Once they realise they’re Christian all hell will break loose and they’ll ignore that it’s been going on for years in a tit for tat way not only religious but tribal
Read the Daily Mail website which tells me of chaos at Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester and elsewhere causing places to come to a standstill as demos about Black Lives Matter. It numbers those arrested. The BBC news just says there were ‘events’ taking place. Maybe it is better to underplay the effect but certainly the DM website shows people lying in the street.
This week I watched the BBC programmes , Masters of the Pacific, about the indigenous native American tribes around Alaska and Vancouver, and Britain’s Pompeii about a 3000 year old village uncovered in the Fens. Both were interesting. In the Masters of the Pacific one of the main threads was the long decline of the native culture in the face of European incursions. This was of course deplored by the presenter. A view with which I have sympathy , but I do not share the liberal left view that modern Europeans should feel shame or guilt for what happened a couple of centuries ago. But one of the key phrases the presenter used was that , ‘any culture under threat should show defiance and must preserve its identity’. Well, whenever we modern Brits attempt to do that the BBC is all over us , denigrating us , smirking at our ‘old fashioned ‘ attitudes, often labelling us racist etc etc. It seems to me that in the BBCs eyes defending your culture is a good and necessary thing , apart from when you happen to be English, when by some mysterious leftist alchemy it becomes racist.
On the Britain’s Pompeii programme we were told by the astonished presenter that it seemed that the people who lived in the village 3000 years ago probably came from Europe and had strong links there. Well blow me down. I had thought that after the UK had been under ice or tundra for several thousand years once the weather warmed up people sprang from the soil after millennia of hibernation. This point was laboured to death. I got the impression that this was a programme supposed to be broadcast before the referendum to demonstrate that indigenous Brits were Europeans and therefore rejecting the EU ( not Europe) was going against our history. Just another brick in the BBC wall that we are all the product of waves of migrants. Which of course is true, but after about a thousand years since the last significant migration to our shores we have learnt to get on quite well together , although it did take several hundred years of bloodshed to achieve this. The current wave will doubtless be just as difficult to accommodate and poses some unique challenges , to use BBC speak, but why bother about turning our society upside down . After all unlike that of the Native Americans it isn’t worth saving anyway.
This is one of the better ones I have seen on a Letters Page……… the writer remained anonymous
” With regard to the Syrian refugee ingrates and the Isle of Bute fiasco. I would sincerely like to offer them a total life swap. They may have my house here in a ghetto suburb of Bradford, where I’m sure they would integrate quicker than I’ve managed to in my 45 years.
There’s a school around the corner where little English is spoken, and no Nativity plays are put on any more. There are plenty of mobile shops, all catering for non-English speakers.
We have barrages of loud fireworks at all hours of the day and night, which might make them feel at home. And, best of all, there’s no smiling at people or wishing them good morning, or mentioning the weather because nobody speaks, and a return smile is impossible from a garment where only eyes are visible.
Living, working and being part of a community ‘plagued’ by peace and quite would be a dream come true for me, so I would quite happily go to Bute ‘to die’ as they put it.
However, I doubt I would be granted asylum, even though I feel threatened here, and despite the fact that I would contribute handsomely to such a haven if it were offered. That’s because I’m a white, middle-aged, childless woman, invisible, caring for an aged parent with no hope of ever living – or dying – anywhere as lovely as Bute !”
Those in Government need to read this, and be aware of the damage that multiculturalism has done to the silent majority in this country; and they wonder why we voted Brexit ?
RBS results £2bn loss. In public ownership. Funny that.
Just think of the bill if ever the Corbynistas , the Black Lives Matter, and all the other Fascist Left groups ever get in to government and returned various industries’to the people’.
The £2bn is just the latest instalment of NooLaBor’s previous inability to manage banks and our finances. They may not have been directly running RBS and the other, mainly Jockish, institutions which went bust and have cost us so much money, but they were responsible for the lack of control which allowed their failure.
And no, the Tories didn’t want less control, they wanted a different ‘control’ from box-ticking by juvenile and overpaid FSA box-tickers who didn’t begin to appreciate the risks in the products traded by the banks they were meant to oversee.
BTW I don’t think it compromises her whitewash on Antisemitism in the Labour Party. Anyone who ever read that self indulgent salute to Shami’s ego knew it was a sham, even if she never approached the House of Lords closer than the visitors’ gallery.
It does remind me, at least partially, of Obama’s Nobel Prize. Was the real scandal that he was given it or that he accepted it?
deegee – how dare you question Obama’s Nobel? He was awarded it for being (half) black and that’s exactly what he is, so he had every right to accept it.
And particularly tonight, as the Olympic Games open, she was deemed worthy of carrying the Olympic Flag at the London 2012 games.
Now all that ‘independence’ and ‘Liberty’ over the years, for which she was given the CBE btw, is put into a totally new context, as just another pervasive socialist enterprise.
A con trick on the public hidden in plain view of the lazy and the easily misled – but not I suspect to many on this website.
Contributors with an interest in the slaughter that took place in Londonistan last Wednesday evening may wish to visit: http://newobserveronline.com/london-stabber-islamist-terrorist/#comment-698218
The article concerns one Zak Bulhan otherwise known as the Somali savage that murdered the 64 year old American woman.
Possibly apart from the deranged few who visit this site and appear to support/applaud the work of the BBC et al, all others (as I) simply treated the Metropolitan Police Force and the BBC’s mantra that Zak Bulhan is a “mentally ill” 19 year old and his slaughter of the woman was not, “terrorism related”, with the contempt it deserved.
It appears that despite the agents’ of the State assertions, Zak Bulhan had at the least, terrorism related sympathies. In view of the fact that The New Observer Online carried out a ‘simple search’ on the savage’s name and discovered the information highlighted, it appears that neither the Met nor the BBC has carried out anything like a thorough examination of his background sufficient to justify their claims. Judge for yourself.
Zak Bulhan had Islamist leanings – of course we all knew it and treated the “not terrorism related” line (trotted out with indecent haste) with the scorn it deserved from the start, but still: the systematic establishment cover-up is terrifying.
WAKE UP BRITAIN, the hour is getting late. http://newobserveronline.com/london-stabber-islamist-terrorist/#comment-698218
I did a Google search for Zakaria Bulhan and lots of newspapers (incl. the Independent) have mentioned his name.
You know what I did then I entered the name into the “search” facility of bbc.co.uk – I was amazed to see that no result for that name was forthcoming:
“Sorry, there are no results for Zakaria Bulhan.
Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords
Urgent appeal before they shut down free speech completely: does anyone know of a website where are listed blogs and sites that are fighting the good cause of telling the truth about Islam/Jihad? E.g. Jihad Watch, Bare Naked Islam, Gates of Vienna, Breitbart, Info Wars etc.
The Truth Is Out There but the public doesn’t know where to find it amongst the sea (or swamp) of misinformation.
And / or: could Biased BBC open a Resources Page listing such?
Mundane in comparison with Norwegian non-Islamic and Chakrabatist activities, but the headline ‘Badger contact not responsible for TB in cattle’ must have set Countryfile hearts a-flutter with told-you-so righteous indignation. Of course, reading on will reveal that it’s their poo and piss that does the infecting, so the end result remains the same, but hey ‘Save the Badgers OK’.
The fact that badger numbers since the 1988 W&CS Act have risen in geometric progression and the dairy farm not 200 yards away has just joined thousands of similar enterprises and sold up with most of the herd slaughtered only goes to show what a heartless way of life farming is. Suicidal dairymen? Serves them right, really, doesn’t it?
Heap, Packham, Oddie, May and many other BBC-sponsored ‘wildlife celebrities’ have much to answer for – not that their fans would ever be remotely aware of that reality.
At 7 minutes or so she sums up the Democrat/Liberal/PTB position nicely, “We are going to extend the definition of ‘hate speech’ to include what you are saying” Unbelievable!
Iran Targets Its Largest Minority… Gatestone Institute
The Iranian regime that hangs and imprisons peace-loving people for their beliefs is today a major threat to the free world. Iran is building a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Does it not seem perverse that the UN, the EU and the US administration smile fondly on the persecutors and defame the protectors?
Where is the BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet and Jeremy Bowen?
When I watched the video I thought immediately of the Nazi’s and their attempt to exterminate the Jews in Europe… As then the world remains silent..Never again?
And Obama who suggested that Trump was not fit to be President of the USA..!!
magicoat I don’t have the time – or frankly the heart – to watch the vid which I gather is about persecution of the B’hais in Iran. Having shared a flat with B’hais and attended their meetings, read their scriptures, I got to know them quite well: the gentlest, most civic, law abiding, tolerant and plain ‘nicest’ religion I know. Why am I not surprised to hear they’re being murdered, tortured, supressed and imprisoned en masse in Iran? Friends, time to tell it like it is: Islam is evil to the core.
Parmjit Singh, who knew him according to this article, seems to contradict much of the media and police account of the motives behind this appalling crime. If it turns out to be that he was indeed an ISIS-inspired fanatic, I don’t think many would be surprised given the levels of censorship and far-Left bias in our media.
I wonder what BLM would make of this? These heroes gave their lives for us and this scum tramples on the sacred flowers that commemorate their greatness. What’s that she is wearing on her head? My eyesight is failing so could someone help me out? Thanks
Like a lot of things in todays world, Black Lives Matter is one of those contradictions where its title is invented to invoke sympathy amongst the disinterested, gullible, naïve and indoctrinated while its actual activity amounts to nothing more than good old fashioned anarchy and chaos. If anyone ever wants to indulge in their more destructive tendencies and be at one with their bloodlust just create a generic movement and market yourself correctly by calling it something that sounds virtuous and just. Alternatively for those with less creative spirit and not much time on their hands just join the religion of peace.
Either way you’ll be able to indulge in all kinds of monstrous behaviour with seemingly little or no consequences. Swish!
Thanks Alex. Doesn’t mention whether she arrived by lorry, is ‘tanned’ / or of ‘middle eastern’ appearance or just suffering mental health problems. If its not on the BBC News, you could reliably infer it is a Muslim.
So Westfield attack will go the way of so many other ‘inconvenient’ stories on the beeb. First left dangling inconclusively then buried. Soon to be replaced with Olympics. Talk about bread and circuses. Talking of which, let’s give them another food programme. I know: Brazilian food, so topical, so now, so distracting.
Radio 1 listening figures lower than their combined IQ – no wonder, their target audience are either out protesting or are doing seasonal dancing in Kathoey bars in Bangkok.
If anyone beforehand wanted to know how long large parts of Western civilization would take to accept the regular acts of evil via Islam as the norm it appears to be little under three weeks. I guess our civilizational descent has been strapped to a shopping trolley and pushed down an already very steep hill.
Brazil Olympics – our BBC doing the jeerleading! :
“Organisers in Rio, the home of samba and carnival, have apparently come up with a uniquely Brazilian response to any embarrassing booing at tonight’s Olympic opening ceremony: LOUD PARTY MUSIC.
