Muslims belive djinns and evil spirits cause mental illness. The usual treatment is for the imam to try and beat the evil spirits out of the afflicted person. It’s another example of islam giving us the benefit of the medical ideas of a 7th century rapist.
As for the fracking debate I do wonder from the comments if the posters know exactly what the crooked deal the crooked BLiar cooked up to allow fracking in the UK?
No one will be getting any cheaper gar or electricity full stop !
The deal is that ALL the gas extracted will be going to fuel the electricity generation which is running perilously low in the UK. None of this gas is ever going to see the domestic market and your fuel bills will not be going down.
All the profits barring those for the site developers will be going to the government.
10K is the maximum no householder in reality will ever see, more like £5K tops and that’s a pittance compared to what is paid in the USA. Add a nought on the end of it and it might be getting nearer, and that’s every year, not a one off as is being proposed.
As usual the public are being used, and taken for mugs. People on these forums are normally better informed and more cynical, but the government has kept their true intent very quiet and the media is assisting them in it.
Begs the question does it not, Thoughtful, why we are fracking near houses and not out in the countryside, near those gas-powered electricity power stations?
It is most peculiar that shale gas reserves only appear – with one or two exceptions – to be close to houses very north of Watford but not near a house in an Oxfordshire constituency.
BBC 10 pm TV news had some classic news manipulation. The item on fracking led immediately on accusations of bribery rather than explaining the governments policy suggestion before mentioning pros and cons. Much footage of new age types protesting against fracking by beating drums. Pro fracking person only interviewed right at the end.
The item on grammar schools led straight away by the labour and lib dem announcements to oppose it.
Also a short piece leading on the fact that the Belgian machete man in Charleroi had a previous criminal record . Blatant attempt to distract from his true motivation .
The BBCs bias gets more blatant. Appropriate that Mishal Hussein was the newsreader.
Olympics Breakfast, If you are expecting to see any news here forget it. The only news story I saw was somewhat bizarrely The Japanese Emperor hints at abdication. Otherwise we have lots of inanity abut Mr Peaty which is also headline on BBc online. Personally I have zero interest in sport so I couldn’t give a f**k. We are even treated to video of his Gran shouting at her TV. Lots of people tell us how hard they have had to work at their training. Whoop whoop people have to “work hard” in their jobs every day.
For some strange reason watching BBC news recently I’ve been reminded of that Simon Pegg zombie movie Shaun of the Dead.
Particularly the scene where our hero Shaun is on the phone to his mother and she tries to reassure him about ‘some men’ who tried to break into her house.
‘Are you ok, did they hurt you?’ asks an anxious Shaun. Again taking pains to resassure her son his mother claims ‘I’m fine, I’m fine’.
Exasperated by her bland reassurances Shaun exclaims ‘Mum!’
His worst fears are realised by the apparently innocuous ‘Well, they were a bit… bitey’
I wonder why that scene from that movie comes to mind?
Pakistan bomb – Worldwide, Muslims are merrily slaughtering and torturing fellow Muslims. Think what they’d like to do to YOU, little Kafir, the equal of a dog or a pig, and will once they’re in power in UK.
The Qur’an has a wide range of imagery and insults for those who refuse to believe in Islam. They are likened to cattle (camels, cows, sheep), a goat-herd, dogs, asses, etc. (cf. Surah 25:44, 2:171, 7:175-177, 62:5), but in some passages it is much worse than that:
According to the Koran, a non-Muslim is less than nothing: “To Allah, there are no animals viler than those who do not believe and remain unbelievers” (Sura 8:55). That is why it is necessary to Islamize them by force and by humiliation. And those who resist Islam and its founder must be chastised, according to the Koran: “Here is the fate of those who fight Allah and his messenger: you will put them to death or you will make them suffer the torture of the cross; you will cut their hands and their feet alternately. They will be driven from the country” (Sura 5:33). And, since the Muslims are realists, they take into account circumstances and make, accordingly, temporary peace or war: “Do not display cowardice, and do not call the infidels to peace WHEN YOU ARE SUPERIOR TO THEM” (Sura 47:35).
More murderous mayhem in Pakistan. Is there a single Muslim country that’s peaceful, democratic, tolerant, respects minority rights, religions, freedom of speech etc?
As the late lamented Christopher Hitchens used to ask in debates, ‘Name me one Muslim country you would like to live in?’
Boy, are we are in for a treat tonight (Monday 08.08.16). No doubt a veritable biased BBC ‘fest’ no less!
Laura Kuenssberk on, “The Battle for Britain” – BBC2 2100Hrs. We are told Laura will look at why she, her employers and the Remainers lost the Brexit argument.
