Middle of the week, radical Islam is merrily slaughtering its way across Europe, but the BBC aren’t really sure what makes them do this? Oh well, here’s an Open Thread to detail their weapons grade bias…
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Good letter in the Telegraph today;
“SIR – After yet another Islamist terrorist atrocity, is it not time to examine carefully from where they are driven?
The Koran contains 109 verses exhorting Muslims to violence, many directly against Jews and Christians. The vast majority of peaceful Muslims reject this teaching, but those who do not are not “radicalised”, they are just following the Koran’s teachings.
It is time for a mature debate on what Islam teaches and stands for.”
The Government wants to ban Hate Speech.
Perhaps they could start with the Koran, which is full of it.
It won’t happen. The elite is afraid of opening that particular box. And makes sure that all debate is stifled or the people demonised. Effective in the short term but in the long term fatal. The BBC is key to this as we all well know.
Bringing not just lies but unreality into our world.
The “peaceful” muslims do not reject this teaching. If it is in the koran, they have to accept it as the eternal voice of allah. It cannot and will not ever change. If they reject it, they are no longer muslims, but apostates, and therefore condemned to death. No, most muslims do not act on the teachings of their “religion”, but that does not mean they reject the teachings or condemn those who actually obey the teachings. Hence the absence of any “not in my name” type marches by massed ranks of muslims.
The fact is that terrorists (or “militants” if you are a BBC dhimmi) do act in the name of islam, and all muslims know this.
The Government wants to ban Hate Speech.
Perhaps they could start with the Koran, which is full of it.
And the Imams and other muslims who mouth it every day. There would thousands , if not tens of thousands of arrests and a good thing too !
THOUGHT CRIME….next time some prat mouths off about these-only four words with only two or three meaningful permutations-ask them to define them.
Very simple words-but outside Orwells “1984”-these concepts did not exist until bloody MacPherson set about lobbing in the RACE/RACIST” factor in 1999.
Two MORE words you can mess their heads with, in that neither Muslim or Islam are not races…so you can`t be “racist” about them,
That one alone turns them stupid, they normally glaze over and walk away at this point.
One more.
Let nobody call you racist, unless they can distinguish between RACISM and RACIALISM…big difference, Enoch knew it…but since 1968 or so, the liberal left certainly have had to need to know the difference.
About time they did…
“When I use a word , it means whatever I choose it to mean ” Humpty Dumpty. If Lefties have ever read Alice in Wonderland or Orwell, they haven’t learned anything from them.
Haven’t seen you for a while cH , maybe we just crossed or have you had a scrumpy overdose ?
Been wandering around Exmoor…Radio Devon and BBC Wales flicking in and out.
Anything but Radio 4…as soon as Mariella Frostrup wants kids in school for longer and with more free holidays for everybody…off I went.
Taunton library…at least SOME librarians don`t OD on Obama, and say stuff about Islam!
Exmoor and Taunton Library seems a good combination .
I just welcomed you to Breitbart but got an answer saying I got the wrong person.
His user name is Chris H
Tens of thousands of arrests would NOT be a good thing. The Islamic hate-mongering trash would be fed and housed at Her Majesty’s pleasure fully paid for by the taxpayer.
Send this virus back to the desert where it originated. It has no place in western civilisation.
I didn’t say anything about housing or feeding them !!
Record level of long term ‘low inflation’ report imminent. Good or Bad ?
Anything about it on Al Beeb yet ?
At first it was an immediate punishment budget plus financial Armageddon.
When that didn’t happen they changed to ‘the effects will happen in a year or more’
Bit like global warming/cooling depending on the weather on the day.
Yesterday Cranmer and I had a friendly exchange of posts on this site about how quickly the MSM pro Islamic propaganda dam would break. Cranmer was more optimistic than I was. But in the Times today there is an article about Muslim men verbally abusing German women in a swimming pool for wearing swim suits ( I suppose they expected Burkinis or perhaps single sex bathing). So is yet another crack in the MSM dam appearing? But what really struck me were the associated comments from Times readers, which are verging on the extreme, much more so than we polite folks on this site, ever post. It is quite common now for the MSM to totally ignore what their viewers, listeners or readers think, and to plough the pro Islamic furrow of the liberal left regardless. But the Times readers are certainly letting their newspaper’s editors and columnists know exactly what they think. Perhaps Cranmer’s optimism is not misplaced. I hope so. Even so I expect that the BBC will just sneer at the’ Murdoch press’ and carry on with their misguided and dangerous pro Islam lies and deceits.
The likes of the Times see themselves these days as the safety valves for their readers.
Good therapy to sound off to no effect, for we are now the lion that roared on June 23rd…and the whole political class now no longer trust or even care about what we think.
As long as we open a vein and let them peddle their worldview, they`re getting jobs and free “vox pox” analysis,they`ll indulge us.
Le Monde are showing them the way next…no “glorification” of the terrorist or his background, IS-press verbiage before he enters the Big Buddha House…Gates of Hell swinging open and as wide as his nightshirt.
Goes without saying that they`ll not tell us if they`re even Muslim or not…now if they`re Breiviks types, we`ll certainly know of it though!
The Times despises the proles as do the Guardian and the BBC-but to be fair, they raise their own money and live by market rules-Steve Howlett on yesterdays “Media Show” clearly doesn`t approve, so the Times has its role.
But at least we can know now that “The Media” is not one amorphous blob…not yet.
The likes of the Sun, Express…Ken Bruce and Alex Dyke..are the exceptions that prove the rule that the role of the BBC is to MEDIATE between the powerful and the people…they have chosen wrongly, and are ripe for destruction.
As as they side with Islam, dole bandits, crims and conartists of the Left…they continue to dig their hole deeper; and we`ll be settling up within a few years.
Can`t go on like this-zombie paed Pipes of Emilys like Maitlis and Pope Francis do NOT speak for anybody but the boss class at the BBC.
It’s funny you know. I say to everybody I know that I do not want diversity. I do not want to adopt other peoples cultures. Why, well because I am very happy with my own culture. Everybody I speak to seem to agree with me. In fact I’ve rarely heard anyone say the opposite.
I am told on the BBC that we want to adopt new cultures, we are told by politicians that diversity is good, who exactly do these people represent. I think we found out with Brexit that despite these people trying to scare us all, they represented only a minority of Remainers.
We need a debate whereby people with my views who want to protect and preserve my culture British culture will not be labelled a racist. We need a BBC that promotes pro British discourse instead of promoting an anti British discourse.
BBC fair and balance and pro British. It’s too infiltratrated with lefties and muslims. It’s not going to happen is it?
Sadly not. The Left have control of all the political parties,( except UKIP, ) the BBC, the education system, the police, the judiciary, the Civil Service etc. It would take a very big clearout of the dross. Maybe we should Erdogan !!!!!
Grant, its not the ‘left’ its the Globalists.
Left and right are meaningless now, the divide is between Globalists and nationalists and Globalists have garnered control everywhere under the false flag of ‘liberalism’ and ‘progress’. Their true agenda has been concealed until its unstoppable by democratic means.
I wonder even about UKIP. They too constantly praise immigration. They simply want to slow it a little.
“BBC fair and balance and pro British. It’s too infiltrated with lefties and Muslims. It’s not going to happen is it?”
No its too infiltrated with Globalists and non ethnic British of all kinds, Jewish heavily over represented and homosexuals too, anyone with an axe to grind against the native establishment.
“I am told on the BBC that we want to adopt new cultures”
In my experience, with trendy right-on types it usually boils down to food. They assume that, because we like Indian food and visit exotic restaurants more than we used to, we have a secret desire to become less British and more Indian/Pakistani/Arab/Chinese/Cherokee etc.
