The ones in Wales had better start looking for employment………………
If their performance was like that in the ‘real world’ of industry they would have gone long ago. What on earth are the Trustees doing for their money ?
It’s great to see, as not only does it add to the brilliance of this website, it also proves that the ‘so-called BBCs’ decision to turn its propaganda machine up to Deathcon 1 is back-firing on the lying, traitorous, islamophilic b@stards!!
I want nothing more than to help destroy the disgusting Al Beeb…. But it looks like the devious cretins are doing it perfectly well by themselves
You probably won’t see a huge amount of posts from myself personally, but I’ll be floating about. Can’t speak on behalf of the other newcomers to the site of course.
Number 6, taffman, tothepoint.
You can be sure that there are hundreds of people like me who visit this site several times a day but have yet to make a post – plucking up courage as we speak! Everybody I know hates the BBC.
Our freedom and way of life is not only under attack, it’s getting it’s arse kicked right now. That should get everyone worried, whatever walk of life they are.
The Nazis, The Soviet Union, Communist China, The Khmer Rouge and by far the worst Islam…all of the most horrific and deadly ideology/institutions that have ever existed, have suppressed and controlled the rules of the debate and what the people are allowed to know and learn….and this is done to further the aims of the vile organisation, because without this control, they know that the public wouldn’t stand for it. These organisations know that we would never allow them to get away with what they are doing, because it’s wrong… They know we do not want it, but they do…. So the deceit, the lies, the withholding of information, the threats, the fear, the violence, all start and become the modus operandi to ensure they get their way… No matter the consequences.
Al Beebistan has been hijacked by these vile, disgusting, traitorous vermin. They are undertaking their acts of war on our way of life. They are no different than the worst of the Nazis. This isn’t about freedom, or democracy, or religion… This is about them alone getting their way and they are prepared to do anything for that to happen.
Welcome to the infidels sanctuary Swarm. Looking forward to reading your contributions
It’s ok Swarm. I joined last year and follow daily but only took the plunge recently, it’s easier if something particularly annoys. Go for it.
I’ve loathed the Beeb for years. Ever since the miners strikes. That’s quite a while.
Are police spokesmen trained in the same school of mendacious journalism as the beeb?
“Early indications suggest that mental health is a significant factor in this case”
So, first let’s get out the lies to mislead the public, quick.
Note the weasel words: A SIGNIFICANT factor: so, the guy was 90% mad and 10% Muslim terrorist.
Phew, thank Allah he wasn’t 100% Muslim terrorist.
EARLY INDICATIONS: I bet even earlier indications suggest Islam played an even more significant factor.
Obviously the BBC et al are just using one of their well worn excuses to deflect the cause of the murder away from Islam. Mental illness is in vogue currently for lone wolf attacks. Obviously the more Muslims who take part in an attack the harder it is to claim that they were all mentally ill. Of course if there is any way they can bring the pantomime villain of the Far Right into the picture they will. Other useful fall backs are that the attack was caused by deprivation and alienation, so neatly blaming the rest of us for attacks on ourselves. In every case we will be told by anyone who is allowed on the media that the attack has nothing to do with Islam. If you are not prepared to speak this rubbish you will be no platformed.
The BBC and rest of the MSM are following Lenin’s dictum that , ‘a lie told often enough becomes the truth’. Except that fewer and fewer people believe these ever more ludicrous claims and know with bleak certainty that the cause of the attacks is the fanaticism of Muslims in forcing their odious way of life on the rest of human kind.
I think you are wrong on one point here – I believe that Islamists are ALL mentally ill. I half watched a programme a few days back about an Egyptian suicide bomber in Syria I think. He chatted with his wife and baby (who he had never met) back home on Skype but still believed that when he was martyred he would get his quota of virgins. That surely is pure insanity!
For a while I’ve been considering the logistics and feasibility of declaring Pisslam outlawed. Couldn’t give a flying fuck about three leftie outrage and the Islamic fatwas issued. If you are a Muslim, visit the mosque, read the Koran… You’re an undesirable and should be forced to leave. What more proof do people need that Pisslam is an evil, satanic death cult? Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don’t want this to happen but… if Mudslimes won’t stop butchering us, what other option do we have.
Do you think Saudi Arabia would waste any time in declaring Christianity illegal (well, it kind of already is) if a Christian so much as blinked at the wrong time? A Christian in Saudi is there purely because of the grace and compassion of the Islamic overlords and he WILL obey their rules or face severe punishment. Meanwhile in the west, Muslims butcher us left, right and centre. I’ve had enough.
No ,no ,no. Hate speech does not apply to Muslims or any other minorities.It is merely a totalitarian device to keep the indigenous population under control. Using the law against your own people whenever they dare to protest about the way their lives are being ruined, their culture obliterated , their country invaded, is certainly a key characteristic of a totalitarian state.
Actutally MoreHamHead, Saudi Arabia will not tolerate Christianity in any form. If there is any suspicion by the Mutawa (religious police) that there is a Christian prayer gathering taking place, they will arrest the lot and lock them up. The religion of Peace and tolerance?
Funny how so many muslims seem to have mental health problems. Why did the police taser him ? They should have shot him dead. No we have to pay to keep this scumbag in prison.
The Bedlam wing of a resettlement centre on a remote Scottish island sounds like it will need to be extended. I wonder if Jon Donnison will paddle there too in his dugout canoe?
Didn’t the Communist Countries of the past treat any form of political dissent as ‘Mental illness’ and hence lock the perpetrators away ?
Al Beeb and the media are treating us like ‘mushrooms’ .
If you want to get the real news – follow this site .
Say, does anyone remember when the BBC was against people ‘stigmatising’ the mentally ill? Has anyone asked fine, upstanding citizen Alistair Campbell about this yet?
Don’t worry viewers, nothing to see here, it’s just a crazy man…!
A remarkable feature of the liberal media is its great willingness to acquiesce to Police news management – in certain circustances.
Two clearly contrasting examples which come to the fore this morning are the BBC treatment of the historic Mark Duggan case or should we say ‘Police shooting of a black man in Tottenham’ – where every action and motivation of the authorities is questioned and held to account.
And then we have reports what many would see as another of Alah’s dark skinned little kamikazes doing his Intifada thing on the streets of London – where the BBC is lapping up every soft soap and obsfuscation the Met have recently learned from their Bavarian cousins.
Ah, so this is the cause of the rise in hate crime the Independent, the Guardian, tell Mama, Hopeless and hate, Liebour and the BBC have been constantly talking about… or are they just interested in ‘hate crimes’ that fit their narrative? I’m getting sick of anti-Semitism in this country. And we all know where it’s coming from, but like terrorist attacks the Left ignore it.
A water park in France is holding a “burkini day” during which men and women not wearing Muslim swimming attire will be banned from using the facilities.
Speed Water Park near Marseille, a city with a Muslim population of around 25 per cent, is advertising a private women only day to take place on Saturday September 10th.
Visitors to the water the park on this day will be required to wear one piece swimsuits known as “burkinis” or “bath jilbabs” (pictured above) which cover the entire body, including the head.
Responding to pressure from incensed residents, local council officials are attempting to nix the plan, with one possibility being an “administrative closure for security reasons”.
Council member Romain Amaro said it was impossible that the event should be allowed to take place “in the current context”.
Valérie Boyer, an elected official for the region, also expressed her outrage at the event.
The controversy is yet another example of how France is becoming Islamicized even as the country is constantly hit by Islamic terror attacks.
Swimming pools have been a flashpoint for tensions exacerbated by the massive influx of Muslim migrants crossing into Europe over the past year.
There have been numerous reports of rapes and sexual assaults, including an Iraqi “refugee” who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria and didn’t even think much of it, labeling his predicament a “sexual emergency”.
Last month, Breitbart reported on a group of young Muslim men who harassed women at a swimming pool in Geldern, Germany, yelling “Allahu Akbar” while threatening to “exterminate” the women for being “sluts”.
Just today it was also revealed that a taxpayer-funded swimming pool in the town of Luton, UK, which has a high Muslim population, would be hosting a men-only gender segregated event during which women would be banned from using the larger pool.
Posters advertising the event, which is called ‘Alhamdulliahswimming’, a Muslim phrase which thanks God for his blessings, cautioned that “navel to knee must be covered”.
As you pointed out earlier No6 the IRAs “mindless thugs, criminals and mindless psychopaths” (sound familiar?)
were in negotiations with government during their terrorist campaign against the people and security forces.
Something here for our resident trolls who defend the BBC and its support for the alternative lifestyle of the far left. Once the left were concerned with the plight of working people, but now with BBC encouragement it is the LBGT wallahs, assorted pervs, exhibitionists, and the radical arty left.
Watch closely and you will see a clip from the BBC’s Andrew Neil’s restrained interview with the leading perv in this video.
If I dare say that it is not my cup of tea I will surely be branded as a transphobic bigot and enemy of the working class.
How precient of the BBC to screen an adaptation of Conrad’s The Secret Agent
‘The Professor then describes the nature of the bomb which he carries in his coat at all times: it allows him to press a button which will blow him up in twenty seconds, and those nearest to him’
‘Winnie’s brother Stevie has the mental age of a young child and is very sensitive and is disturbed by notions of violence or hardship. Verloc, exploiting both Stevie’s childlike simplicity and outrage at suffering, employs him to carry out the terrorist attack’
Fair to say, viewed through the present liberal media lens both The Professor and Stevie could easily be characterised as ‘lone wolves’ having ‘mental health issues’
Freedom of Information request to Police reveals that “Syrian Refugees” in the UK have carried out 897 crimes, some very serious. With another 20,000 Syrians at least on the way the expression, “When in a hole, stop digging” should really be applied. Shame this essential adage is not considered by our ruling elite in the Commons/Lords on their undeterred all-out rush to Islamicise the UK. One can only hope that in selecting which “Syrian Refugees” come to the UK, a mental health assessment is carried out on all and the results of this determine admission. On this basis perhaps the BBC (and now the Police) would acknowledge that the figure of 20,000 may well then reduce to zero.
One thing we can all be grateful for: so far no ‘mental health’ attacks have occurred inside or outside Broadcasting House, which you might think could be a symbolic target for mentally challenged individuals who hate Britain. For this at least let us thank Allah and pray long may it continue, and may no beeb journalist ever, ever, be directly involved in any mental health bombings or stabbings, Insh Allah.
Anyone else noticed that the French and American authorities shoot these terrorist (sorry ‘mentally ill’) scum after their vile attacks whilst we just taser them (probably apologising after doing it) and give them a trial and comfy bed in prison whilst they serve a British life sentence (2 years). We also make pathetic excuses for them. I am getting seriously worried and demoralised about my England. At least in Scotland and Wales you are allowed to be a nationalist without being labelled a racist. In England, if we hadn’t succumbed to left-extremists, we could defend our country through our patriotism. But, the media hates English pride more than terrorism it seems. I’m sick of it. I want England back!
Alex – If at least the police kept them alive in order to torture possible info out of them on co-conspirators, networks etc… but that would be too much to hope for. I know my rights.
There are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc with a ‘mental illness’ yet they don’t go around on a regular basis bombing, stabbing, beheading and slitting throats on a regular basis.
