The BBC’s coverage of the disruption of access to Heathrow Airport today by a bunch of narcissistic thugs from the ludicrous #BlackLivesMatter group has been cloying. Read this. Across in the States, this advocacy group has encouraged people to kill Police Officers. Maybe that gives the BBC some sort of perverse thrill from the idea that such thuggery based around race could take a grip in the UK? In a civilised world, ALL Lives matter, but when it comes to grievance mongering on behalf of a section of black activists here in the UK who are perpetually offended the BBC is in a league of its own.
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That is the huge irony of it all – of course black lives matter I couldn’t agree more, although they don’t seem to matter to one of the men at this party.
Or indeed these victims murderers.
The harsh reality is that the majority of people who seem to think black lives don’t matter are other black people.
Just what the UK needs: another terrorist organisation. BLM are in the business of sowing the seeds of social division. This is their entire purpose, along with race-baiting, causing a public nuisance and behaving like entitled millennial snowflakes. The UK does NOT need BLM or any of their noxious, toxic regressive propaganda.
No surprise then to see the BBC immediately step up to grant them free airtime in which to spread their filthy propaganda.
BLM are a disgrace to humanity. ALL lives matter.
I hope I’ve made my feelings clear.
> “I hope I’ve made my feelings clear”
What do you mean Obi? 🙂
This is getting a lot of attention from our anti-British state broadcaster and media arm of the government.
And in it we see an objective statement of statistical fact – no argument at all with that. “Dr Tony Sewell, from the Youth Justice Board, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that in England and Wales 21% of young men under 18 in custody were black – though black people only made up 4% of the general population. Conversely, he said, 62% of men under 18 in custody were white, when that racial group made up 82% of the population.”
Now there are two possible opposing conclusions that you might reach on seeing these numbers. The BLM activists (can’t keep pace with these groups – Class War, No Borders, BLM, blah, blah, blah) would have you believe that this is because we live in an institutionally racist society. And the liberal left establishment jumps all over this seductive narrative to drive another nail into our society’s coffin.
But might there be an alternative interpretation of those numbers?
The answer to your question is Yes. There is an irrefutable link between low IQ and crime but it is not politically correct to mention it and risk the inevitable accusation of raaaacism but no matter how much money is thrown at afro-Americans and afro-caribbeans, no matter how much positive discrimination is used to shoehorn blacks into quota alloted jobs at the BBC and institutes of higher learning in America they cannot compete with those further up the genetic scale of inherited IQ, white Europeans and east Asians, as confirmed by a myriad of studies including those of nobel-winning geneticist James Watson ( now ruined for speaking the awful truth). Afro-Americans are further handicapped by absent male parents not raacism or discrimination. The war was won for them by Dr King in 1965 but they opted out and into the ghetto to make time to blame whitey for all of their troubles, slavery, the British empire etc boo hoo but not the slavery of the Ottoman Empire, and champion multiculturalism and diversity (hatred of white people).
I was trying to find answers as to why non black americans never seem to film police shootings, and ended up on the Washington Post, a pretty liberal paper. I found this paragraph.
“But it is true that a disproportionate amount of murders and other violent crimes are committed by black Americans.
Because detailed FBI data on crime can lag by several years, the most-cited statistics on this point refer to 2009 data. According to that data, out of all violent crimes in which someone was charged, black Americans were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the country’s 75 biggest counties — despite the fact that black Americans made up just 15 percent of the population in those places.”
The last line made me think. Black Americans make up 15% but account for 57% of murders. However, this is very misleading. Half of these people will be women, whom i will assume account for a tiny proportion of these murders. The fbi data below shows that about 10% of black murderers are women.
So, in reality, Black American men make up 7-8% of the population, but account for around 51% of murders. There are some damning facts in the fbi table below. However, we are living in the post-truth era. So who cares! Go BLM!
Worth watching – some of ’em have a smidgen of sense:
Yet another separatist divisive organization in multicultural multidivisive England. Different awards ( mobo)laws (sharia)ghettos (many for all faiths). Can we treat everyone equally by means of right or wrong, good or bad.
“Black Lives Matter protesters lying on the road…”
Mmm, tempting.
“Black Lives Matter protesters lying on the road…”
Where’s a crazy Norwegian in a truck when you need one?
