Radio 4 Today Programme 7.45 am put on a report on the security wall in Israel as if it was a news item. BUT it was clearly not a news report as this is not a new situation and there was no new perspective on the subject .Propaganda against the security wall in Israel was simply repeated by a different correspondent to remind listeners of why Israel is to be condemned . Despite the new correspondent the report merely repeated ideas and bias against Israel almost in exactly the same way as all other reports on this subject in the past . The BBC agenda was clear. Incitement to hatred against Israel needs to be repeated from time to time .
Strange how the BBC never compare the lives of Arabs living in Israel with those of ‘Palestinian refugees’ living in Arab states.
Describing Palestinians as “refugees” living in “refugee camps” is a further example of politicized word choice. The original group of Palestinians in 1948 left their homes in the face of an impending aggression by Arab countries and moved into canvas tents with primitive sanitation. Regardless of arguments about whether Israeli Palestinians “fled” or, as Noam Chomsky would have it, were pushed out by a campaign of ethnic cleansing, this original group can rightly be called refugees. However, to continue to call their descendants refugees sixty-three years later, as Obama did in his Middle East/North Africa speech, distorts the truth of their situation.
Sixty-three years is time enough for three, perhaps four, generations. Imagine the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Jewish refugees who came to Brooklyn or Brookline after the Holocaust referring to themselves as refugees. My own family includes a number of refugees from the Cambodian killing fields, and my nieces and nephews would never think of claiming refugee status and a right to return to Cambodia.
Granted, refugees arriving in America are welcomed as Americans, while Palestinians are not welcome in the Arab countries where they reside. This makes them political prisoners, bargaining chips, whatever. But at a certain point, given that the right to return is not an option, you have to move beyond your grandfather’s mistakes and accept the lot you were given.
I must confess I was heartened to hear an admission in that report that breaches in the fence in the area being discussed were used as attack routes into Israel. Thus (possibly inadvertantly) spelling out in one sentence the case for the continuing extension of the seperation wall, which was the “news” part of the story.
And later there was another admission…. that “many Palestinians just want to be able to work in Israel”, i.e. many Palestinians do not wish to boycott Israel.
Both admissions that the terrorists western supporters usually prefer to airbrush out of any discussion.
Send for Mark Regev at the Israeli Embassy.
He`s about as popular as Nigel Farage with the BBC…so will have a listen then tell my Jewish friends online, who log all this and turn our screenshares into swords to shaft the BBC.
Absolutely despise these put up jobs…just an excuse to stick Israel in the dock because it`s Tuesday and they have no stories, no clue and no other lies to peddle that day.
Gratuitous-and only further puts priests at risk, Jewish women MPs in fear of their lives or careers.
BBC Watch, Stand With Israel and the others need to know this….as well as Sue at Is the BBC Biased….
Idea vs hypothesis vs theory vs fact – a simple science lesson for Harrabin and all his eco-socialist 28gate mates at the BBC and beyond, especially the anti-science zealots who reckon the man-made global warming hypothesis is, in fact, ‘settled science’.
In Table 1 we can see that the comparison of man-made climate change and the possibility of a man-made climate catastrophe are not really comparable to the theories of gravity and evolution. Man-made climate change is more than an idea, it is based on some observations and reasonable models of the process have been developed and can be tested. But, none of the models have successfully predicted any climatic events. Thus, they are still a work-in-progress and not admissible as evidence supporting a scientific theory.
The idea of man-made climate change causing a catastrophe at the scale of Islamic terrorism is pure speculation. The models used to compute man’s influence don’t match any observations……
Any computer Earth model must establish a track record before it is used in calculations. The Earth is simply too complex and natural climate cycles are poorly understood. If natural cycles cannot be predicted they cannot be subtracted from observations to give us man’s influence on climate. The debate is not whether man influences climate, the debate is over how much man contributes and whether or not the additional warming dangerous. This observer, familiar with the science, would say the jury is still out. Certainly, the case for an impending catastrophe has not been made as this requires two speculative jumps. First, we need to assume that man is the dominant driver of climate, second we need to assume this will lead to a catastrophe. One can predict a possible catastrophe if the most extreme climate models are correct, but the record shows they are not.
Excellent link, my piscatorial friend 🙂 Anyone who is interested in science should take a look, particularly those who reserve some of their best invective for anyone who dares to be sceptical of the man-made-climate-change theory… I’m not saying one way or the other, but science is about hypothesis, observation, and demonstration through repeatable experiments, and not about persuading people of belief systems by group-think. I have to say I thought we’d abandoned that modus operandi after Galileo but apparently some groups still practice the inquisition on anyone who insists on saying “but it moves”.
We are farmers. Forecasts in July /August/September are extremely important to us as we try to bring in the harvest. Our local weather forecaster yesterday (Paul Hudson) suggested that it would be a bright day today with just the chance of a shower later on. No suggestion of dreary or dank weather covering most of the UK for most of today – but the national weather report at 6.30 on BBC 1 showed just that. Usual story – the Met Office can tell us climate in 100 years but cannot tell us tomorrow because that is weather. PS I have had to put a pullover on this evening because I was so cold – how does that fit into the warming theory?
I live in a coastal and farming area and exactly the same is true here. Add in the complexity caused by the proximity of the sea and the Met office’s weather forecast is absolutely useless.
Were they honest about it., it wouldn’t be so offensive but they make the most absurd claims for accuracy when in fact they are often wrong in real time, let alone with their forecasts.
And lest some clown pipe up with the ‘weather is not climate’ mantra, if data collides with theory the chances are that the theory is wrong – and if you lie about the data, it is guaranteed to be wrong.
Czech president says bar refugees to prevent ‘barbaric attacks’
Czech President Milos Zeman says the country should refuse to take in refugees to ensure they cannot commit “barbaric attacks”, his spokesman said on Tuesday. Zeman, who holds a largely ceremonial post, is the country’s most vocal opponent of immigration, opposing even the government’s modest plan to take in 80 Syrian refugees this year. Islamist attacks in France and Germany in recent weeks have proved his point, Zeman’s spokesman, Jiri Ovcacek, told a news conference. “Our country simply cannot afford to risk terrorist attacks like what occurred in France and Germany. By accepting migrants we would create fertile ground for barbaric attacks,” Ovcacek said. The government opposes an EU quota system to re-distribute asylum seekers. (Reuters)
“Authorities pay Swedish youngsters to play with Muslim migrants” —
I’m sure they’ll be happy to have some Swedish girls to play with.
Vanessa feltz was standing in for vine on his radio 2 program and they were discussing the byron burger protests. She chatted to David Davis and then to this lady Ewa Easiewicz who seems to be a full time political activist activist and big Corbyn supporter. She was introduced as Ewa with no reference as to who she is or what her background is and we got the usual socialist rant including climate change. it was only at the end when she had gone that we got her second name. All the people calling in were on byrons side.
Seems so, I was amazed by the attitude of a spokeswoman from the Unite union on PM on Friday. (name escapes me).
She simply refused to acknowledge UK immigration laws, and kept referring to the illegals, who had lied to their employer when recruited, as being “undocumented”.
In effect she was inciting further breaking of the law, and outraged that the illegals had been detected and sent home in accordance with the law.
A ridiculous situation when a company, abides by the law, co-operates with law enforcement and is then, along with its customers and staff subjected to the attentions of rent-a-mob with the Police seemingly incapable of stopping the dropping of insects into business premises.
all I can say is that at my next opportunity I will be spending some time and money with Byrons.
“A ridiculous situation when a company, abides by the law, co-operates with law enforcement and is then, along with its customers and staff subjected to the attentions of rent-a-mob with the Police seemingly incapable of stopping the dropping of insects into business premises.”
Indeed. When I caught this story on last night’s News at Ten, I heard not a word of condemnation from the Beeb of such behaviour – in fact, there was to me a distinct air of approval. Now imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing….
…… open door time for left wing political activists at the beeb…..
Yep, there’s another up and coming regular, a rather large lady called Dawn Foster of the Guardian but when introduced she is ‘an author and journalist’. Already been on Sunday Morning Live, then up she pops again on Sky’s debate, and was again interviewed on another chat sofa. Perhaps she’s been shoved out there to replace Owen ‘cry baby’ Jones who has mysteriously disappeared of late.
@KatieH Check the crazy Lefty logic of the Byron boycott campaign.
– To protest in support of “the hard working foreigners” who used forged documents, a boycott of Byron’s was incentivised by releasing live coackroaches into Byron’s restaurants.
..OK so what about the far more numerous “hard working foreigners” with LEGAL papers employed at Byron’s ? How’s all that effect them ? Perchance no over time, and getting laid off (same for the native born staff)
..Way to go Lefties ..Is that Social Justice ?
From my reading of leftist social media sites there are ‘nationalists’ who are demanding immediate invoking of Article 50. They must be far right.
Here is a piece in Spiked calling for a quick signing of Article 50.
‘If we delay Article 50, we don’t just delay democracy; we also give credence to the idea that lawyers, journalists and academics hold more political weight than plumbers, teachers and bus drivers. We effectively say, ‘Okay, you ordinary people voted for Brexit, but now let the adults decide what kind of Brexit it should be’. This is unacceptable, and if you agree then join and support our campaign to Invoke Article 50 NOW! – and defend the idea that everyone, and not just those in Westminster, should have a say in politics.’
Colkitto03 Both the BBC and Sky slavishly punted out this story, both at their unquestioning best. This is ironic as they are the two most rotten, sexist organisations in the UK.
For women, unless you are young, slim and pretty you have no chance. You are not getting on there. An opportunity on the airwaves may arise if you have talent but a ‘face for radio’
Lets be clear that the people who are key producers, commissioners and makers of news are now mostly women.
When it comes to making women self conscious about their size and looks then the worst perpetrators are universally female also .
The sheer irony of this discrimination is lost on TV news.
Maybe Sir Lenny could pick up the blower to Tone and have a whinge on behalf of the lads of ambition?
