Deborah’s point about new posters is an interesting observation. I often wonder how many ‘innocent’ people like I did type ‘biased bbc’ into Google when they reach a particular moment in their relationship with the BBC and open up the Pandora’s box that this particular site is. Actions like the BBC’s reporting of the ‘Woman dies in British knife-waving’ incident must surely be leading to more innocents deciding to explore the BBC’s impartiality a bit further? If so – expect many new members.
Also picking up on Deborah’s comment ‘What the BBC and the Police have to acknowledge is that many terrorist attacks are by muslims’ it is correct to say ‘many’ but it is also completely correct to say ‘most’.
Latest BBC headline “Norwegian Teen held after US woman dies.”
So not a Somali then and no British person was hurt.Carry on as usual.
As for the Markit data, I note that they report that the EU as a whole has a negative index – only Germany and France bucking the trend. Beeb will have cut that bit out though.
In the old USSR the beginning of the end came when most people stopped listening to the lies and distortions.
What on earth do the BBC/police hope to gain from their absurd behaviour?
The only place left for the liberal power structure to go is into censorship and persecution of those who disagree with the official line on terrorism and much else.
Without the 1st Amendment we are all at risk of being silenced by force, That this will happen,especially as we now have authoritarian May in power , seems inevitable.
I wonder how the freedom fighters of Today, Newsnight and C4 will handle this?
Cowards at heart and trimmers all.
On the plus side, aren’t we proud of our efficient police who, 10 minutes into the cover-up, i mean investigation, can confidently state that “Investigation so far does not suggest attacker’s Somali background is relevant to his motivation”, that “police have found no evidence of radicalisation that would suggested terrorism was motive” and investigation “increasingly points to this tragic incident as having been triggered by mental health issues”.
Phew, we can all sleep sounder tonight.
Whether the Russell Square murderer is a Norwegian national or mentally ill is a diversion, as our friends at the BBC know well. If he’s a Somali by ethnicity and Muslim by religion it’s all we need to know. The essential point is that such people, ill or sane, are potential Islamic fanatics and are a potential physical threat to our citizens. They are damaging our way of life and causing undesirable changes such as para militarising our police. The mail reports he came to the UK in 2002 aged 4. No doubt as part of the Blair government’s opening up of our borders to rub our noses in diversity. The labour government thus failed in its most basic duty, to protect its citizens.
The cover up of Islamic Jihad by treasonous politicians in Europe continues.
American media has been noticeably silent about the Molotov cocktail firebombing of a bus in Paris last week by a large gang which yelled ‘Allah Akbar.’
The attack happened just after midnight on July 28 in the Paris neighborhood of Saint-Denis. Video shows a roadblock stopping the bus in the street and then a group of young males proceeding to throw Molotov cocktails into the city bus. The bus bursts into flames and burns down into a metal hull.
The Americans take the murder of their citizens very seriously, especially when it happens abroad.
It’ll be interesting to see if Donald Trump uses it in his campaign – you can be sure if he does though that our globally respected, world class national broadcaster will label him a racist.
Are you suggesting Dave that £600,000 per year for a DJ forced into working a couple of hours a day, four days a week, with loads of holidays, is not good use of the license fee?
I hope that you don’t accuse me of treason but I have e mailed ISIS high command this afternoon. Basically I told them that unless they blow up the BBC all their efforts at terrorising us will fail. I explained that no matter how many people their Jihadists kill , and no matter how brutally, the BBC explains it all away as their chaps are nutters , right wing , deprived , alienated , upset , depressed, and, this is the key point for ISIS, it is never anything to do with Islam. Only by blowing up the BBC can their campaign bear fruit and make the name of ISIS feared throughout the land.
You’ve put your finger on something that is increasingly worrying me – the degree to which the government and the police now collude with the media to suppress facts they do not want us to know.
Of course, it’s hard to imagine the BBC putting up much of a fight.
Thoughtful/gwf – yes, I smell a rat somewhere in that Liverpool story. Nowadays whenever a story doesn’t make sense, I suspect someone is leaning on the press – or they’re self-censoring.
Dear Beeb, Should you be announcing the latest victim of a migrant/refugee is an American woman? That’s another million votes for Trump.
Editor: “Damn, he’s got a point!”
New Headline: Man kills woman.
I hope Trump is elected and I hope he takes up the role as external head of the UK Government as his predecessors did. And I hope he tells the Appeaser to enforce the law and protection of the people because it is objectionable to murder US citizens here. The idea of leaving the security of London in the hands of a mayor with connections to radical Islam is not acceptable,
The current raft of BBC “Journalists” would have be great to have around during WW2. They would not mention the word Nazi or Hitler to do with any atrocities or invasions.
Instead we would have had stories about an Austrian born naturalised German citizen with severe mental health issues caused by his stressful time in army and lack of state help to produce his art. Due to this he needed to express his angst by letting off steam which led to some minor incidents such as wanting his country back in the fold with Germany and some extra living space around Europe. Nothing to do with world domination he was just a lone wolf, except for his pet Bondi.
I’ve heard that as well. Maybe we should have used the 1940s equivalent of hashtags an dropped please don’t be naughty leaflets. That would have done the trick!
BBC and British controlled media Groupthink: Now now folks, move on please nothing more to see or hear about the Somali Islamist who went on a knife attack in London… Let’s move on and let the story slip down the News page under the interest-cut headline. Hopefully you’ll all have forgotten about it by tonight when you’re all cosy at home and sipping your wine and watching TV. There will be no need to report his name and religious beliefs as you’ll have forgotten by then. Move on now…. move on…..
I have to say that I’m surprised no one in the media, nor on these pages has made the connection between this stabbing today, and the 7/7 bombings of 2005.
Russell Square tube was the one the 3rd and last tube bomb exploded closest to also the most damaging. The bus bombing was at Tavistock Square a two minute walk to the North.
Can it be mere co-incidence that the killer chose this spot to strike ?
Yes Thoughtful, Russell Sq is pure coincidence, as is the fact that he’s a Muslim. Probably a domestic dispute.
(that was the vile euphemism the vile German police used for the vile murder of that pregnant Polish mother of 2 hacked to death by machete-wielding Syrian, eagerly repeated by the vile beeb. Almost implying she was a bit responsible, hey it takes 2 for a domestic, right?)
There were in the past months readers on these pages wondering about the truth behind Western leaders being bribed by Oil rich Muslim states for the furtherance of Islamic causes in their countries.
They said that they would have to wait and see if David Cameron was indeed offered enormous sums once he left office, and today, the first one was made public with the leader of Kazakhstan offering him a job paying an eye-watering £36 million a year !
It is a similar position to the widely regarded as corrupt Tony Blair has occupied – ‘advisor’ to the Muslim union’s president Murat Telibekov.
Hopefully those who did harbour doubts can now set them aside and believe that our politicians are firmly in the pockets of the middle Eastern Muslim oil rich potentates and are carrying out their bidding Islamising our countries.
It also happens to be the only explanation which makes sense !
Breaking news, but not on bbc: “Royal Liverpool Hospital on lockdown after man stabbed ‘with machete’ drove himself to A&E.”
BBC editor: “I don’t like the sound of that ‘machete’, better bury the story for now”.
I’m starting to feel almost sorry for beeb, as soon as they manage to spin/lie/ignore/manipulate/distort 1 story of Nothing to do with Islam terror, up pops another.
I said ‘almost’ sorry.
A “knifeman” ? Well if he stabbed someone he wouldn’t be a gunman, an axeman, a bowman or a javelin thrower, would he?
“Norwegian-Somalian” or, in other words, a Somalian who has been given a Norwegian passport by some idiot in Norway. I didn’t realise that Norway was so short of nuclear physicists.
“Mentally ill” ? Seen his medical records already then?
No point in singling out the BBC for attack, they’re all the same. Un-bloody-believable.
I fear the DT suffers from the same virus as the beeb, namely Acute Political Correctness, complicated by ‘above all mustn’t sound like the Mail cos we’re a QUALITY newspaper and they’re just a tabloid read by millions.’
The politically correct police could save the NHS millions if they replaced the psychiatrists and mental health care workers. A cop can identify mental illness within an hour of a crime, no need for extensive consultations, perusal of records etc.
One thing about this site that annoys me is the over accommodation of the regular BBC and MSM apologist trolls (of which there appears a handful of them, though admittedly they could be a gestalt entity considering their rhetoric, mannerisms and general deployment of the pseudo-liberal’s hijacked, butchered vocabulary appear uncannily identical, no matter who’s the one supposedly doing the posting). They’ve been around this site for yonks now and bring absolutely nothing to the conversation. What’s worse, their presence becomes more and more objectionable as time unfolds and their apologism for some of the deeds and actions that are taking place just make me come to the conclusion that they’re (unwitting?) supporters of evil and by extension unwittingly evil sods themselves! Be gone with them!
I agree and the unwillingness of the site owners to get rid of them, despite their frequent insults, deters me from reading and posting. I simply don’t have time to deal with their drivel. No doubt this is the intention, of course.
YES Steve, BEGONE trolls! What on earth are the site moderators up to? Leave 1 or 2 if you must, for sport and to practise our debating skills perhaps, and as a reminder of the stupidity of the enemy – but no more.
I agree with Steve and GCooper. I plead guilty to feeding them. I have tried arguing with them, demanding answers to questions, evidence, etc; and even engaged in merriment with them. But they distract from any discussion. If you look at the sites which support the views thy represent you will be permanently blocked should you cite official research on terrorism, Islamic crime, or attempt to correct historical inaccuracies, or deny that Farage and UKIP are Nazis etc. But what has affected me is that these trolls share a desire to justify and indeed advance support for unspeakable crimes like the mass rape of children, knife attacks on the innocent including the horrific murder of a priest, and atrocities throughout Europe and indeed the world. There is a point where such vile beliefs should not be countered. They debase argument.
I find them quick to ‘rise to the bait’, they keep us on our toes and sharpen our wits. they give Al Beeb’s researchers work to do . Besides, they are very entertaining.
> have tried arguing with them, demanding answers to questions, evidence, etc;
Although admit it, you’re far more likely to have accused people of having sex in public toilets, or to have started talking about fisting for no reason other than to try and shut someone up because they disagreed with you.
Because, let’s face it, those of us who get labelled “trolls” behave with utter decorum compared to most of the rabble on here. If G.W.F. was telling the truth and cared about standards of behaviour on here, he wouldn’t keep as quiet as he does when people like Number 6, G and worse vomit their venomous drivel on here. Hell, he’d stop contributing such stuff himself.