It’s solved the pothole problem…..happy driving.
The Black Lives Matter racists have been promising disruption for several weeks and have made no secret of it. They have been encouraged by the BBC.
So given the publicity we shall see how the authorities respond when the promised disruption take place this evening.
The BLM is a combination of black racists, Trots, Anarchists, and deluded socialists.
Surely the Home Secretary, police and the Mayor of Multiculty London will take their responsibility to uphold the law with due seriousness.
GWF – “Surely the Home Secretary, police and the Mayor of Multiculty London will take their responsibility to uphold the law with due seriousness.”
Ha ha ha GWF, it’s the way you tell ’em.
GWF you haven’t read your Bbc Guide to Cultural Marxism properly: Only Whitey can ever, ever, ever be racist.
Take the Knoxville Horror, where a black gang tortured, raped and murdered white couple over several days. Absolutely not racist, and therefore barely got reported even locally in Tennessee, never mind nationwide in US and not in a million years by beeb. Now imagine the colours had been reversed. Need I say more?
Now back to journalism school with you for some serious thought re-education.
Spot on
It’s not the only one:
Surprised Wurzel Corbyn is not there, and the loathsome Shammy Chuckmybutty
Peter – but don’t worry the beeb will be there in force, cheering them on, I mean reporting impartially on this serious issue. I hope your sausage isn’t pork Peter, that’s a Hate Crime now.
Be very careful when the BBC advise you to block roads in protest
Putting Black Lives Matter protests to music has entertainment value. Hope the BBC show this new art form.
GWF – Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those human skittles, I mean brave demonstrators standing up (or not) for their right to cause mayhem for some non-existent victimisation.
Just get a jcb with a bucket scoop them up and dump them on the verge. The police should turn their backs and let them get on with it.then we will see how fast they can move.
looks like they just shot the argument against border controls….”it causes delays at the airports” right out of the water.
Thanks guys.
Just posted on the open thread that the BBC website just describes these demos as ‘events’, maybe they realise that people missing planes etc are not going to be very sympathetic.
The bBBC is advertising the UK version as Black Criminals Matter, linking it to Duggan and other gangsters.
I’m sorry but in my opinion it’s time for the police to get absolutely brutal with these left-wing agitators and trouble-makers; We are one of the most tolerant nations on Earth so we do not need or want aggressive Black Lives Matters here; they don’t represent the great black people of this nation who want to work hard and avoid the patronising victimhood nonsense of the Corbyn/Dianne Abbott left-wingers. But, we know that these BLM are just another facet of the SWP, UAF and Momentum scum; they don’t stand for black equality… they are criminal commie wannabes looking for attention. Brutal truncheon beatings and being dragged into a police van and given two nights solitary confinement would be welcome solution to the social detritus that foul our streets. I am a firm believer in equality for ethnic minorities but not these scum
Nice idea Alex but we’ve gone well past the point where muscular policing is even conceivable, especially against ‘minorities’ – imagine the howls of indignation from beeb et al, and even more violent demos from BLM.
We’re stuffed.
Yes, I think you’re right, Peter. Makes me so angry to see what’s happened to our once great country and how our police almost have to ask permission before they arrest someone these days for fear of being racist. We are screwed.
Quite so Alex. A single pic of a single white copper manhandling a single black demonstrator, however legitimately, would go viral and go ballistic and trigger weeks of rioting and looting (or shopping as it’s sometimes known), with the beeb magnifying and applauding and excusing every step of the way. We are indeed screwed.
Here’s some of that muscular policing Alex: looks like the coppers are offering the demonstrators a cuppa tea.
" rel="nofollow ugc">
If you research into the background of “Black Lives Matter U.K.) you’ll realise that it’s just yet another Socialist Workers Party front…
Black people are treated fairly and equally in the U.K., where-by perhaps they’re not in certain States of America, but the Socialist Workers Party will seek to create victimhood and divisions where-ever they can, in order to speed up their ‘glorious revolution” pitting all groups against one another….
The SWP are a disgusting entity, but you would assume exactly the opposite if you took your propaganda solely from the BBC.
I wonder how many of these utterly useless Socialist Workers’ Party filth have actually read or studied political history and philosophy in any depth? Marx would be horrified that these immature and privileged bourgeois bastards are using his ideological concepts as an excuse for their idleness and anarchist aggression.