Oh dear, its now been announced that ‘armed Sea Marshalls’ will be aboard French ferries, as fear of attacks at sea could be inevitable. Hmmmmm, has anyone ever seen the security men in our High Street shop doorways, and Tesco’s ? hanging about, totally bored and only speak in grunts, though they clearly like to wear a ‘uniform’ as it gives them an air of ‘authority’. Sorry but this idea doesn’t fill me with confidence, one marshall per boat is hardly sufficient – the marshall could be up having a cuppa with the Captain on the bridge while a bomb goes off in the engine room.
Any Marshall in a uniform will be a target BEFORE the real attack takes places.
They need to be in multiples and incognito, i.e (still using Latin abbreviations – stuff them) expensive.
Alternative suggestion, export all the bloody Muslims, we do not need or want these long time deadly enemies in Europe.
Oh Lordy…”sea marshalls”?
Can expect the Calais “Centre d`emploi PLUS” to be processing an endless line of “sea marshalls” from exotic climes who just “have to follow up on a blonde suspect” or “say some prayers in the Ashford Chapel or Mosque” or “voir un homme a propos a chien”-and then we never see them again.
Plenty scope to get loads of Somali thugs with uniforms and pepper spray, plenty employment opportunities for Allahs little helpers…and plenty churn and training sessions too, so got to be good for the Jungle economy.
Whose idea was this then?…Medhi Hasans or Naz Shahs?
The old joke comes to mind.
“How do you get a Somali trio to play at your church hall?
“Invite and then book a Somali orchestra to play there”
Boom Boom!
Oh…it`s now a Somali sole player!
Last two lines are mine….fist time 1`ve extended a joke!
The BBC have been doing this since 1968 though eh?
France has dug itself a hole that will result in a civil war. Already 10% of the population are Islamic registered ‘minorities’ with no hope of integration or employment. At least in the UK they can go work in the NHS (or BBC). In this Telegraph article ‘Analysis: Why France is so vulnerable to Islamist terrorism ‘ Here are some good reasons to avoid France.
‘France’s acute vulnerability to Islamist terrorism stems from several factors. The delicate truth is that France has the biggest Muslim minority in Europe, approaching 10 per cent of the population. That creates a larger pool within which a small minority can be radicalised.
Moreover, the social fracture between some Muslim communities and the national mainstream appears to be wider in France than elsewhere in Europe.’…
‘In absolute numbers, France has provided more foreign fighters for Isil in Syria than any other European country. In addition, France is part of the Schengen area, giving it open borders with the European continent.
Unlike Britain – which has always retained its border controls and has the natural advantage of being an island – France can do little to prevent the flow of suspected terrorists or weapons into its territory’…
Good article but i get the feeling the Telegraph doesn’t like talking about ‘the delicate truth’ of Islamic terrorism. It’s so vulgar don’t you know, so… indelicate. If you want gut-felt indignation you have to get down with those dreadful little people at the Mail and Express. Now what’s at the opera this evening?
The article DOES say however that our Muslim chum refers to the French as being “spiteful and filthy” though.
Er…over to our Paris correspondent not getting served by the warm pissoir!
I guess we need these hate figures….even his NAME seems to have been given from the Panto section of Media Central Casting.
Think we need a League table of this lot…Champions League play offs only here though…I mean,
This weeks Top Ten Rogues Gallery
1. Al Baghdadi
2. Khan of the Democrats
3. Phil Shiner
4. Angela Gibbins
5. Nicholas Van Hoogstraten-perennial
6. Robert Mugabe
7. Erdogan
8. Lord Coe
9. Will Straw CBE
10. Muslim lads of France.
Good game for Santander, eh! They get a wider branch network in the UK and are allowed to stay and steal UK business post-Brexit and our banks are likely to get shafted in the rest of the EU.
These were the last words of Fr Hamel. (“Va t’en Satan” in French.)
I heard them quoted on R4 on “PM” today.
Did these words make it into print on the BBC website? I have a strange feeling they did not as they would not fit The Narrative… has anyone seen them?
Doubt if he`d have given a sermon on a weekday mass, but his bible readings spoke powerfully…and hope they comforted him as he was dying.
Advantage of catholicism is that their bible readings are pretty much the same worldwide.
“Va t`en Satan”…won`t forget it, so thanks….
I am sure that despite the uselessness of the current Pope this priest has lit a beacon for all of us in Europe that even the vacillating liberal establishment cannot put out.
The BBC can obscure the truth as much as it likes. Some things cannot be denied for long.
Even during those years when Europe was riven by religious wars what happened in that French church did not take place. The intention of the attackers was clear. it was to deny the validity of the Mass and of Christianity itself.
This is one of those key moments that alter the present and the future. Now we must wait for time to work it’s magic.
It was ‘other news’ on BBC TV tonight. They are such fools.
Since the church attack I’ve been reading online quite a bit about Christians who have been killed in the middle and near east. At the same time I’ve been reading Fox’s Book of Martyrs. It’s sickening to think that the things that were happening in Europe in the middle ages are STILL happening there.
The liberal left in Europe won’t see the significance because to them, Christians are just a bunch of regressive weirdos who believe in a sky fairy – they don’t understand that an attack on Christianity is also an attack on the values of the Enlightenment and the freedom of conscience.
One small result – a drop in the ocean, I know – is that I am now making regular contributions to the Barnabas Fund, which gives aid to persecuted Christians in Muslim countries.
Open Doors are good as well.
But-take courage Cranmer(good name by the way)…it`s all going as it should.
Speaking to a few churches now…and a Christian martial art or two are coming I`m sure.
Last weeks attack was the “drop in the ocean” that has brought out the sharks, mantas, squid and other deep sea nasties….welcome to C-World…adults only, men to lead it.
!80 degrees from where Welby and Imbroglio of Vatican Island are pointing anyway…
(Rev 19.10)…yummy yummy yummy….
Good for you Cranmer. Christians have been persecuted, tortured and slaughtered throughout the Muslim world for decades (actually centuries) and the liberal media show no interest at all. (Can we think of a new word, Liberal-fascist media maybe?)
(Mind you, even the Pope’s not too bothered, preferring to sympathise with the slaughterers)
Too many Ivory Towers in all religions. But Islam has to be defeated. peter, Leftie Liberals are fascists, but they want other people to do their dirty work. They are cowards. They get their kicks out of watching other people suffering from cruelty. And other people doing the killing .
They remind me of the weak Roman Emperors who got their erotic kicks out of the Colosseum. And had no guts to fight themselves. The Lefties are obsessed with sex and violence. That is one reason why they support Islam.
Yes Dave, even the militantly secular, anti-clerical French were shocked by the act, and by the symbolism of the act. Whether the outrage will lead to action, such as real policy changes, remains to be seen. Or will it be forgotten by our increasingly short-term collective memory? The West seems to have lost the capacity for righteous indignation. (Already the fact about the priest’s murder are getting blurred, qualified, in some quarters ‘excused’: he might have once been a soldier in Algeria; the killers were Algerian; ah well, that explains it, had it coming didn’t he. Remember, to the Left colonialism is THE greatest sin)
Some BBC puff up for a series over the summer.
One where Peter Hennessey-” Parliamentary Groom of the Stool” since Hugo Youngs demise way back-has a NEW series coming up…on Radio 4…about politics, no less.
Not “Finding Dory” by way of a summer phenomenon worth postponing the holiday for-but could have been good.
Imagine…the Great and Good reprised…Benn, Powell, Joseph, Thatcher, Healy.Lawson, Tebbit
And NEWER that`s it as far as the BBC goes.
But guess who they`ve got…apart from no Ken Clarke, guessed most of them.
Hodge?…Baker?…and-need I say?…Heseltine?
This one will run…Prescott, Kinnock, Campbell, Hattersley and Gummer?
No wonder Jo Cox died of shame,craving the early death so she didn`t end up as Shirley Williams or Harriet Harman.
At least though we`ve got our aural equivalent of the bull elephants shit yard…both faces in the grave.
This is only the First of the Summer Whine…which as we know was a pension plan for old dead and dying actors who didn`t put their names down for panto when they ought to have done.
Which-as you`ll agree is apt…buggers me why someone thought anybody but the Alzheimers Researchers would give a damn about what this shower of shite have got to say.
My god, has anyone posted this here yet? Not on the BBC, of course… they’re far too busy with important stories like the speeding drivers, collapsing railway bridges, teen hackers, and people who wait in airports for their lover to turn up. 🙄
Freight Driver Threatened With Chainsaw, Lorries Firebombed During Calais Night Of Violence
A truck driver passing through Calais has been threatened by an illegal immigrant wielding a chainsaw, during a night of violence which also saw a lorry set on fire and cab windows smashed.
No one was hurt during the dangerous encounters, but both UKIP and the Freight Transport Association (FTA) have called for action warning that it is only a matter of time before a driver is killed.
Locals have described a “night of violence” as “rioting” migrants dragged debris onto the motorway leading to the port and set fire to it in a bid to slow lorries down enough to smash their way inside.
One Belgian lorry driver reported being threatened with a chainsaw as he tried to reach the port. His boss has begged the authorities: “Please do something, there will be deaths. Our drivers are threatened every night.”
Both Popes before the useless prat we now have spoke of Europes “death wish”…it`s “thanatos culture”.
Meet Selim Goran…ostensibly “German” but got to be Turkish somewhere.
Can`t imagine she`d be such a passive, lying tool under Erdogan-but she turns out like THIS after a lifetime under German education, EU upbringing and media.
Thanatos Culture all over Scandinavia-and now got its garrote round Germanys neck as well.
Ah well-the BBC will thank her-the girls of Kent and Lincolnshire less so….
Yes, Selin Goren is a Turkish name. I just wonder how many women are being raped and nor reporting it. The official figures may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Grant – or report the rape but lie about the nationality of the rapists ‘not to encourage racism’. Meaning cos they’re shit scared of being accused of waycism by beeboids:
Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers’ nationality because she did not want to encourage racism.
Socialist German woman gets raped, doesn’t report it
“I lied because I was afraid this would be abused by the right, in order to stir hatred against refugees.”
Says it all really. Mind you it is quite hard to admit you were totally wrong about everything, isn’t it?
At least she had the guts to go back to the police the next day and tell them the truth about what happened…
I have to say I don’t really understand some of the vile comments which the presenter says were made on social media. “All refugees are rapists, close the borders, etc”. Obviously not all refugees are rapists and it’s a cruel thing to say.