The fact that this demand might simply be a result of cheaper foreign holidays, and ready availability in the supermarket freezer, doesn’t seem to be considered. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard arguments along the lines of: “We drive German cars, drink French wine, eat chicken tikka masala, take holidays in Spain, and have Japanese televisions. Why are we voting UKIP ….. blah blah blah?”
There’s a big difference between adopting a new culture and changing our consumption habits. English white wine is doing quite well these days. Does that mean we’re becoming more English? No, it just means it’s becoming more available so we drink the stuff. We drive fewer British cars because there aren’t any.
I totally agree Wronged – none of us were asked to ’embrace’ multiculturalism, it was forced upon us by stealth. As for a debate, sadly I would rule out a televised one, as the audience would be picked as ‘a fair representation of Britain today’ – which in BBC speak will be filling the seats with a lot of tanned faces. The views of the majority of this country would be shouted down by rebel rousers screaming racist, and they are generally of a certain ‘type’ – fresh faced domineering agitators who appear regularly on debating programmes, those under 40, and those who mainly live in London (strange how the ‘white flight’ by ‘ordinary people’ from London is rarely mentioned)
“Japan is one of the most racially homogenous nations. It would be hard to find a country that so clearly practices the opposite of American-style diversity, but it is one of the most successful trading nations on earth. If diversity were a key advantage, Brazil, Indonesia, Sudan, Malaysia and Lebanon would be world leaders in trade.”
“It is easier to establish harmonious social relations in ethnically homogenous societies than in ethnically divided ones because people are more helpful towards each other in ethnically homogenous societies.”
“It is precisely because it is so easy to point out the weaknesses of diversity that any attempt to do so must be countered, not by specifying diversity’s strengths -which no one can do- but with accusations of racism.”
Diversity, if it were a strength, people would not require ‘diversity management’ or anti-discrimination laws. Nor would it require constant reminders of how wonderful it is. It takes no exhortations for us to appreciate things that are truly desirable.”
“Whites have been persuaded to support diversity -even if it restricts opportunities for them and reduces their numbers and influence- because they have been taught that not to support it would be racist.”
Jared Taylor “White Identity”
Your move, BBC.
Mid day news and the BBc move Lloyds closures to top story obviously they have realised it serves at least two of their agendas. First of all the media publicity will have a negative effect on the share price. Downturns in the FTSE of course being heralded as a product of BREXIT secondly less evil money grabbing fat cat bankers. Oh of course the branch employees will be mostly getting paid way under £20K. BBc blame this on BREXIT. Then they tell us it will effect customer service. like they care about customer service. Yes BBc complaints I mean you. Oh and finally they tell us it’s making people unemployed when BREXIT may make many more unemployed.
New Hinkley site power generation some random bloke comes on to say climate change blah blah.
The pope’s comments on migration are not shared by some in Poland. “Not shared” no s**t.
Fawning report on Hilary Rodman “one of Obamas most powerful speeches yet” drone tells us Completed of course with an attack on Trump.
Same old same old with the BBc
FT 100 has collapsed by 0.14 % already today.
Lloyds closures were planned two years ago.
That they are happening now conveniently lets the bbc blame Brexit.
Which the BBC has done all day, despite the proliferation of comments from Lloyds spokesmen point out that it has nothing at all to do with Brexit.
Even for the serial liars at the BBC this has been a shameful episode.
Are the BBC telling me then that banks are OK…but only in regard of the fact that they employ people?
But if said people actually bring in money or draw a salary-they`re fat cat sponges and running dogs of the City?
Wonder how and when the BBC got its corpus callosum severed…seems to be no contact between both sides of what was once a brain?
But the Left are like that-like trying to link gay and womens rights to the rights of Muslims to cut their heads off…just drifts away….imagine…
The BBC furiously having to back pedal now and pretend it didn’t blame Brexit
“The bank confirmed that the decision to make further cuts was taken before the EU referendum on 23 June.”
I would suggest that all Lloyd’s Bank users on this site move their finances to an other high street bank.
Oh , and I forgot to add this ……………………
“UK banks expected to pay out £5billion in bonuses”
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/02/12/uk-banks-expected-to-pay-out-5billion-in-bonuses-5679671/#ixzz4FkY525ym
“Lloyds is to hand out around £350million, sources say, while RBS, which will report its ninth consecutive annual loss on the 26 February, will pay around £400million.”
Didn’t the British tax payer (thats you and I that use the bank) bail them out ?
Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/02/12/uk-banks-expected-to-pay-out-5billion-in-bonuses-5679671/#ixzz4FkWv6tJ5
Can anyone offer clarification with regard to this very puzzling video (not graphic) made at Nice?
It appears to be taken from the side of the lorry opposite to that we have shown by the media. Who is the person, obviously alive, who appears to be beaten by French police before being dragged away? Wasn Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed in the cab or was he killed after getting out of the cab and shooting a pistol? Is the man in the video Lahouaiej-Bouhel or someone else?
‘Witness Nadar El Shafei told the BBC: “He died inside the vehicle – I saw his head hanging out of the window I could see it clearly, they kept shooting him from all sides just to be sure.’
‘The driver, a Tunisian resident in Nice called Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, also fired at people with his pistol before being shot dead by three policemen.’
not bbc….but the bbc with adverts ie skynews
on the app….this just made me wonder what planet these gobshites actually live on
“It was a piercing,excoriating,methodical takedown of Donald Trump’s vision of America”……it says here
“the crowd was gripped from the moment Obama walked on stage and soon,a realisation for those on the floor:The White House may never host a greater orator”
now that last but just made me laugh out loud…….lets just remind us of the gripping orator at work shall we?
Abraham Lincoln….you complete amateur you
its ok sky news reporter….you can go back on the treatment now 🙂
No. 6,
Are these genuine ?
yes they are indeed……he’s such a brilliant public speaker isnt he?
had me gripped…..muahahahaha
Some in the top one are ( some have been messed with) as I remember them live on tv, I think Obama is prone to a stutter and sometimes it spooks him when making speeches and he simply goes speechless.
As for the lower one it looks like it has been slowed down in parts, except for when members of the audience speak and it is sped up again.
I wouldn’t use these as evidence of his incompetence in court for sure!
That is rather what I thought. I was looking at his eyeblinks and they looked normal but slowed down rather than those of a drunk. Also , I cannot believe his aides would let him go on if he was drunk.
Mind you , that does not explain how Juncker is allowed to appear in public !
go into youtube settings and increase speed by a factor of 1.5
he still looks and sounds drunk
Has any of this been reported by any of the British or US MSM ?
Ha ha ha.
Today a report on ‘5 dead’ radio, Le Monde and one other French paper no longer to show photos or print names of future Islamic terrorists to prevent the ‘publicity of oxygen’… yeah, right! Not trying to deflect from the atrocities of Islam then?
Sad state of affairs that people get blown to pieces run over and shot by Mohammed’s and Ali’s in the name of Islam and not only can our feeble leaders ( sic) do nothing but they now bury their heads in the sand. ‘5 dead’ were almost creaming themselves over this new angle, and were suggesting why is it important to know who is committing terrorism any way?
One instant response could of course be how do we look out for terrorists who have fleed from an attack.. I know, show a picture of their face but pixelate it.. oh and tone it a bit more pale then of course we could be looking for a Muslim or a right wing ‘extremist’ ! How convenient.
God help us!
Corbyn automatically on the ballot list – High Court judgement. Oh, how we larfed!!
Corbyn must stay.
Having heard the likes of Eagle and Beckett snivelling into their nosebags over electing Jez`bollah into office….what else can we do but laugh?
This was on “Corbyns Year”-an unironic effort by Steve Richards on Radio 4 to give free therapy to all Labour dogends, MP suckups( Chris Bryant referred to himself as being in the “top team” of Labour..and no comedy?)…and the chattering social misfits and deviants who inevitably get onto the BBC as “Guardian journalists,cultural critics and commentators-like Steve Richards in fact).
