how they expect each other to react . However, I note that in the Times and the Telegraph, two centrist papers but still members of the elite, there are an increasing number of articles which are veering away from the’ multiculty is the way moral forward’ and ‘the west is at fault and should treat muslims better’, tripe served up by the elite. The supportive comments from readers for these types of articles runs to 1000s. There is no doubt what many Times and Telegraph readers think and it isn’t much different to what contributors to this site think. But I doubt that will be sufficient to change the views of the true liberal left who view multiculturalism as an article of faith and simply can’t accept that their whole construct of the past 40 years is in ruins. I seriously doubt if even another hundred attacks and thousands of dead Europeans will change their entrenched ,bigoted view. But will our politicians note the mood of the people as exemplified by those articles in the Times and Telegraph?
Only by forcing politicians to understand that the voters utterly reject multiculturalism and want something positive and active done about the Islamification of Europe will we see any change.In those countries which have a strong anti immigration political parties people must vote for them and overthrow the liberal left elite.
In the UK we don’t have such a party. The reason for this is that the BBC et al have been very successful in tricking people into believing that multicultralism is a good thing , something which makes society better, and above all a moral thing . Anyone who dares to question this has been ruthlessly and relentlessly attacked for the past 40 years and smeared as an evil Nazi racist and so no UK politician dare to go anywhere near this issue. Look how Leavers have been portrayed on the BBC for even daring to question the immigration of fellow Europeans .Imagine how the BBC would have foamed with much blood if we had voted to limit brown skinned immigration. The danger is that because we have no ‘ anti multiculturalism party ‘ , we allow our media to continue to peddle their dangerous lies and so hamper the attempts of other countries to deal with Islam.
Doublethinker, I recently read a Guardian article about the killing of the priest in France, and the comments were divided roughly equally between ‘it’s all the west’s fault’ and ‘there is a serious problem with Islam and immigration’. That’s quite a big change – it would have been unthinkable a few years ago.
I also think that with each new attack, it becomes harder to push the line that it’s all the west’s fault, all you need is love, etc. Every person killed, injured or directly involved in Islamic attacks will have a network of friends and relatives who are likely to start seeing things differently once someone they know is involved.
Think of the liberal media consensus as like a wall with a few cracks in it. At first it can be papered over or ignored but eventually, as the cracks spread, it becomes impossible to deny and if you do, the whole edifice will collapse. Each attack adds another crack.
I hope that you are right and that the cracks , which we both see are there, do mark the beginning of the bursting of the dam. But my fear is that it will take a hell of a lot of deaths and mayhem before the liberal media begin to tell the truth. Therefore, the people must throw these ‘friends of Islam ‘ aside and use their votes to force the politicians to address the issue head on.
Doublethinker, sadly I think you’re right. But it’s becoming more difficult already for the liberal elites to defend unlimited immigration. Eg, Mr Cumberbatch and fellow luvvies seem to have gone quiet, and the last time I saw a sign saying ‘refugees welcome’ it was held by a snarling, hooded ‘Gollum’ from Class War so hardly a mainstream person…
I see a problem though. In view of the current level of provocation, it’s only a matter of time before someone attacks an Imam or a mosque. And I don’t mean with a packet of streaky from Morrisons.
This is the sort of reaction they want, and sooner or later some clown will oblige. Obviously it will be self inflicted to a large extent but governments and the MSM will immediately say “There! We told you racism is the problem.”
It will happen, sooner or later. I suppose we’ll just have to accept it as part of the process.
It will happen MB, because a perfectly normal reaction to an attack on your country or its society: was to fight the attacker; this quaint notion appears to have gone out of fashion amongst our leaders and elites, who are prepared -for the rest of us that is- to tolerate what in their view is “an acceptable level of violence”.
I’m afraid Al, that desire to resist has been progressively ‘legislated’ out of us over the decades. All part of the plan set in motion during the 50’s.
Maria – this is possibly why the French have announced they are not going to name the perpetrators of terror attacks. If, God forbid, there is a revenge attack on a mosque (which will cause the banlieux to erupt like it was 1789), if the identity of the perpetrator is kept secret it is easier to spin it as inter-islamic fighting than if they reveal the killers as Jean-Baptiste le Fevrier or Jacques-Claude Petain, for example.
And vote how or for which party Doublethinker?
ITV lunchtime news could be BBC. Nothing to do with Islam/Nun cuddling muslim neighbour
Utter shite.
At least starting to see a bit of fight in some of the frogs. Apparently the lefty shites objecting to their anti Islam banner attacking them ‘is the kind of division Isis is looking for’
Reporter on attempted abduction of soldier last week is a muslim.
You couldn’t make this shite up.
An interest I have mentioned here is how the BBC bias and tacit support for Islam and its terrorists trickles down to the far and loony left. They are not so far these days and appear to be increasingly tolerated by the police who are so overworked responding to hate speech, but not of the Islam supporting left. In the wake of recent terrorist atrocities I have scanned the sites of UAF, Antifa, SWP and Class War to mention a few. None even mention the atrocities but focus on BBC influenced signs of post Brexit racism, where Boris Johnson is denounced as a racist who was responsible for Brexit. You won’t find the plod addressing this kind of hate and I will wager that next Friday’s planned march on Boris Johnson’s home will not result in any arrests despite the predicted violence.
I enjoyed the comment on the spoof Boris twitter feed after the last demonstration (at least I think it was a spoof)…claiming he’d frightened them away by placing a sign saying, ‘Jobcentre’, over his front door.
‘Anarchists’ are supposed to be against the state, yet we see them marching in favour of membership of a neo-liberal superstate… Nothing is as it seems and everything is inverted.
G.W.F., the police don’t want to stop these sorts of demonstrations as they provide useful ammunition in their fight to prevent reductions in their funding.
It helps to concentrate the mind of a politician wonderfully; if he thinks that with slightly fewer police around he or his house might get damaged.
The police use the EDL marches and their counter demonstrations for the same end. They cause a bit of difficulty for local people (which again gains public support for opposition to cuts in government spending on the police) but they never, really, lose control.
You just have to laugh if only to stop you crying. On Sky News today the idiot cop in charge of the attempted snatch of a serviceman at RAF Marham. Just posted two photo-fits of ‘non-Caucasian appearance’ but can’t draw any conclusions as to the motive of the attempted kidnapping. Apparently according to this numbskull, it may have been a case of mistaken identity, it may have been a drug related debt (for which I hope the serviceman sues Norfolk police), or get this, it may have been a domestic situation !
Of course, the serviceman was in a three or four way relationship with the perpetrators but instead of kissing one of them when they got out of the car, accidently nutted him in the face. Must have been a ‘dogging’ situation in broad daylight on a main street as there is also a suspected third person who was the driver. But absolutely nothing to suggest it was linked in any way to terrorism. This idiot should be dismissed and his vast undeserved pension revoked and used to help pay for forces accommodation to be repaired.
As for the recent ‘unexpectedly’ higher growth figures … where are all the Remainers shouting lies, untruths, falsehoods. Mind you I suspect all those CEOs that penned letters to the newspapers prior to the referendum will be desperately seeking ways to delay any investments so they are not proved to be the duplicitous liars and fake doom mongers we all knew they were.
FT100 up 12.9 % in 1 month. That must be headline news on the BBC.
I wish….. But have you noticed today’s headline about growth in Q2? ‘Despite’ pre-referendum problems etc. But then there is Kamal Ahmed with a long piece saying how we shouldn’t believe it. Would a similar piece have appeared if the growth figure had been disappointing?
AceFlyingPig, in old detective stories set in happier times, this would be the moment when the red faced yokel inspector was relieved of his duties by someone clued up and clever from Scotland Yard who realised what was going on, like Bulldog Drummond. Nowadays it’s the red faced yokels in charge right up to top level!
No worries Cranmer … the French are sending help … an Inspector Clouseau I believe …. apparently the best the French have …. just promoted from traffic in Nice !