With the Zika virus outbreak, high crime rate, a political crisis and doping scandals overshadowing Friday’s ceremony, there is plenty for fans to jeer.”
Sell alcohol and pork or we will shut you down, French town tells halal supermarket
The BBC makes its disapproval plain in the report, yet it is the BBC who are the obvious RACISTS in this. The French officials say that the store is a local amenity and has to serve everyone. The BBC doesn’t agree because of its self loathing and rank hatred of white people.
Can anyone imagine this kind of equality being enacted in England ?
We already do that in the UK. The difference is that in the UK we use the law to force people to bake wedding cakes, choose foster parents or to admit B&B houseguests against their religious principles.
Also the French case is probably a civil law matter because it turns on the terms of a property lease.
Just read about the boxer – he was just being a good muslim and exercising his right to rape infidels… Nothing wrong with that.
What did strike me in the article was the fact that even the olympics are on the uber PC bandwagon – they now have a refugee team… If the olympics treat refugees the same way as the west do surely they should start the 100m at the 60m mark and if they lose they can just take any medal they fancy from the nearest brit/american, what do you think Mrs Merkel? Sounds fair to me.
Lobster – it had me in stitches I couldn’t beleive it – imagine the pride coursing through the beeboids veins as he wrote that part of the article – its at the bottom. I then googled it as just like you I was shocked and hey presto the guardian have run a piece on it.
Christ Almighty!!! I think I’ve seen it all now – it’s totally beyond belief.
BrutalTruth – I think that I’ll have to console myself by cracking open that bottle of 24 year old single malt that’s staring at me from across the room. (That’s my excuse, anyway!)
Lobster – Chin chin… I’m going to crack open another beer as lets face it we won’t be allowed to drink once Sharia Law inevitably takes hold… Maybe broadcasting house has already stocked up on non alcoholic prosecco in anticipation
Call me a cynical old bastard (and many people do), but I wonder who’s paying their expenses? Even for the professional freeloaders for whom the streets of the Western world really ARE paved with gold, trips to Rio aren’t free. Who’s buying the tickets and paying the hotel bills?
As JFK always used to say, “every time I see a spontaneous demonstration, I wonder who paid for the coaches and the catering”. Follow the money and you’ll find somebody with a vested interest and an agenda to push.
Hmmmmmm …. last Sunday night 5 Iranian immigrants landed (D day style) on these shores – a beach in Winchelsea, E Sussex actually, by dinghy and arrested on ‘suspicion’ of entering the country illegally (cue hysterical laughter). They were then freed by the Border Force Agency and told to report regularly, to someone. Nothing about this was reported by the Beeb or Sky. What is the point ? wouldn’t it just make life easier to f…….g do away with passports and let them all in ? because that’s what will happen eventually. We see on a regular basis migrants leaping out of lorries and nothing is done, well according to reports there is almost a million illegals here but only 39,000 have been deported. If staff shortages is the problem, then there are a lot of reliable and mature out of work people who would be delighted to have the opportunity of processing these arseholes out of the country.
Living in a rural, coastal area, I can assure you that this is far from an unusual event. Local farmers report all sorts of similar incidents and that the attitude of the police is simply to move them on to London as fast as possible – those they are informed about, of course (they never seem to catch any on their own).
The problem is that once in London (assuming they ever get there) these economic migrants simply melt into the undergrowth where they are supported (and exploited) by members of their extended families. This is why there is such a huge divergence between the size of the population as calculated by the supermarkets which feed us, as opposed to the government, which lies to us as a matter of course.
Nothing of any seriousness is being done about this and nothing will be until there is a major public outcry.
The BBC’s role in this miserable state of affairs is to do everything it can to keep the real truth about immigration from us, to prevent any such reaction.
I agree Brissles I think nowadays the news would tend to fit more into the ‘comedy’ category for me… What is interesting though is that I don’t beleive we are the only ones that are awake – one only needs to look at the comments sections of the major newspapers to see the general consensus of the public as being extremely p’d off, particularly with our foreign guests. On that note, not sure if anyone else has noted the removal of comments sections entirely on the major papers websites – I’m certain its not a coincidence. The regressive left however have now resorted to full blown propaganda – I checked out the Guardian website the other day and the only story they had allowed comments on was their Trump story. Surprise, surprise. What the regressive left don’t realise is that the proverbial lion is well and truly out of the bag – this censorship is now only making it worse for them. As I’ve stated before I’m not a UKIP supporter however I see major wins for UKIP come the next election since the establishment (al Beeb of course a massive part) are completely and utterly deluded.
‘the general consensus of the public . . . extremely p’d off, particularly with our foreign guests’
I read the ‘Guardian’ probably more often than most contributors to this site. A handful of the ‘Comment Is Free’ journalists are worth reading. John Harris, for example, has travelled the country talking to the politically disaffected and economically dispossessed: in coastal towns; in former pit villages in Yorkshire; in the post-industrial north-east. What used to be Labour’s heartlands, in other words, but where UKIP have been making inroads. He doesn’t necessarily agree with the views of the people he meets, but he listens with sympathy. I’ve recommended his writing to anglophile American friends bemused by the result of the referendum.
Rather more of the journalists are, however, beyond clueless. Ms Toynbee, anyone? The vast majority of the plethora of articles and opinion pieces on migration over the last couple of years have argued in predictably straight lines. In favour of taking in all those stuck in the shanty towns fringing Calais and Dunkirk; of amnesties for ‘undocumented’ migrants; of open borders. There have also been a comparable number of articles sympathising with, or warning about the backlash against, the ‘real victims’ of that week’s strangely violent expression of the religion of peace.
And I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that virtually every one of those articles has been *eviscerated* by readers commenting below the line. Contributions arguing against the tenor of those pieces, and often arguing contemptuously, with real anger, can run to 85-90% of the whole. And these from readers whose posting histories (which can be checked by clicking on their noms-de-board-de-message) reveal them to be well to the left of centre in social and political terms. This was one of the reasons why I remained (ho ho) cautiously optimistic about the result of the referendum.
So overwhelming has been the grief returned below the line, in fact, that many of the more obvious provocative articles no longer allow — as TheBrutalTruth suggests — the opportunity to comment. ‘Completely and utterly deluded’ is very apt. The BBC and the ‘Guardian’ are in denial, analogue thinkers in a digital world.
…many of the more obvious provocative articles no longer allow … the opportunity to comment.
The Guardian faces a dilemma here. It relies on Comment is Free contributors to provide clicks to impress advertisers. If it denies them access, it will only be hurting itself financially.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the choice for the Guardian propagandists is between financial hardship or allowing public dissent on CIF.
Shame, I almost feel sorry for those Guardian shmucks.
I will be (slightly) sad to see the demise of the Guardian, given that it is essentially a free resource, and there is usually an article or two that is worth reading. I feel the same way about iPlayer ie keep 5% of it – the rest is dross!
I expect a number of non-lefties have drifted from the Times and Telegraph and this is now reflected in the comments which frighten the old public sector SJW constituents, and the owners can only respond by shutting down BTL on nearly all political pieces. My comments on there have always been ‘pre-moderated’ from day one.
If over time the Guardian can ditch its most idiotic contributors (banging on about feminism and racism ad nauseam) it wouldn’t actually be a bad paper – as Jump said John Harris is oddly sensible for a leftie.
It seems clear that the BBc and large sections of the MSM can no longer be relied upon to report terror related events with any real regard to the reality of any given situation. I think we can guess why and the problem is that it exposes the vast majority of us to risks that we could avoid or at least alleviate given correct information.
I believe the reason for this has two main drivers.
1. The BBC/MSM is heavily invested in an unreal attitude to society and cannot face abandoning this without collapsing it’s world view.
2. This is the more important- the MSM and the governing powers in Europe are genuinely terrified not only of Islamist terror but of a native people that could be driven to extreme measures by the failure of this class to face reality, to abandon unrealistic policies and to act in defence of the West and it’s culture and traditions.
At the moment there is no solution. All the initiatives lie with Isis and the terrorists. They must be emboldened by our media and elite’s failure to confront them in any realistic way.
The sentimentalism displayed by our people and encouraged by the media must also embolden the terrorist.
Candles, flags and pretty lights are useless.
If it is any consolation this situation cannot continue much longer. Which is why I assume that our current leaderships in Europe will not survive this .
The defence of Europe is far more important than Brexit arguments and this country is very definitely at the heart of any defence of European civilisation .
What we have to fear is the possibility that the current power structure will attempt to either negotiate with terror or suppress the inevitable refusal of the ordinary European to stand by while his civilisation is destroyed. If this happens then our ancient culture will go down.
The problem with your No.2, DaveS, is that if the MSM switched 180 degrees immediately, the contributors to this (including me) and other similar websites would simply not believe them anyway. In assessing the veracity of anything newsworthy, I always ultimately rely on a combination of my gut and the ‘Parallel Test’. The PT is that part of one’s brain that upon being confronted by nonsense, immediately recognises that the purveyor of the nonsense has just arrived from some parallel universe from which the ‘news’ item emanates, (which, some Astrophysicists believe exits).
Eastern Europe? They took 1 look at the mayhem of multi-culturalism/refugees/migrants/RoP and, free of (manufactured) colonial ‘guilt’, said Thanks but No thanks and promptly built some fences.
Agree Dover – I am in a quiet part of southern spain and speak French so have been attempted on numerous occasions whilst on the beach to grant my condolences and just gauge what the French are truly thinking. However knowing the french well having lived there I don’t want to confirm my suspicions as they are very proud people and I imagine the conversation wouldn’t be a pretty one.
Zakaria Bulhan’s family were asylum seekers from Somalia who received Norwegian citizenship. Once they had their EEA passports this entitled them to come and live in the UK.
This explains why so many hundreds of thousands of Somalis are in the UK with Dutch or Nordic citizenship.
Brexit may mean future new citizens of EU countries don’t have the right of abode here – an advantage that won’t be mentioned on the BBC.
Meh – Step dads a barrister and brother’s about to finish his law degree from Manchester uni so I’ll find the loop guys – I’ve got your back!
Although from what I do know about law I’m pretty certain that they may be able to prove someone in the house was unlawfully using Al Beeb but they can’t prove who that was. You just say you weren’t at home and job done.
No doubt in true beeb style all it will show is that loads of foreign born citizens are taking the piss then they’ll have to pull the campaign anyway – non story. Certainly doesn’t scare me
As usual, my post was unclear. What they appear to be saying is that they have a right to license your desktop, laptop,tablet or mobile phone because they have a statutory right to charge us for having the audacity to buy a TV (try ordering one to an unlicensed address!).
What I was suggesting that this is overstepping “the mark” and an assumed extension of the license fee that has only been passed by the aging “Wireless and Telegraphy Act”.
‘…the most likely explanation for how the BBC would carry out its surveillance was a technique known as “packet sniffing”, which involves watching traffic passing over a wireless internet network without hacking into the connection or breaking its encryption.’
