I hear Bob Geldof has taken in some immigrants into his huge home………….Nah! Not really but he did say he would, didn’t he?
Still no movement on Brexit/Article 50….. I suppose they are waiting for the pro eu newsmedia to complete their task of talking down absolutely everything
And….don’t forget, luvvie supreme Emma Thomson darling…mwah….how many has the tipsy bint taken in?….cabbage patch Cumberbitch…5?….8?…….no..Mummy told him not to be so rash darling…..Bono?…don’t even go there….wasters the lot of them.
Ah but you see GR, it’s not the physicality of housing refugees, it’s the ability – fine honed both through direct exposure to ‘the camps’ and the experience of ‘roughing it’ on the way to the top – to empathise, you follow? The housing is in the mind, giving space to those less fortunate. It’s all rather wonderful, actually.
Thanks for that, it really made me chuckle!
Perhaps we could use a very large photo of Saint Bob, placed on the shore facing Calais, as a sort of disincentive for all the hoards risking life and limb trying to get here.
One look at flea bite Bob…
As mentioned on a previous thread, Sir Bob is otherwise occupied. The Boomtown Rats are at Leopardstown racecourse this evening. Plenty of tickets available at 18 Euros, though the price actually reflects the standard racecourse admission charge. So Bob must be doing it kind of ‘pro Bono’ (boom boom).
Extensive use of interviews with individuals in “news” reports adds to the effect of BBC bias. If I wanted to put over a point of view (e.g. Anti-Brexit) I would go out and interview 20 people. Then I would use two or three sensible looking and sounding people who were on the side I wanted to push, and as ‘balance’ two or three weird looking or sounding individuals who were opposed to my “line” and bingo.
Quite so. It is just the same with UKIP. The BBC’s golden rule is never to interview articulate, well-spoken supporters of the party, but ensure damaging or ignorant quotes from the D’s and E’s are carefully selected for broadcasting.
Never* interview a UKIP supporter who is black, brown, gay etc. is also a MSM Rule
as that goes against Project Smear ..
Project Smear Farage as a racist, even tho’s he’s married to a German, and describes his kids as half-German.
* (buried away on Radio3 late at night such people have been aired)
It would be interesting to see how the BBC would do an interview with Nigel Farages` German wife…. Someone like Evan Davies (becouse he looks like Heydrich) … Imagine half an hour of him avoiding the question of Europe …. Xenophobia…. Nationality of thier children…. being married to racist…. Reason why they decided to live in the UK rather than Germany…. Opinions on Israels` foriegn policies…. Will you be changing your EU passport for a British one when we leave the EU? And let`s not forget “Do you still keep in contact with your friends back home, and if so how many of them have been sexually assaulted?” …. I would have suggested an interview with the whole family, but i`m not sure thier kids would be safe amongst all the sexual predators currently employed as staff….
With regard to Olympic coverage ,the BEEB was trumpeting their wonderful coverage on the red button .I tried the red button on my freeview TV but only could get 2 channels .
Yesterday ,i noticed they included the fact you can really only get the red button fully if you have satellite or cable.i presume they had complaints .
So I’m paying for the BEEB but to get full coverage I need to go to Sky or Virgin What a con. As it happens I do have Sky but others will have to make do with less coverage. Smoke and mirrors or what .
There are those of us who only receive ‘free’ channels having paid our license fee. (Mr D, although enraged by the sort of letters his mother received when she was over 80 from the Licensing Authority) still feels we ought to pay. Whilst I might quite enjoy some of the Olympics I am already so fed up with highlighting ladies in hijabs, gay divers and black Jamaicans and we haven’t even had the ‘British’ Mo put a foot on the track so I have already lost interest. When the Beeb manages to cover an event without making obvious propaganda out of it, I might actually want to watch – assuming it isn’t dumbed down of course.
I agree, there is not much worth watching even on the red button . I was discussing with my son about the Olympic sports and how there were too many of them,specifically the women’s rugby 7s and such like .Its only there because of equality and the women clearly cannot play a physical game like rugby .Call me old fashioned but there it is. Of course the Beeb loves it.
On BBC this morning highlighting the gymnastics they managed to show the only black female member of the winning USA team while saying how good the whole team was. I don’t care what colour people are but the Beeb always focuses on their diversity agenda.
I’m disappointed that the BBC, despite all the influence it clearly wields, hasn’t yet managed to correct the glaring racism in the track events. To ensure equality of representation for white and Asian athletes, we must have quotas imposed immediately. Why should track events be continually dominated by a majority of black runners?
At the moment, the BBC seems to have temporarily rearranged its 7 Freeview Channels:
(1) BBC 1: All day Olympics
(2) BBC 2: All day Olympics
(9) BBC 4: All day Olympics
(120>9pm>601) CBBC/RB1: All night Olympics
(121>7pm>600) CBEEBIES/RB0: All night Olympics
(130) BBC NEWS: All day Olympics
(131) BBC PARLIAMENT: Brexit and the House of Lords
I rather got that impression as well Richard. The if you don’t like the sight of people of pissing around doing really dull things like running round a track or going for a bit of a swim than you can f**k off and watch another channel attitude just forget that you are being coerced into paying for this, if you dislike sport, 24 hour dullness.
They were at their coy best this morning on Today.
a remake of, sorry “tribute” to “Are you being served” is on the way.
It was “much loved”, “nothing`s been changed”…it`s been “updated” said the Arthur English tribute actor.
Ooooh! they even squeezed in a reference to “Mrs Slocombes pussy”…daring, so daring.
But of Mr Humphries?……a profound silence. Presumably he`s been “updated” in some way.
Embolden, apparently when AYBS was first proposed after its pilot in ’72, the BBC said (it was Billy Cotton I think) that a series should only be made if Mr Humphries were removed! Hard to believe now. What’s great about the character is that he’s camp, but isn’t trying to push any sort of ‘gay agenda’ and it’s never explicitly stated what his sexual orientation actually is (in the 1990s sequel, ‘Grace and Favour’ it was hinted that he might even be straight!) I can’t see such a character being on a modern show as he’s not clearly ‘aligned’.
Weird thing is that we all loved Mr Humphries.
So how was that a bad thing for gay people?
Surely love was and is a better attitude than any other.
So it is a sad reflection of our time that the biased BBC feels the need to dance around the handbags on this situation.
BBC radio 4, an outrageous attack on the indigenous populace for being nervous of travelling in enclosed places with Muslims !
Frightened of each others Shadows:
It’s part of contemporary life we experience but are ashamed to discuss.But Nihal Arthanayake wants to talk it: about the things that are left unsaid. The empty chair next to a person from an ethnic minority on a packed bus or train. That anxious glance, or downright hostile gaze.Nihal hears from people from around Britain about how the threat of terrorist attacks is making us all frightened of each other’s shadows; charting the emotional landscape of Britain at a time of heightened anxiety and distrust. Olaoluwa Opebiyi was removed from a plane by armed police after a fellow passenger reported him to cabin crew for acting suspiciously. Karan Chadda shaved off his hipster beard when people started avoiding him. Tomiwa Folounso tells us that she feels guilty for being wary of young Asian men, when she too has experienced prejudice in the past.How do manage these fears? Some of the people we spoke with in this programme have asked to remain anonymous, but we’ll hear from Steve Reicher, a Professor of Social Psychology at St Andrews University and Les Back, Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. We join writer Iain Sinclair as he takes Nihal on a walk through history around the City of London. Nihal also speaks with Robin Goodwin from Warwick University who has been measuring people’s responses to terrorist attacks, from 9/11 right up until the November attacks in Paris in 2015. Is terrorism changing the way we relate to each other?Producer: Caitlin Smith.
Utterly disgusting, and we can only hope Caitlin Smith is somehow affected by such attacks herself which might change her anti white racism and pro Islamic values.
The BBC would still think it was ‘racist’ if a white person refused to sit next to a bearded man on the tube dressed like Lawrence of Arabia, with a dagger between his teeth and holding a black ball with a fizzing fuse that had ‘BOMB’ written on it.
I would never sit next to a Moslem/ hijab wearer or be served in a shop by one. Not prejudice, but self protection. Suppose I broke wind, suppose I coughed, suppose I had bacon in my shopping bag which was interpreted as an act of provocation, suppose my face appeared in some way hostile and it was interpreted as a racist/Islamophonic look.
No. I do not wish to be arrested and paraded as a warning to others to keep our place.
Meanwhile, I do get fed up with security searches, with tannoys calling that unattended luggage will be removed, and so on.
Notice how the establishment circles the wagons when one of their own gets murdered , but then tell the plebs not to have ” irrational ” fears about some people who want to kill us .
Ordinary people murdered by ” lone wolves ” ; 10 000
MPs murdered by lone wolf ; 1
BBC murdered by lone wolf ; 1
Prime Ministers , Cabinet members killed by lone wolves ;0
Academics killed by lone wolves ; 0 .
Civil Servants killed by lone wolves ;0 .
Now let’s look at the protection methods and security arrangements for two groups here
For Prime Ministers ; a 100% sophisticated close personal protection on a 60 to 1 basis , never being with ordinary folk .Or mingling freely with certain groups .
For ordinary folk ; as best we can . We must be vigilant , but not too vigilant otherwise a certain group might feel marginalised .
Another example of what happens when reality comes up against liberal fantasies. The liberal would rather override any survival mechanism than be thought to be offending some liberal PC nostrum.
AS terror attacks increase only a fool fails to take precautions and if those precautions offend some liberal twat ‘s view of the world then tough.
Ask the German women about the need for vigilance and just how circumscribed their lives are now. Not that our feminists care a jot.
I have no intention of exposing myself or mine to any avoidable danger and this is ,I suggest , the majority view now. Not some BBC whining from some has been academics.
That this is now necessary in England is an indictment of our leaders/media and enough to disqualify them from saying anything on the matter .
Thoughtful, problem with all these sort of programmes is that the BBC simply forget to explain that Islam cannot be and will not be an integral part of British society. Sure, they’ll wheel out some Muslim who the rank and file Islamicists treat as a ‘turncoat’ and he (inevitably) will try and kid us that, ‘The Religion of Peace’ wants nothing more that to live harmoniously within our ranks. The fact is any interpretation of the Quaran leaves the reader with no conflict in that Islam seeks World domination and the UK has left the back door wide open to being one of the first to be dominated. Where will it all end? This article sets out the alternatives pretty cogently: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8637/islam-europe-conquest
You can debate the points made in the article the next time you share a pint in your local pub with the local Iman.
I have never read such rubbish as Thoughful has copied from Caitlin Smith. I am regularly in London and use the Northern Line. As a woman, if I get into a carriage with just a few people sitting there I will tend to go for a seat away from other people – if there is only one other person in the carriage and you went and sat next to them you would get a funny look. If the Tube is moderately busy I will tend to find a seat next to another woman whatever colour she is. If the tube is really busy I will get a seat where ever I can. But the Northern Line is so full of people of all colours and nationalities that avoiding any particular race or creed is impossible. However if people do look ‘unwashed’, I may prefer to stand rather than take the seat next to them – and that applies to white people too. I just get the feeling that the BBC are desperate for stories at the moment – is it because the present government is not leaking or feeding the BBC them, or it is to avoid any mention of either the Labour Party or Islaam? Southern Rail is allowing the BBC to attack the government through the Unions although it is as plain as a pikestaff that the Unions are a) trying to protect their jobs and to be fair that is their role but also b) just being damned belligerent because they want to attack the government. But the story this morning about Trump on the Today programme just sounded desperate -but I see there is a different thread about that.
Olaoluwa Opebiyi was removed from a plane by armed police after a fellow passenger reported him to cabin crew for acting suspiciously.
Assuming the fellow passenger was genuinely concerned then he/she was only fulfilling their public duty (shock, horror BBC – surely only ‘hate crimes’ are deserving of such vigilance, eh?).
It seems that the anti Clinton death count has now risen to 6 people ! Conveniently ignored by the BBC
Molly Macauley:
John Ashe:
Victor Thorne:
Seth Rich:
Joe Montano:
Shawn Lucas:
If there had been a suspicion that Donald Trump was murdering his opponents the BBC would have been all over it like a rash, the fact that the suspicion falls on their favoured candidate means that they will turn a well practiced blind eye !
“Heat Street ..the website is headed by British writer Louise Mensch (Con MP for Corby 2010-12)
It is owned by News Corp under Dow Jones & Company Wikipedia
R5 Your Call today : The usual Facebook discussion thread was NOT posted .
Yesterday : the usual thread was posted and comments were ALLOWED. Topic was “Your Call – Labour: Are new members true members?”
Today’s banned topic was “Sexism and Harassment at work” Given that the guests said there is no differentiation between ‘banter’ and actual rape, they are both over the line. I guess they decided to allow people to answerback on Facebook .#EveryDayPoliticalCorrectness
– The starting example covered was a girl was working at an art gallery “A photographer came to shoot a brochure. My colleague commented that it would work better, if there was a photo of me on the back ….. ..a glamour shot he added, and the men both laughed” You are thinking “And ?, and ?”, but that was the entire complaint.
– Why would a boss ever promote anyone in a public service role who is so sensitive to such words ? It’s so easy to come back with a come back like :
“Can you give me a photo of HIM, to help with my Mum’s diet ?”
… “How ?”
..”well I’ll put it on the front of the fridge ….that’ll make sure she never comes near it.”
I saw that interview and was surprised that she was even asked to provide a picture of herself, given the fact she was obviously somebody who could only model for shoes….. perhaps by `glamour` they meant a picture of her feet wearing some stilletos???
I agree with most of what’s said about the media but why do we have to put up with the lies.I vote for change .I write to my MP. What else can we do? The left are all over every current affairs programme .I would like to watch or hear a balanced view, what we have is corruption,deception of an extremely juvenile nature that is resorting to utter contempt of the viewer. I wonder what the viewing figures are for all these programmes. Recording & fast forwarding are the norm,trust long gone,turned into a critic not a viewer. This sites my therapy.
Campaign magazine has conducted some research based on YOUGOV data about the brands favoured by ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ voters. BBC.co.uk was the number one brand for ‘Remain’ voters; the iplayer was ranked second.
Peter Jon Kellner (born 2 October 1946) is an English journalist, former BBC Newsnight reporter, political commentator, and former president of the YouGov opinion polling organisation in the United Kingdom. He is known for his appearances on TV, especially at election times.
Formerly the political analyst of the BBC Newsnight current affairs programme, Kellner was engaged by YouGov’s founders, Stephan Shakespeare and Nadhim Zahawi, in December 2001. When YouGov floated for £18 million in April 2005, Kellner owned 6% of the company. He has been President of YouGov since 2007, and was its Chairman from 2001–2007.
Personal life
He is married to Catherine Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, a Labour Party politician and the first and former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
Also from New Satesmen
>>John Humphrys, the BBC journalist and presenter of the Today programme, who was also given shares in YouGov when it was set up, remains a shareholder and still writes a column on its website. Kellner (who got 1.7% worth £2.3m) calls himself a “wage slave” although, if the FT’s estimate is correct, he would have become a millionaire when he sold his shares. “Few journalists have moved into new territory with quite such spectacular results,” said a profile in the Independent in 2006<<
Nadhim Zahawi Conservative MP for Stratford on Avon
Stephan Shakespeare is the former owner of the websites ConservativeHome (now owned by Lord Ashcroft) and PoliticsHome. He was also a Conservative Party pollster.
In the 1997 general election, Shakespeare was the Conservative candidate for Colchester
As of October 2014, Shakespeare owned about 6 percent of YouGov’s shares.
The BBC’s refusal to cover the fact that the father of Omar Mateeen, the Islamist mass murderer at the gay night club in Orlando conspicuously attended Hillary Clinton’s Florida rally is quite shocking, indeed disgraceful. There is no news website mention.
He can be seen immediately behind her in the photographs and is an enthusiastic supporter of Mrs Clinton.
Even the Guardian covered it: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/09/seddique-mateen-hillary-clinton-rally-pulse-shooting
I hope someone important will complain to the BBC or comment upon this omission which comes at a time when their website majors negatively on every Trump quote.
Bias has never been more obvious.
It is significant also that Clinton in her speech didn’t even mention that her sympathy was for 49 gay victims and certainly did not call their killer a Jihadi. Only fluffy generalisations were utilised by her.
This is all of a muchness with the fact that the BBC did not cover the FBI’s recent remarks that there was no evidence that Omar Mateen was gay, despite some silly speculation and fantasy, and much less a maniac.
So why did he do it? Are we not allowed to know? Can the BBC analyse the matter given its penchant for gay news stories?
Thought not.
Gay gets trumped in this instance!
The hatred is absolutely no surprise, http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/08/09/belgian-cops-hunt-teen-islamists-declared-kill-christians-social-media/
Though no doubt the killing of Christians would barely register on the BBC hateometer as demonstrated by their woeful and wanton lack of coverage of such, consider this though from the same article.
“Liège newspaper La Meuse reports that the teenager is the son of a local radical imam, El Alami Amaouch, who currently faces deportation to the Netherlands.”
Now there must be lots of places to where we could deport those who wish us harm to, the Netherlands is surely not one of them.
Interesting article here: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8637/islam-europe-conquest
Only thing not mentioned is the likelihood that Germany, equally, stands a good chance of being the first into the ‘Civil War’. Are the bookies giving odds?
The Gatestone article is just one possible scenario. Anything is now possible. There are rumours that Merkel is flying in immigrants from Turkey at night to circumvent the border problems further east.
So it is now possible that Germany under Merkel is directly acting to destabalize Europe. The question is why and why the hurry. What is her regime afraid of?
France is still my bet for a military coup. Germany is going to disintegrate back into two parts one under a Merkel regime and the other still a free country. Just two possible future scenarios.
Our snowflakes are going to thank us for voting out of the EU and as usual we are going to bless the Channel.
Add to all this the coming financial meltdown and we are in real black swan land.
And today’s artificial ‘Brexit Tale of Woe?’ The dreary WATO boreathon from R4 brings us some confection about the falling pound threatening Britain’s military spending.
Sometimes the pound falls. Sometimes it rises. Sometimes Mark Carney gives it a helping hand. In neither case is a temporary fluctuation a lead story. However much the remainiacs in the establishment wish it were.
embolden August 10, 2016 at 10:48 am
“They were at their coy best this morning on Today.
a remake of, sorry “tribute” to “Are you being served” is on the way.
It was “much loved”, “nothing`s been changed”…it`s been “updated” said the Arthur English tribute actor.”
Yep, ‘nothing’s been changed’ and yet ‘updated’ in a subtle BBC kinda way.
This looks even worse than the appalling abortion that was ‘Are You Being Served Down Under’, the Australian version of AYBS! Whenever the BBC tries to remake a classic comedy, it always seems to look like some village hall am-dram group is putting on a play in the church hall that will only be watched by their friends and families eager to see them make fools of themselves.
Oh Cranmer…always seems to look like some village hall am-dram group is putting on a play in the church hall that will only be watched by their friends and families eager to see them make fools of themselves. ….
You MUST watch the film A Bunch of Amateurs, a great film with a star cast in just what you describe above. As a stalwart of amdram we have much more fun rehearsing than actually putting on the performance !!