But on the other hand, what proportion of them would have to be rapists before the Open Borders brigade would start to think we should close the borders? And why can we not even ask that question before they howl us down and no-platform us?!? Because it’s so obviously racist? But what “race” is a refugee, FFS?
No one wants to discriminate against anyone because of their race/colour/creed, but at the same time everyone wants to protect our families and our country, which is not only a right but a duty. Not doing so would be criminally negligent, and it’s becoming something the Left and the BBC are becoming more and more complicit with, I am sorry to say.
So much for her sisterly solidarity with the NEXT rape victims she`s now created.
Yet-as our Tania said in Malmo( a previous post on Youtube only yesterday)-her “feminism” is a mere femishield…she has no knowledge, no cares and no history of what REAL Feminism is.
This woman will be Muslim ahead of socialist, Islamist as opposed to German…and Turk ahead of being enlightened as the west might once have been.
Heck of a dogs dinner this kid…and sums up the whole EuroTrap Mindset that Islam seeks.
Need your Jewish Old Testament and your knowledge of how Islamism sprang from Ottoman disintergration….also you`ll need to know why Islam picked up the lice of the Nazis and allied it with the ticks of the Soviets in quick succession.
Add consumer drugs, legalisations, violent DVD games, easy porn and totty throwing up in every town at the weekends-AND multiculti excuses teases and dispensations from the godless goons who`ve been cruising on empty since Williams Barclay and Mrs Whitehouse died and you`ve got a rats nest of evil to work your way through.
No Bible-no Jesus-no chance.
And I`ll be honest-you`ll need a supervirus of Christianity mutation to deal with what`s coming-atheism, liberalism will go the way of what passes for Churchianity and social marxism on stilts like today.
As Bowie sang” The European Cannon is here”-don` t think he meant Father Jack Hackett…and after what happened in St Etienne du Rouvgny last week and yesterday…the degloving starts soon.
No Jesus no comment…I`ll say it again, but not for much longer-there`s a world to win out there…
Similar report on Bare Naked Islam, 2 young German women, 17 and 18, hesitate to report rape for fear of ‘encouraging racism’. Time to expose a slippery lie: It is NOT fear of encouraging racism, it is ABSOLUTE TERROR of being seen as racist themselves. You cowards. You traitors to the sisterhood you claim to care about.
Added piquancy is that they are good little lefties by their own admission, helping with ‘refugees’, doing ‘Social Studies’ or Practical Marxism as it’s also known.
Interesting video to watch for many reasons, as they admit that once it happens to YOU as opposed to on telly, it changes your attitude… makes you fink, dunnit? Also amusing to see well-intentioned libtard excuse the rapes on grounds that these poor young men are housed with families, and get bored. But even she seems to be inching her way to facing the ‘truth’ that we’ve got a problem. No!! Really?
Ok I’m feeling a bit bored, off to find some victims.
ps. Isn’t 17 a bit OLD for our swimming pool enthusiasts?
PS. Bare Naked Islam blocked in this public library (surprise surprise – though i could probably find out how to make a bomb) had to write post from memory.
ITV News at Ten was even worse than BBC tonight, they led with #operationSmear Trump for first 5 mins of the prog. Then a whole heap of refugee stories.
But now as they cover the French priest’s funeral ..they did quote the priest saying “begon Satan” to the attackers.
I note today BBC has described the attackers as “two young Frenchmen … who pledged support to ISIS”
Oh yes Stew, well picked up. I noticed that on this evening’s news too but had forgotten until you reminded me. It stood out like a sore thumb. Am I alone in thinking that “French” must be the new BBC code for “Muslim”? 😉
“French teenagers” wasn’t it?….just to make them more cuddly and misunderstood.
As opposed to second generation Muslim immigrants who had been trying to get to Syria to join ISIS and practice the Jihad that their religious faith suggests will help their spiritual development.
embolden / Mike – Part of the policy of using any word but ‘Muslim’ or ‘Arab/North African’ if at all possible. Same policy as saying the rash of recent murderers and rapists ‘suffer from mental problems’.
a) that’s obvious, if you attack a stranger in the tube you’re not quite right in the head, and b) libtards think they’re doing the religion of peace a favour by attributing all their outrages to mental problems, but are they? Mightn’t less charitable readers begin to wonder why the religion of peace produces so many nutjobs?
PS. I wonder if in France they also profess innocence and pretend that radicalisation had nothing to do with the mosque whatsoever and they all pretend to be totally baffled as to where they learned that kind of stuff?
For all their faults the French are (slightly) less prone to excusing the guys who want to murder them and (slightly) more inclined to call a spade a spade. Hence the French Prime Minister taking steps to crack down on militant mosques, banning foreign financing of such, etc. By taking steps, i mean talking about it. By talking about it i mean thinking about it. Let’s see what actions are taken in coming days and weeks.
Merde alors, eenoff eez eenoff.
(Oops, is mocking a French accent a Hate Crime yet?)
I am worried. Look North at 10.30. Peter Levy has just asked a caravan manufacturer if Brexit was good for their business, and described it as good news when he said it was. Even just saying that the caravan industry was having a successful time as they export all round the world doesn’t seem to be fitting the BBC agenda. Do you think I need to see a doctor or will normal service be resumed if I just have a lie down?
Yes “Hull caravan manufacturer taking on extra workers due to booming business as more people choose to stay at home” “This factory accounts for 95% of UK caravan manufacture.”
“It’s understood the mother-of-four recorded the videos at the request of a cousin in Pakistan, according to The Express.
The videos were discovered by the woman’s 13-year-old daughter when she borrowed her brother’s phone during a birthday party”
“When police seized the woman’s phone, they also discovered indecent images of her three-year-old daughter.”
“The mother, dressed in a lime green hijab on a video link from Eastwood Park prison in Bristol, sobbed as her son’s victim impact statement was read out.”
“Lawyers for the woman, who appeared via video link from Eastwood Park prison in Bristol, argued that “cultural differences” had hugely impacted the direction of her client’s life
“The woman, from Cardiff, admitted six charges of sexual activity with a child and distributing indecent videos.”
“Ruth Smith, defending, said the woman, who had an arranged marriage, was a loyal wife who “deeply loved” her children but had lived her life in her own culture.
Ms Smith said: “She received threats from a third party in another country which caused her to behave in a way which was completely out of character.”
BTW I didn’t go looking for these..they just happened to appear on the link bars.
Strange to come across reports of 2 different Muslim women being jailed for child sex abuse on the same day.
Perpetrators of abuse of course have often learned from being abused themselves. And cultures which are more closed are more prone to abuse, as things don’t get uncovered and resolved easily.
Chlorine gas attacks in Aleppo and Idlib. BBC says “It’s not clear who was responsible.” Typical. They can’t figure out where the barrel bombs come from either.
BBc North West bleating on about the percentage of home ownership being low. As usual they dance around the major cause without mentioning it. The housing market was buoyant up untill fifteen years ago we are informed. In Manchester they need to double the building rate we are told. Well how do you buy a house when you are on minimum wages no matter how many they build? Of course about 15 years ago is when the country began to be flooded with migrants, with the double whammy of suppressed wages and reduced housing
There’s a whole new, Asian rentier class…..according to rumour.
Does the government keep any stats on this to ensure diversity of landlords in our major cities?
The Chinese are buying up whole streets of property if there is a good deal to be had, they also buy ‘off plan’ housing estates, so developers realise they won’t be hanging around for the money , but closes the door to potential young buyers. When Brexit was confirmed and the pound slumped, Chinese investors were shown rushing to buy property over here, also impacted are low interest rates, wages that have remained static as house prices continue to grow.
Yes, up until 20 years ago, migration and housing was never so much an issue, as a programme of house building continued at a steady pace, – and those were the days when a mortgage could be had for 2-3 times annual salary, or even 100% mortgages in some cases when interest rates were anything from 10 – 15%. Migration in huge numbers from the EU and now the rest of the world has severely affected the market, and will only get worse to crisis point if the drawbridge isn’t drawn up soon.
The reason being quoted is that more couples are divorcing.
No mention of the admitted 330,000 net arrivals who also have to live somewhere.
How many houses are being built each year?
How many are being demolished?
What is the NET sum of houses being built?
Eritrean refugee ‘rapes a 79-year-old woman in a cemetery in Germany – At least they’re not ageist. Another million of them please.
Hang on: was she alive or dead?
Just watched the steaming pile of crap NYPD: The biggest gang in town?
Even by BBc standards one sided to the extreme. The other side to the stories? No way were you going to get that.
Meanwhile the BBC are again hiding how much they pay their *star* players… (its a secret, they say)! The BBC has bigger problems than Graham Norton’s salary If you’re the chairman of a Commons select committee, how do you guarantee headlines for your latest report? Well, taking aim at Graham Norton and Gary Lineker is one surefire way – especially if your target is their seven-figure pay.
That’s what Damian Collins, the acting chairman of the Commons Culture, Media and Sport committee, cleverly managed on Tuesday. His report on the BBC is making a splash – but only because it revisits the hoary old subject of whether the BBC should disclose how much it pays its top on-screen stars.’
..’It’s quite possible that Graham Norton is the BBC’s highest-paid star, on over £1 million. That would also quite probably make him the highest-paid public servant in the country – a remarkable fact, and one which surely makes it untenable for the BBC to keep Norton’s exact remuneration a secret.
But BBC talent pay is, in reality, yesterday’s story. It peaked several years ago, when the corporation was reportedly paying Jonathan Ross £6 million a year. ‘..
..’The Director-General, Lord Hall, is intent on eviscerating TV and radio services that licence-fee payers love – and on diverting their budgets to build a massive online empire for which there is no proven public appetite.
That is where the BBC’s real financial mismanagement lies. The prime example is the so-called “Ideas Service”, a largely online service which will allegedly aim “to partner the BBC with leading academic, arts and science institutions such as the British Museum, the Royal Society, the Royal Shakespeare Company, leading arts festivals and galleries”.