What they seemed to have missed is that within routers there is a partition which allows access to Wifi to other users in the vicinity, purchased as part of their package with providers like BT Fon etc
A VPN with stealth encryption should be impossible to sniff. To establish what sites you have visited, if you have been streaming video etc would require a warrant. If the VPN server does not keep user data then there is nothing to see even with a warrant. If the server is located overseas in countries not amenable to investigations then not only would there be nothing to see but they couldn’t see it even if there was.
You mean they are actually going to have to start putting some equipment in those vans to accompany the bored chap eating a pork pie while reading yesterday’s Daily Mail?
“”The Socialist Worker mag can be used as emergency toilet paper (a close analysis of its content might lead one to believe that it has in fact already been used for this purpose)””
Ah, the Socialist Worker. Members are encouraged to sell this embarrassing rag. I remember a chap in Manchester finding hundreds of unsold copies in a skip. The sellers were students and with mummy and daddy’s money they would hand over the said amount for the papers and claim they had sold them. I was so hilarious when someone produced a photo of the unsold copies.
No, but her old man is rumoured to be on the next Strictly Come Dancing !!! as the female professionals are from Eastern Europe, perhaps that’s as close as they will get to a genuine reffy.
Sadly, I cannot (do not know how to) provide a link but I can assure you that Sir Bob is otherwise engaged. The Boomtown Rats are “performing” at Leopardstown races on the evening of Thursday the 11th. Not surprisingly, tickets are still available.
I have never thought I would state this, but I have Just tuned in to RT where there is far more coverage on the state of things in Europe than you will ever see on AL Beeb, its an eye opener . Shame on Al Beeb.
If Muttie fares poorly, even with the support of the BBC, clearly plan B will be to campaign rigourously for exemptions to democratic process on the basis of gender. It’s so blatant it might just work.
RT’s sole agenda is to destabilise the West in any way possible. If highlighting the mayhem in Europe serves that purpose, they’ll do it – with relish.
It’s true that RT has its own agenda. Its output has to be viewed through the filter of common sense while making allowance for their bias.
However, just watching the ticker line scrolling at the base of the screen will tell you more about what’s really happening in Europe than the beeb ever will.
South Africa has had local elections and the ANC vote has gone below 60% for the first time.
Mischel Hussein exerted a tone of sorrow about this , almost as of she had just seen the Brexit vote.
She obviously knows nothing about the country, and just follows the established biased anti white BBC prejudice.
Even though the very slow emergence of middle class blacks and some enlightened poor blacks are starting to realise that there is an alternative which may be more effective and less corrupt.
BTW ‘black’ and for that matter ‘coloured’ are totally normal words to use in SA, without any fear of being brandeqd racist by using them. Not that the Far Left would actually know that.
To help confused beeb viewers, I am compiling a “Beebspeak to English” Dictionary.
not related to terrorism – terrorism
nothing to do with islam – everything to do with islam.
Norwegian – Somali
French – Moroccan
German – Iranian
Asian – Pakistani Muslim
religion of peace – religion of war
motives remain unclear – terrorism
teenager – terrorist
a man – a terrorist
mentally ill: Islamic terrorist
unexplained hit and run – terrorism
unprovoked knife attack – terrorism
a domestic dispute: terrorism
a crime of passion – terrorism
our reporter – liar
good – evil
black – white
Pete, had to comment – not sure if you meant this as a serious undertaking or not but I could not stop laughing. Don’t know whether this is an appropriate reaction or just a sign of the times.
Not surprising that posters haven’t picked up on the explosion in a Rouen bar which killed 13 people over night as the MSM has been very quiet about it.
You would think that 13 deaths would have made all the morning papers, but not so. As I’m typing the BBC radio 4 news has briefly touched on it but you would think that 13 dead would merit a headline slot.
It’s described as a fire started by candles on a birthday cake , yet this is not what the eye witnesses report. They say it was an explosion and that it was loud & blew the front window out. They have also pointed to the lack of smoke damage to the second floor that might have been expected in a fire.
French media is now reporting an explosion as a result.
Der Luegenpresse has only itself to blame with stories like this, covering up the monstrous activity of the brown eyed favourites to such an extent that people view their reports with suspicion. Rouen is the city where the Catholic priest was brutally murdered, a second attack would not be surprising, and a bar would be a run of the mill choice too.
I shall await news headlines changing to cover up inaccuracies exposed, and the inevitable problems with a tangled web.
It was reported that a woman carrying a birthday cake with candles stumbled on a staircase and the candles ignited insulating foam on the walls. Most people died as a result of toxic fumes from the foam.
What were they – Roman Candles?
The foam must have been incredibly flammable to react in this way and building regs and inspections must have been very lax.
I think there are situations where a regular fire can blow windows out, but I’m hardly an expert.
“Armed Police surround the bar in France where an explosion killed 13, Police say the incident in not (repeat NOT) terror related. They are holding one suspect – the person who put the candles on the cake, on suspicion that he had ‘mental health issues'”.
I find it also strange that this happened in a club that is in the same town where the priest was beheaded. I wouldn’t be surprised if Europe’s left-wing controlled media has been told to cover up all future Islamist attacks on a grand-scale. I mean, we’re now hearing news that the ‘mentally ill’ Somali was in fact a ‘devout Muslim’ and was inspired by Isis according to reports in UK papers and neighbours who knew him. If this is so, will we get an apology from our pathetic and craven UK media and a full update as developments come in?
Anyway, it’s a sad tragedy that has befallen this town. France has suffered enough without this happening.
This whiffs to high heaven! Though there might be people who don’t want to commit themselves to what they know is most likely to be true, if I were a betting man I would happily place a substantial amount as to what really happened. You’ll get some people who’ll invoke the whole “conspiracy theory” in a derogative manner, but if our mainstream media was still fit for purpose and not more dishonest than North Korean state TV, people wouldn’t have to revert to so-called conspiracy theories to begin with!
And yes, I do think most of our mainstream media as being genuinely worse that North Korean state TV. At least the crude and primitive dishonesty of the aforementioned in North Korea has a certain kind of honest-dishonesty to it. The mainstream media that remains in much of Western civilization likes to be as dishonest to itself as well as its audience while masquerading as being truthful and full of integrity. I preferred it when my dystopia intake was in the realm of science fiction and not real life. At least in fiction you had some redeeming qualities with dystopia like flying cars, augmented human cyborgs and synthetics, outlandish costumes and the like. Real dystopia stinks like a week old fish!
The Algerian waiter was heard shouting Allahu Akbar, meaning Happy Birthday in French [BBC language dept] shortly before the birthday cake exploded spontaneously. French police have categorically ruled out terrorism, though they admit being baffled why a simple waiter should be carrying a Kalashnikov. His name was Ali Dupont.
That’s easy to explain ptg: using a Kalashnikov to light candles on a birthday cake is the traditional Algerian method, he was simply sharing part of his culture.
Not explicitly related but part of the ongoing BLM narrative…
It’s pretty clear that the police are profiling candidates for stop and search which explains the disproportionate number of black, male juveniles involved in the statistics. This naturally has to stop because it’s racist. It’s also a bit ageist and sexist. From now on white women over the age of 75 hangin’ with their crews must also be stopped in Tower Hamlets at 11.30 at night. That will even out the numbers a bit.
“Byron hamburger worker felt ‘used’ after immigration arrest”
Well, not half as ‘used’ as the people of Great Britain . ………..
“We had been using fake documents, but we paid our taxes normally. That’s what made us the saddest – they used us and threw us away.”
Surely to goodness any illegal immigrant caught in this country – after deportation – should be on a ‘banned’ list, and should never, ever, be allowed to enter the country in future, even legally. It’s one of the very few and minor deterrents that we actually have.
I think the issue with those Byron employees is that they had what appeared to be bona fida documentation allowing them to apply for employment in the UK. These fake documents can cost ££££’s to acquire and clearly the intention is to deceive. It is no surprise that the local managers @ Byrons would have been taken in as the paperwork can look indistinguishable from the real mcoy.
What I find hard to stomach is the left idealogue’s automatic defence of what is clearly illegality which deprives citizens of this country from gaining meaningful employment (I know – meaningful – burger bar – still jobs though!). I suspect that the faking of document process is taking place on an industrial scale and the operation at Byrons needs to be a first step toward a massive ramping up of operations to identify and remove the hundreds of thousands who are here (working or not) and who have no right to be.
I should have made it clearer in my previous post that I was responding to the section in the BBC news article posted by taffman, where the guy was reported as saying ‘that he hopes to return to the UK in future and will apply for a visa. ‘
In my view, the UK government should put laws in place to ensure that every obstacle will now be put in his way (and anyone else’s way who acts as he did) to prevent him from ever getting back into the UK -and that includes permanent denial of any visa of any kind.
What struck me as hilarious (if it weren’t so damned serious) during the interview process in the Today programme this morning, was that Mishal Husain didn’t at all appreciate the absolute hypocrisy involved when she described the way that the illegal immigrants were called to a meeting as being ‘under false pretences’, and her sidekick Emma Wilson (?) comments that this ‘wasn’t the best way’ to deal with the issue. Thereby basically siding completely with the criminal migrants’ point of view.
Unprompted by Ms Husain, Ms Wilson eventually had to later concede that perhaps this was the only way to get them, since asking them to come along to have a chat with immigration officers perhaps didn’t have quite as high a chance of success……duh ?…. but she still obviously didn’t like the deception.
Some within the BBC clearly hate any successes of any kind in our border security.
Ian Ashenden, from the Home Office Immigration Enforcement Team
“Illegal working is not victimless. It defrauds the treasury of vital funds, undercuts employers who ply an honest trade and cheats legitimate job seekers out of employment opportunities.
“I would urge anyone with specific and detailed information about suspected illegal working to contact us.”
Is the BBC position that membership of the EU makes illegal migration of non-EU workers more likely or less likely? I’m curious to know their position on this.
as usual the bbc show their true leftie colours. And they can’t resist a story that has an element of social media – the tool of the socialist. #boycottbyron divides social media
The story must have seemed like music to their Marxist ears – downtrodden workers, heartless capitalism etc. the fact that they broke the law is not an issue to the leftie. Expecting the payment of taxes to somehow compensate for forged papers is laughable.
I hope there will be more of these raids now that the sophistication is exposed.
Rio 2016. Blanket coverage on BBC. Good or bad?
Was the Chakrabati Peerage timing wrong? Correct this sentence.
Where are all our boats?
Manchester fat cats problem.
Are people who watch iPlayer mentally ill?
Does Corbyn really exist – discuss.
Has Laura K been dead since 19 July?
As a taxpayer, I have contributed to the vast sum of money paid by the Bbc for the rights to the Games. I did not sanction blanket coverage. Henceforth, BBC3 and 4 will be amalgamated into a free BbC sports channel showing test cricket, 6 Nations and paint drying etc. No sports will be allowed on any other Bbc channels. PS: The TV licence will be abolished.
Correct sentence should read…The Chakrabati Peerage was wrong.
Where is the Observer Corps when you need them? All boat owners in the UK will be required to carry out a required number of coastal patrols daily. Patrols will be organised locally, checked and then fuel will be reimbursed. Boat owners who refuse to assist in this way will have their boats confiscated for such use by ex-Forces personnel. (Call it operation Dunkirk.)
