Well then, the BBC is in full Hillary-worshipping mode today, abandoning any pretence of impartiality over who should become next US President. It’s vomit inducing to watch it, so I don’t! Anyhow – the weekend beckons, we need a new one of these, and the floor is yours!
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So it seems to be Beeb policy to ignore the now daily fist, knife, gun and bomb attacks in Germany unless presumably someone is actually killed. Or should that be more than 1? What’s the current mortality threshold to make it newsworthy?
Unless it’s a wicked Right Wing attack (and they will come) against an immigrant. Then a dirty look will be enough.
Shop assistants getting in the way of another chef, just trying before he buys.
I had wondered what had happened in Cologne yesterday as it had been mentioned in passing in the Daily Mail, that is, it had said the whole country was in lock down……then nothing. Went to the BBC website and nothing ……. Listened to the Today programme this morning and nothing. So many potential sources of information including one that I pay £137 per annum (at least Mr D pays so if I have the license fee wrong you know why) and yet we only get the stories they want us to hear.
Deborah, expect increasing numbers of nonsensical truncated self-censored reports with no detail, no pics, no back story, no follow-up and above all NO NAMES, except David perhaps.
For daily terror attaks, the Express still seems relatively outspoken, at least for now. Today’s delicacy? A stoning no less, in Germany. How deliciously Medieval.
I am sure the Express will be muzzled one way or another but all credit to them for going against the flow .
To be fair though if you look at the front pages of the majority of the printed press (and I would imagine the broadcasting media too though I try to avoid that if I can) as I did at work today, you’d think that in the last two weeks at least a years worth of chaos hadn’t taken place. The times we’re living in *are* getting more chaotic but the era of pretense continues despite the onslaught of reality approaching ever closer.
Totally agree..Telegraph this week has been an absolute disgrace….on the day after Mutti Merkels press conference saying “nichts zu sehen” und a repetition of her fatuous “wir schaffen das”, dtel headline was “Last orders for airport drinking”. Not borne out at all by the article beneath, but hey who cares? Cover up of the highest order….
Jack ,
The BBC is not just biased to the left it is also in total denial about the whole Islam in Europe question. There is overwhelming evidence that Islam is a massive problem right across our continent and yet the BBC and the rest of the liberal MSM refuse to even acknowledge it. They find ever more ludicrous ways of shifting the blame away from the implementation of the teachings of Islam on to any other cause by lies and suppression of facts. So according to the MSM we now have an Iranian youth ( they claim he was German) called Ali ( they call him David), shouting Alluha Akbar( they suppress this) before killing nine people ,described as a far right terrorist. There are of course other examples of this type of deceit , far too many to mention.
The MSM are in good company, almost all politicians are in on the game. Cameron used to say that we were the most successful multifaith country in the world. This when we have thousands of young girls raped by Muslims and our security service have foiled numerous attempts by Muslims to kill as many of us as possible. Where we all know there are plenty of Muslim No Go areas in our country patroled not by the police but by Muslims youths and where white Brits are not welcome. Why on earth was he spouting such nonsense? Merkel is importing Muslims by the thousands every day. She says,’We can do this’, but do Germans and other Europeans want to do this? People die across Europe every week , almost every day at the hands of Muslims. But still the liberal left keep up their policies of appeasement , denial of the truth and importation of Islam into Europe , against the wishes of their increasingly desperate and frightened people.
These daft and dangerous problems are causing deaths and costing billions right now but in a few decades they will have changed the face of Europe forever. What does anyone gain from this ? Europe will be either an Islamic hell hole where liberal values are non existent or torn by religious wars. The only weapons that the people have is their vote. Vote for anyone who opposes the continued Islamification of Europe.
There is an excellent piece in the Telegraph today by Charles Moore; how our Elites have for years ignored the muslim problem and ignored our views.
We may have seemed only to be voices in the wilderness but we have someone in Mr Moore who is prepared to speak our language, and it’s interesting that the newspaper has published his words.
No surrender.
Yes Cull. Article here:
The liberal-left are in the position of Geocentric (Ptolemaic) astronomers prior to Copernicus / Galileo / Kepler. Yes, you CAN ignore the obvious, and maintain that the universe revolves around the Earth, but only by inventing ever more unlikely, complex theories to explain the motions of the planets and stars.
Likewise you CAN explain the diverse acts of terrorism, violence and mayhem exploding across the world, ignoring the obvious common denominator that dare not speak its name (NTDWI) but only with recourse to ever more Byzantine theories and explanations. Aka LIES.
The pope recently gave an illustration of this with some fine Liberation Theology (Marxist) gobble-di-gook:
“It’s war, we don’t have to be afraid to say this… a war of interests, for money, resources. … I am not speaking of a war of religions. Religions don’t want war. The others want war.”
Others? Brexiters maybe. Name me one of the recent horrors that was about “interests, money, resources”.
So, sadly, the murder of a pregnant Polish woman at the hands of a Religionist of Peace becomes a ‘domestic dispute’ or a ‘crime of passion’. I’m surprised the gruesome murder of an elderly French priest hasn’t yet been attributed to an unfortunate shaving accident.
I just wonder how far it has to go before the Left admit what they really know is happening. To say that they are in denial is putting it mildly.
Thanks Peter, that is such a good analogy. I’m sure everyone has heard of Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, his famous work which brought the beady eye of analysis to the social enterprise of science, and the way in which any fundamentally new idea has to struggle against exactly the kind of defence of the indefensible that you describe here in the context of political-religious self-delusion.
With science (at least up until the current disaster of ‘Climate Science’) at least there are, almost be definition, mechanisms for eventually arriving at truth, or at least truthful enquiry. The problem with our current situation re Islam is that the truth may actually be buried, and us with it.
PTG, despite their knowledge of the daily crime wave sweeping Europe and in particular Germany (as you would expect numerically), the BBC fails to inform the viewer/listener about these criminal events including the intensification of sexual assaults. Clearly the object of the BBC’s effort is to keep the words ‘Muslim’ and/or ‘Islam’ out of their headlines. The many examples of the lengths the BBC will go to, to keep their favoured religion out of their headlines is well documented on this excellent website. Nonetheless, it is staggering. Earlier this week, inter alia, they described the two savages who slaughtered the priest as his, ‘Attackers’. Was the slaughter really comparable to an everyday event on a street corner in Burnley?
“Sometimes making the case for oneself is significantly harder than singing the praises of another.” So say the BBC in the context of Clinton’s acceptance speech at the Democrat convention last night.
In my experience, this is not true, Americans generally are quite brilliant at shouting their own strengths from the rooftop.
What is not so surprising is the BBC’s ongoing failure to highlight her scrapes and integrity failings.
What next after Hate Crime? Slight Dislike Crime? Thought Crime? Disapproving Look Crime?
I hesitate to add to the list as we seem to be heading in a ridiculour direction.
Damning with faint praise crime,
unenthusiastic response to efforts by ethnics and transexuals crime,
avoidance of expressive guilt over white privilege crime
Yes GWF, ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as reality.
Being the first to stop applauding the Leader crime.
Good one Stuart.
North Koreans beat us to that 🙂 And Soviets before them.
Frown crime.
Slightly Preferring People Who Don’t Want To Behead You Crime.
Not Feeling All Warm And Fuzzy About A Cult Whose Holy Book Specifically And Repeatedly Calls For The Killing Of Christians Jews And Atheists Crime.
Thinking For Yourself Crime.
Disagreeing With The BBC Crime.
Ok, enough crimes.
Not a crime Hillary Clinton is likely to be guilty of.
Has anyone seen her move her eyebrows lately?
A scold’s bridle is being applied to public discourse.
it would be as well to assume that from now on the MSM will be economical with the truth in all instances of jihadist attacks.
There is good reason to believe that this policy is already in operation .
The power structure has suffered a series of reverses. Brexit, Trump and even Corbyn and now the assault on Europe. Is it all slipping out of control of the Bilderberg etc?
Quite agree. Thank God for mobiles with cameras and the internet !
Sorry DaveS I pressed Report Comment instead of Reply.
It happens quite frequently here and on many websites. They should separate these functions by a long way instead of putting them side by side.
Grant, yes too close & I was replying to you rather than DaveS! I’ve just woke up from dozing next to the radio with 5 lifeless news playing out it’s brain-drilling affirmation of Hillbilly Cliton. That Anna Foster can’t help herself from chipping away at Trump at every mention of his name: She was yaddering on to some idiot about how disgusting it would have been to have to choose between two white male candidates if Mother Hillary had not got the nod, and continued: And one of them is Donald Trump IF THAT WASN’T BAD ENOUGH. Did she need to slip that last bit in? no she just had to have another snipe at DT because he said something about the cult that the BBC are part of.
This a very good article about the Trump v Clinton battle by Pat Buchanan.
As in any war / conflict it’s the communications that are targeted first so watch out for unexplained social media blackouts at certain times.
I listened to the BBC radio 4 news at 7.00am. They were waxing lyrical about Clinton and Obama and twisting the knife in Trump, there was hardly a mention of any real news. I don’t know why I continue to listen to it, but I do because we don’t really have a choice, only to switch off. The bias reporting is getting so bad these days they are no longer subtle, they are blatant. The investigation that looked into bias reporting at the BBC a while ago found there was none. Are these investigators real? or are they paid for by the BBC, one wonders.
I used to say it was important to be informed. What if I had been a Jew in Europe in the 1930s and had not known what was happening? When I read that newspapers will not identify terrorists, then how will I know from where the danger comes? But the State broadcaster is already hiding information but at least at the moment we have the option of the Internet. I fear we live in ‘interesting’ times. But I have to agree with John Bull, I listen less and less to the news on tv and radio. I have totally given up on Newsnight, almost completely given up on Channel 4 news and the Today programme is certainly less important (my alarm only and if I hear one more thing caused by a Brexit that hasn’t happened yet I may need a new radio).
Deborah – I gave up the licence and hence the TV many tears ago.
It is annoying because sometimes because you are unable to join in on debates about programmes such as Question time. However at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I am not having to pay the wages of these lying arseholes who are basically tryng to screw our society over.
As regards the radio, I believe BBC bias has got a lot more barefaced since the brexit vote . Any attempt of “balance ” long being abandoned to a default “you were all entitled to your opinon but your wrong!- I wonder whether this has been given the political nod from Theresa – Nothing wold surprise me!
Oaknash I might be wrong but isn’t it ok to watch those progs online, or later but not Live, or something?
I sometimes watch them on the I player but since I generally go to bed fairly early (I know lightweight)
By the next day the moment has generally gone.
Having said that I did regret not watching the EU referendum live – It looked like a moment worth savouring.
I have completely given up on UK-based news reporting. There is no unbiased news reporting anywhere in the broadcast media and even the Telegraph is continuing to display alarming signs of leftward drift that began several years ago.
So, until we have a truly independent centre-right broadcaster, I will confine my listening to US conservative talk show hosts – Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin and Savage, with Drudge and the Spectator for print news. If I feel particularly low, I will listen to Pat Condell for a quick fix of commonsense.
I simply cannot listen to the lies and deceit of the rest of the media. I suppose my tolerance of bullshit is diminishing with every passing year.
Compare and contrast:
DT: ‘IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro and apologises for the immolation of Greece’
The International Monetary Fund’s top staff misled their own board, made a series of calamitous misjudgments in Greece, became euphoric cheerleaders for the euro project, ignored warning signs of impending crisis, and collectively failed to grasp an elemental concept of currency theory.
The chronic “lack of realism” lasted until late 2011. By then the damage was done.
bBBC: ‘IMF ‘overly optimistic’ about success of EU bailouts’
The International Monetary Fund was “overly optimistic” about economic growth in Eurozone countries that received bailouts.
That is one of the criticisms in a report from the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO).
It says the handling of the crisis raises issues of transparency and accountability.
The IEO acknowledged, however, that the crisis posed “extraordinary challenges” to policy makers.
The IMF’s managing director Christine Lagarde responding to the report described the agency’s role in the Eurozone crisis as a “qualified success”.
I rest my case.
Oops – looks like I posted this without reading Alan’s story on this on the main board. Still, great minds and all that!
Yes , the BBC bias laid bare ! Thank you .
The bias is now so obvious as to be tragic – but I get the distinct feeling the tide is slowly turning, and many political centrists or those slightly to the left are now beginning to see what the bBBC’s been up to for the last few years with its blatant Marxist propaganda. Let’s keep up the pressure eh?
Yes. I think the BBC are overreaching themselves and have thrown away any subtlety they had. It must work against them.
Myself and my siblings have all come to the realisation in recent years how biased both BBC news, drama and comedy is. Even the factual programmes are infected. The examples are literally too many to mention.
BBC 1 News at 6. Full Hillary mode. Ask young child what she thinks. ” I like her “. I do not know if I can bear 4 months of this !
Don’t worry guys its only going to make it all the more sweeter when Trump wins! On a different note I’ve been sitting on a beach in southern Spain all day with an equal mix of Spanish, French and German families on holiday in Europe. As us Europeans proudly do there were a number of women topless sunbathing, could call it our culture I guess, then a thought crossed my mind, how would the religion of peace feel about this situation? I wandered whilst sipping on my Heineken but then I read this article http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36921638 and thought JESUS what on earth would we do if Trump was here… Trump would probably come onto the beach with an AK and shoot us all then we’d need to be saved by another muslim soldier from the british army. You literally cannot make this shit up, its actually hilarious.