Something the dhimmi’s in the MSM haven’t seemed to work out.
Where`s Marjorie Wallace then, and her “stigmatisation” rolling bandwaggon then?
Rolling in since 1968 as I recall.
Radicalisation?…OK stigmatisation?…well OK too now.
When the Mental Health nuts and nougat pastes ALSO won`t take Islam on…and they`re meant to be crazy and reckless in part?…then either mental illness is selective…or Islam has bought THEIR silence too.
Come on Marj…THIS “Mental Health excuse” needs YOU to squash it.
Unless you`ll campaign to make Islam a category of mental illness anyway….
Something the dhimmi’s in the MSM haven’t seemed to work out.
HR, they have worked it out alright, they just can’t bring themselves to admit it, either to themselves or anyone else. To admit they have been wrong all these years about something so fundamental (the uncritical joy of immigration and multi-culturalism) would require a reappraisal of all their beliefs.
I don’t believe most lefties are capable of re-thinking their beliefs, as I think that requires them to have ‘thought’ in the first place!
Instead, they hold up their beliefs like a religious cloak, that cannot be broken or questioned. To threaten their comfort blanket of leftism is to challenge their entire selves. One of the reasons they only answer criticism with reflexive insults and violence – no thought processes required or available.
We really shouldn`t let the bastard offspring of Oxbridge liberal arts graduates talk of science to “Scientists”.
Even when they`re paid up fully PC Green nannies with surnames like Nurse.
For poor little Webb seemed only to be pleased at the multicoloured science swap shop that is being beanbagged and open plan-so lots of third rate science johnnies and joannas can make their “Death To Cancer! wristbands beat in time to Coldplay tunes-and display colours of the flag under which Islam last tried to increase “mental health awareness” for the rest of us.
Utter crap-Nurse talks as a very social science wallah would…and Webb has nothing to say, about fuss about whether GSK( stumping up for much of this theme park of discovery) will run off with the elixirs and charge the NHS for what they made earlier in the Blue Peter wing.
Nurse thinks it`s fine-and Webb remembers that Owen Smith did rather well with GSK so let his slime trail go cold.
Ah but-Columbo like-“one further question unalloyed science clever chappie-what about Brexit…hmmm…”What About BREXIT”
Can I include this as my nomination for most obvious gratuitous and pointless adjunct and irrelevant tack of of “Brexit” until I get back from holidays?
As if we don`t already know what Sir Paul Nurse of the EU Barmy Army Fundy thingy for Green , for Drugs, for Surveys and Opinion Pieces thinks of Brexit-how often did we hear him rolled out to tell us before we slapped his smug face?
But Webb HAD to ask it…see you lot…if anybody now dies of cancer in the next two years-it`ll be YOUR fault!
If anybody else hears a more craven tacked on pretext to mention why we need to overturn that referendum thingy…do tell me.
BUT-funnily enough-next article from Monty re Phil Shiners stickybeak in the public trough to put squaddies in jail and feed Anjem in the process-and Clive Coleman was NOT asked about “how Brexit plays into this”
Why ever not?…why does the BBC care about what Sir Paul says about Brexit..but not about what Public Interest Lawyers think of same…maybe it`s because lawyers aren`t as loved as scientists…or lawyers are all they speak to anyway when back in HIghgate Towers.
Crap-and crap again…BBC Wales it is next…hope Brexit types will be pleased that we`ve chosen them by way of the “Brexit Dividend”…as opposed to London or Scotland who we`re boycotting.
Will meet on borders though in these cases….Berwick and Colindale as Brest-Litovsk`s..
I assume there is no point in listening to the BBC on this London attack. Shall we say it will be following the Pravda Rules. A bit like Chatham House rules so to speak.
Fill in your own definition of Pravda Rules .
Down in in the equivalent of flyover USA or provincial Russia some of us quietly resolve never to go to London again. Not to risk our children there and to stop listening to to lying press and government/police .
So the risk, according to these bozos, is small but it is a risk that is unacceptable to most of us.
The powers that be really have been bodysnatched. They do not think like us. They do not care about us and they do not deserve our loyalty.
I see little point in listening to (or watching, for that matter) the BBC, period. Unless you like fairy stories, and items diluted beyond all semblance of reality, according to their agenda of the day.
If you are strong willed, then you may be able to resist the indoctrination – but it’s very real risk.
Dover – what’s changed? The increasing desperation of the MSM/police/authorities to hide the truth AT ALL COSTS, or at least misinform, confuse, prevaricate.
Ah DS, but now we know how to accommodate so-called Muslim Refugees in the future: Benefits, housing, cars, free education, Mosques, free mental health clinics…………………..
Teenager arrested for murder. I KNEW it, it’s another one of them teenagers. And a bonkers one too. Send them back where they come from, that’s what i say.
So, what do we know so far? He’s a teenager, and he has health problems. (OF COURSE he has health probs, he’s just attacked 6 innocent strangers for no reason!)
What we don’t know and won’t be told for as long as poss: his name, ethnicity or religion.
(despite being easier to ascertain than age and mental condition)
However it seems likely parents and communities in fear already on high alert to express mystification and regret at the loss of yet a nothing promising footballer and aspiring doctor.
Victim’s family already shunted to the back of mind in the establishment cohesion mindset.
19 year old “Norwegian national of Somali origin”.
According to pravda there is no evidence of radicalisation. Of course not,just like if I don’t open the curtains there is no evidence that the sun is shining.
This is getting absolutely ridiculous. It is impossible for anyone with a functioning braincell not to hold the BBC in complete contempt for its policy of trying to obscure what is going on, simply because the facts conflict with the Corporation’s political agenda.
Cant wait to read Richard Littlejohn’s and Leo McKinstry’s columns ; – all those robocops standing in a PR exercise ready to take on London and the next day a ‘mentally ill’ attacker goes on a stabbing rampage. “you couldn’t make it up” !!
If you`ve never seen “Battle of Algiers” you should. It was directed by the Marxist Pontecorvo…..BUT it gives a clear account of urban war in an Islamic context, and shows a pretty unflinching view of the terrorist atrocities and the armys counter measures during that conflict between the alliance of Islam-Leftism and a modern state.
It is a conflict that increasingly appears to be our future.
After World War II, the French Army developed a doctrine for fighting a revolutionary war, which they put into effect in Algeria. In the Battle of Algiers, they defeated the terrorists by using well planned but brutal methods, including torture, to break down the terror cells. Torture was seen as a necessary measure to gain information, distasteful, yet important.
The upshot was that the French Army won the revolutionary war, and was promptly stabbed in the back by the politicians in Paris, who decided Algeria was not worth keeping after all. If they had come to that conclusion five years earlier it would have saved everyone a lot of time and effort.
The French Army was on the verge of staging a coup d’etat, but backed down at the last minute. A renegade force then tried to continue the war, and assassinate de Gaulle, which failed but gave Freddie Forsyth the idea for a cracking book.
The moral is that by using disciplined, intelligent, and where necessary, brutal means, terrorism can be defeated. And that when the security forces have won, the politicians will cave in anyway. It happened in Algeria, it happened in Northern Ireland, and I suspect it will happen here, if we let them.
Shyam Sanghani, who runs Imperial News and Gifts opposite the scene of the attack, said: “We had more police announced yesterday and then this today, it’s scary.
“We had Russell Square bombing just close by and now this. We’ve been here a long time and to have two incidents is awful. This is our home.”
If the two police featured in the press images I saw are the ‘more’, the rapid response elite squad of an easy to see lady and person of hue and faith were likely still struggling to zip up their stab proof vests before heading to the scene.
Jon (the abominable snowman) Snow will be breaking out a new pair of multi coloured socks on tonight’s CH4 news to celebrate the attack and blame it on Israel while his sidekick the Burqa’d Bimbo will be gloating with delight.
Guardian pushing the mental health line for all its worth. This is before any investigation has been concluded.
“Professor Sir Simon Wessely, the leading psychiatrist and president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said that killings by people with psychiatric problems had been falling for the last 30 years. But, Wessely added, much more needs to be done to help “alienated, disturbed, troubled” adolescents and young people with mental health problems, some of whom are at risk of committing violence. However, he cautioned against any attempt to increase the number of people detained due to psychiatric problems.”
Very instructive to see that the Grauniad is allowing no comments on this story. They might as well be saying openly, “We know you don’t believe it, but we’ve got to carry on this charade”.
I’m with others who say the lid can’t be kept on this for much longer. Then, once attack after attack from Muslims has been excused with “lone wolf”, “mental health” and “nothing to do with Islam” and is met with little more than Twitter hashtags and lit-up buildings, the first nutter who cracks and attacks the Favoured Ones will be deemed to represent all “far-right-wingers” and draconian curbs will be imposed on all who oppose the current orthodoxy.
It takes many years training to become a qualified psychiatrist which is why there are so few bobbie’s on the beat. They are all in further education.
But at least they can diagnose ‘mental illness’ even before the perpetrator has hit the floor tazered.
The wonders of modern medicine.
BBC running with ‘One dead, several hurt in London attack’ – seriously? I mean I’d class hurting myself as stubbing my toe or bumping my head, not getting stabbed!
Within ten years Muhammad had gained so many followers that he was able to return and conquer Mecca.
From this time on he was generally accepted by the faithful as the true final Prophet of God.
Muhammad continued to lead his community both spiritually and in earthly matters until his death in 632.
Compare and contrast:
In AD 627, Muhammad committed an atrocity against the last remaining major tribe of Jews in Medina: the Qurayza.
He beheaded the men and the pubescent boys and enslaved the women and children. In doing this, he wiped an entire tribe “off the map” to use the language of the President of Iran, recently.
Wife just asked me why I’ve burst out laughing. Brought her over to look at the BBC UK news home page to see a picture of a policeman in a turban holding an assault rifle.
To be fair I have a lot of respect for the Sikhs – they tend to be active in civil society and served the British Empire loyally in two world wars – their religion is generally peaceful and liberal. But I agree, that’s laughable virtual signalling from the BBC.
AGREED, third/Cranmer/RP. My fear is that there really will be an angry backlash and they may not be too discerning between Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus and other Asians. And that really would be tragic.
Already innocent, hard working and well integrated Poles are being tarred with the brush of ‘migrant’ which is tragic. That’s what you get when you bury a genuine social problem under the carpet long enough: it explodes in unpredictable ways and the truly innocent get hurt. What a mess, thank you beeb.
Peter – You are definitely right regarding the Sikhs Very loyal but not a race to be messed with. And essential to British Army in WW2.
It is interesting that whenever there has been another terrorist murder/sex attack in Europe if the attacker is a muslim the BBC is always deliberately opaque about their nationality/culture.
I sometimes wonder whether the BBC harbors a secret desire for the thiko s to start attacking “asians” what better way to divide different cultures that have previously got on OK. Because as we all know that many of the worst sex attacks were committed by “asians” Bit like when the practice of a pediatrician was vandalised because all they could read was paedo on the brass nameplate.!
I was bought up in West London (near Southall) and on the whole both Sikhs and Hindus always managed to keep their own culture and lifestyles intact without deliberately attempting to deconstruct ours.
People generally rubbed along OK with one or two notable exceptions.
