First post of this new thread, and I just wanted to highlight all on the relentless graft today put in by the devious, conniving, Jihadi Jerrod, who hates his own people so much that it must destroy his very soul that he and his horrid, traitorous, spineless, vermin friends are currently getting their arse kicked by their sworn enemies… Us
He absolutely detests us. Like a brutalised dog, the man (though I have doubts, with him being such a cowardly cretin) keeps slogging away, trying to detract us from listing the relentless bias, the utter failures and downright embarrassments being suffered by the left.
The left are losing… Everywhere. He knows it. Nobody else is listening to his rancid messages of division and hatred of his own people. Nobody believes that moron is anything other than a joke, and for someone of such self-righteousness and delusion, it must hurt like a bitch
Your team is getting their arses kicked. On your watch your way of approaching life is epically failing around you, and no matter what you and your fellow scrotums are doing, it’s not working.
Just think, one day you are going to be either on your knees begging Allah for forgiveness as the Islamic warriors carry out Allahs will and murder unimaginable numbers of infidels all over the world… Or you will know that you owe your horrible, pointless life, to the very people you did everything to destroy. What a bitch life can be Jihadi
> Seems to me the sort of thing a calm, realist who speaks the truth would post.
But you have no problem with Tothepoint’s delusions, of course. Because Biased BBC’s commenters think it’s okay for their fellow right-wing crazies to say whatever the f they like.
I suppose even they know that expecting people like Tothepoint to behave like reasonable adults who understand how the world works is about as likely as David Vance turning down a BBC appearance fee because he feels the topic in question would better deserve commentary from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about instead of a fame-hungry failed politician.
Sorry Jihadi, you seem to have thrown all your toys out of your pram…
…Oh look, what’s this book doing in your pram Jerrod… a book which basically instructs you to “butcher the infidels and submit the entire world to Allahs merciful will….if the infidels do not utterly submit, slaughter them”…I’ll put that back in there for you, I don’t want to force you into slaughtering a few dozen infidels from feeling alienated….sounds like a great book of peace and love that one though… It goes well with this public friendly enrichment suicide kit you have in here, which is laden with explosives and nails..
Every time you do, you prove my point that Biased BBC commenters’ behaviour invalidates their claims to want reasonable debate.
Every time you do, it proves that the protestations of Grant, Guest Who and all the other self-appointed arbiters of some supposed moral high ground are lying when they want reasonable debate. It’s not good behaviour they care about. Their entire objections are ideological. They don’t care about bad behaviour as long as you don’t contradict their bigotries.
So thank you for illuminating just how much you, Vance, Alan and all the other lunatic halfwits on this site are just a bunch of lying schoolchildren who have built a little clubhouse of hatred, and get all antsy when it’s pointed out that people in the real world think you’re totally nuts.
You have been asked so many times now for proof, yet you have signally failed to post anything. With every minute that passes, your claim to want a reasoned debate is becoming more and more laughable.
No wonder people are starting to take the piss. Those of us who do still try and interact with you in a civil, logical, manner usually get panned too, so what’s the point.
Talking of which, do you always tar everyone with the same brush? Some people might think that’s somewhat akin to racism, but hey ho…
Fist off Fisting Jerrod. You never argue or respond to invitations to argue and back up your words. Go back to your komrads who support child rapists and the killers of priests
Jerrod, It is you and your komrads who have made a political virtue out of fisting to bring down the Tories. Not my cup of tea. However, it is preferable to raping children and defending it by denouncing critics as bigots.
Do better or the BBC will have to let you go
Glad you found the time to visit us.
Now, about this everlasting keyboard of yours.
I contacted professor Brian Cox, the prof. assured me that there would be sufficient interest in this apparent violation of the known laws of physics, to justify a one hour BBC Horizon programme on the subject.
Naturally the programme would focus on the keyboard, rather than yourself, but the dynamics of the keyboard would be demonstrated by you.
Yes, you would be watched by 300,000,000 people (approximately) typing BIGOT, BIGOT, BIGOT. You would also receive a fee and an interview for a sinecure with the BBC news service.
Ah, I see you’ve decided to join in tothepoint’s hole-digging exercise. Well done you. I suppose if it keeps you occupied during the summer holidays until your school goes back in September…
I’ve noticed that since you have completely lost your head Jihadi, you have switched back to default. Being a racist Islamaphobe….
Why are you forcing your racist bigotry on brother Truthseeker?
“Back to school in September”… How do you know that TS hasn’t changed race to be a follower of peace and is now forced to completely forget about school or be stoned to death?
“hole digging exercise”.. How do you know that TS and I aren’t just digging peace tunnels like the followers of peace do in Israel…ready to offer peace and love to those who do not believe in Peacelam??
And if we are a team, is it racist and sexist for one of us not to be 5 paces back and unable to speak unless everyone else has left the room?!
Showing narcissistic levels of bigotry and supremacy again I see Jihadi….I’m offended by your hatred! (just thrown my toys on the floor to join yours…)
Yeah, but funny how you have a habit of popping up right on cue, especially whenever your favourite Religion of Peace is under fire (metaphorically speaking, of course) – so I’d say your eternal vigilance is a form of hard graft.
Harder graft would be trying to control that Tourette’s of yours – you just can’t help yourself with those imbecilic playground insults can you?
Seems Hilary was corrupt and unethical right from the get go:
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation … one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals … including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum … who engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation.
The defenestration of Richard Nixon was basically a left wing coup, which the left continue to bask over to this day. There was no evidence that Nixon ordered the break in and bugging of the Democrat offices before they happened, What he did was the same thing all politicians do, try to cover it up after the fact and make sure none of it came back to him. He failed in the face of a left wing media onslaught. He was a right wing Republican who had initiated nuclear arms reduction talks with the USSR, opened links to Red China, and negotiated an end to the Vietnam War. Clearly, he had to go.
What I find instructive is that even in this poisonous atmosphere of extreme left wing agitprop, Hillary Clinton stood out as a devious and untrustworthy liar even then. I wonder what the young Bill Cinton saw in her?
It is because Hillary Clinton is such a truly awful human being, a liar, a criminal (by any reasonable standards) and a complete fake that I hope and pray Donald Trump will win the presidential election. He is not perfect, but the alternative is truly diabolical.
“Muhiddin Mire will serve a minimum of eight and a half years for the attack at Leytonstone station on Lyle Zimmerman on 5 December last year.”
This Islamic terrorist tried to hack the head off an innocent man and he’ll be eligible for parole in eight and a half years…….what on earth is going on?
And I see the BBC now have adopted a ludicrous new phrase to disassociate Islamist terrorists from…. wait…. yep, you got it…. Islam: ‘mentally ill men who are paranoid due to persecution of Muslims in the world.’ So, whenever an Islamist terror attack happens you can expect the following smokescreens: ‘mentally ill man…’ coupled with ‘lone wolf…’ and when they’re really desperate – ‘far-Right Brevik enthusiast’. The BBC are pathetic!
All those poor psychologists and psychiatrists must be working overtime what with all the sudden spikes in cases of Jihadi mental illness.
‘mentally ill men who are paranoid due to persecution of Muslims in the world.’
Can you provide the source of this quote please, now that the BBC have ‘adopted a ludicrous new phrase’? I’ve googled it but the only relevant result seems to be your post.
‘Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC said while he accepted Mire was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the offence, he also believed he had been motivated by events in Syria….The court previously heard the 30-year-old had a history of mental illness and suffered his first episode of psychosis in 2006.
However, prosecutor Jonathan Rees QC called it a “revenge attack”…..We suggest that it can be no coincidence that the attack was carried out some three days after Parliament had voted to extend the UK bombing campaign against Isis in Syria,”
Mire will begin his sentence at Broadmoor secure hospital.
the guy who almost had his throat cut, an apparently American Jew Lyle Zimmerman appears to think the main factor was Muhiddin Mire’s mental illness, and that Broadmoor is the best place for him:
I’m really surprised that the BBC (and other news channels) haven’t classed all of us who voted Brexit, mentally incompetent – it appears to be the buzz word of the moment. Remember when there was a dearth of bi-polar, with two thirds of slebs on the chat sofas confessing to be a victim ? and I know its not something to be joked about, but there was a time when I felt that I was the only one in the world who had never been bullied, either at school or at work ! perhaps it was just my manner in telling the perpetrators to ‘piss off’ wot did it.
The extraordinarily light sentence given to the would be jihadist murderer at Leytonstone station left me breathless. Eight and a half years! He tried to hack an innocent commuter to death!
The BBC have spent the weeks since Brexit screaming about “hate crimes” and now they offer us a plethora of psychological excuses for this vile creature’s behaviour. Now this really IS a hate crime. No arguments.
Oh, and how many bloody times are they going to play the tape of the passerby shouting, “you ain’t no Muslim, bruv.”?
Do you think they’re trying to leave us a message?
Eight years, probably less, as he lives the life of an Islamic hero, giving orders to his guards, in control of the other prisoners, because of his high status,having all the entitlements that our liberal progressive legal system can offer.
This is the problem you describe GWF when the other alternative cannot be achieved – Paradise. I’d sooner have supported sending him on his way to a spell spent with all those virgins!
MInd you wasnt it also convenient for the BBC that the Obamaist /Globalist agenda victim of the attempted murder, an American, stated that he was ‘very glad it happened in a country with strict gun laws’ (a clear attack on his own country’s policies.)
Presumably he was intending to suggest he would have been shot, had it been the U.S. I wouldnt be too sure about that, Muslim killers seem to prefer bloodier more primitive methods.
Here we have a bona fide diagnosed Schizophrenic who has committed a gruesome murder . Undoubtedly he was failed by the socialised NHS which should never have discharged him from secure care.
Mr Lound (the victim) was gay and occasionally cross-dressed and Arnold (the killer) considered his victim to be “a weirdo”
So the murder is described as ‘Homophobic’ and ‘transphobic’. Odd that, because when some Islamist murders several people in the name of his religion, and even if he is never diagnosed as being mentally ill, that illness is diagnosed post attack by the media.
Muhiddin Mire (diagnosed Schizo) Is not described by the BBC as an Islamist nor is it a ‘hate crime’ nor ‘racist’ or ‘Xenophobic’ which it would have been if the perpetrator had been a white Christian.
Discrimination is defined in law as treatment different on the ground of race religion disability etc etc. And on that basis I’m going to call the BBC out as anti white racist, xenophobic and anti every other religion & none, due to its blatant Islamophillia !
Whenever Islam comes up against “gay”…the Orlando queens can hide behind their rainbow parasols and pray to Dorothy as far as the BBC are concerned.
The BBC may crave and “inspire” the likes of Coles, Fanshawe and all the rest of them to cream a living from the rest of us…but when it comes to courage , reason, logic-hell, even law, even morality…well the BBC and its Liberal Left cramshafts have long decided to admire the pecs of the suicide bomber or the Boston boys.
About time the gays woke up-they are the coming catholics of Normandie Midi…so why do THEY pay their TV Licenses?
We need common cause-Islam and the EU…IN or OUT of them?…simple choice I`d have thought.
Apropos Sir Shifty. Isn’t it astounding that a well respected sportsman was stripped of his lowly OBE and served a prison sentence of one year for a spot of tax evasion that didn’t involve anyone else and certainly didn’t result in anyone at the tax office losing their jobs, – Lester Piggot; but a Knight of the realm appears to be getting away scot free for plundering a pension fund and losing thousands their jobs. Its totally inconceivable that despite doing ‘nothing illegal’ he sold his empire for £1, yet a 10 year old would realise if the company was worth anything, a man like fatty Green wouldn’t flog it for less than a tenner. Funny how Philip Green, the late Michael Winner and to an extent Simon Cowell, all appear to be made from the same mould – obnoxious. I really hope that Monaco throws him and his wife out of the principality – the man has no humility.
At lunch time today listening to WATO. BBC female discussing the honours referred to our last Prime Minister as ‘Cameron’ with such disdain in her voice.; there was no ‘David’ (or indeed ‘Dave’), nor ‘Mr Cameron’. I don’t remember the multi-millionaire Mr Blair referred to as just ‘Blair’ or the one-eyed….. as ‘Brown’. Amidst all the faux outrage about the honours very little mention of Harold Wilson’s honours -( weren’t they lavender?), or the dubious people who Tony appointed to the House of Lords who only attend for the money and little mention of the number of Lib Dems stuffed into the Lords by Nick Clegg. I do hope that Samantha’s stylist has turned out to have done a lot of charity work and that is the reason she is receiving something – I do hope so – not least that if the BBC and Tom Watson have any shame.
Beeb duplicity is boundless. Remember the heart warming story of ‘Muslims’ attending church services in France to show solidarity? The numbers were MINUSCULE btw, but let that pass. What the beeb (and most msm) forgot to mention was that they were mostly members of the Ahmadiyya sect, a moderate and open branch of Islam considered heretical and, you guessed it, VIOLENTLY PRSECUTED by mainstream Islam all over the world. Remember the poor grocery store owner in Glasgow murdered by a Muslim for wishing his customers Happy Easter? Yep, Ahmadiyya. (Incidentally the beeb were duplicitous then too, the headline reading something like ‘Muslim shopkeeper murdered for his faith’ making it sound like some nasty racist right-winger.
Here’s the heroic Douglas Murray in the Spectator:
So it seems licence fee refuseniks will be shut out of watching iPlayer from the 1st September. It’s no great loss, there was the occasional thing from BBC4 that was worth watching on catch up but I certainly won’t be going into mourning! That means I won’t actually be exposed to any Beeb bias at all to comment on here. I don’t listen to their radio anymore, and only had their website on my browser ‘favourites’ for the occasional visit to iPlayer.
Is this a sinister Beeb policy of stifling all criticism, or simply a grab for more small change to pay for their army of Jerrods on the payroll? Whatever happens, the letters from Crapita are still going straight in the bin, and their visiting goons are going to need a warrant before they get their mitts on any of my ‘receiving devices’.
The BBC thinks it’s unfair that people who don’t pay any licence fee can watch BBC programmes on the iPlayer.
Funnily enough the BBC never had a problem with TV owners being forced to pay the BBC licence fee even if they didn’t watch BBC programmes.
Can anybody else think of a “Law” that`s written in pounds shillings and pence, stinks of cabbage water and stale Mackeson and fears being brought into disrepute by Eden in Suez?…and has NOT been binned, laughed to scorn and scotched from all records as afar as the oh-so-funky, post 60s, let it all flop out BBC are concerned?
Or are we to reach for the homburg, don the Cannon St pinstripe with some petunias for the girls in the office…and get back to some Angel Delight and some marmite soldiers for scrumptious repast after compline?
Oh-and pay that TV lIcense as we`ve always done.
Mark Duggan and Moaty, Anjem or Otis Ferry don`t pay for one-WTF do we?
Time to get a little edgy, street and out there you guys huh?….
As a matter of fact I can: the Firearms Act 1920, which is still the basis of our current firearms legislation. It was expressly designed to make sure the working class did not get hold of guns, for fear they might stage a Bolshevik revolution. Now, the establshment no doubt fears that if the working class had guns, they might not be so keen to submit to enforced multicultural ethnic cleansing.
The establishment likes to keep the working class unarmed unless the establishment itself is in danger, at which point they become useful as cannon fodder.
Rob…apparently the Balkans are awash with Soviet weapons…an AK can set you back the price of a couple of pints and a pkt of fags…..i’ll have several please…ready for the muslims….you can bet they will be armed to the teeth…thanks to dumb PC infested Plod, refusing to search the Mosques…the Koran states that one of many functions of a mosque is as an armoury….Police in France found 100’s of automatic weapons stashed in them…..Sadly, my hope of being armed is a dream….but….we are….helpless, thanks to the ‘establishment’.
imaynotalwaysloveyou, You can catch quite a lot of BBC output on YouTube – though of course there’s often quite a time lag involved. Still there’s a guy who was putting QT episodes up less than a day after they aired. Hopefully he will continue to provide this service when QT resumes in September.
Rather racist as the gimmegrants and European labourers and Baristas who contribute nothing to our society will continue to watch their streamed tv in their languages without needing a licence.
BBC news website has headline “John McCain condemns Donald Trump over row with Khan family” accompanied by this picture.
You think the choice of photos of McCain and Trump shows whose side the BBC is on?
That’s unbelievable! I’m quite familiar with that area due to work and it’s inconceivable that the BBC didn’t think this was newsworthy.
According to the various reports I could find the attack happened on Neath Rd in Hafod, Swansea. It’s a mix of business and residential and even at 5.40am is not what you would call a quiet area, it runs alongside one of the main routes into Swansea.
This attack is particularly scary as it was so random, a lone woman walking to work is attacked from behind, pinned down and raped. Swansea has its fair share of problems for a town of its size but that should be headline news and yet I tried searching the BBC website and did Google search for past BBC reports but can find nothing! I can’t say for certain that there’s been no coverage by the BBC but if there has been it’s not easy to find.
I’ll say it again, an incident like that should be headline news in Swansea, it managed to find it’s way into the Telegraph and The Mail and even WalesOnline but like you say the BBC seems to have missed it. Obviously the fact that this horrible crime was committed by an immigrant is a little inconvenient for the BBC, the poor woman’s suffering on the other hand is nothing to be concerned about apparently.
South Wales Evening Post first reported it on July 29th, The Mail and Telegraph both carried it yesterday. He was jailed for 12years so it could hardly be passed off as minor or not newsworthy.
It’s interesting that the BBC News is leading again on Cameron’s resignation honours for his chums, this evening. Cameron deserves all of the criticism that he gets, nevertheless this is yesterday’s story and I would have thought that there was plenty more going on in the world that they could focus on.
And it’s doubly interesting that the first person that they go to, to stick the boot in, is their Labour colleague, Fatty Watson who seems to complain loudly that the ex-PM’s wife’s ‘stylist’ shouldn’t get an honour. Fine, but the thing is that Watson is also quoted as saying that Labour’s Will Straw, he who ran the mendacious ‘Remain’ campaign; he who tried to take advantage of the killing of an MP to get people to vote his way; he who lost, should be awarded a peerage by Cameron. Funny that the BBC don’t ask the question that is begging to be asked; about his double standards.
And while the BBC is making much of Cameron’s rewards to his ‘chumocracy’, as bad as it is, what is the betting that when Shami Chakrabarti gets her much trailed peerage from Jezza (as a reward for cocking a deaf ‘un to allegations of anti Semitism in the Labour Party?), it’ll pass without a peep?
Can we bombard the beeb with this vid? They’ll never show it but some news editor might at least watch it??
In just a few minutes it says so much about Islam, Cultural Marxism, Feminism, Gender Politics, Black Lives Matter, The Decline and Imminent Collapse of Western Civilisation, the emasculation of Western men…
From the mouth of an angry but calm, well informed, erudite Swede who clearly loves her country or what’s left of it.
This could be a manifesto for the counter-revolution, an epoch changing moment like Luther nailing his Theses to the church door.
A “we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore” moment.
