A Muslim makes a speech at the Democrat convention attacking Trump and the BBC is all over it, indeed the story is headlining right now on its front page:
Mother hits back at Trump over speech
The mother of a dead US Muslim soldier has hit back at presidential hopeful Donald Trump for questioning her silence during a speech by her husband.
Ghazala Khan said Mr Trump was ignorant about Islam and that he didn’t know the meaning of the word sacrifice.
“When Donald Trump is talking about Islam, he is ignorant. If he studied the real Islam and Koran, all the ideas he gets from terrorists would change, because terrorism is a different religion.”
Well first off, the Islamic State is pretty much doing what Mohammed did when he blitzed the Middle East, including the torture, the beheadings, the sex slaves. They are doing it, and the terror attacks in Europe and elsewhere, to impose fundamentalist Islam, the real Islam, and there is only one Islam, upon the world. Read the Koran and you would be left in no doubt that this religion intends to conquer the world and is quite prepared to use violence to do so. Perhaps it is Mrs Khan who doesn’t understand Islam. The BBC of course doesn’t question her own knowledge or what the Koran actually says.
Second Trump looked at what the problem is, Muslims who want to attack America, and he decided the solution was to temporarily ban Muslims from travelling to the US until a policy and solution was worked out that ensured as many of the likely terrorists were filtered out as possible.
If the Khans are prepared to step into the political debate and attack Trump then they have to expect themselves to be challenged on what they say and not hide behind the emotive ‘our son died so don’t say anything about us’. Certainly their Muslim son died fighting for America but that is totally irrelevant to what Trump said…he doesn’t want to ban all Muslims just the ones who want to kill Americans. Fair enough many would say.
Look who else had sons who died and made speeches…at the Republican convention…parents whom the BBC ignores, parents who don’t make it to the headlining story on the BBC frontpage…one a father whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant, a mother whose son was killed at Benghazi….
> parents who don’t make it to the headlining story on the BBC frontpage
Well, they didn’t have a presidential candidate use a grieving mother’s silence as a means of allowing. His most bigoted adherents – including yourself – to make disparaging remarks.
But of course his, and your, behaviour is deemed acceptable because you don’t believe in holding yourself to any standards whatsoever. Far easier to be a judgemental hypocrite than to lead by example, eh.
When it comes to hypocrisy, you’d have to go a long way to beat the liberal lefts attitude towards Islam.
The whole Democrat campaign for crooked Hilary is based on the “unprecedented” wonderment of having a woman candidate…of smashing the so called “glass ceiling” of making women’s voices heard, of every little girl imagining the possibility that she too can aspire to being president of the USA.
And then they present a silent, Muslim woman, meekly standing by as her husband speaks.
Trumps flagging up the hypocrisy of this position is entirely valid.
A grieving mother who has spoken in interviews and written for newspapers. But who, in choosing not to speak at a lectern, has her motives questioned by people like you who are more concerned with telling yourself you’re always right than having compassion for a woman who lost her son in service.
I’d say you ought to feel ashamed, but that would imply a level of self-awareness that’d be out of place in Biased BBC land. Decency, honesty – they’re for other people. Only sociopaths and liars are welcome here – Alan and Vance need the company.
Ah, the old ‘shame on you’ attack.
When did Beeboids/Leftoids (virtually interchangeable) care overmuch about the death of a US/UK soldier previously?
And ‘honesty’! When did the Beeb which you defend so vigorously last care about honesty – its reporting certainly doesn’t.
When him and his ilk start getting chucked off rooftops,they’ll still be hastagging crap in support of the RoP
The lies, dishonesty and hypocrisy of the Left is breathtaking. I still want to know how much money that poor boy’s parents have made out of his death.
A grieving mother and father having their grief ruthlessly exploited so crooked Hilary and her gang can virtue signal.
As Hilary said, regarding another death in the service of the USA, “at this stage what does it really matter”.
oh dear Jerrod. shame on me indeed.
This is the phrase which should make it unthinkable that Clinton is ever President. have reservations about Trump but Clinton is a piece of work not often seen in our world.
From her and her husband’s greed, her corporate cronyism and her obvious loathing of American values there is nothing that she stands for that can be admired. Perhaps this is why the BBc elite is s transfixed by her.
Dave S,
Yes, she represents BBC values ! I know it is a cliche but the Democrats could put up a donkey and the BBC would support it. I too have my reservations about Trump but, so far as I am aware, he is not corrupt. Both Clintons are rotten to the core.
“Democrats could put up a donkey and the BBC would support it.”
Trouble is there will probably be a ‘donkey’ running for PM in 2020 !!
And what would happen to us if he were elected ?
Just to be fair and in the interests of full disclosure I have paraphrased Hilary above.
What she actually said was “What difference at this point does it make?”
Here`s the full exchange…worth a read to see the way that she contradicts herself, especially in the last comment.
Exactly. There are no depths to which the Left will not sink. They would promote the Devil if they thought he would vote for them . Vermin.