Don’t be like G.W.F. Don’t be a lying hypocrite. Be better than that. If you lead by example, then maybe – just maybe – he’ll learn that he should start modifying his own behaviour rather than preaching about others’.
Perhaps, just perhaps, someone from Biased BBC is wrong. Looks like the tide is turning. Even the “trolls” (read: anyone who disagrees with a Biased BBCer on something) are getting more support than the regulars now!
Oh dear, UKIP Xavier. Anonymous, perhaps repetitive, upticks are a measure of support are they?
Typical Leftoid behaviour. By your words (and deeds) shall we know you. Keep it up!
Time for the hosts to limit approval to signed in members, and to publish those doing so, like Disqus. At least he would be able to see the source (I’m assuming not many more than one IP address).
“…these trolls share a desire to justify and indeed advance support for unspeakable crimes like the mass rape of children, knife attacks on the innocent including the horrific murder of a priest, and atrocities throughout Europe and indeed the world.”
Okay. So perhaps you could provide some examples of anyone on this site justifying or advancing support for the mass rape of children or knife attacks on the innocent?
Here’s couple to start you off. From the day after Jo Cox’s murder:
“Jo Cox was an anti semite sharing platforms with people with links to Islamic terrorism. She was a vocal advocate for boycott’s against Israel and was not averse to using the usual terrorist lies and propaganda to further her cause… call[ing] for the genocide of an entire race of people – every man, woman and child”
“ Poor lady obviously didn’t deserve it. BUT however sad it may be, it’s worth remembering that she is one lost life, and of a mindset who would sell us all down the river, given half a chance.”
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
Please note that this site is ‘what it says on the tin’ , or perhaps you have not noticed ?
i.e. BiasedBBC.
What motivates you ? Where is your post on bias ?
Why don’t you stop acting like a child, grow up, stop deflecting any question or criticism you don’t like and answer zero accordingly? He made a clear point that everyone here seems to have pretended doesn’t exist.
All your behaviour is doing is exposing you for the vile, hypocritical troglodytes you are.
Xavier, how childish and lacking in self awareness is it to refer to people you are supposedly engaging in a debate with as “vile, hypocritical troglodytes”?
I`d suggest very childish, I guess you`d have a different view.
Try to engage with the debate (which is about BBC bias)…or just stop wasting your time.
Personally I view your and your fellow contrarians comments as poorly thought out and generally ad hom in nature.
They are useful however in demonstrating the level of indoctrination that has been achieved with you, and are a good measure of your hostility and difficulty in acknowledging an opposing standpoint. Thanks.
Surely zero’s point is that site regulars never do? Any counterargument is met with cries of “troll!” and taffman trying to annoy people away by buzzing around like an emasculated mosquito.
Maybe if you and your pals actually showed a willingness to debate, instead of clearly wanting people to agree with you and nothing else, you might end up with actual debate rather than just a bunch of right-wing underbridge dwellers flinging out hypocrisies in every direction?
You are completely deluded. Where do your cited quotes indicate GWF advocates the mass rape of children or knife attacks on the innocent? There is no mention of GWF’s support for your first charge and he says in relation to your second charge that she ‘didn’t deserve it’.
You Leftoid jihadist apologists really do practise doublespeak, but you are stupid enough to write it down for all to see.
I think it might be useful if we draw up a troll list, I am aware they are sad and lonely people who see their sole justification to exist as being to make other posters unhappy.
They contribute nothing to this site.
The thought came to me when a new poster to site was met by one such nasty troll. I do hope he/she stays with us. I intervened with a post, but too late as I only saw the post well past the time it was written,
I generally tend to ignore what they say but the list is, I feel for new members.
My list begins as follows add as you wish
Jerrod, Kukichiyo, Zero, manonclaphambus, Xavier.
One wonders what motivates them ? From their venomous posts they appear to hate this site, so perhaps they will set up a ‘nonbiasedbbc’ blog site ? Or a ‘we love the bbc site’ ? I am sure they would have many followers …………… wouldn’t they ?
GWF outs them immediately after they post which I think is a good idea.
Taffman is a troll slayer as he persistently winds them up with a repeated question they cannot answer.
I don’t have Taffman’s patience and perseverance so I would suggest that posters follow GWF’s line of approach and just out them with a post saying words to the effect of.
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
I feel this would help guide new members about the lay of the land.
You say “winds up”, I say “is generally ignored by”.
I know taffman thinks it’s the same thing, but bless him he’s not the brightest of souls. I mean, he can’t understand why no respectable news organisation is interested in his increasingly tedious petitions that have been signed only by him, his five other aliases and his long-suffering mother who really wishes he’d move out of her basement at some point before he’s eligible for a state pension, and who hopes that fabricating a few dozen signatures might give him the self-esteem to actually think about doing something constructive with his life.
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
I can say in all honesty that you are wrong on all counts .
I post on here because I think that the BBC is Biased .
Now the long standing question is, why do you post on here ?
I think Jerrod is right. It would certainly explain a lot about your behaviour.
Funny how you lot belittle Muslims who insist we all live under Sharia and there are no exceptions to the rule. Yet here you are saying that if you come to this website you must only ever participate in BBC bias debates – no criticism or rebuking allowed.
I wonder, are the regulars here secret Muslims? You’re all as insufferable as them.
In the case of Jerrod, certainly the former. We know he doesn’t work for the BBC from his early history here. He’s just warped in some very worrying ways – like finding suicide bombers sexually attractive.
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
Sky referred to him just as ‘Norwegian’ – Sadly GC, Sky are as bad as the beeb. All the broadcast media are infected with the same disease, even more than the press, for reasons a sociologist could no doubt explain, except being a sociologist he’s probably Marxist and therefore suffering from the same disease.
Police say i’s not terror related …Phew That’s OK then
A 19-year-old Norwegian national believed to have mental health issues is in custody after a deadly knife attack that left one dead and five injured in central London.
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said it appeared terrorism was not a motive – and that it was a “spontaneous attack (with) victims were selected at random”.
He added: “Whilst the investigation is not yet complete, all of the work we have done so far increasingly points to this tragic incident having been triggered by mental health issues.”
Police were called to reports of an armed man attacking people in Russell Square at 10.33pm on Wednesday.
The suspect, who is of Somali descent, was arrested on suspicion of murder six minutes later at 10.39pm after a Taser was fired by one of the officers
A Norwegian of Somali descent killing in London.?
Elsewhere Cush Jumbo, best known for appearing in US series The Good Wife, has called for more ethnic diversity on British TV.
Who? What program? However she is right the BBc doesn’t represent the country I live in, but I expect that is for a different reason.
The BBC love gays and they love Muslims so which side do they take in an article like this? Answer both are nice groups. They manage to crowbar in that the victim was a immigrant i.e. a victim of the western world policies.
Best bit though is
“Assaults on LGBT people in Turkey have mostly been blamed on ultra-conservative Muslims…” WTF? ultra-conservative Muslims? There was me thinking we just had moderate or extremist Muslims but now we also have ultra-conservative Muslims. If any other group attacks LGBT the BBC label them “right wing”.
Mmm, “deliberate hit and run on a stranger in Norfolk”, breaking. I sincerely hope it wasn’t another Norwegian with mental problems. What IS it with these Norwegians?
Theresa May is to blame for the perpetuation of the mental health myth.
The Met Police Commissioner takes his lead from her and all have to follow. It’s called ‘cabinet responsibility’ and was invented by Blair. The media willingly follow the lead.
The slaughter is now number two and three on the Sky and BBC News websites. Far more important for some reason is the cut in interest rates?
Our beloved Norwegian mayor Ingmar Sadiq Khan is urging us to stay ‘calm but vigilant’. I hear you Ingmar, am on the lookout for Scandinavian types with mental problems.
Auntie Beeb stigmatising mental health issues with an attitude reminiscent of the village mob with their flaming brands (forgive the pun) storming their idea of Dr Frankenstein’s castle of horrors – who would have thought it? The usual neo-liberal irony by-pass in action again. Is there any depth to which this utterly foul organisation won’t sink to? Perhaps anyone concerned can ring one of their pointless helplines, ie to be told that it’s perfectly ok to perform a knee-jerk, no actual evidence reaction to any incident as long as it now blames ‘mental health issues’ on everything. Sickening.
I can’t recall al beebus being so quick to blame all the bombings and shootings, carried out by the IRA, on mental illness.
This ‘mental illness’ trope, I’ve noticed, has been trotted out since the latest round of Muslim attacks in France and Germany and now our own @rseholes in the MSM, government and police have latched onto it and are using it here too; no doubt the scum who attempted to abduct that RAF chap (if they are caught) will no doubt be found to be afflicted with a similar psychological malady to all the, who are committing 99.9% of the terrorism in the West (and the East).
I don’t know how many more years of this s**t people will stand for in the West? As someone posted further up thread about Russia, look at how quickly things can change; the Iron Curtain collapsed in months and Europe changed fundamentally in pretty short order afterwards.
The elites here and in the rest of the West think they are being clever; you would think they would’ve learnt something from the Brexit vote: people aren’t fooled by your lies anymore d***heads!
This “mental illness” bollocks, is nothing different than what an abused wife says about why she doesn’t leave her violent and sadistic husband. It’s shoehoring anything these lunatics can get hold of to keep the “Nothing to do with lslam” delusion in their own heads.
This conclusion/narrative isn’t for us, they know that we are not that fucking stupid, and it’s why they are changing the laws and legislation to prevent us from acting on our fears and concerns. This “message” is to make these nutters feel better about their own decision to back the sickest and most violent death cult the world has ever known….and the excuses have to keep changing because Islam is relentless.
Islam cannot stop in its quest to destroy every man, woman, child, book, game, story, practice…..Until everything that isn’t Islamic is wiped from the face of this earth. We know it’s all about Islam and you can be certain that the traitorous bastards that infest Al Beebistan and the political elite know that too.
Bbc London celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Duggan riots or as duggans friend who the Beeb happen to come across at a bus stop called the uprising. Beeb kept asking will there be more riots. Are they wishing it to happen? Brexit racism and black lives matter also mentioned.
The emir was also interviewed about Russell Square apparently nothing to do with Islam. He looked shifty as hell giving his excuses. This was followed by a piece on west hams game at the Olympic stadium with heavy security on duty. Now why would that be mentally ill Christians perhaps.
Had to laugh when he said he was just walking around Tottenham and came across duggans friend at a bus stop like you do when you have a camera crew in tow. Mr uprising apparently attacked a police car on the night of the riots as you do. Why isn’t he in jail? Assad then asked him was a hero in Tottenham. I despair.