So in essence this was pretty close to the BBC multiculti wet dream the BBC always thinks we should have. Having said that at the end of the day the two races would generally go back to their own houses. Point being that most people prefer their own cultures.
However if you are white and said that in non BBC speak straight away you would be called a WAYCIIIIIIST!!!!!
What is wrong with different races keeping their own culture NOTHING!
Providing they
1 Show respect for the host culture
2 Dont condone or ignore the murder of those whos religious traditions are different to your own
3 Respect womans rights (including their right not to be groped just because you are a man)
4 Dont undertake FGM as it is barbaric and against the law
5 Respect those whos sexuality is not the same as yours (doesnt mean you have to celebrate it, but certainly throwing them off buildings could be considered a tad excessive)
6 Dont constantly plead and whine about discrimination and demand changes in the law to suit your own culture
7 Dont be the culture/religion whos adherents are responsible for 90% of the worlds “mentally ill” attacks
It is interesting that only one population group – fits the bill to all the negative points in this list but according to the BBC only one culture deserves to be smitten from this land and replaced with something more up to date and relevant to “modern life”
And it is…………………….You guessed it Christianity!
Isn’t it interesting how selective the police are about revealing names of people involved in high-profile crime? They were anxious to reveal the name of Cliff Richard, weren’t they? And in other cases the name has been quick to appear.
Except…… no connection with Islam, I suppose?
If they BBC had half decent journalists they would probe this, but I’m not holding my breath.
On a different tack – I have just been looking at the BBC weather website. It (as well as the Met Office) still says I should have white clouds all day. It is actually raining hard as I write this. Why should I believe anything they say about climate if they can’t ‘forecast’ the weather that is actually happening?
On the other hand, national weather forecasters (especially that idiot Tomasz whatsisname) take almost no interest in NW England anyway.
Are you simpletons not aware that there is a VAST difference between short term, single event predictions and long term, multi-event predictions? If I roll a dice, I have a 1 in 6 chance of getting the number right. However, if I roll the dice 1000 times, I can say with a certain degree of confidence that each number will come up roughly 166 times. This is very much akin to predicting tomorrow’s weather today and coming up with a prediction for 30 years, as is done in the case of climate.
Basic arithmetic, another thing not yet grasped by Biased BBCers
The ‘Xavier’ of mankind .
Yes, the so called scientists of 30 years ago were warning us of another impending ice age .
Some say that the climate has not risen for sixteen years ?
Just like Al Beeb’s viewing figures .
No, scientists then weren’t predicting an ice age. That’s a media myth. Keep believing your nonsense though, eventually you’ll believe as much nonsense as the BBC!
Are you taking issue with my arithmetic or are you just trying to be clever? You failed to do either.
Well they are still at it, more recently ………………….
“at the National Astronomy Meeting in Wales, Northumbria University professor Valentina Zharkova said fluctuations an 11-year cycle of solar activity the sun goes through would be responsible for a freeze, the like of which has not been experienced since the 1600s.”
Well Lets hope that ‘Boaty McBoatface’ doesn’t get stuck in polar ice .
Dear Xavier, at this precise moment I don’t care a flying flump what the weather is in 100 years time – or indeed 50 years time. We have a harvest to get in and judgements on whether we force in corn that isn’t quite ready which puts stress on our machinery or that needs drying (ie if the machinery doesn’t break down and need repairing or if the sun does the drying for free we don’t have to use up some of the earth’s precious oil) is dependent on the forecast. Part of the met office’s job via the BBC is to provide us with the likelihood of precipitation in the next few days. They cannot get it right. If they cannot get tomorrow’s weather right (or indeed today’s) why should I trust their predictions for 100 year’s time?
I literally just told you how short and long term predictions work. But then you said you “don’t care a flying flump” and then launched into a tirade about weather reporting when you have zero idea how weather reporting works. Don’t like the BBC’s weather reporting? Go somewhere else for it. I think you’ll find its much the same.
And please stop this “they can’t predict tomorrow’s weather, why I should trust them in 30 years” stupidity. It’s a completely flawed argument and you look very, very silly making it.
What you really mean is that for the 30-year job they can (and doubtless do) tell the computer what to say. They can’t do that if people can see the actual weather.
A Norwegian national with a Somali background?
Did Norway know he was one of theirs?
Did they tell us he was a mental sufferer?
When did he come here… and what for – holiday? treatment? shopping? pleasure?
I thought i might watch newsnight last night as golam had a night off but unfortunately the news was hijacked by the glorifying of the leftie london 2012 opening ceremony.Has it come to this that the beeb has nothing positive to spin since 2012.I wanted current news.Unbelievable but sadly not anymore.
Perhaps he is the forerunner of the Merkel overspill that we can expect to hit our shores soon. Why have our leaders let in these awful people? Even the non nutters are only a hairs breadth away from going postal . It only takes a cartoon , a bit of ladies cleavage , someone using the Koran as a firelighter and they are off , stabbing , axing , stoning ,shooting , burning, bombing. Why on earth you want millions of these folks in your country beats me. If we survive this attempted invasion, which we certainly won’t unless we wake up and realise invasion is what it is, we really must make Enoch Powell a saint. He knew it would come to this 50 years ago and said so even though he knew it would wreck his career. A prophet ignored in his own land.
Breaking News: British Left-wing-controlled Islamist apologist media blatantly lying and covering up yet another ISIS-inspired attack by using mental health as an excuse even though it takes weeks to determine a psychopathological diagnosis.
How come this recent ‘outbreak’ of mental illness is not affecting those with names we can pronounce ? The media takes us for fools, but carry on like this and anyone with a ‘tanned’ skin will have serious backlashes against them. Clearly if an atrocity takes place, this is the ‘go to’ quote now – mental illness as a first response . Its so pathetic its laughable.
It’s quite ironic that the Jo Cox killer most likely has a mental illness but the BBC didn’t report it, meanwhile, anyone called Mohammed who flies a plane into building/drives a truck into a crowd/beheads someone/stab someone is definitely “mentally ill” according to the BBC.
I can only assume that its the heat of the sun that ‘turns’ the minds of the Middle Eastern and African types into frenzied and deranged terrorists. We’ve experienced a few warm days lately, and this weekend is due to be up near the 30s, so prepare for another outbreak of ‘mental illness’. !!!
I see the pathetic leftie sociologist snowflake apologists are crawling all over twatter today with their vile cowardice and Islamist apologist drivel. It would seem that Islamist terrorists have more support in the west than patriots. Disgusting. We are living in a situation where we get called racist for speaking out against Islamist terror and where our media cover terrorist attacks up. We’re f******!
Yes Alex, the battle is lost, too many of them, controlling media, politics, education, police, publishing, entertainment, etc.
All we can do is enjoy the hopeless fight.
I really don’t think the war is lost. The referendum showed that despite every lie and propaganda trick the ‘elite’ could muster. British common sense will prevail.
Which doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, of course.
‘Norwegian of Somali origin nothing to link to terrorism.’ Give me strength!!! ISIS is urging ‘lone wolf’ attacks as they are proving more effective and more difficult to prevent than organized group attacks.
Questions:- Is he Muslim? Is he a migrant who after establishing residency in Norway was able to use that to ‘walk’ into England?
Are our police force stupid !!!! I know they are Left leaning, but how about exercising an open, un PC and realistic approach when considering the safety of British citizens.
I want to know this Norwegian-Somali’s name; I bet it won’t be of Norse origin… you know, Erich, Thorfin, Alfhild or Torquil etc. I wonder why the media are taking so long? It will be interesting to see if the BBC fiddle with his name like they did with that other mentally ill man in Germany. They’ll probably have a linguistic expert on the case as we speak; be interesting to see the new creation… Erich Valdemar Haroon perhaps.
Bet the beeboid journalists are working overtime looking for a link between Breivik and our latest cultural enricher from somewhere on the Somali-Norwegian border.
“Ah, got it ed, look: Breivik once bought a kebab from our friend Mohammed, see? An obvious Right-Wing conspiracy, roll the presses.”
I won’t give money to any Muslim owned business; if more people did the same it would start to make things a lot tougher for them here: support your own people, not them.
IT’S THE NORWEGIANS WOT DONE IT – Like Breivik, see? Another Far-Right Norwegian called Mohammed Abdul murders innocent people in the street, it’s all starting to make sense, thank you beeb.
I predict a phone call from Downing Street to the cops and the BBC. To the cops. Search the Norwegian knifer’s home and find – without fail – copies of far right literature. To the BBC, the cops are about to find far right literature in the Norwegian’s home, please collect the up dated files on the EDL, Britain First and a bit of muck on Farage and Le Pen. And to the Crown Prosecution Service: Teresa wants a few arrests relating to the predicted anti moslem backlash. Ask flat Earth believer, Sadiq Khan if his Met police have trained up the bacon sniffing dogs yet.
You may have intended irony or not there GWF, but I have been seriously thinking the same thing recently. Finding some “historical” links to a far-right organisation from Jo Wotsit’s killer when everybody said he had never made any kind of political comment ever to their knowledge. Some other things recently too. These supposed mental health problems are too pat as well. Basically I don’t trust or believe any of the garbage thrown out by the authorities or the media any more.
But can she cook and keep a clean house!
Is she argumentative and stroppy
Can she make a decent cup cocoa at night
Will she drive so I can have more than a pint at the pub
Will she touch the remote without permission
Does she know how to use a washing machine/dish washer
General – I was talking to a copper the other day. The police force are not stupid and there are still loads of good coppers out there but on the whole, the organisation has been crippled under political interference, the PC yoke and overbearing bureaucracy.
It sounds almost as if in some constabularies they have become almost Stalinist in that they are encouraged to challenge/denounce to senior officers any non pc remarks and behavior. Unfortunately this means that the good ones just keep their heads down and the only ones that get promoted are those who are more concerned with gay/gender/political correctness rather than stopping criminals and protecting the public.
I am a afraid it has become a self selecting system for Wankers!
Someone raised the very good point about stigmatisation of the mentally ill. For decades – ever since the 1959 Mental Health Act I think – the accepted idea has been that mental illness should be treated in the same way as physical illness. So why is it acceptable to rush to conclusions about the mental health status of a suspect? We weren’t told about Fred West’s bunions or Anders Brevik’s piles! It’s just a despicable attempt at deflection and cover up and, thankfully, fewer and fewer people seem to be falling for it.
Fred West’s bunions and Anders Breivik’s piles weren’t responsible for the atrocities they did. Why don’t you engage your brain before making a post next time?
Why is it that whenever someone disagrees with you or points out nonsense they are immediately “a lefty?” I’m getting pretty bored of telling you I’m not a lefty, but since it doesn’t fit your narrative that only left wingers can disagree with you, it’s conveniently ignored.
“A waterpark in France is to be booked out for one day to Muslim women wanting to wear “burkinis” – but the decision has led to criticism by politicians on the right.”
BBC must be wetting themselves with excitement as a water park in France is to only allow Muslims and no one else. They hi-light the “right wing” criticism whilst assuming everyone else is happy with this non-muslim ban. Imagine the BBC reporting if it was the other way around with Muslims banned from a water park.
The BBC must pray for the (imaginary) day when gays and muslims rule us all.
Yeah but you were banned for showing off, not for the act of micturition itself, nor for exposure given the tiny organ couldn’t be seen at that distance!
