Every day, the BBC is relentlessly spinning against Donald Trump. It is overt, it IS biased and it needs flagged up. Here’s the latest PR from Camp Clinton faithfully broadcast by the BBC…
Hillary Clinton has released her tax returns, adding to the pressure on her Republican rival for the White House, Donald Trump, to do the same. The Democratic presidential candidate paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% last year.
Now the Clinton’s are steeped in financial scandal but the BBC is determined to present her as the gold standard in financial probity. Maybe the BBC could enquire as to when she will release her HEALTH records?
Still no mention of Clinton Cash on the BBC, either. This documentary may finally prove the death knell to her campaign. There was also no scrutiny towards the fact that Trump has been proven correct in his claim that Obama and his administration created Isis, as a means to overthrow Assad. The American media is finally starting to ask questions about the Clinton Foundation and the emails proving that they rigged a primary to show a Clinton victory when Sanders was actually still in with a realistic chance with many votes still to declare – a result that would have changed everything and ironically may have made Trump’s success a lot less likely since Sanders was infinitely preferable to Clinton for many.
The BBC ignores tgese little inconveniences, but lavishes attention on the non-existent possibility that the Republican party can depose Trump, the most popular candidate in generations, and maintain the rejected status quo:
Notice it keeps stating that Trump’s numbers are falling but doesnt say anything of Clinton’s. Clinton’s campaign has peaked, and this latest scandal has done a level of damage that can’t even be calculated right now. Her online support rests mostly on paid stooges trolling message boards, and people are paid to attend her speeches for a respectable turnout. They’ve even photoshopped some of her events to show more people present. People don’t trust her and know she’s just an opportunist who’ll say what she thinks will keep the stink off her for a while linger, or pander to whatever SJW scum or victim group happens to be there at the time.
Conversely, Trump repeatedly gets 10,000+ paid at his rallies, and has done for the past several months. His social networking figures – a far more reliable determiner of popularity than partisan media polls, as Brexit showed – are entirely at odds with the BBC’s stance, giving him over five times as many followers as Clinton in most areas, and over 10 times as many viewers to his live streams. He has been entirely consistent in his political and economic beliefs for his entire career. His ‘damaging’ statements have always been deliberately taken out of context (the BBC stating as fact that he invited gun owners to kill Clinton, when anyone who heard the whole exchange knows he did no such thing) or just written off as lazy rhetoric despite the majority of his claims being proven true or at least justified.
It takes a lot to make people want to support a billionaire becoming President, when it’s already hard to break into the White House bubble, but between the anti-establishment and pro-public Trump and the pro-establishment greed-filled Clinton whose entire claim to the presidency is that she’s a woman and therefore “disadvantaged” as the filthy-rich former lawyer wife of a former President accused of raping over half a dozen of the women she now claims to fight for, the choice is as clear as day.
Trump has to win, and he will win.
Missing in the report is any analysis of what Clinton’s tax return means. At DNC 2016 she said:
And here’s how: Wall Street, corporations, and the super-rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes.
Not because we resent success. Because when more than 90% of the gains have gone to the top 1%, that’s where the money is.
Her speech about the privileged 1% looks slightly hypocritical.
The Democratic presidential candidate paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2% last year.The Federal income tax has 7 tax brackets: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6% Why are the Clintons with an income of $10.1m not paying the maximum rate?
Hillary had about $250,000 in travel expenses for her speaking business. Tax deductible?
Half of their deductions are charitable giving – including a $1m donation to the Clinton Foundation Not bad when you can claim deductions for giving to yourself. Is this just sharp accounting? How does this square with her attacks on tax deductions for the rich?
Remember who owns America-one of the richest banking families in the world, who are major shareholders of the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, & most other Central Banks, as well as the IMF et al-major shareholders in the biggest organisations in the world, the Rothschild’s, it is they that may have the last word on who runs as the New USA President. Time though that the people of America spoke out by voting against the establishment. Good luck to them.
Clinton’s answer to anyone who gets in her way – shoot them,
The death toll amongst Clinton’s critics seem to be growing by the day and it looks like Julian Assange is next on the hit list.
Hillary’s stooge has an odd grasp of politics. Julian Assange is an Australian, so he cannot be a traitor to the USA. The only country he could betray is Australia.
I am sure if a Trump associate had declared that Julian Assange was a “traitor” and should be killed without any legal process (murdered, in other words), the BBC and other left wing MSM would have made a huge meal of it. But if he’s some on Hillary’s side? Tumbleweed.
Biased much? Jerrod, Zero, Manon, Kikuchiyo… any thoughts?
I am sure the BBC will report this
Hillary releases her tax returns .Big deal BBC.
Classic deflection …What people want released are …….her medical records, Clinton Foundation records ,the missing 33,000 emails ,transcripts of secret speeches she gave to Wall Street and more.Anything but her tax records.
No one in the real world gives a fig about Trumps tax records .Hes more or less funding his own campaign. When is the BBC going to headline that…..
Very true. It is the Clinton Foundation which is the real cesspool of corruption. Bill and Hillary will never consent to release the records of that vast slush fund. And the left wing MSM will never ask them to do so.
I recall the BBC agitating, on behalf of Livingstone, to see Boris’s tax return when they were last challenging for the Mayoralty.
While Boris obliged, Livingstone never coughed his and true to form the BBC (Newsnight it was) suddenly lost interest in the matter.
This is really all to the good. The more the BBC and by extension it’s acolytes all over our media attempt to destroy Trump and lie endlessly about him the more we can see exactly what type of people and society the BBC wants for us .
An authoritarian slave state ( slave in the nicest possible way of course) where the rewards go to the elites and we get to accept what they tell us.