As for Khan apparently he cut his hols short to come back to London. Why if it’s only some mentally ill Norwegian? Still not a hint of criticism from the London beeb on him since he came in even though he’s reneged on a few of his main pledges.
KatieH- Have you noticed one other thing? Whenever there is a riot in London . The Londistan programme
always seem to have a reporter right in the middle of things. I just wonder how many of them turn up
for work when a riot is going on in London ?
Black lives Matter are planning planning a shut down of London and other parts of the UK until whitey realise that Black Lives matter more than anything in the world.
The Appeaser will have given orders not to make arrests or interfere with the protesters, as instructed by her bosses in the BBC
They are supported by the usual left media, and of course all the Trot, Corbynista, and Anarchist groups will be there supporting and trying to show their black shine.
During their demonstrations the rule is that if you ain’t black you march at the back.
Permit me this photograph of the ageing Mr Bone of Class War, one of the leading figures in tomorrow’s shutdown – former member of the Free Wales Army, but now senile and trying to be black.
Does anyone know the date when bbbc *(and Sky News) are going to stop constantly talking down, the country, the economy, the pound and anything else that is good and blaming it on the Brexit vote?
Why is pro-EUCarney still the Governor?
I am sick of the relentless negativity shown by the bbbc (and Sky News) and the barely concealed hatred of all who voted for Brexit.
Why has nothing been done since the Brexit vote by this ‘new’ government?
And today when R4 was looking for a comment on Carney’s latest attempt to please his masters (Goldman Sachs) to whom did they turn? Why, to a hack from the now absurdly named Financial Times. Yes, the Labour supporting, globalisation worshiping, Brexit-hating Financial Times.
Seems the bankers are still in charge. Reducing interest rates to near zero and flooding more fiat money into the zombie banks.
All that is going to do is increase asset price inflation and add to bonuses. Keep the artifical property market going at all costs . Nobody who actually wants to make or trade real things wants to borrow money. If they do then they are insane.
Goldman Sachs will be pleased with their boy Carney.
Dave, you missed out the other reason for the cut in interest rates.
Before the Referendum the Bank of England, and Carney in particular, joined in Osborn’s attemp to frighten us with predictions of economic distaster if we voted Leave. Events over the past weeks have proved their scare stories to have been the lies we always knew they were. This has significant implications for the credibility of the Bank, which has to be believed to have any influence on markets.
By making the dramatic, but in reality meaningless, cut in interest rates, the Bank will in future be able to say that the Leave vote would have been the disaster they always predicted; but that the Bank’s carefully constructed policy to rescue the economy from our potentially catastrophic mistake has skillfully prevented economic meltdown. They were right all along, have demonstrated unbelievable skill in sorting out the mess we created and now can be trusted to manage our economy in our best interests.
When the BBC finally has to give up on the pretence that Brexit = Disaster the new line will be that the Remainiacs have saved us from the consequences of our stupidity – because they are really clever and so should be allowed to make all the decisions in future.
I think the BoE is really the first of many endeavouring to ‘soften us up’ for May’s plan for Brexit which will highlight the harsh reality of doing just that. Only to then offer the option of, wait for it, Remaining In…………………………
Who do you think your kidding Mr BBC? So here we have a 19 year old Norwegian of Somali descent with mental health problems. Last week in Rouen it was as a BBC reporter telling us that angry marginalized folk carried out the slaughter of the priest. Was this mentally disturbed Norwegian of Somali descent having treatment in London? Otherwise why was he here ?
Maybe Frank Gardner will explain it all later on Newsnight . And Shami Chakrabarti or one of the other usual suspects will
tell us that the police over reacted using a taser on this poor disturbed person.
Excellent GWF! Even Columbo wouldn’t be able to figure that one out. (love his expression)
Humour is the best weapon to expose the lies, keep ’em coming.
Alleged “Authorities” have probably been busying themselves taking information off-line, but this still remains of Zakaria Bulhan from South London…..You know, the “Norwegian” that killed an innocent at Russell Square last night..
Dazed I don’t like the sarcasm in your voice: Zakaria Bulhan is a common name in Oslo. The Bulhans are a proud Norwegian clan that trace their roots back to the Vikings. You probably have some of Zakaria’s ancestors’ blood in your veins.
Their extensive investigatory skills obviously need a “retraining course” as opposed to their impeccable knowledge of psychiatry, plus the ability to interview and diagnose a mental disorder in a tasered suspect within moments.
As usual – words fail me!
Your link, D&C, hangs him out to dry – well spotted.
Here is a job that Shami whitewashacrabati could do. A peerage guaranteed and lots of taxpayer’s money.
Don’t mention Rotherham – Judge Lowell Goddard might have done but no one heard.
Not on the BBC is the US report “Almost 50% of ISIS attacks on West successful in 2016 – US govt report”
A US Homeland Security report says that Islamic State has been linked to about 100 plots against the West over the last two years. Alarmingly, the terrorist group is getting more effective, with 44 percent of the plots in 2016 successful.
I guess when you claim credit for almost every successful attack it’s going to increase your averages somewhat !
A Washington, D.C., Metro Transit police officer who was a convert to Islam and once dressed up as Jihadi John for Halloween was charged on Wednesday with attempting to provide material support to ISIS — the first time a law enforcement officer has been charged with an ISIS-related crime
Authorities allege in a criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday that Young attempted to send money to ISIS through mobile-based gift cards using an unnamed messaging service the terror group utilizes for recruiting purposes.
Our beloved Norwegian mayor Khan announces: “London will not allow Russell Square attack to sow seeds of division.” Translation: please don’t turn against us Muslims yet, we’re still a minority and not yet strong enough to take you on. Soon though.
See the 3 (or 4) stages of Jihad in the text or the vid below.
I know that I constantly invoke the memory of my literary hero, George Orwell, but…
We’ve had the BBC (and others) constantly shrieking for weeks about supposed “hate crimes” post Brexit.
Clearly we’re supposed to think that Brexit unleashed the sort of xenophobia not seen since the 1930’s in Nazi Germany. Minorities are living in terror as we vile, right wing bigots, roam the streets, no doubt with flaming torches, looking for foreigners to insult.
And yet when we get another stabbing in London by yet another Muslim nutter the police, the politicians and, of course, the dear old Beeb immediately spring into action and try to obfuscate the situation. At first the murderer was a Norwegian, then it became apparent he was Somalian, but of course, beggar the thought, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam. He had “mental problems” “he was a loner” “he was disturbed”. We all know what they’re going to tell us before they’ve said it. We could write the script.
George, where are you when we need you?
As this blog counter approaches 55 million, roughly the entire adult population of UK, isn’t it time we stormed Broadcasting House with a few guillotines and some baskets? Or better still, switched off our beeb tv and radio news and let the babbling bastards talk each other to a slow lingering death?
I know, it’s 55 million hits, not people, but one can dream…
I’ll be there too, standing behind my wife. She is really fierce.
An ex NHS matron, old school. All she needs to do is give one of her glares and they’ll run away.
Machete attack in Liverpool. “witnesses have described two Mercedes vehicles being involved” (beeb online)
What is it with unmanned motor vehicles these days? First a truck goes berserk in Nice, now 2 Mercedes carry out a machete attack in Liverpool. So now even vehicles are having mental problems.
The next thing they should do is take a gang of gold thieves on a guided tour of Fort Knox showing all its security systems, or give a gang of bank robbers a guided tour round a bank. Or even a group of paedophiles a trip around a childrens’ home.
Stupid doesn’t cover this aberration – it almost appears to be deliberate.
Just been watching the 10pm news.
Think I have a solution.
The overseas aid budget should be spent building mental health hospitals in Muslim countries, Somalia,, Syria, iraq, Nigeria, Afganistan.
That should reduce the ‘lone wolf, mentally deranged’ , NTDWI attacks enormously..
Surely Al Beeb should be discussing this.
And to reduce costs staff these mental health hospitals with former police officers who can diagnose mental illness whilst driving past a crime scene with a BBC presenter sitting alongside. No need for files, for case notes, or endless tea drinking meetings .
Is a ‘mental hospital’ then just another way of describing a mosque?
Lone wolf = good Muslim warrior who is carrying out Allahs instruction on the infidels alone… And therefore in the warped mind of a delusional leftie ‘easier’ to crowbar into “this is nothing to do with Killtheinfidelslam” narrative.
If our infidel destroying friend states before carrying out his Islamic act that “I am killing the kafir because Islam tells me to” the relentless bullshit moves to operation “oh shit! We are running out of excuses” so that the lie now becomes “so-called Islamic state inspired” or the new bullshit buzzword “Mentally deranged”
Mentally deranged = all people who carry out the instructions of the pedophilic kill crazy warlord…..or put simply, good Muslims trying to live the perfect Islamic lives
Once you add the true meaning of the Al Beebistan buzzword bingo into their propaganda/statements….everything becomes clear
On both Newsnight and the idle pc chit-chat show Press Preview there was a blatant avoidance of discussion on the mass stabing in Londonistan. Disgraceful.
So very blatant is is laughable. These are dangerous days and with our main world class ( so they tell us)media outlets behaving this way it is going to make it even more so.
First they avoid, then they suppress and then they lie.
This seems to be the way of the modern media everywhere.
A media that goes down this path imperils democracy as without proper scrutiny and trust our politicians cannot govern.
I forgot that an authoritarian regime quite likes this state of affairs and in the May regime we have one in the making.
Brexit? Forget it.
Not wishing to be alarmist I can see real movement against the internet by the May regime soon .No doubt ably supported by our world class BBC.
“”Mr Trump has taken a hard line on illegal immigration in his campaign””
“”The development comes during a turbulent week for the billionaire property developer””
“”There are reports of deep divisions in the Republican Party after a series of controversial statements by the nominee””
“”BBC Washington correspondent Gary O’Donoghue says this discrepancy has raised questions about her immigration status at the time and whether she had the right to work””
“” Our correspondent says the confusion has the potential to do significant damage to Mr Trump’s campaign, given his robust views on illegal immigrants””
Typical BBC. They can’t find anything against Trump, so they go full on for his family. No evidence of course, but when you’re the fully subsidised National Broadcaster who loves Clinton and hates Trump, what else can you expect?
With all due respect beeb (actually no respect due) it IS a clash of religions / civilisations. Here’s the intro from Islam Watch, a brave website of brave apostates RISKING THEIR LIVES to tell the truth, as opposed to beeb, risking nothing to tell lies.