I’m surprised that Willy Hague would want to appear in a gig like AYBS, especially as Mr Humphreys, too close to typecasting. Has he lost a lot of money recently, he made a fortune from book royalties?
Looks like nothing’s been changed except the dummy, which seems to have changed places with the Trevor Bannister Character, but it didn’t have any hair in the original series.
David Keighley has a splendid article at Conservative Woman about the new data snooping powers that the lickspittle Conservative government has handed to the BBC. It’s well worth a read.
Any business that has to prosecute 170,000 to 200,000 of its customers EVERY year MUST be doing SOMETHING wrong. Ultimately, the fault lies at Board level. I can see yet another DG edging ever closer to a desk clearance and his P45.
Down the ladder, the Finance, HR and Business Strategy management should be asked some hard questions. They have got things badly wrong over the past twenty years.
Deselect the liberals out of the conservative party asap. Anna soubrey get over it you lost your whingeing is juvenile. Tory right or ukip the only options for the change we badly need.
The thing is ,the token black in my opinion is more patronising than none at all .They had one black man in Rising Damp but the joke was he was more educated and well bred than Rigsby or any of them .It was funny and made social comment.I know it wasn’t on the BBC but that picture looks plain wrong these days.
I cannot see any of these remakes being funny as they were in the past and Im pretty sure I won’t be watching.Why can’t they come up with anything original ,or are things so PC every one is scared to come up with a funny script ?
You are quite right, Rising Damp was made in the 1970s, and the black student played by Don Warrington had to be black, because the joke was that he was an African prince, and was of far higher social status and education than Rigsby. Simply making the role of Mr Lucas black for no reason is pure tokenism, and typical of the brain dead leftism of the modern BBC. Remind me not to watch.
“Simply making the role of Mr Lucas black for no reason is pure tokenism, and typical of the brain dead leftism of the modern BBC”
Not just the BBC. Look at what the PC brigade have done to Midsomer Murders. Instead of plots centred round centuries old village feuds they now have to accommodate ethnic actors, so I’m waiting for the one where the murder is the delayed revenge for the actions of an 18th century slave-owner.
After watching the last series of MM where Kam (the Asian pathologist) was mentioned in every sentence – she was portrayed as being witty, lusting after the young DS, and getting more air time than the previous ‘George’, then I refuse to watch anymore.
“I’m waiting for the one where the murder is the delayed revenge for the actions of an 18th century slave-owner. ”
I think you may have given away the plot of the next episode. It actually sounds better than most of the rubbish they broadcast!
After Brian True-May had his career ruined for suggesting that Midsummer would be populated by white English people, because that is just how small English villages are, the show has gone into overdrive to celebrate diversity. Thus, those same small English villages now boast blacks, Asians, African Americans, and numerous mixed race couples, both straight and gay. I was very surprised that the new sergeant was a white male, but at least he fancies the Asian pathologist.
In short, the programme has become a parody of political correctness, due to the producers being terrified of being accused of thought crimes. It is another symbol of the pathetic self-loathing of white middle class PC wankers.
Ah yes, Don Warrington. A brilliant actor who doesn’t need some snivelling, sanctimonious, patronising, PC-brigader to provide opportunities for him. Talent like that can take care of itself. Rising Damp was an unusually good comedy for ITV due to the excellent cast and first class writing. Those were qualities that the BBC used to be renowned for. What happened?
Our media panjandrums are alternating at present between Rio and Brexit bashing. On the latter, Joe Stieglitz, a former Chief Economist at the World Bank, is about to publish a book entitled “The Euro and its Threat to the Future of Europe”. With apologies for the length, these extracts (from the Grauniad !) encapsulate some of the principle reasons why we are very wise to leave:
“While there are many factors contributing to Europe’s travails, there is one underlying mistake: the creation of the single currency, the euro. Or, more precisely, the creation of a single currency without establishing a set of institutions that enabled a region of Europe’s diversity to function effectively.
The eurozone was flawed at birth. The structure of the eurozone – the rules, regulations and institutions that govern it – is to blame for the poor performance of the region, including its multiple crises. The diversity of Europe had been its strength. But for a single currency to work over a region with enormous economic and political diversity is not easy. A single currency entails a fixed exchange rate among the countries, and a single interest rate. Even if these are set to reflect the circumstances in the majority of member countries, given the economic diversity, there needs to be an array of institutions that can help those nations for which the policies are not well suited. Europe failed to create these institutions.
It should have surprised no one that Europe’s response to the UK’s referendum was dominated by the same harsh response that greeted Greece’s June 2015 ballot-box rejection of its bailout package. Herman Van Rompuy, a former European council president, expressed a widespread feeling when he said that David Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum “was the worst policy decision in decades”. In so saying, he revealed a deep antipathy towards democratic accountability. Understandably so: in most of the cases in which voters have been directly turned to, they have rejected the euro, the European Union and the European constitution. Moreover, polls at the time of Brexit showed that a majority of those in many European countries besides the UK had an unfavourable view of the EU (including Greece, France, and Spain).
The economic and political consequences of Brexit will, of course, depend a great deal on Europe’s response. Most assume that Europe will not cut off its nose to spite its face. It seems in the interests of everyone to work out the best economic relationship consistent with the democratic wishes and concerns of those on both sides of the Channel. The benefits of trade and economic integration are mutual, and if the EU takes seriously its belief that the closer the economic integration the better, that implies an attempt to make the closest ties possible under the circumstances. Anything the EU does to the UK to try to punish it would have an equal and opposite effect, hurting itself at least as much in the process. The fact that European stock markets were down markedly and European banks were particularly hard hit at least suggests that Brexit was bad for Europe as well.
But Jean-Claude Juncker, the proud architect of Luxembourg’s massive corporate tax-avoidance schemes and now the head of the EU commission, has taken a hard line – perhaps understandably, given that he may go down in history as the person on whose watch the dissolution of the EU began. His line is that Europe must be unrelenting in its punishment, and should offer little more than what the UK is guaranteed under normal global agreements, such as the World Trade Organisation, lest others join the rush to the exit. What a response! According to Juncker, Europe is not to be held together because of the benefits that accrue – benefits that far exceed the costs, the economic prosperity, the sense of solidarity, the pride in being a European. No, Europe is to be held together by threats and fear – of what would happen if a country leaves.
When a couple in trouble goes for marriage counselling, old-style counsellors would try to figure out how to make the marriage work, but a modern one begins by asking: Should this marriage be saved? The costs of dissolution – both financial and emotional – may be very high. But the costs of staying together may be even higher.”
I think we`ve ALL dodged a bullet by voting to Leave.
We all knew that the Italian rapido rail crash with reality would be happening within a few years .
As with the Greeks, Cypriots and -dare we say this-the French.
The whole damned Euro project is and was doomed.
Hence the support of Clarke, Heseltine, Mandelson and Clegg, Izzard and all the rest if them.
This lot are painted jazz handling tree worshipping pagan LOSERS-all they`ve ever done turns to dross…Millennium Dome?…Alternative Votes?
So whenever the Rimming Remainders told me that a vote to Leave was a vote for “uncertainty”…well that`s as nothing to the coming certainly of the Italian crash to come…and a good friend here put up the Deutche Bank Report which seals the fate of the whole Euroscam.
Continental Pontins Ponzi Time Share, the whole lot of it.
How DARE the Reamers tell us that THEIR Niqba in the Eurozone is somehow more “stable” that what we voted to avoid….but, of course when you`re Heseltine or Mandelson, the BBC buy all the shit you spew….
Just like to add to that sentiment. Frederic Forsyth was being interviewed by the Mail on Sunday about his new book (The Outsider). In the magazine article he talked about his life’s work as an thriller writer and Author: (The Day of the Jackel, The Dogs of War and the Odessa File etc) and the rise of Islamic fundamentalists. That he puts down to Blair’s meddling in areas he knows nothing about i.e. democracy is not an immediate option in war torn third world countries), and the cock-up of an ‘open-goal’ of failing to remove Erdogan whilst the ‘president’ was (its said) on holiday in Marmeris. He is also candid about having worked at the BBC for a time (and also MI5). His own dealings with the BBC go like this…
‘He’s naturally suspicious of institutions, particularly the BBC, where he worked in the late sixties). “When I was there, it was slavishly obedient to the government. Now it’s the reverse. You get a right-of-centre government and the BBC is slavishly disobedient. I think the BBC is way left-of-centre. We’re told it has no editorial policy but accuracy, but it’s lies. I mean, come on! In the Brexit campaign, the neutrality of the BBC was a myth. The neutrality of the Civil Service was a myth. All the institutions of state came out to continue to be subservient to Brussels”…
He was delighted at the outcome. “It was the right outcome. You cannot be subordinate to a non-British government and call yourself Sovereign. It’s a contradiction in terms. These EU treaties took away something our ancestors fought decades for, and a lot of young men died for. That offended me”'</
(Excerpt form the Book Event section Daily Mail 07/08/2016).
A good read (as always). And spot on.
And just when you think Brussels Broadcasting couldn’t get any more facile, we get archetypal arty Beeboid Simon Gompertz revelling in the puerile anti-Breixt humour of the “comedians” at the Fringe. Quality TV, my arse.
from 2009
The BBC has appointed a ‘maverick and eccentric’ public relations executive with virtually no journalistic experience as its new £150,000-a-year arts editor.
The decision to give one of the Corporation’s best-paid reporting jobs to Will Gompertz, media director at the Tate group of museums, has already proved contentious, with the suggestion he landed the job because of close links to senior BBC executives.
It has been rumoured that one of the other candidates, long-standing BBC arts correspondent Razia Iqbal, may even take legal action against her bosses over the appointment.
Asked whether she was considering such a move, 47-year-old Miss Iqbal would only say: ‘I think it would be a mistake to discuss this and I would much prefer to say nothing than to say something that is likely to be distorted.’
Described by one BBC source as a ‘complete maverick and an eccentric’, Gompertz last month performed a one-man show at the Edinburgh Fringe, during which he asked the audience to draw pictures of penises.
The BBC admitted that the 44-year-old will require around three months of media training after he begins the role in December.
A spokesman refused to say how much this would cost or which company would provide it.
One senior BBC source said that Gompertz boasts personal links to both BBC creative director and presenter Alan Yentob and BBC director-general Mark Thompson.
Razia Iqbal
Rival: Razia Iqbal was overlooked for the new BBC role
It is understood that Mr Thompson created the arts editor role after attending a dinner party last year where chairman of the Arts Council Dame Liz Forgan, theatre director Sir Richard Eyre and arts supremo Sir John Tusa challenged him over why the BBC had no such position.
Another source said that Thompson was ‘bruised’ by the incident and shortly afterwards created the new post ‘on the hoof’ after ‘minimal consultation’ with BBC executives.
As well as Miss Iqbal, several leading arts journalists are understood to have applied for the job, including Radio 4 presenter John Wilson and Newsnight culture correspondent Stephen Smith.
Sunday Times arts editor Richard Brooks was also linked to the post. However, he denied that he had applied for it.
An advertisement for the post stipulated that the arts editor ‘should be a senior and influential journalist and will be expected to report on radio, TV and online’.
The advert also stressed that the candidate should be educated to university-degree level at least. Gompertz dropped out of school and became a stagehand at the Sadler’s Wells Theatre in Central London at the age of 18.
Due to his lack of experience as a reporter, and because he failed to take his A-levels, it was to general surprise that Gompertz was chosen.
He will not be able to begin work in earnest until next March and will be unavailable for the first assignment originally proposed for the post – announcing the winner of the Man Booker Prize on the Ten O’Clock News on October 6.
According to a source linked with the job, Gompertz has a ‘good’ friendship with Yentob, who was not on the BBC’s selection panel.
Yentob has filmed some of his BBC1 arts series Imagine at the Tate galleries and attended many of their cocktail parties.
He and Gompertz also carry out work for the charity Kids Company, of which Yentob is chairman of trustees. Last November, Gompertz organised a jumble sale for the charity which raised £50,000……………………..
says it all doesn’t it?another prick leftard with his nose in the trough of the so called bbc
He’s the one with the Max Wall haircut, isn’t he?
According to his Wikipedia entry “Gompertz has written extensively for The Guardian and The Times newspapers” Bloody hell – what a surprise! I never saw that one coming. (Much) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Gompertz
Where the punkah wallah will be complimented on using renewable carbon-free energy. And the char wallah will serve organic fair trade tea from sustainable sources.
One of his latest stories : “Brexit vote was low point, says National Theatre’s Rufus Norris” BBC News-13 Jul 2016
So bringing him brought DIVERSITY ???
..or did it bring in someone else whose bubbleworld consists of ProgLefty Zombies ?
BBC all for DIVERSITY …except not diversity of opinion : Conform, Conform, Conform,
If he`s so fond of the EU, then why is he working for the NATIONAL THEATRE?
Surely he should be blazing a trail round Brussels, Venice, Milan or somewhere foreign?
So piss off Rufus-and take your slef-diagnosing name with you?
Weren`t Rufus types all Viking or Norman heroes once?
Now they`re ballet blimps or unfunny minor slebs on Channel 32.
And don`t get me started on that Canadian fop who lives off his mums ability and his unfunny crap dads comedy folk songs…shite.
I’m beginning not to understand “Diversity”. If the so-called progressives are so keen on diversity, why are they, together with the Globalists, trying to destroy the diverse cultures of the various European nations, and make them all the same?
I know others will report this but I just had to add my bit. 1800 BBC News just – the Trump: ‘Kill Hillary’ feeding frenzy. BBC re ran the speech and frankly, from my perspective, Trump simply says that the gun owners, if threatened, have the 2nd Amendment to fall back on. How anyone can interpret what was said as a threat on the life of Hilary, (the other half of, ‘I didn’t have sex with that woman’) Clinton is anyone’s guess. The BBC interview two Americans who both (looks like a couple) say, in effect, for Trump its a step too far. And then?
Nothing. Nothing, Nothing? No opposing views? No, Fraid’ not cos we don’t do any ‘opposing views’ which run counter to our own position on the topic. Well, blow me down with a feather! So you don’t like Trump Eh? ‘Hate the bloke, bit like we hated that Farage geezer before…………….’
G, all too true. One of our fabulous unbiased media experts pointed that it isn’t really important what Trump actually says but how other interpret what he says. Which of course is absolutely fine when those putting words in his mouth are his arch political enemies….including certain media outlets…
Indeed it is obvious that Trump did not suggest assassinating Clinton. But this is how the BBC works. In a couple of months time someone in the Independent or Guardian or certainly a leftish blog will throw in a casual remark about Trump’s wall, his proposal to ‘permanently’ ban moslems, and urging his followers to kill Clinton. It probably won’t get questioned, but if it is there will be a BBC link to the article.
Yes, this is really about Pravda giving itself the freedom to ignore inconvenient government stats, e.g. on poverty and inequality and falling back instead on its favoured “independent” pals in the “voluntary” sector and non-official “commissions”.
Re the much vaunted Olympics coverage. The BBC4 coverage appears to be a vanity project for the presenter. The two available red button channels are only on from the late evening. The relevant TV Times edition with it’s Olympics full guide to televised events appears to be a work of fiction. So, a load of old toffee then. I think I would be mightily annoyed if I was that bothered but it’s an excellent example of the reality being far removed from the publicity spin. Beeb doing what it does best then. Lets go down the pub instead!
Anybody else remember when we used to mock Cuba, the communist bloc and North Korea when they used to lionise their drugged up intersex “athletes” who`d stick it to Uncle Sam with their “triumphs in the medals table” , come the Olympics?
Bunch of weird drugged steroid-bound, infertile transex mutants who`d go back to East Berlin or Sofia with medals and a media hoopla, as they dedicated their tally to the Nation, the State and Team EG.
Oh dear-replace Tass with the BBC, Pravda with the Times and it`s just the same.
How did it come to this?..when we stopped being free, backed the bid and learned to be sporting spuds from the sofa or the Sky Pub…Soft Soviets aren`t we?
Fup Sport!…now THAT`S begging for an EU-wide team, as we abolish national pretentions…all the worlds table tennis players are all Chinese are they not?
‘Bunch of weird drugged steroid-bound, infertile transex mutants…’
Surely you can’t be referring to this variety of unbridled feminine loveliness?
Esta mujer, Jarmila Kratochvilova, marcó en 1983 el récord mundial de 800, aún vigente. Pero eso no era dopping. pic.twitter.com/nnR8Wsy9t6
Looks like Gene Vincent…or should that be Jean Vincent?
Anyway he had a tin leg…so he`d have been a Paralympic Champion, had we all cared enough back then.
Marbled legs as well.
Call me a perv, but I am enjoying the swimming. Not necessarily for the actual competition but for watching Helen Skelton and Rebecca Adlington providing the bits in between.
Perhaps there should be a committee to discuss the lack of equal male presenters but on this occasion I’m not complaining.
Anyone see and hear the wall to wall coverage of the “sexual harrasment” report by the TUC and some feminist organisation…. The definitions of harassment are absurd… for example “hearing other people making comments of a sexual nature about another person”, counts as harassment(towards the person that hears it). That would mean just about everybody has been sexually harassed. What a steaming pile of dung, I would urge everyone to go and read that report, and observe the way that not one single person on the BBC thought to read it before reporting to the nation across all platforms that ” Over 50 percent of women have been sexually harassed”. Don’t even get me started on the complete sexism of the report itself. Manure reported as fact.
Who`d have thought it?
The TUC and “Everyday Sexism” have produced a report to show that young women are “harrassed” at work.
Well, what else would you expect of the TUC and some uni website address when they “do a survey”?
I mean-what`s in it for them, what payoff will they get…and what will Channel 4s wimmin, BBC women, Frances O Grady and Jenni Murray possibly make of this “research”?
As ever-no facts, categories, data, numbers…men are just sexist pigs and the women(18-24) clearly have no incentive to make it up…give me the definitions of “what harassment is”-then we`ll talk…until then, what else would this serial bunch of grievance festers find after their “survey”?
Ah it was a TUC PR job that explains why Radio 5 Your Call today was about Sexual Harassment at work
I mentioned above at 12:46 pm, an example of the calls.
I’m confused ! what defines ‘sexual harassment ‘ at work or anywhere else ? I might be in my ‘mature’ years, but ‘a hand on the shoulder’ ?? constitutes inappropriate behaviour ? Yes, times have changed, but not that much from the 60’s and 70’s when this generation of grieving women should have been around – they would soon learn how to “man up” and know the behavioural difference between a chat up line and a ‘dirty old man’. Today’s ‘kids’ think nothing of going out with complete strangers from Tinder, on line dating, or other social media sites. At least ‘back in the day’, our relationships started from the workplace where we at least knew, and had the choice of whether we would be going out with a pervert, Mummy’s boy, potential axe murderer or just a gorgeous specimen. Regular dances / youthclubs were also where we got to know intended dates. In today’s world its blind dates all the way ! Of course, it wasn’t a completely innocent time, rapes and sexual abuse happened, but we weren’t exposed to a pornographic world that is available today. Snippets of rape cases in the News of the World were about as informative as it got. I would not be ‘young’ in today’s world for all the tea in China.