Ah, France’s finest eh? Is that spelt Inspector Clue-less?
“it may have been a case of mistaken identity”
Not sure which excuse would be the funniest if the situation were less serious.
“Oh sorry old bean, thought you were some other chap. Just about to lop your head off as well. Lucky escape, what?”
As you say, don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Only a matter of time before someone says the same about the priest’s murder. Maybe they meant to kill an imam ?
Extremist = those launching gays off high buildings.
Moderate = those below clapping and cheering.
That’s clever!
No. Islam has its problems as well…………………..
‘Moderate’ – those advocates of the ‘slowly but surely’ faction: Islam was spreading quite nicely thank you very much. We were well on our way to Islamifying the West without too much trouble from the Kaffirs and with the support of their Governments and media. There’s plenty of time for the routine slaughter of Kaffirs under Sharia when the balance of numbers is favourable to us.
‘Extremist’ – those youngsters who will forever want things to happen overnight! The accelerated slaughter of Kaffirs only results in setbacks to the moderates long-term plan of Islamification and, indeed, may result in the halting of progress made over the last 50/60 years. The young never learn do they?
Just seen this posted by Ray Ban on Guidos site
Kippers Beware Indy daily News
Beware of bogus UKIP
A member in Yorkshire has been in touch to say that he was
approached in York on Tuesday by a man with a clipboard claiming to be
a UKIP official. He was asked a series of questions about ‘proposed
UKIP policies’, which were increasingly extreme. He called the police,
who found that this was an actor with a film crew, commissioned by the
BBC to make a film about UKIP members’ opinions. He has logged a
complaint with the police for deception. Please watch out for this,
and do the same.
It’s probably to do with this stinking pile of shite.
It was a supposedly one off comedy programme that took the piss out of the brexit people. It was truely appalling.
Is that not , at the very least, misrepresentation which, combined with the magic of the BBC edit suite, could turn Mother Theresa into Rosa Kleb?
I will watch out for the results of the police investigation, hopefully with no helicopters involved, as I view this attempt by a state broadcaster to influence political reputations more seriously than some twerp bing unkind on twitter or shaking a mosque in a shipping container handle with a slice of salami.
Remember the ‘Docu-Soap’ concerning UKIP on Channel 4 some while back. I recall the programme started with, ‘day-one of a UKIP Government’.
Explosion reported in Zirndorf, Germany.
I’d wager only a matter of time before the Religion of Peace is shown to be involved
Shown by whom, pray?
Not the BBC, I imagine.
No, you don’t say Xavier?
On an only slightly different thread: past few days there have been 2 separate reports of shootings in 1) Malmo (in a Muslim neighbourhood, “gang related”) and 2) Berlin, where a doctor/dentist was shot, then the killer shot himself. Nothing to do with Islam / terror of course, probably just another patient who was unhappy about a filling so he smoked his dentist, happens all the time.
But when these slightly odd stories disappear too quickly, with no details, no follow-ups, no PICS and NO NAMES, I can’t help getting a bit suspicious.
(No doubt he will be revealed to be another ‘David’ soon, like in Munich. Ah David, popular name in Iran, like Ayatollah David Khomeini – call me Dave – great lad that Dave.)
ps. In case anyone needs reminding, both Sweden and Germany absolutely DESPERATE to stamp out any negative migrant/ Muslim stories if at all possible. So when their police forces declare ‘Not terror-related’, I feed it into Google Translate and out pops: Terror-related.
I have noticed that in Europe the police tend only to give out the first name and first letter of the surname. Thus if you can change Daoud Abdullah to “David A”, then all of sudden it is nothing to do with cultural enrichment or the ever so grateful asylum seekers, and its just your average Swede or German cutting someone’s throat or raping a child.
Nothing to see here people, keep moving along…
Rob, if there is a suspect at large and the police/media do not give a description, I now automatically assume that the person involved is ‘of middle eastern appearance.’ If the suspect is no longer a threat but no name is given, eg in the Berlin hospital shooting, I keep an open mind (eg, perhaps close relatives have not been informed) but watch carefully to see if any information about name, origins etc is buried.
Now this gets interesting.
According to Sky, several men were seen running away after the blast. Unless my eyes deceived me, I’m sure their original article added “of Mediterranean (or was it Arab?) appearance” – but now it’s completely gone. I didn’t archive a copy, unfortunately.
Digging a bit deeper, German news website Bild says that one of them was of “südländisches Aussehen” i.e. Mediterranean (or perhaps Olive-skinned) appearance, and this was a direct quote from the description issued by das polizei.
So… Why take it down then?
Assume no reference will be made by Al Beeb. God forbid they should actually help anyone catch the perpetrators.
Not those pesky “men” again. These bloody “men” driving round in lorries massacring everyone, detonating bombs at music festivals and slitting priests’ throats. Someone ought to do something about these bloody “men.”
Yeah, those pesky “men”. I’m still trying to work out the connection though… funny that they were all Muslim, isn’t it? But I’m hard of thinking so I’ll wait until the BBC work it out for me.
Why do peaceful Muslims turn to the whiteside and bugger off to carry out their duty of Jihad against fellow Muslims inside Syria. According to the bBCs Victoria Derbyshire show, its all down to racism in the UK:
This woman needs a few truthisms. I don’t think she can hear any common sense over that headscarf she’s wearing.
Your son was “radicalised” (read: began carrying out the duties expected of him as per the Koran) because you and he subscribe to the murderous death cult known as Islam. Whilst you, thankfully, remained wilfully ignorant of the disgusting barbarism called for in the Koran, your son took it more seriously. It’s not because your son was called a black prick (which I very much doubt happened). It’s not because someone probably once asked why you’re carrying a bowl of fruit on your head. It’s because your “religion” is evil, nothing more.
Seems like about 100% of the comments on that tweet have their heads screwed on the right way. Wonder what it’s like being part of the British Brainwashing Corporation when you realise no one believes a word of your bullshit any more?
Mike hopefully the worm is turning. Hurry up worm, time’s running out.
Sorry, I pressed ‘comment’ by mistake instead of ‘reply’ (what does that do?).
I was just wondering where BBC interviewers learn that caring, knitted brow, angled head posture they adopt when listening to tinted people.
Also the Orla Guerlin types often say something like ‘The men were shouting Allah Ackbar…God is great…’ in a sort of dreamy tone of voice like they probably talked about David Cassidy when they were 14.
Cranmer I’ve long had a suspicion that some of our Western maidens secretly lust after these mysterious oriental swarthy bearded macho ‘warriors’.
Yes, has been posted here before. They see them as “strong men ” and I am sure it turns them on !
Yes there’s been quite a bit of discussion about this. My own theory (based on nothing except my own observation and speculation and some reading around the subject) is that some women have a strong, mostly subconscious desire for men clearly from a different gene pool (so as to promote healthy offspring). This is compounded by having men in their own culture who are feminised and therefore seen as less desirable (eg, Sweden). However…it’s a kind of ‘holiday romance’ which wears off after the initial attraction because in cultural terms there is a lot of incompatibility. I think what we may be seeing now is the wearing off of the ‘honeymoon’ stage of mass immigration of young men because the ‘compatibility’ for long term pair-bonding doesn’t seem to be happening. Or I may just be talking twaddle!
I suspect you are not talking twaddle ! A lot of these women are totally unaware of the biological basis of behaviour.
Cramer, you really mean, ‘tinted’ do you not?
I believe Stefan Molyneux covered this in a discussion which referred to women spreading their legs for the invaders. It makes sense when we see feminists and women politicians playing down the threats from the invadrrs. Perhaps it is a biological thing – women seeing to mate with the strong. Especially as European men have surrendered their traditional manhood
Leftie femmies may be lucky and just get raped then kept as “wives” ( sex slaves ). If it was Tamerlane or Ghengiz Khan, their fate would be much worse !