There must be a really high turn-over of news reporters lately, – especially on Sky, as there is an increasing amount of young totties with swishy hair and looking about 20, who are seen for a week or so and then disappear, only to be replaced by another young thing; all of whom try to speak with some gravitas about the economy or the latest disaster., yet sound as though they should be reading a story on CBBC. Somehow I felt more assured when Moira Stewart read the news, not these blow dry beauties who are clearly hired for their looks (and yes I can say that as another female). The blokes aren’t much better with their preened haircuts, quick fire delivery, and sometimes tieless (outrage !) appearance.
I have been toying with getting Sky for some time. Who cares about gravitas ?
You can’t see their hair on Channel 4!
Behave yourself Grant !
I am trying but not easy.
“Work experience”, Brissles?
Sadly I think we are now living in an era where those doing the hiring are no better – or older than those we see on screen, hence the likes of the more mature newsreader that most of us remember (and could relate to) are relics of the past. Its only a step or two down the ladder before the likes of Zoe Ball etc could be interviewing Theresa May ; even the weather totties read an autocue but get them outside and ask them to name a particular cloud formation and they’d be too busy fixing their lippy !!
At one-time Sky News had heavy weight, entertaining news presenters and correspondents who offered precise, analytical, factual pieces.
On the down side they were white, male and non Muslim. About 4/5 years ago someone noticed this and quickly put it right – with mixed success.
This story is in the news today;
Police in Scotland have recovered more than 30 million images of child sex abuse and have identified more than 500 victims, officers have announced. In the first major operation of its kind in Scotland, detectives arrested 77 people on suspicion of a range of offences involving the abuse of youngsters as young as three.
Now obviously no-one should jump to conclusions. But I can’t help but wonder if the 77 people in custody are largely followers of one particular religion. Presumably if they appear in court their names will be made public. So it will be interesting to see. Just saying.
Am I correct in assuming that what the police have found is all to do with this?
No I think that’s a different one. The one in the news today is Operation Lattise.
As reported, I am still wondering why 4 policemen need to spend 6 months looking at 30 million images. I would have thought half an hour would be sufficient. And how are these policemen going to remember each individual photo? Either it isn’t quite what the police meant or would have been better understood by the public with better questions being put to them.
The only reason I can think of is that the photos are graded and this can affect the tariff of penalties available to the Judge. I think it is a ridiculous system and is it worth the traumatic effect it must have on the police ?
Trying to identify the victims is a high priority and also classifying the images if they have not been “seen” before. That takes time and it’s certainly not a pleasant task. 4 policeman working 37.5 hours a week over 6 months is 3,900 hours. That’s less than half a second per image.
“As reported, I am still wondering why 4 policemen need to spend 6 months looking at 30 million images. I would have thought half an hour would be sufficient.”
Each of those images is the picture of a crime scene. The Police need to try and discover the identity of the victim and the perpetrators. Without clear shots of someone’s face (unlikely); seemingly inconsequential details (such as something in the background, for example) could give vital clues. Especially if cross-referenced to other photos possibly at the same location or with the same people.
No mate, that aint gonna happen. The position of the report at the top of the news is a cast iron guarantee that the suspects are native brits, and hideously white.
The media will by now know the general make-up, and if there were any rop involved this report would go straight down the memory hole.
Hope i’m wrong.
In all honesty I think it’s probable that the suspects are white. I doubt if the followers of the peaceful religion would bother with photographs – I think that they would be more likely to go for the real thing.
Lobster… Based on a conversation with a detective friend (although not pertaining to this particular case), your assertions are likely to be true. One thing he did tell me, though, is that when checking the computers of Muslim terror suspects, there is often “a high correlation” between downloaded jihadi materials and child pornography.
Lobbie and Ian ,
Generally , muslims in Scotland do not cause many problems and are as well integrated as is possible for Islam. There may be a few muslims in arrests, but I guess most of those arrested are white . If so , the BBC will have a field day. It will get more coverage in one day than the Rotherham case ever got.
TruthDoctor, I doubt the numerical support from members of that particular religion. They go for the real thing rather than ‘images’ don’t they?
True, they find no shortage of “white slags” to gang rape, they don’t need computers (well not for that anyway, they come in handy for looking at severed heads and the like).
I wonder if there’s any connection between this announcement and the blocking of the named person scheme in Scotland by the high court? A sort of ‘will nobody think of the children’ slap in the face by SNP elements in the police force?
Just caught this on BBC4 news about Auswitz ” Events here shamed humanity “. What does that mean ? We are all guilty ?
Grant -It means the twat has got a shit load lot of feet to wash!
I wonder whether the followers of the “prophet” – peace be upon him (but not on any other religions ) would have treated the Jews any differently to Hitler.
Maybe Zero, Jerrod, or Kinkyshoes might have an interesting view on this.
I imagine they would have been too stupid to construct gas chambers. But, they wouldn’t have needed to. There would have been lots of volunteers for beheadings.
Grant – I am afraid Vorsprong Durch Technick doesnt seem to have reached the Mohammedans yet – they seem to prefer a more medieval ” back to basics” approach.
I feel that we shouldnt really be having this unfair conversation as word on the street is that they all bake really nice Lemon Drizzle Cake!
‘Maybe Zero, Jerrod, or Kinkyshoes might have an interesting view on this’.
I am sure they have, Their comrades in UAF are running regular ‘educational’ trips to Auschwitz.
Someone is coughing up money for this venture. However, on their FB pages the UAF inform their clients that the concentration camps were the work of people like Tommy Robinson, the EDL, Pegida, the Far Right, UKIP and anyone other that the National Socialists. And their message is that todays Moslems are the Jews of the camps. Some education eh.
GWF – Just the normal default position of the left re-writng history.
Anyway everybody knows that only “anti fascists” are morally entitled to have views on the Holocaust – even if their favourite political party has been harboring anti Semites for years.
Oh I forgot Sami Chakrabati gave them a clean bill of health !
The fight against right wing fascism goes on brothers and sisters !
Don’t you mean Lady Charkribarti?
It is only a matter of time. When May is ousted in about a year or so, Chakrabarti will be on her honours list !
In 1935 the German Nazi party passed new laws which banned Jews from holding public office.
In 2015 Paul Weston (Liberty GB), sometime contributor to this site, stood for election with the stated policy of; “Prohibiting Muslims from holding public office”.
Does that bother you at all?
as its un-islamic to vote and democracy is un-islamic, i would consider it as doing them a favour on their way to paradise.
In 2015 Paul Weston (Liberty GB), sometime contributor to this site, stood for election with the stated policy of; “Prohibiting Muslims from holding public office”.
Does that bother you at all?
You should be asking rather what has happened to make that extreme proposal no longer seem ridiculous? Anything come to mind?
I suggest that you also consider the human rights records of most Muslim states at the present time, which are scarcely better than those of Nazi Germany. I guess that you believe that the present spate of attacks will subside and that all sections of European society will settle down and live peacefully side by side. But you can’t know for certain that this will turn out to be correct, nor can you dismiss the possibility that we will be plunged into a religious war with appalling consequences. After all history tells us that the latter case is much more likely than the former. So what seems extreme now may well turn out to be necessary and prudent in 10 or 20 years time. I often wonder why people on the liberal left are so keen to apply the precautionary principle to matters environmental but so against doing so in the case of mass immigration.
Well said. “most Muslim states “. I cannot think of one muslin state where human rights are observed ! Nor , indeed any where environmental issues are taken seriously . Maybe , Leftie liberals should be tacking the appalling records of muslim states instead of the relatively good records of free democracies. I wonder why they don’t ? Strange that. LOL !
Grant, maybe rent a coach and send them all on a pilgrimage to assess IS’s Human Rights and ‘debate’ the issues. Maybe take Corbyn with them as an added ‘negotiating’ benefit?
In 2015 Paul Weston (Liberty GB), sometime contributor to this site, stood for election with the stated policy of; “Prohibiting Muslims from holding public office”.
Does that bother you at all?
Hey zero, looky here….
Two Muslim politicians, who just won municipal elections in Belgium’s capital, Brussels, on October 14, have vowed to implement Islamic Sharia law in Belgium.
The two candidates, Lhoucine Aït Jeddig and Redouane Ahrouch, both from the fledgling Islam Party, won seats in two heavily Islamized municipalities of Brussels, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean and Anderlecht, respectively.
During a post-election press conference in Brussels on October 25, the two future councilors, who will be officially sworn in on December 3, said they regard their election as key to the assertion of the Muslim community in Belgium.
So the answer is – no.
Just as a comparison – can you give any figures on how many radical Jews were beheading and blowing up innocent Germans and gang raping German women in the 1930s?
G.W.F – no different to what’s continuing to happen in Birmingham schools. You remember the so-called, Trojan Horse enquiry of some years ago? I read that report. Senior people in the educational system were clearly stating that Lee Rigby and the Boston Bombings were carried out by M15/CIA respectively.
When I was at Auschwitz a few years back-, I don`t recall any Arabic translations engraved in anything…no publications in Arabic either about the camp.
Nor do I remember any Muslim leaders who visited and were photographed there.
That is not to say that the likes of Sadat and King Hussain didn`t visit( I`ve not checked, so can`t be sure)…but I can`t imagine that the OIC who collate Islamic state actions in the UN would be happy to have photos of the “traitors” who showed any solidarity or sympathy for the Jews.
Don`t imagine many Muslims visit it-and , if they do, I`d not be surprised to find that they`d be in trouble back home, later on.
As I say-I was pretty sure all the above had been discussed by me when there-but a few years on, i`ve no obvious proof for what I say.
But that`s the distinct impression I got as I headed on back to Katowice.
Don’t hear much from the BBC about Arab muslim support for Hitler. Strange , innit ?
“Events here shamed humanity “. What does that mean ?”
It means that all peoples, regardless of race, creed or politics can [ever so easily] be manipulated into turning a blind eye to monstrous acts of barbarism.
Anyone repeating the mantra; “Oh it’s not ‘us’ – just ‘them’“, is completely deluded. And already half-way down the road of ‘turning a blind eye’.
Zero – I dont normally bother with trolls but you really should wind your spoiled and deceitful little neck in.
No one disputes that most humans have a capacity for evil.
I believe that if you dont have an honest debate about the causes of a problem how can you ever deal with it.
So Zero why are your left wing buddies (including the BBC ) turning a blind eye and playing down events such as Rotherham, Cologne, Rape epidemic in Sweden and all the recent Jihadi inspired killings in Europe.
Oh – Maybe the MSM were trying to protect the EDL or Britain First who somehow caused all these crimes.
I am afraid you are the last person to be dishing out any moral lectures.
Looking forward to your smart arsed response -Arsehole!
Sorry Zero have I committed a hate crime against you?
“No one disputes that most humans have a capacity for evil.”
Grant seems to be disputing that, or at least not understanding it; which is why I offered a polite and considered answer to his question.
“I believe that if you don’t have an honest debate about the causes of a problem how can you ever deal with it”
Your version of an “honest debate” seemingly includes calling someone a troll, spoiled, deceitful & arsehole…
“…why are your left wing buddies (including the BBC ) turning a blind eye and playing down events such as Rotherham, Cologne, Rape epidemic in Sweden…”
The BBC have given massive coverage to events in Rotherham and Cologne.
There is no “rape epidemic in Sweden”. Do some research. You really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet you know…
Can’t say I have seen much on the Telly about it . Surely it would have been headline news ?
As I have said on another post , it’s time for a Judicial Inquiry into the conduct of Al Beeb and its Bias .
What do you think Zero ?
BTW you are not helping Al Beeb with your posts on this site . Why do you bother . What motivates you?
Taffman – zero knows as well as we do that when reporting any sort of violent crime which is committed by muslims the BBC is always
1 Generally late in reporting the facts
2 When it finally does report the facts It is often disengenous in its interpretation, often uses misleading headlines (such as Rotherham rapes committed by “asian” men where the term muslim was more accurate) and even uses deliberately deceptive or “flat” headlines such as when reporting the recent stabbing of Jews in Israel. Either this is dire journalism or deliberate manipulation. I wonder which?
Nice to see him as ever standing on his dignity wondering why we get pissed off with him. He knows probably better than we do that all of this goes on. I can only presume he is employed/connected to the BBC in some capacity. Maybe employed as “voice of reason” to take on all of us bitter and twisted reactionaries on various websites. If not he must be a very strange individual – maybe he has been sent here to save us from ourselves!
Whilst I am sure we sometimes make mistakes. The general thrust of what we say Is correct and it is important that this unpleasant organisation continues to be closely monitored for the sake of honest debate.
Oaknash, I assume some of our trolls live in the BBC’s PR offices (I was going to say ‘office’ but I did once read how many people the BBC employ in PR and although I have forgotten the exact number I think there were enough to people at least a village if not a small town. Unless the Beeb is paying them to man our sites, I cannot imagine what on earth they do all day. I just feel sorry for them, there must be more interesting jobs out there even if they pay less (Since when did the Beeb pay low wages to anybody except their local news reporters?)
I think that they do this stuff unpaid.
There`s never any substance to what they say-just ball bearings and unset jelly by way of slithery obstructions.
Happy enough to meet trolls who actually CAN argue, or have a point of view…for example, I`d happily argue that the BBC have been biased against Corbyn in his campaign to keep his job.
We have common cause-but no trolls seem able to come at us from the Left….they`re “f***in useless”-as John McDonnell rightly says.
One of the things I’ve noticed about ‘our’ trolls is they never seem to argue logically or consistently but rather they just point out inconsistencies/differences of opinion amongst posters on the site, eg ‘Alan said this but chrisH said that’ etc. They seem to expect that we should all speak with one voice. This ‘hive mind’ view leads me to conclude that they are very young – probably undergraduates at a poor quality ‘uni’ or very junior BBC staff who have not yet accepted that there are people in the world who hold different opinions to them.