Anyway enjoy it-these unelectable squid and bottom feeders continue to sliver in the slop bucket , deluding themselves that we all blame Corbyn for Brexit-that a Burnham is somehow the answer to UKIP in Boston or Bedlington-and that Alan Johnson etc has anything to add to the debate in 2016.
Let them dream on-hating Farage and Boris, loving Owen and Polly-patronising Lefty scum who need a few more culls before they can see how much we hate their Church of the Poisoned Whine…well deserving a Turkish hot shave, this lot of total crap.
Just discovered I am a true Anglo Saxon ! – born of Yorkshire parents, – and its just been reported that Yorkshire has the greatest percentage of Anglo Saxon heritage in the Country (not surprising, given as its the large county in the UK).
No surprise either that London has the greatest diverse population.
You couldn’t make this up. Apparently the Government is to ban Latin abbreviations such as e.g. i.e and etc as they ‘confuse’ non-English speakers. We might just as well hand the keys of the country to the bloody foreigners and pull the duvets over our heads – how can we fight dictats like this eh ?
brissles, i think the whole English language is a bit confusing (though, tough, slough, cough and all that).
Let’s ban the whole thing and replace it with Arabic. Quranic Arabic.
And they want to teach children mandarin chinese in schools !!!! You couldn’t make it up !
I’m not sure I see the negative in this. China is almost certainly going to be a major player in the following generations’ lifetimes. Some Mandarin Chinese education can only be a good thing.
Yes, I agree. But if the children can’t master english , they have no chance of mandarin. They may have a chance of learning a bit of “pidgin” which would be ok for social chit chat. As for written mandarin, forget it. In any case, who is going to teach it ? It will have to be chinese teachers and will they put up with British childrens’ poor behaviour ? I predict that the idea will be dropped.
But Grant – isn’t it more sensible than teaching French all over the place – the language of our oldest enemy? (I speak as a graduate in French.) It would be good if English were taught properly, never mind a foreign language.
I agree about French. But mandarin is about 10000 times more difficult. I know, I tried it for 2 months about 25 years ago. If kids are going to be taught a European language , I would suggest Spanish which gives them access to Mexico and much of S. America and Philippines, and/or Portuguese which gives them access to fomer Portuguese colonies.
As for non-European languages , Turkish covers Turkey and most of Central Asia. A difficult language but nowhere as difficult as mandarin !
I suppose Russian would be a possibility .
I think everyone here should translate and agree with this piece written in Mandarin
Yīngguó guǎngbò gōngsī shì yīgè yīnggāi bèi sīyǒu huà de yīgè hěn piān de guǎngbò fúwù.
LOL ! GWF . That is why I gave up ! But , no doubt our “brilliant children” will find it easy as they are so much better educated than my generation.
In China, kids start learning the script at about age 3/4. I once saw an old Chinese typewriter, about 60 years old, in HK . It had 4000 characters ! Thank God for our alphabet.
Quick brown fox jumped over the lazy hound ??
Spanish is a good idea. There used to be a lot of Spanish departments in schools here in the NW of England because Liverpool University (which then was quite good I think – not now, I understand) had a flourishing Spanish dept. But foreign languages are difficult! – and therefore not much favoured nowadays.
At my school, in the !960s, French and German at O-level were compulsory, but you had to give up another subject to do Spanish and I could not do that. I do not know why they would not let you substitute Spanish for one of the others. Still frustrates me today !
I have been saying for a long time Spanish should be taught to ALL British children from primary school, then a second foreign languages offered to those interested.
Spanish has three merits, spoken in a wide variety of countries and relatively easy. Also Spain is near enough to make trips and exchanges fairly straightforward.
They should have to continue to study it until they leave school too, in order to reach a working level.
Quite agree. The languages should be ones which will be useful in the emerging economies. Clearly , mandarin would be the first choice but it is too difficult. Therefore, Spanish is the obvious next choice.
I suppose it’s just as quick and easy to say “that is”, as it is “i.e.”
We’d better ban all other foreign derivatives, as well, which will reduce the English language to a series of grunts, familiar to most teenagers of today…
The advantage of Latin abbreviations is surely that they will be familiar to people from many other countries. Latin was once the lingua franca after all. This strikes me as the sort of thing which a committee decides to do, to prove that it is doing something. O tempora, o mores.
Ipso bloodywell facto Innit
Its not just teenagers Grant that have problem with diction, its a problem that most ‘pundits’ appear to have. I think you will recognise those that have trouble pronouncing the letter ‘t’ or ‘th’, as in nothing becomes ’nuffink’.
And half the presenters on BBC speak terrible english so that doesn’t help. Although I doubt if many children watch BBC anyway.
Every time I hear “sixth” pronounced as “sicth” I want to hit the telly. Even Paxo does it. And who passed a law that actresses became “actors” overnight? I don’t want to have a crush on my favourite actor, thank you very much.
Oh Rob ! I was beginning to believe I was the only one who thought the same about actors/actresses. It also seems very odd that with all the cries for equality that ‘actresses’ want to defer to the masculine term of ‘actors’. Perhaps its the American influence again – we’re already seeing the latest ‘fad’ of saying a ‘bunch’ of whatever and the stupidity of saying ‘math’ instead of ‘maths’ – whoever heard of mathematic singular ?
Just spotted this on the bBBC news page.
“BBC’s detailed plans for Nuclear war”. A wartime Broadcasting system operating from 11 protected Bunkers. the selected personnel included two “Religious People.”
So does that mean that Both the survivors outside still get called to Prayer five times a day between being repeatedly told it wasn’t anything to do with you know who.
Bugger. I’ve always supposed that one of the few ‘pros’ of all-out global thermonuclear war would be never having to hear again from the BBC.
The problem is , if Beeboids are the only people left on the planet, who are they going to bullshit to ?
If there is no-one alive to use Twitter what is the BBC going to use to pad out their articles with twitter screenshots?
Even worse – they’ll breed.
Well, some of them anyway.
Where’s Sigourney Weaver when you need her?
LOL ! Are suggesting that some of them are hetero ?
One or two, maybe.
Be careful. If you publish that they may sue you for defamation.
In the very good post-apocalyptic thriller ‘The Death of Grass’ by John Christopher (of ‘Tripods’ fame) when the apocalypse hits (in this case a virus which wipes out the world’s crops) the BBC announces the formation of an ‘Emergency Citizens’ Committee’ to govern the country. The lead character snorts and says ‘at my guess it will be composed of a professional anarchist, a parson and a left-wing female schoolteacher.’
Remember when BBc made a TV series of the Tripods but only made 2 out of what should have been three series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tripods_(TV_series)
Some facts omitted from the BBC report on the Democratic Convention. Report from Ann Coulter on the awards to the Black Lives Matter thugs and their mothers.
‘Welcome to Hillary’s convention, celebrating the anti-police group Black Lives Matter!
The whole raison d’etre of BLM is the belief that cops are wantonly killing “black bodies.” But only four of the dead black kids being honored were even killed by cops. Two were murdered by black gang members.
Of the four deaths that involved the police, all the victims were fighting the cops when they died.
In this regard, I notice that six of the nine “Mothers of the Movement” have different last names from their snowflakes. The children with the same names as their mothers were the two who were gunned down by black gangs, as well as one schizophrenic, who, unfortunately, had grabbed an officer’s baton and was hitting him with it when he got himself shot.
Saw her creepy little video at the Convention.
Very Madame Mao I thought….like Wishee Washee Sturgeons lesbian fatsuited valet.
Marjory Dawes off Little Britain too…in short, a real creepy prospect.