How to think , how to live and probably when to die.
The Clintons personify the preferred BBC politician.
Our rebellion over Brexit has rattled them and with a real financial meltdown now a probability ( Deutsche bank and Italy) fear is beginning to take hold on our elites.
Add to that the terrorism for which they bear most of the originating responsibility and over which they now have no idea what to do then we are seeing a governing class in crisis. Mrs May will not resolve anything and the Clintons will not either..
Stopping Trump is all they can think of now. Idiots the lot of them
Oh dear
This is sure to be on the msm news……has to be….doesn’t it?
Although Hillary Clinton has repeatedly denied that she sold weapons to the Islamic Stats while serving as Secretary of State, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange claims he has proof to the contrary.
Thepoliticalinsider.com reported: In Obama’s second term, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton authorized the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood, and friendly to the Libyan rebels, in an effort to topple the Libyan/Gaddafi government, and then ship those arms to Syria in order to fund Al Qaeda, and topple Assad in Syria.
And still no mention by the BBC of Hillary’s brain seizures and blackouts.
Any doubts that clinton is a witch dispelled here
America is finished if this thing gets elected
Disgusting… The slaughter of the innocents comes to mind.
This is a good article about the treatment Trump is getting from the MSM in the U.S. which is who al beebus take their cue from.
It’s not just the BBC, the online Independent newspaper is busy pumping out anti Trump and anti Brexit reports every day now, so much for being independent.
Its a race against time now . Will we get Brexit before the EU implodes ?
The Remainers and EU want to tie us in and extract as much money as they can before the implosion. Abbetted, but not ably, by liars like Theresa. Where the hell is David Davis ?
The events are being closely watched……………………
BTW has anyone seen my old pal Essexman ?
Yesterday , I had a nice day here in God’s own county , Perthshire, with an old friend who was a former socialist. I was quite surprised that he had voted Brexit. He comes from a very political Scottish family. His sister was a Labour Party Minister in the Scottish Executive. He also voted against Scottish Independence.
He kept making ironical fun of Theresa, saying “she will sort it out, no problem “. ( He knows my opinion of that wretched woman ). I replied that the Tories will depose her early next year when it is clear that she is a failure.
She was not Called the ‘Appeaser’ for nothing .
Impossible for her to sustain her ridiculous position. Foreign trips so far, Italy and Iran. FFS !
I have no brief for Obama, but why did she not have an early meeting with him ? She is Alice in Wonderland. Iran ? For God’s sake . What about China ? I cannot believe how trivial this woman is .
One of those articles said triggering article 50 may be postponed till the end of 2017 because of French and German elections, why the hell should we wait for those, would they wait for us?
Wild Bill,
The Remainers are still sucking at an imaginary teat. They cannot imagine life outside their EU comfort zone. Pathetic people .
Agree with you Grant. The EU knows it is sinking fast and like all desperate people is clutching at straws including us to prolong its long overdue death.
I think May must know this but is so much a product of the EU loving establishment she herself is probably hoping that some EU fix can be mysteriously be magicked out of thin air that will be able to satisfy both brexit and remainers at the same time.
She has been purposely vague all along about dates/what brexit means and now we hear that 2019 way well be the earliest that article 50 can be triggered.As I have said in earlier posts She is not to be trusted. She is an advocate of “they came at us in the same old way and we shot them down in the same old way”.
What she hasnt twigged however is that since the brexit vote politics has changed and I hope that a sleeping giant may well have been awakened. If she has any sense she will think again about her commitment to brexit.
The however the truth is – is that she hasnt and she isnt !
Totally agree. How can anyone say they were Remainers and then get to be PM and say they will support exit ? She is a liar. Yesterday , I loved eating cheese , today I love chalk. She is useless but dangerous so long as she remains as PM. She has to be kicked out .
Perhaps this will help her along the way ?
Anything on Al Beeb about it ?
she has little common sense – but she is certainly a sly one – However the immigration clock is fast approaching midnight and I do not believe she can hide behind vague platitudes for ever.
Brexit means brexit – but until she defines what bexit means to her few will believe her. This is fast becoming the question no one in government wants to ask!
Thank God Nigel is still around.
‘ Maybe the BBC could enquire as to when she will release her HEALTH records?’
Perhaps someone could direct me to Mr Vance’s HEALTH records which he presumably released when he ran for office….
As you are no doubt very well aware, it is customary for US presidential candidates to release their health records. That is not true of candidates in UK elections.
Now why don’t you address the issue – the BBC’s shameful partiality in the US election?
What’s good for the goose…
Gimme an example of this bias, and I’ll be happy to oblige. Apart from conspiracy theory nonsense, because it looks like that’s all you got.
By now you must have realised that there is a culture war going on in the West and that most on this blog are not on the same side as the BBC so it is a given that many of us see the BBC as anti Trump and pro Clinton.
This is just how it is and it is now pointless to argue about it. Likewise on all matters dear to the liberal elite. I have no time for the elite’s view of things and doubtless they have no time for me and those who think like me.
We won a first victory over the EU and hopefully it will be the first of many. I would like to see the BBC sold off and it’s many offshoots allowed to thrive or die.
I have no interest in reforming it and no interest in what happens to it. Our civilisation is under threat and has been for years. The BBC chose it’s side long go and must now live with that.
Dave S,
Excellent post. The Lefties will never get it. Their twisted , hateful, ideology has always failed. The only time they will ever come to understand reality, is when they suffer personally. So long as they live in luxury, they will continue to spout their ignorance of history and humanity. Selfish retards .
Voters express a preference for Karl Marx as a third party candidate in opposition to Clinton and Trump