Unfortunately, Cam-moron handed them another 11 years to do what they want.
End it now by simply not paying. Abide by the law if you want and disconnect or carry on watching. Only the silent majority can destroy the biased broadcasting c***s.
I sincerely hope it can be changed, a decade is a long time to suffer more of their disgraceful libtard behaviour, but I think its unlikely they’ll amend the charter mid term.
I believe there were deals done before the referendum in order to get the full charter renewal (+1 year) that the bBC haven’t upheld, and never planned to
Only because shes been pushed there by Trump and Bernie …..If elected she will continue business as usual.A bit like the EU constitution .Change a few words and call it something else. …The Lisbon Treaty….
No, Eric Pickles appeared on the Today prog this morning we discussed at the end of the last thread .
Mishal Hussein asked if the rigging was a Muslim thing and he dodged answering, probably wanting to keep his own Muslim votes.
Interesting how one part of the vote fraud was done.. “I’m your landlord so fill out your postal vote paper, tick the box there… give in to me to post ..and then I won’t kick you out of this house”
It’s not only a Muslim thing .Its an India /Pakistan/Bangladesh thing and was imported years ago.It can only be effective when there are enough of a clannish culture dominating an area as in Tower Hamlets.
I have an Anglo Indian friend who lived in India until a few years ago and she has said everything runs on corruption and back handers.Nothing gets done without money changing hands ,even the smallest thing. Another friend lives in Tower Hamlets and has been telling me about the corruption for years and she is herself an immigrant of the Windrush generation.No one in authority wanted to listen.
Multiculturalism doesn’t work .UK law should be paramount and should be enforced no matter who is breaking it. Come on BBC how about an in depth documentary about political corruption within certain cultures .Lets get it out in the open. What’s that you say…?.. We are looking into Donald Trumps activities ……..hes much much worse ….Grrrr.
I think such voting patterns are universal. One can see this in New York, Miami, Los Angeles – voting patterns are based on race. In San Francisco, the mayor, chief police, and DA , are all gays. No race, just sexual preference ie culture. In Baltimore – its race. And so on. Voting fraud is just as big a problem in America.
In the UK its based on what “I” can get out of the system. Or if one is too well off, how not to pay into the system. Most Muslims are unemployed, so they will vote Labour if there is no Muslim alternative. Ditto Blacks. Indians are business savvy, or well educated and well paid professionals, so they vote Conservative.
Generalising (though risky), if one is unemployed (then generally not well off), one is forced to live in a poor area. It is then necessary that your vote count, or your physical well being is threatened, if tye “wrong” party comes to power. Voting fraud follows.
People in well off areas do not have that particular incentive to electoral fraud. However, business/financial fraud is more likely. This kind of fraud is also likely to affect voting outcomes. America is a clear example, where large corporations and super rich people can affect the election. Is this electoral fraud?
@Deborahanother I accept your point
If the corruption is so well known about, why wasn’t postal voting suspended until a better system found ?
eg Have a special postal counter. You hand the guy your ID, he authorises 1 vote, you push a button to vote (shielded from the counter guy). That way its your secret vote and your landlord wouldn’t know.
Wall to wall Olympics.
And not a mention of how all those hacks in Rio will have caused the deaths of loads of Amazon rain forest, their swimming pools taking the very water out of the bairns mouths at the favela-nor their gross and wasteful adding to the worlds carbon footprint.
We`d better not visit granny in Norfolk now had we?…and best pay Milibands levies until the NEXT jamboree for all the BBC hacks.
Their airmiles are lavender ones…
So WHY all this Olympic crap?
My theory-that the sporting elite require the isolating uncritical worship that the political elite expect as of right…all Remainers, platitudes and homoerotic onanists who demand our attention and our money…because they`re worth the empty adulation and constant putting up on the airwaves.
Sport and politics, media cross fertilisation-useless competition that only they care about.
We voted to leave the EU, we know how sport only allows ugly people to get on the telly to say nothing, but get worship from the hacks, timekeepers and fat sports fantasists who think any of what they do matters.
Two items of muslim interest competing for BBC attention at the end of the week on their tv news – but both fail to ‘medal’.
Knocked out early in the heats was the story of the apparent death of one of our formerly famous three mosqueteers self-graduating from Bethnal Green academy to the ISIS finishing school. All for one and one down, courtesy Mr Putin. Serious face from our Naga Munchetty and moving quickly on…
News where you are – which happens to be London. BBC London spare a line re the regime of the former bent mayor of Tower Hamlets. A report says corruption and electoral fraud went without challenge due to political correctness. Excuse me, I just had a flash back to the Rotherham child abuse inquiry where for one day similar assertions were made and then disappeared off the BBC radar.
Viewers were advised to go to BBC Radio London should they want to hear more. And there we were thinking this story might possibly merit a place on the podium. Just pipped for a bronze.
Watching Fiji vs UK in the Olympic games the camera shows a Fijian on the bench with his head in his hands while moving his lips. The BBC commentator says the Fijian is weeping.
No you ignoramus he’s praying! Though it’s little surprise that a Beeber fails to recognise an act of Christian observance.
Muslim women under-represented in the workplace = Big Problem lets talk
Traditional Anglos-under-represented in NHS jobs and jobs like doctors = No problem, no talk.
“Government must tackle inequalities faced by Muslim”
“Muslim women are the most economically disadvantaged group”
“While 69% of British working-age women were in employment, among Muslim women it was 35%. Nationally, 5% of women were unemployed and seeking work but among Muslim women it was 16%.”
“They are 71% more likely than *white Christian* women to be unemployed, even when they have the same educational level and language skills.” (Why pick white Christian women ? when white people are more non-religious than the general population these days))
“The report concludes that inequality, discrimination and Islamophobia particularly affect the lives of Muslim women, when looking for work and then once in work.”
My father pointed out that the inside a hospital in a typical northern town the staff are much more multicultural than the streets outside
The NHS seems to have a highly multicultural staff, particularly doctors (The Express said Now a mere 37% of NHS doctors are white British)
We know that different cultural groups make different lifestyle and employment choices, so perhaps some people choose not to work in hospitals
But when it comes to Muslim females the committee doesn’t think it could be about choices and shouts “Islamophobia ”
BTW would it be wrong to say that in a Muslim restaurant in the UK you almost always get served by a man ? Not a woman ?
..Wonder if the committee thinks that is an issue ?
I listen to less and less Radio 4, for reasons you can all imagine. When I have tuned in of late (other than to “Test Match Special” or “The Archers”) I have often been greeted by Samira Ahmed (“Front Row”) Mishal Hussain (“The Today Programme” and on TV news) Ritula Shah (“Any Questions?” and “The World Tonight”) Anita Anand (“Any Answers?”) Rita Chakrabarty (“The World Tonight”) or even Razia Iqbal (“The World Tonight”). Are Asian women over-represented on Radio 4 news and current affairs?
I can picture you now, pacing up and down your dingy room, with a window that looks out onto a well built brick wall, at 3am on a Saturday morning, waiting for a troll to turn up to add spice to your life.
@taffman as I mentioned in the last 2 threads the Reuters Institute Stat puts the number of Muslim journalists at 0.4% (say 1 in 250) , but when you listen BBC R4 or BBC WS you are never more that 2 hours away from the next bus of Muslim Journo, so the Reuters stat breaks the “too wow to be true rule” and doesn’t seem credible.
NCBBC – now if you read the Lancaster Plan, you will notice that the plan is not to OPPOSE the Religion of Peace but to APPEASE said religion….. http://www.newenglishreview.org/John_M._Joyce/The_Lancaster_Plan/ (the meat – not halal – is about a third of the way in)
Oh to return to the days when the news didn’t include one Muslim related story. I think that was around pre 1980, and before they overrun this country like ants. Now its a constant stream of Muslim doctors struck off, corrupt Muslims in local authority, Muslims involved in child abuse; and not content with that, we now have Muslim winner of Bake Off, female Muslim newsreader in hijab on Ch 4, reports of Muslim sporting women in Rio, and now its lack of opportunity in the workplace for Muslim women ( funny there is certainly no lack of opportunity when they’re queuing up at the free Maternity ward to give birth to yet more British Muslims ) but any incidents of terrorism and suddenly there’s an outbreak of mental illness amongst Muslims.
The media push the agenda of the Muslims constantly, so who do I complain to that as a white British Christian (isn’t it something that I have to announce MY ethnicity in the country of my birth in this way?), I am offended !
Brissles, at least we were allowed to laugh about Islam in those early days when it was only just starting to become an issue. An early episode (about 1979/80) of the sketch comedy Not The Nine O’Clock news showed a mosque full of blokes on the floor with their bottoms in the air. They were looking for the Ayotollah Khomenei’s lost contact lens.
Around the same era, a hilarious episode of the sitcom Yes, Minister showed Jim Hacker and his department on an official visit to a Muslim country. Unable to face a social event without alcohol, they set up a well-stocked ‘special communications room’. After repeated visits to it in response to ‘message from Jack Daniels’ and ‘message from Mr Haig’, Jim has had so many special messages he’s legless. This episode also featured civil servant Sir Humphrey in full Arab costume. It would seem some of our officials had Islamic sympathies even then!
Not the Nine O’Clock News also did the song “Ayatollah Khomeini closer”. We weren’t afraid of them back then. The fatwa on Salman Rushdie started to change that a few years later. Muslims know that terror works, it is the foundation of their religion. Submit to the will of allah, or die. It has a certain crude but effective simplicity.
I know what you mean. As Mark Steyn said: “I’m Islamed out. I’m tired of Islam 24/7”.
On a practical level, how much is this costing in terms of time and attention? How many other important national and local matters are being sidelined because these self-centred primitives seem to be unable to get along with anybody except on their terms?
taffman, A positive, informative article on Brexit from the BBC? This simply cannot be – and yet, I cannot doubt the evidence of my own eyes.
Even the dismissive comment from that far-left twit of a shadow chancellor John McDonnell (may he forever remain in the shadows) is relegated to a few lines at the very end of the article.
Dunno what the original article you posted looked like, because it’s been updated; it currently has a time stamp on it of just over an hour.
Whoever wrote it needs to be careful because it’s really not a good career move at the BBC.
I don’t watch live TV so I do not need a TV licence. I do use the iPlayer so from 1/9 I am liable for the TV if I continue to use the iPlayer. I will obey the law, and stop using the iPlayer.
Others may not be so law abiding and from what I can gather detection and enforcement by the BBC will be very difficult.
It really is a pathetic effort to create a problem where there is none. And notice how the BBC East Midlands presenter [@ 1:53] talks about “groping” and “grabbing”, but after someone off-camera says something abusive, she says “like that”. She didn’t get groped or grabbed, but she was talking to a camera crew and is fair game for the idiots of Nottingham (and there are MANY!) to see an opportunity for fame.
Notice how all the women at the beginning of the video are smiling whilst ‘complaining’ about sexual harassment. They don’t exactly look like they’re not enjoying the idea of attention.
And then we have Martha, who obviously attracted the wrong type of bloke when he jumped on the tram to stare at her breasts. Considering Martha is drop-dead-gorgeous, you’d have thought she would have worn a hijab or even a burka to prevent such mishaps. But no, she decides she will spend some time on making herself look gorgeous in the mirror, and hope that the only men who ogle her are eligible.
Unfortunately for Martha, life doesn’t work like that.
Edward, the video you refer to shows just how stupid the police are and that political correctness is taking over from common sense. The police officer being interviewed stated that staring at someone’s breasts isn’t a crime but in certain cases the police would take the matter to court. On what grounds exactly ? It was also said that the victim would determine whether a hate offence had been committed . These self categorisations of crime by victims which plod then dutifully records as a hate crime are a major factor in the so called explosion of hate crime. The issue is largely invented by left liberal
types who now infest the police as well as the BBC . Apart from the Marxist teachers who make up tbe Blob and back to the 70s unions like the RMT and the BMA, I would add the police to the list of candidates desperately in need of reforming or eliminating .