Police arrest 900 Syrians in England and Wales for crimes including rape and child abuse
SHOCKING police figures released for England and Wales have shown nearly 900 Syrians have been arrested in just one year.
Nothing on the BBC so far.
Don’t think they’ll be covering this one either…
‘Asylum seeker’ stabs Belgian priest who let him in to shower, but refused to give cash
Quote: Police and prosecutors refused to link the attack with Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS), Belgian media reported, adding that that the suspect is not a resident of the local refugee center.
Thats OK then.
In a World which accepts the media manipulation of a mother’s views (and indeed it strives to obtain that in preference to the father), it does seem rather odd and, ‘out of keeping’
Jerrod, you manage to bestow one of your favoured socially unacceptable labels onto the person who has a different outlook to yourself. Is it possible for you to engage in debate without besmirching?
A classic example of bigotry, a word he throws around with gay abandon but doesn’t actually understand.
“Gay abandon ” ?
Can’t imagine where that came from.
I blame auto-complete.
I shall have to take your word for it. This time !
His most bigoted adherents – including yourself – to make disparaging remarks.
In what way is Alan bigoted, Jerrod? Is his description of the first Jihad under Mohammed in any way inaccurate? If so, please do enlighten us (use the BBC official version if you wish and give us all a laugh).
But of course we all know by now that any of us who treat Islam in any way other than being completely beyond criticism, even having the temerity to question practices such as gender segregation, gender-based abortion, honour killings, wearing of the Burka etc. etc. etc. – all happening here in the UK – gets your full-on ‘WAYYYYYYCIST!’ treatment e.g:
…doesn’t matter that you’re a prejudiced little worm who can’t treat people with fairness and equality, because MUSLIMS….We all know from all your previous rantings that you’re an obsessed little bigot who is clearly so insecure about his own place in the world that he has to obsess about anyone and everyone who is different from you. Don’t go changing, johnnythefish……If you started behaving like an adult instead of a moron, the Biased BBC Club for Bigots in Self-Denial would have to rescind your membership cardRather a narcissistic, if not downright sociopathic, approach to life…We get that you hate Muslims. You whine on enough about that…..is it a mere byproduct of your narcissism complex and your inability to comprehend that not everybody is as in love with your delusions as you are..
Your usual stuff, in other words. Heavy on the insults, light on refuting the obvious BBC bias highlighted above by Alan and totally lacking in any acknowledgement – despite several requests for you to do so – that our concerns are shared by Trevor Philips, former chair of the Equalities Commission:
Muslims Are Creating ‘Nations Within Nations’ Says Former Head of U.K. Equalities Commission
Nonetheless, I’m sure the BBC still consider you one of their finest ambassadors.
Hey fister, got your instructions from the BBC this morning? One day they might give you a full time job.
You do realise thats gonna stick? 🙂
The trick is to use plenty of lubrication (allegedly).
“Grieving mother” ? Her son has been dead for twelve years, you ignoramus. Now, when the Democrats were desperate to show that muslims in America are loyal citizens, this was the best they could come up with. Why didn’t they just do a vox pop in Dearborn, Ann Arbor, or Minneapolis?
Would it be because the muslims there are all in too much of of a hurry to join the jihad, to have time to fill in the questionnaire?
Owen Morgan,
“’Grieving mother’? Her son has been dead for twelve years, you ignoramus.”
Do you make a habit of telling mothers of dead sons to “get over it”, because they’ve gone past the pre-determined and designated; “Grief Period”?
Sorry Owen, but your comment does you no favours. When you lose a son or daughter the grieving never stops. It’s something you drag around like a heavy weight for the rest of your life.
You appear to know absolutely nothing about such things.
Yet still you think you can call someone else an “ignoramus”?
Well, zero (aptly named), I can think of a few muslim US soldiers who have killed more US soldiers than they have ever attempted to save, but the DNC could find only one muslim hero, from twelve years back, who did the right thing. As I said (and you ignored), if American muslims are so loyal, why can’t they find a few more live ones?
Also, I distinguish between genuine grieving, which is a private thing, and shroud-waving, which is the sort of thing in which the DNC specialises and which was being demonstrated in this case. The BBC, too, relishes the notion that any mother with deceased offspring must be the fount of all knowledge.
In other words, I don’t value your opinion.
Owen – Zero is just doing what he does best which is generally adding very little of substance to the debate. He shows all of our typical BBC troll/lefty response indicators . They have a BBC default position which I assume they may well be contractually obliged to undertake. Probably from some sort of BBC directive.
1. Straight to emoting (because only the left have deep feelings)
2. Once declared how much more caring they are, they then move straight on to accusations.
They always do it, they cant help themselves. Jo Coxs death was a lovely example of this first the plaudits and emotional stuff then an almost seamless move into the accusations phase. “This has all been caused by right wing hate”!
Trouble is people are getting wise to it now.
