A Brazilian illegal immigrant who came to this country and got a job at Byron Burgers using false documents and a forged National Insurance card complains on the Today programme (0840) that Byron Burgers used and abused him. Not sure why the BBC felt the need to give him a platform to air his nonsense…it was he who abused Byron Burgers taking a job using deception putting them in a very difficult position…facing a potentially ruinous £700,000 fine for employing illegal workers….unknowingly.
Perhaps the BBC should be talking to anti-terrorist police as left-wing extremists launch economic terror attacks intended to scare off customers from the burger chain….and the Black Lives Matter group is steadily going down that route also. Protests or sabotage and economic terrorism?
Why should “Black Lives matter” before other lives.
The BBC should show equal concern for Muslims , with
“Muslim lives matter”
or “Muslim girls lives matter”
or “Honour Killings matter” or do they?
or “FGM matters ”
But I think the best will be
“Black Muslim lives matter”
Then the corollary
” Infidel Lives Don’t matter”
or “Infidel Whitey Lives Don’t matter”
He entered the country under false pretences, he took a job and accommodation that should have went to a legal UK resident and now he’s crying that he was caught. My heart bleeds
He broke the law and he was dealt with. All this does is prove more stringent checks are needed before anyone (immigrant, asylum seeker, refugee) is allowed in
This makes me wonder whether the BBC (knowingly or unknowingly) employs any people who used forged documents to get a job, and if it came to light, how they would deal with it.
I’m trying to imagine a left-wing boycott of the BBC. (I know, I know…)
Well, judging by the woeful standard of English used by some of the presenters, I wouldn’t be in the least surprised!
I’d never heard of Byron Burgers before this story broke. After hearing about this entirely correct and ethical motion against illegal migrants I might go out of my way to buy their products in future. If for no other reason than to upset the insane progressives.
ALM – Added bonus: should you frequent a Byron Burger bar you can be sure there won’t be a beeboid within a hundred yards to contaminate the place.
The menu here
What strikes me is the amount of bacon – dry cured bacon on the menu. Yum
But this could be a target for the pacifist wing of the RoP, concerned as they are for the well being of pigs.
All Lives Matter?
How wacist.
But Toady prog is OWNED by its staff/producers so they can fill the airtime with whatever pet causes they WANT.
So when their NGO or GreenHedgefund mates want a free advertising slot all they have to do is call.
It’s NOT paid for by the British public.
It doesn’t nor have a charter obligation towards impartiality.
….Oh hang on ..I must have been in the Guardian Reader bubbleworld.
Is it me?
Honestly if you are an illegal immigrant in the eyes of the SCRIPT writers at the BBC, and I feel that all BBC reporting is scripted to follow their agenda rather than reporting actual news stories. Then you can apparently do no wrong! Even breaking the law, several of them is ok in the BBC s eyes if you are an illegal
It is like reporting on a burglary and taking the line that everything would have been just fair fine and dandy if only the poor little burglar had got away with pinching the bad middle-class person’s silver. And it’s disgraceful that the home owners should come home early and stop him taking is fill of stolen items.
Disgraceful bbc. Please dear government scrap the licence fee. Immediately.
If you are an immigrant you are also a victim in the eyes of the BBC, regardless of your legal status.
It also helps them push their internationalist ‘no borders’ agenda whenever possible.
This was dishonest, biased BBC reporting at its worst and, as with 99% of the examples of bias posted on here, totally idefensible – even by the shrillest of BBC defenders/trolls/employees.
The Byron Burgers site lists 66 branches.
So the boycott byron mob is actually campaigning to close down 66 retail outlets.
About 20 people per branch, would you agree?, including the cleaning contractors and the maintenance guys as well as the staff and management?
So let’s put 1,320 people on the dole.
1,320 people who can’t pay their rent or mortgages.
Let’s lose all those towns and boroughs the business rates on 66 properties.
Let’s lose the exchequer all that income tax.
Let’s lose the exchequer all that corporation tax.
Let’s create a negative knock-on effect on equipment manufacture, supply and fitting.
Let’s have more empty shops in the high street, that’ll attract more people to the remaining businesses.
When we’ve done all those things, we will also have contributed to an overall marginal reduction in the resources available for, inter alia, social housing, the NHS, education and transport
What a result for the workers, brothers and sisters! United we can put thousands out of work and bring down public services.
Up the revolution!
Ideally, the Snowflakes should be arrested on the spot, for causing a public nuisance. If it’ found the are in receipt of benefits, stop them. They clearly weren’t looking for work on a weekday
That includes Friday morning’s Black Lives (only) Matter flashmobs
The hardworking foreigners will lose their jobs…the ones that bothered to do things legally that is.
But for the mad ProgLefties it’s not actually about helping people, but rather their kneejerk DOGMA, and exercising undemocratic pPOWER over others.