No time to report many things, but space for pet sneering or lionising.
Anyone catch R4 PM at 5:25 last night ? What NEWS reason was there for the 5 minute interview with a psychiatrist about a baby crying at a Trump rally ?
It’s the kind of thing that works well in the Guardian where they could easily misrepresent wha tTrump said, but on radio where they have to play the actual clips, it became a non-story. Rather than ridicule Trump the psychiatrist (from Denmark/Holland I think) said ‘yes first he made a joke about it ..and then he was more serious, cos our studies prove that a crying baby causes so much stress that it is almost impossible for a person to do their normal job’ (I paraphrase)
5 whole minutes for that ! It’s almost if the BBC managers have a ticklist for every show : ‘Lionise Corbyn, Hillary, BME, token women, GreenDream Religion and …smear UKIP, Trump, talk down Brexit economy’. etc.
yeah Stew, heard that too, and had the same opinion, i.e. what was all that about ? It wasn’t even the usual cheap shot, it was just weird. But remember, if you hear anything like that again, just look at the picture of Eddie Mair on the PM iplayer page and have a chortle at how bad he looks. Hehehe…sorry just had a look again…hehehe…
We have had some quite anti-Islamic posts on this site today some from people who don’t usually post here. I think what they reflect are people’s anger. Somehow the BBC and the Police PR are linked. It used to be that individual terrorists were ‘lone wolfs’ now they are people with mental health issues. But what many of us have to acknowledge is that not all muslims are terrorists. What the BBC and the Police have to acknowledge is that many terrorist attacks are by muslims. If the BBC and the Police (and the Government as I don’t know if their hand is behind this) cannot recognise the problem, there will be no solution.
The BBC and Police PR have a common purpose. Currently its to “manufacture consent” for mass immigration and multi culturalism. (I know that`s Chomskys term but its no less true for being identified by a leftie.)
There is also cross fertilisation as ex BBC employees move into media and communications jobs and vice versa.
There`s a network of media people all influenced and influencing each other…. attending the same courses, the same NUJ meetings… reading each others output, dining and partying together, committing indiscretions and blackmailing each other.
Deborah, I don’t believe for a moment that anyone on here believes all muslims are terrorists that would be ridiculous.
It is however as equally ridiculous for anyone to suggest as the MSM does, that these atrocities have nothing at all to do with Islam. To ignore the teachings in the Koran that commands Muslims to engage in offensive physical warfare against non muslims and also how the religion was spread by the sword for instance.
A large number still strongly believe in this.
A large amount of muslims are offended by western secularism and dominance they wish to “fight in the cause of Allah”
We should not bend over backwards to those that believe this but instead come down extremely hard against it and fight the attempted whiff of theocratic Islamification of regions in our country.
I believe ALL Muslims are terrorists, and here’s the reason why it isn’t ridiculous.
Far too many people in this country judge Islam from the perspective of a Christian viewpoint – in doing this they fail to understand even the basics of the religion.
They view Mosques as being like churches,and the Qur’an as the Bible. The fact that most of them haven’t even got a clue what is even in the Bible illustrates just how ignorant they are.
So here’s a little Islamic theology lesson to prove the point. The Bible is scripture INSPIRED by God whereas the Qur’an is the VERY WORD OF GOD. You either believe all of it or you simply are not a Muslim, and it really is as simple as that!
There are two points as to why every Muslim is not at this time actively engaged in terror against us.
All children at the madrassah learn the Qur’an in classical Arabic, and don’t understand it. This a good thing for us as it’s keeping the peace!
Secondly Mohammed commanded his followers not to wage open warfare on a host country until they had sufficient number to win and actively suppress the non Muslims.
However there are far more people engaged in acts of terror than you might think, and it isn’t always in the UK. Only today Israel has charged Mohammed Halabi of channeling millions of dollars of charitable money given to the ‘World Vision’ organisation, to terrorist group Hamas. He personally hasn’t killed anyone, or picked up a weapon, yet he is accused of facilitating others to do so.
In the UK we see all kinds of drug dealing, crash for cash, banking scams, where the money is channeled to terrorist activity, inside the UK & abroad. We see people persuading Muslims to travel to Syria to fight for IS and those who help them to travel there.
None of these might be picking up a weapon and killing people on the streets, and yet each one of them is fighting Jihad in his own way and is equally responsible for the loss of life.
There is no getting away from the 164 Jihadic verses in the Qur’an calling believers to violence murder & terror in the name of Islam. Jihad is the 6th pillar of Islam it is central to its whole ethos.
ALL Muslims are therefore terrorists, if they’re not then they are apostates- no longer Muslim and the penalty for apostasy is death !
“All children at the madrassah learn the Qur’an in classical Arabic, and don’t understand it. This a good thing for us as it’s keeping the peace!”
But even over here they will receive instruction in it from their own teachers in their own home language or in English. These mullahs may well come from militant Islamist mosques in Bangladesh or Pakistan and provide their own interpretational bias
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but it appears now as time goes by that all terrorists are Muslims. The ‘anti Islamic’ posts here are frustrated people that see reality being denied and denied in such away as to in fact make life more dangerous for those of us who know what the situation is.
I have no problem with anti Islamic posts by strangers here.. they are welcome, we just don’t incite we just observe and comment.
I think the point that is being made is that all Muslims who truly follow the Koran are if not active terrorists are at the very least terrorist sympathisers. Those who condemn terrorism in the the name of Islam (and there are loads of them aren’t there?) are Muslims in name only and not following the faith as prescribed in the holy rag.
Literalist interpretation is the only true way of practising the cult of death,it is stated clearly.
Apparently after the throat slitting of a French Priest, ‘French’ ( yes I know ) Muslims mourned his death in French churches… at least two hundred according to the very well tempered ( if not too ) Douglas Murray… problem slight as it was they were the Ahmaddiya (!) Muslims… ones persecuted and murederd in this country by mainstream Muslims.
1 Pakistan 1.1 1953
1.2 1974 riots and constitutional amendment
1.3 Ordinance XX of 1984
1.4 Shab Qadar incident
1.5 2000
1.6 2005
1.7 2008
1.8 2009
1.9 2010
1.10 2011 1.10.1 In education
1.11 2012 1.11.1 Anti-Ahmadiyys sentiment in media
1.12 2013
1.13 2014
1.14 Persecution of Ahmadi students
2 Other countries 2.1 Afghanistan
2.2 Bangladesh
2.3 Belarus
2.4 Belgium
2.5 Bulgaria
2.6 Egypt
2.7 Gambia
2.8 India 2.8.1 2008
2.8.2 2009
2.8.3 2010
2.8.4 2011
2.8.5 2012
2.9 Indonesia
2.10 Malaysia
2.11 Palestine
2.12 Saudi Arabia
2.13 United Kingdom 2.13.1 2009
2.13.2 2010
2.13.3 2016 Murder of Asad Shah Hate Leaflets
A few weeks ago on a phone in to bbc radio Newcastle someone brought up your point Jerry.
The presenter came back with the ‘fact’ she got off the internet that only 2% of terrorist crimes were committed by Moslems.
I haven’t got a clue as to how this figure can be true unless they count something like an animal rights campaigners spray painting a slogan on a wall as being one crime and counting the Nice Lorry killings also as one crime.
That’s the bbbc for you.
Anyone notice that everytime they quote “A survey shows pessimism for the Brexit economy” they seem to be talking about a different version of the same PMI Purchasing managers index (Markit/CIPS purchasing managers)
… or is it that there are lots of indexes with similar names ?
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas
Up2snuffFeb 24, 21:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 TWatO Watch #1 – remember my earlier post about Katya Adler? It gets worse, this BBC overmanning lark. Apparently, there…
wwfcFeb 24, 21:43 Start the Week 24th February 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 she gets better
Lefty WrightFeb 24, 21:39 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Flotsam John Prescott had an egg thrown in his face while walking in the street so I think his retaliation…
FlotsamFeb 24, 20:58 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I was pondering the conviction, for assault, of Labour MP Michael Amesbury. How many MP’s have been known to commit…
Philip_2Feb 24, 20:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I heard on TalkTV this afternoon on radio that The Sun has exposed the BBC funding of HAMAS has been…
DocmaroonedFeb 24, 20:39 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sums up the slimy,oily,lying piece of dog crap that Starmer is. Totally evil and corrupt. Also does not seem to…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Rumour has it that TTK, when some sort of lawyer, made sure that the killer’s parents stayed in the UK…
ScrobleneFeb 24, 20:00 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It could be worse, Tomo, with Major’s shirt tucked into his ‘Y’Fronts! Actually, come to think of it, Starmer’s flies…
Have to say i notice lots of new names contributing here now
The bbc sockpuppets are clearly having the desired effect 🙂
Hope theyre on performance related pay lol
The ones in Wales had better start looking for employment………………
If their performance was like that in the ‘real world’ of industry they would have gone long ago. What on earth are the Trustees doing for their money ?
I’ve noticed the new names too.
It’s great to see, as not only does it add to the brilliance of this website, it also proves that the ‘so-called BBCs’ decision to turn its propaganda machine up to Deathcon 1 is back-firing on the lying, traitorous, islamophilic b@stards!!
I want nothing more than to help destroy the disgusting Al Beeb…. But it looks like the devious cretins are doing it perfectly well by themselves
You probably won’t see a huge amount of posts from myself personally, but I’ll be floating about. Can’t speak on behalf of the other newcomers to the site of course.
Number 6, taffman, tothepoint.
You can be sure that there are hundreds of people like me who visit this site several times a day but have yet to make a post – plucking up courage as we speak! Everybody I know hates the BBC.
Welcome on board Swarm.
Our freedom and way of life is not only under attack, it’s getting it’s arse kicked right now. That should get everyone worried, whatever walk of life they are.
The Nazis, The Soviet Union, Communist China, The Khmer Rouge and by far the worst Islam…all of the most horrific and deadly ideology/institutions that have ever existed, have suppressed and controlled the rules of the debate and what the people are allowed to know and learn….and this is done to further the aims of the vile organisation, because without this control, they know that the public wouldn’t stand for it. These organisations know that we would never allow them to get away with what they are doing, because it’s wrong… They know we do not want it, but they do…. So the deceit, the lies, the withholding of information, the threats, the fear, the violence, all start and become the modus operandi to ensure they get their way… No matter the consequences.
Al Beebistan has been hijacked by these vile, disgusting, traitorous vermin. They are undertaking their acts of war on our way of life. They are no different than the worst of the Nazis. This isn’t about freedom, or democracy, or religion… This is about them alone getting their way and they are prepared to do anything for that to happen.
Welcome to the infidels sanctuary Swarm. Looking forward to reading your contributions
It’s ok Swarm. I joined last year and follow daily but only took the plunge recently, it’s easier if something particularly annoys. Go for it.
I’ve loathed the Beeb for years. Ever since the miners strikes. That’s quite a while.
Are police spokesmen trained in the same school of mendacious journalism as the beeb?
“Early indications suggest that mental health is a significant factor in this case”
So, first let’s get out the lies to mislead the public, quick.
Note the weasel words: A SIGNIFICANT factor: so, the guy was 90% mad and 10% Muslim terrorist.