Top post ! Spot on. Love your rhetorical question !
The use of the word “Asian” is a great example. The BBC know that the men are not Chinese or Japanese. The BBC are big liars, big , big liars. Never believe anything from the BBC.
“Unpleasant organisation ? You are too polite !
Good post Oaknash. I would like to think with the BBC that it is more dire journalism than news management for propaganda or social/political manipulation purposes. There is evidence to support this. Hardly a week goes by without a main or hourly news bulletin on Radio 4 containing an ” I’m sorry I’ll read that again ” moment because of poor script writing or dire journalism. I really would like to think that. Really. I am not confident any more.
This I did think was purely clumsy writing from the BBC Home Page but worthy of a complaint to the BBC:
“The sad events in France yesterday are being made worse by a badly written caption. Under a photo of Father Hamel, the murdered priest, is the caption – ‘Priest killer’ was tagged and being monitored by police. -The use of apostrophes makes it appear that the priest in the photo is a murderer! How many highly paid editors checked & approved this? There is ample space to show a longer caption such as: Killer of this priest was tagged and being monitored by police.”
On the other hand, I personally sense an increase of the sort thing that you refer to, especially around terror attacks. Reporting on Israel in the last year or so, there have been obviously deliberately written pejorative wording of news headlines and they start to stick out among the clumsy errors, especially of ordering and grammar. Your example, of referring to Asian men has been obviously twisted to recent use of South Asian men. This change was picked up by several regular posters here.
Now that does appear deliberately misleading. Men, the majority of whom were of Pakistani origin and from a majority Muslim region in the west or north west of Asia, are suddenly lumped in with Christians, especially Catholics from south-west India, and Protestant Christians with Hindus and Tamils going even further south and eastwards, under the description ‘south Asians’..
It almost seems as though some, especially some with a measure of authority such as Editors & Producers at the BBC are aware that at some future point a news event may be the trigger of social disorder and they wish to play it down to divert it. Which makes it all the stranger that they are keen to report the increase in hate crimes since the EU Referendum more than the simple news of release of statistics by police.
All goes to underline what you say in your last paragraph.
Either way, in an organisation like the BBC which is now bought at something of a premium price by Licence Fee payers (and under threat of fines and possible jail terms) the Licence Fee payer at the very least has the right to deserve better from the BBC.
Zero, how can you have an honest debate if you’re unwilling to even be honest with yourself?
Exactly. That is why I don’t bother with these people any more.
“There is no “rape epidemic in Sweden”. Do some research. You really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet you know…”
pity your employer wouldnt take a leaf out of your book and stop passing off lefty twitter comments as news items
No 6,
LOL ! Brilliant !!! Wish I had thought of that one !
The BBC knew about Rotherham for years but suppressed it for their usual multiculty reasons. In doing so they knowingly allowed hundreds of girls to be raped.
Lefties don’t care about the girls. They will sacrifice anyone or anything on the altar of their perverted “ideology”.
Yes, when there is no possibility of sweeping a new outrage under the carpet the Beeb will indeed cover it.
But take the case of Halifax rape gang. Stage 1: Beeb reports the arrest of ‘men’ with no reference to ethnicity or religion, let alone names or pix (possibly for valid legal reasons). Stage 2: months later, 16 June, verdicts and sentences are passed. Now the beeb does indeed publish pix and names, but where? Not on Home page, nor UK, nor England, nor Regions, nor Yorks and Lincs, but, finally, ‘Leeds and West Yorks’. In other words a huge story of child grooming, rape and prostitution gets relegated 6 clicks away from where anyone will actually see it. It happened around the time of Jo Cox’s despicable murder, and one wonders if they didn’t want the ‘wrong sort’ of story detracting from that. Incidentally they were strangely eager to report the killer shouted Britain First, but strangely reluctant to report the Munich killer shouted Allahu Akbar (as reported to CNN, on film, by a fellow Muslim and therefore unlikely to have been made up for partisan reasons).
Yes, typical BBC dishonesty . They really are the pits .
Here’s that Halifax story. The men of course are ‘Asian’. We really must do something about these hordes of Japanese rapists!!
Zero, visit http://newobserveronline.com and study some proper unbiased news with cited sources.
And I would add to G’s advice to Zero and any other poster here who is interested whether pro-BBC, neutral or a complainant; read up on news and broadcasting and alternative news under Communism in the Soviet Union and its ‘satellite’ States. Maybe go right back to the Russian revolution in 1917 and look at a few years, then sweep forward and select a period from the 1950s or 1960s but finish with and do not miss a look at the 1980s.
As soon as a media organisation moves away from a purist, unbiased approach to reporting news events, whether for political or social reasons, they become quickly vulnerable to sharp folk noticing a change in words and in phrases and in titling and they then learn to read between the lines. In the end, the modified, officially approved media becomes ignored and people resort to ‘Samizdat’. That was a form of (early?) citizen journalism.
The BBC are currently playing a very dangerous game.
It also means that the BBC can ever so easily be manipulated into turning a blind eye to monstrous acts of barbarism. The BBC repeating the mantra; “Oh it’s not ‘us lefties and Islam’ – just ‘them right-wing types and Jews’“, is completely deluded. And already half-way down the road of ‘turning a blind eye to terrorism’.
I don’t think the BBC need to be manipulated. They know exactly what to do !
Friday evening. End of the working week but not the bias.
On biased BBC London, it is reported in terms that Foxtons estate agents are down 42% in the first half of the year ‘ due to the uncertainties of Brexit’.
But the referendum was at the end of June, so 25 of the 26 reporting weeks were pre The Brexit vote, and the City certainly expected a Remain vote.
So did Foxtons and their customer base know something which eluded the rest of the City?
Of course not. It’s just the bised BBC reporting with another variant of Project Fear.
And it was repeated on the 10pm news. With a straight mention directly blaming the Brexit vote on the fall in profit.
Truly disgusting.
When did you believe anything that came from an Estate Agent’s mouth.
They even make the Beeb look truthful.
…When did you believe anything that came from an Estate Agent’s mouth……
Ohhhhhhh, I know, its a toss up between E/A, car salesmen and politicians who tells the most convincing lie.
I will say, that when I was an estate agent Circa 1970 the business was mainly in the hands of the chartered surveyors, and in training you weren’t allowed to value property before you had completed 3 years in the office learning about square footages etc. Building Societies then got in on the act and with it came the white sock brigade (a glut of young men with glossy hair and white socks), so any professionalism went out of the window; it was a free for all with competitive fees, and suddenly every vendor became a valuer knowing the price they wanted for their property. Many’s the time I would think “what the hell am I here for, not for my expertise that’s for sure”. After 22 years in the business I got out, after disillusionment set in with the way the industry was going and the ‘types’ that were being employed and calling themselves estate agents. I suspect all of you out there at some time have asked for a ‘valuation, but know how much you want for your property anyway, you just need confirmation.
I would think the increases in Stamp Duty had more to do with a decrease in sales at the high end of the London property market.
Will have to do some figures on the Today show, re their news cf their drive-by “here`s ones we prepared earlier” type of stories.
Who chooses and why-when and how do they choose their guests?
Juts heard Harry Mount get a splattering from some Scot called Donald Clarke with an effete Justin Webb piping up to pile in on the toff.
Bulingdon toff Mount has the temerity to offer Latin tuition and even does it online.
Oh no!
Clarke trashes such elitist notions…and, like Webb, doubtless has his own kids learn it in one of their privileged private schools.
Typical lefty puff piece-no point, except to scorn Latin in return for Harry getting a plug for what he does.
Seems that education is always a good thing-online in particular-but not if it comes to Latin, seeing as Mary Beard regards it as an obstacle to…well, more migrants in Boston I`d imagine.
Few minutes on-and Humphrys refers to Monbiot as an “expert” in nuclear power!
Our Exeter Uni harpie shouts that his ideas won`t work-but Humph shuts her down like Hinckley A…
Ran out of time you see-rather like the BBC has done.
I listened to that Latin three-way too cH, I kept waiting and waiting for it and then, right at the end, Justin Webb didn’t disappoint with his piffle about how “elitist” it all is, the learning of Latin; that’s the thing about al beebus and progressives generally: they are so bloody tediously predictable!
The elitist argument is, of course, absurd and circular. If Latin was, broadly, withdrawn from State schools as being too difficult for some students and/or not worthy of time in the modern world, then only a few mainly independent schools were left offering it, so it would necessarily become more elite as a result of the State’s own action. If everyone were given a taste of it, it would cease to be elite, except for those who went on to do ‘A’ Level.
Clarke claimed that Latin had been shown by some studies not even to be helpful in learning modern Romance languages. Webb was too lazy to challenge him on this. While it is true that the syntax of Romance languages is not like Classical Latin, much of the vocabulary still is, as is much of the inflectional system (e.g. ‘amo, amas, amat’, and modern equivalents (e.g. Italian ‘amo, ami, ama’).
Imagine you are faced with the Italian word ‘esercito’ (from Latin ‘exercitum’). Knowledge of ‘army’, ‘armee’ or even ‘Armada’ won’t help you but the Latin would let you guess that it means ‘army’. Similarly Spanish ‘mesa’ (table) is easy to assimilate if you know good old Latin ‘mensa’ beloved of the dusty grammar books.
I wonder if David DImbleby tried to get his son Henry out of ‘elitist’ Latin lessons when he was at Eton with Jacob Rees-Mogg?
The schools should be teaching Urdu. c.BBC.
Well said !
And Clarke said that the top 100 words in the language weren`t even Latin derivations?
As if THAT is reason enough to ban a language whereby “The other half” of our vocabulary is somehow not as popular or current…so not worth the learning?
Try writing or speaking a paragraph that leaves out Latin (or Greek for that matter).
Which is of course the “restricted codes” that the liberal left require of us all today.
Solidarity, appropriate, disappointing, regret, harmonisation, sustainainable, environmental, consensus….even their OWN Satanic Syntax has Latin roots in part.
Tell you why they hate Latin…because words like RELIGION and EDUCATION are latin constructs…and have different shades of meaning depending on your source of the verb/noun…and the Liberal Left would prefer “spiritual atheism” and ” propaganda” instead.
Very sinister…another Latin word they`d rather you didn`t know there.
I did laugh out loud when they referred to the Roman Empire as European.
The BBC just do not do history.
Except, of course, when it’s their version of something padded out with Bearded Shamas or hairy llamas or something. Or to make a point about migration or culture. That reminds me, I started watching the Silk Road series on iPlayer but stopped halfway through the first episode because it was so sickly yucky, just like being forced to eat half a dozen Mars bars in five minutes.
They do not do history. Their ignorance of Roman History is legion ! Ouch ! Sorry !
Another laugh out loud, Grant. You could say ‘Standard’ fare for this site – great comedy and an appreciation thereof. 🙂
Sluff, the bbc called it wrong yet again. Despite the bias and blatant abuse of position, they couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery. Now they are looking for any angle on Brexit-related downsides.
So desperate are they we even had a FTSE falls headline yesterday after a 0.3% drop – really?. It’s becoming embarrassing to read some of the crap now.
When all the dust settles after the real Brexit I do hope the bbc gets its just deserts after such treacherous behaviour.
Did the BBC report that £/$ rose 2 cents today on the BBC ?
Its high time for a Judicial Inquiry into the bias and conduct of AlBeeb.
What on earth do the ‘Trustees’ do for their money ?
The problem is that , if it happened, it would probably be a left-wing Judge so the outcome would be predictable .
I am not too sure about that ? Now if the present government had balls they would ensure a fair judge would be appointed ? Wouldn’t they ?
Wouldn’t they – what say you Zero ?
And pigs might fly !
Cheri Blair?
Hey Grant , another week of bullshit – Carney is doing is hair. I fancy him to try and make the rate go down by reducing interest rates – but after that sterling is a massive buy – and he’s on the plane
Yes, Carney is a very big problem. I am not sure whether the PM has the power to sack him . Not that it matters. May wouldn’t do it anyway.
Surely his boss is the Chancellor ?
taffman ,
And the Chamcellor’s boss ? Either way, that wretched man will not get sacked. I cannot believe that we have gone from Eddie George and Mervyn King so rapidly downhill to the useless Carney.
Carney was hired to be Gideon’s bitch, and he did his job well. But now his master is gone, and he is left twisting in the wind like the political toady he is. His credibilty is zero, and that is the one thing a central banker needs above all else. He needs to “resign” asap and be replaced by someone who believes in Britain.
Talk about economy and the ‘experts’ ………………http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/07/28/imf-admits-disastrous-love-affair-with-euro-apologises-for-the-i/
Yes the problem is he now looks a dk for getting it all wrong so he is hell bent on proving himself right so he has to try and engineer a recession. Dangerous prk as you say needs to go back over the pond work for Trudeau maybe destroying their own Country
He already did that once. The Canadian housing market is even more overheated than ours. I don’t think they would welcome him back.
Taffman: Its high time for a Judicial Inquiry into the bias and conduct of AlBeeb.
Whilst I would not disagree with the sentiment, the chances of it happening are <zero.
If nobody could be bothered to hold them to account for their obfuscation, lies and misuse of licence-payers money over the 28gate debacle, then nobody ever will.
Time will tell my friend, time will tell ……
It’s the weekend & time for a little fun, so which US presidential hopeful do you most align with ?
97% Trump here, I knew the man was smart 😉
Shame I had 8% agreement with Hillary, put that down to margin of error…
I side with Donald Trump on most 2016 Presidential Election issues 90%
I beat you! I’m 96%! Only 4% for the Witch!
