Actually, before one of our usual trolls wakes up, they did have it on their front page yesterday. Though they didn’t actually say the women were stripping off.
I urge everyone to beware of Guest Who’s comedy link. Playing any part of it will lead to an inevitable and irreconcilable state of misery.
What is most dispiriting?
1. That these 6 nervous, staggeringly humourless people were the finalists, leaving one to ponder how appalling the others were?
2. The fact that one of the three judge is Susan Calman, the least amusing individual in the western hemisphere.
3. The second judge is Julia Mackenzie, the woman responsible for the ‘comedy’ programs on radio 4. And no, I cannot think of anything on R4 as ‘laugh out loud funny’ as Just a minute or Sorry I haven’t a clue, both of which were commissioned long before she was born.
4. The fear that, rather than being funny, the comics have to tick a variety of Guardian style inoffensive boxes to get on?
5. That none of these ‘comics’ could carry a club audience with them?
Either way, the future of comedy is depressingly as bad a the present. You have to laugh.
(at beginning of prog in a Mr and Mrs slot , R4Today’s McNautie predicted Humphriess favourite to interview next would be Donald Trump, in the event Humphries did say Trump would be a man of tomorrow ..but thought priority is to interview Merkel)
The 1 pm news promises an interview with a Scottish Nationalist who actually want to keep Scotland outside the EU.
Finally the BBC interviewed Scott Adams about Trump – on that 1pm R4 News direct link
Trump was thrashing Hillary at persuasion but now she has her own experts so is going for Project Fear against Trump cos that is the most effective tool, which is what Trump used all along. “You have to deal with fear first, cos it overwhelms facts”
He was very calm and logical explained without offending that both sides are lying about EVERYTHING and government won’t be like the campaign promises. But that Clinton supporter MSM media don’t understand CONFIRMATION BIAS that is why they reported as NEWS the crying baby kept in the room when Trump was trying to speak, cos they were trying to portray him as Hitler ..when in fact every human cannot continue a speech when a baby is crying right in front of them and woul have asked for it to be removed.
Pushed he said that Dilbert being logical wouldn’t be voting for either candidate AT THIS STAGE. ends at 30:00
– Right the Scottish independence Brexiteers piece was at min 6.10 direct link
Started with Remainer Daniel in Aberdeen.
“Back in 1970s SNP were strongly anti-EU and specifically campaigned on that, but changed in mid-80s”
9.30m when to Brixeteers at Murray (50/50 vote) (40/60 among SNP voters)
“means to an end”
Brexiteer John Thompson said that keeping out the EU fishing policy was most important. Actually he was the only Brexit voice (he got 3.30mins).
BBC anti-Brexit policy means the 2 vs 1 trick; he had to be sandwiched between Remainers. Next voice said that the difference is that Westminster imposes power on Scotland whereas EU is a partnership (sic). That voice got more time 4.30 mins. Ended at minute 18.
“woooowhoooo!!!!” came the cry as a white man hating, devious, agenda crazy, wanker ran into the news room at Al Beebistan HQ..
“We have hit the propaganda jackpot… An Iman has been shot in New York”
“Allahu Akbar!!!” came the battle cry from the room. “Allah be merciful! Was it an infidel who shot him?…” a devious little bastard proclaimed giddily.
“Why would that matter brother Justin?! They are all infidels! We are going to deceive the kafir relentlessly into believing that our brother was killed by an infidel regardless of the facts!! In the end it wouldn’t matter what really happened, because the damage to the infidels will be done! Allahu Akbar!!!”
“Good plan sister Kate!”…..
Just thought I would show you how the following headline on Al Beebs webshite came about…
“Imam and his assistant shot dead in Queens, New York”
Hundreds of people are shot in the US and are never reported on, but the Al Beeb have been so utterly desperate for the chance to have, the very first opportunity in all the years of Islams one sided war against us, to say “Muslims are the real victims here”…and oh my, they have gone Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee double team on this one…
“We feel really insecure and unsafe in a moment like this,” he told CBS New York. “It’s really threatening to us, threatening to our future, threatening to our mobility in our neighbourhood, and we’re looking for the justice.”…came a response from someone who obviously hasn’t spent much time away from the mosque recently, as he seems to have no idea of what the true meaning of “unsafe” or “insecure” is. Maybe if he Googles ‘Yazidi’, ‘France and Germany Islamic attacks’ or even ‘Islamists in Bangladesh’ he will realise that the only hate I see is from a religion that was created to dominate the entire world…
Anyway.. the relentless quotes from followers of the death cult that are fully skilled in PR continue, as “hate crime” and “feeling scared” are carpet bombed over the entire article…
In true Al Beeb style, to appear to be ‘impartial’ (stop sniggering at the back), the following caveats are placed among the victim sermon…
“Police said there were as yet “no indications” the men were targeted because of their faith”
And most importantly…
“Police said the suspect had a “medium complexion”…(so they can give out descriptions when it suits them.. Though the description doesn’t sound promising for those at the Al Beeb who are looking to make a film about this killing.. It may just be a mentally deranged Norwegian carrying out ‘work place violence’ or ‘a crime of passion’
Tothepoint – Good skit. Yes, funny how the ‘complexion’ emerges immediately on this one, whereas it’s not referred to in all the other recent attacks, where a ‘dark complexion’ wouldn’t suit the narrative of deranged Norwegians.
One report had the NY attacker as of ‘medium hue’, which might be an attempt to smear the Welsh 🙂
If I wanted to move to the USA I doubt I would get a green card. Why is an imam from Bangladesh so special? What does he bring to the USA which is so helpful?
The fact that people like him are legally immigrating into the USA is one reason for Trump’s popularity. Trump would not have let him in, and in so doing would have saved his life. See, Trump loves muslims, just so long as they are where they belong, outside the USA.
TTP, you say:
“Hundreds of people are shot in the US and are never reported on, but the Al Beeb have been so utterly desperate for the chance to have, the very first opportunity in all the years of Islams one sided war against us, to say “Muslims are the real victims here””.
I tried a Google search for last year and, believe it or not, (without more detailed research) the info. is not readily available (US media blackout?). Suffice to say that 47 people were shot in Chicago week ending 26th July, ALONE, “490 Chicago residents were killed over the course of the entire year last year.” And that’s just Chicago! So, your ‘hundreds’ shot, in the US could be more like hundreds of thousands. Certainly, more than, “tens of thousands” (a well used No.10 expression………..)
Blatantly biased review of the papers on BBC TV news. One of the two reviewers admitted he was a ‘ natural labour supporter’ he constantly made snide comments about the Tory Party and is clearly still in mourning over Brexit. He repeats the tedious charge heard from many in a similar format, that his 19 year old daughter was ‘ furious ‘ because her future had been stolen from her. Poor thing.
The woman reviewer was called Josie Cox ( no not that one, but her politics were clearly similar). She furiously nodded when the natural labour supporter claimed his daughters future had been stolen. She questioned the degree to which entryists were flooding into the Labour Party . She allegedly works for the Wall Street Journal. I had assumed it was fairly right wing but clearly not if it employs the likes of Ms Cox. All egged on by Gavin Esler.
It’s true that he can’t be accused of waycism, but as those who were enriched in the Miami nightclub or anyone being enriched for being diverse in all Islamic states (beheading, stoning to death, thrown from the tallest building) can testify, Islamaphobia wins hands down on the ism scale.
Quite right EE, the fat shouty one was peculiarly offensive, I agree. But the real offense is the BBC’s in presenting ‘the news’ in such an overtly biased manner with no pretence towards balance or respect for alternative opinion. They really are that arrogant and the fact that they evidently do not care is to their very great shame, and democracy’s very great loss.
We have some visitors arriving shortly.
My wife has baked a cake for them.
Does she qualify for a slot on Desert Island Discs on Al Beebzeera?
She’s white anglo saxon, so I guess the answer is no.
As if you have made the effort to fit in with the British way of life. Hardly. You stand out like a sore thumb. For a start take off that stupid bit of cloth on your head, you look ridiculous. In Britain we rarely put bits of cloth on our head unless it’s raining or we are in the armed services or at Ascot. You’re wearing of it It stands ans openly supports male supremacy.
In Britain we support sexual equality,although my missus is in charge of my household.
Of course you’re going to get some abuse. What people like you don’t understand is that people like me, of whom I believe are the majority of Brits may not say it to your face but think you look stupid.
You openly support a subservience to the male species by your wearing the bit of cloth on your head. It is emblematic of your belief system in that you therefore consider yourself as an underling in society. You go to extreme lengths in your dress in your supporting an anti British fundamentalist religion to justify your stupidity.
You reap what you sow you idiot. Grow up woman.
As if you have made the effort to fit in with the British way of life. Hardly. You stand out like a sore thumb. For a start take off that stupid bit of cloth on your head, you look ridiculous. In Britain we rarely put bits of cloth on our head unless it’s raining or we are in the armed services or at Ascot. You’re wearing of it It stands as openly supporting male supremacy.
In Britain we support sexual equality,although my missus is in charge of my household.
Of course you’re going to get some abuse. What people like you don’t understand is that people like me, of whom I believe are the majority of Brits may not say it to your face but think you look stupid.
You openly support a subservience to the male species by your wearing the bit of cloth on your head. It is emblematic of your belief system in that you therefore consider yourself as an underling in society. You go to extreme lengths in your dress in your supporting an anti British fundamentalist religion to justify your stupidity.
You reap what you sow you idiot. Grow up woman.