We are a group of Muslim apostates, who have left Islam out of our own conviction when we discovered that Islam is not a religion at all. Most of us took a prolonged period of time to study, evaluate and contemplate on Islam, the religion of our birth. Having meticulously scrutinized Islam, we concluded that it is not a religion of peace at all, as touted by smooth-talking, self-serving Muslims and their apologists from non-Muslim backgrounds. The core of Islam—that is, the Qur’an, Hadis and Sharia—is filled with unbounded hatred of the unbelievers, is unbelievably intolerant toward them, and is extremely cruel and merciless to Muslims who dare to deviate from its doctrine.
We also realized that Islam is beyond alteration, because Muslims—who attempt to modernize and reform its unremitting bigotry, irrational rituals and its cruel and draconian punitive measures—are targeted for annihilation. Our verdict was that the only way to escape from the tyranny of Islam is to leave it altogether. We have, therefore, discarded Islam from our lives so that we can be free to enjoy a normal, pleasant and humane life in complete harmony with all peoples on earth, irrespective of their religion, race or creed.
Having thoroughly understood—through our meticulous investigation of Islam for years to decades—that Islam was nothing but a lie forged by Muhammad, most of us have left Islam silently because of the threat to our life from believing Muslims, apostasy is punished with death in Islam. As Islamic terrorism and violence overwhelms the world, particularly in the post-9/11 years, we felt that it’s a responsibility upon us to make world’s 1.4+ billion Muslims aware of the falsity of their religion and its cruel nature, so that they can make informed choices and leave Islam to live with love, respect and harmony with the rest of humanity.
We also felt it incumbent upon us to make the non-Muslim world aware of the reality of Islam, and take timely precautionary measures against this religion of terror, hatred and mayhem. We tell the world that the ongoing terrorism, unleashed by Islamic militants, is not an aberration from the so-called ‘peaceful religion of Islam’; instead, it is the real Islam preached and practiced by its founder, Prophet Muhammad. A thorough study of the Qur’an and prophetic tradition (Hadith, Sunnah) makes that obvious.
We, therefore, have launched this website to expose the “real Islam”—the Islam that is determined to replace the modern civilization with the 7th-century Arab Bedouin barbarism, peddled by Muslims as the true Islamic Civilization. Let the world watch Islam through and be warned.
‘Islam Watch’ is founded by a few Muslim apostates. Hailing mainly from South Asia, some of us left Islam after the 9/11; others have been apostates since prior to that. We aim to establish that Islam is a forgery of Muhammad, who never communicated with a presumed unseen deity. We feel that it needs to be emasculated, or marginalized, or eliminated altogether, if the Muslim world wants to come out of its current backwardness and quagmire, characterized by poverty, corruption, illiteracy, violence, misrule and tyranny, in which they have been thrown in due to Islamic indoctrination.
Magnificent post Peter. One that should be displayed everywhere for all to see. I would WANT everything that it states to be analysed, debated, ridiculed, rejected…. Whatever it took, because we both know that once the debate is opened, those who follow the death cult and those who apologise for its brutality will NEVER be able to deny that it’s all fact. Every word of it.
All the liars, deniers, spineless cowards and Jihadis have, is to prevent the debate from starting… At all costs. ‘Islamaphobia’, ‘hate crime’…these are weapons created to prevent the truth from getting out. Whilst the purest followers of Islam stalk the entire planet massacring thousands because their religion tells them to, we have political Islam carrying out Jihad in our courts…again because their religion tells them to.
This is never going to go away. We are at war ladies and gentlemen, and the enemy has recruited a whole community of traitorous bastards to their cause… A cause that is going to destroy our way of life and brutalise and massacre an unimaginable amount of people
This is exactly the sort of thing our PM should be saying – if we are to tackle the huge problem that Islam presents to the world. I believe in this country we could be helping the victims of Islam to see what a vile cult they are following, they need to be educated about it’s true nature.
We need a bold national target like helping 10% of UK Muslims to leave their so-called religion per year, either becoming atheists or converting to an actual religion. That would be a real humanitarian project.
Only this way can we start to solve it. There is no way we can ‘deport’ the millions of victims already in the UK. Treatment is the only cure, ignoring the problem will not make it go away.
Well done, “Islamwatch”. I would love to see how the vermin at the BBC would deal with that but, of course, they never will. They will continue to support the religion of evil which, in my book, makes Beeboids evil too.
Mysterious deliberate hit and run in Norfolk… mysterious machete attack in Liverpool… no resolution, story left dangling… mysterious Somali from Norway…
I’m confused. Which, of course, is just how they want me.
Questions that need to be asked ……………………..
How did the perpetrator get in to Great Britain ? (I thought Norway was not part of the EU) .
What did he do for a living. ?
How could he afford to live in London?
Police believe the attack on Wednesday was “spontaneous”, with victims “selected at random”. So how was it spontaneous if he was carrying a knife?
If he had mental issues why was he not monitored?
Are our border controls protecting the native people of Britain ?
What is Is our Prime Minister doing to look after the people of this nation ?
Taffman you’re assuming the beeb are there to inform and cast light. They’re not. They’re there to misinform and cast darkness.
And they do it very well indeed.
Believe it or not, I socialise with many of the people in my local area, and over the last ten years many, many Al Beeb viewers who like myself, religiously thought that Al Beeb was impartial and had the interest of Great Britain embedded in its heart, have now ‘seen the light’ and are not listening or watching their broadcasts.
In fact to the consternation of the trolls who will ‘scream and scream until they are sick’, I will repeat myself and state that its time for a Judicial Inquiry into its conduct. Its something that will in the end, be inevitable.
More and more strange, unexplained, unexamined stories of violence with no backstory, no detail, no follow up. Henceforth I shall assume all are connected to Islamo-fascist terror until proven otherwise.
It won’t work. Down here in flyover England all of us bar a few deranged liberal escapees think that
1. He might have Norwegian nationality but is no more Norwegian than my cat.
2. It was a jihadist attack that fits the evolving pattern throughout Europe. Sudden jihadist syndrome.
So the MSM have a problem. it is called credibility. Seems the police and the government do as well.
Norway is part of the Schengen, allowing the perpetrator access to any European Union country. (All he had to do was show his Schengen passport at UK passport control.)
Yet another thing about rudimentary politics that Biased BBCers don’t understand.
I think you will find we do which is why the Brexit vote went our way and why you lot are so upset about it. At the heart of Brexit is border control and I mean real control.
Play for Today
The scene: BBC newsroom 3 August 2016 10.45 p.m.
Beeboid 1: ” There’s been a stabbing in Russell Square!”
Beeboid 2: “Oh dear. Another hate crime? Right wing backlash against Syrian refugee?
Beeboid1: “Could be. The guy they’ve arrested is Norwegian”
Beeboid 2: “Great. White,tall,blond called Olaf by any chance?”
Beeboid1:”Er, no . A Muslim actually, originally from Somalia, but we don’t need to mention that”
Exit stage left, for a late night latte and quinoa salad.
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
Philip_2Feb 24, 21:47 Start the Week 24th February 2025 More here: The BBC is turning into a megaphone for Hamas
Deborah’s point about new posters is an interesting observation. I often wonder how many ‘innocent’ people like I did type ‘biased bbc’ into Google when they reach a particular moment in their relationship with the BBC and open up the Pandora’s box that this particular site is. Actions like the BBC’s reporting of the ‘Woman dies in British knife-waving’ incident must surely be leading to more innocents deciding to explore the BBC’s impartiality a bit further? If so – expect many new members.
Also picking up on Deborah’s comment ‘What the BBC and the Police have to acknowledge is that many terrorist attacks are by muslims’ it is correct to say ‘many’ but it is also completely correct to say ‘most’.
Latest BBC headline “Norwegian Teen held after US woman dies.”
So not a Somali then and no British person was hurt.Carry on as usual.
As for the Markit data, I note that they report that the EU as a whole has a negative index – only Germany and France bucking the trend. Beeb will have cut that bit out though.
Yes that seems true about Markit data saying that most of EU has a downturn, not just UK (which may actually be OK anyway)
“Norwegian Teen held after US woman dies”.
U N B E L I E V A B L E.
But I knew it all along: it’s them Vikings, never did trust them.
In the old USSR the beginning of the end came when most people stopped listening to the lies and distortions.
What on earth do the BBC/police hope to gain from their absurd behaviour?
The only place left for the liberal power structure to go is into censorship and persecution of those who disagree with the official line on terrorism and much else.
Without the 1st Amendment we are all at risk of being silenced by force, That this will happen,especially as we now have authoritarian May in power , seems inevitable.
I wonder how the freedom fighters of Today, Newsnight and C4 will handle this?
Cowards at heart and trimmers all.
But ‘tanned’ though.
On the plus side, aren’t we proud of our efficient police who, 10 minutes into the cover-up, i mean investigation, can confidently state that “Investigation so far does not suggest attacker’s Somali background is relevant to his motivation”, that “police have found no evidence of radicalisation that would suggested terrorism was motive” and investigation “increasingly points to this tragic incident as having been triggered by mental health issues”.
Phew, we can all sleep sounder tonight.
Whether the Russell Square murderer is a Norwegian national or mentally ill is a diversion, as our friends at the BBC know well. If he’s a Somali by ethnicity and Muslim by religion it’s all we need to know. The essential point is that such people, ill or sane, are potential Islamic fanatics and are a potential physical threat to our citizens. They are damaging our way of life and causing undesirable changes such as para militarising our police. The mail reports he came to the UK in 2002 aged 4. No doubt as part of the Blair government’s opening up of our borders to rub our noses in diversity. The labour government thus failed in its most basic duty, to protect its citizens.
England Expects – succinct and spot on.
The cover up of Islamic Jihad by treasonous politicians in Europe continues.
American media has been noticeably silent about the Molotov cocktail firebombing of a bus in Paris last week by a large gang which yelled ‘Allah Akbar.’
The attack happened just after midnight on July 28 in the Paris neighborhood of Saint-Denis. Video shows a roadblock stopping the bus in the street and then a group of young males proceeding to throw Molotov cocktails into the city bus. The bus bursts into flames and burns down into a metal hull.
American media? Make that Worldwide media !
Petrol bombing a bus whilst shouting Allah Akbar is a well known symptom of mental illness.
Probably Norwegian tourists, Dover.
The Americans take the murder of their citizens very seriously, especially when it happens abroad.
It’ll be interesting to see if Donald Trump uses it in his campaign – you can be sure if he does though that our globally respected, world class national broadcaster will label him a racist.
Why does Radio 1 keep losing listeners? They have crap djs who play a noise that they try to pass off as music.
Are you suggesting Dave that £600,000 per year for a DJ forced into working a couple of hours a day, four days a week, with loads of holidays, is not good use of the license fee?