It will be overseen by James Purnell, the BBC’s Director of Strategy and Digital, and one of Lord Hall’s key lieutenants. Purnell is a former Labour cabinet minister – won’t it be fun for him to get out and about in the public sector, with all those museums and theatres? Maybe even the Royal Opera House, where Lord Hall used to be chief executive.’
And a quick aside on some film crap on the Today show this morning quietly glossed over the fact that one Jane Goldman is writing scripts for films in New York or such.
That`ll be Jonathan Rosses old bag won`t it?
Cosy life up there isn`t it?…
From experience, anyone in the science community who partners with the BBC, is discredited by the fact that they are also not independent from organisations linked to the environmental activists who tell the BBC what scientists think.
The purpose of the BBC’s “Ideas Service” is to “Filter out Ideas” or “Censor Politically Incorrect Ideas” such as what causes “Climate Change” etc
BBC Censorship of the internet, by crowding out independent sources of scientific ideas such as those censored below.
The two ideas that prove that Carbon Dioxide does not cause Global Warming:
(1) Proof of an incorrect formula used in Computer Models: Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009
(2) A Formula that works for all Planetary Atmospheres: Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011
The ideas from many of the Astronomers involved with the Solar Barycentre correlation with Climate Change, its effects on Solar Magnetism and Cosmic Ray induced Cloud Albedo changes that prove that the Sun causes Climate Change were best condensed into a publication that was censored on 17th January 2014.
Just LOVE the idea of the BBC refusing to tell us how much the “talent” is paid..for then they might get “poached” by rivals.
What rivals would THEY be then BBC?
Graham Norton and Allan Carr going on a six figure salary and transfer to Mecca FM?
The seismic loss of Gary Lineker?…I mean, who else could possibly spout the cliches and anodyne soundbites of the dull jock..surely there just MIGHT be a spare footballer or two going round who could ALSO eat a crisp, or talk the Charlie Buchan audiobook for a few quid?
TALENT?…Luvaduck?…Robbie Savage and ian Wright?…talent?
Only a Purnell or a Hall could possibly describe these nosebag numpties as talent-maybe compared to THEM , they are…but here on the real planet…I know loads of gay people who also aren`t funny , nor can spin a record, and I know a load of pub bores who can spout cliches for England if not play well for them…poor Robbie was shit even for Wales?
Self-deluding air buffet this lot…
The BBC had a good news story about Muslims and was keen to promote it without further investigation. Their headline said ” Muslims across France have attended Catholic mass as a gesture of solidarity.” What they fail to mention is that many of these Muslims are Ahmadiyya Muslims which are a persecuted Muslim sect which the Muslims regard as non- Muslims and they are subject to severe persecution from other Muslims.
I visited one of the places where they are free from persecution in Haifa, Israel , and although they still promote conversion to Islam they are strictly against any violence to achieve this.
It’s disgusting that our lorry drivers have to face these despicable criminals on a daily basis why our useless PC government and that big wimp Hollande standby and do diddly. These unkempt turds should be rounded up and deported immediately to wherever they came from (the authorities are welcome to take the treacherous scum Socialist Workers Party and UAF etc., with them, too!).
BBC puzzled and concerned on the early morning news why the UK borders only had 3 vessels available for intercepting migrants blah , blah blah.
Why do they even bother with their ” concerns”. Who do they think they are kidding – themselves?
I wonder whether it has occurred to Aunty that any pretense of controlling illegal immigration has long since been abandoned since the Blair era. The UK borders agency has been left to rot under the stewardship of incompetent leaders, reduction in funding and most importantly the lack of political will to deal with the problem. Which has been further eroded by the EU, political gerrymandering by the left wing, a migration control “lite” judiciary and most importantly of all a lying, scheming MSM spearheaded by the BBC who always tries to skew the debate into a pro migrant direction in both subtle and not so subtle ways and certainly on the radio a large proportion of their output appears always to be concerned about refugee welfare.
If ever there was a time to tackle the issue it is now!
The left said we all voted Brexit because we are waycists – well fine let the government use all this waycist momentum to finally bring our borders back under control. However I frankly doubt the Government has the political will to do this. At the end of the day May is the product of Cameron different skirt and slightly bigger balls but still with the same instincts.
May still prevaricating on leaving the EU despite the referendum result and despite major indicators that the EU is in serious decline.
Yet again I think we are looking a an opportunity lost. Shame!
On the bright side if we do increase the border patrol vessels the BBC will be able to take their pick from many more potential trainees all guaranteed to be the right colour.
BBC in full pro-Islam mode this morning with the ‘Thought for the day’ on R4 coming from someone who’s name I didn’t catch from the Islamic Society.
The entire thing was about how Islam is against slavery, mentioning in particular the freeing of a slave Bilal by the so-called prophet himself.
Even if this single incident is true (I thought he was freed by someone else, not that it matters much), it is a complete distortion of Islam to suggest it is opposed to slavery. Mohammed himself was a slave-trader, kept and raped sex slaves, supported the plundering and rape of children and women as booty after attacking an enemy, indeed he was even asked in one passage if Muslims should practice ‘withdrawl’ when women captives were being raped to which he replied “Why would you?”.
The idea that Islam opposes – or ever opposed – slavery is a complete distortion of the reality of this ‘faith’. Exactly what I would expect of the odious BBC.
I also listened to this woman with increasing amazement. The idea that, historically, Islam was against slavery is risible. I have no time for the BBC complaints process, but those with more resilience than me should complain about this religious propaganda, which was a tissue of lies.
The Romans used to release slaves as well. The process was called manumission. It did not mean that Roman society was against slavery in any way. The idea that they could have lived without slaves would have seemed ridiculous.
Islam is the same. Slavery was a feature of life in the 7th century. We even had it in England back then. But in 1400 years we have moved on, and developed. Islam cannot, because it is stuck with the never changing world view of a 7th century brigand. It is the most dangerous cult in the world, and a two minute piece of soft soap on the Today programme won’t change that fact.
Rob – brigand?? psychotic torturer, mass murderer, rapist, paedophile, misogynist, homophobe, bigamist, racist, bigot, anti-Semite, Xenophobe, slave trader, warlord, liar, to name but a few.
But don’t take my word for it: “Muhammad is a narcissist, a paedophile, a mass murderer,
a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman
a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter.”
Former Muslim Ali Sina offered $50,000 to anyone
who could prove this (above) wrong based on Islamic texts.
R4. So Mo the Profit freed 1 slave (perhaps) but enslaved, traded, abused, raped countless others, that makes him anti-slavery? Ha ha ha you couldn’t make it up. Of course this rubbish goes unchallenged by servile beeb. Servile’s too kind: obscene, vile, treacherous, criminal, lying, repulsive. Indirectly complicit in much criminality, rape and terrorism by turning a blind eye to the true cause and aiding and abetting the enemy in our midst.
A bus molotov cocktailed in Paris recently, another one the beeb forgot to mention.
It’s from JihadWatch where you can also see such recent delights as Syrian migrants trashing a refugee office and some nice leftie Mädchen (who help migrants) agonise over whether to report being raped but not wanting to fuel racism.
Nah, don’t report it, just lie back and think of the Vaterland girls.
Be interesting to see whether traitor to Western civilisation Mark Zuckerberg will allow Biased BBC to post uncensored material on Farcebook, I mean Facebook. Given the latter’s apparent policy to protect Islamic terrorists from criticism, it’s unlikely. Here’s a story from yesterday re Farcebook blocking a radio talk show host from posting about the Islamic terrorist who killed a pregnant woman. From just before 14 minutes in:
Zuckerberg is one of countless left-wing Jews who feels obliged to express his ‘humanity’ by siding with Palestinian terrorists against Israel
Fedup2Feb 25, 16:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC puts out an advert with the DeI Myrie about the BBC working to deal with ‘disinformation ‘ gives…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 15:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 70 year old arrested for posting on facebook – empty the prisons!
Fedup2Feb 25, 15:57 Start the Week 24th February 2025 France and UK abstain in vote to end the Ukraine war – the rest voted for it in the UN…
diggFeb 25, 15:55 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Over the last few years I have been aware of the shift in political tone at what used to be…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 15:52 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Where Is the Missing $100 Billion in U.S. Aid for Ukraine? On February 2, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine…
Lucy PevenseyFeb 25, 15:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It sounds like they are going to redirect some of our stolen tax money from foreign aid to a military.…
MarkyMarkFeb 25, 15:35 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Locked content – ha ha hah a! [img][/img]
GFeb 25, 15:25 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I won’t reply. Happily. Most logical people will look at Trumps behaviour and harbour the same doubts.
In The Spectator Douglas Murray does his usual excellent analysis on the Beeb’s post terrorist attack good news story.
Radio 4 Today Programme 7.45 am put on a report on the security wall in Israel as if it was a news item. BUT it was clearly not a news report as this is not a new situation and there was no new perspective on the subject .Propaganda against the security wall in Israel was simply repeated by a different correspondent to remind listeners of why Israel is to be condemned . Despite the new correspondent the report merely repeated ideas and bias against Israel almost in exactly the same way as all other reports on this subject in the past . The BBC agenda was clear. Incitement to hatred against Israel needs to be repeated from time to time .
Strange how the BBC never compare the lives of Arabs living in Israel with those of ‘Palestinian refugees’ living in Arab states.
Describing Palestinians as “refugees” living in “refugee camps” is a further example of politicized word choice. The original group of Palestinians in 1948 left their homes in the face of an impending aggression by Arab countries and moved into canvas tents with primitive sanitation. Regardless of arguments about whether Israeli Palestinians “fled” or, as Noam Chomsky would have it, were pushed out by a campaign of ethnic cleansing, this original group can rightly be called refugees. However, to continue to call their descendants refugees sixty-three years later, as Obama did in his Middle East/North Africa speech, distorts the truth of their situation.
Sixty-three years is time enough for three, perhaps four, generations. Imagine the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Jewish refugees who came to Brooklyn or Brookline after the Holocaust referring to themselves as refugees. My own family includes a number of refugees from the Cambodian killing fields, and my nieces and nephews would never think of claiming refugee status and a right to return to Cambodia.