Well said ! I wonder if Nadia had been any other religion, there would have been such a fuss. I blame the dhimmis who crawl to Islam and clearly feel inferior to muslims. They are so stupid that they do not realise that they are just making the problem worse.
Thank you Grant, in Britain my children and grandchildren’s peer groups seem to be frightened of saying what they think. -Shooting from the hip.
I tell them to say what’s on your mind. Only then can I understand them. They seem to hold back all the time for fear of being called an ‘ist’ or thought of as a bad person for having an opinion against that of the prevailing university idiot intellectuals. To my mind, idiots who’ve never done a proper days graft in their lives.
Say what’s on your mind and argue it.if you lose so be it, live with it and modify your views. Then say what’s on your mind again. I wonder if I’ve helped breed a generation of wimps.
I blame Tony Blair, the lefties, the uni’s and most of all the anti British BBC for our current wimpy younger generation.
They lack conviction. Oh and boy oh boy they are so naive and feel a sense of entitlement without working for it?
I tell my youngsters,pay your stamp, get your years in of paying, then you’ll have an understanding of the iniquitous way governments spend your money. Then speak your mind again. Whatever you do in life, never stay silent. If Muslims don’t fit in with our culture, say it. Don’t be frightened of the Political Correctness. Fight it.
Quite agree. There seems to be a climate of fear and silence in the UK and much of Europe. And much of it is backed up by the law and other sanctions. I know what you mean about the universities . I spent a few years in my thirties as a lecturer and stuck out like a sore thumb. I think that, nowadays, it would be almost impossible to get a job in that sector if you are not Left-Wing.
The irony of all this, and in the same article, is that she came 12th in the first editions of Bake off, because of her lack of icing skills – (evidential fact that came to light for the Queens birthday cake), and yet she still won the bloody contest.
Media Disinformation – A European problem –
Seems the German broadcasters are perhaps more imaginative than the BBC – “German police reports usually refer to migrant criminals with politically correct euphemisms such as “southerners” (Südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere Gesichtsfarbe, dunklem Hauttyp), or a combination of the two: “southern skin color” (südländische Hautfarbe).” I look forward to the BBC using these coded expressions.
The articles last paragraph speaks volumes.
G – thank you for the link to this article. Yet again, it seems we have to go to overseas outlets for “proper” news about what is happening. Media Disinformation indeed!
What is SO frustrating is that, as usual, there is zero about this on the BbC and it is disgraceful that we, the people who pay the Beeb, are not being informed. Instead, we are brain-washed by the omni-olympics shambles, the anti-brexit-democratic shambles and doleful anti-economics tales, to name but a few.
Milwaukee – riots after police shoot, dead, man with stolen gun and arrest record.
Police will not reveal race of dead man, I predict sun tanned. BBC not interested in race of corpse.
I would be rioting if the police were not taking these dangerous ****s out of circulation.
“Brexit will be delayed until the end of 2019” according to the Sunday Times (pay-walled).
“Despite great political pressure to stick to that timetable, she (Theresa May) may be forced to delay because her new Brexit and international trade departments will not be ready, City sources said.”
Oh, no problem then, even though they knew for months in advance that the country was taking a vote on membership they can claim they’re not prepared. I assume then that it’s alright for me to not pay any tax this year and say that I’ll pay next year due to not being prepared?
Not surprised. This is May’s way of making us reconsider. Just how she is going to do it is unclear but do it she will. Hopefully the coming banking collapse will concentrate minds . That or civil war in Germany and a military coup in France
Quite agree, I still like the white with the red and blue band across the stomach area. It is hard to pick our colours out in a race. What idiot said that we should cover up the white on our vests. Name and shame them.
I saw Mo Farah, race last night, first bit of Olympics I’ve seen. He does not look a well man. He needs a good solid afternoon in a Carvery or an all you can eat restaurant. He looked completely emaciated.
Poor fella, good runner though.
Apologies to sports fans, but I cannot get excited about a Somalian born Mohammed who spends all his time in the States but runs under the British Flag, has westernised his name to ‘Mo’ and tells us how great he is, I thought it was just Boxers that were devoid of the modesty gene. And he kept out of the fray for just a tad too long when his coach became embroiled in doping scandal. Just saying.
This is why so many illiterates from the sub-continent want to come here… and for the bennies and the chance to import the rest of the tribe, of course.
“She added: ‘In Muslim culture the girl is supposed to do as she is told. The backward people from villages in Pakistan think they can do what they want with us. Our lives mean nothing. We are just a way to get a visa. They will do anything to get someone over here. If they’ve family abroad, they gain respect.’
Last year alone the Forced Marriage Unit, gave advice or support in 1,220 cases of forced marriage, the equivalent to three a day. ”
Are you sure it is a typical Swiss name? I’m a bit of a linguist, cunning too,but not quite a polyglot. Could the Swiss glottal stop be mistaken for Norwegian, or vice versa?
I think it is racist that the British muslim runners aren’t allowed to run in the same muslim outfit on the day of the race. The BBC should be making more of this. The muslim runners are showing far too much flesh, don’t you agree BBC.
I would like like our BBC interviewers ask the British muslim athletes why they are so disrespectful of Allah in what they are currently wearing! British female muslim athletes are dressing like Allahs harlots.They should cover up or be viewed as hypocrites.
I think it is racist not to allow Moslems the right to ride on the back of winged horses in all races, just as their alleged so called prophet supposedly did
Good God Wronged, you would be half expecting all the competitors to run in that garb if possible just to show athletic solidarity and no discrimination. Well BBC, there’s an idea for you: all running as rag-heads.
“Owen Smith has called for a new inquiry into anti-semitism within the Labour Party.
Smith claimed that a report from soon-to-be Labour peer Shami Chakrabarti did not include information he knew had been submitted to her.”
So we have the candidate who wants to be leader of the labour party openly admitting that Shami “I can’t help this smug annoying sneer” Chakrabarti produced a deliberately false report into anti-Semitism and has been rewarded with a peerage for her efforts?
I’m sure the BBC will be all over it with the same enthusiasm they’ve shown to exposing Hillary’s lying and deceit.
I am trying to promote this about the British government seems to be openly advocating, indeed, promoting, the takeover of the UK by muslim/sharia law etc. It seems to not be saving here…. Anyway, please read and pass on:
An interesting story, but I don’t think it’s credible. If the devisers of the Lancaster Plan foresaw the influx of Muslims and came up with the plan to deal it it, why would they not come up with a plan not to bring about the Islamification of the UK in the first place?
If the fundamental idea of the plan is to 'maintain the existence of the UK' then they will have failed completely by the time their plan comes to fruition. I would not call the Islamification of the UK, replacement of the population with predominantly Muslims and the rest living as dhimmis under Sharia as 'maintaining the existence of the UK'
The UK is not just a geographical area, it is a culture living in their home.
No, the 'Lancaster Plan' is entirely fiction. We are where we are, not because of some great conspiracy by nebulous 'leaders', but – much more straightforwardly – because of the stupidity and arrogance of the left. Their love of power and control combined with their absolute need to feel morally superior to others, has lead to their suicidal course of flooding the country with people they think are inferior to them.
Firmly believing in the superiority of the leftish master race – they think these incompatible people will look up at them … see them as their betters … and want to be like them.
The Lancaster Plan is a work of fiction, but I think it was written to try and explain the inexplicable: the wilful actions of our political elite which will lead inevitably to civil war and the possible end of our civilization. I think your view is probably right. Mill owners in the North of England may have needed a few thousand cheap workers in the 1960s, but that does not explain the remorseless islamification of large swathes of the country.
I also agree that the New English Review is well worth a read.
Yet more knife attacks on European trains and yet the utterly pathetic media keep on saying ‘motives unclear’ and ‘Police are not jumping to conclusions…’ etc. The PC establishment is absolutely pathetic and couldn’t give a sh*t about their own people. They’re more interested in their awful multicultural dystopia.
Best not to speculate on the attackers background until we hear the full facts 🙂
In the meantime I’d like to share some fun facts about Saint Gallen where the attacker lived…..
founded in the 7th century
population 160,000
Blessed with a multi-culture enrichment factor of 7% (i.e. 7% of the population are Muslims).
The New York muslims bleating about a hate crime. The media are calling it an execution.
Cast your mind back to The Normandy priest who had his throat cut. Isn’t that an execution? Isn’t that a hate crime. Because IS are involved it somehow makes it more acceptable, more understandable.
The media need to have a long look at themselves.
When it comes to reporting anything to do with muslims, the media, especially the BBC, are utterly clueless and show this by their undignified grovelling, apparently uninformed opinions and biased reporting.
There is a complete lack of curiosity about Islamic practices, history and life in Islamic countries which leads me to believe that they aren’t allowed to ask the necessary questions.
The effect of what they do is to carry out Dawa (propaganda and promotion) on behalf of islam. Presumably money is involved at high levels.
Two possible reasons why the BBC are so obsessed with the Olympics :-
1. Drugs , girls, boys and restaurants are probably cheaper in Brazil than in the UK. And , in the case of the first 3, you are less likely to be prosecuted.
2. It is a device to keep the serious news out of the headlines.
Would one of the CS at the bBC CAIR to explain this picture on the story about how Boko Haram shows off the sex slaves it kidnapped a few years back?
Personally I feel the bbC doesn’t want you to see so many unhappy faces of victims at the hands of the Religion of peace , here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to see::
Yes. They don’t look to happy do they ! But the BBC do not care a damn about them . Can’t interfere with BBC fun at Rio can we ? Beeboids disgust me totally !