Brexit positive view ? SKY TV tonight :Wednesday 9pm Out And Proud
“Where does Brexit leave us now?
Political Editor Faisal Islam explores the effects and people’s expectations of the vote to leave the EU.”
Well I’m guessing this will be another sneer at Brexiteers , despite the title, though I won’t prejudge Faisal.
Nah, Faisal Islam was crap in his EU Interviews…yes, he got some good jabs in at everybody, but his “Gove” interview was a disaster if we were wanting some independence , some questions and follow-up based on what answers he`d actually obtained.
Script-driven lefty cipher…the whole political elite voted to stay in, I`m sure.
‘. . . the hijab wearing Olympic fencer reveals that she does not like Israelis.’
Earlier this evening (Wednesday), Fehaid Al-Deehani won the gold medal for double-trap shooting. Although he’s Kuwaiti (a ‘Kuwaiti national’ in the BBC’s terms, grrr), and had been due to carry his country’s flag in the opening ceremony, he was competing as an ‘Independent Olympic Athlete’.
This is because Kuwait was suspended from the International Olympic Committee last year, and banned from participating at Rio. The IOC deemed the Kuwaiti government to have indulged in political interference. Yair Davidovich, a technical delegate for the International Sports Shooting Federation, who had been scheduled to supervise the Asian Shooting Championship in Kuwait in November last year, was denied a visa by Kuwait’s immigration department.
Mr Davidovich’s nationality was the problem, apparently. Have a guess what his nationality is. No googling, now.
“It’s really knocked me for six and I’ve spent the last day or so analysing how I’m perceived,”
No need to spend a day mate !
Should this really be headline news ? Is this what you all pay a TV Tax for ?
Suppose, just suppose for a minute that the unnamed security guard was a Moslem who would be deeply offended by these men apparently giving themselves to Satan
I wonder how the BBC would run the story?
Homosexual couple perform a lewd and offensive act in from of a Moslem security official in a store. Security guard, Mohamid Faisal, in a state of shock analyzing how Moslems are perceived in post Brexit Britain
A support group here taffman or what?
As for out traumatised chum?
Only a day my gay friend?
Come on…worth at LEAST a years self-absorption and a video diary from the BBC with a view to making a series out of it.
Wish I had YOUR problems…be nice to have days to film the lint in my belly button as well.
Still eh?…all those budgie mirrors for sale.
Can the sporting types on here, help me out… Sports reporters continually refer to Jose Mourinho as Mourinheeo, so, cant they read or is the ho (as in palamino) or pronounced heeeo. Its bugging the life out of me. I realise that most of the Sky sports readers have eyesight problems as they squint at the cameras (or the lights are too bright), and the Beeb sporting journos wear specs or have trouble speaking English let alone Portuguese !
I think ‘Mourinho’ should be pronounced in Portuguese (from an English speller’s perspective) as “Moor-eenyou”.
The value of their ‘nh’ is like the ‘ny’ in our word ‘canyon’. Their final ‘-o’ is more like our ‘oo’. The first syllable is relatively unstressed, as it is in the manager’s first name which sounds like ‘jzay’.
10pm BBC1 News, Sophie Rayworth said that the UK was ‘marching up the medals’ table’. Yesterday they were 10th, tonight they are 9th. Had she said ‘creeping’ I could have understood it, but ‘marching?’ Trust the BBC to talk them up and justify all their people over there. I have also noticed that without fail the first 10 minutes of every 1/2 hr bulletin is taken up with the Olympics whether there is any news or not. But notice how often we get the fencer in a hijab etc. Tonight it was the female black US gymnast that was highlighted. Why was she of particular interest to a UK audience? On the 6:30 news Thorpe was identified having won the most medals ever and then next most highly medalled, I think it was Carl Lewis but certainly somebody black. They could have mentioned Steve Redgrave with 5 and British but as a white male he is not important.
Germany is set to ban Islamic face coverings (except that they aren’t Islamic) and a host of other laws controlling Islamisation.
We are rapidly becoming one of the few countries which accept, nay encourage Islamic extremism, and it is inevitable if we do not follow Europes lead, that Muslim extremists will migrate to the more extremist friendly Britain of Theresa the appeaser who will likely welcome them with wide open arms.
The nonsense that emanated from Emma Thompson’s lips during that interview was staggering. It made the nonsense she spouted about Fracking and refugees on other Newsnights seem only slightly ludicrous.
She is a brilliant actress, a stunning writer and comes across as a well meaning, though, teenage ‘save the world’ type.
How could she let herself be so taken in? The science is straight foreword. Mankind needs to raise the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by 100% to push up temperatures by 1.3 degree Celsius, whereas man only emits an additional 4%.
Luvie left wing guilt….I think these people should just enjoy their wealth and celebrity ,admit they are privileged and then shut up. Im certainly not bothered about her good fortune except when she starts lecturing us about stuff when im just about surviving the daily grind. Give to charity or work behind the scenes as many other priviledged people do but shut up .
I’d feel more empathy if she ran a prominent campaign to get rid of the TV tax and stopped putting poorer people ,mostly women ,in jail for non payment.
When I read that Emma Thompson was speaking about science, I assumed that there must be another person called Emma Thompson who was a scientist, not the vacuous actress. Why does Newsnight do these things.
Is ET such a good actress? Personally I find her so irritating that I am unable to watch anything she is in.
BBC Censorship can be rather comical: Emma Thompson must have been invited by BBC Newsnight as one of their “Best Scientific Experts” so how can the morons posing as journalists at the BBC possibly know if a statement is accurate or not?
“More should be done to ensure that all BBC presenters are able to confidently challenge misleading/ inaccurate statistical claims made by interviewees.”
Lets look at Emma Thompson science: (4 Kelvin in 14 years) That’s 0.76 Kelvin from 1797 to 1997, zero from 1997 to 2016, then 4 Kelvin from 2016 to 2030. But according to bankers posing as scientific experts, the BBC Trust noted that the World Bank research showed that temperature rise is more likely to occur by the end of the century.
But enough about scientific experts such as BBC Journalists, Bankers and Emma Thompson, what about this news that the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate continues. This time, the censorship originates from a Guardian bloger at UCL.
Climate Change Conference, 8 September and 9 September 2016, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. The guest list includes many of the Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Physicists mentioned by me on this website over the last few years. Identified by Astronomers and Mensa members as critical to understanding why Carbon Dioxide cannot cause Global Warming and why the Sun causes Climate Change. (1) The scientists who produced the formula for the Greenhouse effect that works for the Carbon Dioxide Atmospheres of Mars and Venus, as well as the Nitrogen/Oxygen Atmosphere of the Earth, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
And as Climate Change correlates with the length of the Solar Cycle, the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System determines the length of the solar cycle, this in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets. (2) The scientists who use Kepler’s laws to predict Climate Change, Roger Tattersall, Richard Salvador and Nicola Scafetta. But not likely to be invited onto BBC Newsnight, due to advice from the World Bank.
Quite right Richard. And haven’t those real scientists who understand what astrophysics is all about (and the effect of solar activity on the Earth’s climate) and who are now warning about a “Grand Solar Minimum” period, coming under threats not to publish data and findings from so called “Climate Scientists”, as the Earth starts to cool.
Emma Thompson did not lie – she gave a ‘made up’ figure as to the exact year. The issue isn’t about Thompson – it’s about the BBC not challenging her about the year that the four degree rise in temperature will be achieved, which will be soon!
“In an interview with Emily Maitlis, she said: “If they [oil companies] take out of the earth all the oil they want to take out, you look at the science. Our temperature will rise four degrees Celsius by 2030, and that’s not sustainable.”
The Trust noted scientific research had showed that temperature rise is more likely to occur over a longer period of time, “by the end of the century” according to the World Bank, but was “not challenged in any way by the presenter or programme”.
So the ‘four degrees Celsius’ was correct but the year 2030 was wrong – it will be 70 years LATER. That’s OK, because I will be dead by then and everyone can go and f themselves.
Hey Ho! Edward, there will be salvation “……by the end of the century”. We will be a total Islamic State by then and it will be left to Allah and his dedicated followers to sort this issue of Global Warming. I subscribe totally to your last sentence.
You may not have seen a post that I put up about a month or more ago with a nod in your direction. Experience and observation form two very important parts of doing science, especially so with regard to AGW & CC.
The globe has warmed, I am told. Funny that, because the water coming out of my cold tap which should be getting toward feeling tepid or even warm without Global Warming – as it has done during good summers in the mid-term (5-15 years) past – is still cool.
Here’s another bit of observational science. This year, the bramble blossom did not emerge in the usual months and is still out in August with fruit forming. I thought that that might be down to my poor stewardship & gardening skills last year and over the winter & spring so I nipped down the road to look at the untended stuff. The same was true there.
What might hamper fruit production? A very cold second half to the winter which spilled over into spring seems the likely culprit.
Hawthorn also likes warm. About 25 years ago, folk were getting very excited when trees were blossoming in December and this trend continued, with variation, to the end of the 1990s and on into the new century. Despite the very warm autumn and early winter in 2015, the hawthorn around here did not blossom until into the New Year.
This corner of the south-east is again enjoying a good summer, even from the start of the summer months. But, experientially, it has been necessary to resort to extra clothing & bedding at times, when in the longish-term past, 2003 and further back, it was possible during a good summer to live in shorts & thin shirt and sleep at night under a single sheet with perhaps a thin blanket on the coolest of nights.
I take your point about Thompson foolishly picking a (wrong) date, but I would point out that the so-called ‘scientific concensus’ was that we would be in trouble with noticeable warming of the whole globe all the time by or after 2010. That was the firm prediction on which taxation and energy policy and other regulation was based.
Those three are not a matter of dates. They have existed since the early 1990s.
As time goes on, it will not matter whether Emma Thompson got the date wrong. What will matter is a conflict between observational and experiential science around the globe and the predictions of the so-called ‘climate scientists’ and environmental groups and, with the politicians who have signed up, their pronouncements & policies.
If there is a discrepancy – and there is certainly one now – in ten years time and fifteen years time and twenty years time, then some people not only are going to look very foolish but they will be the recipients of the wrath of everyone else around the globe.
Thanks, GC, spotted that late after posting but yet another bit of evidence. The post I made a few weeks back (mostly for Edward) mentioned the importance of anomalies in science. Funny how the AGW/CC scientists like ignoring them.
My tan is good this year, not that I go in for sunbathing as I find that boring, but from merely time outside away from the PC. (Hooray!) My face colour is another annual indicator. (Don’t mention the legs, you may need strong sunglasses if you do!)
There may be some wind-burn in there from the spring(!) but sun levels have been good here this year, weather generally good, temperature cool at times and enough to influence fruit growing. Add it to the data collection.
Staying on topic but thinking more widely, I wonder when the world’s scientists will wake up to the global warming relevance of mosquitoes? I wonder if there may be a bit of that lurking in this sudden discovery of and fascination with the ‘so-called’ Zika virus.
Snuff – I agree with what you say regarding the inadvisability of using plants to predict global warming.
Trees like people do react to their environment but not always in ways that we would recognise. Sometimes there can be a lag of decades between immediate “cause and effect”.
Trees also live within confines of their own energy/life cycle .How a tree reacts to the immediate environment can also be affected by current and previous management as well as maturity, species, light levels, heat, sunlight availability, moisture, genetics – In fact you name it a tree probably responds to it.
So I would argue that the arguments are very much more complex than our trusted state broadcaster tries to present.
Funnilly enough I used to have very strong “green” opinions and generally quite left wing. The thing that in particular weakened my belief in these issues was actually the immigration question. I used to live in part of London which was changing radically under large numbers of migrants. Many of them never making any attempt to find work. Yet at the same time I was being told by the beloved state broadcaster that not only had the number of people coming to this country not changed but I was waycist even to talk about. Not wanting to live in little Africa/Asia I suppose I became another white flier.
At the time made me start questioning the media. – if I cant trust the BBC on issues such as this what else can I trust them to tell me the truth about. And as we all know in the case of the BBC words speak louder than actions.
So now as far as I am concerned with regard to global warming the court is still definitely out. Call me selfish but until we have a media that prides itself on telling the truth rather than telling the current “right on” fashion. Then I will still continue to live in my world of global warming denial that the BBC has helped to fashion for me.
And if climate change is an actual disaster waiting to happen – lying state broadcasters will have to shoulder their share of the burden for people not believing them. Little boys and rubbish broadcasters should never cry wolf!
@Edward August 11, 2016 at 4:46 am said “Emma Thompson did not lie” Yes not LIE but
#1 Emma Thompson MISLEADS incredibly
#2 The Telegraph MISLEADS ..the article implies there is a report finding Emma guilty
Actually the report is 99% not about her, and to mislead us further the BBC Trust leaves off her name “an Actress”
#3 The BBC Trust MISLEADS :
\\Scientific research suggests the World Bank, for example, puts it at “by the end of the century//
The World Bank does NOT DO science “Scientific research” so you shouldn’t be quoting that figure as scientific just cos you conveniently found it in a World Bank report.. You should be quoting the actual science references, like latest IPCC, which are still very very challengeable
#4 @Edward MISLEADS himself
“the four degree rise in temperature will be achieved, which will be soon!”
– That is fallacy of certainty beyond the evidence (same fault Emma has)
– “soon” does not mean 2100, in normal conversation.
– And anyway, four degrees is not a typical prediction but rather an extreme scenario. So it is NOT a case of Emma just getting the wrong date !
#5 The BBC Trust MISLEADS itself again with that final (brackted paragraph. It doesn’t help the average viewer to know that end of century temperatures rises were discussed TEN WEEKS later
The BBC is a flippin shambles as usual : No proper apology, no punishment of the offenders and took ONE YEAR to admit the offence !
BTW The report also asserts “73 per cent of statistical references in the news come from Conservative politicians.”
that claim seems WISHFUL THINKING …I bet it’s not robust
There is rarely a Conservative on without an equivalent time from a Labour voice…Yet I hear Labour voices all the time without any counterpoint from Conservatives. BBC output seems 80% Red.
What Emma Thompson claims is largely irrelevant. Rather, it is the fact that a scientifically ignorant activist is given a platform by a wholly uncritical BBC and funded by us. A global warming sceptic or luke-warmer would not be given the same opportunity to put far better informed and scientifically substantiated views on air. That is the true crime committed regularly, on many subjects, by the BBC. It is the left-wing groupthink mindset that will not allow dissent that we are funding to the tune of £4Bn a year under threat of imprisonment.
Let the next national referendum be about whether the BBC should be funding using the current unique system or by subscription. That would be a results broadcast I would sit up all night to watch.
The BBC does seem to have an oddly frequent habit of bringing on those who say what the BBC wants to hear, with the BBC’s vast professional personnel resources and editorial integrity unable to check first why that may be. Apparently.
Looks like the report will spell the end of the Today program which simply does not bother to research the subject which left wing loons want to lie about, and never challenges them at all. When challenged themselves about this their defence is that their interviewers cannot be expert on every subject.
Fair enough you might think, no one can be an expert in every thing, so what on earth are they doing allowing an far left nutter whose specialism is acting go spouting any old nonsense without checking first.
When I was allowed on air, I was thoroughly vetted prior to being allowed on. I cannot believe they had no prior knowledge of the lies Thompson was about to say, nor that the BBC did not want those lies broadcast to a largely ignorant public.
A typical BBC/Twittertastic article promoting gay lifestyle as the only normal thing in the world. The whole article is accusing the entire straight world of homophobia and insults the security guard who is wrong whatever he does.
Best quote “If you love someone, irrelevant of their gender, that is love and you should express that love in whatever way you desire” – so let me get this right…. If a gay couple, who are very much in love, shopping in the ready meal aisle of Sainsburys decide to express their love by performing a blow job and a bit of rimming in the aisle then me and my 4 year daughter should accept that!?!
…If a gay couple, who are very much in love, shopping in the ready meal aisle of Sainsburys decide to express their love by performing a blow job and a bit of rimming in the aisle…
If the BBC had their way it would be an Olympic sport in 2020.
This is an interesting interview with Peter Brimelow, on a U.S. radio morning show, about Trump and his campaign; I wonder when we’ll hear him interviewed on the Today programme or anywhere else on al beebus?
The most pathetic leftie ‘news’ paper award surely has to go to the awful Independent. Their unbridled grovelling is truly nauseating and the standard of journalism is beyond contempt. No wonder nobody reads it. It is good however for stuffing in removal boxes, though, or wrapping your fish and chips in.
It is highly likely that the BBC just grab many of their headlines from this useless leftie excuse for a newspaper and that of the Guardian. Get on their comments pages folks and tell ’em how you feel lol. I love winding up the infantile lefties. They are to journalism what The Proclaimers are to music.
The BBC are in hot water for a change. It’s not Lake Tanganyika this time it’s an awful guffaw in the shape of a twitter tweet, that holy of holy mediums they love so much. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37037050
“A BBC tweet that referred to the beach volleyball match between Germany and Egypt as “Bikini vs Burka” was questioned on social media with some asking why the outfits were being discussed. ”
Not only is politically incorrect by their own standards, it’s factually incorrect. Although the BBC are no strangers to factual incorrectness, even I know that the Egyptian female is not wearing a burka.
Sweden had its coldest August temperature for 34 years yesterday. It looks like it will be snowing in Norway, Finland and Sweden today. The Antarctic had its lowest ever recorded land based temperature late last month. It snowed for the first time ever (apparently) in Vietnam last month too. Dartmoor is having one of it’s coldest summers for over 40 years and there have been no Atlantic borne Hurricanes this year. The Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans are now colder than their long term average. Brazil has had their coffee production reduced by 30% because of frost and snow (expect coffee prices to increase) and France has lost a fair deal of wine production, again because of unseasonal frost days.
Now, what was is that all this man made Co2 was supposed to do?
Oh, and nearly forgot, everyone of the “Global Warming” predictions by scientists who say that the “science is settled”, has now been proved, by empirical data, to be wrong.
The physicist who has recently been predicting 30 years of global cooling, due to the quiet sun, says that other scientists have tried to shut her up. Will the BBC be reporting on the possibility of this cooling, and the lengths gone to, to try to hush up the research, I wonder?
BBC comment will have to wait until Roger ‘I have no science qualifications only an Eng Lit degree’ Harrabin has been briefed by Greenpeace. After that the prospect of cooling will either be dismissed or heralded as a consequence of global warming.
No links are provided to back up the assertions, and there;s a good reason! Because there aren’t any !
Sweden didn’t have its coldest August temperature I looked and there’s no evidence at all for that, although it is snowing, but they are expecting warm weather next week.
The Antarctic didn’t have it’s coldest temperature last month either again no link provided and I can’t find any evidence to the contrary
It isn’t the first time its snowed in August in Vietnam – that’s easy to prove false.
There have been 4 Atlantic Hurricanes this season so far.
According to NOAA ALL the oceans quoted are in fact at record highs
Brazil has not lost 30% of the coffee production to frost and snow, it’s been caused by drought
France has had a couple of nasty frosts which have adversely affected the wine harvest.
