I wonder why the BBC thinks it can influence the outcome of the US Presidential race? It wasn’t able to influence the outcome of the Brexit debate, despite best efforts. It’s currently doing a CNN style assault on Donald Trump. This may delight those in the upper echelons of the BBC but I doubt it will change the minds of any floating US voters. Whilst the BBC has discarded any notion of impartiality as regards Clinton vs Trump it still is arrogant enough to assume it matters. I have news for it. It doesn’t.
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Its like they are living in an alternative reality from everyone else. You can see why they love the death cult ideology so much, as that came from the warped mind of a psychopathic rapist warrior, who heard voices in his head!
It seems to me that they are performing the “Al Beebistan tango” and do not give a flying what the people they are supposed to represent think. It’s all about self preservation and ensuring that they continue on the poisoned and dying gravy/bile train.
General election. 0-1 normality. Brexit. 0-2 normality…..Trumps going to take it to 0-3 and out of reach of their traitorous little fingers.
The Al Beeb has just thought “f you UK” and become a propaganda/education cult, that no longer reports anything. It’s a sermon. A life instruction. A set of rules we must all abide by….. Sound similar to another, warped, fascist, bigoted, hate filled cult we know wants to destroy our way of life?…..
Al Beeb and Islam. Match made in heaven
“Muslim soldiers have killed as many American soldiers as the enemy has murdered Muslim soldiers.”
And most definitely American Muslims have killed far far more Americans, then the other way round. And probably did it while screaming the Islamic war cry “Allahu Acjkbar”
The BBC and the lefty US media for Clinton are merely dancing with themselves.
We all KNOW it`s a non-story, but it makes them feel good about “bringing home the revolution”.
Sadly for them-the US voters are all on Trumps side-the Muslim couple are ringers.
This story was top of the BBC early this morning-and then disappeared for a few hours before coming back with guide wheels and a clowns wig.
The Muslim dad is a taqqiya merchant, and seems to think that he can sound off on Clintons stage about Trump-and then somehow be seen as above politics.
Needs to be a timeline-is it all linked to Katty Kay getting up a few hours behind the Today editors-and then carrying on where they leave off?
Endless Democratic crap…and so cynical and stupid.
Well remember Rusbridgers Guardian urging Ohio not to vote for Bush in 2004…and this was an orchestrated effort.
Oh dear-Bush gets in with an unexpectedly large majority.
No-this Muslim couple are more Islam than America-and it won`t take much other than a few of Walid Shoebats allegations to be true before this one collapses as a Muslim put-up job by Clinton and Soros etc.
Sadly for them-the US voters are all on Trumps side….
Dunno about that, chrisH. I’ve heard the polls are 50-50. And I’m concerned that decades of indoctrination by the lefty media and schools and universities and a concerted programme to flood the US with illegals who are likely to vote Democrat once they become legal plus Clinton’s popularity among black Americans will tip the balance in her favour.
Still, I’m encouraged by the fact that Trump got more votes than any Republican candidate in history during the primaries while the turnout for the Democrats was down. There are also plenty of embittered Bernie supporters who are unlikely to vote for Clinton after the news broke that Party leaders were unfairly backing Clinton and plotting against Bernie.
Interesting times ahead!
May well be right Truetoo.
Just think there`s a worldwide shift here-apart from the east and west coast elites and their mirrorball class clowns like university students and Occupy/latino advocacy groups for example-just get the sense that the American people won`t have another Clinton.
Hence the hysteria over non-stories like this one.
Surely to God the US electorate won`t fall in line over serial crap shoots like this one-like Project Fear over here, think that Americans will give the elite the bloodiest of noses in November.
Maybe where Nigel fearless trod…the Americans will follow.
Like they did in WW2-eventually.
That`ll teach the Bosch to bomb Poole Harbour eh?
chrisH, yes there is definitely a worldwide movement which seems to have sprung up independently all over the place. People are sick and tired of having their arms twisted by brain-damaged leftie ideologues.
Europe is in peril on various fronts.
1. Normal massive immigration of Muslims into Europe.
2. High birth rates of Muslims.
3. Turkey’s Erdogan is threatening to release millions of Muslims into Europe, unless Turks are granted visa free entry to Europe. If the EU, that is Germany acquiesces, then not only 80 million Turks, but all Muslims in that region, will instantly acquire Turkish ID. Within a decade, Europe will have vanished, even as a post-Christendom continent. Erdogan is a bully, and he knows he can get away with it.
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, I really fear for the West. First off, Bill Clinton has stated that he looks forward to a non-White America. Both of them are Alinsky type communists. If Hillary Clinton is installed POTUS, there will be massive Muslim immigration to the USA, forever changing the culture of the USA. As America is also the prime defender of the West, Europe too will sink under massive Muslim immigration, even greater then now.