Great comment. Black lives only matter when it serves the selfish inhumane Left-Wing agenda. Lefties don’t give a damn about these poor girls. They are just cannon fodder.
Apparently the Swiss police were unavailable for comment for many hours. No doubt busy on the phone to Merkel who was telling them what had happened (crime of passion, gottit?) and his name (David, right? Like the German guy).
Of course he might turn out to really have been a Swiss nutjob, but that’s what you get when you lie and obfuscate on a grand scale: the people just don’t believe the establishment authorities and msm any more.
This is now the general view . The authorities and the media cannot be trusted. All those years building up a ‘world class broadcaster’ and it ends up like this. Nobody soon will believe a word it says.
And the top story on the 6’o clock news is ? How ‘family’ spurred Mo Farah on to winning gold. I’m so glad. It was ‘family’ that spurred my Dad to go to work too, and somehow he managed ‘to get through’ the day like Mo managed ‘to get through’ the race, but he never made either the 6 o’clock or the 10 o’clock headlines.
What IS it with achievers that they ‘DO IT’ for their kids, like a 4 or a 10 year old would care.
If he was any kind of a man he would be competing for the Somalian team wasn’t he born there ? on a lighter note the Somalian 400m girl finished 57th out of ? yes you guessed it 57. But according to the Independent she was an inspiration to all women because she ran round in her pillar box gear – the comments on the Independent story are less than supportive . When did the Olympics become something anybody can enter regardless of ability
Lock 13, well its all about religion now isn’t it ? this is what Islam has done to the world. Ooo look how clever this Muslim is; amazing what this Muslim has achieved etc etc etc. I cannot remember Mark Spitz – holder of 9 gold medals, being exclaimed as the greatest jewish athlete ever !
Yep ,well not all about religion to be fair. The whole of the BBC shuts down to watch Tom Daly come 3rd in the 20 metres . Nothing to do with his much older boyfriend/husband. Oh look a muslim can bake a cake get her on Desert Island discs and for a right wheeze lets make her essential item Marmite – BBC really is utter crap.
Wow new look biased BBc.
Anyway I hadn’t seen the news this weekend for amusement and not the attainment of knowledge I just turned on the 18:00 BBc “news” I’m greeted with “An exciting night ahead for team GB” or a very similar phrase ….. I press the remote
RT The Milwaukee riots are the main story.
BNI has a photofit of the “shooter” in New York, looks Islamic region origin to me, despite being described as Hispanic, complete with beard.
So, potentially just another lovers tiff in the recent (1300Yr) disagreement between Muslim sects. Sects which some “Muslims” say are not Muslim at all, ergo it really is NTDWI.
But described as wearing shorts which does not conform to my idea of Islamic haute couture.
We knew this years ago, but the deniers were not interested.
Just like the Rotherham and other mass rapes the sub-humans are behaving like sub-humans and the police are looking the other way.
One law for real British people and no law for the unwanted, unloved dregs of the planet who have been allowed to move here.
Time for us to ignore the law.
Non-white fraud ? so what’s new ? Wander into any inner city and London, and its rife with African benefit fraud. Despite sounding as thick as a brick they can knock our ‘white’ fraudies into a cocked hat ! we’re mere beginners compared to that lot, the best we can do is invalidity fraud i.e. compete in the Olympics at high jump when we claim for being barely able to walk, moonlighting on a few jobs, and of course having as many kids as possible to get a council house
Think we already know that this Corsican thingy will have been a water fight that went wrong in its over-exuberance and high jinks.
Move along now….now which side had those weapons…we`d surely have been told if it was the locals.
A HARPOON?….really?
Truth – Corsica eh? This should be interesting. Not long ago some Corsicans (I forget who) put out a statement that if any of those Peaceful Religionists tried anything there, the reprisals would be severe and brutal. The Corsicans are known for their toughness and have been fighting an often violent independence struggle for years, so they know a thing or two about terrorism from both sides. There could be fireworks.
Remember Napoleon?
There is an excellent French film called “A Prophet” about an Arab who is locked up in a prison run by a Corsican gang; like most European crime drama it is free of (most) of the PC with which ours is riddled and ruined.
The film gives you an idea of how the Corsicans view Arabs, which isn’t one you’d see aired in an al beebus drama.
The Italian Job: My first two days in Italy begin with a short stay in Central Milan – Migrant Central. Can’t move for idle gangs of North Africans hanging about on every street corner giving everyone filthy looks. Luckily, there are heavily armed Italian police everywhere, too – and I mean everywhere. Still, it does kind of ruin that holiday atmosphere.
Off down south to Venice tomorrow. A two-hour train journey. Worried at the news coming out of Switzerland tonight regarding the latest muder on train by ‘a man’. Have to be extra vigilant. Again. Holidays in Europe are such a chore these days.
All being well, I will report in in the next few days. One can really see the evidence of Italy’s ‘cultural enrichment’. It ain’t pretty.
How , things change , I was Iast in Milan in Sept 2013 , saw none of those gangs then. The shit will soon hit the fan when the Italian banks collapse , in the near future . Its like something out of one of those 1980`s sci fi movies , which always were set in New York ,after some post apocalypse event .
Does anyone STILL want to visit Europe for holidays ? by all accounts you have to be kitted out like a Robocop for personal safety. Delays on the M25, running the gauntlet of car beatings in Calais, the threat of knife attacks on public transport and being mowed down in the street by anything with an engine and 4 wheels !
Of course, this is all assuming you negotiate the A2 and don’t get stabbed in Margate beforehand !
A vacation in my back garden sounds very tempting.
Cranmer, I wish you well in your quest ! and hope that you get lucky with the Eastern European ladies, the like of which grace Strictly CD, rather than those who would qualify for the shot-putt !!
Up to 2 or 3 years ago I would do the odd city break to Paris, Rome, Barcelona etc. I just can’t face the hassle of flying (queuing and security), and the dodgy ‘men’ hanging about the streets all day. Places that in my youth seemed exciting now seemed squalid.
We have lots of great scenery in the National Parks so I just stay local nowadays, much less chance of meeting any unhappy Norwegians too.
This comment, from BellyAcher on the DE site, deserves to be shared (the bBBC clearly in cahoots…)
A catastophe unfolds in the West. Thanks to Leftism.
For at least 300 years the people of the Western nations have worked hard at creating the societies and standards of living that they enjoy today. Their ingenuity, entrepeneurialism, creativity and indefatigable determination to improve their lot is the only reason we have such fine things as free education, free at point of delivery health care, social welfare and the myriad of other fine trappings that are synonimous with modern Western living. Nobody gave these things to us. They didn’t come free. We invented them. It has not been easy. It has required an enormous amount of self sacrifice, and not a little oppression, when you consider the level of taxation imposed on the people by the state in an attempt to sustain a minmum standard of living for all and to hand that standard down to the next generation so that they can continue to build upon and improve those standards.
Throughout this time, by comparison, the Islamic nations have spent their time dropping to their knees five times a day and wailing to some deity in a far off place. Such are their priorities in life.Their societies have barely progressed with the passing of time as to do so would be deemed offensive to that deity. They invent nothing, create nothing. There are a few references to Islamic invention but, by and large, they are a decidedly uncreative people. Unwilling or unable to improve their lot. Life is brutal for many and getting more so by the day.
Even when you look at places like Saudi, extremely wealthy even by Western standards, those riches are in fact a product of Western technological advancement. Without those advances there would be little or no use for the oil beneath their ground, the primary source of that wealth, and it would be worthless. They would still be living in tents and moving around on camel back.
So when I see 1,000,000 and more predominantly young, fertile men from these places marching towards the West I have to ask why they are coming.
There are only two possible reasons.
They see what we have and they want it. Now, they have decided to come here and take it. They are NOT coming here to create anything new or remarkable. If they were capable of doing that their homelands wouldn’t be the backward territories that they are. They are NOT coming here to pay for what they take. They are coming here to take what they want and make it their own. And when they have consumed as much as they can consume, until there is nothing left to consume, and when they have instilled their fanatical religion in our children and grandchildren they will have turned the West into the wilderness that exists in their homelands.
On the other hand, they come here on a mission: Demographic Siege. Google it. The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran, which states:
“And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.”.
To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.
Incredibly, the Left will have you believe that these people will suddenly become captains of industry, masters of inventiveness and enterpeneurialism as soon as they cross the border. The Left lie. Why do they lie? The Left lie because they have nothing else to offer. Its an illness.
Make no mistake. This IS an invasion. If it takes the ultimate force to turn it back then that’s what it takes. We are at war people. We are under attack and the Left and our politicians are in league with the invading forces. You need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Ok, so you’re President of the Swiss Confederation and there’s international speculation galore about this William Tell character who went berserk on a train. Fire, knives and blood everywhere. (Sounds almost biblical doesn’t it? Or even… no, hate crime.) Not good for tourism, not good for banking. You know who did it, he’s dead, you ‘know’ it wasn’t terrorism or related to the RoP in any way. Don’t you simply put out his name and a pic to end all the damaging speculation? Why the silence and the mystery? Or am I missing something, some legal reason perhaps? Any specialists in Swiss law out there?
Something suspicious about this Swiss incident that does not ring true . The impression I get is that they are hiding something. Does anyone have the name of the perpetrator yet ? How did he die?
The silence being pursued by the media is only fuelling rumours and speculation ?
Have just been watching on U tube “Summoned by Bells” by Betjamin.
