I laughed when I saw this “breaking news” from the comrades at the BBC.
Isn’t that the equivalent of dog bites man? Mind you, after 8 years, I suggest Obama is well qualified to recognise what it’s like to be an unfit President!
I laughed when I saw this “breaking news” from the comrades at the BBC.
Isn’t that the equivalent of dog bites man? Mind you, after 8 years, I suggest Obama is well qualified to recognise what it’s like to be an unfit President!
Imagine if a Republican had gained the presidency eight years ago and in his first few days been awarded the Nobel peace prize and had promised to close Guantanamo Bay?
One thing for sure, there wouldn’t have been eight years of silence from the BBC. Neither would we have had ‘president sneezes’ so-called ‘news’ stories daily.
Obama won the Nobel for being black (sort of) and a Democrat, and sounding kinda cool and thoughtful.
However, I must say if the answer is Trump or Clinton, I wonder what question they’re asking.
We need only watch this video-and that is all the liberals now have to contribute to the Obama Legacy notion.
This 4-years old personifies all we need to know.
Pity children cant be vaccinated against downright stupidity
At the Democrat Convention a Beeboid asked a little girl not much older that that ” what do you think of Hillary ? “. Reply, ” I like her “. Child abuse ?
But folks, it should not come as a surprise that the BBC favour a candidate who is a liar, corrupt and politically correct over one who speaks from the heart. The orator who speaks from the heart will always win minds of the working class vote but fall foul with those who hide behind political machinations and ideological philosophy. Conversely, he/she who speaks political rhetoric will naturally attract the political classes and those from sheltered and suburban middle classes.
I count myself lucky to have had a first class education and have enjoyed the advantages of a lower middle class upbringing and I know deep within my heart that I am a Republican and staunch conservative; I’m a patriot who loves my country…. therefore I would recommend my American cousins to vote Trump.
I must say I think the choice facing the American people is terrible. Neither candidate is appealing, but Trump seems at last to have his heart in the right place, but has he? Or is he just a liar?
Trump has the possibility of surrounding himself with people competent to run the place. Shrillary always thinks she knows best and already has her team intact, including her inseparable confidante, the muslim sisterhood’s Huma Abedin. There is no serious doubt that every competent security agency in the world (ours, the Americans’ own, the Russians’, the Israelis’, the Iranians’, China’s, the North (and South) Koreans’ …et c) know everything about Hillary Clinton. She is hopelessly compromised.
I don’t pretend to be starry-eyed about Trump. He wouldn’t have been my choice for the nomination, but Clinton simply is worse. Trump may be a disaster, but Clinton, if elected, shall be.
I too have doubts about Trump, despite the fact that he is the only one that has raised the issue of Muslim immigration, that has the potential to destroy Western civilisation. For just that, I would like him to be POTUS.
What has happened in the last 30 years in the culture of the West, is that it has built a Crystal palace of PC speech codes and thought crimes, built by the left, to destroy freedom of speech and thought. These are all like delicate china, and cannot be criticised.
Now if you wish to destroy wholesale, a shop full of PC artifacts and lies, who will you ring for, an interior decorator, or a bull?
Aerfen: Trump seems at last to have his heart in the right place, but has he?
I think his heart is in the right place.
His speeches are unscripted, and its virtually impossible to be “Trump” by pretense or acting.
Yesterday from the BBC, Obama messiah was sagely telling us that Donald Trump is ignorant of simple geography and international affairs, and is therefore unfit to be POTUS.
Lets see now.
Obama Claims He’s Visited 57 States
He said that he had two more states to visit – Alaska, and Hawaii. That makes 59 states. And this is the person who has a degree from any Ivy league university. How did he get into Harvard or Columbia?
Simple, he took a train and a taxi then went back home.
So much for the idea of Obama as “the smartest guy in the room”, which was the creation of self-hating Whites.
I remember Peter Hitchens writing that he started to have doubts about Blair when the latter appeared not to know that a sort of Portuguese was spoken in Brazil. Posters on here have more than once directed us to the shocking performance of David Lammy MP on Celebrity Mastermind a few years ago. Ignorance does not carry the shame that it once did, especially if you have ‘right-on’ opinions and emotions and are from one of the favored minority groups. .
I think one of his best statements was calling IS the JV team. I wonder what the senior team would have done to the world. Taking the advice from his senior military not to pull out too many troops and promptly ignoring it has caused so many tragedies he is apparently unaccountable for. The BBC never holds him to account for anything he is a man god to them.