Trump will hopefully dispose of her and her awful family.
Careful with the names ..I didn’t change my name after marrying. And of course, you might be with the father of your child but not married, so it says nothing about the social status.
Very few black parents are married in the USA today. The breakdown of black families is one of the major causes of crime in the black community, and can be traced back to LBJ’s “Great Society” programme of the 1960s. Like all left wing programmes from the French Revolution onwards, it had malign consequences. That was quite probably the plan all along.
The blacks are now an infantilised social group, dependent on government largesse, and form a reliable Democrat voting bloc.
Yes, the whole point of socialism is to dumb down people and make them dependent on the state so that they will always vote socialist. Look at the dumbing down of the British education system. Socialism’s real agenda is the opposite of its stated one. Socialists just don’t care about people or humanity. Liars and hypocrites.
Any golfers here ? I am not, but enjoying dipping into the Womens’ British Open ! Why are the BBC not televising the Men’s Open ?
I notice that most of the leaders are Asian or Asian descent. Last time I looked 5 of the 10 leaders are from S. Korea. What is going on ?
The answer to the title of the lily-livered Frank Gardner report below is simple: radical Islamist supremacism and fanaticism. Such reporting exemplifies yet more despicable left-wing bias and deception from Frank ‘I Just Cannae Find A Motive’ Gardner; it’s an insult to people’s intelligence. Just to even suggest that it’s difficult to connect the dots and find a motive for all the killings across Europe when they all shouted ‘Allahu Ackbar’, claimed allegiance to ISIS and Islam is nothing short of deception and lies. I’m afraid the only reason I can surmise for the BBC churning out such pathetic damage limitation for Islamist terrorists is that they sympathise with political Islam and wish to see the west submit to conservative Muslim culture; surely there can be no other reason apart from spineless cowardice perhaps. One thing is for sure, however: if these killers stated that they were acting in the name of Jesus Christ or Christianity, the BBC, Guardian, Channel Snore, Sky News, Independent, Hopeless and Hate and Labour would all be calling for mass arrests of Christians and far-Right activists.
Islam does the dirty work for the left at the moment.
The spineless clueless evil left hate America and Israel just as Islam does.
But they hate the blood-yet like the meat, so they are as one on all this.
Remember Iran 1979….the intellectual Left thought themselves co-creators in a dream alliance between themselves and the Ayatollahs Hez`bollah Party.
Within weeks-all the pinkies and lefties had either emigrated to cause shitloads of trouble in the West…or had been thrown from minarets in Shiraz, hacked to bits in Qom University campuses.
Same today…Islamic State is only Al Queda when alloyed with the organisational and bureaucratic recent “expertise” of the Muslim Lefties…Ba`athists from both Iraq and Syria.
They`re all Sunni-soon to become Salafi-jihad, once they`ve read Qutb….and got Ulema permission for the savagery and barbarism that has already rendered the Catholics mute, the Free Press neutered and cowed…and the BBC crowing about its “accommodation with Anjem”.
There`s plenty of leeway and excuses from us lot not to know or care about this Islamic bollox…but disabled show ponies like Gardner , ecumenical eejits like Stourton and Rae , Papa Crock and the like have no such excuses.
Thank Ali for this site…and for the Intenet as well.
Time to swap the BBC for 24/7 Mecca streaming…that is our future, as long as we indulge the hapless Beeb.
Top post.
Merkel “rules out migrant policy reversal”.
Much rejoicing among beeboids and Jihadis.
Possibly less so among Germans.
Cameron first.
Next year “Germany will rule out Merkel re-election”
“Hollande trounced in French elections”,
All this might matter to the BBC and HuffPo today…but all three named above will be vilified for all time as quisling traitors to their own countries interests.
Merkel primus ultra vires….the body count and destruction of liberal democracy in the West will match-even surpass that of Blair and Bush-once she`s been binned.
Now how long will it take the BBC to come up with excuses for the attack on a Cologne job agency.
evad, you know those huge banks of computers shown at the beginning of bbc tv news, top of the hour? They’ve ALL been commandeered and programmed to Find Implausible Excuses for acts of terror, and they’re working flat out as we speak. Expect power outings, the grid can’t cope.
power outages
I can’t think what else they do. And we pay for them!
He was looking for Cologne Station to molest some women and got lost? Easily done.
Been reading about the creation of a Eurasian-Negroid race being brought about by the deliberate flooding of western countries with immigrants for the sole aim of eradicate the traditional white folk of European
The way things are panning out as of late across Europe with the open borders, free movement of persons and “refugee crisis” What I once would have passed off as a conspiracy theory I’m now starting to considering as a real event… Not cool.
BMB this is not as mad as it sounds. Many years ago, back in the early 70’s it was remarked to me, by a member of a right wing organisation at the time, that unless something is done about migration (as it was even back then) then within the following 100 years the population of this country would become ‘coffee-coloured’. At the time I thought it was so far fetched as to be the ravings of a right wing loony, but here we are, not far short of 50 years later, and that prophecy may not be far short of the truth.
BBC news = daily enemy intelligence report.
Silver Linings
The Religion of Peace has its plus points too: for many years the music-hating cult got Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam to shut up.
But his hit single “I’m Gonna Get Me a Gun” now seems rather prophetic – especially as the general population has been disarmed.
Sorry, not BBC-related but still pertinent to our debates on disgusting leftie media bias. Take a look at this revolting and childish Sky News piece on their beloved Obamessiah: note the soppy childlike smiles on the reporter’s boatrace as she bathes in the glory of saintly Joe Biden and Obama… the most biased and pro-Democrat ‘report’ ever. Even the title of the report is biased.
Does anyone else think that Sky News has become just as Left-wing and PC as the BBC or is it just me?
It is every bit as bad as the BBC – mostly because it recruits from the same intellectual cesspits.
They are all clones
Just as bad or worse. With its huge budgets the bbc has set the tone and vitiated all the media, the whole ‘intellectual’ climate. It’s a disease, possibly incurable. The whole system is corrupted by cultural marxism in the media, education, politics etc. It will take years for the poisonous c**p to pass through the system, if at all. Current events just might speed up the process as people start to wake up to the lies.
This is wonderful, what a shame he didn’t get into Parliament but not surprising that “they” made sure he didn’t!
What a star!
Thank you Al.
Great stuff AS, had me in stitches. Even Baroso is seen laughing at Nigel’s criticism of him, though van Rompuy and others obviously hated our Nige. Classic moments, so thanks.
As for Parliament. We wanted Nigel Farage and got Douglas Carswell. Hardly a good exchange.
Jeremy Vine is presented with a killer argument as to why we should stay in the EU.
A student tells him that “I hope to work as a humanitarian in Croatia”. Apparently he is qualified for this role because, “I’m studying a Master’s degree in Humanitarianism and Conflict Resolution. I’m working on gender inequalities in post-conflict zones”.
And to think that most of us thought that our youth was wasting their time doing Media Studies! Oh the humanity!
Why not gender inequalities in Islam ? Guess there is no funding for that and research in a muslim country may be a bit tricky. I hear that Croatia is a beautiful country and fairly safe these days. Nice weather too and nice work if you can get it !
Yes indeed. Why does Croatia need humanitarians? Perhaps he should go to somewhere in Africa, even if he will catch dengue fever and die in misery.
Just posted that below !
And there, in a nutshell, is the problem we are facing. Probably a couple of generations whose minds have been warped beyond belief by Marxist educators.
Gender equalities in post-conflict Africa would be interesting. Sierra Leone or Liberia would be a good start. I have African friends in both countries. The student could stay with them, so long as they can live without running water, electricity and aircon . Oh, I forgot, these are black people. Can’t look into that too closely. Better stick to Croatia. Easy to fly home to mummy if the going gets tough.
