In WW2, had a young British woman legged it to Germany to give succour to the Nazis, I doubt that even the BBC back then would have dared exude sympathy towards her. Then, had she been killed by Allied air strikes, that would have been the end of it. One less traitor.
“A Labour MP has expressed “huge concerns” about the counter-terrorism strategy in UK schools, after reports one of three east London teenagers who fled to Syria has been killed. Kadiza Sultana, who joined so-called Islamic State (IS) last year, is feared to have died in a Russian air strike in Raqqa, her family solicitor has said. She was 16 when she left Bethnal Green with two friends from the same school. Labour’s Rushanara Ali said the Prevent strategy needed a “proper assessment”. Ms Ali, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programmethe government needed to establish “what’s working and what’s not”.
I’ll tell you what not working – Islamic State and the sooner we level it to the ground and all those Islamofascist scum who fight for it and give it succour the better. The BBC has been taking a very sympathetic approach to this traitor all day. Tough. The BBC could ask what drives “British’ girls like Sultana to join terror cults. The answer is one they avoid at ALL costs – Islam.
Well said Dave.
Islam is a hate note, wrapped around a brick that’s been thrown through the window of our safe “what’s on telly tonight” Dear ol’ Blighty.
Enough already.
Indeed well said Dave- Wish that Muslim woman who won that ‘Bakeoff’ prog, would go back to where she came from-whose face we see everywhere one looks, as if no onelse was a winner in that challenge-BBC doing themselves no favours in continually promoting Islam as an ideology/religion of peace-it is fuel for the Islamic goal to destroy Western Society-for God’s sake, if for noone else’s, get this Muslim female off the screen and out of the press-in fact give her a plane ticket for she and her family to go back to the Middle East-Now whatever else happens Britain must tear itself away from the EU as fast as is possible, not in 2yrs but NOW, otherwise we shall be conned into another referendum,-Muslims take charge-which is exactly what the likes of the BBC would love; they are afterall the mouthpiece of the Elites that run the world.
We shall not be “conned” into another referendum – we will be ORDERED into it by the mendacious rulers of this country, the politicians.
Wouldn’t it be funny if the majority for leave was even bigger !
Tarien…..the muslim winner was a fix-up from the get go..
According to Wikipedia she came from Luton.
David, well said. On their website the BBC disgracefully uses the term ‘…is feared to have died…’ in reference to the scumbag who went off to fight for them. That piece of scum got what she deserved. I hope she rots in hell like all other Isis filth.
“British Tourist Dies In Syrian Blast”
Yes, the BBC really give the bias away with that one ! We all know what side they are on. I wonder if any of the Trolls would care to comment ?
Rather like the death of Bin Laden “not being fair” or Jihadi John” not getting his day in court”…the death of this Specsaver simply has not registered with anybody here in the real world.
No one gives a damn BBC-they really don`t.
What else would a Muslim woman MP with her scary hennaed beardies on Brick Lane as her “constituents” say to a Muslim woman who`s paid a small fortune by the License Fee payer…pretty clear that they`d rather we NOT look under the rock, to see what Islam is up to in schools, computers and in the kiddies bit of the mosque.
Prevent is not the problem-Islam is.
And the BBCs constant ass kissing for Anjem is putting lives at risk.
I don’t know if t is still going on, but a few years back, Palestinian terrorists made it plain that they preferred killing Israeli/Jewish girls and women. The reason was that killing a Israeli female meant there would be around eight less Jewish descendants available for the IDF in the future.
On a purely utilitarian battle strategy, and in a long war, it is certainly more effective to neutralize females, as well being a more easy target. The downside is that the male enemy soldier can get really pissed off.
Most cultures try to avoid killing women and children. In the Islamic culture, they kill women and children unless they convert. They also use women and children as human shields, as they know our restrains.
Its difficult fighting an enemy that behaves in such a way.
Kadiza Sultana, who joined ” “so-called” ” Islamic State (IS) last year, is feared to have died in a Russian air strike
BBC types would be wise to read this:
By a Hispanic who has a better and broader understanding of the world than most white middle-class Marxist liberals.
My neighbour’s Labrador has a better understanding of the world than any white middle-class Marxist liberal.
Very drool.
A Labrador will say anything for a plate of sausages.
Not unlike Eric Pickles.