I would be more prepared to listen to what these arseholes have to say if they did not show such a decided lack of curiosity over crimes such as Rotherham, Cologne, Sweden and Christian deaths at the hands of ISIS both in Europe and the East. The fact to they seek to diminish/lie/cover these crimes up at every opportunity means that you will never be able to have any sort of proper debate with them.
I was told this by other posters on this site and it is quite true. These dickheads are best ignored unless you want a little fun.
BBC as ever just dont get it.
Whlst I have severe reservations regarding Trump. To me he comes across as brash and somewhat pigheaded. He does at least represent an independance of thought. Particularly with regard to open borders and migration
This is in contrast to the cosy liberal/big corporation love in represented by Clinton and Obama. Where all migrants are lovely and have nothing but altruistic intentions to their new hosts .
People dont like being taken for fools especially when decisions can directly affect the quality of life of their children. Whilst I am sure the black Islamic US soldier who died was above reproach and generally a good guy (as was JO Cox) It is totally disingenuous to put him forward as a representative of all the Islamic population as a whole. People are not stupid they just need to look over to France to see the effects of unbridled Islam,.
People can see for themselves that it is easy to open the door to strangers but not so difficult to shut it once you have decided that your guests are not as well intensioned as you have been told
If I was Trump I would encourage the BBC to broadcast over there. It could be the biggest gift for his political career that he could ever wish for.
The death of Khan could well be the Jo Smith of Trumps campaign . As previous posters have said the left always overplay their hand and will do so on this.
The Left, including the BBC (through it’s proxy mouthpieces), Clinton and the Remainers accuse Trump and Brexiteers of ‘building walls!’
So you’d logically conclude their solution is therefore…..no walls at all?
Discuss, BBC (or not, as you’d prefer according to your agenda).
The Pope died as the Catholic leader in my mind when he got into a spat with Donald Trump, using the liberal media to do his work for him.
The Pope was in America or such when he was asked about Trump and his “wall to keep the Mexicans out”idea.
Idiotic and wrong I grant you…impossible probably and plain stupid…and any religious spokesman could trash it and ensure that Trump thought before he spoke nest time.
But that`s not reckoning on Pope Francis-Guardian Social Gospel Galtieri Goon #!
For Jorge uses the plane karaoke mic to tell the press oafs that ” Christ was about building bridges, not walls”
Utter shite…from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22….only one of these is ever mentioned…give you a clue…”the ____ of Jericho”.
And look where you like…there is not ONE mention in the Bible about “bridges”…Pons or whatever you like..Latin, Greek, Hebrew or even Aramaic.
So Trump is actually far more theologically sound and correct as is Francis, if you care about “Biblical Truths”-the Catholics seem not to do so, now Jorge Boy is in charge of the Red Slippers.
Funny that-you`d think that the Israelis would have learned from the Marxists and liberals and their recent tales of putting Checkpoint Charlie as its entry to the Berlin Bridge…which floated off on a pontoon float as we all recall in 1989, after Barclay James Harvest sang “Imagine”by a shrine to Petra Kelly and Ulkira Meinhof…
So stuff the Pope-Trump might as well become the next Pope if he fails to become Prez.
BBC Breakfast dutifully parrot the BBC line on their story this Monday morning. However, the back-to-front nature of the BBC headline “Muslim mother hits back at Donald Trump… dah dee dah…” conveys little of the sense of the fuss the BBC wants to make over Trumps remarks.
No doubt more water off the Donald’s back. Look BBC, we know you support whoever the Democrat happens to be and you always claim the Republican is the devil incarnate – you’ve long ago lost any neutral credibility you may have once held.
You’re simply preaching to the converted now. And if there were genuine concerns to be voiced about Trump you’ve long ago discredited you’re analysis.
AslSeelt, I guess the BBC will pin the ‘Mr Khan and one other’ post-it note to the Editorial Notice Board for future reference. It’s no doubt given them an idea for putting devotees of their favourite religion on a pedestal. Fraid’ good Islamic news is a bit thin on the ground otherwise what with all the murder and mayhem their fellow Muslims are creating in Europe. Right now, the BBC are probably scouring the few Muslims currently in the UK armed forces to do just that for future reference.
A quick thought, surely when the Muslim serviceman (no females?) is attested and within that a declaration to support ‘Queen and Country’ he had to apply ‘Taqiyya’? BBC, lets have a documentary on this principled conflict and how the Muslim servicemen overcame the ‘attestation’ problem (‘taqiyya’ can be the only answer, cant it?). Tag on the Muslim approach to women serving in the armed forces and, Hey Presto! you have the makings of a very interesting documentary.
Just another carefully crafted bit of playing on the emotions of the gullible , straight from the leftist ‘How to Spin’ playbook. Find someone who you can present as a victim to illustrate whatever point you are trying to make. In this case I bet it took a while to find a suitable Muslim candidate who could be used to demonstrate that Muslims in the USA are good people with true American values , even if they are a little prone to work place violence. I’m afraid that we have all been manipulated and lied to by the liberal left for so long, in so many ways, on both sides of the Atlantic, that this stuff doesn’t cut through any longer. In the UK the spinning of Jo Cox’s murder was a particularly disgusting example.