Whilst I appreciate he came from a somewhat more privileged background than most of us. There is vein of gentleness and tolerance in some of the the past of this country which I believe Betjamin was better able to illustrate and elucidate more than any one else of his time.
Thanks in particular to the left, the media and multinational companies I do not believe this country will ever be as united, dignified and polite as it was in Betjamins day. Most of these changes were undertaken in the name of equality and respect for other cultures all at the expense of our own culture which has developed over many centuries.
I expect the poor old boy is now rolling in his grave. These vindictive bastards have been in such a hurry to change society for the ” better” or more likely (their better) they have destroyed and wrecked all the things which united us as a nation. But as long as the likes of Elton can flaunt his wifey/husband/partner and sharia law seems as important as English Law or we can cram whole towns full of people from a culture totally alien to our ways, I suppose these shits will be able to pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves on the fact that they have changed our society for the “common good” even if it meant ruffling a few feathers.
Whatever happened to personal dignity and common sense – Sometimes I truly despair!
The irony out of all of this is the fact that all these changes that were supposedly made in the name of tolerance/humanity have probably made our society more divisive than it has been for hundreds of years.
They say if it aint broke dont fix it – and it was never broke!
British man stabbed in the neck in Cyprus. Perps are said to be foreigners and young.
This description ‘stabbed in the neck’ is becoming quite common. Surely not an attempted beheading?
‘Investigators have been able to track some of the suspects’ movements through CCTV cameras, he said, adding that authorities at all airports, ports and crossing points into the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north of the ethnically divided island have been warned to lookout for the suspects.’
‘Dt Insp Muz Kernain, from GMP’s city centre team, said: “The investigation is in its early stages and the motive for the attack is currently unclear.’
Come on Muz Kernan, as Poiriet says, ‘use ze little brain cells’.
I’m beginning to wonder whether the mainstream media and governments might be able to pull this off. It doesn’t seem to matter how many people are killed, maimed, injured or traumatised by the ROPers, the general public just seems to shrug its shoulders and forget about it. We seem to have become like the Eloi in Well’s ‘The Time Machine’, the race that has become so pampered that they simply ignore the fact that the Morlocks are eating them.
Cranmer – It’s like those wildlife films where some hyenas or other predators are picking off individual wilderbeest or deer and the others just keep grazing feet away. Maybe a little flurry of panic during the kill, then back to grazing. Or watching the beeb.
If the pure Islamic acts carried by good Muslims stopped today, then I would agree with you Cranmer…. but Islam can never stop. The purpose of Islam is eternal. The horrific violence, the blood thirst, the hatred, the intolerance, the aim of complete and utter submission of each and every person on this planet to Allah’s instruction… These are never going to stop.
The media are not looking for a long term solution to the Islamic problem. These traitors are solely interested in ensuring their own personal aims are achieved… Nothing more than that.
I wasn’t aware of what Islam was truly about until I was educated by ‘moderate’ muslims in the Far East. This was long before the openness of the war we see Islam undertaking against the infidels today. The people of France and Germany who have been enriched by Islam will never be deceived by the traitors again. The number of Europeans whos eyes are being opened to the truth about Islam is growing every day….. This isn’t going to go the other way, because Islam will never allow that to happen.
The sheltered, protected world that our hero forefathers built for us is collapsing around us, but this time our own people are to blame. The true purpose of Islam is in full motion now and no amount of media spin or lies can ever stop that now.
Tothepoint, I’ve been wondering if we can draw a parallel between current events and those of WW2. During that conflict although there were large scale civilian and military casualties, it was accepted because it was seen as a fight for the greater good.
Nowadays, we are in a sense at war with radical Islam, but I wonder if the casualties of that war (partly because they are on a much smaller scale) are being similarly ‘accepted’ because it is seen as necessary to promote the perceived ‘greater good’ of mass immigration and multiculturalism, which to many on the left seems to be as important as the defeat of fascism was in WW2.
Parliament and May must not be trusted. The EU will do literally anything to keep us in. It will collapse if we go. Like I have said the trick is to spot when the fix goes in
Earlier this evening I had the opportunity to see RT News which featured polygamy in Italy , some ‘beardy’ fellow and David Vance . David gave a good account of himself in the debate.
I recommend the occasional visit to RT as it appears quicker in reporting breaking news and less biased than Al Beeb. Perhaps Al Beeb needs the extra time as it has some censorship to carry out before they publish ?
I notice that Desert Island Discs is featuring our very own Nadia from ‘Bake Off’. I’m tempted to listen, just to hear the awkward pause in the presenter’s voice when she is told she has to take the Bible with her. Or do they allow Muslims to take the Koran?
Just for the record, I have nothing against Mrs Hussain personally. She has a nice smile and comes across as a decent person. What I object to is the BBC’s use of her as a propaganda tool.
Exactly, Cranmer. I saw at 6pm today on BBC TV a trailer for her series where she goes back to her roots in Pakistan.
She was filmed on the back of a scooter where she exclaimed that she could feel the wind in her Hijab! How enlightening and so emancipated! Our BBC wimmin must be sooo envious!
She also pointed to three men in a canoe about 200 yards away who she said were chatting her up form this distance! She wrapped her Hijab more tightly around her face at this point perhaps to avoid a possible ‘honour killing’ (Murder by her family).
Our European friends are wising up too.
The caption says: “It’s society’s fault, nothing to do with Islam.”
Thank Allah for social media, or all we’d have was the beeb, who could feed us whatever they wanted.
(The picture might not open in which case try this link
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Here’s one the beeb aren’t trumpeting on their front page: “WOMEN have been stripping off and burning their burkas in an astonishing act of defiance against ISIS after the last of the extremist Islamist thugs were driven out of their home town.”
And just when the beeb had bought a complete set of Burkas for their newsreaders!
Certainly none of these ladies interviewed in the outrage piece about the French ban.
Maybe because they are not on speed dial to the Khans of W1A?
Can’t wait for Muslim women and men to be doing the same in the UK.
Actually, before one of our usual trolls wakes up, they did have it on their front page yesterday. Though they didn’t actually say the women were stripping off.
Congratulations to the last three finalists in our 2016 comedy award! Listen back to their semi-final now:
Danny Cohen wipes a tear….
I urge everyone to beware of Guest Who’s comedy link. Playing any part of it will lead to an inevitable and irreconcilable state of misery.
What is most dispiriting?
1. That these 6 nervous, staggeringly humourless people were the finalists, leaving one to ponder how appalling the others were?
2. The fact that one of the three judge is Susan Calman, the least amusing individual in the western hemisphere.
3. The second judge is Julia Mackenzie, the woman responsible for the ‘comedy’ programs on radio 4. And no, I cannot think of anything on R4 as ‘laugh out loud funny’ as Just a minute or Sorry I haven’t a clue, both of which were commissioned long before she was born.
4. The fear that, rather than being funny, the comics have to tick a variety of Guardian style inoffensive boxes to get on?
5. That none of these ‘comics’ could carry a club audience with them?
Either way, the future of comedy is depressingly as bad a the present. You have to laugh.
Just to save you listening there were three white guys, one black man and two women. So guess which 3 went through. Hey, how’d you guess that?
Did Susan Calman mention her wife by any chance?
Bake Off winner complains about racial verbal abuse – stop the presses, front page news.
Worldwide carnage and mayhem by the RoP – Hide, hide, hide.
Probably upset about criticism of her model of the Leaning Tower of Pisa which she presented to the Queen.
How much publicity would she have had as the winner if she hadn’t been a brown Muslim? Is that the racism that threatens her?
soon on R4 BH now Richard North of probably 9:35am hhe’s on now
(at beginning of prog in a Mr and Mrs slot , R4Today’s McNautie predicted Humphriess favourite to interview next would be Donald Trump, in the event Humphries did say Trump would be a man of tomorrow ..but thought priority is to interview Merkel)
The 1 pm news promises an interview with a Scottish Nationalist who actually want to keep Scotland outside the EU.
So how did it go? Did he spend most of his time saying how stupid everyone who disagreed with his views was?
Finally the BBC interviewed Scott Adams about Trump – on that 1pm R4 News direct link
Trump was thrashing Hillary at persuasion but now she has her own experts so is going for Project Fear against Trump cos that is the most effective tool, which is what Trump used all along. “You have to deal with fear first, cos it overwhelms facts”
He was very calm and logical explained without offending that both sides are lying about EVERYTHING and government won’t be like the campaign promises. But that Clinton supporter MSM media don’t understand CONFIRMATION BIAS that is why they reported as NEWS the crying baby kept in the room when Trump was trying to speak, cos they were trying to portray him as Hitler ..when in fact every human cannot continue a speech when a baby is crying right in front of them and woul have asked for it to be removed.
Pushed he said that Dilbert being logical wouldn’t be voting for either candidate AT THIS STAGE. ends at 30:00
– Right the Scottish independence Brexiteers piece was at min 6.10 direct link
Started with Remainer Daniel in Aberdeen.
“Back in 1970s SNP were strongly anti-EU and specifically campaigned on that, but changed in mid-80s”
9.30m when to Brixeteers at Murray (50/50 vote) (40/60 among SNP voters)
“means to an end”
Brexiteer John Thompson said that keeping out the EU fishing policy was most important. Actually he was the only Brexit voice (he got 3.30mins).
BBC anti-Brexit policy means the 2 vs 1 trick; he had to be sandwiched between Remainers. Next voice said that the difference is that Westminster imposes power on Scotland whereas EU is a partnership (sic). That voice got more time 4.30 mins. Ended at minute 18.