Relality check.
1 All lives matter.
2 without police we all be f# cked
3 why are more black people, in % terms in criminal justice system? Sadly more, in % terms are involved in criminal /gang /knife /gun activities.
4 don’t get involved and you won’t be criminalized.
5 speaking as a white man I am as the vast majority of white men non rascist on skin colour it is absurd to suggest otherwise. Work it out.
6 I have witnessed far more racism, close hand between blacks and Asians both ways and African and Caribbean blacks than whites and blacks and blacks and whites
7 BBC stop promoting daft protest groups when most people in this country black white Asian etc just get on. Just report on news and stop your f#ing bias BBC this is Britain not the deep south if America in the 50 s. Your sh1t reporting costs lives bbc do you hear COST LIVES.
It’s the BBC’s ever slippery definition of ‘linked’ at work again. A supposed rise in hate crimes is down to Brexit – even though there’s no evidence these crimes ever even occurred, far less who committed them or why. Meanwhile, BLM indulges in extreme rhetoric and the body count keeps going up, but the BBC has decided that it’s all just a bizarre coincidence.
Has anyone else noticed that most of the protestors are white and have posh London accents? Just confirms what I said above that this is just another rent-a-mob SWP Corbyn job. Stop their benefits and they’ll be forced to get jobs, then they’ll have something more productive to do with their idleness then ruin hard-working families’ holidays. Scum! If this were in a real communist state, which these little brats seem to espouse, then people would just run them over.
‘Has anyone else noticed that most of the protestors are white and have posh London accents?…’
Just like the bloke on the Today programme, this morning…introduced as a ‘student’ – I didn’t catch it’s name but it was something like Marmaduke Gormless-Cretin. He set off with gusto, complaining about the deaths of black people at the hands of the police, immigration and the wider state, but it all fell apart when he was asked to provide details. It was clear though his agenda wasn’t black lives, it was anything, like open borders, anything that would do as a protest. Cretin indeed (perhaps he is well suited to a career in politics).
I couldn’t make head nor tail of the other BBC guest, but at least he had the honesty to mention the appalling number of black on black killings (of which there have been plenty in Nottingham (see Dave 666, below)).
Finally, I wonder what people who have missed flights today, lost their holidays or have been disrupted in other ways by the protests, think when it turns out that this was all in support / remembrance of a gangster, Mark Duggan, a low life scumbag who lived by the gun and died by it.
The country’s gone mad.
“The murder of our kids, our families, the fact that black people are three times less likely to be hired for a job.”
Really in Nottingham it sounds like a slaughterhouse? I wonder if the 3 times less likely to be hired applies to the BBc we don’t want English people jobs because 0 Dave666s would be successful for these jobs. “Hired” isn’t that an Americanism as opposed “to get a job”. Hopefully the job center might recognise one or two of them and consider sanctions on their hand outs. et
These BLM ‘protestors’ are the types of fanatical thick idiots we are dealing with unfortunately –
I fear that because so many of our young people have become so brainwashed by cultural Marxism in this country I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the caller was a white middle-class graduate. I would say to the racist anti-white caller that if we whites are so bad why doesn’t she try living in Zimbabwe or something. In what way exactly are blacks discriminated against in this country? I would say that the data suggests that it is white working class youth who are discriminated against. Especially those who are English patriots, heterosexual and Christian.
So much anger from that vile, racist bigot. Absolutely nothing that anyone could say would change such a deep lying resentment and hatred towards white people. If that was a white person then they would have been rightly called out as a racist lunatic…. Unfortunately the piss stain nob-jockey just took it like a prison bitch.
This isn’t about facts. This isn’t about making things better for all. This isn’t about trying to make our society come together… This is about a group of hate filled, race junkies who have failed life at every turn, and blown every opportunity handed on a plate to them. This is anger at being self made failures. This is anger at being beat to f#(k with the ugly stick……
….and white folk are going to pay for it. If these losers are going to fail in life then we all are!
Welcome to Al Beebistans future
Just to show precisely where this disgusting movement is coming from here in the U.K….The Socialist workers party…
Click to access Black%20lives%20Matter.pdf
Click to access black%20lives%20matter%20SWP%20A5.pdf
The SWP treacherous filth are enemies of the state, the leaders of which should be arrested for inciting hatred and terrorist sympathies. These vile scum are out to undermine the very fabric of our country and should be deemed an extremist group who is a danger to impressionable youth.