Reminder to self. Contact Daily T and ask, beg, plead in the hope they will do an exposé of local government expenses and salaries, as they did in 2009. That should sort out the Manchester 60% pay rises and reopen the old people’s day centre.
Correction. People who watch and believe the Bbc are mentally ill. One possible solution – arrest everyone who watches the Bbc. Better still, arrest all Bbc employees and close the damn thing down!
Rumour has it that the BBC have sent over 400 staff to Rio – flights/hotels/meals?
Today on BBC1 we have 19.5 hours of Olympics.
On BBC2 there are 19 programmes, 14 of which are repeats of rubbish.
We are paying for this!
The Al Beeb webshite has an article today which headlines…
“why the white man hating anarchists, who have been given every opportunity to better themselves but have ruined there own lives…” ….. Yeah right!! We know the devious Al Beeb do not deal in facts!
Their webshite states…
“why black lives matter is in the UK”
The self hating, self-righteous, traitorous vermin at Al Beebistan HQ then state on the article…
“Protesters are trying to draw attention to what they see as a crisis in the way black people are treated.
The protests have split opinion and debates have broken out across social media.
Natasha Nkonde is one of the organisers of the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the UK.
She’s been responding to questions posed by you on our BBC Newsbeat’s Facebook page..”
But hold on a minute Al Beeb. That’s not what that Facebook page you have linked shows does it?..tell the truth….. Ok I will do the journalism for you, you devious bastards…what it shows is every single post on that Facebook page, even every black poster, is AGAINST the BLM militant group and calling them what they are… A racist, bigoted, hate filled, angry group of anarchists who have no idea what they are protesting against, and in fact don’t want to know. This is nothing but an extremist group, hell bent on causing more social division than any organisation that has ever existed in our beautiful lands…
So here we have it again. The Al Beeb completely and purposely at odds with what the entire country feels and wants… Why? I think in the most part it is the usual, self-righteous, virtue signalling, “I’m better than you” bullshit that is the mental illness that affects everyone that worships at Al Beebistan mosque.. It is also because of the more deviant and dangerous narrative set out by some of the Al Beeb imams who are dedicated to destroying our country and are willing to do anything to achieve it… I think in the vast majority of cases it’s because the people that ‘report’ on these events are so spineless and cowardly, that they will do anything not to cause offence or look like they have any hint of ism in their pathetic bodies. So eager are these embarrassments to look like they “right on, wonderful, diversity loving champions” they are willingly and encouraging the most intolerant, hate filled, socially destructive minds in our society to grow and destroy western civilisation.
We need to sack every single person who works in Al Beebistan before these cowards before things go unimaginably wrong (though I fear that it’s already too late). These traitors need arresting and standing trial for the crimes they have done to their own people so these avoidable events never happen again. We are heading for a blood bath and the collapse of of society… And Al Beeb are to blame
The quality of R4 Today Programme continues to decline . It’s a shadow of what it was in the past . Brian Redhead wasn’t exactly right wing but presenters like him put the current lot well and truly in the shade .
One of the House Females, who now seem to be in the majority, was sent to Manchester to continue the official BBC period of mourning for the Brexit vote . When will this end I wonder ? Probably not until Oily Smith gets his way and we have another Referendum that reverses the result of the first. Foreign workers in central Manchester tell us that they are now being asked when they will go home. The ill educated and ignorant nature of Brexit voters who don’t live in trendy central Manchester or the affluent southern suburbs is mentioned several times.
Funny, but I seem to remember that Brexit campaigners emphasised that migration would not cease, but would be subject to the UKs democratic control. Why can’t the BBC emphasise that for a change instead of producing these tendentious and misleading interviews and reports?
Indeed, under a points system we might get more not less of the bright young things who inhabit central Manchester as long as they can demonstrate skills beyond working in a burger bar. And they can be from outside the EU, such people being currently discriminated against .
The same Today Programme made much of the Byron burger chain expulsion
of illegals. Precisely what valid point was being made by this is not clear to me. If criminals are being caught by being rounded up in one place by a bit of subterfuge what’s wrong with that? It’s a bit like saying capturing burglars by using CCTV is an unfair cop. Ludicrous .
In addition there was a huge irony in tne choice of person the BBC chose to interview . He was a Brazilian who used a forged Italian passport and NI card. Of course he had to do this to take advantage of free movement of labour for EU nationals . When we exit there will be no need to do this. Any Brazilian with the right skills who satisfies a points system will be able to come here . Maybe however a no
hoper who can’t speak English and is obliged to find work in a burger bar may not be successful . But will the UK economy be worse off for that?
Precisely, my understanding is that all those illegal migrant workers were non-EU citizens. Once we’re out of the EU we won’t have to discriminate against such workers in favour of EU based benefit tourists
If, (and it’s a big, ‘IF’) the economy makes a minor decline in the 3rd/4th quarter as predicted by Carney and continually reinforced by the BBC, forgive me, but won’t that suggest that many EU migrants becoming unemployed will simply go home? – Perhaps the honey-pot needs to naturally become unattractive.
I wonder why that might be? Would it draw attention to the political party in Britain responsible for more murders of MPs than any other organisation is?
Encouraged by this BBC headline? Don’t be. It’s the BBC giving a platform to a contributor to make such unwarranted and unsubstantiated ridiculous statements as
“Yet the Africans awoke to a post-Brexit Britain that was as full of prejudice to the non-EU citizen as to the EU citizen.
Bitter graffiti appeared urging all foreigners to leave.”
“People were targeted on the streets because they were black, brown, wore a turban or had an accent.”
“Prejudice, it seems, has been released through the pressure valve of the referendum and the pro-Brexit voters did not count on that.”
Is this approach to propaganda a BBC ploy so that they can say this is another person’s opinion we simply publicise it?
Yes, the BBC goes looking for the opinions it wants to broadcast. It does it all the time. That way it can pretend it is ‘reflecting public opinion’ when it is, in fact, trying to fabricate it.
@FlexDream Good prog featuring strong BLACK voice against BREXIT.
V worth listening to the podcast.
but the BBC hid it away on Radio 3, and kept it off their The Brexit Collection page
Post referendum, Anne McElvoy is joined by
– Kwasi Kwarteng MP for Spelthorne who made the case for Brexit;
– Dr Uta Staiger, Deputy Director of the European Institute at University College London;
– Sunder Katwala, the Director of the Think Tank, Britain Thinks; and,
– Abigail Green, Professor of European History at the University of Oxford discuss the competing histories behind Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.
Refreshing there was no screeching “You said there would be £350m for the NHS”
– And note the way the BBC allowed some things after the referendum, which they’d hidden before..like having the black Brexit politicians (I guess cos that harms their narrative that Brexiteers are racists).
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:58 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Benefits for everyone: Making the case for a universal BBC” Clare Sumner CBE Director, Policy Benefits for audiences Benefits for…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:56 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “There were no signs of any allegiance to a single cause – which is why despite pleading guilty to downloading…
Lunchtime LoatherJan 22, 19:54 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Want a good laugh? Read this tosh: https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/articles/2021/making-the-case-for-a-universal-bbc
Lucy PevenseyJan 22, 19:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Vlad, From Jay Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBOsrvShAwI
Fedup2Jan 22, 19:39 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Absolutely not a ( Islamic ) terrorist incident … at the moment – until the truth pops up …. TTK…
vladJan 22, 19:18 Midweek 22nd January 2025 A man and a boy have been stabbed to death in Germany. Now, before all you islamophobes jump to conclusions,…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:09 Midweek 22nd January 2025 THIS IS F*ING AMAZING…. “China has slowly expanded its soft power by opening its first Confucius Institute in the country…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 19:03 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Maybe the BBC could a “3 Girls” documentary drama but based on 1500 people? Maybe call it “Trump MADE US…
BBC original purpose- to Educate, Inform, and Entertain.
Al Beebistan current purpose – to Avoid, Suppress, and Lie.
Full credit is due to Dave S on midweek thread for supplying the line 2 content.
It’s the juxtaposition that strikes me as so chilling.
I’m waiting for a Beeb researcher to figure this one out
Once they realise they’re Christian all hell will break loose and they’ll ignore that it’s been going on for years in a tit for tat way not only religious but tribal
Oops forgot to mention who they’re fighting that’ll be Bengal muslims or muslims from Bangladesh if you prefer it written that way.
Read the Daily Mail website which tells me of chaos at Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester and elsewhere causing places to come to a standstill as demos about Black Lives Matter. It numbers those arrested. The BBC news just says there were ‘events’ taking place. Maybe it is better to underplay the effect but certainly the DM website shows people lying in the street.
Like dancing? Theatre workshops? Cake baking demonstrations?
They’re celebrating Mark Duggan’s greatest ever achievement – Five years with no criminal activity . . .
This week I watched the BBC programmes , Masters of the Pacific, about the indigenous native American tribes around Alaska and Vancouver, and Britain’s Pompeii about a 3000 year old village uncovered in the Fens. Both were interesting. In the Masters of the Pacific one of the main threads was the long decline of the native culture in the face of European incursions. This was of course deplored by the presenter. A view with which I have sympathy , but I do not share the liberal left view that modern Europeans should feel shame or guilt for what happened a couple of centuries ago. But one of the key phrases the presenter used was that , ‘any culture under threat should show defiance and must preserve its identity’. Well, whenever we modern Brits attempt to do that the BBC is all over us , denigrating us , smirking at our ‘old fashioned ‘ attitudes, often labelling us racist etc etc. It seems to me that in the BBCs eyes defending your culture is a good and necessary thing , apart from when you happen to be English, when by some mysterious leftist alchemy it becomes racist.
On the Britain’s Pompeii programme we were told by the astonished presenter that it seemed that the people who lived in the village 3000 years ago probably came from Europe and had strong links there. Well blow me down. I had thought that after the UK had been under ice or tundra for several thousand years once the weather warmed up people sprang from the soil after millennia of hibernation. This point was laboured to death. I got the impression that this was a programme supposed to be broadcast before the referendum to demonstrate that indigenous Brits were Europeans and therefore rejecting the EU ( not Europe) was going against our history. Just another brick in the BBC wall that we are all the product of waves of migrants. Which of course is true, but after about a thousand years since the last significant migration to our shores we have learnt to get on quite well together , although it did take several hundred years of bloodshed to achieve this. The current wave will doubtless be just as difficult to accommodate and poses some unique challenges , to use BBC speak, but why bother about turning our society upside down . After all unlike that of the Native Americans it isn’t worth saving anyway.
This is one of the better ones I have seen on a Letters Page……… the writer remained anonymous
” With regard to the Syrian refugee ingrates and the Isle of Bute fiasco. I would sincerely like to offer them a total life swap. They may have my house here in a ghetto suburb of Bradford, where I’m sure they would integrate quicker than I’ve managed to in my 45 years.
There’s a school around the corner where little English is spoken, and no Nativity plays are put on any more. There are plenty of mobile shops, all catering for non-English speakers.