The PM show the other night had some male Chakrabhati from Leicester Uni banning on from his Department of Hate Crime Studies there.
Don`t imagine his august and much needed Fuckallty are looking much into how Trump or white UKIP voters are “marginalised and discriminated against”.
No-but if you want Shams blowhard brother to come by with his clip board-try and leave a packet of smokey bacon crisps by a local mosque, and see how quickly he can scoot between the Radisson in Leicester and the nearest four star hotel in YOUR area .
Beyond parody the BBC…and as yet STILL no jokes about a jihadist on an electronic tag…
Do we on this website think that – on the whole, and weighing all considerations, and without the slightest prejudice, and regarding the matter in its true light – the BBC would mildly favour Mrs Clin’n as President? And do we think this might be reflected in the coverage up to November?
How could you say such a thing about the impartial BBC. I am shocked, shocked , I tell you. Shame on you .
i didn’t pay to much attention to american politics till obummer stuck his oar into brexit,
then my american friends on the internet started apologizing to me, and made it very clear he is not held up in america as some kind of deity as he is by the bbc
small sample it maybe (65ish) but they are all firmly behind trump and can all see through the msm lies and deceit
Well, his intervention wasn’t very effective, was it? Perhaps we see him for the charlatan and creep he is. Pity people didn’t work out in time that Blair was also a charlatan and a creep.
Rhod Sharp was wetting himself on Up All Night that The Great One had spoken in favour of Queen-designate Clinton at her convention, ‘even though they were deadly rivals’.
A strange observation given that The Great One has had His two terms and can’t run again and also that He made her His Secretary of State.
It would be a lot simpler if those yanks just swore allegiance to HM Elizabeth Regina, instead of inventing their own royal families, Kennedy, Bush and Clinton.
Perhaps they will be swearing allegiance to HM Hillary Vagina . She certainly talks like one.
They sure are going to be wearing long faces when Trump storms thro’ with a landslide….
Toxic Killary is unelectable, as any fule no, but the so-called bbc cant comprehend ….
Is there any chance that the BBC (our National broadcaster) could explain why nothing has been done by PM May to progress Brexit in the past month?
Well, our mysterious hybrid Ali-David German-Iranian Muslim-Christian Sonboly-Smith may have been a Far Right Xenophobe (as the beeb desperately tried to twist the narrative) but someone must have forgotten to tell these young adherents of the Religion of Peace who disrupted a peaceful memorial for the dead in Munich, chanting Allahu Akbar.
Why, if it was all NTDWI? Perhaps they were under the impression he was one of theirs.
Incidentally what happened to early reports that David-Ali-Smith himself shouted Allahu Akbar while murdering children as reported on camera to CNN by a worker (Loretta) at McDonald’s? She was a Muslim, not another crazy Right Winger. (What is it with McDonald’s and crazy Right-Wingers?!)
And finally
Perhaps our friend David-Ali-Sonboly-Smith-Montefiore-McTavish-O’Neil really was an Aryan supremacist after all, according to some reports. But not of the fair-haired Germanic type but of the Iranian type who, it is true, despise Arabs to whom they consider themselves superior. Where the hell that puts him on the Left-Right spectrum is hard to say. Far-Right according to Auntie, so it must be true.
Surely a psychopath is a psychopath. And Iranians tend to be Muslim, albeit of a different persuasion.
22:00 news and Lloyds seems to have disappeared from the rundown. The not very new, long running Hinkley nuclear plant story instead replaces it on number 1 news spot. Why could that be/ Maybe social media is running with Lloyds had planned these cuts some time ago and is not in fact connected with BREXIT.
Not BBC related, but there’s a very good article on Breitbart about an RC priest who has spoken out about Islam. I found this paragraph particularly observant: “In his old age, the priest (Fr Hamel) embodied a civilisation that has been betrayed by a generation whose hymn was John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ — that there was neither heaven nor hell but ‘above us only sky’ and ‘all the people living for today’. When reality intrudes, they can only leave teddy bears and balloons at the site of a carnage they call ‘inexplicable’.”
On the whole a vapid generation. Breastfed on the plastic insincerity of pop, celebrities and consumerism.
where only the empty vessels get to lead the peel.
Can`t blame them-it`s never been easier to get hold of a Bible, to access the teachings if you wanted them.
But a list of Grand National winners will get you the pub quiz invite, knowing anything to do with the bedrock documents of western thought and civilisation?…well, less so.
My thought is that the post war heroes had seen and done enough to save us from speaking German…and they coasted along when it came to matter spiritual.
The likes of CS Lewis died with no replacement theology except for that of the Pythons and Peter Cook etc.
And the grinning ninnies like Derek Nimmo and Roger Royle began to be the creations of the BBC when it came to “religion”.
And Billy Graham turned into Bruce Springsteen and the bombast of post-Reagan social justice and the march through the top US universities by the likes of Alinsky and Chomsky.
End of any intellectual apologetics from the Churches…but a gap in the market for a real working living faith-and a political cause was created…and we went from MLK to Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam…and now to IS.
That poor priest was only doing holiday relief for a Congolese priest who is the normal one in charge…there are no native priests now in most of western Europe anymore.
HIs last readings are deeply moving.
Ps 126…v5/6 really hurt in hindsight now.
Mt20…v 20-28…again read v 28 and weep for the poor man
2 Cor 4…7-18…v 12, deeply unsettling in the context.
These lectionary readings when taken together are truly spooky..like a Last Will and Testament to a faith dying and shrivelling before Islam like a slug under salt.
Of course, no media outlet would give a damn what his last words were to be-can`t imagine his congregation would have cared much more-but I know it matters deeply.
As to whether the izlammik scum who killed Fr Hemal heard a word of it, sermon or prayers…well let it ring around their rotting heads as they roll endlessly around the new circles of hell newly constructed for Islamic butchers like themselves.
Viewers in Scotland have just been treated to a heartwarming report during “news where we are” showing how happy the 15 Syrian refugee families are who were settled on the Isle of Bute. Even though, horror of horrors, there is no halal meat available and no mosque, these little difficulties do not impact upon how happy they are as we see them training as barbers or joshing with the locals.
Honestly, it reminded me of the Nazi propaganda films showing the perfection of Jewish life in their camps.
Ach, bless ye man!
Wonder if all these kiddies get as assigned “named person” to look after them?
Or will they all have to be called Muhammad to satisfy the local mosque on the rock.
Oh dear-barbers-can`t say I`m happy with that!
And what of halal haggis?…whatever will we do?
Dr Al-Finliz Facebook?….er, best not to check there Janet…and where`s your niqab you trollope?
I only learned about the Named Person issue today.
My god. The stupid Scots are sleepwalking into Totalitarianism. Is that racist btw?
The collectivist socialism of Krankie and her crew, the State assuming control and responsibility of every child. Aldous Huxley could never have imagined the dystopia of Brave New World would be coming true within 80 years.
Shiver. And worry. It’s a short step to then take your kids away from you shortly after birth, and tranfer them to the State, for their upbringing – and indoctrination of course.
For which process a nice left wing collectivist state broadcaster would come in very handy.
I wonder if readers can think who might fit the bill?
It’s one of those issues that everyone complains about then votes back into office the very same people who brought that in. As the voters of Edinburgh did over the infamous trams and I confidently predict will do again over the city-wide 20mph limit which will cover the city from Sunday.
Under the named persons legislation my 16-year-old daughter will have one assigned to her, yet the self same politicians who believe she needs one also believe she should get a vote. The legislation would be easily defeated if every parent objected to the named person as it would gum up the system, but I shall be pleasantly surprised if the sheep do any more than grumble to each other over their porridge.
The only reason they call for children to get the vote at that age is because they think it will get them the victory they desperately seek owing to the gullibility of 16 year olds .