I will never forget the spectacle of Laura on the 1800 BBC news the day Osborne announced that if the ‘Leavers’ won the Referendum, he would immediately slap on the country a £30 Billion ‘fine’. Laura was shot in Downing Street and after that headline she immediately said: “And that’s £30 Billion we will all have to pay”. I was hoping the camera would pan around to No.11 where, probably at that point, we would have spotted peering out behind the curtains an ecstatically happy Chancellor monitoring her broadcast in the background. Frankly, you shouldn’t expect this sort of overt non-objective bias from a so-called, political editor should you? If you look at Laura’s background and upbringing (she has a useful(?) degree in History) and family, you quickly realise that a person closer to the State’s elite you probably wouldn’t find (Search: Wiki).
Funny how one’s interest in a particular subject/programme subtly changes as you age. Coupled with the deterioration in honest objectivity from the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, I have developed a morbid interest in watching these sorts of BBC programmes simply to tally the biased, intentionally destructive negative content. No doubt my particular interest will be supremely satisfied tonight. To others of the same persuasion, ‘Happy viewing’.
@Taffman Re Swansea rape by immigrant Telegraph
I checked and Google find no trace of rape by Elias Hussain Mahmud (Ethiopian-born), of Mount Pleasant, Swansea
Perhaps it is being reported on the Radio Wales show currently on air : The Jason Mohammad show
The BBC SW Wales news page is filled with important stories :
– “18 fined over litter and dog fouling” – “Wildlife sculptures made from old tools” – “Welsh schoolgirl helps lead out Team GB” – “Search for Wales’ ‘best loved’ place” – “Action call over 15-year-high HIV rate” – “Painter returns to Wales to exhibit art” – “Corbyn ‘confident’ of support in Wales”
: A BBC Quality Control check would show that the page does meet BBC Quality standards as it does contain a positive news-story about “Our Dear Leader” + stories fed in by NGOs get on air
Tweet rape threats to BBC’s politician friends are honoured with their own news story like last week, whilst real rapes not reported. Internet troll jailed over tweets to Leanne Wood July 15th BBC SW Wales newspage
I urge all readers to grab the nearest box of Kleenex, and for the girls to wipe off all mascara. A blub-fest of epic proportions is afoot as the bBBC sides with its benign benefactors across the channel in Brussels and laments on just how truly awful we’ve all been to our poor, poor un-elected representatives by voting to leave the EU. Look how we’re all wrong about Druncker and how’s he really, really lovely afterall:
‘Mr Juncker has pledged to do “everything he can” to help Brits and their families during the Brexit process.’
Aw, thanks Jean Paul, you’re a love, but the poor dears are still worried about their seats on the Brussels Gravy Train…
“I’ve been working in Europe for nearly a decade. I’m wondering what to do with my career,” one British official said.
A former Commission staffer who left before the referendum told me: “What people are worried about is whether they’ll ever get promoted. If you’re British, who will lobby for you to get the job?”
Well quite. Then, just to hammer home the hell we’ve all created:
‘To add to the slightly lifeless atmosphere, the Brussels weather has been dreadful and the nicest bar in the EU quarter is closed for August.’
No job, no beer, terrible weather – what price British democracy eh?
Lucy PevenseyMar 19, 00:22 Midweek 19th March 2025 “The year is 2029, and Prime Minister Farage is calling you a racist for not wanting more Islamic immigration.”
Lucy PevenseyMar 19, 00:15 Midweek 19th March 2025 [img][/img]
JohnCMar 18, 23:26 Midweek 19th March 2025 Ukranian Nazi’s and soldiers taken from prisons with no choice but to fight. Funny : I didn’t see any of…
MarcoMar 18, 23:12 Midweek 19th March 2025 Sky or should I say democrats company Comcast playing the politics game yet again about the space crew returning to…
JohnCMar 18, 23:11 Midweek 19th March 2025 I’ve just been reading that Flotsam. The only reference to Trump and Musk in the ‘Live Feed’ is: ‘In February,…
FlotsamMar 18, 22:39 Midweek 19th March 2025 Elin Musk/SpaceX has successfully recovered the two stranded astronauts. They were stuck for an unplanned nine months which was dangerous…
atlas_shruggedMar 18, 22:34 Midweek 19th March 2025 If the past five years have proven anything, it’s that those labeled as ‘conspiracy theorists’ were often just ahead of…
Philip_2Mar 18, 22:07 Start the Week 17th March 2025 UK national debt clock: £2,662,103,037,658 And counting. Its trillions and its going to get worse.