Granted, refugees arriving in America are welcomed as Americans, while Palestinians are not welcome in the Arab countries where they reside. This makes them political prisoners, bargaining chips, whatever. But at a certain point, given that the right to return is not an option, you have to move beyond your grandfather’s mistakes and accept the lot you were given.
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I must confess I was heartened to hear an admission in that report that breaches in the fence in the area being discussed were used as attack routes into Israel. Thus (possibly inadvertantly) spelling out in one sentence the case for the continuing extension of the seperation wall, which was the “news” part of the story.
And later there was another admission…. that “many Palestinians just want to be able to work in Israel”, i.e. many Palestinians do not wish to boycott Israel.
Both admissions that the terrorists western supporters usually prefer to airbrush out of any discussion.
Send for Mark Regev at the Israeli Embassy.
He`s about as popular as Nigel Farage with the BBC…so will have a listen then tell my Jewish friends online, who log all this and turn our screenshares into swords to shaft the BBC.
Absolutely despise these put up jobs…just an excuse to stick Israel in the dock because it`s Tuesday and they have no stories, no clue and no other lies to peddle that day.
Gratuitous-and only further puts priests at risk, Jewish women MPs in fear of their lives or careers.
BBC Watch, Stand With Israel and the others need to know this….as well as Sue at Is the BBC Biased….
It would be good for the BBC to do a report on the frequency of suicide bombing attacks in Israel since the construction of the security barrier.
The Indy quoting the Graun. All things considered, the comments to the article are interesting.
The vital service that is Eastenders, Casualty or Dragon’s den seem easily left behind.
Idea vs hypothesis vs theory vs fact – a simple science lesson for Harrabin and all his eco-socialist 28gate mates at the BBC and beyond, especially the anti-science zealots who reckon the man-made global warming hypothesis is, in fact, ‘settled science’.
In Table 1 we can see that the comparison of man-made climate change and the possibility of a man-made climate catastrophe are not really comparable to the theories of gravity and evolution. Man-made climate change is more than an idea, it is based on some observations and reasonable models of the process have been developed and can be tested. But, none of the models have successfully predicted any climatic events. Thus, they are still a work-in-progress and not admissible as evidence supporting a scientific theory.
The idea of man-made climate change causing a catastrophe at the scale of Islamic terrorism is pure speculation. The models used to compute man’s influence don’t match any observations……
Any computer Earth model must establish a track record before it is used in calculations. The Earth is simply too complex and natural climate cycles are poorly understood. If natural cycles cannot be predicted they cannot be subtracted from observations to give us man’s influence on climate. The debate is not whether man influences climate, the debate is over how much man contributes and whether or not the additional warming dangerous. This observer, familiar with the science, would say the jury is still out. Certainly, the case for an impending catastrophe has not been made as this requires two speculative jumps. First, we need to assume that man is the dominant driver of climate, second we need to assume this will lead to a catastrophe. One can predict a possible catastrophe if the most extreme climate models are correct, but the record shows they are not.
Excellent link, my piscatorial friend 🙂 Anyone who is interested in science should take a look, particularly those who reserve some of their best invective for anyone who dares to be sceptical of the man-made-climate-change theory… I’m not saying one way or the other, but science is about hypothesis, observation, and demonstration through repeatable experiments, and not about persuading people of belief systems by group-think. I have to say I thought we’d abandoned that modus operandi after Galileo but apparently some groups still practice the inquisition on anyone who insists on saying “but it moves”.
We are farmers. Forecasts in July /August/September are extremely important to us as we try to bring in the harvest. Our local weather forecaster yesterday (Paul Hudson) suggested that it would be a bright day today with just the chance of a shower later on. No suggestion of dreary or dank weather covering most of the UK for most of today – but the national weather report at 6.30 on BBC 1 showed just that. Usual story – the Met Office can tell us climate in 100 years but cannot tell us tomorrow because that is weather. PS I have had to put a pullover on this evening because I was so cold – how does that fit into the warming theory?
I live in a coastal and farming area and exactly the same is true here. Add in the complexity caused by the proximity of the sea and the Met office’s weather forecast is absolutely useless.
Were they honest about it., it wouldn’t be so offensive but they make the most absurd claims for accuracy when in fact they are often wrong in real time, let alone with their forecasts.
And lest some clown pipe up with the ‘weather is not climate’ mantra, if data collides with theory the chances are that the theory is wrong – and if you lie about the data, it is guaranteed to be wrong.
Czech president says bar refugees to prevent ‘barbaric attacks’
Czech President Milos Zeman says the country should refuse to take in refugees to ensure they cannot commit “barbaric attacks”, his spokesman said on Tuesday. Zeman, who holds a largely ceremonial post, is the country’s most vocal opponent of immigration, opposing even the government’s modest plan to take in 80 Syrian refugees this year. Islamist attacks in France and Germany in recent weeks have proved his point, Zeman’s spokesman, Jiri Ovcacek, told a news conference. “Our country simply cannot afford to risk terrorist attacks like what occurred in France and Germany. By accepting migrants we would create fertile ground for barbaric attacks,” Ovcacek said. The government opposes an EU quota system to re-distribute asylum seekers. (Reuters)
Wonder when
AuntieCruella will publish this?[Sound of tumbleweeds…]
“Authorities pay Swedish youngsters to play with Muslim migrants” —
I’m sure they’ll be happy to have some Swedish girls to play with.
…but aren’t they doing that already in swimming pools, railway stations and such?
More like Norman Bates’s mother. The original concept’s been dead for some time but some cranks are still running around in her clothes.
Vanessa feltz was standing in for vine on his radio 2 program and they were discussing the byron burger protests. She chatted to David Davis and then to this lady Ewa Easiewicz who seems to be a full time political activist activist and big Corbyn supporter. She was introduced as Ewa with no reference as to who she is or what her background is and we got the usual socialist rant including climate change. it was only at the end when she had gone that we got her second name. All the people calling in were on byrons side.
She has a guardian profile as well enjoy or not
Is it open door time for left wing political activists at the beeb.
Seems so, I was amazed by the attitude of a spokeswoman from the Unite union on PM on Friday. (name escapes me).
She simply refused to acknowledge UK immigration laws, and kept referring to the illegals, who had lied to their employer when recruited, as being “undocumented”.
In effect she was inciting further breaking of the law, and outraged that the illegals had been detected and sent home in accordance with the law.
A ridiculous situation when a company, abides by the law, co-operates with law enforcement and is then, along with its customers and staff subjected to the attentions of rent-a-mob with the Police seemingly incapable of stopping the dropping of insects into business premises.
all I can say is that at my next opportunity I will be spending some time and money with Byrons.
“A ridiculous situation when a company, abides by the law, co-operates with law enforcement and is then, along with its customers and staff subjected to the attentions of rent-a-mob with the Police seemingly incapable of stopping the dropping of insects into business premises.”
Indeed. When I caught this story on last night’s News at Ten, I heard not a word of condemnation from the Beeb of such behaviour – in fact, there was to me a distinct air of approval. Now imagine if Donald Trump had done such a thing….
…… open door time for left wing political activists at the beeb…..
Yep, there’s another up and coming regular, a rather large lady called Dawn Foster of the Guardian but when introduced she is ‘an author and journalist’. Already been on Sunday Morning Live, then up she pops again on Sky’s debate, and was again interviewed on another chat sofa. Perhaps she’s been shoved out there to replace Owen ‘cry baby’ Jones who has mysteriously disappeared of late.
Going by her Twitter feed foster is a nasty piece of work.
@KatieH Check the crazy Lefty logic of the Byron boycott campaign.
– To protest in support of “the hard working foreigners” who used forged documents, a boycott of Byron’s was incentivised by releasing live coackroaches into Byron’s restaurants.
..OK so what about the far more numerous “hard working foreigners” with LEGAL papers employed at Byron’s ? How’s all that effect them ? Perchance no over time, and getting laid off (same for the native born staff)
..Way to go Lefties ..Is that Social Justice ?
Speaking of David Davis. What is happening with Brexit ?
From my reading of leftist social media sites there are ‘nationalists’ who are demanding immediate invoking of Article 50. They must be far right.
Here is a piece in Spiked calling for a quick signing of Article 50.
‘If we delay Article 50, we don’t just delay democracy; we also give credence to the idea that lawyers, journalists and academics hold more political weight than plumbers, teachers and bus drivers. We effectively say, ‘Okay, you ordinary people voted for Brexit, but now let the adults decide what kind of Brexit it should be’. This is unacceptable, and if you agree then join and support our campaign to Invoke Article 50 NOW! – and defend the idea that everyone, and not just those in Westminster, should have a say in politics.’
Just a reminder for new readers to this site …………………………
I smell a rat ! Taffman, signed it already !
Nothing the BBC’s shocking troops like more than a good storm in a teacupism, so I liked this comment on this thread at this difficult time:
Both the BBC and Sky slavishly punted out this story, both at their unquestioning best. This is ironic as they are the two most rotten, sexist organisations in the UK.
For women, unless you are young, slim and pretty you have no chance. You are not getting on there. An opportunity on the airwaves may arise if you have talent but a ‘face for radio’
Lets be clear that the people who are key producers, commissioners and makers of news are now mostly women.
When it comes to making women self conscious about their size and looks then the worst perpetrators are universally female also .
The sheer irony of this discrimination is lost on TV news.
Maybe Sir Lenny could pick up the blower to Tone and have a whinge on behalf of the lads of ambition?
US election 2016: Trump unfit to be president – Obama
Well, he would know wouldn’t he? LOL
Oh dear, its now been announced that ‘armed Sea Marshalls’ will be aboard French ferries, as fear of attacks at sea could be inevitable. Hmmmmm, has anyone ever seen the security men in our High Street shop doorways, and Tesco’s ? hanging about, totally bored and only speak in grunts, though they clearly like to wear a ‘uniform’ as it gives them an air of ‘authority’. Sorry but this idea doesn’t fill me with confidence, one marshall per boat is hardly sufficient – the marshall could be up having a cuppa with the Captain on the bridge while a bomb goes off in the engine room.
Any Marshall in a uniform will be a target BEFORE the real attack takes places.
They need to be in multiples and incognito, i.e (still using Latin abbreviations – stuff them) expensive.