“woooowhoooo!!!!” came the cry as a white man hating, devious, agenda crazy, wanker ran into the news room at Al Beebistan HQ..
“We have hit the propaganda jackpot… An Iman has been shot in New York”
“Allahu Akbar!!!” came the battle cry from the room. “Allah be merciful! Was it an infidel who shot him?…” a devious little bastard proclaimed giddily.
“Why would that matter brother Justin?! They are all infidels! We are going to deceive the kafir relentlessly into believing that our brother was killed by an infidel regardless of the facts!! In the end it wouldn’t matter what really happened, because the damage to the infidels will be done! Allahu Akbar!!!”
“Good plan sister Kate!”…..
Just thought I would show you how the following headline on Al Beebs webshite came about…
“Imam and his assistant shot dead in Queens, New York”
Hundreds of people are shot in the US and are never reported on, but the Al Beeb have been so utterly desperate for the chance to have, the very first opportunity in all the years of Islams one sided war against us, to say “Muslims are the real victims here”…and oh my, they have gone Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee double team on this one…
“We feel really insecure and unsafe in a moment like this,” he told CBS New York. “It’s really threatening to us, threatening to our future, threatening to our mobility in our neighbourhood, and we’re looking for the justice.”…came a response from someone who obviously hasn’t spent much time away from the mosque recently, as he seems to have no idea of what the true meaning of “unsafe” or “insecure” is. Maybe if he Googles ‘Yazidi’, ‘France and Germany Islamic attacks’ or even ‘Islamists in Bangladesh’ he will realise that the only hate I see is from a religion that was created to dominate the entire world…
Anyway.. the relentless quotes from followers of the death cult that are fully skilled in PR continue, as “hate crime” and “feeling scared” are carpet bombed over the entire article…
In true Al Beeb style, to appear to be ‘impartial’ (stop sniggering at the back), the following caveats are placed among the victim sermon…
“Police said there were as yet “no indications” the men were targeted because of their faith”
And most importantly…
“Police said the suspect had a “medium complexion”…(so they can give out descriptions when it suits them.. Though the description doesn’t sound promising for those at the Al Beeb who are looking to make a film about this killing.. It may just be a mentally deranged Norwegian carrying out ‘work place violence’ or ‘a crime of passion’
Tothepoint – Good skit. Yes, funny how the ‘complexion’ emerges immediately on this one, whereas it’s not referred to in all the other recent attacks, where a ‘dark complexion’ wouldn’t suit the narrative of deranged Norwegians.
One report had the NY attacker as of ‘medium hue’, which might be an attempt to smear the Welsh 🙂
If I wanted to move to the USA I doubt I would get a green card. Why is an imam from Bangladesh so special? What does he bring to the USA which is so helpful?
The fact that people like him are legally immigrating into the USA is one reason for Trump’s popularity. Trump would not have let him in, and in so doing would have saved his life. See, Trump loves muslims, just so long as they are where they belong, outside the USA.
TTP, you say:
“Hundreds of people are shot in the US and are never reported on, but the Al Beeb have been so utterly desperate for the chance to have, the very first opportunity in all the years of Islams one sided war against us, to say “Muslims are the real victims here””.
I tried a Google search for last year and, believe it or not, (without more detailed research) the info. is not readily available (US media blackout?). Suffice to say that 47 people were shot in Chicago week ending 26th July, ALONE, “490 Chicago residents were killed over the course of the entire year last year.” And that’s just Chicago! So, your ‘hundreds’ shot, in the US could be more like hundreds of thousands. Certainly, more than, “tens of thousands” (a well used No.10 expression………..)
Your figures are invalid. The vast majority are blacks killed by other blacks. Black lives only matter if a cop kills a black.
They matter even more if it’s a White cop.
Blatantly biased review of the papers on BBC TV news. One of the two reviewers admitted he was a ‘ natural labour supporter’ he constantly made snide comments about the Tory Party and is clearly still in mourning over Brexit. He repeats the tedious charge heard from many in a similar format, that his 19 year old daughter was ‘ furious ‘ because her future had been stolen from her. Poor thing.
The woman reviewer was called Josie Cox ( no not that one, but her politics were clearly similar). She furiously nodded when the natural labour supporter claimed his daughters future had been stolen. She questioned the degree to which entryists were flooding into the Labour Party . She allegedly works for the Wall Street Journal. I had assumed it was fairly right wing but clearly not if it employs the likes of Ms Cox. All egged on by Gavin Esler.
Excellent article on The stealth jihad of Islamic immigration by Allen B West (who’s black and can’t be accused of waycism).
Great article Peter.
It’s true that he can’t be accused of waycism, but as those who were enriched in the Miami nightclub or anyone being enriched for being diverse in all Islamic states (beheading, stoning to death, thrown from the tallest building) can testify, Islamaphobia wins hands down on the ism scale.
Quite right EE, the fat shouty one was peculiarly offensive, I agree. But the real offense is the BBC’s in presenting ‘the news’ in such an overtly biased manner with no pretence towards balance or respect for alternative opinion. They really are that arrogant and the fact that they evidently do not care is to their very great shame, and democracy’s very great loss.
We have some visitors arriving shortly.
My wife has baked a cake for them.
Does she qualify for a slot on Desert Island Discs on Al Beebzeera?
She’s white anglo saxon, so I guess the answer is no.
Was the cake rubbish? If so, she’s in with a chance, so long as you buy her a headscarf.
If the cake is lop-sided she might still have a remote chance.
‘Bake off winner reveals racial abuse’
As if you have made the effort to fit in with the British way of life. Hardly. You stand out like a sore thumb. For a start take off that stupid bit of cloth on your head, you look ridiculous. In Britain we rarely put bits of cloth on our head unless it’s raining or we are in the armed services or at Ascot. You’re wearing of it It stands ans openly supports male supremacy.
In Britain we support sexual equality,although my missus is in charge of my household.
Of course you’re going to get some abuse. What people like you don’t understand is that people like me, of whom I believe are the majority of Brits may not say it to your face but think you look stupid.
You openly support a subservience to the male species by your wearing the bit of cloth on your head. It is emblematic of your belief system in that you therefore consider yourself as an underling in society. You go to extreme lengths in your dress in your supporting an anti British fundamentalist religion to justify your stupidity.
You reap what you sow you idiot. Grow up woman.
No, she only wears a hijab because she’s having a bad hair day, every day. And she expects us to believe her too.
An element of ‘Taqiyya’ perhaps?
The process behind these revelations always intrigues.
Did she get these in person, log them and then on hitting trigger ‘reveal’ to the BBC?
Did someone do this for her?
Did the BBC find out in passing. As she skipped over a Bolly bottle in the corridor*?
Did the BBC go ask and she went along?
*If the whole cake thing falls over she could always go for first full kit hurdler of faith in Team GBifitsuits
‘Bake off winner reveals racial abuse’
As if you have made the effort to fit in with the British way of life. Hardly. You stand out like a sore thumb. For a start take off that stupid bit of cloth on your head, you look ridiculous. In Britain we rarely put bits of cloth on our head unless it’s raining or we are in the armed services or at Ascot. You’re wearing of it It stands as openly supporting male supremacy.
In Britain we support sexual equality,although my missus is in charge of my household.
Of course you’re going to get some abuse. What people like you don’t understand is that people like me, of whom I believe are the majority of Brits may not say it to your face but think you look stupid.
You openly support a subservience to the male species by your wearing the bit of cloth on your head. It is emblematic of your belief system in that you therefore consider yourself as an underling in society. You go to extreme lengths in your dress in your supporting an anti British fundamentalist religion to justify your stupidity.
You reap what you sow you idiot. Grow up woman.
Well said ! I wonder if Nadia had been any other religion, there would have been such a fuss. I blame the dhimmis who crawl to Islam and clearly feel inferior to muslims. They are so stupid that they do not realise that they are just making the problem worse.
Thank you Grant, in Britain my children and grandchildren’s peer groups seem to be frightened of saying what they think. -Shooting from the hip.
I tell them to say what’s on your mind. Only then can I understand them. They seem to hold back all the time for fear of being called an ‘ist’ or thought of as a bad person for having an opinion against that of the prevailing university idiot intellectuals. To my mind, idiots who’ve never done a proper days graft in their lives.
Say what’s on your mind and argue it.if you lose so be it, live with it and modify your views. Then say what’s on your mind again. I wonder if I’ve helped breed a generation of wimps.
I blame Tony Blair, the lefties, the uni’s and most of all the anti British BBC for our current wimpy younger generation.
They lack conviction. Oh and boy oh boy they are so naive and feel a sense of entitlement without working for it?
I tell my youngsters,pay your stamp, get your years in of paying, then you’ll have an understanding of the iniquitous way governments spend your money. Then speak your mind again. Whatever you do in life, never stay silent. If Muslims don’t fit in with our culture, say it. Don’t be frightened of the Political Correctness. Fight it.
Quite agree. There seems to be a climate of fear and silence in the UK and much of Europe. And much of it is backed up by the law and other sanctions. I know what you mean about the universities . I spent a few years in my thirties as a lecturer and stuck out like a sore thumb. I think that, nowadays, it would be almost impossible to get a job in that sector if you are not Left-Wing.
All this “racial abuse” doesn’t seem to have hindered her career though, does it?
I simply can’t wait to see this – in fact I bet we are all ticking the days off ………….
