If you don’t work for the BBC news department you may wish to know how a Muslim Islamic State supporter in Canada set off one bomb inuring one person and was about to set off his second bomb when he was shot dead by the police.
Maybe these events are now so common place in the West they don’t deserve any media attention.
Indeed, even the 70 people murdered by a bomb in Pakistan a couple of days ago barely warranted a mention on the BBC news. 70 people!
But with all these mass rapes going on in the work place I am hardly surprised the BBC feels it has more important matters to debate. Btw, just to ramble mindlessly on, I actually looked up the research on the web site promoting the study for the sexist assaults the BBC breathlessly told us women experience in the workplace. The first one was from a woman, sorry victim, upset because men say things like ‘hey guys come and see this.’ She was excluded you see, thus offended and victimised and, apparently, therefore assaulted. That was the first one I read, so I didn’t bother with the others. There is only so much misery and suffering I can take.
Which brings us back to the 70 people murdered in Pakistan and the Muslim bomber in Canada …
whoops the canadian bomber is suddenly on the bbc world news web site. But why not when it happened? I actually read about it in a newspaper this morning!
The Olympics (to a much lesser extent the Commonwealth Games) gives BBC journos the opportunity to pontificate on sports on which they know nothing and then ignore them for the next four years. Is it surprising they grasp for material?
Check out the young lady in the beautiful spangled leotard and eye make-up that the BBC chose to illustrate the article. Then check the U.S. Men’s team — not a sparkle or a hint of mascara. So clearly looking good must be of significant importance to this woman’s sport. If not why are the contestants not dressed in identical uniforms as do, for example, the judokas and the boxers with a simple national flag for identification? Why did the US team employ Ralph Lauren to design the uniforms? Why is it sexist to talk about them?
How do you avoid discussing appearance in sports as synchronised swimming or rhythmic gymnastics where a slipped bra strap can lead to a points deduction?
“I think she might even go higher than the men.” In the real world female competitors can’t compete with the male in most sports (with the possible exception of the hermaphrodite South African runner). This is why there are separate categories for men and women. No unisex 100 metres and male and female weightlifters don’t compete together even at the same weights. To say a woman can jump as high as a man should be considered high praise.
A BBC tweet that referred to the beach volleyball match between Germany and Egypt as “Bikini vs Burka” was questioned on social media with some asking why the outfits were being discussed.
The general rule seems to be that it’s ok to mention burkhas if you are making positive comments about them. If you are questioning them, it’s irrelevant or racist to even mention it. In fact this seems to extend to anything to do with physical appearance, dress, skin colour etc.
It’s an odd double standard; identity politics is applied when a particular group is being singled out for praise (ie, the burkha wearing fencer) but when an identity-group is viewed critically (ie, the burkha wearing volleyball players) the older, pre-1960s ‘colourblind’ rule comes into play, ie that somebody’s appearance is irrelevant.
Cranmer – Reminds me of the time David Dimblebore tried to single out a ‘gentleman at the back’ on Question Time. He was the one black man in the whole area and it would have immediately identified him to have said ‘the black man at the back’ but of course he couldn’t, so we had 5 minutes of comedic ‘the man in the brown jacket, no not that one, with the white shirt, no, sitting next to the other man with a blue jacked, no, blue shirt, etc etc.
PC, doncha luv it?
A friend of ours who is from Nigeria showed me an old photograph of his assembled fellow graduates on his graduation day and ask me, in jest, if I could pick him out. He was the only black man in the photo, which made me laugh so I said something like “is that you next the the guy wearing the flowery tie?”.
Anger over ‘racist yellowface’ Snapchat filter
Critics often accuse it of favouring white complexions with filters that lighten users’ skin tones.
Its “Bob Marley” filter, which added animated dreadlocks and a cap, was also criticised for promoting “blackface”.
So yellow is out, white and black are out. Are we having fun yet? It’s obviously a misconception that some asians have different eyes to non-asians and some black people have dreadlocks.
It’s definitely going to be an interesting one… Although a bit suspicious as this is hugely out of character for our beloved state broadcaster. Wander what they’re up to. Perhaps just chucking out some bait for a few name hate crimers, very suspicious indeed
Has anyone else noticed how the FTSE250 seems to have dropped off the BBC radar?
They couldn’t stop referring to it when it dropped just after the Brexit vote – I understand that it reached a 52 week high yesterday. Funny, that.
Yes, we have, Lobster. That’s the trouble with the BBC letting its bias run riot and starting to get into spin and propaganda. It forgets that any sudden diversion from what has been trumpeted as ‘bad’ becomes more noticeable. We are now firmly in the Orwellian age. You are right that it is because the FTSE250 was not producing enough dismal news. It was up again when I last looked. Maybe it is because they need some more gloom that they are now going completely over the top: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-36986369 “FTSE and pound (more correctly Pound Sterling) fall.”
For Sterling it is mostly one quarter to one half of one per cent. Yes. A quarter. Not 2.5% to 5% which would be newsworthy. Not even one per cent which might be. 0.25%! £ Sterling often twitches this way and that from one hour to the next. Perhaps we can blame it on the silly season?
As an addition to my earlier post, I see that both the FTSE100 and FTSE250 have finished the day on new 52 week highs. This post-Brexit economic catastrophe is going well then.
It gets even better, every one of the UK’s major stock-market indices are at 12 month highs today. However, most of the rest of Europe’s aren’t. Interesting story could be written about that and the BBC’s cub reporter given the task need go no further than the BBC’s own financial pages to do the research. Don’t expect they’ll bother running that one though.
The BBC reports that the Huffington Post’s founder is standing down, and doesn’t scrutinise why, only mentioning that it is a liberal outlet which explains the lack of scrutiny. For those unaware, Huffington Post was recently outed as having deliberately – and retroactively – changed the results of presidential election opinion polls to make it seem like Clinton had a healthy lead over Trump and always had done, by assigning votes previously marked as ‘undecided’ or ‘will not vote’ to Clinton so her mean score would be much higher than it really was. The furore over this online had almost certainly contributed to her decision to leave, yet the mainstream media – who are utterly compliant in the Clinton campaign – have chosen to ignore it.
Which is why I disregard any poll these days, for most part it appears that they are no longer an objective study of peoples views and more a tool for propaganda. It may explain why they were so wrong on the last general election and consistently wrong on the EU referendum too. I seem to remember either the night before, or the morning of, the EU referendum that the Independent ran a poll claiming a 10point lead in favour of Remain!
Polls can make some people a vast amount of money. The Referendum polls for one thing.
Now I like a bet and have a reasonable grasp of the mechanics. A bookmaker makes a book reflecting the weight of money and during the EU lead up the odds were very much in favour of remain. That means the money was down.
But something strange seemed to be going on as the bookmakers particularly on the last day were very reluctamt to give a decent price for leave. The odds looked distorted. As if the bookmakers were getting wary.
Now if I was a hedge fund shyster ( they all are ) what better ploy than to have private polls showing a leave or very close result and then wack a good few quid on Remain to keep the masses in a state of delusion. . A few million or so. Just a write off bet if you like because millions even billions could be made on the sterling/stock market trades.
Then get to work on sterling futures and the stock market.
All perfectly legal .
No poll is to be trusted as they are all compromised now and probably always have been. They just have got a bit too greedy now and we can see it.
What amazes me is that the media carry on using polls even despite their manifest failures, time and time again! I realise they are ‘good copy’, but to give them any authority or credence is just stupid.
I think people should lie to opinion pollsters on political issues to discredit the polls and hopefully stop them being weaponised.
I backed Brexit the day before the vote at 3/1. I hardly ever gamble but the odds just seemed too high to ignore.
I find it disgusting that the BBC and Sky regularly feature Huffgington Post contributors (I refuse to dignify them with the title ‘journalists’) as if that publication has ever had even the slightest shred of credibility. It has always operated as a propaganda outlet for US Left wing opinions, which it pretends are news.
And this from people who sneer at Fox?! The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
@AllLivesMatter “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”
Have you got a link which says Arianna Huffington just resigned due to rigged polls and that is being covered up ?
cos I can’t anything . ta
I remember when Ariana Stasinopolous (or whatever she was called then) was a regular on BBC radio. She sounded sometimes to be quite alright – even a bit of fun. Any surprise though that she left the BBC to marry a left-winger and work in a left-wing organisation? Nah!
Oh yawn. Why is it always our fault? Perhaps Muslim communities could do more to improve the life chances of Muslim women. We bend over backwards to integrate with minorities in this country but I suppose the Women and Equalities Committee and a host of other quangos need to invent these statistics/data in order to justify their useless existence; also, BBC/Independent/Guardian need to present and capitalise on these narratives in order to further their propaganda war and have something to write about.
Always our fault Alex.
Uniquely, of all the groups who`ve come to live here-only Muslims fail to integrate.
Poor Muslim women eh?…I thought we`d already dealt with T.As who can`t and won`t let kids see their mouths as they “teach English”…and the only “body language” is Arabic in the classroom or nursery.
But no-none of that competence and professionalism kinda stuff…it`ll be racist-and whiteys fault as ever.
AND-any chance of The Womens Guild who write this crap telling us where exactly Muslim MEN come into all this?
Were THEY consulted?…and if they were, are their wives and daughters still “available for work”?…or lying now under dry stone walls, with a battery acid makeover?
Typical liberal slurry…the Chinese never gave us these problems…let The Womens Lobby deal with Muslim MEN, and the role of Islam in this so-called “issue”.
Stuff the BBC…why didn`t the BBC do THIS crap alongside the “TUC/EverydaySexism” report of yesterday…and then collapse them into each other with Anjem Choudhury to adjudicate on where Islam lets their ladies “contribute to the wider society”.
Amazing! A few stupid Muslim women, serial complainants all, haven’t got the picture that the rest of them realised many years ago? The Muslim women simply set up a charity devoted to nothing but, (wait for it!) something to do with Islam and hey presto! they’ve got a job! Plenty of Asian lawyers out there will fall over themselves to assist with setting up. With any luck the charity will receive State Funding if its to do with something like, de-radicalisation which, anyone with the minimum of common sense will know, won’t work. The outcome: off the unemployed register and receiving welcome supportive funds from the State albeit from another source. Government Statisticians – Problem Solved; BBC – Big opportunity to highlight, ‘…..all the good work the Muslims are doing to integrate and make the streets of Britain safer’. Get Real!
I thought this might be interesting to read about a new Star Trek series if I can get past the BBC obsession with male/female equality.
I got to the 3rd sentence…
“According to Deadline, it is thought the lead character will not be white in an effort to increase diversity.”
Oh dear I thought. Should I continue reading this crap? I did carry on to the 4th sentence…
“Fuller also said the new show, which will air next year, will feature a gay character in the ensemble.”
I then put my foot through my LCD monitor and sent the BBC the bill.
We really are getting to the point when the BBC is going to break that toy. How much longer before people develop a complete immunity to this sort of right-on rubbish? After a while such nonsense just becomes an irritating background whine which people tune out.
“According to Deadline, it is thought the lead character will not be white in an effort to increase diversity.”
And from that point on it will become virtually obligatory. So we will have a disproportionate number of black:
Police Chiefs
Head Scientists
and now:
Spaceship Captains.
Is that the final frontier then? Not a big fan, but I always thought it looked quite diverse anyway; the standard of acting certainly was. And can a Vulcan really be black or white? Surely a Vulcan is …. Vulcan.
So far as females in space are concerned, surely Sigourney Weaver set the standard in the 1970s?
There are virtually no new films which will lure me away from my Kindle these days.
Star Trek having a female lead is hardly headline news. As the article itself says, Star Trek Voyager had a female lead as long ago as 1995. And, for those asking, a black Vulcan.
The only decent character, however, was the holographic doctor.
I am Star Trek fan …They have always been at the forefront of this going back to the sixties ……. For christ they has russian on board during the cold war ….and preaches equality but not to take any crap something the BBC might want to take on . If Kirk was facing a hostile force intent of causing mayhem and destruction ..I think he would raise shields and lock on phasers… not lower shields and beem the hostiles on board and let them take command of the ship.
It’s not quite as bad as we thought? If and when it really arrives. Well, there’s also less deaths of old people in winter and spring with every degree rise in temperature. They tend to vote for Brexit, clutter up the NHS and are living the life of luxury funded by the taxpayer so it is not all silver lining with Global Warming when it arrives. If it arrives.
(*The BBC have actually changed the heading on this item during the day. It orginally mentioned warming as a cause in the title. Wonder why they did that?)
They cover themselves by quoting ONS “Rosie Amery, from the ONS, said: “A number of factors may have contributed to the fall, including warmer than average temperatures throughout the year, fewer women smoking at the time of delivery and greater awareness of safer sleeping practices,” she said.
Are you sure about the Title change ? cos the Telegraph actually does use the title Cot deaths at record low as winters get warmer and pregnant women stop smoking
It also has the same quote, but also has this unattributed phrase “The decline is thought to be the result of warmer WINTERS and a drop in smoking rates among pregnant women.
“Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere also announced plans to speed up the deportation of foreign criminals.” Didn’t the current PM try something like that with a radical Muslim preacher? I seem to recall it took many years and millions of pounds for just one. The German Human Rights Lawyers must be licking their lips in anticipation.
File this under ‘The Ever Evolving Definition of Extremist’:
The Jeremy Whine Show was discussing that stupid feminazi report showing every woman in Britain has been raped at work, most of them by Cliff Richard. On the side of sanity they had Julia Hartley-Brewer, actual, successful journalist (and part-time radio host herself), on the other Kate Smurthwaite.
Who she? A ‘feminist comedian’ m’lud. The closest she ever got to relevance was when she claimed a gig was cancelled due to potential protests from other feminists… before it was revealed she’d only sold eight tickets for the whole show. At a university. In London.
So, for those of you keeping track at home, the BBC think 52% of the population are just a lunatic fringe, but a nutter who can’t sell out a minibus and who even fellow feminazis regard as completely off the scale crazy is given a platform as though she represented anyone other than the voices in her head.
Getting somebody on the programme who nobody has ever heard of seems to be a new trend. Two days ago the abominable Vanessa Feltz (sitting in for Vine) discussed (and I use that word in its loosest possible meaning) the death of the Duke of Westminster in a segment described as “… we talk to a man who says nobody should be that rich here”. The anonymous man turned out to be “journalist and author Chris Banbury”. I’d never heard of him and a search in Google also failed to positively identify him. His identity remains a mystery to me, yet he was allowed to tell me what to think for several minutes. He failed.