Eddy BoothMar 18, 22:02 Midweek 19th March 2025 I like this video, pro Russian American journalist out having a look at the recently liberated town of Sudzha in…
Proof that ‘Asians’ do not suffer higher than average mental health problems
Muslims belive djinns and evil spirits cause mental illness. The usual treatment is for the imam to try and beat the evil spirits out of the afflicted person. It’s another example of islam giving us the benefit of the medical ideas of a 7th century rapist.
As for the fracking debate I do wonder from the comments if the posters know exactly what the crooked deal the crooked BLiar cooked up to allow fracking in the UK?
No one will be getting any cheaper gar or electricity full stop !
The deal is that ALL the gas extracted will be going to fuel the electricity generation which is running perilously low in the UK. None of this gas is ever going to see the domestic market and your fuel bills will not be going down.
All the profits barring those for the site developers will be going to the government.
10K is the maximum no householder in reality will ever see, more like £5K tops and that’s a pittance compared to what is paid in the USA. Add a nought on the end of it and it might be getting nearer, and that’s every year, not a one off as is being proposed.
As usual the public are being used, and taken for mugs. People on these forums are normally better informed and more cynical, but the government has kept their true intent very quiet and the media is assisting them in it.
Begs the question does it not, Thoughtful, why we are fracking near houses and not out in the countryside, near those gas-powered electricity power stations?
It is most peculiar that shale gas reserves only appear – with one or two exceptions – to be close to houses very north of Watford but not near a house in an Oxfordshire constituency.
BBC 10 pm TV news had some classic news manipulation. The item on fracking led immediately on accusations of bribery rather than explaining the governments policy suggestion before mentioning pros and cons. Much footage of new age types protesting against fracking by beating drums. Pro fracking person only interviewed right at the end.
The item on grammar schools led straight away by the labour and lib dem announcements to oppose it.
Also a short piece leading on the fact that the Belgian machete man in Charleroi had a previous criminal record . Blatant attempt to distract from his true motivation .
The BBCs bias gets more blatant. Appropriate that Mishal Hussein was the newsreader.
Hopefully everyone is aware of TV Licence Resistance Fb page
Can’t access it. Wouldn’t touch Farcebook with someone else’s bargepole.
Another headline you won’t see on beeb: TWO British tourists have been beaten and robbed by a gang in the same square as the Cologne New Year’s Eve migrant sex attacks. –
Speaking of fracking/energy, here is a site worth a bookmark
Interesting highlight.
Olympics Breakfast, If you are expecting to see any news here forget it. The only news story I saw was somewhat bizarrely The Japanese Emperor hints at abdication. Otherwise we have lots of inanity abut Mr Peaty which is also headline on BBc online. Personally I have zero interest in sport so I couldn’t give a f**k. We are even treated to video of his Gran shouting at her TV. Lots of people tell us how hard they have had to work at their training. Whoop whoop people have to “work hard” in their jobs every day.
BBc spare us the moment of impact in the “horrific” cycle crash Maybe they should of gone on a cycling proficiency course. Someone compares the safety aspect to 1960s F1. Blah blah blah.
Going to the BBC’s online news page you’d think the ONLY thing of any importance going on in the world right now was the Olympic Games.
Memo to Beeb. That’s not news. It belongs on the sports page. What are you trying to hide?
For some strange reason watching BBC news recently I’ve been reminded of that Simon Pegg zombie movie Shaun of the Dead.
Particularly the scene where our hero Shaun is on the phone to his mother and she tries to reassure him about ‘some men’ who tried to break into her house.
‘Are you ok, did they hurt you?’ asks an anxious Shaun. Again taking pains to resassure her son his mother claims ‘I’m fine, I’m fine’.
Exasperated by her bland reassurances Shaun exclaims ‘Mum!’
His worst fears are realised by the apparently innocuous ‘Well, they were a bit… bitey’
I wonder why that scene from that movie comes to mind?
After the latest (of so many) bomb in Pakistan:
BBC News – Many of the blast casualties were lawyers and journalists.
The comments are fascinating.
Pakistan bomb – Worldwide, Muslims are merrily slaughtering and torturing fellow Muslims. Think what they’d like to do to YOU, little Kafir, the equal of a dog or a pig, and will once they’re in power in UK.