Alas she sees the symptom but fails to identify the true cause.
Cultural Marxism might indeed have been the root cause, but way back in the 1960s the Marxists distanced themselves from the new ‘thinking’ on the left. It was Jürgen Habermas of the Frankfurt school of Marxism who identified this, and coined the term Left Wing Fascism, to distance Marxism from it.
Traditionally Marxism and Fascism have always been enemies, and have fought bitter battles & wars over their ideology. In most cases Muslims have identified most closely with Fascism and fought on its side in the Spanish civil war and with the Nazis.
In WWII Sweden was Neutral now it’s a basket case as a result of Left wing Fascism in which its followers believed that being a mirror image of Nazism meant being anti Nazi, actually meant just being the same with a different target for the hate – white males.
It’s a complex mess which is difficult to understand, and even those implementing it do not accept what they have become. The future for Sweden certainly is not bright at all.
Thank you for replying Thoughtful, you live up to your sobriquet.
As you say, ‘It’s a complex mess which is difficult to understand’.
But this brave woman (remember, it’s now a crime to say such things in Sweden) has a go at analysing the ‘mess’ from the angle of fascistic feminism and Western male emasculation, which is an interesting slant, and at least part of the explanation imo. She wades into the stinking slurry of Marxism, Fundamentalist Feminism, Islamism, Minority Advocacy groups etc and at least sheds some light on the situation in Sweden (and soon Europe).
I repeat, it takes huge courage to say such things in Sweden today, mired as it is in the oppressive Matrix of delusion.
Excellent Thoughtful….sounds right to me.
Will check Scruton for his take on what Habermas said…
This clarity re words and differing labels is going to matter…Anjem Choudhury was once an active SWP agent whilst at Southampton I think…which, pre 9/11s call to his like seems to make a lot of sense.
Same root, differing fruits…but not really, simply a case of whether you get the option for the vinegar sponge whist nailed up to their stake…no crosses allowed now remember?
We too need to get clever-classifying the different current manifestations of Islam being my current theme.
Good old Coursera eh?…Tel Aviv University are very generous.
BBc news at 22:00
BBc give air time to the represent no one we love migrant rent a scum, outside Byron. Following a “storm” on social media well not my social media pages anyway.
Back onto attacking Trump. Most of us don’t have a vote on the US presidential elections so why do you bother?
Support the law abiding Byron Burgers
The lefty bully GRombies released cockroaches in to Byron burger premise to promote their boycott Byron Hamburger bars campaign.
Wonder if that will cause a backlash of people going to eat in Byron’s to show support ?
..with the benefit of knowing you won’t be eating in a restaurant infected with Guardian Reader zombies.
Anyone else sick to death with seeing lefty rent-a-mob scum holding placards saying ‘refugees welcome here’ and ‘no one is illegal ‘ and ‘tory scum out’? All these infantile scum are just lazy and stinky layabout middle class traitors who simply have zero understanding of how the world works. When you hear these posh sandal wearing, rainbow coloured cardigan wearing, fair-trade coffee-sipping drama students speak you realise that they are in no way representative of working class British… Their foul protests need to be countered by patriot protests. Despicable rabble.
I notice the BBC are to start gouging money out of iplayer watchers.
During the referendum the Guardianista/Remaniancs were continuously insulting leavers (and still are) by implying they were ‘imperialists’ or ‘stuck in the 1950’s’
Personally I can’t think of anything more pointless and anachronistic than the BBC. It’s no longer an essential public service, and just a platform for the metropolitan, liberal, bed wetters.
Good old BBC eh?
They choose the wrong option every time.
To criminalise women who can`t pay the license, to blather on about the iniquity of regressive taxation from the nasty Tories, to pick on the English and Welsh in “soft post codes” to target, to refuse to disclose how much they pay themselves or the likes of David Dimbleby…whilst demanding “transparency” elsewhere, to moan on about tax avoidance as they turn Paxman into a registered company and not a staff member…need I go on?
Basically hypocrites with Mafia tactics and a cartel, a near-monopoly on the nations broadcasting output -and they DARE to lecture the rest of us whilst bullying people out of £145.50 , just to stuff it into Frys thong.
And now-iPlayer…a new medium that has no right to be bound to 19th century rules of taxation.
Yet the greedy BBC simply dive into the cess pool, and trough for yet MORE money from the poor.
The BBC will go the way of the dog license-and we will be ashamed at how cowed and dim we were to feed the BBC snake.
WE KNOW it`s already getting blown up their noses or arses on Copacabana as we write.
At the BBC there are the a list journalists 5 or so then the leftie b list riff raff. One’s that never made the 5. Evan, dimbleby, Neill, marr, Coburn, Paxo, O’Brien, and many many more. There job is propoganda.
Evan Davis’s sneering on Newsnight almost made me think D Cameron was justified in rewarding his chums. But not quite. Evan was really enjoying himself, which means the audience wasn’t.
Leadsom was right wasn`t she?
Childless gay blokes( as rewarded by the media anyway) clearly have no care for the future…with no wish to have kids the line ends with them.
And as long as it`s not made into a noose in the UK for them personally-then the show must go on.
Now-even if it`s a noose for the Teheran brothers?…well, get a few items out of it when nothing else is going on-like Trumps hairline issues for an example.
Leadsom was right.
I have just been looking at some interviews with Putin for about 1 hour. He is no fool ! But , he is supporting Trump and hates Hillary. That will be a big problem for the BBC
One of the most pathetic examples of leftie bias of late was when the BBC ran the report entitled, ‘Syrian migrant dies in German blast ‘… No shit! He was a bloody suicide bomber ffs!
You can tell them by what they DON’T report !
You can tell the BBC is no longer a “news reporter” but a “propaganda pusher” by the way it dwells on and hypes some stories, while not reporting or swiftly moving on from others.
Or insinuating that someone saying something which can be construed as a little bit un-PC is somehow a far worse transgression than a terrorist or loony who actually makes REAL physical violence with a knife/bomb/gun.*
French PM: It is urgent to reconstruct a ‘French Islam’
Jewish Press, 1 August 2016
Pope says it’s wrong to identify Islam with violence
Christian Today, 1 August 2016
** I see that the Nat SEcularists lefty members are up in arms that it is a link to the Daily Mail..but the Daily Mail provide the actual audio !
* Note today how Trump the BBC/MSM persecuted for 10s of mild words whist giving a free ride/sympathy to the boy who tried to grab a policeman’s gun to shoot Trump. BBC/MSM are not subtle in their bias are they ?
Well StewGreen, it’s because the Al mujahideen Beeb brigade and other noted “I’m better than you, and I know what you should think, say and do” propagandist organisations, love free speech and tolerance…………… Unless the words you use do not fit their bullshit dogma or your principles and ideology are different from theirs, then free speech and tolerance are head first off the top of the tallest building, Islam style!
The vile organisations in question are the true bigots in our society. They will never allow other points of view and will use everything in their power to close those avenues down. It’s a North Korean style sensorship of details and they use ridicule, bully, intimidation…whatever needed to unsure the narrative is controlled… It’s always on their terms.
Trumps not playing the sick, “sell yourself out” game our own politicians and media cretins had to play… And they don’t like it. How dear Trump be allowed to say something different to the ‘message’ and think he can get away with it
Gavin Esler another silly little girl. There’s an air of Cameron said he could win this now were rewarding the failure, i feel they got it all wrong. Cameron done well, he liberated the country we had democracy. Its quite simple you under estimated the british people and we have saved you from your misguided ways. Saying that e u on the way out anyway probably 5 years at best, problems everywhere Italian banks, Greece. If you dispute this tell me why.
BBC broadcast a couple of good news stories to start the day.
1) The US have “gone to war” with air strikes co ordinated with local ground forces against IS in Libya, and even Humphreys uses the line….”this is to everyone’s benefit isn’t it?” and gets gets an affirmative from his fellow beebista.
2) The separation wall is being completed to protect Israelis from terrorist attacks….and whilst there’s some pandering to the PLO sympathisers there’s no getting away from “the fence has been broken in places by locals but these breaches are also used as routes into Israel by attackers”. There was even acknowledgement that some Palestinians just want to be able to work in Israel.
I hope this mornings outbreak of sanity isn’t going to be the exception rather than the rule today.
Will the BBC ever look at that Palestine-EGYPT border and all its “complexities”.
Al Sisi is our only hope in that whole region-turns out it stayed aloof from the Ottoman Empire, and focused on Al-Azhar and higher learning as the rest of them squabbled.
The BBC want the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Morsi back…so that Israel/ Egypt border and Al Sisis role needs a good look.
Not that anybody at the BBC is qualified to tell us anything-and even the old Lefties like Fisk seem to have given up, it being rather muddled and dangerous now I`d expect.
Don`t think we`ll see their likes again-the BBC now want their news pre-chewed by Islamic suckups and grinning beardos, not home sourced.
Another reason to boot them off the AV spectrum…
Someone please tell BBC News Channel that we know the bloody Olympics are starting soon!
The Rio Hobby Sports and Long Distance Pharmaceutical Hide and Seek Championships have come around and boy are the BBC invested in it!
Our BBC, which never met a supranational outfit it didn’t befriend, have been relentlessly running teaser reports for weeks now. Gold Medal in this pointless event goes to the aptly named BBC internationalist Andy Swiss – who has slogged around and around and around again the Rio hack – sorry, track – on licence payer’s behalf more times than there are zika virus mosquitos in a favela rain bucket.
And Womens Football had its own show on BBC 1 last night!
Couldn`t we just have a Ladies Day on the BBC…Womans Hour all day , Claire Baldings piebalds and Girls Cricket on all evening?
AND-why not a Disability Day…Oscar Pistorius and his gayblade( is he IN the clips of Paralympic greats still, by way of teasing us into watching Scopey and Stumpy “dare to dream for Team EU”).BY doing THIS_we could then offer 5/7 of the license fee and section the PC shit off to the weirdos…only Labour Party Mps would have to pay the subs for this.
Lobby the Minister, put in your carefully costed report through the appropriate channels – but above all phone BBC Breakfast
All demands for tax dosh gratefully received and puffed and approved without question, inquiry or prejudice.
This morning we are either scrapping the bottom of the barrel or playing to the in house rank and file as we are cheerfully required to cough up £400 a month for an AIDS infection prevention pill for ‘at risk men’.
Yes, I will run that by you again. Men indulging in their preferred pastime of unprotected promiscuous sex are demanding an expensive tablet on the NHS – or maybe local councils will have to pick up the tab. There’s certainly no case being put on the BBC airwaves that this is a scam.
Just think what an extra £400 a month would do for a family bringing up a disabled child or for an elderly person requiring more home help. Where do the demands to help those who have occasional unprotected gay sex fit on this spectrum of priorities ?
What’s more, the BBC reporter compared the medication to contraceptive pills for women. This was yet another example of the BBC’s inappropriate moral relativism designed to frame the debate and influence public acceptance for one of their favoured agendas. Bloody disgraceful.
She also admitted that cases of HIV ‘remain stubbornly high amongst gay men’ but with no attempt to explain why.
When I saw the headline for the following story it originally said tonsils and on looking later it said appendix! I thought I better check and apparently women who have had either their appendix or their tonsils removed are more fertile. What a relief! It’s only their arse from their elbow the BBC don’t know :p
I’ve only just found this place but I think I’m going to fit right in. I’ve just submitted the following complaint re. this morning’s Today programme:
“The item in question was a discussion about the current story regarding Byron Burger and the issue of illegal immigrant employees. This was a perfectly sensible discussion covering all of the key topics in this area (the desire of young people to come and work here and pay taxes, the difficulties in validating documents etc.). For some reason right at the end of the article John Humphrys declared “So just post-Brexit panic then”.
This comment was in no way linked to the story – Brexit was not discussed in the item at all so there were neother facts nor opinions from your guest that Brexit was an issue, so it would appear that this was either just the personal opinion of the presenter or a reflection of BBC group think.
Can you please do two things:
(a) Accept and acknowledge that this was a mistake and take steps to ensure that similar baseless proclamations are not made in future; and
(b) Stop trying to link every bad news story to Brexit whilst failing to link many good news stories to Brexit. You are fooling very few people with this obvious policy and you are just starting to make the BBC look a bit silly.”
I’ve never yet had the BBC admit to doing anything in the least bit wrong but I don’t see how they can defend this – we’ll see!
Good for you Northern Man, we salute your indefatigability.
I wish more bloggers on biasedbbc took the trouble to hold the beeb to account.
Discussing among ourselves is good, but attacking the enemy is better.
I am sorry to say that I have recently given up complaining to the BBC altogether.
Whoever posted about getting “boiler-plate” responses is sadly spot on. On the odd occasion I have received a personalised response, it was basically along the lines of “we understand you feel we said x and that it means we are biased, but you are wrong because seven months ago on another channel at 3am we broadcast something for five seconds which almost represented the other side”.
So that’s OK then.
They never, ever, admit they have got anything wrong (in terms of bias). It’s a bit like it used to be when complaining to the police, before they had the IPCC – you had two chances: none, and fuck all.
The ONLY time I got the BBC to change anything, ever, is when they have made a provable factual error. But in their world, they are never biased.
In the inimitable words of WS Gilbert: What never? Well, hardly ever.
Welcome ! I hope you enjoy this site. There are some great posters here. But beware of the Trolls. As for idiots like Humphrys, the only people who are panicking are Remainers like him because we have proved them wrong. Fools !
Being a bit of politics nut I regularly watch programmes on the BBC Parliament channel. When the HoC is not sitting there is quite an interesting range of stuff on. Recently there have been a series of programmes on Brexit , why did Leave win ( or from the BBC point of view why did Remain lose) , what the future holds and how will the negotiations go. These programmes take the form of a discussion between panels of ‘experts’ and as you might expect are heavily slanted towards the Remain side, with passionate Remainers in abundance but Leavers being an almost extinct species. The BBC makes no attempt whatsoever to provide a balanced panel which reflects the % vote in the referendum. In fact these programmes are really a REmainer forum and ideas exchange.
Generally speaking the Remainers are still plugging the line that those of us who voted Leave were stupid and easily duped or racist or both. They also are determined that one way or another we won’t leave the EU. It seems clear to me that the Remainers strategy is to force a vote in Parliament on the implementation of Article 50 , for which there is strong Parliamentary precedent, knowing that in the HoC the government will win but that in the HoL it will lose and the whole thing will be thrown into delay and confusion. This will set a pattern for all of the legislation required to get us out of the EU with the HoL blocking and delaying everything. Unless someone finds a way of cutting through this mess ,it will take an age to free us from the EU and in the meantime the Remainers hope that there will be General Election in which Lib Dems, SNP, Labour , Greens etc can combine to provide a government which can overthrow the referendum result. In short the country needs UKIP more than ever to try to ensure that the will of the people is not overthrown by a protracted dirty war waged by the Remaniacs in cahoots with the BBC et al .
I’ve complained several times to the BBc over the last 8-9 years. Their first response will be a template fill in your name reply. Please post it up when you get it just in case they do something different. If you disagree with that you will get a reply explaining at no great length why you are wrong. If you still carry on as I have done on a few complaints you will get another reply explaining why you are wrong.
Either way Northern man congratulations on your complaint and as I said please post the reply(s) on site so people can see how complaints are treated.
Byron case is “post-Brexit panic” ? More like anti-Brexit manic. in focusing on sympathising with illegal foreign workers with forged papers instead of praising the the Home Office for enforcing the actual law. That shows the twisted thinking of the Anti-Brexiteers .
Weird, that R4Today invited one of their Guardian reader mates on, instead of someone who knows the case .
The Byron piece on R4Today was rather weak . The optimum would to have the mad protesters vs a Byron spokesman, but it seemed Byron and Home Office are wisely keeping a low profile. r4Today has already had the protesters view a few times, so it seems to cover their asses in terms of balance, R4today invited @OliverPeyton one of their own, a Guardian reader type owner of another posh food chain but he didn’t know what the case was really about. ..Actual details in HR magazine
– Anyone notice that he stupidly says we should encourage migrants to UK; next item bemoans housing problems!
From Twitter :
Byron were deceived by people using forged papers. They faced huge fines so worked with HO to see these criminals arrested.
“We shouldn’t focus on these Byron employees, we should focus on people working illegally instead.”
Ta for the source Stew…always best to check with their likes as opposed to BBC think Tanks, Labour Wink Wanks or whatever Orvilles Army they can summon to the pink flag for the rainbow cup cakes at Colonel Custards HQ at BH.
Noted no sounds but snoring from the Animal Rights lobby-all those poor insects, what about the coming famine in the iguana community after this-and, of course, fellow poor working class types get to deal with the mess, carnage and hygiene problems…and some lose jobs later?
Heard the great and good on a discussion programme squauking on about the firm, the Tories and all the others who are to “blame” for “dobbing in these vulnerable people”.
Then someone outside the group said ” and it might have been a fellow-worker who told the authorities”-Anthony Worrall Thompson if I remember that niggly voice aright!
Oh dear-what price solidarity, the Lefts banner of unity in diversity, SWP and Class War placards and flare guns.
“Did they not like that”?…no did they not Graham!
Icy silence, frozen nitrogen where the helium used to lie.
And moving swiftly on.
The Left do NOT like the notion that fellow workers might hate their machinations much as WE do…and the BBC can`t believe that any “working class chappie or girlie” would betray a Somali thug on fake papers with a machete given freely to him.
Well done “The Worrall Anthony Thompson”
Don’t worry. Humphreys is a prize Pratt. He appears to be quite bright but that is an illusion. Back in the days when I had a direct email link to him (and used to exercise that very infrequently), I reached the conclusion that it was pointless and I ceased communication. Anyone remember Mandleson’s Londonistan house buying controversy when he was ‘loaned’ money to put a deposit on it from some unsavoury character (don’t remember who)? Pratt Humphreys interviewed Mandleson and latter continually stated he did not legally own the property on a specific date which was important for the news item. Mandleson was deviously correct whilst Humphreys was totally wrong. I pointed this out to him suggesting he change tack when interviewing Mandleson again. Humphreys totally dismissed my suggestion as being ‘impossible’ and ‘not the case’. He was too dim to understand that there is a difference between property “Ownership” in respect of actual legal ownership only occurring when the property is registered at the Land Registry. Up to that point, Mandleson pleaded correctly, “I was not the legal owner on that date”. Its a BBC – ‘I am totally correct’ attitude.
Humpty must NEVER be forgiven for his failure to query MadOneEyedBrown’s team’s assertions that ‘we have repaid debt’. Every bloody morning I used to listen to the Toady programme whilst showering and Humpty would be interviewing one of Blair’s fugly ‘Babes’. Every day these dumb bitches would trot out how much they had increased spending over the Tories. In 2005 when even the liar Blair was worried, according to his memoirs, about ever increasing borrowing, in a supposed boom remember, it was the turn of Mr & Mrs Bollox and Milipedeminor to spread this lie. I am a qualified accountant and for much of BlairBrown’s ruinous tenure was the GM of a foreign bank in London and was always looking at the economy and government statistics. NooLabor’s lies at this time were so obviously given that the increased borrowing, even without the hidden off-BS PFI, was evident in ONS figures, that I used to wake my wife shouting at the radio from the shower. Brown’s overspending was the reason we were in shit street when Brown failed to regulate the banks properly and our prime Scottish banks found out they couldn’t borrow to fund their losses from gross speculation and inflated egos leading to disastrous acquisitions. They try to blame the Tories for this.