Reith you probably pressed Report Comment. Don’t know what it does.
Maybe she should read her, you know, holy books. Answers all in the Koran and the Hadith. Bad, bad Muslim!
Root cause was racism eh? Beeboids must be orgasming over this interview.
Hell, they probably coached her – is she reading from an autocue?
But what about all the Jihadis who come from Muzie countries and never experienced waycism?
Er, Israel, yes, that’s it: Israel.
Or a domestic dispute.
Broken families?
Farage for sure. And Trump, somehow. No wait: Thatcher. That’s it, the wicked witch.
Much about this petition ……………………………..
but what about this one ?……………………………….
Biased ?
Not a dickie bird, taffman, not a dickie. All too predictable, sadly.
I see the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is now claiming that “David S.” is a racist with an extreme rightwing worldview. Having the same birthday as Adolf Hitler was an honour for him and his German/Iranian heritage meant he was a proud Aryan. Apparently, he hated Arabs and Turks and felt superior to them, using racist language towards then during online games. All this infornation is supposed to come “aus dem engsten Umfeld des jungen Manns” (those closest to the young man) but as he was supposed to be a loner, it is hard to interpret what this might mean, parents, teachers?. Sources in the security services say they are investigating whether he deliberately targeted young people with a migrant heritage because of this. Allah be praised! INTDWI after all.
Germany & France bothered by terrorist attacks by migrants. Poland & Hungary not so much. Yet Germany was most accommodating and welcoming to migrants. It’s a real puzzle.
Well said Flexdream – and Germany isn’t involved in airstrikes in Syria either. Neither was it involved in Sykes-Picot or the Balfour Declaration.
Channel 4 sent the Nijabbed One to a town near Ansbach to do a vox pop. I was amazed that she found four people to toe the INTDWI line. Only five from 1.5 million new arrivals causes problems – nothing to worry about!! We’re much worse. Has the whole German population been lobotomized?
You have got to admire channel 4’s cheeky chutzpah in sending the Nijabbed One to the scene of latest Muslim atrocity, – a bit like turning up in an SS uniform at a holoiaust memorial day event.
More evidence of the anti Islamic backlash. German cops interrupt a migrant when exercising his right to kick infidel police officers,
In America, that undesirable would be leaving the airport in a body bag. He should thank Allah he found refuge in Germany.
Don’t worry, the cops’ll get sued for using unnecessary force.
And I bet the guy’s name will emerge as David, like Sonboly.
Tell you what, why don’t we just call all Jihadis David from now on? David Smith.
Interesting (lack of) information given on Sky News regarding the Zirndorf incident.
“Police are now searching for the owners of the suitcase and issued descriptions of a man aged around 30 and a woman aged around 25…”
So what’s the description, Sky News? Perhaps one of your readers is in Germany right now and could assist in the investigation. At the moment your description could be any body from Mickey Mouse to the Jolly Green Giant.
Or maybe we’ve got it all wrong. Perhaps the MSM knows that everyone knows by now these attacks are carried out by undesirable Muslims. What’s the point in trotting out redundant information?
If this were a Christian family it’d be all over the BBC…. however, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see this on the BBC –
And notice that the stupid Judge said ” We have to be careful of asserting the supremacy of our cultural values “. FFS
So, if it acceptable to keep a young lady in a cage in Saudi Arabia, that is ok with him. And he is a British Judge. Beyond belief.
Yes, it’s disgusting and is an indicator of how far left-wing political correctness and appeasement has permeated our institutions. Some of these clueless judges are the major driving force behind far-Leftism in our country.
A form of reverse cultural superiority. The judge is saying that the family are incapable of observing our norms of lawful behaviour.
The judge was anticipating the inevitable conclusion of the Appeaser’s Report on the benefits of Sharia.
A heavily sanitised version appeared in the local wales headlines in that 2 minute slot just before the top of the hour headlines ( on the so-called bbc breakfast this morning)
Apologies folks as I did post this on the overflowing Start Week thread but I deem it of such importance in trying to grasp the lunacy of left-wing political thinking that I will post it here again for you to mkae up your ownn mind. Why? Because this craven, naive and psychotic attitude encapsulates the left-wing mindset that has allowed Islamic extremism and terrorism to flourish across Europe; indeed, worryingly, this neurotic mindset has saturated many of our social institutions and has become the view of our media, educational and political systems. I would seriously argue that the author of this horrific tripe is mentally ill and needs help.
Indie ‘article’
Read and weep.
One doesn’t know where to begin refuting such lunacy, but i add 2 tiny inconvenient facts:
– Nice killer was not from ‘a grim suburb of Paris or Brussels’, but from a rather attractive block on the outskirts of Nice, with sea views. I would happily swap.
– As blogger Flexdream points out: Germany & France bothered by terrorist attacks by migrants. Poland & Hungary (zero muslim immigration) not so much. Yet Germany was most accommodating and welcoming to migrants. It’s a real puzzle.
But what’s the point? Liberal stupidity is a bottomless pit.
Wow, it seems from this Indie article that Merkel is copying the Cameron/May approach. Open borders, bennies, and hundreds of working class children for the sexual needs of the migrants
Thanks for that – couldn’t read it all cos it was too painful. If the whole situation wasn’t so dangerous and frightening, it would be funny seeing how these promoters of multiculturism and refugees contort themselves to prove that it does work. And IMHO multiculturism was doing ok – it’s only one set of folks that don’t/won’t fit in.
We will see how successful Merkel’s policy is at this year’s Oktoberfest. Unless the crowd control measures have changed radically in recent years, underground stations like Goetheplatz, Marienplatz etc. will be packed solid with hundreds of people. The casualties from a Mumbai-style attack would be truly horrendous.
Recent Pope speech:
“The word we hear a lot is insecurity, but the real word is war,”…
What? The Pope talking sense for a change?
…”we must not be afraid to say the truth”…
Right on Papa. Wow, the Vatican showing some balls!
…”the world is at war because it has lost peace”…
Kinda tautological, but ok.
“When I speak of war I speak of wars over interests, money, resources, not religion.”
“All religions want peace”
You sure about that Papa? Obviously didn’t do Koranic studies at your seminary. Or history. Or ever read a newspaper. You watch the BBC right?
“it’s the others who want war,”
Oh dear.
“All religions want peace”

The Pope needs to go for a walk outside the Vatican and take another look at that wall.
That wall was built to keep the Muslims out. Islam hasn’t changed since the wall was built. The only thing that has changed is some Western peoples denial about the dangers of Islam spreading.
The only possible reaction to this is a famous quotation:
“You cannot be serious, man!”
Ah! Now I fully understand the meaning of “papal bull”
I like that wall. Pity Bradford never had one.
A couple of crackers on bbc news at 6 tonight.
1. Kamal Ahmed (alleged economics reporter) says, after some good news on the economy, “you might wonder what all the fuss has been about” – what fuss would that be? not the months of negative reporting by the bbc on the economy pre-referendum by any chance, choreographed by Downing Street?
2. bbc report from RAF Marham, home of the Tornadoes that are in action in Syria, scene of the attempted abduction of a serviceman by 2 gentlemen of “Middle Eastern appearance” The police suggest it might have been a case of mistaken identity.
I am not sure if this was repeated on the 6pm news, but on the 5pm news the BBC announced that the French Authorities – and I suppose now German as well as per the dentist incident yesterday – will no longer release the names of the perpetrators of terrorist attacks.
It is apparently to stop the glorification of terrorists. I have a different theory on this, but I think the Beeb wouldn’t agree with me.
FeelLikeWTF, I can see the logic in not releasing names – makes it harder for jihadists to post videos etc without therefore revealing that they know something they shouldn’t. If however it’s intended as a way of covering up who’s carrying out attacks (which will mean they will also have to conceal ethnicity, religion and motive), it will also mean there’s no way of pinning attacks on the ‘right wing’ which will prove a big disappointment for some. We need to watch carefully.
