“You can either wage Jihad by the tongue and by the mouth – that is ideological jihad – or by the hand and the sword. Those are the official categories of jihad.” BBC
Throughout the day the BBC has been referring to the Jihadist who murdered 84 men, women and children in Nice as an Islamic State ‘Soldier’. As Victoria Derbyshire told us that British soldiers in Afghanistan whose actions against the Taliban resulted in the accidental death of civilians were ‘murderers’ I suppose it is only fair that an ISIS murderer is defined as a brave and honourable ‘soldier’.

However the BBC, presumably after many complaints, is now referring to the Muslim terrorist as a ‘follower’ of the Islamic State….
So-called Islamic State claimed one of its followers carried out the attack.
Whether a ‘soldier’ or a ‘follower’ the BBC is sure he had mental health issues or that his radicalisation was the result of alienation, discrimination and disaffection and all that….odd that so many white, non-Muslim people, in exactly the same situation don’t go on a ‘crusade’…..just what is it that makes so many Muslims join the Islamic State? Who knows eh? Another BBC ‘mystery’.
Once again France must contemplate an attack on its people, but what was the motivation and why was it not stopped?
Immigration has a long history here, integration does not.
There are large populations from France’s former colonies, places like Tunisia.
Some feel their religious beliefs are trampled by a secularism that is fiercely guarded. Some see little hope in a nation which denies them a chance of success.
The forgotten suburbs that house large numbers of immigrants have erupted into protest and violence in previous years.
They are policed by tough units that fail to reflect the communities they control. It is an unhappy mix that can open the way for a minority to be radicalised and moved to violent action.
One moment these terrorists aren’t real Muslim, they are mentally unstable, they are criminals looking for adventure and excitement, they are drunkards, drug takers and ignorant of the beauty of Islam’s true teachings and most of all, they are a very small minority, the vast, vast majority of genuine Muslims don’t agree with their beliefs nor their actions.
Then conversely we are told they are all Muslims and they really want to be free to practise their religion but are prevented from doing so by a fascist secular state which tramples on their beliefs, that whole communities are disaffected not just a tiny minority and they are ready to join ISIS, that they are the victims of a France that ignores and hates them.
Some might think it a shame that the BBC, as always, peddles exactly the same message that the terrorist recruiters do…it’s not as if the BBC doesn’t know this is the recruiter’s message as they report it here….
Imene Ouissi, a 22-year-old student who volunteers for a women’s group in the town of Vallauris, west of Nice, noticed in 2012 that local youths were becoming fascinated by slick recruitment videos produced by Islamic State.
‘You will never succeed here’
At the same time, self-styled preachers emerged with a message targeted at disaffected Muslim youths. Playing on widespread feelings of resentment about poverty and discrimination, they told their audience that they would always be treated as foreigners in France.
In Vallauris, one charismatic figure pitched up in a high-rise housing estate in 2010. People came from all over the region to hear him preach every Friday, until, after three years, the authorities dismantled his makeshift mosque.
“What he said really shook me,” Imene Ouissi recalls. “I had gone there because everyone was talking about it. He spoke the language of the kids, so they identified with him. His message was: you must not stay in a land of villains, you will never succeed here. You must go to a Muslim country.”
The BBC even dismantle its own narative that the terrorist is a petty criminal and therefore not a proper Muslim…here they report crime is preached as a way of attacking the Infidel…much as white, non-Muslim girls in the UK were seen a ‘white trash’ that could be used and abused without Allah being angry, it’s not ‘immoral’ to abuse non-Muslims…..Yazidi girls as well of course….
Kamel, a youth worker in the Nice area, says one of the reasons for the recent success of the Salafist ideology that has inspired jihad, is that it provides a ready and easy way of justifying the actions of petty criminals.
“The kids are told that they are in a land of unbelievers, so when they steal and attack people it is justifiable; the petty criminal is turned into a holy warrior, and is promised status, sexual gratification and eternal life.”
The BBC’s narrative is extremely one-sided and narrow, deliberately so. They have chosen a particular line about discrimination and a religion ‘trampled’ upon by a brutal secular state because that suits their argument that Muslims, even the terrorists themselves, are always victims and cannot be blamed for their actions. Certainly many immigrants are poor, though so are many indigenous French, but is that a result of discrimination or just the usual factors that are the inevitable result of being immigrants as in the UK where Muslims from certain Muslim areas of the world are less successful due to their own habit of ghettoising themselves and refusing to learn the language and engage with the full society? Islam is of course completely incompatible with Western society but that isn’t the fault of the Western societies which is the line the BBC and the Jihadists promote. The BBC blames the West for not totally changing its own culture and values to suit the Muslims. Why should the West change its values to suit those whose values are completely at odds with the West’s? They choose to come here, they fit in. They choose not to.
What it reveals is the unacknowledged creation of a nation within a nation, with its own geography, its own values and its own very separate future….Britain is nurturing communities with a complete set of alternate values.
Some of my journalist friends imagine that, with time, the Muslims will grow out of it. They won’t….they really don’t want to adopt much of our decadent way of life.
Many of our elite political and media classes simply refuse to acknowledge the truth.