I concluded that not even Humpty and his many overpaid Al Beeb researchers could be so stupid as to not have checked this, and that their refusal to question NooLabor’s useful idiots was wilful. With the return of Tory-led government, Al Beeb queries government borrowing daily whilst promoting ever-increasing spending on Leftist projects or on an NHS and other public services stretched by immigration.
Sad old Humph also managed to say that the BRICs countries of 2009 were Brexit, Russia etc
BREXIT…as opposed to Brazil.
Oh dear-he called it s Fraudian slip..what he meant was that what little remains of his faculties is puddled, addled and them steeped in BBC groupthink, served up as a syrup on his Movacol/Chocobloc .
Good spot NorthernMan…glad to have another southern softy on board…err, over to Mishal….
For some reason right at the end of the article John Humphrys declared “So just post-Brexit panic then”.
Good spot, NM. It’s these throwaway remarks at the end of pieces like that, especially on Today, whereby the BBC frames public opinion to fit its own world view – after all, we are told a large majority of the British public still believe they are impartial so trust them implicitly despite such garbage.
However, unfortunately for the BBC 17 million people voted for Brexit, so when they hear crap personal opinions emanating from the runaway gobs of presenters such as Humphrys they will see through the formica cheap, wafer-thin veneer of impartiality.
Any comment on this quote, kuckichiyo – you being hot on the verifiability of BBC utterings an’ all?
BBC favourite Christine Ohuruogu will be going for her third Olympic medal in the 400m in Rio.
Let’s hope she doesn’t accidently miss three more drugs tests and receive another ban because we all know she’s a clean athlete. The BBC keep telling us so.
Good luck NorthernMan, unfortunately you are likely to get a bland and not very convincing denial from the BBC. The current complaints process is a waste of time because the BBC acts as judge and jury. Will the involvement of Ofcom change any of this? Many doubt that it will. More complaints may be upheld but it’s impossible to see how BBC institutional bias will be forced to change as a result .
Meanwhile we look forward to your contributions .
This is unrelated to the BBC apart from the similarities between the BBC and Microsoft – both run and staffed by pompous, dictatorial egoists who are convinced that they can do no wrong and shrug off complaints as they wallow in their wealth and power over the public. Though Microsoft is far better than the BBC in that they do provide a service that is mostly useful and entertaining and mostly works.
Anyway, Microsoft asked me about feedback re Windows 10 and, since hope springs eternal in the human breast, I obliged:
I upgraded just before the deadline from a Windows 7 laptop with no problems. It only took a couple of hours but now I’m regretting it. Here’s why:
*The edgy new Microsoft Edge browser could not import my favourites from Windows 7. And Windows 10 hid my Internet Explorer 11 browser so well it took me three hours of surfing to find it, put it back on the taskbar, and get favourites back. but even though I have set IE 11 as the default it vanishes every time I shut down so I have to put it back on the taskbar again. There was never a problem going back and forward between newer and older browsers on Windows 7, so I don’t understand why Windows 10 is being so uncooperative here.
*Windows 7 has that useful ‘Show Desktop’ tab on the right of the taskbar. It’s still there but it’s so narrow that you can hardly see it and there’s no ‘Show Desktop’ text when hovering over it. Probably the designers forgot to include it and instead of moving the other icons over to make space decided to squeeze it into a one millimetre sliver. Those who don’t know about that function will be unlikely to find it.
*I can no longer right-click on the scrollbar to scroll directly to a specific point. This is a real disadvantage when moving up and down a long page, for example a forum page with hundreds of comments.
*The cursor will not stop when I backspace to delete text but continues backwards to delete a few more letters and even words before it stops. What a great time-wasting and frustrating device, especially for people who write a lot on the Internet.
*Why would windows 10 think it’s a good idea to fiddle with the Start button to force 3 clicks instead of two to shut down?
*I’ve found these problems in the first few days and I’m really not looking forward to finding more. I’m seriously considering going back to Windows 7. Windows 10 has had a year of testing this system on the public to sort out these problems, which Microsoft must know about. Why has nothing been done about them?
Microsoft thanked me politely for the feedback and assured me that they would use it to improve my experience of their system. Much like the BBC.
Each successive Windows has been worse than the last one and 10 is awful. I have 8 on this laptop but my backup laptop has 10 already installed. Microsoft have a virtual monopoly and don’t seem to care what their customers want, in the same way that the BBC have a monopoly over our money so can spew out any old garbage and ignore the wishes of the viewers. Facebook is in a similar position.
Am still on Windows 7 here.
The kids mock-but it keeps going…and I refuse any old upgrades if given a choice.
Maybe if the 3D printer can give me a garden shed to deal with this camping crap weather…then I`ll try a Windows 7.5 or summat.
Gone all northern here…find myself mimicking other peoples accents in their blogs I think…
There are troubling privacy issues too. Cortana, (dont ask, its crap) and Bing continue to send your data to Microsoft even when they are turned off. This includes personal data destined for OneDrive, even from an account not connected to Microsoft.
This contains info that identifies the user. Even your download traffic is intercepted.
This is if you turn off all their appalling nosy, privacy invading apps. Where’s George Orwell when you need him?
Give three cheers today for Tory peer Baroness Wheatcroft who feels it is with in her power to frustrate the will of 17.4million of her fellow citizens, for she has turned the searchlight once more on that most undemocratic of British institutions, the House of Lords. This place has become so “stuffed”, were all the lords and ladies to turn up at one time some would have to sit on others laps- which would make for an amusing ‘team photo’.
While I have no doubt that Lady Wheatcroft believes her previous career as a scribbler has made her supremely well suited to the task at hand, she might also care to ponder whether problems in our housing market (much in the news today) might just be influenced a smidgen by an annual net influx of 350+k folk from overseas. Aside from anything else this is driving the revival of one great Victorian institution, namely the slum landlord. Let us also give thanks for the BBC’s Homes Under the Hammer which has relentlessly promoted the idea of Buy to Let.
And so returning to the HoL: abolish it and replace it with an Upper Chamber elected under PR. Simples.
Do tell…old Patience eh?
Name like that?…Redcar?…Erewash?…Barrow?
Do tell me dear-who voted for YOU?
I mean-did you even GET a vote in the Referendum, being a toff or a nutter, crim or whatever…or all three if you`re Huhne or Pryce?….
And why do you get a chance to ruminate at our expense re OUR vote to leave the EU?
Shouldn`t you be in Brussels or Strasbourg where your “democratic mandate” might be more of a piece with your surroundings?
What the hell have YOU got to say?…and what presumptions give you the ear of some BBC husband or other from the top table?
Fuck off Pet….maybe The BBC could look at HER nerve to spout , instead of the incessant digging around Jack Straws willy….err, line seems to have gone down there John….
Wankette of a pensionable bouquet…smells like Baroness Warnocks incontinence pads anyway…off to dinner now!
You turn on the TV in the morning and flick back and forth between BBC and Sky and there is no difference between them. Same stories, the same time schedule, same censorship… We seriously need a respectable Right-of-centre news outlet in this country. I’m sick of the leftwing chattering classes and their political correctness. Isn’t it ridiculous when you have to look elsewhere to get news that isn’t driven by far left ideological agendas even though we pay for the BBC?
Alex, yes it is astonishing that no-one has taken up this opportunity, as I am certain there is a strong commercial case for it. And as even RT is allowed to broadcast here ??
You need a License to Broadcast before you can go on air. The leftists have long since taken control of the granting of such licenses and they will simply refuse to grant a license to any organisation which they think will end the left’s iron grip on the MSM in this country. I suppose a ‘pirate’ station broadcasting without a license may work but the best bet is to follow the example of Breitbart on the net. That is until the leftists seize control of that as well.
I have a few questions about the Iplayer loophole closure that perhaps you clever people can help with.
1. Will it still be possible to listen to BBC radio online without a licence, in the same way that it is possible to do so with a radio set?
2. Will it still be possible to watch commercial television online without a licence?
3. How will the BBC know if you can have access to iplayer? Some sort of access code based on the licence, presumably?
4. As I understand it, it will be possible to watch online TV away from the registered address if the appliance (laptop, phone etc) is not plugged into the mains. But how can this be enforced? Eg, if (I am not advocating this but just asking) one were to use the code (assuming that is how it is done) from the licence of someone who doesn’t use a computer (eg, an elderly relative) and who lives somewhere else, how would the BBC know whether you were plugged into the mains or not?
I’ve tried kodi and found it near impenetrable. After a lot of googling I got something set up, only for it to stop working a week later. Probably because my broadband provider blocked the source. It was just too much bother to start all over again.
So yes, it is too good to be true in my experience.
Some answers:
1. Listening to BBC radio needs no license. The new law change is for iPlayer only
2. Yes, you can watch ITV player etc without a BBC license
3. They would know the IP address of the person receiving iPlayer services which could be matched with the help of Internet Service Providers to establish if it is a fixed property location. They have a database of addresses with a TV license. The IP address is only for the router so if its wi-fi it doesn’t prove which device or person accessed the iPlayer service but TV Licensing always go for the ‘home occupier’.
4. It cannot be enforced which is probably why they have allowed this loop hole still.
I think they are just trying to target persons watching iPlayer via laptop/xBox etc via a home fixed line broadband service which they could enforce.
If you were to watch iPlayer via a mobile data internet service then the BBC would be hard pushed to prove where you were at the time.
“3. They would know the IP address of the person receiving iPlayer services which could be matched with the help of Internet Service Providers to establish if it is a fixed property location.”
But I think I’m right in saying that a VPN service would avoid this?
I’d even go so far as to say that SKY is worse although, obviously, we don’t have to pay for it.
I thought I detected a fairly sudden change a few years ago around the time that the morning paper review slot was watered down and stronger, more personal right-of-centre viewpoints, seemed to disappear. It could have been political, or it could just have been a decision to make the show more lightweight.
Whether this was in response to external pressure of some sort I have no way of knowing.
@Alex all output same, cos PR machines feed the same news IN.
I suspect that what you call “news progs”, what I call infotainment is not made by reporters going OUT and getting stories, but rather by vast PR machines feeding stories INTO the broadcasters. It’s all reporters doing cut and paste . That is why the narrative is always the same across networks.
The BBC morning headlines can usually be predicted by looking at the front page of the day’s Guardian.
“”US election: Donald Trump warns vote could be ‘rigged’ “”
“”He told a rally in Columbus, Ohio, that he had heard “more and more” that the contest would be unfair. He offered no immediate evidence”” (BBC demand immediate evidence. Why? That’s never requested of the Democrats).
“”Mr Trump repeated the rigging allegation later on on Fox News”” (The BBC hate Fox News. They assume that association will denigrate Trump).
“”His comments come amid further criticism for remarks he made about the parents of a Muslim soldier”” (This criticism is from BBC/Democrat quarters. Trump only asked if the dead soldier’s mother was absent from the side of his father due to cultural/religious requirements. This was a fair comment),
“”Democrats and Republicans alike have condemned Mr Trump for his remarks about a US Muslim soldier’s parents”” (Democrats would of course criticise as do failed Republican candidates).
“”The soldier’s parents, Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala, told the BBC it was time to stand up to Mr Trump but he accused them of “viciously” attacking him”” (Why did the BBC not offer a counter view. Is the word ‘vicious’ appropriate?)
“”In another development, American billionaire businessman Warren Buffett challenged Mr Trump to release his tax returns”” (This old chestnut. No mention of Clinton’s murky past that led to her detention by the FBI).
PTG, anyone in the ‘know’ would have instantly known it had to be the Ahmadiyya version of the Muslim faith. The other savages wouldn’t be seen dead in a Christian church. Indeed, if that event were to take place, they may well wind up dead as a result!
BBC running a piece on home ownership being the lowest in 30 years this morning. We are at a house for sale in Manchester this morning where they had a chat with this gent Thomas barlow who is the editor of this but not a mention of it
They have been banging on about the resolution foundation all morning in relation to this housing. Our old friend and Red Eds policy director (The Ed Stone) Torsten bell is a director. Quelle f…ing surprise
The same bloke was used in the 1pm lunchtime news again from the same house. Again no mention of who this guy is only letting him bleat on that he can’t afford a house as he wasn’t paid enough. This lady was also interviewed Polly Steiner
To be fair although immigration plays a part, I believe an important reason for generation Rent is because banks lent so much money at such low interest, it became profitable for buy to let landlords to build up huge property empires entirely on leveraged debt. Rents had to rise to cover their mortgages and in turn, housing benefit rose creating a vicious cycle. Immigration was only part of it, although immigrants provide a ready market of people willing to live 10 to a room, meaning they can afford to live somewhere that a British family can’t.
Regarding complaints to the BBC, I have occasionally received a grudging and partial acknowledgement of wrongdoing by attacking on a few fronts – formal complaint to the ‘Complaints’ website in conjunction with emails to the guilty parties and their managers/editors:
“At the very least, it lets the individuals concerned know how they are seen by the public.”
They sure do! – just have a look at their own ‘Have Your Say’ site, when it appears .
Funny thing is, HYS never reflects what they broadcast from ‘selected texts’ in their live TV shows ?
Can`t say I`ve won anything out of my BBC Complaint re their use of “My brand”…the Nasty Party” pop at their hierarchy.
No reply to me second, more overt gripe…but I`ve not heard the phrase since.
Of course, this may be due to May no longer being the story from 2002 clips-on the other hand, Mike Larner is clearly a bigwig who responded to me within the hour…so I`d stepped on someones ballet callus anyway.
And I like to think I can get my case number back as the red button on the dashboard to give the learned Larner another whiff of cordite and grapeshot-will decide which one nearer the time.
If anyone DOES hear that phrase “Nasty Party”…all I need is BBC forum, date and time…Mike would like to know I`m sure…and he seems to like me!
Apparently, Giselle Bundchen (sp?) the Brazilian supermodel is going to play a role in the upcoming Olympics opening ceremony in a skit which supposedly reflects everyday life inside the country. Seemingly, she will be walking down a catwalk when she is held up and robbed, in the ceremony.
Bet Danny Boyle is kicking himself.
Surely we could have had an NHS die-in where over a thousand pensioners in shitty shifts were left to die in the dark and cold as the one NHS “nursing supervisor” made paper aeroplanes from the latest NHS target sheet that would have to be met…2000 dead by 2019.
The “If Dr Harold had worked at Mid-Staffs” tableau.
Pillow fights and mattress slashings as the doctors used beds as bouncy castles to ask for yet more time off, less work and more transgender Yorkie bars in the “Healthy Snaxx” machine by A&E.
Instead we got HIS lefty bilge in 2012…albeit well-orchestrated.
Four years on-we`d have to put Rotherham in now, Cliff and an RAF fly past telling the EU to f its own hole and not ours any longer.
Your post is good Thoughtful but where are the songs of peace and the teddy bears. You’ve got to have teddy bears in your list surely.
Also, let’s blame everyone but the terrorist.It’s not fair that the killers had to endure a difficult family background and tough upbringing. It’s not fair that we don’t understand the killers problems. What about his/her human rights as a political, ideological, religious killer?
‘We need to educate killers!!!’. Tell that to the relatives of the murdered.
Been waiting for a suitable moment for this one.
Here’s a quote.
” lighting candles gets you know where.”
Nice comment many of us would share.
It came from the comment column of the Hindustan Times on April 2nd, thank you Shishir Gupta.
There’s a piece of multiculturalim that the left and the bBBC will not I suspect have mentioned.
But nice to see many of our Indian friends are on the same page as us.
Not interested in the zica games more interested in the Brazilian polluted river systems the cutting down of rain forest. What’s the theme for this games.
We all basked in the uplifting news from the BBC that Muslims attended the mass to commemorate Fr Jacques Hamel, the priest murdered at Mass. Oh, what joy we said, as our hearts warmed to this enticing new dawn of Muslims showing empathy for their victims.
As ever the consistently sharp Douglas Murray has actually carried out a little investigation and discovered that the majority of Muslims who attended are from the Ahmadiyya sect. Just as a reminder, the poor shop keeper who was murdered in Glasgow by a Muslim was an Ahmadiyya, as is his unfortunate entire family who are now in hiding from Muslims. The shop keeper’s crime in the eyes of Muslims was to wish Christians a happy Easter. Anyone would think it counts as a hate crime.
YES Scribbling, YES! Btw I posted an almost identical blog yesterday (below), but who cares – it needs repeating!
Beeb duplicity is boundless. Remember the heart warming story of ‘Muslims’ attending church services in France to show solidarity? The numbers were MINUSCULE btw, but let that pass. What the beeb (and most msm) forgot to mention was that they were mostly members of the Ahmadiyya sect, a moderate and open branch of Islam considered heretical and, you guessed it, VIOLENTLY PERSECUTED by mainstream Islam all over the world. Remember the poor grocery store owner in Glasgow murdered by a Muslim for wishing his customers Happy Easter? Yep, Ahmadiyya. (Incidentally the beeb were duplicitous then too, the headline reading something like ‘Muslim shopkeeper murdered for his faith’ making it sound like some nasty racist right-winger.
Here’s the heroic Douglas Murray in the Spectator:
Those who feel obliged to challenge the vicious trolling by Jerrod and others (and I fully understand that) should consider replying to them at the bottom of the thread after an appropriate delay rather than directly under their comment. That should lessen the trolls’ sense of self-importance and also perhaps lessen the likelihood of lengthy tit for tats.
Good suggestion. I will take it up. I plead guilty to tackling the vermin at source but realize they never answer questions, but merely repond with abusive comments. Sadly, this is what passes for debate among the left on social media, and is no doubt encouraged by teachers and academics who have long rejected the Enlightenment ideals of truth, reason and argument. Like this LSE academic who sets an example she is proud of by yelling obscenties.
Dr Lisa Mackenzie of the LSE, one of the leaders of Class War, stood against IDS in the election as a Class War joke candidate and kept her speeches to obscenities, using her favourite c word.
My reason for drawing attention to this is to highlight the depth to which universities have sunk, places where obscenity replaces discussion and counter argument.
This is the standard set for our trolls who trade insults rather than face up to their moral shame for supporting child rapists and murderers who try to behead priests.
Dreadlock armpit hair though!
Who says that Yooni dumbed down…would love to see her grooming Claire Solomon( Britains longest ever held back student, now Brian Haw died) for lice on a ” Shrove Gove” Modular course at Barts Collagen , Oxbrigton-with fire extinguishers available on the fourth floor to drop on any plebs who clean at Byron Burgers.