A new low for the BBC moderators, they’ve actually removed an HYS. Not buried it and started a new article on the same story, just flat-out deleted the board because they didn’t like what people were saying. Article in question is here.
Wish I could’ve seen the comments before it got deleted, to remove an entire HYS means it must have really gone against them and can’t say I’m surprised one bit. This action is the equivalent of the BBC sticking it’s fingers in its ears while chanting “la la la la la”
If I could be bothered I could go through all media programmes on a daily basis and find biases everywhere, someone out there is paid to do that. Who ever you are you’re useless.
Typical BBC story of “Muslim women getting discriminated against” seems to have disappeared down the worm hole that passes for Red Button news Items.
I`m sure that they`re now doing these things to bring on heart attacks and depression-only to slate the NHS for not providing enough support or closing units related to what they`re doing to the white heterosexual license fee payer.
In short-a drive-by wind up!
The comments probably tell them that their heads are up their arses…then when it`s all abuse and no respite or support for their nasty story, they shut it down and archive it until next time.
“But we had a reaction to it”-they seem to need that, just to show they`re alive.
Time to crate them, see their news for what it is…mere white bait.
At Olympic rowing today : john inverdale german media are there to interview their winning team not chat with you about the taking part. Embarrassing, remember what your there for. Oh you know yes and so do we.
Cannabis farmer set to be deported after being caught with £150,000 worth of plants
Wow, you think that the country has finally grown a pair until you get to the bottom, where – this being part of Mirror Group of lying toadies, you find that he is not being deported at all, but has agreed to leave the country voluntarily !
He has signed a waiver volunteering for return to Albania as soon as he has served his sentence.
This means that the UK will unbelievably pay him a four figure sum in recognition of the costs they save by not having to go through the deportation process !
“Female Arab athletes under attack no matter how they dress”
The monumental clue included by the BBC below the video:
Produced by Julie Wall, Mohamed El Assar and Alma Hassoun
Good job the BBC is impartial particularly with its journalists and what stories they cover – after all I’m certain Mohamed El Assar and Alma Hassoun are the perfect choice for this story.
And the article in TBT’s post refers to ‘the hashtag, #Olympics_Women_Don’t_Represent_Us’ which, in turn, refers to a twatter website where over 100,000 tweets have been lodged, opposing women’s participation in the Olympic Games in general. And, the other main reference is regarding the Egyptian women’s beach volleyball team, which was ‘mocked and humiliated on Arab social media for wearing long-sleeved T-shirts and leggings.
Let me get this straight then, 100,000 twats sent to a website. which may or may not have anything to do with dress code, but are generally against women competing at the Olympics at all. Does that perhaps suggest any particular group of people might be heavily involved ? And the other example refers to mass humiliation on Egyptian Social Media. Same question !
Now, when you read the BBC headline, were you perhaps led to think, or even assume, that an entirely different group of people might be behind the hate mail ?
What annoys me and I imagine others the most is the victim card played by the RoP’s followers and dutifully pushed by the BBC…. Firstly it is completely false, if there was anything the british government could do more to appease this community then suggestions on a postcard please as in my opinion there is nothing more that could be done to accommodate islam in the UK. Of course there will be nutters who persecute all sections of all communities in a multicultural society but for some reason the BBC and MSM feel that the RoP’s (mostly imagined/fabricated) “persecution” is the only thing worthy of reporting. In a disgusting twist it then feels obliged to sanitise, apologise and excuse actions of TERRORISM where indigenous populations of whatever colour or persuasion are being decapitated, castrated, shamed, silenced to name but a few…
I think the comments section, or removal of, on the terrorism issue today says it all really. The public are at breaking point and what needs to stop with immediate effect is these double standards. The british public are wonderful people, you’d have thought we were asking for something extreme here but literally all we want is a level playing field where everyone is treated equally and the BBC reverts back to being an impartial factual broadcaster (if ever it was). Furthermore, I am very suspicious as to why the comments section was allowed in the first place as this is not BBC modus operandi. I hope that it was some form of whistle blowing although sadly beleive it was in fact the utter delusion in W1A testing the waters to see whether their Guardian inherited views were shared by the public, the removal of the comments section in less than 40 minutes (there were 300 odd when I checked about 20 minutes after it had been published) maybe, just maybe, has shown them how the british public feel despite their propaganda.
On that note – I tried to look at cached versions of the site however nothing showed the comments section available. So annoyed with myself for not screen shotting at the time. However I know some posters (ObiWan I beleive) are tech savvy and if there is a way we can show that the BBC removed these comments or better still, can show the comments from the public I am certain Breitbart would run the story. Any help guys?
Radio 4 News and PM tell us that Alexis Jay is the fourth person to lead the child abuse enquiry. That makes her the fourth woman to take the lead, i.e. three woman have previously failed to do the job.
Isn’t it strange the way ‘woman’, ‘gay’, ‘Muslim’ etc. are adjectives of success yet become absent in the presence of disasters?
This is a site for logging BBC bias not for misogynistic twaddle. Women are actually PEOPLE. The first two women were set up to fail (IMO) by the Establishment to protect themselves, as delaying tactics – Butler-Schloss (because the then Attorney General was her brother) and Fiona Woolf (who socialised with the Home Secretary, Leon Brittan.)
If the Establishment delayed then the more old perves would die before they could be summoned to give evidence. The third one, Goddard, did fail, but I’m assuming (generously perhaps) that she was also set up as they knew she lacked U.K. legal expertise. The Establishment felt they were quite safe prevaricating with these three. It doesn’t matter to me (as I’m not sexist) whether they were women, men, transgenders or neuters! Therefore lets view them as “people.”
Just as an aside, a policeman friend of mine thought MI5/Special Branch knew who the perps were but it gave them leverage at the time.
Most of the comments here are brilliant. I often come to this site just to find news that the BBC refuse to report. There are some really clever, witty, well-informed people here and I love reading what you all have to add.
Kaffir – I may be reading incorrectly but I don’t believe that JimS’s comment was coming from a misogynistic angle although I can see how it could be construed as one as in “three women have failed at the job” – I believe it was highlighting the fact that terrorists seem to be referred to as “men” when it suits rather than Islamic extremists/terrorists etc and essentially the media’s obsession with changing names/etc when it suits them rather than reporting facts. I do not believe he was trying to push the prehistoric view that women are inherently inferior to men, which is true misogyny. If he was then yes he was being misogynistic but I believe like Donald Trump it was rather a poor choice of words and conveyance.
I think the last sentence is the true crux of the comment. I could be wrong as I’m not JimS.
Kaffir………..I read his post as an example highlighting the difference between adjectives used to describe people depending if it’s a positive or negative story, nothing misogynistic.
Misogynist moi? Some of my best friends have been women, plus all my wonderful great aunts, aunts, nana, mother and sister.
As my more astute defenders have observed the specific example of BBC bias involved airbrushing the sex of the subject in a story about failures yet it would be headlined for a female success.
Those who managed to read to the end would note the general point that this treatment applies to all of the BBC’s favoured groups. (‘Some’ say that British tennis players win Wimbledon; Scottish tennis players lose – it’s the same trick).
Of course if I hadn’t been pointing out BBC bias I could have posed the question that appointing women as leaders four out of four times is surely misandrist? But keeping to the theme of the site I won’t.
Not so sure as the fact she was married to Walter John Scott (later to become Sir Walter John Scott, 5th Bt, succeeding his father, Major Sir Walter Scott 4th Bt) is plain for all to see on her Wikipedia page.
What’s interesting is that the article you linked briefly mentions a Vince Siemer who runs a website critical of the New Zealand judiciary called “Kiwisfirst.com”. Now the author says that we should be careful about taking Vince’s word at face value.
With those words in mind I had a look around the Kiwisfirst website with regards to Goddard, and if even half true it makes for some very interesting reading. It seems that Goddard is considered a political puppet by many in New Zealand and has more than a whiff of scandal about her. In 2014 she was rated 63rd out 63 high court justices in New Zealand. Back in February 2015 they warning of the dangers of putting Goddard in charge of Britain’s child abuse inquiry.
I know nothing of Vince Siemer except from what I’ve read on his Wikipedia page regarding his imprisonment on various occasions for contempt, so I can’t comment on his accuracy or his biases but his site’s articles on Goddard are certainly eye opening if true.
I’m starting to wonder what may come out regarding the new chair, Prof. Alexis Jay in the next few months!
Two days ago Italy voted for a referendum which will on the face of it be about constitutional reform, but will have far reaching ramifications as to the entire future of the EU.
For some reason the BBC have not reported on it, and given the importance of the story it might be considered quite an omission.
The vote isn’t going to be held until Mid Autumn – October on, but the subject is well known, and so there’s no good excuse. There’s a lengthy Wikipedia page about it too.
The big problem is for Italy & the EU is that there’s no easy way out of this. A Vote yes and they pass the reforms which means all the banks are going to need astronomical sums to prop them up and the Italian economy continues to shrink, or they leave the EU, the Euro & devalue their way out of it.
This is really really important to the UK and the EU, maybe even more so than the Brexit vote, because if Italy does end up leaving the EU then it is likely the whole thing will collapse.
London jihadi bride schoolgirl, 17, who ran away to join ISIS with two friends ‘has been killed by an airstrike in Syria as she was planning to escape’
Schoolgirl from Bethnal Green who fled to Syria has been killed
Kadiza Sultana, 17, left UK to join ISIS with two other friends
It has now been revealed that she was killed in an airstrike in Raqqa
Reports indicate she had become disillusioned with the terror group and was planning on fleeing to return to her life and family in Britain
yeah…course she was planning to return home…….boohoo
She became disillusioned with the freedom fighters for Alan’s Snack Bar, was she unaware of the publicity surrounding their atrocities, had she not seen the videos of the decapitations, the torture of children? Perhaps she was taken in by the glamorous photos of these brave manly virile warriors provided by the BBC?
Now she will be a victim.
“The trio shocked the nation after leaving their A-Level courses and their families to marry ISIS fighters in Syria.”
Not quite how I recall it. I seem to remember a media frenzy, ridiculous apologies from the Met and a father of one the girls who absolutely had no clue (honest guv, cross my heart and hope to die) how she became radicalised before photographs appeared of him in a notorious Islamist rally in London standing just yards from the burning of an American flag
My memory wasn’t of a “shocked” nation rather the prevailing attitude, outside of the media, seemed to be “good riddance”.
The woman, who had voluntarily gone to Syria to support the terrorists of the Islamic State in Syria and the Levant was killed in a successful air attack on Raqqah.
All allied aircraft returned safely to their bases.
The Ministry of Defence announced that this raid should be viewed as a deterrent to others planning to support enemy organisations at home or abroad.
The Aleppo chlorine gas attack report on BBC News has all the appearance of a Pallywood production. A beefy chap is given oxygen, no apparent symptoms of either a gas attack or shortage of food in the besieged city. Then a succession of children are manhandled, producing tears but no other sign of irritation of the eyes, whites of the eyes splendidly clear.
That’s how I felt when I saw the 10pm BBC1 News and saw the chlorine attack report. That is the trouble, when you know they have previous, you never believe a word. I even wondered if the emancipated chap who was being interviewed had ‘dieted’ especially for propaganda purposes.
See the video. The Foxton people are wearing suits. Enjoy the language employed By Ian Bone’s Class War thugs.
Class War thugs are rarely arrested, none at this event. Even if arrested they are usually acquitted.
It used to be said among the left that Class War were provocateurs and narks for special branch. You will see them supporting violence in support of Jihadists.
They are currently celebrating the death of the Duke of Westminster
Class War are celebrating the death of the Duke of Westminster and call for more deaths. Hate speech laws have never applied to them.
Predictably their material comes from BBC sources and they seem to dance to BBC tunes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37029915
I have a couple of friends who knew him, and he never had a cigarette out of his mouth, which is probably what killed him.
Unlike the unwashed ungrateful scrounging scroates who need to spend some time in a Muslim country finding out what life is like when its not so cushy, The Duke worked so hard he had a nervous breakdown. He also suffered depression and said more than once that he would have rather lived his life as a Beef farmer in Ireland, on the farm where he grew up.
In Liverpool he is particularly held in esteem as he underwrote the Liverpool 1 development, and did other charitable good works.
The contrast between his positive contribution to society, and the filthy scroungers could not be greater.
Those unkempt ‘Class War’ louts shouting obscenities are nothing but homeless junkie scum, the lot of ’em – you can tell by their facial features that they are drug addicts and never-do-wells… pure dregs and detritus of society; I wouldn’t be surprised if they were paid from straight off the street or homeless shelters just to provide a bit of unbridled muscle… given a hot meal and a squat in which to sleep in etc. I see stinkers like this every time I walk through the city back home after work; they urinate, drink and swear in public and are revolting in their debauchery and depravity. The police should arrest the whole stinky, filthy lot of them and chuck them in jail (with a few bars of soap!). They really are a despicable rabble and are utterly useless filth that do nothing but foul our streets. They are the real thugs in this society. They must be confronted.
Maybe as a punishment, they all need forcing to sit in front of a PC screen and watch ISIS propaganda for a day. At the end of that day, provide them with a one-way ticket………………….(or maybe a military transport plane for their first experience of parachuting?).
I know, it would have been a joy to see the old truncheon thunderously walloping a few of these good-for-nothing down-and-outs on the cranium. They are first and foremost cowards; they have to swarm in groups but wouldn’t dare confront one-on-one. There’s only one way to bring these lowlife rat finks to heel and that is through hard physical discipline; a workhouse might be apt although I would like to see them do hard community labour… helping the elderly carry their shopping etc and clearing rubbish from parks. They do not understand the value of work and of dignity; they need structure and self-discipline in their lives not anarchism, drink and drugs. Perhaps the Lord will forgiveth them.
Stalinist BBC have DISAPPEARED tonight’s show explaining rise of Trump on radio 4.
BBC is all Corbyn, Corbyn, Corbyn isn’t it ? So i was interested to see they have an edition of the Briefing Room called Trump’s Shock Troops, which is all about Alt-Right. “Milo Yiannopoulos” was on the Moral Maze last week and he Facebooked that he would be at the recording of the Briefing Room Thursday (which radio Times and BBC website would also be broadcast that day, last Thursday).
But readers here , saw this time last week I posted that suddenly before broadcast that edition became about Hinkley B postponement and Milo’s prog was delayed until this week. OK made a bit of sense the as the Hinkley B postponement was topical news.