I think that labs are very important for science, whatever the colour .
As Mark Steyn reports: It’s Still the Demography, Stupid!
There’s not been such an outpouring of grief at al-Beeb mosque since the death of child murderer and father of modern terrorism Yasser Arafat.
Muslim quangos in Britain never speak up against Isis attacks. Are they afraid or do they agree? What is the point of them if they stay silent?
If this creature hadn’t been slain by air strikes in the “Islamist state” she may well still have been among us, helping to perpetuate carnage on British streets, destroying the lives of British people and their families because of her “religious” views…
Good riddance to bad medicine and the company that she kept, happily blown away on a far off distant shore away from decent people..
Another good article from The Spectator. One of my favourite UK papers, and one of the few whose journalists have the gonads to tell the truth about extremist Islam.
Yes Alex, an excellent article by the admirable Douglas Murray who again deconstructs with great clarity the layer upon layer of stupidity, mendacity, deceitfulness and rank hypocrisy around the whole issue of Islamic terrorism in general and the Prevent programme in particular. The simple truth like you will never, ever hear it on the beeb, which I now consider to be nothing less than evil in its obfuscation tantamount to collaboration with the evil of Islamic terrorism.
The sort of courageous and clear-eyed analysis that we desperately need more of.
I’m glad that the “Prevent” strategy is not working. If it had, then in 50 years or less, we would be an Sharia country and part of the OIC.
So lets do our best to prevent the “Prevent” strategy, or whatever such strategy is formulated the future. It must be shown by every means, that such strategies will never work. The only alternative will then be
as Laurence Auster wrote:
Islam is a mortal threat to our civilization.· · But we cannot destroy Islam.
· · Nor can we democratize Islam.
· · Nor can we assimilate Islam.
· · Therefore the only way to make ourselves safe from Islam is to separate ourselves
Let’s all just hope that she really is dead and not suddenly going to be miraculously “discovered” alive somewhere, after she’s seen (and her supporters have) how the land lies if she came back; which is no prosecution or sanction of any kind from what I gleaned from a senior Met police officer on R4 today and the animated turds talking to their fellow Muslima on Toady this morning.
“They are just children” plod told us, I wonder if a British 16 year old hanging a string of sausages on the door of a mosque would also be viewed so leniently? I would suggest that to be unlikely and the “he’s just a child” excuse would receive short shrift.
Their just children ?!
Why do the same sort of people who say that want to give them the vote ?
“I’ll tell you what not working – Islamic State and the sooner we level it to the ground…”
You can’t eradicate terrorism with guns and bombs. Recruitment to terror groups increases when the forces out to get them become more heavy-handed and it looks like one side has an unfair advantage over the other. It’s the ‘underdog effect’.
The only way to stop naïve young people joining terror groups is to ridicule the terrorists. Think back to Charlie Hebdo. Islamist fanatics cannot fight against ridicule as long as the ridicule is widespread. After Charlie Hebdo, we should ALL be buying their publication! And if we can all laugh at them and stop taking them so seriously, we will win! Young people will stop joining the terrorists just as young people would never have become punks in the 70’s if the establishment (and many thousands of Christians here and in the USA) had laughed at the Sex Pistols and never arrested Malcolm McLaren on the River Thames out of respect for the queen.
But as it is, our broadcasters, newspapers, and the establishment in general, play to the rules of political correctness and reserve generous amounts of respect for Islam so as not to upset Muslims.
If we want to win this war we need to laugh at terrorists more and stop taking them so seriously.
I’m sorry, but if we followed your advice all we would do is laugh our way to an early grave, probably minus our heads
I take terrorism and eradicating it very seriously and the way to win any war is very simple, you just kill more of the enemy than they kill of you
Sadly, because the west has extremely weak political cowards as leaders, we lack the political will to defeat terrorism. This is due to change come November when The Donald gets elected
Jesus would be proud of you. Amen.
Jesus is very proud of me. I send his enemies to hell
Whilst this maxim would apply in a conventional war, against an army, I can’t see it applies against an ideology such as Islam. As we have seen, ‘moderate’ Muslims will be constantly finding out about the ‘true’ Islam and joining whatever terrorist Jihad group is in fashion to play out it’s horrific outcome.
You cannot just kill enough of them, as Islam will always breed more – hate is in the very nature of Islam.