Charlie Gilmour and Otis Ferry to do the unplugged Venezuelan Requiem on stolen guitar….
Welcome to Yooni 2016…safe spaces for everyone but Jews and those of independent means and minds.
And VERY safe spaces for salafi-wahabbi chaps…braided armpit hair probably makes this Mrs Chips safe as well from their probings…today anyway.
Stop taking the moral high ground GWF. Your idea of “argument” is to accuse people of looking for sex in public toilets, or your current kick of talking unprompted about fisting.
If you want people to take you seriously you might want to consider behaving sensibly to begin with. Otherwise you end up like so many others, hypocritically calling all other people trolls from your own little hole under a bridge.
What a thing to post Jerrod, hoping for the permanent silencing of a fellow site user.
I’d say you ought to feel ashamed, but that would imply a level of self-awareness that’d be out of place in Jerrod world, decency, honesty – they’re for other people.
Oh dear, Guest Who sticking his rather limp oar in again. The man whose only claim to fame is not realising he’s entered himself into the Lack of Self-Awareness of the Year Award.
Along with what you have tried to distract from coined above, preserved in all its glory for when next you are moved to claim for yourself, ironically, the latest victim or debating maturity gong.
Hope you hit that ocean one day. Even the North Koreans can, on occasion.
I`ve given you a “Like” you dozy lump!
Hoping then that you`ll come back and further repeat your witty riposts, because someone “liked” your comment.
It was me-and you only confirm everything that people here think of you-get nurse to read what GWF says below about the reasons why old Lefties left the field to third rate posture springies like you-which is why the Left is dead meat festering.
A few big words below-and the meds won`t help-but you`ll get the jist.
Come back when you have an argument about ANY one of the points raised by -well GWF would be be nice but ANYBODY here would do.
Not me though-you stopped, I stoppered some time last year.
Now off you go lad…
PS-can spell it as “gist” if that stops you thinking we need to debate our spellings…no excuses
Peter, Grant,
I agree with you
Many years ago I remember working with Hungarian refugees from Soviet oppression. Defending the Soviets were people who were called left wing academics. They wore corduroy jackets with patches on the sleeves. They would argue and present evidence in support of their views and respond by criticizing mine. They had arty books, polished wooden floors, went on Committee of 100 demonstrations, and supported the Daily Herald. I had respect for them because they adhered to rational argument rather than evade questions and employ insults. And no one cared tuppence about the search for the moral high ground, which is a piece of nonsense from either an epistemic or moral standpoint.
During the sixties and seventies the left wing intellectuals were replaced by Labour pragmatists like Wilson or action fanatics, such as the current leaders of the loonie left who seek alliances with fanatics who seek the destruction of western values. Our trolls here are spawned by that generation and have lost contact with Enlightenment ideals, and could not even mount a defence of any brand of Marxism or socialism. They just make insults, virtue signal, and claim access to the nonsensical moral high ground.
It was against the background of left wing intellectuals that I took up higher education. I studied physics under one of the team that manufactured the Hiroshima bomb – surprisingly he is still alive and was recently interviewed by the stupid BBC who did not know about his wartime work. But my disillusionment with the BBC gradually increased as it moved more in the latter direction. My turning point was when they ran a Panorama programme which rubbished work that I and others had done in the field of organ transplants – still regarded as ground breaking research. Of course the BBC was put in its place and exposed by the BMA for endangering the lives of over 3000 patients awaiting organs.
So yes Peter and Grant, life is too short to waste time on the vermin who appear here as trolls, who have been given numerous opportunities to respond to argument or even answer a question. They are a relatively new phenomenon which, for a while I thought it amusing to tease. But really, can you argue and discuss with people who support the mass rapes of children and the killing of an elderly priest? Vermin.
Congratulations on all counts. As I have posted here on various occasions the BBC does not do science. They are too stupid and it is too difficult for them. But they can cope with Strictly !
GWF, your trajectory was a bit similar to mine, although I didn’t do science at Uni as I turned to the dark side. I did my Maths, Physics and Chemistry A Levels. Then I declined to go to Uni to study Civ Eng as I was fed up with Mechanics and Organic Chemistry. I worked for a few years and then went and did Sociology. Somehow or other, the experience of being exposed to Gramsci at Uni and the Militants in my local Labour party made me realise that I was basically a bit of a conservative. After a couple of years I emigrated and relied on the World Service to tell me what was really happening in the country in which I was living as censorship here was fierce. Since then, I’ve seen the opening up of the media in Africa and the closing of minds on the bBBC. Strange world!
I have to confess to a long and extremely varied life. Did the left movements, worked alongside Kinnock, Cousins and Jack Jones, worked in maximum security prisons, a spell with military intelligence in the US Navy, interesting work in South America, adviser to the Secretary of State, Defra in the House of Lords, held senior posts in several universities, animal trainer, done bits in non BBC TV shows, even nominated for a Royal TV Award. Experience which gives me a standpoint for criticizing BBC bias and the shits who defend it.
GWF – I remember that programme about 25 years ago I remember ripping up my donor card at the time and never really trusted transplant surgeons after that.
The programme had a lasting negative effect. A pack of lies, false witnesses, a failure to address the concept and criteria for death, preconditions and tests, and two doctors who appeared as experts were later required by pressure from my request to rescind their false evidence which was published in a tiny apology somewhere in the middle of the Guardian. I cannot see reasons for the BBC’s position other than a desire to shock by programme makers with little knowledge of the subject. I could not even accuse them of corruption, of the sort I later found in Germany when a surgeon admitted to me that the suppliers of dialysis machines had paid for his sons university education in return for witholding transplant organs and maintaining the patients on dialysis.
GWF was the programme about 25 years ago?. I remember ripping up my donor card at the time and never really trusted transplant surgeons after that.
Just goes to prove Aunty has a long pedigree of throwing “shit” about. Unfortunately some of it always sticks. I remember at the time being horror struck about how much we had been ” lied” to by the medical profession who it appeared wanted transplants so desperately they were not doing proper checks on the donors to check whether they were properly dead.
I wonder how many people like me did not carry donor cards because of this, and it would therefore follow that delays caused by having to contact donors relatives to harvest organs would almost definitely caused deaths in potential recipients.
Of course the BBC would always come out of this with a clean pair of hands as I am sure they were “only acting on information they were given”.
Better late than never, but I was listening to a bit of radio on Sunday.
The first thing that caught my ear was an interview with William Haig on Radio Wales, just before 1pm I think it was. After some discussion about Brexit which seemed fair enough (Haig was a Remainer, but we now have to get on with it) the presenter added that “shamefully”, straight after the referendum, the Leavers (apparently) reneged on their promises to cut immigration. Say what? Who said anything of the kind straight after the referendum? Seems to me C4’s ambush of Farage the morning after about Boris’s £350m claim is now being morphed in beeboid-land into something to do with immigration?
Switching over in disgust to R4, I was almost immediately confronted with The World At One whose lead story was the horrendous prospect of having to have a land border between an EU country (Eire) and a non-EU country (UK). For god’s sake. It’s as if (a) we didn’t have this issue pre-1973 when we were not in a customs union with Eire, and (b) there are no other external land borders of the EU 🙄
Sometimes I just can’t keep up with the quick wit and repartee of so many on this site; it is a joy to read. Even the troll exchanges are fun, to a degree! It’s like reading an infant class fairy story!
Occasionally there are newcomers like Norman who shared his bBc complaint with us. Well, of course I welcome him to our band of happy brothers, as we all do, and don’t wish to burst his enthusiastic balloon, but good luck with that, Norm! Then I wondered, since no one ever receives satisfactory replies from our national caretaker-of-propaganda, what about bombarding our own MPs with complaints? Would that help? Would it be better just to do it individually or could we somehow make it a concerted effort?
I mean to say, the whole b****y output of the beeb is a joke these days; we know it; we hear it; we see it; we sense it; we taste it; it’s relentless hate-speak. And we are all capable of seeing what’s round the corner….for example, the Leytonstone killer (sorry, mentally ill geek) will leave prison in a few year’s time, in a bBc-paid taxi straight to the studio! Look what happened to the fraudster banker; on Toady yesterday I think…I was wrong…yes, I did it…they all still do it…thank you – where’s my cheque?
Complaining to our MP’s – what an excellent idea, Soapbox! Now why didn’t I think of that before… Oh wait, no, won’t they just say that it’s independent and there’s nothing they can do about it? Has anyone ever tried this before?
“it’s independent”?
Yet if I watch TV but not Al Beeb I am forced by law to pay an unjust and unfair tax for it .
I like tea but don’t like coffee – so do I have to contribute to all the coffee drinkers of this nation ?
Get rid of the Licence Fee and let Al Beeb fund itself and its overpaid employees . Will we ever get to see a breakdown their wage bill ?
We are taxed for owning a TV so it is part of MPs’ duties to deal with this. They have the power to abolish the tax but, as usual, they shirk anything they do not like. Lazy skivers.
I meant editorially independent not financially, but yes, in terms of taxation we could always ask our MPs to abolish the licence fee and make the BBC earn its crust…
Personally I’m not very enthusiastic as (a) I don’t think there is enough support and (b) in any case I don’t think it would sort out the institutional left-wing pro-refugee anti-Trump pro-Islam anti-Western bias.
The best way would be to have an independent regulator with some teeth, but whether or not Ofcom is up to the job remains to be seen…
LOL. Well if Ofcom are anything like the ASA it will be a total and utter joke. You know, “naughty boy, don’t do it again, here’s a £50 quid fine to deter you”.
As a new person here I would like to think, that complaining to my local MP would have an effect. Unfortunately the truth is that not one politician wish to be targeted by the social justice warriors. The Byron Burger affair quickly cleared their minds even if they had such thoughts.
Any article about in the Guardian about the BBC (license fee especially ) has them foaming in the mouth. Anyone who doesn’t want to pay the fee is……. is…. is…. a Brexiter…
My local MP is a decent bloke, but got it badly wrong on the EU vote.
So-in this political fluidity-am making contacts with the neighbouring MP who called it right.
Nothing too loaded-but worth exploring anyway.
IN a similar vein…got a few names of MPs who have shown their independence in key areas-don`t HAVE to be right on all of them mind, just the ones that matter.
By my League Tables, would put Rees Mogg first…but Mann, Stuart, Field, Hoey, Davies(P), Bridgen, Cash, Hemming, Drax and -well there`ll be others-have passed muster, and it may well be a case of subverting Parliamentary synchronised paddlings with more focused and directed campaigns.
Particularly if UKIP don`t give us a Woolfe or something equally good as a leader.
The Party system is done-adopt an MP who`s speaking from you , especially if nearby…but , hey, if you have to go to Bassetlaw online, well who`ll stop you?
I had been giving mine the benefit to the doubt, but no longer.
He was already revealed as worse than useless (as they all are) by taking months to ‘process’ an issue I had on Elder Care oversight, which involved vast amounts of paperwork telling me he had received my letter, and then a bunch more when the Minister he had passed on to responded by telling me, via him, to get stuffed. Basically no more than the world’s most expensive photocopier assistant.
Ironically in the period that had elapsed the Minister had changed anyway.
On the BBC he has shown himself to be pure ‘national treasure’ camp, addicted to the DP sofa for the thrusting young wannabe PM.
He was, briefly, chair of the last DCMS committee agreeing with Whipping boy that the BBC needs more money and less oversight, so expecting sense out of him on blatant inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and accountability was ambitious.
He also went silent over Brexit before declaring for May, thus acquiring a Junior Minister reward.
Like our MEP, he will not be getting our vote next time, no matter how tactically the ballot rigging needs to be.
Soapbox. I did exactly that for the purposes of a BBC complaint: I contacted my new MP (I recently moved) by email and even received a token reply: ‘I’ll get back to you’. That was just after the Referendum. No reply since then. Well, if Nia Griffith (Labour) MP is tuned in, can I have a reply please?
The Times is doing articles exposing the Russia Today channel so often mentioned here.
Of course everyone here recognises that although RT does mention things BBC censors out, RT is at heart a Putin propaganda operation.
President Putin has launched a secret propaganda assault on Britain from within its own borders, The Times can reveal.”……The Kremlin is spreading disinformation through a newly opened British bureau for its Sputnik international news service, and is infiltrating elite universities by placing language and cultural centres on campuses.
RT is a state-run haven for cranks and conspiracy theorists that has no place on our screens…..
Broadcasting was part of the western democracies’ strategy of containment in the Cold War. The captive populations of the Soviet bloc knew they were being fed lies by their official media. They hungered for reliable information and, with government funding but editorial independence, western news organisations provided it.
The Kremlin-backed television station RT is succeeding in turning viewers against the West, according to the first controlled experiment into the effects of watching the news channel.
Those exposed only to RT’s message became significantly more hostile to the western viewpoint — but the effect decreased when people were also shown BBC coverage.
Note how you can reverse the words in that paragraph :
“Those exposed only to BBC’s message became significantly more hostile to the western viewpoint
— but the effect decreased when people were also shown RT coverage.
WE all know the bias of RT. It is pro Russian and makes this clear.
The talk shows do have a really wide variety of people on and given the topics it seems free speech rules.
When we have an escalating security crisis in Europe and the real possibility of a destabalised continent the unreal attitude of our media is far more dangerous than pro Russian bias on RT.
From the Cologne rapes to the way the jihadi attacks are downplayed or distorted our media is in denial and actually hostile to our interests.
Our media can no longer be trusted.Our leaders ,in concert with this media, can no longer be trusted.
RT is the least of our problems.
Yes, DaveS, but the difference is, we know and understand RT’s bias. The BBC? We suffer their bias but without a senior mole telling us (or a proper Enquiry) we will never fully ‘understand’ why.
RT propaganda is fairly obvious to anyone with a critical eye. I think RT is alright for getting an alternative viewpoint, particularly in areas where the BBC shows bias (eg, immigration/radical Islam) but it certainly shouldn’t be relied on as a main news source, just as the BBC shouldn’t be relied on as a main news source.
The sad thing is that the BBC USED to be a reasonably impartial reliable news service because we knew that its bias was towards Britain and British interests, which was perfectly reasonable given its remit. The trouble started when its bias moved away from British interests, to those of internationalist cultural marxism.
Cranmer, quite so. RT’s sole raison d’etre is to further Putin’s agenda. Failing that, cause as much mayhem to the West as poss. If occasionally that involves telling the truth, then by George we’ll do it!
Just throw some petrol on any old fire.
(All methods are good, from Sputnik to football hooliganism by para-military goons.)
There is absolutely no secret about RT being the Russian propaganda arm, I thought that was common knowledge. Every news channel is biased. The myth is the belief by some that the BBC is an exception.
The only answer if you haven’t direct knowledge of a controversial event is to use a range of sources, but that’s time consuming. Be sceptical of all news you get.
The difference being FlexD that most channels are biased towards their own culture whereas Aunty seems to despise the English and everything we stand for.
Stew – Good ol’ Grauniad siding with the enemy as usual.
“The Guardian also carried an opinion piece on its website by Piers Robinson from the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield. He questioned the Times articles, saying the UK’s media biases must also be looked at with a “critical eye.”
Light bulb moment
I’ve always been interested in politics and would watch question time. But became irritated that no one asked the right questions well for 30 years now i know. Liberal left agenda from the BBC. Aunty you have betrayed me tried to distort my opinions. We keep hearing about getting more people to vote. Does it only apply to them (the youth) if we agree with you. Your a bad aunty, cruella de Ville. The new complaints procedure from the royal charter is flawed because you have to complain to the bbc (the problem)first then if your lucky an independent opinion. All complaints vetted by cruella, how wonderful a system set up to find your opponents. Right minded people beware.
Well said Mackers – rings a bell for me too (about QT). The emperor’s clothes were revealed during the referendum campaign, surprised it took me so long to work out how it all worked… Very disillusioning, I must say 🙁
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First post of this new thread, and I just wanted to highlight all on the relentless graft today put in by the devious, conniving, Jihadi Jerrod, who hates his own people so much that it must destroy his very soul that he and his horrid, traitorous, spineless, vermin friends are currently getting their arse kicked by their sworn enemies… Us
He absolutely detests us. Like a brutalised dog, the man (though I have doubts, with him being such a cowardly cretin) keeps slogging away, trying to detract us from listing the relentless bias, the utter failures and downright embarrassments being suffered by the left.
The left are losing… Everywhere. He knows it. Nobody else is listening to his rancid messages of division and hatred of his own people. Nobody believes that moron is anything other than a joke, and for someone of such self-righteousness and delusion, it must hurt like a bitch
Your team is getting their arses kicked. On your watch your way of approaching life is epically failing around you, and no matter what you and your fellow scrotums are doing, it’s not working.
Just think, one day you are going to be either on your knees begging Allah for forgiveness as the Islamic warriors carry out Allahs will and murder unimaginable numbers of infidels all over the world… Or you will know that you owe your horrible, pointless life, to the very people you did everything to destroy. What a bitch life can be Jihadi
Allahu Akbar
> the relentless graft today put in by the devious, conniving, Jihadi Jerrod
Relentless graft? Four posts. This is the fifth.
Just as well everybody already knows you’re a hysterical little fantasist who can’t be believed, isn’t it?
“Just as well everybody already knows you’re a hysterical little fantasist who can’t be believed, isn’t it?”
Seems to me the sort of thing a calm, realist who speaks the truth would post.
Do their mummies know that they are on the internet ?
> Seems to me the sort of thing a calm, realist who speaks the truth would post.
But you have no problem with Tothepoint’s delusions, of course. Because Biased BBC’s commenters think it’s okay for their fellow right-wing crazies to say whatever the f they like.
I suppose even they know that expecting people like Tothepoint to behave like reasonable adults who understand how the world works is about as likely as David Vance turning down a BBC appearance fee because he feels the topic in question would better deserve commentary from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about instead of a fame-hungry failed politician.
Sorry Jihadi, you seem to have thrown all your toys out of your pram…
…Oh look, what’s this book doing in your pram Jerrod… a book which basically instructs you to “butcher the infidels and submit the entire world to Allahs merciful will….if the infidels do not utterly submit, slaughter them”…I’ll put that back in there for you, I don’t want to force you into slaughtering a few dozen infidels from feeling alienated….sounds like a great book of peace and love that one though… It goes well with this public friendly enrichment suicide kit you have in here, which is laden with explosives and nails..
Keep digging, Tothepoint.
Every time you do, you prove my point that Biased BBC commenters’ behaviour invalidates their claims to want reasonable debate.
Every time you do, it proves that the protestations of Grant, Guest Who and all the other self-appointed arbiters of some supposed moral high ground are lying when they want reasonable debate. It’s not good behaviour they care about. Their entire objections are ideological. They don’t care about bad behaviour as long as you don’t contradict their bigotries.
So thank you for illuminating just how much you, Vance, Alan and all the other lunatic halfwits on this site are just a bunch of lying schoolchildren who have built a little clubhouse of hatred, and get all antsy when it’s pointed out that people in the real world think you’re totally nuts.