HOWEVER today when I tune in I find the Alt-Right edition has been disappeared , suddenly tonight’s prog is about Special Forces. I went to Google cache just to check I’m not going crazy and it catches the prog webpage at the moment they had changed the title but not the body text.
The last episode of the show is next week ..so far that topic remains blank
Comments boards disappearing, scheduled radio shows disappearing, they get more like the Stasi every day. Why can’t they disappear something useful, like Evan Davis?
I tweeted David Aaronovitch and he replied
“Why has BBC R4 cancelled your Briefing Room prog about Alt-Right, 2 weeks running ?#BBCcensorship?”
DA replied \\It hasn’t. At any one time we always have a programme ‘in reserve’. It’ll almost certainly go out in the next fortnight.//
..still a bit strange that the BBCR4 website announced it each week yet both times replaced at last moment with progs on a different topic.
BBC and MSM reporting on bombs in Thai resort. They coyly mention that “there is an insurgency” in Southern Thailand, no further information. Gosh, I wonder who could be responsible? Does this give any clues:
“Current insurgent groups proclaim militant jihadism and are not separatist any more. Mostly led by Salafist hardliners, they have extreme and transnational religious goals, such as an Islamic Caliphate, to the detriment of a constructive cultural or nationalistic Patani identity.”
Shot Canadian ‘planned immediate attack’
(BBC world website Thursday 11 August 2016 at 10.30 pm)
I suppose it is a little more informative than ‘Shot man’, but they could have written ‘Canadian Jihadi shot dead’.
Bomb blast in Thailand, beeb website mentions that there’s ‘an insurgency’ in the South, but forgets to mention it’s an Islamist insurgency, natch. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-37049989
I see the Tower Hamlets saga is mentioned in the article which was my first thought. I also remember (admittedly vaguely) it came up regarding Rotherham. If I remember correctly I believe that it was suggested there were irregularities in the postal vote from Muslim communities in Rotherham and was one of the reasons why the Labour council ignored the widespread child abuse……..That’s the only two I can remember but I’m sure there must have been more discussed on here.
Mishal interviewed Mr Pickles about this morning on the Today programme about 7.40. Just listen to the harshness and shrillness in her voice. She did not like the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities being identified with the problem. Finished by likening it to an overspend of £8,000 by a Conservative on election expenses. No explanation of who or circumstances so I will now have to search to see what it is about.
Brexit if it means anything at all, is Britain being able to rule itself. But more then that, Brexit means that the UK remains a historic kingdom. Brexit above all, gives us the tools that it remain so.
Hilariously (not to mention shamelessly) R4 referred only to ‘certain religious and ethnic groups’ when it reported the story this morning. Does the Corporation really think people aren’t aware what it is trying to do?
In my estimation, all the BBC is achieving is the stoking of resentment both against itself and the Muslims it is so obsessed with championing.
Then you must be astoundingly ill informed. The Tower Hamlets frauds have been extensively reported and verified. Those in certain northern towns and cities are also well documented. Only the BBC appears to be reporting this story in such a disingenuous way.
Piltdown Man fraud examined here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-37021144
I look forward to the day when the climate change fraud gets the same treatment. One of the most infamous forgeries in the history of science is how the BBC is describing Piltdown Man. A couple of quotes caught my eye:
‘She says her sleuthing on the Piltdown saga has made her think no evidence should be taken for granted, and scientists must beware their preconceptions.’
‘”Open access should include making fossils accessible to people. Now they can be scanned and shared very easily – it would just make for better science.”‘
Open access to climate scientologists data, code and methodology has consistently been blocked. In fact one climate scientist, Phil Jones of the CRU I think, stated that he didn’t want to release data because sceptics only wanted to find fault with it!
Is the melting of glaciers and the polar caps fraud? Is the measured rise in CO2 fraud? Is the effect of CO2 as a greenhouse gas fraud? Is the destruction of rain forest and its affect on CO2 fraud?
Is the melting of glaciers and the polar caps fraud? Glaciers are disappearing at a much faster rate than in recent times. However, the Ice cap has largely recovered in the North but there is increased ice in the South. Is the measured rise in CO2 fraud? Probably true, however…;. Is the effect of CO2 as a greenhouse gas fraud? Claims for this appear to be totally baloney. There is no REAL evidence for this. All claims for this are completely unproven despite what the warmists claim. Is the destruction of rain forest and its affect on CO2 fraud? The reduction of the rain forests, which is happening, is probably affecting CO2 levels. But as said before- any effect of this on Greenhouse gases has yet to be proven by credible scientists. All who claim it to be so are in the pay of the Green industry.
The big unproven claim is, of course, how much man’s activity has any bearing on climate change. Climate change happened before the Industrial Revolution It happened before man was on the planet, it happened before the dinosaurs. The belief that man is responsible for everything on this planet and its effects has been unproven and is a form of religion.
Electoral fraud isn’t unique to Muslims but when it’s carried out on an industrial scale it’s invariably Muslim . Since Muslim local politicians tend to be labour, it’s also a labour problem too. It reinforces the ghettoisation of inner city areas and parts of towns such as Luton where whites , Christians and any non Muslims are made increasingly unwelcome, sharia law is applied and no- one calls the police. Asian controlled labour councils are reinforcing these trends. To what extent electoral fraud gets these councils into power is not clear to me but it certainly shores them up and makes them virtually impossible to remove. When a political clique remains in power on a council for years, corruption always creeps in. When Muslim politics are added to the mix the problem is even worse.
I’m no fan of Mishal Hussein but on the Today Programme she prompted Eric Pickles several times about whether electoral fraud was largely a Muslim problem. Pickles was terrified to answer in the affirmative although eventually it was forced out of him. Maybe he thought he was about to be entrapped.
And to exacerbate the issue, if you identify it as an Asian problem, how do you focus down on it and tackle the fraud and intimidation (remember being told this was just “cultural enthusiasm”?) without the P.C. brigade clipping your wings and rendering useless all attempts to sort it.
That’s Pickles for you! The man came into office promising all manner of sensible things, including cracking down on local councils’ eco-loon rubbish collections – and then utterly failed to them.
Devolution of power to local government is always said to be a ‘good thing” as it brings people ‘closer to the important decisions which affect their lives” etc etc. Devolution, especially with regard to making decisions and managing tax payers money on major programmes and projects has been shown time and time again around the world to be a very “bad thing” when those local administrations are corrupt and/or incompetent (especially with regard to debt management,procurement, accounting and audit). This would be a fertile area for future Beeb investigations, but somehow I think they may not consider this a priority, judging on past performance in Rochdale and elsewhere.
Gunner, yes too ‘local’ can be very bad. Many years ago an American of my acquaintance passed the running of a restaurant that he owned to his son. The son defaulted on a mortgage payment and the ‘local’ bank foreclosed and sold it to a ‘local’ rival before the week was out. All totally legal but I can’t imagine it would have happened in the UK where we borrow from huge international banks that see us as mere numbers.
I recall a recent comment, (on the BBC?), that large families lead to corruption too as the jobs are kept ‘in the family’, hence the ‘cosy’ family companies in Sicily that can be worryingly ‘local’.
If it occurred it must have been possible under the mortgage charge and therefore have been legal. It would not be possible in such a short time in the UK, the legal system here being one of the features which partly explains why foreign investors like, and will continue to like, the U.K.
The point is that a ‘local’ US small town bank knows its customers. It knows who is looking for property and if it suits them they can foreclose very quickly.
In the UK if, say, one has a mortgage with the likes of Halifax then first of all their computers will start flinging out ‘non-payment’ letters and it could be months before a human gets involved. Then they have to balance the difficulties of shifting a defaulting customer, surveys, auctions etc. against giving the defaulter more time or a new payment plan, usually the easier option.
I’m not suggesting it happened in the instance that I cited but it’s not impossible that a ‘local’ bank might be in receipt of retention fees to look out for defaulters.
There is a lot to be said for being just ‘number’ sometimes. Similarly if one worked in a firm of five and fell out with the boss one might as well start walking; work for an organisation of 50,000 and its easier for HR to re-post than to fire.
This is true and another area which is long overdue for a thorough investigation is the political entryism that has taken place in council offices. Policies are often designed and implemented by activists (extremists, even) and councillors frequently seem to react in shock when made aware of the decisions and policies implemented by their own councils.
Areas such as waste collection, education, traffic management, planning and transport policies in particular have proved to be very fertile ground for the far Left (especially the watermelon wing) who have gained power without undergoing the necessity of seeking election. In other words, the much vaunted ‘local democracy’ movement is a complete sham.
This appears to be yet another taboo subject for our ‘world class’ broadcaster.
Interesting how one part of the vote fraud was done.. “I’m your landlord so fill out your postal vote paper and give it to me for mailing, otherwise I’ll kick you out of this house”
Feared, BBC? Feared by whom, outside perhaps her immediate family? I’d suggest most people are glad the stupid girl isn’t coming back here.
Mr Akunjee said the teenager had grown disillusioned and wanted to leave IS and return to the UK – but had decided not to risk being captured and facing a “brutal” punishment from the terror group.
She really hadn’t figured that out before she went? I’d nominate her for a Darwin Award.
Yes, Toady was boo-hooing over this story, earlier. I’m surprised they couldn’t hear the collective chorus of ‘So what?’ and ‘Good!’ through the studio walls.
This story raises all manner of interesting questions, not least whether Muslim immigrants are actually capable of fully integrating into Western society, or whether by the time they reach the second or third generation, Islamic teachings far too often weld together with teenage rebelliousness, resulting in wannabe jihadis and the silly girls who want to sleep with them.
Needless to say, this is far too dangerous an issue for a BBC too in thrall to Islam and political correctness to even consider. Better to lie by omission and refuse even to admit that there might be a problem.
‘Fears for…’ simply confers empathetic attention they crave, even if post mortem.
‘Mates pissing themselves laughing at the twattery…” might be a less sensitive but more effective message unless an ongoing supply of youth martyrs have an unhealthy appeal around the BBC cubicle gardens.
Saw that this morning. She is ex eastenders and she kept asking and saying what would be causing them to do this and nobody knows. No mention of the I word.
Absolutely Roland. Must have heard a dozen people say the same thing yesterday. Nobody cares, but a home affairs select committee will still apologise to the family. It’s most likely my fault again.
I also love the phrase ‘grown disillusioned’, often used around these junior traitors. Polite translation for ‘eventually found out that it was sh*t, like anybody with half a brain could’ve told you’.
I’d call her stupid and wicked. Yet the BBC says the ‘girls’ were all ‘straight As students, and the Met Commissioner said they’d face no charges if they returned to the UK.
Time for a private prosecution of the Met Commissioner, in that case. I would certainly contribute to funding such a case in the eventuality of any of these vile creatures trying to slither back into the country. I doubt I would be alone, either.
No one can excuse these girls. They cannot fail to have seen the beheadings, amputations, deaths by boiling alive and public burnings. they are complicit in such acts by having lent their support.
Readers with strong constitutions (and a dark sense of humour) are recommended a trip to this morning’s Going Postal (www.going-postal.net) where the assembled reprobates are positively gushing with sympathy over the recently departed jihadi ‘bride’.
Three Muslima women were holding forth on the death of the jihadi bride today after the 8am news on the Toady Show.
They might as well have been drawing water for the emirs camel, the conversation no less unctuous and facile than the usual water cooler at the BBC.
Total lazy bitchfest-talk of a Top A schoolgirl who vulnerably managed to fly to Turkey, get to Raqqa, marry an ISIS psycho and chose to stay there til the Russians made a puddle out of her and her glasses.
Apparently-according to Mishal-she was due to get home, but would have been scared of the consequences-you know, a Muslim Centre, a Media Job, tuition fees and a job as an Althea/Donna tribute act…as well as a Parliamentary appearance to say why we all prejudge her and won`t let her near the fireworks just yet…nasty PCSO, nasty social workers and advocates…
Anybody yet told our Muslims moochers that the whole PURPOSE of being a Muslim is to go to paradise where our dead jihadi bride will already be sucking on 72 plums…so as this dupe is a shahada should they not be shooting the party poppers into the air to celebrate the death of this “Top Arse” of a student?
Celebrate her death-she`s in paradice-anything other, and they`ll deserve some serious counselling from Dash.
cH – I always wonder what kind of Islamic “paradise” Muslima martyrs end up in? After all the males are supposed to arrive in a sort of gigantic, free whorehouse with alcohol; I can’t see the women ending up in a similar set-up somehow.
Maybe ” Muslima Shahada gets her final wish fulfilled”.
“72 Plums assured…top medalling from the young bespectacled warrior”
“Sometimes your dreams CAN come true” says the Muslim Princess of Disneydaesh”
State Funeral and falafels to follow at the BBC.
Its been said amongst all the reporting, that her family knew ‘weeks ago’ that this might be the case – so has the story lain in the ‘basket pending’ waiting for a no news day ?
The fact that the bBC needs constantly reminding of its ‘special responsibility’ is more evidence that it has completely lost the plot and simply does not care.
According to Al Beeb, “separatist insurgents” are the likely perpetrators of the latest terrorist bombing outrages in Thailand. Sadly, Al Beeb is unable to offer much by way of analysis concerning these “separatists”. Given that the bombs were co-ordianted attacks against geographical dispersed regions, aimed at areas popular with tourists and according to some reports triggered by mobile phone calls, it does not seem likely that the bombers were infected by the “mental illness” virus, which has seemingly been swirling round Europe of late. No, this was a co-ordinated attack which required detailed planning and used relatively sophisticated bomb-making “skills”. So whisper it quietly, this attack was either by an Islamic group from the South or a well-financed political group opposed to the military government. (guess who). Judging from the lack of any significant follow-up reporting regarding the bombing of the Erawan shrine in Bangkok some months ago, we may have to wait some time for any further clarification.
As I commented yesterday, the BBC is now so desperate to avoid offending its favoured victim groups that it is in serious danger of making things a great deal worse, not just for itself but, in this case, for Muslims too.
I was in Thailand this time last year. Literally the day after I flew back home the bomb went off in Bangkok. I was actually staying down south in AoNang (a coastal town popular with tourists – think dreamy Thai islands and incredible beaches and you’ve pretty much got the picture), although I did spend half of my holiday much further up north in the rural districts, well away from tourist hotspots.
There has been a very protracted separatist campaign going on down in the southern regions of Thailand for decades now. It has involved many terrorist attacks over the years – some on tourist spots, but the majority seem to have have been directed towards internal political or religious targets.
