R4 6pm news had a #bbcLoveCorbyn advert taking up 5 minutes of real news.
Cameron’s Official honours list had just been published after being signed by the Queen, but they hardly mentioned it, instead it was on to a segment about a whole list of promises that Our Dear Leader will make in a leadership debate vs Owen Smith tonight. (they did point out that he’d need to increase the government budget by 50% to pay for those magical thinking ideas)
These Corbyn adverts will be in almost every BBC news prog until the actual leadership vote in mid-September.
* Almost the same as list leaked in the Times with the titles slightly different, but at 10pm neither BBC or ITV covered the story AFAIK
Mostly they are rewards for FAILING at Remain or being a crony plus one Labour peer nomination for Shami Chakrabarti (former director of civil liberties group Liberty..the one that just inspected Labour for antisemitism).
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, who said it was “beyond disappointing” she had been offered a peerage by Labour “following her so-called independent inquiry”. “The report, which was weak in several areas…”
Well spotted, G! No mention so far on that similarity from the BBC but they loved Gordon Brown. Inflated Licence Fee, no questions asked.
Have been wondering how Corbyn’s ‘different politics’ and Smith’s ‘different from Corbyn’ politics ends up ‘borrowing-loadsamoney’, just like Gordon Brown for the well-known charity ‘Investment for Inflated GDP’. Doing it only for the taxpayer to have to pay it back in the long run having made a few people rich with some vague schemes.
Heap more debt on the kids, all the while complaining about the Tories impoverishing the youth of this country by paying pensions to those evil-Brexit-voting OAPs.
Speaking of which (Licence Fee), why send Wyre Davies – at great expense – all the way to Brazil (all those Global Warming emissions) when I could have done his report – off the top of my head – from a broom cupboard in Broadcasting House, W1A? He did use the words ‘diverse’ and ‘diversity’ quite a lot, which I may not have done, so I guess that’s why he’s paid to warm the globe as well as the cockles of our hearts.
As South American correspondent, should he not be telling us things about Brazil that we do not know? Licence Fee = Inform + Educate + Entertain. Two out of three too much to ask for £145 a year?
The advert not news trick.
If Corbyn had done his speech and the BBC report it , that would be NEWS.
BUT if they report on it before, then that is basically a trailer or ADVERT ..which was probably fed to the BBC by Labour party PR people.
I’ve seen the BBC use the trick often in the past..and I’m thinking “why are they reporting on something when it hasn’t happened yet ?” , then I realise that it is basically a trailer fed to the BBC by outside PR people (or maybe PR people already INSIDE the BBC)
That blog is a straight down the line anti Semitic outfit but if that allegation is correct it does not indicate hypocrisy but realism. The Swedes are dumb and if they want to abolish Sweden then all Israel is doing is helping them along.
Israel/Zionism is a movement of national liberation for the Jewish people.
Hence it defends, effectively, realistically and consistently its peoples national interest.
I think many modern anti semites, at root, are driven by envy of the ability of the Zionists to achieve this.
Its my view that Israel is a light unto the nations….it shows the way nation states should conduct their affairs….pragmatically and in their own peoples interests, like all nation states used to before supra- nationalism and multicuturalism became the tools of choice for the global elites to attempt to order the world and to reimpose imperialism in its new form.
Strengthen Israel…strengthen nation states. Hence the supra-nationalists hatred for the Jewish state of Israel.
“No evidence of radicalisation”: in other words, British authorities are continuing their absurd comic opera of pretending that there is no global jihad, no global jihadi entity that has repeatedly called for lone wolf attacks on civilians in the West and specifically mentioned knives as a weapon, no war in which Britain is currently engaged. No, none of that is happening. All this is is a criminal act by a man with “mental health issues.” Move along. – Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch https://www.jihadwatch.org/
If you need evidence of how this country is basically buggered and has become an open air asylum for free range leftist lunatics,read the comments on this
When they finally release pix of our Norwegian mystery man, how will they hide his, erm, tan?
The beeb photoshopping dept will no doubt go to town on it, and come up with something like this:
Australian women’s national team lose 7-0 to team of 15-year-old boys
Australia’s women’s football team are ranked the fifth best side in world football. So how did they lose 7-0 to a collection of 15-year-old boys?