The Qur’an has a wide range of imagery and insults for those who refuse to believe in Islam. They are likened to cattle (camels, cows, sheep), a goat-herd, dogs, asses, etc. (cf. Surah 25:44, 2:171, 7:175-177, 62:5), but in some passages it is much worse than that:
According to the Koran, a non-Muslim is less than nothing: “To Allah, there are no animals viler than those who do not believe and remain unbelievers” (Sura 8:55). That is why it is necessary to Islamize them by force and by humiliation. And those who resist Islam and its founder must be chastised, according to the Koran: “Here is the fate of those who fight Allah and his messenger: you will put them to death or you will make them suffer the torture of the cross; you will cut their hands and their feet alternately. They will be driven from the country” (Sura 5:33). And, since the Muslims are realists, they take into account circumstances and make, accordingly, temporary peace or war: “Do not display cowardice, and do not call the infidels to peace WHEN YOU ARE SUPERIOR TO THEM” (Sura 47:35).
More murderous mayhem in Pakistan. Is there a single Muslim country that’s peaceful, democratic, tolerant, respects minority rights, religions, freedom of speech etc?
As the late lamented Christopher Hitchens used to ask in debates, ‘Name me one Muslim country you would like to live in?’
PTG, some Islamic devotees may, if asked, have offered Hitchens, “Great Britain”.
Well I would answer Gambia, but then I am biased ! But the Hitch’s question remains unanswered. What a loss he is . Hitch RIP .
Boy, are we are in for a treat tonight (Monday 08.08.16). No doubt a veritable biased BBC ‘fest’ no less!
Laura Kuenssberk on, “The Battle for Britain” – BBC2 2100Hrs. We are told Laura will look at why she, her employers and the Remainers lost the Brexit argument.
I will never forget the spectacle of Laura on the 1800 BBC news the day Osborne announced that if the ‘Leavers’ won the Referendum, he would immediately slap on the country a £30 Billion ‘fine’. Laura was shot in Downing Street and after that headline she immediately said: “And that’s £30 Billion we will all have to pay”. I was hoping the camera would pan around to No.11 where, probably at that point, we would have spotted peering out behind the curtains an ecstatically happy Chancellor monitoring her broadcast in the background. Frankly, you shouldn’t expect this sort of overt non-objective bias from a so-called, political editor should you? If you look at Laura’s background and upbringing (she has a useful(?) degree in History) and family, you quickly realise that a person closer to the State’s elite you probably wouldn’t find (Search: Wiki).
Funny how one’s interest in a particular subject/programme subtly changes as you age. Coupled with the deterioration in honest objectivity from the, “Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster”, I have developed a morbid interest in watching these sorts of BBC programmes simply to tally the biased, intentionally destructive negative content. No doubt my particular interest will be supremely satisfied tonight. To others of the same persuasion, ‘Happy viewing’.
@Taffman Re Swansea rape by immigrant Telegraph
I checked and Google find no trace of rape by Elias Hussain Mahmud (Ethiopian-born), of Mount Pleasant, Swansea
Perhaps it is being reported on the Radio Wales show currently on air : The Jason Mohammad show
The BBC SW Wales news page is filled with important stories :
– “18 fined over litter and dog fouling” – “Wildlife sculptures made from old tools” – “Welsh schoolgirl helps lead out Team GB” – “Search for Wales’ ‘best loved’ place” – “Action call over 15-year-high HIV rate” – “Painter returns to Wales to exhibit art” – “Corbyn ‘confident’ of support in Wales”
: A BBC Quality Control check would show that the page does meet BBC Quality standards as it does contain a positive news-story about “Our Dear Leader” + stories fed in by NGOs get on air
Tweet rape threats to BBC’s politician friends are honoured with their own news story like last week, whilst real rapes not reported.
Internet troll jailed over tweets to Leanne Wood July 15th BBC SW Wales newspage
I urge all readers to grab the nearest box of Kleenex, and for the girls to wipe off all mascara. A blub-fest of epic proportions is afoot as the bBBC sides with its benign benefactors across the channel in Brussels and laments on just how truly awful we’ve all been to our poor, poor un-elected representatives by voting to leave the EU. Look how we’re all wrong about Druncker and how’s he really, really lovely afterall:
‘Mr Juncker has pledged to do “everything he can” to help Brits and their families during the Brexit process.’
Aw, thanks Jean Paul, you’re a love, but the poor dears are still worried about their seats on the Brussels Gravy Train…
“I’ve been working in Europe for nearly a decade. I’m wondering what to do with my career,” one British official said.
A former Commission staffer who left before the referendum told me: “What people are worried about is whether they’ll ever get promoted. If you’re British, who will lobby for you to get the job?”
Well quite. Then, just to hammer home the hell we’ve all created:
‘To add to the slightly lifeless atmosphere, the Brussels weather has been dreadful and the nicest bar in the EU quarter is closed for August.’
No job, no beer, terrible weather – what price British democracy eh?