Phew, thank Allah he wasn’t 100% Muslim terrorist.
EARLY INDICATIONS: I bet even earlier indications suggest Islam played an even more significant factor.
Obviously the BBC et al are just using one of their well worn excuses to deflect the cause of the murder away from Islam. Mental illness is in vogue currently for lone wolf attacks. Obviously the more Muslims who take part in an attack the harder it is to claim that they were all mentally ill. Of course if there is any way they can bring the pantomime villain of the Far Right into the picture they will. Other useful fall backs are that the attack was caused by deprivation and alienation, so neatly blaming the rest of us for attacks on ourselves. In every case we will be told by anyone who is allowed on the media that the attack has nothing to do with Islam. If you are not prepared to speak this rubbish you will be no platformed.
The BBC and rest of the MSM are following Lenin’s dictum that , ‘a lie told often enough becomes the truth’. Except that fewer and fewer people believe these ever more ludicrous claims and know with bleak certainty that the cause of the attacks is the fanaticism of Muslims in forcing their odious way of life on the rest of human kind.
I think you are wrong on one point here – I believe that Islamists are ALL mentally ill. I half watched a programme a few days back about an Egyptian suicide bomber in Syria I think. He chatted with his wife and baby (who he had never met) back home on Skype but still believed that when he was martyred he would get his quota of virgins. That surely is pure insanity!
For a while I’ve been considering the logistics and feasibility of declaring Pisslam outlawed. Couldn’t give a flying fuck about three leftie outrage and the Islamic fatwas issued. If you are a Muslim, visit the mosque, read the Koran… You’re an undesirable and should be forced to leave. What more proof do people need that Pisslam is an evil, satanic death cult? Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don’t want this to happen but… if Mudslimes won’t stop butchering us, what other option do we have.
Do you think Saudi Arabia would waste any time in declaring Christianity illegal (well, it kind of already is) if a Christian so much as blinked at the wrong time? A Christian in Saudi is there purely because of the grace and compassion of the Islamic overlords and he WILL obey their rules or face severe punishment. Meanwhile in the west, Muslims butcher us left, right and centre. I’ve had enough.
More – We already have the means to outlaw the ‘evil death cult’: Hate Speech is illegal and the Quran is full of it.
No ,no ,no. Hate speech does not apply to Muslims or any other minorities.It is merely a totalitarian device to keep the indigenous population under control. Using the law against your own people whenever they dare to protest about the way their lives are being ruined, their culture obliterated , their country invaded, is certainly a key characteristic of a totalitarian state.
Actutally MoreHamHead, Saudi Arabia will not tolerate Christianity in any form. If there is any suspicion by the Mutawa (religious police) that there is a Christian prayer gathering taking place, they will arrest the lot and lock them up. The religion of Peace and tolerance?
For once the beeb are telling the truth: Mental disease WAS the cause of the knife attack. In medicine it’s called Islam.
Funny how so many muslims seem to have mental health problems. Why did the police taser him ? They should have shot him dead. No we have to pay to keep this scumbag in prison.
The Bedlam wing of a resettlement centre on a remote Scottish island sounds like it will need to be extended. I wonder if Jon Donnison will paddle there too in his dugout canoe?
Interesting observation.
Maybe A. BBC Editor of Integrity (c) or spokesperson would care to comment?
Didn’t the Communist Countries of the past treat any form of political dissent as ‘Mental illness’ and hence lock the perpetrators away ?
Al Beeb and the media are treating us like ‘mushrooms’ .
If you want to get the real news – follow this site .
6oo “new” armed officers, dressed in grey take to the streets, and the slaughter begins…
What’s the bet the BBC will play the pathetic and apologist ‘mental health’ motivation?
The Daily Mail seem to give us more detail about this horrific incident being potentially a terror attack
Say, does anyone remember when the BBC was against people ‘stigmatising’ the mentally ill? Has anyone asked fine, upstanding citizen Alistair Campbell about this yet?
Mind you, ‘dark ages’ sounds about right.
Don’t worry viewers, nothing to see here, it’s just a crazy man…!
A remarkable feature of the liberal media is its great willingness to acquiesce to Police news management – in certain circustances.
Two clearly contrasting examples which come to the fore this morning are the BBC treatment of the historic Mark Duggan case or should we say ‘Police shooting of a black man in Tottenham’ – where every action and motivation of the authorities is questioned and held to account.
And then we have reports what many would see as another of Alah’s dark skinned little kamikazes doing his Intifada thing on the streets of London – where the BBC is lapping up every soft soap and obsfuscation the Met have recently learned from their Bavarian cousins.
Ah, so this is the cause of the rise in hate crime the Independent, the Guardian, tell Mama, Hopeless and hate, Liebour and the BBC have been constantly talking about… or are they just interested in ‘hate crimes’ that fit their narrative? I’m getting sick of anti-Semitism in this country. And we all know where it’s coming from, but like terrorist attacks the Left ignore it.
When will France ever learn?
A water park in France is holding a “burkini day” during which men and women not wearing Muslim swimming attire will be banned from using the facilities.
Speed Water Park near Marseille, a city with a Muslim population of around 25 per cent, is advertising a private women only day to take place on Saturday September 10th.
Visitors to the water the park on this day will be required to wear one piece swimsuits known as “burkinis” or “bath jilbabs” (pictured above) which cover the entire body, including the head.
Responding to pressure from incensed residents, local council officials are attempting to nix the plan, with one possibility being an “administrative closure for security reasons”.
Council member Romain Amaro said it was impossible that the event should be allowed to take place “in the current context”.
Valérie Boyer, an elected official for the region, also expressed her outrage at the event.
The controversy is yet another example of how France is becoming Islamicized even as the country is constantly hit by Islamic terror attacks.
Swimming pools have been a flashpoint for tensions exacerbated by the massive influx of Muslim migrants crossing into Europe over the past year.
There have been numerous reports of rapes and sexual assaults, including an Iraqi “refugee” who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria and didn’t even think much of it, labeling his predicament a “sexual emergency”.
Last month, Breitbart reported on a group of young Muslim men who harassed women at a swimming pool in Geldern, Germany, yelling “Allahu Akbar” while threatening to “exterminate” the women for being “sluts”.
Just today it was also revealed that a taxpayer-funded swimming pool in the town of Luton, UK, which has a high Muslim population, would be hosting a men-only gender segregated event during which women would be banned from using the larger pool.
Posters advertising the event, which is called ‘Alhamdulliahswimming’, a Muslim phrase which thanks God for his blessings, cautioned that “navel to knee must be covered”.
As you pointed out earlier No6 the IRAs “mindless thugs, criminals and mindless psychopaths” (sound familiar?)
were in negotiations with government during their terrorist campaign against the people and security forces.
“twin track” approach I think its called.
Creeping Jihad/ Islamification.
Something here for our resident trolls who defend the BBC and its support for the alternative lifestyle of the far left. Once the left were concerned with the plight of working people, but now with BBC encouragement it is the LBGT wallahs, assorted pervs, exhibitionists, and the radical arty left.
Watch closely and you will see a clip from the BBC’s Andrew Neil’s restrained interview with the leading perv in this video.
If I dare say that it is not my cup of tea I will surely be branded as a transphobic bigot and enemy of the working class.
Definitely not my cup of tea either. In fact I’d rather drink a cup of tea made with rancid milk than watch that video again.
How precient of the BBC to screen an adaptation of Conrad’s The Secret Agent
‘The Professor then describes the nature of the bomb which he carries in his coat at all times: it allows him to press a button which will blow him up in twenty seconds, and those nearest to him’
‘Winnie’s brother Stevie has the mental age of a young child and is very sensitive and is disturbed by notions of violence or hardship. Verloc, exploiting both Stevie’s childlike simplicity and outrage at suffering, employs him to carry out the terrorist attack’
Fair to say, viewed through the present liberal media lens both The Professor and Stevie could easily be characterised as ‘lone wolves’ having ‘mental health issues’
Freedom of Information request to Police reveals that “Syrian Refugees” in the UK have carried out 897 crimes, some very serious. With another 20,000 Syrians at least on the way the expression, “When in a hole, stop digging” should really be applied. Shame this essential adage is not considered by our ruling elite in the Commons/Lords on their undeterred all-out rush to Islamicise the UK. One can only hope that in selecting which “Syrian Refugees” come to the UK, a mental health assessment is carried out on all and the results of this determine admission. On this basis perhaps the BBC (and now the Police) would acknowledge that the figure of 20,000 may well then reduce to zero.
Just had my BBC breaking News email:
Breaking News
Man held over London stabbings
Vital. More news that may be relevant as time, space, urgency , public safety and BBC editorial integrity and watertight oversight dictate.
One thing we can all be grateful for: so far no ‘mental health’ attacks have occurred inside or outside Broadcasting House, which you might think could be a symbolic target for mentally challenged individuals who hate Britain. For this at least let us thank Allah and pray long may it continue, and may no beeb journalist ever, ever, be directly involved in any mental health bombings or stabbings, Insh Allah.
As the good little leftie girl raped by Muslims in Germany said: “it changes your attitude when it happens to you.”
Doesn’t it just sweetie, doesn’t it just.
Al Hamdilalah! I’ll say a prayer Friday coming PetertG.
Anyone else noticed that the French and American authorities shoot these terrorist (sorry ‘mentally ill’) scum after their vile attacks whilst we just taser them (probably apologising after doing it) and give them a trial and comfy bed in prison whilst they serve a British life sentence (2 years). We also make pathetic excuses for them. I am getting seriously worried and demoralised about my England. At least in Scotland and Wales you are allowed to be a nationalist without being labelled a racist. In England, if we hadn’t succumbed to left-extremists, we could defend our country through our patriotism. But, the media hates English pride more than terrorism it seems. I’m sick of it. I want England back!
Alex – If at least the police kept them alive in order to torture possible info out of them on co-conspirators, networks etc… but that would be too much to hope for. I know my rights.
There are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists etc with a ‘mental illness’ yet they don’t go around on a regular basis bombing, stabbing, beheading and slitting throats on a regular basis.
Something the dhimmi’s in the MSM haven’t seemed to work out.
Rebel – I’m starting to feel a bit mentally ill myself after watching the beeb too long. Think i’ll go out and knife someone.
Where`s Marjorie Wallace then, and her “stigmatisation” rolling bandwaggon then?
Rolling in since 1968 as I recall.
Radicalisation?…OK stigmatisation?…well OK too now.
When the Mental Health nuts and nougat pastes ALSO won`t take Islam on…and they`re meant to be crazy and reckless in part?…then either mental illness is selective…or Islam has bought THEIR silence too.
Come on Marj…THIS “Mental Health excuse” needs YOU to squash it.
Unless you`ll campaign to make Islam a category of mental illness anyway….
HR, they have worked it out alright, they just can’t bring themselves to admit it, either to themselves or anyone else. To admit they have been wrong all these years about something so fundamental (the uncritical joy of immigration and multi-culturalism) would require a reappraisal of all their beliefs.
I don’t believe most lefties are capable of re-thinking their beliefs, as I think that requires them to have ‘thought’ in the first place!