Alternative suggestion, export all the bloody Muslims, we do not need or want these long time deadly enemies in Europe.
Oh Lordy…”sea marshalls”?
Can expect the Calais “Centre d`emploi PLUS” to be processing an endless line of “sea marshalls” from exotic climes who just “have to follow up on a blonde suspect” or “say some prayers in the Ashford Chapel or Mosque” or “voir un homme a propos a chien”-and then we never see them again.
Plenty scope to get loads of Somali thugs with uniforms and pepper spray, plenty employment opportunities for Allahs little helpers…and plenty churn and training sessions too, so got to be good for the Jungle economy.
Whose idea was this then?…Medhi Hasans or Naz Shahs?
The old joke comes to mind.
“How do you get a Somali trio to play at your church hall?
“Invite and then book a Somali orchestra to play there”
Boom Boom!
Oh…it`s now a Somali sole player!
Last two lines are mine….fist time 1`ve extended a joke!
The BBC have been doing this since 1968 though eh?
France has dug itself a hole that will result in a civil war. Already 10% of the population are Islamic registered ‘minorities’ with no hope of integration or employment. At least in the UK they can go work in the NHS (or BBC). In this Telegraph article ‘Analysis: Why France is so vulnerable to Islamist terrorism ‘ Here are some good reasons to avoid France.
‘France’s acute vulnerability to Islamist terrorism stems from several factors. The delicate truth is that France has the biggest Muslim minority in Europe, approaching 10 per cent of the population. That creates a larger pool within which a small minority can be radicalised.
Moreover, the social fracture between some Muslim communities and the national mainstream appears to be wider in France than elsewhere in Europe.’…
‘In absolute numbers, France has provided more foreign fighters for Isil in Syria than any other European country. In addition, France is part of the Schengen area, giving it open borders with the European continent.
Unlike Britain – which has always retained its border controls and has the natural advantage of being an island – France can do little to prevent the flow of suspected terrorists or weapons into its territory’…
Another reason to avoid France this Summer!
The map is an indication of how ‘integrated’ the French have made their 10% allocation..
Good article but i get the feeling the Telegraph doesn’t like talking about ‘the delicate truth’ of Islamic terrorism. It’s so vulgar don’t you know, so… indelicate. If you want gut-felt indignation you have to get down with those dreadful little people at the Mail and Express. Now what’s at the opera this evening?
The article DOES say however that our Muslim chum refers to the French as being “spiteful and filthy” though.
Er…over to our Paris correspondent not getting served by the warm pissoir!
Here’s some really good news that our tax-funded state broadcaster hasn’t yet found the time or space to tell us. Phil Shiner, the shyster lawyer who makes a living out of bringing cases against our servicemen, has been barred from receiving legal aid funding. (£)
I guess we need these hate figures….even his NAME seems to have been given from the Panto section of Media Central Casting.
Think we need a League table of this lot…Champions League play offs only here though…I mean,
This weeks Top Ten Rogues Gallery
1. Al Baghdadi
2. Khan of the Democrats
3. Phil Shiner
4. Angela Gibbins
5. Nicholas Van Hoogstraten-perennial
6. Robert Mugabe
7. Erdogan
8. Lord Coe
9. Will Straw CBE
10. Muslim lads of France.
Haven’t seen or heard anything about this on al beebus yet.
Listening to R4 this evening in the car, the news between 6pm and 7pm.
Big hurrah about British Ambassador to France being given plum EUROPEAN UNION Commission job in Brussels.
Big fanfare about some criminal being extradited from Portugal using an EUROPEAN Arrest Warrant.
Big announcement that Santander is making a bid for the 200 branches which RBS is being forced to sell off, under the state aid rules.
Forgot to mention that they are the EUROPEAN UNION state aid rules, eh BBC?
So obvious and so predictable 🙄
Good game for Santander, eh! They get a wider branch network in the UK and are allowed to stay and steal UK business post-Brexit and our banks are likely to get shafted in the rest of the EU.
“Begone, Satan!”
These were the last words of Fr Hamel. (“Va t’en Satan” in French.)
I heard them quoted on R4 on “PM” today.
Did these words make it into print on the BBC website? I have a strange feeling they did not as they would not fit The Narrative… has anyone seen them?
Doubt if he`d have given a sermon on a weekday mass, but his bible readings spoke powerfully…and hope they comforted him as he was dying.
Advantage of catholicism is that their bible readings are pretty much the same worldwide.
“Va t`en Satan”…won`t forget it, so thanks….
Angels comforted him and bore him home to his place in heaven.
Welcome home good and loyal servant, was his welcome.
Pray for us Father Jacques.
I am sure that despite the uselessness of the current Pope this priest has lit a beacon for all of us in Europe that even the vacillating liberal establishment cannot put out.
The BBC can obscure the truth as much as it likes. Some things cannot be denied for long.
Even during those years when Europe was riven by religious wars what happened in that French church did not take place. The intention of the attackers was clear. it was to deny the validity of the Mass and of Christianity itself.
This is one of those key moments that alter the present and the future. Now we must wait for time to work it’s magic.
It was ‘other news’ on BBC TV tonight. They are such fools.
Since the church attack I’ve been reading online quite a bit about Christians who have been killed in the middle and near east. At the same time I’ve been reading Fox’s Book of Martyrs. It’s sickening to think that the things that were happening in Europe in the middle ages are STILL happening there.
The liberal left in Europe won’t see the significance because to them, Christians are just a bunch of regressive weirdos who believe in a sky fairy – they don’t understand that an attack on Christianity is also an attack on the values of the Enlightenment and the freedom of conscience.
One small result – a drop in the ocean, I know – is that I am now making regular contributions to the Barnabas Fund, which gives aid to persecuted Christians in Muslim countries.
Open Doors are good as well.
But-take courage Cranmer(good name by the way)…it`s all going as it should.
Speaking to a few churches now…and a Christian martial art or two are coming I`m sure.
Last weeks attack was the “drop in the ocean” that has brought out the sharks, mantas, squid and other deep sea nasties….welcome to C-World…adults only, men to lead it.
!80 degrees from where Welby and Imbroglio of Vatican Island are pointing anyway…
(Rev 19.10)…yummy yummy yummy….
Good for you Cranmer. Christians have been persecuted, tortured and slaughtered throughout the Muslim world for decades (actually centuries) and the liberal media show no interest at all. (Can we think of a new word, Liberal-fascist media maybe?)
(Mind you, even the Pope’s not too bothered, preferring to sympathise with the slaughterers)
Too many Ivory Towers in all religions. But Islam has to be defeated. peter, Leftie Liberals are fascists, but they want other people to do their dirty work. They are cowards. They get their kicks out of watching other people suffering from cruelty. And other people doing the killing .
They remind me of the weak Roman Emperors who got their erotic kicks out of the Colosseum. And had no guts to fight themselves. The Lefties are obsessed with sex and violence. That is one reason why they support Islam.
Yes Dave, even the militantly secular, anti-clerical French were shocked by the act, and by the symbolism of the act. Whether the outrage will lead to action, such as real policy changes, remains to be seen. Or will it be forgotten by our increasingly short-term collective memory? The West seems to have lost the capacity for righteous indignation. (Already the fact about the priest’s murder are getting blurred, qualified, in some quarters ‘excused’: he might have once been a soldier in Algeria; the killers were Algerian; ah well, that explains it, had it coming didn’t he. Remember, to the Left colonialism is THE greatest sin)
Some BBC puff up for a series over the summer.
One where Peter Hennessey-” Parliamentary Groom of the Stool” since Hugo Youngs demise way back-has a NEW series coming up…on Radio 4…about politics, no less.
Not “Finding Dory” by way of a summer phenomenon worth postponing the holiday for-but could have been good.
Imagine…the Great and Good reprised…Benn, Powell, Joseph, Thatcher, Healy.Lawson, Tebbit
And NEWER that`s it as far as the BBC goes.
But guess who they`ve got…apart from no Ken Clarke, guessed most of them.
Hodge?…Baker?…and-need I say?…Heseltine?
This one will run…Prescott, Kinnock, Campbell, Hattersley and Gummer?
No wonder Jo Cox died of shame,craving the early death so she didn`t end up as Shirley Williams or Harriet Harman.
At least though we`ve got our aural equivalent of the bull elephants shit yard…both faces in the grave.
This is only the First of the Summer Whine…which as we know was a pension plan for old dead and dying actors who didn`t put their names down for panto when they ought to have done.
Which-as you`ll agree is apt…buggers me why someone thought anybody but the Alzheimers Researchers would give a damn about what this shower of shite have got to say.
My god, has anyone posted this here yet? Not on the BBC, of course… they’re far too busy with important stories like the speeding drivers, collapsing railway bridges, teen hackers, and people who wait in airports for their lover to turn up. 🙄
Freight Driver Threatened With Chainsaw, Lorries Firebombed During Calais Night Of Violence
A truck driver passing through Calais has been threatened by an illegal immigrant wielding a chainsaw, during a night of violence which also saw a lorry set on fire and cab windows smashed.
No one was hurt during the dangerous encounters, but both UKIP and the Freight Transport Association (FTA) have called for action warning that it is only a matter of time before a driver is killed.
Locals have described a “night of violence” as “rioting” migrants dragged debris onto the motorway leading to the port and set fire to it in a bid to slow lorries down enough to smash their way inside.
One Belgian lorry driver reported being threatened with a chainsaw as he tried to reach the port. His boss has begged the authorities: “Please do something, there will be deaths. Our drivers are threatened every night.”
Mike – They have a violent raging sense of entitlement even before getting in. What’s it going to be like once they’re in?
Gimme gimme gimme.
Reject Mass Migration or Face The Consequences, Migration Expert Tells West
… and I thought it was us Leavers who were accused of not wanting to listen to the experts?
As someone said: you do not help third world countries by destroying your own.
What is the BBC doing to secure a Brexit resolution as voted for by the majority of the British population?
The BBC is payed for (otherwise at the risk of criminal prosecution) by the British population.
Both Popes before the useless prat we now have spoke of Europes “death wish”…it`s “thanatos culture”.