She has been flogging the racial abuse line for months
If the BBC do actually care about Muslims, Why aren’t they reporting this?
The irony of all this, and in the same article, is that she came 12th in the first editions of Bake off, because of her lack of icing skills – (evidential fact that came to light for the Queens birthday cake), and yet she still won the bloody contest.
(and still no-one has heard of Jane Devonshire).
Didn’t you know? all finalists of the Bake Off series get their own travel cookery show. Never known any exception to this bbc policy.
Media Disinformation – A European problem –
Seems the German broadcasters are perhaps more imaginative than the BBC – “German police reports usually refer to migrant criminals with politically correct euphemisms such as “southerners” (Südländer), men with “dark skin” (dunkelhäutig, dunklere Gesichtsfarbe, dunklem Hauttyp), or a combination of the two: “southern skin color” (südländische Hautfarbe).” I look forward to the BBC using these coded expressions.
The articles last paragraph speaks volumes.
G – thank you for the link to this article. Yet again, it seems we have to go to overseas outlets for “proper” news about what is happening. Media Disinformation indeed!
What is SO frustrating is that, as usual, there is zero about this on the BbC and it is disgraceful that we, the people who pay the Beeb, are not being informed. Instead, we are brain-washed by the omni-olympics shambles, the anti-brexit-democratic shambles and doleful anti-economics tales, to name but a few.
Milwaukee – riots after police shoot, dead, man with stolen gun and arrest record.
Police will not reveal race of dead man, I predict sun tanned. BBC not interested in race of corpse.
I would be rioting if the police were not taking these dangerous ****s out of circulation.
“Brexit will be delayed until the end of 2019” according to the Sunday Times (pay-walled).
“Despite great political pressure to stick to that timetable, she (Theresa May) may be forced to delay because her new Brexit and international trade departments will not be ready, City sources said.”
Oh, no problem then, even though they knew for months in advance that the country was taking a vote on membership they can claim they’re not prepared. I assume then that it’s alright for me to not pay any tax this year and say that I’ll pay next year due to not being prepared?
Not surprised. This is May’s way of making us reconsider. Just how she is going to do it is unclear but do it she will. Hopefully the coming banking collapse will concentrate minds . That or civil war in Germany and a military coup in France
The time is getting closer definitely, Dave.
The Express is the Kippers rag of choice.
I love the cycling but their outfits don’t do them any favours.
Quite agree, I still like the white with the red and blue band across the stomach area. It is hard to pick our colours out in a race. What idiot said that we should cover up the white on our vests. Name and shame them.
I saw Mo Farah, race last night, first bit of Olympics I’ve seen. He does not look a well man. He needs a good solid afternoon in a Carvery or an all you can eat restaurant. He looked completely emaciated.
Poor fella, good runner though.
Apologies to sports fans, but I cannot get excited about a Somalian born Mohammed who spends all his time in the States but runs under the British Flag, has westernised his name to ‘Mo’ and tells us how great he is, I thought it was just Boxers that were devoid of the modesty gene. And he kept out of the fray for just a tad too long when his coach became embroiled in doping scandal. Just saying.
And he can hardly speak-his Quorn adverts need subtitles.
Perhaps it’s the stress of having TWO criminal brothers – Omar and Ahmed.
No direct reflection on Mo but, had it been anyone else, I think we might have heard a bit more about them.
This is why so many illiterates from the sub-continent want to come here… and for the bennies and the chance to import the rest of the tribe, of course.
“She added: ‘In Muslim culture the girl is supposed to do as she is told. The backward people from villages in Pakistan think they can do what they want with us. Our lives mean nothing. We are just a way to get a visa. They will do anything to get someone over here. If they’ve family abroad, they gain respect.’
Last year alone the Forced Marriage Unit, gave advice or support in 1,220 cases of forced marriage, the equivalent to three a day. ”
Islam=The BLOB
Zakaria Bulhan: you remember him? London – slaughtered American woman – attempted to kill others?
He will appear at the Old Bailey in February 2017. See:
Will be interesting, not only to see the BBC’s coverage of the estimated 2 week trial but, who represents him.
Zakaria Bulhan: you remember him? London – slaughtered American woman – attempted to kill others?
He will appear at the Old Bailey in February 2017. See:
Will be interesting, not only to see the BBC’s coverage of the estimated 2 week trial but, who represents him.
Woman dies after stabbing on Swiss train.
Police revealed the attacker is a Swiss citizen with a typical Swiss name.
I shall wait to find out how “Swiss” the “attacker” really was.
Nice to know that the police know we know of their efforts to take no action/report Islamic terrorism and mass rape throughout Europe.
“Typical Swiss name”? I wonder what that could be? Mohammed Toblerone possibly?
Lobster – Ali William Tell, but hey my friends call me Bill.
peterthegreat – that should be okay as long as the apple is Halal!
“Mohamed Sbihi, a member of the gold-winning coxless fours, is the first muslim to win a rowing gold”
The press don’t seem to have any problem identifying their religion when they’re not killing the infidels.
I wonder if a Seventh Day Adventist or a Jehovah’s Witness has ever won a medal?
I don’t suppose we’ll ever find out.
LOL ! How about Pikeys ? You can bet that we would here about that !!
Grant – they would probably weigh the medal in for scrap!
I just noticed that it was for the coxless fours? Does that mean that his circumcision was a bit OTT?
The next step will be….. Mo Sbihi.
Are you sure it is a typical Swiss name? I’m a bit of a linguist, cunning too,but not quite a polyglot. Could the Swiss glottal stop be mistaken for Norwegian, or vice versa?
“Kariman Abuljadayel, 22, became the first Saudi woman to compete in the 100m race in a full-body kit and hijab”
Do you think the outfit is slowing her down?
I think it is racist that the British muslim runners aren’t allowed to run in the same muslim outfit on the day of the race. The BBC should be making more of this. The muslim runners are showing far too much flesh, don’t you agree BBC.
I would like like our BBC interviewers ask the British muslim athletes why they are so disrespectful of Allah in what they are currently wearing! British female muslim athletes are dressing like Allahs harlots.They should cover up or be viewed as hypocrites.
thirdoption, wronged,
I think it is racist not to allow Moslems the right to ride on the back of winged horses in all races, just as their alleged so called prophet supposedly did
I think it’s outrageous that she’s not allowed a ten metre head start to compensate for the extra weight she’s carrying.
Good God Wronged, you would be half expecting all the competitors to run in that garb if possible just to show athletic solidarity and no discrimination. Well BBC, there’s an idea for you: all running as rag-heads.
Um , I thought certain Muslim women didn’t want to be seen .It would be a shame if she beat all the others but the judges didn’t notice her .
“Owen Smith has called for a new inquiry into anti-semitism within the Labour Party.
Smith claimed that a report from soon-to-be Labour peer Shami Chakrabarti did not include information he knew had been submitted to her.”
So we have the candidate who wants to be leader of the labour party openly admitting that Shami “I can’t help this smug annoying sneer” Chakrabarti produced a deliberately false report into anti-Semitism and has been rewarded with a peerage for her efforts?
I’m sure the BBC will be all over it with the same enthusiasm they’ve shown to exposing Hillary’s lying and deceit.
I am trying to promote this about the British government seems to be openly advocating, indeed, promoting, the takeover of the UK by muslim/sharia law etc. It seems to not be saving here…. Anyway, please read and pass on:
An interesting story, but I don’t think it’s credible. If the devisers of the Lancaster Plan foresaw the influx of Muslims and came up with the plan to deal it it, why would they not come up with a plan not to bring about the Islamification of the UK in the first place?
If the fundamental idea of the plan is to 'maintain the existence of the UK' then they will have failed completely by the time their plan comes to fruition. I would not call the Islamification of the UK, replacement of the population with predominantly Muslims and the rest living as dhimmis under Sharia as 'maintaining the existence of the UK'
The UK is not just a geographical area, it is a culture living in their home.
No, the 'Lancaster Plan' is entirely fiction. We are where we are, not because of some great conspiracy by nebulous 'leaders', but – much more straightforwardly – because of the stupidity and arrogance of the left. Their love of power and control combined with their absolute need to feel morally superior to others, has lead to their suicidal course of flooding the country with people they think are inferior to them.
Firmly believing in the superiority of the leftish master race – they think these incompatible people will look up at them … see them as their betters … and want to be like them.
Good article Joe…the New English Review is very good.
Hope you`ll find another article from it as posted above, even more plausible.
Chris Parry did it as a naval training exercise for hypothesis-in 2006-yet it`s all unfolding pretty much as he said it would.
Got the sack of course…but prophets do.
Manc lad:
The Lancaster Plan is a work of fiction, but I think it was written to try and explain the inexplicable: the wilful actions of our political elite which will lead inevitably to civil war and the possible end of our civilization. I think your view is probably right. Mill owners in the North of England may have needed a few thousand cheap workers in the 1960s, but that does not explain the remorseless islamification of large swathes of the country.
I also agree that the New English Review is well worth a read.
Coming to a town near you the blob attacks the eloi
6 year old girl among those targeted in what the Swiss police say might have been a crime of passion? Mmm, starting to make sense.
Yet more knife attacks on European trains and yet the utterly pathetic media keep on saying ‘motives unclear’ and ‘Police are not jumping to conclusions…’ etc. The PC establishment is absolutely pathetic and couldn’t give a sh*t about their own people. They’re more interested in their awful multicultural dystopia.