We have barrages of loud fireworks at all hours of the day and night, which might make them feel at home. And, best of all, there’s no smiling at people or wishing them good morning, or mentioning the weather because nobody speaks, and a return smile is impossible from a garment where only eyes are visible.
Living, working and being part of a community ‘plagued’ by peace and quite would be a dream come true for me, so I would quite happily go to Bute ‘to die’ as they put it.
However, I doubt I would be granted asylum, even though I feel threatened here, and despite the fact that I would contribute handsomely to such a haven if it were offered. That’s because I’m a white, middle-aged, childless woman, invisible, caring for an aged parent with no hope of ever living – or dying – anywhere as lovely as Bute !”
Those in Government need to read this, and be aware of the damage that multiculturalism has done to the silent majority in this country; and they wonder why we voted Brexit ?
Maybe they’ll fit in on Bute and use claymores for beheading.
RBS results £2bn loss. In public ownership. Funny that.
Just think of the bill if ever the Corbynistas , the Black Lives Matter, and all the other Fascist Left groups ever get in to government and returned various industries’to the people’.
PS total losses since 2008 is £52 bn
The £2bn is just the latest instalment of NooLaBor’s previous inability to manage banks and our finances. They may not have been directly running RBS and the other, mainly Jockish, institutions which went bust and have cost us so much money, but they were responsible for the lack of control which allowed their failure.
And no, the Tories didn’t want less control, they wanted a different ‘control’ from box-ticking by juvenile and overpaid FSA box-tickers who didn’t begin to appreciate the risks in the products traded by the banks they were meant to oversee.
Meanwhile another “good news” story about BREXIT no I’m lying.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-36975320 “Suggests”.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/36985239 yes never would probably have been a better date
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-36981064 Yes some free publicity for this “woman” on top of appearing on another channels what happens to your benefit handouts. Where it was revealed she was devoting her time to obtaining a celebrity lifestyle it would have been easier if she had won the lottery……
I’m waiting keenly to see the immigration figures and how many NI numbers have been issued since June 23rd compared with previously.
Anyone actually believe the BBC will search out the figures and bring them to us?
Shami, Oh Shami.
Abbott defends Shami Chakrabarti peerage
Watson: Chakrabarti peerage timing ‘a mistake’
Has anyone every been nominated for a peerage with such a short membership in the Labour Party — indeed, any party?
BTW I don’t think it compromises her whitewash on Antisemitism in the Labour Party. Anyone who ever read that self indulgent salute to Shami’s ego knew it was a sham, even if she never approached the House of Lords closer than the visitors’ gallery.
It does remind me, at least partially, of Obama’s Nobel Prize. Was the real scandal that he was given it or that he accepted it?
Weird innit,,, the way you never get to see Shami Chakrabarti and little Frank Sidebottom together…
not even at The Fringe!
deegee – how dare you question Obama’s Nobel? He was awarded it for being (half) black and that’s exactly what he is, so he had every right to accept it.
I thought he was awarded it for not being George Bush!
And particularly tonight, as the Olympic Games open, she was deemed worthy of carrying the Olympic Flag at the London 2012 games.
Now all that ‘independence’ and ‘Liberty’ over the years, for which she was given the CBE btw, is put into a totally new context, as just another pervasive socialist enterprise.
A con trick on the public hidden in plain view of the lazy and the easily misled – but not I suspect to many on this website.
Contributors with an interest in the slaughter that took place in Londonistan last Wednesday evening may wish to visit: http://newobserveronline.com/london-stabber-islamist-terrorist/#comment-698218
The article concerns one Zak Bulhan otherwise known as the Somali savage that murdered the 64 year old American woman.
Possibly apart from the deranged few who visit this site and appear to support/applaud the work of the BBC et al, all others (as I) simply treated the Metropolitan Police Force and the BBC’s mantra that Zak Bulhan is a “mentally ill” 19 year old and his slaughter of the woman was not, “terrorism related”, with the contempt it deserved.
It appears that despite the agents’ of the State assertions, Zak Bulhan had at the least, terrorism related sympathies. In view of the fact that The New Observer Online carried out a ‘simple search’ on the savage’s name and discovered the information highlighted, it appears that neither the Met nor the BBC has carried out anything like a thorough examination of his background sufficient to justify their claims. Judge for yourself.
Zak Bulhan had Islamist leanings – of course we all knew it and treated the “not terrorism related” line (trotted out with indecent haste) with the scorn it deserved from the start, but still: the systematic establishment cover-up is terrifying.
WAKE UP BRITAIN, the hour is getting late.
I did a Google search for Zakaria Bulhan and lots of newspapers (incl. the Independent) have mentioned his name.
You know what I did then I entered the name into the “search” facility of bbc.co.uk – I was amazed to see that no result for that name was forthcoming:
“Sorry, there are no results for Zakaria Bulhan.
Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords
Did I spell it wrong?
The BBC search engine is virtually useless. Bet they paid a fortune to someone to set it up.
It’s useless because it has been set up to avoid “inconvenient” searches.
File in tea lady’s rubbish sack.
Did I spell it wrong?
I think Zakaria Bulhan is spelt “Olaf Svensen”.
Urgent appeal before they shut down free speech completely: does anyone know of a website where are listed blogs and sites that are fighting the good cause of telling the truth about Islam/Jihad? E.g. Jihad Watch, Bare Naked Islam, Gates of Vienna, Breitbart, Info Wars etc.
The Truth Is Out There but the public doesn’t know where to find it amongst the sea (or swamp) of misinformation.
And / or: could Biased BBC open a Resources Page listing such?
Dream on………………..
Mundane in comparison with Norwegian non-Islamic and Chakrabatist activities, but the headline ‘Badger contact not responsible for TB in cattle’ must have set Countryfile hearts a-flutter with told-you-so righteous indignation. Of course, reading on will reveal that it’s their poo and piss that does the infecting, so the end result remains the same, but hey ‘Save the Badgers OK’.
The fact that badger numbers since the 1988 W&CS Act have risen in geometric progression and the dairy farm not 200 yards away has just joined thousands of similar enterprises and sold up with most of the herd slaughtered only goes to show what a heartless way of life farming is. Suicidal dairymen? Serves them right, really, doesn’t it?
Heap, Packham, Oddie, May and many other BBC-sponsored ‘wildlife celebrities’ have much to answer for – not that their fans would ever be remotely aware of that reality.
Watch and cry at the idiocy
I’ve heard more political insight and profundity of ideological debate in the Wimpy after chucking out time.
At 7 minutes or so she sums up the Democrat/Liberal/PTB position nicely, “We are going to extend the definition of ‘hate speech’ to include what you are saying” Unbelievable!
Ringo is a brexiter
The student marxists running that comic won’t be happy.
Peace and loving turncoat.
Power to the minority!
Iran Targets Its Largest Minority… Gatestone Institute
The Iranian regime that hangs and imprisons peace-loving people for their beliefs is today a major threat to the free world. Iran is building a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. Does it not seem perverse that the UN, the EU and the US administration smile fondly on the persecutors and defame the protectors?
Where is the BBC’s Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet and Jeremy Bowen?
When I watched the video I thought immediately of the Nazi’s and their attempt to exterminate the Jews in Europe… As then the world remains silent..Never again?
And Obama who suggested that Trump was not fit to be President of the USA..!!
magicoat I don’t have the time – or frankly the heart – to watch the vid which I gather is about persecution of the B’hais in Iran. Having shared a flat with B’hais and attended their meetings, read their scriptures, I got to know them quite well: the gentlest, most civic, law abiding, tolerant and plain ‘nicest’ religion I know. Why am I not surprised to hear they’re being murdered, tortured, supressed and imprisoned en masse in Iran? Friends, time to tell it like it is: Islam is evil to the core.
While O’bama panders to the Iranians.
I also cannot watch a video like that.
In stark contrast, the Bahai have their headquarters in Israel, where they are free to practise their religion in peace and security.
Rio 2016: Moroccan boxer held over alleged sex assault
Don’t mention the M word (apart from Moroccan).
Sir Arthur – don’t you mean dual Norwegian-Moroccan?
Well, well, well… this is interesting:
Alex, you note: the police are JUST taking away his PC for examination ‘this afternoon’?
G – Quite, despite announcing within minutes that the attack had no connection to Islamic terror!! Based on what, tossing a coin?
Parmjit Singh, who knew him according to this article, seems to contradict much of the media and police account of the motives behind this appalling crime. If it turns out to be that he was indeed an ISIS-inspired fanatic, I don’t think many would be surprised given the levels of censorship and far-Left bias in our media.
I wonder what BLM would make of this? These heroes gave their lives for us and this scum tramples on the sacred flowers that commemorate their greatness. What’s that she is wearing on her head? My eyesight is failing so could someone help me out? Thanks
Will this make it on to the BBC? It is the Cenotaph no less.
BLM care only about their own. Not even that: just blaming whitey for everything. Ever.
A bit like the beeb.
Alex, it’s in Manchester so any BBC reporting of the insult to the war dead of that city will probably only make it onto north west regional news.
Even then it will feature beneath an item on remembering the Indian cavalrys contribution to the battle of the Somme.
Like a lot of things in todays world, Black Lives Matter is one of those contradictions where its title is invented to invoke sympathy amongst the disinterested, gullible, naïve and indoctrinated while its actual activity amounts to nothing more than good old fashioned anarchy and chaos. If anyone ever wants to indulge in their more destructive tendencies and be at one with their bloodlust just create a generic movement and market yourself correctly by calling it something that sounds virtuous and just. Alternatively for those with less creative spirit and not much time on their hands just join the religion of peace.
Either way you’ll be able to indulge in all kinds of monstrous behaviour with seemingly little or no consequences. Swish!
Thanks Alex. Doesn’t mention whether she arrived by lorry, is ‘tanned’ / or of ‘middle eastern’ appearance or just suffering mental health problems. If its not on the BBC News, you could reliably infer it is a Muslim.
So Westfield attack will go the way of so many other ‘inconvenient’ stories on the beeb. First left dangling inconclusively then buried. Soon to be replaced with Olympics. Talk about bread and circuses. Talking of which, let’s give them another food programme. I know: Brazilian food, so topical, so now, so distracting.
Perhaps we will get an interview with a family in Rio on what it is like being a moslem in Brazil
Radio 1 listening figures lower than their combined IQ – no wonder, their target audience are either out protesting or are doing seasonal dancing in Kathoey bars in Bangkok.
If anyone beforehand wanted to know how long large parts of Western civilization would take to accept the regular acts of evil via Islam as the norm it appears to be little under three weeks. I guess our civilizational descent has been strapped to a shopping trolley and pushed down an already very steep hill.
“……into the canal”.
“”FTSE Stocks At 2016 Highs After Brexit Blues””
Not mentioned on BBC News Website. Surely worthy news?
Brazil Olympics – our BBC doing the jeerleading! :
“Organisers in Rio, the home of samba and carnival, have apparently come up with a uniquely Brazilian response to any embarrassing booing at tonight’s Olympic opening ceremony: LOUD PARTY MUSIC.