Alex – a little insider comment you may find interesting regarding the SWP. My best pal from university is from a northern working class family in Lancashire. In our first year of uni he (being a true socialist) went to an SWP meeting and was absolutely appalled as a working class lad to see middle class “comrades” talking about socialism, he said every single one clearly came from wealthy backgrounds. After a few he just found it funny, he said he even saw one walking around with a load of books about Lenin, the murderous physcopath. The SWP are an absolute joke.
Just a thought regarding the protesters who fastened themselves together to disrupt the trams. How did they manage if they wanted to use the toilet?
I imagine some of them stunk more than normal.
Anyone doubting the absolute trollery of BLM should take a gander at this:
The Demands of Black Lives Matter
A litany of blatantly racist, divisive, entitled, nakedly socialist demands. Pol Pot would be happy to put his name to such a wretched document.
Good to see that BLM have adopted such a pure, unsullied and saint like character Mark Duggan as their Raison d etre. You would have thought that they could have found a better martyr than that . I guess this just underlines what a pathetic case they have.
I suppose the next thing we will here is “he was no angel but he loved his mum” and “it was only his own wot e urt”
Strewth !
Beeb headline: “A horse is shot dead after escaping on to an M25 link road in Essex and causing almost two hours of delays for drivers.” Shooting animals who cause delays for drivers? One hopes this doesn’t become standard police practice.
Makes sense though doesn’t it…. Man knifes 6 people: gets tasered. Horse causes a bit of a delay: gets shot. Ahhhh the PC paradise in which we live
It is believed the horse had mental health issues
White Lives Matter More.
I really don’t agree with that. All lives are equal – nothing to do with skin colour.
I agree with you BT if they are decent people white, black or brown then all lives should be judged by what they are not who the are.
But this is the point the BBC misses.
The same could be said for cultures . They should be judged by what they are not who they are.
Funnily enough one culture I heard about had a leader who espoused sexual relations with a nine year old , think war, murder and rape is ok to further your cause, thinks its ok to kill those who leave your religion, and regularly throws gays off buildings and stones those who commit adultery
Another culture preaches tolerance and love. Maybe a bit naive and misguided in these turbulent times yet which one is better and is worth defending. I know what I think
Is that first culture you mention the BBC by any chance?
“Another culture preaches tolerance and love.”
While we’re teaching our children tolerance and love they’re teaching their children how to field strip a Kalashnikov.
I’m simply basing that opinion on which race has, throughout history, contributed more to the world and by quite some considerable margin, that would be Whites; I would therefore respectfully submit: this is why White Lives Matter More, though maybe this is just too brutal a truth for some.
Again I completely disagree and feel that any culture promoting itself “above another” (look at islam) is a dangerous path to go down… I’m not one for promoting the RoP however its the arabs that bought us mathematics etc
If we don’t promote our culture “above another” then Western civilization, and all it’s brought to the world, will eventually be lost.
The Arabs brought us nothing apart from a religion which is fatally toxic to those who won’t submit to it; as for mathematics, it was mostly copied by them from the Greeks and Indians as they copied nearly everything else which they subsequently claim to have originated.
It’s too late to be scared of the truth, we are already too far a way down a dangerous path to be that and we need to have a lot more cultural confidence in both our race and our culture (IMHO).
I submit – fair point
“It’s too late to be scared of the truth”
Well said. You’ve made a bold statement, but I have to agree. I’ve chosen to live where I do in order to be amongst my own kind. In practice, that means my own race, or 99% of it. I’ve experienced the alternative and wasn’t impressed. Having made the decision, it would be hypocritical to try to argue that everyone is the same. I know that many other people have made the same decision, although they never admit it to strangers.
Arguing that it is a dangerous path to go down does not mean that it is untrue. We need to stop walking on eggshells. Many will say that I’m a racist. According to their definition I probably am, but I stopped caring about that many years ago.
At the end of the day, I’m only doing what most people of all races do.
India had advanced maths way before arabs.