“The police officer being interviewed stated that staring at someone’s breasts isn’t a crime but in certain cases the police would take the matter to court.”
Turning one’s head away from the direction of a woman’s partly exposed breasts may be an act of politeness or it may be an expression of suppressed lust. In such cases can we expect the police to take the matter to court?
Here’s one that really happened . A young lady probably enebriated cupped a middle aged mans tackle in a pub before she left . The bloke was merry without wife , mistress escort whatever and it was last knockings after a racy gambling fuelled night .
Now should said damsel be refered to the authorities after a complaint from the sozzled old geezer and put on sex offenders register ?
Back in the land of common sense the lucky grizzled git would be laughed at for not appreciating the nubile wenches complimentary sizing up , even prosecuted for wasting police time .
And if it had been the other way round , and the lecherous old sod had suddenly felt the charming ladies regions of sensuous , rightfully he would have been punched by other drinkers , and banned , even prosecuted .
We live in interesting times . No rephrase that , we live in Gramscian inverted times .
I’ve just been reminded of a disconcerting incident from BBC Radio 5 from roughly 5 years ago – a time before I boycotted the station permanently as a result of the constant unpleasant mixing of sport and leftist politics practised there.
During the long build up to the 2012 Olympics one of Nicky Campbell’s right-on female acolytes (probably Ratchel Burden) took pains to share with the listener as an off the cuff on air remark the snippet of personal family information the claim that her four-year-old son’s greatest hero was supposedly the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt. Now I took this as being rather strange. Bolt had yet to become a household name here in the UK. Interest in athletics is very much on a four-year cycle tied to the Olympics. The idea that a toddling young chap living somehwere near Salford might admire Wayne Rooney could pass as possible – though surely influenced by his parents. But I’m afraid I questioned the Bolt assertion. The PC-minded journo was trying just a little too hard to share the love by telling her audience that her son’s hero was a black man. Condescending liberal BS.
Which bring us to this morning when the BBC hero joins his admirers for a minute of quick-fire questions in what the BBC calls the hoolahoop challenge. Katherine Downs, I believe it was, the lucky gal down in Rio asking the questions.
Q: What’s your favourite thing about about the UK?
A: The track
Q: What, not the people or… the weather…?
A: No, the track.
So despite all the BBC love not much love shared back to us Brits there, I’m afraid.
Oh dear. They do say never meet your heros.
Oh well, in the words of another famous Jamaican: No, woman no cry.
Re : ‘Five Live presenters toddler loves Hussein Bolt’ ..well they might have Jamaicans connection in her family, maybe her husband, neighbour etc. Or on a BBC salary she might spend half the winter in Jamaica etc.
But a quick google bring me to a special PDF called BBC Diverse Talent which only promotes 110 non-anglos.
Because of our tax laws (thank you Gideon), Bolt only races in Britain when he gets a special exemption from being taxed on his world wide earnings. That probably doesn’t endear Britain to him. He seems like a nice fellow, but he’s a Jamaican born and bred, so only a Beeboid virtue signaller would assume that he has to have some sort of special feelings for Britain.
“”It has been a bruising August for the Republican presidential nominee. He attacked the family of a fallen US soldier, appeared to encourage violence against his rival Hillary Clinton and feuded with members of his party. The list goes on.”” (He did not attack the family of a fallen US soldier nor encourage violence against Clinton. If you are a Democrat or BBC, you will take the biased view. Also, note how Clinton is given both names, Trump is only worthy of Trump).
“”Many Republicans have determined the Trump campaign has finally reached the point of no return and are running for the exits. So what are their options?”” (Once again, the BBC’s use of ‘many’, which suggests over half? Most? Any?).
“”The best way for the Republican Party to replace Mr Trump on the ballot at this point is for the New York billionaire to voluntarily leave the race, says Charles Spies, a former top lawyer at the RNC.”” (Left Wing BBC hate capitalist Billionaires, ergo Trump is doubly hated).
“”Unfortunately for the Republican Party, Mr Trump isn’t likely to ride off into the sunset quietly. So even though his poll numbers are circling the drain, he is still drawing huge crowds to his rallies, raising millions of dollars and attracting hundreds of journalists to hang on his every word.”” (Poll numbers circling the drain?? Yet our not-neutral BBC then contradicts itself).
“”Republicans have long suspected Mr Trump is not a “real Republican”. A Trump presidency would test those suspicions. Also Mr Trump may have done lasting damage to the Republican Party’s brand with Latino, black, Muslim and women voters. Mr Trump could win with the help of an overwhelmingly white voting bloc, but it may be a pyrrhic victory – a last hurrah for a shrinking party.”” (The BBC Left/Democrat knife goes in between the shoulder blades).
And the photos once again are very unflattering. The BBC really must fix their Trump-Camera).
Juvenile lefties have largely taken control at the propaganda outfit known as the BBC. The photo of Trump sinking to the bottom must have provoked a great deal of sneering and guffaws among ‘journalists’ who play to the lefty in crowd and have forgotten that they are meant to serve the general public – if they ever knew that basic fact.
Seems the BBC is trying to compete with the lefty US media to see who can denigrate Trump the most.
As opposed to the more mat… er… exper…. er…. profess… er… older ones already installed, if currently on leave for the school holidays as no news occurs for these months. Apparently.
True, Guest Who, the fossilised oldies at the BBC are as bad as the up-and-coming juvenile crew.
It’s sad but true that the younger ones, who should represent hope for the future, have an agenda and ideology cloned from their elders. Decades of indoctrination’ at lefty centres of ‘learning’ along with the closed nature of the BBC club have ensured that is the case and will remain the case.
It’s a mystery to me why the Republicans, with a field of many excellent candidates, chose Trump.
It is also a mystery to me why no political commentator on the BBC has mentioned, in comparison, the paucity of candidature from the Democrat ranks. Or it would be if I did not realise that the quality of journalism, editing and production at the BBC is constantly hitting new lows.
A bit like the Democrats and Republicans in the USA.
The Primaries, unless I have missed something, are generally a Party affair. I do seem to recall that some States allow cross community preferences to be considered as well but largely we have only got to where we are now in the US Election via the Party machines.
I think Deborahanother was pointing out that it was the people rather than GOP officials who chose Trump, and in record numbers. Of course these were mostly Republican voters but I believe there was also evidence of Democrats and independents coming over to Trump.
The people voted for Trump because he spoke their language. They want a wall built! They are sick of endless immigration, which is rapidly turning the USA into a Hispanic nation. The Republican grandees didn’t get it. They see Latinos as cheap labour, working class Americans see them as the guys who do their jobs for less money. Trump gets it, and he gets their vote.
*Jeb Bush with his sickly smile and backed by the Bush name and millions of dollars
*Marco Rubio who hardly made an appearance in the Senate, letting Florida voters down
*Lyin’ Ted Cruz who played continually to the gallery and wasn’t even big enough to endorse Trump at the end
*John Kasich, who only managed to win his own state in the primaries
*A medical doctor with good ideas but without the drive and strength to lead a great country
*Ron Paul, I think his name is, who always battles for power but just doesn’t attract the votes
*Governor Christie, tough on crime but hard to imagine as president
…and so on and so forth.
Cometh the moment, cometh the man – and it certainly wasn’t any of them.
I’m just hoping that there are enough Americans who are sick and tired of political corruption and especially appalled at the prospect of crooked Hillary weakening the US and empowering the country’s enemies for four more post-Obama years.
Predictable Beebspeak presentation of Hammond’s plans to fund replacement EU schemes with ‘taxpayers money’ – as opposed to the reality of reallocated UK/EU money. Somehow, in all the hurly-burly of understaffing thanks to the mass exodus to Rio, the editing team managed to overlook that salient point. Maybe they’ll create a more balanced view as the day wears on…..provided no Muslimocentric items take precedence, of course.
You’re right Beltane.
I heard on the bbc radio this morning that it was going to cost £4.5 billion.
The impression they were trying to give was of an extra cost to be met and not that it would mean carrying on as before using money from the current eu payments.
They also managed to get in that this means less could go to the NHS.
The ‘special insight’ is that they are not only fellow-sufferers they are fellow-travellers. Belief in Islam IS mental illness, a more severe condition even than belief in Marxism, but only just.
Speaking of overlooking things, apart from short-term coverage on BBC4 and none at all on BBC1 and 2, not so much as a mention has been made of Amber Hill (Youngest ever Sports Personality of the Year, multiple championship gold medal winner and by far the most photogenic and charismatic UK Olympian of her age in Rio) just missing out on a medal in the Skeet shooting.
As perhaps the most non-PC of all sporting activities, the BBC must be deeply frustrated that shooters seem to keep winning Olympic medals, so the chance to reinforce their prejudices and blank this charming girl’s immense achievement must be quite a relief.
Edward Ling received extensive coverage yesterday, Beltane, on BBC Radio4. Delightful it was, too. He sounded so refreshing compared to the youngsters that the BBC was boosting like nobody’s business prior to, during and since 2012.
I was thinking about the decision of the BBC to erect a statue of George Orwell at Broadcasting House and came up with a much more appropriate idea for them. Another well known BBC employee who worked for the corporation at the same time as Orwell was the traitor Guy Burgess. Surely this Communist spy epitomises the values of the BBC much more closely than Orwell. After all Burgess severely undermined the country for a couple of decades which closely mirrors what the BBC have been doing for the past forty years.Whereas Orwell fought for truth and free speech, something which the BBC finds an alien concept in the 21st century.
Anyone know if there’s some historical or physiological reason behind – no double-entendre intended – the use of the word ‘rampant’ in relation to homosexual behavior?
If you can bear it, listen to this piece of unashamed pro-illegal immigrant propaganda from last night’s PM visit to ‘Brexit Street’ in Middlesborough.
The illegals all sound so lovely and reasonable – and of course all they want to do is integrate – compared to the chavvish locals who, much to the despair of one of the illegals, have this distasteful culture of smoking and drinking (how amazingly sensitive, not to mention totally effing ungrateful, from someone who has allegedly escaped violence and political persecution in Africa). One of them had mysteriously been without papers for 9 years (yep, that’s nine years as an asylum seeker) – and no, we didn’t find out why.
I was beginning to feel as helpless and despairing as Winston Smith at the unrelenting propaganda, so had to get out of the bath to switch off. It was dire. I dare you to listen – 20 mins 45 secs in:
‘The trafficked African woman, was so sad cos she explained no one on the street has befriended her’
..Fair enough if she was genuinely trafficked and her asylum application has been refused.
But then the bbcContyradiction as the next moment they talk about a large number of refugees on the street are happily in the mixed asylum seeker football team.
Em how come there is a big group of asylum seekers and friends on the street and she is unaware of them ?
Comments are still open on this. What puzzles me is how, when I sort the comments by ‘Highest rated’, every so often you find one that has high negative rating (i.e. generally toeing the BBC party line) e.g. 23+ 68-, 22+ 45- ?
It’s as if the Beeb can’t resist injecting a bit of propaganda.
SpinningReith, no, there’s nothing suspicious there. They order the highest rated simply according to the up arrow count, independent of the down arrow count. So as you go through the pages there will come a point where the negative count exceeds the positive.
Conversely, have a look at the first lowest-rated page. The pro-Brexit comment by Sense1 has 235 positive votes against 75 negative and so you wouldn’t expect it to be on the first lowest-rated page, since public opinion on these Brexit articles always goes strongly against the BBC. it’s only there because of its high negative count, while the much higher positive count is not considered.
They don’t subtract the negative votes from the positive ones, so you get the bizarre situation that a comment can be the most upvoted and most downvoted at the same time.