> Find someone who you can present as a victim to illustrate whatever point you are trying to make.
As opposed to making assumptions about two parents of a soldier just so you, Alan, Trump and any other delusional halfwits can make your own point.
how horrible it must be to be so knotted up with self hatred inside that you have to denigrate the families of servicemen just to feel that little bit more superior.
Trumps pointing out the utter hypocrisy of that display has just passed you by hasn`t it Jerrod ?
I doubt it will have passed the US electorate by.
Just to be clear…the hypocrisy refers to the Democrat party…..we are feminists, look at at Hilary….the no penis candidate….but Muslim women kept silent…..hey we`re just soooo cool with that….cos, well muslims are just so diverse and all.
And wooh!!!!!…… we love our armed forces and diplomats and if a few get killed by Libyans well…. “at this stage what does it really matter?” just so long as no Hilarys or muslims are harmed cos if they are well that`s against women and minorities isn`t it?
Talking of hypocrisy, the BBC squark is accusing people here of ‘denigrating the families of sericement’. Ha ha. He and his komrads are out there supporting the jihadists who attack and kill servicemen and the racists who kill cops. The piece of slime has a fixation with attributing misplaced feelings of superiority to people here. Hey Jerrod, fist off with your komrads. Argument is lost on you
> Trumps pointing out the utter hypocrisy of that display has just passed you by hasn`t it Jerrod ?
Well, Trump also said that Khan “has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution”, when the First Amendment quite clearly gives him that right.
I realise that you don’t like seeing any confirmation that your assumption that all Muslims are the same is as stupid as the Donald’s hairstyle. You really should learn to open your eyes a little bit more than he does. After all, nobody assumes all white men are morbidly obese stay-at-home geriatrics with the intellect of sniggering schoolboys just because Biased BBC commenters exist in the world, so why assume that billions of Muslims are all exactly alike?
If you want a stupid, stupid man to look up to because he’s as much of a lying, duplicitous demagogue as you want to be, you could do far better than Cinnamon Hitler over there.
Six and a half years residence in the Middle East flavours my comments on matters Islamic with experience, I had my eyes opened by it.
Does the first amendment actually confer the right to knowingly lie on anyone? I think you`ll find it doesn`t. Freedom of speech doesn`t confer the right to knowingly lie.
Neither does it confer the right of subversion of the rule of law to hide behind religion.
This is an issue the US is going to have to grapple with regarding Islam for at least the next half century. Say what you like about the Donald, but he and those who will vote for him, have recognised this, others have yet to.
See Rebel’s link below. Where were you in the Middle East ? I was in Turkey for 3 years. You are right that most of the Lefties who worship Islam have never lived in a muslim country, never read the Koran and know sweet FA about Islam. They only support Islam because it threatens Western values. They are pathetic creatures .
Israel one and a half years (yes Israel…I like to see both sides of a debate!) Saudi 5 yrs…short visits to Jordan, Syria, UAE and Morocco. A while ago now. Once experienced never forgot!
Read the Koran, tried the hadiths but found them unreadable and inferior to my own (western) cultural inheritance.
I spoke extensively with muslims,… and continue to do so. Individually I like many of them but the Islamic fundamentalist worldview……can only be opposed by any thinking person of left, right or centre who values liberty and pluralism and western culture.
poor old Jerrod and his(?) ilk…..eveything is clear in a black and white world.
I didn’t travel as much as that but know exactly what you mean. And about individual muslims. I live in Gambia, as I never cease mentioning, which is probably the most tolerant, laid back muslim country in the world. But who knows about the future .
Yes , the Trolls here and Lefties generally have a very black and white view of the world and are programmed by their perverted ideology which bears no relation to reality as I see it. Sophisticated or subtle thinking is completely beyond them . Many of them also tend to have very little “real life” experience on which to base their opinions. Pathetic but dangerous.
I forgot Egypt!
I was there just after the shooting by the MB of President Sadat, after his peace agreement with Israel.
The problem for us all is that Islam is currently undergoing a resurgence of fundamentalism (these have come along every few hundred years somewhere in the world since the earliest years of Islam)….
The current wave is partly to do with a population explosion in the Arab middle east and unemployment of young men in the Arab middle east, partly to do with the expansionism inherent in Islam, but mainly to do with the fact that since the Iranian revolution in 1979, Sunni Wahabbism has been competing with Shi`a fundamentalism for ascendency within the Islamic world. Since globalisation and mass migration these problems are projected across the world now rather than being contained in the region.
And it`s all descended into takfirism…muslims denouncing each other as not muslim enough then trying to kill each other (and anyone in the way) Thats quite apart from standard issue conflict between Dar ul Harb and Dar u salaam.