I seem to recollect that there were call for a lower voting age just before we achieved independence
Parents who objected to the appalling ‘Named Person’ scheme and who refused to cooperate, would be straight away entered into their database as trouble-makers. It would be extremely difficult to get one’s name removed, and the parents would be marked persons for life. Of course, that information would also be available to Social Services, the Education departments, Medical services, Children’s organisations, and so on. This is a terrifyingly totalitarian scheme.
I’m a proud Brit. I know the English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish have our differences and we bicker a lot, but I would hope that in times of adversity we can all pull through together. Lately, though, I’m finding the behaviour of the Scottish people too hard to stomach. I have yet to read a reasonable argument behind the logic of wanting to leave the UK but stay within the EU. Scotland is becoming one giant welfare state, the spoilt brat of the country that thinks it’s a special exception when it really isn’t.
Sturgeon’s bleating over thinking she can cut a special deal to keep Scotland within the EU when we Brexit is just cringe worthy. The United Kingdom, the country of which Scotland is a member, voted to leave. Tough shit Sturgeon, you lost. What makes you think that just because a majority of people in Scotland voted to remain that gives you the right to go against the majority of the overall country? When Louisiana (insert any republican voting state here) voted for a Republican president in the 2012 elections did they try and get themselves a special deal with a Republican president just for themselves after Obama won? No, they got on with it.
Scotland is rapidly becoming the spiteful, embarrassing family member we all try to ignore. There is certainly an element of “do the opposite of whatever England does” going on, and to be honest, I hope they get their independence referendum and go. We’ll be better off without them. Good riddance.
Not the whole of Scotland though, obviously.
I think the problem is that the negative element within Scotland is unusually loud and infantile. I think it is quite common with minority opinions but it seems to be particularly noticeable in this case.
I have maintained for some time, and still do, that when it comes to the crunch, Scotland will not leave the UK.
I would say that Scotland is massively divided between people who worship the SNP and people like me who absolutely hate them . We are no more homogenous politically than the English, Welsh or N. Irish.
On the named-person issue, this is one of the first steps towards totalitarianism. The aim is to turn children against their parents a la Soviet Union , all under the guise of children’s welfare. Is there any other country in the world which has this system ?
Voting age. The next step is to disenfranchise old people.
Yes, Grant, that’s absolutely true regarding the massive division. Unfortunately those against the SNP are split between a few parties, hence the SNP taking most seats. This gives the impression to those outside of near unanimous SNP support. Not helped by the fact that the BBC rarely asks serious questions of them.
It makes tactical voting an unfortunate necessity for those who despise the SNP and you began to see this happening in the recent Scottish Parliament elections.
Quite right. What prompted my comment was More’s reference above to “the Scottish people” as if the SNP represent all of us. As for the BBC, they rarely ask serious questions of anyone !
My apologies. The way I see it (portrayed by the BBC) is that the SNP swept to victory winning virtually every seat in Scotland. Naturally, I assumed that the vast majority of Scottish people are SNP sympathisers. However, I do not doubt that the BBC would massage and inflate the SNP’s impact one little bit.
No apology needed. Actually, almost half of Scots voted against them. But you are right that the BBC are pro-SNP and want Independence, because they want the break-up of the UK. Although , BBC Scotland is a bit more balanced than the London/Salford Beeboids who know nothing about Scotland .
Of course, Beeboids are too stupid to realise that , if England is independent, the english may well break-up the BBC !
As the months progress, Maria, I think it will be the Brits that finally make that decision. Anyway, once the Barnett Formula ceases that’s it for the Scots. They will all have to dig their hands in their pockets to balance that loss. What then of the Garden Gnome – Glory? I don’t think so.
This is exactly the reaction the wee shite wants. Turn other Brits but especially the English against all Scots with her whining, moaning, and threats.
Not a day goes past without her BBC buddies headlining the news in Scotland ‘First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had warned Westminster that (insert current grievance)’
Blame Blair,s devolution settlement not the Scots who are using what they were given to wring concessions out of Westminster
Did they happen to mention those ‘refugees’ who are unhappy with life on Bute?
If they did, I blinked and missed it. Along with any residents expressing doubts about the wisdom of such settlement.
Have any “refugees” on Bute committed any crimes yet ? How on earth the authorities thought migrants could adapt to life on a Scottish island is beyond belief. Most native born British couldn’t do that. This is just “vanity settlement ” for the politicians with no thought for the migrants. Mere posturing. Shetland next, anyone ? St. Kilda ?
Good point Grant. island life is something you are born to, or really want to embrace. Just plonking a random group of muslim better life seekers in a remote and hideously white island community is not going to work, and would only make sense to a bureaucrat who sees all people as interchangeable social units (which I think is how they do see us).
It’s also a good way of ‘rubbing the faces in diversity’ as one charming Labourite said some years ago. Take the most homogenous, ‘hideously white’, Christian community you are likely to find anywhere in Britain and force them to accept people of a different culture and religion. The Scottish islanders are in general a pretty resilient and self-sufficient bunch too, which must anger the cultural marxists a bit.
seems they didnt like it yesterday though , how odd
The Syrians seem to have stumbled on a remake of Last of the Summer Wine, based on their comments.
Either that or a KInnock/Ashdown effort to win Scotland back from Sturgeon and the SNP.
Ming Campbell
Neil KInnock
Michael Heseltine
Ken Clarke
Michael Martin
Chris Patten
John Gummer
Roy Hattersley
Anna Soubry.
Shirley Williams.
This is my “Grim Reaper” wish list to improve politics in this country…Soubry won`t die before Shirley Williams, I`d say-but a good exercise to cheer me up…feel free to reorder-Hezza didn`t look at all well a few weks back and may well die of a broken sap root now we voted to leave his arboreum of Brussels.
This site appears to be troll ‘Lite’ at the moment .
Too much blatant and transparent bias on Al Beeb for them to defend ?
Trolls are easily disposed of… Just a click of a button. Never fear.
Be afraid.
Why does Barack only ever talk to the corner of the room? Does he have a neck problem?
It may be where the autocue is. He is incapable of speaking without one !
Did I get the notion that you`re back in the gloamin` at this troubled time for us all?
If you`re sticking around as opposed to being our Ginger Spice world rep type in the Dark Continent, wonder if you`d care to shadow all things tartan for the next few months,
If Barry Gardiner can be hauled into the BBC to talk of Hinckley when the department he “shadows this week” no longer exists?…surely a voice of sanity in Scotland via Radio Crianlarich is in order.
Otherwise we`ll all kick off re Scotland down here-and that would be unfair to the good people you now speak for.
Have some gorse and heather from Exmoor and a few library books from Taunton…so a swearing-in ceremony is a possibility…
Yes, I do a lot of roamin’ , always on the run. In sunny Perthshire now visiting mum. And I was here to vote in the Referendum. I shall be here for a few months at least. Roland in dull Edinburgh and Soapbox in Viking Orkney ( when he hasn’t disappeared into Highland Park Distillery ) keep an eye on things too.
We call gorse “whin” here. If you are ever around , try Innerpeffray Library, a hidden gem. How did you know I have ginger hair ? Keep up the good work !
A Government in exile up there then?
In the spirit of Brexit wonder if we could trade scrumpy and Welsh cakes with your Tannocks, Irn Bru, Dundee cakes and-of course that fine Irish tribute you make by way of whiskey…
First Brexit deal-and we could name our Tweedside Agreement in honour of that punk chap in the 80s who insisted that his records from Scotland carried an import label when they came to England…can`t remember his name, but I`ll find him.
Great Scots!