I expect that Jerrod has got a toy lobster and is sticking pins in it as we speak!
I think you might have a hard carapace and some big claws Lobster.
The response is no surprise, but the speed it has been provided is unusual. A chord got struck?
This Fireman Sam story?
To be fair, Fireman Sam himself is innocent of all charges…it was Elvis who slipped on the page of the Koran, thereby setting his foot on the page concerned.
Have seen it a few times-and, for the life of me-you`d have to have eyes like a hawk, reflexes like a cat…and (dare i say) some inside information or forewarning about it being a page of the Koran.
Nigh on impossible to see the offence unless you`re set up to find it.
That said-maybe the Fire Brigades Union might want to look into Health and Safety violations serving hot drinks as Elvis did-got to be compo in that.
I`d also be looking at the Muslim mole who put this sheet of the Koran into the show-must have been a plant.
Would also be looking into how Muslim parents saw this -aren`t puppets and cartoons haram being graven images or suchlike?
The whole thing strikes me as bizarre.
Luckily for the BBC, whatever was and is going on, remains their little secret, somewhat uniquely.
As always.
What ever happened to Pinkey & Perkey?
LOL ! And Miss Piggy ! Don’t suppose Moslems like the wonderful film “Baba” either ! The BBC will never screen that now !
“Baba” should read ” Babe “. Honest mistake, Guv, or is it a lie ??
10pm bBBC1 news.
A feature about the 1966 World Cup final.
What bias could there be in that?
At the end of the film, the presenter bemoans negatively that back then we were not ‘multicultural’.
Pass the sick bag.
Local London news after 10pm tells us that it is good when the new rail line opens because London’s population is growing by 100,000 per annum. Right, so if Mrs May gets immigration down sounds as though they will all move to the capital.
The World Cup Final is live today on Freeview Channel 601:
England v Germany, kick of at 3pm, the England team have four advantages.
(1) Like the Iceland team, the manager has chosen a loyal culturally cohesive 100 percent hideously white team, so should not lose this time.
(2) The German players living around the socialist area near Berlin are not eligible to play.
(3) The England players are convinced that England is not a member of the European Union, so have great confidence of victory.
(4) The Wembley stadium, London and England will look much more like home ground today, than it seems in real life yesterday and tomorrow. This seems to be because most of the ethnics have gone on holiday, abroad today. Also the middle-class multiculturalists seem to have gone on trips to Commonwealth countries.
At the end of the film, the presenter bemoans negatively that back then we were not ‘multicultural’.
Meanwhile indigenous Londoners, those of the ‘white flight’ variety, bemoan the fact they were never given a choice – ‘multiculturalism’ was forced upon them in order to rub their racist little noses in ‘diversity’ whilst fulfilling the Left’s internationalist, ‘no borders’ agenda.
Strange, though, that the Left never seem to wish this ‘diversity’ idyll on the countries that so generously contribute to our own multiculti melting pot. In fact, if anything, those countries are becoming more and more monocultural, what with the religious and ethnic cleansing that goes on within their borders and all.
Visited the Baltic countries a year ago. Their populations have fallen by over 20% due to emigration. Amazingly their governments seem quite relaxed about it, yet these countries simply cannot go on like that as they will go below a critical mass. It doesnt add up
Cant remember a referendum on ‘if we wanted to be multicultural’.
Who duped that one on us ?
Ahhhhhhh, 1966 the good old days eh ? when we could refer to Persil whiteness without being attacked, when Mum and Dad were married and could give their kids a smack without the Social being involved, when fellas put a suit on come Saturday night to go out on a date – and girls would discuss the next day if he ‘tried it on’, when the streets were safe to walk home if you caught the last bus home, …… I could go on, but if all this is alien to some of you then rest assured it was a much nicer time to be young.
Indeed, and what about OMO ? No offence meant then .
And any adult could have a word with any misbehaving child without the risk of being headbutted by the parent or reported to plod.
collecting minorities taken to the extreme, by the criminal money guzzler clinton
look and laugh
Licence fee payers should perhaps prepare for another few million quid and several years on the next inquiry.
Shami is free, too.
BBC Website main headline ” Plastic bag use plummets in England “.
I woke up today and wow, we have single handedly saved the planet until, I realised those naughty Russians were at it again. They spoil everything …. Btw has the BBC ever released any content of the Hillary emails sent from her private account?
” I woke up today “. You must be very relieved .
The BBC website says all you need to know about the BBC. No further comment required. Leaving the content aside, it is an appallingly designed and organised website. I just wonder how much of our money the BBC have spent on this 3rd rate crap.
As for Hillary’s emails, I haven’t seen them anywhere.
Apparently the emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request.
I have found the BBC fact file on it, how could I miss this comedy article:
Classic quote:
” Was this against the law?
Probably not. Mrs Clinton’s email system existed in a grey area of the law – and one that has been changed several times since she left office.”
Yes, I should have said “I woke up this morning”, as a dodgy foreigner I now go away and sulk, my integration has been unsuccessful.
I apologise for my hate crime. Do you or anyone know if the BBC have revealed the content of any of the emails ? If not, I would imagine they are hiding behind some legal nicety. Anyway, the content is not really the point. It is the fact that she did what she did and she, of all people, should have been aware of the security issues.
?, I forgive u. Easier than signing up and on Facebook and Twitter and create #imattermorethanu, doing a trigglypuff requires vocal lessons first too. Wikipedia had the emailsbut, reading through 1000s of emails did not appeal to me. If true what she says and she was not so tech-literate ? I would had to go through her answers on matters such as Viagra ordering for Bill, talking to her Nigerian friends about investments or go making friends with attractive ladies.
The democrat Demention made me think of that song tears of a clown. Christopher Hitchens wasn’t a great fan of Hillary. Bill’s looking gaunt a bit like Giles brandreth
The Hitch is much missed. We shall never see the likes of him again. RIP.
I think that slick Willie has said that he is ill but not specified what it is.
That’s a good point has Hillary really got the puff to survive 4 years – she looks like she is ready for an old peoples home. America what is it with these dynastic Presidential families , it is rotten to the core, oh she’ll make a good President because her husband was one. What next Chelsea Clinton for President
The BBC are ageist but they have a problem. If they make a big deal about Trump’s age, people can point at Hillary. If they make a big deal about May’s age, people can point at Corbyn. So the Beeboids are stuck !
The BBC, so biased, so stupid and so funny. What is not funny is that licence fee payers are having to pay for all this third rate crap.
Yes I don’t think I have watched or listened to any of their crap this week mate and yet my direct debit keeps churning away to pay them. Think I flicked over to see if it was indeed a knife that attacked that poor priest but that was about it. We are under attack from inanimate objects according to the BBC. Lorries,machetes,knifes and guns they keep killing people all on their own and they can shout Allys Snackbar at the same time – it really is a mystery
Yet the BBC manages to make more of a fuss over Hillary Clinton being a woman than over Therese May. Similarly the BBC is not interested that UKIP’s next leader may be as black as Obama and the first BME party leader in the UK.
Oddly the BBC now has no issue with dynastic politics in the US, nor that in the UK the Liberals and Labour have never had a woman leader.
Why don`t they announce Hillary not as the first “woman” candidate…but the first time that an ex-Presidents WIFE has been made a candidate?
Now THAT`S nepotism and small town pork barrel politics for a rotten regime is it not?
” I win !!! ” cries Tina Daheley
– no, not Denis Healey, the 1970s Labour politician with the exuberant eyebrows and IMF emergency UK bailout
– it’s Tina Daheley (real full name unknown) the BBC careerist presenter this morning crowned high queen of the sofa… Tina diversity-initiative-born, mother of dragons, breaker of wind and mistress of the un-Hugh-Scullied and BBC slave army of eunuchs…
A one minute survey of her Twitter tells you all you need to know and bloody well expected to find
“We’re leaving the EU. The PM’s quit. The pound has plummeted”
“Being greedy this morning. Currently on @bbcone presenting @BBCBreakfast with @jonkay01 and also @BBCTwo with The Women’s Football Show”
” There’s a lack of black female role models in children’s fiction”
So, already well paid, pampered, taken seriously and fast track promoted by the BBC on our tax dollar – what more could the lucky girl ‘win’ ?
Well, supermetrohomosexual BBC regular newspaper reviewer Simon ‘chase me chase me’ Fanshawe pops in to hone in on certain stories for our sofa queen and her grovelling menial male. Our Simon “works a lot in diversity” (you could have knocked me down with a peacock feather) so he focuses our attention on a print story about some research about what gender of person gets the best shopping deals. (yeah, hold the front page for this one). Turns out it’s not men…. or women… but a mixed group who tend to negotiate the best purchase deals.
Our poor sofa eunuch knew he could never be on a winner, but our Tina jumps in halfway through our Simon’s relating this story and claims “I win !!” (on behalf of all the sisters, no doubt) before dear Si has to knock her back with the mixed group punch line.
Simon Fanshawe?
Do we blame Ned Sherrin and his chain gang of Les Boys for HIM?
I`d forgotten old Simon…got to be a series here from say Kenneth Williams to Paris Lees/Rebecca Root about how the pink panthers managed to make a rope ladder in fetching braid…so talentless but gay folk managed to get an earner from the mid-60s to the present day.
What`s the point of Fanshawe, Coles and that gay mafia bucket brigade of self servers?
At least Larry Grayson was a nice guy-and kept his tendencies to himself(in comparison to Graham or Allan anyway)
You can just see Simon Fanny skipping around backstage with all the big butch weather presenters on the BBC
I won’t hear a word against our dear old Ned Sherrin and his Loose Ends – nor Nelson, son of Walter Gabriel, antiques dealer and raconteur of Borchester by way of Ambridge… and never a word of scandal…
Bringing us expert news of the theatre and appropriate casting of certain professions in drama these quaint folk happily decorated their niche and ploughed their furrow for donkey’s years until it all got somewhat ‘political’
Oh dear, the onward mincing through the institutions went and soured everthing.
I think we were promised it was simply a rough trading community… then they went and got a flag, some anthems and next they’ll have an army…
Yes, Ned was a good lad.
Just wonder how many Coles, Fanshawes etc were inspired by him and his networks.
You`re right re the politicisation of it all…but the trans lobby will prove to be the bandwagon that snapped their bridges…these are not nice people.
I was on a quiz programme called Counterpoint which Ned Sherrin chaired. I have to report that he was not a nice person.
AISI, brilliant post! Deserves more than a 3!
Kenneth Williams was funny, but sadly miserable.
Not quite BBC related, but has anyone seen Stephen Hawking’s latest bleating about Brexit? Apparently, “their decision” was influenced by our understanding of wealth and the way we share it was a key factor. If anyone is on Facebook, I highly encourage you to read through the comments section of these posts, especially if your blood pressure is a little low this morning.
There is truly an alarming amount of people who fall for the ‘Stephen Hawking is intelligent so obviously knows best about politics’ fallacy. I once seen someone justify their vote for Labour in this manner. Hawking was voting for Labour, so he was too.
Stick to what you’re good at Steve – making up bullshit about the universe than no one could ever prove you wrong on in someone’s lifetime.
Like Dawkins, he believes in aliens and visitors from interplanetary craft as I recall.
Their only way of explaining how life began here…couldn`t have been God, but how does a chaotic Big Bang bring about “order and Beauty”?…how do you get a protein chain from a vacuum?…that kind of question?
Send for Erik Von Daniken and his spaghetti monster colander!
To be fair to Karen Carpenter-at least she SANG it beautifully…Hawking sounds terrible…
Though she does do an impression of him in the middle eight of her song.
No-when I want Hawkings view on Brexit or theology…I`ll unplug him until he`s written something sensible down.
An expert on making books that match most shortcomings in the bed (or coffee table) leg department though.
At least has avoided hyperbole.
Maybe Mishal could start another tally?
I don’t think I’ve seen such a blatantly biased article. The BBC at least tries to look impartial at times, this was just blatant “if you voted for Brexit you’re an evil racist!” type biased.
Hawkings may turn out to be an over rated media supported scientist. His theological views are as worthless as his political opinions. As a scientist whose work is based on mathmatics and theory he should be aware of the power of contradiction in reasoning. And this puzzles me why he lives with a contrdiction of calling for a boycott of Israeli products whilst using an Israeili manufatured microchip in his celebrated voice machine .
Many great scientists have held odd views on subjects outside their areas of recognised expertise. The jury is out on Hawking, as much of his material is theoretical and awaiting proof. But consider Isaac Newton, widely recognised as one of the greatest scientists ever. He is remembered for theories of gravity, planetary motion, mathematical theory, mechanics, the foundation of calculus, theory of colour and much more. However, around half his time was spent on the occult, searching for the philsopher’s stone and other things. He left behind some ten million words in writing, of which 1 million are concerned with alchemy – the medieval obsession with trying to make gold. A very telling quote from Hawking is “The human race is just a chemical scum…”. When a person has such thoughts as that, alarm bells start ringing.
Quite. The converse is also true when non-scientists pontificate about science. Politicians and the BBC being a n obvious case.
Absolutely, there is nothing the BBC appreciates more than a degree in modern English literature or a PhD in women in Elizabethan romance (Caroline Lucas) as a qualiication for expertese in environmental politics
Spot on Ian.
Newton was a true great of course, and his searches in alchemy are necessary in understanding his colossal contribution.
He had a tremendous faith, and -like Einstein-was a true polymath who went where the evidence led him.
He can`t be confined or understood by the current generation of pygmies who crave EU funding and TV series…all of who are trained to know more and more about less and less for their PhD…and now know lots about very little at all…reducing to nothing when it comes to environmental or social “sciences”.