Meet Selim Goran…ostensibly “German” but got to be Turkish somewhere.
Can`t imagine she`d be such a passive, lying tool under Erdogan-but she turns out like THIS after a lifetime under German education, EU upbringing and media.
Thanatos Culture all over Scandinavia-and now got its garrote round Germanys neck as well.
Ah well-the BBC will thank her-the girls of Kent and Lincolnshire less so….
Yes, Selin Goren is a Turkish name. I just wonder how many women are being raped and nor reporting it. The official figures may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Grant – or report the rape but lie about the nationality of the rapists ‘not to encourage racism’. Meaning cos they’re shit scared of being accused of waycism by beeboids:
Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers’ nationality because she did not want to encourage racism.
Socialist German woman gets raped, doesn’t report it
“I lied because I was afraid this would be abused by the right, in order to stir hatred against refugees.”
Says it all really. Mind you it is quite hard to admit you were totally wrong about everything, isn’t it?
At least she had the guts to go back to the police the next day and tell them the truth about what happened…
I have to say I don’t really understand some of the vile comments which the presenter says were made on social media. “All refugees are rapists, close the borders, etc”. Obviously not all refugees are rapists and it’s a cruel thing to say.
But on the other hand, what proportion of them would have to be rapists before the Open Borders brigade would start to think we should close the borders? And why can we not even ask that question before they howl us down and no-platform us?!? Because it’s so obviously racist? But what “race” is a refugee, FFS?
No one wants to discriminate against anyone because of their race/colour/creed, but at the same time everyone wants to protect our families and our country, which is not only a right but a duty. Not doing so would be criminally negligent, and it’s becoming something the Left and the BBC are becoming more and more complicit with, I am sorry to say.
Socialist German woman gets raped, doesn’t report it
Did not give details of the rapists so they would be free to rape other women.
That seems to be the mindset of the left.
So much for her sisterly solidarity with the NEXT rape victims she`s now created.
Yet-as our Tania said in Malmo( a previous post on Youtube only yesterday)-her “feminism” is a mere femishield…she has no knowledge, no cares and no history of what REAL Feminism is.
This woman will be Muslim ahead of socialist, Islamist as opposed to German…and Turk ahead of being enlightened as the west might once have been.
Heck of a dogs dinner this kid…and sums up the whole EuroTrap Mindset that Islam seeks.
Need your Jewish Old Testament and your knowledge of how Islamism sprang from Ottoman disintergration….also you`ll need to know why Islam picked up the lice of the Nazis and allied it with the ticks of the Soviets in quick succession.
Add consumer drugs, legalisations, violent DVD games, easy porn and totty throwing up in every town at the weekends-AND multiculti excuses teases and dispensations from the godless goons who`ve been cruising on empty since Williams Barclay and Mrs Whitehouse died and you`ve got a rats nest of evil to work your way through.
No Bible-no Jesus-no chance.
And I`ll be honest-you`ll need a supervirus of Christianity mutation to deal with what`s coming-atheism, liberalism will go the way of what passes for Churchianity and social marxism on stilts like today.
As Bowie sang” The European Cannon is here”-don` t think he meant Father Jack Hackett…and after what happened in St Etienne du Rouvgny last week and yesterday…the degloving starts soon.
No Jesus no comment…I`ll say it again, but not for much longer-there`s a world to win out there…
Similar report on Bare Naked Islam, 2 young German women, 17 and 18, hesitate to report rape for fear of ‘encouraging racism’. Time to expose a slippery lie: It is NOT fear of encouraging racism, it is ABSOLUTE TERROR of being seen as racist themselves. You cowards. You traitors to the sisterhood you claim to care about.
Added piquancy is that they are good little lefties by their own admission, helping with ‘refugees’, doing ‘Social Studies’ or Practical Marxism as it’s also known.
Interesting video to watch for many reasons, as they admit that once it happens to YOU as opposed to on telly, it changes your attitude… makes you fink, dunnit? Also amusing to see well-intentioned libtard excuse the rapes on grounds that these poor young men are housed with families, and get bored. But even she seems to be inching her way to facing the ‘truth’ that we’ve got a problem. No!! Really?
Ok I’m feeling a bit bored, off to find some victims.
ps. Isn’t 17 a bit OLD for our swimming pool enthusiasts?
PS. Bare Naked Islam blocked in this public library (surprise surprise – though i could probably find out how to make a bomb) had to write post from memory.
ITV News at Ten was even worse than BBC tonight, they led with #operationSmear Trump for first 5 mins of the prog. Then a whole heap of refugee stories.
But now as they cover the French priest’s funeral ..they did quote the priest saying “begon Satan” to the attackers.
I note today BBC has described the attackers as “two young Frenchmen … who pledged support to ISIS”
Stew – Yep, French Mormons pledged to ISIS. Confusing isn’t it?
Oh yes Stew, well picked up. I noticed that on this evening’s news too but had forgotten until you reminded me. It stood out like a sore thumb. Am I alone in thinking that “French” must be the new BBC code for “Muslim”? 😉
“French teenagers” wasn’t it?….just to make them more cuddly and misunderstood.
As opposed to second generation Muslim immigrants who had been trying to get to Syria to join ISIS and practice the Jihad that their religious faith suggests will help their spiritual development.
embolden / Mike – Part of the policy of using any word but ‘Muslim’ or ‘Arab/North African’ if at all possible. Same policy as saying the rash of recent murderers and rapists ‘suffer from mental problems’.
a) that’s obvious, if you attack a stranger in the tube you’re not quite right in the head, and b) libtards think they’re doing the religion of peace a favour by attributing all their outrages to mental problems, but are they? Mightn’t less charitable readers begin to wonder why the religion of peace produces so many nutjobs?
… yeah, embolden, that would be the same “teenagers” who are described as “children” when is comes to refugees…
PS. I wonder if in France they also profess innocence and pretend that radicalisation had nothing to do with the mosque whatsoever and they all pretend to be totally baffled as to where they learned that kind of stuff?
For all their faults the French are (slightly) less prone to excusing the guys who want to murder them and (slightly) more inclined to call a spade a spade. Hence the French Prime Minister taking steps to crack down on militant mosques, banning foreign financing of such, etc. By taking steps, i mean talking about it. By talking about it i mean thinking about it. Let’s see what actions are taken in coming days and weeks.
Merde alors, eenoff eez eenoff.
(Oops, is mocking a French accent a Hate Crime yet?)
I am worried. Look North at 10.30. Peter Levy has just asked a caravan manufacturer if Brexit was good for their business, and described it as good news when he said it was. Even just saying that the caravan industry was having a successful time as they export all round the world doesn’t seem to be fitting the BBC agenda. Do you think I need to see a doctor or will normal service be resumed if I just have a lie down?
Yes “Hull caravan manufacturer taking on extra workers due to booming business as more people choose to stay at home” “This factory accounts for 95% of UK caravan manufacture.”
“It’s understood the mother-of-four recorded the videos at the request of a cousin in Pakistan, according to The Express.
The videos were discovered by the woman’s 13-year-old daughter when she borrowed her brother’s phone during a birthday party”
“When police seized the woman’s phone, they also discovered indecent images of her three-year-old daughter.”
“The mother, dressed in a lime green hijab on a video link from Eastwood Park prison in Bristol, sobbed as her son’s victim impact statement was read out.”
“Lawyers for the woman, who appeared via video link from Eastwood Park prison in Bristol, argued that “cultural differences” had hugely impacted the direction of her client’s life
“The woman, from Cardiff, admitted six charges of sexual activity with a child and distributing indecent videos.”
“Ruth Smith, defending, said the woman, who had an arranged marriage, was a loyal wife who “deeply loved” her children but had lived her life in her own culture.
Ms Smith said: “She received threats from a third party in another country which caused her to behave in a way which was completely out of character.”
And a completely different case in the Daily Mail Aug 2nd
“Solicitor claims mother who sexually abused girl, nine, should not be jailed because her shame as a Muslim was punishment enough
BTW I didn’t go looking for these..they just happened to appear on the link bars.
Strange to come across reports of 2 different Muslim women being jailed for child sex abuse on the same day.
Perpetrators of abuse of course have often learned from being abused themselves. And cultures which are more closed are more prone to abuse, as things don’t get uncovered and resolved easily.
Chlorine gas attacks in Aleppo and Idlib. BBC says “It’s not clear who was responsible.” Typical. They can’t figure out where the barrel bombs come from either.
Who flies helicopters in Syria?
BBc North West bleating on about the percentage of home ownership being low. As usual they dance around the major cause without mentioning it. The housing market was buoyant up untill fifteen years ago we are informed. In Manchester they need to double the building rate we are told. Well how do you buy a house when you are on minimum wages no matter how many they build? Of course about 15 years ago is when the country began to be flooded with migrants, with the double whammy of suppressed wages and reduced housing
Let’s not forget the effect of “buy to let”.
Lots of foreign money in “buy to let”.
There’s a whole new, Asian rentier class…..according to rumour.
Does the government keep any stats on this to ensure diversity of landlords in our major cities?
Yes embolden that is another aspect of the reduction in housing stock.
The Chinese are buying up whole streets of property if there is a good deal to be had, they also buy ‘off plan’ housing estates, so developers realise they won’t be hanging around for the money , but closes the door to potential young buyers. When Brexit was confirmed and the pound slumped, Chinese investors were shown rushing to buy property over here, also impacted are low interest rates, wages that have remained static as house prices continue to grow.
Yes, up until 20 years ago, migration and housing was never so much an issue, as a programme of house building continued at a steady pace, – and those were the days when a mortgage could be had for 2-3 times annual salary, or even 100% mortgages in some cases when interest rates were anything from 10 – 15%. Migration in huge numbers from the EU and now the rest of the world has severely affected the market, and will only get worse to crisis point if the drawbridge isn’t drawn up soon.
The reason being quoted is that more couples are divorcing.
No mention of the admitted 330,000 net arrivals who also have to live somewhere.
How many houses are being built each year?
How many are being demolished?
What is the NET sum of houses being built?
Eritrean refugee ‘rapes a 79-year-old woman in a cemetery in Germany : Daily Mail July 27th
Eritrean refugee ‘rapes a 79-year-old woman in a cemetery in Germany – At least they’re not ageist. Another million of them please.