With the Zika virus outbreak, high crime rate, a political crisis and doping scandals overshadowing Friday’s ceremony, there is plenty for fans to jeer.”
Covered tonight on PM, but not on the website is this :
Sell alcohol and pork or we will shut you down, French town tells halal supermarket
The BBC makes its disapproval plain in the report, yet it is the BBC who are the obvious RACISTS in this. The French officials say that the store is a local amenity and has to serve everyone. The BBC doesn’t agree because of its self loathing and rank hatred of white people.
Can anyone imagine this kind of equality being enacted in England ?
We already do that in the UK. The difference is that in the UK we use the law to force people to bake wedding cakes, choose foster parents or to admit B&B houseguests against their religious principles.
Also the French case is probably a civil law matter because it turns on the terms of a property lease.
And in further news, and Moroccan Muslim boxer at the Olympics has been arrested after attempting to rape two chamber maids
And in Afghanistan a 55 year old man has been arrested after he married a 6 year old girl he bought from her parents in exchange for a goat !
Meanwhile there are reports that the Eiffel Tower is being evacuated – nothing to do with Islam, just some mental illness issues !
Just read about the boxer – he was just being a good muslim and exercising his right to rape infidels… Nothing wrong with that.
What did strike me in the article was the fact that even the olympics are on the uber PC bandwagon – they now have a refugee team… If the olympics treat refugees the same way as the west do surely they should start the 100m at the 60m mark and if they lose they can just take any medal they fancy from the nearest brit/american, what do you think Mrs Merkel? Sounds fair to me.
A refugee team?????? WTF???? Please tell me that you’re kidding.
Lobster – it had me in stitches I couldn’t beleive it – imagine the pride coursing through the beeboids veins as he wrote that part of the article – its at the bottom. I then googled it as just like you I was shocked and hey presto the guardian have run a piece on it.
Pass the sick bag!
Christ Almighty!!! I think I’ve seen it all now – it’s totally beyond belief.
BrutalTruth – I think that I’ll have to console myself by cracking open that bottle of 24 year old single malt that’s staring at me from across the room. (That’s my excuse, anyway!)
Lobster – Chin chin… I’m going to crack open another beer as lets face it we won’t be allowed to drink once Sharia Law inevitably takes hold… Maybe broadcasting house has already stocked up on non alcoholic prosecco in anticipation
I bet there in with a shout at cross country
Thanks for the chuckle. They’ll win the cross country with no problem.
Call me a cynical old bastard (and many people do), but I wonder who’s paying their expenses? Even for the professional freeloaders for whom the streets of the Western world really ARE paved with gold, trips to Rio aren’t free. Who’s buying the tickets and paying the hotel bills?
As JFK always used to say, “every time I see a spontaneous demonstration, I wonder who paid for the coaches and the catering”. Follow the money and you’ll find somebody with a vested interest and an agenda to push.
DavidA, “UNHCR” prepared the promotional video so I guess Peter Sunderland / George Soros is the answer.
TBT, what did they do for a flag or was the one they used, plain blue with a load of stars on it?
Hmmmmmm …. last Sunday night 5 Iranian immigrants landed (D day style) on these shores – a beach in Winchelsea, E Sussex actually, by dinghy and arrested on ‘suspicion’ of entering the country illegally (cue hysterical laughter). They were then freed by the Border Force Agency and told to report regularly, to someone. Nothing about this was reported by the Beeb or Sky. What is the point ? wouldn’t it just make life easier to f…….g do away with passports and let them all in ? because that’s what will happen eventually. We see on a regular basis migrants leaping out of lorries and nothing is done, well according to reports there is almost a million illegals here but only 39,000 have been deported. If staff shortages is the problem, then there are a lot of reliable and mature out of work people who would be delighted to have the opportunity of processing these arseholes out of the country.
Living in a rural, coastal area, I can assure you that this is far from an unusual event. Local farmers report all sorts of similar incidents and that the attitude of the police is simply to move them on to London as fast as possible – those they are informed about, of course (they never seem to catch any on their own).
The problem is that once in London (assuming they ever get there) these economic migrants simply melt into the undergrowth where they are supported (and exploited) by members of their extended families. This is why there is such a huge divergence between the size of the population as calculated by the supermarkets which feed us, as opposed to the government, which lies to us as a matter of course.
Nothing of any seriousness is being done about this and nothing will be until there is a major public outcry.
The BBC’s role in this miserable state of affairs is to do everything it can to keep the real truth about immigration from us, to prevent any such reaction.
What’s our Home Secretary, ooops !, Prime Minister doing about this invasion ?
I agree Brissles I think nowadays the news would tend to fit more into the ‘comedy’ category for me… What is interesting though is that I don’t beleive we are the only ones that are awake – one only needs to look at the comments sections of the major newspapers to see the general consensus of the public as being extremely p’d off, particularly with our foreign guests. On that note, not sure if anyone else has noted the removal of comments sections entirely on the major papers websites – I’m certain its not a coincidence. The regressive left however have now resorted to full blown propaganda – I checked out the Guardian website the other day and the only story they had allowed comments on was their Trump story. Surprise, surprise. What the regressive left don’t realise is that the proverbial lion is well and truly out of the bag – this censorship is now only making it worse for them. As I’ve stated before I’m not a UKIP supporter however I see major wins for UKIP come the next election since the establishment (al Beeb of course a massive part) are completely and utterly deluded.
Couldn’t agree more.
TBT The Referendum has done it for many people. They shunned the establishment and, hopefully, there’s no holding them now.
‘the general consensus of the public . . . extremely p’d off, particularly with our foreign guests’
I read the ‘Guardian’ probably more often than most contributors to this site. A handful of the ‘Comment Is Free’ journalists are worth reading. John Harris, for example, has travelled the country talking to the politically disaffected and economically dispossessed: in coastal towns; in former pit villages in Yorkshire; in the post-industrial north-east. What used to be Labour’s heartlands, in other words, but where UKIP have been making inroads. He doesn’t necessarily agree with the views of the people he meets, but he listens with sympathy. I’ve recommended his writing to anglophile American friends bemused by the result of the referendum.
Rather more of the journalists are, however, beyond clueless. Ms Toynbee, anyone? The vast majority of the plethora of articles and opinion pieces on migration over the last couple of years have argued in predictably straight lines. In favour of taking in all those stuck in the shanty towns fringing Calais and Dunkirk; of amnesties for ‘undocumented’ migrants; of open borders. There have also been a comparable number of articles sympathising with, or warning about the backlash against, the ‘real victims’ of that week’s strangely violent expression of the religion of peace.
And I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that virtually every one of those articles has been *eviscerated* by readers commenting below the line. Contributions arguing against the tenor of those pieces, and often arguing contemptuously, with real anger, can run to 85-90% of the whole. And these from readers whose posting histories (which can be checked by clicking on their noms-de-board-de-message) reveal them to be well to the left of centre in social and political terms. This was one of the reasons why I remained (ho ho) cautiously optimistic about the result of the referendum.
So overwhelming has been the grief returned below the line, in fact, that many of the more obvious provocative articles no longer allow — as TheBrutalTruth suggests — the opportunity to comment. ‘Completely and utterly deluded’ is very apt. The BBC and the ‘Guardian’ are in denial, analogue thinkers in a digital world.
…many of the more obvious provocative articles no longer allow … the opportunity to comment.
The Guardian faces a dilemma here. It relies on Comment is Free contributors to provide clicks to impress advertisers. If it denies them access, it will only be hurting itself financially.
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the choice for the Guardian propagandists is between financial hardship or allowing public dissent on CIF.
Shame, I almost feel sorry for those Guardian shmucks.
I will be (slightly) sad to see the demise of the Guardian, given that it is essentially a free resource, and there is usually an article or two that is worth reading. I feel the same way about iPlayer ie keep 5% of it – the rest is dross!
I expect a number of non-lefties have drifted from the Times and Telegraph and this is now reflected in the comments which frighten the old public sector SJW constituents, and the owners can only respond by shutting down BTL on nearly all political pieces. My comments on there have always been ‘pre-moderated’ from day one.
If over time the Guardian can ditch its most idiotic contributors (banging on about feminism and racism ad nauseam) it wouldn’t actually be a bad paper – as Jump said John Harris is oddly sensible for a leftie.
If what Jump says about the Grauniad is true – how very encouraging. Kindly keep us informed of developments, I refuse to buy it.
It seems clear that the BBc and large sections of the MSM can no longer be relied upon to report terror related events with any real regard to the reality of any given situation. I think we can guess why and the problem is that it exposes the vast majority of us to risks that we could avoid or at least alleviate given correct information.
I believe the reason for this has two main drivers.
1. The BBC/MSM is heavily invested in an unreal attitude to society and cannot face abandoning this without collapsing it’s world view.
2. This is the more important- the MSM and the governing powers in Europe are genuinely terrified not only of Islamist terror but of a native people that could be driven to extreme measures by the failure of this class to face reality, to abandon unrealistic policies and to act in defence of the West and it’s culture and traditions.
At the moment there is no solution. All the initiatives lie with Isis and the terrorists. They must be emboldened by our media and elite’s failure to confront them in any realistic way.
The sentimentalism displayed by our people and encouraged by the media must also embolden the terrorist.
Candles, flags and pretty lights are useless.
If it is any consolation this situation cannot continue much longer. Which is why I assume that our current leaderships in Europe will not survive this .
The defence of Europe is far more important than Brexit arguments and this country is very definitely at the heart of any defence of European civilisation .
What we have to fear is the possibility that the current power structure will attempt to either negotiate with terror or suppress the inevitable refusal of the ordinary European to stand by while his civilisation is destroyed. If this happens then our ancient culture will go down.
The problem with your No.2, DaveS, is that if the MSM switched 180 degrees immediately, the contributors to this (including me) and other similar websites would simply not believe them anyway. In assessing the veracity of anything newsworthy, I always ultimately rely on a combination of my gut and the ‘Parallel Test’. The PT is that part of one’s brain that upon being confronted by nonsense, immediately recognises that the purveyor of the nonsense has just arrived from some parallel universe from which the ‘news’ item emanates, (which, some Astrophysicists believe exits).
The French have a saying:
‘Law is made on the streets’.
I suspect that the French will lead the way.
Quite possibly, DS. And if they don’t I am pretty sure that Eastern Europe will erupt.
Eastern Europe? They took 1 look at the mayhem of multi-culturalism/refugees/migrants/RoP and, free of (manufactured) colonial ‘guilt’, said Thanks but No thanks and promptly built some fences.
Agree Dover – I am in a quiet part of southern spain and speak French so have been attempted on numerous occasions whilst on the beach to grant my condolences and just gauge what the French are truly thinking. However knowing the french well having lived there I don’t want to confirm my suspicions as they are very proud people and I imagine the conversation wouldn’t be a pretty one.
Just to lighten things up in all the bad news.
Today’s “Matt” cartoon has to go down as one of his classics.
Let’s see if this works.
Obviously not the case!
Bloody Tory(Indie?)graph.