Keep a close eye on the percentage of women covering up in Gambia…..as that number increases so the fundi count increases….you might have noticed that process in Turkey!
Look you care and all your elitest friends care but get real. Trump is standing for the POTUS. Outside the coastal forever whining elites of the US nobody cares about what we think and certainly nobody in those awful flyover states cares what the BBc has to say . That is if they have even heard of the BBC.
So all our words are just pissing in the wind.
Trump is only interested in votes. That our liberal elites loathe him is one big plus factor for him and so please keep on . You just do not matter to him at all and to keep you happy neither do we on this blog.
Muslim soldier…..fort hood…….no?
Dimmotwats forgotten already?
Probably didnt hear it in the first place with all the fingers in the ears and going ‘lalalalala’
NTDWI obviously
Islam and Hip Hop on the rates – and the BBC love it
Asad Ahmad news anchor for BBC London brings us a short approving report today on that beacon of local government propriety Tower Hamlets ‘sponsorship’ of a youth theatre group at the upcoming Edinburgh Festival
We soon know we are in ethnic agit prop territory when the author of the piece the kids are to perform declares her play is about their “day to day lives… religion… Islam… or Hip Hop”
Gosh, we were beginning to have doubts about Islam being an actual spiritual morally based “religion” but we’re pretty sure Hip Hop isn’t a faith.
She goes on “Isolated incidents in the media…” [presumably that excludes the BBC] “…don’t represent them” [ie the kids]
What can she mean by ‘isolated incidents’ ?
Whatever, the BBC is not about to question either the message or the expense to rate payers.
A response from black American Senator Allen West (Republican)
The Highland Rebel,
Thank you for posting this piece by Allen West, who will never be cited by the BBC. I have supported West for many years, and my main criticism of Trump (yes fisty Jerrod, I do criticise Trump) is that he never chose West as his running mate. West has military experience, comes from a long line of hardworking constitutional Republicans, a loyal patriot – and for our resident racist ‘bigot growler’ who focuses only on skin- he happens to be black.
Thank you for that link. What a wonderful statement. The vermin at the BBC would never broadcast anything like that and no doubt would write off Allen West as an Uncle Tom. I wonder if any of the pathetic trolls here would care to comment.
It wouldn’t surprise me that more American soldiers have been killed by Muslim American soldiers then Muslim American soldiers who died while serving in the army. On a cost benefit analysis, having Muslim soldiers in an Infidel army is far worse then useless. There are also quite a few Muslim American soldiers, who have gone over to the enemy.
That is why the IDF does not have Muslim Arab soldiers. It does does have Christian Arabs.
Of this I’m certain – more Americans have been killed by American Muslims then the reverse. Why would the Democrats want more Muslims in America? Do they wish to have more Christian Americans mass murdered.
The IDF does have some muslim Arab soldiers. They belong to a “tracker” unit and are mainly Bedouin.
All the above plus the same BBC that has spent years tut-tutting about the influence of religion in US life is shocked – shocked – that anyone could be surprised that the Democrat Convention gives a woman in Islamist regalia pride of place on stage. Don’t expect any articles about Muslims ‘clinging’ to their Korans, or for anyone to ask a Demoncrat how they can claim that prayer in school is a threat to the First Amendment but this isn’t.
Good point DJ imagine anyone saying “clinging to their Korans and guns”…..you just cant see anyone in US politics daring to say that…except Trump.
The liberals started the US “culture wars”…. they are utter fools for having done so.
Looked at the BBC Red Button this morning, where the “Muslim Serviceman parents trash Trump” meme was top of the shop…”#1 story on the Red Button at 6am pop pickers”.
Looked again at 11…and it`s gone….like a snowflake( but what else).
Which tells you the BBC Payola/with a bullet/hit and run/smash and screengrab/screenbite approach to this whole confection of a story.
No-one disputes the Khan familys grief and anger…but like 9/11 widows…you play with fire if you let your tragedy be used by the Left.
As we`ve seen with poor Millie Dowler here in the UK .
Safe to say that no white policeman who died by the guns of BLM, nor any soldier who was NOT a Muslim would have got such a liberal platform as did the Khans.
And-if they`re so fussed over the Muslim who dies for the US…any balance to be had in equally mentioning the case of Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood,Texas in 2009 as he killed over a dozen of his soldier colleagues for Islam?
I mean-what % of soldiers in the US are Muslim-seen action in Muslim countries-and died in one on the American side?
I`d imagine a far higher % of Muslims would think Hasan the “better Muslim” than Sgt Khan…are the BBC or Hilliarys team asking?
Course not…The Clintons care only about minority casualties because their whole campaign divides and disparages the majority culture in the USA…so white lives can`t and won`t matter as black, hispanic and Muslim ones do.
Ta for putting up Patricia Smiths moving speech at the top-funny how the BBC never said a word about this, nor ever will show such powerful testimony…and thanks to Mr Highland Rebel for the link up top-a must read!