Cranmer, I kind of understand why in normal circumstances it would be a great idea to do so, but I just have this feeling that it may be used “selectively”. It is just possible that the far right names will be released by “social media” or a “friend of a friend” while others may not. It can become a controlled tool, but as you say we need to watch carefully.
On this site it shouldn’t need spelling out but I will anyway: we are now in a situation where the authorities in Germany, France, Sweden and others will suppress and censor the news to save their skins.
So expect many more strange, incomplete ‘reports’ lacking all detail and context: “Man kills another man. Police say no connection to radicalism.” (No pics, no names)
“Bomb explodes killing 20. Police suspect a domestic dispute.”
Actually it’s already happening: “Gunshots in Malmo. 1 dead” Zero detail, no names.
“Man shoots Doctor in Berlin then shoots himself. No links to radicalism” No details, no names.
“Bomb in Zindorf”. (Or maybe aerosol cans???) Ditto above.
Daily Express says ” Gun crime is common in Malmo, much of it gang-related “. What do you expect from a bunch of Vikings ?
Yeah, I bet those Vikings did that priest in too. Normans, see? It all makes sense.
This is the main headline.
The BBC has gone beyond biased. It has become ridiculous
and of course the ugliest, scariest pic of Trump they could find. (Mind you, he is a bit ‘challenged’ in the looks department)
Expect plenty more like that until the election. Beeb will go into sneering overdrive as it gets nearer.
The point Trump is making is that Russia has probably already hacked her emails. It would be amazing if it had not. Imagine a President Hillary meeting Putin, knowing that he knew every detail of her 30,000 “private” emails. The absurdity of this idea demonstrates why Hillary Clinton must never become President of the USA.
p.t.g., “(Mind you, he is a bit ‘challenged’ in the looks department)”
True, but as an American might say “Hillary ain’t no oil paintin’!”
And what has happened to her voice? Trump was right. She is Nurse Ratched or as I prefer to think of her, ‘The Wicked Witch of the West’ but with added Narnian undertones as well as overtones.
2017 might be a very good year to be an Australian, or even better: a New Zealander.
The Trump momentum is growing and the Clintonistas must be worried. Not only was this article rubbish but it was poor quality writing . If this is the current level of the BBC’s staff then it is time to give up.
Yeah it’s crazy eh? The guy basically says ‘hey if the Russians have them then i wish they would turn them over’ and now liberal MSM is making out like he has expressly ordered the Russians to go back in time hack them!
Since i found this site about 6 months ago it has truly opened my eyes to the biased rubbish i’d been fed from the beeb over the years. It’s still the first point of call for my ‘news’ but only because i like to test my new found ability to see through their blatant misdirection. Then it’s straight on to places like here, Breitbart, Steynonline or WUWT or similar for some confirmation bias of my own!
I never thought of myself as particularly politically motivated but when the most pressing issues of the day started imitating Monty Python sketches, only with the comedy stripped out and the surrealism dialled to 10, i had to ask myself ‘WTH is really happening?’.
I’m just glad i’m finally on the path to discovery… and that i’m not the only one 🙂
But that’s the genius of Trump –
‘you said the emails were about yoga & weddings – no government business’ – ‘now they are a threat to national security?’
Precisely, Thatcherrevolutionary.
But does this occur to any of the vaunted beeboid ‘investigative reporters’ ? And does it occur to any of the same idiots that, if it is true (i.e. what Ms Clinton and the Democratic hangers-on in justice departments in the US claim) that the e-mails are now totally irretrievable, then, by definition, they cannot be hacked – ergo, Mr Trump cannot, by definition, be now encouraging anyone to hack his opponent, since it apparently cannot be done.
What he is doing, however, is supporting Ms Clinton’s greatest desires – he is encouraging anyone who has the e-mails to bring them forward – this must be totally in line with Ms Clinton’s wish to be able to prove what she has always maintained – i.e. that they were innocuous and personal only.
The alternatives, however, are interesting.
If these e-mails are hackable – i.e. they exist and are recoverable – then some person or persons in very high places inside the US government is/are heavily protecting Ms Clinton from oversight of her actions, or they are just plain incompetent if they can be hacked by someone who does not have the same level of access as they have to the equipment.
OR – her server was already hacked and was being monitored for all traffic on it, potentially by foreign governments…. precisely the reason she was advised not to have the server in the first place….and she’s definitely incompetent.
Hoever, the Beeboids naturally fall straight into their left-wing, Hilary-for-president-no-matter-what-she’s done mode, and blame her opponents. Classic Biased Broadcasting Company behaviour.
Just seen the ITV 6.30 news with its five minutes on Obama “handing the baton onto Clinton”.
As close to “Triumph Of The Will” as I`ve seen this side of the pond.
I`d like to know-do the Democrats send this stuff over…or did ITV actually CHOOSE these cut and paste snowjobs by way of “news”,
Compare and contrast with how they treated Trump throughout last week.
Is bias the word?…Pravda-like slavering more like.
I was watching but had to leave the room before I vomited. The BBC are totally pathetic. And we have 4 months of this crap ahead of us. Oh to be back In Gambia where no-one has heard of any of them. Alas, I may still be here !
I thought that this was a wind up when I originally heard of this earlier today, but astonishingly, it’s true.
An episode of Fireman Sam, first broadcast in October 2014, has been withdrawn. A scene in the children’s programme shows a fireman slipping on a pile of papers and as they fly into the air a page of the Koran is “briefly depicted” and said page is accidentally trodden on.
Well, let’s be honest, I think our noble Muslim friends have shown enormous restraint over such a blatant act of provocation. Personally, I don’t think they should let matters rest there. Let’s have a trawl through some other kids telly to see what else might be deemed offensive. Blue Peter springs immediately to mind. Often I’ve seen women, completely unchaperoned and hijab free, sitting next to men and doing unspeakable things with sticky back plastic.
And what about Bill and Ben. Wedged between these two lusty young plants is Little Weed, clearly female, her face exposed to the gaze of these young scallywags. And I’d bet my bottom dollar that she hasn’t undergone FGM.
And then there’s Doctor Who. This infidel tours the universe, free from the usual constraints of space and time and endlessly fights and defeats an extremist, hate filled, narrow minded, inter galactic, bigoted bunch of metallic Nazis; well, that really must must be un-Islamic.
And as for Pinky and Perky…
Jeff, it sounds like my idea for a new book, ‘Peppa Pig Goes to the Mosque’ might not be such a good one after all.
Can you still buy Percy Pigs from Marks and Spencer?
Or have they been withdrawn from sale before the authorities find that retailer guilty of a hate crime?
The security expert on ‘5 live’ told us that ‘these attacks were by deranged people and nothing to do with Islam and indeed the Muslims are the biggest victims’…Whoa.. I thought it had nothing to do with Islam!
Further he suggested we need to be ‘more vigilant and why shouldn’t we anyway as it’s good for us’.
I thought to myself why should I have to be ‘more’ vigilant in my own free country!
His last pearler was ‘that we should avoid places where we might be attacked’.
So does that mean women no longer travel by train, children no longer go to the baths, we don’t go to church, we don’t go to cafes, we don’t go to pop venues, we don’t go and celebrate any traditional British festivals, soldiers don’t leave their barracks, Jews don’t go to kosher shops….. to be honest it’s not much to ask in fact why doesn’t the state just curfew the indigenous population?
I wish I could remember the morons name although being a moron it’s probably Gordon!
Some things I laugh at then the next thing I just want to put my boot through the radio, we are run by very sick deluded people and we the people need to wrest back control of our own future brexit was a magnificent start but a start is all it was.
Do the BBC have a list of tame idiots?
The following was sent to me on e-mail, sums it all up really.
“The generation who claimed the older generation ruined their future by voting Brexit, are the generation currently chasing imaginary Pokémon “
The American version of PakemonGo looks much more interesting.
The picture didn’t work so here’s the article.