Having said that, this does ensure that people are exposed to different opinions that they may not agree with, so I don’t regard it as a bad thing myself.
Anyone noticed that over at the Daily Mail comments , our SJW friends have found a way to hack the vote count , such that OFTEN suddenly a lefty comment running against the grain has 5,200 upvotes ?
Maybe Sir Steve Redgrave will be posting to this site soon ;), obviously getting irritated with our world class broadcaster even when being paid heaps of cash by them!
The bBC has been shoving it down our throats all week that Blacks are finally making a mark at the Olympics.
There was the young girl who won gold and here is how the bBC reports on it: Why Simone Manuel’s Olympic gold medal in swimming matters
Records, as the sporting cliche goes, are there to be broken, but while Simone Manuel’s Olympic record time in the women’s 100m freestyle final will eventually be surpassed, she achieved a first that no-one can take away.
Touching home at the end of a remarkable race, Manuel became the first black female swimmer to win an Olympic gold. She said she hoped her victory would encourage greater diversity in her sport. Here is why Simone Manuel’s win is so significant.
“Swimming pools have been a racially sensitive flashpoint in the US for generations. African-American people were often denied access to pools in the segregation era, and even after its abolition white people found other ways to exclude them. Nor has building pools for black areas been a priority.”
“Swimming lessons still are not compulsory in the US, something USA Swimming wants to change. Despite all this, outliers can emerge.”
“The crude stereotype, that black people are less buoyant than white people, has been debunked, but it remains the case that certain sports are seen as the preserve of particular races.”
Such perceptions are deeply culturally ingrained, but pioneers like Manuel can help shift them.
Help shift them bBC?
You mean like the number of blacks in Athletics, Boxing, Basket ball, Football, long distance running , funny how the suckers at the bBC kind of leave out of the picture, those sports where black people excel, yet for all of the above, the first Black American woman to win gold in the Pool is deemed to be a game changer.
Damn and there was me thinking that Jesse Owen did just that in 1936 in Berlin.
The bBC, promoting racial disadvantage as the reason why Black people tend to sink rather than swim in the pool.
BBC Television News 1500, another new black face. Went by the name of ‘Lokuetta’ or something like that. I’m beginning to think the BBC enjoy taunting those who raise this issue. Anyway, for the BBC not a lot longer now before all the white faces are removed altogether.
Would recommend Channel 4 for the multiculti bucket brigade of ethnic floristry that THEIR News gives us?
Can`t speak English, but can claim expenses?…check
Speech Impediment?…check
Regional affectation or street slang gangsta made good vibe( RADA trained)…and tats?…yes please!
Last night carried THREE daisies in this inarticulated glo`ttal stop slang, disguised as “news reporting”…three stories in a row…no whitey in sight, unless you count a Roma rapper with a knife to your neck as he sings about one love and lovin` peace an t`ing…yeah?”
F…in Simeon Brown can`t even spell his own name and talks like a bubble in a farting bathtub.
But they have a Carribean Queen who links the shows-and by the time we`ve gone through what she`s said, we`ve missed the programme…whose plums do they have in their mouths and they spout this old slang of Railton Road?
Give us that gormless geordie again…little did we know that THAT would be Channel 4s gold standard…
Splendid “masthead” as you say GW.
Maybe we need a minutes silence for the previous logo thought-the Soviet, EU and Islamic mashup was quite wonderful too!
And-was anybody here consulted about this…I for one did not get my postal ballot on this “revolutionary change in logo”…and maybe we need a petition from someone, an apology from Mr V or Alan…and, some fifth columnist saboteur in our midst who gave assistance in this seismic event.
Am about to throw a lego brick( or Betta Builder) through my computer screen and occupy the hole I create until we get an enquiry here-and heads roll!
That poor logo!…will we ever see its like again?
And this is only the START of the post-Brexit New Settlement…resign, shame….
Thanks for kind comments re new masthead! The site needed a little refinement. We will also be launching a Facebook site and of course the Twitter site is also there for you.
Could the BBC be correct in identifying Muslims as having a psychiatric disorder when it reports that an Asian male called Mohammed had carried out a terrorist act?
…..Psychopathic people and behavior are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths. http://tinyurl.com/prvjrpf
Although the following took place in Israel on October 4, 2015 I think that it supports my previous posting. Particularly note the BBC reporting at the end..
Islam As Pathology -Muslims Laugh And Spit On Wounded Mother And Baby After Husband Murdered In Terror Stabbing
Arab Witnesses Laughed, Spat at Wounded Terror Victim
Widow of Aharon Banita-Bennett described the savagery of Arab passers by, who laughed as she fought death….
On Sunday afternoon Adelle Banita-Bennett, widow of Aharon Banita-Bennett, who herself was seriously injured in the stabbing attack Saturday night in Old City of Jerusalem, woke up from medical coma she had been placed under in order to enable doctors to treat her.
Among the first people she spoke to was Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau, whom she told in detail about the attack.
The widow told Rabbi Lau that she attempted to escape from the terrorist after the stabbing began.
“I ran for dozens of meters with a knife in my shoulder, bleeding. Arabs in the area who saw this horrible scene clapped and laughed, and told that they hoped for my quick death. I felt I was about to faint,” she said. “I tried to hold on to someone who passed by, and they just shook me off and kicked me, and said ‘die.'”
and in putting the above together I came across the following….
The head of Israel’s Government Press Office issued a warning to the BBC Saturday evening, following its eyebrow-raising initial coverage of the deadly terrorist attack in Jerusalem last night which killed two people and injured three others, including a toddler.
The terrorist murdered 21-year-old Aharon Banita-Bennett and wounded his wife and two-year-old child, along with another person, and murdered 41-year-old father of seven, Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, as he attempted to save them.. The terrorist attacker – a 19-year-old college student and Islamic Jihad member – then stole Lavi’s gun and opened fire on police, who responded by fatally shooting him.
But to the shock and anger of many readers – who took to social media to vent their outrage at the BBC’s initial headline which read: “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two!!!!
Breaking news of a 27 year old Swiss citizen who has run amok on a train with a knife and inflammable fluid which he has used to burn people with. A 6 year old has been stabbed.
No news as to whether someone was looking for Alans Snack Bar yet, but it seems highly likely.
Move along guys, nothing to see here. Just another loony escaped from the asylum… Come to think of it I hear Switzerland is a hotspot for Norwegian tourists ?
Then again come to think about it the Swiss Alps are very mountainous… Perhaps a lone wolf with mental illness has escaped from the hills…
Thank god for the BBC ey… We’ll get the updates as soon as they happen
Speaking of Facebook, it is clearly Hijab Day at the BBC as every post seems to be about this fashion trend.
Sadly the comments from those less enthused than the BBC cubicle garden weekend team appear to suggest the W1A Khans are not speaking for as much of the nation as imagined upstairs or on the Tuscan hills.
There was one with a picture of a young lady ‘making history’ apparently.
No idea if she was excelling at her sport it her garb, but she looked about ready to peg out as a full body covering in Rio whilst running may not be optimal.
But at least no loins were stirred in the crowd, so all good.
All about the origins and meaning of the word ‘hubris’, including historical and contemporary examples of such, presented by Bettany Hughes who I seem to remember from TV history programmes is more than a willing messenger for the BBC left liberal narrative.
I waited anxiously to see how The BBC Agenda would be shoehorned into this short, seemingly bland 15-minute programme. I wasn’t disappointed. Just before the end, on came Nick Clegg bemoaning Cameron giving the proles a chance to vote on the EU and putting his country’s future ‘at risk’. Even by BBC standards, it was a breathtaking piece of contrivance to promote (yet again) their political viewpoint.
What’s this? A knifeman sets fire to a train in Switzerland? Has all the hallmarks of a Germano-Norwegian act of terror, I would say. But fear not, our intrepid sleuths at the beeb are on the case and they’ve positively identified the attacker as… ‘a man’.
But more: a Swiss man! So it’s a Germano-Norwegio-Swiss attack. Isn’t terrorism complicated these days, I do miss the time when you knew it was a Muslim before they even told you.
One of the people in hospital in Switzerland with knife wounds is a 6 year old child! Who could conceive of attacking an infant with a knife!!!!?? Beyond sick … it’s Islam.
A “Swiss” man. Who the f* do they think they are kidding?
I am getting more and more sick of this crap each day.
It seems Swiss police are under the same instructions as all other European forces to obfuscate:
Swiss police later said they have not ruled out the motive being a “crime of passions” (sic).
A police spokesman told welt.de: “A terrorism background still seems very, very far-fetched.”
So a man seriously injures 7 strangers and a ‘crime of passions’ is a possibility but a terrorism act seems “very, very far-fetched”? Ah, these passionate Swiss, eh?
Crime of passion, where have I heard that before? Oh yes, the Muslim who butchered a pregnant Polish mother of two in Germany. The Polish press, apparently still free to call a spade a spade, had a very different account of the attack. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/699701/Switzerland-train-knife-attack-burns
manchesterlad, Yes, Islamic terrorists seem to take a lot of pride in targeting the helpless. For the past year the apparently random knife attacks by Palestinian terrorists have resulted in several children, women and elderly Israelis being murdered or wounded.
Israeli security and also armed civilians and soldiers take these terrorists out very quickly before they can commit more atrocities. Europe is going to have to learn eventually from its own experience of terror that quick and decisive action is the only way to go here.
Apologies peterthegreat didn’t see your post, on the iPhone. Glad someone else spotted the ridiculousness – do they honestly think the public will buy this? I think ladbrokes ought start taking bets on the next excuse, mass public transport drug deal gone wrong is where my money’s at. Those bloody 6 year olds looking to score on the way to school grrrr
Bernard Lewis is 100, and the likes of Douglas Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali can be seen lauding this great scholar of Islam.
Full details of this in National Review…but, for now, here`s Daniel Pipes.
We owe this man a huge debt….to my knowledge he has consistently called our Islam before it became the scourge of our era.
A voice in the wilderness for years-a true academic who speaks without fear or favour. http://www.meforum.org/6058/bernard-lewis-at-100
I put him on a par with Martin Gilbert who chronicled the History of the Jews in a parallel manner.
And who do WE get in this era?…Simon Schama and Bettany Hughes?
Thank God these people wrote their books and will live in in videos and tapes etc…feel academe is finished, strangled with the entrails of the EUs “Platypus Scolarships” etc…
Point taken Peter the G.
All I`d add is that I`ve never really thought of her as a “historian”.
Karen Armstrong is simply a Sister Wendy Beckett-only with Islam instead of pictures.
Catholics and Shi`a Islam are quite similar in their way…and Karen is simply not taken seriously by anybody but Ed Stourton and the other Catholic /BBC media mdallions.
Pattens People.
If anything, Yvonne Ridley and Lauren Booth are more genuine shills for Islam than Karen Armstrong.
We should of course be deeply concerned about the escalating number of terror attacks by Muslims, which this Swiss attack almost certainly is , but we should not be too concerned about the increasingly ridiculous attempts of the MSM to cover up the true nature and purpose of the perpetrators. The more they deny the truth that we all can see the more people will understand that they are lying to us through their teeth. The MSM is losing credibility and trust with every attack that they try and cover up and pretend is nothing to do with Islam. They will never recover their credibility ,which is a rapidly diminishing resource , nor the trust of the people.In the UK the BBC is undermining itself everyday by their denial of the obvious fact that Europe is at war with Islam. They are doing our work much more effectively than we could ever hope to.If the attacks continue at this rate for another three or six months and we still get the mental issues defence, the alienation defence , the far right defence , or the even more incredible crime of passion defence, then just about everyone in the UK will come to realise that the BBC is an apologist for Islam and will cease to trust it and then to support paying for its lies and deceit. At that point the whole rotten edifice will collapse under the weight of its own lies.