Jerrod/Scott/Manon, some of us are still waiting for evidence of your claim that Trump is a renowned racist.
Kindly post some proof or retract your statement.
You have been asked so many times now for proof, yet you have signally failed to post anything. With every minute that passes, your claim to want a reasoned debate is becoming more and more laughable.
No wonder people are starting to take the piss. Those of us who do still try and interact with you in a civil, logical, manner usually get panned too, so what’s the point.
Talking of which, do you always tar everyone with the same brush? Some people might think that’s somewhat akin to racism, but hey ho…
Jerrod, “What difference at this point does it make?”
Fist off Fisting Jerrod. You never argue or respond to invitations to argue and back up your words. Go back to your komrads who support child rapists and the killers of priests
> Fist off Fisting Jerrod.
Nice to see GWF shouting “Look at me! Look at me! Look at how low I am in this gutter!” once again…
Jerrod, It is you and your komrads who have made a political virtue out of fisting to bring down the Tories. Not my cup of tea. However, it is preferable to raping children and defending it by denouncing critics as bigots.
Do better or the BBC will have to let you go
Why are you wasting time on that silly little mindless wanker ?
Glad you found the time to visit us.
Now, about this everlasting keyboard of yours.
I contacted professor Brian Cox, the prof. assured me that there would be sufficient interest in this apparent violation of the known laws of physics, to justify a one hour BBC Horizon programme on the subject.
Naturally the programme would focus on the keyboard, rather than yourself, but the dynamics of the keyboard would be demonstrated by you.
Yes, you would be watched by 300,000,000 people (approximately) typing BIGOT, BIGOT, BIGOT. You would also receive a fee and an interview for a sinecure with the BBC news service.
Contact Brian Cox at
Ah, I see you’ve decided to join in tothepoint’s hole-digging exercise. Well done you. I suppose if it keeps you occupied during the summer holidays until your school goes back in September…
I’ve noticed that since you have completely lost your head Jihadi, you have switched back to default. Being a racist Islamaphobe….
Why are you forcing your racist bigotry on brother Truthseeker?
“Back to school in September”… How do you know that TS hasn’t changed race to be a follower of peace and is now forced to completely forget about school or be stoned to death?
“hole digging exercise”.. How do you know that TS and I aren’t just digging peace tunnels like the followers of peace do in Israel…ready to offer peace and love to those who do not believe in Peacelam??
And if we are a team, is it racist and sexist for one of us not to be 5 paces back and unable to speak unless everyone else has left the room?!
Showing narcissistic levels of bigotry and supremacy again I see Jihadi….I’m offended by your hatred! (just thrown my toys on the floor to join yours…)
Relentless graft? Four posts. This is the fifth.
Yeah, but funny how you have a habit of popping up right on cue, especially whenever your favourite Religion of Peace is under fire (metaphorically speaking, of course) – so I’d say your eternal vigilance is a form of hard graft.
Harder graft would be trying to control that Tourette’s of yours – you just can’t help yourself with those imbecilic playground insults can you?
Seems Hilary was corrupt and unethical right from the get go:
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation … one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals … including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum … who engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation.
Very interesting.
The defenestration of Richard Nixon was basically a left wing coup, which the left continue to bask over to this day. There was no evidence that Nixon ordered the break in and bugging of the Democrat offices before they happened, What he did was the same thing all politicians do, try to cover it up after the fact and make sure none of it came back to him. He failed in the face of a left wing media onslaught. He was a right wing Republican who had initiated nuclear arms reduction talks with the USSR, opened links to Red China, and negotiated an end to the Vietnam War. Clearly, he had to go.
What I find instructive is that even in this poisonous atmosphere of extreme left wing agitprop, Hillary Clinton stood out as a devious and untrustworthy liar even then. I wonder what the young Bill Cinton saw in her?
It is because Hillary Clinton is such a truly awful human being, a liar, a criminal (by any reasonable standards) and a complete fake that I hope and pray Donald Trump will win the presidential election. He is not perfect, but the alternative is truly diabolical.
“Muhiddin Mire will serve a minimum of eight and a half years for the attack at Leytonstone station on Lyle Zimmerman on 5 December last year.”
This Islamic terrorist tried to hack the head off an innocent man and he’ll be eligible for parole in eight and a half years…….what on earth is going on?
And I see the BBC now have adopted a ludicrous new phrase to disassociate Islamist terrorists from…. wait…. yep, you got it…. Islam: ‘mentally ill men who are paranoid due to persecution of Muslims in the world.’ So, whenever an Islamist terror attack happens you can expect the following smokescreens: ‘mentally ill man…’ coupled with ‘lone wolf…’ and when they’re really desperate – ‘far-Right Brevik enthusiast’. The BBC are pathetic!
All those poor psychologists and psychiatrists must be working overtime what with all the sudden spikes in cases of Jihadi mental illness.
‘mentally ill men who are paranoid due to persecution of Muslims in the world.’
Can you provide the source of this quote please, now that the BBC have ‘adopted a ludicrous new phrase’? I’ve googled it but the only relevant result seems to be your post.
Here’s the BBC’s online headline article about it:
‘Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC said while he accepted Mire was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the offence, he also believed he had been motivated by events in Syria….The court previously heard the 30-year-old had a history of mental illness and suffered his first episode of psychosis in 2006.
However, prosecutor Jonathan Rees QC called it a “revenge attack”…..We suggest that it can be no coincidence that the attack was carried out some three days after Parliament had voted to extend the UK bombing campaign against Isis in Syria,”
Mire will begin his sentence at Broadmoor secure hospital.
the guy who almost had his throat cut, an apparently American Jew Lyle Zimmerman appears to think the main factor was Muhiddin Mire’s mental illness, and that Broadmoor is the best place for him:
Oh, and don’t forget the source of that quote – cheers
I’m really surprised that the BBC (and other news channels) haven’t classed all of us who voted Brexit, mentally incompetent – it appears to be the buzz word of the moment. Remember when there was a dearth of bi-polar, with two thirds of slebs on the chat sofas confessing to be a victim ? and I know its not something to be joked about, but there was a time when I felt that I was the only one in the world who had never been bullied, either at school or at work ! perhaps it was just my manner in telling the perpetrators to ‘piss off’ wot did it.
The extraordinarily light sentence given to the would be jihadist murderer at Leytonstone station left me breathless. Eight and a half years! He tried to hack an innocent commuter to death!
The BBC have spent the weeks since Brexit screaming about “hate crimes” and now they offer us a plethora of psychological excuses for this vile creature’s behaviour. Now this really IS a hate crime. No arguments.
Oh, and how many bloody times are they going to play the tape of the passerby shouting, “you ain’t no Muslim, bruv.”?
Do you think they’re trying to leave us a message?
Eight years, probably less, as he lives the life of an Islamic hero, giving orders to his guards, in control of the other prisoners, because of his high status,having all the entitlements that our liberal progressive legal system can offer.
This is the problem you describe GWF when the other alternative cannot be achieved – Paradise. I’d sooner have supported sending him on his way to a spell spent with all those virgins!
MInd you wasnt it also convenient for the BBC that the Obamaist /Globalist agenda victim of the attempted murder, an American, stated that he was ‘very glad it happened in a country with strict gun laws’ (a clear attack on his own country’s policies.)
Presumably he was intending to suggest he would have been shot, had it been the U.S. I wouldnt be too sure about that, Muslim killers seem to prefer bloodier more primitive methods.
Compare & contrast this report by the BBC and its reporting of Islamic terror.
Here we have a bona fide diagnosed Schizophrenic who has committed a gruesome murder . Undoubtedly he was failed by the socialised NHS which should never have discharged him from secure care.
Mr Lound (the victim) was gay and occasionally cross-dressed and Arnold (the killer) considered his victim to be “a weirdo”
So the murder is described as ‘Homophobic’ and ‘transphobic’. Odd that, because when some Islamist murders several people in the name of his religion, and even if he is never diagnosed as being mentally ill, that illness is diagnosed post attack by the media.
Muhiddin Mire (diagnosed Schizo) Is not described by the BBC as an Islamist nor is it a ‘hate crime’ nor ‘racist’ or ‘Xenophobic’ which it would have been if the perpetrator had been a white Christian.
Discrimination is defined in law as treatment different on the ground of race religion disability etc etc. And on that basis I’m going to call the BBC out as anti white racist, xenophobic and anti every other religion & none, due to its blatant Islamophillia !
Whenever Islam comes up against “gay”…the Orlando queens can hide behind their rainbow parasols and pray to Dorothy as far as the BBC are concerned.
The BBC may crave and “inspire” the likes of Coles, Fanshawe and all the rest of them to cream a living from the rest of us…but when it comes to courage , reason, logic-hell, even law, even morality…well the BBC and its Liberal Left cramshafts have long decided to admire the pecs of the suicide bomber or the Boston boys.
About time the gays woke up-they are the coming catholics of Normandie Midi…so why do THEY pay their TV Licenses?
We need common cause-Islam and the EU…IN or OUT of them?…simple choice I`d have thought.
Apropos Sir Shifty. Isn’t it astounding that a well respected sportsman was stripped of his lowly OBE and served a prison sentence of one year for a spot of tax evasion that didn’t involve anyone else and certainly didn’t result in anyone at the tax office losing their jobs, – Lester Piggot; but a Knight of the realm appears to be getting away scot free for plundering a pension fund and losing thousands their jobs. Its totally inconceivable that despite doing ‘nothing illegal’ he sold his empire for £1, yet a 10 year old would realise if the company was worth anything, a man like fatty Green wouldn’t flog it for less than a tenner. Funny how Philip Green, the late Michael Winner and to an extent Simon Cowell, all appear to be made from the same mould – obnoxious. I really hope that Monaco throws him and his wife out of the principality – the man has no humility.
So Muhiddin, what was it that first attracted you try to behead a man with the Jewish sounding name Zimmerman?
Was his name on his baggage?
Or was it the fact that he was carrying so much baggage that he couldn’t fight back?
embolden –
Good spoof of Mrs Merton, RIP Caroline.
At lunch time today listening to WATO. BBC female discussing the honours referred to our last Prime Minister as ‘Cameron’ with such disdain in her voice.; there was no ‘David’ (or indeed ‘Dave’), nor ‘Mr Cameron’. I don’t remember the multi-millionaire Mr Blair referred to as just ‘Blair’ or the one-eyed….. as ‘Brown’. Amidst all the faux outrage about the honours very little mention of Harold Wilson’s honours -( weren’t they lavender?), or the dubious people who Tony appointed to the House of Lords who only attend for the money and little mention of the number of Lib Dems stuffed into the Lords by Nick Clegg. I do hope that Samantha’s stylist has turned out to have done a lot of charity work and that is the reason she is receiving something – I do hope so – not least that if the BBC and Tom Watson have any shame.
Beeb duplicity is boundless. Remember the heart warming story of ‘Muslims’ attending church services in France to show solidarity? The numbers were MINUSCULE btw, but let that pass. What the beeb (and most msm) forgot to mention was that they were mostly members of the Ahmadiyya sect, a moderate and open branch of Islam considered heretical and, you guessed it, VIOLENTLY PRSECUTED by mainstream Islam all over the world. Remember the poor grocery store owner in Glasgow murdered by a Muslim for wishing his customers Happy Easter? Yep, Ahmadiyya. (Incidentally the beeb were duplicitous then too, the headline reading something like ‘Muslim shopkeeper murdered for his faith’ making it sound like some nasty racist right-winger.
Here’s the heroic Douglas Murray in the Spectator:
So it seems licence fee refuseniks will be shut out of watching iPlayer from the 1st September. It’s no great loss, there was the occasional thing from BBC4 that was worth watching on catch up but I certainly won’t be going into mourning! That means I won’t actually be exposed to any Beeb bias at all to comment on here. I don’t listen to their radio anymore, and only had their website on my browser ‘favourites’ for the occasional visit to iPlayer.
Is this a sinister Beeb policy of stifling all criticism, or simply a grab for more small change to pay for their army of Jerrods on the payroll? Whatever happens, the letters from Crapita are still going straight in the bin, and their visiting goons are going to need a warrant before they get their mitts on any of my ‘receiving devices’.
The BBC thinks it’s unfair that people who don’t pay any licence fee can watch BBC programmes on the iPlayer.
Funnily enough the BBC never had a problem with TV owners being forced to pay the BBC licence fee even if they didn’t watch BBC programmes.
Can anybody else think of a “Law” that`s written in pounds shillings and pence, stinks of cabbage water and stale Mackeson and fears being brought into disrepute by Eden in Suez?…and has NOT been binned, laughed to scorn and scotched from all records as afar as the oh-so-funky, post 60s, let it all flop out BBC are concerned?
Or are we to reach for the homburg, don the Cannon St pinstripe with some petunias for the girls in the office…and get back to some Angel Delight and some marmite soldiers for scrumptious repast after compline?
Oh-and pay that TV lIcense as we`ve always done.
Mark Duggan and Moaty, Anjem or Otis Ferry don`t pay for one-WTF do we?
Time to get a little edgy, street and out there you guys huh?….
As a matter of fact I can: the Firearms Act 1920, which is still the basis of our current firearms legislation. It was expressly designed to make sure the working class did not get hold of guns, for fear they might stage a Bolshevik revolution. Now, the establshment no doubt fears that if the working class had guns, they might not be so keen to submit to enforced multicultural ethnic cleansing.
The establishment likes to keep the working class unarmed unless the establishment itself is in danger, at which point they become useful as cannon fodder.
Rob…apparently the Balkans are awash with Soviet weapons…an AK can set you back the price of a couple of pints and a pkt of fags…..i’ll have several please…ready for the muslims….you can bet they will be armed to the teeth…thanks to dumb PC infested Plod, refusing to search the Mosques…the Koran states that one of many functions of a mosque is as an armoury….Police in France found 100’s of automatic weapons stashed in them…..Sadly, my hope of being armed is a dream….but….we are….helpless, thanks to the ‘establishment’.
imaynotalwaysloveyou, You can catch quite a lot of BBC output on YouTube – though of course there’s often quite a time lag involved. Still there’s a guy who was putting QT episodes up less than a day after they aired. Hopefully he will continue to provide this service when QT resumes in September.
Why? Do you actually want to watch a carefully selected audience parrot the BBC line to carefully selected questions?
Rather racist as the gimmegrants and European labourers and Baristas who contribute nothing to our society will continue to watch their streamed tv in their languages without needing a licence.
BBC news website has headline “John McCain condemns Donald Trump over row with Khan family” accompanied by this picture.

You think the choice of photos of McCain and Trump shows whose side the BBC is on?
He should just stick to making oven chips.
A migrant who entered the UK illegally raped a “terrified” woman on her morning commute to work just months after he was allowed to stay.
Strangely despite this being reported on several media sites, it appears to have been completely overlooked by the BBC.
Wonder why ?
Until BBC women get raped , their position will not change…
That’s unbelievable! I’m quite familiar with that area due to work and it’s inconceivable that the BBC didn’t think this was newsworthy.
According to the various reports I could find the attack happened on Neath Rd in Hafod, Swansea. It’s a mix of business and residential and even at 5.40am is not what you would call a quiet area, it runs alongside one of the main routes into Swansea.
This attack is particularly scary as it was so random, a lone woman walking to work is attacked from behind, pinned down and raped. Swansea has its fair share of problems for a town of its size but that should be headline news and yet I tried searching the BBC website and did Google search for past BBC reports but can find nothing! I can’t say for certain that there’s been no coverage by the BBC but if there has been it’s not easy to find.
I’ll say it again, an incident like that should be headline news in Swansea, it managed to find it’s way into the Telegraph and The Mail and even WalesOnline but like you say the BBC seems to have missed it. Obviously the fact that this horrible crime was committed by an immigrant is a little inconvenient for the BBC, the poor woman’s suffering on the other hand is nothing to be concerned about apparently.
The Duck
Nowt – Zilch on Al Beeb Wales so far ?
Perhaps Jerrod our resident expert on these sort of things to find it for us ?
Nothing I can see…..
South Wales Evening Post first reported it on July 29th, The Mail and Telegraph both carried it yesterday. He was jailed for 12years so it could hardly be passed off as minor or not newsworthy.
It’s interesting that the BBC News is leading again on Cameron’s resignation honours for his chums, this evening. Cameron deserves all of the criticism that he gets, nevertheless this is yesterday’s story and I would have thought that there was plenty more going on in the world that they could focus on.
And it’s doubly interesting that the first person that they go to, to stick the boot in, is their Labour colleague, Fatty Watson who seems to complain loudly that the ex-PM’s wife’s ‘stylist’ shouldn’t get an honour. Fine, but the thing is that Watson is also quoted as saying that Labour’s Will Straw, he who ran the mendacious ‘Remain’ campaign; he who tried to take advantage of the killing of an MP to get people to vote his way; he who lost, should be awarded a peerage by Cameron. Funny that the BBC don’t ask the question that is begging to be asked; about his double standards.
And while the BBC is making much of Cameron’s rewards to his ‘chumocracy’, as bad as it is, what is the betting that when Shami Chakrabarti gets her much trailed peerage from Jezza (as a reward for cocking a deaf ‘un to allegations of anti Semitism in the Labour Party?), it’ll pass without a peep?
Can we bombard the beeb with this vid? They’ll never show it but some news editor might at least watch it??
In just a few minutes it says so much about Islam, Cultural Marxism, Feminism, Gender Politics, Black Lives Matter, The Decline and Imminent Collapse of Western Civilisation, the emasculation of Western men…
From the mouth of an angry but calm, well informed, erudite Swede who clearly loves her country or what’s left of it.
This could be a manifesto for the counter-revolution, an epoch changing moment like Luther nailing his Theses to the church door.
A “we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take this anymore” moment.
Alas she sees the symptom but fails to identify the true cause.
Cultural Marxism might indeed have been the root cause, but way back in the 1960s the Marxists distanced themselves from the new ‘thinking’ on the left. It was Jürgen Habermas of the Frankfurt school of Marxism who identified this, and coined the term Left Wing Fascism, to distance Marxism from it.
Traditionally Marxism and Fascism have always been enemies, and have fought bitter battles & wars over their ideology. In most cases Muslims have identified most closely with Fascism and fought on its side in the Spanish civil war and with the Nazis.
In WWII Sweden was Neutral now it’s a basket case as a result of Left wing Fascism in which its followers believed that being a mirror image of Nazism meant being anti Nazi, actually meant just being the same with a different target for the hate – white males.
It’s a complex mess which is difficult to understand, and even those implementing it do not accept what they have become. The future for Sweden certainly is not bright at all.
Thank you for replying Thoughtful, you live up to your sobriquet.
As you say, ‘It’s a complex mess which is difficult to understand’.