Any one else hear tonite on PM [islambbc] the comment that La Monde and other newspapers will stop posting photos of the scum that carry out jihad atacks because it gives ‘oxygen’ to ISIS?
Seems that a shutdown of all info including cctv vis Nice, and photos of perpetrators is beginning. Where will that end?
Is there an attempt to completely shutdown all news on these barbaric attacks?
Is it a matter of their Human Rights ((C) Strasbourg) ?
Does Europe have a death wish?
Does Europe have a death wish?
Some Europeans do and they want to drag the rest of us down with them. They are part of the enemy.
Actually, its about not giving them the attention or notoriety they seek, and possibly then encouraging others.
Lucky the EU is also keen controlling on the internet too, though perhaps not in the confectionery shops where the majority of audiences for these chaps’ daring escapades get more than encouraged from an early age.
Meaning it is likely more designed to keep the targets in the dark… to avoid living in fear. Apparently.
When the Thatcher government did something similar with the IRA, it was widely mocked and condemned by the left. I look forward to similar condemnation from today’s left wing. (*sound of tumbleweeds*)
Is there an attempt to completely shutdown all news on these barbaric attacks?
Going to be hard that, with smart phones with video as well as stills capability and instant access to the internet. Citizen Journalism and all that stuff. Caught a bit of the Media Show yesterday, R4, 4.30pm? I think, and Steve Hewlett discussing Fox Corp/News Corp, etc.
Steve suggested that news gathering and roll-out will be via Facebook & Twitter in future.
That may explain the BBC’s current obsession with both of those but in the long run, the future does not look very bright for our favourite broadcaster.
The BBC are never happier than when discussing “media platforms of the future”.
Witness this mornings Today” puff up for Virtual Reality at 8.20 or so.
Some Nina Nanna type of crazy name from a Far Eastern Forum with some Channel 4 pundit who-fulnnily enough-was a big noise at the BBC a few years back.
Oh the futuristic guff re “digital landscapes” “content providers” and “immersive experiences”-as if Partridge hadn`t dealt with linen suits know-nothings who can indulge themselves at the publics expense.
I suppose if we`re all wearing big helmets and fantasising about being immersed in balsamic jus…then that`ll ensure that Islamic State will have to chop our toes off first before we bare a neck for their creative communal swords of suppurative splendour.
The BBC and technology never match…thick shills who`ll pay for any suit in wires…
I feel compelled to say that the Leave campaign were right. The atrocities in Germany and France are beyond comprehension.
We have to control and check immigrants/migrants to our countries. Although it is impossible to trace a persons background if they have no passport??
Different cultures and ideologies cannot live side by side without some sort of repercussion. Which has been proven to be shocking. How could any human being inflict such suffering on a fellow human being? Especially a man and women of the cloth.
It is a conflict of religion/culture.
Forget harmony.
I am not a racist as I live in a mixed race family so don’t label me.
They need to be stopped by whatever means we have.
We have been too obliging for far too long.
Still nothing from the BBC on the explosion in Zirndorf, Germany. There is a ray of hope for the BBC, the incident occurred near a migrant centre. At this moment the Beebs finest will be dusting off the ‘far-right backlash’ files and searching for photos of frightened migrants.
Imagine the uproar if a Christian lunatic gate crashed a mosque and put a bullet in the Imam. That really would open the floodgates for the Muslims to retaliate in full force, but it shows that as Christians we are more civilised – its us that bang on about ‘solidarity’ and ‘standing together’ etc etc, after yet another atrocity against us (and the jewish community), but I cant ever remember a Muslim spokesman speaking vehemently to do that !
I listened to PM and heard “Edith” Mair getting put back in his box by an American he was interviewing about the decision of a judge in the U.S. to free Hinckley, the attempted assassin of Ronald Reagan; a Secret Service Agent; policeman and murderer of one of the president’s aides, from a mental institution after 35 years inside.
The chap had worked for Reagan I think and had written a book about him, he just flat out said that it was being done because the judge was a Clinton appointee; Edith didn’t like that but this American just turned E’s argument around and smacked him in the head with it. It was great to hear and Edith seemed a little taken aback.
It was very good and a great example of how people interviewed by al beebus drones should handle things when the interview becomes even mildly hostile: don’t give an inch and fight back hard.
If more people were like that with them instead of being so supine, then the al beebies would indulge in it a lot less, in my view.
Yes, the BBC are so used to British interviewees bowing and scraping that they get a shock when an American or Israeli kicks them in the balls.
The BBC will not have liked Reagan’s former employee heaping praise on him. How weak and feeble current western leadership is in comparison to Reagan.
38 ‘likes’ and presumably none actually listened to the interview or they’d know you’re talking out of your ass.
11mins 40 secs in
Given how biased you think the BBC is, you shouldn’t really have to make stuff up. But then this site seems to specialise in that. Scooped again!
Tiny corrective to the beeb line that those poor terrorists come from the disadvantaged banlieues of Paris: the Nice truck killer lived outside Nice, 1 of the nicest places on earth, and the poor sweet priest killer came from Savoie, another beautiful area. I’d happily swap with either.
Come to think of it their homes must be empty now…
Evening all, just off on holiday with the family tomorrow so had absolutely no intention of posting although do like to come for my daily dose of sanity (or insanity as BBC/MSM) would say. I much prefer you guys personally.
After watching a science documentary with my step mum (who I had to endure a few pints with her happily towing the guardian line – she’s a teacher so forgiven) then made the fatal error of switching over to BBCs 10 o’clock lies. We flicked over maybe 20 mins in so I can’t be sure but was absolutely appalled to see a headline news item showing the devastation ISIS has caused in Baghdad. BBC sternly goes in to the story “Baghdad, where IS has claimed the MOST casualties”…. I found this hugely offensive. I’m certain that it is hell living in Baghdad and do not for one minute want to quash their plight but it was actually the offensive tone in which the anchor delivered it. An almost how dare anyone think that you’ve got it bad as look what’s going on over there… Now into BBC London news and bless them the new st Pancras extension is a main news item. Again completely offended since ISIS have stated that we are next. The contempt and lies would make Camerom a very proud man, you never know perhaps Cameron did in fact leave a legacy, for the BBC that is ?
What, when it comes to not saying anything stupid, cannot be improved by Hugh ‘views my own’ Sykes tweeting?
Clearly reporters, even BBC ones, are entitled to their personal views, but they should not make them public if they want their professional work to be respected. We ought to be able to expect a dispassionate report.
Come to think of it, how many senior BBC reporters do report dispassionately? Answers on a postcard.
I see that the tweet has been ‘disappeared’!
Hugh Sykes is mentally ill.
Newsnight had Nick Clegg and the discredited Malcolm Rifkind, Remainers both. They were terribly impressed about M Barnier, who is to be involved in the Brexit negotiations. I don’t think I am, and I rather hope D Davis isn’t either. But then you can hardly expect balance.
Much to my surprise this hasn’t sunk without trace yet. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-36906031
Other media speculation run maybe drug debt? Maybe mistaken identity? Odd that for once BBc have published a description.
OMG not one of my favourite DJs? Surely not Deep Dish
Great stuff from Paul Joseph Watson and T.R. –
Mice Height & Zero
Perhaps Al Beeb’s spokesman Zero, has something to say about it ? Over to you Zero …………
Zero –
Classic FM Global Spews has been punting out all day that the French Gov is going to pop a Genderame at every place of worship and the U.K. one is stumping up £2.6M with similar intent.
Not sure if the BBC has covered these, but a few questions do occur.
Like, for instance, how does this deployment and/or largesse stack up in practice, and for how long?
Because Pierre and his 9mm until next Tuesday isn’t really going to cut it if an AK and RPG crew decide to swing by, off the beaten track, after hours.
Meanwhile, dividing that £ amount by all possible qualified targets suggests about enough for a 2c A5 flyer with a stern warning of dire consequences on the noticeboard by the gate.