The BBC could acknowledge for a start that most Jihadists are in fact well educated and often come from good backgrounds and have jobs and are not discirminated against. The BBC could also acknowledge that they are ‘integrated’ to a large degree and that there are many, many successful Muslims in France. Why does the BBC not present that picture of France rather than the highly negative one that is the favoured one of the Islamists both violent and non-violent? Why does the BBC not acknowledge that many, if not most, ‘Jihadists’ come from well-to-do backgrounds, are educated and are ‘integrated’ to a large extent? Why does the BBC not acknowledge that the one defining characteristic of all Jihadis is that they are Muslim? That is the really significant factor in radicalisation.
They tell us that the Nice killer was ‘suddenly radicalised’ over a very short period. No, he wasn’t. He has been fed Muslim beliefs and teachings all his life, they are the background noise to his life, the ever-present guide, however subconscious and ethereal, that is with him all the time. They inform his thoughts and beliefs and values even if unconsciously. Islam primed him for radicalisation, he identitifies strongly with Islam even if he doesn’t practise it devoutly. On top of that is the narrative that the BBC and its ilk feeds him [see above], that he is a victim of discrimination, that Islam is under attack, that he should be able to practise his religion without restraint, that as a Muslim he will never be accepted as French [rather than the real narrative and reason for being ‘alienated’…. that many Muslims reject French beliefs and culture and so often isolate themselves] and that his only way out of his situation is to fight against the oppressor.
The Jihadi recruiters feed him exactly the same narrative and he either joins the group or his resentment festers and he becomes a malcontent back home who becomes ever more devout as a Muslim and adopts the dress and language of a ‘believer’ as a political act of defiance…as so many Muslims did on 9/11…as was Bin Laden’s aim, 9/11 being his call to arms for Muslims across the world to unite and fight wherever they lived. The newly devout believer becomes an activist and political actor using the media, the law and political pressure to spread the influence of Islam….the Jihad of the pen and word which is even more insidious and effective than the bomb…the two combined are devastating in their effectiveness in pressuring politicians scared of appearing ‘Islamophobic’ or racist into granting huge concessions to the Islamists….do you think Warsi would have become Chair of the Tory Party if she’d been a Sikh?
‘One lesson well understood in both Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany was that propaganda is most effective when it is backed by terror’
The Jihad of the tongue and mouth, the pen and the word, are in the end the most dangerous….you can see how the Muslim Brotherhood’s Tariq Ramadan has created a powerful and influential ‘moderate’ persona that he has invented to reassure the media and politicians that he is a genuine reformer of Islam and that Islam can indeed be reformed, that we can have a ‘European’ Islam that is compatible with secular, liberal, progressive Western states….and yet anyone who takes the trouble to really find out what he actually thinks and what Islam really means would know that that image of himself that he has created is a total fiction, a mask designed to win over those who have the power to promote Islam and to protect it, unwittingly, until it is powerful and strong enough to take over.
Let’s be clear…Islam cannot be ‘reformed’. There is only one ‘Islam’, one mosque, one faith, one God…hence the one finger that ISIS wags at us, hence the MCB insists that Ahmadis are not Muslim, hence Shias are not ‘Muslim’. So when the BBC, and Nicky Campbell, insists that Islam is a faith with many different versions that’s simply not true. Islam, the Koran, is unchangeable, one faith, one interpretation. Only Allah can alter a single word of the Koran. And importantly Muhammed was the Seal of the Prophets, the last prophet, there can be no more…hence there can be no more Korans, no more revelations, no changes, no reforms…unless Allah himself graces us with his presence here on earth and rewrites the Koran.
All that may seem a touch esoteric but it’s vital to understand what’s going on, what is really true and what is so much smoke and mirrors set up to deceive and fool us.
The motivations of the Muslim jihadists? It’s not hard really is it? A lifetime immersed in Islamic propaganda, a narrative about Islam under attack by the West, a narrative of Muslims discriminated against in the West and a narrative that the answer is more Islam, that the West must Islamise itself to make Muslims feel more at home and that Muslims must become more devout, more separate from their Western, immoral, neighbours.
In other words the terrorists get what they want either way….they force Islam upon the West by force of arms and conquest or, more likely, they force the West to adopt ever-more Islam friendly policies and cultures in order not to alienate their rapidly growing Muslim populations…so more Islam either way. You can hear commentators and polticians suggest this every day on the BBC……We must do more to accomodate Muslim beliefs or Muslims will get angry and become radicalised.
They could of course just stand up for their own values and culture and say if Muslims want to live in a Muslim country go and do that….there are many to choose from. Odd though how so many Muslims would be horrified to actually live in a Muslim country….that should tell those politicians and media collaborators all they need to know about Islam and its effect upon society, industry, science, the arts and free society.
Why bother reforming Islam? That’s theologically impossible and impossible from a practical point of view…just look at the IRA….it’s been ‘reformed’ many times…and yet the bombs still go off.
Muslims who genuinely want to ‘reform’ should just adopt Christianity and be done with it.
Islam is not compatible with the West and it’s about time the BBC stopped pretending it is and stopped pushing the idea that all the West has to do is accept that Islam is compatible with it and will not compromise the liberal, democratic society that values free speech, free thought and individual identity. That’s a complete fiction that will only result in mini but ever-growing ‘Pakistans’ within Western states and the inevitable trouble that then arises.
France’s security chief had issued a chilling warning just months before the Nice attack which killed at least 84 people, saying another terrorist incident could plunge France into a bloody civil war.
Patrick Calvar, the head of the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) – France’s equivalent of MI5 – said growing tensions between “the extreme right and the Muslim world” were close to breaking point, and that a confrontation between the two appeared inevitable.