I agree entirely with Edward. Laughing at, ridiculing and humiliating the victims of Islam for following their ‘faith’ – along with educating the population at large about the true nature of Islam – is the best way to eliminate it as a threat in the civilised world.
Instead of being a crime, ‘Islamophobia’ (the name given to someone who understands the backward and regressive nature of Islam) should be taught in schools. Just as children are taught in schools about Hitler, they should be taught about Mohammed in the same light.
We should think of Muslims rather as if they are members of the Nazi party. Whereas it is perfectly possible they are just token members, without really believing the tenets of their membership, we always need to be aware that they might start following the teachings of their prophet with fortitude, at which point they become a danger to wider society.
Rather like we would not be expected to put up with Sunday schools tutoring children in following Nazism, I don’t think we should be expected to allow the teaching of Mohammed-ism to children either. The end result is very similar.
Of course, until the west can honestly admit the danger that Islam represents, nothing at all is going to be done about it. We largely have the delusional and nieve left to thank for this.
The British army mastered anti terrorist warfare during the Malaysian emergency and all you have to do is simply hunt the enemy down and kill him. Weak political leaders won’t let HM Forces do their job
No doubt your last sentence is true.
But, I do not see how you can use the word ‘simply’ in your first sentence though. Whatever the will, can you imagine saying to well-armed troops “Today, go into Rochdale and kill all the Muslims who are terrorist sympathisers, who might become terrorists or supply or help terrorists”.
It would not be acceptable to anyone to ‘simply’ kill all Muslims in Rochdale! As that is what you would have to do as you cannot tell which of them is going to become, or foment terrorism, because of the nature of Islam.
The only realistic way to tackle the Islam problem in the west, is to 1) accept the problem ourselves, 2) teach the entire population about Islam, and 3) make it socially unacceptable to follow Islam in the west.
I honestly cannot see any other way without massive bloodshed. Even if some want this, it is not going to happen.
If we carry on as we are, ruled by the ignorant and conceited left, we will not realise what has to be done until it is too late. Then there will be no option but civil war followed by partition of the country into Muslim/non-Muslim areas with millions of casualties; or dhimmitude.
If you have a ‘simple’ way that will work in the 21st century, I’d love to hear it.
Here’s a simple way…..ask yourself how fascism was and is suppressed in the UK?
Apply the same actions and strategies to Islam……some examples… propagation of guilt by association, banning of uniforms, repeated searches of sympathisers and bookshops, overt and covert surveillance, negative media coverage and analysis of worldview and political positions, an unwelcoming attitude to attempts at proselytising, no state support for halal meat provision, membership of the group viewed as an aggravating factor in the prosecution of offenders, end the relationship between government and unelected “community leaders”, end the official collaboration with recruiters (called imams) in the prison system
The Ahmediyya will thrive…..the more belligerent Muslims…..less so.
“Then there will be no option but civil war followed by partition of the country into Muslim/non-Muslim areas with millions of casualties; or dhimmitude.”
Merkel thinks she has found a way to reduce the risk of ethnic cleansing, the worst case scenario which is not as far fetched as it used to be:
1. “Encourage” Muslims to migrate to one side of Germany, the East perhaps, and everyone else will move West.
2. Build a wall to separate the two. A sort of “Iron Curtain”.
That should work. What an achievement!
Yes, I am quite pessimistic about the west’s will or ability to take the necessary (or any) actions to avoid the inevitable. Our leadership, for whatever reason, will not recognize the truth. As Voltaire may have said (often disputed) “If you want to know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”. With the introduction of assaults on freedom of speech in the UK in he form of “Hate speech laws” and the establishment of special units in the UK (the Met and Police Scotland) and Germany to monitor the internet for nastiness I am afraid it is becoming very clear who we are not allowed to criticize.
Robert – And in Sweden laws have been passed banning criticism of their (absolutely catastrophic) immigration policies.
I am very pessimistic about the future of democracy in Europe, there are so many sinister developments.
Winning the War of the Running Dogs was through a combination of factors, especially providing coherent protection for communities genuinely living in fear of attack by means more substantive than insensitively deployed charcuterie.
Ironically, as with Kenya and other conflicts, the BBC seemed front and centre in placing impossible demands on those trying to restore order whilst understanding the motivations of those who like a bit of choppy choppy.