It’s no coincidence that the same minds, utterly convinced of their superiority and omnipotence, that attempt to confuse, mask and distort the realities of Islamic attacks that also use similar techniques and language to promote and defend the many myths of climate change, remaining and playing Trump cards. They all went to the same seats of learning, using the term loosely, and most, it would appear, live in north London.
Oh so subtle anti-Brexit bias on Radio Four today. Much chuckling on ‘Loose Ends’ about how Angus Deaton was to ‘blame’ for Brexit because when he left HIGNFY, Boris Johnson took over and thus became an influential public figure. I know it’s all in good fun but it’s the implication that Brexit was something blameworthy that annoys. They would never joke in a positive way about Brexit!
For goodness sake when will people realise that Alan’s Snack Bar is in Paisley, they’re in the wrong bloody country. Furthermore it shut 54 minutes ago.
Good news is it’s not open tomorrow so fingers crossed us infidels should not have to deal with another location inaccuracy.
Brings a new meaning to, “those fish and chips were to die for”… On that note perhaps we’ve solved it, maybe those poor refugees are just after Allan’s snack bar (not sure whether Paisley or Wales)… Would explain all that camping in Calais
Perhaps the German and French just felt so lost they thought if they shouted Allan’s snack bar whilst stabbing someone/blowing themselves up they would go to heaven and eventually reach Allan’s snack bar
Hmmmm wander if Allan’s snack bar is a brothel with 72 virgins… God knows I’m getting a bit confused nowadays
Margate attack happened outside Iceland. That means the attacker was Icelandic, see? Stands to reason.
See you, I’m off to share my theory with the boys in blue.
seems The attack happened 5pm Fiday …and Margate does have past previous knife attacks (that kind of area ?) ..And there is no hint of a terrorist angle on Google News.
Not Bias but just had the opportunity to see Al Beeb’s coverage of the House of Lords EU Referendum Debate 5 July. I find it utterly amazing that they are more out of touch with the British people than their counterparts in the Commons, with exception to Baron Willoughby de Broke.
They don’t get the message ‘We want our country back!’ Don’t be surprised if they try and attempt to delay our Brexit . They are just not listening – ‘There will be trouble at mill’ .
This was straight, on-the-spot reporting from the BBC, free of any agenda. Wouldn’t it be great if they could do it more often. It’s in marked contrast to the way in which the BBC ‘reported’ on the Lebanese who refused Israelis access to a bus meant to be shared between the two teams.
That’s a good point, taffman. Yes, they could hardly have ignored it as they’d just been commentating on it, but it’s the comments they made against the unsporting Egyptian and the support for the Israeli that struck me as so untypical of the BBC.
taffman: Is it possible that they have realised that they have been going OTT with their anti-Israeli stance ?
Sure, it’s possible. It’s also possible that Woody Allen will win the next world heavyweight boxing title.
Seriously though, I think I was just lucky enough to stumble on that extremely rare phenomenon of BBC reporters actually doing their job without pushing a propagandist lefty agenda.
Reports on twitter of another explosion at a bar in France 13 dead and several injured plus another report of an explosion in the ‘jungle’ migrant camp too.
The news leaking out re “the Swiss man” is becoming rather confusing. Originally we were told that this might be “a crime of passion.” As others have already said, that really would be odd, particularly as one of the victims is just six years old. The Beeb newsreaders are still telling us that it’s unlikely to be related to terrorism, whilst their web page says the police aren’t ruling it out.
I’m getting the feeling this might go down as a “psychiatric crime”
There’s been a few of them lately…
Apologists for sure. They didn’t even find it necessary to include some points of view other than those of Muslim women who claim to enjoy being encased in a black potato sack all year round, for example:
“I think [the ban is] slightly ridiculous,” she said.
“In Victorian times swimmers would wear long baggy trousers, full tops and swimming caps and no-one blinked an eye!
That would be a good point were it not for the fact that those Victorian women did not use their bathing costumes to conceal suicide belts.
The good mayor is no doubt thinking along those lines with his sensible ban on the burkini, though he apparently hasn’t said so publicly.
The bBC reports on the murder of a Muslim Imam in Queens, New York. Imam shot dead on street in Queens, New York
Police in New York say an imam was shot dead and another man critically injured as they walked along a street in the borough of Queens.The men were approached from behind by a man who shot them both in the head, a police spokesman said.
Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, moved to the city from Bangladesh two years ago, reports in New York said. Reports say a number of people from the nearby Muslim community have gathered at the scene to demonstrate, saying the shooting was a hate crime, although police said they were still investigating the motive. A man holding a gun was seen leaving the scene of the shooting, but no-one has been arrested.
The scourge of Darkblueshirtshortpantism has led to FLOTUS holding up her daughter’s roll up paper inscribed with #bringbackourlongpantsandwhiteshirts in support, the BBC has learned.
“London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s (pictured) office is in favour of the unit because it wants to more to be done to bring hate crime offenders to justice”
Will that be all so-called “hate crime offenders”, or is his main concern just protecting his own tribe?
And will criticism of this clown be brought within the scope of the new unit in due course?
I’m a couple of hundred miles away from the Met area but that won’t be immediately obvious. Does that mean that a measure supported by a Mayor I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, vote for is promoting something that censors my comments?
We’re already on the slippery slope. I wouldn’t have believed it possible a few years ago and do I resent it? You bet I do.
Believe me plod, if you’re reading this, what I say here doesn’t even come close to what I really think.
It’s the next ratchet in the islamisation by stealth of London by our beloved mayor.
London’s had it.
UK’s had it.
I’m off to live in Switzerland. Damn, Switzerland’s just had it.
More than a whiff of obsessive Erdogan if I’m not mistaken – spot the connection with Khan? Motivation all nicely set out in a link on this page. Can’t immediately find it to repeat.
I guess this will be the excuse for not sending reinforcements to Rochdale/Bristol/Luton/you get it, to help their complicit colleagues stop the rampant exploitation of vulnerable white girls by, mostly, sexually incontinent Asian men from the sub-continent.
Ah well, just as in the good ol’ days when the British Crime Survey was used by the Left during their incompetent reign to insist that crime, supposed, thought crime, was down whilst real, reported crime was up, thought crime matters more than real, physical crime.
“Swiss police and special forces have sealed off the train and the interior minister is believed to be holding a special meeting on how to deal with incident.” – Mirror.
Notice a few odd things: special forces? for a ‘crime passionel’?
– special meeting on how to deal with incident: is that Swiss for ‘how to spin the story’?
And here’s a headline WE should be worried about: The Mail on Sunday says the Metropolitan Police are to set up a unit to investigate offensive comments made on the internet. The paper says the “thought police,” as they have been dubbed, will seek out anything they deem inappropriate on social media and attempt to track down the culprits.
The emir promised this during his election campaign, and he won the election. It was clear it was offensive comments about Islam he had in mind – as they say in the business, Islamophobic comments.. Let us hope they stick to London.
GWF, the best thing about criticism of Islam, is, you simply have to quote the Quaran: that says everything you need to know about the Islamic institution.
G, I would imagine there will eventually be a crime along the lines of ‘quoting religious texts to cause offence’ or ‘quoting religious texts out of context’. This would prevent non-adherents drawing attention to some of the more objectionable parts of the Koran.
They should have a field day with the Trolls on this sight but it is another sinister development in what is becoming an increasingy totalitarian country.
Fedup2Mar 18, 12:29 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And the hits keep coming … DTJ has removed hunter bidens secret service protection. Biden convinced a friendly judge that…
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 If we brought back the death penalty there would not be so many.
Rob in CheshireMar 18, 12:22 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Will the murdered man’s mother be given a seat in the House of Lords? If not, why not?
moggiemooMar 18, 12:10 Start the Week 17th March 2025 He’ll get the opportunity to replace some of the bollocks he comes out with.
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:05 Start the Week 17th March 2025 One of the new Deform Party councillors. Muhammed Yusuf doing the vetting. National & cultural pride welcomed. As long as…
Lucy PevenseyMar 18, 12:02 Start the Week 17th March 2025 She must have had the disability benefit for a long time. It hasn’t been available to new claimants for at…
tomoMar 18, 11:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Here’s hoping there’s cameras around when they serve him this at the official banquet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Li_Zhuang https://twitter.com/energygovuk/status/1901691088215425141
Unfortunately, Cam-moron handed them another 11 years to do what they want.
End it now by simply not paying. Abide by the law if you want and disconnect or carry on watching. Only the silent majority can destroy the biased broadcasting c***s.
It this settled in stone? Can Parliament change this deal?
I sincerely hope it can be changed, a decade is a long time to suffer more of their disgraceful libtard behaviour, but I think its unlikely they’ll amend the charter mid term.
I believe there were deals done before the referendum in order to get the full charter renewal (+1 year) that the bBC haven’t upheld, and never planned to
Interesting to see the reports Clinton is moving away from support for trade deals between large blocks.
Only because shes been pushed there by Trump and Bernie …..If elected she will continue business as usual.A bit like the EU constitution .Change a few words and call it something else. …The Lisbon Treaty….
Funny how the BBC didn’t report on this, or perhaps just buried it before anyone noticed:
Especially ironic since their lead political story involves Labour MPs supposedly trying to rig the leadership vote.
No, Eric Pickles appeared on the Today prog this morning we discussed at the end of the last thread .
Mishal Hussein asked if the rigging was a Muslim thing and he dodged answering, probably wanting to keep his own Muslim votes.
Interesting how one part of the vote fraud was done.. “I’m your landlord so fill out your postal vote paper, tick the box there… give in to me to post ..and then I won’t kick you out of this house”
It’s not only a Muslim thing .Its an India /Pakistan/Bangladesh thing and was imported years ago.It can only be effective when there are enough of a clannish culture dominating an area as in Tower Hamlets.
I have an Anglo Indian friend who lived in India until a few years ago and she has said everything runs on corruption and back handers.Nothing gets done without money changing hands ,even the smallest thing. Another friend lives in Tower Hamlets and has been telling me about the corruption for years and she is herself an immigrant of the Windrush generation.No one in authority wanted to listen.
Multiculturalism doesn’t work .UK law should be paramount and should be enforced no matter who is breaking it. Come on BBC how about an in depth documentary about political corruption within certain cultures .Lets get it out in the open. What’s that you say…?.. We are looking into Donald Trumps activities ……..hes much much worse ….Grrrr.
I think such voting patterns are universal. One can see this in New York, Miami, Los Angeles – voting patterns are based on race. In San Francisco, the mayor, chief police, and DA , are all gays. No race, just sexual preference ie culture. In Baltimore – its race. And so on. Voting fraud is just as big a problem in America.
In the UK its based on what “I” can get out of the system. Or if one is too well off, how not to pay into the system. Most Muslims are unemployed, so they will vote Labour if there is no Muslim alternative. Ditto Blacks. Indians are business savvy, or well educated and well paid professionals, so they vote Conservative.
Generalising (though risky), if one is unemployed (then generally not well off), one is forced to live in a poor area. It is then necessary that your vote count, or your physical well being is threatened, if tye “wrong” party comes to power. Voting fraud follows.
People in well off areas do not have that particular incentive to electoral fraud. However, business/financial fraud is more likely. This kind of fraud is also likely to affect voting outcomes. America is a clear example, where large corporations and super rich people can affect the election. Is this electoral fraud?
@Deborahanother I accept your point
If the corruption is so well known about, why wasn’t postal voting suspended until a better system found ?
eg Have a special postal counter. You hand the guy your ID, he authorises 1 vote, you push a button to vote (shielded from the counter guy). That way its your secret vote and your landlord wouldn’t know.
Wall to wall Olympics.
And not a mention of how all those hacks in Rio will have caused the deaths of loads of Amazon rain forest, their swimming pools taking the very water out of the bairns mouths at the favela-nor their gross and wasteful adding to the worlds carbon footprint.