Anyone been recently to the passport office near Victoria station in London? The whole place is run by non-English staff. They all looked very dodgy to me, & I found it a bit ironic that I had to get a British passport from employees who were only British by dint of a piece of paper (if that??).
CranbrookPhil, yes, I noticed that. There’s a similar ethnic profile with the UK Border Force at London’s airports. Another thing that made me chuckle was when I re-registered with a doctor in London after living abroad for some years. My family has had a house in London for over a century, but the moody Polish receptionist was interrogating me about how long I’d lived in the area!
Went to Lunar House, Croydon, many years ago where they dealt with Visa/Immigration. Already then it looked like the third world.
Cranbrook, 2 yrs ago I was there to get my passport renewed. There was not a single visible white employee in the whole place. My experience was quite unpleasant; I noticed my passport was about to run out so booked a slot to get it renewed in a day (and pay through the nose for it). I was then told my passport was “damaged” as it was a bit dog eared – its old that’s why I’m getting it renewed – and I would have to send it off to some special section (not same day of course) and provide a load of documentation. I said politely that the day before I had just come through 4 passport checks with no problem and next week I am out of the country so need a passport. None of this cut any ice, so I asked for the manager, a white lady, who wasnt interested. End result was I decided to take my passport back and use it the next week and then renew it by post the normal way. I had no problems and got a new passport back within 10 days. No doubt the passport office is the envy of the world, but I got the feeling it was a little bit racist!
Disgusting bias in the BBC’s version of Pravda, aka ‘Radio Times’. They were creaming themselves about that muslim woman who fences in a hijab. Of course, unless they told us we wouldn’t know, as fencers’ heads are covered anyway. But what really annoyed me was the snide comment ‘We’re sure Donald Trump will be cheering her on’, or something like that.
Let’s stop a minute. Imagine if an Israeli was going to fence wearing a yarmulkah (Jewish skullcap). Would they even mention that, or if they did, would they add some sarcastic aside such as ‘We’re sure Mahmoud Abbass will be cheering him on’.
They are utterly vile.
Cranmer – I’m amazed she wasn’t using a scimitar!
My dear crustacean, she will, she will – but not necessarily at the Olympics.
I’ve had another threat from TV licensing about what they think is illegal . Can I go on the BBC and get sympathy like the illegal Brazilian ?
If you are an illegal black immigrant, watching a TV without a licence, would you suddenly get a BLM camp outside your house and anti-Byron-group flooding the BBC offices with cockroaches on the grounds that you are being harassed by the BBC ?
In fact B-BBC could try writing on Harassment letters from the BBC
“Stop persecuting me, you are only doing it cos, I am black and Muslim and immigrant, you’ll be hearing from my BLM and pro-immigration protest group friends”
It’s about time the UK authorities, (specifically, the department that a Nigerian e-mailer called the Costumes and Bothers Authority), started checking people leaving the country and applying penalties for foreigners overstaying their visas. Singapore has a good tariff for overstayers.
Even announcing the intention to set up exit checks would see a rush of overstayers to the exit. Almost all sovereign countries check passports on exit, and the need is more pressing now than ever.
The BBC would call it racist, no doubt.
I’ve always thought UK border controls were laughable anyway. The issuing of uniforms was at least a step in the right direction. I recall coming from Italy to the UK. The Italian border patrol had slashed-peak caps and carried revolvers – you would not mess with them – but on arrival in Heathrow my passport was checked by someone who looked like a deputy librarian, with a tweed jacket (with elbow patches) and spectacles on a chain. There was a big sign saying something like ‘we will not tolerate any rudeness to our staff’ etc. For some reason, the Italians didn’ t see the need for a notice like that…
CranbrookPhil August 6, 2016 at 6:57 pm
“Anyone been recently to the passport office near Victoria station in London? The whole place is run by non-English staff. They all looked very dodgy to me, & I found it a bit ironic that I had to get a British passport from employees who were only British by dint of a piece of paper (if that??).”
A few years ago my wife received a letter from the passport office (from someone with an obviously African name) explaining that her application to renew her passport was delayed so that checks could be made to ensure she was entitled to receive one. Having that Huguenot 5x great grandfather probably had something to do with it.
We had not been into any of Byronburgers fine restaurants before we left the UK just over two years ago. However, rest assured, after the publicity, courtesy of the lefty scum, we will be making it a first port of call on our return later this year.
Like many, I had never heard of Byron Burger until this week. After a quick check of their website, I’m off up to Glasgow later this week to show my support – by getting outside of as much beef and bacon as would be deemed sufficient to be washed down by a couple of pints. ‘Protesting’ is hell.
I hope that naga munchety and that steph mc Govan have not had their teeth done with my licence fee