This has led to escalation rather than resolution.
Meanwhile, in Southern Thailand….
Edward, lol@bbcEUlost
I see something valuable in both your arguments. Whilst I would argue that guns, bombs, including nukes where possible, must be used, as in WW2, there is a role for ridicule. We cannot ridicule Jihadis for fear of a criminal record. Children in schools will be reported and put on a list should they ridicule a religion which is really a crock of shit. But ridicule is needed.
When the Germans bombed us, and we bombed them our mums used to take the piss out of Lord Haw Haw, with his Jarminy calling messages. And in the playground kids sung ‘Hitler has only got one ball, Himmler has two but very small, and Goebbles has no balls at all’ – to the tune of colonel Bogey.
No chance of that with today’s terrorists.
The bombs defeated the enemy and our ability to mock them made it difficult to support them with credibility.
Today, with multiculty Marxist teachers, street thugs in the Antifa defending the enemy, it is difficult to drown them in ridicule.
Just reading through this thread… Some interesting thoughts as always… Mine are…
1: This is all about Islam. No other instruction, ideology, ‘faith’, cult…makes its followers kill those who do not believe the same. The apologists/deniers have tried to lay the blame with everything else, but it’s failed to stick. These same traitors have also tried to conclude that it’s from other causes…. And then a good Muslim carries out a pure Islamic act that doesn’t fit the excuses.
Poor, Rich, uneducated, highly educated, mentally ill, mentally stable, fighting oppressive ‘goverments’, trying to take over weak ones, foreign policy, national policy, too much Islam, not enough Islam, wrong sort of Islam…. The list is endless, yet the approval/justification is the same. Muhammad has authorised the use of whatever force necessary to complete Allah’s instruction… Complete and utter world domination….and the highest honour of eternity in paradise for those who take up jihad for Islam
2: There’s references to the language used to describe the jihadi who has hopefully been sent to her paradise (or hell to the rest of us). Remember that to her, she has only followed Islamic teachings. She was being a good Muslim. The jihadis that have infested Al Beebistan know that she was following Muhammads instruction so of course they are going to be completely sympathetic to her condition. Muslims have to take up jihad to protect Islam and it’s goal of world domination.
Every single traitor that prevents the true debate taking place is as responsible for this jihadis death than Islamic state.
I know someone linked to this story, and its non-availability on Al JaBeeBa a few days ago, but Canadians seem to be more pro-active in questioning their government’s failures in monitoring those Islamist nutters likely to want to cause carnage.
The delightful Rushanara Ali, that last bastion of freedom of speech and goodwill to all men, was so impressed with the wondrous charitable work carried out by ISIS that she campaigned vigorously to prevent the west opposing them.
What an asset she is to democracy and peace.
I think anyone from Bangladesh who wants to stand for parliament should have to fill out a form. On that form would be just one question: Q1 were you born in Bangladesh? If the answer is yes, then that person would obviously be banned from participating in any democratic institution.
Before the war it was forbidden for aliens to be involved in ANY politics .
So there was more peace from them .
I would support the ridicule of islamic terrorists. However, I fear that it would probably be illegal to do so. The islamists are our enemies, but our left wing political establishment is the real enemy which will destroy Britain and the West if left unchecked.
Better get on with it while we still can:
Is there something that the BBC isn’t telling us about these Norwegians?
I think that Rod may be on to something. And here was silly me thinking there may be a connection with the religion of peace.
Afraid you`re kidding yourself Edward.
The Nazis…or indeed West Hams InterCity Firm, which IS resemble…were NOT swayed by Neol Cowards whimsical songs, by Chaplins Hitler film…and Griff Rhys Jones and Mel Smith had NO effect on the hooligans.
The Muslims we speak of laugh only when a gay is thrown from a building, a Jews is stabbed in his bed or a Jordanian is burned alive in a cage.
So whilst you refine your comedy routines…maybe you ought to look at the po-faces who might agree with you, but who-in the meantime rather side with the terrorists.
Maybe you could persuade her to join you in a satire of Sonny and Cher-or the Bhuttos-in downtown Islamabad or Kabul.
But with fifth columnists and self-absorbed quislings like this…reckon you`re wasting your time Eddie lad.