The extent to which these latest attacks might be the responsibility of Islam remains to be determined. Islam has a growing hold over Thailand – I’ve seen it myself. Mosques everywhere and hijab-wearing women everywhere. Bit-by-bit the happy-go-lucky, free, open society of Thailand is being subsumed by the dead hand of Islam. It won’t be long before this ‘Land of Smiles’ is lost forever – unless the authorities there get very tough indeed and there is a concerted effort to maintain some semblance of ‘free’ society and culture.
From a personal point-of-view, I found it reassuring to see heavily armed policemen patrolling the beaches, silently but very visibly watching the crowds. As a westerner, in particular, you don’t f**k with the Thai police – they take no prisoners and they don’t care who you are or where you’re from: step out of line and they’ll take you down, no questions asked. If anyone can face down Islamic scumbags intent on harming other people I think the Thai authorities might just be in with a shout.
Let’s not forget that these bombings really, really hurt the ordinary people of Thailand. After the Bangkok bomb last year tourism was affected across the country quite dramatically. If the Thai Army decided to roll into the southern states tomorrow and flatten every suspected Islamic terrorist I wouldn’t shed a tear. Thailand’s tourism industry is such a huge part of their national economy that it should be protected and made as safe as possible. It’s a beautiful country – truly, truly stunning – and I wish the Thai people well in their fight against the cancer of terrorism.
“As a westerner, in particular, you don’t f**k with the Thai police – they take no prisoners and they don’t care who you are or where you’re from”
Very true. Last time I was in Bangkok, a local man on a scooter with wife or girlfriend failed to immediately obey an instruction from a traffic cop. The cop removed the ignition key from the scooter and carried on with his duties. Message – you do as you are damn well told, no arguments.
I don’t remember the IRA being described as “separatist insurgents”, but surely they were? Ah! Weren’t they murdering the evil imperialists whose taxes fund the bBBC?
“Get the news in your language” AKA “Is that true or did you hear it on the BBC?” (Thanks to whoever posted that badge pic)
Switch list to English and lo and behold, French is an African language with Spanish and Potuguese being moved across the Atlantic, fair enough regarding number of speakers I suppose, still, bet the French would prefer a little geographic accuracy.
Oddly Azeri makes the list but no Merkels?
Now what other national broadcaster across the globe would come up with that kind of thoughtful offering? Answer: any which has more money than it knows what to to with and to whom integration (in any language) is a dirty word.
Still, at least it’s being consistent with the public sector free translation service.
However did it come to this that the lunatics are running the west? NEGLECT from the establishments.On a separate note two names that have p….d me off for a while , john kerry for the now that’s diplomacy shout refering to boris,how blatently immature was that and in our country wow don’t forget theresa may what your dealing with. The other during eu referendum kiera knightley for saying don’t let them ruin it for us.What the hell the film the immitation game will never be the same for me again .Let’s not forget sarpong soobrey vaz osbourne lammy mandelsohn clarke hesseltine clegg krankie paxman golam kuennsberk ahmed dimbleby the eagle sisters angela and eddie who i like to call the pointer sisters. many more for another day
I read this article with growing amazement. Do we really pay out of our taxes for this childish drivel. Sub radio One at it’s most moronic and that is saying something.
The writer seems barely literate and is in need of some private tutoring in the use of English. They are putting a statue of Orwell outside the BBC building. A man who prided himself on using his language correctly.
Why does the BBC bother? It is as useless as it is mendacious .
Apart from anything else, they clearly haven’t visited any of the charismatic, enriched places that make up Greater Manchester – Rochdale, Oldham, Leigh etc
Journalistic quality considerations aside, should a national broadcaster really be putting out this sort of thing?
A London-based friend genuinely asked me recently: “Wait, so they have Uber up in Manchester?” Yes, we have Uber, you berk, along with pretty much everything else London has, from gay saunas to Selfridges
Quite a range of attractions then.
And of course if London has a multiculti shithole of a public space in the city centre, Manchester can beat it with Piccadilly Gardens.
Piccadilly Gardens used to be an attractive public space once. It was actually a public garden, a much needed green space in the heart of the city. The city council then sold part of it off to build an ofice block, put up a stupid concrete wall around the rest, and paved what was left, adding those cliched water jets which go off from time to time. The vicious, heartless, money worshipping Tory bastards.
Oh wait, sorry, Manchester City Council has 100% Labour councillors. Do forgive me. Obviously everything they do is in the best interests of the community. Who needs gardens anyway?
“Cannes bans burkinis over suspected link with Islamic terrorism”
While respecting the trauma France has been through and is still going through I’ll have to commend the BBC for highlighting the absurdity of this particular edict with the burkinis/wetsuit photograph, although not a burkini fan myself this ruling comes across as poorly thought out, more a case of being seen to do something than actually doing something. And although it’s a not as straightforward as a clothing issue I’m a little uneasy about the state telling people what to wear as well. Maybe starting with the deportation of hate spewing clerics, a cut in immigration and zero tolerance for those who want to kill us would be more productive than a fashion war.
Must pull the BBC for this though, ” This is not the first time that women’s clothing has been restricted in France” Come on, it wasn’t quite as simple as ‘women’s clothing’ was it. Strange times indeed.
I disagree Oldspeaker. The Islamic mode of dress/beachwear is a signal and a symbol that Islam is asserting its value system and its authority over others…..it is a component of Islamisation to do this and to demand “respect” for the values behind it…..it is an overt display of a value system….like a swastika armband or a Klan robe.
Islamisation works on many levels, and it needs to be reisted on many levels
Nazi uniforms on the beach, KKK apparel on the beach, Jihadi brideswear on the beach?
Tell you what. Keep the state out of it, and allow the other beach users the freedom to express their opinions.
Just imagine what our British people could do if these miscreants were not so heavily protected by the PC police and left wing antifa Nazis.
And what a dull world it would be if we all agreed on everything embolden, I take your point and agree in principle, I can’t help but think it’s an ass first and extremely uncoordinated approach by the French authorities though. National government in cahoots with a sinister and more powerful unelected EU ruling power is allowing unfettered immigration from hostile foreign nations while local government attempts damage limitation by introducing dress codes. That may well be the full extent of the local authorities powers, it just seems so impotent in the face of a murderous enemy which thinks nothing of bringing it’s barbaric ways to European streets. Generally speaking I believe the state should butt out of peoples lives, if they hadn’t launched into such a disastrous mass immigration experiment in the first place this ridiculous ‘burkini’ nonsense wouldn’t have happened.
FTSE100 and FTSE250 both at 12 month highs. However, the BBC business page has no mention of it. I guess the reporter from the Blue Peter school of economics is too busy spinning round in circles like a broken Dalek to cover it.
“Brexterminate!, Brexterminate!”
It looks like the BBC have got themselves another non-fan.
“Sir Ian Botham has suggested Chris Packham, the BBC wildlife presenter, should not be allowed to publicly take sides in the grouse-shooting debate because of his status as an employee of the corporation.
The pair were involved in an on-air row on BBC Radio 4 over whether or not grouse-shooting should be banned. Sir Ian, the former England cricketer, labelled Packham an “extremist”.”
He said: “Why is it OK for a BBC countryside presenter like Chris to be such an extremist, while keeping his prominent role in the BBC and using it as a vehicle?”
Packham is a humanity hating, environmental activist twat. See his performance on Room 101 and you will see what I mean. Although, to be fair to him, he is only copying what all of his other licence fee supported colleagues do.
I do wonder which is worse-the BBC or Channel 4.
Same restricted codes, virtue signalling and freak show of libtards pimping free rides off the taxpayer…but Channel 4 seem even MORE sanctimonious and deviant than the BBC.
Witness last nights so-called “News”…some ex Beeboid and an Anne of Cleves milkmaid with weird corkscrew blondish hair…with assorted Indian women…”banging on” about rape in Delhi.
Yet again-accusations with no right of reply from the vulnerable young men driven to it by Bollywood Porn and poverty…maybe caste systems doing them down, and certainly a lack of “educational opportunity” for these troubled boys.
Oh sorry-got all that arse over tip didn`t I?
But how come it`s all reverse polarity…aren`t rapists yet ANOTHER victim group in need of a lawsuit against Cliff Richards dad or the British Raj?
After all-every OTHER bloody minority get the liberal willy shake from Channel 4…why not extend your compassion and “concern” for these poor boys, liberal tossers?
Funnily enough-the girls glossed over the death penalty sentences handed down to these “enhanced sexual providers”-and one of them only 16.
Bet they`re happy to let that pass-just as well they`re not Muslims eh?
Tumbleweed or what?
PS-lot of irony above…reductio ad adsurdem as we say…but the liberals have yet to address their internal hypocrisies…don`t ask, don`t say…and , in other news….
One hopeful note…the ads in the Channel 4 news slot are shrinking by the month-the market knows a crock of shit when it sees it.
I have become more convinced that the bias in the BBC of which we are here to highlight, is also prevalent throughout much of the media, Sometimes it is hard to call out the BBC for blatant misinformation, sucking up to Islam, attacks on our armed services, when much similar can be seen in other news outlets.
It’s getting beyond parody. One of the prominent Olympic stories on the BBC front page is “Why Black Swimmers Gold Medal Matters“. Why would it matter, I hear you ask. Well, because she’s the first black female swimmer to win an Olympic gold. Apparently colour matters when the BBC says it does, and is racist when it says it doesn’t.
Perhaps we should have a feature here “Olympic ‘ism’ of the Day”.
The racial separation in Olympic sports is apparent to all but the wilfully blind. There are certain racial groups who are better at some activities, beyond cultural and economic differences. Obviously it’s not now noted by the BBC or any other media.
“As she was standing there being interviewed soaking wet with a head full of soggy Brillo on her head, talking about how she wants to be “an inspiration”,I kept imagining the black Baby Mommas all over the country saying, “An’ dat crazy bitch want me to get in da pool? Wit’ dat dripping mess on her head? An fuck up my weave? Dat ho’ done lost her mind. Bitch look like a drown poodle.” Anon on SBPDL.
Another article that is significant only within BBC circles and yet more proof, were it needed, that the BBC can spin any event to support its agenda.
In a similar vein, I remember the BBC saying in 1980 how important Allan Wells’ victory in the 100m at the Moscow olympics was for white sprinters the world over. No wait…I might have mis-remembered (TM Hillary Rodham Clinton).
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Must be a lot of news about as the BBC hasn’t found room for this:
If you don’t work for the BBC news department you may wish to know how a Muslim Islamic State supporter in Canada set off one bomb inuring one person and was about to set off his second bomb when he was shot dead by the police.
Maybe these events are now so common place in the West they don’t deserve any media attention.
Indeed, even the 70 people murdered by a bomb in Pakistan a couple of days ago barely warranted a mention on the BBC news. 70 people!
But with all these mass rapes going on in the work place I am hardly surprised the BBC feels it has more important matters to debate. Btw, just to ramble mindlessly on, I actually looked up the research on the web site promoting the study for the sexist assaults the BBC breathlessly told us women experience in the workplace. The first one was from a woman, sorry victim, upset because men say things like ‘hey guys come and see this.’ She was excluded you see, thus offended and victimised and, apparently, therefore assaulted. That was the first one I read, so I didn’t bother with the others. There is only so much misery and suffering I can take.
Which brings us back to the 70 people murdered in Pakistan and the Muslim bomber in Canada …
whoops the canadian bomber is suddenly on the bbc world news web site. But why not when it happened? I actually read about it in a newspaper this morning!
Is some Olympic commentary sexist?The lady (Claire Bates) doth protest too much, methinks.
The Olympics (to a much lesser extent the Commonwealth Games) gives BBC journos the opportunity to pontificate on sports on which they know nothing and then ignore them for the next four years. Is it surprising they grasp for material?
Check out the young lady in the beautiful spangled leotard and eye make-up that the BBC chose to illustrate the article. Then check the U.S. Men’s team — not a sparkle or a hint of mascara. So clearly looking good must be of significant importance to this woman’s sport. If not why are the contestants not dressed in identical uniforms as do, for example, the judokas and the boxers with a simple national flag for identification? Why did the US team employ Ralph Lauren to design the uniforms? Why is it sexist to talk about them?
How do you avoid discussing appearance in sports as synchronised swimming or rhythmic gymnastics where a slipped bra strap can lead to a points deduction?
“I think she might even go higher than the men.” In the real world female competitors can’t compete with the male in most sports (with the possible exception of the hermaphrodite South African runner). This is why there are separate categories for men and women. No unisex 100 metres and male and female weightlifters don’t compete together even at the same weights. To say a woman can jump as high as a man should be considered high praise.
A BBC tweet that referred to the beach volleyball match between Germany and Egypt as “Bikini vs Burka” was questioned on social media with some asking why the outfits were being discussed.
Where have you been Ms. Booth if you think the burkha is not an issue? Ibtihaj Muhammad is preparing for the “defining moment” in her life – becoming Team USA’s first hijab-wearing Olympian. Why is fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad newsworthy other than for her headgear and yet it is sexist to talk about a match between overclad Egyptians and underclad Germans? Actually her Israel-hating tweets could be subject of quite a story but the BBC will never touch it.
The general rule seems to be that it’s ok to mention burkhas if you are making positive comments about them. If you are questioning them, it’s irrelevant or racist to even mention it. In fact this seems to extend to anything to do with physical appearance, dress, skin colour etc.
It’s an odd double standard; identity politics is applied when a particular group is being singled out for praise (ie, the burkha wearing fencer) but when an identity-group is viewed critically (ie, the burkha wearing volleyball players) the older, pre-1960s ‘colourblind’ rule comes into play, ie that somebody’s appearance is irrelevant.
Cranmer – Reminds me of the time David Dimblebore tried to single out a ‘gentleman at the back’ on Question Time. He was the one black man in the whole area and it would have immediately identified him to have said ‘the black man at the back’ but of course he couldn’t, so we had 5 minutes of comedic ‘the man in the brown jacket, no not that one, with the white shirt, no, sitting next to the other man with a blue jacked, no, blue shirt, etc etc.
PC, doncha luv it?
A friend of ours who is from Nigeria showed me an old photograph of his assembled fellow graduates on his graduation day and ask me, in jest, if I could pick him out. He was the only black man in the photo, which made me laugh so I said something like “is that you next the the guy wearing the flowery tie?”.
Anger over ‘racist yellowface’ Snapchat filter
Critics often accuse it of favouring white complexions with filters that lighten users’ skin tones.