Both links work okay for me, Number 7. Made me titter!!
I was trying to get the graphic up, Lobster.
Definite fail – I must read up on my old html books.
It’s still highly amusing.
If it had been a muslim country banned for drug misuse by it’s athletes, Matt’s cartoon would have been banned and a fatwa issued.
Zakaria Bulhan’s family were asylum seekers from Somalia who received Norwegian citizenship. Once they had their EEA passports this entitled them to come and live in the UK.
This explains why so many hundreds of thousands of Somalis are in the UK with Dutch or Nordic citizenship.
Brexit may mean future new citizens of EU countries don’t have the right of abode here – an advantage that won’t be mentioned on the BBC.
Big Brother is watching YOU.
It would appear that the Beeb and Crapita have been given the “right” to snoop on your WiFi server.
This should produce some interesting Yuman Rites cases in the courts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where’s Phil Shiner when you need him? (defending his own case for “alleged” misuse of public funds)
Meh – Step dads a barrister and brother’s about to finish his law degree from Manchester uni so I’ll find the loop guys – I’ve got your back!
Although from what I do know about law I’m pretty certain that they may be able to prove someone in the house was unlawfully using Al Beeb but they can’t prove who that was. You just say you weren’t at home and job done.
No doubt in true beeb style all it will show is that loads of foreign born citizens are taking the piss then they’ll have to pull the campaign anyway – non story. Certainly doesn’t scare me
Sorry TBT.
As usual, my post was unclear. What they appear to be saying is that they have a right to license your desktop, laptop,tablet or mobile phone because they have a statutory right to charge us for having the audacity to buy a TV (try ordering one to an unlicensed address!).
What I was suggesting that this is overstepping “the mark” and an assumed extension of the license fee that has only been passed by the aging “Wireless and Telegraphy Act”.
In other words – An Abuse of Power.
Nothing to worry about???
PS. If they can PROVE access at an address they can request a warrant – Ask your step dad.
Oh god – OK…. Sounds like al beeb has gone to town on this one – there must be some way around it surely!?
As I said above.
They are trying to control ALL your media devices.
As I said Big Brother.
c. George Orwell – ex Beeboid.
‘…the most likely explanation for how the BBC would carry out its surveillance was a technique known as “packet sniffing”, which involves watching traffic passing over a wireless internet network without hacking into the connection or breaking its encryption.’
What they seemed to have missed is that within routers there is a partition which allows access to Wifi to other users in the vicinity, purchased as part of their package with providers like BT Fon etc
A VPN with stealth encryption should be impossible to sniff. To establish what sites you have visited, if you have been streaming video etc would require a warrant. If the VPN server does not keep user data then there is nothing to see even with a warrant. If the server is located overseas in countries not amenable to investigations then not only would there be nothing to see but they couldn’t see it even if there was.
If you’re really worried, use Homeplugs instead of WiFi for ethernet connections.
We use them – they’re fast and stable with our mains wiring.
You mean they are actually going to have to start putting some equipment in those vans to accompany the bored chap eating a pork pie while reading yesterday’s Daily Mail?
Hacking WiFi does not need anything more complicated than a smartphone and a bit of “savvy”.
Just one of VERY many examples!!
Far more effective than a van with some decorative aerials.
A pretty accurate description of the BBC’s beloved Socialist Workshy Party
Thanks Alex for the link. I like this extract:
“”The Socialist Worker mag can be used as emergency toilet paper (a close analysis of its content might lead one to believe that it has in fact already been used for this purpose)””
Ah, the Socialist Worker. Members are encouraged to sell this embarrassing rag. I remember a chap in Manchester finding hundreds of unsold copies in a skip. The sellers were students and with mummy and daddy’s money they would hand over the said amount for the papers and claim they had sold them. I was so hilarious when someone produced a photo of the unsold copies.
Two Questions For The BBC:
1. Has Bob Geldof taken in any Syrian refugees yet? He did promise this to the world in September 2015.
2. What steps has Theresa May taken to progress Brexit?
3. Has Pixie Balls taken in any refugees yet?
She got comprehensively fisked by Gaunt this week.
No, but her old man is rumoured to be on the next Strictly Come Dancing !!! as the female professionals are from Eastern Europe, perhaps that’s as close as they will get to a genuine reffy.
Sadly, I cannot (do not know how to) provide a link but I can assure you that Sir Bob is otherwise engaged. The Boomtown Rats are “performing” at Leopardstown races on the evening of Thursday the 11th. Not surprisingly, tickets are still available.
Wot, Sir Bob cannot trust a couple of ‘Refugees’ to be alone in Geldoff Towers in his absence ?
I have never thought I would state this, but I have Just tuned in to RT where there is far more coverage on the state of things in Europe than you will ever see on AL Beeb, its an eye opener . Shame on Al Beeb.
Things are not looking good for Merkel .
If Muttie fares poorly, even with the support of the BBC, clearly plan B will be to campaign rigourously for exemptions to democratic process on the basis of gender. It’s so blatant it might just work.
RT’s sole agenda is to destabilise the West in any way possible. If highlighting the mayhem in Europe serves that purpose, they’ll do it – with relish.
It’s true that RT has its own agenda. Its output has to be viewed through the filter of common sense while making allowance for their bias.
However, just watching the ticker line scrolling at the base of the screen will tell you more about what’s really happening in Europe than the beeb ever will.
Never watch RT, but the same sentiment is creeping out on the dead trees media.
beeb headline on Westfield attack: Officers retain an open mind as to the motive but this incident is not terror related – Met.
So, not all that ‘open’ then.
Toady R4 about 7.50am this morning (Sat)
South Africa has had local elections and the ANC vote has gone below 60% for the first time.
Mischel Hussein exerted a tone of sorrow about this , almost as of she had just seen the Brexit vote.
She obviously knows nothing about the country, and just follows the established biased anti white BBC prejudice.
Even though the very slow emergence of middle class blacks and some enlightened poor blacks are starting to realise that there is an alternative which may be more effective and less corrupt.
BTW ‘black’ and for that matter ‘coloured’ are totally normal words to use in SA, without any fear of being brandeqd racist by using them. Not that the Far Left would actually know that.
To help confused beeb viewers, I am compiling a “Beebspeak to English” Dictionary.
not related to terrorism – terrorism
nothing to do with islam – everything to do with islam.
Norwegian – Somali
French – Moroccan
German – Iranian
Asian – Pakistani Muslim
religion of peace – religion of war
motives remain unclear – terrorism
teenager – terrorist
a man – a terrorist
mentally ill: Islamic terrorist
unexplained hit and run – terrorism
unprovoked knife attack – terrorism
a domestic dispute: terrorism
a crime of passion – terrorism
our reporter – liar
good – evil
black – white
Pete, had to comment – not sure if you meant this as a serious undertaking or not but I could not stop laughing. Don’t know whether this is an appropriate reaction or just a sign of the times.
Not surprising that posters haven’t picked up on the explosion in a Rouen bar which killed 13 people over night as the MSM has been very quiet about it.
You would think that 13 deaths would have made all the morning papers, but not so. As I’m typing the BBC radio 4 news has briefly touched on it but you would think that 13 dead would merit a headline slot.
It’s described as a fire started by candles on a birthday cake , yet this is not what the eye witnesses report. They say it was an explosion and that it was loud & blew the front window out. They have also pointed to the lack of smoke damage to the second floor that might have been expected in a fire.
French media is now reporting an explosion as a result.
Der Luegenpresse has only itself to blame with stories like this, covering up the monstrous activity of the brown eyed favourites to such an extent that people view their reports with suspicion. Rouen is the city where the Catholic priest was brutally murdered, a second attack would not be surprising, and a bar would be a run of the mill choice too.
I shall await news headlines changing to cover up inaccuracies exposed, and the inevitable problems with a tangled web.
Just heard the details on TV.
It was reported that a woman carrying a birthday cake with candles stumbled on a staircase and the candles ignited insulating foam on the walls. Most people died as a result of toxic fumes from the foam.
What were they – Roman Candles?
The foam must have been incredibly flammable to react in this way and building regs and inspections must have been very lax.
I think there are situations where a regular fire can blow windows out, but I’m hardly an expert.
“Armed Police surround the bar in France where an explosion killed 13, Police say the incident in not (repeat NOT) terror related. They are holding one suspect – the person who put the candles on the cake, on suspicion that he had ‘mental health issues'”.
> “What were they – Roman Candles?” 🙂
I find it also strange that this happened in a club that is in the same town where the priest was beheaded. I wouldn’t be surprised if Europe’s left-wing controlled media has been told to cover up all future Islamist attacks on a grand-scale. I mean, we’re now hearing news that the ‘mentally ill’ Somali was in fact a ‘devout Muslim’ and was inspired by Isis according to reports in UK papers and neighbours who knew him. If this is so, will we get an apology from our pathetic and craven UK media and a full update as developments come in?
Anyway, it’s a sad tragedy that has befallen this town. France has suffered enough without this happening.
This whiffs to high heaven! Though there might be people who don’t want to commit themselves to what they know is most likely to be true, if I were a betting man I would happily place a substantial amount as to what really happened. You’ll get some people who’ll invoke the whole “conspiracy theory” in a derogative manner, but if our mainstream media was still fit for purpose and not more dishonest than North Korean state TV, people wouldn’t have to revert to so-called conspiracy theories to begin with!
And yes, I do think most of our mainstream media as being genuinely worse that North Korean state TV. At least the crude and primitive dishonesty of the aforementioned in North Korea has a certain kind of honest-dishonesty to it. The mainstream media that remains in much of Western civilization likes to be as dishonest to itself as well as its audience while masquerading as being truthful and full of integrity. I preferred it when my dystopia intake was in the realm of science fiction and not real life. At least in fiction you had some redeeming qualities with dystopia like flying cars, augmented human cyborgs and synthetics, outlandish costumes and the like. Real dystopia stinks like a week old fish!
The Algerian waiter was heard shouting Allahu Akbar, meaning Happy Birthday in French [BBC language dept] shortly before the birthday cake exploded spontaneously. French police have categorically ruled out terrorism, though they admit being baffled why a simple waiter should be carrying a Kalashnikov. His name was Ali Dupont.
That’s easy to explain ptg: using a Kalashnikov to light candles on a birthday cake is the traditional Algerian method, he was simply sharing part of his culture.
Al Shubtil – Case solved. I knew there’d be a perfectly sensible explanation.
Not explicitly related but part of the ongoing BLM narrative…
It’s pretty clear that the police are profiling candidates for stop and search which explains the disproportionate number of black, male juveniles involved in the statistics. This naturally has to stop because it’s racist. It’s also a bit ageist and sexist. From now on white women over the age of 75 hangin’ with their crews must also be stopped in Tower Hamlets at 11.30 at night. That will even out the numbers a bit.
“Byron hamburger worker felt ‘used’ after immigration arrest”
Well, not half as ‘used’ as the people of Great Britain . ………..
“We had been using fake documents, but we paid our taxes normally. That’s what made us the saddest – they used us and threw us away.”