So virtually nothing here is true, and worse there are no links to prove otherwise, if you want to talk about ’empirical data’ then why have you failed to provide any, and why is it that it is so easy to debunk all your claims ?
For Gods sake posters if you want to make an assertion then make sure its true, and provide the links ! Other posters sometimes refer to the posts here in other forums, I now don’t believe anything written unless its referenced, and this post proves the reason why !
\\Further south, in Bohuslän on the west coast, Ljungskile residents reported the coldest day in August in more than 100 years on Wednesday, after the mercury only managed to climb to 8.6C.// link
Seems like one location rather than whole country..but I bet if but was the hottest ,then warmists would be saying “Sweden has had its warmest August day since XYZ”
This year’s cherry harvest in Kent has been at least two weeks shorter and two weeks later than usual. The cause has been a cold, comparatively sunless, summer.
In other circumstances (daffodils up a few days early at Kew, for example) the propagandists at the BBC would have had a hand wringing feature on one of its shows agonising about this being the result of ‘global warming’.
The BBC and its warmist pals only take the evidence they want to take. A poor summer is passed off as ‘just weather’ – which it might possibly be – while any evidence that could point to warming is pounced on and trumpeted.
As I have said here before, selecting evidence to bolster your case isn’t science it is political activism. All evidence has to be investigated and accounted for, otherwise a theory is as shaky as an Italian bank.
After all the recent furore over all these killings undertaken by the “mentally infirm and vulnerable teenagers has died down. Aunty has got off to a flying start this morning.
It seems todays “hand wringing” issue is a recent government report highlighting the fact that muslim women have some of the highest rates of unemployment in the country.
Could it be because
1. Within muslim culture womens rights are not exactly top priority.
2. Many of them have restricted access to wider society because they come from a male dominated culture which frowns on mixing with us. (might pick up a few dangerous ideas like self confidence)
3 .Many of them have very poor English
4. Many employers are dubious about employing people in roles where they may deal with the public particularly if wearing a niqab or similar. This is due to the mistaken western beliefs that it is important to see the face when dealing with the public.
I am sure Aunty will find some successful mooslim woman role model or left wing patsy to suggest that yet again it is our society that has to change , with a few dark hints of waycism thrown in for good measure. I can see a wimmins hour special on this if we are lucky. You no the score “We all need to change our attitudes” blah blah blah – snore! Typical lefty shit lets all change our ways to fit in with a winging minority, yet again the abnormal becomes normal.
In addition the supporters of this report are calling for names not to be shown on job applications. Bloody ell – it would be like interviewing a succession of talking letterboxes!
BBC yet again the spear-point of depressing, left wing predictability – Enjoy!
The BBC attack this morning was on “traditional families” who have “economically inactive” women staying at home to raise their kids. They used the M word to mask that this was actually an attack on ALL traditional family life……pure cultural Marxism.
What is interesting is that the choices of Muslim traditional families were attributed by the BBC to “racism” and “predudice” and not to the benefits system being used disproportionately by one cultural group at the expense of others.
The BBC just don’t get diversity at all, nor do they get personal choice, nor do they get that tax payers are supporting Muslim “tradition” at the expense of our own, Christian family values.
Forcing women into work and kids into government inspected and licensed “childcare” from an early age……Pure cultural Marxism at play, backed by nasty BBC propaganda about female “economic activity”.
Yet further demonstration that, as Trevor Phillips concluded at the end of his documentary, ‘What Muslims Really Think’ (https://youtu.be/2vU0szOz_QM) earlier on Ch.4, they want the UK to change. That ‘change’ involves the population agreeing and accepting everything Islamic.
Can you imagine an employer interviewing? Question (if possible): “How many children do you have”. Answer: “three”. Question: “Do you want more children?”. Answer: “Oh yes, many more in keeping with my culture”. Question: “Are you sure you have any time to work”. Answer: Silence.
MPs committee says Muslim women are the most discriminated against group in the labour market in Britain. But discriminated against by whom? It’s obvious to the MPs. It’s all the fault of us nasty white Christians. In future, no-one recruiting an employee should know the names of the candidates say the MPs (I kid you not ).
Even the BBC had the temerity to suggest during interviews on Today that the biggest discrimination was practiced by these women’s own families and their male dominated culture. The wimmin being interviewed all vehemently denied it. More fantasyland from the left liberals on their usual
Guilt Trip.
Saw that on TV this morning – “discrimination” and “islamophobia”mentioned first, then the possibility that culture might have something to do with it.
What struck me was not the high percentage of Muslim women not in work (60-ish), which we knew about already, but the figure for all Muslims (40-something).
Combine that with the number of kids they have – so much for making a positive contribution.
The Committee are confronted by the inherent contradictions in UK immigration policy. its instructive to watch the twists and turns in the BBCs discussion of the findings.
1. immigration is about the labour market….but some migrants don`t want to work as it isn`t compatible with their culture and Islamic values, others want to work but also want to be able to display their Islamic cultural and religious values in their dress and behaviour….and require these values be “respected” by colleagues and cutomers alike.
2. immigration is about keeping the pensions system afloat by the economic activity of the immigrants (see 1.)
3. immigration is about open borders for refugees….all are welcome…all are contributing to society…..(despite 1. above) therefore it is wrong and “racist” to have a system of migration controls that only allows people who are economically active into the UK, and removes those no longer economically active back to their home countries.
4. “traditional” family life is a “burden” on economic productivity….it is politically useful to present this as a “muslim issue”, but the “burden” argument can be used to attack ALL family values…economic activity is the new worship, economic growth ..the replacement of God or any other non materialistic way of life. the attack on family life is inspired by cultural Marxism.
5. The explanation for all the above is white, British “discrimination”. WRONG.The reason for Muslim womens economic inactivity is personal choice to adhere to the tenets of their culture and religion (which in a multicultural society must be regarded as the equal of the culture of economic productivity for all serfs) with the support of tax-payers.
Indeed on the Today show the actual presenter said, ‘but surveys of Muslim women say that 50 or 60% say they CHOOSE to stay at home and be homemakers, isn’t that most of your answer ?’
– The Feminazis brushed that aside and banged on for another 5 mins.
Tweet1 : How many #Muslim women are not available for work because they have more children than other UK citizens? #Justsaying
I don’t think that is true, or perhaps more accurately, significantly true. Muslim women today have an average of 2.2 children compared to an estimated average of 1.5 children for non-Muslim women in Europe. The explosion of Muslim births is more a factor of immigration and relative ages. While that may be crucial in the proportions of Non Muslim Europeans to Muslims (they are replacing their numbers while the rest of Europe are not) in the future I don’t think that is the cause for unemployment.
Lack of job skills, lack of language skills, traditional bans on contact with males, a very forgiving social support system, limited jobs in many of the areas they live are factors. Most importantly, do they want to work?
Shocking stats ? check your flies files
But when ProgLefty Journo zombies finds a shocking stat he just cherrypicks it and repeats it again and again.
I advise applying the “Too wow to be true rule”
e.g. On the Radio Scotland : Media Review July 21, Stuart Maconie asserted ‘Muslims make up 5% of the population yet only 0.4% of reporters are Muslim.. we need a big effort to stop this discrimination’ and then put his hands on his hips in Rik from the Young Ones style
..Since I see Muslim reporters all the time that 0.4% stat seems fishy especially since some networks have Muslims on all the time : BBCWS and BBCAsianNetwork
(actually the Reuters report PDF said Muslims 4.8% general population) Then if you look at the other religions you can see they too are under represented compared. Here are the ratios of public to journos : Muslim 12:1, Jewish 5.4, Hindu 3.5, Other 3.3, Christian 2.
By that measure the BBC should be running special campaigns to recruit Jews, and Christians also.
There are a number of explanations : The pool of general population and journalists are not the same eg journos are older than 18 years old.
But I suspect different questions in the surveys
Perhaps on the census the question asks “Are you from a Muslim background ?” So your father ticks yes for the whole family.
Whereas the journo might be asked “Are you a practising Muslim ?” so many of the same people answer no.
So one dataset is apples and the other is oranges.
…yet ProgLefty zombies are quick to shout “DISCRIMINATION !”
I suspect same applies for the Muslim women employment stats claims.
The water in the Olympic diving pool may have inexplicably turned a murky green colour but our BBC girl Steph McGovern remains optimistic “I’m sure they’ll sort it out!”
Could it be the suncream divers are wearing? But are they really all using suncream? Maybe not, reports say the weather in Rio is terrible – some events have already been delayed due to rain and strong winds. Perhaps some competitors have had a little ‘accident’ in the pool? BBC favourite Tom Daley and his synchro partner did get pretty excited about their bronze medals.
One thing is for sure, best not rely on the BBC to get to the bottom of this – our national broadcaster happliy relays the official Olympic statement: ‘the pool water turned green – because people were using it’.
And so it goes on, the BBC Breakfast Olympic glee club relentlessly flogging their expensive dead horse. Desperate positivity in the face of half-empty stadia, bad organisation and – worst of all – lack of interest from the vast majority of viewers.
From what I’ve seen, many of the talking heads covering the sailing ,rowing etc have been making little jokes among themselves about the state of the water ,not wanting to fall in etc,with their knowing smiles. If GB. had had these sewage problems we would have probably been hauled before some Human Rights court. But hey BBC , mustn’t criticise Brazil and flag up their poverty must we.
There’s a video on Facebook of three of them, perfectly balanced diversity-wise, natch, doing a samba on a hotel balcony, enjoying the part… er, ‘work’.
It was posted by them as news.
It has not gone as well as they perhaps had hoped.
Listening to the radio sports bulletins this morning, we found out that diving doesn’t make for very good radio. I wonder how much the BBC paid to send radio staff us out to Brazil to bring us that gem.
Springboard diving is quite good radio. You get a sort of boyoyoing sound, a short period of silence and then a muffled splash followed by audience reaction. High board diving is, however, boring. Silence, slightly louder muffled splash then audience reaction. For the hard of hearing archery can be very difficult to distinguish from springboard diving. That’s when the army of commentators really earn their money.
“”US election: Trump blames media for ‘gun threat’ row””
“”He told Fox News “dishonest” reporters had twisted his remarks, which appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates could stop Mrs Clinton if elected”” (BBC brings in Fox News. They hate Fox News. And we are expected to share their hate).
“”The businessman-turned-politician denied incitement and said he was exhorting his supporters to vote”” (BBC hate capitalist businessmen. And we are expected to share their hate. He denied incitement…a clever use of words to suggest guilt).
“”The comments on Tuesday afternoon sparked a firestorm of criticism”” (The firestorm was confined to the BBC/Left).
“”Some interpreted his comments as a dark suggestion that gun owners could take up arms against Mrs Clinton, while others said they were at the very least irresponsible remarks that could have violent consequences”” ( Who is ‘some’? Who are ‘others ‘? As always, the BBC quotes non-existent witnesses to support their bias.
“”And Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said it was a death threat by a “pathetic coward” who was sore because he was trailing in the polls to a woman”” (I rest my case, m’Lud).
So, this is the ‘death threat’, word for word:
“”The Republican presidential nominee said of his Democratic opponent: “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment, by the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
But the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.””
How the hell is that a death threat?
The BBC hate Trump. Total and absolute Left wing fascist bias.
The BBC acts like a demented parrot regarding the USA. It simply repeats whatever the Democrat-owned US MSM says, over and over again. Occasionally one suspects it may even understand a word or two. But those whimsical moments soon pass. Its brain is really only designed to handle simple situations.
This morning’s BBC breakfast show was about the high unemployment rate of “British” Muslims. Several Muslims present, whingeing about how horrible Brits were for not employing unqualified, and forever moaning and demanding Muslims.
Why would anyone employ a Muslim woman who will be looking at any episode, to sue her employers.
Why would anyone employ a woman,. Muslim or not, who will be always pregnant. Its a loose loose situation.
Why would any employ a Muslim woman who will do her best to insult customers by wearing her religion in the face of customers.
The fact is that 70% to 80% Muslim women are unemployed. They are not employed because they have a far more important role in the take over of the West.
Got fed up and switched over to RT.
Oh dear. In Italy, Muslims are demanding that polygamy be made legal. Some person, David Vance I think, made short shrift of the Muslim invader, by stating all this was part of the Islamising the West, and impose Sharia by stealth. David V did not say quite say so, but it was a clear that he would not strain a muscle if Muslims were out of Europe.
Not this old chesnut AGAIN! Muslim (and to an extent Hindu and Sikh) unemployment rates are high because their women generally stay at home as housewives and mothers. You know, like they did in Britain in the ‘olden times’. If Beeboids employed anyone other than 19 year olds on a gap year from ‘Yuni’ they might be able to grasp this concept instead of attributing it, as always, to white racism.
It’s always the same – any statistical anomaly with immigrants (usually Muslims) is attributed to some sort of prejudice in the native population rather than something to do with that group itself. Eg, a few years ago some group or other got the idea that the countryside was ‘racist’ because you didn’t often see black and asian people there. Yet, this is generally because black and asian countries don’t view the countryside in the romantic way we do, it’s generally somewhere you avoid (ever tried going rambling in rural India – I have and wouldn’t recommend it!) . It’s actually a very patronising attitude.
Al Beeb are still banging on about Muslim women being ‘economically disadvantaged’ on the 6pm news. Pass the sick bag.
Maybe someone who has little education, and little experience of interacting with a diaspora of people, and may speak poor English, to name three job related requirements, might just not be the best candidate for a given job.
Except at Al Beeb, obviously,
And that’s only for those who are allowed out of their houses instead of being expected culturally to stay in and look after the home.
We already have Polygomy in the UK .Many muslim men have several wives ,one under UK Legality then others under Islamic law.Islamic law trumps Uk law.I think they are allowed 4.The Islamic wives then can claim benefits as single mothers and live seperately but state funded.There has been the odd programme about this but not on BBC so far as I know.Nothing to see here.
Yes we do. Yet another enrichment that Gordon Brown allowed, while deliberately ignoring the tens of thousands of rapes of non-Muslim girls by Pakistani Muslims.
There is no incidence in history of such a huge betrayal in all history.
They are, as our Afro-Caribbean friends would call them, ‘breeders’ or ‘babymuvvas’. They are doing their bit for Jihad by producing kids and living on our too freely-available benefits.
Muslims prefer a job in government, police, and such places where tre6y have power over the Infidel. BBC also offers the Muslim plenty of opportunity to spread Islam.
Alongside airport security-where ELSE would Muslim women do the most damage, apart from the police, school and social services.
Would be very surprised if they weren`t willing to pass on tips and suggestions to their blokes when it came to childrens homes, police trails and school trends…
Being Muslima trumps all other categories….and they WOULD be killed if they failed to do something to help the Rotherham Mullah Boys…
Looks like these two boys really showed up Beeb hero Little Tommy Daly last night in the diving. Two Gold medals. Still Daly will get the headlines and pr guff and these two will be forgotten along with Dalys diving partner.
Fedup2Mar 18, 12:29 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And the hits keep coming … DTJ has removed hunter bidens secret service protection. Biden convinced a friendly judge that…
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 If we brought back the death penalty there would not be so many.
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Will the murdered man’s mother be given a seat in the House of Lords? If not, why not?
moggiemooMar 18, 12:10 Start the Week 17th March 2025 He’ll get the opportunity to replace some of the bollocks he comes out with.
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:05 Start the Week 17th March 2025 One of the new Deform Party councillors. Muhammed Yusuf doing the vetting. National & cultural pride welcomed. As long as…
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:02 Start the Week 17th March 2025 She must have had the disability benefit for a long time. It hasn’t been available to new claimants for at…
tomoMar 18, 11:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Here’s hoping there’s cameras around when they serve him this at the official banquet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Li_Zhuang https://twitter.com/energygovuk/status/1901691088215425141
Haha…Me first…lol
I hear Bob Geldof has taken in some immigrants into his huge home………….Nah! Not really but he did say he would, didn’t he?
Still no movement on Brexit/Article 50….. I suppose they are waiting for the pro eu newsmedia to complete their task of talking down absolutely everything
“I hear Bob Geldof has taken in some immigrants into his huge home………….Nah! Not really but he did say he would, didn’t he?”
Let’s be honest though, would YOU want to move in with Bob Geldof?
I feel itchy just looking at him.
And….don’t forget, luvvie supreme Emma Thomson darling…mwah….how many has the tipsy bint taken in?….cabbage patch Cumberbitch…5?….8?…….no..Mummy told him not to be so rash darling…..Bono?…don’t even go there….wasters the lot of them.
Ah but you see GR, it’s not the physicality of housing refugees, it’s the ability – fine honed both through direct exposure to ‘the camps’ and the experience of ‘roughing it’ on the way to the top – to empathise, you follow? The housing is in the mind, giving space to those less fortunate. It’s all rather wonderful, actually.
Thanks for that, it really made me chuckle!
Perhaps we could use a very large photo of Saint Bob, placed on the shore facing Calais, as a sort of disincentive for all the hoards risking life and limb trying to get here.
One look at flea bite Bob…
“Perhaps we could use a very large photo of Saint Bob, placed on the shore facing Calais”
You might be onto something there. How about projections of half a dozen faces on the White Cliffs:
I’d suggest:
Bob Geldof
Diane Abbott
Eddie Izzard
Both Brands
Nanny McPhee
That should work.
As mentioned on a previous thread, Sir Bob is otherwise occupied. The Boomtown Rats are at Leopardstown racecourse this evening. Plenty of tickets available at 18 Euros, though the price actually reflects the standard racecourse admission charge. So Bob must be doing it kind of ‘pro Bono’ (boom boom).
There was a proposal to move some refugees into Saint Bob’s house, but then it was pointed out they’d been through enough already.
Extensive use of interviews with individuals in “news” reports adds to the effect of BBC bias. If I wanted to put over a point of view (e.g. Anti-Brexit) I would go out and interview 20 people. Then I would use two or three sensible looking and sounding people who were on the side I wanted to push, and as ‘balance’ two or three weird looking or sounding individuals who were opposed to my “line” and bingo.
Remind you of anything?
Quite so. It is just the same with UKIP. The BBC’s golden rule is never to interview articulate, well-spoken supporters of the party, but ensure damaging or ignorant quotes from the D’s and E’s are carefully selected for broadcasting.
Never* interview a UKIP supporter who is black, brown, gay etc. is also a MSM Rule
as that goes against Project Smear ..
Project Smear Farage as a racist, even tho’s he’s married to a German, and describes his kids as half-German.
* (buried away on Radio3 late at night such people have been aired)
It would be interesting to see how the BBC would do an interview with Nigel Farages` German wife…. Someone like Evan Davies (becouse he looks like Heydrich) … Imagine half an hour of him avoiding the question of Europe …. Xenophobia…. Nationality of thier children…. being married to racist…. Reason why they decided to live in the UK rather than Germany…. Opinions on Israels` foriegn policies…. Will you be changing your EU passport for a British one when we leave the EU? And let`s not forget “Do you still keep in contact with your friends back home, and if so how many of them have been sexually assaulted?” …. I would have suggested an interview with the whole family, but i`m not sure thier kids would be safe amongst all the sexual predators currently employed as staff….