We`d better not visit granny in Norfolk now had we?…and best pay Milibands levies until the NEXT jamboree for all the BBC hacks.
Their airmiles are lavender ones…
So WHY all this Olympic crap?
My theory-that the sporting elite require the isolating uncritical worship that the political elite expect as of right…all Remainers, platitudes and homoerotic onanists who demand our attention and our money…because they`re worth the empty adulation and constant putting up on the airwaves.
Sport and politics, media cross fertilisation-useless competition that only they care about.
We voted to leave the EU, we know how sport only allows ugly people to get on the telly to say nothing, but get worship from the hacks, timekeepers and fat sports fantasists who think any of what they do matters.
‘So WHY all this Olympic crap?’ – possibly in line with what the Romans called Bread and Circuses.
Pat – Same principle as the Matrix. Keep the masses asleep and entertained while the elite feeds them seductive lies about the state of the world.
Was it Marx who said that religion was the opium of the people? Now it’s SKY/BB/wall-to-wall sport etc…..
Two items of muslim interest competing for BBC attention at the end of the week on their tv news – but both fail to ‘medal’.
Knocked out early in the heats was the story of the apparent death of one of our formerly famous three mosqueteers self-graduating from Bethnal Green academy to the ISIS finishing school. All for one and one down, courtesy Mr Putin. Serious face from our Naga Munchetty and moving quickly on…
News where you are – which happens to be London. BBC London spare a line re the regime of the former bent mayor of Tower Hamlets. A report says corruption and electoral fraud went without challenge due to political correctness. Excuse me, I just had a flash back to the Rotherham child abuse inquiry where for one day similar assertions were made and then disappeared off the BBC radar.
Viewers were advised to go to BBC Radio London should they want to hear more. And there we were thinking this story might possibly merit a place on the podium. Just pipped for a bronze.
Watching Fiji vs UK in the Olympic games the camera shows a Fijian on the bench with his head in his hands while moving his lips. The BBC commentator says the Fijian is weeping.
No you ignoramus he’s praying! Though it’s little surprise that a Beeber fails to recognise an act of Christian observance.
Beeboids probably think Fijians (being foreign and brown skinned) must be Muslims so if he was praying, surely he’d be doing it on a mat facing Mecca.
Muslim women under-represented in the workplace = Big Problem lets talk
Traditional Anglos-under-represented in NHS jobs and jobs like doctors = No problem, no talk.
– Thursday the Women and Equalities Committee published a report titled Government must tackle inequalities faced by Muslim people in employment
I listen to less and less Radio 4, for reasons you can all imagine. When I have tuned in of late (other than to “Test Match Special” or “The Archers”) I have often been greeted by Samira Ahmed (“Front Row”) Mishal Hussain (“The Today Programme” and on TV news) Ritula Shah (“Any Questions?” and “The World Tonight”) Anita Anand (“Any Answers?”) Rita Chakrabarty (“The World Tonight”) or even Razia Iqbal (“The World Tonight”). Are Asian women over-represented on Radio 4 news and current affairs?
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
Not a true proportional representation of the indigenous people of Great Britain. Why so ?
Where are our Trolls on that one ?
Itching for an argument taffman?
I can picture you now, pacing up and down your dingy room, with a window that looks out onto a well built brick wall, at 3am on a Saturday morning, waiting for a troll to turn up to add spice to your life.
I’ll be your troll. 🙂
And I’ll be yours Shedward…
3 am? Did the roofies not work as well as you’d hoped?
@taffman as I mentioned in the last 2 threads the Reuters Institute Stat puts the number of Muslim journalists at 0.4% (say 1 in 250) , but when you listen BBC R4 or BBC WS you are never more that 2 hours away from the next bus of Muslim Journo, so the Reuters stat breaks the “too wow to be true rule” and doesn’t seem credible.
Absolutely agree with all you said.
Thank goodness for the Boycott, Agnew et al in the TMS team… and “The Archers”.
And of course, it would not have anything to do with their religion or the male attitude to women? Could it?
Muslim women have a far more important objective in life then just to work for the Infidel’s economy.
Fifty years , give or take, and Britain will be an Islamic country.
So what exact plans do our wise politicians have to avert this catastrophe. For they brought this catastrophe on us.
In Germany, Merkel the Insane, is forging ahead to destroy Europe. As usual, Germans are dutifully following the leader. Things don’t change.
NCBBC – They see welfare benefits as a form of Jizya, a tax the Dhimmis pay to their Muslim rulers.
Dim Dhimmini, Dim Dhimmini, Dim Dim Dhimmi…
NCBBC – Way less than 50 years at this rate.
(Birth rate and immigration rate)
NCBBC – now if you read the Lancaster Plan, you will notice that the plan is not to OPPOSE the Religion of Peace but to APPEASE said religion….. http://www.newenglishreview.org/John_M._Joyce/The_Lancaster_Plan/ (the meat – not halal – is about a third of the way in)
Oh to return to the days when the news didn’t include one Muslim related story. I think that was around pre 1980, and before they overrun this country like ants. Now its a constant stream of Muslim doctors struck off, corrupt Muslims in local authority, Muslims involved in child abuse; and not content with that, we now have Muslim winner of Bake Off, female Muslim newsreader in hijab on Ch 4, reports of Muslim sporting women in Rio, and now its lack of opportunity in the workplace for Muslim women ( funny there is certainly no lack of opportunity when they’re queuing up at the free Maternity ward to give birth to yet more British Muslims ) but any incidents of terrorism and suddenly there’s an outbreak of mental illness amongst Muslims.
The media push the agenda of the Muslims constantly, so who do I complain to that as a white British Christian (isn’t it something that I have to announce MY ethnicity in the country of my birth in this way?), I am offended !
Brissles, at least we were allowed to laugh about Islam in those early days when it was only just starting to become an issue. An early episode (about 1979/80) of the sketch comedy Not The Nine O’Clock news showed a mosque full of blokes on the floor with their bottoms in the air. They were looking for the Ayotollah Khomenei’s lost contact lens.
Around the same era, a hilarious episode of the sitcom Yes, Minister showed Jim Hacker and his department on an official visit to a Muslim country. Unable to face a social event without alcohol, they set up a well-stocked ‘special communications room’. After repeated visits to it in response to ‘message from Jack Daniels’ and ‘message from Mr Haig’, Jim has had so many special messages he’s legless. This episode also featured civil servant Sir Humphrey in full Arab costume. It would seem some of our officials had Islamic sympathies even then!
Not the Nine O’Clock News also did the song “Ayatollah Khomeini closer”. We weren’t afraid of them back then. The fatwa on Salman Rushdie started to change that a few years later. Muslims know that terror works, it is the foundation of their religion. Submit to the will of allah, or die. It has a certain crude but effective simplicity.
I know what you mean. As Mark Steyn said: “I’m Islamed out. I’m tired of Islam 24/7”.
On a practical level, how much is this costing in terms of time and attention? How many other important national and local matters are being sidelined because these self-centred primitives seem to be unable to get along with anybody except on their terms?
Sick of it.
Mark Steyn also wrote: It’s Still the Demography Stupid. http://www.steynonline.com/7428/it-still-the-demography-stupid
More good Brexit news ?
taffman, A positive, informative article on Brexit from the BBC? This simply cannot be – and yet, I cannot doubt the evidence of my own eyes.
Even the dismissive comment from that far-left twit of a shadow chancellor John McDonnell (may he forever remain in the shadows) is relegated to a few lines at the very end of the article.
Dunno what the original article you posted looked like, because it’s been updated; it currently has a time stamp on it of just over an hour.
Whoever wrote it needs to be careful because it’s really not a good career move at the BBC.
I don’t watch live TV so I do not need a TV licence. I do use the iPlayer so from 1/9 I am liable for the TV if I continue to use the iPlayer. I will obey the law, and stop using the iPlayer.
Others may not be so law abiding and from what I can gather detection and enforcement by the BBC will be very difficult.
“Others may not be so law abiding and from what I can gather detection and enforcement by the BBC will be very difficult.”
Is that a joke?
Use a cable rather than wireless. They can’t read them.
Here’s an interesting BBC feature/video – especially interesting for me as I live in Nottingham.
It really is a pathetic effort to create a problem where there is none. And notice how the BBC East Midlands presenter [@ 1:53] talks about “groping” and “grabbing”, but after someone off-camera says something abusive, she says “like that”. She didn’t get groped or grabbed, but she was talking to a camera crew and is fair game for the idiots of Nottingham (and there are MANY!) to see an opportunity for fame.
Notice how all the women at the beginning of the video are smiling whilst ‘complaining’ about sexual harassment. They don’t exactly look like they’re not enjoying the idea of attention.
And then we have Martha, who obviously attracted the wrong type of bloke when he jumped on the tram to stare at her breasts. Considering Martha is drop-dead-gorgeous, you’d have thought she would have worn a hijab or even a burka to prevent such mishaps. But no, she decides she will spend some time on making herself look gorgeous in the mirror, and hope that the only men who ogle her are eligible.
Unfortunately for Martha, life doesn’t work like that.
Good post
Edward, the video you refer to shows just how stupid the police are and that political correctness is taking over from common sense. The police officer being interviewed stated that staring at someone’s breasts isn’t a crime but in certain cases the police would take the matter to court. On what grounds exactly ? It was also said that the victim would determine whether a hate offence had been committed . These self categorisations of crime by victims which plod then dutifully records as a hate crime are a major factor in the so called explosion of hate crime. The issue is largely invented by left liberal
types who now infest the police as well as the BBC . Apart from the Marxist teachers who make up tbe Blob and back to the 70s unions like the RMT and the BMA, I would add the police to the list of candidates desperately in need of reforming or eliminating .
“The police officer being interviewed stated that staring at someone’s breasts isn’t a crime but in certain cases the police would take the matter to court.”
Turning one’s head away from the direction of a woman’s partly exposed breasts may be an act of politeness or it may be an expression of suppressed lust. In such cases can we expect the police to take the matter to court?
Here’s one that really happened . A young lady probably enebriated cupped a middle aged mans tackle in a pub before she left . The bloke was merry without wife , mistress escort whatever and it was last knockings after a racy gambling fuelled night .
Now should said damsel be refered to the authorities after a complaint from the sozzled old geezer and put on sex offenders register ?
Back in the land of common sense the lucky grizzled git would be laughed at for not appreciating the nubile wenches complimentary sizing up , even prosecuted for wasting police time .
And if it had been the other way round , and the lecherous old sod had suddenly felt the charming ladies regions of sensuous , rightfully he would have been punched by other drinkers , and banned , even prosecuted .
We live in interesting times . No rephrase that , we live in Gramscian inverted times .
Talking of inversion (Gramscian or otherwise!) is Nibor really Robin? Only asking, rhetorical question, Mum’s the word, etc.
Ah Pat Sum.
Sum Pat Ah
A tenuous link to that bird .
European Export Logistics
BBC hero fails to share the love
I’ve just been reminded of a disconcerting incident from BBC Radio 5 from roughly 5 years ago – a time before I boycotted the station permanently as a result of the constant unpleasant mixing of sport and leftist politics practised there.
During the long build up to the 2012 Olympics one of Nicky Campbell’s right-on female acolytes (probably Ratchel Burden) took pains to share with the listener as an off the cuff on air remark the snippet of personal family information the claim that her four-year-old son’s greatest hero was supposedly the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt. Now I took this as being rather strange. Bolt had yet to become a household name here in the UK. Interest in athletics is very much on a four-year cycle tied to the Olympics. The idea that a toddling young chap living somehwere near Salford might admire Wayne Rooney could pass as possible – though surely influenced by his parents. But I’m afraid I questioned the Bolt assertion. The PC-minded journo was trying just a little too hard to share the love by telling her audience that her son’s hero was a black man. Condescending liberal BS.