1. The Skids
2. Roddy Frame
3. Mike Scott
4. Simple Minds
5. Jimmy Shand
6. Kenneth McKellar
7. Moira Anderson
8. Chic Murray
9. Bill Paterson
10. Isla St Clair
11. Jamie Mc Crinnon
11. John Laurie
Subs Jack Docherty/Moray Hunter….
A couple of weeks ago I had a Gambian friend staying for a week. He had never been to Scotland nor heard of Irn Bru so he tried a sip. ” It is disgusting “. I informed him ( as they would say in Gambia, they are always “informing” someone of something ) that it is meant to be. Folks, If you haven’t tried it in whisky , please do. That is a once in a lifetime experience that you will never forget.
That is a pretty good list, chris. Just substitute Rab C. Nesbitt for The Skids and I shall be happy.
Done-Jobson blew it with the Armoury Show as well as some pop ups on BBC “arts shows”.
What a chin though…and probably Scotlands worst poet…
“Animation Was a Purifier”…
Agonised over Gregor Fisher…those Hamlet ads alone make him a great man!
More BBC doom and gloom.
“Barclays adds £400m to PPI payments as profits fall
Profits at Barclays fell by 21%
While Jes Staley did not make the blunt Brexit warning made yesterday by his opposite number of Lloyds Banking Group, Antonio Horta Orsorio, the fine print of the Barclays statement makes plain its concerns.”
Er.. as at time of writing Barclays shares are up 5.67% today. So maybe not such bad news after all?
BBC sports news on tv are keen to report the low attendance figure (150) at the track and field event held for the Olympic-banned Russian athletes.
Clearly the sole motivation here is to cast aspertions on these so-called “Star Games”.
No such BBC carping at low public interest in those BBC-approved events – wimmins sports and wheelchair racing.
The only reference to crowd size here is when attendance is deemed reasonably respectable and therefore becomes broadcastable.
Wish they`d bring back European It`s a Knock Out.
Be cheaper, more fun athat the four year drug fest of freebies at the BBC.
Did I read that the BBC are taking out more hacks that Team GB are taking in the way of athletes?
Stephen Fry and Allen Carr to reprise the roles of Sir Stuart Hall of Salford, Arthur Ellis respectively.
WE the people would have chosen Jimmy Greaves and Roy (Chubby)Brown…but who listens to us any more?
If you go to the BBC News Web site and click on the BUSINESS tab, and then scroll down you will NOT find its report about the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office. If you google “bbc imf ieo”, then you will uncover this hidden little gem which ought to be front page news:
Which the BBC headlines “IMF ‘overly optimistic’ about success of EU bailouts”
Oh, that was the criticism of the lunatics at the IMF? That it was ‘overly optimistic’. Ah, that’s ok, and by the way BBC, a brilliantly hidden report.
However the BBC may not be completely straight forward:
The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) is the IMF’s watchdog and its report of the IMF is actually farless nuanced than accusing it of being “overly optimistic” as the BBC put it.
It actually says Legarde’s love affair with the EU and the Euro was a disaster, its attitude to the Eurozone was a result of ‘groupthink’.
For a more honest view try the telegraph:
where you will see how the IMF became a mindless political tool for the EU and in particular the Euro:
“Before the launch of the euro, the IMF’s public statements tended to emphasize the advantages of the common currency,” it said. Some staff members warned that the design of the euro was fundamentally flawed but they were overruled.
“After a heated internal debate, the view supportive of what was perceived to be Europe’s political project ultimately prevailed,” it said.
This pro-EMU bias continued to corrupt their thinking for years. “The IMF remained upbeat about the soundness of the European banking system and the quality of banking supervision in euro area countries until after the start of the global financial crisis in mid-2007. This lapse was largely due to the IMF’s readiness to take the reassurances of national and euro area authorities at face value,” it said.
The IMF persistently played down the risks posed by ballooning current account deficits and the flood of capital pouring into the Eurozone periphery, and neglected the danger of a “sudden stop” in capital flows.”
In other words, the IMF’s independent watchdog disagrees totally with the BBC’s view of the IMF/the EU and the euro. More importantly it is saying that the IMF, like the BBC, actually hid the honest view of the Euro in favour of the political view.
sorry, just seen that the BIASEDBBC web site has already covered this. was a bit slow this morning, but worth repeating 🙂
Elitist, self-interested, self-promoting, corrupt, unaccountable, not fit for purpose.
‘Lib Dems post-Brexit winning streak continues! More seats in council elections.’ Just a touch of research will show that two seats have been taken by the defenders of democracy, one as the result of in-fighting with Corbynistas, the other from the Conservatives by a majority of 13, and both in the West country where, sad to say, inbreeding appears to have developed a high degree of political naivety over many years. Expect in-depth appraisals by arch-inbreeder (various venues) my Lord of Ashdown on the BBC news soonest.
This was a good and unbiased journalistic article, not.
Can you imagine the same being written about a Tory or UKIP person?
When I saw the article was on Kinnock, it was asking too much of me to read it, although I read the final part on his Brexit diagnosis: Poor Neil and his fellow “socialists”, the penny has yet to drop.
It is amazing that idiots like Kinnock are still living in the past. That thicko has learned nothing. Mind you , the greedy bastard has made millions and got his equally useless wife and son on the gravy train. Typical corrupt socialist.
I have to laugh when socialists say things like this: ‘The Labour peer said his socialist values were formed growing up in the valleys of south Wales, where his father was a miner and his mother a district nurse.’
It’s like Mayor Khan and his ‘did I mention my father was a bus conductor?’ It’s pathetic. It would be like a Tory desperately trying to come up with some upper-middle class background such as ‘my father was an acting second lieutenant in the Catering Corps and my mother went to a school where they played hockey.’
It’s ‘Keeping Up Appearances’, socialist style.
” I came from a poor, humble background. I have never had a proper job in my life but, after a lifetime in socialism, I am fabulously wealthy. As for you poor , humble people still in the gutter, tough shit ! ”
Yes, pathetic, vile, lying , hypocrites.
Grant what is even more amazing is that the Beeb have clown’s like Kinnock on speed dial, nobody absolutely nobody except the BBC is interested in what this complete failure of a politician has to say.
He is not a failure so far as his bank manager, accountant and financial advisor are concerned. The other thing is that most people under 35 have probably never heard of him.
True, financially he and his Mrs have done rather well 🙂 , plus set his son up nicely in the family business.
Great posts above Scribbler and seismicboy.
It`s all of a piece isn`t it?
If ever there was a case between the truth and what the BBC prefer to give us to protect their One Love World Order-then this IMF story would be close to a case study.
No-don`t understand THAT much of it, and don`t really need to.
But Ambrose at the Telegraph does and says so-whereas Andrew at the BBC probably doesn`t being an Oxbridge arts graduate or one of the Remaining Cosmopolitans who`s not going to piss on his chips and tell us anything but a fey “nothing much to see here boys” piece of whimsy.
Like you I think of Blatter, Platini, Lagarde, DSK, Coe ,Juncker and the like as the Gilded truffle hounds of The New World Order …money, sport, scientism and pressing onto the gates of Muslim hell regardless of cost in blood or in prospects for our children.
Interchangeable globe trotting bullshitters of no use to their country-so we farm them out elsewhere.
Peter Sutherland, Mary Robinson, Valerie Amos and Patricia Scotland…no wonder islam is licking its lips…and, in all these cases I can only agree.
PS-one piece of comedy-the BBC link with its snap of Lagarde is a beaut though.
60% David Byrne
20%David Bowie
20% Terence Stamp I`d say….
PPS chrisH, that BBC pin up of La Lagarde is an extraordinary piece of work, is it not. Guessing BBC library pics couldn’t decide whether to go the full monochrome Man Ray treatment for their Parisian sweetheart and just settled for one of Domique Strauss-Kahn’s artful polaroids – with the male euro member tastefully airbrushed out. Hope there’s nothing nasty and incriminating still visible on yer chin, luv (Bernard Tapie not with standing)
Whatever happened to DSK ?