We face what can be regarded as a resurgent Ottoman empire, thrusting into Europe. The only man who can stop Erdogan in his tracks is Trump. If Erdogan is a bully, then Trump has his measure, and Trump has the bigger canons. Besides, its time to liberate northern Cyprus from Turkey. The US can do it.
Its funny you should mention Donald Trump, here is their latest current offering:
Soldier’s dad: Time to stand up to Trump
and here is what AFP reported a good 3 hours ago:
Parents of Muslim army captain killed in Iraq ‘want to be out of this controversy’ with Donald Trump
WASHINGTON (AP) — The parents of a decorated Muslim Army captain killed in Iraq say they would like to step away from the public feud with Donald Trump that has erupted over their comments about him at the Democratic convention.
Hang on, why would the Parents of a killed (Muslim) soldier who attacked Mr Trump at a Deomocrat convention , followed by numerous TV spots, now wish to drop out of sight. They started it and now want out and yet according to the bBC. They are still fighting against Trump. Could that be the view point of a family who were made to stand up against their will at a party conference and now they are in the spot light of their own making they want out. Thus substantiating Trumps point that the whole thing was (and is) a set up. He didn’t attack the soldier, he pointed out that the woman didn’t speak. She is a Pakistani and as we all know too well, Pakistani women are murdered for simply having a picture aired never mind speak out in public. That there is the correct issue he mentioned, yet according to the bBC it is he who is the bigot. Trump the man who only became a bigot when he went for president, not onece in 40 years has he been classed as one, only now.
Funny enough, the bBC article is followed by a video of the Muslim knifeman in London jailed today and the bBC video whilst having no problem mentioned the religion of the family in the trump video, kind of don’t in this one. Not only that but the video then goes to attack the US gun culture , (Due to the inability of this idiot to get hold of a gun) whilst leaving out the many killed across Europe by Guns these past few months.
The bBC, the leftwing apologists for intolerant Islam , paid for by the British tax payer.
pounce: Hang on, why would the Parents of a killed (Muslim) soldier who attacked Mr Trump …. now wish to drop out of sight.
Threats from other members of the Religion of Peace who are troubled by the idea of Muslim loyalty to the US Army and flag?
Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Khizr Khan’s Saudi Ties
If Khizr Khan, an avowed Muslim, has ties with Saudi Arabia, then he must also believe that Sharia must be the constitution of all countries in the world. So his waving the US constitution at the DNC was all show. The Clinton gang is of course fully owned by the Saudis. Its open secret.
pounce: Hang on, why would the Parents of a killed (Muslim) soldier who attacked Mr Trump …. now wish to drop out of sight.
Khan has deleted his business website. This is a business he ran for getting wealthy Muslims into America.
In any case, Khan makes much of his religion. In Islam – it is Sharia that matters. For Khan therefore, Sharia is more important then the US constitution. He is a hypocrite. In fact all Muslims are hypocrites, or they would be apostates. They keep their allegiance to Sharia as private, till they have the numbers .
I think the BBC must be talking to itself as regards Trump v Clinton, as it can’t influence many US voters … and risks pushing any whom it does reach towards Trump.
The BBC ‘lost’ the 2015 UK General Election; Millipede and Labour were meant to win but Flashman and the Bullingdon crowd did. The BBC also ‘lost’ the EU Referendum and, for that matter, the 2014 EU Elections, despite its best efforts to rubbish Farage and Boris Johnson. It could have influenced those UK votes and may indeed have reduced the Brexit winning margin.
How its UK coverage of the US Election could help Hillary Clinton, I simply can’t work out. It must be careerists signalling their virtue to others who are in a position to further their careers, or gutless conformists who want to be liked.
Why are the BBC wasting their time and our money trying to influence the electoral process of another country?
Do they seriously think anyone in the US views them as anything other than a liberal dominated, public funded broadcaster that simply confirms their existing opinions, whichever candidate for the presidency they prefer?
The BBC ‘s Victoria Derb is running a programme on UKIP, and its coming leadership election. The BBC was most annoyed that UKIP is against Muslim women wearing the burqa, even in airports and courts.
The BBC is far more Islam friendly then al Jazeera would dare be.
Pounce: That’s a great find. Post it on all sites.
Smells of a dirty PR machine intervening with news progs, with operation #monsterTrump.
ITV News at Ten just took the same line..same format : Long direct interview with soldier’s mother and father, then the mere-est blip of the actual comment from Trump.
– Cos when you pay attention to the Trump comment is rather milder than you’ve been led to believe.
Hang on, trump makes a 10s comment and it gets made into a 5 minute news items for British TV ! That is astounding. Of course it was on this morning ‘s Guardian front page, but , it’s hardly a proper UK news story.