Its “Bob Marley” filter, which added animated dreadlocks and a cap, was also criticised for promoting “blackface”.
So yellow is out, white and black are out. Are we having fun yet? It’s obviously a misconception that some asians have different eyes to non-asians and some black people have dreadlocks.
Ladies wiggling their bottoms for the Olympics.
Olympic smut I call it.
Nice buns!
Peter, did you say that when Nadiya won the Great British Bake Off?
Say it? I tasted them!
Olympics are held in leap years.
Dear oh dear and apologies if mentioned already… On the iPhone
Al been has allowed comments on this article http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37044519
It’s definitely going to be an interesting one… Although a bit suspicious as this is hugely out of character for our beloved state broadcaster. Wander what they’re up to. Perhaps just chucking out some bait for a few name hate crimers, very suspicious indeed
No comments when I clicked on that link!
Haha I should have screen shotted it when they were allowed… It was an absolute bloodbath!
Most of the comments made the ones on this site look very tame indeed.
“On deportation, Mr de Maiziere said there would be no tolerance of foreign offenders who used false identities in order to stay in Germany.”
‘ello, ‘ello. How does that tally wiv their yuman rites then, or is it only in the UK that illegals can claim to the ECHR when found out?
It may be worth someone asking the BBC where they went, and why.
Mind you, the eventual response may b as predictable as it will be long in coming.
Maybe one of those who commented took a copy and is unimpressed with being blanked?
Has anyone else noticed how the FTSE250 seems to have dropped off the BBC radar?
They couldn’t stop referring to it when it dropped just after the Brexit vote – I understand that it reached a 52 week high yesterday. Funny, that.
Yes, we have, Lobster. That’s the trouble with the BBC letting its bias run riot and starting to get into spin and propaganda. It forgets that any sudden diversion from what has been trumpeted as ‘bad’ becomes more noticeable. We are now firmly in the Orwellian age. You are right that it is because the FTSE250 was not producing enough dismal news. It was up again when I last looked. Maybe it is because they need some more gloom that they are now going completely over the top: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-36986369 “FTSE and pound (more correctly Pound Sterling) fall.”
For Sterling it is mostly one quarter to one half of one per cent. Yes. A quarter. Not 2.5% to 5% which would be newsworthy. Not even one per cent which might be. 0.25%! £ Sterling often twitches this way and that from one hour to the next. Perhaps we can blame it on the silly season?
But not the heat. Not today, anyway.
As an addition to my earlier post, I see that both the FTSE100 and FTSE250 have finished the day on new 52 week highs. This post-Brexit economic catastrophe is going well then.
It gets even better, every one of the UK’s major stock-market indices are at 12 month highs today. However, most of the rest of Europe’s aren’t. Interesting story could be written about that and the BBC’s cub reporter given the task need go no further than the BBC’s own financial pages to do the research. Don’t expect they’ll bother running that one though.
Maybe Tom would have performed better if he had had a target to aim for – soap bar perhaps?
Not a BBC interview, apparently:
Bias by exclusion:
The BBC reports that the Huffington Post’s founder is standing down, and doesn’t scrutinise why, only mentioning that it is a liberal outlet which explains the lack of scrutiny. For those unaware, Huffington Post was recently outed as having deliberately – and retroactively – changed the results of presidential election opinion polls to make it seem like Clinton had a healthy lead over Trump and always had done, by assigning votes previously marked as ‘undecided’ or ‘will not vote’ to Clinton so her mean score would be much higher than it really was. The furore over this online had almost certainly contributed to her decision to leave, yet the mainstream media – who are utterly compliant in the Clinton campaign – have chosen to ignore it.
Reuters fiddled their post convention poll too to make it more Clinton favourable.Sorry ,changed methodology……
Which is why I disregard any poll these days, for most part it appears that they are no longer an objective study of peoples views and more a tool for propaganda. It may explain why they were so wrong on the last general election and consistently wrong on the EU referendum too. I seem to remember either the night before, or the morning of, the EU referendum that the Independent ran a poll claiming a 10point lead in favour of Remain!
Polls can make some people a vast amount of money. The Referendum polls for one thing.
Now I like a bet and have a reasonable grasp of the mechanics. A bookmaker makes a book reflecting the weight of money and during the EU lead up the odds were very much in favour of remain. That means the money was down.
But something strange seemed to be going on as the bookmakers particularly on the last day were very reluctamt to give a decent price for leave. The odds looked distorted. As if the bookmakers were getting wary.
Now if I was a hedge fund shyster ( they all are ) what better ploy than to have private polls showing a leave or very close result and then wack a good few quid on Remain to keep the masses in a state of delusion. . A few million or so. Just a write off bet if you like because millions even billions could be made on the sterling/stock market trades.
Then get to work on sterling futures and the stock market.
All perfectly legal .
No poll is to be trusted as they are all compromised now and probably always have been. They just have got a bit too greedy now and we can see it.
Very interesting!
What amazes me is that the media carry on using polls even despite their manifest failures, time and time again! I realise they are ‘good copy’, but to give them any authority or credence is just stupid.
I think people should lie to opinion pollsters on political issues to discredit the polls and hopefully stop them being weaponised.
I backed Brexit the day before the vote at 3/1. I hardly ever gamble but the odds just seemed too high to ignore.
I find it disgusting that the BBC and Sky regularly feature Huffgington Post contributors (I refuse to dignify them with the title ‘journalists’) as if that publication has ever had even the slightest shred of credibility. It has always operated as a propaganda outlet for US Left wing opinions, which it pretends are news.
And this from people who sneer at Fox?! The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
@AllLivesMatter “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”
Have you got a link which says Arianna Huffington just resigned due to rigged polls and that is being covered up ?
cos I can’t anything . ta
I remember when Ariana Stasinopolous (or whatever she was called then) was a regular on BBC radio. She sounded sometimes to be quite alright – even a bit of fun. Any surprise though that she left the BBC to marry a left-winger and work in a left-wing organisation? Nah!
Oh yawn. Why is it always our fault? Perhaps Muslim communities could do more to improve the life chances of Muslim women. We bend over backwards to integrate with minorities in this country but I suppose the Women and Equalities Committee and a host of other quangos need to invent these statistics/data in order to justify their useless existence; also, BBC/Independent/Guardian need to present and capitalise on these narratives in order to further their propaganda war and have something to write about.
Always our fault Alex.
Uniquely, of all the groups who`ve come to live here-only Muslims fail to integrate.
Poor Muslim women eh?…I thought we`d already dealt with T.As who can`t and won`t let kids see their mouths as they “teach English”…and the only “body language” is Arabic in the classroom or nursery.
But no-none of that competence and professionalism kinda stuff…it`ll be racist-and whiteys fault as ever.
AND-any chance of The Womens Guild who write this crap telling us where exactly Muslim MEN come into all this?
Were THEY consulted?…and if they were, are their wives and daughters still “available for work”?…or lying now under dry stone walls, with a battery acid makeover?
Typical liberal slurry…the Chinese never gave us these problems…let The Womens Lobby deal with Muslim MEN, and the role of Islam in this so-called “issue”.
Stuff the BBC…why didn`t the BBC do THIS crap alongside the “TUC/EverydaySexism” report of yesterday…and then collapse them into each other with Anjem Choudhury to adjudicate on where Islam lets their ladies “contribute to the wider society”.
Amazing! A few stupid Muslim women, serial complainants all, haven’t got the picture that the rest of them realised many years ago? The Muslim women simply set up a charity devoted to nothing but, (wait for it!) something to do with Islam and hey presto! they’ve got a job! Plenty of Asian lawyers out there will fall over themselves to assist with setting up. With any luck the charity will receive State Funding if its to do with something like, de-radicalisation which, anyone with the minimum of common sense will know, won’t work. The outcome: off the unemployed register and receiving welcome supportive funds from the State albeit from another source. Government Statisticians – Problem Solved; BBC – Big opportunity to highlight, ‘…..all the good work the Muslims are doing to integrate and make the streets of Britain safer’. Get Real!
Star Trek Discovery to feature female lead
I thought this might be interesting to read about a new Star Trek series if I can get past the BBC obsession with male/female equality.
I got to the 3rd sentence…
“According to Deadline, it is thought the lead character will not be white in an effort to increase diversity.”
Oh dear I thought. Should I continue reading this crap? I did carry on to the 4th sentence…
“Fuller also said the new show, which will air next year, will feature a gay character in the ensemble.”
I then put my foot through my LCD monitor and sent the BBC the bill.
We really are getting to the point when the BBC is going to break that toy. How much longer before people develop a complete immunity to this sort of right-on rubbish? After a while such nonsense just becomes an irritating background whine which people tune out.
GC, I’d suggest 1 September may be a watershed moment.
“According to Deadline, it is thought the lead character will not be white in an effort to increase diversity.”
And from that point on it will become virtually obligatory. So we will have a disproportionate number of black:
Police Chiefs
Head Scientists
and now:
Spaceship Captains.
Is that the final frontier then? Not a big fan, but I always thought it looked quite diverse anyway; the standard of acting certainly was. And can a Vulcan really be black or white? Surely a Vulcan is …. Vulcan.
So far as females in space are concerned, surely Sigourney Weaver set the standard in the 1970s?
There are virtually no new films which will lure me away from my Kindle these days.
As I recall, the original series covered black, white, left and right all at once.
And Kirk also snogged a bog brush, so Grayson is in with a chance still.
Star Trek having a female lead is hardly headline news. As the article itself says, Star Trek Voyager had a female lead as long ago as 1995. And, for those asking, a black Vulcan.
The only decent character, however, was the holographic doctor.
I’d watch a new series of Galaxy Quest.
The point is, the BBC have to make an issue of it just to kick sand in the face of the public (remember those ‘Charles Atlas’ ads?)
I am Star Trek fan …They have always been at the forefront of this going back to the sixties ……. For christ they has russian on board during the cold war ….and preaches equality but not to take any crap something the BBC might want to take on . If Kirk was facing a hostile force intent of causing mayhem and destruction ..I think he would raise shields and lock on phasers… not lower shields and beem the hostiles on board and let them take command of the ship.
This is not news. Star Trek Voyager had female lead Janeway, while Deep Space Nine had black lead Sisko.
Global warming is bad, really bad, it’s wicked, evil even, but:
it contributes to less deaths among babies.*
It’s not quite as bad as we thought? If and when it really arrives. Well, there’s also less deaths of old people in winter and spring with every degree rise in temperature. They tend to vote for Brexit, clutter up the NHS and are living the life of luxury funded by the taxpayer so it is not all silver lining with Global Warming when it arrives. If it arrives.
(*The BBC have actually changed the heading on this item during the day. It orginally mentioned warming as a cause in the title. Wonder why they did that?)
They cover themselves by quoting ONS “Rosie Amery, from the ONS, said: “A number of factors may have contributed to the fall, including warmer than average temperatures throughout the year, fewer women smoking at the time of delivery and greater awareness of safer sleeping practices,” she said.
Are you sure about the Title change ? cos the Telegraph actually does use the title Cot deaths at record low as winters get warmer and pregnant women stop smoking
It also has the same quote, but also has this unattributed phrase “The decline is thought to be the result of warmer WINTERS and a drop in smoking rates among pregnant women.
Is “The Penny beginning to drop” in Germany ?……………………………….
“Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere also announced plans to speed up the deportation of foreign criminals.” Didn’t the current PM try something like that with a radical Muslim preacher? I seem to recall it took many years and millions of pounds for just one. The German Human Rights Lawyers must be licking their lips in anticipation.
File this under ‘The Ever Evolving Definition of Extremist’:
The Jeremy Whine Show was discussing that stupid feminazi report showing every woman in Britain has been raped at work, most of them by Cliff Richard. On the side of sanity they had Julia Hartley-Brewer, actual, successful journalist (and part-time radio host herself), on the other Kate Smurthwaite.
Who she? A ‘feminist comedian’ m’lud. The closest she ever got to relevance was when she claimed a gig was cancelled due to potential protests from other feminists… before it was revealed she’d only sold eight tickets for the whole show. At a university. In London.
So, for those of you keeping track at home, the BBC think 52% of the population are just a lunatic fringe, but a nutter who can’t sell out a minibus and who even fellow feminazis regard as completely off the scale crazy is given a platform as though she represented anyone other than the voices in her head.
Thats the dopey bitch on gameshow Nicky sunday big questions brought on to argue about feminazism with Milo Yiannopolis
Its on youtube
Typical lefty claptrap spouting bint
Getting somebody on the programme who nobody has ever heard of seems to be a new trend. Two days ago the abominable Vanessa Feltz (sitting in for Vine) discussed (and I use that word in its loosest possible meaning) the death of the Duke of Westminster in a segment described as “… we talk to a man who says nobody should be that rich here”. The anonymous man turned out to be “journalist and author Chris Banbury”. I’d never heard of him and a search in Google also failed to positively identify him. His identity remains a mystery to me, yet he was allowed to tell me what to think for several minutes. He failed.
Worth a read – someone getting as pissed off with the BBC, as the rest of us:
I like this man –
“We don’t know where they’re all going to live but we do know it won’t be anywhere near the people letting them in.”
What a great line and 100% dead right! Excellent analysis (again) too by Mr Condell.
A new low for the BBC moderators, they’ve actually removed an HYS. Not buried it and started a new article on the same story, just flat-out deleted the board because they didn’t like what people were saying. Article in question is here.
Wish I could’ve seen the comments before it got deleted, to remove an entire HYS means it must have really gone against them and can’t say I’m surprised one bit. This action is the equivalent of the BBC sticking it’s fingers in its ears while chanting “la la la la la”
Biased BBC… tis why we’re all here innit.
Their corruption will be the cause of their downfall, to me, It’ll be almost as good as our June 24 result.
Bbc the olympics is a competition not a gathering to exploit your egalitarianistic viewpoint at our expense.
If I could be bothered I could go through all media programmes on a daily basis and find biases everywhere, someone out there is paid to do that. Who ever you are you’re useless.
Typical BBC story of “Muslim women getting discriminated against” seems to have disappeared down the worm hole that passes for Red Button news Items.
I`m sure that they`re now doing these things to bring on heart attacks and depression-only to slate the NHS for not providing enough support or closing units related to what they`re doing to the white heterosexual license fee payer.
In short-a drive-by wind up!
The comments probably tell them that their heads are up their arses…then when it`s all abuse and no respite or support for their nasty story, they shut it down and archive it until next time.