It is the question gripping the Matildas, who will be targeting a medal at the Rio Olympics in August, after they were embarrassed by the Newcastle Jets under-16s side on Wednesday.
Admittedly this was not the most fiercely competitive of friendly matches, with the women’s team employing a rotating team, but the Matildas, who often have no choice but to play boys teams such is the paucity of opponents in Australia, did have star names such as Katrina Gorry in their lineup.
Well, from what I’ve read, Gary Lineker has lost the top hosting spot at Rio, (there is a God), and its gone to Claire Balding with Gaby Logan and Hazel Irving as her sidekicks.
I have now decided I’m not going to watch it. Apparently illegal immigrants have formed a team to compete. They are going to lead out the competitors ahead of the host nation. This is absolute nonsense and political grandstanding.
I am getting completely sick of watching Balding on the BBC. An all women cast eh, bit sexist innit!
It used to so much better with David Coleman, Ron Pickering,Alec Weeks, and Stuart Storey.
Mind you, I always wanted Peter O’Sullevan to be invited to commentate on the 100 metres but it never happened.
The Olympics has for many years simply been the spectacle of the IOC promoting the hobby horse of whatever is politically correct in the host country of the time.
The process started in Berlin 1936. The IOC has never learned its lesson from then.
BBC Breakfast is a delight for conservatives this morning (just joking) – it’s Edinburgh Festival time
In fact a sofa-load of unfunny BBC in-house so-called comedians including a somewhat restrained Marcus Brigstock, a female who thinks the Leave Referendum result was about the worst thing eva and your friend and mine Mr Mitch Benn. The latter cringeworthy supposed musical satirist delivers a quick performance of a little ditty of his aimed at soft soaping a Scots crowd to love him by means of slagging off the English – isn’t there some progressive term for that sort of negative national scapegoating? He brings to mind a tubby right-on bearded supply teacher despreately intent on getting down with the kidz.
I take it from the BBC presentation that Edinburgh is this year’s EU Annual City of English (& Welsh?) Hate
Bring back the girl who does dozens of new things with a hoola hoop.
Mardy, glum-faced and dour Andy (vote SNP and support anyone but England) Murray to carry the GB standard at Rio – at least someone, somewhere is having a laugh.
Ahhh great – The Edinburgh Festival, or The Edinburgh Festival Fringe – which is all the BBC is really interested in. Thousands of mostly talentless people doing silly, modish, irritating, pointless things but claiming huge significance. Imagine 1,000 third rate mimes and buskers watched by an even greater number of pseuds. The few talented acts are not really “fringe” anyway.
The Edinburgh International Festival, where most of the real talent can be found, is of course the home of DWEMs, so must be ignored (until, of course, someone mounts a performance of Wagner’s Ring where Wotan is a mentally ill Somalian, with a machete instead of a spear. Opera innit?).
Hi, lived in Edinburgh for many years and still work there on occasion. I can confirm that many of the locals cannot stand the swamping of the city by spoiled leftwing middle class brats who get on everyone’s tits with their puerile and talentless drivel. It’s the ‘comedy’ that is the problem. The music can be good and lots of local musicians get a leg up etc. The unfunny leftwing student -type ‘comedians’ are consistently horrific but always get publicity due to them being brainwashed young posh drama students who feed the anti ukip, tory and brexit narrative; you want to get noticed then just use this tried and tested leftie formula. Just seen interviews on Sky as I type and they confirm the descriptions I’ve just written.
I think I lost my sense of humour around the time that Baddiel & Skinner sat on a sofa and made their own age group laugh. Comedy on the box rapidly deteriorated after that.
I see Labour’s media outlet, the BBC, is ignoring the uproar, not least by Jewish faith groups, over Corbyn’s nomination of Shamie Chutneybuttie to receive a peerage. It’s a big story on Sky presently.
It comes to something when one looks back with nostalgia and views the old, hereditary House of Lords as more representative of Britain and more likely to generate talent than the current arrangement.