Best not to speculate on the attackers background until we hear the full facts 🙂
In the meantime I’d like to share some fun facts about Saint Gallen where the attacker lived…..
founded in the 7th century
population 160,000
Blessed with a multi-culture enrichment factor of 7% (i.e. 7% of the population are Muslims).
The New York muslims bleating about a hate crime. The media are calling it an execution.
Cast your mind back to The Normandy priest who had his throat cut. Isn’t that an execution? Isn’t that a hate crime. Because IS are involved it somehow makes it more acceptable, more understandable.
The media need to have a long look at themselves.
Well said Seismic. The hypocrisy would be breath-taking if it wasn’t just standard operating practice.
When it comes to reporting anything to do with muslims, the media, especially the BBC, are utterly clueless and show this by their undignified grovelling, apparently uninformed opinions and biased reporting.
There is a complete lack of curiosity about Islamic practices, history and life in Islamic countries which leads me to believe that they aren’t allowed to ask the necessary questions.
The effect of what they do is to carry out Dawa (propaganda and promotion) on behalf of islam. Presumably money is involved at high levels.
Two possible reasons why the BBC are so obsessed with the Olympics :-
1. Drugs , girls, boys and restaurants are probably cheaper in Brazil than in the UK. And , in the case of the first 3, you are less likely to be prosecuted.
2. It is a device to keep the serious news out of the headlines.
And , of course, the BBC love trivia !
Would one of the CS at the bBC CAIR to explain this picture on the story about how Boko Haram shows off the sex slaves it kidnapped a few years back?

Personally I feel the bbC doesn’t want you to see so many unhappy faces of victims at the hands of the Religion of peace , here is what the bBC doesn’t want you to see::

Yes. They don’t look to happy do they ! But the BBC do not care a damn about them . Can’t interfere with BBC fun at Rio can we ? Beeboids disgust me totally !
Black lives matter? anywhere to be seen?
embolden – what an excellent comment! Sums them up perfectly!
Great comment. Black lives only matter when it serves the selfish inhumane Left-Wing agenda. Lefties don’t give a damn about these poor girls. They are just cannon fodder.
Hold on a minute…I thought so, this is Oldham market ! No wonder they can’t find those girls.
Apparently the Swiss police were unavailable for comment for many hours. No doubt busy on the phone to Merkel who was telling them what had happened (crime of passion, gottit?) and his name (David, right? Like the German guy).
Of course he might turn out to really have been a Swiss nutjob, but that’s what you get when you lie and obfuscate on a grand scale: the people just don’t believe the establishment authorities and msm any more.
This is now the general view . The authorities and the media cannot be trusted. All those years building up a ‘world class broadcaster’ and it ends up like this. Nobody soon will believe a word it says.
This is a very good article about the borders of the West and immigration across them.
And the top story on the 6’o clock news is ? How ‘family’ spurred Mo Farah on to winning gold. I’m so glad. It was ‘family’ that spurred my Dad to go to work too, and somehow he managed ‘to get through’ the day like Mo managed ‘to get through’ the race, but he never made either the 6 o’clock or the 10 o’clock headlines.
What IS it with achievers that they ‘DO IT’ for their kids, like a 4 or a 10 year old would care.
If he was any kind of a man he would be competing for the Somalian team wasn’t he born there ? on a lighter note the Somalian 400m girl finished 57th out of ? yes you guessed it 57. But according to the Independent she was an inspiration to all women because she ran round in her pillar box gear – the comments on the Independent story are less than supportive . When did the Olympics become something anybody can enter regardless of ability
Lock 13, well its all about religion now isn’t it ? this is what Islam has done to the world. Ooo look how clever this Muslim is; amazing what this Muslim has achieved etc etc etc. I cannot remember Mark Spitz – holder of 9 gold medals, being exclaimed as the greatest jewish athlete ever !
Yep ,well not all about religion to be fair. The whole of the BBC shuts down to watch Tom Daly come 3rd in the 20 metres . Nothing to do with his much older boyfriend/husband. Oh look a muslim can bake a cake get her on Desert Island discs and for a right wheeze lets make her essential item Marmite – BBC really is utter crap.
Bit different when it comes to Nobel prizes. Seems like a lot of Jews keep winning them. Even the BBc can’t spin that one away.
Wow new look biased BBc.
Anyway I hadn’t seen the news this weekend for amusement and not the attainment of knowledge I just turned on the 18:00 BBc “news” I’m greeted with “An exciting night ahead for team GB” or a very similar phrase ….. I press the remote
RT The Milwaukee riots are the main story.
Corsica brawl: Four hurt in clashes on French beach
And so it begins.
Birthplace of Napoleon, I believe ?
Those damned Norwegians everywhere
‘Witnesses said the brawl between locals and a party of bathers of Northern African origin began after the bathers objected to photos being taken’.
Vikings always cause trouble !
BNI has a photofit of the “shooter” in New York, looks Islamic region origin to me, despite being described as Hispanic, complete with beard.
So, potentially just another lovers tiff in the recent (1300Yr) disagreement between Muslim sects. Sects which some “Muslims” say are not Muslim at all, ergo it really is NTDWI.
But described as wearing shorts which does not conform to my idea of Islamic haute couture.
So I will suspend judgement.
Crime of passion , lone wolf, depressed . I suspect it is a muslim from a different sect than the Imam. But I may be wrong !
We knew this years ago, but the deniers were not interested.
Just like the Rotherham and other mass rapes the sub-humans are behaving like sub-humans and the police are looking the other way.
One law for real British people and no law for the unwanted, unloved dregs of the planet who have been allowed to move here.
Time for us to ignore the law.
“Swiss” train knife attacker, with very Swiss name, dies in hospital.
But I cannot find that his name was released!
I have googled but can’t find it either ! It is probably another Norwegian !
Grant, link here
OK, it was an Icelander !
Non-white fraud ? so what’s new ? Wander into any inner city and London, and its rife with African benefit fraud. Despite sounding as thick as a brick they can knock our ‘white’ fraudies into a cocked hat ! we’re mere beginners compared to that lot, the best we can do is invalidity fraud i.e. compete in the Olympics at high jump when we claim for being barely able to walk, moonlighting on a few jobs, and of course having as many kids as possible to get a council house
Brawl in coastal Corsica, many injured by hatchets and harpoons.
Guess which religion in involved.
Harpoons, are fish halal?
Think we already know that this Corsican thingy will have been a water fight that went wrong in its over-exuberance and high jinks.
Move along now….now which side had those weapons…we`d surely have been told if it was the locals.
A HARPOON?….really?
Truth – Corsica eh? This should be interesting. Not long ago some Corsicans (I forget who) put out a statement that if any of those Peaceful Religionists tried anything there, the reprisals would be severe and brutal. The Corsicans are known for their toughness and have been fighting an often violent independence struggle for years, so they know a thing or two about terrorism from both sides. There could be fireworks.
Remember Napoleon?
There is an excellent French film called “A Prophet” about an Arab who is locked up in a prison run by a Corsican gang; like most European crime drama it is free of (most) of the PC with which ours is riddled and ruined.
The film gives you an idea of how the Corsicans view Arabs, which isn’t one you’d see aired in an al beebus drama.
The Italian Job: My first two days in Italy begin with a short stay in Central Milan – Migrant Central. Can’t move for idle gangs of North Africans hanging about on every street corner giving everyone filthy looks. Luckily, there are heavily armed Italian police everywhere, too – and I mean everywhere. Still, it does kind of ruin that holiday atmosphere.
Off down south to Venice tomorrow. A two-hour train journey. Worried at the news coming out of Switzerland tonight regarding the latest muder on train by ‘a man’. Have to be extra vigilant. Again. Holidays in Europe are such a chore these days.
All being well, I will report in in the next few days. One can really see the evidence of Italy’s ‘cultural enrichment’. It ain’t pretty.
Obi – Enjoy the hols and look out for ‘men’.
How , things change , I was Iast in Milan in Sept 2013 , saw none of those gangs then. The shit will soon hit the fan when the Italian banks collapse , in the near future . Its like something out of one of those 1980`s sci fi movies , which always were set in New York ,after some post apocalypse event .
Does anyone STILL want to visit Europe for holidays ? by all accounts you have to be kitted out like a Robocop for personal safety. Delays on the M25, running the gauntlet of car beatings in Calais, the threat of knife attacks on public transport and being mowed down in the street by anything with an engine and 4 wheels !
Of course, this is all assuming you negotiate the A2 and don’t get stabbed in Margate beforehand !
A vacation in my back garden sounds very tempting.
Brissles, I am looking forward to my holiday in an ‘unenriched’ part of eastern Europe. Nice weather, cheap booze and beautiful women!
Cranmer, I wish you well in your quest ! and hope that you get lucky with the Eastern European ladies, the like of which grace Strictly CD, rather than those who would qualify for the shot-putt !!
Up to 2 or 3 years ago I would do the odd city break to Paris, Rome, Barcelona etc. I just can’t face the hassle of flying (queuing and security), and the dodgy ‘men’ hanging about the streets all day. Places that in my youth seemed exciting now seemed squalid.
We have lots of great scenery in the National Parks so I just stay local nowadays, much less chance of meeting any unhappy Norwegians too.
This comment, from BellyAcher on the DE site, deserves to be shared (the bBBC clearly in cahoots…)
A catastophe unfolds in the West. Thanks to Leftism.