Its called ‘Confirmation Bias’ in the trade:
There isn’t a single BBC voxpop (or Channel 4, and I suspect Sky, too) which isn’t first sifted and weighted accordingly.
With regard to Olympic coverage ,the BEEB was trumpeting their wonderful coverage on the red button .I tried the red button on my freeview TV but only could get 2 channels .
Yesterday ,i noticed they included the fact you can really only get the red button fully if you have satellite or cable.i presume they had complaints .
So I’m paying for the BEEB but to get full coverage I need to go to Sky or Virgin What a con. As it happens I do have Sky but others will have to make do with less coverage. Smoke and mirrors or what .
There are those of us who only receive ‘free’ channels having paid our license fee. (Mr D, although enraged by the sort of letters his mother received when she was over 80 from the Licensing Authority) still feels we ought to pay. Whilst I might quite enjoy some of the Olympics I am already so fed up with highlighting ladies in hijabs, gay divers and black Jamaicans and we haven’t even had the ‘British’ Mo put a foot on the track so I have already lost interest. When the Beeb manages to cover an event without making obvious propaganda out of it, I might actually want to watch – assuming it isn’t dumbed down of course.
I agree, there is not much worth watching even on the red button . I was discussing with my son about the Olympic sports and how there were too many of them,specifically the women’s rugby 7s and such like .Its only there because of equality and the women clearly cannot play a physical game like rugby .Call me old fashioned but there it is. Of course the Beeb loves it.
On BBC this morning highlighting the gymnastics they managed to show the only black female member of the winning USA team while saying how good the whole team was. I don’t care what colour people are but the Beeb always focuses on their diversity agenda.
I’m disappointed that the BBC, despite all the influence it clearly wields, hasn’t yet managed to correct the glaring racism in the track events. To ensure equality of representation for white and Asian athletes, we must have quotas imposed immediately. Why should track events be continually dominated by a majority of black runners?
At the moment, the BBC seems to have temporarily rearranged its 7 Freeview Channels:
(1) BBC 1: All day Olympics
(2) BBC 2: All day Olympics
(9) BBC 4: All day Olympics
(120>9pm>601) CBBC/RB1: All night Olympics
(121>7pm>600) CBEEBIES/RB0: All night Olympics
(130) BBC NEWS: All day Olympics
(131) BBC PARLIAMENT: Brexit and the House of Lords
I rather got that impression as well Richard. The if you don’t like the sight of people of pissing around doing really dull things like running round a track or going for a bit of a swim than you can f**k off and watch another channel attitude just forget that you are being coerced into paying for this, if you dislike sport, 24 hour dullness.
They were at their coy best this morning on Today.
a remake of, sorry “tribute” to “Are you being served” is on the way.
It was “much loved”, “nothing`s been changed”…it`s been “updated” said the Arthur English tribute actor.
Ooooh! they even squeezed in a reference to “Mrs Slocombes pussy”…daring, so daring.
But of Mr Humphries?……a profound silence. Presumably he`s been “updated” in some way.
Embolden, apparently when AYBS was first proposed after its pilot in ’72, the BBC said (it was Billy Cotton I think) that a series should only be made if Mr Humphries were removed! Hard to believe now. What’s great about the character is that he’s camp, but isn’t trying to push any sort of ‘gay agenda’ and it’s never explicitly stated what his sexual orientation actually is (in the 1990s sequel, ‘Grace and Favour’ it was hinted that he might even be straight!) I can’t see such a character being on a modern show as he’s not clearly ‘aligned’.
And presumably Young Mr Grace will become Young Ms Grace after having gender reassignment.
With apologies to those old enough to remember this!
Weird thing is that we all loved Mr Humphries.
So how was that a bad thing for gay people?
Surely love was and is a better attitude than any other.
So it is a sad reflection of our time that the biased BBC feels the need to dance around the handbags on this situation.
BBC radio 4, an outrageous attack on the indigenous populace for being nervous of travelling in enclosed places with Muslims !
Frightened of each others Shadows:
It’s part of contemporary life we experience but are ashamed to discuss.But Nihal Arthanayake wants to talk it: about the things that are left unsaid. The empty chair next to a person from an ethnic minority on a packed bus or train. That anxious glance, or downright hostile gaze.Nihal hears from people from around Britain about how the threat of terrorist attacks is making us all frightened of each other’s shadows; charting the emotional landscape of Britain at a time of heightened anxiety and distrust. Olaoluwa Opebiyi was removed from a plane by armed police after a fellow passenger reported him to cabin crew for acting suspiciously. Karan Chadda shaved off his hipster beard when people started avoiding him. Tomiwa Folounso tells us that she feels guilty for being wary of young Asian men, when she too has experienced prejudice in the past.How do manage these fears? Some of the people we spoke with in this programme have asked to remain anonymous, but we’ll hear from Steve Reicher, a Professor of Social Psychology at St Andrews University and Les Back, Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. We join writer Iain Sinclair as he takes Nihal on a walk through history around the City of London. Nihal also speaks with Robin Goodwin from Warwick University who has been measuring people’s responses to terrorist attacks, from 9/11 right up until the November attacks in Paris in 2015. Is terrorism changing the way we relate to each other?Producer: Caitlin Smith.
Utterly disgusting, and we can only hope Caitlin Smith is somehow affected by such attacks herself which might change her anti white racism and pro Islamic values.
Fascist !
The BBC would still think it was ‘racist’ if a white person refused to sit next to a bearded man on the tube dressed like Lawrence of Arabia, with a dagger between his teeth and holding a black ball with a fizzing fuse that had ‘BOMB’ written on it.
I think just being white is enough to qualify for being a racist bastard in BBC land, with no redemption ever possible.
I would never sit next to a Moslem/ hijab wearer or be served in a shop by one. Not prejudice, but self protection. Suppose I broke wind, suppose I coughed, suppose I had bacon in my shopping bag which was interpreted as an act of provocation, suppose my face appeared in some way hostile and it was interpreted as a racist/Islamophonic look.
No. I do not wish to be arrested and paraded as a warning to others to keep our place.
Meanwhile, I do get fed up with security searches, with tannoys calling that unattended luggage will be removed, and so on.
Workplace-related violence. Move along there…
Notice how the establishment circles the wagons when one of their own gets murdered , but then tell the plebs not to have ” irrational ” fears about some people who want to kill us .
Ordinary people murdered by ” lone wolves ” ; 10 000
MPs murdered by lone wolf ; 1
BBC murdered by lone wolf ; 1
Prime Ministers , Cabinet members killed by lone wolves ;0
Academics killed by lone wolves ; 0 .
Civil Servants killed by lone wolves ;0 .
Now let’s look at the protection methods and security arrangements for two groups here
For Prime Ministers ; a 100% sophisticated close personal protection on a 60 to 1 basis , never being with ordinary folk .Or mingling freely with certain groups .
For ordinary folk ; as best we can . We must be vigilant , but not too vigilant otherwise a certain group might feel marginalised .
But we must be ultra vigilant about hate crimes .
Another example of what happens when reality comes up against liberal fantasies. The liberal would rather override any survival mechanism than be thought to be offending some liberal PC nostrum.
AS terror attacks increase only a fool fails to take precautions and if those precautions offend some liberal twat ‘s view of the world then tough.
Ask the German women about the need for vigilance and just how circumscribed their lives are now. Not that our feminists care a jot.
I have no intention of exposing myself or mine to any avoidable danger and this is ,I suggest , the majority view now. Not some BBC whining from some has been academics.
That this is now necessary in England is an indictment of our leaders/media and enough to disqualify them from saying anything on the matter .
Can I assume, then, that if I go on the bus wearing a dirty mac, it’s sexist of the young women who come on board not to sit next to me?
Thoughtful, problem with all these sort of programmes is that the BBC simply forget to explain that Islam cannot be and will not be an integral part of British society. Sure, they’ll wheel out some Muslim who the rank and file Islamicists treat as a ‘turncoat’ and he (inevitably) will try and kid us that, ‘The Religion of Peace’ wants nothing more that to live harmoniously within our ranks. The fact is any interpretation of the Quaran leaves the reader with no conflict in that Islam seeks World domination and the UK has left the back door wide open to being one of the first to be dominated. Where will it all end? This article sets out the alternatives pretty cogently:
You can debate the points made in the article the next time you share a pint in your local pub with the local Iman.
I have never read such rubbish as Thoughful has copied from Caitlin Smith. I am regularly in London and use the Northern Line. As a woman, if I get into a carriage with just a few people sitting there I will tend to go for a seat away from other people – if there is only one other person in the carriage and you went and sat next to them you would get a funny look. If the Tube is moderately busy I will tend to find a seat next to another woman whatever colour she is. If the tube is really busy I will get a seat where ever I can. But the Northern Line is so full of people of all colours and nationalities that avoiding any particular race or creed is impossible. However if people do look ‘unwashed’, I may prefer to stand rather than take the seat next to them – and that applies to white people too. I just get the feeling that the BBC are desperate for stories at the moment – is it because the present government is not leaking or feeding the BBC them, or it is to avoid any mention of either the Labour Party or Islaam? Southern Rail is allowing the BBC to attack the government through the Unions although it is as plain as a pikestaff that the Unions are a) trying to protect their jobs and to be fair that is their role but also b) just being damned belligerent because they want to attack the government. But the story this morning about Trump on the Today programme just sounded desperate -but I see there is a different thread about that.
Olaoluwa Opebiyi was removed from a plane by armed police after a fellow passenger reported him to cabin crew for acting suspiciously.
Assuming the fellow passenger was genuinely concerned then he/she was only fulfilling their public duty (shock, horror BBC – surely only ‘hate crimes’ are deserving of such vigilance, eh?).
It seems that the anti Clinton death count has now risen to 6 people ! Conveniently ignored by the BBC
Molly Macauley:
John Ashe:
Victor Thorne:
Seth Rich:
Joe Montano:
Shawn Lucas:
If there had been a suspicion that Donald Trump was murdering his opponents the BBC would have been all over it like a rash, the fact that the suspicion falls on their favoured candidate means that they will turn a well practiced blind eye !
Is Heat St not something to do with that ex Tory MP lady who seems almost as obsessed with Trump as the BBC?
“Heat Street ..the website is headed by British writer Louise Mensch (Con MP for Corby 2010-12)
It is owned by News Corp under Dow Jones & Company Wikipedia
TVM=Ta very much ….I had to look that up
R5 Your Call today : The usual Facebook discussion thread was NOT posted .
Yesterday : the usual thread was posted and comments were ALLOWED. Topic was “Your Call – Labour: Are new members true members?”
Today’s banned topic was “Sexism and Harassment at work” Given that the guests said there is no differentiation between ‘banter’ and actual rape, they are both over the line. I guess they decided to allow people to answerback on Facebook .#EveryDayPoliticalCorrectness
– The starting example covered was a girl was working at an art gallery “A photographer came to shoot a brochure. My colleague commented that it would work better, if there was a photo of me on the back ….. ..a glamour shot he added, and the men both laughed” You are thinking “And ?, and ?”, but that was the entire complaint.
– Why would a boss ever promote anyone in a public service role who is so sensitive to such words ? It’s so easy to come back with a come back like :
“Can you give me a photo of HIM, to help with my Mum’s diet ?”
… “How ?”
..”well I’ll put it on the front of the fridge ….that’ll make sure she never comes near it.”
I saw that interview and was surprised that she was even asked to provide a picture of herself, given the fact she was obviously somebody who could only model for shoes….. perhaps by `glamour` they meant a picture of her feet wearing some stilletos???
See http://www.freewebs.com/jeffhead/liberty/liberty/bdycount.txt
They state the death count is 90!
I agree with most of what’s said about the media but why do we have to put up with the lies.I vote for change .I write to my MP. What else can we do? The left are all over every current affairs programme .I would like to watch or hear a balanced view, what we have is corruption,deception of an extremely juvenile nature that is resorting to utter contempt of the viewer. I wonder what the viewing figures are for all these programmes. Recording & fast forwarding are the norm,trust long gone,turned into a critic not a viewer. This sites my therapy.
Campaign magazine has conducted some research based on YOUGOV data about the brands favoured by ‘leave’ and ‘remain’ voters. BBC.co.uk was the number one brand for ‘Remain’ voters; the iplayer was ranked second.
YouGov you say?
Peter Jon Kellner (born 2 October 1946) is an English journalist, former BBC Newsnight reporter, political commentator, and former president of the YouGov opinion polling organisation in the United Kingdom. He is known for his appearances on TV, especially at election times.
Formerly the political analyst of the BBC Newsnight current affairs programme, Kellner was engaged by YouGov’s founders, Stephan Shakespeare and Nadhim Zahawi, in December 2001. When YouGov floated for £18 million in April 2005, Kellner owned 6% of the company. He has been President of YouGov since 2007, and was its Chairman from 2001–2007.
Personal life
He is married to Catherine Ashton, Baroness Ashton of Upholland, a Labour Party politician and the first and former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
Brilliant info
BTW I missed a “not” in my last post above …. meant “decided NOT to allow “
I believe one John Humphrys has/had a decent holding in YouGov shares.
I complained about this when they were the pollsters of choice for the BBC in the 2010 election.
They initially denied JH was a shareholder, then rather sheepishly recanted!
references for the claim from a 2011 B-BBC post
Also from New Satesmen
>>John Humphrys, the BBC journalist and presenter of the Today programme, who was also given shares in YouGov when it was set up, remains a shareholder and still writes a column on its website. Kellner (who got 1.7% worth £2.3m) calls himself a “wage slave” although, if the FT’s estimate is correct, he would have become a millionaire when he sold his shares. “Few journalists have moved into new territory with quite such spectacular results,” said a profile in the Independent in 2006<<
I note a Reddit list of BBC staff conflicts of interest ..I haven’t checked the claims
Nadhim Zahawi Conservative MP for Stratford on Avon
Stephan Shakespeare is the former owner of the websites ConservativeHome (now owned by Lord Ashcroft) and PoliticsHome. He was also a Conservative Party pollster.
In the 1997 general election, Shakespeare was the Conservative candidate for Colchester
As of October 2014, Shakespeare owned about 6 percent of YouGov’s shares.
Looks pretty biased towards the Tories to me!
So NO Brexiteer shareholders that we know about ?
The BBC’s refusal to cover the fact that the father of Omar Mateeen, the Islamist mass murderer at the gay night club in Orlando conspicuously attended Hillary Clinton’s Florida rally is quite shocking, indeed disgraceful. There is no news website mention.
He can be seen immediately behind her in the photographs and is an enthusiastic supporter of Mrs Clinton.
Even the Guardian covered it: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/09/seddique-mateen-hillary-clinton-rally-pulse-shooting
I hope someone important will complain to the BBC or comment upon this omission which comes at a time when their website majors negatively on every Trump quote.
Bias has never been more obvious.
It is significant also that Clinton in her speech didn’t even mention that her sympathy was for 49 gay victims and certainly did not call their killer a Jihadi. Only fluffy generalisations were utilised by her.
This is all of a muchness with the fact that the BBC did not cover the FBI’s recent remarks that there was no evidence that Omar Mateen was gay, despite some silly speculation and fantasy, and much less a maniac.
So why did he do it? Are we not allowed to know? Can the BBC analyse the matter given its penchant for gay news stories?
Thought not.
Gay gets trumped in this instance!
The hatred is absolutely no surprise,
Though no doubt the killing of Christians would barely register on the BBC hateometer as demonstrated by their woeful and wanton lack of coverage of such, consider this though from the same article.
“Liège newspaper La Meuse reports that the teenager is the son of a local radical imam, El Alami Amaouch, who currently faces deportation to the Netherlands.”
Now there must be lots of places to where we could deport those who wish us harm to, the Netherlands is surely not one of them.
Interesting article here: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8637/islam-europe-conquest
Only thing not mentioned is the likelihood that Germany, equally, stands a good chance of being the first into the ‘Civil War’. Are the bookies giving odds?
The Gatestone article is just one possible scenario. Anything is now possible. There are rumours that Merkel is flying in immigrants from Turkey at night to circumvent the border problems further east.
So it is now possible that Germany under Merkel is directly acting to destabalize Europe. The question is why and why the hurry. What is her regime afraid of?
France is still my bet for a military coup. Germany is going to disintegrate back into two parts one under a Merkel regime and the other still a free country. Just two possible future scenarios.
Our snowflakes are going to thank us for voting out of the EU and as usual we are going to bless the Channel.
Add to all this the coming financial meltdown and we are in real black swan land.
And today’s artificial ‘Brexit Tale of Woe?’ The dreary WATO boreathon from R4 brings us some confection about the falling pound threatening Britain’s military spending.
Sometimes the pound falls. Sometimes it rises. Sometimes Mark Carney gives it a helping hand. In neither case is a temporary fluctuation a lead story. However much the remainiacs in the establishment wish it were.
Real rubbish as usual. Do they mention Deutsche bank?
embolden August 10, 2016 at 10:48 am
“They were at their coy best this morning on Today.
a remake of, sorry “tribute” to “Are you being served” is on the way.
It was “much loved”, “nothing`s been changed”…it`s been “updated” said the Arthur English tribute actor.”
Yep, ‘nothing’s been changed’ and yet ‘updated’ in a subtle BBC kinda way.
This looks even worse than the appalling abortion that was ‘Are You Being Served Down Under’, the Australian version of AYBS! Whenever the BBC tries to remake a classic comedy, it always seems to look like some village hall am-dram group is putting on a play in the church hall that will only be watched by their friends and families eager to see them make fools of themselves.
Oh Cranmer…always seems to look like some village hall am-dram group is putting on a play in the church hall that will only be watched by their friends and families eager to see them make fools of themselves. ….
You MUST watch the film A Bunch of Amateurs, a great film with a star cast in just what you describe above. As a stalwart of amdram we have much more fun rehearsing than actually putting on the performance !!
Is the black chap Mr Humphries? or do we take bets that he`s going to be the love interest for the blonde lass at the back.
Answers on a postcard to BBCTV light entertainment at W1A.
Mr Lucas has been too long in the sunbed.
Mind you, I do look forward to the remake of It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum.
Ah yes. It could be a set in an army camp in Helmand and called ‘They Ain’t Real Muslims Bruv’.
An “Ain’t Half Hot” remake would be sure to have a climate change agenda on steroids!
I’m guessing the black chap is Mr Lucas. The one I’m not sure about is the young man behind Peacock.
Very Young Mr Grace?
Edit: by Are You Being Served rules, that would make him very ancient, wouldn’t it?
The star is the chap at the back in the black bow tie.
I would think that’s a given embolden – there has to be a mixed relationship in it somewhere.
I’m surprised that Willy Hague would want to appear in a gig like AYBS, especially as Mr Humphreys, too close to typecasting. Has he lost a lot of money recently, he made a fortune from book royalties?
Looks like nothing’s been changed except the dummy, which seems to have changed places with the Trevor Bannister Character, but it didn’t have any hair in the original series.
David Keighley has a splendid article at Conservative Woman about the new data snooping powers that the lickspittle Conservative government has handed to the BBC. It’s well worth a read.