– To me it’s like when the playground bully, turns to the teacher and says it was the little kids fault. And this time Trump is the little kid .It’s the kind of thing that make a 1 minute aside, in a specialist political prog. This is not proper news is it ?
No what it seems like is constructed PR. Like PR guys are calling the shots in the news prog agenda, calling in favours.
Of course it plays well with Trump-haters who aren’t going to listen to what he actually said. But like the ScotRef, Gen Election and EuRef there is likely to be a large backfire effect as rationals say “hang on”.
I have a lot of sympathy for those parents, they’ve lost a son, but now they are pawns in a PR game. and the PR machine won’t care if they get burnt.
Just imagine if it turns out the wife can actually be shown over years to have constantly been ‘5 steps behind’ … front
If it turns she’s been 5 steps in, then Trump’s rather mild insinuation, doesn’t need a big apology.
There is a real world ..but the media aren’t showing it to us.
Been watching Chatham house debates 27th June with robin niblett after brexit he feels we’ve let europe down we wanted an expanded europe germany went along with it. Robin deep breath let it go, we the people have spoken the mixed bag of society. The majority says no.
Painful viewing nonsense, if England &Wales lost Scotland &northern ireland what would the 5th world’s economy be like. So from 60 million to 52 million, the panellist Paola subacchi describes us as we would then be like Switzerland. This is like a school debate how can this nonsense continue she is not up to chatham house debates for what I no of it. Not fit for tv. Foolish silly rubbish
I wonder why in middle class circles during this debate of 100 potential questioners that her nonsense reply was not disputed whats wrong with them. Is it politeness, don’t upset the foreigner, she’s talking drivel someone of the 100 tell her 52 million is not switzerland.
This thread raises the question of why the BBC pursues a biased approach in its broadcasts . Clearly it’s not because the electorate is being influenced enough to affect election outcomes in the uk. That illusion may have held in the Blair era but the 2015 general election and the 2016 Referendum showed that BBC bias doesn’t win the day. So one is left with the explanation that the BBC left wing management and reporter culture enjoys broadcast bias for its own sake. It’s catering purely for them and the minority of the electorate who share similar views . As others mention, the ITV news, C4 news and Sky are often not much different . Therefore broadcasting in the UK must be opened up to organisations that can escape this left wing group think. There’s no sign of the law being changed to allow this . So the left have in effect high jacked supposed impartiality broadcasting rules and this cannot be countered .
EnglandExpects, we can but keep pointing out the bias on blogs such as this, and pray for a Fox News UK.
(biased to the right of course, but what a refreshing change and welcome corrective to the avalanche of liberal left broadcast channels)
Jihad comes to the Church.
The Open Doors charity estimates that 7,000 Christians were killed in the year to October 2015 for faith-related reasons. They estimate that 2,400 churches were attacked or damaged. They state that “Islamic extremism is by far the most common driver of persecution.” His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, released a statement this week in which he talked about the “exponential rise in attacks against Christians and Christian property in recent months.” He described “a growing trend towards the direct targeting of priests and their families.” Regular Islamic attacks on churches and Christians are not new in Egypt or indeed in many other countries.
Its already happening in London and Birmingham, but the media and the police hide it. Just as they hid the rapes of thousands of girls in Rotherham. Of course this is just in Rotherham. The figure is more likely in the region of 30,000.
The BBC never ever reports on the annihilation of Christians and non-Muslims in Muslim countries. Mass murder, crucifixions, beheadings, all of them are ignored by the BBC .
Spot on NCBBC, the BBC’s lack of coverage of this issue is shameful.
Seems to have inspired quite the comment thread too.
I’m very confident in donald trump overcoming the liberal left propoganda. He’s no fool, he knows exactly what’s going on. He’ll wipe the floor with Hillary in the debates and expose her for what she is. A profiteer at America’s expense. Let’s not forget Bill’s dodgy trade deals. How much are the Clintons worth now. Worrying times ahead for al beeb and the liberal left.
The BBC is correctly described as having a hive mind. It is a public sector, left wing organisation, and to succeed in it it, that is what you have to be too. Thus it is literally inconceivable that a known Ukip supporter could become a senior BBC news correspondent. However, Paul Mason, an open and proud extreme left wing agitator, was appointed the economics correspondent of Newsnight. He only left because he thought the BBC was not left wing enough, which shows how deranged he is.
As to Trump, the BBC and the rest of the left wing media keep on waiting for the big gaffe which will sink his campaign. They do not realise that Trump voters will vote Trump whatever happens, not because they love him, but because they hate what has happened to their country, and they know it will get worse under Hillary Clinton. They are sick and tired of unrestricted illegal immigration, of their manufacturing jobs being sent offshore to low wage countries, and of the Wall Street elite coining it at their expense. These are the sort of reasons people will vote for Trump. They are existential. Whether Trump was rude of not (and in my opinion he wasn’t) in the face of a crude muslim PR attack at the Democrat convention is neither here nor there.