Shame on you.
Errr no. I used to do local community radio for free
……They have crap djs who play a noise that they try to pass off as music….
Um, its been like that since 1976. Rapidly followed by Radio 2 when Terry Wogan packed up his morning job.
I hope that you don’t accuse me of treason but I have e mailed ISIS high command this afternoon. Basically I told them that unless they blow up the BBC all their efforts at terrorising us will fail. I explained that no matter how many people their Jihadists kill , and no matter how brutally, the BBC explains it all away as their chaps are nutters , right wing , deprived , alienated , upset , depressed, and, this is the key point for ISIS, it is never anything to do with Islam. Only by blowing up the BBC can their campaign bear fruit and make the name of ISIS feared throughout the land.
Shame on you Double. However, much as I deplore any incitement to violence, in this case you might be on to something.
BREAKING NEWS: Royal Liverpool Hospital on lockdown after man stabbed
“It is believed unknown offenders assaulted the man in Netherton Way, Bootle. The victim then drove to the hospital.
So the hospital was not the crime scene, then why is it surrounded by police? Are we not being told everything?
You’ve put your finger on something that is increasingly worrying me – the degree to which the government and the police now collude with the media to suppress facts they do not want us to know.
Of course, it’s hard to imagine the BBC putting up much of a fight.
Thoughtful/gwf – yes, I smell a rat somewhere in that Liverpool story. Nowadays whenever a story doesn’t make sense, I suspect someone is leaning on the press – or they’re self-censoring.
Dear Beeb, Should you be announcing the latest victim of a migrant/refugee is an American woman? That’s another million votes for Trump.
Editor: “Damn, he’s got a point!”
New Headline: Man kills woman.
I hope Trump is elected and I hope he takes up the role as external head of the UK Government as his predecessors did. And I hope he tells the Appeaser to enforce the law and protection of the people because it is objectionable to murder US citizens here. The idea of leaving the security of London in the hands of a mayor with connections to radical Islam is not acceptable,
GWF – It will take just 1 more lone wolf mentally ill Jihadi NTDWI attack in the run-up to the election to sweep Trump to power.
The current raft of BBC “Journalists” would have be great to have around during WW2. They would not mention the word Nazi or Hitler to do with any atrocities or invasions.
Instead we would have had stories about an Austrian born naturalised German citizen with severe mental health issues caused by his stressful time in army and lack of state help to produce his art. Due to this he needed to express his angst by letting off steam which led to some minor incidents such as wanting his country back in the fold with Germany and some extra living space around Europe. Nothing to do with world domination he was just a lone wolf, except for his pet Bondi.
I’ve actually heard one of todays crop of Fascists say that we shouldn’t have bombed Nazi Germany “because they weren’t all like that” !
I’ve heard that as well. Maybe we should have used the 1940s equivalent of hashtags an dropped please don’t be naughty leaflets. That would have done the trick!
We should have lit up public buildings in the colours of the Polish flag. That would have taught Hitler!
With these murders happening so often I’ve changed my mind on the candle vigil. Cruella wiĺl find it harder to sweep these murders under the carpet.
London’s mayor was quoted in connection with the Russell Square stabbing: “These things will happen inshallah. Allahu Akbar!”
BBC and British controlled media Groupthink: Now now folks, move on please nothing more to see or hear about the Somali Islamist who went on a knife attack in London… Let’s move on and let the story slip down the News page under the interest-cut headline. Hopefully you’ll all have forgotten about it by tonight when you’re all cosy at home and sipping your wine and watching TV. There will be no need to report his name and religious beliefs as you’ll have forgotten by then. Move on now…. move on…..
I have to say that I’m surprised no one in the media, nor on these pages has made the connection between this stabbing today, and the 7/7 bombings of 2005.
Russell Square tube was the one the 3rd and last tube bomb exploded closest to also the most damaging. The bus bombing was at Tavistock Square a two minute walk to the North.
Can it be mere co-incidence that the killer chose this spot to strike ?,-0.1287458,17.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x48761b310bb300bf:0xd1190a08b331324a!8m2!3d51.52175!4d-0.12589
Yes Thoughtful, Russell Sq is pure coincidence, as is the fact that he’s a Muslim. Probably a domestic dispute.
(that was the vile euphemism the vile German police used for the vile murder of that pregnant Polish mother of 2 hacked to death by machete-wielding Syrian, eagerly repeated by the vile beeb. Almost implying she was a bit responsible, hey it takes 2 for a domestic, right?)
There were in the past months readers on these pages wondering about the truth behind Western leaders being bribed by Oil rich Muslim states for the furtherance of Islamic causes in their countries.
They said that they would have to wait and see if David Cameron was indeed offered enormous sums once he left office, and today, the first one was made public with the leader of Kazakhstan offering him a job paying an eye-watering £36 million a year !
It is a similar position to the widely regarded as corrupt Tony Blair has occupied – ‘advisor’ to the Muslim union’s president Murat Telibekov.
Hopefully those who did harbour doubts can now set them aside and believe that our politicians are firmly in the pockets of the middle Eastern Muslim oil rich potentates and are carrying out their bidding Islamising our countries.
It also happens to be the only explanation which makes sense !
Breaking news, but not on bbc: “Royal Liverpool Hospital on lockdown after man stabbed ‘with machete’ drove himself to A&E.”
BBC editor: “I don’t like the sound of that ‘machete’, better bury the story for now”.
I’m starting to feel almost sorry for beeb, as soon as they manage to spin/lie/ignore/manipulate/distort 1 story of Nothing to do with Islam terror, up pops another.
I said ‘almost’ sorry.
In the DT today:
Russell Square attack: American woman stabbed to death in London rampage by ‘mentally ill’ Norwegian-Somalian knifeman as police find no link to terrorism
A “knifeman” ? Well if he stabbed someone he wouldn’t be a gunman, an axeman, a bowman or a javelin thrower, would he?
“Norwegian-Somalian” or, in other words, a Somalian who has been given a Norwegian passport by some idiot in Norway. I didn’t realise that Norway was so short of nuclear physicists.
“Mentally ill” ? Seen his medical records already then?
No point in singling out the BBC for attack, they’re all the same. Un-bloody-believable.
I fear the DT suffers from the same virus as the beeb, namely Acute Political Correctness, complicated by ‘above all mustn’t sound like the Mail cos we’re a QUALITY newspaper and they’re just a tabloid read by millions.’
Indeed, Sky referred to him just as ‘Norwegian’!
The politically correct police could save the NHS millions if they replaced the psychiatrists and mental health care workers. A cop can identify mental illness within an hour of a crime, no need for extensive consultations, perusal of records etc.
One thing about this site that annoys me is the over accommodation of the regular BBC and MSM apologist trolls (of which there appears a handful of them, though admittedly they could be a gestalt entity considering their rhetoric, mannerisms and general deployment of the pseudo-liberal’s hijacked, butchered vocabulary appear uncannily identical, no matter who’s the one supposedly doing the posting). They’ve been around this site for yonks now and bring absolutely nothing to the conversation. What’s worse, their presence becomes more and more objectionable as time unfolds and their apologism for some of the deeds and actions that are taking place just make me come to the conclusion that they’re (unwitting?) supporters of evil and by extension unwittingly evil sods themselves! Be gone with them!
I agree and the unwillingness of the site owners to get rid of them, despite their frequent insults, deters me from reading and posting. I simply don’t have time to deal with their drivel. No doubt this is the intention, of course.
YES Steve, BEGONE trolls! What on earth are the site moderators up to? Leave 1 or 2 if you must, for sport and to practise our debating skills perhaps, and as a reminder of the stupidity of the enemy – but no more.
I agree with Steve and GCooper. I plead guilty to feeding them. I have tried arguing with them, demanding answers to questions, evidence, etc; and even engaged in merriment with them. But they distract from any discussion. If you look at the sites which support the views thy represent you will be permanently blocked should you cite official research on terrorism, Islamic crime, or attempt to correct historical inaccuracies, or deny that Farage and UKIP are Nazis etc. But what has affected me is that these trolls share a desire to justify and indeed advance support for unspeakable crimes like the mass rape of children, knife attacks on the innocent including the horrific murder of a priest, and atrocities throughout Europe and indeed the world. There is a point where such vile beliefs should not be countered. They debase argument.
I find them quick to ‘rise to the bait’, they keep us on our toes and sharpen our wits. they give Al Beeb’s researchers work to do . Besides, they are very entertaining.
> have tried arguing with them, demanding answers to questions, evidence, etc;
Although admit it, you’re far more likely to have accused people of having sex in public toilets, or to have started talking about fisting for no reason other than to try and shut someone up because they disagreed with you.
Because, let’s face it, those of us who get labelled “trolls” behave with utter decorum compared to most of the rabble on here. If G.W.F. was telling the truth and cared about standards of behaviour on here, he wouldn’t keep as quiet as he does when people like Number 6, G and worse vomit their venomous drivel on here. Hell, he’d stop contributing such stuff himself.
Don’t be like G.W.F. Don’t be a lying hypocrite. Be better than that. If you lead by example, then maybe – just maybe – he’ll learn that he should start modifying his own behaviour rather than preaching about others’.
Troll alert, warfarin and truth resistant vermin from neglected public toilets.
See what I mean?
That’s all likes from the ‘Magnificent 7’, alias Marvin and the Chipmunks .
I see 12 likes, one more than G.W.F’s 11.
Perhaps, just perhaps, someone from Biased BBC is wrong. Looks like the tide is turning. Even the “trolls” (read: anyone who disagrees with a Biased BBCer on something) are getting more support than the regulars now!
“I see 12 likes, one more than G.W.F’s 11.”
Oh dear, UKIP Xavier. Anonymous, perhaps repetitive, upticks are a measure of support are they?
Typical Leftoid behaviour. By your words (and deeds) shall we know you. Keep it up!
Time for the hosts to limit approval to signed in members, and to publish those doing so, like Disqus. At least he would be able to see the source (I’m assuming not many more than one IP address).
They liked him… They really liked him! I see Fields of green…
12 was, indeed, one more than eleven, an iconic number in its day.
But that was, of course, a different time. Sally Ho!
Surely you can get an aerosol spray of something from the hardware store to deal with them?
“…these trolls share a desire to justify and indeed advance support for unspeakable crimes like the mass rape of children, knife attacks on the innocent including the horrific murder of a priest, and atrocities throughout Europe and indeed the world.”
Okay. So perhaps you could provide some examples of anyone on this site justifying or advancing support for the mass rape of children or knife attacks on the innocent?