Any business that has to prosecute 170,000 to 200,000 of its customers EVERY year MUST be doing SOMETHING wrong. Ultimately, the fault lies at Board level. I can see yet another DG edging ever closer to a desk clearance and his P45.
Down the ladder, the Finance, HR and Business Strategy management should be asked some hard questions. They have got things badly wrong over the past twenty years.
Deselect the liberals out of the conservative party asap. Anna soubrey get over it you lost your whingeing is juvenile. Tory right or ukip the only options for the change we badly need.
I wonder what the black actor in the Are You Being Served remake feels about being chosen for the role purely because the BBC enforces quotas.
The thing is ,the token black in my opinion is more patronising than none at all .They had one black man in Rising Damp but the joke was he was more educated and well bred than Rigsby or any of them .It was funny and made social comment.I know it wasn’t on the BBC but that picture looks plain wrong these days.
I cannot see any of these remakes being funny as they were in the past and Im pretty sure I won’t be watching.Why can’t they come up with anything original ,or are things so PC every one is scared to come up with a funny script ?
You are quite right, Rising Damp was made in the 1970s, and the black student played by Don Warrington had to be black, because the joke was that he was an African prince, and was of far higher social status and education than Rigsby. Simply making the role of Mr Lucas black for no reason is pure tokenism, and typical of the brain dead leftism of the modern BBC. Remind me not to watch.
“Simply making the role of Mr Lucas black for no reason is pure tokenism, and typical of the brain dead leftism of the modern BBC”
Not just the BBC. Look at what the PC brigade have done to Midsomer Murders. Instead of plots centred round centuries old village feuds they now have to accommodate ethnic actors, so I’m waiting for the one where the murder is the delayed revenge for the actions of an 18th century slave-owner.
After watching the last series of MM where Kam (the Asian pathologist) was mentioned in every sentence – she was portrayed as being witty, lusting after the young DS, and getting more air time than the previous ‘George’, then I refuse to watch anymore.
“I’m waiting for the one where the murder is the delayed revenge for the actions of an 18th century slave-owner. ”
I think you may have given away the plot of the next episode. It actually sounds better than most of the rubbish they broadcast!
After Brian True-May had his career ruined for suggesting that Midsummer would be populated by white English people, because that is just how small English villages are, the show has gone into overdrive to celebrate diversity. Thus, those same small English villages now boast blacks, Asians, African Americans, and numerous mixed race couples, both straight and gay. I was very surprised that the new sergeant was a white male, but at least he fancies the Asian pathologist.
In short, the programme has become a parody of political correctness, due to the producers being terrified of being accused of thought crimes. It is another symbol of the pathetic self-loathing of white middle class PC wankers.
Ah yes, Don Warrington. A brilliant actor who doesn’t need some snivelling, sanctimonious, patronising, PC-brigader to provide opportunities for him. Talent like that can take care of itself. Rising Damp was an unusually good comedy for ITV due to the excellent cast and first class writing. Those were qualities that the BBC used to be renowned for. What happened?
More and more and more on the way……………………….
Good article ibConservative Woman on bbc snooping.The comments are excellent and very much reflect what most contributors to this site feel.
Our media panjandrums are alternating at present between Rio and Brexit bashing. On the latter, Joe Stieglitz, a former Chief Economist at the World Bank, is about to publish a book entitled “The Euro and its Threat to the Future of Europe”. With apologies for the length, these extracts (from the Grauniad !) encapsulate some of the principle reasons why we are very wise to leave:
“While there are many factors contributing to Europe’s travails, there is one underlying mistake: the creation of the single currency, the euro. Or, more precisely, the creation of a single currency without establishing a set of institutions that enabled a region of Europe’s diversity to function effectively.
The eurozone was flawed at birth. The structure of the eurozone – the rules, regulations and institutions that govern it – is to blame for the poor performance of the region, including its multiple crises. The diversity of Europe had been its strength. But for a single currency to work over a region with enormous economic and political diversity is not easy. A single currency entails a fixed exchange rate among the countries, and a single interest rate. Even if these are set to reflect the circumstances in the majority of member countries, given the economic diversity, there needs to be an array of institutions that can help those nations for which the policies are not well suited. Europe failed to create these institutions.
It should have surprised no one that Europe’s response to the UK’s referendum was dominated by the same harsh response that greeted Greece’s June 2015 ballot-box rejection of its bailout package. Herman Van Rompuy, a former European council president, expressed a widespread feeling when he said that David Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum “was the worst policy decision in decades”. In so saying, he revealed a deep antipathy towards democratic accountability. Understandably so: in most of the cases in which voters have been directly turned to, they have rejected the euro, the European Union and the European constitution. Moreover, polls at the time of Brexit showed that a majority of those in many European countries besides the UK had an unfavourable view of the EU (including Greece, France, and Spain).
The economic and political consequences of Brexit will, of course, depend a great deal on Europe’s response. Most assume that Europe will not cut off its nose to spite its face. It seems in the interests of everyone to work out the best economic relationship consistent with the democratic wishes and concerns of those on both sides of the Channel. The benefits of trade and economic integration are mutual, and if the EU takes seriously its belief that the closer the economic integration the better, that implies an attempt to make the closest ties possible under the circumstances. Anything the EU does to the UK to try to punish it would have an equal and opposite effect, hurting itself at least as much in the process. The fact that European stock markets were down markedly and European banks were particularly hard hit at least suggests that Brexit was bad for Europe as well.
But Jean-Claude Juncker, the proud architect of Luxembourg’s massive corporate tax-avoidance schemes and now the head of the EU commission, has taken a hard line – perhaps understandably, given that he may go down in history as the person on whose watch the dissolution of the EU began. His line is that Europe must be unrelenting in its punishment, and should offer little more than what the UK is guaranteed under normal global agreements, such as the World Trade Organisation, lest others join the rush to the exit. What a response! According to Juncker, Europe is not to be held together because of the benefits that accrue – benefits that far exceed the costs, the economic prosperity, the sense of solidarity, the pride in being a European. No, Europe is to be held together by threats and fear – of what would happen if a country leaves.
When a couple in trouble goes for marriage counselling, old-style counsellors would try to figure out how to make the marriage work, but a modern one begins by asking: Should this marriage be saved? The costs of dissolution – both financial and emotional – may be very high. But the costs of staying together may be even higher.”
I think we`ve ALL dodged a bullet by voting to Leave.
We all knew that the Italian rapido rail crash with reality would be happening within a few years .
As with the Greeks, Cypriots and -dare we say this-the French.
The whole damned Euro project is and was doomed.
Hence the support of Clarke, Heseltine, Mandelson and Clegg, Izzard and all the rest if them.
This lot are painted jazz handling tree worshipping pagan LOSERS-all they`ve ever done turns to dross…Millennium Dome?…Alternative Votes?
So whenever the Rimming Remainders told me that a vote to Leave was a vote for “uncertainty”…well that`s as nothing to the coming certainly of the Italian crash to come…and a good friend here put up the Deutche Bank Report which seals the fate of the whole Euroscam.
Continental Pontins Ponzi Time Share, the whole lot of it.
How DARE the Reamers tell us that THEIR Niqba in the Eurozone is somehow more “stable” that what we voted to avoid….but, of course when you`re Heseltine or Mandelson, the BBC buy all the shit you spew….
Just like to add to that sentiment.
Frederic Forsyth was being interviewed by the Mail on Sunday about his new book (The Outsider). In the magazine article he talked about his life’s work as an thriller writer and Author: (The Day of the Jackel, The Dogs of War and the Odessa File etc) and the rise of Islamic fundamentalists. That he puts down to Blair’s meddling in areas he knows nothing about i.e. democracy is not an immediate option in war torn third world countries), and the cock-up of an ‘open-goal’ of failing to remove Erdogan whilst the ‘president’ was (its said) on holiday in Marmeris. He is also candid about having worked at the BBC for a time (and also MI5). His own dealings with the BBC go like this…
‘He’s naturally suspicious of institutions, particularly the BBC, where he worked in the late sixties). “When I was there, it was slavishly obedient to the government. Now it’s the reverse. You get a right-of-centre government and the BBC is slavishly disobedient. I think the BBC is way left-of-centre. We’re told it has no editorial policy but accuracy, but it’s lies. I mean, come on! In the Brexit campaign, the neutrality of the BBC was a myth. The neutrality of the Civil Service was a myth. All the institutions of state came out to continue to be subservient to Brussels”…
He was delighted at the outcome.
“It was the right outcome. You cannot be subordinate to a non-British government and call yourself Sovereign. It’s a contradiction in terms. These EU treaties took away something our ancestors fought decades for, and a lot of young men died for. That offended me”'</
(Excerpt form the Book Event section Daily Mail 07/08/2016).
A good read (as always). And spot on.
And just when you think Brussels Broadcasting couldn’t get any more facile, we get archetypal arty Beeboid Simon Gompertz revelling in the puerile anti-Breixt humour of the “comedians” at the Fringe. Quality TV, my arse.
that’ll be this guy then….
just call me mr croney-luvvie
from 2009
The BBC has appointed a ‘maverick and eccentric’ public relations executive with virtually no journalistic experience as its new £150,000-a-year arts editor.
The decision to give one of the Corporation’s best-paid reporting jobs to Will Gompertz, media director at the Tate group of museums, has already proved contentious, with the suggestion he landed the job because of close links to senior BBC executives.
It has been rumoured that one of the other candidates, long-standing BBC arts correspondent Razia Iqbal, may even take legal action against her bosses over the appointment.
Asked whether she was considering such a move, 47-year-old Miss Iqbal would only say: ‘I think it would be a mistake to discuss this and I would much prefer to say nothing than to say something that is likely to be distorted.’
Described by one BBC source as a ‘complete maverick and an eccentric’, Gompertz last month performed a one-man show at the Edinburgh Fringe, during which he asked the audience to draw pictures of penises.
The BBC admitted that the 44-year-old will require around three months of media training after he begins the role in December.
A spokesman refused to say how much this would cost or which company would provide it.
One senior BBC source said that Gompertz boasts personal links to both BBC creative director and presenter Alan Yentob and BBC director-general Mark Thompson.
Razia Iqbal
Rival: Razia Iqbal was overlooked for the new BBC role
It is understood that Mr Thompson created the arts editor role after attending a dinner party last year where chairman of the Arts Council Dame Liz Forgan, theatre director Sir Richard Eyre and arts supremo Sir John Tusa challenged him over why the BBC had no such position.
Another source said that Thompson was ‘bruised’ by the incident and shortly afterwards created the new post ‘on the hoof’ after ‘minimal consultation’ with BBC executives.
As well as Miss Iqbal, several leading arts journalists are understood to have applied for the job, including Radio 4 presenter John Wilson and Newsnight culture correspondent Stephen Smith.
Sunday Times arts editor Richard Brooks was also linked to the post. However, he denied that he had applied for it.
An advertisement for the post stipulated that the arts editor ‘should be a senior and influential journalist and will be expected to report on radio, TV and online’.
The advert also stressed that the candidate should be educated to university-degree level at least. Gompertz dropped out of school and became a stagehand at the Sadler’s Wells Theatre in Central London at the age of 18.
Due to his lack of experience as a reporter, and because he failed to take his A-levels, it was to general surprise that Gompertz was chosen.
He will not be able to begin work in earnest until next March and will be unavailable for the first assignment originally proposed for the post – announcing the winner of the Man Booker Prize on the Ten O’Clock News on October 6.
According to a source linked with the job, Gompertz has a ‘good’ friendship with Yentob, who was not on the BBC’s selection panel.
Yentob has filmed some of his BBC1 arts series Imagine at the Tate galleries and attended many of their cocktail parties.
He and Gompertz also carry out work for the charity Kids Company, of which Yentob is chairman of trustees. Last November, Gompertz organised a jumble sale for the charity which raised £50,000……………………..
says it all doesn’t it?another prick leftard with his nose in the trough of the so called bbc
He’s the one with the Max Wall haircut, isn’t he?
According to his Wikipedia entry “Gompertz has written extensively for The Guardian and The Times newspapers” Bloody hell – what a surprise! I never saw that one coming. (Much)
Mr La Di Dah Gunner Graham!
Maybe we`ll get that “Ain`t Half Hot Mum” rerun after all.
Where the punkah wallah will be complimented on using renewable carbon-free energy. And the char wallah will serve organic fair trade tea from sustainable sources.
I once read Gompertz is the bald headed man with long hair!
6. Yes, my mistake- Will and not his cousin Simon…
You mean theres 2 of the buggers???
One of his latest stories : “Brexit vote was low point, says National Theatre’s Rufus Norris” BBC News-13 Jul 2016
So bringing him brought DIVERSITY ???
..or did it bring in someone else whose bubbleworld consists of ProgLefty Zombies ?
BBC all for DIVERSITY …except not diversity of opinion : Conform, Conform, Conform,
If he`
If he`
If he`s so fond of the EU, then why is he working for the NATIONAL THEATRE?
Surely he should be blazing a trail round Brussels, Venice, Milan or somewhere foreign?
So piss off Rufus-and take your slef-diagnosing name with you?
Weren`t Rufus types all Viking or Norman heroes once?
Now they`re ballet blimps or unfunny minor slebs on Channel 32.
And don`t get me started on that Canadian fop who lives off his mums ability and his unfunny crap dads comedy folk songs…shite.
I’m beginning not to understand “Diversity”. If the so-called progressives are so keen on diversity, why are they, together with the Globalists, trying to destroy the diverse cultures of the various European nations, and make them all the same?
I know others will report this but I just had to add my bit. 1800 BBC News just – the Trump: ‘Kill Hillary’ feeding frenzy. BBC re ran the speech and frankly, from my perspective, Trump simply says that the gun owners, if threatened, have the 2nd Amendment to fall back on. How anyone can interpret what was said as a threat on the life of Hilary, (the other half of, ‘I didn’t have sex with that woman’) Clinton is anyone’s guess. The BBC interview two Americans who both (looks like a couple) say, in effect, for Trump its a step too far. And then?
Nothing. Nothing, Nothing? No opposing views? No, Fraid’ not cos we don’t do any ‘opposing views’ which run counter to our own position on the topic. Well, blow me down with a feather! So you don’t like Trump Eh? ‘Hate the bloke, bit like we hated that Farage geezer before…………….’
G, all too true. One of our fabulous unbiased media experts pointed that it isn’t really important what Trump actually says but how other interpret what he says. Which of course is absolutely fine when those putting words in his mouth are his arch political enemies….including certain media outlets…
Indeed it is obvious that Trump did not suggest assassinating Clinton. But this is how the BBC works. In a couple of months time someone in the Independent or Guardian or certainly a leftish blog will throw in a casual remark about Trump’s wall, his proposal to ‘permanently’ ban moslems, and urging his followers to kill Clinton. It probably won’t get questioned, but if it is there will be a BBC link to the article.
Yes, already Trump’s throwaway comment about the silence of the “Gold Star mother” is being referred to as an “attack”.
‘The BBC is guilty of quoting government statistics without holding them up to sufficient scrutiny’
…not to mention those from every NGO, charity or BBC researcher cousin’s dog walker… if the stats suit, sources close to the BBC could have learned.
It would seem that currently 19,998 of them are in Rio not reporting, or analysis much except Tom’s Speedos, there either.
Yes, this is really about Pravda giving itself the freedom to ignore inconvenient government stats, e.g. on poverty and inequality and falling back instead on its favoured “independent” pals in the “voluntary” sector and non-official “commissions”.
Re the much vaunted Olympics coverage. The BBC4 coverage appears to be a vanity project for the presenter. The two available red button channels are only on from the late evening. The relevant TV Times edition with it’s Olympics full guide to televised events appears to be a work of fiction. So, a load of old toffee then. I think I would be mightily annoyed if I was that bothered but it’s an excellent example of the reality being far removed from the publicity spin. Beeb doing what it does best then. Lets go down the pub instead!
Anybody else remember when we used to mock Cuba, the communist bloc and North Korea when they used to lionise their drugged up intersex “athletes” who`d stick it to Uncle Sam with their “triumphs in the medals table” , come the Olympics?
Bunch of weird drugged steroid-bound, infertile transex mutants who`d go back to East Berlin or Sofia with medals and a media hoopla, as they dedicated their tally to the Nation, the State and Team EG.
Oh dear-replace Tass with the BBC, Pravda with the Times and it`s just the same.
How did it come to this?..when we stopped being free, backed the bid and learned to be sporting spuds from the sofa or the Sky Pub…Soft Soviets aren`t we?
Fup Sport!…now THAT`S begging for an EU-wide team, as we abolish national pretentions…all the worlds table tennis players are all Chinese are they not?
‘Bunch of weird drugged steroid-bound, infertile transex mutants…’
Surely you can’t be referring to this variety of unbridled feminine loveliness?
Is that Clare Balding in earlier times?
Nah, she’d be in the cycling team for sure N6… You know, dyke on a bike. They don’t like it up ’em!
Looks like Gene Vincent…or should that be Jean Vincent?
Anyway he had a tin leg…so he`d have been a Paralympic Champion, had we all cared enough back then.
Marbled legs as well.
Call me a perv, but I am enjoying the swimming. Not necessarily for the actual competition but for watching Helen Skelton and Rebecca Adlington providing the bits in between.
Perhaps there should be a committee to discuss the lack of equal male presenters but on this occasion I’m not complaining.
Anyone see and hear the wall to wall coverage of the “sexual harrasment” report by the TUC and some feminist organisation…. The definitions of harassment are absurd… for example “hearing other people making comments of a sexual nature about another person”, counts as harassment(towards the person that hears it). That would mean just about everybody has been sexually harassed. What a steaming pile of dung, I would urge everyone to go and read that report, and observe the way that not one single person on the BBC thought to read it before reporting to the nation across all platforms that ” Over 50 percent of women have been sexually harassed”. Don’t even get me started on the complete sexism of the report itself. Manure reported as fact.
I would imagine that Jo Brand and Abottopotamus are among the 50% who haven’t been sexually harrassed.
Who`d have thought it?
The TUC and “Everyday Sexism” have produced a report to show that young women are “harrassed” at work.
Well, what else would you expect of the TUC and some uni website address when they “do a survey”?
I mean-what`s in it for them, what payoff will they get…and what will Channel 4s wimmin, BBC women, Frances O Grady and Jenni Murray possibly make of this “research”?
As ever-no facts, categories, data, numbers…men are just sexist pigs and the women(18-24) clearly have no incentive to make it up…give me the definitions of “what harassment is”-then we`ll talk…until then, what else would this serial bunch of grievance festers find after their “survey”?
Ah it was a TUC PR job that explains why Radio 5 Your Call today was about Sexual Harassment at work
I mentioned above at 12:46 pm, an example of the calls.
I’m confused ! what defines ‘sexual harassment ‘ at work or anywhere else ? I might be in my ‘mature’ years, but ‘a hand on the shoulder’ ?? constitutes inappropriate behaviour ? Yes, times have changed, but not that much from the 60’s and 70’s when this generation of grieving women should have been around – they would soon learn how to “man up” and know the behavioural difference between a chat up line and a ‘dirty old man’. Today’s ‘kids’ think nothing of going out with complete strangers from Tinder, on line dating, or other social media sites. At least ‘back in the day’, our relationships started from the workplace where we at least knew, and had the choice of whether we would be going out with a pervert, Mummy’s boy, potential axe murderer or just a gorgeous specimen. Regular dances / youthclubs were also where we got to know intended dates. In today’s world its blind dates all the way ! Of course, it wasn’t a completely innocent time, rapes and sexual abuse happened, but we weren’t exposed to a pornographic world that is available today. Snippets of rape cases in the News of the World were about as informative as it got. I would not be ‘young’ in today’s world for all the tea in China.