Instead, they hold up their beliefs like a religious cloak, that cannot be broken or questioned. To threaten their comfort blanket of leftism is to challenge their entire selves. One of the reasons they only answer criticism with reflexive insults and violence – no thought processes required or available.
We really shouldn`t let the bastard offspring of Oxbridge liberal arts graduates talk of science to “Scientists”.
Even when they`re paid up fully PC Green nannies with surnames like Nurse.
For poor little Webb seemed only to be pleased at the multicoloured science swap shop that is being beanbagged and open plan-so lots of third rate science johnnies and joannas can make their “Death To Cancer! wristbands beat in time to Coldplay tunes-and display colours of the flag under which Islam last tried to increase “mental health awareness” for the rest of us.
Utter crap-Nurse talks as a very social science wallah would…and Webb has nothing to say, about fuss about whether GSK( stumping up for much of this theme park of discovery) will run off with the elixirs and charge the NHS for what they made earlier in the Blue Peter wing.
Nurse thinks it`s fine-and Webb remembers that Owen Smith did rather well with GSK so let his slime trail go cold.
Ah but-Columbo like-“one further question unalloyed science clever chappie-what about Brexit…hmmm…”What About BREXIT”
Can I include this as my nomination for most obvious gratuitous and pointless adjunct and irrelevant tack of of “Brexit” until I get back from holidays?
As if we don`t already know what Sir Paul Nurse of the EU Barmy Army Fundy thingy for Green , for Drugs, for Surveys and Opinion Pieces thinks of Brexit-how often did we hear him rolled out to tell us before we slapped his smug face?
But Webb HAD to ask it…see you lot…if anybody now dies of cancer in the next two years-it`ll be YOUR fault!
If anybody else hears a more craven tacked on pretext to mention why we need to overturn that referendum thingy…do tell me.
BUT-funnily enough-next article from Monty re Phil Shiners stickybeak in the public trough to put squaddies in jail and feed Anjem in the process-and Clive Coleman was NOT asked about “how Brexit plays into this”
Why ever not?…why does the BBC care about what Sir Paul says about Brexit..but not about what Public Interest Lawyers think of same…maybe it`s because lawyers aren`t as loved as scientists…or lawyers are all they speak to anyway when back in HIghgate Towers.
Crap-and crap again…BBC Wales it is next…hope Brexit types will be pleased that we`ve chosen them by way of the “Brexit Dividend”…as opposed to London or Scotland who we`re boycotting.
Will meet on borders though in these cases….Berwick and Colindale as Brest-Litovsk`s..
I assume there is no point in listening to the BBC on this London attack. Shall we say it will be following the Pravda Rules. A bit like Chatham House rules so to speak.
Fill in your own definition of Pravda Rules .
Down in in the equivalent of flyover USA or provincial Russia some of us quietly resolve never to go to London again. Not to risk our children there and to stop listening to to lying press and government/police .
So the risk, according to these bozos, is small but it is a risk that is unacceptable to most of us.
The powers that be really have been bodysnatched. They do not think like us. They do not care about us and they do not deserve our loyalty.
I see little point in listening to (or watching, for that matter) the BBC, period. Unless you like fairy stories, and items diluted beyond all semblance of reality, according to their agenda of the day.
If you are strong willed, then you may be able to resist the indoctrination – but it’s very real risk.
Mental illness hasn’t been cited as the cause of Islamic terrorist attacks over the past 30 years.
What’s changed in the past three months?
Or is it the ‘new excuse’?
Some people say….
Dover – what’s changed? The increasing desperation of the MSM/police/authorities to hide the truth AT ALL COSTS, or at least misinform, confuse, prevaricate.
Ah DS, but now we know how to accommodate so-called Muslim Refugees in the future: Benefits, housing, cars, free education, Mosques, free mental health clinics…………………..
Teenager arrested for murder. I KNEW it, it’s another one of them teenagers. And a bonkers one too. Send them back where they come from, that’s what i say.
So, what do we know so far? He’s a teenager, and he has health problems. (OF COURSE he has health probs, he’s just attacked 6 innocent strangers for no reason!)
What we don’t know and won’t be told for as long as poss: his name, ethnicity or religion.
(despite being easier to ascertain than age and mental condition)
Much yet to learn.
However it seems likely parents and communities in fear already on high alert to express mystification and regret at the loss of yet a nothing promising footballer and aspiring doctor.
Victim’s family already shunted to the back of mind in the establishment cohesion mindset.
19 year old “Norwegian national of Somali origin”.
According to pravda there is no evidence of radicalisation. Of course not,just like if I don’t open the curtains there is no evidence that the sun is shining.
This is getting absolutely ridiculous. It is impossible for anyone with a functioning braincell not to hold the BBC in complete contempt for its policy of trying to obscure what is going on, simply because the facts conflict with the Corporation’s political agenda.
Cant wait to read Richard Littlejohn’s and Leo McKinstry’s columns ; – all those robocops standing in a PR exercise ready to take on London and the next day a ‘mentally ill’ attacker goes on a stabbing rampage. “you couldn’t make it up” !!
If the first casualty of war is truth, the political media establishment seem to feel their credibility is acceptable collateral damage.
Not sure that is wise.
If you`ve never seen “Battle of Algiers” you should. It was directed by the Marxist Pontecorvo…..BUT it gives a clear account of urban war in an Islamic context, and shows a pretty unflinching view of the terrorist atrocities and the armys counter measures during that conflict between the alliance of Islam-Leftism and a modern state.
It is a conflict that increasingly appears to be our future.
I agree, it is an excellent film.
After World War II, the French Army developed a doctrine for fighting a revolutionary war, which they put into effect in Algeria. In the Battle of Algiers, they defeated the terrorists by using well planned but brutal methods, including torture, to break down the terror cells. Torture was seen as a necessary measure to gain information, distasteful, yet important.
The upshot was that the French Army won the revolutionary war, and was promptly stabbed in the back by the politicians in Paris, who decided Algeria was not worth keeping after all. If they had come to that conclusion five years earlier it would have saved everyone a lot of time and effort.
The French Army was on the verge of staging a coup d’etat, but backed down at the last minute. A renegade force then tried to continue the war, and assassinate de Gaulle, which failed but gave Freddie Forsyth the idea for a cracking book.
The moral is that by using disciplined, intelligent, and where necessary, brutal means, terrorism can be defeated. And that when the security forces have won, the politicians will cave in anyway. It happened in Algeria, it happened in Northern Ireland, and I suspect it will happen here, if we let them.
Shyam Sanghani, who runs Imperial News and Gifts opposite the scene of the attack, said: “We had more police announced yesterday and then this today, it’s scary.
“We had Russell Square bombing just close by and now this. We’ve been here a long time and to have two incidents is awful. This is our home.”
Better get used to it pal.
If the two police featured in the press images I saw are the ‘more’, the rapid response elite squad of an easy to see lady and person of hue and faith were likely still struggling to zip up their stab proof vests before heading to the scene.
Jon (the abominable snowman) Snow will be breaking out a new pair of multi coloured socks on tonight’s CH4 news to celebrate the attack and blame it on Israel while his sidekick the Burqa’d Bimbo will be gloating with delight.
Guardian pushing the mental health line for all its worth. This is before any investigation has been concluded.
“Professor Sir Simon Wessely, the leading psychiatrist and president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said that killings by people with psychiatric problems had been falling for the last 30 years. But, Wessely added, much more needs to be done to help “alienated, disturbed, troubled” adolescents and young people with mental health problems, some of whom are at risk of committing violence. However, he cautioned against any attempt to increase the number of people detained due to psychiatric problems.”
Very instructive to see that the Grauniad is allowing no comments on this story. They might as well be saying openly, “We know you don’t believe it, but we’ve got to carry on this charade”.
I’m with others who say the lid can’t be kept on this for much longer. Then, once attack after attack from Muslims has been excused with “lone wolf”, “mental health” and “nothing to do with Islam” and is met with little more than Twitter hashtags and lit-up buildings, the first nutter who cracks and attacks the Favoured Ones will be deemed to represent all “far-right-wingers” and draconian curbs will be imposed on all who oppose the current orthodoxy.
It takes many years training to become a qualified psychiatrist which is why there are so few bobbie’s on the beat. They are all in further education.
But at least they can diagnose ‘mental illness’ even before the perpetrator has hit the floor tazered.
The wonders of modern medicine.
BBC running with ‘One dead, several hurt in London attack’ – seriously? I mean I’d class hurting myself as stubbing my toe or bumping my head, not getting stabbed!
Could be worse they might have headlined : ” WOMAN DIES IN COLLISION WITH KNIFE.”
Just Googled ‘bbc history first jihad mohammed’. This is all I could find:
Within ten years Muhammad had gained so many followers that he was able to return and conquer Mecca.
From this time on he was generally accepted by the faithful as the true final Prophet of God.
Muhammad continued to lead his community both spiritually and in earthly matters until his death in 632.
Compare and contrast:
In AD 627, Muhammad committed an atrocity against the last remaining major tribe of Jews in Medina: the Qurayza.
He beheaded the men and the pubescent boys and enslaved the women and children. In doing this, he wiped an entire tribe “off the map” to use the language of the President of Iran, recently.
And we know what text our children will be using in school don’t we readers?
To parahprase Orwell: ‘We love you Auntie’.
Wife just asked me why I’ve burst out laughing. Brought her over to look at the BBC UK news home page to see a picture of a policeman in a turban holding an assault rifle.
Good old Aunty. Never misses a trick.
Those guys more than us know what has to be done. Respect to the Sikhs.
To be fair I have a lot of respect for the Sikhs – they tend to be active in civil society and served the British Empire loyally in two world wars – their religion is generally peaceful and liberal. But I agree, that’s laughable virtual signalling from the BBC.
Used to work with several Sikhs and they were really good guys.
They’d each bring a bottle of Johnny Walker with them for a night out and finish the lot – they knew how to party.
Loyal and patriotic, I’d want them on my side in a fight.
AGREED, third/Cranmer/RP. My fear is that there really will be an angry backlash and they may not be too discerning between Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Hindus and other Asians. And that really would be tragic.
Already innocent, hard working and well integrated Poles are being tarred with the brush of ‘migrant’ which is tragic. That’s what you get when you bury a genuine social problem under the carpet long enough: it explodes in unpredictable ways and the truly innocent get hurt. What a mess, thank you beeb.
And now Norwegians.
Peter – You are definitely right regarding the Sikhs Very loyal but not a race to be messed with. And essential to British Army in WW2.
It is interesting that whenever there has been another terrorist murder/sex attack in Europe if the attacker is a muslim the BBC is always deliberately opaque about their nationality/culture.
I sometimes wonder whether the BBC harbors a secret desire for the thiko s to start attacking “asians” what better way to divide different cultures that have previously got on OK. Because as we all know that many of the worst sex attacks were committed by “asians” Bit like when the practice of a pediatrician was vandalised because all they could read was paedo on the brass nameplate.!
I was bought up in West London (near Southall) and on the whole both Sikhs and Hindus always managed to keep their own culture and lifestyles intact without deliberately attempting to deconstruct ours.
People generally rubbed along OK with one or two notable exceptions.
So in essence this was pretty close to the BBC multiculti wet dream the BBC always thinks we should have. Having said that at the end of the day the two races would generally go back to their own houses. Point being that most people prefer their own cultures.