“But we had a reaction to it”-they seem to need that, just to show they`re alive.
Time to crate them, see their news for what it is…mere white bait.
At Olympic rowing today : john inverdale german media are there to interview their winning team not chat with you about the taking part. Embarrassing, remember what your there for. Oh you know yes and so do we.
Cannabis farmer set to be deported after being caught with £150,000 worth of plants
Wow, you think that the country has finally grown a pair until you get to the bottom, where – this being part of Mirror Group of lying toadies, you find that he is not being deported at all, but has agreed to leave the country voluntarily !
He has signed a waiver volunteering for return to Albania as soon as he has served his sentence.
This means that the UK will unbelievably pay him a four figure sum in recognition of the costs they save by not having to go through the deportation process !
Not even going to watch this as I rather value my new laptop…
“Female Arab athletes under attack no matter how they dress”
The monumental clue included by the BBC below the video:
Produced by Julie Wall, Mohamed El Assar and Alma Hassoun
Good job the BBC is impartial particularly with its journalists and what stories they cover – after all I’m certain Mohamed El Assar and Alma Hassoun are the perfect choice for this story.
And the article in TBT’s post refers to ‘the hashtag, #Olympics_Women_Don’t_Represent_Us’ which, in turn, refers to a twatter website where over 100,000 tweets have been lodged, opposing women’s participation in the Olympic Games in general. And, the other main reference is regarding the Egyptian women’s beach volleyball team, which was ‘mocked and humiliated on Arab social media for wearing long-sleeved T-shirts and leggings.
Let me get this straight then, 100,000 twats sent to a website. which may or may not have anything to do with dress code, but are generally against women competing at the Olympics at all. Does that perhaps suggest any particular group of people might be heavily involved ? And the other example refers to mass humiliation on Egyptian Social Media. Same question !
Now, when you read the BBC headline, were you perhaps led to think, or even assume, that an entirely different group of people might be behind the hate mail ?
The BBC – Bias by omission, and contortion.
What annoys me and I imagine others the most is the victim card played by the RoP’s followers and dutifully pushed by the BBC…. Firstly it is completely false, if there was anything the british government could do more to appease this community then suggestions on a postcard please as in my opinion there is nothing more that could be done to accommodate islam in the UK. Of course there will be nutters who persecute all sections of all communities in a multicultural society but for some reason the BBC and MSM feel that the RoP’s (mostly imagined/fabricated) “persecution” is the only thing worthy of reporting. In a disgusting twist it then feels obliged to sanitise, apologise and excuse actions of TERRORISM where indigenous populations of whatever colour or persuasion are being decapitated, castrated, shamed, silenced to name but a few…
I think the comments section, or removal of, on the terrorism issue today says it all really. The public are at breaking point and what needs to stop with immediate effect is these double standards. The british public are wonderful people, you’d have thought we were asking for something extreme here but literally all we want is a level playing field where everyone is treated equally and the BBC reverts back to being an impartial factual broadcaster (if ever it was). Furthermore, I am very suspicious as to why the comments section was allowed in the first place as this is not BBC modus operandi. I hope that it was some form of whistle blowing although sadly beleive it was in fact the utter delusion in W1A testing the waters to see whether their Guardian inherited views were shared by the public, the removal of the comments section in less than 40 minutes (there were 300 odd when I checked about 20 minutes after it had been published) maybe, just maybe, has shown them how the british public feel despite their propaganda.
On that note – I tried to look at cached versions of the site however nothing showed the comments section available. So annoyed with myself for not screen shotting at the time. However I know some posters (ObiWan I beleive) are tech savvy and if there is a way we can show that the BBC removed these comments or better still, can show the comments from the public I am certain Breitbart would run the story. Any help guys?
PS Rant over – sorry!
When is a woman a person and not a woman?
Radio 4 News and PM tell us that Alexis Jay is the fourth person to lead the child abuse enquiry. That makes her the fourth woman to take the lead, i.e. three woman have previously failed to do the job.
Isn’t it strange the way ‘woman’, ‘gay’, ‘Muslim’ etc. are adjectives of success yet become absent in the presence of disasters?
This is a site for logging BBC bias not for misogynistic twaddle. Women are actually PEOPLE. The first two women were set up to fail (IMO) by the Establishment to protect themselves, as delaying tactics – Butler-Schloss (because the then Attorney General was her brother) and Fiona Woolf (who socialised with the Home Secretary, Leon Brittan.)
If the Establishment delayed then the more old perves would die before they could be summoned to give evidence. The third one, Goddard, did fail, but I’m assuming (generously perhaps) that she was also set up as they knew she lacked U.K. legal expertise. The Establishment felt they were quite safe prevaricating with these three. It doesn’t matter to me (as I’m not sexist) whether they were women, men, transgenders or neuters! Therefore lets view them as “people.”
Just as an aside, a policeman friend of mine thought MI5/Special Branch knew who the perps were but it gave them leverage at the time.
Most of the comments here are brilliant. I often come to this site just to find news that the BBC refuse to report. There are some really clever, witty, well-informed people here and I love reading what you all have to add.
Kaffir – I may be reading incorrectly but I don’t believe that JimS’s comment was coming from a misogynistic angle although I can see how it could be construed as one as in “three women have failed at the job” – I believe it was highlighting the fact that terrorists seem to be referred to as “men” when it suits rather than Islamic extremists/terrorists etc and essentially the media’s obsession with changing names/etc when it suits them rather than reporting facts. I do not believe he was trying to push the prehistoric view that women are inherently inferior to men, which is true misogyny. If he was then yes he was being misogynistic but I believe like Donald Trump it was rather a poor choice of words and conveyance.
I think the last sentence is the true crux of the comment. I could be wrong as I’m not JimS.
Kaffir………..I read his post as an example highlighting the difference between adjectives used to describe people depending if it’s a positive or negative story, nothing misogynistic.
Misogynist moi? Some of my best friends have been women, plus all my wonderful great aunts, aunts, nana, mother and sister.
As my more astute defenders have observed the specific example of BBC bias involved airbrushing the sex of the subject in a story about failures yet it would be headlined for a female success.
Those who managed to read to the end would note the general point that this treatment applies to all of the BBC’s favoured groups. (‘Some’ say that British tennis players win Wimbledon; Scottish tennis players lose – it’s the same trick).
Of course if I hadn’t been pointing out BBC bias I could have posed the question that appointing women as leaders four out of four times is surely misandrist? But keeping to the theme of the site I won’t.
Just a note on Goddard, the day before she jumped ship. Just a happy coincidence I’m sure. http://annaraccoon.com/2016/08/04/waiting-for-goddard-part-263/
Not so sure as the fact she was married to Walter John Scott (later to become Sir Walter John Scott, 5th Bt, succeeding his father, Major Sir Walter Scott 4th Bt) is plain for all to see on her Wikipedia page.
What’s interesting is that the article you linked briefly mentions a Vince Siemer who runs a website critical of the New Zealand judiciary called “Kiwisfirst.com”. Now the author says that we should be careful about taking Vince’s word at face value.
With those words in mind I had a look around the Kiwisfirst website with regards to Goddard, and if even half true it makes for some very interesting reading. It seems that Goddard is considered a political puppet by many in New Zealand and has more than a whiff of scandal about her. In 2014 she was rated 63rd out 63 high court justices in New Zealand. Back in February 2015 they warning of the dangers of putting Goddard in charge of Britain’s child abuse inquiry.
I know nothing of Vince Siemer except from what I’ve read on his Wikipedia page regarding his imprisonment on various occasions for contempt, so I can’t comment on his accuracy or his biases but his site’s articles on Goddard are certainly eye opening if true.
I’m starting to wonder what may come out regarding the new chair, Prof. Alexis Jay in the next few months!
Two days ago Italy voted for a referendum which will on the face of it be about constitutional reform, but will have far reaching ramifications as to the entire future of the EU.
For some reason the BBC have not reported on it, and given the importance of the story it might be considered quite an omission.
The vote isn’t going to be held until Mid Autumn – October on, but the subject is well known, and so there’s no good excuse. There’s a lengthy Wikipedia page about it too.
The big problem is for Italy & the EU is that there’s no easy way out of this. A Vote yes and they pass the reforms which means all the banks are going to need astronomical sums to prop them up and the Italian economy continues to shrink, or they leave the EU, the Euro & devalue their way out of it.
This is really really important to the UK and the EU, maybe even more so than the Brexit vote, because if Italy does end up leaving the EU then it is likely the whole thing will collapse.
expect much hand wringing and wailing from the so-called bbc over this one
London jihadi bride schoolgirl, 17, who ran away to join ISIS with two friends ‘has been killed by an airstrike in Syria as she was planning to escape’
Schoolgirl from Bethnal Green who fled to Syria has been killed
Kadiza Sultana, 17, left UK to join ISIS with two other friends
It has now been revealed that she was killed in an airstrike in Raqqa
Reports indicate she had become disillusioned with the terror group and was planning on fleeing to return to her life and family in Britain
yeah…course she was planning to return home…….boohoo
She became disillusioned with the freedom fighters for Alan’s Snack Bar, was she unaware of the publicity surrounding their atrocities, had she not seen the videos of the decapitations, the torture of children? Perhaps she was taken in by the glamorous photos of these brave manly virile warriors provided by the BBC?
Now she will be a victim.
Enjoyed this line from that article
“The trio shocked the nation after leaving their A-Level courses and their families to marry ISIS fighters in Syria.”
Not quite how I recall it. I seem to remember a media frenzy, ridiculous apologies from the Met and a father of one the girls who absolutely had no clue (honest guv, cross my heart and hope to die) how she became radicalised before photographs appeared of him in a notorious Islamist rally in London standing just yards from the burning of an American flag
My memory wasn’t of a “shocked” nation rather the prevailing attitude, outside of the media, seemed to be “good riddance”.
The woman, who had voluntarily gone to Syria to support the terrorists of the Islamic State in Syria and the Levant was killed in a successful air attack on Raqqah.
All allied aircraft returned safely to their bases.
The Ministry of Defence announced that this raid should be viewed as a deterrent to others planning to support enemy organisations at home or abroad.
As the BBC won’t be reporting.
But as the Mail reports, she was British.
Incidentally, the comments below the article are worth reading.
“But as the Mail reports, she was British”
That didn’t save William Joyce…….and he was American born who happened to hold a British passport.
G.W.F…………Thanks, I just had a look at the comments and see what you mean, not much sympathy for the little darling.
“Kadiza Sultana, 17, left UK to join ISIS with two other friends”
One down two to go.
Love it Lobster! – In the immortal words of Windsor Davies – Oh Dear , How Sad , Never mind!
Can’t breathe lol!!!!!
Just got my latest ‘breaking’ news email from the BBC:
London schoolgirl ‘feared dead in Syria’
Kadiza Sultana, 1 of 3 girls who left London to join so-called Islamic State, feared killed in Syria – family lawyer
Quite who fears this revelation, and who gives a flying monkeys, to be determined.
But interesting what has rattled the cage of the BBC cubicle gardens to elevate this to the top slot.
Who fears it? The beeb fears it – wouldn’t want a Jihadi killed before she can return hope and enrich us.
typo: return home
I sure it’s now reported that she was publicly executed ….Ohhhh dear!!! Expect a full apology from the Met commissioner for failing to save her.
The Aleppo chlorine gas attack report on BBC News has all the appearance of a Pallywood production. A beefy chap is given oxygen, no apparent symptoms of either a gas attack or shortage of food in the besieged city. Then a succession of children are manhandled, producing tears but no other sign of irritation of the eyes, whites of the eyes splendidly clear.
That’s how I felt when I saw the 10pm BBC1 News and saw the chlorine attack report. That is the trouble, when you know they have previous, you never believe a word. I even wondered if the emancipated chap who was being interviewed had ‘dieted’ especially for propaganda purposes.
Hooray for Pallywood……………
Good on you lads! These far-Left protestors need a good kicking!
See the video. The Foxton people are wearing suits. Enjoy the language employed By Ian Bone’s Class War thugs.
Class War thugs are rarely arrested, none at this event. Even if arrested they are usually acquitted.
It used to be said among the left that Class War were provocateurs and narks for special branch. You will see them supporting violence in support of Jihadists.
They are currently celebrating the death of the Duke of Westminster
Class War are celebrating the death of the Duke of Westminster and call for more deaths. Hate speech laws have never applied to them.
Predictably their material comes from BBC sources and they seem to dance to BBC tunes.
I have a couple of friends who knew him, and he never had a cigarette out of his mouth, which is probably what killed him.
Unlike the unwashed ungrateful scrounging scroates who need to spend some time in a Muslim country finding out what life is like when its not so cushy, The Duke worked so hard he had a nervous breakdown. He also suffered depression and said more than once that he would have rather lived his life as a Beef farmer in Ireland, on the farm where he grew up.
In Liverpool he is particularly held in esteem as he underwrote the Liverpool 1 development, and did other charitable good works.
The contrast between his positive contribution to society, and the filthy scroungers could not be greater.
May he rest in peace.
Those unkempt ‘Class War’ louts shouting obscenities are nothing but homeless junkie scum, the lot of ’em – you can tell by their facial features that they are drug addicts and never-do-wells… pure dregs and detritus of society; I wouldn’t be surprised if they were paid from straight off the street or homeless shelters just to provide a bit of unbridled muscle… given a hot meal and a squat in which to sleep in etc. I see stinkers like this every time I walk through the city back home after work; they urinate, drink and swear in public and are revolting in their debauchery and depravity. The police should arrest the whole stinky, filthy lot of them and chuck them in jail (with a few bars of soap!). They really are a despicable rabble and are utterly useless filth that do nothing but foul our streets. They are the real thugs in this society. They must be confronted.
Maybe as a punishment, they all need forcing to sit in front of a PC screen and watch ISIS propaganda for a day. At the end of that day, provide them with a one-way ticket………………….(or maybe a military transport plane for their first experience of parachuting?).
Witness a totally useless ‘PC’ police force . Thanks Home Secretary .
I know, it would have been a joy to see the old truncheon thunderously walloping a few of these good-for-nothing down-and-outs on the cranium. They are first and foremost cowards; they have to swarm in groups but wouldn’t dare confront one-on-one. There’s only one way to bring these lowlife rat finks to heel and that is through hard physical discipline; a workhouse might be apt although I would like to see them do hard community labour… helping the elderly carry their shopping etc and clearing rubbish from parks. They do not understand the value of work and of dignity; they need structure and self-discipline in their lives not anarchism, drink and drugs. Perhaps the Lord will forgiveth them.