Here’s couple to start you off. From the day after Jo Cox’s murder:
“Jo Cox was an anti semite sharing platforms with people with links to Islamic terrorism. She was a vocal advocate for boycott’s against Israel and was not averse to using the usual terrorist lies and propaganda to further her cause… call[ing] for the genocide of an entire race of people – every man, woman and child”
“ Poor lady obviously didn’t deserve it. BUT however sad it may be, it’s worth remembering that she is one lost life, and of a mindset who would sell us all down the river, given half a chance.”
New members beware
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
Translation: “zero’s got a point but I’m in denial.”
You are wasting your time . You are always in denial.
“New members beware”
Reasonable questions or any sort of debate NOT ALLOWED.
Please note that this site is ‘what it says on the tin’ , or perhaps you have not noticed ?
i.e. BiasedBBC.
What motivates you ? Where is your post on bias ?
Why don’t you stop acting like a child, grow up, stop deflecting any question or criticism you don’t like and answer zero accordingly? He made a clear point that everyone here seems to have pretended doesn’t exist.
All your behaviour is doing is exposing you for the vile, hypocritical troglodytes you are.
Xavier, how childish and lacking in self awareness is it to refer to people you are supposedly engaging in a debate with as “vile, hypocritical troglodytes”?
I`d suggest very childish, I guess you`d have a different view.
Try to engage with the debate (which is about BBC bias)…or just stop wasting your time.
Personally I view your and your fellow contrarians comments as poorly thought out and generally ad hom in nature.
They are useful however in demonstrating the level of indoctrination that has been achieved with you, and are a good measure of your hostility and difficulty in acknowledging an opposing standpoint. Thanks.
> Try to engage with the debate
Surely zero’s point is that site regulars never do? Any counterargument is met with cries of “troll!” and taffman trying to annoy people away by buzzing around like an emasculated mosquito.
Maybe if you and your pals actually showed a willingness to debate, instead of clearly wanting people to agree with you and nothing else, you might end up with actual debate rather than just a bunch of right-wing underbridge dwellers flinging out hypocrisies in every direction?
You are completely deluded. Where do your cited quotes indicate GWF advocates the mass rape of children or knife attacks on the innocent? There is no mention of GWF’s support for your first charge and he says in relation to your second charge that she ‘didn’t deserve it’.
You Leftoid jihadist apologists really do practise doublespeak, but you are stupid enough to write it down for all to see.
The folk who engage them in meaningless tittle-tattle are equally to blame……..the bbc employed trolls simply need to be ignored….
I think it might be useful if we draw up a troll list, I am aware they are sad and lonely people who see their sole justification to exist as being to make other posters unhappy.
They contribute nothing to this site.
The thought came to me when a new poster to site was met by one such nasty troll. I do hope he/she stays with us. I intervened with a post, but too late as I only saw the post well past the time it was written,
I generally tend to ignore what they say but the list is, I feel for new members.
My list begins as follows add as you wish
Jerrod, Kukichiyo, Zero, manonclaphambus, Xavier.
One wonders what motivates them ? From their venomous posts they appear to hate this site, so perhaps they will set up a ‘nonbiasedbbc’ blog site ? Or a ‘we love the bbc site’ ? I am sure they would have many followers …………… wouldn’t they ?
You can add Scott or Scotty to the list, although he has not been seen for some time.
Either very lonely sados who get some weird sort of callow antihero kick out of being disliked.
Or more likely some BBC linked geeks who are maybe even contractually obliged to make a certain number of “observations” on our comments.
Or just very very, very, very naive and stupid people.
In some ways it matters not. Twats of this order are best just ignored if possible.
GWF outs them immediately after they post which I think is a good idea.
Taffman is a troll slayer as he persistently winds them up with a repeated question they cannot answer.
I don’t have Taffman’s patience and perseverance so I would suggest that posters follow GWF’s line of approach and just out them with a post saying words to the effect of.
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
I feel this would help guide new members about the lay of the land.
You say “winds up”, I say “is generally ignored by”.
I know taffman thinks it’s the same thing, but bless him he’s not the brightest of souls. I mean, he can’t understand why no respectable news organisation is interested in his increasingly tedious petitions that have been signed only by him, his five other aliases and his long-suffering mother who really wishes he’d move out of her basement at some point before he’s eligible for a state pension, and who hopes that fabricating a few dozen signatures might give him the self-esteem to actually think about doing something constructive with his life.
New members beware
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
Translation: “I don’t understand what a troll is, so I’m just going to pretend that it’s a synonym for ‘person whose views I don’t like'”.
I can say in all honesty that you are wrong on all counts .
I post on here because I think that the BBC is Biased .
Now the long standing question is, why do you post on here ?
I think Jerrod is right. It would certainly explain a lot about your behaviour.
Funny how you lot belittle Muslims who insist we all live under Sharia and there are no exceptions to the rule. Yet here you are saying that if you come to this website you must only ever participate in BBC bias debates – no criticism or rebuking allowed.
I wonder, are the regulars here secret Muslims? You’re all as insufferable as them.
In the case of Jerrod, certainly the former. We know he doesn’t work for the BBC from his early history here. He’s just warped in some very worrying ways – like finding suicide bombers sexually attractive.
“Be gone with them!”
Ohh, “snowflake alert!” ;p
New members beware
The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness. I would suggest you ignore his/her comments. Do not feed this sad,lonely and above all, nasty troll.
“The above named poster is a troll intent on causing unhappiness.”
Blimey, it’s almost as if people on this blog don’t have a sense of humour; “The usual neo-liberal irony by-pass in action again”.
Having trouble with emoticons “0”?
Instead of ;p, try 😛 – Good effort but no cigar!
An excellent post for a person with ‘zero’ intelligence.
I was only joking ?
Come now, surely you can do better than that .
Please try harder .
They’re out in force tonight taffman 😀
Don’t mention “harder” – it might damage some keyboards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diolch Rhif Saith 😉
Sky referred to him just as ‘Norwegian’ – Sadly GC, Sky are as bad as the beeb. All the broadcast media are infected with the same disease, even more than the press, for reasons a sociologist could no doubt explain, except being a sociologist he’s probably Marxist and therefore suffering from the same disease.
Being a sociologist he was probably responsible for the course they took at the recently promoted polytechnic.
Police say i’s not terror related …Phew That’s OK then
A 19-year-old Norwegian national believed to have mental health issues is in custody after a deadly knife attack that left one dead and five injured in central London.
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said it appeared terrorism was not a motive – and that it was a “spontaneous attack (with) victims were selected at random”.
He added: “Whilst the investigation is not yet complete, all of the work we have done so far increasingly points to this tragic incident having been triggered by mental health issues.”
Police were called to reports of an armed man attacking people in Russell Square at 10.33pm on Wednesday.
The suspect, who is of Somali descent, was arrested on suspicion of murder six minutes later at 10.39pm after a Taser was fired by one of the officers
A Norwegian of Somali descent killing in London.?
Elsewhere Cush Jumbo, best known for appearing in US series The Good Wife, has called for more ethnic diversity on British TV.
Who? What program? However she is right the BBc doesn’t represent the country I live in, but I expect that is for a different reason.
A dilemma for the BBC:
Gay Syrian man beheaded and mutilated in Turkey
The BBC love gays and they love Muslims so which side do they take in an article like this? Answer both are nice groups. They manage to crowbar in that the victim was a immigrant i.e. a victim of the western world policies.
Best bit though is
“Assaults on LGBT people in Turkey have mostly been blamed on ultra-conservative Muslims…” WTF? ultra-conservative Muslims? There was me thinking we just had moderate or extremist Muslims but now we also have ultra-conservative Muslims. If any other group attacks LGBT the BBC label them “right wing”.
A clever way of blaming the conservatives, as you say that’s what the BBC means by right-wing.
Mmm, “deliberate hit and run on a stranger in Norfolk”, breaking. I sincerely hope it wasn’t another Norwegian with mental problems. What IS it with these Norwegians?
Theresa May is to blame for the perpetuation of the mental health myth.
The Met Police Commissioner takes his lead from her and all have to follow. It’s called ‘cabinet responsibility’ and was invented by Blair. The media willingly follow the lead.
The slaughter is now number two and three on the Sky and BBC News websites. Far more important for some reason is the cut in interest rates?
May will have to go. Sooner rather than later.
Our beloved Norwegian mayor Ingmar Sadiq Khan is urging us to stay ‘calm but vigilant’. I hear you Ingmar, am on the lookout for Scandinavian types with mental problems.
Auntie Beeb stigmatising mental health issues with an attitude reminiscent of the village mob with their flaming brands (forgive the pun) storming their idea of Dr Frankenstein’s castle of horrors – who would have thought it? The usual neo-liberal irony by-pass in action again. Is there any depth to which this utterly foul organisation won’t sink to? Perhaps anyone concerned can ring one of their pointless helplines, ie to be told that it’s perfectly ok to perform a knee-jerk, no actual evidence reaction to any incident as long as it now blames ‘mental health issues’ on everything. Sickening.
I can’t recall al beebus being so quick to blame all the bombings and shootings, carried out by the IRA, on mental illness.
This ‘mental illness’ trope, I’ve noticed, has been trotted out since the latest round of Muslim attacks in France and Germany and now our own @rseholes in the MSM, government and police have latched onto it and are using it here too; no doubt the scum who attempted to abduct that RAF chap (if they are caught) will no doubt be found to be afflicted with a similar psychological malady to all the, who are committing 99.9% of the terrorism in the West (and the East).
I don’t know how many more years of this s**t people will stand for in the West? As someone posted further up thread about Russia, look at how quickly things can change; the Iron Curtain collapsed in months and Europe changed fundamentally in pretty short order afterwards.
The elites here and in the rest of the West think they are being clever; you would think they would’ve learnt something from the Brexit vote: people aren’t fooled by your lies anymore d***heads!
This “mental illness” bollocks, is nothing different than what an abused wife says about why she doesn’t leave her violent and sadistic husband. It’s shoehoring anything these lunatics can get hold of to keep the “Nothing to do with lslam” delusion in their own heads.
This conclusion/narrative isn’t for us, they know that we are not that fucking stupid, and it’s why they are changing the laws and legislation to prevent us from acting on our fears and concerns. This “message” is to make these nutters feel better about their own decision to back the sickest and most violent death cult the world has ever known….and the excuses have to keep changing because Islam is relentless.
Islam cannot stop in its quest to destroy every man, woman, child, book, game, story, practice…..Until everything that isn’t Islamic is wiped from the face of this earth. We know it’s all about Islam and you can be certain that the traitorous bastards that infest Al Beebistan and the political elite know that too.