I thought that too GW – I mean since one f ing report takes the UK government 7 years and £10M any time I hear the government investing anything below the £5M mark I think, in this case anyway, it will prob be the churches in Mr Cameron and Mrs May’s constituencies that will be the lucky winners, that’s if any money is left over after the caliphate in London has been protected. On another note and I do feel like a bit of a scum bag for bringing this up but in the background is “Exodus: Our Journey to Europe”, now this is classic bBBC at its best since all the migrants featured all seem like lovely people, their english is perfect, their stories are horrific… Beeb if in fact you are listening we are not calling for an end of these voices what we are calling for is an appropriate representation of them. For example the ones standing in “The Jungle” screaming F*** the UK and the ones that stormed into a german swimming pool calling european mothers sluts whilst chanting Allahu Akbar. Just be bloody honest thats all we ask! Clue is in the name of the site!!!
You know you are asking the impossible, don’t you?
Guest Who: “Meanwhile, dividing that £ amount by all possible qualified targets suggests about enough for a 2c A5 flyer with a stern warning of dire consequences on the noticeboard by the gate.”
LOL! plus with economic skills like that, you should be doing Kamal Ahmed’s job at his, no doubt, six-figure+ salary.
Classic still churning out these government wish fulfilment exercises.
Seems a spot of nude sunbathing at ‘certain’ beaches around La belle France will get you your own personal security detail and todger shade.
Backpacks off limits too, again at ‘certain’ places only terrorists go, predictable buggers.
Awaiting how the canny lone wolf promising doctor gets around that, maybe by sneaking a Perrier in excess of 100ml with a fizzing 99 in the top past a cordon sanitaire and taking out the German beached whale and Maginot Gendarme in a BOGOF (Blow OneUp Get Others Free) deal.
The politico media establishment delusion is now total.
But it is Brexit killing the tourist industry… nothing else. Apparently.
Given the BBC is going all-out for Clinton and demonising Trump here’s a joke from an American friend of poster Viciousbutfair who shares it on the order-order website:
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says, “The media are really tearing you apart for That Scandal.”
Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies, and taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning our backs on Israel?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The joke Iran Nuke deal? ”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring citizens’ ?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean taking the $145,000,000.00 from Putin for the Uranium Bribe ? “
Trump : “ No the other one .”
Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and china when Bill left Office?”
Trump: “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one”.
I would like to equally propose that we delete from the public consciousness all images of Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin etc etc, lest they also be “glorified” as is the reasoning here.
Have I understood the rationale?
It certainly can’t be because they might also serve to “remind”. Can it?
I am ignorant of such psycho-dynamics I’m afraid and would be grateful for guidance.
As mentioned by a previous post – Looks like EL Papa s muslim foot washing exercises along with soothing words from the likes of Welby seem to have been somewhat unsuccessful in beating off attacks by Islam on Christianity.
I loved the statement made by a multi faith group (including muslims) saying that the Rouen attack was “AN ATTACK ON US ALL” – Really I thought the attack had been specifically aimed at Christianity.
UK Goverment now talking about increasing security for UK churches. How you you gonna do that set up watch towers?
And who do you need to protect them from anyway – surely not from adherents of the “religion of peace”
It is quite amusing (in a very grim sort of way) that Church leaders in Christendom by their weak and naive words have had a major hand in helping the decline of Christianity in the West.
Despite what church leaders preach – I think the days of turning the other cheek are long gone – I think maybe we should start looking t the Old Testament for guidance – Maybe something the Jihadis might understand more
The Pope, Welby and the others are so pig ignorant that they do not understand the terrorists’ mindset. Their words will only increase attacks on christians. They will feel they can attack with impunity.
In his defence Welby is well aware of the persecution of Christians in Africa. Rowan Williams got little credit for his efforts to highlight Christian persecution in the Middle East. Pope John Paul II was a strong voice against the Iraq war. Sometimes Christian leaders are not as clueless as the media like to portray them.
If Welby was not aware of it , I would be astonished. I guess the reason he does not speak out more is to appease the muslims in the hope they will stop. Same policy as most Church leaders, but still stupid and , of course , gives no support for their flock , who are suffering a Genocide.
F dream and Grant – I am sure both Williams and Welby are both nice guys – However nice guys dont win wars they just end up being killed. The one thing the Pope got right was to say we are in a war – However the war is bigger and and will end up being more savage they could possibly ever imagine unless action is taken soon.
One side is already chipping merrily away at the foundations of our society aided and abetted by a band of disloyal and craven mainstream media and politicians.
You are right Grant to say that Welby did not say too much in case he upset our “moderate muslims”
However denial and prevarication helps no-one it only allows the problem to grow much larger and therefore far more difficult to control.
I truly hope I am wrong in saying these things but my gut feeling is that I am right. Lets hope our religous leaders wake up before it is too late.
Agreed !
I too am sure that Williams and Welby are ‘nice guys’. The trouble seems to me to be that parsons in general over the last 50 years have come to believe that Christianity and being a sort of limp wristed leftie are essentially the same thing. Yes, the way of Christ has some parallels with socialism, but they are not one and the same thing.
The trouble is that what appears to be the wet leftie, ‘nice’ thing to do can sometimes backfire spectacularly – eg, Merkel’s open invitation. Sometimes you have to exercise tough love and say ‘enough; there are people amongst us who are doing us harm and we need to deal firmly with them.’ I wonder what Archbishop ‘Killer’ Runcie would have made of it all.
Cranmer I couldnt agree more – Many years ago before before Celebrity Come Dancing, before degrees in David Beckham studies even before Live Aids “Feed the world and give me your forkin money” There used to be a thing called common sense and independent thought.
Not always used but available if needed – Think it could be time to dust it off again and let our politicians have a little go. Providing they close theirs ears to the BBC s traitorous rantings they may even like it and gain a little respect. Go on Theresa give it a go you know you want to!
“I loved the statement made by a multi faith group (including muslims) saying that the Rouen attack was “AN ATTACK ON US ALL””
Agreed, it seems obligatory with these sort of statements to always make Muslims prominent as victims never as perpetrators. Even the Labour Party investigation on anti-semitism had to be broadened to include islamophobia.
Next step will be to say that the terrorist were acting in self-defence. It would not surprise me !
The BBC clearly felt that the condemnation of Israeli settlements hasn’t been talked about for a while so it was necessary to put it in the news headlines no less ( BBC Radio 4) the United States State Department John Kirby’s statement against them.
Yochanan Visser: reacting to the approval of 800 new housing units for Jews and 600 for Arab residents in the Jerusalem area, the State Department on Wednesday accused Israel of systematically seizing “Palestinian land.” Apparently, State Department spokesman John Kirby based his statement on inciting and incorrect information he received from the Palestinian side. No settlement will be expanded outside existing zone plans. Furthermore, the announcement of the plan was, in fact, phase two in a long procedure that started in 2012 when a planning committee approved the proposal. His accusation that there is “a systematic process of land seizures” is false; the plan doesn’t involve land expropriation. The only construction plan that is scheduled to be executed outside an existing neighborhood is the building of 600 units for Arabs near the existing Arab neighborhood of Beit Safafa
The thread refers to Radical Islam. Tautology?
Now that governments, police and media are censoring or self-censoring the news, can readers suggest websites that still give some facts?
To get the ball rolling:
(The bbc can be useful too, if you believe the exact opposite of everything they say.)
The second one is new to me. The first story is shocking. By the name of the doctor, Attila Tan, he is Turkish/German. What is incredible is that the German police released his attackers the same day, or at all. How can this happen ?
R4’s Today excelled itself this morning with another breathtaking examples of bias. Discussing the proposed Hinkley Point nuclear contract, this travesty of a news programme offered us two points of view. -One was from an unelected campaigner for ‘low carbon’ witchcraft who opposed Hinkley, the other from the disgraced former jailbird Chris ‘bonkers’ Huhne – possibly the worst energy Secretary Britain has ever had, and also a fanatical warmist, who appeared to favour the deal.