Apart from James Lovelock-can`t think of a scientist worth a damn…and media retrospectives on Feynmann or Turing only confirm this.
The few eco-independents like Plimer seem to carry the flame for purse science as any cost-hell, even Piers Corbyn manages that.
Garbage in, garbage out-if people won`t accept Newtons “blind alleys and failures”-which were neither-then they`re exactly the utilitarian reductionist science shills that the UN, EU and the BBC require.
From Ian Fells, David Bellamy and Magnus Pyke down to the current crop of PC fops who “popularise” science-but don`t exemplify its independence or fearlessness if a grant is cut or a conference is cancelled by a PC-compliant Uni or Quango.
We need more Johnny Ball, less Lucie Green….
Quite right. One problem is that many of the great scientists in recent years have not been publicised much. Or , indeed, not sought publicity. Yes, Feynman was a genius and quite well-known among the general public. Similarly Carl Sagan, maybe not so much in the UK. But, how about Daniel Dennett, Richard Gregory, Carolyn Porco, Harry Kroto to take a few , not entirely at random.
In my own field, many people have heard of Richard Dawkins but don’t necessarily know that he is a brilliant biologist, let alone computer programmer. But who has heard of John Maynard Smith ? Or Jared Diamond ? I could go on …..
It is a travesty of the BBC’s Charter that they have ceased to do science. I think the turning point was when they dropped the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, the cost of which must have been peanuts to them. I suppose they thought it was too difficult and, I suspect, ” elitist “.
PS. Of course, the Lectures themselves have subsequently been dumbed down.
So right, Grant. The cutting out of important scientists from our contemporary history is one of the tragic victories of not only BBC partiality, but the colonisation of the major scientific and engineering institutions by bureaucrats, political and religious enthusiasts and chancers.
I will shamelessly drop a couple of names that you mentioned. I had the extraordinary good fortune to be taught by John Maynard Smith in the late 60’s. A truly lovely man and a true scientist – he would cheerfully argue with the lowliest undergrad (as I was), had no apparent sense of his own importance, but every sense of the importance of the work he was doing, major innovations in evolution theory which he was then in the process of working through, and in which he would happily involve anyone who showed an intelligent interest. Richard Gregory, one of those who derived enjoyment from communicating the perplexing and the fascinating in a way which inspired you to really engage with the difficult, perhaps impossible, mental acrobatics which seemed (and seems today) to be required to advance the fields of Experimental Psychology, neurophysiology and AI.
With neither of these two was there any hint of dumbing down, although RG was a natural populariser. And there were quite a few others at that time – people who might have been at each others throats if placed simultaneously in the same room, but who were true exemplars of the process of science, and not of some decapitated residue-occupation more to do with ‘egregious good intentions’ than rigorous enquiry.
One would be forgiven for thinking the Bbc really do live in a different world or even Planet Zog. Looking at other news websites, the picture of what’s really going on is astonishing yet the Beeb report none of it. Here follows just a selection of what I found on New Observer website.
Merkel Promises More “Refugees”. July 29, 2016
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has promised to allow even more “refugees” into Germany despite the terrorist mayhem and socioeconomic catastrophe the mass Third World invasion has already caused. Speaking at a press conference in Berlin, Merkel said that although she did not expect as many to come this year as did in 2015, “we will not rule out taking in more refugees.”
Ax Attacker was Pakistani Posing as Afghan. July 28, 2016
The refugee-terrorist who attacked passengers on a German train with an ax last week was actually a Pakistani posing as an Afghan in order to swindle “asylum” out of the German government. Knowing that Pakistanis would not qualify for “asylum,” Muhammad Riyad told the Germans that he was “Riaz Khan Ahmadzai” from Afghanistan.
Orbán: “Migrants” a Poison, and EU a Threat. July 28, 2016
Third World migrants are a “poison” which will destroy Europe, and the European Union (EU) is a bigger threat to European survival than Mecca, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has announced. “Migration is a threat, and will increase crime and terrorism. On a mass scale it is changing the face of Europe’s culture and will destroy all national cultures,” he said.
Germany: 2% of Invaders “Work”. July 26, 2016
Only 2 percent of the 1.3 million registered non-white invaders posing as asylum seekers in Germany have found work—and the vast majority of those are in temporary, menial government-created and subsidized “one-Euro-a-day” jobs, it has been revealed. Only some 30,000 out of 1,303,00 officially-registered “refugees” are “working.”
Refugee-Terrorist Arrested in Poland. July 26, 2016
A refugee-terrorist from Iraq—making use of the European Union’s “free movement” policy—has been arrested in Poland by police while planning terrorist attacks in the city of Lodz. The 48-year-old “asylum seeker” entered Poland after coming through Switzerland and Sweden—from where he had been expelled, the Polsat news service reported.
Compare that with what’s on the Beeb home page today. Main news!!!
Plastic bag use plummets in England.
UK ticket wins millions on Euro jackpot.
Nucelear plant delay.
New Treasury cat.
And on the Europe page…
Swedish officer in bikini stops thief!
I rest my case.
Thank you. Beeboids are a bunch of kids with no knowledge of history or the real world. They are too stupid to realise what is happening in Europe or why.
Sadly the ‘bikini clad Swedish officer stops thief’ article won’t allow readers’ comments ( you can probably guess why) so here’s my effort: ‘I prayed to Allah every night for a western woman to jump on top of me but Lord this wasn’t what I meant!’
BBC News at 8am Radio 4 tells me that I can contribute to a crowd sourcing fund to get Trumps would-be assassin some fees for his trial to come.
“Alleged efforts to grab a policemans gun”…apparently.
1.Isn`t this advertising and product placement?…why should I fund American lawyers?
2. Isn`t this yet another effort by the BBC to encourage breaking laws-and international law does not need caveats here does it-attempted murder is no small matter anywhere.
Like their “Byron Burger” crap of yesterday-they seem to think that “some laws are meant to be broken”.
They are the BBC-not Public Interest Lawyers media wing-well, they`re not supposed to be.
3, In the interests of ” balance”…can we have information now on how to crowd fund the defence of alleged attacker(unprovoked, let me add) of Jo Cox…Tommy Mair up in Yorkshire?
4, This is a slippery slope-no free ads to crowd fund defence of white cops in the USA, but plenty coming to defend Anjem Choudhury-less so for Tommy Robinson who`s crowd funded legal costs were NOT given the BBCs begging bowl treatment on Radio 4s main news at 8am.
Biased Bull Crap….
Never fear. There’s going to be a news blackout on such things, to avoid encouraging others.
This English-language article from Deutsche Welle, not an organisation normally noted for ‘rocking the boat’, makes for a sobering read as do the BTL comments.
It looks at the attitudes of the near three million Turkish community in Germany and the ‘timidity’ of government responses of the post-coup challenges to President Erdogan.
It’s not an article that the BBC or the Guardian will be highlighting any time soon.
Thanks for that link. Even assuming the BBC are aware of these issues, and that is a big assumption given the teenage ignorant mentality of Beeboids, there is no way that they would ever report these issues. It may be a long time ago but the Germans must now regret accepting the Young Turks and the Ottoman Empire as allies in WW1.
Ta my friend.
Gates of Vienna
Vlad tapes
Gatestone Institute
Gallia Watch.
And now this GERMAN independentish outlet….am collecting them…there`s been some Scandinavian ones too.
But we need to go to the countries of Europe themselves-not the bleeding BBC who don`t even HAVE a dedicated Europe link on Ed Button.
GalliaWatch say more about France than anything the BBC will ever tell me.
And we need to know-isn`t there a big anti Merkel march in Berlin today?…yet no BBC coverage.
AS opposed to Byron Burgers or Class War attacks on Boris?
Lying burgers the BBC.
Which GERMAN independentish outlet ?
Good article in the Telegraph by Charles Moore on the head-in-the-sand attitude to Islamic terrorism & that the subject should be addressed by European leaders. Then there’s another good piece by Dan Hannan telling Remoaners to basically grow up.
Maybe someone has already done the links.
Last weeks Telegraph was disgrace in that some ex-Guardian refugee called Bryony Gordon was allowed to ask if Le Pens niece was the “most dangerous woman” in Europe.
It was heading the magazine, not the body of the paper…but can`t believe that Charles Moore would have let that pass-had he not been writing last week.
Merkel, Lagarde, Hodge and those EU types in charge of Ireland, Sweden and oversee migration or FGM compliance crap have blood on their hands, suicide notes in Greek to translate and childrens home to beg forgiveness from.
Le Pen has only nearly got voted in down south in France…so how DARE Bryony Gordon get away with this?
Glad that Moore and Hannan are back anyway…will read them in the paper shop at Waitrose in a marked manner!
Not paying for THAT clowns lattes on the Eurostar again…
Bryony Gordon is an airhead and recovering alcoholic and serious drug user. She even wrote about that recently and often before.
I think it was Mary Riddell who did the hit piece on Mlle Le Pen. Why the weirdo Barclay twins employ this barking mad old leftist is a continuing mystery. The comments used to show that 99% of readers hated her, which may be another reason they got rid of comments (and many readers too, I suspect).
Bryony used to write in the JC (Jewish Chronicle, nothing to do with either Jeremy Corbyn or Jesus Christ). Her father is Jewish if I remember correctly. Yes,an airhead and better a recovering alcoholic and drug user than one still using, but I think Jews are a bit more cautious about the National Front than the general population.
In France the FN might be the best friend of French Jews against the common enemy. Anti-semitism is an absurd position to take, and I think Marine Le Pen has led the party away from that particular dead end.
Here’s the Charles Moore link. He’s excellent as always:
Dunno about Dan Hannan because the Telegraph won’t let me read further unless I pay them.
Delete all Telegraph cookies in your browser. When you want to read a specific article – right click and then select ‘open in incognito window’.
Job done!
Thanks Teddy Bear. I’m gonna try that soon!
🙂 You’re more than welcome.
Also I meant to tell you after you posted this – if you want to watch BBC live TV from where you are in the world, you can access it here http://www.viewabroad.com/ or here http://www.watchallchannels.com/bbc-one/
Thanks, Teddy Bear. I’ll give that a shot when I’ve recovered from the traumatic experience of downloading Windows 10 yesterday, hours before the deadline.
Windows 10 ??? LOL ! Talk about crap. Every successive Windows is worse than the last one .
I have 2 laptops. This one is on the previous Windows . Is it 8 ? The other is on 10 as back-up. What was wrong with XP and before I wonder ?
There is nothing at all wrong with XP actually…. Especially if you have the pro corp version… All security updates are still fully surported until 2019 due to obligations Microsoft still have legally to corporate users… As for windows 8 and windows 10, what a lot of everyday users do not realise is that if they`re using eithewr operating system on a PC/desktop platform with the usual keyboard interface and mouse there will be an annoying tendency of `lag` when they type and also when they use a mouse, the reason for this is something which microsoft don`t make clear to the general public and thier prospective customers who wish to upgrade.. Both these operating systems were coded and aimed at the next generation types of platform, the new Microsoft Surface range and also tablet type machines.. due to this being the case both operating systems will as default always have an inbuilt `preference` which automatically looks for a touchscreen interaction or even a wifi one prior to the keyboards` one (unless you shell out uber money for an officially franchised Microsoft clip on keyboard interface!!) Yes it is possible to fiddle with the settings on both windows systems to negate this and without having to pay for overexpensive microsoft keyboards etc… however, it won`t do any good becouse everytime you recieve a batch of new updates or a service pack, the settings you spent ages perfecting and saving will get reset unless you go through them all with a fine toothcomb!! So the `lag` returns again and you have to start over… Microsoft are actually doing this deliberately to drive thier users into purchasing more product, and here`s the clincher… Windows 10 and it`s `cloud` and also the cortana service are all fully integrated for one reason… The reason is that eventually they intend to make windows 10 a subscription only operating system meaning that you would in effect have to pay two monthly charges instead of just one for your internet!!! Just like when you lease a server from a hosting company, and heres the thing… Imagine one month you are short of funds or the money to pay the direct debit doesn`t make into your account in time to pay that bill….. Becouse of the shift to internet banking by a lot of users now you will not be able to access the internet to sort out your money becouse your windows 10 account along with the cortana service (email) and the cloud storage which is where your emails are kept will lock you out until such time as you pay the subscription fees in advance!!! You will then have to run the gauntlet of using a public internet connection at a library or a wifi hotspot to get onlinje and hope that somehow your private data isn`t stolen by thieves who specialise in intercepting compromised data streams with the sole purpose of emptying peoples bank accounts or by stealing information that can then be sold on to others who will use that information to clone your profile and basically put you potentially in a lot of trouble… This is fact!!! Also windows 10 is still actually only a BETA product, this means in laymans terms it is a work still in progress and not fully stable, it was rushed out to compete with the new andriod platform version a year earlier than was originally intended.. The original rollout was meant to be this year as BETA product, and after a year it would then be packaged and sold as a retail product once the BETA test period had finished and it was deemed fully secured so that legally they were safe to charge for it.. However .. by giving the windows 10 FREE upgrade offer instead they hoodwinked people into installing an untested operating system and then included in the end user agreement clauses which state clearly that they are allowed to use each persons data and also to share that data with sister parties for purpose unknown to supposedly improve and enhance the windows 10 operating environment and further integrate all three into a one for all package and also to tie people into a product which basically makes it impossible for a user to get of with any kind of ease… My advice… stick to windows xp, windows 7, or start to look at maybe switching to a non microsoft system like one of the many Linux systems, you can download them for free and you can also run some version straight from disc without installing it either!! It will not change anything on your pc/laptop it is meant for people who wish to try it out prior to them taking the plunge and switching over fully to it.. You can simply start it from disc and then eject it then a quick reboot and you are back on windows again… There is no catch!! The only time you might have to pay, is if you want the very latest Linux system and it is one of the commercially packaged versions, even then it will be far cheaper than windows as the fees mostly cover just the cost incurred making the software, programming and also the costs of keeping the whole project online and accessable to anyone who uses it… Best of all Linux is not as prone to virus attacks, trojans, and hackers as each linux installation can be tailored to suit the users themselves.. Also there is no annoying blootware and commercially lucrative crap that slows down your hardware, it installs exactly what you want it to and nothing else… There are about nine different choices of Linux for people to choose from that are fully able to deliver complete satisfaction and also security software for them is free as well… All systems are fully supported by the Linux community and also the programmers are part of that community too, and they do not charge people for thier services either!! To them it is wrong to commercialise what they do… Anyone wishing to take a look should try something like REDHAT .. It`s interface is very much like windows xp etc.. it also runs on about a quarter of the resources that windows needs meaning even a ten year old laptop with 2gb of RAM will run like a brand new machine, even if it`s not even a dual core it will still run whatever you throw at it, and if you want a browser, both Mozilla and Opera are far superior to anything microsoft have to offer… and guess what? they`re both free to use as well.. Even if you are a complete novice it is easy to learn about Linux and more and more people are switching to it everyday and none of them will be tied into the windows 10 trap nor will they be held to ransom to access thier own private data… I will post some links later on for anyone who wishes to investigate my assertions regarding Windows 10 further along with a couple of Linux community links so they can have a look for themselves… I myself do not belive it is ethically right or acceptable for people to be potentially held to ransom by Microsoft or any other corporations to use thier own property ( computer ) to go online and I also have a serious problem with having to pay for my internet twice!! I think I overpay for the service i get already, and having some unfaced corporate body holding and sharing my data without being able to control what they use it for is something I will never ever agree too!!!