But this brave woman (remember, it’s now a crime to say such things in Sweden) has a go at analysing the ‘mess’ from the angle of fascistic feminism and Western male emasculation, which is an interesting slant, and at least part of the explanation imo. She wades into the stinking slurry of Marxism, Fundamentalist Feminism, Islamism, Minority Advocacy groups etc and at least sheds some light on the situation in Sweden (and soon Europe).
I repeat, it takes huge courage to say such things in Sweden today, mired as it is in the oppressive Matrix of delusion.
Excellent Thoughtful….sounds right to me.
Will check Scruton for his take on what Habermas said…
This clarity re words and differing labels is going to matter…Anjem Choudhury was once an active SWP agent whilst at Southampton I think…which, pre 9/11s call to his like seems to make a lot of sense.
Same root, differing fruits…but not really, simply a case of whether you get the option for the vinegar sponge whist nailed up to their stake…no crosses allowed now remember?
We too need to get clever-classifying the different current manifestations of Islam being my current theme.
Good old Coursera eh?…Tel Aviv University are very generous.
Well ? Germaine effing Greer? not a peep……Shami?…..not a peep…..Toynbee?… hunting in Italy again probably….useless…worthless bitches all.
BBc news at 22:00
BBc give air time to the represent no one we love migrant rent a scum, outside Byron. Following a “storm” on social media well not my social media pages anyway.
Back onto attacking Trump. Most of us don’t have a vote on the US presidential elections so why do you bother?
Support the law abiding Byron Burgers
The lefty bully GRombies released cockroaches in to Byron burger premise to promote their boycott Byron Hamburger bars campaign.
Wonder if that will cause a backlash of people going to eat in Byron’s to show support ?
..with the benefit of knowing you won’t be eating in a restaurant infected with Guardian Reader zombies.
I’d never heard of them till now. Free advertising 🙂
I’d rather dine with cockroaches than Beeboids and Guardianistas.
Hello, Byron Burger? Table for two please.
Anyone else sick to death with seeing lefty rent-a-mob scum holding placards saying ‘refugees welcome here’ and ‘no one is illegal ‘ and ‘tory scum out’? All these infantile scum are just lazy and stinky layabout middle class traitors who simply have zero understanding of how the world works. When you hear these posh sandal wearing, rainbow coloured cardigan wearing, fair-trade coffee-sipping drama students speak you realise that they are in no way representative of working class British… Their foul protests need to be countered by patriot protests. Despicable rabble.
Alex, can I have a go at them the next time I am confronted by their dual selves – Chuggers.
I notice the BBC are to start gouging money out of iplayer watchers.
During the referendum the Guardianista/Remaniancs were continuously insulting leavers (and still are) by implying they were ‘imperialists’ or ‘stuck in the 1950’s’
Personally I can’t think of anything more pointless and anachronistic than the BBC. It’s no longer an essential public service, and just a platform for the metropolitan, liberal, bed wetters.
Good old BBC eh?
They choose the wrong option every time.
To criminalise women who can`t pay the license, to blather on about the iniquity of regressive taxation from the nasty Tories, to pick on the English and Welsh in “soft post codes” to target, to refuse to disclose how much they pay themselves or the likes of David Dimbleby…whilst demanding “transparency” elsewhere, to moan on about tax avoidance as they turn Paxman into a registered company and not a staff member…need I go on?
Basically hypocrites with Mafia tactics and a cartel, a near-monopoly on the nations broadcasting output -and they DARE to lecture the rest of us whilst bullying people out of £145.50 , just to stuff it into Frys thong.
And now-iPlayer…a new medium that has no right to be bound to 19th century rules of taxation.
Yet the greedy BBC simply dive into the cess pool, and trough for yet MORE money from the poor.
The BBC will go the way of the dog license-and we will be ashamed at how cowed and dim we were to feed the BBC snake.
WE KNOW it`s already getting blown up their noses or arses on Copacabana as we write.
Have any of the Trolls who post on this site told a joke or shown any sign of a sense of humour or any kind of common humanity ?
Their very presence is a joke!
At the BBC there are the a list journalists 5 or so then the leftie b list riff raff. One’s that never made the 5. Evan, dimbleby, Neill, marr, Coburn, Paxo, O’Brien, and many many more. There job is propoganda.
Evan Davis’s sneering on Newsnight almost made me think D Cameron was justified in rewarding his chums. But not quite. Evan was really enjoying himself, which means the audience wasn’t.
He’s so immature
Evan Davis is a child , and I mean no offence to children. His mental age is about 13
Leadsom was right wasn`t she?
Childless gay blokes( as rewarded by the media anyway) clearly have no care for the future…with no wish to have kids the line ends with them.
And as long as it`s not made into a noose in the UK for them personally-then the show must go on.
Now-even if it`s a noose for the Teheran brothers?…well, get a few items out of it when nothing else is going on-like Trumps hairline issues for an example.
Leadsom was right.
Sympathy for the rogue trader is bbc agenda but even so called economics editor kamal Ahmed can’t keep it up its all in the eyes
I have just been looking at some interviews with Putin for about 1 hour. He is no fool ! But , he is supporting Trump and hates Hillary. That will be a big problem for the BBC
One of the most pathetic examples of leftie bias of late was when the BBC ran the report entitled, ‘Syrian migrant dies in German blast ‘… No shit! He was a bloody suicide bomber ffs!
You can tell them by what they DON’T report !
You can tell the BBC is no longer a “news reporter” but a “propaganda pusher” by the way it dwells on and hypes some stories, while not reporting or swiftly moving on from others.
Or insinuating that someone saying something which can be construed as a little bit un-PC is somehow a far worse transgression than a terrorist or loony who actually makes REAL physical violence with a knife/bomb/gun.*
Well the BBC are not reporting these headlines from the Lefty org National Secular Society .
** I see that the Nat SEcularists lefty members are up in arms that it is a link to the Daily Mail..but the Daily Mail provide the actual audio !
* Note today how Trump the BBC/MSM persecuted for 10s of mild words whist giving a free ride/sympathy to the boy who tried to grab a policeman’s gun to shoot Trump. BBC/MSM are not subtle in their bias are they ?
Well StewGreen, it’s because the Al mujahideen Beeb brigade and other noted “I’m better than you, and I know what you should think, say and do” propagandist organisations, love free speech and tolerance…………… Unless the words you use do not fit their bullshit dogma or your principles and ideology are different from theirs, then free speech and tolerance are head first off the top of the tallest building, Islam style!
The vile organisations in question are the true bigots in our society. They will never allow other points of view and will use everything in their power to close those avenues down. It’s a North Korean style sensorship of details and they use ridicule, bully, intimidation…whatever needed to unsure the narrative is controlled… It’s always on their terms.
Trumps not playing the sick, “sell yourself out” game our own politicians and media cretins had to play… And they don’t like it. How dear Trump be allowed to say something different to the ‘message’ and think he can get away with it
Gavin Esler another silly little girl. There’s an air of Cameron said he could win this now were rewarding the failure, i feel they got it all wrong. Cameron done well, he liberated the country we had democracy. Its quite simple you under estimated the british people and we have saved you from your misguided ways. Saying that e u on the way out anyway probably 5 years at best, problems everywhere Italian banks, Greece. If you dispute this tell me why.
BBC broadcast a couple of good news stories to start the day.
1) The US have “gone to war” with air strikes co ordinated with local ground forces against IS in Libya, and even Humphreys uses the line….”this is to everyone’s benefit isn’t it?” and gets gets an affirmative from his fellow beebista.
2) The separation wall is being completed to protect Israelis from terrorist attacks….and whilst there’s some pandering to the PLO sympathisers there’s no getting away from “the fence has been broken in places by locals but these breaches are also used as routes into Israel by attackers”. There was even acknowledgement that some Palestinians just want to be able to work in Israel.
I hope this mornings outbreak of sanity isn’t going to be the exception rather than the rule today.
Will the BBC ever look at that Palestine-EGYPT border and all its “complexities”.
Al Sisi is our only hope in that whole region-turns out it stayed aloof from the Ottoman Empire, and focused on Al-Azhar and higher learning as the rest of them squabbled.
The BBC want the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Morsi back…so that Israel/ Egypt border and Al Sisis role needs a good look.
Not that anybody at the BBC is qualified to tell us anything-and even the old Lefties like Fisk seem to have given up, it being rather muddled and dangerous now I`d expect.
Don`t think we`ll see their likes again-the BBC now want their news pre-chewed by Islamic suckups and grinning beardos, not home sourced.
Another reason to boot them off the AV spectrum…
Someone please tell BBC News Channel that we know the bloody Olympics are starting soon!
The Rio Hobby Sports and Long Distance Pharmaceutical Hide and Seek Championships have come around and boy are the BBC invested in it!
Our BBC, which never met a supranational outfit it didn’t befriend, have been relentlessly running teaser reports for weeks now. Gold Medal in this pointless event goes to the aptly named BBC internationalist Andy Swiss – who has slogged around and around and around again the Rio hack – sorry, track – on licence payer’s behalf more times than there are zika virus mosquitos in a favela rain bucket.
And Womens Football had its own show on BBC 1 last night!
Couldn`t we just have a Ladies Day on the BBC…Womans Hour all day , Claire Baldings piebalds and Girls Cricket on all evening?
AND-why not a Disability Day…Oscar Pistorius and his gayblade( is he IN the clips of Paralympic greats still, by way of teasing us into watching Scopey and Stumpy “dare to dream for Team EU”).BY doing THIS_we could then offer 5/7 of the license fee and section the PC shit off to the weirdos…only Labour Party Mps would have to pay the subs for this.
Another day, another Jihadi rape ignored by beeb. (in Sheffield, below)
Who do however find space to mention a rape allegation involving the church, their favourite whipping boy. (below that)
“A priest has accused the Archbishop of York and four bishops of misconduct after they “failed to act” on allegations he was raped by a vicar.”
Public Sector funding request?
Lobby the Minister, put in your carefully costed report through the appropriate channels – but above all phone BBC Breakfast
All demands for tax dosh gratefully received and puffed and approved without question, inquiry or prejudice.
This morning we are either scrapping the bottom of the barrel or playing to the in house rank and file as we are cheerfully required to cough up £400 a month for an AIDS infection prevention pill for ‘at risk men’.
Yes, I will run that by you again. Men indulging in their preferred pastime of unprotected promiscuous sex are demanding an expensive tablet on the NHS – or maybe local councils will have to pick up the tab. There’s certainly no case being put on the BBC airwaves that this is a scam.
Just think what an extra £400 a month would do for a family bringing up a disabled child or for an elderly person requiring more home help. Where do the demands to help those who have occasional unprotected gay sex fit on this spectrum of priorities ?
What’s more, the BBC reporter compared the medication to contraceptive pills for women. This was yet another example of the BBC’s inappropriate moral relativism designed to frame the debate and influence public acceptance for one of their favoured agendas. Bloody disgraceful.
She also admitted that cases of HIV ‘remain stubbornly high amongst gay men’ but with no attempt to explain why.
So I assume those people into Erotic Asphyxiation can get a defibrillator/resuscitation equipment provided on the NHS too then?
When I saw the headline for the following story it originally said tonsils and on looking later it said appendix! I thought I better check and apparently women who have had either their appendix or their tonsils removed are more fertile. What a relief! It’s only their arse from their elbow the BBC don’t know :p
I’ve only just found this place but I think I’m going to fit right in. I’ve just submitted the following complaint re. this morning’s Today programme:
“The item in question was a discussion about the current story regarding Byron Burger and the issue of illegal immigrant employees. This was a perfectly sensible discussion covering all of the key topics in this area (the desire of young people to come and work here and pay taxes, the difficulties in validating documents etc.). For some reason right at the end of the article John Humphrys declared “So just post-Brexit panic then”.
This comment was in no way linked to the story – Brexit was not discussed in the item at all so there were neother facts nor opinions from your guest that Brexit was an issue, so it would appear that this was either just the personal opinion of the presenter or a reflection of BBC group think.
Can you please do two things:
(a) Accept and acknowledge that this was a mistake and take steps to ensure that similar baseless proclamations are not made in future; and
(b) Stop trying to link every bad news story to Brexit whilst failing to link many good news stories to Brexit. You are fooling very few people with this obvious policy and you are just starting to make the BBC look a bit silly.”
I’ve never yet had the BBC admit to doing anything in the least bit wrong but I don’t see how they can defend this – we’ll see!
Good for you Northern Man, we salute your indefatigability.
I wish more bloggers on biasedbbc took the trouble to hold the beeb to account.
Discussing among ourselves is good, but attacking the enemy is better.
‘I wish more bloggers on biasedbbc took the trouble to hold the beeb to account.’
How do you know we don’t?
wronged, I’m sure many do.
And I wish more did 🙂
I am sorry to say that I have recently given up complaining to the BBC altogether.
Whoever posted about getting “boiler-plate” responses is sadly spot on. On the odd occasion I have received a personalised response, it was basically along the lines of “we understand you feel we said x and that it means we are biased, but you are wrong because seven months ago on another channel at 3am we broadcast something for five seconds which almost represented the other side”.
So that’s OK then.
They never, ever, admit they have got anything wrong (in terms of bias). It’s a bit like it used to be when complaining to the police, before they had the IPCC – you had two chances: none, and fuck all.
The ONLY time I got the BBC to change anything, ever, is when they have made a provable factual error. But in their world, they are never biased.
In the inimitable words of WS Gilbert: What never? Well, hardly ever.
Welcome ! I hope you enjoy this site. There are some great posters here. But beware of the Trolls. As for idiots like Humphrys, the only people who are panicking are Remainers like him because we have proved them wrong. Fools !
Being a bit of politics nut I regularly watch programmes on the BBC Parliament channel. When the HoC is not sitting there is quite an interesting range of stuff on. Recently there have been a series of programmes on Brexit , why did Leave win ( or from the BBC point of view why did Remain lose) , what the future holds and how will the negotiations go. These programmes take the form of a discussion between panels of ‘experts’ and as you might expect are heavily slanted towards the Remain side, with passionate Remainers in abundance but Leavers being an almost extinct species. The BBC makes no attempt whatsoever to provide a balanced panel which reflects the % vote in the referendum. In fact these programmes are really a REmainer forum and ideas exchange.
Generally speaking the Remainers are still plugging the line that those of us who voted Leave were stupid and easily duped or racist or both. They also are determined that one way or another we won’t leave the EU. It seems clear to me that the Remainers strategy is to force a vote in Parliament on the implementation of Article 50 , for which there is strong Parliamentary precedent, knowing that in the HoC the government will win but that in the HoL it will lose and the whole thing will be thrown into delay and confusion. This will set a pattern for all of the legislation required to get us out of the EU with the HoL blocking and delaying everything. Unless someone finds a way of cutting through this mess ,it will take an age to free us from the EU and in the meantime the Remainers hope that there will be General Election in which Lib Dems, SNP, Labour , Greens etc can combine to provide a government which can overthrow the referendum result. In short the country needs UKIP more than ever to try to ensure that the will of the people is not overthrown by a protracted dirty war waged by the Remaniacs in cahoots with the BBC et al .
I’ve complained several times to the BBc over the last 8-9 years. Their first response will be a template fill in your name reply. Please post it up when you get it just in case they do something different. If you disagree with that you will get a reply explaining at no great length why you are wrong. If you still carry on as I have done on a few complaints you will get another reply explaining why you are wrong.
Either way Northern man congratulations on your complaint and as I said please post the reply(s) on site so people can see how complaints are treated.
Good for you Dave, it may seem futile but we must keep chipping away at the bias and the lies.
Byron case is “post-Brexit panic” ? More like anti-Brexit manic. in focusing on sympathising with illegal foreign workers with forged papers instead of praising the the Home Office for enforcing the actual law. That shows the twisted thinking of the Anti-Brexiteers .
Weird, that R4Today invited one of their Guardian reader mates on, instead of someone who knows the case .
The Byron piece on R4Today was rather weak . The optimum would to have the mad protesters vs a Byron spokesman, but it seemed Byron and Home Office are wisely keeping a low profile. r4Today has already had the protesters view a few times, so it seems to cover their asses in terms of balance, R4today invited @OliverPeyton one of their own, a Guardian reader type owner of another posh food chain but he didn’t know what the case was really about. ..Actual details in HR magazine
– Anyone notice that he stupidly says we should encourage migrants to UK; next item bemoans housing problems!
From Twitter :
Ta for the source Stew…always best to check with their likes as opposed to BBC think Tanks, Labour Wink Wanks or whatever Orvilles Army they can summon to the pink flag for the rainbow cup cakes at Colonel Custards HQ at BH.
Noted no sounds but snoring from the Animal Rights lobby-all those poor insects, what about the coming famine in the iguana community after this-and, of course, fellow poor working class types get to deal with the mess, carnage and hygiene problems…and some lose jobs later?
Heard the great and good on a discussion programme squauking on about the firm, the Tories and all the others who are to “blame” for “dobbing in these vulnerable people”.
Then someone outside the group said ” and it might have been a fellow-worker who told the authorities”-Anthony Worrall Thompson if I remember that niggly voice aright!
Oh dear-what price solidarity, the Lefts banner of unity in diversity, SWP and Class War placards and flare guns.
“Did they not like that”?…no did they not Graham!
Icy silence, frozen nitrogen where the helium used to lie.
And moving swiftly on.
The Left do NOT like the notion that fellow workers might hate their machinations much as WE do…and the BBC can`t believe that any “working class chappie or girlie” would betray a Somali thug on fake papers with a machete given freely to him.
Well done “The Worrall Anthony Thompson”
Don’t worry. Humphreys is a prize Pratt. He appears to be quite bright but that is an illusion. Back in the days when I had a direct email link to him (and used to exercise that very infrequently), I reached the conclusion that it was pointless and I ceased communication. Anyone remember Mandleson’s Londonistan house buying controversy when he was ‘loaned’ money to put a deposit on it from some unsavoury character (don’t remember who)? Pratt Humphreys interviewed Mandleson and latter continually stated he did not legally own the property on a specific date which was important for the news item. Mandleson was deviously correct whilst Humphreys was totally wrong. I pointed this out to him suggesting he change tack when interviewing Mandleson again. Humphreys totally dismissed my suggestion as being ‘impossible’ and ‘not the case’. He was too dim to understand that there is a difference between property “Ownership” in respect of actual legal ownership only occurring when the property is registered at the Land Registry. Up to that point, Mandleson pleaded correctly, “I was not the legal owner on that date”. Its a BBC – ‘I am totally correct’ attitude.
Humpty must NEVER be forgiven for his failure to query MadOneEyedBrown’s team’s assertions that ‘we have repaid debt’. Every bloody morning I used to listen to the Toady programme whilst showering and Humpty would be interviewing one of Blair’s fugly ‘Babes’. Every day these dumb bitches would trot out how much they had increased spending over the Tories. In 2005 when even the liar Blair was worried, according to his memoirs, about ever increasing borrowing, in a supposed boom remember, it was the turn of Mr & Mrs Bollox and Milipedeminor to spread this lie. I am a qualified accountant and for much of BlairBrown’s ruinous tenure was the GM of a foreign bank in London and was always looking at the economy and government statistics. NooLabor’s lies at this time were so obviously given that the increased borrowing, even without the hidden off-BS PFI, was evident in ONS figures, that I used to wake my wife shouting at the radio from the shower. Brown’s overspending was the reason we were in shit street when Brown failed to regulate the banks properly and our prime Scottish banks found out they couldn’t borrow to fund their losses from gross speculation and inflated egos leading to disastrous acquisitions. They try to blame the Tories for this.