National Service – much better, followed up by a six months tour of duty in Afghanistan.
Yes, agreed. let’s see them confront our brave troops. They would be hurdling fences to escape!
Just had a look at their website and they are openly encouraging their stinky mobsters to break the law. Why are these excrement allowed?
Or get them to yomp on the Brecon Beacons during July and August !
Stalinist BBC have DISAPPEARED tonight’s show explaining rise of Trump on radio 4.
BBC is all Corbyn, Corbyn, Corbyn isn’t it ? So i was interested to see they have an edition of the Briefing Room called Trump’s Shock Troops, which is all about Alt-Right. “Milo Yiannopoulos” was on the Moral Maze last week and he Facebooked that he would be at the recording of the Briefing Room Thursday (which radio Times and BBC website would also be broadcast that day, last Thursday).
But readers here , saw this time last week I posted that suddenly before broadcast that edition became about Hinkley B postponement and Milo’s prog was delayed until this week. OK made a bit of sense the as the Hinkley B postponement was topical news.
HOWEVER today when I tune in I find the Alt-Right edition has been disappeared , suddenly tonight’s prog is about Special Forces. I went to Google cache just to check I’m not going crazy and it catches the prog webpage at the moment they had changed the title but not the body text.
The last episode of the show is next week ..so far that topic remains blank
Comments boards disappearing, scheduled radio shows disappearing, they get more like the Stasi every day. Why can’t they disappear something useful, like Evan Davis?
I suspect Evan now belongs to the Protected Class – one of the upper-echelon, dacha-owning elites.
I tweeted David Aaronovitch and he replied
“Why has BBC R4 cancelled your Briefing Room prog about Alt-Right, 2 weeks running ?#BBCcensorship?”
DA replied \\It hasn’t. At any one time we always have a programme ‘in reserve’. It’ll almost certainly go out in the next fortnight.//
..still a bit strange that the BBCR4 website announced it each week yet both times replaced at last moment with progs on a different topic.
BBC and MSM reporting on bombs in Thai resort. They coyly mention that “there is an insurgency” in Southern Thailand, no further information. Gosh, I wonder who could be responsible? Does this give any clues:
“Current insurgent groups proclaim militant jihadism and are not separatist any more. Mostly led by Salafist hardliners, they have extreme and transnational religious goals, such as an Islamic Caliphate, to the detriment of a constructive cultural or nationalistic Patani identity.”
Well, there’s a surprise. Wonder why they don’t seem fit to mention it?
Shot Canadian ‘planned immediate attack’
(BBC world website Thursday 11 August 2016 at 10.30 pm)
I suppose it is a little more informative than ‘Shot man’, but they could have written ‘Canadian Jihadi shot dead’.
Bomb blast in Thailand, beeb website mentions that there’s ‘an insurgency’ in the South, but forgets to mention it’s an Islamist insurgency, natch.
Electoral Fraud.
Didn’t this topic feature on this site a year or two ago ?
I can’t find nowt on Al Beeb about it ?
I see the Tower Hamlets saga is mentioned in the article which was my first thought. I also remember (admittedly vaguely) it came up regarding Rotherham. If I remember correctly I believe that it was suggested there were irregularities in the postal vote from Muslim communities in Rotherham and was one of the reasons why the Labour council ignored the widespread child abuse……..That’s the only two I can remember but I’m sure there must have been more discussed on here.
Mishal interviewed Mr Pickles about this morning on the Today programme about 7.40. Just listen to the harshness and shrillness in her voice. She did not like the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities being identified with the problem. Finished by likening it to an overspend of £8,000 by a Conservative on election expenses. No explanation of who or circumstances so I will now have to search to see what it is about.
What Ms. ‘Not enough dead Israelis’ likes or does not like, and seeks to rectify, never ceases to impress.
Its there, but its slipping faster than an eel down the list, so will be in the memory hole by the end of the day.
No comments enabled? Saves them obliterating the thread, one supposes.
What I got from brexit the battle for Britain was preserve laura kuennsberg’s career.
Islam invasion needs stopping
Brexit if it means anything at all, is Britain being able to rule itself. But more then that, Brexit means that the UK remains a historic kingdom. Brexit above all, gives us the tools that it remain so.
If its not too late NCBBC.
It’s never too late.
More bombs in Thailand. Beeb yet again mentions an insurgency and yet again fails to mention it’s an Islamic insurgency.
BBC headline: Election fraud: Politically correct sentiment a problem, report says.
Express headline: Police ‘too scared’ to stop vote rigging in Muslim areas, damning report finds.
The list of crimes gets longer and longer, bombings, murder, rape, assault, now electoral fraud.
Hilariously (not to mention shamelessly) R4 referred only to ‘certain religious and ethnic groups’ when it reported the story this morning. Does the Corporation really think people aren’t aware what it is trying to do?
In my estimation, all the BBC is achieving is the stoking of resentment both against itself and the Muslims it is so obsessed with championing.
Is it in Muslim areas or just Asian areas? Personally I think the cases of fraud in these areas are just ‘lone wolf’ fraudsters.
Then you must be astoundingly ill informed. The Tower Hamlets frauds have been extensively reported and verified. Those in certain northern towns and cities are also well documented. Only the BBC appears to be reporting this story in such a disingenuous way.
…don’t forget ‘with underlying mental issues’.
That’s the trouble with Norwegians.
Come now Tabs, you will be referring to them being Tanned lorry drivers next!
Piltdown Man fraud examined here:
I look forward to the day when the climate change fraud gets the same treatment. One of the most infamous forgeries in the history of science is how the BBC is describing Piltdown Man. A couple of quotes caught my eye:
‘She says her sleuthing on the Piltdown saga has made her think no evidence should be taken for granted, and scientists must beware their preconceptions.’
‘”Open access should include making fossils accessible to people. Now they can be scanned and shared very easily – it would just make for better science.”‘
Open access to climate scientologists data, code and methodology has consistently been blocked. In fact one climate scientist, Phil Jones of the CRU I think, stated that he didn’t want to release data because sceptics only wanted to find fault with it!
Is the melting of glaciers and the polar caps fraud? Is the measured rise in CO2 fraud? Is the effect of CO2 as a greenhouse gas fraud? Is the destruction of rain forest and its affect on CO2 fraud?
Is the melting of glaciers and the polar caps fraud? Glaciers are disappearing at a much faster rate than in recent times. However, the Ice cap has largely recovered in the North but there is increased ice in the South.
Is the measured rise in CO2 fraud? Probably true, however…;. Is the effect of CO2 as a greenhouse gas fraud? Claims for this appear to be totally baloney. There is no REAL evidence for this. All claims for this are completely unproven despite what the warmists claim.
Is the destruction of rain forest and its affect on CO2 fraud? The reduction of the rain forests, which is happening, is probably affecting CO2 levels. But as said before- any effect of this on Greenhouse gases has yet to be proven by credible scientists. All who claim it to be so are in the pay of the Green industry.
The big unproven claim is, of course, how much man’s activity has any bearing on climate change. Climate change happened before the Industrial Revolution It happened before man was on the planet, it happened before the dinosaurs. The belief that man is responsible for everything on this planet and its effects has been unproven and is a form of religion.
Of course it’s fraud – it’s the only thing that the BBC know enough about to use, regularly:
I believe the southern cap had increased and now staying level …
Electoral fraud isn’t unique to Muslims but when it’s carried out on an industrial scale it’s invariably Muslim . Since Muslim local politicians tend to be labour, it’s also a labour problem too. It reinforces the ghettoisation of inner city areas and parts of towns such as Luton where whites , Christians and any non Muslims are made increasingly unwelcome, sharia law is applied and no- one calls the police. Asian controlled labour councils are reinforcing these trends. To what extent electoral fraud gets these councils into power is not clear to me but it certainly shores them up and makes them virtually impossible to remove. When a political clique remains in power on a council for years, corruption always creeps in. When Muslim politics are added to the mix the problem is even worse.
I’m no fan of Mishal Hussein but on the Today Programme she prompted Eric Pickles several times about whether electoral fraud was largely a Muslim problem. Pickles was terrified to answer in the affirmative although eventually it was forced out of him. Maybe he thought he was about to be entrapped.
And to exacerbate the issue, if you identify it as an Asian problem, how do you focus down on it and tackle the fraud and intimidation (remember being told this was just “cultural enthusiasm”?) without the P.C. brigade clipping your wings and rendering useless all attempts to sort it.
That’s Pickles for you! The man came into office promising all manner of sensible things, including cracking down on local councils’ eco-loon rubbish collections – and then utterly failed to them.
Sorry. That should have read ‘utterly failed to deliver them’.
Pickles was no help to Ray Honeyford either when he was chair of the Bradford Education Committee in the 1980s.
The problems didn’t start with Blair. Fear of Muslims out of PC became embedded before hardly anyone knew who Blair was.
Devolution of power to local government is always said to be a ‘good thing” as it brings people ‘closer to the important decisions which affect their lives” etc etc. Devolution, especially with regard to making decisions and managing tax payers money on major programmes and projects has been shown time and time again around the world to be a very “bad thing” when those local administrations are corrupt and/or incompetent (especially with regard to debt management,procurement, accounting and audit). This would be a fertile area for future Beeb investigations, but somehow I think they may not consider this a priority, judging on past performance in Rochdale and elsewhere.
Gunner, yes too ‘local’ can be very bad. Many years ago an American of my acquaintance passed the running of a restaurant that he owned to his son. The son defaulted on a mortgage payment and the ‘local’ bank foreclosed and sold it to a ‘local’ rival before the week was out. All totally legal but I can’t imagine it would have happened in the UK where we borrow from huge international banks that see us as mere numbers.
I recall a recent comment, (on the BBC?), that large families lead to corruption too as the jobs are kept ‘in the family’, hence the ‘cosy’ family companies in Sicily that can be worryingly ‘local’.
If it occurred it must have been possible under the mortgage charge and therefore have been legal. It would not be possible in such a short time in the UK, the legal system here being one of the features which partly explains why foreign investors like, and will continue to like, the U.K.
Trust me, he was a doctor!
The point is that a ‘local’ US small town bank knows its customers. It knows who is looking for property and if it suits them they can foreclose very quickly.
In the UK if, say, one has a mortgage with the likes of Halifax then first of all their computers will start flinging out ‘non-payment’ letters and it could be months before a human gets involved. Then they have to balance the difficulties of shifting a defaulting customer, surveys, auctions etc. against giving the defaulter more time or a new payment plan, usually the easier option.
I’m not suggesting it happened in the instance that I cited but it’s not impossible that a ‘local’ bank might be in receipt of retention fees to look out for defaulters.
There is a lot to be said for being just ‘number’ sometimes. Similarly if one worked in a firm of five and fell out with the boss one might as well start walking; work for an organisation of 50,000 and its easier for HR to re-post than to fire.
This is true and another area which is long overdue for a thorough investigation is the political entryism that has taken place in council offices. Policies are often designed and implemented by activists (extremists, even) and councillors frequently seem to react in shock when made aware of the decisions and policies implemented by their own councils.
Areas such as waste collection, education, traffic management, planning and transport policies in particular have proved to be very fertile ground for the far Left (especially the watermelon wing) who have gained power without undergoing the necessity of seeking election. In other words, the much vaunted ‘local democracy’ movement is a complete sham.
This appears to be yet another taboo subject for our ‘world class’ broadcaster.
Interesting how one part of the vote fraud was done.. “I’m your landlord so fill out your postal vote paper and give it to me for mailing, otherwise I’ll kick you out of this house”
It’s a stupid system that allows this.
London schoolgirl who travelled to Syria to join IS ‘feared dead’
Feared, BBC? Feared by whom, outside perhaps her immediate family? I’d suggest most people are glad the stupid girl isn’t coming back here.
She really hadn’t figured that out before she went? I’d nominate her for a Darwin Award.
Yes, Toady was boo-hooing over this story, earlier. I’m surprised they couldn’t hear the collective chorus of ‘So what?’ and ‘Good!’ through the studio walls.
This story raises all manner of interesting questions, not least whether Muslim immigrants are actually capable of fully integrating into Western society, or whether by the time they reach the second or third generation, Islamic teachings far too often weld together with teenage rebelliousness, resulting in wannabe jihadis and the silly girls who want to sleep with them.
Needless to say, this is far too dangerous an issue for a BBC too in thrall to Islam and political correctness to even consider. Better to lie by omission and refuse even to admit that there might be a problem.
Their Facebook ‘news’ pages in complement have, unlike BBC HYS, comments threads that stay open and up no matter what.
It seems BBC editors are fearing reading what their audience says.
As John Nichol pointed out on Sky this morning, she chose to go to a place where people were burnt in cages.
Silence from stupid actress who had been emoting all over the place about how she was simply an unfortunate rebellious teenager.
These tools are simply feeding the beast.
Rebellious teens often self harm for attention.
‘Fears for…’ simply confers empathetic attention they crave, even if post mortem.
‘Mates pissing themselves laughing at the twattery…” might be a less sensitive but more effective message unless an ongoing supply of youth martyrs have an unhealthy appeal around the BBC cubicle gardens.
Saw that this morning. She is ex eastenders and she kept asking and saying what would be causing them to do this and nobody knows. No mention of the I word.
Absolutely Roland. Must have heard a dozen people say the same thing yesterday. Nobody cares, but a home affairs select committee will still apologise to the family. It’s most likely my fault again.
I also love the phrase ‘grown disillusioned’, often used around these junior traitors. Polite translation for ‘eventually found out that it was sh*t, like anybody with half a brain could’ve told you’.
She definitely gets my vote
I’d call her stupid and wicked. Yet the BBC says the ‘girls’ were all ‘straight As students, and the Met Commissioner said they’d face no charges if they returned to the UK.
Time for a private prosecution of the Met Commissioner, in that case. I would certainly contribute to funding such a case in the eventuality of any of these vile creatures trying to slither back into the country. I doubt I would be alone, either.
No one can excuse these girls. They cannot fail to have seen the beheadings, amputations, deaths by boiling alive and public burnings. they are complicit in such acts by having lent their support.
A very leading headline, why not “London terrorist suspect believed to have been killed in Syrian bombing”
Readers with strong constitutions (and a dark sense of humour) are recommended a trip to this morning’s Going Postal (www.going-postal.net) where the assembled reprobates are positively gushing with sympathy over the recently departed jihadi ‘bride’.