Sorry about the longwinded post… I know it`s a bit to digest but on this topic It is best to throw all the information together rather than in a succession of relating posts…
FYI TrueToo is completely correct regarding Mozilla… it`s a far better browser than internet explorer etc… and the cookies settings are fully configurable too…. At least try switching to that, it`s ten times better in my opinion…
Here are two links which offer information and comparisons of the top Linux operating systems currently on offer… Both links are independent and not commercially driven or biassed … They also have links to each distros websites for those who wish to try it or just want to investigate further…
Thanks for that most interesting post, Justin Casey. Actually it was Teddy Bear who recommended Firefox. I upgraded to Windows 10 on Thursday evening and by Friday morning I was regretting it. Now I’m investigating reverting to Windows 7.
The most serious problems I have found with 10 so far:
*When deleting text, the cursor carries on going backwards to delete more letters and even words. (Though the “lag” you mention also happened at times with 7, I’ve never had the cursor moving back of its own free will deleting text; that’s specific to 10.)
*Right-clicking on the scroll bar will not bring up the menu that included the facility to scroll to that point with a left click. It’s an extreme, time-consuming pain when scrolling up and down long pages like this one.
Microsoft should have told us in advance that Windows 10 will be an ill-considered, frustrating waste of time and energy in these important respects. And who knows what other marvels lie in store as I check out more aspects of this brilliant “operating system.”
Oops, cleared cookies but it didn’t work. Probably because right-clicking didn’t give me the option of incognito window.
Depending on browser – it should say something like ‘private window’. Don’t use Microsoft Edge – it’s pretty useless. Certainly Windows 10 is better than 8 – good luck with it. Which browser do you use and I’ll give you instructions for it, also to make sure you’ve cleared all your cookies? I suggest Chrome or Firefox.
Just had a thought – if you’re trying to access a Telegraph article from their email subscription you can’t choose to open the article in a private window. In which case simply go to their home page http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/#source=refresh and find the relevant article, or put the headline into their search, then you have the option to select incognito or private window when you right click on it.
Thanks for that Teddy Bear. I’ll keep it in mind Right now I’m battling with Win 10. Seems to be compulsory at Microsoft to introduce a whole lot of bugs with every new OS.
Grant and Teddy Bear, I posted the following in a Microsoft Community forum discussion:
This post will probably not be popular but I think those who failed to upgrade to Windows 10 are lucky, especially if they have Windows 7.
I downloaded 10 last night and so far today I have found:
*The edgy new Microsoft Edge browser could not import my favourites from Windows 7. And Windows 10 hid my Internet Explorer 11 browser so well it took me three hours of surfing to find it, put it back on the taskbar, and get favourites back.
*That useful ‘Show Desktop’ tab at the right of the taskbar is gone so I suppose I now have to minimise all open windows every time I want to get to the desktop.
*I can no longer right-click on the scrollbar to scroll directly to a specific point. This is a real disadvantage when moving up and down a long page.
*The cursor will not stop when I backspace to delete text but continues backwards to delete a few more letters and even words before it stops. What a great time-wasting and frustrating device.
*Windows 7 was much more colourful and easy on the eye.
I’m actually dreading using this system as I don’t know how many other problems I’m going to find. Now I’m seriously considering going back to Windows 7. Hopefully it will still be supported for many user-friendly years to come.
The people at Microsoft must surely enjoy wallowing in their comfy salaries and remote security while depositing huge steaming piles of cr*p on the computers of their luckless and captive consumers. Months and even years can go by without them making the slightest effort to sort out very real problems that get reported to them via forums like the one I’ve just been on and direct complaints by the public.
In that respect they are a lot like the indolent and self-satisfied bunch at the BBC.
Totally agree with what you have written. Spot on. Of course the Microsoft fascists will ignore it and they will sleep well . The Facebook fascists are not much different. But , let us know if you get a reply !
True – There is an option to go back to Windows 7 if you desire.
Google search can also help you find the way to still be able to do a lot of the tasks you were able to do with Win7 if you choose to stick with it. Many people have sought answers to similar ones that you are confronted with now – but it does take time to sort it out.
You can still show desktop by left clicking the bottom right of the screen 😉
Again I heartily recommend Firefox – I find it to be the most useful and well designed browser and it still gives you the full menu screen at the top.
Good luck with it.
We’ve got to the point where too many replies make the reply button go on strike.
Grant, thanks for that. The post wasn’t a complaint to Microsoft itself but just part of general chat on a Microsoft forum with a bunch of really frustrated people who had been trying to download Windows 10 for days, literally, with the download just hanging.
Teddy Bear, thanks. I see now that the desktop tab is still there at the right of the taskbar. It’s really much narrower now and there is no ‘Show Desktop’ text when hovering over it so I thought it had gone.
http://www.tenforums.com/ and here`s a link to the tutorials for windows 10 as well
Haha….windows new versions…..
Having grown up on industrial use of office pc’s, from the days prior to any GUI,
Having to use DOS in the past, GUI was now superb and I had been happy as things developed to win7, then had the misfortune, to buy a machine with win8 installed.
Shock horror….where’s my start button
Where’s my shutdown icon
Where’s my search box.
Phoned the helpline…
Ah…you dont need a searchbox, simply type what you seek on the homescreen…I replied…great..how the fuck was I supposed to know that.
Oh…shutdown? Just bring out your ‘charms’…..
Eh?..what the fuck are charms…?
Well…you go over the right hand side..out they pop…go to settings select power…etc etc
I went ballistic.
Within a month version 8.1 had appeared, and guess what, search icon, shutdown icon, glowingly installed on the homescreeen…..
Who on earth trials these systems before launch?
And they can stick 10 where the sun dont shine….it’ll be ios next time.
Thanks for the links, Justin Casey. Today the IE Explorer browser I hunted for for hours yesterday and finally managed to set as the default and plonk on the taskbar disappeared. So I had to plonk it back on. This Windows 10 is setting my teeth on edge.
Who on earth trials these systems before launch?
Nobody who knows anything, would be my guess.
I seriously suggest you download and install mozilla firefox and choose `custom` install that way you can choose not to migrate your user settings from internet explorer and if you stick to firefox you will not have any of those problems re-emerge, and you will find you have far more freedom of use control setting specific to your own needs… If you have Google Chrome installed on your computer it`s important that you remove it from your computer in full before installing firefox though , otherwise you wil end up with a hybrid browser which although labelled firefox it will in fact be Chrome in disguise.. Chrome is a very bad browser and has many many security flaws as it`s basically a chopped down firefox imitation and leave users with the same vunerability as they have with IE etc.. Also, it is a Google product and will spam the sh*t of you just like IE with it`s browser `enhancements` ( advert windows everywhere, redirection of search results showing sponsored results when you search for key phrases etc… Firefox is far safer, has better features and best of all when you browse using it all the webpages you view are first filtered via thier service prior to appearing on your screen, unlike chrome and IE , and that is why firefox takes a couple of seconds longer when first linking to a page when you use it. Personally, I have no problem waiting 1/2 seconds as at least it saves me potentially having to spend 1/2 days attempting to rescue my personal files from a compromised computer and then having to install a completely new installation of my operating system and having to start all over again setting it up… Also like the Linux sites firefox also has a comprehensive and fully up to date forum and help section to help with anything relating to firefox and it is FREE!!
Many thanks for that excellent, free ( ! ) advice. I am using chrome but swap it for firefox.
A link to help explain the differences between chrome and firefox…
Also glad to help (although if your name was zero or jerrod I wouldn`t be!!)
Je suis zero impersonating Grant. Can’t seem to reply to your post below but you read my mind. I was just about to google chrome vs firefox !
That is weird, my post came out below yours. Maybe you could rearrange this site a bit !
Justin Casey, I’ll give it a try. I still have Firefox on my desktop through trying it years ago. I tried Chrome but removed it. I guess I’ll have to check carefully whether it is in fact really gone.
Google keeps asking me to install Chrome but I don’t think that means it’s not on my system. I don’t think Google knows its a*se from its elbow in some respects.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– New Style TV Licensing Threatogram: Will You Be In?
– Imminent Changes to TV Licence Legislation
The Mail says that no Scots are getting done for not paying their telly tax…but the Welsh and English are.
Discuss…God we`re dumb aren`t we?
Come on Chris even you must know that isn’t true! No wonder you didn’t post the link to the story!
“Just 15 people in the whole of Scotland were taken to court after dodging the television licence. And 4,868 people were fined for their failure to pay the charge, in a so-called ‘out of court disposal’.”
Scots are more likely to get off the hook because the way the Scottish justice system is set up means that it is more lenient on people who are guilty of minor crimes.
The true fact is that close to 5000 people were ‘done’ for not paying the TV tax, which makes your statement that no Scots were being ‘done’ completely false !
That said. you have to think of how the Scottish legal system worked for the couple guilty of the “crime” of baconing up a door handle (modern day Brady and Hindley) and the guy with the Nazi saluting dog.
Radio Four’s ‘From our own commie-spondent’ today, said that the breaking up of Yugoslavia into separate nation states outside the wonderful EU has caused huge tailbacks on main roads during holiday times because of border controls. It never happened when it was one country! They forgot to mention when it was one country there were only a few Trabants and horse drawn carts on the roads and most people couldn’t afford to go on holiday anyway.
My parents and I drove right through Yugoslavia en route to Turkey in 1970 along the mainly empty autoput. The main hazards were horses and carts and chickens. The people unsmiling, the food disgusting, the accomodation dirty and unmaintained. A great testimony to a marxist Utopia. We were cheering when we got to Greece.
I wonder if Radio 4s Correspondent was there in communist times ? Or maybe he or she was being ironic. Oops, I forgot Beeboids don’t do irony or humour.
Grant, I doubt it, the journalist sounded fairly young so probably is only dimly aware of events pre 1990 if at all. The overall implication of the piece was that the former Yugoslavian countries should all unite under the EU banner for the noble and high minded purpose of…stopping traffic jams!
LOL ! Traffic jams are so inconvenient. Silly me !
Cranmer, did the FOOC-er from the BBC also mention that when Yugoslavia was an enforced federation (as the EU might be one day, not that a Beeboid would have mentioned that) they did not have streams of migrants and legitimate refugees pouring into the country from every direction?
I thought not.
I also bet the BBC Correspondent didn’t mention that many Yugoslavians* thought the place was so awful that they were trying to get out and that there were fences and towers and soldiers with guns to keep them in.
(* I do realise that Yugoslavia was one of the most ‘relaxed’ Communist States)
When I was in there for 3 days in 1970, they were begging me for a box of matches . These were hotel staff not street beggars.
Funny that, commie countries past & present have to keep people from leaving by threat of machine gun & mines etc.
I just read Charles Moore’s article in today’s DT. Have read much of his works for many years. This is his finest. He has the guts to put his head above the parapet and tell the truth. Charles, I salute you.
He writes very cogently, to a point where his logic can`t be refuted.
Very lucid and focused…one of our best writers in polemic, as far as I can see.
Great, but where is Christopher Hitchens when we need him ? He would blow all the wankers away !
It is a very good article (for the MSM) cH, the only problem I have with it is that Moore uses the word “Islamism” when simply “Islam” is the accurate one.
Grant and ChrisH
His articles are always excellent and it was a good read today. And so was Daniel Hannan. First class.
Am looking forward to Simon Heffer tomorrow. He’s another straight-talking guy worth reading.
Nice to see you escaped from Highland Park for a while . I just wonder when the journalists in the UK who are telling the truth are going to get slapped down .
Always got a spare glass for you.
Bottle under my pillow connected to a straw!
Shame I won’t be able to take it to hosp next month.
LOL ! I was in Orkney many years ago. Is David Lea still around ?