If we see the BBC stories as splatter platters getting spun by Saviles Fellow Travellers, with a string vest to catch the money and first class passes to Washington or Little Rock-then that is also how the BBC sees its news.
Ask them if they remember who Khan is next week…let alone a Henning or a Berg?
S`all to trash Trump…and the US “little people” will do a Big Brexit on them all in November I`m certain….
A truly heart-warming story on beeb online: “German youths teach language to Syrians in their spare time.”
Here are some everyday phrases they might find useful:
– where are the easy women we’ve heard about?
– can you tell me the way to Cologne Station please, I’m feeling horny?
– where is the nearest swimming pool, please?
– what is the minimum legal age for rape?
– how much is that machete, Xtra Large please?
– where can i buy some assorted hardware items like screws, nails and other sharp metallic objects?
– do you stock that rucksack in green?
– woman, cover your face or else.
– i’d like to hire a truck for a day.
– any elderly priests around here?
– pregnant Polish women?
– Allah is great.
Auf Wiedersehen folks.
I’ve been sent an e-mail about the US election that covers a point I’ve not seen raised anywhere else – the composition of the Supreme Court. I haven’t yet checked if the quote at the end is accurate.
“Crucial – Supreme Court
Before You Say You Won’t Vote For Whomever Is Nominated Consider This, something to think about, the Supreme Court Of The United States
Some people have brought up the fact that they won’t vote for the Republican nominee if the eventual
nominee is not the man they wanted. I just want to put something in perspective.
Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant, and Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77, Thomas is 67.
Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court retirement or death occurs soon after 75.
These are 5 vacancies that will likely come up over the next 4-8 years.
The next President will have the power to potentially create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology.
Think about that… 7-2.
If the next President appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation.
And 7-2 decisions will hold up much more over time than 5-4 decisions which are viewed as lacking in mandate.
Anyone and Everyone who is saying that they won’t vote for one candidate or the other if they are the GOP nominee, please realize this. If Hillary Clinton wins and gets to make these appointments, you likely will never see another conservative victory at the Supreme Court level for the rest of your life. Ever.
Whoever is the GOP nominee … GO VOTE for the GOP Nominee!
Remember Romney? Three million conservatives who had voted for McCain did not cast a vote for Romney (for whatever reason) and, the result was four additional years of B.H.O.
If you are not convinced yet, I’ll leave with one final thought:
Hillary is already on the record as saying that her buddy, B.H.O. (Yep, that’s Barack) “would make a great Supreme Court Justice.””
I don’t expect to hear any of this on the BBC.
Speaking what the BBC only does, or at least is allowed to…
If not racist, I wonder what others would call it?
This is where this discriminatory nonsense comes from:
Note, it is really all to do with training rather that obtaining a job. Nevertheless, I cannot agree to the principle.
I really feel that the worm has turned to such an extent that every attack on Trump is seen, by an increasing proportion of voters, as just more machine politics seeking to crush an outsider.
The more they attack him, the more he gains.
Same happened with Brexit — the louder Project Fear wailed, the less people listened.
The sad fact is that non-violent Muslims don’t understand their own religion, it’s origins and it’s handbook, the Koran . Just because lots of ‘nice ‘ people follow a religion fairly superficially and don’t understand much about it does not make that religion acceptable .
Islam has no compatibility with Greco-Roman, Judeo- Christian civilisation as prevails currently in Europe. I say currently because if Islam is not eradicated from Europe, our civilisation will be wiped out , just as it was around the Eastern and Southern Mediterranean when the early muslims erupted out of the Arabian peninsula in tbe 630’s AD. No amount of nice Muslim Pakistani heritage mothers in the USA will alter that fact.
Meanwhile Jerrods vitriolic ramblings are best ignored! He’s just a BBC stooge .
It has not yet got through to our liberal media and our useless governing class exactly what the murder of the French priest really means.
Think of it. A Catholic priest celebrating mass in a church in one of the keystone countries of Western civilisation is beheaded and defiled in his church.
This is not just unprecedented but is a direct assault on our civilisation .
Imagine if the reverse had occurred and an Muslim Iman had been defiled in a mosque? The world would be in uproar and I mean uproar. The liberal media would go insane. The entire world would explode in anti Christian rage.
This murder of the priest is one of those key moments that take time to have an effect upon us. That it will do so I have no doubt and life is not going to be easy or comfortable from now on.
That moment of making a choice draws nearer and that will be one which each of us will have to make.
Moral equivallence, political correctness, fantasy politics and all the detritus that liberalism has dumped on us met it’s end in that church.
Those now in power and in control of our lives and thoughts are finished. It is just a matter of time.
Nil desperandum Dave.
This story will run and run, no matter how the liberal media try to excise it.
It was a new low-and showed the wests churches for the spineless gum shields for Islam that they are nowadays.