Brexit positive view ? SKY TV tonight :Wednesday 9pm Out And Proud
“Where does Brexit leave us now?
Political Editor Faisal Islam explores the effects and people’s expectations of the vote to leave the EU.”
Well I’m guessing this will be another sneer at Brexiteers , despite the title, though I won’t prejudge Faisal.
Nah, Faisal Islam was crap in his EU Interviews…yes, he got some good jabs in at everybody, but his “Gove” interview was a disaster if we were wanting some independence , some questions and follow-up based on what answers he`d actually obtained.
Script-driven lefty cipher…the whole political elite voted to stay in, I`m sure.
Yeh ..he went up to Sunderland, he found the one woman in the country who believed that £350m/week would suddenly reappear. (21:12)
Twitter post from the hijab wearing Olympic fencer reveals that she does not like Israelis.
Another box ticked in so called bbc’s pro mooozlim bingo
GWF, perhaps lemon drizzle cake is more her thing.
‘. . . the hijab wearing Olympic fencer reveals that she does not like Israelis.’
Earlier this evening (Wednesday), Fehaid Al-Deehani won the gold medal for double-trap shooting. Although he’s Kuwaiti (a ‘Kuwaiti national’ in the BBC’s terms, grrr), and had been due to carry his country’s flag in the opening ceremony, he was competing as an ‘Independent Olympic Athlete’.
This is because Kuwait was suspended from the International Olympic Committee last year, and banned from participating at Rio. The IOC deemed the Kuwaiti government to have indulged in political interference. Yair Davidovich, a technical delegate for the International Sports Shooting Federation, who had been scheduled to supervise the Asian Shooting Championship in Kuwait in November last year, was denied a visa by Kuwait’s immigration department.
Mr Davidovich’s nationality was the problem, apparently. Have a guess what his nationality is. No googling, now.
“It’s really knocked me for six and I’ve spent the last day or so analysing how I’m perceived,”
No need to spend a day mate !
Should this really be headline news ? Is this what you all pay a TV Tax for ?
Was that analysing….or anal-ysing
Suppose, just suppose for a minute that the unnamed security guard was a Moslem who would be deeply offended by these men apparently giving themselves to Satan
I wonder how the BBC would run the story?
Homosexual couple perform a lewd and offensive act in from of a Moslem security official in a store. Security guard, Mohamid Faisal, in a state of shock analyzing how Moslems are perceived in post Brexit Britain
A support group here taffman or what?
As for out traumatised chum?
Only a day my gay friend?
Come on…worth at LEAST a years self-absorption and a video diary from the BBC with a view to making a series out of it.
Wish I had YOUR problems…be nice to have days to film the lint in my belly button as well.
Still eh?…all those budgie mirrors for sale.
Well………… “Sainsbury’s apologised and offered them a £10 voucher.”
Can buy themselves a nice piece of chorizo for a tenner and spice thing up a tad… Sainsbury’s finest of course!
Breaking :300 Sodexo staff in Thiefthrow , Heathrow pass scamed
story says the 300 have been suspended as a precautionary measure Yahoo
Can the sporting types on here, help me out… Sports reporters continually refer to Jose Mourinho as Mourinheeo, so, cant they read or is the ho (as in palamino) or pronounced heeeo. Its bugging the life out of me. I realise that most of the Sky sports readers have eyesight problems as they squint at the cameras (or the lights are too bright), and the Beeb sporting journos wear specs or have trouble speaking English let alone Portuguese !
The NH in Portuguese is pronounced as an NY in English. “Mourinheeo” is pretty accurate.
I think ‘Mourinho’ should be pronounced in Portuguese (from an English speller’s perspective) as “Moor-eenyou”.
The value of their ‘nh’ is like the ‘ny’ in our word ‘canyon’. Their final ‘-o’ is more like our ‘oo’. The first syllable is relatively unstressed, as it is in the manager’s first name which sounds like ‘jzay’.
Thank you both.
10pm BBC1 News, Sophie Rayworth said that the UK was ‘marching up the medals’ table’. Yesterday they were 10th, tonight they are 9th. Had she said ‘creeping’ I could have understood it, but ‘marching?’ Trust the BBC to talk them up and justify all their people over there. I have also noticed that without fail the first 10 minutes of every 1/2 hr bulletin is taken up with the Olympics whether there is any news or not. But notice how often we get the fencer in a hijab etc. Tonight it was the female black US gymnast that was highlighted. Why was she of particular interest to a UK audience? On the 6:30 news Thorpe was identified having won the most medals ever and then next most highly medalled, I think it was Carl Lewis but certainly somebody black. They could have mentioned Steve Redgrave with 5 and British but as a white male he is not important.
Germany is set to ban Islamic face coverings (except that they aren’t Islamic) and a host of other laws controlling Islamisation.
We are rapidly becoming one of the few countries which accept, nay encourage Islamic extremism, and it is inevitable if we do not follow Europes lead, that Muslim extremists will migrate to the more extremist friendly Britain of Theresa the appeaser who will likely welcome them with wide open arms.
A final thought for the night…
Feel the trust.
The nonsense that emanated from Emma Thompson’s lips during that interview was staggering. It made the nonsense she spouted about Fracking and refugees on other Newsnights seem only slightly ludicrous.
She is a brilliant actress, a stunning writer and comes across as a well meaning, though, teenage ‘save the world’ type.
How could she let herself be so taken in? The science is straight foreword. Mankind needs to raise the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by 100% to push up temperatures by 1.3 degree Celsius, whereas man only emits an additional 4%.
A good actress but probably never done a real job in her life.
Luvie left wing guilt….I think these people should just enjoy their wealth and celebrity ,admit they are privileged and then shut up. Im certainly not bothered about her good fortune except when she starts lecturing us about stuff when im just about surviving the daily grind. Give to charity or work behind the scenes as many other priviledged people do but shut up .
I’d feel more empathy if she ran a prominent campaign to get rid of the TV tax and stopped putting poorer people ,mostly women ,in jail for non payment.
When I read that Emma Thompson was speaking about science, I assumed that there must be another person called Emma Thompson who was a scientist, not the vacuous actress. Why does Newsnight do these things.
Is ET such a good actress? Personally I find her so irritating that I am unable to watch anything she is in.
BBC Censorship can be rather comical: Emma Thompson must have been invited by BBC Newsnight as one of their “Best Scientific Experts” so how can the morons posing as journalists at the BBC possibly know if a statement is accurate or not?
“More should be done to ensure that all BBC presenters are able to confidently challenge misleading/ inaccurate statistical claims made by interviewees.”
How would that be possible if BBC Newsnight had not advised its Journalists to read this document http://www.avaresearch.com/files/20100325024549.1161v4.pdf before inviting Emma Thompson to talk about the science?
Lets look at Emma Thompson science: (4 Kelvin in 14 years) That’s 0.76 Kelvin from 1797 to 1997, zero from 1997 to 2016, then 4 Kelvin from 2016 to 2030. But according to bankers posing as scientific experts, the BBC Trust noted that the World Bank research showed that temperature rise is more likely to occur by the end of the century.
But enough about scientific experts such as BBC Journalists, Bankers and Emma Thompson, what about this news that the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate continues. This time, the censorship originates from a Guardian bloger at UCL.
Climate Change Conference, 8 September and 9 September 2016, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. The guest list includes many of the Atmospheric Physicists and Solar Physicists mentioned by me on this website over the last few years. Identified by Astronomers and Mensa members as critical to understanding why Carbon Dioxide cannot cause Global Warming and why the Sun causes Climate Change. (1) The scientists who produced the formula for the Greenhouse effect that works for the Carbon Dioxide Atmospheres of Mars and Venus, as well as the Nitrogen/Oxygen Atmosphere of the Earth, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller.
And as Climate Change correlates with the length of the Solar Cycle, the speed of the centre of the Sun relative to the centre of mass or barycentre of the Solar System determines the length of the solar cycle, this in turn is caused by the orbits and masses of the Planets. (2) The scientists who use Kepler’s laws to predict Climate Change, Roger Tattersall, Richard Salvador and Nicola Scafetta. But not likely to be invited onto BBC Newsnight, due to advice from the World Bank.
Quite right Richard. And haven’t those real scientists who understand what astrophysics is all about (and the effect of solar activity on the Earth’s climate) and who are now warning about a “Grand Solar Minimum” period, coming under threats not to publish data and findings from so called “Climate Scientists”, as the Earth starts to cool.
Emma Thompson did not lie – she gave a ‘made up’ figure as to the exact year. The issue isn’t about Thompson – it’s about the BBC not challenging her about the year that the four degree rise in temperature will be achieved, which will be soon!
“In an interview with Emily Maitlis, she said: “If they [oil companies] take out of the earth all the oil they want to take out, you look at the science. Our temperature will rise four degrees Celsius by 2030, and that’s not sustainable.”
The Trust noted scientific research had showed that temperature rise is more likely to occur over a longer period of time, “by the end of the century” according to the World Bank, but was “not challenged in any way by the presenter or programme”.
So the ‘four degrees Celsius’ was correct but the year 2030 was wrong – it will be 70 years LATER. That’s OK, because I will be dead by then and everyone can go and f themselves.
Edward, sorry, but your post above is laughable.
The concluding sentence seemed serious, mind. And in character.
Hey Ho! Edward, there will be salvation “……by the end of the century”. We will be a total Islamic State by then and it will be left to Allah and his dedicated followers to sort this issue of Global Warming. I subscribe totally to your last sentence.
Edward, I do not share your confidence.
You may not have seen a post that I put up about a month or more ago with a nod in your direction. Experience and observation form two very important parts of doing science, especially so with regard to AGW & CC.
The globe has warmed, I am told. Funny that, because the water coming out of my cold tap which should be getting toward feeling tepid or even warm without Global Warming – as it has done during good summers in the mid-term (5-15 years) past – is still cool.
Here’s another bit of observational science. This year, the bramble blossom did not emerge in the usual months and is still out in August with fruit forming. I thought that that might be down to my poor stewardship & gardening skills last year and over the winter & spring so I nipped down the road to look at the untended stuff. The same was true there.
What might hamper fruit production? A very cold second half to the winter which spilled over into spring seems the likely culprit.
Hawthorn also likes warm. About 25 years ago, folk were getting very excited when trees were blossoming in December and this trend continued, with variation, to the end of the 1990s and on into the new century. Despite the very warm autumn and early winter in 2015, the hawthorn around here did not blossom until into the New Year.
This corner of the south-east is again enjoying a good summer, even from the start of the summer months. But, experientially, it has been necessary to resort to extra clothing & bedding at times, when in the longish-term past, 2003 and further back, it was possible during a good summer to live in shorts & thin shirt and sleep at night under a single sheet with perhaps a thin blanket on the coolest of nights.
I take your point about Thompson foolishly picking a (wrong) date, but I would point out that the so-called ‘scientific concensus’ was that we would be in trouble with noticeable warming of the whole globe all the time by or after 2010. That was the firm prediction on which taxation and energy policy and other regulation was based.
Those three are not a matter of dates. They have existed since the early 1990s.
As time goes on, it will not matter whether Emma Thompson got the date wrong. What will matter is a conflict between observational and experiential science around the globe and the predictions of the so-called ‘climate scientists’ and environmental groups and, with the politicians who have signed up, their pronouncements & policies.
If there is a discrepancy – and there is certainly one now – in ten years time and fifteen years time and twenty years time, then some people not only are going to look very foolish but they will be the recipients of the wrath of everyone else around the globe.
See my comment elsewhere about the cherry season in Kent this year. Such ‘anomalies’ are ignored by scientivists when they are collecting data.
Thanks, GC, spotted that late after posting but yet another bit of evidence. The post I made a few weeks back (mostly for Edward) mentioned the importance of anomalies in science. Funny how the AGW/CC scientists like ignoring them.
My tan is good this year, not that I go in for sunbathing as I find that boring, but from merely time outside away from the PC. (Hooray!) My face colour is another annual indicator. (Don’t mention the legs, you may need strong sunglasses if you do!)
There may be some wind-burn in there from the spring(!) but sun levels have been good here this year, weather generally good, temperature cool at times and enough to influence fruit growing. Add it to the data collection.
Staying on topic but thinking more widely, I wonder when the world’s scientists will wake up to the global warming relevance of mosquitoes? I wonder if there may be a bit of that lurking in this sudden discovery of and fascination with the ‘so-called’ Zika virus.
Snuff – I agree with what you say regarding the inadvisability of using plants to predict global warming.
Trees like people do react to their environment but not always in ways that we would recognise. Sometimes there can be a lag of decades between immediate “cause and effect”.
Trees also live within confines of their own energy/life cycle .How a tree reacts to the immediate environment can also be affected by current and previous management as well as maturity, species, light levels, heat, sunlight availability, moisture, genetics – In fact you name it a tree probably responds to it.
So I would argue that the arguments are very much more complex than our trusted state broadcaster tries to present.
Funnilly enough I used to have very strong “green” opinions and generally quite left wing. The thing that in particular weakened my belief in these issues was actually the immigration question. I used to live in part of London which was changing radically under large numbers of migrants. Many of them never making any attempt to find work. Yet at the same time I was being told by the beloved state broadcaster that not only had the number of people coming to this country not changed but I was waycist even to talk about. Not wanting to live in little Africa/Asia I suppose I became another white flier.
At the time made me start questioning the media. – if I cant trust the BBC on issues such as this what else can I trust them to tell me the truth about. And as we all know in the case of the BBC words speak louder than actions.
So now as far as I am concerned with regard to global warming the court is still definitely out. Call me selfish but until we have a media that prides itself on telling the truth rather than telling the current “right on” fashion. Then I will still continue to live in my world of global warming denial that the BBC has helped to fashion for me.
And if climate change is an actual disaster waiting to happen – lying state broadcasters will have to shoulder their share of the burden for people not believing them. Little boys and rubbish broadcasters should never cry wolf!
Actual image of the PDF

@Edward August 11, 2016 at 4:46 am said “Emma Thompson did not lie” Yes not LIE but
#1 Emma Thompson MISLEADS incredibly
#2 The Telegraph MISLEADS ..the article implies there is a report finding Emma guilty
Actually the report is 99% not about her, and to mislead us further the BBC Trust leaves off her name “an Actress”
#3 The BBC Trust MISLEADS :
\\Scientific research suggests the World Bank, for example, puts it at “by the end of the century//
The World Bank does NOT DO science “Scientific research” so you shouldn’t be quoting that figure as scientific just cos you conveniently found it in a World Bank report.. You should be quoting the actual science references, like latest IPCC, which are still very very challengeable
#4 @Edward MISLEADS himself
“the four degree rise in temperature will be achieved, which will be soon!”
– That is fallacy of certainty beyond the evidence (same fault Emma has)
– “soon” does not mean 2100, in normal conversation.
– And anyway, four degrees is not a typical prediction but rather an extreme scenario. So it is NOT a case of Emma just getting the wrong date !
#5 The BBC Trust MISLEADS itself again with that final (brackted paragraph. It doesn’t help the average viewer to know that end of century temperatures rises were discussed TEN WEEKS later
The BBC is a flippin shambles as usual : No proper apology, no punishment of the offenders and took ONE YEAR to admit the offence !
BTW The report also asserts “73 per cent of statistical references in the news come from Conservative politicians.”
that claim seems WISHFUL THINKING …I bet it’s not robust
There is rarely a Conservative on without an equivalent time from a Labour voice…Yet I hear Labour voices all the time without any counterpoint from Conservatives. BBC output seems 80% Red.
What Emma Thompson claims is largely irrelevant. Rather, it is the fact that a scientifically ignorant activist is given a platform by a wholly uncritical BBC and funded by us. A global warming sceptic or luke-warmer would not be given the same opportunity to put far better informed and scientifically substantiated views on air. That is the true crime committed regularly, on many subjects, by the BBC. It is the left-wing groupthink mindset that will not allow dissent that we are funding to the tune of £4Bn a year under threat of imprisonment.
Let the next national referendum be about whether the BBC should be funding using the current unique system or by subscription. That would be a results broadcast I would sit up all night to watch.
Good point , pity your answer came as the thread ages , but I posted your points elsewhere ..On BishopHill
The BBC does seem to have an oddly frequent habit of bringing on those who say what the BBC wants to hear, with the BBC’s vast professional personnel resources and editorial integrity unable to check first why that may be. Apparently.
Looks like the report will spell the end of the Today program which simply does not bother to research the subject which left wing loons want to lie about, and never challenges them at all. When challenged themselves about this their defence is that their interviewers cannot be expert on every subject.
Fair enough you might think, no one can be an expert in every thing, so what on earth are they doing allowing an far left nutter whose specialism is acting go spouting any old nonsense without checking first.
When I was allowed on air, I was thoroughly vetted prior to being allowed on. I cannot believe they had no prior knowledge of the lies Thompson was about to say, nor that the BBC did not want those lies broadcast to a largely ignorant public.
Gay couple’s fury at Sainsbury’s hand-hold complaint
A typical BBC/Twittertastic article promoting gay lifestyle as the only normal thing in the world. The whole article is accusing the entire straight world of homophobia and insults the security guard who is wrong whatever he does.
Best quote “If you love someone, irrelevant of their gender, that is love and you should express that love in whatever way you desire” – so let me get this right…. If a gay couple, who are very much in love, shopping in the ready meal aisle of Sainsburys decide to express their love by performing a blow job and a bit of rimming in the aisle then me and my 4 year daughter should accept that!?!
Any more room on that handcart?
…If a gay couple, who are very much in love, shopping in the ready meal aisle of Sainsburys decide to express their love by performing a blow job and a bit of rimming in the aisle…
If the BBC had their way it would be an Olympic sport in 2020.
This is an interesting interview with Peter Brimelow, on a U.S. radio morning show, about Trump and his campaign; I wonder when we’ll hear him interviewed on the Today programme or anywhere else on al beebus?
Oh wait! I know the answer to that: never.
The most pathetic leftie ‘news’ paper award surely has to go to the awful Independent. Their unbridled grovelling is truly nauseating and the standard of journalism is beyond contempt. No wonder nobody reads it. It is good however for stuffing in removal boxes, though, or wrapping your fish and chips in.
It is highly likely that the BBC just grab many of their headlines from this useless leftie excuse for a newspaper and that of the Guardian. Get on their comments pages folks and tell ’em how you feel lol. I love winding up the infantile lefties. They are to journalism what The Proclaimers are to music.
Is it still a newspaper? Online only now .I wonder why.
The BBC are in hot water for a change. It’s not Lake Tanganyika this time it’s an awful guffaw in the shape of a twitter tweet, that holy of holy mediums they love so much.