Hang on: was she alive or dead?
Only a million? how could you be so………..waycist!
Just watched the steaming pile of crap NYPD: The biggest gang in town?
Even by BBc standards one sided to the extreme. The other side to the stories? No way were you going to get that.
Yeah, any excuse to knock the pigs, man, the fuzz y’know?
Meanwhile the BBC are again hiding how much they pay their *star* players… (its a secret, they say)!
The BBC has bigger problems than Graham Norton’s salary
If you’re the chairman of a Commons select committee, how do you guarantee headlines for your latest report? Well, taking aim at Graham Norton and Gary Lineker is one surefire way – especially if your target is their seven-figure pay.
That’s what Damian Collins, the acting chairman of the Commons Culture, Media and Sport committee, cleverly managed on Tuesday. His report on the BBC is making a splash – but only because it revisits the hoary old subject of whether the BBC should disclose how much it pays its top on-screen stars.’
..’It’s quite possible that Graham Norton is the BBC’s highest-paid star, on over £1 million. That would also quite probably make him the highest-paid public servant in the country – a remarkable fact, and one which surely makes it untenable for the BBC to keep Norton’s exact remuneration a secret.
But BBC talent pay is, in reality, yesterday’s story. It peaked several years ago, when the corporation was reportedly paying Jonathan Ross £6 million a year. ‘..
..’The Director-General, Lord Hall, is intent on eviscerating TV and radio services that licence-fee payers love – and on diverting their budgets to build a massive online empire for which there is no proven public appetite.
That is where the BBC’s real financial mismanagement lies. The prime example is the so-called “Ideas Service”, a largely online service which will allegedly aim “to partner the BBC with leading academic, arts and science institutions such as the British Museum, the Royal Society, the Royal Shakespeare Company, leading arts festivals and galleries”.
It will be overseen by James Purnell, the BBC’s Director of Strategy and Digital, and one of Lord Hall’s key lieutenants. Purnell is a former Labour cabinet minister – won’t it be fun for him to get out and about in the public sector, with all those museums and theatres? Maybe even the Royal Opera House, where Lord Hall used to be chief executive.’
Austerity? What austerity, we’ve never had it so good (at the BBC) fame and fortune empire.
And a quick aside on some film crap on the Today show this morning quietly glossed over the fact that one Jane Goldman is writing scripts for films in New York or such.
That`ll be Jonathan Rosses old bag won`t it?
Cosy life up there isn`t it?…
From experience, anyone in the science community who partners with the BBC, is discredited by the fact that they are also not independent from organisations linked to the environmental activists who tell the BBC what scientists think.
The purpose of the BBC’s “Ideas Service” is to “Filter out Ideas” or “Censor Politically Incorrect Ideas” such as what causes “Climate Change” etc
BBC Censorship of the internet, by crowding out independent sources of scientific ideas such as those censored below.
The two ideas that prove that Carbon Dioxide does not cause Global Warming:
(1) Proof of an incorrect formula used in Computer Models: Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics, Gerhard Gerlich, 2009
(2) A Formula that works for all Planetary Atmospheres: Unified Theory of Climate, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, 2011
The ideas from many of the Astronomers involved with the Solar Barycentre correlation with Climate Change, its effects on Solar Magnetism and Cosmic Ray induced Cloud Albedo changes that prove that the Sun causes Climate Change were best condensed into a publication that was censored on 17th January 2014.
Click to access (602b)%20PRP_special_issue.pdf
Yes, the beeb have the right to know anything about anyone but not the other way round, like the obscene pay of their ‘stars’.
Just LOVE the idea of the BBC refusing to tell us how much the “talent” is paid..for then they might get “poached” by rivals.
What rivals would THEY be then BBC?
Graham Norton and Allan Carr going on a six figure salary and transfer to Mecca FM?
The seismic loss of Gary Lineker?…I mean, who else could possibly spout the cliches and anodyne soundbites of the dull jock..surely there just MIGHT be a spare footballer or two going round who could ALSO eat a crisp, or talk the Charlie Buchan audiobook for a few quid?
TALENT?…Luvaduck?…Robbie Savage and ian Wright?…talent?
Only a Purnell or a Hall could possibly describe these nosebag numpties as talent-maybe compared to THEM , they are…but here on the real planet…I know loads of gay people who also aren`t funny , nor can spin a record, and I know a load of pub bores who can spout cliches for England if not play well for them…poor Robbie was shit even for Wales?
Self-deluding air buffet this lot…
“nosebag numpties”. LOL !
The BBC had a good news story about Muslims and was keen to promote it without further investigation. Their headline said ” Muslims across France have attended Catholic mass as a gesture of solidarity.” What they fail to mention is that many of these Muslims are Ahmadiyya Muslims which are a persecuted Muslim sect which the Muslims regard as non- Muslims and they are subject to severe persecution from other Muslims.
I visited one of the places where they are free from persecution in Haifa, Israel , and although they still promote conversion to Islam they are strictly against any violence to achieve this.
You never hear the BBC, Guardian and Independent report these activities of chainsaw-wielding migrants –
It’s disgusting that our lorry drivers have to face these despicable criminals on a daily basis why our useless PC government and that big wimp Hollande standby and do diddly. These unkempt turds should be rounded up and deported immediately to wherever they came from (the authorities are welcome to take the treacherous scum Socialist Workers Party and UAF etc., with them, too!).
BBC puzzled and concerned on the early morning news why the UK borders only had 3 vessels available for intercepting migrants blah , blah blah.
Why do they even bother with their ” concerns”. Who do they think they are kidding – themselves?
I wonder whether it has occurred to Aunty that any pretense of controlling illegal immigration has long since been abandoned since the Blair era. The UK borders agency has been left to rot under the stewardship of incompetent leaders, reduction in funding and most importantly the lack of political will to deal with the problem. Which has been further eroded by the EU, political gerrymandering by the left wing, a migration control “lite” judiciary and most importantly of all a lying, scheming MSM spearheaded by the BBC who always tries to skew the debate into a pro migrant direction in both subtle and not so subtle ways and certainly on the radio a large proportion of their output appears always to be concerned about refugee welfare.
If ever there was a time to tackle the issue it is now!
The left said we all voted Brexit because we are waycists – well fine let the government use all this waycist momentum to finally bring our borders back under control. However I frankly doubt the Government has the political will to do this. At the end of the day May is the product of Cameron different skirt and slightly bigger balls but still with the same instincts.
May still prevaricating on leaving the EU despite the referendum result and despite major indicators that the EU is in serious decline.
Yet again I think we are looking a an opportunity lost. Shame!
On the bright side if we do increase the border patrol vessels the BBC will be able to take their pick from many more potential trainees all guaranteed to be the right colour.
BBC in full pro-Islam mode this morning with the ‘Thought for the day’ on R4 coming from someone who’s name I didn’t catch from the Islamic Society.
The entire thing was about how Islam is against slavery, mentioning in particular the freeing of a slave Bilal by the so-called prophet himself.
Even if this single incident is true (I thought he was freed by someone else, not that it matters much), it is a complete distortion of Islam to suggest it is opposed to slavery. Mohammed himself was a slave-trader, kept and raped sex slaves, supported the plundering and rape of children and women as booty after attacking an enemy, indeed he was even asked in one passage if Muslims should practice ‘withdrawl’ when women captives were being raped to which he replied “Why would you?”.
The idea that Islam opposes – or ever opposed – slavery is a complete distortion of the reality of this ‘faith’. Exactly what I would expect of the odious BBC.
Quite right. Whoever the muslim on the BBC was, he is a big liar. But the the BBC is one big lie anyway !
I also listened to this woman with increasing amazement. The idea that, historically, Islam was against slavery is risible. I have no time for the BBC complaints process, but those with more resilience than me should complain about this religious propaganda, which was a tissue of lies.
The Romans used to release slaves as well. The process was called manumission. It did not mean that Roman society was against slavery in any way. The idea that they could have lived without slaves would have seemed ridiculous.
Islam is the same. Slavery was a feature of life in the 7th century. We even had it in England back then. But in 1400 years we have moved on, and developed. Islam cannot, because it is stuck with the never changing world view of a 7th century brigand. It is the most dangerous cult in the world, and a two minute piece of soft soap on the Today programme won’t change that fact.
Rob – brigand?? psychotic torturer, mass murderer, rapist, paedophile, misogynist, homophobe, bigamist, racist, bigot, anti-Semite, Xenophobe, slave trader, warlord, liar, to name but a few.
But don’t take my word for it: “Muhammad is a narcissist, a paedophile, a mass murderer,
a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman
a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter.”
Former Muslim Ali Sina offered $50,000 to anyone
who could prove this (above) wrong based on Islamic texts.
The reward has gone unclaimed.
Quoted in:
R4. So Mo the Profit freed 1 slave (perhaps) but enslaved, traded, abused, raped countless others, that makes him anti-slavery? Ha ha ha you couldn’t make it up. Of course this rubbish goes unchallenged by servile beeb. Servile’s too kind: obscene, vile, treacherous, criminal, lying, repulsive. Indirectly complicit in much criminality, rape and terrorism by turning a blind eye to the true cause and aiding and abetting the enemy in our midst.
A bus molotov cocktailed in Paris recently, another one the beeb forgot to mention.
It’s from JihadWatch where you can also see such recent delights as Syrian migrants trashing a refugee office and some nice leftie Mädchen (who help migrants) agonise over whether to report being raped but not wanting to fuel racism.
Nah, don’t report it, just lie back and think of the Vaterland girls.
Be interesting to see whether traitor to Western civilisation Mark Zuckerberg will allow Biased BBC to post uncensored material on Farcebook, I mean Facebook. Given the latter’s apparent policy to protect Islamic terrorists from criticism, it’s unlikely. Here’s a story from yesterday re Farcebook blocking a radio talk show host from posting about the Islamic terrorist who killed a pregnant woman. From just before 14 minutes in:
Zuckerberg is one of countless left-wing Jews who feels obliged to express his ‘humanity’ by siding with Palestinian terrorists against Israel