As Christians _Cof E , evangelical and Catholic suffered similar or related fates in Iraq and Pakistan, Indonesia and Nigeria…hardly a peep from Welby, Nicholls, Murphy O Connor or ANY of them….even prince Charles said more about the removal of Christianity from its source lands than nearly all the so called “Leaders of the worldwide churches”…yes, I know Welby said a few bits, as did Charles-but both were happy with the trickles as long as same sex wind turbines got the REAL headlines from Lambeth or Vatican Central.
I exempt Carey,Nazir Ali and Sookhdeo from all this-but all are either broken or retired and ostracised.
But I`m a Christian Dave-a very serious one, and the Muslims know it.
I`ve read the end of The Book-I know who wins, and even have a role to play in it as long as He gives me strength so to do…and these signs of the Times are as planes or trains that you spot and log as they happen.
It`s all OK…faith guarantees it…and the BBC aren`t bothering their arses with any of it, so we`ve got the fields to ourselves…Fr Jacques died so that others need not…his 85 years square him with The House and he died a martyrs death, long after he might have done.
I even know what his last bible readings were likely to have been…and that`s most reassuring to have those words on your tongue, in your mind as you bleed to death, seemingly to no purpose.
Islam has revealed a red right hand….mais le frappe, c`est certain tout suite….
Add to the five P s of collaboration (Police, Press, Politicians, Professors and Prosecutors) the Priests.
cH ,
Excellent ! Agree with you totally. It would be interesting to see if any of the pathetic Trolls have anything to say. ” Same sex wind turbines ” is a perfect description of them .
Well said Dave S. had there been an Imam murdered in France there would have been days of rioting throughout the world, vengeful killings of Christians and hand wringing from the liberals “trying to understand and reach out to those who had been offended” whilst hurling charges of “far right backlash” far and wide.
As it is, French secularism has been dealt a death blow. The State has failed to protect its own cultural antecedent and inheritance. It has failed to protect the rights of its citizens to religious freedom.
If the State can`t or won`t protect its citizens, others will have to.
The most concerning part for me about Fr Hamels murder is that many in the Church seem unable to comprehend what happened. The Pope described “absurd violence”, others have sought to deny its religious significance.
In the Catholic Church the mass has a metaphysical meaning in which the host becomes the real prescence of Jesus and receiving the host from the hands of the Priest is to receive from the hands of Christ….thus, Fr Hamels death can be seen as a re-killing of Christ Himself. It was a grotesque desecration of a Christian place of worship, but vengeance for it belongs to God alone.
The Mosque next door was, I understand built on land sold for next to nothing by the Church in a sign of misplaced kindness and Charity towards muslims living locally. Pure tragedy.
Fr Jacques Hamel RIP
Spot on. May I just say that your post and those by Dave S and chrisH above, are some of the best I have ever seen on this site. Well done chaps . I salute you.
Dave S,
Although I am an atheist, I support what you have written 100 % . If I were to follow any religion , it would be Christianity. I really hope that your last sentence becomes true. I do not understand why Leftie, Liberals, including the BBC are trashing Christianity and Western civilised values and supporting the evil of Islam and barbaric terrorism.
They are breath-takingly stupid, because if the barbarians win, these same Lefties will suffer just as much as the rest of us.
As I write this I’m listening to some motets by Monteverdi, the renaissance musician and priest. To me that music is one of the high points of western Christian civilization; the antithesis of everything ISIS and their like stand for. I do believe that while such things still exist in the world there is hope.
I do believe that one day all the ghouls of radical Islam will, as Churchill said of Japan, ‘be ground into the dust’. It may take a long time and many of us will have to suffer, but eventually the ‘terrible day of judgement’ that the prayer book speaks of will be visited on them, not in a supernatural way but in their utter temporal destruction, just as the militarists of Japan were utterly destroyed. I don’t know how or when it will happen but I have a profound sense of reassurance that it WILL happen.
As Longfellow put it, ‘Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.’
You have added to the excellent posts by Dave S, chrisH, and embolden. There is no room for. The Trolls in this discussion. They do not understand what you are all talking about.
To me, the callous and evil murder of the priest in France could-if we chose to be mocking-be literally seen as the ultimate in “workplace violence”.
The “duty of care” that is so insisted upon by the effete whining agitprop warriors ,has not been carried out by the Catholic hierarchy from Pope Francis down to the Archbishop of Normandie, Bishop of Rouen.
The chain of command, the line management from the Vatican down to St Etienne du Rouvngy has not been any kind of protection for an 85 year old supply priest, doing holiday relief for the regular bloke.
Workplace violations, breaches of basic rules in how to look after a bloke doing his job at work…maybe the State now can squash the Catholic Church for its incompetence, until we create a new more muscular catholic church.
I`ll not bother with Father Ted again-it`s one thing to be funny, but I don`t find this funny anymore to be frank.
I only think the equivalent would be as if David Attenbrough or Bobby Charlton had been beheaded on the BBC as they did a charity match or a live OB at Bristol Zoo or such.