All lives matter, but some cultures and political beliefs suck. Sometimes it is necessary to destroy lives because they are so attached to a culture like the Germans of WW2 and many Moslems today.
I understand that maths came from the Greeks and possibly some Islamic scholars played a role in preventing the knowledge from being destroyed by their fellows. I recall it said that if it is not in the Koran it is blasphemous, and if it is in the Koran it need not be covered or read elsewhere.
Interesting that BLM recognize that Martin Luther King is an important figure in black history, but they condemn him because he maintained that all men are equal and should be judged on character, not colour of skin. This is an anathema to BLM and indeed to those in charge of our police since the MacPhrson Report where it is regarded as institutionally racist to apply the law equally to all. Black people, Moslems, Travellers, all identity groups, are not to be regarded as equal under the law. Hence the rise of a ‘cultural defence’ in criminal cases.
Martin Luther King, by current standards, qualifies as an institutional racist.
Yet another disruptive demo by this mob of gormless racists. When you’re using vile gangsta trash like Mark Duggan as your protest totem then you’ve clearly got no sense and no argument.
A few years ago, when I still lived in ghetto torn sarf London, we had black kids being murdered at roughly three a week. The assailants were ALWAYS black. There were the usual mounds of rotting vegetation left at the tacky shrines for the victims with moronic messages like “He was a gud solider!” It became so prevalent that I rather shocked myself by just how inured and blase I’d become to these horrific events. I remember going for a ramble in the country and coming across a church that sold jams and chutnies and you left the payment in a little box. It seemed like a different country. Where I lived all the shops were protected by metal grilles, you were constantly spied on by CC TV cameras and you looked over your shoulder before opening your front door.
We had “knife amnesties” whereby police put bins outside local nicks to collect said items. Mothers marched against the tyranny of gang violence. Left wing MP’s waffled about “poverty and deprivation.”
And what did we hear from Black Lives Matter?
Sweet FA…
Crime against statistics on R5 Nolan just now. “28 more times likely to be stopped if you black than white”*
Throwing such emotive mis-stats around breaks the charter rule on impartiality (not that the BBC management give a toss about obeying the charter)
First thing that strikes me is they me MALE rather than people, cos women are rarely stopped
Second thing that strikes me is that a typical white person is not likely to be stopped, not cos they are white, but cos typical white person doesn’t live in London, whereas a typical black person does.
In stats you have to be careful to compare apples with oranges.
I bet that if you take a street in London which has both young men of black and white who are into dope and flash cars then the stop rate won’t be 28 times different between them.
* Guardian 2012</a.
“I bet that if you take a street in London which has both young men of black and white who are into dope and flash cars then the stop rate won’t be 28 times different between them.”
I can’t provide a link but around the time of the Brixton riots (and the “sus” laws, if I remember correctly) when this “blacks more likely to be stopped” argument was also being circulated, a more detailed analysis revealed that, of those out on the street at the time when the police were actually stopping people, presumably evenings, there was no difference between whites and blacks. White residents in the area were generally older with families, indoors, and not out and available to be stopped on the street.
Your comment “In stats you have to be careful to compare apples with oranges” is spot on. However, this requires intelligent analysis and proper reporting, which is increasingly rare.
The Guardian 28:1 figure is debunked by looking at the commentsMost recommended”
That shows why ProfLefty media should be distained from banning public comments ..They are damn useful.
Typo I cannot correct due to being on a proxy server to get around the council filter
>>The Guardian 28:1 figure is debunked by looking at the comments and setting them on “Most recommended” The top rated comment debunks the 28:1 headline stat.
That shows why ProfLefty media should be disdained from banning public comments ..They are damn useful.<<
Well spotted. I’m going to make a note of that.
Unfortunately, BLM etc are only interested in the headlines when they suit. Others should know better.
You’re right Stew, England is now two very different countries, & it’s not north & south nor is it London v. the rest. It is the urban cities & the rural towns & villages.
I live in what still passes as England, most folk are white & indigenous. Those not are few but they fit in perfectly & I’d say are liked. Generally (apart from drivers on the roads) everyone is amiable & respectful one to another; and eggs & produce are sold beside the road on trust.
Contrast that with the non-England London & other big conurbations where immigrants seem to be a majority & one finds a strained distrustful society where crime thrives, & like cancerous growths these areas are creeping out swallowing the England I recognise to eventually create a national distopia. I’m glad I’m old!