“A BBC tweet that referred to the beach volleyball match between Germany and Egypt as “Bikini vs Burka” was questioned on social media with some asking why the outfits were being discussed. ”
Not only is politically incorrect by their own standards, it’s factually incorrect. Although the BBC are no strangers to factual incorrectness, even I know that the Egyptian female is not wearing a burka.
Tut tut BBC.
Sweden had its coldest August temperature for 34 years yesterday. It looks like it will be snowing in Norway, Finland and Sweden today. The Antarctic had its lowest ever recorded land based temperature late last month. It snowed for the first time ever (apparently) in Vietnam last month too. Dartmoor is having one of it’s coldest summers for over 40 years and there have been no Atlantic borne Hurricanes this year. The Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans are now colder than their long term average. Brazil has had their coffee production reduced by 30% because of frost and snow (expect coffee prices to increase) and France has lost a fair deal of wine production, again because of unseasonal frost days.
Now, what was is that all this man made Co2 was supposed to do?
Oh, and nearly forgot, everyone of the “Global Warming” predictions by scientists who say that the “science is settled”, has now been proved, by empirical data, to be wrong.
The physicist who has recently been predicting 30 years of global cooling, due to the quiet sun, says that other scientists have tried to shut her up. Will the BBC be reporting on the possibility of this cooling, and the lengths gone to, to try to hush up the research, I wonder?
BBC comment will have to wait until Roger ‘I have no science qualifications only an Eng Lit degree’ Harrabin has been briefed by Greenpeace. After that the prospect of cooling will either be dismissed or heralded as a consequence of global warming.
Virtually none of this is true !
No links are provided to back up the assertions, and there;s a good reason! Because there aren’t any !
Sweden didn’t have its coldest August temperature I looked and there’s no evidence at all for that, although it is snowing, but they are expecting warm weather next week.
The Antarctic didn’t have it’s coldest temperature last month either again no link provided and I can’t find any evidence to the contrary
It isn’t the first time its snowed in August in Vietnam – that’s easy to prove false.
There have been 4 Atlantic Hurricanes this season so far.
According to NOAA ALL the oceans quoted are in fact at record highs
Brazil has not lost 30% of the coffee production to frost and snow, it’s been caused by drought
France has had a couple of nasty frosts which have adversely affected the wine harvest.
So virtually nothing here is true, and worse there are no links to prove otherwise, if you want to talk about ’empirical data’ then why have you failed to provide any, and why is it that it is so easy to debunk all your claims ?
For Gods sake posters if you want to make an assertion then make sure its true, and provide the links ! Other posters sometimes refer to the posts here in other forums, I now don’t believe anything written unless its referenced, and this post proves the reason why !
\\Further south, in Bohuslän on the west coast, Ljungskile residents reported the coldest day in August in more than 100 years on Wednesday, after the mercury only managed to climb to 8.6C.// link
Seems like one location rather than whole country..but I bet if but was the hottest ,then warmists would be saying “Sweden has had its warmest August day since XYZ”
Cheers SG.
I wasn’t going to be arsed but in keeping with……
There are several more reports on the issues of the coffee bean crops this spring and summer, but such reports might not be found on Google.
As for the other stuff I posted, yeah Thoughtful, I guess I made it all up.
Enjoy your Two Day summer “Heatwave” next week, for those South of Manchester that is. Anybody talking about an “Indian Summer” yet?
This year’s cherry harvest in Kent has been at least two weeks shorter and two weeks later than usual. The cause has been a cold, comparatively sunless, summer.
In other circumstances (daffodils up a few days early at Kew, for example) the propagandists at the BBC would have had a hand wringing feature on one of its shows agonising about this being the result of ‘global warming’.
The BBC and its warmist pals only take the evidence they want to take. A poor summer is passed off as ‘just weather’ – which it might possibly be – while any evidence that could point to warming is pounced on and trumpeted.
As I have said here before, selecting evidence to bolster your case isn’t science it is political activism. All evidence has to be investigated and accounted for, otherwise a theory is as shaky as an Italian bank.
After all the recent furore over all these killings undertaken by the “mentally infirm and vulnerable teenagers has died down. Aunty has got off to a flying start this morning.
It seems todays “hand wringing” issue is a recent government report highlighting the fact that muslim women have some of the highest rates of unemployment in the country.
Could it be because
1. Within muslim culture womens rights are not exactly top priority.
2. Many of them have restricted access to wider society because they come from a male dominated culture which frowns on mixing with us. (might pick up a few dangerous ideas like self confidence)
3 .Many of them have very poor English
4. Many employers are dubious about employing people in roles where they may deal with the public particularly if wearing a niqab or similar. This is due to the mistaken western beliefs that it is important to see the face when dealing with the public.
I am sure Aunty will find some successful mooslim woman role model or left wing patsy to suggest that yet again it is our society that has to change , with a few dark hints of waycism thrown in for good measure. I can see a wimmins hour special on this if we are lucky. You no the score “We all need to change our attitudes” blah blah blah – snore! Typical lefty shit lets all change our ways to fit in with a winging minority, yet again the abnormal becomes normal.
In addition the supporters of this report are calling for names not to be shown on job applications. Bloody ell – it would be like interviewing a succession of talking letterboxes!
BBC yet again the spear-point of depressing, left wing predictability – Enjoy!
The BBC attack this morning was on “traditional families” who have “economically inactive” women staying at home to raise their kids. They used the M word to mask that this was actually an attack on ALL traditional family life……pure cultural Marxism.
What is interesting is that the choices of Muslim traditional families were attributed by the BBC to “racism” and “predudice” and not to the benefits system being used disproportionately by one cultural group at the expense of others.
The BBC just don’t get diversity at all, nor do they get personal choice, nor do they get that tax payers are supporting Muslim “tradition” at the expense of our own, Christian family values.
Forcing women into work and kids into government inspected and licensed “childcare” from an early age……Pure cultural Marxism at play, backed by nasty BBC propaganda about female “economic activity”.
Yet further demonstration that, as Trevor Phillips concluded at the end of his documentary, ‘What Muslims Really Think’ (https://youtu.be/2vU0szOz_QM) earlier on Ch.4, they want the UK to change. That ‘change’ involves the population agreeing and accepting everything Islamic.
Can you imagine an employer interviewing? Question (if possible): “How many children do you have”. Answer: “three”. Question: “Do you want more children?”. Answer: “Oh yes, many more in keeping with my culture”. Question: “Are you sure you have any time to work”. Answer: Silence.
MPs committee says Muslim women are the most discriminated against group in the labour market in Britain. But discriminated against by whom? It’s obvious to the MPs. It’s all the fault of us nasty white Christians. In future, no-one recruiting an employee should know the names of the candidates say the MPs (I kid you not ).
Even the BBC had the temerity to suggest during interviews on Today that the biggest discrimination was practiced by these women’s own families and their male dominated culture. The wimmin being interviewed all vehemently denied it. More fantasyland from the left liberals on their usual
Guilt Trip.
Saw that on TV this morning – “discrimination” and “islamophobia”mentioned first, then the possibility that culture might have something to do with it.
What struck me was not the high percentage of Muslim women not in work (60-ish), which we knew about already, but the figure for all Muslims (40-something).
Combine that with the number of kids they have – so much for making a positive contribution.
The Committee are confronted by the inherent contradictions in UK immigration policy. its instructive to watch the twists and turns in the BBCs discussion of the findings.
1. immigration is about the labour market….but some migrants don`t want to work as it isn`t compatible with their culture and Islamic values, others want to work but also want to be able to display their Islamic cultural and religious values in their dress and behaviour….and require these values be “respected” by colleagues and cutomers alike.
2. immigration is about keeping the pensions system afloat by the economic activity of the immigrants (see 1.)
3. immigration is about open borders for refugees….all are welcome…all are contributing to society…..(despite 1. above) therefore it is wrong and “racist” to have a system of migration controls that only allows people who are economically active into the UK, and removes those no longer economically active back to their home countries.
4. “traditional” family life is a “burden” on economic productivity….it is politically useful to present this as a “muslim issue”, but the “burden” argument can be used to attack ALL family values…economic activity is the new worship, economic growth ..the replacement of God or any other non materialistic way of life. the attack on family life is inspired by cultural Marxism.
5. The explanation for all the above is white, British “discrimination”. WRONG.The reason for Muslim womens economic inactivity is personal choice to adhere to the tenets of their culture and religion (which in a multicultural society must be regarded as the equal of the culture of economic productivity for all serfs) with the support of tax-payers.
Indeed on the Today show the actual presenter said, ‘but surveys of Muslim women say that 50 or 60% say they CHOOSE to stay at home and be homemakers, isn’t that most of your answer ?’
– The Feminazis brushed that aside and banged on for another 5 mins.
Tweet1 : How many #Muslim women are not available for work because they have more children than other UK citizens? #Justsaying
Tweet 2: RE: Muslim women suffering ‘workplace discrimination’ – PWC may be scum, but they fall short of beheading or stoning job applicants
VictoriaLive on TV seems to be covering this topic now
Tweet1 : How many #Muslim women are not available for work because they have more children than other UK citizens? #Justsaying
I don’t think that is true, or perhaps more accurately, significantly true. Muslim women today have an average of 2.2 children compared to an estimated average of 1.5 children for non-Muslim women in Europe. The explosion of Muslim births is more a factor of immigration and relative ages. While that may be crucial in the proportions of Non Muslim Europeans to Muslims (they are replacing their numbers while the rest of Europe are not) in the future I don’t think that is the cause for unemployment.
Lack of job skills, lack of language skills, traditional bans on contact with males, a very forgiving social support system, limited jobs in many of the areas they live are factors. Most importantly, do they want to work?
More to the point are they allowed to work?
Shocking stats ? check your
fliesfilesBut when ProgLefty Journo zombies finds a shocking stat he just cherrypicks it and repeats it again and again.
I advise applying the “Too wow to be true rule”
e.g. On the Radio Scotland : Media Review July 21, Stuart Maconie asserted ‘Muslims make up 5% of the population yet only 0.4% of reporters are Muslim.. we need a big effort to stop this discrimination’ and then put his hands on his hips in Rik from the Young Ones style
..Since I see Muslim reporters all the time that 0.4% stat seems fishy especially since some networks have Muslims on all the time : BBCWS and BBCAsianNetwork
(actually the Reuters report PDF said Muslims 4.8% general population) Then if you look at the other religions you can see they too are under represented compared. Here are the ratios of public to journos : Muslim 12:1, Jewish 5.4, Hindu 3.5, Other 3.3, Christian 2.
By that measure the BBC should be running special campaigns to recruit Jews, and Christians also.
There are a number of explanations : The pool of general population and journalists are not the same eg journos are older than 18 years old.
But I suspect different questions in the surveys
Perhaps on the census the question asks “Are you from a Muslim background ?” So your father ticks yes for the whole family.
Whereas the journo might be asked “Are you a practising Muslim ?” so many of the same people answer no.
So one dataset is apples and the other is oranges.
…yet ProgLefty zombies are quick to shout “DISCRIMINATION !”
I suspect same applies for the Muslim women employment stats claims.
The bbc on Facebook so far today is great value…
“The controversial Snapchat lense contorted facial features and gave users the appearance of slanted eyes”
So far the outrage seems mostly at what the BBC dredges up as offence in guise of news.
They link to https://twitter.com/cosus
Who seems to be some sort of effete pretend politician.
BBC’s chosen Tweet from him manages to slag off Donald Trump
Meanwhile their other chosen tweeter
Tweets by Jussulent
has a pinned tweet slagging off, er, Melania Trump, followed by a post celebrating the suicide bombing of lawyers in Pakistan.
And Snapchat is the bigoted racist one here?
F you, BBC, f you.
Dedicated to the POETS Flokker relay team, warming up for tomorrow, in the spirit of balance:
John Bird:
“Are you too tired, fat and sad to have a life? Then watch BBC television…”
At least he avoided old and white.
Syria conflict: Aleppo medics appeal to Obama for help
Does Obama even know where Aleppo is? He probably thinks it’s one of the Marx Brothers.
The water in the Olympic diving pool may have inexplicably turned a murky green colour but our BBC girl Steph McGovern remains optimistic “I’m sure they’ll sort it out!”
Could it be the suncream divers are wearing? But are they really all using suncream? Maybe not, reports say the weather in Rio is terrible – some events have already been delayed due to rain and strong winds. Perhaps some competitors have had a little ‘accident’ in the pool? BBC favourite Tom Daley and his synchro partner did get pretty excited about their bronze medals.
One thing is for sure, best not rely on the BBC to get to the bottom of this – our national broadcaster happliy relays the official Olympic statement: ‘the pool water turned green – because people were using it’.
And so it goes on, the BBC Breakfast Olympic glee club relentlessly flogging their expensive dead horse. Desperate positivity in the face of half-empty stadia, bad organisation and – worst of all – lack of interest from the vast majority of viewers.
From what I’ve seen, many of the talking heads covering the sailing ,rowing etc have been making little jokes among themselves about the state of the water ,not wanting to fall in etc,with their knowing smiles. If GB. had had these sewage problems we would have probably been hauled before some Human Rights court. But hey BBC , mustn’t criticise Brazil and flag up their poverty must we.
There’s a video on Facebook of three of them, perfectly balanced diversity-wise, natch, doing a samba on a hotel balcony, enjoying the part… er, ‘work’.
It was posted by them as news.
It has not gone as well as they perhaps had hoped.
Listening to the radio sports bulletins this morning, we found out that diving doesn’t make for very good radio. I wonder how much the BBC paid to send radio staff us out to Brazil to bring us that gem.
Springboard diving is quite good radio. You get a sort of boyoyoing sound, a short period of silence and then a muffled splash followed by audience reaction. High board diving is, however, boring. Silence, slightly louder muffled splash then audience reaction. For the hard of hearing archery can be very difficult to distinguish from springboard diving. That’s when the army of commentators really earn their money.
BBC Online News:
“”US election: Trump blames media for ‘gun threat’ row””
“”He told Fox News “dishonest” reporters had twisted his remarks, which appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates could stop Mrs Clinton if elected”” (BBC brings in Fox News. They hate Fox News. And we are expected to share their hate).
“”The businessman-turned-politician denied incitement and said he was exhorting his supporters to vote”” (BBC hate capitalist businessmen. And we are expected to share their hate. He denied incitement…a clever use of words to suggest guilt).
“”The comments on Tuesday afternoon sparked a firestorm of criticism”” (The firestorm was confined to the BBC/Left).
“”Some interpreted his comments as a dark suggestion that gun owners could take up arms against Mrs Clinton, while others said they were at the very least irresponsible remarks that could have violent consequences”” ( Who is ‘some’? Who are ‘others ‘? As always, the BBC quotes non-existent witnesses to support their bias.
“”And Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren said it was a death threat by a “pathetic coward” who was sore because he was trailing in the polls to a woman”” (I rest my case, m’Lud).
So, this is the ‘death threat’, word for word:
“”The Republican presidential nominee said of his Democratic opponent: “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment, by the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
But the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.””
How the hell is that a death threat?
The BBC hate Trump. Total and absolute Left wing fascist bias.
The BBC acts like a demented parrot regarding the USA. It simply repeats whatever the Democrat-owned US MSM says, over and over again. Occasionally one suspects it may even understand a word or two. But those whimsical moments soon pass. Its brain is really only designed to handle simple situations.
I hope if Trump is elected he orders Teresa May to privatise the BBC
This morning’s BBC breakfast show was about the high unemployment rate of “British” Muslims. Several Muslims present, whingeing about how horrible Brits were for not employing unqualified, and forever moaning and demanding Muslims.
Why would anyone employ a Muslim woman who will be looking at any episode, to sue her employers.
Why would anyone employ a woman,. Muslim or not, who will be always pregnant. Its a loose loose situation.
Why would any employ a Muslim woman who will do her best to insult customers by wearing her religion in the face of customers.
The fact is that 70% to 80% Muslim women are unemployed. They are not employed because they have a far more important role in the take over of the West.
Got fed up and switched over to RT.
Oh dear. In Italy, Muslims are demanding that polygamy be made legal. Some person, David Vance I think, made short shrift of the Muslim invader, by stating all this was part of the Islamising the West, and impose Sharia by stealth. David V did not say quite say so, but it was a clear that he would not strain a muscle if Muslims were out of Europe.
Not this old chesnut AGAIN! Muslim (and to an extent Hindu and Sikh) unemployment rates are high because their women generally stay at home as housewives and mothers. You know, like they did in Britain in the ‘olden times’. If Beeboids employed anyone other than 19 year olds on a gap year from ‘Yuni’ they might be able to grasp this concept instead of attributing it, as always, to white racism.
It’s always the same – any statistical anomaly with immigrants (usually Muslims) is attributed to some sort of prejudice in the native population rather than something to do with that group itself. Eg, a few years ago some group or other got the idea that the countryside was ‘racist’ because you didn’t often see black and asian people there. Yet, this is generally because black and asian countries don’t view the countryside in the romantic way we do, it’s generally somewhere you avoid (ever tried going rambling in rural India – I have and wouldn’t recommend it!) . It’s actually a very patronising attitude.
Al Beeb are still banging on about Muslim women being ‘economically disadvantaged’ on the 6pm news. Pass the sick bag.
Maybe someone who has little education, and little experience of interacting with a diaspora of people, and may speak poor English, to name three job related requirements, might just not be the best candidate for a given job.
Except at Al Beeb, obviously,
And that’s only for those who are allowed out of their houses instead of being expected culturally to stay in and look after the home.
We already have Polygomy in the UK .Many muslim men have several wives ,one under UK Legality then others under Islamic law.Islamic law trumps Uk law.I think they are allowed 4.The Islamic wives then can claim benefits as single mothers and live seperately but state funded.There has been the odd programme about this but not on BBC so far as I know.Nothing to see here.
Yes we do. Yet another enrichment that Gordon Brown allowed, while deliberately ignoring the tens of thousands of rapes of non-Muslim girls by Pakistani Muslims.
There is no incidence in history of such a huge betrayal in all history.
They are, as our Afro-Caribbean friends would call them, ‘breeders’ or ‘babymuvvas’. They are doing their bit for Jihad by producing kids and living on our too freely-available benefits.
What a lark, eh!
Aren’t most Muslim women employed by the BBC ?
Muslims prefer a job in government, police, and such places where tre6y have power over the Infidel. BBC also offers the Muslim plenty of opportunity to spread Islam.
Alongside airport security-where ELSE would Muslim women do the most damage, apart from the police, school and social services.
Would be very surprised if they weren`t willing to pass on tips and suggestions to their blokes when it came to childrens homes, police trails and school trends…
Being Muslima trumps all other categories….and they WOULD be killed if they failed to do something to help the Rotherham Mullah Boys…
But, strangely NCBBC, they don’t like the armed services. Any ideas why? I just think its the hard work involved.
Not yet.
Looks like these two boys really showed up Beeb hero Little Tommy Daly last night in the diving. Two Gold medals. Still Daly will get the headlines and pr guff and these two will be forgotten along with Dalys diving partner.
Yes Katie and they also popped in a loving tweet from tom thumb during chris mears interview.