I defer to you re the Man Ray analogy-bound to be correct, I `m afraid I live via my ears and lack “visual literacy” apparently.
My first impression was a Franz Ferdinand LP featuring that Soviet realism propaganda poster…and a trace off the BT /Consignia “Prancing Pervert” logo.
The Siren calling us onto the rocks and all that…this collage seems my mental screen saver for the rest of the day.
Note that the BBC “red button” fails to mention this catastrophic IMF cock-up using the worlds money in the more Eurocentric, white and racist way possible as far as I can tell.
Well done Ambrose of the telegraph-joins the Randall School of Independent Business Journalists who I`ll read from now on…Liam Halligan,Allister Heath and Roger Bootle being among the select few I trust to tell me the truth .
Do have a sneaking regard for William Keegan and his toupee-who`s been wrong for so long that I rather admire him…used to read him in the late 70s, pleased he`s as wrong as he was then-and gets paid to be so…rather touching in its way.
Liam, Allister and Roger are sound, but Ambrose can be flakey. A couple of months ago I was convinced that someone must have left him a wind farm as every other article he wrote was on the need to throw money at green energy schemes.
Ambrose is now parked in the pending arena, until we see a sustained and continued improvement.
Once you`ve been a green eejit…hard to claw yourself back into real life, and making sense.
Watts Up with That will doubtless have a list of penitents…and at least Piers Corbyns OK on “claimant change”…”Inclement Fraud” perhaps.
But he`ll say its a Zionist conspiracy to prevent Palestinian kids from flying kites …or lamp posts with bits of ribbon on them, one and the same thing really.
Hardly bother myself with Today these days.
The BBC is simply the wailing wall of the political elite, and a place where grief thieves and grievance queens can wait their turn to emote on the airwaves which should be carrying RNLI messages or such.
All are welcome as long as they are prepared to shoplift for Winnie, or tighten Jennis gatric band.
Beyond comedy now they are a threat to the State itself, would that May etc knew what they were up to.
An example-who gives the BBC permission to talk about Hinckley Point with the likes of George Monbiot and one Barry Gardiner( Shadow Energy/Climate Change, so he says)?
Expertise is not the first word that comes to mind-political subversion, prep school entitlement, Guardian spewing Corbyn cabbages and a Green Room croissant and the follow-up free lift to Ayurvedic massage parlour ,do.
About time we stopped indulging their mindfuck masturbatory crap about Virginia Woolf sucking on a lilac pencil in an Arles brothel as a Wankyank talks of the feminist flanneur perambulations in her fascinator mind.
We pay for Gary Richardson to smell towelsocks and call it sport-who gives a stuff about homoerotising jocks and jockeens talking about “the burn” “the passion” the awesomeness” of some aimless druggies arena? …only the BBC gay chubsters who fancy Rio and have no plans for kids care a hoot.
Time to bin these buggers at the BBC-the y let Monbiot howl, shut down the woman who says he`s a pillock.
Filled airtime didn`t it?…why share the air with THESE flatulent, linament addled flops and fuckups who work for the Toady Show.
That said, I reckoned we wee bulldogs and bitches pissed on the electronic wailing walls…and fused a few wires for them. June 23rd as I recall.
But we need a LOT more than this…how many slashed priests are WE prepared to tolerate…because the BBC actually crave MORE of same….
The Barry Gardiner interview left me scratching my head. He started off by kicking the government, accusing them of having a shambolic energy policy (this from a member of a party that had NO energy policy – apart from Weird Ed’s intervention in getting manufacturers to pay through the nose for it…and remove lightbulbs from our homes that were actually useful) and ended it by saying that the Government were right to pause Hinkley Point to reassess the scheme.
Gardiners 180, was missed by his interviewer completely. You have thought that it begged a question. But perhaps Humphrys (?) didn’t want to embarrass Corbyn’s latest front bench recruit (in case he resigned).
This is one of your masterpieces. As I have said before, I hope you are saving them for posterity ? Difficult to pick out the best but I had to read the line starting “About time….” 3 times before I stopped laughing . Anyway, suck up over.
Then I was brought down to earth by the last line with the horrific realisation that it is probably true.
Grant, you beat me to it…
I chucked up my cheese and pickle sandwich at lunch with this pearler:-
‘We pay for Gary Richardson to smell towelsocks and call it sport-who gives a stuff about homoerotising jocks and jockeens talking about “the burn” “the passion” the awesomeness” of some aimless druggies arena? …only the BBC gay chubsters who fancy Rio and have no plans for kids care a hoot.’ Awesome prose..
But seriously folks, ‘Today’ was awful, for a change; with their wankfest over hiLIARy’s speech last night. Justin ‘sycophantic’ Webb talking to some woman called Nancy Sodapop who obviously sounded like she smoked too much of CalifornIA’s legal product, slurred out gems like Clinton’s ‘record on helping people’ mmm interesting who are these ‘people’ and the real beaut about Clinton ‘lives on facts,’ yes that is obvious with all the email scandals hanging over her, lots of facts she is managing to avoid!
My Al Beeb bullshit bingo card was also full very quickly with the use of ‘xenophobic and racist’ for Trump in the same sentence……..how about proudly patriotic?
at 1hr 37 m if you dare!!
Yes the ‘w*nkfest’ over Hilary was in full flow on R4 lunchtime news today. No mention of what she’s actually going to do when in power, just crowing about how wonderful it would be to have a woman president. Just like they crowed about having a half-black president when Barry was elected.
I didn’t notice any mention of: department store knife attack or job centre gun attack or extremist mosque raids in Germany, or the announcement of the formation of some sort of citizens’ militia/special constabulary by the French to counter terror attacks. I would particularly like to hear about the latter.
Funny they didn’t have the same view of Sarah Palin. Can’t think why. I wish the Republican candidate was a black woman. Condi Rice would have been good. Beeboids would probably blow a fuse !
Funnily enough, I was eating a cheese and tomato sandwich and almost spat it out over the keyboard !
Haven’t listened to Toady for years since I was diagnosed with high blood pressure . Slick Willie certainly helps lots of nubile your ladies, that’s for sure. I really laughed when he said Hillary was his best friend. Like , yes I always cheat on my best friend too. What a repulsive ,fake couple.
“your” should read ” young ” !
Most kind, lads.
It all blurs into one doesn`t it?
Nancy Sodapop!….
I too get more laughs from this site than nearly anything the BBC offers…only their lack of irony and po-faced gurnings on “serious topics” gets me chuckling .
Yes. I don’t go onto Leftie sites but I don’t suppose they are a bundle of laughs !
Teatime over. Back to work. But I do confess to smiling a bit still.
That’s odd: although the BBC is keen to report in gruesome detail GMB and Labour Party comment on the developments at Hinkley Point, all I can find on the BBC website concerning the evisceration of the senior management and directorate of the IMF by the IMF’s own internal watchdog is this over-indulgent
whitewashreport (low down on the BBC business page). The BBC’s strictly impartial take on this wonder of international bureaucracy is that the IMF abject failure in the sovereign debt crisis comprised being a tad over-optimistic that the euro was not an obvious disaster waiting to happen (as everyone outside the magic circle knew all along)Of course, news that the IMF was/is acting hand in glove with its mates in the EU, exhibits the very same groupthink we in the UK are used to from our own political class (particularly its cadre in the financial sector led by Carney – surely the prime candidate for this year’s Emperor’s New Clothes Award) and, as a sideline, destroyed the Greek economy while claiming to “rescue” it is unimportant for the BBC compared with the opportunity presented by the Hinkley Point delay to score a few political points on behalf of its friends in Labour.