The only interests that politicians nominees represent are politicians interests.
R4 6 O’clock news aready had the confirmation, yet chose to run a 5 minuter trailer advert for Corbyn’s speech instead.
as I pointed out above at 12:25am
– Interesting idea that the 12 new Tory peers is a way of stuffing the Lords with Brexit blockers
With regard to the resignation of Justice Lowell Goddard. The third selected Judge to head up the inquiry into historic child sex abuse allegations. I am coming to the view, along with many, that her resignation was a planned event from the very start in order to further delay the inquiry. Notwithstanding the fact thhat she took three months to even begin the inquiry. This, I feel, is an establishment stitch up. Who are they protecting?
Her reputation in New Zealand, if one is to take the word of New Zealand barristers, is not a good one. She was rated as 63rd out of 63 in terms of her competence by them. Yet we are told by the likes of the Savile protecting BBC that she is highly regarded. Highly regarded by whom?
Who will be their next ‘patsy’ judge? You couldn’t make it up!
See post below
Perhaps these people keep on resigning due to what they are finding and what the government is telling them not to include in the inquiry. She may have seen data that is harmful to ‘community relations ‘. Something strange going on here.
Wow. What a popular thred, with 511 replies until now.
Here’s a sideways take on the bias.
On Toady R4 this morning there was a feature from the Edinburgh festival about a CONSERVATIVE comedian!!!!!!!!
Yes folks, that is deemed newsworthy. I suppose we should be grateful they actually ran this feature but it does prove beyond reasonable doubt so much of what so many contributors have said for so long, thT almost every biased BBC programme with comedians is by definition completely biased. Mark Steele and Jeremy Hardy are just the tip of the iceberg.
I would hazard a guess that there is a tension between a working knowledge of the data and maintaining a politically correct stance on the “equality” of representation in the data of LGBT people and some ethno-religious groups.
For e.g. Savile is never referred to as “bisexual” despite his offending pattern, and Rotherham appears to have become something of an embarrassment in the discourse of “child sexual exploitation”.
Then of course there`s the webs of intrigue around the liberation politics of the 70s embraced by some leading lights in the Labour Party that have never really been fully addressed.
The Kiwi Judge was reported on the BBC Today programme as “missing her family” and there was something about not having full appreciation of local conditions……which might be interesting to hear enlarged upon.
She is not familiar with UK court procedures, so when lawyers asked things like if she would be requesting the press to be excluded from certain parts, she asked “do I have the power to do that ?”, the lawyers had to point her to the relevant laws, whereas top UK judges would have already known.
In reply to : “not having full appreciation of local conditions……which might be interesting to hear enlarged upon.”
Bit strange to me she resigned so quickly after today’s hatchet job on her by the Times. It might be perfectly OK to be outside the UK if she was actually working of the case eg. reading thu the papers , and liasing with the australian inquiry.
I do wonder if she wanted out for another reason, so the staff leaked that story to the Times..and then it’s “Oh dear i have to resign”
Thanks Stew, those are good points.
I just wonder whether being unfamiliar with local conditions might also translate as having to handle subtle pressures being put on her when socialising with the local legal, media and political communities in which she found herself circulating in London. Perhaps experiencing a culture shock when recognising how much gentle and not so gentle pressure she was being put under to deliver a “politically correct” (for local conditions) report.
The boundaries between politics, media and law appear very blurred at times and perhaps she found herself a long way from home in more than just the geographical sense. I guess we`ll never know.
Ok now i’m worried: the London attack started at 10:30pm Weds, yet none of the papers covered it by Thursd edition as far as i can tell. In the heart of London, in this age of Fb and Twitter, minutes from the offices of most media outlets?
Next day, today Friday, the DT does cover the story, but with headline: CRAZED KNIFEMAN BRINGS MAYHEM TO CAPITAL.
Sub heading: NORWEGIAN MAN kills 1 and stabs 5…
Only half way down the page do they slip in: the NORWEGIAN attacker of Somali origin…
Why the delay in reporting? Could it be because by day 2 it’s no longer front page news?