I concluded that not even Humpty and his many overpaid Al Beeb researchers could be so stupid as to not have checked this, and that their refusal to question NooLabor’s useful idiots was wilful. With the return of Tory-led government, Al Beeb queries government borrowing daily whilst promoting ever-increasing spending on Leftist projects or on an NHS and other public services stretched by immigration.
This is why I post here.
I wonder what is Jerrod’s motivation/carrot?
Sad old Humph also managed to say that the BRICs countries of 2009 were Brexit, Russia etc
BREXIT…as opposed to Brazil.
Oh dear-he called it s Fraudian slip..what he meant was that what little remains of his faculties is puddled, addled and them steeped in BBC groupthink, served up as a syrup on his Movacol/Chocobloc .
Good spot NorthernMan…glad to have another southern softy on board…err, over to Mishal….
For some reason right at the end of the article John Humphrys declared “So just post-Brexit panic then”.
Good spot, NM. It’s these throwaway remarks at the end of pieces like that, especially on Today, whereby the BBC frames public opinion to fit its own world view – after all, we are told a large majority of the British public still believe they are impartial so trust them implicitly despite such garbage.
However, unfortunately for the BBC 17 million people voted for Brexit, so when they hear crap personal opinions emanating from the runaway gobs of presenters such as Humphrys they will see through the formica cheap, wafer-thin veneer of impartiality.
Any comment on this quote, kuckichiyo – you being hot on the verifiability of BBC utterings an’ all?
BBC favourite Christine Ohuruogu will be going for her third Olympic medal in the 400m in Rio.
Let’s hope she doesn’t accidently miss three more drugs tests and receive another ban because we all know she’s a clean athlete. The BBC keep telling us so.
Yes, I’d heard about Chris Ohuruowatsit, but don’t remember the details. Was it a testosterone-based drug?
Just was sent this. And oldie but a goldie:
Good luck NorthernMan, unfortunately you are likely to get a bland and not very convincing denial from the BBC. The current complaints process is a waste of time because the BBC acts as judge and jury. Will the involvement of Ofcom change any of this? Many doubt that it will. More complaints may be upheld but it’s impossible to see how BBC institutional bias will be forced to change as a result .
Meanwhile we look forward to your contributions .
This is unrelated to the BBC apart from the similarities between the BBC and Microsoft – both run and staffed by pompous, dictatorial egoists who are convinced that they can do no wrong and shrug off complaints as they wallow in their wealth and power over the public. Though Microsoft is far better than the BBC in that they do provide a service that is mostly useful and entertaining and mostly works.
Anyway, Microsoft asked me about feedback re Windows 10 and, since hope springs eternal in the human breast, I obliged:
I upgraded just before the deadline from a Windows 7 laptop with no problems. It only took a couple of hours but now I’m regretting it. Here’s why:
*The edgy new Microsoft Edge browser could not import my favourites from Windows 7. And Windows 10 hid my Internet Explorer 11 browser so well it took me three hours of surfing to find it, put it back on the taskbar, and get favourites back. but even though I have set IE 11 as the default it vanishes every time I shut down so I have to put it back on the taskbar again. There was never a problem going back and forward between newer and older browsers on Windows 7, so I don’t understand why Windows 10 is being so uncooperative here.
*Windows 7 has that useful ‘Show Desktop’ tab on the right of the taskbar. It’s still there but it’s so narrow that you can hardly see it and there’s no ‘Show Desktop’ text when hovering over it. Probably the designers forgot to include it and instead of moving the other icons over to make space decided to squeeze it into a one millimetre sliver. Those who don’t know about that function will be unlikely to find it.
*I can no longer right-click on the scrollbar to scroll directly to a specific point. This is a real disadvantage when moving up and down a long page, for example a forum page with hundreds of comments.
*The cursor will not stop when I backspace to delete text but continues backwards to delete a few more letters and even words before it stops. What a great time-wasting and frustrating device, especially for people who write a lot on the Internet.
*Why would windows 10 think it’s a good idea to fiddle with the Start button to force 3 clicks instead of two to shut down?
*I’ve found these problems in the first few days and I’m really not looking forward to finding more. I’m seriously considering going back to Windows 7. Windows 10 has had a year of testing this system on the public to sort out these problems, which Microsoft must know about. Why has nothing been done about them?
Microsoft thanked me politely for the feedback and assured me that they would use it to improve my experience of their system. Much like the BBC.
Each successive Windows has been worse than the last one and 10 is awful. I have 8 on this laptop but my backup laptop has 10 already installed. Microsoft have a virtual monopoly and don’t seem to care what their customers want, in the same way that the BBC have a monopoly over our money so can spew out any old garbage and ignore the wishes of the viewers. Facebook is in a similar position.
Windows 7 was an exception – it was better, so I’ve heard, than Vista, but then of course 8 was a disaster.
Microsoft just loves fixing what ain’t broke.
Am still on Windows 7 here.
The kids mock-but it keeps going…and I refuse any old upgrades if given a choice.
Maybe if the 3D printer can give me a garden shed to deal with this camping crap weather…then I`ll try a Windows 7.5 or summat.
Gone all northern here…find myself mimicking other peoples accents in their blogs I think…
“Microsoft have a virtual monopoly”
You can always take the Apple route – if you’re content to be beholden to Apple for virtually everything, that is.
I wouldn’t though.
There are troubling privacy issues too. Cortana, (dont ask, its crap) and Bing continue to send your data to Microsoft even when they are turned off. This includes personal data destined for OneDrive, even from an account not connected to Microsoft.
This contains info that identifies the user. Even your download traffic is intercepted.
This is if you turn off all their appalling nosy, privacy invading apps. Where’s George Orwell when you need him?
Give three cheers today for Tory peer Baroness Wheatcroft who feels it is with in her power to frustrate the will of 17.4million of her fellow citizens, for she has turned the searchlight once more on that most undemocratic of British institutions, the House of Lords. This place has become so “stuffed”, were all the lords and ladies to turn up at one time some would have to sit on others laps- which would make for an amusing ‘team photo’.
While I have no doubt that Lady Wheatcroft believes her previous career as a scribbler has made her supremely well suited to the task at hand, she might also care to ponder whether problems in our housing market (much in the news today) might just be influenced a smidgen by an annual net influx of 350+k folk from overseas. Aside from anything else this is driving the revival of one great Victorian institution, namely the slum landlord. Let us also give thanks for the BBC’s Homes Under the Hammer which has relentlessly promoted the idea of Buy to Let.
And so returning to the HoL: abolish it and replace it with an Upper Chamber elected under PR. Simples.
Do tell…old Patience eh?
Name like that?…Redcar?…Erewash?…Barrow?
Do tell me dear-who voted for YOU?
I mean-did you even GET a vote in the Referendum, being a toff or a nutter, crim or whatever…or all three if you`re Huhne or Pryce?….
And why do you get a chance to ruminate at our expense re OUR vote to leave the EU?
Shouldn`t you be in Brussels or Strasbourg where your “democratic mandate” might be more of a piece with your surroundings?
What the hell have YOU got to say?…and what presumptions give you the ear of some BBC husband or other from the top table?
Fuck off Pet….maybe The BBC could look at HER nerve to spout , instead of the incessant digging around Jack Straws willy….err, line seems to have gone down there John….
Wankette of a pensionable bouquet…smells like Baroness Warnocks incontinence pads anyway…off to dinner now!
You turn on the TV in the morning and flick back and forth between BBC and Sky and there is no difference between them. Same stories, the same time schedule, same censorship… We seriously need a respectable Right-of-centre news outlet in this country. I’m sick of the leftwing chattering classes and their political correctness. Isn’t it ridiculous when you have to look elsewhere to get news that isn’t driven by far left ideological agendas even though we pay for the BBC?
Alex, yes it is astonishing that no-one has taken up this opportunity, as I am certain there is a strong commercial case for it. And as even RT is allowed to broadcast here ??
You need a License to Broadcast before you can go on air. The leftists have long since taken control of the granting of such licenses and they will simply refuse to grant a license to any organisation which they think will end the left’s iron grip on the MSM in this country. I suppose a ‘pirate’ station broadcasting without a license may work but the best bet is to follow the example of Breitbart on the net. That is until the leftists seize control of that as well.
I have a few questions about the Iplayer loophole closure that perhaps you clever people can help with.
1. Will it still be possible to listen to BBC radio online without a licence, in the same way that it is possible to do so with a radio set?
2. Will it still be possible to watch commercial television online without a licence?
3. How will the BBC know if you can have access to iplayer? Some sort of access code based on the licence, presumably?
4. As I understand it, it will be possible to watch online TV away from the registered address if the appliance (laptop, phone etc) is not plugged into the mains. But how can this be enforced? Eg, if (I am not advocating this but just asking) one were to use the code (assuming that is how it is done) from the licence of someone who doesn’t use a computer (eg, an elderly relative) and who lives somewhere else, how would the BBC know whether you were plugged into the mains or not?
I suspect a kodi equipped android tv box will render so called bbc’s measures redundant
6 , Please explain what you mean to technophobes like me. It sounds to to good to be true.
I’ve tried kodi and found it near impenetrable. After a lot of googling I got something set up, only for it to stop working a week later. Probably because my broadband provider blocked the source. It was just too much bother to start all over again.
So yes, it is too good to be true in my experience.
Some answers:
1. Listening to BBC radio needs no license. The new law change is for iPlayer only
2. Yes, you can watch ITV player etc without a BBC license
3. They would know the IP address of the person receiving iPlayer services which could be matched with the help of Internet Service Providers to establish if it is a fixed property location. They have a database of addresses with a TV license. The IP address is only for the router so if its wi-fi it doesn’t prove which device or person accessed the iPlayer service but TV Licensing always go for the ‘home occupier’.
4. It cannot be enforced which is probably why they have allowed this loop hole still.
I think they are just trying to target persons watching iPlayer via laptop/xBox etc via a home fixed line broadband service which they could enforce.
If you were to watch iPlayer via a mobile data internet service then the BBC would be hard pushed to prove where you were at the time.
“3. They would know the IP address of the person receiving iPlayer services which could be matched with the help of Internet Service Providers to establish if it is a fixed property location.”
But I think I’m right in saying that a VPN service would avoid this?
I think the BBC stopped VPNs accessing iPlayer long ago
I’d even go so far as to say that SKY is worse although, obviously, we don’t have to pay for it.
I thought I detected a fairly sudden change a few years ago around the time that the morning paper review slot was watered down and stronger, more personal right-of-centre viewpoints, seemed to disappear. It could have been political, or it could just have been a decision to make the show more lightweight.
Whether this was in response to external pressure of some sort I have no way of knowing.
All equally useless.
That’s why I tend to switch to RT If a big story blows.
@Alex all output same, cos PR machines feed the same news IN.
I suspect that what you call “news progs”, what I call infotainment is not made by reporters going OUT and getting stories, but rather by vast PR machines feeding stories INTO the broadcasters. It’s all reporters doing cut and paste . That is why the narrative is always the same across networks.
The BBC morning headlines can usually be predicted by looking at the front page of the day’s Guardian.
Brexit seems to have put them all in the same barrel for shooting now.
Unless it`s online…not woryh a damn at all.
BBC Online News:
“”US election: Donald Trump warns vote could be ‘rigged’ “”
“”He told a rally in Columbus, Ohio, that he had heard “more and more” that the contest would be unfair. He offered no immediate evidence”” (BBC demand immediate evidence. Why? That’s never requested of the Democrats).
“”Mr Trump repeated the rigging allegation later on on Fox News”” (The BBC hate Fox News. They assume that association will denigrate Trump).
“”His comments come amid further criticism for remarks he made about the parents of a Muslim soldier”” (This criticism is from BBC/Democrat quarters. Trump only asked if the dead soldier’s mother was absent from the side of his father due to cultural/religious requirements. This was a fair comment),
“”Democrats and Republicans alike have condemned Mr Trump for his remarks about a US Muslim soldier’s parents”” (Democrats would of course criticise as do failed Republican candidates).
“”The soldier’s parents, Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala, told the BBC it was time to stand up to Mr Trump but he accused them of “viciously” attacking him”” (Why did the BBC not offer a counter view. Is the word ‘vicious’ appropriate?)
“”In another development, American billionaire businessman Warren Buffett challenged Mr Trump to release his tax returns”” (This old chestnut. No mention of Clinton’s murky past that led to her detention by the FBI).
There’s never been a flattering feature by the BBC of Trump.
They have never used an honest photo of him.
The BBC hate him.
The BBC use our money to vent their total left wing Bias against him.
Dover Sentry, you missed the important word at the end of your last sentence: “……….Worldwide”.
Speccie catches up with a few posters here:
Not sure why the BBC ditches watertight oversight in favour of ‘tell it often enough’ in such cases; it seldom works out well.
Thank you Guest, thank you Spectator and thank you Douglas Murray, a calm, rational, well informed voice of truth in an ocean of beeboid mendacity.
PTG, anyone in the ‘know’ would have instantly known it had to be the Ahmadiyya version of the Muslim faith. The other savages wouldn’t be seen dead in a Christian church. Indeed, if that event were to take place, they may well wind up dead as a result!
Yes G, I understand the religion of peace bans its followers entering a church or attending mass, no doubt under threat of gruesome reprisals.
BBC running a piece on home ownership being the lowest in 30 years this morning. We are at a house for sale in Manchester this morning where they had a chat with this gent Thomas barlow who is the editor of this but not a mention of it
This is his twitter feed
Tweets by tbarls
and facebook feed
Could that be rephrased as “Large rise in immigrant population causes housing shortage”?
Some time before the referendum I am sure that the IMF warned that house prices would fall ?
“The IMF said last month that Brexit could spark a stock market crash and a steep fall in house prices.” In Saturday’s
They have been banging on about the resolution foundation all morning in relation to this housing. Our old friend and Red Eds policy director (The Ed Stone) Torsten bell is a director. Quelle f…ing surprise
The same bloke was used in the 1pm lunchtime news again from the same house. Again no mention of who this guy is only letting him bleat on that he can’t afford a house as he wasn’t paid enough. This lady was also interviewed Polly Steiner
Shes mentioned in this Guardian article (surprise surprise) in relation to generation rent pressure group.
Its great what google can dig up which the beeb doesn’t seem to want to tell us.
It is incredible how the Left favour unlimited immigration and then complain about house prices and rents. They really are imbeciles.
To be fair although immigration plays a part, I believe an important reason for generation Rent is because banks lent so much money at such low interest, it became profitable for buy to let landlords to build up huge property empires entirely on leveraged debt. Rents had to rise to cover their mortgages and in turn, housing benefit rose creating a vicious cycle. Immigration was only part of it, although immigrants provide a ready market of people willing to live 10 to a room, meaning they can afford to live somewhere that a British family can’t.
Regarding complaints to the BBC, I have occasionally received a grudging and partial acknowledgement of wrongdoing by attacking on a few fronts – formal complaint to the ‘Complaints’ website in conjunction with emails to the guilty parties and their managers/editors:
It sometimes produces results. At the very least, it lets the individuals concerned know how they are seen by the public.
“At the very least, it lets the individuals concerned know how they are seen by the public.”
They sure do! – just have a look at their own ‘Have Your Say’ site, when it appears .
Funny thing is, HYS never reflects what they broadcast from ‘selected texts’ in their live TV shows ?
Can`t say I`ve won anything out of my BBC Complaint re their use of “My brand”…the Nasty Party” pop at their hierarchy.
No reply to me second, more overt gripe…but I`ve not heard the phrase since.
Of course, this may be due to May no longer being the story from 2002 clips-on the other hand, Mike Larner is clearly a bigwig who responded to me within the hour…so I`d stepped on someones ballet callus anyway.
And I like to think I can get my case number back as the red button on the dashboard to give the learned Larner another whiff of cordite and grapeshot-will decide which one nearer the time.
If anyone DOES hear that phrase “Nasty Party”…all I need is BBC forum, date and time…Mike would like to know I`m sure…and he seems to like me!
Apparently, Giselle Bundchen (sp?) the Brazilian supermodel is going to play a role in the upcoming Olympics opening ceremony in a skit which supposedly reflects everyday life inside the country. Seemingly, she will be walking down a catwalk when she is held up and robbed, in the ceremony.
Bet the BBC can’t wait for that!
Bet Danny Boyle is kicking himself.
Surely we could have had an NHS die-in where over a thousand pensioners in shitty shifts were left to die in the dark and cold as the one NHS “nursing supervisor” made paper aeroplanes from the latest NHS target sheet that would have to be met…2000 dead by 2019.
The “If Dr Harold had worked at Mid-Staffs” tableau.
Pillow fights and mattress slashings as the doctors used beds as bouncy castles to ask for yet more time off, less work and more transgender Yorkie bars in the “Healthy Snaxx” machine by A&E.
Instead we got HIS lefty bilge in 2012…albeit well-orchestrated.
Four years on-we`d have to put Rotherham in now, Cliff and an RAF fly past telling the EU to f its own hole and not ours any longer.
Can she identify her particular ‘dump’ in the polluted sea?
Your post is good Thoughtful but where are the songs of peace and the teddy bears. You’ve got to have teddy bears in your list surely.
Also, let’s blame everyone but the terrorist.It’s not fair that the killers had to endure a difficult family background and tough upbringing. It’s not fair that we don’t understand the killers problems. What about his/her human rights as a political, ideological, religious killer?
‘We need to educate killers!!!’. Tell that to the relatives of the murdered.
Been waiting for a suitable moment for this one.
Here’s a quote.
” lighting candles gets you know where.”
Nice comment many of us would share.
It came from the comment column of the Hindustan Times on April 2nd, thank you Shishir Gupta.
There’s a piece of multiculturalim that the left and the bBBC will not I suspect have mentioned.
But nice to see many of our Indian friends are on the same page as us.
Not interested in the zica games more interested in the Brazilian polluted river systems the cutting down of rain forest. What’s the theme for this games.
We all basked in the uplifting news from the BBC that Muslims attended the mass to commemorate Fr Jacques Hamel, the priest murdered at Mass. Oh, what joy we said, as our hearts warmed to this enticing new dawn of Muslims showing empathy for their victims.
As ever the consistently sharp Douglas Murray has actually carried out a little investigation and discovered that the majority of Muslims who attended are from the Ahmadiyya sect. Just as a reminder, the poor shop keeper who was murdered in Glasgow by a Muslim was an Ahmadiyya, as is his unfortunate entire family who are now in hiding from Muslims. The shop keeper’s crime in the eyes of Muslims was to wish Christians a happy Easter. Anyone would think it counts as a hate crime.