“& it’s not north & south nor is it London v. the rest.”
I’m glad somebody else is pointing that out.
Bradford was lost years ago but hardly anyone seemed to care very much at the time. I got out and live in the Dales. Very nice, but I resent the feeling that I was forced out. I’m still a townie in many respects.
My kids live in London and are doing well. They’re not in the Chelsea/Wapping/Richmond class, but their neighbourhoods are reasonably safe and not unfriendly because the population is relatively stable. London is a big place and the riff raff don’t travel far – they prey on people in their immediate neighbourhoods most of the time. Bradford, by contrast, is a small city and has suffered damage on a proportionately larger scale. A watershed for me was when the pub that I passed every day on my way to school in the 1950s was firebombed in 2001.
I will never forgive those responsible.
“The politics of ethnic identity are increasingly replacing the politics of class as the major threat to stability of nations.” J. Phillipe Rushton.
Yes the apples : the people stopped… The oranges are the general population.
The police are not stopping the general public randomly, but for 20 odd reasons.
So when a black youth gang hanging around the streets smoking dope at 3 in morning is SUSed, you have to compare that against the number of times the police stop a white youth gang hanging around the streets smoking dope at 3 in morning..I dare say there maybe a small bias , but you can only get stats of 28 :1 by including the whole general public mixing all the old grannies who are asleep at home at 3am.
Cultural difference may also account for differences in stats . Like if my dad comes in contact with the police, then he’ll give respect from the strt. Whereas someone else might be hostile against the police from the start it easily escalates into a stop and search event.Like if the public volunteers to shop what is in his bag, then that is probably not officially recorded.
The 28:1 headline stat comes from cherrypicking “An officer in the West Midlands was 28 times more likely to stop and search a black person than a white person” so 1 area, 1 survey that is hardly robust data. What if the police were investigating black gang events at the time..and all the photofits were black ..they wouldn’t be stopping white people would
Not bbc but lbc this morning between 7 and 8 were blowing smoke up the ass of duggans friend and the guy that kicked off the riots in 2011 Marcus Knox Hooke for a half an hour followed by Simon Woolley of operation black vote. He even brought up brexit and the tsunami of racism. It was victim hood central with these two and there seemed to a sense of wishful thinking for more riots. Woolley ranted that people were arrested for stealing water forgetting the huge criminality that went on those days arson , robbery, attempted murder, assault etc . It was a disgrace of an interview by Andrew castle.
” Woolley ranted that people were arrested for stealing water”
I’ll challenge him on the stealing water issue, those erstwhile so called “water thieves” were in the midst of arduous physical endeavour, rioting is not easy work and dehydration hits hard and fast. A person can get pretty desperate, just look at what thirst can do to even trained athletes during a marathon,
Let’s hear no more about ‘so called’ water thieves.
And of course the marathon stewards / marshals just look on – if they intervened it would be waycism, call BLM to lock down the whole country. I don’t recall the beeb showing this, I must’ve blinked.
This country’s had it – is it still worth fighting for?
BLM and their allies at beeb are fond of throwing up selective and misleading stats about black deaths in police custody (mainly in the US so why bring their mayhem to UK?), black earning figures, unemployment, arrests, prison population, bla bla. So maybe someone should start looking at stats for ‘ethnic’ street crime, gun crime, knife crime, muggings, drug-related crime etc. And maybe some stats on IQ scores and socio-psychological measurements like work ethic, delayed gratification, stable family background etc. Those figures are out there, though buried of course, and never, ever mentioned in polite society, like the beeb.
I am feeling sorry for the anarchists of Class War who dressed up for a night of rioting with BLM and found themselves having to listen to middle class students reading from their seminar papers to the assembled crowd. Someone said, ‘I thought i was at Goldsmiths’.
However, it is worth noting the role of the universities in promoting this BLM shite. At random I hit this course at Bristol University, typical of most in the country for its lack of objectivity.
The BBC seeks to legitimise this group even when the person interviews flat-out admits that it’s nothing to do with equal rights and everything to do with black supremecy, while still trying to play the victim at the same time. “Many victims are black” is a meaningless statement as many are also white or other ethnicities, being a racist though she’s not interested in them.