And why the omissions in DT? Is someone leaning on them? Are they slipping ever leftward towards the almost universal ‘liberal’ Weltanschauung? Or just plain terror of being called racist / islamophobic like the rest of the press?
There were words of warning spoken by a wise man in days of old, those wise words appear to be on the cusp of becoming reality… Rivers of Blood, Enoch Powell. RIP.
BBC drumming up support for the Black Lives Matter Trot and anarchist fest. Roads already disrupted, with luck the BBC will have films of riots and a couple of burning cars to show later on. Our trolls are probably blocking roads as I write this. Bet there won’t be any arrests; the Appeaser is not a supporter of the cops, and as for the Mayor of London….
JohnCFeb 25, 02:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Remember this ? – from the ‘Centre for European Reform’ to try and interfere with the Brexit vote just one…
StewGreenFeb 24, 23:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Youtube pushed this video at me. He’s a young Youtuber so his stance is more mild than ours. He talks…
JohnCFeb 24, 23:15 Start the Week 24th February 2025 From my earlier video: https://youtu.be/TjzrjsyUZSc?t=127 Hits the topical nail on the head.
JohnCFeb 24, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 lol – and it was often a speedboat for 2 steelwork welders in Birmingham to share between them.
StewGreenFeb 24, 22:29 Start the Week 24th February 2025 quote : Two Tier Kier made inflammatory comments yesterday and now violence erupts outside a Reform Convention?? Are the Police…
FlotsamFeb 24, 22:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 I can’t agree. I understand where you’re coming from, OK for the man on the street but not for the…
diggFeb 24, 22:04 Start the Week 24th February 2025 There are lots of very evil people mentoring these children…. And they are always lefties….
R4 6pm news had a #bbcLoveCorbyn advert taking up 5 minutes of real news.
Cameron’s Official honours list had just been published after being signed by the Queen, but they hardly mentioned it, instead it was on to a segment about a whole list of promises that Our Dear Leader will make in a leadership debate vs Owen Smith tonight. (they did point out that he’d need to increase the government budget by 50% to pay for those magical thinking ideas)
These Corbyn adverts will be in almost every BBC news prog until the actual leadership vote in mid-September.
* Almost the same as list leaked in the Times with the titles slightly different, but at 10pm neither BBC or ITV covered the story AFAIK
Mostly they are rewards for FAILING at Remain or being a crony plus one Labour peer nomination for Shami Chakrabarti (former director of civil liberties group Liberty..the one that just inspected Labour for antisemitism).
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, who said it was “beyond disappointing” she had been offered a peerage by Labour “following her so-called independent inquiry”. “The report, which was weak in several areas…”
Gordon Brown’s ‘creative accounting’ manual comes out the cupboard and is dusted off……………….
Well spotted, G! No mention so far on that similarity from the BBC but they loved Gordon Brown. Inflated Licence Fee, no questions asked.
Have been wondering how Corbyn’s ‘different politics’ and Smith’s ‘different from Corbyn’ politics ends up ‘borrowing-loadsamoney’, just like Gordon Brown for the well-known charity ‘Investment for Inflated GDP’. Doing it only for the taxpayer to have to pay it back in the long run having made a few people rich with some vague schemes.
Heap more debt on the kids, all the while complaining about the Tories impoverishing the youth of this country by paying pensions to those evil-Brexit-voting OAPs.
Speaking of which (Licence Fee), why send Wyre Davies – at great expense – all the way to Brazil (all those Global Warming emissions) when I could have done his report – off the top of my head – from a broom cupboard in Broadcasting House, W1A? He did use the words ‘diverse’ and ‘diversity’ quite a lot, which I may not have done, so I guess that’s why he’s paid to warm the globe as well as the cockles of our hearts.
As South American correspondent, should he not be telling us things about Brazil that we do not know? Licence Fee = Inform + Educate + Entertain. Two out of three too much to ask for £145 a year?
I do wonder why Davis is there as his twitter feed is just full of negativity.
The advert not news trick.
If Corbyn had done his speech and the BBC report it , that would be NEWS.
BUT if they report on it before, then that is basically a trailer or ADVERT ..which was probably fed to the BBC by Labour party PR people.