Both clowns did what they were there to do – pumping the BBC’s party line that we need ‘low carbon’ (they mean low carbon dioxide, but that is the unscientific terminology BBC hacks and other ecoloons favour) and both took it for granted that if we didn’t build Hinkley, we would have to find alternative ‘Green’ ways of generating electricity to meet demand because the sane way of generating electricity, using fossil fuels, was out of he question if we are to going to ‘save the planet’ (probably the most empty and inane political slogan ever invented).
So there we have it. Just two points of view. Throw billions at EDF, the French government owned company that has already proved it cannot build a nuclear facility that works, on time and on budget, and fail to meet electricity demand, or build it, pay at least £37 billion to EDF, and still fail to generate enough electricity because they aren’t able to make it work.
The sane option – to re-open or build coal or gas fired plants as countries like Germany and China are doing, didn’t get even a moment’s consideration, so it was job done for the Biased Broadcastng Corporation. Triple ‘rainforest friendly’ lattes all round, drunk from a Greenpeace mug, of course.
What I do not understand is how disgraced politicians, in this case a criminal like the loathesome Huhne, get rehabilitated and, in the case of the BBC, treated as though nothing had happened. Any interview with him should be prefaced with ” May we remind you that Huhne served a prison sentence for lying and cheating and has no scientific expertise on energy matters “.
“how disgraced politicians, in this case a criminal like the loathesome Huhne, get rehabilitated”
But I have a strong impression that only lefties get rehabilitated. One slip of the tongue from someone right of centre and that’s it. I have Carol Thatcher in mind. And where’s Jonathan Aitken these days?
Good point. Not much on the BBC from Aitken or Hamilton these days !
And when Aitken is on he is always introduced as ‘the former Tory cabinet minister’. I don’t recall that the BBC ever referred to the appalling Robert Maxwell as ‘the former Labour MP’. This kind of thing is endemic on the BBC. Do they do it deliberately, or does it just come naturally?
I agree, Grant. I was going to say a lot more about the choice of Huhne as a guest on this programme, which was clearly completely unacceptable, but I thought the post was long enough as it was.
Huhne only wound-up in government by fluke. His party represents a tiny minority, he, personally. has no expertise in this area, and he is a convicted perjurer. Just the sort of person the BBC listens to, one can only suppose.
Didn`t there used to be rules on ex jail birds like Huhne, Briscoe and Pryce making a coin out of their crimes?
And aren`t we as License Fee Payers up to stump for aiding and abetting said cons in profitting from their criminal activities….might even call it “social terrorism”?
Can I bag this and bring to to Strasbourg or wherever Eurovision has its High Chair?
May well need a legal team in matching frocks and wigs…any offers welcome…only need a few words of Latin, but oodles of passion, solidarities and attitude!
I am sure they all donate there BBC fees to charity.
Stole my thunder Grant buddy, i too listened and laughed as Huhne did his best to show fake gravitas, ala his ex-leader Paddy Ashdown, another complete half-wit, though as a Marine Officer he was at least competent . What is it with the BBC?……
Now Grim.
On holiday in a library(Taunton) I saw TWO biographies about Paddy Ashdown.
Now I know he had a constiuency nearby…but TWO autobiogs or such given over to this hopeless philanderer ?
I`d park him with Jilly Cooper and Katie Price in the Bonkbuster section myself…
Am now writing the biography of Elton Welsby in the hope that even HE made more of a contribution to public life that Plastic (Fantastic) Paddy.
If anybody can nominate even lower forms of public life that Elton Welsby…do tell…I`m seeing him as a balding civil gay peanist who became Archbish…but was a bastard as well!
Like to conflate this crap…easier, and no less true that anything the BBC tells me these days.
But to be fair to Taunton.(Tauntology alert!)
Great section on Islam-Hirsi Ali, Bernard Lewis on the shelves….any better libraries in the UK?
Let me know !
Napier University, Edinburgh used to have Bernard Lewis in it. Last borrowed 6 years previously ! Grant didn’t need to of course as Lewis’ main works are in his personal library !
GC, ” ‘save the planet’ (probably the most empty and inane political slogan ever invented). ”
Think it was invented by Gordon Brown.
‘Nuff said.
‘save the planet’
I’m reminded of being accosted some years ago on London’s Oxford Street by a Chugger in a Friends of the Earth (or possibly Green Peace) tabard with the cry “Have you two minutes to save the Planet ?”
Naturally I replied in the negative.
Although a small nagging seed of doubt and guilt was implating even in my unconscionable and no doubt bigoted conservative conscience.
Happily the planet currently survives without my charitable intervention.
When visiting my kids a few years ago, I bought a T shirt in Greenwich market for my other half. It says:
“Yes, I have plenty of change. Thanks for asking.
Now fuck off and get yourself a job.”
He’s never worn it, the coward.
Another bullshit permutational game for hours of needless fun.
Define all four words…add EARTH in as well, and you can see volcanoes gently bubbling earwax if you persist…goes great with a vape in that there is potential for ash clouds where fleas dare not enter.
If you play it right.
AISI?…”two minutes to save the planet?”
Oh I`m going to seek out the chugger who says THAT to me….pedantry and etymological reference books for the holidays now!
‘….Chris ‘bonkers’ Huhne – possibly the worst energy Secretary Britain has ever had, and also a fanatical warmist, who appeared to favour the deal’
But there was also Weird Ed Miliband, a bit like his mentor, Gordon Brown, who taught poor Ed to wreck everything he touched. Surely he was the worst?
On reflection, I take your point though. Can we call it a draw?
The biography of Weird Ed that was published when he looked as if he might be a person we needed to know about made clear that when he was S of S for ‘Energy and Climate Change’ he was totally uninterested in the ‘energy’ bit and saw himself as an activist for the ‘climate change’ bit. Bonkers.
Sorry GCooper.
This is “science”-where it meets “technology”-where it meets “Petra Kelly”-and the “Atomkraft, Nein Danke” lobby-where it meets Porritt, Juniper, Lucas and Moonbat lunacies of Stowe Prep.
And with the likes of Miliband, Huhne, Des Wilson and Annie Lennox…safe to say, there`ll be nothing here to hang a hat on…a news free , Scorched earth, blasted heath of of an environmental and informational landscape in need of a turbine, a wristband, a dead porpoise owned by a dolphin boy…and a rainbow jumper of a shroud to seal Helen Morrell in her Chernobyl Sacrophagus.
AND-if you filter all this shit through either the muslin slanket of MIshal , or the linen silk traidcraft socks of Webb, the thonged grarled toeholds of Humphrys in his sandals…the potential for ANYTHING of value to come out of this reduces to negative values.
The Tories binned Energy and Climate Change two weeks ago…as a “Department”….so who else but the BBC will give these snaking charlatans an excuse to get up in the morning?
We had the likes of Ed Davey, Chris Huhne, Geoff Hoon and John Prescott in elected government positions in our lifetimes as we watched on-we deserve Islamic State at times like these don`t we?
Sad to say but albeit in a perhaps less cynical way, the current government is ‘doing a Gordon’, that is by defining its level of support for a given issue purely in the money spent and not on the value for money. Examples? The gold plating of HS2 and Hinckley Point. Then there’s Overseas Development. With Brown it was mainly social spending.
I know a bit about the EPR; nice idea but lousy implementation – check out Oikiluoto 3. What beats me is why we don’t just build an off the shelf design being built by the likes of Westinghouse in China, or even a version of Sizewell B with a little updating. Aspects of the EPR design are not even new but use existing tried and tested technology (lower risk), making the cost even more utterly incredible.
I might even add the Nuclear Deterrent replacement. Can’t we just build a few subs to the same design as the current fleet – with upgrades to non-critical services, like the bunk beds, showers, etc plus the inevitable IT. I mean, how ‘modern and efficient’ does a nuclear warhead have to be, just as long as it works.