Rob wrote : Whether Trump was rude of not (and in my opinion he wasn’t) in the face of a crude muslim PR attack at the Democrat convention is neither here nor there.
But what is here and now, is that continued mass Muslim immigration to the West, will destroy whatever is still left.
This election is like the “Writing on the Wall”.
Khizr Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship
PS: I wonder of all the Muslims brought into the US bu Khizr Khan were Muslims?
If so, has he read the US constitution?
Father of deceased Muslim US soldier asks Trump ‘Have you even read the US Constitution?’
But Khan, a good Muslim, believe that Sharia is Allah’s law, and must be supreme everywhere including America. So is he a good Muslim or an Apostate.
Mr Khan senior is a total and utter hypocrite. He is of course a “good Muslim” and follows the Sharia. Notice how his wife covers her hair, and will not speak in public in front of men. Yes she appeared on TV but only in a room with her husband, no other men present, and her husband spoke first (for a full two-and-a-half minutes) before she got a word in edgeways, so 5 steps behind her husband, so to speak. Totally sharia-compliant. Sharia does not approve of the constitution, democracy, or human rights, those are all man-made concepts not in the Koran and therefore haram. Pukeworthy.
Great analysis.
This Khan is a Taqiyya spouting Muslim, who has conned the public into thinking that he upholds the US constitution.
So is he a Muslim supporting Sharia, or is he an apostate who upholds the US constitution?
What beeboid libtards don’t understand is that THEY produced Trump. His popularity is a collective cry of We’re mad as hell and we’re not gonna take this anymore!
Suppress reason and truth long enough and it’ll pop up in angry forms.
As I’ve said before only a small percentage of people with votes will be watching the BBc propaganda program. Maybe they just feel obliged to negatively report on anything that isn’t part of heir agenda.
Some interesting new angles on soldier’s saintly dad here:
Khizr Khan’s Saudi Ties +
Khizr Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship
Oops, just noticed NCBBC beat me to it 🙂
No probs. It needs repeating.
Fairly sure that Khan brought in only Muslims to America, and certainly not any persecuted Christians.
I wonder if he has read the US constitution.
Does he also believe that Sharia is above the US constitution, or is he an apostate?
Wolf of Wall Street’ DiCaprio to Host Mega-Donor Lunch for Hillary Clinton
All the mega stars of Hollywood and the media are lining up to destroy Trump and elect a crooked Clinton.
No punches held back from the Rottweiler, expressing what the real issue is
The other one is “are muslims and their religion incompatible with western civilization and our democratic ways of governing our nations?” The value of Khan Jr.’s sacrifice is entirely irrelevant to this discussion and we honestly don’t give a flying fuck if anybody wants to pretend it’s otherwise. Go back into the kiddie pool and flail around with your fellow imbeciles. Please drown as well. Preferably before you breed.
So Khan Jr. was a good guy. Absolutely. So this means that every single one of the 1.6 billion muslims are as well. This means that the fact, FACT that 99.9999999999999% of atrocities, murders, rapes, pillagings etc are attributable to muslims is no longer relevant, that it would be downright ATROCIOUSLY unfair, racist and Hitlerish to even suggest that maybe we should exercise a bit more control over how many of those muslims we let into the country?
So when and where should Moslem women wear the hijab
Save it for the Democratic Convention and an attack on Trump. Otherwise, not so important.
Just a thought.
Everyone but everyone is stating that Khan jr was good guy.
But as in all matters Muslim, and specially when the BS is flying in all directions, I wonder. We know that Western media, all of it, authorities, police forces, and the armed forces as well, have been hiding the Jihad from the public. So rapes and Jihadi murders are not reported, or dressed up to look as “Nothing to do with Islam”
The classic case is Major Nidal Hasan – The United States Department of Defense and federal law enforcement agencies had classified the shootings as an act of workplace violence.[10]
Obama’s hand is all over it.
So how do we know that similar instances, both in America, and more likely in the wilds of Afghanistan, have not distorted the truth?
This is the problem I have. The authorities have lied so often, and continue to do so, it becomes impossible to believe them , even when they are telling the truth.
The media ar full of empathy for the “autistic” young British man Michael Sandford who tried to shoot Trump.
An American rang LBC this morning, rightly pointing out that when Jo Cox was killed by a mentally ill man, the media were full of calls to ‘tone down the language’, not to express ‘hate’ etc, so should they not bear some responsibility for the ‘hate’ campaign against Trump? Should they not consider this tipped a vulnerable young man into potentially fatal actions?
Of course, its very obvious many in our media would be delighted to see Trump assasinated.
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