Which bring us to this morning when the BBC hero joins his admirers for a minute of quick-fire questions in what the BBC calls the hoolahoop challenge. Katherine Downs, I believe it was, the lucky gal down in Rio asking the questions.
Q: What’s your favourite thing about about the UK?
A: The track
Q: What, not the people or… the weather…?
A: No, the track.
So despite all the BBC love not much love shared back to us Brits there, I’m afraid.
Oh dear. They do say never meet your heros.
Oh well, in the words of another famous Jamaican: No, woman no cry.
Re : ‘Five Live presenters toddler loves Hussein Bolt’ ..well they might have Jamaicans connection in her family, maybe her husband, neighbour etc. Or on a BBC salary she might spend half the winter in Jamaica etc.
But a quick google bring me to a special PDF called BBC Diverse Talent which only promotes 110 non-anglos.
Because of our tax laws (thank you Gideon), Bolt only races in Britain when he gets a special exemption from being taxed on his world wide earnings. That probably doesn’t endear Britain to him. He seems like a nice fellow, but he’s a Jamaican born and bred, so only a Beeboid virtue signaller would assume that he has to have some sort of special feelings for Britain.
BBC Online News:
“”Can Republicans really dump Trump?””
“”It has been a bruising August for the Republican presidential nominee. He attacked the family of a fallen US soldier, appeared to encourage violence against his rival Hillary Clinton and feuded with members of his party. The list goes on.”” (He did not attack the family of a fallen US soldier nor encourage violence against Clinton. If you are a Democrat or BBC, you will take the biased view. Also, note how Clinton is given both names, Trump is only worthy of Trump).
“”Many Republicans have determined the Trump campaign has finally reached the point of no return and are running for the exits. So what are their options?”” (Once again, the BBC’s use of ‘many’, which suggests over half? Most? Any?).
“”The best way for the Republican Party to replace Mr Trump on the ballot at this point is for the New York billionaire to voluntarily leave the race, says Charles Spies, a former top lawyer at the RNC.”” (Left Wing BBC hate capitalist Billionaires, ergo Trump is doubly hated).
“”Unfortunately for the Republican Party, Mr Trump isn’t likely to ride off into the sunset quietly. So even though his poll numbers are circling the drain, he is still drawing huge crowds to his rallies, raising millions of dollars and attracting hundreds of journalists to hang on his every word.”” (Poll numbers circling the drain?? Yet our not-neutral BBC then contradicts itself).
“”Republicans have long suspected Mr Trump is not a “real Republican”. A Trump presidency would test those suspicions. Also Mr Trump may have done lasting damage to the Republican Party’s brand with Latino, black, Muslim and women voters. Mr Trump could win with the help of an overwhelmingly white voting bloc, but it may be a pyrrhic victory – a last hurrah for a shrinking party.”” (The BBC Left/Democrat knife goes in between the shoulder blades).
And the photos once again are very unflattering. The BBC really must fix their Trump-Camera).
Juvenile lefties have largely taken control at the propaganda outfit known as the BBC. The photo of Trump sinking to the bottom must have provoked a great deal of sneering and guffaws among ‘journalists’ who play to the lefty in crowd and have forgotten that they are meant to serve the general public – if they ever knew that basic fact.
Seems the BBC is trying to compete with the lefty US media to see who can denigrate Trump the most.
As opposed to the more mat… er… exper…. er…. profess… er… older ones already installed, if currently on leave for the school holidays as no news occurs for these months. Apparently.
True, Guest Who, the fossilised oldies at the BBC are as bad as the up-and-coming juvenile crew.
It’s sad but true that the younger ones, who should represent hope for the future, have an agenda and ideology cloned from their elders. Decades of indoctrination’ at lefty centres of ‘learning’ along with the closed nature of the BBC club have ensured that is the case and will remain the case.
It’s a mystery to me why the Republicans, with a field of many excellent candidates, chose Trump.
It is also a mystery to me why no political commentator on the BBC has mentioned, in comparison, the paucity of candidature from the Democrat ranks. Or it would be if I did not realise that the quality of journalism, editing and production at the BBC is constantly hitting new lows.
A bit like the Democrats and Republicans in the USA.
The Republicans didnt choose him.The people did in many land slide primaries. They want an outsider.
Is that not the November vote, Deborah?
The Primaries, unless I have missed something, are generally a Party affair. I do seem to recall that some States allow cross community preferences to be considered as well but largely we have only got to where we are now in the US Election via the Party machines.
I think Deborahanother was pointing out that it was the people rather than GOP officials who chose Trump, and in record numbers. Of course these were mostly Republican voters but I believe there was also evidence of Democrats and independents coming over to Trump.
The people voted for Trump because he spoke their language. They want a wall built! They are sick of endless immigration, which is rapidly turning the USA into a Hispanic nation. The Republican grandees didn’t get it. They see Latinos as cheap labour, working class Americans see them as the guys who do their jobs for less money. Trump gets it, and he gets their vote.
Good for them! The one thing they do not deserve is Hillarious Clinton, Obama is doing his best to ruin the Country, she would finish it off.
Dunno how excellent Trump’s opponents were:
*Jeb Bush with his sickly smile and backed by the Bush name and millions of dollars
*Marco Rubio who hardly made an appearance in the Senate, letting Florida voters down
*Lyin’ Ted Cruz who played continually to the gallery and wasn’t even big enough to endorse Trump at the end
*John Kasich, who only managed to win his own state in the primaries
*A medical doctor with good ideas but without the drive and strength to lead a great country
*Ron Paul, I think his name is, who always battles for power but just doesn’t attract the votes
*Governor Christie, tough on crime but hard to imagine as president
…and so on and so forth.
Cometh the moment, cometh the man – and it certainly wasn’t any of them.
I’m just hoping that there are enough Americans who are sick and tired of political corruption and especially appalled at the prospect of crooked Hillary weakening the US and empowering the country’s enemies for four more post-Obama years.
Predictable Beebspeak presentation of Hammond’s plans to fund replacement EU schemes with ‘taxpayers money’ – as opposed to the reality of reallocated UK/EU money. Somehow, in all the hurly-burly of understaffing thanks to the mass exodus to Rio, the editing team managed to overlook that salient point. Maybe they’ll create a more balanced view as the day wears on…..provided no Muslimocentric items take precedence, of course.
You’re right Beltane.
I heard on the bbc radio this morning that it was going to cost £4.5 billion.
The impression they were trying to give was of an extra cost to be met and not that it would mean carrying on as before using money from the current eu payments.
They also managed to get in that this means less could go to the NHS.
The anti Trump, CIA candidate was interviewed on BBC today this morning.
His line was that Muslims are at the forefront of the efforts against terrorism, and that terrorism can’t be defeated without their help.
I waited for the obvious question….what special insight into terrorism do Muslims have when we are repeatedly told the issue is “mental health”?
The ‘special insight’ is that they are not only fellow-sufferers they are fellow-travellers. Belief in Islam IS mental illness, a more severe condition even than belief in Marxism, but only just.
Speaking of overlooking things, apart from short-term coverage on BBC4 and none at all on BBC1 and 2, not so much as a mention has been made of Amber Hill (Youngest ever Sports Personality of the Year, multiple championship gold medal winner and by far the most photogenic and charismatic UK Olympian of her age in Rio) just missing out on a medal in the Skeet shooting.
As perhaps the most non-PC of all sporting activities, the BBC must be deeply frustrated that shooters seem to keep winning Olympic medals, so the chance to reinforce their prejudices and blank this charming girl’s immense achievement must be quite a relief.
Edward Ling received extensive coverage yesterday, Beltane, on BBC Radio4. Delightful it was, too. He sounded so refreshing compared to the youngsters that the BBC was boosting like nobody’s business prior to, during and since 2012.
I was thinking about the decision of the BBC to erect a statue of George Orwell at Broadcasting House and came up with a much more appropriate idea for them. Another well known BBC employee who worked for the corporation at the same time as Orwell was the traitor Guy Burgess. Surely this Communist spy epitomises the values of the BBC much more closely than Orwell. After all Burgess severely undermined the country for a couple of decades which closely mirrors what the BBC have been doing for the past forty years.Whereas Orwell fought for truth and free speech, something which the BBC finds an alien concept in the 21st century.
Spot on. The perfect BBC man.
Burgess was also a rampant homosexual. He ticks so many boxes doesn’t he?
Anyone know if there’s some historical or physiological reason behind – no double-entendre intended – the use of the word ‘rampant’ in relation to homosexual behavior?
If you can bear it, listen to this piece of unashamed pro-illegal immigrant propaganda from last night’s PM visit to ‘Brexit Street’ in Middlesborough.
The illegals all sound so lovely and reasonable – and of course all they want to do is integrate – compared to the chavvish locals who, much to the despair of one of the illegals, have this distasteful culture of smoking and drinking (how amazingly sensitive, not to mention totally effing ungrateful, from someone who has allegedly escaped violence and political persecution in Africa). One of them had mysteriously been without papers for 9 years (yep, that’s nine years as an asylum seeker) – and no, we didn’t find out why.
I was beginning to feel as helpless and despairing as Winston Smith at the unrelenting propaganda, so had to get out of the bath to switch off. It was dire. I dare you to listen – 20 mins 45 secs in:
‘The trafficked African woman, was so sad cos she explained no one on the street has befriended her’
..Fair enough if she was genuinely trafficked and her asylum application has been refused.
But then the bbcContyradiction as the next moment they talk about a large number of refugees on the street are happily in the mixed asylum seeker football team.
Em how come there is a big group of asylum seekers and friends on the street and she is unaware of them ?
taffman August 13, 2016 at 1:37 am
“More good Brexit news ?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37060430” – item ‘Brexit: Government guarantee for post-EU funds’
Comments are still open on this. What puzzles me is how, when I sort the comments by ‘Highest rated’, every so often you find one that has high negative rating (i.e. generally toeing the BBC party line) e.g. 23+ 68-, 22+ 45- ?
It’s as if the Beeb can’t resist injecting a bit of propaganda.
SpinningReith, no, there’s nothing suspicious there. They order the highest rated simply according to the up arrow count, independent of the down arrow count. So as you go through the pages there will come a point where the negative count exceeds the positive.
Conversely, have a look at the first lowest-rated page. The pro-Brexit comment by Sense1 has 235 positive votes against 75 negative and so you wouldn’t expect it to be on the first lowest-rated page, since public opinion on these Brexit articles always goes strongly against the BBC. it’s only there because of its high negative count, while the much higher positive count is not considered.
They don’t subtract the negative votes from the positive ones, so you get the bizarre situation that a comment can be the most upvoted and most downvoted at the same time.
Having said that, this does ensure that people are exposed to different opinions that they may not agree with, so I don’t regard it as a bad thing myself.
Anyone noticed that over at the Daily Mail comments , our SJW friends have found a way to hack the vote count , such that OFTEN suddenly a lefty comment running against the grain has 5,200 upvotes ?
Maybe Sir Steve Redgrave will be posting to this site soon ;), obviously getting irritated with our world class broadcaster even when being paid heaps of cash by them!
John Inverdale?, the graduate from the Duke of Edinburgh’s school of tact, that John Inverdale?
The bBC has been shoving it down our throats all week that Blacks are finally making a mark at the Olympics.
There was the young girl who won gold and here is how the bBC reports on it:
Why Simone Manuel’s Olympic gold medal in swimming matters
Records, as the sporting cliche goes, are there to be broken, but while Simone Manuel’s Olympic record time in the women’s 100m freestyle final will eventually be surpassed, she achieved a first that no-one can take away.
Touching home at the end of a remarkable race, Manuel became the first black female swimmer to win an Olympic gold. She said she hoped her victory would encourage greater diversity in her sport.