I’ve seen the BBC use the trick often in the past..and I’m thinking “why are they reporting on something when it hasn’t happened yet ?” , then I realise that it is basically a trailer fed to the BBC by outside PR people (or maybe PR people already INSIDE the BBC)
More of an example of the madness that has infiltrated most Governments around the World, I earlier found this article:
That blog is a straight down the line anti Semitic outfit but if that allegation is correct it does not indicate hypocrisy but realism. The Swedes are dumb and if they want to abolish Sweden then all Israel is doing is helping them along.
Israel/Zionism is a movement of national liberation for the Jewish people.
Hence it defends, effectively, realistically and consistently its peoples national interest.
I think many modern anti semites, at root, are driven by envy of the ability of the Zionists to achieve this.
Its my view that Israel is a light unto the nations….it shows the way nation states should conduct their affairs….pragmatically and in their own peoples interests, like all nation states used to before supra- nationalism and multicuturalism became the tools of choice for the global elites to attempt to order the world and to reimpose imperialism in its new form.
Strengthen Israel…strengthen nation states. Hence the supra-nationalists hatred for the Jewish state of Israel.
“No evidence of radicalisation”: in other words, British authorities are continuing their absurd comic opera of pretending that there is no global jihad, no global jihadi entity that has repeatedly called for lone wolf attacks on civilians in the West and specifically mentioned knives as a weapon, no war in which Britain is currently engaged. No, none of that is happening. All this is is a criminal act by a man with “mental health issues.” Move along. – Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch
If you need evidence of how this country is basically buggered and has become an open air asylum for free range leftist lunatics,read the comments on this
Are these people on meth or something?
When they finally release pix of our Norwegian mystery man, how will they hide his, erm, tan?
The beeb photoshopping dept will no doubt go to town on it, and come up with something like this:
It certainly won’t look like this!
Apparently he was “bullied at school”.
Those kids in Mogadishu high school felt threatened by his tall, bronzed, blue eyed Nordic good looks.
Almost 10,000 athletes in Rio for the Olympics says Louise Minchin
Probably almost as many so called bbc staff there to cover the games 😉
By the way,when the so called bbc start regaling you about the brilliance of the women’s football tournament,just remember this LOL
Australian women’s national team lose 7-0 to team of 15-year-old boys
Australia’s women’s football team are ranked the fifth best side in world football. So how did they lose 7-0 to a collection of 15-year-old boys?
It is the question gripping the Matildas, who will be targeting a medal at the Rio Olympics in August, after they were embarrassed by the Newcastle Jets under-16s side on Wednesday.
Admittedly this was not the most fiercely competitive of friendly matches, with the women’s team employing a rotating team, but the Matildas, who often have no choice but to play boys teams such is the paucity of opponents in Australia, did have star names such as Katrina Gorry in their lineup.
Well, from what I’ve read, Gary Lineker has lost the top hosting spot at Rio, (there is a God), and its gone to Claire Balding with Gaby Logan and Hazel Irving as her sidekicks.
Oh ffs from bad to diabolical
Number 6 I do agree.
I have now decided I’m not going to watch it. Apparently illegal immigrants have formed a team to compete. They are going to lead out the competitors ahead of the host nation. This is absolute nonsense and political grandstanding.
I am getting completely sick of watching Balding on the BBC. An all women cast eh, bit sexist innit!
It used to so much better with David Coleman, Ron Pickering,Alec Weeks, and Stuart Storey.
Mind you, I always wanted Peter O’Sullevan to be invited to commentate on the 100 metres but it never happened.
The Olympics has for many years simply been the spectacle of the IOC promoting the hobby horse of whatever is politically correct in the host country of the time.
The process started in Berlin 1936. The IOC has never learned its lesson from then.
Keep politics out of sport.
Who dumped this lot on the sofa?
BBC Breakfast is a delight for conservatives this morning (just joking) – it’s Edinburgh Festival time
In fact a sofa-load of unfunny BBC in-house so-called comedians including a somewhat restrained Marcus Brigstock, a female who thinks the Leave Referendum result was about the worst thing eva and your friend and mine Mr Mitch Benn. The latter cringeworthy supposed musical satirist delivers a quick performance of a little ditty of his aimed at soft soaping a Scots crowd to love him by means of slagging off the English – isn’t there some progressive term for that sort of negative national scapegoating? He brings to mind a tubby right-on bearded supply teacher despreately intent on getting down with the kidz.