Doesn’t that photograph of a banner look ‘manufactured’ or staged ?
Surely to goodness any illegal immigrant caught in this country – after deportation – should be on a ‘banned’ list, and should never, ever, be allowed to enter the country in future, even legally. It’s one of the very few and minor deterrents that we actually have.
I think the issue with those Byron employees is that they had what appeared to be bona fida documentation allowing them to apply for employment in the UK. These fake documents can cost ££££’s to acquire and clearly the intention is to deceive. It is no surprise that the local managers @ Byrons would have been taken in as the paperwork can look indistinguishable from the real mcoy.
What I find hard to stomach is the left idealogue’s automatic defence of what is clearly illegality which deprives citizens of this country from gaining meaningful employment (I know – meaningful – burger bar – still jobs though!). I suspect that the faking of document process is taking place on an industrial scale and the operation at Byrons needs to be a first step toward a massive ramping up of operations to identify and remove the hundreds of thousands who are here (working or not) and who have no right to be.
No argument from me on your points, honestus.
I should have made it clearer in my previous post that I was responding to the section in the BBC news article posted by taffman, where the guy was reported as saying ‘that he hopes to return to the UK in future and will apply for a visa. ‘
In my view, the UK government should put laws in place to ensure that every obstacle will now be put in his way (and anyone else’s way who acts as he did) to prevent him from ever getting back into the UK -and that includes permanent denial of any visa of any kind.
What struck me as hilarious (if it weren’t so damned serious) during the interview process in the Today programme this morning, was that Mishal Husain didn’t at all appreciate the absolute hypocrisy involved when she described the way that the illegal immigrants were called to a meeting as being ‘under false pretences’, and her sidekick Emma Wilson (?) comments that this ‘wasn’t the best way’ to deal with the issue. Thereby basically siding completely with the criminal migrants’ point of view.
Unprompted by Ms Husain, Ms Wilson eventually had to later concede that perhaps this was the only way to get them, since asking them to come along to have a chat with immigration officers perhaps didn’t have quite as high a chance of success……duh ?…. but she still obviously didn’t like the deception.
Some within the BBC clearly hate any successes of any kind in our border security.
Ian Ashenden, from the Home Office Immigration Enforcement Team
“Illegal working is not victimless. It defrauds the treasury of vital funds, undercuts employers who ply an honest trade and cheats legitimate job seekers out of employment opportunities.
“I would urge anyone with specific and detailed information about suspected illegal working to contact us.”
The BBC grown up response:
Because surely we’re not suppose to believe a protestor wrote that sign. What kind of liberal activist uses a ruler to make sure his writing is in a straight line. Journalists eh!!
Is the BBC position that membership of the EU makes illegal migration of non-EU workers more likely or less likely? I’m curious to know their position on this.
Brilliant – my cup runneth over… http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/sadiq-khan-immortalised-in-new-emoji-keyboard-for-londoners-a3311611.html
‘Anyone found using the new emoji on a Friday’s devotion to prayers, will be arrested’
as usual the bbc show their true leftie colours. And they can’t resist a story that has an element of social media – the tool of the socialist.
#boycottbyron divides social media
The story must have seemed like music to their Marxist ears – downtrodden workers, heartless capitalism etc. the fact that they broke the law is not an issue to the leftie. Expecting the payment of taxes to somehow compensate for forged papers is laughable.
I hope there will be more of these raids now that the sophistication is exposed.
Now, what’s in the in-tray today?
Rio 2016. Blanket coverage on BBC. Good or bad?
Was the Chakrabati Peerage timing wrong? Correct this sentence.
Where are all our boats?
Manchester fat cats problem.
Are people who watch iPlayer mentally ill?
Does Corbyn really exist – discuss.
Has Laura K been dead since 19 July?
As a taxpayer, I have contributed to the vast sum of money paid by the Bbc for the rights to the Games. I did not sanction blanket coverage. Henceforth, BBC3 and 4 will be amalgamated into a free BbC sports channel showing test cricket, 6 Nations and paint drying etc. No sports will be allowed on any other Bbc channels. PS: The TV licence will be abolished.
Correct sentence should read…The Chakrabati Peerage was wrong.
Where is the Observer Corps when you need them? All boat owners in the UK will be required to carry out a required number of coastal patrols daily. Patrols will be organised locally, checked and then fuel will be reimbursed. Boat owners who refuse to assist in this way will have their boats confiscated for such use by ex-Forces personnel. (Call it operation Dunkirk.)
Reminder to self. Contact Daily T and ask, beg, plead in the hope they will do an exposé of local government expenses and salaries, as they did in 2009. That should sort out the Manchester 60% pay rises and reopen the old people’s day centre.
Correction. People who watch and believe the Bbc are mentally ill. One possible solution – arrest everyone who watches the Bbc. Better still, arrest all Bbc employees and close the damn thing down!
Who is Corbyn?
SORTED. Now it’s coffee time.
Rumour has it that the BBC have sent over 400 staff to Rio – flights/hotels/meals?
Today on BBC1 we have 19.5 hours of Olympics.
On BBC2 there are 19 programmes, 14 of which are repeats of rubbish.
We are paying for this!
The Al Beeb webshite has an article today which headlines…
“why the white man hating anarchists, who have been given every opportunity to better themselves but have ruined there own lives…” ….. Yeah right!! We know the devious Al Beeb do not deal in facts!
Their webshite states…
“why black lives matter is in the UK”
The self hating, self-righteous, traitorous vermin at Al Beebistan HQ then state on the article…
“Protesters are trying to draw attention to what they see as a crisis in the way black people are treated.
The protests have split opinion and debates have broken out across social media.
Natasha Nkonde is one of the organisers of the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the UK.
She’s been responding to questions posed by you on our BBC Newsbeat’s Facebook page..”
But hold on a minute Al Beeb. That’s not what that Facebook page you have linked shows does it?..tell the truth….. Ok I will do the journalism for you, you devious bastards…what it shows is every single post on that Facebook page, even every black poster, is AGAINST the BLM militant group and calling them what they are… A racist, bigoted, hate filled, angry group of anarchists who have no idea what they are protesting against, and in fact don’t want to know. This is nothing but an extremist group, hell bent on causing more social division than any organisation that has ever existed in our beautiful lands…
So here we have it again. The Al Beeb completely and purposely at odds with what the entire country feels and wants… Why? I think in the most part it is the usual, self-righteous, virtue signalling, “I’m better than you” bullshit that is the mental illness that affects everyone that worships at Al Beebistan mosque.. It is also because of the more deviant and dangerous narrative set out by some of the Al Beeb imams who are dedicated to destroying our country and are willing to do anything to achieve it… I think in the vast majority of cases it’s because the people that ‘report’ on these events are so spineless and cowardly, that they will do anything not to cause offence or look like they have any hint of ism in their pathetic bodies. So eager are these embarrassments to look like they “right on, wonderful, diversity loving champions” they are willingly and encouraging the most intolerant, hate filled, socially destructive minds in our society to grow and destroy western civilisation.
We need to sack every single person who works in Al Beebistan before these cowards before things go unimaginably wrong (though I fear that it’s already too late). These traitors need arresting and standing trial for the crimes they have done to their own people so these avoidable events never happen again. We are heading for a blood bath and the collapse of of society… And Al Beeb are to blame
The quality of R4 Today Programme continues to decline . It’s a shadow of what it was in the past . Brian Redhead wasn’t exactly right wing but presenters like him put the current lot well and truly in the shade .
One of the House Females, who now seem to be in the majority, was sent to Manchester to continue the official BBC period of mourning for the Brexit vote . When will this end I wonder ? Probably not until Oily Smith gets his way and we have another Referendum that reverses the result of the first. Foreign workers in central Manchester tell us that they are now being asked when they will go home. The ill educated and ignorant nature of Brexit voters who don’t live in trendy central Manchester or the affluent southern suburbs is mentioned several times.
Funny, but I seem to remember that Brexit campaigners emphasised that migration would not cease, but would be subject to the UKs democratic control. Why can’t the BBC emphasise that for a change instead of producing these tendentious and misleading interviews and reports?
Indeed, under a points system we might get more not less of the bright young things who inhabit central Manchester as long as they can demonstrate skills beyond working in a burger bar. And they can be from outside the EU, such people being currently discriminated against .
The same Today Programme made much of the Byron burger chain expulsion
of illegals. Precisely what valid point was being made by this is not clear to me. If criminals are being caught by being rounded up in one place by a bit of subterfuge what’s wrong with that? It’s a bit like saying capturing burglars by using CCTV is an unfair cop. Ludicrous .
In addition there was a huge irony in tne choice of person the BBC chose to interview . He was a Brazilian who used a forged Italian passport and NI card. Of course he had to do this to take advantage of free movement of labour for EU nationals . When we exit there will be no need to do this. Any Brazilian with the right skills who satisfies a points system will be able to come here . Maybe however a no
hoper who can’t speak English and is obliged to find work in a burger bar may not be successful . But will the UK economy be worse off for that?
Precisely, my understanding is that all those illegal migrant workers were non-EU citizens. Once we’re out of the EU we won’t have to discriminate against such workers in favour of EU based benefit tourists
If, (and it’s a big, ‘IF’) the economy makes a minor decline in the 3rd/4th quarter as predicted by Carney and continually reinforced by the BBC, forgive me, but won’t that suggest that many EU migrants becoming unemployed will simply go home? – Perhaps the honey-pot needs to naturally become unattractive.
“MP’s killing raises questions about security”
This is a BBC report on attacks on MPs. Completely absent from it is any reference to this particular attack on an MP performing his constituency duties http://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sunday-life/news/mp-could-have-been-saved-28400493.html
I wonder why that might be? Would it draw attention to the political party in Britain responsible for more murders of MPs than any other organisation is?
More of those men again?
“Britain’s African migrants who backed Brexit”
Encouraged by this BBC headline? Don’t be. It’s the BBC giving a platform to a contributor to make such unwarranted and unsubstantiated ridiculous statements as
“Yet the Africans awoke to a post-Brexit Britain that was as full of prejudice to the non-EU citizen as to the EU citizen.
Bitter graffiti appeared urging all foreigners to leave.”
“People were targeted on the streets because they were black, brown, wore a turban or had an accent.”
“Prejudice, it seems, has been released through the pressure valve of the referendum and the pro-Brexit voters did not count on that.”
Is this approach to propaganda a BBC ploy so that they can say this is another person’s opinion we simply publicise it?
Yes, the BBC goes looking for the opinions it wants to broadcast. It does it all the time. That way it can pretend it is ‘reflecting public opinion’ when it is, in fact, trying to fabricate it.
@FlexDream Good prog featuring strong BLACK voice against BREXIT.
V worth listening to the podcast.
but the BBC hid it away on Radio 3, and kept it off their The Brexit Collection page
Refreshing there was no screeching “You said there would be £350m for the NHS”
– And note the way the BBC allowed some things after the referendum, which they’d hidden before..like having the black Brexit politicians (I guess cos that harms their narrative that Brexiteers are racists).