Here is why Simone Manuel’s win is so significant.
“Swimming pools have been a racially sensitive flashpoint in the US for generations. African-American people were often denied access to pools in the segregation era, and even after its abolition white people found other ways to exclude them. Nor has building pools for black areas been a priority.”
“Swimming lessons still are not compulsory in the US, something USA Swimming wants to change. Despite all this, outliers can emerge.”
“The crude stereotype, that black people are less buoyant than white people, has been debunked, but it remains the case that certain sports are seen as the preserve of particular races.”
Such perceptions are deeply culturally ingrained, but pioneers like Manuel can help shift them.
Help shift them bBC?
You mean like the number of blacks in Athletics, Boxing, Basket ball, Football, long distance running , funny how the suckers at the bBC kind of leave out of the picture, those sports where black people excel, yet for all of the above, the first Black American woman to win gold in the Pool is deemed to be a game changer.
Damn and there was me thinking that Jesse Owen did just that in 1936 in Berlin.
The bBC, promoting racial disadvantage as the reason why Black people tend to sink rather than swim in the pool.
And here’s something else the bBC isn’t reporting:
US: When is a racist not a racist? When he’s Black.
BBC Television News 1500, another new black face. Went by the name of ‘Lokuetta’ or something like that. I’m beginning to think the BBC enjoy taunting those who raise this issue. Anyway, for the BBC not a lot longer now before all the white faces are removed altogether.
Would recommend Channel 4 for the multiculti bucket brigade of ethnic floristry that THEIR News gives us?
Can`t speak English, but can claim expenses?…check
Speech Impediment?…check
Regional affectation or street slang gangsta made good vibe( RADA trained)…and tats?…yes please!
Last night carried THREE daisies in this inarticulated glo`ttal stop slang, disguised as “news reporting”…three stories in a row…no whitey in sight, unless you count a Roma rapper with a knife to your neck as he sings about one love and lovin` peace an t`ing…yeah?”
F…in Simeon Brown can`t even spell his own name and talks like a bubble in a farting bathtub.
But they have a Carribean Queen who links the shows-and by the time we`ve gone through what she`s said, we`ve missed the programme…whose plums do they have in their mouths and they spout this old slang of Railton Road?
Give us that gormless geordie again…little did we know that THAT would be Channel 4s gold standard…
BBC report women gleefully burning their burkas as ISIS are booted out.
This is unusual for the BBC.
Expect a train load of feminists to denounce these traitors to Islam
Send in the UAF, Class War and Antifa to deal with these fascists
Meanwhile BBC counter it with a piece favouring the Burkini.
What do Muslim women think? What their husbands tell them to think. What do their husbands think? What their Imam tells them to think.
Just noticed the new masthead. Very stylo.
Did double take a smidgen though.
Splendid “masthead” as you say GW.
Maybe we need a minutes silence for the previous logo thought-the Soviet, EU and Islamic mashup was quite wonderful too!
And-was anybody here consulted about this…I for one did not get my postal ballot on this “revolutionary change in logo”…and maybe we need a petition from someone, an apology from Mr V or Alan…and, some fifth columnist saboteur in our midst who gave assistance in this seismic event.
Am about to throw a lego brick( or Betta Builder) through my computer screen and occupy the hole I create until we get an enquiry here-and heads roll!
That poor logo!…will we ever see its like again?
And this is only the START of the post-Brexit New Settlement…resign, shame….
I too like the new masthead – although when I first came to the site I had thought I was in the wrong place!
Same here. Looks great.
Thanks for kind comments re new masthead! The site needed a little refinement. We will also be launching a Facebook site and of course the Twitter site is also there for you.
Biased bbc Facebook? Excellent.
Could the BBC be correct in identifying Muslims as having a psychiatric disorder when it reports that an Asian male called Mohammed had carried out a terrorist act?
…..Psychopathic people and behavior are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths. http://tinyurl.com/prvjrpf
Although the following took place in Israel on October 4, 2015 I think that it supports my previous posting. Particularly note the BBC reporting at the end..
Islam As Pathology -Muslims Laugh And Spit On Wounded Mother And Baby After Husband Murdered In Terror Stabbing
Arab Witnesses Laughed, Spat at Wounded Terror Victim
Widow of Aharon Banita-Bennett described the savagery of Arab passers by, who laughed as she fought death….
On Sunday afternoon Adelle Banita-Bennett, widow of Aharon Banita-Bennett, who herself was seriously injured in the stabbing attack Saturday night in Old City of Jerusalem, woke up from medical coma she had been placed under in order to enable doctors to treat her.
Among the first people she spoke to was Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau, whom she told in detail about the attack.
The widow told Rabbi Lau that she attempted to escape from the terrorist after the stabbing began.
“I ran for dozens of meters with a knife in my shoulder, bleeding. Arabs in the area who saw this horrible scene clapped and laughed, and told that they hoped for my quick death. I felt I was about to faint,” she said. “I tried to hold on to someone who passed by, and they just shook me off and kicked me, and said ‘die.'”
and in putting the above together I came across the following….
The head of Israel’s Government Press Office issued a warning to the BBC Saturday evening, following its eyebrow-raising initial coverage of the deadly terrorist attack in Jerusalem last night which killed two people and injured three others, including a toddler.
The terrorist murdered 21-year-old Aharon Banita-Bennett and wounded his wife and two-year-old child, along with another person, and murdered 41-year-old father of seven, Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, as he attempted to save them.. The terrorist attacker – a 19-year-old college student and Islamic Jihad member – then stole Lavi’s gun and opened fire on police, who responded by fatally shooting him.
But to the shock and anger of many readers – who took to social media to vent their outrage at the BBC’s initial headline which read: “Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two!!!!
Good post Magicoat,
Perhaps it is time for Sharmi charabatty to conduct am impartial inquiry into ‘alleged’ antisemitism in the BBC.
magicoat – that’s the BBC. Never met an Islamic terrorist it didn’t like.
Never met a terrorist it didn’t like !
Breaking news of a 27 year old Swiss citizen who has run amok on a train with a knife and inflammable fluid which he has used to burn people with. A 6 year old has been stabbed.
No news as to whether someone was looking for Alans Snack Bar yet, but it seems highly likely.
Presumably “Swiss” rather than Swiss. I doubt if he is a descendant of William Tell.
Reported in the Mail now – dozens of comments and not one mention of the “M” word. It seems the moderators are working overtime as usual.
Move along guys, nothing to see here. Just another loony escaped from the asylum… Come to think of it I hear Switzerland is a hotspot for Norwegian tourists ?
Then again come to think about it the Swiss Alps are very mountainous… Perhaps a lone wolf with mental illness has escaped from the hills…
Thank god for the BBC ey… We’ll get the updates as soon as they happen
Damn that lone wolf inflammable fluid! Oh…and those lone wolf knives! At it again – blast them!
Was he upset, perhaps, about his train being 10 seconds behind schedule in notoriously punctual Switzerland?
Speaking of Facebook, it is clearly Hijab Day at the BBC as every post seems to be about this fashion trend.
Sadly the comments from those less enthused than the BBC cubicle garden weekend team appear to suggest the W1A Khans are not speaking for as much of the nation as imagined upstairs or on the Tuscan hills.
There was one with a picture of a young lady ‘making history’ apparently.
No idea if she was excelling at her sport it her garb, but she looked about ready to peg out as a full body covering in Rio whilst running may not be optimal.
But at least no loins were stirred in the crowd, so all good.
The refugee squad synchro swimming team are suffering too, no doubt due to all the men wearing life vests on the water polo.
I wonder how long before there are ‘demands’ for handicapping of non attire-challenged athletes to drag them behind their new opponents’ level?
Listened to this tripe yesterday whilst cooking up a curry in the kitchen:
All about the origins and meaning of the word ‘hubris’, including historical and contemporary examples of such, presented by Bettany Hughes who I seem to remember from TV history programmes is more than a willing messenger for the BBC left liberal narrative.
I waited anxiously to see how The BBC Agenda would be shoehorned into this short, seemingly bland 15-minute programme. I wasn’t disappointed. Just before the end, on came Nick Clegg bemoaning Cameron giving the proles a chance to vote on the EU and putting his country’s future ‘at risk’. Even by BBC standards, it was a breathtaking piece of contrivance to promote (yet again) their political viewpoint.
Beam me up, Scotty (no, not you)…
What’s this? A knifeman sets fire to a train in Switzerland? Has all the hallmarks of a Germano-Norwegian act of terror, I would say. But fear not, our intrepid sleuths at the beeb are on the case and they’ve positively identified the attacker as… ‘a man’.
But more: a Swiss man! So it’s a Germano-Norwegio-Swiss attack. Isn’t terrorism complicated these days, I do miss the time when you knew it was a Muslim before they even told you.
One of the people in hospital in Switzerland with knife wounds is a 6 year old child! Who could conceive of attacking an infant with a knife!!!!?? Beyond sick … it’s Islam.
A “Swiss” man. Who the f* do they think they are kidding?
I am getting more and more sick of this crap each day.
It seems Swiss police are under the same instructions as all other European forces to obfuscate:
Swiss police later said they have not ruled out the motive being a “crime of passions” (sic).
A police spokesman told welt.de: “A terrorism background still seems very, very far-fetched.”
So a man seriously injures 7 strangers and a ‘crime of passions’ is a possibility but a terrorism act seems “very, very far-fetched”? Ah, these passionate Swiss, eh?
Crime of passion, where have I heard that before? Oh yes, the Muslim who butchered a pregnant Polish mother of two in Germany. The Polish press, apparently still free to call a spade a spade, had a very different account of the attack.
manchesterlad, Yes, Islamic terrorists seem to take a lot of pride in targeting the helpless. For the past year the apparently random knife attacks by Palestinian terrorists have resulted in several children, women and elderly Israelis being murdered or wounded.
Israeli security and also armed civilians and soldiers take these terrorists out very quickly before they can commit more atrocities. Europe is going to have to learn eventually from its own experience of terror that quick and decisive action is the only way to go here.
Sorry just let me stop my sides from splitting for one moment…
So the new excuse is… Wait for it…
Swiss train attack is possibly crime of passion; Terrorism ‘far fetched’
All those jealous Swiss lovers knifing 6 year olds and setting the carriage alight, wow and I thought the French were passionate lovers
Apologies peterthegreat didn’t see your post, on the iPhone. Glad someone else spotted the ridiculousness – do they honestly think the public will buy this? I think ladbrokes ought start taking bets on the next excuse, mass public transport drug deal gone wrong is where my money’s at. Those bloody 6 year olds looking to score on the way to school grrrr
Nah: Romeo and Juliette, Antony and Cleopatra, Casanova, Don Juan, Marquis de Sade, Othello… all Swiss.
Well they are a notoriously hot blooded people after all. Didn’t they invent the tango?
Bernard Lewis is 100, and the likes of Douglas Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali can be seen lauding this great scholar of Islam.
Full details of this in National Review…but, for now, here`s Daniel Pipes.
We owe this man a huge debt….to my knowledge he has consistently called our Islam before it became the scourge of our era.
A voice in the wilderness for years-a true academic who speaks without fear or favour.
I put him on a par with Martin Gilbert who chronicled the History of the Jews in a parallel manner.
And who do WE get in this era?…Simon Schama and Bettany Hughes?
Thank God these people wrote their books and will live in in videos and tapes etc…feel academe is finished, strangled with the entrails of the EUs “Platypus Scolarships” etc…
Totally agree with you about Lewis and Gilbert. And yes, in the MSM, we end up with pygmies like Schama and Hughes.
chrisH – Simon Schama and Bettany Hughes… and the ghastly apologist of the ROP Karen Armstrong.
Point taken Peter the G.