However if you are white and said that in non BBC speak straight away you would be called a WAYCIIIIIIST!!!!!
What is wrong with different races keeping their own culture NOTHING!
Providing they
1 Show respect for the host culture
2 Dont condone or ignore the murder of those whos religious traditions are different to your own
3 Respect womans rights (including their right not to be groped just because you are a man)
4 Dont undertake FGM as it is barbaric and against the law
5 Respect those whos sexuality is not the same as yours (doesnt mean you have to celebrate it, but certainly throwing them off buildings could be considered a tad excessive)
6 Dont constantly plead and whine about discrimination and demand changes in the law to suit your own culture
7 Dont be the culture/religion whos adherents are responsible for 90% of the worlds “mentally ill” attacks
It is interesting that only one population group – fits the bill to all the negative points in this list but according to the BBC only one culture deserves to be smitten from this land and replaced with something more up to date and relevant to “modern life”
And it is…………………….You guessed it Christianity!
Agree on all points Oak.
Isn’t it interesting how selective the police are about revealing names of people involved in high-profile crime? They were anxious to reveal the name of Cliff Richard, weren’t they? And in other cases the name has been quick to appear.
Except…… no connection with Islam, I suppose?
If they BBC had half decent journalists they would probe this, but I’m not holding my breath.
they say we should’nt jump to any conclusions unless that conclusion is mental health
The only ‘mentally ill’ people are those who believe the crap from al-Beeb and the MSM.
1,400 years of Muslim inbreeding pretty much guarantees mental illness.
On a different tack – I have just been looking at the BBC weather website. It (as well as the Met Office) still says I should have white clouds all day. It is actually raining hard as I write this. Why should I believe anything they say about climate if they can’t ‘forecast’ the weather that is actually happening?
On the other hand, national weather forecasters (especially that idiot Tomasz whatsisname) take almost no interest in NW England anyway.
Its been winter in Wales for the last few days – in fact nothing like summer at all despite ‘global warming’ .
Yorkshire is the same. Paul Hudson promised a sunny day but all we are getting are grey skies and spits and spots.
Jesus Christ, this tired old argument AGAIN?
Are you simpletons not aware that there is a VAST difference between short term, single event predictions and long term, multi-event predictions? If I roll a dice, I have a 1 in 6 chance of getting the number right. However, if I roll the dice 1000 times, I can say with a certain degree of confidence that each number will come up roughly 166 times. This is very much akin to predicting tomorrow’s weather today and coming up with a prediction for 30 years, as is done in the case of climate.
Basic arithmetic, another thing not yet grasped by Biased BBCers
The ‘Xavier’ of mankind .
Yes, the so called scientists of 30 years ago were warning us of another impending ice age .
Some say that the climate has not risen for sixteen years ?
Just like Al Beeb’s viewing figures .
No, scientists then weren’t predicting an ice age. That’s a media myth. Keep believing your nonsense though, eventually you’ll believe as much nonsense as the BBC!
Are you taking issue with my arithmetic or are you just trying to be clever? You failed to do either.
Well they are still at it, more recently ………………….
“at the National Astronomy Meeting in Wales, Northumbria University professor Valentina Zharkova said fluctuations an 11-year cycle of solar activity the sun goes through would be responsible for a freeze, the like of which has not been experienced since the 1600s.”
Well Lets hope that ‘Boaty McBoatface’ doesn’t get stuck in polar ice .
Dear Xavier, at this precise moment I don’t care a flying flump what the weather is in 100 years time – or indeed 50 years time. We have a harvest to get in and judgements on whether we force in corn that isn’t quite ready which puts stress on our machinery or that needs drying (ie if the machinery doesn’t break down and need repairing or if the sun does the drying for free we don’t have to use up some of the earth’s precious oil) is dependent on the forecast. Part of the met office’s job via the BBC is to provide us with the likelihood of precipitation in the next few days. They cannot get it right. If they cannot get tomorrow’s weather right (or indeed today’s) why should I trust their predictions for 100 year’s time?
I literally just told you how short and long term predictions work. But then you said you “don’t care a flying flump” and then launched into a tirade about weather reporting when you have zero idea how weather reporting works. Don’t like the BBC’s weather reporting? Go somewhere else for it. I think you’ll find its much the same.
And please stop this “they can’t predict tomorrow’s weather, why I should trust them in 30 years” stupidity. It’s a completely flawed argument and you look very, very silly making it.
What you really mean is that for the 30-year job they can (and doubtless do) tell the computer what to say. They can’t do that if people can see the actual weather.
It is to be hoped your grasp of maths is better than that you showed with matters pharmaceutical.
A Norwegian national with a Somali background?
Did Norway know he was one of theirs?
Did they tell us he was a mental sufferer?
When did he come here… and what for – holiday? treatment? shopping? pleasure?
Answers on a postcard, please.
Its those bloody Norsemen and Vikings again .
More wall to wall about Anders Breivik along shortly.
He was probably preempting being kicked out of Norway anyway. The Norwegians are stepping up efforts to repatriate the parasites (sorry, Refugees)
Turns out Mister stabby stab of Russell Square is, ahem, a “Norwegian-Somali”…that clears that up then.
Turns out it was a Pirate in a viking longship called Hagar Mukambwe
I thought i might watch newsnight last night as golam had a night off but unfortunately the news was hijacked by the glorifying of the leftie london 2012 opening ceremony.Has it come to this that the beeb has nothing positive to spin since 2012.I wanted current news.Unbelievable but sadly not anymore.
Norway is not in the E U . That christmas tree will have to be under observation.
Perhaps he is the forerunner of the Merkel overspill that we can expect to hit our shores soon. Why have our leaders let in these awful people? Even the non nutters are only a hairs breadth away from going postal . It only takes a cartoon , a bit of ladies cleavage , someone using the Koran as a firelighter and they are off , stabbing , axing , stoning ,shooting , burning, bombing. Why on earth you want millions of these folks in your country beats me. If we survive this attempted invasion, which we certainly won’t unless we wake up and realise invasion is what it is, we really must make Enoch Powell a saint. He knew it would come to this 50 years ago and said so even though he knew it would wreck his career. A prophet ignored in his own land.
Breaking News: British Left-wing-controlled Islamist apologist media blatantly lying and covering up yet another ISIS-inspired attack by using mental health as an excuse even though it takes weeks to determine a psychopathological diagnosis.
I blame Brexit.
How come this recent ‘outbreak’ of mental illness is not affecting those with names we can pronounce ? The media takes us for fools, but carry on like this and anyone with a ‘tanned’ skin will have serious backlashes against them. Clearly if an atrocity takes place, this is the ‘go to’ quote now – mental illness as a first response . Its so pathetic its laughable.
Quite right, And remind me, how long did it take the BBC to identify the killer of Jo Cox as a ‘Right wing extremist’?
It’s quite ironic that the Jo Cox killer most likely has a mental illness but the BBC didn’t report it, meanwhile, anyone called Mohammed who flies a plane into building/drives a truck into a crowd/beheads someone/stab someone is definitely “mentally ill” according to the BBC.
“How come this recent ‘outbreak’ of mental illness is not affecting those with names we can pronounce ?”
Excellently put. I’m going to have to nick that. Hope you don’t mind.
Feel free RD !
I can only assume that its the heat of the sun that ‘turns’ the minds of the Middle Eastern and African types into frenzied and deranged terrorists. We’ve experienced a few warm days lately, and this weekend is due to be up near the 30s, so prepare for another outbreak of ‘mental illness’. !!!
Evidence of Global Warming ?
I see the pathetic leftie sociologist snowflake apologists are crawling all over twatter today with their vile cowardice and Islamist apologist drivel. It would seem that Islamist terrorists have more support in the west than patriots. Disgusting. We are living in a situation where we get called racist for speaking out against Islamist terror and where our media cover terrorist attacks up. We’re f******!
Yes Alex, the battle is lost, too many of them, controlling media, politics, education, police, publishing, entertainment, etc.
All we can do is enjoy the hopeless fight.
I really don’t think the war is lost. The referendum showed that despite every lie and propaganda trick the ‘elite’ could muster. British common sense will prevail.
Which doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy, of course.
GC – Good point. Let’s hope.
Snowflake alert….
Tweets by CraigCons
‘Norwegian of Somali origin nothing to link to terrorism.’ Give me strength!!! ISIS is urging ‘lone wolf’ attacks as they are proving more effective and more difficult to prevent than organized group attacks.
Questions:- Is he Muslim? Is he a migrant who after establishing residency in Norway was able to use that to ‘walk’ into England?
Are our police force stupid !!!! I know they are Left leaning, but how about exercising an open, un PC and realistic approach when considering the safety of British citizens.
I want to know this Norwegian-Somali’s name; I bet it won’t be of Norse origin… you know, Erich, Thorfin, Alfhild or Torquil etc. I wonder why the media are taking so long? It will be interesting to see if the BBC fiddle with his name like they did with that other mentally ill man in Germany. They’ll probably have a linguistic expert on the case as we speak; be interesting to see the new creation… Erich Valdemar Haroon perhaps.
David, like in Munich.
David Smith-Abdul.
Bet the beeboid journalists are working overtime looking for a link between Breivik and our latest cultural enricher from somewhere on the Somali-Norwegian border.
“Ah, got it ed, look: Breivik once bought a kebab from our friend Mohammed, see? An obvious Right-Wing conspiracy, roll the presses.”
It looks like they might be trying to kill us with food poisoning as well!
I don’t expect to see this on the BBC News for the West Midlands anytime soon.
Personally I avoid ,as far as possible, any shop which employs Muslims.
I won’t give money to any Muslim owned business; if more people did the same it would start to make things a lot tougher for them here: support your own people, not them.
IT’S THE NORWEGIANS WOT DONE IT – Like Breivik, see? Another Far-Right Norwegian called Mohammed Abdul murders innocent people in the street, it’s all starting to make sense, thank you beeb.
I predict a phone call from Downing Street to the cops and the BBC. To the cops. Search the Norwegian knifer’s home and find – without fail – copies of far right literature. To the BBC, the cops are about to find far right literature in the Norwegian’s home, please collect the up dated files on the EDL, Britain First and a bit of muck on Farage and Le Pen. And to the Crown Prosecution Service: Teresa wants a few arrests relating to the predicted anti moslem backlash. Ask flat Earth believer, Sadiq Khan if his Met police have trained up the bacon sniffing dogs yet.
You may have intended irony or not there GWF, but I have been seriously thinking the same thing recently. Finding some “historical” links to a far-right organisation from Jo Wotsit’s killer when everybody said he had never made any kind of political comment ever to their knowledge. Some other things recently too. These supposed mental health problems are too pat as well. Basically I don’t trust or believe any of the garbage thrown out by the authorities or the media any more.
Talking of Le Pen, here’s her niece and possible successor. Smart too, I’ve heard her debate on tv. One to watch.
she’s not bad looking either…. lovely.
Alex – You know, I hadn’t noticed 🙂 But now you mention it…
But can she cook and keep a clean house!
Is she argumentative and stroppy
Can she make a decent cup cocoa at night
Will she drive so I can have more than a pint at the pub
Will she touch the remote without permission
Does she know how to use a washing machine/dish washer
You youngsters have your priorities wrong.