When will the BBC report the facts and allow the viewers to make up their minds?
YES Scribbling, YES! Btw I posted an almost identical blog yesterday (below), but who cares – it needs repeating!
Beeb duplicity is boundless. Remember the heart warming story of ‘Muslims’ attending church services in France to show solidarity? The numbers were MINUSCULE btw, but let that pass. What the beeb (and most msm) forgot to mention was that they were mostly members of the Ahmadiyya sect, a moderate and open branch of Islam considered heretical and, you guessed it, VIOLENTLY PERSECUTED by mainstream Islam all over the world. Remember the poor grocery store owner in Glasgow murdered by a Muslim for wishing his customers Happy Easter? Yep, Ahmadiyya. (Incidentally the beeb were duplicitous then too, the headline reading something like ‘Muslim shopkeeper murdered for his faith’ making it sound like some nasty racist right-winger.
Here’s the heroic Douglas Murray in the Spectator:
Those who feel obliged to challenge the vicious trolling by Jerrod and others (and I fully understand that) should consider replying to them at the bottom of the thread after an appropriate delay rather than directly under their comment. That should lessen the trolls’ sense of self-importance and also perhaps lessen the likelihood of lengthy tit for tats.
Good suggestion. I will take it up. I plead guilty to tackling the vermin at source but realize they never answer questions, but merely repond with abusive comments. Sadly, this is what passes for debate among the left on social media, and is no doubt encouraged by teachers and academics who have long rejected the Enlightenment ideals of truth, reason and argument. Like this LSE academic who sets an example she is proud of by yelling obscenties.
Ugh ! Thanks for putting me off my morning coffee. What is it ?
I don’t know if this is relevant but my cousins’ husband breeds pigs!
You are insulting the pigs .
Zero in drag on the march again!
Dr Lisa Mackenzie of the LSE, one of the leaders of Class War, stood against IDS in the election as a Class War joke candidate and kept her speeches to obscenities, using her favourite c word.
My reason for drawing attention to this is to highlight the depth to which universities have sunk, places where obscenity replaces discussion and counter argument.
This is the standard set for our trolls who trade insults rather than face up to their moral shame for supporting child rapists and murderers who try to behead priests.
She “thinks” that IDS is one but she looks like one !
a candidate for the rack
Dreadlock armpit hair though!
Who says that Yooni dumbed down…would love to see her grooming Claire Solomon( Britains longest ever held back student, now Brian Haw died) for lice on a ” Shrove Gove” Modular course at Barts Collagen , Oxbrigton-with fire extinguishers available on the fourth floor to drop on any plebs who clean at Byron Burgers.
Charlie Gilmour and Otis Ferry to do the unplugged Venezuelan Requiem on stolen guitar….
Welcome to Yooni 2016…safe spaces for everyone but Jews and those of independent means and minds.
And VERY safe spaces for salafi-wahabbi chaps…braided armpit hair probably makes this Mrs Chips safe as well from their probings…today anyway.
Stop taking the moral high ground GWF. Your idea of “argument” is to accuse people of looking for sex in public toilets, or your current kick of talking unprompted about fisting.
If you want people to take you seriously you might want to consider behaving sensibly to begin with. Otherwise you end up like so many others, hypocritically calling all other people trolls from your own little hole under a bridge.
One can only hope your loss for words is permanent.
What a thing to post Jerrod, hoping for the permanent silencing of a fellow site user.
I’d say you ought to feel ashamed, but that would imply a level of self-awareness that’d be out of place in Jerrod world, decency, honesty – they’re for other people.
The moral high ground presumption rendered rather shaky by that one.
In fact this has so failed to jump the shark in trolling terms it seems to likely even professional courtesies may not apply.
They are going to need a newer poster.
Oh dear, Guest Who sticking his rather limp oar in again. The man whose only claim to fame is not realising he’s entered himself into the Lack of Self-Awareness of the Year Award.
If you say so. For others to decide upon.
Along with what you have tried to distract from coined above, preserved in all its glory for when next you are moved to claim for yourself, ironically, the latest victim or debating maturity gong.
Hope you hit that ocean one day. Even the North Koreans can, on occasion.
I`ve given you a “Like” you dozy lump!
Hoping then that you`ll come back and further repeat your witty riposts, because someone “liked” your comment.
It was me-and you only confirm everything that people here think of you-get nurse to read what GWF says below about the reasons why old Lefties left the field to third rate posture springies like you-which is why the Left is dead meat festering.
A few big words below-and the meds won`t help-but you`ll get the jist.
Come back when you have an argument about ANY one of the points raised by -well GWF would be be nice but ANYBODY here would do.
Not me though-you stopped, I stoppered some time last year.
Now off you go lad…
PS-can spell it as “gist” if that stops you thinking we need to debate our spellings…no excuses
better still: ignore trolls completely, why waste space and time?
That is what I am doing now. I just have better things to do with my life !
Peter, Grant,
I agree with you
Many years ago I remember working with Hungarian refugees from Soviet oppression. Defending the Soviets were people who were called left wing academics. They wore corduroy jackets with patches on the sleeves. They would argue and present evidence in support of their views and respond by criticizing mine. They had arty books, polished wooden floors, went on Committee of 100 demonstrations, and supported the Daily Herald. I had respect for them because they adhered to rational argument rather than evade questions and employ insults. And no one cared tuppence about the search for the moral high ground, which is a piece of nonsense from either an epistemic or moral standpoint.
During the sixties and seventies the left wing intellectuals were replaced by Labour pragmatists like Wilson or action fanatics, such as the current leaders of the loonie left who seek alliances with fanatics who seek the destruction of western values. Our trolls here are spawned by that generation and have lost contact with Enlightenment ideals, and could not even mount a defence of any brand of Marxism or socialism. They just make insults, virtue signal, and claim access to the nonsensical moral high ground.
It was against the background of left wing intellectuals that I took up higher education. I studied physics under one of the team that manufactured the Hiroshima bomb – surprisingly he is still alive and was recently interviewed by the stupid BBC who did not know about his wartime work. But my disillusionment with the BBC gradually increased as it moved more in the latter direction. My turning point was when they ran a Panorama programme which rubbished work that I and others had done in the field of organ transplants – still regarded as ground breaking research. Of course the BBC was put in its place and exposed by the BMA for endangering the lives of over 3000 patients awaiting organs.
So yes Peter and Grant, life is too short to waste time on the vermin who appear here as trolls, who have been given numerous opportunities to respond to argument or even answer a question. They are a relatively new phenomenon which, for a while I thought it amusing to tease. But really, can you argue and discuss with people who support the mass rapes of children and the killing of an elderly priest? Vermin.
Congratulations on all counts. As I have posted here on various occasions the BBC does not do science. They are too stupid and it is too difficult for them. But they can cope with Strictly !
GWF, your trajectory was a bit similar to mine, although I didn’t do science at Uni as I turned to the dark side. I did my Maths, Physics and Chemistry A Levels. Then I declined to go to Uni to study Civ Eng as I was fed up with Mechanics and Organic Chemistry. I worked for a few years and then went and did Sociology. Somehow or other, the experience of being exposed to Gramsci at Uni and the Militants in my local Labour party made me realise that I was basically a bit of a conservative. After a couple of years I emigrated and relied on the World Service to tell me what was really happening in the country in which I was living as censorship here was fierce. Since then, I’ve seen the opening up of the media in Africa and the closing of minds on the bBBC. Strange world!
I have to confess to a long and extremely varied life. Did the left movements, worked alongside Kinnock, Cousins and Jack Jones, worked in maximum security prisons, a spell with military intelligence in the US Navy, interesting work in South America, adviser to the Secretary of State, Defra in the House of Lords, held senior posts in several universities, animal trainer, done bits in non BBC TV shows, even nominated for a Royal TV Award. Experience which gives me a standpoint for criticizing BBC bias and the shits who defend it.
GWF – I remember that programme about 25 years ago I remember ripping up my donor card at the time and never really trusted transplant surgeons after that.
The programme had a lasting negative effect. A pack of lies, false witnesses, a failure to address the concept and criteria for death, preconditions and tests, and two doctors who appeared as experts were later required by pressure from my request to rescind their false evidence which was published in a tiny apology somewhere in the middle of the Guardian. I cannot see reasons for the BBC’s position other than a desire to shock by programme makers with little knowledge of the subject. I could not even accuse them of corruption, of the sort I later found in Germany when a surgeon admitted to me that the suppliers of dialysis machines had paid for his sons university education in return for witholding transplant organs and maintaining the patients on dialysis.
GWF was the programme about 25 years ago?. I remember ripping up my donor card at the time and never really trusted transplant surgeons after that.
Just goes to prove Aunty has a long pedigree of throwing “shit” about. Unfortunately some of it always sticks. I remember at the time being horror struck about how much we had been ” lied” to by the medical profession who it appeared wanted transplants so desperately they were not doing proper checks on the donors to check whether they were properly dead.
I wonder how many people like me did not carry donor cards because of this, and it would therefore follow that delays caused by having to contact donors relatives to harvest organs would almost definitely caused deaths in potential recipients.
Of course the BBC would always come out of this with a clean pair of hands as I am sure they were “only acting on information they were given”.
Longer than 25 years. October 13 1980.
BBC sloppiness and bias costs lives.
Better late than never, but I was listening to a bit of radio on Sunday.
The first thing that caught my ear was an interview with William Haig on Radio Wales, just before 1pm I think it was. After some discussion about Brexit which seemed fair enough (Haig was a Remainer, but we now have to get on with it) the presenter added that “shamefully”, straight after the referendum, the Leavers (apparently) reneged on their promises to cut immigration. Say what? Who said anything of the kind straight after the referendum? Seems to me C4’s ambush of Farage the morning after about Boris’s £350m claim is now being morphed in beeboid-land into something to do with immigration?
Switching over in disgust to R4, I was almost immediately confronted with The World At One whose lead story was the horrendous prospect of having to have a land border between an EU country (Eire) and a non-EU country (UK). For god’s sake. It’s as if (a) we didn’t have this issue pre-1973 when we were not in a customs union with Eire, and (b) there are no other external land borders of the EU 🙄
In the meantime they all but ignore good-news stories like this one:
And conveniently forget that the entire MSM have changed their tune since Brexit:
And fail to keep us fully informed about the ongoing European intifada, eg:
What a total and utter disgrace.
Sometimes I just can’t keep up with the quick wit and repartee of so many on this site; it is a joy to read. Even the troll exchanges are fun, to a degree! It’s like reading an infant class fairy story!
Occasionally there are newcomers like Norman who shared his bBc complaint with us. Well, of course I welcome him to our band of happy brothers, as we all do, and don’t wish to burst his enthusiastic balloon, but good luck with that, Norm! Then I wondered, since no one ever receives satisfactory replies from our national caretaker-of-propaganda, what about bombarding our own MPs with complaints? Would that help? Would it be better just to do it individually or could we somehow make it a concerted effort?
I mean to say, the whole b****y output of the beeb is a joke these days; we know it; we hear it; we see it; we sense it; we taste it; it’s relentless hate-speak. And we are all capable of seeing what’s round the corner….for example, the Leytonstone killer (sorry, mentally ill geek) will leave prison in a few year’s time, in a bBc-paid taxi straight to the studio! Look what happened to the fraudster banker; on Toady yesterday I think…I was wrong…yes, I did it…they all still do it…thank you – where’s my cheque?
Give me strength!!!!
Complaining to our MP’s – what an excellent idea, Soapbox! Now why didn’t I think of that before… Oh wait, no, won’t they just say that it’s independent and there’s nothing they can do about it? Has anyone ever tried this before?
“it’s independent”?
Yet if I watch TV but not Al Beeb I am forced by law to pay an unjust and unfair tax for it .
I like tea but don’t like coffee – so do I have to contribute to all the coffee drinkers of this nation ?
Get rid of the Licence Fee and let Al Beeb fund itself and its overpaid employees . Will we ever get to see a breakdown their wage bill ?
We are taxed for owning a TV so it is part of MPs’ duties to deal with this. They have the power to abolish the tax but, as usual, they shirk anything they do not like. Lazy skivers.
I meant editorially independent not financially, but yes, in terms of taxation we could always ask our MPs to abolish the licence fee and make the BBC earn its crust…
Personally I’m not very enthusiastic as (a) I don’t think there is enough support and (b) in any case I don’t think it would sort out the institutional left-wing pro-refugee anti-Trump pro-Islam anti-Western bias.
The best way would be to have an independent regulator with some teeth, but whether or not Ofcom is up to the job remains to be seen…
Mike Hunt
Surely you mean you mean ‘OffCon’ the toothless wonder . 😉
LOL. Well if Ofcom are anything like the ASA it will be a total and utter joke. You know, “naughty boy, don’t do it again, here’s a £50 quid fine to deter you”.
As a new person here I would like to think, that complaining to my local MP would have an effect. Unfortunately the truth is that not one politician wish to be targeted by the social justice warriors. The Byron Burger affair quickly cleared their minds even if they had such thoughts.
Any article about in the Guardian about the BBC (license fee especially ) has them foaming in the mouth. Anyone who doesn’t want to pay the fee is……. is…. is…. a Brexiter…
My local MP is a decent bloke, but got it badly wrong on the EU vote.
So-in this political fluidity-am making contacts with the neighbouring MP who called it right.
Nothing too loaded-but worth exploring anyway.
IN a similar vein…got a few names of MPs who have shown their independence in key areas-don`t HAVE to be right on all of them mind, just the ones that matter.
By my League Tables, would put Rees Mogg first…but Mann, Stuart, Field, Hoey, Davies(P), Bridgen, Cash, Hemming, Drax and -well there`ll be others-have passed muster, and it may well be a case of subverting Parliamentary synchronised paddlings with more focused and directed campaigns.
Particularly if UKIP don`t give us a Woolfe or something equally good as a leader.
The Party system is done-adopt an MP who`s speaking from you , especially if nearby…but , hey, if you have to go to Bassetlaw online, well who`ll stop you?
I had been giving mine the benefit to the doubt, but no longer.
He was already revealed as worse than useless (as they all are) by taking months to ‘process’ an issue I had on Elder Care oversight, which involved vast amounts of paperwork telling me he had received my letter, and then a bunch more when the Minister he had passed on to responded by telling me, via him, to get stuffed. Basically no more than the world’s most expensive photocopier assistant.
Ironically in the period that had elapsed the Minister had changed anyway.
On the BBC he has shown himself to be pure ‘national treasure’ camp, addicted to the DP sofa for the thrusting young wannabe PM.
He was, briefly, chair of the last DCMS committee agreeing with Whipping boy that the BBC needs more money and less oversight, so expecting sense out of him on blatant inaccuracy, lack of objectivity and accountability was ambitious.
He also went silent over Brexit before declaring for May, thus acquiring a Junior Minister reward.
Like our MEP, he will not be getting our vote next time, no matter how tactically the ballot rigging needs to be.
Soapbox. I did exactly that for the purposes of a BBC complaint: I contacted my new MP (I recently moved) by email and even received a token reply: ‘I’ll get back to you’. That was just after the Referendum. No reply since then. Well, if Nia Griffith (Labour) MP is tuned in, can I have a reply please?
The Times is doing articles exposing the Russia Today channel so often mentioned here.
Of course everyone here recognises that although RT does mention things BBC censors out, RT is at heart a Putin propaganda operation.
Saturday Putin wages propaganda war on UK
Saturday Kremlin pours cash into media ‘black ops’ in UK :
Monday Comment :
Monday Putin TV channel twists the thinking of western viewers :
Note how you can reverse the words in that paragraph :
“Those exposed only to BBC’s message became significantly more hostile to the western viewpoint
— but the effect decreased when people were also shown RT coverage.
It would be interesting to see the ‘Times’ run an exposé on Al Beeb. Plenty of material there for them.
WE all know the bias of RT. It is pro Russian and makes this clear.
The talk shows do have a really wide variety of people on and given the topics it seems free speech rules.
When we have an escalating security crisis in Europe and the real possibility of a destabalised continent the unreal attitude of our media is far more dangerous than pro Russian bias on RT.
From the Cologne rapes to the way the jihadi attacks are downplayed or distorted our media is in denial and actually hostile to our interests.
Our media can no longer be trusted.Our leaders ,in concert with this media, can no longer be trusted.
RT is the least of our problems.
Yes, DaveS, but the difference is, we know and understand RT’s bias. The BBC? We suffer their bias but without a senior mole telling us (or a proper Enquiry) we will never fully ‘understand’ why.
RT propaganda is fairly obvious to anyone with a critical eye. I think RT is alright for getting an alternative viewpoint, particularly in areas where the BBC shows bias (eg, immigration/radical Islam) but it certainly shouldn’t be relied on as a main news source, just as the BBC shouldn’t be relied on as a main news source.
The sad thing is that the BBC USED to be a reasonably impartial reliable news service because we knew that its bias was towards Britain and British interests, which was perfectly reasonable given its remit. The trouble started when its bias moved away from British interests, to those of internationalist cultural marxism.
Cranmer, quite so. RT’s sole raison d’etre is to further Putin’s agenda. Failing that, cause as much mayhem to the West as poss. If occasionally that involves telling the truth, then by George we’ll do it!
Just throw some petrol on any old fire.
(All methods are good, from Sputnik to football hooliganism by para-military goons.)
Just off for some popcorn.
There is absolutely no secret about RT being the Russian propaganda arm, I thought that was common knowledge. Every news channel is biased. The myth is the belief by some that the BBC is an exception.
The only answer if you haven’t direct knowledge of a controversial event is to use a range of sources, but that’s time consuming. Be sceptical of all news you get.
And we don’t have to pay for RT !
The difference being FlexD that most channels are biased towards their own culture whereas Aunty seems to despise the English and everything we stand for.
RT answer back Russian embassy responds angrily to Times’ criticism of RT
Stew – Good ol’ Grauniad siding with the enemy as usual.
“The Guardian also carried an opinion piece on its website by Piers Robinson from the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield. He questioned the Times articles, saying the UK’s media biases must also be looked at with a “critical eye.”
Light bulb moment
I’ve always been interested in politics and would watch question time. But became irritated that no one asked the right questions well for 30 years now i know. Liberal left agenda from the BBC. Aunty you have betrayed me tried to distort my opinions. We keep hearing about getting more people to vote. Does it only apply to them (the youth) if we agree with you. Your a bad aunty, cruella de Ville. The new complaints procedure from the royal charter is flawed because you have to complain to the bbc (the problem)first then if your lucky an independent opinion. All complaints vetted by cruella, how wonderful a system set up to find your opponents. Right minded people beware.
Well said Mackers – rings a bell for me too (about QT). The emperor’s clothes were revealed during the referendum campaign, surprised it took me so long to work out how it all worked… Very disillusioning, I must say 🙁
Quite so Mackers. Aunty much too benign a name – Cruella better, Cruella de Vile.