This 28:1 thing really concerns me : It is a statistical nuclear bomb that does a lot of damage.
It gives the idea that police are out persecute black people. It should be obvious to people that it is “too wow to be true”…Police are not running around spending all their time persecuting black people.
It cannot be 28:1 or even 5:1 but for logistical reasons it will be higher than 1:1* has happened to me in foreign countries. **
Secondly need not be a big deal. It wasn’t for me : “Hello can I have a look in your pockets and bag”, “Yep sure officer, you know that’s the second time today”, “Yeh, sorry about that mate, just doing job, there you go have a nice day.”
* There are a couple of logistical reasons why it’s not 1:1.
If I spent 6 months of the year wearing white skin and 6 months of a the year wearing black skin, then in that second half SUS chances would be about the same, but a touch higher cos of the logistics of a a higher chance of mistaken identity.
#1 If there is a higher proportion of black criminals then my face is going to match more photo fits
#2 Perhaps a higher chance that black people are immigrants who don’t speak good English, so there is a communication problem.
#3 If you are in a minority then there is the then people have less practiced at differentiating between faces “They all look the same”. Like if there was an African robber on the photo fit for my village then the Tamil guy would get interviewed cos to the old granny the 2 look similar. Whereas she’s have more skill in differentiating between black people.
** As a white person this has happened to me in foreign countries when the reported criminals have been defined as “foreigners”. In India, I was SUSsed 5 times in one night once and during the Tunisian revolution it was 12 times in 6 weeks.
*** Now if I not only changed my skin colour, but also took on a couple of habits that would increase the chances of getting stopped. Like :
#1 I took an aggressive attitude towards the police.
#2 I started behaving like a Yardie, hanging around the streets smoking dope at 3am.
There is quite an interesting thing when misinformation with politically correct issue comes up, that it won’t get challenged properly as ProgLefties don’t dare.
With the 28:1 thing. I’d expect firstly that the Police would call it BS, and secondly that the stats experts like Spiegelhalter would speak up. But that does NOT happen.
Lefty fact checking site FullFact does debunk the 28:1 generalisation by pointing out, that that particular study doesn’t take account of the vast majority of stop and searches as
#1 It doesn’t include data from lots of UK police forces
and #2 Only includes section 60 searches whereas the majority of recorded searches are under section1.
And then it pointed out that that the same Guardian had a few months earlier published a stat of 5:1.
However they didn’t feel like tacking that 5:1 figure. And neither has any other skeptic or stats site tackled the issue.
..They don’t get Lefties brownie points for finding that Black people are not oppressed.
And I guess Black NGO’s find it a lot easier to play the victim, rather than look inward and tackle the harder issue of why more black people get involved in crime. A thing that Thomas Sowell puts down in the US , to black men walking away from the mothers of their children, and a US drugs policy that jails people for using marijuana.
Many years ago in a ‘liberal studies’ lecture that I attended at college , a police inspector was asked by a young motor cyclist why the police were frequently stopping young motor cyclists ? – His answer was ‘because they were frequently flouting the law’ more than the motorists on four wheel . Simples
Go back a few years ago …………….
Scotland Yard set up Operation Trident to try to halt the rise in these “black on black” shootings.
So who do the police “stop and search” to make ‘black lives matter’ ?
In the U.S. if a policeman in a comparable situation to the one you describe was asked a similar question, about why blacks were being so frequently stopped and he answered in the same way; then he’d probably lose his job after being decried for “racial profiling” i.e. for doing what used to be known as good police work.
Having written that, a police officer here would probably be deep in the s**t too for speaking the truth so frankly.
Spend a few minutes watching this young man lay out the facts regarding the Black Lives Matter movement.
If only we had presenters like Daniel in our Mainstream Media.
Thanks for that. I do not know Daniel, but he has got balls ! That is more than I can say about the wimpy Trolls who crap on this site !
Daniel is a good man. Does his own work. Independent. As a teenager he stuck his neck out defending Palin from the liars in the media. He uses facts, and prepares for any potential counter argument.
There is some hope in young people. Like, Paul Weston , for example. I am really impressed with Daniel ! But not in a ” Jerrod way ” !!!!
There will be civil war on the streets of Britain within the next five years.The bbc and the left wing student protesters will play a large part in starting it.