Watch out for those Viking types, I always thought there was something unstable about this guy…
Wheres ragnar lothbrok when you really need him?
Bbc London celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Duggan riots or as duggans friend who the Beeb happen to come across at a bus stop called the uprising. Beeb kept asking will there be more riots. Are they wishing it to happen? Brexit racism and black lives matter also mentioned.
The emir was also interviewed about Russell Square apparently nothing to do with Islam. He looked shifty as hell giving his excuses. This was followed by a piece on west hams game at the Olympic stadium with heavy security on duty. Now why would that be mentally ill Christians perhaps.
KatieH -I am surprised that Riz Lateef and Assad Ahmed don’t have a statue of Mark Duggan in their Londistan studio.
Had to laugh when he said he was just walking around Tottenham and came across duggans friend at a bus stop like you do when you have a camera crew in tow. Mr uprising apparently attacked a police car on the night of the riots as you do. Why isn’t he in jail? Assad then asked him was a hero in Tottenham. I despair.
As for Khan apparently he cut his hols short to come back to London. Why if it’s only some mentally ill Norwegian? Still not a hint of criticism from the London beeb on him since he came in even though he’s reneged on a few of his main pledges.
Khan Kut short his hols eh? its a long flight from Pakistan though.
KatieH- Have you noticed one other thing? Whenever there is a riot in London . The Londistan programme
always seem to have a reporter right in the middle of things. I just wonder how many of them turn up
for work when a riot is going on in London ?
Black lives Matter are planning planning a shut down of London and other parts of the UK until whitey realise that Black Lives matter more than anything in the world.
The Appeaser will have given orders not to make arrests or interfere with the protesters, as instructed by her bosses in the BBC
They are supported by the usual left media, and of course all the Trot, Corbynista, and Anarchist groups will be there supporting and trying to show their black shine.
During their demonstrations the rule is that if you ain’t black you march at the back.
Permit me this photograph of the ageing Mr Bone of Class War, one of the leading figures in tomorrow’s shutdown – former member of the Free Wales Army, but now senile and trying to be black.
Blue Eyes Matter.
Does anyone know the date when bbbc *(and Sky News) are going to stop constantly talking down, the country, the economy, the pound and anything else that is good and blaming it on the Brexit vote?
Why is pro-EUCarney still the Governor?
I am sick of the relentless negativity shown by the bbbc (and Sky News) and the barely concealed hatred of all who voted for Brexit.
Why has nothing been done since the Brexit vote by this ‘new’ government?
And today when R4 was looking for a comment on Carney’s latest attempt to please his masters (Goldman Sachs) to whom did they turn? Why, to a hack from the now absurdly named Financial Times. Yes, the Labour supporting, globalisation worshiping, Brexit-hating Financial Times.
Referendum? What referendum?
Seems the bankers are still in charge. Reducing interest rates to near zero and flooding more fiat money into the zombie banks.
All that is going to do is increase asset price inflation and add to bonuses. Keep the artifical property market going at all costs . Nobody who actually wants to make or trade real things wants to borrow money. If they do then they are insane.
Goldman Sachs will be pleased with their boy Carney.
Dave, you missed out the other reason for the cut in interest rates.
Before the Referendum the Bank of England, and Carney in particular, joined in Osborn’s attemp to frighten us with predictions of economic distaster if we voted Leave. Events over the past weeks have proved their scare stories to have been the lies we always knew they were. This has significant implications for the credibility of the Bank, which has to be believed to have any influence on markets.
By making the dramatic, but in reality meaningless, cut in interest rates, the Bank will in future be able to say that the Leave vote would have been the disaster they always predicted; but that the Bank’s carefully constructed policy to rescue the economy from our potentially catastrophic mistake has skillfully prevented economic meltdown. They were right all along, have demonstrated unbelievable skill in sorting out the mess we created and now can be trusted to manage our economy in our best interests.
When the BBC finally has to give up on the pretence that Brexit = Disaster the new line will be that the Remainiacs have saved us from the consequences of our stupidity – because they are really clever and so should be allowed to make all the decisions in future.
I think the BoE is really the first of many endeavouring to ‘soften us up’ for May’s plan for Brexit which will highlight the harsh reality of doing just that. Only to then offer the option of, wait for it, Remaining In…………………………
Could well be. Goldman Sachs will be pleased.
I have never thought we will be allowed to leave. The vote was just a show of democracy.
Who do you think your kidding Mr BBC? So here we have a 19 year old Norwegian of Somali descent with mental health problems. Last week in Rouen it was as a BBC reporter telling us that angry marginalized folk carried out the slaughter of the priest. Was this mentally disturbed Norwegian of Somali descent having treatment in London? Otherwise why was he here ?
Maybe Frank Gardner will explain it all later on Newsnight . And Shami Chakrabarti or one of the other usual suspects will
tell us that the police over reacted using a taser on this poor disturbed person.
But it cannot be terrorism or a hate crime if he is from the ROP.
Guilty until proved Moslem
Excellent GWF! Even Columbo wouldn’t be able to figure that one out. (love his expression)
Humour is the best weapon to expose the lies, keep ’em coming.
Alleged “Authorities” have probably been busying themselves taking information off-line, but this still remains of Zakaria Bulhan from South London…..You know, the “Norwegian” that killed an innocent at Russell Square last night..
Dazed I don’t like the sarcasm in your voice: Zakaria Bulhan is a common name in Oslo. The Bulhans are a proud Norwegian clan that trace their roots back to the Vikings. You probably have some of Zakaria’s ancestors’ blood in your veins.
An interesting reading list!
c. Met Police.
Their extensive investigatory skills obviously need a “retraining course” as opposed to their impeccable knowledge of psychiatry, plus the ability to interview and diagnose a mental disorder in a tasered suspect within moments.
As usual – words fail me!
Your link, D&C, hangs him out to dry – well spotted.
Here is a job that Shami whitewashacrabati could do. A peerage guaranteed and lots of taxpayer’s money.
Don’t mention Rotherham – Judge Lowell Goddard might have done but no one heard.
Not on the BBC is the US report “Almost 50% of ISIS attacks on West successful in 2016 – US govt report”
A US Homeland Security report says that Islamic State has been linked to about 100 plots against the West over the last two years. Alarmingly, the terrorist group is getting more effective, with 44 percent of the plots in 2016 successful.
I guess when you claim credit for almost every successful attack it’s going to increase your averages somewhat !
Here’s one which wasn’t a success from the Fox network, and again not covered by the BBC:
DC Metro Transit police officer charged with aiding ISIS
A Washington, D.C., Metro Transit police officer who was a convert to Islam and once dressed up as Jihadi John for Halloween was charged on Wednesday with attempting to provide material support to ISIS — the first time a law enforcement officer has been charged with an ISIS-related crime
Authorities allege in a criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday that Young attempted to send money to ISIS through mobile-based gift cards using an unnamed messaging service the terror group utilizes for recruiting purposes.
Our beloved Norwegian mayor Khan announces: “London will not allow Russell Square attack to sow seeds of division.” Translation: please don’t turn against us Muslims yet, we’re still a minority and not yet strong enough to take you on. Soon though.
See the 3 (or 4) stages of Jihad in the text or the vid below.
PS. He’s started stage 2 already, introducing Shariah law banning posters of women in bikinis and cleverly calling it “anti-body-shaming” – who could disagree with that? The method is called Taqiyya – Deceiving to spread Islam.
I know that I constantly invoke the memory of my literary hero, George Orwell, but…
We’ve had the BBC (and others) constantly shrieking for weeks about supposed “hate crimes” post Brexit.
Clearly we’re supposed to think that Brexit unleashed the sort of xenophobia not seen since the 1930’s in Nazi Germany. Minorities are living in terror as we vile, right wing bigots, roam the streets, no doubt with flaming torches, looking for foreigners to insult.
And yet when we get another stabbing in London by yet another Muslim nutter the police, the politicians and, of course, the dear old Beeb immediately spring into action and try to obfuscate the situation. At first the murderer was a Norwegian, then it became apparent he was Somalian, but of course, beggar the thought, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Islam. He had “mental problems” “he was a loner” “he was disturbed”. We all know what they’re going to tell us before they’ve said it. We could write the script.
George, where are you when we need you?
As this blog counter approaches 55 million, roughly the entire adult population of UK, isn’t it time we stormed Broadcasting House with a few guillotines and some baskets? Or better still, switched off our beeb tv and radio news and let the babbling bastards talk each other to a slow lingering death?
I know, it’s 55 million hits, not people, but one can dream…
Hmm..55 million people, that’s one demo I’d like to see them try to police!
Peter, you can count on my pitch fork!
Thanks Alex. Aux armes, citoyens…
Ill be there too Peter – just need to turn my ploughshare into a sword
I’ll be there too, standing behind my wife. She is really fierce.
An ex NHS matron, old school. All she needs to do is give one of her glares and they’ll run away.
I can’t believe the pathetic Indie has this as their top story…
No wonder nobody bothers reading apart from a handful of far-left losers.
Alex – The indie eh? Why am I not surprised?
Machete attack in Liverpool. “witnesses have described two Mercedes vehicles being involved” (beeb online)
What is it with unmanned motor vehicles these days? First a truck goes berserk in Nice, now 2 Mercedes carry out a machete attack in Liverpool. So now even vehicles are having mental problems.
Breitbart have named him as a Somalian born Zakaria Bulhan emigrated to Norway in 2002.
South London resident thanks to our open EU borders.
Our national news broadcaster BBC could not provide us with this information!!!
It doesn’t fit in with their pro muslim anti British narrative.
And people wonder why governments want to control the Internet…
Meanwhile, at Heathrow T5, a BA flight from Norway arrives…
Guest – Bless. The madness never stops.
The next thing they should do is take a gang of gold thieves on a guided tour of Fort Knox showing all its security systems, or give a gang of bank robbers a guided tour round a bank. Or even a group of paedophiles a trip around a childrens’ home.
Stupid doesn’t cover this aberration – it almost appears to be deliberate.
Just been watching the 10pm news.
Think I have a solution.
The overseas aid budget should be spent building mental health hospitals in Muslim countries, Somalia,, Syria, iraq, Nigeria, Afganistan.
That should reduce the ‘lone wolf, mentally deranged’ , NTDWI attacks enormously..
Surely Al Beeb should be discussing this.
And to reduce costs staff these mental health hospitals with former police officers who can diagnose mental illness whilst driving past a crime scene with a BBC presenter sitting alongside. No need for files, for case notes, or endless tea drinking meetings .