General – I was talking to a copper the other day. The police force are not stupid and there are still loads of good coppers out there but on the whole, the organisation has been crippled under political interference, the PC yoke and overbearing bureaucracy.
It sounds almost as if in some constabularies they have become almost Stalinist in that they are encouraged to challenge/denounce to senior officers any non pc remarks and behavior. Unfortunately this means that the good ones just keep their heads down and the only ones that get promoted are those who are more concerned with gay/gender/political correctness rather than stopping criminals and protecting the public.
I am a afraid it has become a self selecting system for Wankers!
The police were always going to be a prime target for the ‘long march through the institutions’.
None of this has happened by accident.
Mid-week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– MPs Back Calls for ‘Scottish Six’ BBC News Bulletin
– BBC Radio 1 Audience Share Falls to 10 Year Low
Someone raised the very good point about stigmatisation of the mentally ill. For decades – ever since the 1959 Mental Health Act I think – the accepted idea has been that mental illness should be treated in the same way as physical illness. So why is it acceptable to rush to conclusions about the mental health status of a suspect? We weren’t told about Fred West’s bunions or Anders Brevik’s piles! It’s just a despicable attempt at deflection and cover up and, thankfully, fewer and fewer people seem to be falling for it.
Fred West’s bunions and Anders Breivik’s piles weren’t responsible for the atrocities they did. Why don’t you engage your brain before making a post next time?
I guess you don’t get irony.
Dave S,
Lefties do not do humour or irony. That part of their ” brains” is dead !
Why is it that whenever someone disagrees with you or points out nonsense they are immediately “a lefty?” I’m getting pretty bored of telling you I’m not a lefty, but since it doesn’t fit your narrative that only left wingers can disagree with you, it’s conveniently ignored.
I thought your post was meant to be ironic and was vaguly amused by it – now I realise you actually meant what you put! Dear oh Dear.
I thought your post was meant to be ironic and was vaguly amused by it – now I realise you actually meant what you put! Dear oh Dear.
“vaguely”. Also it was meant as a reply to Xavier’s first post. And why doesn’t the edit function always come up?
Oh, ok. Retard makes stupid post, gets called out on it, but it was obviously meant to be ironical.
Since its so obvious, perhaps you’d like to explain the irony?
Confused troll alert. Ignore.
Xavier – I pictured you as Will from the “Inbetweeners” when I read this.
Feel better now you have sunk to name calling?
Yep you are a lefty!
‘Burkini-only day’ at French waterpark criticised
“A waterpark in France is to be booked out for one day to Muslim women wanting to wear “burkinis” – but the decision has led to criticism by politicians on the right.”
BBC must be wetting themselves with excitement as a water park in France is to only allow Muslims and no one else. They hi-light the “right wing” criticism whilst assuming everyone else is happy with this non-muslim ban. Imagine the BBC reporting if it was the other way around with Muslims banned from a water park.
The BBC must pray for the (imaginary) day when gays and muslims rule us all.
Do their women poo in swimming pools like their men do? Just asking.
I got barred from my local pool in Tynemouth for pissing in it.
I was on the top diving board at the time like.
Yeah but you were banned for showing off, not for the act of micturition itself, nor for exposure given the tiny organ couldn’t be seen at that distance!
“The BBC must pray for the (imaginary) day when gays and muslims rule us all.”
Meanwhile, stateside…
No time to report many things, but space for pet sneering or lionising.
Anyone catch R4 PM at 5:25 last night ? What NEWS reason was there for the 5 minute interview with a psychiatrist about a baby crying at a Trump rally ?
It’s the kind of thing that works well in the Guardian where they could easily misrepresent wha tTrump said, but on radio where they have to play the actual clips, it became a non-story. Rather than ridicule Trump the psychiatrist (from Denmark/Holland I think) said ‘yes first he made a joke about it ..and then he was more serious, cos our studies prove that a crying baby causes so much stress that it is almost impossible for a person to do their normal job’ (I paraphrase)
5 whole minutes for that ! It’s almost if the BBC managers have a ticklist for every show : ‘Lionise Corbyn, Hillary, BME, token women, GreenDream Religion and …smear UKIP, Trump, talk down Brexit economy’. etc.
yeah Stew, heard that too, and had the same opinion, i.e. what was all that about ? It wasn’t even the usual cheap shot, it was just weird. But remember, if you hear anything like that again, just look at the picture of Eddie Mair on the PM iplayer page and have a chortle at how bad he looks. Hehehe…sorry just had a look again…hehehe…
We have had some quite anti-Islamic posts on this site today some from people who don’t usually post here. I think what they reflect are people’s anger. Somehow the BBC and the Police PR are linked. It used to be that individual terrorists were ‘lone wolfs’ now they are people with mental health issues. But what many of us have to acknowledge is that not all muslims are terrorists. What the BBC and the Police have to acknowledge is that many terrorist attacks are by muslims. If the BBC and the Police (and the Government as I don’t know if their hand is behind this) cannot recognise the problem, there will be no solution.
The BBC and Police PR have a common purpose. Currently its to “manufacture consent” for mass immigration and multi culturalism. (I know that`s Chomskys term but its no less true for being identified by a leftie.)
There is also cross fertilisation as ex BBC employees move into media and communications jobs and vice versa.
There`s a network of media people all influenced and influencing each other…. attending the same courses, the same NUJ meetings… reading each others output, dining and partying together, committing indiscretions and blackmailing each other.
I agree 100%. We really are up against powerful conspiracy of the liberal left which hold almost all the levers of power.
Deborah, I don’t believe for a moment that anyone on here believes all muslims are terrorists that would be ridiculous.
It is however as equally ridiculous for anyone to suggest as the MSM does, that these atrocities have nothing at all to do with Islam. To ignore the teachings in the Koran that commands Muslims to engage in offensive physical warfare against non muslims and also how the religion was spread by the sword for instance.
A large number still strongly believe in this.
A large amount of muslims are offended by western secularism and dominance they wish to “fight in the cause of Allah”
We should not bend over backwards to those that believe this but instead come down extremely hard against it and fight the attempted whiff of theocratic Islamification of regions in our country.
I believe ALL Muslims are terrorists, and here’s the reason why it isn’t ridiculous.
Far too many people in this country judge Islam from the perspective of a Christian viewpoint – in doing this they fail to understand even the basics of the religion.
They view Mosques as being like churches,and the Qur’an as the Bible. The fact that most of them haven’t even got a clue what is even in the Bible illustrates just how ignorant they are.
So here’s a little Islamic theology lesson to prove the point. The Bible is scripture INSPIRED by God whereas the Qur’an is the VERY WORD OF GOD. You either believe all of it or you simply are not a Muslim, and it really is as simple as that!
There are two points as to why every Muslim is not at this time actively engaged in terror against us.
All children at the madrassah learn the Qur’an in classical Arabic, and don’t understand it. This a good thing for us as it’s keeping the peace!
Secondly Mohammed commanded his followers not to wage open warfare on a host country until they had sufficient number to win and actively suppress the non Muslims.
However there are far more people engaged in acts of terror than you might think, and it isn’t always in the UK. Only today Israel has charged Mohammed Halabi of channeling millions of dollars of charitable money given to the ‘World Vision’ organisation, to terrorist group Hamas. He personally hasn’t killed anyone, or picked up a weapon, yet he is accused of facilitating others to do so.
In the UK we see all kinds of drug dealing, crash for cash, banking scams, where the money is channeled to terrorist activity, inside the UK & abroad. We see people persuading Muslims to travel to Syria to fight for IS and those who help them to travel there.
None of these might be picking up a weapon and killing people on the streets, and yet each one of them is fighting Jihad in his own way and is equally responsible for the loss of life.
There is no getting away from the 164 Jihadic verses in the Qur’an calling believers to violence murder & terror in the name of Islam. Jihad is the 6th pillar of Islam it is central to its whole ethos.
ALL Muslims are therefore terrorists, if they’re not then they are apostates- no longer Muslim and the penalty for apostasy is death !
Absolutely spot on. Great post.
“All children at the madrassah learn the Qur’an in classical Arabic, and don’t understand it. This a good thing for us as it’s keeping the peace!”
But even over here they will receive instruction in it from their own teachers in their own home language or in English. These mullahs may well come from militant Islamist mosques in Bangladesh or Pakistan and provide their own interpretational bias
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but it appears now as time goes by that all terrorists are Muslims. The ‘anti Islamic’ posts here are frustrated people that see reality being denied and denied in such away as to in fact make life more dangerous for those of us who know what the situation is.
I have no problem with anti Islamic posts by strangers here.. they are welcome, we just don’t incite we just observe and comment.
I think the point that is being made is that all Muslims who truly follow the Koran are if not active terrorists are at the very least terrorist sympathisers. Those who condemn terrorism in the the name of Islam (and there are loads of them aren’t there?) are Muslims in name only and not following the faith as prescribed in the holy rag.
Literalist interpretation is the only true way of practising the cult of death,it is stated clearly.
Apparently after the throat slitting of a French Priest, ‘French’ ( yes I know ) Muslims mourned his death in French churches… at least two hundred according to the very well tempered ( if not too ) Douglas Murray… problem slight as it was they were the Ahmaddiya (!) Muslims… ones persecuted and murederd in this country by mainstream Muslims.
Jerry, the peaceful Ahmaddiya are persecuted by Islam worldwide. (below)
Douglas Murray article in Speccie:
1 Pakistan 1.1 1953
1.2 1974 riots and constitutional amendment
1.3 Ordinance XX of 1984
1.4 Shab Qadar incident
1.5 2000
1.6 2005
1.7 2008
1.8 2009
1.9 2010
1.10 2011 1.10.1 In education
1.11 2012 1.11.1 Anti-Ahmadiyys sentiment in media
1.12 2013
1.13 2014
1.14 Persecution of Ahmadi students
2 Other countries 2.1 Afghanistan
2.2 Bangladesh
2.3 Belarus
2.4 Belgium
2.5 Bulgaria
2.6 Egypt
2.7 Gambia
2.8 India 2.8.1 2008
2.8.2 2009
2.8.3 2010
2.8.4 2011
2.8.5 2012
2.9 Indonesia
2.10 Malaysia
2.11 Palestine
2.12 Saudi Arabia
2.13 United Kingdom 2.13.1 2009
2.13.2 2010
2.13.3 2016 Murder of Asad Shah Hate Leaflets
3 In the media
A few weeks ago on a phone in to bbc radio Newcastle someone brought up your point Jerry.
The presenter came back with the ‘fact’ she got off the internet that only 2% of terrorist crimes were committed by Moslems.
I haven’t got a clue as to how this figure can be true unless they count something like an animal rights campaigners spray painting a slogan on a wall as being one crime and counting the Nice Lorry killings also as one crime.
That’s the bbbc for you.
Anyone notice that everytime they quote “A survey shows pessimism for the Brexit economy” they seem to be talking about a different version of the same PMI Purchasing managers index (Markit/CIPS purchasing managers)
… or is it that there are lots of indexes with similar names ?
Don’t you know that everything that ever goes wrong is the fault of Brexit Stew.
My coffee machine needs de scaling. Brexit.