BBC Business with hyper-active Aussie Aaron Heslehurst is a bastion of BBC anti-Brexit kite-flying.
This morning they headline with ‘Tourism an industry in crisis… because of Terrorism and Brexit !!!’
Like most BBC reports this one fails to deliver what it said on the tin.
Worst hit regions:
Tunisia – 38, of whom 30 were British, massacred on Sousse beach June 2015
Egypt – October 2015 returning from Sharm el-Sheikh airliner blown out of the sky over Sinai
Turkey – Coup 15th July 2016 and continuing purges, anyone?
France – …. well, we hardly need reminding….
So, our busy business guy Aaron, how does Brexit fit in with problems in the Tourist industry? ‘The Pound!’ He bleats. Fellow Beeboid undercuts that with reminders that previous falls in our currency have not led to marked declines in the British holidaying abroad – something to do with economics about which our BBC Business team ought to have been aware – ‘demand for hoildays is not very elastic’ A fall of 10% in the value of the pound won’t give a 10% fall in demand.
There we have the BBC case for Brexit wrecking the tourist trade shot down within the BBC’s own report.
So how come this politically contentious assertion (now dimissed as factually erroneous) got put up there in the headline?
Institutional BBC Bias.
I think Aaron Heslehurst is just plain weird.
As I,
Did Aaron mention that many Commonwealth Governments have welcomed Brexit ? I don’t think any have condemned it.
I’m always amazed that the BBC’s current bleating about the Tourism industry being heavily negatively impacted because of the drop in the pound after Brexit isn’t instantly shot down by someone mentioning that the Tourism industry must be totally wasting its time and dosh with its wall-to-wall advertising from around Boxing Day last year onwards and that, just like every other previous year, the vast bulk of people did not leave their holiday decisions until June 24th this year.
Additionally, the fall in the pound, provided you don’t take the peak values on June 23rd (and instead look at the average over the previous few months) has been more like 7.5 – 8%. And we’ve had that sort of variation often before – with no cataclysmic effect on the holiday industry.
The issues surrounding tourism in Northern African Countries, the Greek Islands, Turkey and perhaps now Southern France, have far more to do with one specific thing, Beeboids, and it ain’t Brexit.
Need to get used to it Richard.
For the next few years, Brexit will join racism, hate crime, thought violations as a catch all suggestion box in which to park every prejudice, wrong call, bad decision, scandal or what have you?
You`re shit manager who knows nothing, cares less?…well Brexit threw you, blame Farage!
Anything that the BBC hates like white trash in their caravans on the M4?…bloody Brexit keeping `em at home.
No one buying the Guardian, but the Mail and Express doing OK?…bloody Brexit.
Basically a catch all mop up insult to us all…now how long we`ll absorb it before biting them good and hard?…that`s up to us!
If you voted to leave the EU-you`re one of our own.
If you`re lefty liberal scum who continue to sneer-we`re onto you, and revenge will be cold…but inevitable.
The only remainers I will accept are the few who did fear for grandkids abroad or who trade with Europe and feared retaliation…can accept those fears, and it was not personal.
The indulged political c***ts who had the luxury of choosing chose to shaft us-not forgotten, never forgiven either.
Top notch. Especially your second last paragraph. I think , as time goes by, many “soft-remainers” will accept the result. The others never will , whatever happens, and that includes the BBC.
And there was me thinking that lots more B&B owners and TICs in the UK would be delighted at all the new staycationers who`d rather spend in Tenby and Blackpool that come home in a shoebox from Tunis or Bodrum.
Silly me…all I can say is try getting somewhere to stay in Britain at the mo that is not crowded, overpriced and difficult to confirm-even in THIS shit weather, this is going to be a good year for the Tourist economy here…which the SJWs at the BBC will hate…all voted Brexit you see!
Did you know there’s been a huge increase in hate crime since the greatest disaster in human history (brexit), yes I heard it on the BBC today ..and yesterday …. and the day before ….. and every day for the past month. Anyway its all too true, cos today an English border terrier committed what was clearly a brexit fuelled racist xenophobe hate crime against my Dachshund. He barked at her, just because she’s different, and barks with a funny German accent. If only we all loved each other like Saint Jo wanted then all this hate would go away….. Naturally I reported this crime to the report hate crime website and am eagerly awaiting a response from our competent, respected and ever so effective police. Hopefully they will give it the priority it deserves unlike trivial crimes like burglaries, theft, fraud…..which they usually ignore or dont even bother to record.
Had to laf about the Fireman Sam cartoon briefly menioned on R4 5:30 news yesterday morning. How could you miss it? it was mentioned for all of 10 seconds…
A scene in the children’s programme shows a fireman slipping on a pile of papers – and as they fly into the air a page from the Koran is “briefly depicted”, production firm Mattel said.. The pain and anguish this must have caused must be unimaginable, far far worse than cutting a poor old priests throat… I personally find Korandrex pages are far too slippery and not nearly absorbent enough for my needs.
Interesting hearing more German and French natives in London this morning… Don’t fucking blame em poor people, sad though as they definitely wouldn’t pass the immigration test they’re probably not the “diverse cultural enrichment types” Mrs May wants.
The BBC is reporting the identity of the second Jihadi who beheaded the Catholic priest in France as Abdel Malik Petitjean. (Yes the one where the Pope said the killing was not religiously motivated.)
They don’t seem able to do any analysis of the details provided by the French media or police despite the huge number of journalists they employ in France
Is it right his father was French born assuming his surname of Petitjean? This indicates he was of mixed parentage which is a development of some interest.
His driver’s licence is depicted at the top of the web story.
Why is his prenom given as ‘Maur’ on the licence? The BBC does not ask why it is not Abdel Malik and how this happened?
Is Maur perhaps short for Maurice? But more importantly why did he manage to drive with inaccurate information on his licence which makes computer checking difficult?
Most journalists are too stupid to think about these things.
As are most Popes since Benedict left the stage in 2013.
“This is not a war of religions”…but of resources and priorities apparently.
So Idiot Lantern Frank thinks that these scum are climate change activists, who want debt relief for the Sahel?
This Pope is a Pipe of Piss.
He lets his elderly retired priests die like this in Rouen…but sees no significance to what it means for his staff worldwide?
After the paedo stuff a few years back-the Catholic Church found itself guilty on “Health and Safety, Duty Of Care” charges and violations much as any other large employer might.
And I`ve seen no grosser violation that Francis washing his hands of the death of a poor bloke merely helping out past retirement, in his ghost town parishes.
Now-had he been a paedophile-chances are he`d now be living safely in a presbytery, and out of public risk or gaze…even doing very nicely on a retirement stipend, all hushed up.
After what Francis said-any Catholic ought to remind the church of this…they`ve not heard the end of this, even if Le Monde hopes we have.
The BBC refer to this atrocity as “an unprovoked attack”…
Well that`s ONE way of describing it…hope the supine Papal sock sniffers rise up and bin their Guardian puppet pronto-or it`ll get far worse…those Vatican walls look strong enough for Francis-but his old boys serving the parishes are clearly fair game for Islam from now on.
Recent op article in Grauniad (or Indie, I forget) was effusing over the ‘moderate’ ‘restrained’ French reaction to the gruesome ritual slaughter of the priest, which showed true Christian spirit of forgiveness bla bla.
Don’t believe a word of it. I checked some French blog sites: they are INCANDESCENT with rage!
Dust down those guillotines, citoyens.
Allons enfants de la patri-i-e … Marchons, marchons, qu’un sang impure, Abreuve nos sillons.
English lyrics
Arise children of the fatherland
The day of glory has arrived
Against us tyranny’s
Bloody standard is raised
Listen to the sound in the fields
The howling of these fearsome soldiers
They are coming into our midst
TO CUT THE THROATS of your sons and consorts
To arms citizens Form your battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Soak our furrows…