This is EXACTLY the kind of German who`d have prosecuted the Israelis for capturing Eichmann without a note from his mum.
I think ‘the ridiculing thing’ is not being understood, or perhaps not explained well. No-one is really suggesting that having a jolly good joke about Islam will – in itself – make any difference.
[Plus, the fascist left have made this illegal of course, we need some changes before it becomes mainstream. However, the threshold for political prosecutions will have to get higher and higher as more people start to get the idea.]
Joking/Ridiculing Islam is perhaps the first step towards solving the problem in the west. The key is educating people about Islam as most people don’t understand much about it and still half-believe the lies told repeatedly by the left.
The upshot of this is that it might lead to it being socially unacceptable to support Islam in the west. I see this as having many advantages – firstly the large number of nominal Muslims who know little about Islam may realise its true nature and renounce it completely. This would have a huge emancipating benefit for these people.
This simple act would have a hugely corrosive effect on Islam which relies heavily on violence and threats to control its followers – maybe not always physical violence, but the threat of being ‘shunned’ from the community is very real. If enough token Muslims leave this could have a ‘waterfall’ effect and help many more to leave and truly integrate into the west.
This may well lead to a social transformation where being a Muslim is regarded as being more akin to being a Nazi or a paedophile, than as a protected group.
As this happened, the west would be less attractive for Muslim immigration, and those that are here would feel less able to make demands on society to adapt to them. Similarly, many may choose to go to Islamic countries to live.
I would see this as an ‘evolutionary approach’ to solving the problem of Islam in the west, where one small step leads to another. The beauty is that the initial impetus is little more than a nudge in the right direction. This is the only way I can think of that could reverse the tide without extreme societal breakdown with mass casualties.
Firstly I just don’t see how laughing at Muslim extremists or Muslims in general will archive anything. Nor will well meaning education. Would it have worked in the 1930s against the Nazis? Muslims rely on grievance culture when they are in a minority. You would just be playing into their hands. Can anything be done to stop the UK’s Muslims from being Muslims? I suggest not, other than banning the religion, halting all immigration of Muslims and forced exit of those who don’t comply.How many instances of voluntary mass conversion of Muslims to being non Muslims from history can anyone think of? None I suspect. It’s a one way street. I tend to be a pessimist and see Maria’s scenario of sealed off communities being the future. There may or may not be walls but certainly the existing no-go areas will expand massively as the Muslim population grows.
“I tend to be a pessimist and see Maria’s scenario of sealed off communities being the future.”
The problem, of course, is that we used to have sealed off communities. They were called “countries”. Then a number of fools decided that populations were interchangeable so they created the multicultural mess we have now.
I was being facetious when I suggested a new Iron Curtain. What would happen is that the Muslim part would decline, as it always does without oil (and often with), and they’d be lobbing rockets over the wall in no time.
I know you were being facetious, Maria, but you weren’t far from the truth. No there may not be walls but there will be lines which non Muslims won’t dare to cross. I’ve stated my preference which is ban the religion, just as we ban its extreme offshoots or at least some of them. Pull down the Mosques and expel all the Wahhabi non English speaking Imams. If some big chunk of the 3 million of them don’t like it, offer them free passage and a lump sum to go to the Muslim country of their choice.
Well said.
One point – you lob a grenade but fire or launch a rocket 🙂
But you’re assuming that the rocket, made on the kitchen table out of old Fairy Liquid bottles, sticky backed plastic, and fertiliser, actually works as a rocket.
Hadn’t thought of that, had you clever dick?
I think we are missing the importance of laughing at the enemy. Sure it does not defeat them, but the ability to laugh at them was good for morale in WW2 – see the video – and today would be a blow against the left, the university dons and politicians who will not allow any criticism of our Jihadi enemy. The people to laugh at are the fellow travelers and collaborators.
In the end, perhaps, very serious military action might be necessary to put them back in their box for a few centuries. A pillar of fire from the sky which turns their cities into glass.
This video rattled Hitler who had previously described the Lambeth Walk as a form of Jewish animalistic hopping. So we laughed when his prize warriors appeared in this light.
A Labour MP has expressed “huge concerns” about the counter-terrorism strategy in UK schools…
But no ‘huge concerns’ about her parenting or any influence from co-religionists in her ‘community’. Nah, best not go there – the BBC certainly never do.