For at least 300 years the people of the Western nations have worked hard at creating the societies and standards of living that they enjoy today. Their ingenuity, entrepeneurialism, creativity and indefatigable determination to improve their lot is the only reason we have such fine things as free education, free at point of delivery health care, social welfare and the myriad of other fine trappings that are synonimous with modern Western living. Nobody gave these things to us. They didn’t come free. We invented them. It has not been easy. It has required an enormous amount of self sacrifice, and not a little oppression, when you consider the level of taxation imposed on the people by the state in an attempt to sustain a minmum standard of living for all and to hand that standard down to the next generation so that they can continue to build upon and improve those standards.
Throughout this time, by comparison, the Islamic nations have spent their time dropping to their knees five times a day and wailing to some deity in a far off place. Such are their priorities in life.Their societies have barely progressed with the passing of time as to do so would be deemed offensive to that deity. They invent nothing, create nothing. There are a few references to Islamic invention but, by and large, they are a decidedly uncreative people. Unwilling or unable to improve their lot. Life is brutal for many and getting more so by the day.
Even when you look at places like Saudi, extremely wealthy even by Western standards, those riches are in fact a product of Western technological advancement. Without those advances there would be little or no use for the oil beneath their ground, the primary source of that wealth, and it would be worthless. They would still be living in tents and moving around on camel back.
So when I see 1,000,000 and more predominantly young, fertile men from these places marching towards the West I have to ask why they are coming.
There are only two possible reasons.
They see what we have and they want it. Now, they have decided to come here and take it. They are NOT coming here to create anything new or remarkable. If they were capable of doing that their homelands wouldn’t be the backward territories that they are. They are NOT coming here to pay for what they take. They are coming here to take what they want and make it their own. And when they have consumed as much as they can consume, until there is nothing left to consume, and when they have instilled their fanatical religion in our children and grandchildren they will have turned the West into the wilderness that exists in their homelands.
On the other hand, they come here on a mission: Demographic Siege. Google it. The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran, which states:
“And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.”.
To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.
Incredibly, the Left will have you believe that these people will suddenly become captains of industry, masters of inventiveness and enterpeneurialism as soon as they cross the border. The Left lie. Why do they lie? The Left lie because they have nothing else to offer. Its an illness.
Make no mistake. This IS an invasion. If it takes the ultimate force to turn it back then that’s what it takes. We are at war people. We are under attack and the Left and our politicians are in league with the invading forces. You need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Solid re-post SOS.
Ok, so you’re President of the Swiss Confederation and there’s international speculation galore about this William Tell character who went berserk on a train. Fire, knives and blood everywhere. (Sounds almost biblical doesn’t it? Or even… no, hate crime.) Not good for tourism, not good for banking. You know who did it, he’s dead, you ‘know’ it wasn’t terrorism or related to the RoP in any way. Don’t you simply put out his name and a pic to end all the damaging speculation? Why the silence and the mystery? Or am I missing something, some legal reason perhaps? Any specialists in Swiss law out there?
Something suspicious about this Swiss incident that does not ring true . The impression I get is that they are hiding something. Does anyone have the name of the perpetrator yet ? How did he die?
The silence being pursued by the media is only fuelling rumours and speculation ?
Have just been watching on U tube “Summoned by Bells” by Betjamin.
Whilst I appreciate he came from a somewhat more privileged background than most of us. There is vein of gentleness and tolerance in some of the the past of this country which I believe Betjamin was better able to illustrate and elucidate more than any one else of his time.
Thanks in particular to the left, the media and multinational companies I do not believe this country will ever be as united, dignified and polite as it was in Betjamins day. Most of these changes were undertaken in the name of equality and respect for other cultures all at the expense of our own culture which has developed over many centuries.
I expect the poor old boy is now rolling in his grave. These vindictive bastards have been in such a hurry to change society for the ” better” or more likely (their better) they have destroyed and wrecked all the things which united us as a nation. But as long as the likes of Elton can flaunt his wifey/husband/partner and sharia law seems as important as English Law or we can cram whole towns full of people from a culture totally alien to our ways, I suppose these shits will be able to pat themselves on the back and congratulate themselves on the fact that they have changed our society for the “common good” even if it meant ruffling a few feathers.
Whatever happened to personal dignity and common sense – Sometimes I truly despair!
The irony out of all of this is the fact that all these changes that were supposedly made in the name of tolerance/humanity have probably made our society more divisive than it has been for hundreds of years.
They say if it aint broke dont fix it – and it was never broke!
British man stabbed in the neck in Cyprus. Perps are said to be foreigners and young.
This description ‘stabbed in the neck’ is becoming quite common. Surely not an attempted beheading?
‘Investigators have been able to track some of the suspects’ movements through CCTV cameras, he said, adding that authorities at all airports, ports and crossing points into the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north of the ethnically divided island have been warned to lookout for the suspects.’
It happened in Manchester on Friday Evening:
The offender is described as a light-skinned Asian man dressed in South-East Asian or north Pakistani dress.
Always the neck. Must be a pattern somewhere.
Re Levenshulme attack
‘Dt Insp Muz Kernain, from GMP’s city centre team, said: “The investigation is in its early stages and the motive for the attack is currently unclear.’
Come on Muz Kernan, as Poiriet says, ‘use ze little brain cells’.
Is this really what Swiss men look like?
No , he is Norwegian .
apparently he died because of burns inflicted by his own inflammable liquid
He must have been wearing a ‘blazer’ and a pair of ‘flared’ trousers ?
I’m beginning to wonder whether the mainstream media and governments might be able to pull this off. It doesn’t seem to matter how many people are killed, maimed, injured or traumatised by the ROPers, the general public just seems to shrug its shoulders and forget about it. We seem to have become like the Eloi in Well’s ‘The Time Machine’, the race that has become so pampered that they simply ignore the fact that the Morlocks are eating them.
Cranmer – It’s like those wildlife films where some hyenas or other predators are picking off individual wilderbeest or deer and the others just keep grazing feet away. Maybe a little flurry of panic during the kill, then back to grazing. Or watching the beeb.
If the pure Islamic acts carried by good Muslims stopped today, then I would agree with you Cranmer…. but Islam can never stop. The purpose of Islam is eternal. The horrific violence, the blood thirst, the hatred, the intolerance, the aim of complete and utter submission of each and every person on this planet to Allah’s instruction… These are never going to stop.
The media are not looking for a long term solution to the Islamic problem. These traitors are solely interested in ensuring their own personal aims are achieved… Nothing more than that.
I wasn’t aware of what Islam was truly about until I was educated by ‘moderate’ muslims in the Far East. This was long before the openness of the war we see Islam undertaking against the infidels today. The people of France and Germany who have been enriched by Islam will never be deceived by the traitors again. The number of Europeans whos eyes are being opened to the truth about Islam is growing every day….. This isn’t going to go the other way, because Islam will never allow that to happen.
The sheltered, protected world that our hero forefathers built for us is collapsing around us, but this time our own people are to blame. The true purpose of Islam is in full motion now and no amount of media spin or lies can ever stop that now.
Tothepoint, I’ve been wondering if we can draw a parallel between current events and those of WW2. During that conflict although there were large scale civilian and military casualties, it was accepted because it was seen as a fight for the greater good.
Nowadays, we are in a sense at war with radical Islam, but I wonder if the casualties of that war (partly because they are on a much smaller scale) are being similarly ‘accepted’ because it is seen as necessary to promote the perceived ‘greater good’ of mass immigration and multiculturalism, which to many on the left seems to be as important as the defeat of fascism was in WW2.
Why are the BBC not concerned about the lack of Brexit action by the Tories they hate?
I hear that Brexit may not be initiated until 2019. Government departments need more time, apparently.
This could be further ‘delayed’ by a year until the General Election in 2020. If the Tories hen win, we can expect further ‘delays’.
I don’t trust our Parliament and I certainly don’t trust May.
Parliament and May must not be trusted. The EU will do literally anything to keep us in. It will collapse if we go. Like I have said the trick is to spot when the fix goes in
Earlier this evening I had the opportunity to see RT News which featured polygamy in Italy , some ‘beardy’ fellow and David Vance . David gave a good account of himself in the debate.
I recommend the occasional visit to RT as it appears quicker in reporting breaking news and less biased than Al Beeb. Perhaps Al Beeb needs the extra time as it has some censorship to carry out before they publish ?
I notice that Desert Island Discs is featuring our very own Nadia from ‘Bake Off’. I’m tempted to listen, just to hear the awkward pause in the presenter’s voice when she is told she has to take the Bible with her. Or do they allow Muslims to take the Koran?
Just for the record, I have nothing against Mrs Hussain personally. She has a nice smile and comes across as a decent person. What I object to is the BBC’s use of her as a propaganda tool.
Exactly, Cranmer. I saw at 6pm today on BBC TV a trailer for her series where she goes back to her roots in Pakistan.
She was filmed on the back of a scooter where she exclaimed that she could feel the wind in her Hijab! How enlightening and so emancipated! Our BBC wimmin must be sooo envious!
She also pointed to three men in a canoe about 200 yards away who she said were chatting her up form this distance! She wrapped her Hijab more tightly around her face at this point perhaps to avoid a possible ‘honour killing’ (Murder by her family).
That’s what multiculturalism does for us all. But does the BBC ever worry about that?
Our European friends are wising up too.
The caption says: “It’s society’s fault, nothing to do with Islam.”
Thank Allah for social media, or all we’d have was the beeb, who could feed us whatever they wanted.
(The picture might not open in which case try this link
The yellow caption says: “It’s society’s fault. Nothing to do with Islam.”