It`s that bad-yes, we know the BBC and the liberal left don`t think that-another OAP paedo gone, in their sick eyes-but this one is NOT going to go away…St Etienne one month, St Neots the next.
Very sound post. Compare the liberal media’s attacks on Trump’s words with it’s attitude to the horror in that church. it is not just bizarre but actually beyond comprehension.
In Poland I have no doubt the killing of the priest is seen as the ultimate crime on a civilisation. What now happens there will be instructive. In other lands a well.
This will never appear on the BBC .
The men of Sweden and Germany have self destructed.
Note to the Appeaser – while you are parading yourself as a champion of women, a female PM, and declaring war on slavery, stop the destruction of our country. The rapes of Sweden and Germany are going on in our cities.
I admire this woman. She is reading her carefully prepared notes, standing up in the street, developing an argument, using reason and evidence, not yelling about bigots and racists.
Brilliant GWF – and a warning for us all!
I do hope Sweden manages to sort itself out but I fear it may well be too late! The insidious poison of a warped media and weak cowardly politicians seems to have reached every edifice of a once great society.
Meanwhile in good old blighty this morning while people are being raped, and killed by some of the followers of the prophet. Aunty on Radio 4 was fussing again about female executive pay. Glad to know our world class broadcaster covers the really important stuff.
GWF – WOW! She’s got balls! Can’t see any of our Anglo-Saxon feminists doing that!
In 16 mins she covers more topics more truthfully than the beeb will in 16 centuries. Amazing balls.
Vote HER for President!
(Sorry was that a bit shouty with all the caps? I got a bit carried away)
I do not recommend Walid Shoeblat as a reliable source, but if less than half of what he says is true it paints a very different picture than the MSM’s account of Mr Khan at the Democrat Convention.
Its no surprise the BBC just adore Obama – Obama is also a Muslim. In the following video, get a load of Obama bowing down to (below the knees) the king of Saudi Arabia, while kissing him, yet Obama still refuses to bow to the queen of England:
Obama admits he is a muslim, but he never refers to his white mother’s christian background. Obama :-
1. Half white, half black
2. Race hustler and racist.
3 , Sexist.
4. Liar.
5. Hypocrite.
Please feel free to add anything !
I see the BBC have an ‘exclusive’ interview with the parents of the killed Muslim soldier, you know, those parents we are seeing and hearing about 24/7 on the BBC. Why do the BBC deem it so important to mention Muslim? Also in other news the BBC now have a new phrase to use instead of Muslim or Islamic terrorist: ‘mentally ill person who has paranoia due to persecution of Muslims worldwide. ‘ Also, the BBC’s beloved ‘You ain’t no Muslim bruv ‘ footage is given prominence on BBC Propaganda at Six.
Do the BBC say how much of our money they are paying them for the interview ?
They’ll be keeping that very quiet I’m sure.
You bet !
Alex – I also had to suffer our suppurating broadcaster repeating these words on the 4pm news as if it is one of the most important bits of Churchillian oration this century. I actually squirmed in embarrassment for the newsreader as he repeated this shit. The glee that the BBC demonstrates when reminding us about this, reminds me of a wino who has just found a 2 pound coin in a bag of dogshit and is straight off to the offy!
I am not even sure that this bloke man who said this was actually doing the fighting, details still appear very sketchy and opaque on this. If he was then respect to you fellah but if not dont you think the bloke who was actually throwing punches at this evil arsehole deserves a bit more respect than he is getting?
Maybe thats the answer to all of this Islamic savagery. We know have a domesday weapon against murderers.
YOU AINT NO MUSLIM BRUV! Listen all you “militants” and quake , we now how to stop YOU!
If a woman is about to be raped she just says “You aint no muslim bruv that will teach him!
If only the girls in the Rotherham and Cologne rapes had known this it would have saved them a lot of pain. And we now know the attackers were not muslims they were “asian” There must be a difference.
If only the Friar at Rouen had known this phrase then I am sure he would still be with us.
It still amazes me how our pathetic state broadcaster still focuses on pointless statements like this trying to give it some sort of totemistic importance rather than the evil acts themselves and how we should stop it. I suppose if they dont critiscise Islam too much they probably hope they will be the last to get the knife. Maybe the BBC should start a new hashtag Je suis dhimmi – mercy!
the BBC now have a new phrase to use instead of Muslim or Islamic terrorist: ‘mentally ill person who has paranoia due to persecution of Muslims worldwide’.
Seriously?!? I mean… yesterday, it was nothing to do with Islam, but today it’s everything to do with Islamophobia??? GMAFB!!!
News ? No, it was a dirty PR job in operation #monsterTrump. spread across all MSM not just BBC,
Listening to news doesn’t educate you, rather it spins your mind.
Trump makes a 10s mild comment and it gets spun into a 5 minute news item ..come on
There is a real world, but the people who do that dirty PR want you to believe a fantasy world instead.
…It’ll backfire when people spot their game.