Three Muslima women were holding forth on the death of the jihadi bride today after the 8am news on the Toady Show.
They might as well have been drawing water for the emirs camel, the conversation no less unctuous and facile than the usual water cooler at the BBC.
Total lazy bitchfest-talk of a Top A schoolgirl who vulnerably managed to fly to Turkey, get to Raqqa, marry an ISIS psycho and chose to stay there til the Russians made a puddle out of her and her glasses.
Apparently-according to Mishal-she was due to get home, but would have been scared of the consequences-you know, a Muslim Centre, a Media Job, tuition fees and a job as an Althea/Donna tribute act…as well as a Parliamentary appearance to say why we all prejudge her and won`t let her near the fireworks just yet…nasty PCSO, nasty social workers and advocates…
Anybody yet told our Muslims moochers that the whole PURPOSE of being a Muslim is to go to paradise where our dead jihadi bride will already be sucking on 72 plums…so as this dupe is a shahada should they not be shooting the party poppers into the air to celebrate the death of this “Top Arse” of a student?
Celebrate her death-she`s in paradice-anything other, and they`ll deserve some serious counselling from Dash.
cH – I always wonder what kind of Islamic “paradise” Muslima martyrs end up in? After all the males are supposed to arrive in a sort of gigantic, free whorehouse with alcohol; I can’t see the women ending up in a similar set-up somehow.
Maybe ” Muslima Shahada gets her final wish fulfilled”.
“72 Plums assured…top medalling from the young bespectacled warrior”
“Sometimes your dreams CAN come true” says the Muslim Princess of Disneydaesh”
State Funeral and falafels to follow at the BBC.
Its been said amongst all the reporting, that her family knew ‘weeks ago’ that this might be the case – so has the story lain in the ‘basket pending’ waiting for a no news day ?
The fact that the bBC needs constantly reminding of its ‘special responsibility’ is more evidence that it has completely lost the plot and simply does not care.
According to Al Beeb, “separatist insurgents” are the likely perpetrators of the latest terrorist bombing outrages in Thailand. Sadly, Al Beeb is unable to offer much by way of analysis concerning these “separatists”. Given that the bombs were co-ordianted attacks against geographical dispersed regions, aimed at areas popular with tourists and according to some reports triggered by mobile phone calls, it does not seem likely that the bombers were infected by the “mental illness” virus, which has seemingly been swirling round Europe of late. No, this was a co-ordinated attack which required detailed planning and used relatively sophisticated bomb-making “skills”. So whisper it quietly, this attack was either by an Islamic group from the South or a well-financed political group opposed to the military government. (guess who). Judging from the lack of any significant follow-up reporting regarding the bombing of the Erawan shrine in Bangkok some months ago, we may have to wait some time for any further clarification.
As I commented yesterday, the BBC is now so desperate to avoid offending its favoured victim groups that it is in serious danger of making things a great deal worse, not just for itself but, in this case, for Muslims too.
I was in Thailand this time last year. Literally the day after I flew back home the bomb went off in Bangkok. I was actually staying down south in AoNang (a coastal town popular with tourists – think dreamy Thai islands and incredible beaches and you’ve pretty much got the picture), although I did spend half of my holiday much further up north in the rural districts, well away from tourist hotspots.
There has been a very protracted separatist campaign going on down in the southern regions of Thailand for decades now. It has involved many terrorist attacks over the years – some on tourist spots, but the majority seem to have have been directed towards internal political or religious targets.
The extent to which these latest attacks might be the responsibility of Islam remains to be determined. Islam has a growing hold over Thailand – I’ve seen it myself. Mosques everywhere and hijab-wearing women everywhere. Bit-by-bit the happy-go-lucky, free, open society of Thailand is being subsumed by the dead hand of Islam. It won’t be long before this ‘Land of Smiles’ is lost forever – unless the authorities there get very tough indeed and there is a concerted effort to maintain some semblance of ‘free’ society and culture.
From a personal point-of-view, I found it reassuring to see heavily armed policemen patrolling the beaches, silently but very visibly watching the crowds. As a westerner, in particular, you don’t f**k with the Thai police – they take no prisoners and they don’t care who you are or where you’re from: step out of line and they’ll take you down, no questions asked. If anyone can face down Islamic scumbags intent on harming other people I think the Thai authorities might just be in with a shout.
Let’s not forget that these bombings really, really hurt the ordinary people of Thailand. After the Bangkok bomb last year tourism was affected across the country quite dramatically. If the Thai Army decided to roll into the southern states tomorrow and flatten every suspected Islamic terrorist I wouldn’t shed a tear. Thailand’s tourism industry is such a huge part of their national economy that it should be protected and made as safe as possible. It’s a beautiful country – truly, truly stunning – and I wish the Thai people well in their fight against the cancer of terrorism.
Thank you for that very informative comment, ObiWan. It was genuinely helpful.
“As a westerner, in particular, you don’t f**k with the Thai police – they take no prisoners and they don’t care who you are or where you’re from”
Very true. Last time I was in Bangkok, a local man on a scooter with wife or girlfriend failed to immediately obey an instruction from a traffic cop. The cop removed the ignition key from the scooter and carried on with his duties. Message – you do as you are damn well told, no arguments.
I don’t remember the IRA being described as “separatist insurgents”, but surely they were? Ah! Weren’t they murdering the evil imperialists whose taxes fund the bBBC?
“Get the news in your language” AKA “Is that true or did you hear it on the BBC?” (Thanks to whoever posted that badge pic)
Switch list to English and lo and behold, French is an African language with Spanish and Potuguese being moved across the Atlantic, fair enough regarding number of speakers I suppose, still, bet the French would prefer a little geographic accuracy.
Oddly Azeri makes the list but no Merkels?
“Get the news in your language”
Now what other national broadcaster across the globe would come up with that kind of thoughtful offering? Answer: any which has more money than it knows what to to with and to whom integration (in any language) is a dirty word.
Still, at least it’s being consistent with the public sector free translation service.
Get the news in your language
This coincided with the picture that popped up in my Facebook page. Not strictly BBC bias but….
However did it come to this that the lunatics are running the west? NEGLECT from the establishments.On a separate note two names that have p….d me off for a while , john kerry for the now that’s diplomacy shout refering to boris,how blatently immature was that and in our country wow don’t forget theresa may what your dealing with. The other during eu referendum kiera knightley for saying don’t let them ruin it for us.What the hell the film the immitation game will never be the same for me again .Let’s not forget sarpong soobrey vaz osbourne lammy mandelsohn clarke hesseltine clegg krankie paxman golam kuennsberk ahmed dimbleby the eagle sisters angela and eddie who i like to call the pointer sisters. many more for another day
I think the Eagle twins are more like the Pointless Sisters.
9 reasons to leave London and head to Manchester:
For some strange reason the BBC has omitted the most obvious reason and the one that would top the list.
I read this article with growing amazement. Do we really pay out of our taxes for this childish drivel. Sub radio One at it’s most moronic and that is saying something.
The writer seems barely literate and is in need of some private tutoring in the use of English. They are putting a statue of Orwell outside the BBC building. A man who prided himself on using his language correctly.
Why does the BBC bother? It is as useless as it is mendacious .
Apart from anything else, they clearly haven’t visited any of the charismatic, enriched places that make up Greater Manchester – Rochdale, Oldham, Leigh etc
Journalistic quality considerations aside, should a national broadcaster really be putting out this sort of thing?
A London-based friend genuinely asked me recently: “Wait, so they have Uber up in Manchester?” Yes, we have Uber, you berk, along with pretty much everything else London has, from gay saunas to Selfridges
Quite a range of attractions then.
And of course if London has a multiculti shithole of a public space in the city centre, Manchester can beat it with Piccadilly Gardens.
If Manchester had everything that London had, it would be attracting 18m international visitors a year.
It isn’t.
Piccadilly Gardens used to be an attractive public space once. It was actually a public garden, a much needed green space in the heart of the city. The city council then sold part of it off to build an ofice block, put up a stupid concrete wall around the rest, and paved what was left, adding those cliched water jets which go off from time to time. The vicious, heartless, money worshipping Tory bastards.
Oh wait, sorry, Manchester City Council has 100% Labour councillors. Do forgive me. Obviously everything they do is in the best interests of the community. Who needs gardens anyway?
“Cannes bans burkinis over suspected link with Islamic terrorism”
While respecting the trauma France has been through and is still going through I’ll have to commend the BBC for highlighting the absurdity of this particular edict with the burkinis/wetsuit photograph, although not a burkini fan myself this ruling comes across as poorly thought out, more a case of being seen to do something than actually doing something. And although it’s a not as straightforward as a clothing issue I’m a little uneasy about the state telling people what to wear as well. Maybe starting with the deportation of hate spewing clerics, a cut in immigration and zero tolerance for those who want to kill us would be more productive than a fashion war.
Must pull the BBC for this though, ” This is not the first time that women’s clothing has been restricted in France” Come on, it wasn’t quite as simple as ‘women’s clothing’ was it. Strange times indeed.
I disagree Oldspeaker. The Islamic mode of dress/beachwear is a signal and a symbol that Islam is asserting its value system and its authority over others…..it is a component of Islamisation to do this and to demand “respect” for the values behind it…..it is an overt display of a value system….like a swastika armband or a Klan robe.
Islamisation works on many levels, and it needs to be reisted on many levels
Islamisation works on many levels, and it needs to be resisted on many levels……
………..The BBCs stance is the complete opposite of this proposition.
They appear to deny the process of Islamisation even exists, let alone their active promotion of it.
Nazi uniforms on the beach, KKK apparel on the beach, Jihadi brideswear on the beach?
Tell you what. Keep the state out of it, and allow the other beach users the freedom to express their opinions.
Just imagine what our British people could do if these miscreants were not so heavily protected by the PC police and left wing antifa Nazis.
And what a dull world it would be if we all agreed on everything embolden, I take your point and agree in principle, I can’t help but think it’s an ass first and extremely uncoordinated approach by the French authorities though. National government in cahoots with a sinister and more powerful unelected EU ruling power is allowing unfettered immigration from hostile foreign nations while local government attempts damage limitation by introducing dress codes. That may well be the full extent of the local authorities powers, it just seems so impotent in the face of a murderous enemy which thinks nothing of bringing it’s barbaric ways to European streets. Generally speaking I believe the state should butt out of peoples lives, if they hadn’t launched into such a disastrous mass immigration experiment in the first place this ridiculous ‘burkini’ nonsense wouldn’t have happened.
FTSE100 and FTSE250 both at 12 month highs. However, the BBC business page has no mention of it. I guess the reporter from the Blue Peter school of economics is too busy spinning round in circles like a broken Dalek to cover it.
“Brexterminate!, Brexterminate!”
It looks like the BBC have got themselves another non-fan.
“Sir Ian Botham has suggested Chris Packham, the BBC wildlife presenter, should not be allowed to publicly take sides in the grouse-shooting debate because of his status as an employee of the corporation.
The pair were involved in an on-air row on BBC Radio 4 over whether or not grouse-shooting should be banned. Sir Ian, the former England cricketer, labelled Packham an “extremist”.”
He said: “Why is it OK for a BBC countryside presenter like Chris to be such an extremist, while keeping his prominent role in the BBC and using it as a vehicle?”
Packham is a humanity hating, environmental activist twat. See his performance on Room 101 and you will see what I mean. Although, to be fair to him, he is only copying what all of his other licence fee supported colleagues do.
Inspired by seismicboy post

Beeb Rules on Brexit News.
I do wonder which is worse-the BBC or Channel 4.
Same restricted codes, virtue signalling and freak show of libtards pimping free rides off the taxpayer…but Channel 4 seem even MORE sanctimonious and deviant than the BBC.
Witness last nights so-called “News”…some ex Beeboid and an Anne of Cleves milkmaid with weird corkscrew blondish hair…with assorted Indian women…”banging on” about rape in Delhi.
Yet again-accusations with no right of reply from the vulnerable young men driven to it by Bollywood Porn and poverty…maybe caste systems doing them down, and certainly a lack of “educational opportunity” for these troubled boys.
Oh sorry-got all that arse over tip didn`t I?
But how come it`s all reverse polarity…aren`t rapists yet ANOTHER victim group in need of a lawsuit against Cliff Richards dad or the British Raj?
After all-every OTHER bloody minority get the liberal willy shake from Channel 4…why not extend your compassion and “concern” for these poor boys, liberal tossers?
Funnily enough-the girls glossed over the death penalty sentences handed down to these “enhanced sexual providers”-and one of them only 16.
Bet they`re happy to let that pass-just as well they`re not Muslims eh?
Tumbleweed or what?
PS-lot of irony above…reductio ad adsurdem as we say…but the liberals have yet to address their internal hypocrisies…don`t ask, don`t say…and , in other news….
One hopeful note…the ads in the Channel 4 news slot are shrinking by the month-the market knows a crock of shit when it sees it.
I have become more convinced that the bias in the BBC of which we are here to highlight, is also prevalent throughout much of the media, Sometimes it is hard to call out the BBC for blatant misinformation, sucking up to Islam, attacks on our armed services, when much similar can be seen in other news outlets.
Others follow where the BBC leads, due to its overwhelming presence in all UK broadcast media.
It’s getting beyond parody. One of the prominent Olympic stories on the BBC front page is “Why Black Swimmers Gold Medal Matters“. Why would it matter, I hear you ask. Well, because she’s the first black female swimmer to win an Olympic gold. Apparently colour matters when the BBC says it does, and is racist when it says it doesn’t.
Perhaps we should have a feature here “Olympic ‘ism’ of the Day”.
The racial separation in Olympic sports is apparent to all but the wilfully blind. There are certain racial groups who are better at some activities, beyond cultural and economic differences. Obviously it’s not now noted by the BBC or any other media.
“As she was standing there being interviewed soaking wet with a head full of soggy Brillo on her head, talking about how she wants to be “an inspiration”,I kept imagining the black Baby Mommas all over the country saying, “An’ dat crazy bitch want me to get in da pool? Wit’ dat dripping mess on her head? An fuck up my weave? Dat ho’ done lost her mind. Bitch look like a drown poodle.” Anon on SBPDL.
Another article that is significant only within BBC circles and yet more proof, were it needed, that the BBC can spin any event to support its agenda.
In a similar vein, I remember the BBC saying in 1980 how important Allan Wells’ victory in the 100m at the Moscow olympics was for white sprinters the world over. No wait…I might have mis-remembered (TM Hillary Rodham Clinton).