Is a ‘mental hospital’ then just another way of describing a mosque?
Lone wolf = good Muslim warrior who is carrying out Allahs instruction on the infidels alone… And therefore in the warped mind of a delusional leftie ‘easier’ to crowbar into “this is nothing to do with Killtheinfidelslam” narrative.
If our infidel destroying friend states before carrying out his Islamic act that “I am killing the kafir because Islam tells me to” the relentless bullshit moves to operation “oh shit! We are running out of excuses” so that the lie now becomes “so-called Islamic state inspired” or the new bullshit buzzword “Mentally deranged”
Mentally deranged = all people who carry out the instructions of the pedophilic kill crazy warlord…..or put simply, good Muslims trying to live the perfect Islamic lives
Once you add the true meaning of the Al Beebistan buzzword bingo into their propaganda/statements….everything becomes clear
On both Newsnight and the idle pc chit-chat show Press Preview there was a blatant avoidance of discussion on the mass stabing in Londonistan. Disgraceful.
So very blatant is is laughable. These are dangerous days and with our main world class ( so they tell us)media outlets behaving this way it is going to make it even more so.
First they avoid, then they suppress and then they lie.
This seems to be the way of the modern media everywhere.
A media that goes down this path imperils democracy as without proper scrutiny and trust our politicians cannot govern.
I forgot that an authoritarian regime quite likes this state of affairs and in the May regime we have one in the making.
Brexit? Forget it.
Not wishing to be alarmist I can see real movement against the internet by the May regime soon .No doubt ably supported by our world class BBC.
BBC Online News:
“”Melania Trump visa: Republican’s wife denies rule break””
“”Mr Trump has taken a hard line on illegal immigration in his campaign””
“”The development comes during a turbulent week for the billionaire property developer””
“”There are reports of deep divisions in the Republican Party after a series of controversial statements by the nominee””
“”BBC Washington correspondent Gary O’Donoghue says this discrepancy has raised questions about her immigration status at the time and whether she had the right to work””
“” Our correspondent says the confusion has the potential to do significant damage to Mr Trump’s campaign, given his robust views on illegal immigrants””
Typical BBC. They can’t find anything against Trump, so they go full on for his family. No evidence of course, but when you’re the fully subsidised National Broadcaster who loves Clinton and hates Trump, what else can you expect?
Totally biased to the Left/Labour/ Democrats BBC.
For the BBC to start questioning documentation of potential White House occupants sets quite the precedent. Well, now.
With all due respect beeb (actually no respect due) it IS a clash of religions / civilisations. Here’s the intro from Islam Watch, a brave website of brave apostates RISKING THEIR LIVES to tell the truth, as opposed to beeb, risking nothing to tell lies.
We are a group of Muslim apostates, who have left Islam out of our own conviction when we discovered that Islam is not a religion at all. Most of us took a prolonged period of time to study, evaluate and contemplate on Islam, the religion of our birth. Having meticulously scrutinized Islam, we concluded that it is not a religion of peace at all, as touted by smooth-talking, self-serving Muslims and their apologists from non-Muslim backgrounds. The core of Islam—that is, the Qur’an, Hadis and Sharia—is filled with unbounded hatred of the unbelievers, is unbelievably intolerant toward them, and is extremely cruel and merciless to Muslims who dare to deviate from its doctrine.
We also realized that Islam is beyond alteration, because Muslims—who attempt to modernize and reform its unremitting bigotry, irrational rituals and its cruel and draconian punitive measures—are targeted for annihilation. Our verdict was that the only way to escape from the tyranny of Islam is to leave it altogether. We have, therefore, discarded Islam from our lives so that we can be free to enjoy a normal, pleasant and humane life in complete harmony with all peoples on earth, irrespective of their religion, race or creed.
Having thoroughly understood—through our meticulous investigation of Islam for years to decades—that Islam was nothing but a lie forged by Muhammad, most of us have left Islam silently because of the threat to our life from believing Muslims, apostasy is punished with death in Islam. As Islamic terrorism and violence overwhelms the world, particularly in the post-9/11 years, we felt that it’s a responsibility upon us to make world’s 1.4+ billion Muslims aware of the falsity of their religion and its cruel nature, so that they can make informed choices and leave Islam to live with love, respect and harmony with the rest of humanity.
We also felt it incumbent upon us to make the non-Muslim world aware of the reality of Islam, and take timely precautionary measures against this religion of terror, hatred and mayhem. We tell the world that the ongoing terrorism, unleashed by Islamic militants, is not an aberration from the so-called ‘peaceful religion of Islam’; instead, it is the real Islam preached and practiced by its founder, Prophet Muhammad. A thorough study of the Qur’an and prophetic tradition (Hadith, Sunnah) makes that obvious.
We, therefore, have launched this website to expose the “real Islam”—the Islam that is determined to replace the modern civilization with the 7th-century Arab Bedouin barbarism, peddled by Muslims as the true Islamic Civilization. Let the world watch Islam through and be warned.
‘Islam Watch’ is founded by a few Muslim apostates. Hailing mainly from South Asia, some of us left Islam after the 9/11; others have been apostates since prior to that. We aim to establish that Islam is a forgery of Muhammad, who never communicated with a presumed unseen deity. We feel that it needs to be emasculated, or marginalized, or eliminated altogether, if the Muslim world wants to come out of its current backwardness and quagmire, characterized by poverty, corruption, illiteracy, violence, misrule and tyranny, in which they have been thrown in due to Islamic indoctrination.
Magnificent post Peter. One that should be displayed everywhere for all to see. I would WANT everything that it states to be analysed, debated, ridiculed, rejected…. Whatever it took, because we both know that once the debate is opened, those who follow the death cult and those who apologise for its brutality will NEVER be able to deny that it’s all fact. Every word of it.
All the liars, deniers, spineless cowards and Jihadis have, is to prevent the debate from starting… At all costs. ‘Islamaphobia’, ‘hate crime’…these are weapons created to prevent the truth from getting out. Whilst the purest followers of Islam stalk the entire planet massacring thousands because their religion tells them to, we have political Islam carrying out Jihad in our courts…again because their religion tells them to.
This is never going to go away. We are at war ladies and gentlemen, and the enemy has recruited a whole community of traitorous bastards to their cause… A cause that is going to destroy our way of life and brutalise and massacre an unimaginable amount of people
This is exactly the sort of thing our PM should be saying – if we are to tackle the huge problem that Islam presents to the world. I believe in this country we could be helping the victims of Islam to see what a vile cult they are following, they need to be educated about it’s true nature.
We need a bold national target like helping 10% of UK Muslims to leave their so-called religion per year, either becoming atheists or converting to an actual religion. That would be a real humanitarian project.
Only this way can we start to solve it. There is no way we can ‘deport’ the millions of victims already in the UK. Treatment is the only cure, ignoring the problem will not make it go away.
Well done, “Islamwatch”. I would love to see how the vermin at the BBC would deal with that but, of course, they never will. They will continue to support the religion of evil which, in my book, makes Beeboids evil too.
Is Car Moron filling the House of Lords with Pro EUremainers in an attempt to block the Brexit ?
Mysterious deliberate hit and run in Norfolk… mysterious machete attack in Liverpool… no resolution, story left dangling… mysterious Somali from Norway…
I’m confused. Which, of course, is just how they want me.
Questions that need to be asked ……………………..
How did the perpetrator get in to Great Britain ? (I thought Norway was not part of the EU) .
What did he do for a living. ?
How could he afford to live in London?
Police believe the attack on Wednesday was “spontaneous”, with victims “selected at random”. So how was it spontaneous if he was carrying a knife?
If he had mental issues why was he not monitored?
Are our border controls protecting the native people of Britain ?
What is Is our Prime Minister doing to look after the people of this nation ?
Taffman you’re assuming the beeb are there to inform and cast light. They’re not. They’re there to misinform and cast darkness.
And they do it very well indeed.
Obfuscation & Denial: the licence fee at work.
Believe it or not, I socialise with many of the people in my local area, and over the last ten years many, many Al Beeb viewers who like myself, religiously thought that Al Beeb was impartial and had the interest of Great Britain embedded in its heart, have now ‘seen the light’ and are not listening or watching their broadcasts.
In fact to the consternation of the trolls who will ‘scream and scream until they are sick’, I will repeat myself and state that its time for a Judicial Inquiry into its conduct. Its something that will in the end, be inevitable.
“Questions that need to be asked…
How did the perpetrator get in to Great Britain?”
Apparently he was five years old at the time. I doubt it was his decision.
“What did he do for a living? How could he afford to live in London?”
Possibly one of the same ways all the other 5 to 19 yr old’s afford to live in London.
“So how was it spontaneous if he was carrying a knife?”
Have you heard of something called “Paranoid Schizophrenia”?
“What is Is our Prime Minister doing to look after the people of this nation?”
Obviously she should ban ALL five year old’s from entering the UK.
Only then, will we be truly safe.
More and more strange, unexplained, unexamined stories of violence with no backstory, no detail, no follow up. Henceforth I shall assume all are connected to Islamo-fascist terror until proven otherwise.
Tx for that.
What was the source?
It’s just that the BBC article taffman cited and those linked from it seem not to have this information.
Quite a lot on other stuff though.
Nice one Jerrod, back to your troll home
It won’t work. Down here in flyover England all of us bar a few deranged liberal escapees think that
1. He might have Norwegian nationality but is no more Norwegian than my cat.
2. It was a jihadist attack that fits the evolving pattern throughout Europe. Sudden jihadist syndrome.
So the MSM have a problem. it is called credibility. Seems the police and the government do as well.
Norway is part of the Schengen, allowing the perpetrator access to any European Union country. (All he had to do was show his Schengen passport at UK passport control.)
Yet another thing about rudimentary politics that Biased BBCers don’t understand.
I think you will find we do which is why the Brexit vote went our way and why you lot are so upset about it. At the heart of Brexit is border control and I mean real control.
When they finally release pix of our Norwegian mystery man, how will they hide his, erm, tan?
The beeb photoshopping dept will no doubt go to town on it, and come up with something like this
Play for Today
The scene: BBC newsroom 3 August 2016 10.45 p.m.
Beeboid 1: ” There’s been a stabbing in Russell Square!”
Beeboid 2: “Oh dear. Another hate crime? Right wing backlash against Syrian refugee?
Beeboid1: “Could be. The guy they’ve arrested is Norwegian”
Beeboid 2: “Great. White,tall,blond called Olaf by any chance?”
Beeboid1:”Er, no . A Muslim actually, originally from Somalia, but we don’t need to mention that”
Exit stage left, for a late night latte and quinoa salad.