Don’t know the name – sorry. But just looked and there is only one in the phone book.
BBC Please note…required watching…
The nature of radical Islamic warfare and the Western response
We in the West are in a war with Islam. It’s not a religion; it’s a civilization; it’s a culture. The religion is part of the civilization.
* The goal of Islamic warfare is to terrorize the other side, that they become afraid and run away.
Why don’t Western leaders see that?
* Because they refuse to.
* The American government … won’t even use the word “Islamic terrorism” … If you don’t identify your enemy you cannot defeat him.
Thank you for putting that up.
The beeboids wouldn’t understand it!
There is some sort of a silver lining in all of this which is the hugely clever manipulation of British/European people’s over the last 20 odd years by someone which has fiercely pitted our own tolerance against us, supported by our own beloved BBC et al. to import a sizeable amount of the third world. Its incredibly clever and more and more I believe its been a long term plan as the more British people I speak to the more people state they never wanted this in the first place. From day one our acceptance has been used against us.
So whoever that person is, my guess is Soros now needs to think pretty f ing fast about what he can do to manipulate the followers of the RoP. But since a lot of them have lower intelligence shouldn’t be too hard (http://en.europenews.dk/-Muslim-Inbreeding-Impacts-on-intelligence-sanity-health-and-society-78170.html)
Hurry up George, think.. think!!!!
Noted in the last couple of days that if a Tim Martin goes off piste and names dark forces like Mandelson-the BBC seem awful quick to shut it down.
He did this on Any Questions…Shaun Ley was far from happy…it was in connection with the stitch up to keep us in Europe.
Only mention this because George Soros was named by someone on Radio 4 lately in connection with the legalising of drugs -and that TOO got shut down as “we can`t go there”…Moral Maze I think.
Yes, definitely Moral Maze AND their last witness(Irish lady-any drugs) got shut down when she mentioned the shambolic scandal of Paddicks efforts to allow drug dealing or such in Lambeth-AGAIN, Buerk stopped it.
So there you go-Mandelson, Soros and Paddick…and MORE Lizard Kings out there that the BBC refuse to have traduced by the lower orders?
Somebody yesterday mentioned BBC bingo words being used by the Brainwashing Broadcast Cretins, yes the usual suspects from the approved list. So, here’s a Bingo card I made up for anyone to use. The prizes are :- LINE: Do a piece to camera live from a migrant camp near Calais (bring your own unwashed child) FOUR CORNERS: A day in our newsroom painting it even more red than it is now. Assist in moving BAME workers desks so they are in the newsreaders background. HOUSE: A trip to Palestine to spend a day with our Chief International Correspondent and an occasional contributing editor Lyse Doucet. Apart from trying to understand her you will take part in stamping on Palestinian kids toys & blame Israel for it.

Good Luck!
Love it!
As good as Boycott Bingo on TMS.
Oh this is great SPAS…eek, not the acronym you`ll be wanting for any time soon eh?
And ta for the TMS/Boycott link too Soapy!
Comedy is the answer…like Marias wondrous “shrine pack” offers…THIS is what ultimately will bring down the BBC.
They can no longer do comedy-and this is what we`re doing.
Some Children Or People Expect….now THAT`S an acronym I can go by!
1. Can I suggest that you need a sight of Gardners wheelchair or such BEFORE we look at their cliches…not allowed to play until you`ve spotted it live!…separate card there!
Very good. I would also add ‘mental health problems’, ‘motive as yet unclear’, ‘British born’, ‘Local man’, ‘asian’ and ‘fleeing from poverty.’
Am working on it now.
Like Soapbox and the Boycott list-be worth doing a randomiser on it…perming say 16 from them all.
“Vulnerable” troubled” “passionate” “solidarity”” Bulingdon” “challenging” ” conversation” will also join my list.
Stage 1…got to SEE your ethnic lady reading sport…card of 16 archetypes to get onto the board.
E.g…Lachrymose Paddy( Feargal, Orla)…babbling colonial( Lyse)…and such like.
Stage 2…the issues-segmented grievances and “reaching for the stars””sometimes dreams can come true” bollonian
3. The adjectives used
4. The techniques-such as a BBC commissioned survey that gets reported like it`s news and not mere opinion.
So many ways to play this
I wonder about those BBC hacks who have no friends or families on Saturday evenings who have to read out Shillers lists of topics round the clock…so a bonus if you see Maxine in a decent frock on weekday evenings for example.
Double points for a woman in a hijab if she`s doing a pole dance…
My wife adds “Team GB”…and a “picture of a wind turbine as the camera pans out”….see, this is a game the whole FAMILY can play!
Ok. Personal matter. I have to confront you now , in the spirit of friendship and truth. Tell me that you have a team of scriptwriters. Please tell me that it is true ?
Most kind grant…just me and all the jumblies in my head…my wife says it was Edward Lear, but I remember it in a comic-which probably tells us the cultural gap that exists.
Just heard the BBC fuss about Aussie lads getting gyp when not behaving in detention centres or such.
Big march there -and lots of pansies fussing over the “bang on the ears” due these scamps weeping to Jon Donnison.
As for a somewhat bigger and more urgent march in Berlin to get Merkel to go over her handling of the migrants?…er, no Katy Adler to catch the passionate and committed views of THESE marchers.
No surprise-but typical BBC selections….
If TM our new PM is channelling MT, then I reckon chrisH is channelling Jack Kerouac with some Goons, ISIRTA and MontyP all grafted in.
Oh, that, and the ability to type faster than Spike Milligan could talk.
cH and Up2,
Stop it ! Are you trying to kill me ? I find your Leftie , ironic humour distasteful. Er… wait… wrong script.
Uh , innit. Um
cH , You have confessed to being married. I am a just guessing that your wife is a woman. If your wife is not , please do do not take offence . In any case give her my deepest sympathy
LOL ! cH is in the West Country . England . Not Calif . Anyway , that is his story.
Channelling from a distance, Grant, … good transmitter, transceiver … oh, good grief … transwhatever, it’s all the go these days.
My wife-yes, a woman , but it`s all so gender fluid these days that we`re beyond such labels.
Most kind as ever-she appreciates the sympathy and feels that it is indeed a crowded house with assorted comic nutters from previous eras…wasn`t expecting that, so maybe Up2snuff is only the latest of her therapists.Funnily enough I was enjoying Humphs Guide to Britain as I planned another holiday…brilliant stuff…
ISIRTA is still one of the very few reasons to bother with the BBC…Barry Cryer is the last of the line really isn`t he?
” Whom the Gods seek to destroy , they first make mad “.
I accept ” ISIRTA ” but never ” OMERTA ” !
Barry Cryer made me cry !
You missed out “making the perilous journey”.
Also “experts say”.
Brilliant. And right over BBC heads as they won’t have a clue what bingo, being a favoured pastime of the northern proletariat i.e. them what voted Brexit, is about.
Except, jtf, they (the BBC) play it on/with TMS don’t they? Is it something to do with the things Geoff Boycott has said over the years, or all the Commentators’ & Summarisers’ catch-phrases or something.
Shurely shome mistake?
Brexit appears only once.
(Is the web-site all over the place today? I clicked Reply on the BBC Bingo Card.)
Thanks everyone, I’m sure there are a lot more cards that could be made up, trouble is, who would actually want to win a prize? Frankie’s wanking chariot just made the card ahead of Evan Davis’ cock ring! (you’ll never see it but you know it’s there twitching when he gets a dishy male guest on)
Top of the news on Radio 4 at 17:00 is the announcement that the Muslim Council of Britain has elected its first British born Muslim as leader, and there’s a lengthy interview of fawning deference with him.
No criticisms are leveled only praise heaped upon him and his kind and the lies he spouts. There are huge controversies surrounding the MCB yet in their pro Islamic stance the BBC raises none of them. Not least the question as to why it took them so long to accept a British born leader in the first place !
This is just typical Islamophilia and wholly demonstrative of the BBC Massive left wing bias.
I do not mind the Left signing their own death warrants, in fact I welcome that. But who are they to sign my death warrant ?
How did HE(it will of course be a bloke) get the mandate then ?
Did the BBC tell us?
Or was it the usual pile of scrip pads from Tower Hamlets…if indeed anybody even ASKED.
No exit polls there eh Beeb?
Second Referendum maybe?…err…..
Indeed, the gushing reached a positively Papal / Royal Correspondent level. I note it is the MCB, not the MCGB. Could I report this on iStreetWatch as gratuitous post-Ref race-hatred, leaving out the ‘Great’ FFS?
The other day on TWATO the farce that is Hinckley Point nuclear power station was being discussed.
It sounded almost like Edward Stourton was getting concerned about the looming power shortage that we face if Hinckley doesn’t happen (or even if it does, according to some). I found this somewhat perplexing as the vast majority of those BBC listeners who still believe in its honesty and impartiality will have been labouring under the impression that all we need is more ‘renewables’ and all will be well – economic growth, ‘green’ jobs etc. etc. – as the BBC has allowed wind and solar to be promoted by its 28gate eco-socialist mates without the slightest hint of a challenge regarding their reliability (ref. ‘Questions Never Asked by the BBC’ under the ‘What happens when the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine’ section).
Anyways, Mr Ed then comes up with this gem (paraphrased) ‘Well coal isn’t the answer because due to an EU directive the UK has to reduce its coal-based energy’.
Now wouldn’t you think that one of the BBC’s most senior news anchors would be aware that Germany is building NEW coal-fired plants like they’re going ou of fashion, EU directive or no EU directive?
What’s that you say Sooty, ‘Of course he bleedin’ well knows – he’s crackin a deaf ‘un’? Dear, oh dear, oh dear Sooty – do you think we should tell the listeners? What’s that – you’d rather wave your magic wand and make the BBC disappear?
Ah, the Point of John Hinkley eh?
How come HE`S allowed out early…but Mark Chapman…who probably stopped Lennon from doing yet more “Beautiful Boy” stuff to be fair-isn`t being considered for parole.
Ronald Reagan-much nicer than any Lennon Bag like Yoko and her fellow avant-garde liberals eh?
Let him out!
OH-I digress-poor Ed is stuffed inst` he?
They hate nuclear power…but the Tories are caution/incomepent in rushing it it…so do you shaft the Tories for not doing something you don`t want anyway.
As Kermit and Robin said…”It`s not easy being Green”…The BBC and the Greens are in a tailspin as per.
Master tactics Theresa!
Pope shows he has a sense of humour.
Days after an asylum seeker culturally enriched a pregnant Polish mother of 2 (NOT A CRIME OF PASSION / DOMESTIC INCIDENT AS THE LYING MSM WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE, see http://gatesofvienna.net/
and just days after 2 Jihadis ritually slaughtered an elderly priest in France, the Pope
1. insists this is not a war of religion but about “a war of interests, for money, resources. I am not speaking of a war of religions. Religions don’t want war…”
2. asks Poland to open its doors to more asylum seekers.
Now, the Poles have been culturally enriched twice last century, first by the Nazis then the Soviet Communists, to the tune of millions of lives. They seem surprisingly cool about any more cultural enrichment after a quick look at Germany / France / Sweden / the World. They are expected to politely tell Papa Francesco to stuff his migrants up his Vatican a # # e. *
(*apse, what were you thinking?)
Down with Popery.
I don’t know, I quite like the smell of it.
Interesting you should put those two together.
Priests and Woody Allen. Hmm …. what else do they have in common?
Young Korean girls indeed. Allegedly.
Listened to “Sir” Vince Cable interviewed on Toady this morning by Humphreys about Hinckley Point.
Why? I mean seriously; who gives two f***s what he or Clegg or Farron or any of the other LibDum @rseholes have to say about anything ever again? Yet they continue to appear with an infuriating regularity on al beebus, as though they have some relevance to politics in the U.K. today rather than the busted flush they truly are.
Yep so nobody voted for you , nobody knows who you are – you married some Spanish bird and called both your kids Manuel. Why the fk are you on the tele and who cares what you think? Do one Clegg
Another excellent Jerusalem Centre/Dr. Harold Rhode You tube video
How the West can win..
As a truly biased BBC hater, this evening, as an alternative, I was tuned into LBC for a little light entertainment!!! FORKME… They’ve only gone and stuck a friggin’ Muslim presenter on in place of the Bev Turniphead Turner.
Is there no getting away from Islam in our green and crescent mooned land!
Enough already.
It’s only just started BMB, only just started.
Beeb completely ignore German demos against Merkel/ Open Door policy. A big news story in a big debate, one would have thought.
Beeboids are so stupid. They do nor realise that Merkel and the EU are teetering on the brink. In all aspects Beeboids are clinging to the wreckage. Merkel will not last another year
Saw it on RT, of all places .
Al Beeb adopt the ostrich position as per usual .
RT often more reliable than beeb, these days. Not out of love of truth or anything high minded like that, but when it suits their master Vlad’s agenda, namely to sow mayhem and discord and exacerbate division in the West, at every possible opportunity in every possible way. Sometimes, by accident, it’s even true. I’ll say goodbye now as I await polonium in my next cuppa.
Just watched a recorded show from BBC4 last night- the Bowie proms thingy. Two words: UTTER SHITE. a load of usual suspects from the BBC diversity toy-box destroying decent music before my bleeding ears. So right-on that the dull crooner reading (not singing) the lyrics to Ashe to Ashes replaced the word JAP with JAPANESE thus elongating the verse but shortening my viewing.
Wonder if one day they’ll do a Kanye West symphony?
Some ,
LOL ! They are Neros !
“We could be Neros!”
Guess that talent-free farce fields like Curly Cale and Nomark Almond might take that as their cue as they wave airily from the gallery…you know, like they`d ever achieved anything.