I take it from the BBC presentation that Edinburgh is this year’s EU Annual City of English (& Welsh?) Hate
Bring back the girl who does dozens of new things with a hoola hoop.
Mardy, glum-faced and dour Andy (vote SNP and support anyone but England) Murray to carry the GB standard at Rio – at least someone, somewhere is having a laugh.
Ahhh great – The Edinburgh Festival, or The Edinburgh Festival Fringe – which is all the BBC is really interested in. Thousands of mostly talentless people doing silly, modish, irritating, pointless things but claiming huge significance. Imagine 1,000 third rate mimes and buskers watched by an even greater number of pseuds. The few talented acts are not really “fringe” anyway.
The Edinburgh International Festival, where most of the real talent can be found, is of course the home of DWEMs, so must be ignored (until, of course, someone mounts a performance of Wagner’s Ring where Wotan is a mentally ill Somalian, with a machete instead of a spear. Opera innit?).
MSM = total waste of time.
I’m sure the BBC will be in Edinburgh tracking down the least funny, most right-on ‘comedians’ so that we can be kept entertained next year.
Hi, lived in Edinburgh for many years and still work there on occasion. I can confirm that many of the locals cannot stand the swamping of the city by spoiled leftwing middle class brats who get on everyone’s tits with their puerile and talentless drivel. It’s the ‘comedy’ that is the problem. The music can be good and lots of local musicians get a leg up etc. The unfunny leftwing student -type ‘comedians’ are consistently horrific but always get publicity due to them being brainwashed young posh drama students who feed the anti ukip, tory and brexit narrative; you want to get noticed then just use this tried and tested leftie formula. Just seen interviews on Sky as I type and they confirm the descriptions I’ve just written.
I think I lost my sense of humour around the time that Baddiel & Skinner sat on a sofa and made their own age group laugh. Comedy on the box rapidly deteriorated after that.
I see Labour’s media outlet, the BBC, is ignoring the uproar, not least by Jewish faith groups, over Corbyn’s nomination of Shamie Chutneybuttie to receive a peerage. It’s a big story on Sky presently.
It comes to something when one looks back with nostalgia and views the old, hereditary House of Lords as more representative of Britain and more likely to generate talent than the current arrangement.
The only interests that politicians nominees represent are politicians interests.
R4 6 O’clock news aready had the confirmation, yet chose to run a 5 minuter trailer advert for Corbyn’s speech instead.
as I pointed out above at 12:25am
– Interesting idea that the 12 new Tory peers is a way of stuffing the Lords with Brexit blockers
With regard to the resignation of Justice Lowell Goddard. The third selected Judge to head up the inquiry into historic child sex abuse allegations. I am coming to the view, along with many, that her resignation was a planned event from the very start in order to further delay the inquiry. Notwithstanding the fact thhat she took three months to even begin the inquiry. This, I feel, is an establishment stitch up. Who are they protecting?
Her reputation in New Zealand, if one is to take the word of New Zealand barristers, is not a good one. She was rated as 63rd out of 63 in terms of her competence by them. Yet we are told by the likes of the Savile protecting BBC that she is highly regarded. Highly regarded by whom?
Who will be their next ‘patsy’ judge? You couldn’t make it up!
See post below
Perhaps these people keep on resigning due to what they are finding and what the government is telling them not to include in the inquiry. She may have seen data that is harmful to ‘community relations ‘. Something strange going on here.
“we are told by the likes of the Savile protecting BBC that she is highly regarded”
Is there a link to that claim?
The two would look good together in highlighting the value of BBC ‘analysis’.
Of course it is possible the BBC will remain vague, and if pressed retreat behind opaque exemptions to avoid clarifying.
Guest Who,
Happy to help. See the link below about half way down. Not ‘highly regarded’ but the term ‘high respected’.
