Had to laugh as the BBC has consistently blamed every negative event on Brexit…not quite everything….the Today programme’s editor claims its latest listener figures are nothing to do with listeners tuning in for information about Brexit….have to say the BBC is probably right…after all who would rely on the BBC’s premier disseminator of tripe for unbiased news on Brexit?
There’s always one…
My thoughts on Labour strategy post 24/9 –
Nice to see Mason admits his true loyalties:
The real challenge is to make this leadership campaign the springboard for winning a general election. That, in turn, demands we spell out an alternative political strategy to the one inherited from Blair, Brown and Ed Miliband.
But just what is about Corbyn that has the Establishment running for cover?
They are not scared of Jeremy Corbyn…They are scared of YOU
People power. Precisely what terrifies the BBC as well….look how they react to Brexit. Curiously the BBC is unfazed by Corbyn and is almost totally uncritical of him whilst others, most others, have serious, serious concerns about his policies, not least his attitude towards Jews and his friendship with Islamist terrorists.
Contrast that respectful tone they adopt for Corbyn with how the BBC attacks and demonises Trump who is on a roll for the same reasons Corbyn is but perhaps coming from the opposite side of the argument. Trump is anti-Establishment, anti the status quo and he’s stirring things up saying things that the Left want to suppress and keep out of the public debate….and he’s very popular.
The video below is a perfect example of the way that the liberal, self-professed elite sneer at Trump and wilfully ignore the paradox, the self-contradictory claims the video maker produces as he elaborately dissects a Trump interview in which Trump speaks perfectly normally, coherently and rationally. This is interpreted as a childish and deviously manufactured manner of speaking…designed by Trump to raise emotions without imparting facts or reasoning…personally I thought Trump was telling the unvarnished truth and was explaining himself clearly and simply. Such a way of speaking is apparently dishonest and manipulative….and apparently you can’t call him smart or well informed.
Note at the end the video maker say that the Public is reacting against all those politicians who sounded sophisticated but achieved nothing…and yet he believes that such sophisticated politicians are still the credible way forward. Ironically his own video is a perfect example of his own argument…a polished, sophisticated presentation by an intelligent and articulate speaker that is essentially using all that sophistication as a veneer to hide the ugly truth…that this is a video that is solely intent on being a hatchet job, a sneering, thuggish, elitist put down of Trump. There is no real intelligence behind the argument…there is no real argument….it is contradictory…telling us that sophistication is a sign of authority and credibility and yet telling us that the politicians who are sophisticated achieved precisely nothing, they did not carry out all those promises they so glibly fed the masses in order to get elected. Trump comes on and tells it like it is, hiding nothing, speaking the language of the ‘common man’, not dressing up his controversial policies in fine sounding words and sentiments, and he is attacked for his honesty…and his ability to get things done…..
I have no doubt the man who made this video will be welcome on Newsnight anytime as a presenter…..
Tremendous Alan, tremendous.
Whatever the BBC are anti of I’m all for.
Had a text message read out yesterday afternoon by Roger Phillips, Radio Merseyside, 12-2pm… now available on freeview, channel 722.
Brexit has won. Tis time the biased BBC got over itself and backed Great Britain.
No comment from Mr Phillips.
This dude is the epitome of everything that sucks at the BBC.
Looking at his photo, I reckon even his beard is biased… Beaver faced git.
How odd, I cannot see one lie in that statement, so what on earth is the interviewer on?
That Paul Mason is a complete and utter arse. The man is a buffoon. The music-teacher-turned-reporter/middle-class revolutionary would do well to read a history of communist and socialist states and political apparatus. Then, if he still believes in socialism or communism, he should be regarded as mentally ill. I grow tired of the Islington trendies dabbling with what is a totalitarian ideology, or just the good buts they like. Not one entirely communist or socialist state has ever been successful; the people under its ideological hegemony suffer in abject misery while the ‘intellectuals’ and upper classes soon get bored and return to their former lifestyles and greed etc. The Left are truly desperate in their quest for a viable political alternative to capitalism (I have my issues with Neoliberalism, too, but it’s better than what the left have to offer which is nothing) and have no understanding of reality outside their little intellectual-chatty-dinner-party-clique.
Tbaskett, I get the impression the BBC had a ‘honeymoon’ period with Corbyn early on but once they saw the division he was causing in the Party they backed off. I may be wrong.
‘How Donald Trump answers a question’ – Video
I’m confused. The character in this video takes a segment from an interview of DT replying to a question concerning Muslims. The answer is then taken apart word by word and syllable by syllable. The commentators conclusion is that the result (according to the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Test equation – no me neither!) puts Trump down as a fourth Grade debater – as compared with a number of other politicians who score significantly higher. The commentator continues his analysis suggesting that Trump is constructing his answers in such a way to use short easy to understand words and ending each sentence with ‘strong punchy words’ .
So what is Trump – a fourth grade idiot or some form of communications genius?
Oh, by the way, this type of critical overview, subjecting each word, syllable and sentence to intense scrutiny, is exactly what the BBC do to each and every report it puts out removing all words/phrases/comments which it deems to be off message before being released to us. Probably explains why they always lag!
The commentator continues his analysis suggesting that Trump is constructing his answers in such a way to use short easy to understand words and ending each sentence with ‘strong punchy words’ .
Sounds like Plain English to me – a style favoured by none other than George Orwell.
I think that after an initial Corbyn love in (eg the praise for his PMQ tactics) the BBC has realised Corbyn is unelectable. The BBC is in a quandary, Corbyn can’t lose the Labour leadership election, but he can’t win a UK General Election. The BBC doesn’t care for the working class and isn’t socialist, but is campaigning against Brexit, Trump and financial prudence.