Team of crap Bands who were bobbins, but achieved muchly
1. Pet Shop Boys
3.Deacon Blue
4. Electric Light Orchestra
5. Anything with Bootsy Collins
6.James Brown( Living in America excepted)
7. Robert Cray
8. Al Jarreau
9.Tony Bennett
10. Tom Jones( Young New Mexican puppeteer`s OK)
11, Jools bloody Holland and anything he`s ever done
Sub. Coldplay.
Managers-Yoko Ono and Patti Smith…
Electric Light Orchestra, crap band? Such cloth-eared nincompoopery cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged. Away and syringe your ears and bow to the greatness of Jeff Lynne. ?
Had this shock-jock blowback from my long-suffering brother I must say!
Did like 10538 Overture I must say-and reckoned they`d be good for a while after that fine start.
Then someone played Jeff bloody Sgt Pepper…and, to my waxed-up ears…thought he just channeled that for years afterwards, on increasingly silly space ships…and coined it in with a daft perm and an electric violinist.
And-it was the age of punk-his concert was always on when I came in from the pub up in Granadaland, and seemed overblown and pretentious.
Can accept that heroes of mine like Bob, Mr Petty and Roy thought him bloody good…that he`s a thoroughly modest and nice bloke whenever I hear him interviewed…and he keeps the likes of Bev Bevan in country houses in Worcestershire etc.
And-he`ll be playing or staying somewhere nice whilst the wife moans at me for not buying milk earlier-so she`s reduced to Earl Grey teabags until tomorrow.
So Jeff won`t bother too much with my aimless controversies…feel this one deserves a split “For” and “Against” page in the Mail…and would expect a 52/48 vote in your favour…maybe more!
ELO taken off the pitch…as long as Jamiroquai or Earth Wind and Fire can be persuaded to replace them then?
That is much more acceptable.
Phew-would hate to lose a key member of the Coming Scots Guards!
Lived up north under James Whale(?) in Newcastle…and the pioneering James Stannage in Manchester…the latter was my first shock jock, the former seemed a Geordie homeopathic copy .
Sometimes a bit of aimless controversy does the job…a way of connecting to a deaf world.
Saw him twice recently on telly-Glastonbury and Radio 2-seemed a nice, modest guy-and have to say I knew most of the earworms…but after 10538 Overture, found his news songs good and honest…and he`s a good guitarist as well ( didn`t know he could play his solos).
And-as I say-Bob Dylan and Tom Petty wouldn`t have got him in to play with them, then record or work with them, unless he was very good.
Just a bit of a scamp sometimes Roland…but still wonder why he didn`t give Roy Wood a few more years…
This has been going on for some time – trying to find ways of shoehorning non classical music into the Proms to dilute the Dead White European Male image as much as they think they can get away with.
It’s nearly always a one way street and usually involves some cobbled together classical/rock fusion that doesn’t work. A few clichéd violin passages borrowed from “100 Greatest Classical Hits”, then the guitars and drum kit come in before the audience starts thinking of leaving.
Still reeling from the dire Liverpool Oratorio “by” Paul McCartney (not a Prom performance). A few classical sounding tunes and effects collected by McCartney like a magpie, but orchestrated by Carl Davis because McCartney wouldn’t have known where to begin.
Jon Lord’s Concerto for Group and Orchestra (1969) is a bit better than average but hardly anyone listens to that any more.
Oil and water most of the time, IMO. Stick to what you’re good at.
Really patronising isn`t it?
Unfair to blame George Martin for the cross-over mash ups, but I`ll bet it was The Moody Blues who started the rot.
That bloody poet on the drums….awful!
Yes, Bowie is and will always be a diverse and very talented songwriter(well, not so much now obviously!)…but to have a shower of lickspittles who looked like Christine Lagarde -and a load of fey hipsters with no talent-and certainly no pop pioneering sensibility like Bowie-was no tribute to this great bloke.
And how the hell does Marc Almond get a job in singing?..misses every note he thwacks with a borrowed banjo…f*** in useless.
Lancashire-so much to answer for….
Why not cut the crap ? Iggy Pop ” Passenger ” ? Hey ? cH ?
Live Manchester ! It is on Youtoube .
We nearly backed him in 1979, at Tony Wilsons place!
Passed the audition, but bottled it nearer the time-decided to support the Yachts instead…and then wimped on that one too!
Liked his spirited version of “Lust For Life” on Jools Holland lately…still head and shoulders above much of what`s going on today.
Couldn`t they have used HIM last night?
Did hear Pat Nevin on BH commend Neil Hannon for having a fair crack at Bowies “Station To Station”.
Got to say that I too was impressed that they`d attempt this song-one of the best songs I`ve ever heard.
So can I exempt this from the slew of twaddle that comprised much of the rest.
AND-that version of “Blackstar” was spirited too….
But did it need two hours or whatever…and all the puff pieces to promote it?
A bit like the Stranglers ‘Peaches’, “what a bummer” has become “what a summer” Pathetic really!
Apparently man-of-the-people and achingly right-on Bono was dining out with Elton (John dahling, who else?) on the terrace of La Petite Maison (caviar 450 Euros) in Nice at the time of the attack. Bono, scourge of the bourgeoisie, and other celebs were ‘rescued’ by armed counter-terrorism police. No doubt he was grateful for the intervention of those tools of capitalist oppression. Is it terribly cruel of one to wish the advocate of the poor and oppressed had been culturally enriched – just a scratch you understand – in order to help him empathise more closely with the masses?
ptg, your mention of Bono & Elton put me in mind of this superbly detailed take-down of, the absolutely nauseating, Saint Bob de Geldof.
Thanks Al.
I suspected all that about St Bob but the article gives chapter and verse. I’m reminded of the definition of international aid as poor people in rich countries giving to rich people in poor countries. One could call it ‘virtue signalling’ of the worst kind. One could call it stupidity. But it’s much worse than that. I call it evil.
Article: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2016/07/the-tarnished-halo-of-saint-bob-geldof/#more-38523
Al and Peter says it all really. Great article
I am afraid Bob has always represented the triumph of bellicose insincerety, shallow analysis and “sticking plaster politics” – Besides which I have always considered him a twat of the highest order.
(Arise Sir Bob for services to Twattery)
In todays MSM arseholes of his ilk will always trump those who espouse sober unsentimental examination of a problem.
Maybe if he had spent more time being a father rather than vanity projects and his “rocknroll” career he may not have lost his daughter.
If he was a bicycle we would have been a 1970s Raleigh Chopper – brash, unstable, loud, uncomfortable and useless either in a race or for cycling long distances. But everyone thought they were great until they fell off.
(Please dont think I retain any bitterness because my parents refused to get me one – the selfish gits!)
Bono and Elton may go down with each other very well, if you pardon the expression, but I doubt if ISIS would approve.
With the advent of BBCi requiring a TV licence just a month away I thought I’d take a wee look at the new regulations but I didn’t get very far. In fact I never even made it to the changes regarding catchup!
Here’s the link that I went to:
(don’t bother going to the .gov.uk TV-licence website as its not been updated since November 2014!)
I got stuck at the very first sentence:
“Any programme you watch or record as it’s being shown on (TV or live on an online TV service). ” – n.b. the text in brackets () is a hyperlink)
I have two main questions: What constitutes a ‘TV programme’ and what does ‘live’ mean?
Anyone here have any thoughts on these?
Note 1:
I have no idea what the legal definition of a TV programme is and how broad that definition may be. I thought I knew what a live service actually is but really I don’t know how M’Lud will construe that term.
I think it means any ‘televised’ output (webcam?) from anywhere on planet Earth which is ‘live’, irrespective of language, so the Geographical location is pretty unambiguous albeit highly hubristic!
Depending on the method of watching a ‘live’ broadcast the time period that constitutes ‘live’ can be up to 2 hours after broadcast or the start of a stream type service (You-tube etc issues?) which may be many hours long. It would be interesting to find out what the legal consequences of watching Martin Durkin’s ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ on say Netflix at the same time as it was ‘live’ broadcast by the BBC (huh!) or anywhere else in the world.
OK, Eastenders for example is clearly a TV programme but is a Webex or GotoAssist session (could they be construed as an online TV service? ) and given that a criminal conviction may hang on that distinction, I think that’s pretty darned important to know!
Note 2:
It’s a pity that there doesn’t seem any practical and legal way to use the Internet without a 100% guarantee that an accidental criminal act won’t result. It may well be that the government and BBC are about to announce an application that one can install on a wide range of devices that will be able to do this for us. But they may not.
It’s pretty easy to block links on a PC to the BBC – e.g. stick it in the Restricted Zone – to prevent inadvertent access but it’s impractical or impossible to block all the sites on the web that may access directly or indirectly Global ‘live TV’ output.
I could always get rid of my PC of course but as I make my living programming PCs then that is a non-starter. (Of course the pain of paying for a service that I both despise and never use would be partially reduced by writing it down as a legitimate business expense- aye, dream on)
Maybe I should change my user name to NO??????inMyHouse 🙂
I don’t begin to understand the ins and outs of it, but we must do all we can to stop subsidising that grotesque organisation. Please continue posting any info you uncover that provides loopholes. Good work.
Thanks for replying, PTG.
The primary reason I stopped watching TV some years ago was that I’d become addicted to it. I’d get in the house, switch the idiot-box on and it would stay on until bedtime. The only way to break this time-wasting habit, I decided, was complete ‘cold-Turkey’ and that’s what I had to do.
That method proved both remarkably easy and effective. Not having a licence was enough for me to make watching ‘live-TV’ a complete ‘no-no’ and as a result I began to read more, learn more and manage my time much better.
In time I became more aware of the political and selective nature of the BBC itself and that provided an additional reason to maintain my choice of non-involvement. Yes, I watched BBCi and appreciated the opportunity and would be quite happy to pay for a subscription service independent from the current setup but that option is not on offer now.
I had decided that it would be no great hardship to just stop watching BBCi on principle but, as my post above may suggest, I don’t believe that this will be enough to prevent me from having to buy a licence in future as the scene has been set by the authorities that simply having an internet connection may be sufficient grounds to establish that a TV licence is mandatory.
I may be over-reading the situation but when a criminal conviction can hang on the interpretation of terms and conditions that themselves are based on words that are loosely defined and may be legally ambiguous then it would be foolish of me not to cover my bases and give a political organisation masquerading as a public service the ransom-money it demands for its continued existence.
It’ll hurt like blazes but sometimes it’s better to pay the protection money than suffer the far worse consequences of not paying.
I think the BBC, with the governments blessing, have won this battle:-(
Hillary Worship ? On R4 The Clintons a 3 part drama series lionising (I expect) the rise of this famous political family. (Already available online first) and broadcast next Saturday
Yep, when they’ve just done :
– 3 part series The Corbyn Story : lionisining him. They come up with this Clinton special.
The BBC management argument is that across a year of programming there are biases in other directions so the IMPARTIALITY part of the charter is met.
– What will there be a 3 part series lionising Trump ?
– Did they have a 3 part series lionising Cameron or Farage ?
– Last week 2 play slots were allocated to 6 mini-plays by BLACK MALE writers about American police brutality. Do you think they will allocate slots to the non-black police officers side of the story ?
..No, no and no, cos they don’t give a stuff about the BBC Charter, yet the management expect to walk away with their inflated pensions, which are funded by cutting programme budgets. (£2bn pension black hole)
Didn’t they do a programme about jazz musician Miles Davis fairly recently?
I’d venture to speculate that they won’t have included this quote from him:
“If someone told me I had only one hour to live, I’d spend it choking a white man. I’d do it nice and slow.”
Of course it wouldn’t have been included: only Whites can be racist in the world al beebus exists in.
Miles Davis?
Trumpet playing ended with Kenny Ball…as all my jazz musos will confirm.
That useless Channel 4 jellbabbie won`t even remove her headscarf when she speaks of Nice.
THIS bloke shows us how it`s done…maybe , a few more Muslims will bale out of the plane whilst we`re willing to give a soft landing.
NOT one that Ed Stourtons Sunday Show tomorrow would ever talk of…not when he`ll be offering improved shaving lessons for Islams lovely boys.
Is Charles Moore the last Catholic in this country with both balls intact still?
Thanks Chris. That journo is brave, making himself a prime target for apostasy killing.
Quote from the article: “Muslims everywhere according to my sources are beginning to recognise that Islam cannot be both the religion of peace and an endless source of revolting acts of ritualised evil against the innocent. In protest, many feel the time for excuses is over, and that their very real longing for God can only be fulfilled elsewhere.”
“Muslims everywhere according to my sources are beginning to recognise that Islam cannot be both the religion of peace and an endless source of revolting acts of ritualised evil against the innocent. In protest, many feel the time for excuses is over, and that their very real longing for God can only be fulfilled elsewhere.”
So, “Muslims everywhere” recognising the inherent probs of their faith. Soon Al Beeb will be the only Defender Of The Faith. And Prince Charles, who seems a tad confused about which Faith he’s meant to be defending, bless.
Bendydick Cucumberpatch and Corbyn’s cult followers want more of these types in Europe…. I wonder how many they are accommodating at present?
Meanwhile in Spain about 50 Muslims are arrested for a variety of issues like financing ISIS and planning to kill Western holidaymakers in Spain. http://newobserveronline.com/spain-legal-immigrant-terror-arrests/
Wot, the BBC didn’t give you this news?
G – surprise surprise, no mention on Al Beeb.
Alex – Strangely no mention of this murder by 2 Syrian asylum seekers anywhere on beeb.
(Now imagine if 2 evil Whities had murdered a Black – front page news.)