Now we got prison governors being attacked. Well done liberals your making this country into a laughing stock
Wow. What a popular thred, with 511 replies until now.
Here’s a sideways take on the bias.
On Toady R4 this morning there was a feature from the Edinburgh festival about a CONSERVATIVE comedian!!!!!!!!
Yes folks, that is deemed newsworthy. I suppose we should be grateful they actually ran this feature but it does prove beyond reasonable doubt so much of what so many contributors have said for so long, thT almost every biased BBC programme with comedians is by definition completely biased. Mark Steele and Jeremy Hardy are just the tip of the iceberg.
‘R4 this morning there was a feature from the Edinburgh festival about a CONSERVATIVE comedian!’
Gosh, is the BBC sure that this lone wolf was not suffering from mental illness?
I would hazard a guess that there is a tension between a working knowledge of the data and maintaining a politically correct stance on the “equality” of representation in the data of LGBT people and some ethno-religious groups.
For e.g. Savile is never referred to as “bisexual” despite his offending pattern, and Rotherham appears to have become something of an embarrassment in the discourse of “child sexual exploitation”.
Then of course there`s the webs of intrigue around the liberation politics of the 70s embraced by some leading lights in the Labour Party that have never really been fully addressed.
The Kiwi Judge was reported on the BBC Today programme as “missing her family” and there was something about not having full appreciation of local conditions……which might be interesting to hear enlarged upon.
the can is kicked again…….
She is not familiar with UK court procedures, so when lawyers asked things like if she would be requesting the press to be excluded from certain parts, she asked “do I have the power to do that ?”, the lawyers had to point her to the relevant laws, whereas top UK judges would have already known.
In reply to : “not having full appreciation of local conditions……which might be interesting to hear enlarged upon.”
Bit strange to me she resigned so quickly after today’s hatchet job on her by the Times. It might be perfectly OK to be outside the UK if she was actually working of the case eg. reading thu the papers , and liasing with the australian inquiry.
I do wonder if she wanted out for another reason, so the staff leaked that story to the Times..and then it’s “Oh dear i have to resign”
Thanks Stew, those are good points.
I just wonder whether being unfamiliar with local conditions might also translate as having to handle subtle pressures being put on her when socialising with the local legal, media and political communities in which she found herself circulating in London. Perhaps experiencing a culture shock when recognising how much gentle and not so gentle pressure she was being put under to deliver a “politically correct” (for local conditions) report.
The boundaries between politics, media and law appear very blurred at times and perhaps she found herself a long way from home in more than just the geographical sense. I guess we`ll never know.
Yes @Embolden you may be right about our mad media pressure, mad PC pressure etc.
Ok now i’m worried: the London attack started at 10:30pm Weds, yet none of the papers covered it by Thursd edition as far as i can tell. In the heart of London, in this age of Fb and Twitter, minutes from the offices of most media outlets?
Next day, today Friday, the DT does cover the story, but with headline: CRAZED KNIFEMAN BRINGS MAYHEM TO CAPITAL.
Sub heading: NORWEGIAN MAN kills 1 and stabs 5…
Only half way down the page do they slip in: the NORWEGIAN attacker of Somali origin…
Why the delay in reporting? Could it be because by day 2 it’s no longer front page news?
And why the omissions in DT? Is someone leaning on them? Are they slipping ever leftward towards the almost universal ‘liberal’ Weltanschauung? Or just plain terror of being called racist / islamophobic like the rest of the press?
There were words of warning spoken by a wise man in days of old, those wise words appear to be on the cusp of becoming reality… Rivers of Blood, Enoch Powell. RIP.
BBC drumming up support for the Black Lives Matter Trot and anarchist fest. Roads already disrupted, with luck the BBC will have films of riots and a couple of burning cars to show later on. Our trolls are probably blocking roads as I write this. Bet there won’t be any arrests; the Appeaser is not a supporter of the cops, and as for the Mayor of London….
Thousands of holiday makers blocked on slip road to Heathrow by St Dugganists.
The authorities have been warned about the attempt to close down London.
Why no action?
Grave foreboding.
Is Diane Abbot there ? she could block a slip road on her own.