All I`d add is that I`ve never really thought of her as a “historian”.
Karen Armstrong is simply a Sister Wendy Beckett-only with Islam instead of pictures.
Catholics and Shi`a Islam are quite similar in their way…and Karen is simply not taken seriously by anybody but Ed Stourton and the other Catholic /BBC media mdallions.
Pattens People.
If anything, Yvonne Ridley and Lauren Booth are more genuine shills for Islam than Karen Armstrong.
We should of course be deeply concerned about the escalating number of terror attacks by Muslims, which this Swiss attack almost certainly is , but we should not be too concerned about the increasingly ridiculous attempts of the MSM to cover up the true nature and purpose of the perpetrators. The more they deny the truth that we all can see the more people will understand that they are lying to us through their teeth. The MSM is losing credibility and trust with every attack that they try and cover up and pretend is nothing to do with Islam. They will never recover their credibility ,which is a rapidly diminishing resource , nor the trust of the people.In the UK the BBC is undermining itself everyday by their denial of the obvious fact that Europe is at war with Islam. They are doing our work much more effectively than we could ever hope to.If the attacks continue at this rate for another three or six months and we still get the mental issues defence, the alienation defence , the far right defence , or the even more incredible crime of passion defence, then just about everyone in the UK will come to realise that the BBC is an apologist for Islam and will cease to trust it and then to support paying for its lies and deceit. At that point the whole rotten edifice will collapse under the weight of its own lies.
It’s no coincidence that the same minds, utterly convinced of their superiority and omnipotence, that attempt to confuse, mask and distort the realities of Islamic attacks that also use similar techniques and language to promote and defend the many myths of climate change, remaining and playing Trump cards. They all went to the same seats of learning, using the term loosely, and most, it would appear, live in north London.
Might not take 3-6 months Doublethinker: the comments on the Express comments page are as cynical as here.
Not on the BBC yet?
‘Detective Sergeant Sheena Barrell said: “The circumstances surrounding this incident are currently unexplained.”‘
Way to go Sheena. Do try to find an explanation. Are there many Amish migrants in the area? Have you checked out other migrant sources?
Police appealing for witnesses but not giving a description of suspect; bbc not covering the story…
Mmm, do they know something we don’t perhaps?
Oh so subtle anti-Brexit bias on Radio Four today. Much chuckling on ‘Loose Ends’ about how Angus Deaton was to ‘blame’ for Brexit because when he left HIGNFY, Boris Johnson took over and thus became an influential public figure. I know it’s all in good fun but it’s the implication that Brexit was something blameworthy that annoys. They would never joke in a positive way about Brexit!
Looks like another one. Lots of witnesses, but no description! Just what do they take people for?
For goodness sake when will people realise that Alan’s Snack Bar is in Paisley, they’re in the wrong bloody country. Furthermore it shut 54 minutes ago.
Good news is it’s not open tomorrow so fingers crossed us infidels should not have to deal with another location inaccuracy.
Its in Wales …………….
Brings a new meaning to, “those fish and chips were to die for”… On that note perhaps we’ve solved it, maybe those poor refugees are just after Allan’s snack bar (not sure whether Paisley or Wales)… Would explain all that camping in Calais
Perhaps the German and French just felt so lost they thought if they shouted Allan’s snack bar whilst stabbing someone/blowing themselves up they would go to heaven and eventually reach Allan’s snack bar
Hmmmm wander if Allan’s snack bar is a brothel with 72 virgins… God knows I’m getting a bit confused nowadays
Margate attack happened outside Iceland. That means the attacker was Icelandic, see? Stands to reason.
See you, I’m off to share my theory with the boys in blue.
seems The attack happened 5pm Fiday …and Margate does have past previous knife attacks (that kind of area ?) ..And there is no hint of a terrorist angle on Google News.
Not Bias but just had the opportunity to see Al Beeb’s coverage of the House of Lords EU Referendum Debate 5 July. I find it utterly amazing that they are more out of touch with the British people than their counterparts in the Commons, with exception to Baron Willoughby de Broke.
They don’t get the message ‘We want our country back!’ Don’t be surprised if they try and attempt to delay our Brexit . They are just not listening – ‘There will be trouble at mill’ .
Even the BBC can get something right at times. They reported on the Egyptian judoka who refused to shake the hand of the Israeli he had just lost to:
Text OK but video doesn’t work for me. For those interested, scroll down a bit for the video and BBC commentary here:
This was straight, on-the-spot reporting from the BBC, free of any agenda. Wouldn’t it be great if they could do it more often. It’s in marked contrast to the way in which the BBC ‘reported’ on the Lebanese who refused Israelis access to a bus meant to be shared between the two teams.
I don’t think that they had any alternative other than to report it. It would have been to blatant.
That’s a good point, taffman. Yes, they could hardly have ignored it as they’d just been commentating on it, but it’s the comments they made against the unsporting Egyptian and the support for the Israeli that struck me as so untypical of the BBC.
Untypical of BBC ? Is it possible that they have realised that they have been going OTT with their anti-Israeli stance ?
taffman: Is it possible that they have realised that they have been going OTT with their anti-Israeli stance ?
Sure, it’s possible. It’s also possible that Woody Allen will win the next world heavyweight boxing title.
Seriously though, I think I was just lucky enough to stumble on that extremely rare phenomenon of BBC reporters actually doing their job without pushing a propagandist lefty agenda.
Bbc breakfast had to suffer the Olympics update.
When they tell you they’re about to tell you about the latest results you’d be safe to assume you’d see a montage of the events. Wrong!
Had to suffer a round robin of three presenters ‘chatting’ about the events – not really telling you anything meaningful.
At the end of the piece I was unaware of any new medals and what sports they were talking about.
Actually, I do recall them telling me how wonderful it was to seeHoy, Wiggins and Redgrave together on camera.
It’s all about the comentary team not the sport.
Wish I’d stayed in bed!
Reports on twitter of another explosion at a bar in France 13 dead and several injured plus another report of an explosion in the ‘jungle’ migrant camp too.
News blackout ?
Must have been someone’s birthday again…
Any links?
Exploding birthday cake – happens all the time.
The news leaking out re “the Swiss man” is becoming rather confusing. Originally we were told that this might be “a crime of passion.” As others have already said, that really would be odd, particularly as one of the victims is just six years old. The Beeb newsreaders are still telling us that it’s unlikely to be related to terrorism, whilst their web page says the police aren’t ruling it out.
I’m getting the feeling this might go down as a “psychiatric crime”
There’s been a few of them lately…
Latest on BBC website – Swiss police say they can’t rule out terrorism although the attacker was not of ‘immigrant origin’.
Romance seems dead.
He’ll be a convert them. Achmed Schickelgruber no doubt.
Apologists at work? …………………….
Eat you heart out Nigella.
Take that, phobes.
Apologists for sure. They didn’t even find it necessary to include some points of view other than those of Muslim women who claim to enjoy being encased in a black potato sack all year round, for example:
“I think [the ban is] slightly ridiculous,” she said.
“In Victorian times swimmers would wear long baggy trousers, full tops and swimming caps and no-one blinked an eye!
That would be a good point were it not for the fact that those Victorian women did not use their bathing costumes to conceal suicide belts.
The good mayor is no doubt thinking along those lines with his sensible ban on the burkini, though he apparently hasn’t said so publicly.
The bBC reports on the murder of a Muslim Imam in Queens, New York.
Imam shot dead on street in Queens, New York
Police in New York say an imam was shot dead and another man critically injured as they walked along a street in the borough of Queens.The men were approached from behind by a man who shot them both in the head, a police spokesman said.
Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, moved to the city from Bangladesh two years ago, reports in New York said. Reports say a number of people from the nearby Muslim community have gathered at the scene to demonstrate, saying the shooting was a hate crime, although police said they were still investigating the motive. A man holding a gun was seen leaving the scene of the shooting, but no-one has been arrested.
Hate crime? Here is what the bBC isn’t telling you:
Cops and witnesses described the shooter as tall and Hispanic, carrying a large handgun, and wearing a dark blue shirt and short pants.
It can’t be a hate crime. The killer has a mental health problem – and that’s before we even know who he is.
The scourge of Darkblueshirtshortpantism has led to FLOTUS holding up her daughter’s roll up paper inscribed with #bringbackourlongpantsandwhiteshirts in support, the BBC has learned.
Watch out you Al Beeb posters and Trolls ……………………………….
Are the police at Scotland Yard are so short of work that they have to be found something to do with their spare time?
In my humble opinion Scotland Yard can go f**k themselves with that one.
“London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s (pictured) office is in favour of the unit because it wants to more to be done to bring hate crime offenders to justice”
Will that be all so-called “hate crime offenders”, or is his main concern just protecting his own tribe?
And will criticism of this clown be brought within the scope of the new unit in due course?
I’m a couple of hundred miles away from the Met area but that won’t be immediately obvious. Does that mean that a measure supported by a Mayor I couldn’t, and wouldn’t, vote for is promoting something that censors my comments?
We’re already on the slippery slope. I wouldn’t have believed it possible a few years ago and do I resent it? You bet I do.
Believe me plod, if you’re reading this, what I say here doesn’t even come close to what I really think.
Fourth paragraph doesn’t read well. Ran out of time, but you get the gist.
It’s the next ratchet in the islamisation by stealth of London by our beloved mayor.
London’s had it.
UK’s had it.
I’m off to live in Switzerland. Damn, Switzerland’s just had it.
More than a whiff of obsessive Erdogan if I’m not mistaken – spot the connection with Khan? Motivation all nicely set out in a link on this page. Can’t immediately find it to repeat.
Found it: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/17646 – Well worth a read.
A good, illuminating and well written article – short, to the point and easily understood.
This should be forwarded to all MPs and political decision makers.
G ,
Superb article exposing the psychological basis for the evil of Islam. I would love to see dhimmis deny any of the points he makes.
I guess this will be the excuse for not sending reinforcements to Rochdale/Bristol/Luton/you get it, to help their complicit colleagues stop the rampant exploitation of vulnerable white girls by, mostly, sexually incontinent Asian men from the sub-continent.
Ah well, just as in the good ol’ days when the British Crime Survey was used by the Left during their incompetent reign to insist that crime, supposed, thought crime, was down whilst real, reported crime was up, thought crime matters more than real, physical crime.
Nothing changes for Leftoids.
An army of trained volunteers, says the Mail. Jobs for the MEN in Tell lies to Mama.
“Swiss police and special forces have sealed off the train and the interior minister is believed to be holding a special meeting on how to deal with incident.” – Mirror.
Notice a few odd things: special forces? for a ‘crime passionel’?
– special meeting on how to deal with incident: is that Swiss for ‘how to spin the story’?
Didn’t see anything about it on TV News this morning.
I suspect that the only people spinning faster than George Orwell’s body are the Swiss authorities this weekend.
And here’s a headline WE should be worried about: The Mail on Sunday says the Metropolitan Police are to set up a unit to investigate offensive comments made on the internet. The paper says the “thought police,” as they have been dubbed, will seek out anything they deem inappropriate on social media and attempt to track down the culprits.
The emir promised this during his election campaign, and he won the election. It was clear it was offensive comments about Islam he had in mind – as they say in the business, Islamophobic comments.. Let us hope they stick to London.
GWF, the best thing about criticism of Islam, is, you simply have to quote the Quaran: that says everything you need to know about the Islamic institution.
G, I would imagine there will eventually be a crime along the lines of ‘quoting religious texts to cause offence’ or ‘quoting religious texts out of context’. This would prevent non-adherents drawing attention to some of the more objectionable parts of the Koran.
GWF – Yep, the next ratchet in the islamisation of London… for a start.
They should have a field day with the Trolls on this sight but it is another sinister development in what is becoming an increasingy totalitarian country.
And, will they include extremist Islamists and hate preachers ?